1 /*
2    AngelCode Scripting Library
3    Copyright (c) 2003-2017 Andreas Jonsson
5    This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
6    warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
7    damages arising from the use of this software.
9    Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
10    purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and
11    redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
13    1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you
14       must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use
15       this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product
16       documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
18    2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and
19       must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
21    3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
22       distribution.
24    The original version of this library can be located at:
25    http://www.angelcode.com/angelscript/
27    Andreas Jonsson
28    andreas@angelcode.com
29 */
32 //
33 // as_compiler.h
34 //
35 // The class that does the actual compilation of the functions
36 //
40 #ifndef AS_COMPILER_H
41 #define AS_COMPILER_H
43 #include "as_config.h"
45 #ifndef AS_NO_COMPILER
47 #include "as_builder.h"
48 #include "as_scriptfunction.h"
49 #include "as_variablescope.h"
50 #include "as_bytecode.h"
51 #include "as_array.h"
52 #include "as_datatype.h"
56 // This class represents the value of an expression as evaluated by the compiler.
57 // It holds information such as the type of the value, stack offset for a local
58 // variable, value of constants, whether the value can be modified (i.e. lvalue), etc.
59 struct asCExprValue
60 {
61 	asCExprValue();
62 	void Set(const asCDataType &dataType);
64 	void SetVariable(const asCDataType &dataType, int stackOffset, bool isTemporary);
65 	void SetConstantB(const asCDataType &dataType, asBYTE value);
66 	void SetConstantQW(const asCDataType &dataType, asQWORD value);
67 	void SetConstantDW(const asCDataType &dataType, asDWORD value);
68 	void SetConstantW(const asCDataType &dataType, asWORD value);
69 	void SetConstantF(const asCDataType &dataType, float value);
70 	void SetConstantD(const asCDataType &dataType, double value);
71 	void SetConstantB(asBYTE value);
72 	void SetConstantW(asWORD value);
73 	void SetConstantQW(asQWORD value);
74 	void SetConstantDW(asDWORD value);
75 	void SetConstantF(float value);
76 	void SetConstantD(double value);
77 	asBYTE  GetConstantB();
78 	asWORD  GetConstantW();
79 	asQWORD GetConstantQW();
80 	asDWORD GetConstantDW();
81 	float   GetConstantF();
82 	double  GetConstantD();
84 	void SetConstantData(const asCDataType &dataType, asQWORD value);
85 	asQWORD GetConstantData();
87 	void SetNullConstant();
88 	void SetUndefinedFuncHandle(asCScriptEngine *engine);
89 	void SetVoid();
90 	void SetDummy();
92 	bool IsUndefinedFuncHandle() const;
93 	bool IsNullConstant() const;
94 	bool IsVoid() const;
96 	asCDataType dataType;
97 	bool  isLValue : 1; // Can this value be updated in assignment, or increment operators, etc
98 	bool  isTemporary : 1;
99 	bool  isConstant : 1;
100 	bool  isVariable : 1;
101 	bool  isExplicitHandle : 1;
102 	bool  isRefToLocal : 1; // The reference may be to a local variable
103 	bool  isHandleSafe : 1; // the life-time of the handle is guaranteed for the duration of the access
104 	short dummy : 9;
105 	short stackOffset;
107 private:
108 	// These values must not be accessed directly in order to avoid problems with endianess.
109 	// Use the appropriate accessor methods instead
110 	union
111 	{
112 		asQWORD qwordValue;
113 		double  doubleValue;
114 		asDWORD dwordValue;
115 		float   floatValue;
116 		asWORD  wordValue;
117 		asBYTE  byteValue;
118 	};
119 };
121 struct asCExprContext;
123 // This class holds information for arguments that needs to be
124 // cleaned up after the result of a function has been evaluated.
125 struct asSDeferredParam
126 {
asSDeferredParamasSDeferredParam127 	asSDeferredParam() {argNode = 0; origExpr = 0;}
129 	asCScriptNode  *argNode;
130 	asCExprValue    argType;
131 	int             argInOutFlags;
132 	asCExprContext *origExpr;
133 };
135 // TODO: refactor: asCExprContext should have indicators to inform where the value is,
136 //                 i.e. if the reference to an object is pushed on the stack or not, etc
138 // This class holds information about an expression that is being evaluated, e.g.
