1 /*	SCCS Id: @(#)gnbind.c	3.4	2000/07/16	*/
2 /* Copyright (C) 1998 by Erik Andersen <andersee@debian.org> */
3 /* NetHack may be freely redistributed.  See license for details. */
5 #include "hack.h"
6 #include "dlb.h"
7 #include "func_tab.h"
9 #include <termios.h>
10 #include <unistd.h>
12 #include "dummy_graphics.h"
14 /*
15  * This file implements the interface between the window port specific
16  * code in the Gnome port and the rest of the nethack game engine.
17 */
19 /* Interface definition, for windows.c */
20 struct window_procs dummy_procs = {
21     "dummy",
22     0L,
23     0L,
24     dummy_init_nhwindows,
25     dummy_player_selection,
26     dummy_askname,
27     dummy_get_nh_event,
28     dummy_exit_nhwindows,
29     dummy_suspend_nhwindows,
30     dummy_resume_nhwindows,
31     dummy_create_nhwindow,
32     dummy_clear_nhwindow,
33     dummy_display_nhwindow,
34     dummy_destroy_nhwindow,
35     dummy_curs,
36     dummy_putstr,
37     dummy_display_file,
38     dummy_start_menu,
39     dummy_add_menu,
40     dummy_end_menu,
41     dummy_select_menu,
42     genl_message_menu,		/* no need for X-specific handling */
43     dummy_update_inventory,
44     dummy_mark_synch,
45     dummy_wait_synch,
46 #ifdef CLIPPING
47     dummy_cliparound,
48 #endif
50     donull,
51 #endif
52     dummy_print_glyph,
53     dummy_raw_print,
54     dummy_raw_print_bold,
55     dummy_nhgetch,
56     dummy_nh_poskey,
57     dummy_nhbell,
58     dummy_doprev_message,
59     dummy_yn_function,
60     dummy_getlin,
61     dummy_get_ext_cmd,
62     dummy_number_pad,
63     dummy_delay_output,
64 #ifdef CHANGE_COLOR	/* only a Mac option currently */
65     donull,
66     donull,
67 #endif
68     /* other defs that really should go away (they're tty specific) */
69     dummy_start_screen,
70     dummy_end_screen,
71     dummy_outrip,
72     genl_preference_update,
73 };
75 /*
76 init_nhwindows(int* argcp, char** argv)
77                 -- Initialize the windows used by NetHack.  This can also
78                    create the standard windows listed at the top, but does
79                    not display them.
80                 -- Any commandline arguments relevant to the windowport
81                    should be interpreted, and *argcp and *argv should
82                    be changed to remove those arguments.
83                 -- When the message window is created, the variable
84                    iflags.window_inited needs to be set to TRUE.  Otherwise
85                    all plines() will be done via raw_print().
86                 ** Why not have init_nhwindows() create all of the "standard"
87                 ** windows?  Or at least all but WIN_INFO?      -dean
88 */
dummy_init_nhwindows(int * argc,char ** argv)89 void dummy_init_nhwindows(int* argc, char** argv)
90 {
91 	printf("dummy_init_nhwindows\n");
92 }
95 /* Do a window-port specific player type selection. If player_selection()
96    offers a Quit option, it is its responsibility to clean up and terminate
97    the process. You need to fill in pl_character[0].