139 // the current bytecode, ambiguous symbol names, property accessors, etc.
140 struct asCExprContext
141 {
142 	asCExprContext(asCScriptEngine *engine);
143 	~asCExprContext();
144 	void Clear();
145 	bool IsClassMethod() const;
146 	bool IsGlobalFunc() const;
147 	void SetLambda(asCScriptNode *funcDecl);
148 	bool IsLambda() const;
149 	void SetVoidExpression();
150 	bool IsVoidExpression() const;
151 	void Merge(asCExprContext *after);
152 	void SetAnonymousInitList(asCScriptNode *initList);
153 	bool IsAnonymousInitList() const;
155 	asCByteCode bc;
156 	asCExprValue type;
157 	int  property_get;
158 	int  property_set;
159 	bool property_const;   // If the object that is being accessed through property accessor is read-only
160 	bool property_handle;  // If the property accessor is called on an object stored in a handle
161 	bool property_ref;     // If the property accessor is called on a reference
162 	bool isVoidExpression; // Set to true if the expression is an explicit 'void', e.g. used to ignore out parameters in func calls
163 	bool isCleanArg;       // Set to true if the expression has only been initialized with default constructor
164 	asCExprContext *property_arg;
165 	asCArray<asSDeferredParam> deferredParams;
166 	asCScriptNode  *exprNode;
167 	asCExprContext *origExpr;
168 	// TODO: cleanup: use ambiguousName and an enum to say if it is a method, global func, or enum value
169 	asCString methodName;
170 	asCString enumValue;
171 	bool isAnonymousInitList; // Set to true if the expression is an init list for which the type has not yet been determined
172 };
174 struct asSOverloadCandidate
175 {
asSOverloadCandidateasSOverloadCandidate176 	asSOverloadCandidate() : funcId(0), cost(0) {}
asSOverloadCandidateasSOverloadCandidate177 	asSOverloadCandidate(int _id, asUINT _cost) : funcId(_id), cost(_cost) {}
178 	int funcId;
179 	asUINT cost;
180 };
182 struct asSNamedArgument
183 {
184 	asCString name;
185 	asCExprContext *ctx;
186 	asUINT match;
187 };
189 enum EImplicitConv
190 {
194 };
196 enum EConvCost
197 {
198 	asCC_NO_CONV               = 0,
199 	asCC_CONST_CONV            = 1,
200 	asCC_ENUM_SAME_SIZE_CONV   = 2,
201 	asCC_ENUM_DIFF_SIZE_CONV   = 3,
203 	asCC_SIGNED_CONV           = 5,
204 	asCC_INT_FLOAT_CONV        = 6,
205 	asCC_REF_CONV              = 7,
207 	asCC_TO_OBJECT_CONV        = 9,
208 	asCC_VARIABLE_CONV         = 10
209 };
211 class asCCompiler
212 {
213 public:
214 	asCCompiler(asCScriptEngine *engine);
215 	~asCCompiler();
217 	int CompileFunction(asCBuilder *builder, asCScriptCode *script, asCArray<asCString> &parameterNames, asCScriptNode *func, asCScriptFunction *outFunc, sClassDeclaration *classDecl);
218 	int CompileDefaultConstructor(asCBuilder *builder, asCScriptCode *script, asCScriptNode *node, asCScriptFunction *outFunc, sClassDeclaration *classDecl);
219 	int CompileFactory(asCBuilder *builder, asCScriptCode *script, asCScriptFunction *outFunc);
220 	int CompileGlobalVariable(asCBuilder *builder, asCScriptCode *script, asCScriptNode *expr, sGlobalVariableDescription *gvar, asCScriptFunction *outFunc);
222 protected:
223 	friend class asCBuilder;
225 	void Reset(asCBuilder *builder, asCScriptCode *script, asCScriptFunction *outFunc);
227 	// Statements
228 	void CompileStatementBlock(asCScriptNode *block, bool ownVariableScope, bool *hasReturn, asCByteCode *bc);
229 	void CompileDeclaration(asCScriptNode *decl, asCByteCode *bc);
230 	void CompileStatement(asCScriptNode *statement, bool *hasReturn, asCByteCode *bc);
231 	void CompileIfStatement(asCScriptNode *node, bool *hasReturn, asCByteCode *bc);
232 	void CompileSwitchStatement(asCScriptNode *node, bool *hasReturn, asCByteCode *bc);
233 	void CompileCase(asCScriptNode *node, asCByteCode *bc);
234 	void CompileForStatement(asCScriptNode *node, asCByteCode *bc);
235 	void CompileWhileStatement(asCScriptNode *node, asCByteCode *bc);
236 	void CompileDoWhileStatement(asCScriptNode *node, asCByteCode *bc);
237 	void CompileBreakStatement(asCScriptNode *node, asCByteCode *bc);
238 	void CompileContinueStatement(asCScriptNode *node, asCByteCode *bc);
239 	void CompileReturnStatement(asCScriptNode *node, asCByteCode *bc);
240 	void CompileExpressionStatement(asCScriptNode *node, asCByteCode *bc);
242 	// Expressions
243 	int  CompileAssignment(asCScriptNode *expr, asCExprContext *out);
244 	int  CompileCondition(asCScriptNode *expr, asCExprContext *out);
245 	int  CompileExpression(asCScriptNode *expr, asCExprContext *out);
246 	int  CompilePostFixExpression(asCArray<asCScriptNode *> *postfix, asCExprContext *out);
247 	int  CompileExpressionTerm(asCScriptNode *node, asCExprContext *out);
248 	int  CompileExpressionPreOp(asCScriptNode *node, asCExprContext *out);
249 	int  CompileExpressionPostOp(asCScriptNode *node, asCExprContext *out);
250 	int  CompileExpressionValue(asCScriptNode *node, asCExprContext *out);
251 	int  CompileFunctionCall(asCScriptNode *node, asCExprContext *out, asCObjectType *objectType, bool objIsConst, const asCString &scope = "");
252 	int  CompileConstructCall(asCScriptNode *node, asCExprContext *out);
253 	int  CompileConversion(asCScriptNode *node, asCExprContext *out);
254 	int  CompileOperator(asCScriptNode *node, asCExprContext *l, asCExprContext *r, asCExprContext *out, eTokenType opToken = ttUnrecognizedToken, bool leftToRight = true);
255 	void CompileOperatorOnHandles(asCScriptNode *node, asCExprContext *l, asCExprContext *r, asCExprContext *out, eTokenType opToken = ttUnrecognizedToken);
256 	void CompileMathOperator(asCScriptNode *node, asCExprContext *l, asCExprContext *r, asCExprContext *out, eTokenType opToken = ttUnrecognizedToken);
257 	void CompileBitwiseOperator(asCScriptNode *node, asCExprContext *l, asCExprContext *r, asCExprContext *out, eTokenType opToken = ttUnrecognizedToken);
258 	void CompileComparisonOperator(asCScriptNode *node, asCExprContext *l, asCExprContext *r, asCExprContext *out, eTokenType opToken = ttUnrecognizedToken);
259 	void CompileBooleanOperator(asCScriptNode *node, asCExprContext *l, asCExprContext *r, asCExprContext *out, eTokenType opToken = ttUnrecognizedToken);
260 	bool CompileOverloadedDualOperator(asCScriptNode *node, asCExprContext *l, asCExprContext *r, bool leftToRight, asCExprContext *out, bool isHandle = false, eTokenType opToken = ttUnrecognizedToken);
261 	int  CompileOverloadedDualOperator2(asCScriptNode *node, const char *methodName, asCExprContext *l, asCExprContext *r, bool leftToRight, asCExprContext *out, bool specificReturn = false, const asCDataType &returnType = asCDataType::CreatePrimitive(ttVoid, false));
263 	void CompileInitList(asCExprValue *var, asCScriptNode *node, asCByteCode *bc, int isVarGlobOrMem);
264 	int  CompileInitListElement(asSListPatternNode *&patternNode, asCScriptNode *&valueNode, int bufferTypeId, short bufferVar, asUINT &bufferSize, asCByteCode &byteCode, int &elementsInSubList);
265 	int  CompilerAnonymousInitList(asCScriptNode *listNode, asCExprContext *ctx, const asCDataType &dt);