98 */
99 void
dummy_player_selection()100 dummy_player_selection()
101 {
102 #if 0
103     int n, i, sel;
104     const char** choices;
105     int* pickmap;
107     /* prevent an unnecessary prompt */
108     rigid_role_checks();
110     if (!flags.randomall && flags.initrole < 0) {
112 	/* select a role */
113 	for (n = 0; roles[n].name.m; n++) continue;
114 	choices = (const char **)alloc(sizeof(char *) * (n+1));
115 	pickmap = (int*)alloc(sizeof(int) * (n+1));
116 	for (;;) {
117 	    for (n = 0, i = 0; roles[i].name.m; i++) {
118 		if (ok_role(i, flags.initrace,
119 			    flags.initgend, flags.initalign)) {
120 		    if (flags.initgend >= 0 && flags.female && roles[i].name.f)
121 			choices[n] = roles[i].name.f;
122 		    else
123 			choices[n] = roles[i].name.m;
124 		    pickmap[n++] = i;
125 		}
126 	    }
127 	    if (n > 0) break;
128 	    else if (flags.initalign >= 0) flags.initalign = -1;    /* reset */
129 	    else if (flags.initgend >= 0) flags.initgend = -1;
130 	    else if (flags.initrace >= 0) flags.initrace = -1;
131 	    else panic("no available ROLE+race+gender+alignment combinations");
132 	}
133 	choices[n] = (const char *) 0;
134 	if (n > 1)
135 	    sel = ghack_player_sel_dialog(choices,
136 		_("Player selection"), _("Choose one of the following roles:"));
137 	else sel = 0;
138 	if (sel >= 0) sel = pickmap[sel];
139 	else if (sel == ROLE_NONE) {		/* Quit */
140 	    clearlocks();
141 	    dummy_exit_nhwindows(0);
142 	}
143 	free(choices);
144 	free(pickmap);
145     } else if (flags.initrole < 0) sel = ROLE_RANDOM;
146     else sel = flags.initrole;
148     if (sel == ROLE_RANDOM) {	/* Random role */
149 	sel = pick_role(flags.initrace, flags.initgend,
150 			  flags.initalign, PICK_RANDOM);
151 	if (sel < 0) sel = randrole();
152     }
154     flags.initrole = sel;
156     /* Select a race, if necessary */
157     /* force compatibility with role, try for compatibility with
158      * pre-selected gender/alignment */
159     if (flags.initrace < 0 || !validrace(flags.initrole, flags.initrace)) {
160 	if (flags.initrace == ROLE_RANDOM || flags.randomall) {
161 	    flags.initrace = pick_race(flags.initrole, flags.initgend,
162 				       flags.initalign, PICK_RANDOM);
163 	    if (flags.initrace < 0) flags.initrace = randrace(flags.initrole);
164 	} else {
165 	    /* Count the number of valid races */
166 	    n = 0;	/* number valid */
167 	    for (i = 0; races[i].noun; i++) {
168 		if (ok_race(flags.initrole, i, flags.initgend, flags.initalign))
169 		    n++;
170 	    }
171 	    if (n == 0) {
172 		for (i = 0; races[i].noun; i++) {
173 		    if (validrace(flags.initrole, i)) n++;
174 		}
175 	    }
177 	    choices = (const char **)alloc(sizeof(char *) * (n+1));
178 	    pickmap = (int*)alloc(sizeof(int) * (n + 1));
179 	    for (n = 0, i = 0; races[i].noun; i++) {
180 		if (ok_race(flags.initrole, i, flags.initgend,
181 			    flags.initalign)) {
182 		    choices[n] = races[i].noun;
183 		    pickmap[n++] = i;
184 		}
185 	    }
186 	    choices[n] = (const char *) 0;
187 	    /* Permit the user to pick, if there is more than one */
188 	    if (n > 1)
189 		sel = ghack_player_sel_dialog(choices, _("Race selection"),
190 			_("Choose one of the following races:"));
191 	    else sel = 0;
192 	    if (sel >= 0) sel = pickmap[sel];
193 	    else if (sel == ROLE_NONE) { /* Quit */
194 		clearlocks();
195 		dummy_exit_nhwindows(0);
196 	    }
197 	    flags.initrace = sel;
198 	    free(choices);
199 	    free(pickmap);
200 	}
201 	if (flags.initrace == ROLE_RANDOM) {	/* Random role */
202 	    sel = pick_race(flags.initrole, flags.initgend,
203 			    flags.initalign, PICK_RANDOM);
204 	    if (sel < 0) sel = randrace(flags.initrole);
205 	    flags.initrace = sel;
206 	}
207     }
209     /* Select a gender, if necessary */
210     /* force compatibility with role/race, try for compatibility with
211      * pre-selected alignment */
212     if (flags.initgend < 0 ||
213 	!validgend(flags.initrole, flags.initrace, flags.initgend)) {
214 	if (flags.initgend == ROLE_RANDOM || flags.randomall) {
215 	    flags.initgend = pick_gend(flags.initrole, flags.initrace,
216 				       flags.initalign, PICK_RANDOM);
217 	    if (flags.initgend < 0)
218 		flags.initgend = randgend(flags.initrole, flags.initrace);
219 	} else {
220 	    /* Count the number of valid genders */
221 	    n = 0;	/* number valid */
222 	    for (i = 0; i < ROLE_GENDERS; i++) {
223 		if (ok_gend(flags.initrole, flags.initrace, i, flags.initalign))
224 		    n++;
225 	    }
226 	    if (n == 0) {
227 		for (i = 0; i < ROLE_GENDERS; i++) {
228 		    if (validgend(flags.initrole, flags.initrace, i)) n++;
229 		}
230 	    }
232 	    choices = (const char **)alloc(sizeof(char *) * (n+1));
233 	    pickmap = (int*)alloc(sizeof(int) * (n + 1));
234 	    for (n = 0, i = 0; i < ROLE_GENDERS; i++) {
235 		if (ok_gend(flags.initrole, flags.initrace, i,
236 				flags.initalign)) {
237 		    choices[n] = genders[i].adj;
238 		    pickmap[n++] = i;
239 		}
240 	    }
241 	    choices[n] = (const char *) 0;
242 	    /* Permit the user to pick, if there is more than one */
243 	    if (n > 1)
244 		sel = ghack_player_sel_dialog(choices, _("Gender selection"),
245 			_("Choose one of the following genders:"));
246 	    else sel = 0;
247 	    if (sel >= 0) sel = pickmap[sel];
248 	    else if (sel == ROLE_NONE) { /* Quit */
249 		clearlocks();
250 		dummy_exit_nhwindows(0);
251 	    }
252 	    flags.initgend = sel;
253 	    free(choices);
254 	    free(pickmap);
255 	}
256 	if (flags.initgend == ROLE_RANDOM) {	/* Random gender */
257 	    sel = pick_gend(flags.initrole, flags.initrace,
258 			    flags.initalign, PICK_RANDOM);
259 	    if (sel < 0) sel = randgend(flags.initrole, flags.initrace);
260 	    flags.initgend = sel;
261 	}
262     }
264     /* Select an alignment, if necessary */
265     /* force compatibility with role/race/gender */
266     if (flags.initalign < 0 ||
267 	!validalign(flags.initrole, flags.initrace, flags.initalign)) {
268 	if (flags.initalign == ROLE_RANDOM || flags.randomall) {
269 	    flags.initalign = pick_align(flags.initrole, flags.initrace,
270 					 flags.initgend, PICK_RANDOM);
271 	    if (flags.initalign < 0)
272 		flags.initalign = randalign(flags.initrole, flags.initrace);
273 	} else {
274 	    /* Count the number of valid alignments */
275 	    n = 0;	/* number valid */
276 	    for (i = 0; i < ROLE_ALIGNS; i++) {
277 		if (ok_align(flags.initrole, flags.initrace, flags.initgend, i))
278 		    n++;
279 	    }
280 	    if (n == 0) {
281 		for (i = 0; i < ROLE_ALIGNS; i++)
282 		    if (validalign(flags.initrole, flags.initrace, i)) n++;
283 	    }
285 	    choices = (const char **)alloc(sizeof(char *) * (n+1));
286 	    pickmap = (int*)alloc(sizeof(int) * (n + 1));
287 	    for (n = 0, i = 0; i < ROLE_ALIGNS; i++) {
288 		if (ok_align(flags.initrole,
289 			     flags.initrace, flags.initgend, i)) {
290 		    choices[n] = aligns[i].adj;
291 		    pickmap[n++] = i;
292 		}
293 	    }