267 	int  CallDefaultConstructor(const asCDataType &type, int offset, bool isObjectOnHeap, asCByteCode *bc, asCScriptNode *node, int isVarGlobOrMem = 0, bool derefDest = false);
268 	int  CallCopyConstructor(asCDataType &type, int offset, bool isObjectOnHeap, asCByteCode *bc, asCExprContext *arg, asCScriptNode *node, bool isGlobalVar = false, bool derefDestination = false);
269 	void CallDestructor(asCDataType &type, int offset, bool isObjectOnHeap, asCByteCode *bc);
270 	int  CompileArgumentList(asCScriptNode *node, asCArray<asCExprContext *> &args, asCArray<asSNamedArgument> &namedArgs);
271 	int  CompileDefaultAndNamedArgs(asCScriptNode *node, asCArray<asCExprContext*> &args, int funcId, asCObjectType *type, asCArray<asSNamedArgument> *namedArgs = 0);
272 	asUINT MatchFunctions(asCArray<int> &funcs, asCArray<asCExprContext*> &args, asCScriptNode *node, const char *name, asCArray<asSNamedArgument> *namedArgs = NULL, asCObjectType *objectType = NULL, bool isConstMethod = false, bool silent = false, bool allowObjectConstruct = true, const asCString &scope = "");
273 	int  CompileVariableAccess(const asCString &name, const asCString &scope, asCExprContext *ctx, asCScriptNode *errNode, bool isOptional = false, bool noFunction = false, bool noGlobal = false, asCObjectType *objType = 0);
274 	void CompileMemberInitialization(asCByteCode *bc, bool onlyDefaults);
275 	bool CompileAutoType(asCDataType &autoType, asCExprContext &compiledCtx, asCScriptNode *exprNode, asCScriptNode *errNode);
276 	bool CompileInitialization(asCScriptNode *node, asCByteCode *bc, const asCDataType &type, asCScriptNode *errNode, int offset, asQWORD *constantValue, int isVarGlobOrMem, asCExprContext *preCompiled = 0);
277 	void CompileInitAsCopy(asCDataType &type, int offset, asCByteCode *bc, asCExprContext *arg, asCScriptNode *node, bool derefDestination);
279 	// Helper functions
280 	void ConvertToPostFix(asCScriptNode *expr, asCArray<asCScriptNode *> &postfix);
281 	void ProcessPropertyGetAccessor(asCExprContext *ctx, asCScriptNode *node);
282 	int  ProcessPropertySetAccessor(asCExprContext *ctx, asCExprContext *arg, asCScriptNode *node);
283 	int  ProcessPropertyGetSetAccessor(asCExprContext *ctx, asCExprContext *lctx, asCExprContext *rctx, eTokenType op, asCScriptNode *errNode);
284 	int  FindPropertyAccessor(const asCString &name, asCExprContext *ctx, asCScriptNode *node, asSNameSpace *ns, bool isThisAccess = false);
285 	int  FindPropertyAccessor(const asCString &name, asCExprContext *ctx, asCExprContext *arg, asCScriptNode *node, asSNameSpace *ns, bool isThisAccess = false);
286 	void PrepareTemporaryVariable(asCScriptNode *node, asCExprContext *ctx, bool forceOnHeap = false);
287 	void PrepareOperand(asCExprContext *ctx, asCScriptNode *node);
288 	void PrepareForAssignment(asCDataType *lvalue, asCExprContext *rvalue, asCScriptNode *node, bool toTemporary, asCExprContext *lvalueExpr = 0);
289 	int  PerformAssignment(asCExprValue *lvalue, asCExprValue *rvalue, asCByteCode *bc, asCScriptNode *node);
290 	bool IsVariableInitialized(asCExprValue *type, asCScriptNode *node);
291 	void Dereference(asCExprContext *ctx, bool generateCode);
292 	bool CompileRefCast(asCExprContext *ctx, const asCDataType &to, bool isExplicit, asCScriptNode *node, bool generateCode = true);
293 	asUINT MatchArgument(asCArray<int> &funcs, asCArray<asSOverloadCandidate> &matches, const asCExprContext *argExpr, int paramNum, bool allowObjectConstruct = true);