294 	    choices[n] = (const char *) 0;
295 	    /* Permit the user to pick, if there is more than one */
296 	    if (n > 1)
297 		sel = ghack_player_sel_dialog(choices, _("Alignment selection"),
298 			_("Choose one of the following alignments:"));
299 	    else sel = 0;
300 	    if (sel >= 0) sel = pickmap[sel];
301 	    else if (sel == ROLE_NONE) { /* Quit */
302 		clearlocks();
303 		dummy_exit_nhwindows(0);
304 	    }
305 	    flags.initalign = sel;
306 	    free(choices);
307 	    free(pickmap);
308 	}
309 	if (flags.initalign == ROLE_RANDOM) {
310 	    sel = pick_align(flags.initrole, flags.initrace,
311 			     flags.initgend, PICK_RANDOM);
312 	    if (sel < 0) sel = randalign(flags.initrole, flags.initrace);
313 	    flags.initalign = sel;
314 	}
315     }
316 #endif
317 }
320 /* Ask the user for a player name. */
dummy_askname()321 void dummy_askname()
322 {
323 	fprintf(stdout, "What is your name? ");
324 	char *ret = fgets(plname, sizeof(plname), stdin);
325 	/* Quit if they want to quit... */
326 	if (ret==NULL) {
327 		dummy_exit_nhwindows(0);
328 	}
329 }
332 /* Does window event processing (e.g. exposure events).
333    A noop for the tty and X window-ports.
334 */
dummy_get_nh_event()335 void dummy_get_nh_event()
336 {
337 	printf("dummy_get_nh_event\n");
338 }
340 /* Exits the window system.  This should dismiss all windows,
341    except the "window" used for raw_print().  str is printed if possible.
342 */
dummy_exit_nhwindows(const char * str)343 void dummy_exit_nhwindows(const char *str)
344 {
345 	printf("dummy_exit_nhwindows(%s)\n", str);
346 }
348 /* Prepare the window to be suspended. */
dummy_suspend_nhwindows(const char * str)349 void dummy_suspend_nhwindows(const char *str)
350 {
351 	printf("dummy_suspend_nhwindows(%s)\n", str);
352 	/* I don't think we need to do anything here... */
353 	return;
354 }
357 /* Restore the windows after being suspended. */
dummy_resume_nhwindows()358 void dummy_resume_nhwindows()
359 {
360 	/* Do Nothing. */
361 	printf("dummy_resume_nhwindows\n");
362 }
364 static const char*
winid2str(int type)365 winid2str(int type)
366 {
367 	switch(type) {
368 		case NHW_MESSAGE: return "NHW_MESSAGE";
369 		case NHW_STATUS: return "NHW_STATUS";
370 		case NHW_MAP: return "NHW_MAP";
371 		case NHW_MENU: return "NHW_MENU";
372 		case NHW_TEXT: return "NHW_TEXT";
373 		default: return "unknown win type";
374 	}
375 }
378 /*  Create a window of type "type" which can be
379         NHW_MESSAGE     (top line)
380         NHW_STATUS      (bottom lines)
381         NHW_MAP         (main dungeon)
382         NHW_MENU        (inventory or other "corner" windows)
383         NHW_TEXT        (help/text, full screen paged window)
384 */
385 winid
dummy_create_nhwindow(int type)386 dummy_create_nhwindow(int type)
387 {
388 	printf("dummy_create_nhwindow(%s)\n", winid2str(type));
389 	return type;
390 }
392 /* Clear the given window, when asked to. */
dummy_clear_nhwindow(winid wid)393 void dummy_clear_nhwindow(winid wid)
394 {
395 	printf("dummy_clear_nhwindow(%s)\n", winid2str(wid));
396 }
398 /* -- Display the window on the screen.  If there is data
399                    pending for output in that window, it should be sent.
400                    If blocking is TRUE, display_nhwindow() will not
401                    return until the data has been displayed on the screen,
402                    and acknowledged by the user where appropriate.
403                 -- All calls are blocking in the tty window-port.
404                 -- Calling display_nhwindow(WIN_MESSAGE,???) will do a
405                    --more--, if necessary, in the tty window-port.
406 */
dummy_display_nhwindow(winid wid,BOOLEAN_P block)407 void dummy_display_nhwindow(winid wid, BOOLEAN_P block)
408 {
409 	printf("dummy_display_nhwindow(%s, %d)\n", winid2str(wid), block);
410 }
413 /* Destroy will dismiss the window if the window has not
414  * already been dismissed.
415 */
dummy_destroy_nhwindow(winid wid)416 void dummy_destroy_nhwindow(winid wid)
417 {
418 	printf("dummy_destroy_nhwindow(%s)\n", winid2str(wid));
419 }
421 /* Next output to window will start at (x,y), also moves
422  displayable cursor to (x,y).  For backward compatibility,
423  1 <= x < cols, 0 <= y < rows, where cols and rows are
424  the size of window.
425 */
dummy_curs(winid wid,int x,int y)426 void dummy_curs(winid wid, int x, int y)
427 {
428 	printf("winid %s, x %d, y %d\n", winid2str(wid), x, y);
429 }
431 /*
432 putstr(window, attr, str)
433                 -- Print str on the window with the given attribute.  Only
434                    printable ASCII characters (040-0126) must be supported.
435                    Multiple putstr()s are output on separate lines.
436 Attributes
437                    can be one of
438                         ATR_NONE (or 0)
439                         ATR_ULINE
440                         ATR_BOLD
441                         ATR_BLINK
442                         ATR_INVERSE
443                    If a window-port does not support all of these, it may map
444                    unsupported attributes to a supported one (e.g. map them
445                    all to ATR_INVERSE).  putstr() may compress spaces out of
446                    str, break str, or truncate str, if necessary for the
447                    display.  Where putstr() breaks a line, it has to clear
448                    to end-of-line.
449                 -- putstr should be implemented such that if two putstr()s
450                    are done consecutively the user will see the first and
451                    then the second.  In the tty port, pline() achieves this
452                    by calling more() or displaying both on the same line.
453 */
dummy_putstr(winid wid,int attr,const char * text)454 void dummy_putstr(winid wid, int attr, const char *text)
455 {
456 	printf("winid %s, %s, attr %d\n", winid2str(wid), text, attr);
457 }
459 /* Display the file named str.  Complain about missing files
460                    iff complain is TRUE.
461 */
dummy_display_file(const char * filename,BOOLEAN_P must_exist)462 void dummy_display_file(const char *filename,BOOLEAN_P must_exist)
463 {
464 	printf("dummy_display_file(%s, %d)\n", filename, must_exist);
465 	dlb *f;
467 	f = dlb_fopen(filename, "r");
468 	if (!f) {
469 		if (must_exist) {
470 			printf("Warning! Could not find file: %s\n",filename);
471 		}
472 	} else {
473 #define LLEN 128
474 		char line[LLEN];
475 		int num_lines, charcount;
477 		num_lines = 0;
478 		charcount = 1;
479 		while (dlb_fgets(line, LLEN, f)) {
480 			printf("%s", line);
481 		}
482 		(void) dlb_fclose(f);
483 	}
484 }
486 /* Start using window as a menu.  You must call start_menu()
487    before add_menu().  After calling start_menu() you may not
488    putstr() to the window.  Only windows of type NHW_MENU may
489    be used for menus.
490 */
dummy_start_menu(winid wid)491 void dummy_start_menu(winid wid)
492 {
493 	/* Do Nothing */
494 	printf("dummy_start_menu(%s)\n", winid2str(wid));
495 }
497 /*
498 add_menu(windid window, int glyph, const anything identifier,
499                                 char accelerator, char groupacc,
500                                 int attr, char *str, boolean preselected)
501                 -- Add a text line str to the given menu window.  If identifier
502                    is 0, then the line cannot be selected (e.g. a title).