294 	int  MatchArgument(asCScriptFunction *desc, const asCExprContext *argExpr, int paramNum, bool allowObjectConstruct = true);
295 	void PerformFunctionCall(int funcId, asCExprContext *out, bool isConstructor = false, asCArray<asCExprContext*> *args = 0, asCObjectType *objTypeForConstruct = 0, bool useVariable = false, int varOffset = 0, int funcPtrVar = 0);
296 	void MoveArgsToStack(int funcId, asCByteCode *bc, asCArray<asCExprContext *> &args, bool addOneToOffset);
297 	void MakeFunctionCall(asCExprContext *ctx, int funcId, asCObjectType *objectType, asCArray<asCExprContext*> &args, asCScriptNode *node, bool useVariable = false, int stackOffset = 0, int funcPtrVar = 0);
298 	void PrepareFunctionCall(int funcId, asCByteCode *bc, asCArray<asCExprContext *> &args);
299 	void AfterFunctionCall(int funcId, asCArray<asCExprContext*> &args, asCExprContext *ctx, bool deferAll);
300 	void ProcessDeferredParams(asCExprContext *ctx);
301 	int  PrepareArgument(asCDataType *paramType, asCExprContext *ctx, asCScriptNode *node, bool isFunction = false, int refType = 0, bool isMakingCopy = false);
302 	void PrepareArgument2(asCExprContext *ctx, asCExprContext *arg, asCDataType *paramType, bool isFunction = false, int refType = 0, bool isMakingCopy = false);
303 	bool IsLValue(asCExprValue &type);
304 	int  DoAssignment(asCExprContext *out, asCExprContext *lctx, asCExprContext *rctx, asCScriptNode *lexpr, asCScriptNode *rexpr, eTokenType op, asCScriptNode *opNode);
305 	void MergeExprBytecode(asCExprContext *before, asCExprContext *after);
306 	void MergeExprBytecodeAndType(asCExprContext *before, asCExprContext *after);
307 	void FilterConst(asCArray<int> &funcs, bool removeConst = true);
308 	void ConvertToVariable(asCExprContext *ctx);
309 	void ConvertToVariableNotIn(asCExprContext *ctx, asCExprContext *exclude);
310 	void ConvertToTempVariable(asCExprContext *ctx);
311 	void ConvertToTempVariableNotIn(asCExprContext *ctx, asCExprContext *exclude);
312 	void ConvertToReference(asCExprContext *ctx);
313 	void PushVariableOnStack(asCExprContext *ctx, bool asReference);
314 	void DestroyVariables(asCByteCode *bc);
315 	asSNameSpace *DetermineNameSpace(const asCString &scope);
316 	int  SetupParametersAndReturnVariable(asCArray<asCString> &parameterNames, asCScriptNode *func);
318 	void DetermineSingleFunc(asCExprContext *ctx, asCScriptNode *node);
320 	// Returns the cost of the conversion (the sum of the EConvCost performed)
321 	asUINT ImplicitConversion(asCExprContext *ctx, const asCDataType &to, asCScriptNode *node, EImplicitConv convType, bool generateCode = true, bool allowObjectConstruct = true);
322 	asUINT ImplicitConvPrimitiveToPrimitive(asCExprContext *ctx, const asCDataType &to, asCScriptNode *node, EImplicitConv convType, bool generateCode = true);
323 	asUINT ImplicitConvObjectToPrimitive(asCExprContext *ctx, const asCDataType &to, asCScriptNode *node, EImplicitConv convType, bool generateCode = true);
324 	asUINT ImplicitConvPrimitiveToObject(asCExprContext *ctx, const asCDataType &to, asCScriptNode *node, EImplicitConv convType, bool generateCode = true, bool allowObjectConstruct = true);
325 	asUINT ImplicitConvObjectToObject(asCExprContext *ctx, const asCDataType &to, asCScriptNode *node, EImplicitConv convType, bool generateCode = true, bool allowObjectConstruct = true);
326 	asUINT ImplicitConvObjectRef(asCExprContext *ctx, const asCDataType &to, asCScriptNode *node, EImplicitConv convType, bool generateCode);