503                    Otherwise, identifier is the value returned if the line is
504                    selected.  Accelerator is a keyboard key that can be used
505                    to select the line.  If the accelerator of a selectable
506                    item is 0, the window system is free to select its own
507                    accelerator.  It is up to the window-port to make the
508                    accelerator visible to the user (e.g. put "a - " in front
509                    of str).  The value attr is the same as in putstr().
510                    Glyph is an optional glyph to accompany the line.  If
511                    window port cannot or does not want to display it, this
512                    is OK.  If there is no glyph applicable, then this
513                    value will be NO_GLYPH.
514                 -- All accelerators should be in the range [A-Za-z].
515                 -- It is expected that callers do not mix accelerator
516                    choices.  Either all selectable items have an accelerator
517                    or let the window system pick them.  Don't do both.
518                 -- Groupacc is a group accelerator.  It may be any character
519                    outside of the standard accelerator (see above) or a
520                    number.  If 0, the item is unaffected by any group
521                    accelerator.  If this accelerator conflicts with
522                    the menu command (or their user defined alises), it loses.
523                    The menu commands and aliases take care not to interfere
524                    with the default object class symbols.
525                 -- If you want this choice to be preselected when the
526                    menu is displayed, set preselected to TRUE.
527 */
dummy_add_menu(winid wid,int glyph,int cnt,const ANY_P * identifier,CHAR_P accelerator,CHAR_P group_accel,int attr,const char * str,BOOLEAN_P presel)528 void dummy_add_menu(winid wid, int glyph, int cnt, const ANY_P * identifier,
529 		CHAR_P accelerator, CHAR_P group_accel, int attr,
530 		const char *str, BOOLEAN_P presel)
531 {
532 	/* Do Nothing */
533 	printf("dummy_add_menu(%s, %d, %d, %d, %c, %c, %d, %s, %d\n", winid2str(wid),
534 	       glyph, cnt, (int)identifier, accelerator, group_accel, attr, str, presel);
535 }
537 /*
538 end_menu(window, prompt)
539                 -- Stop adding entries to the menu and flushes the window
540                    to the screen (brings to front?).  Prompt is a prompt
541                    to give the user.  If prompt is NULL, no prompt will
542                    be printed.
543                 ** This probably shouldn't flush the window any more (if
544                 ** it ever did).  That should be select_menu's job.  -dean
545 */
dummy_end_menu(winid wid,const char * prompt)546 void dummy_end_menu(winid wid, const char *prompt)
547 {
548 	/* Do Nothing */
549 	printf("dummy_end_menu(%s, %s)\n", winid2str(wid), prompt);
550 }
552 /*
553 int select_menu(windid window, int how, menu_item **selected)
554                 -- Return the number of items selected; 0 if none were chosen,
555                    -1 when explicitly cancelled.  If items were selected, then
556                    selected is filled in with an allocated array of menu_item
557                    structures, one for each selected line.  The caller must
558                    free this array when done with it.  The "count" field
559                    of selected is a user supplied count.  If the user did
560                    not supply a count, then the count field is filled with
561                    -1 (meaning all).  A count of zero is equivalent to not
562                    being selected and should not be in the list.  If no items
563                    were selected, then selected is NULL'ed out.  How is the
564                    mode of the menu.  Three valid values are PICK_NONE,
565                    PICK_ONE, and PICK_N, meaning: nothing is selectable,
566                    only one thing is selectable, and any number valid items
567                    may selected.  If how is PICK_NONE, this function should
568                    never return anything but 0 or -1.
569                 -- You may call select_menu() on a window multiple times --
570                    the menu is saved until start_menu() or destroy_nhwindow()
571                    is called on the window.
572                 -- Note that NHW_MENU windows need not have select_menu()
573                    called for them. There is no way of knowing whether
574                    select_menu() will be called for the window at
575                    create_nhwindow() time.