327 	asUINT ImplicitConvObjectValue(asCExprContext *ctx, const asCDataType &to, asCScriptNode *node, EImplicitConv convType, bool generateCode);
328 	void   ImplicitConversionConstant(asCExprContext *ctx, const asCDataType &to, asCScriptNode *node, EImplicitConv convType);
329 	void   ImplicitConvObjectToBestMathType(asCExprContext *ctx, asCScriptNode *node);
330 	asUINT ImplicitConvLambdaToFunc(asCExprContext *ctx, const asCDataType &to, asCScriptNode *node, EImplicitConv convType, bool generateCode = true);
332 	void LineInstr(asCByteCode *bc, size_t pos);
334 	asUINT ProcessStringConstant(asCString &str, asCScriptNode *node, bool processEscapeSequences = true);
335 	void ProcessHeredocStringConstant(asCString &str, asCScriptNode *node);
336 	int  GetPrecedence(asCScriptNode *op);
337 	void Error(const asCString &msg, asCScriptNode *node);
338 	void Warning(const asCString &msg, asCScriptNode *node);
339 	void Information(const asCString &msg, asCScriptNode *node);
340 	void PrintMatchingFuncs(asCArray<int> &funcs, asCScriptNode *node, asCObjectType *inType = 0);
341 	void AddVariableScope(bool isBreakScope = false, bool isContinueScope = false);
342 	void RemoveVariableScope();
343 	void FinalizeFunction();
345 	asCByteCode byteCode;
347 	bool hasCompileErrors;
349 	int nextLabel;
350 	int numLambdas;
352 	asCVariableScope  *variables;
353 	asCBuilder        *builder;
354 	asCScriptEngine   *engine;
355 	asCScriptCode     *script;
356 	asCScriptFunction *outFunc;
358 	bool                        m_isConstructor;
359 	bool                        m_isConstructorCalled;
360 	sClassDeclaration          *m_classDecl;
361 	sGlobalVariableDescription *m_globalVar;
363 	asCArray<int> breakLabels;
364 	asCArray<int> continueLabels;
366 	int AllocateVariable(const asCDataType &type, bool isTemporary, bool forceOnHeap = false);
367 	int AllocateVariableNotIn(const asCDataType &type, bool isTemporary, bool forceOnHeap, asCExprContext *ctx);
368 	int GetVariableOffset(int varIndex);
369 	int GetVariableSlot(int varOffset);
370 	void DeallocateVariable(int pos);
371 	void ReleaseTemporaryVariable(asCExprValue &t, asCByteCode *bc);
372 	void ReleaseTemporaryVariable(int offset, asCByteCode *bc);
373 	bool IsVariableOnHeap(int offset);
375 	// This ordered array indicates the type of each variable
376 	asCArray<asCDataType> variableAllocations;
378 	// This ordered array indicates which variables are temporaries or not
379 	asCArray<bool>        variableIsTemporary;
381 	// This unordered array gives the offsets of all temporary variables, whether currently allocated or not
382 	asCArray<int>         tempVariableOffsets;
384 	// This ordered array indicated if the variable is on the heap or not
385 	asCArray<bool>        variableIsOnHeap;
387 	// This unordered array gives the indexes of the currently unused variables
388 	asCArray<int>         freeVariables;
390 	// This array holds the offsets of the currently allocated temporary variables
391 	asCArray<int>         tempVariables;
393 	// This array holds the indices of variables that must not be used in an allocation
394 	asCArray<int>         reservedVariables;
396 	// This array holds the string constants that were allocated during the compilation,
397 	// so they can be released upon completion, whether the compilation was successful or not.
398 	asCArray<void*>       usedStringConstants;
400 	bool isCompilingDefaultArg;
401 	bool isProcessingDeferredParams;
402 	int  noCodeOutput;
403 };
407 #endif // AS_NO_COMPILER
409 #endif