576 */
dummy_select_menu(winid wid,int how,MENU_ITEM_P ** selected)577 int dummy_select_menu(winid wid, int how, MENU_ITEM_P **selected)
578 {
579 	int nReturned = -1;
580 	printf("dummy_select_menu(%s, %d, ...)\n", winid2str(wid), how);
582 	/*if (wid != -1 && dummy_windowlist[wid].win != NULL &&
583 			dummy_windowlist[wid].type == NHW_MENU)
584 	{
585 		nReturned=ghack_menu_window_select_menu (dummy_windowlist[wid].win,
586 				selected, how);
587 	}*/
589 	return nReturned;
590 }
592 /*
593     -- Indicate to the window port that the inventory has been changed.
594     -- Merely calls display_inventory() for window-ports that leave the
595 	window up, otherwise empty.
596 */
dummy_update_inventory()597 void dummy_update_inventory()
598 {
599 	/* Do Nothing */
600 	printf("dummy_update_inventory\n");
601 }
603 /*
604 mark_synch()    -- Don't go beyond this point in I/O on any channel until
605                    all channels are caught up to here.  Can be an empty call
606                    for the moment
607 */
dummy_mark_synch()608 void dummy_mark_synch()
609 {
610 	/* Do nothing */
611 	printf("dummy_mark_synch\n");
612 }
614 /*
615 wait_synch()    -- Wait until all pending output is complete (*flush*() for
616                    streams goes here).
617                 -- May also deal with exposure events etc. so that the
618                    display is OK when return from wait_synch().
619 */
dummy_wait_synch()620 void dummy_wait_synch()
621 {
622 	/* Do nothing */
623 	printf("dummy_wait_synch\n");
624 }
626 /*
627 cliparound(x, y)-- Make sure that the user is more-or-less centered on the
628                    screen if the playing area is larger than the screen.
629                 -- This function is only defined if CLIPPING is defined.
630 */
dummy_cliparound(int x,int y)631 void dummy_cliparound(int x, int y)
632 {
633 	/* Do Nothing */
634 	printf("dummy_cliparound\n");
635 }
637 /*
638 print_glyph(window, x, y, glyph)
639                 -- Print the glyph at (x,y) on the given window.  Glyphs are
640                    integers at the interface, mapped to whatever the window-
641                    port wants (symbol, font, color, attributes, ...there's
642                    a 1-1 map between glyphs and distinct things on the map).
643 */
dummy_print_glyph(winid wid,XCHAR_P x,XCHAR_P y,int glyph)644 void dummy_print_glyph(winid wid,XCHAR_P x,XCHAR_P y,int glyph)
645 {
646 	if (wid != -1) {
647 		printf("winid %d; x %d, y %d, glyph: %d\n",
648 		       wid, x, y, glyph);
649 	}
650 }
652 /*
653 raw_print(str)  -- Print directly to a screen, or otherwise guarantee that
654                    the user sees str.  raw_print() appends a newline to str.
655                    It need not recognize ASCII control characters.  This is
656                    used during startup (before windowing system initialization
657                    -- maybe this means only error startup messages are raw),
658                    for error messages, and maybe other "msg" uses.  E.g.
659                    updating status for micros (i.e, "saving").
660 */
dummy_raw_print(const char * str)661 void dummy_raw_print(const char *str)
662 {
663 	printf("dummy_raw_print\n%s\n", str);
664 }
666 /*
667 raw_print_bold(str)
668                 -- Like raw_print(), but prints in bold/standout (if
669 possible).
670 */
dummy_raw_print_bold(const char * str)671 void dummy_raw_print_bold(const char *str)
672 {
673 	printf("dummy_raw_print_bold\n*%s*\n", str);
674 }
dummy_getchar()676 static int dummy_getchar()
677 {
678 	char input[256];
679 	char *rets = NULL;
680 	do {
681 		rets = fgets(input, sizeof(input), stdin);
682 	} while (rets == NULL);
684 	return input[0];
685 }
687 /*
688 int nhgetch()   -- Returns a single character input from the user.
689                 -- In the tty window-port, nhgetch() assumes that tgetch()
690                    will be the routine the OS provides to read a character.
691                    Returned character _must_ be non-zero.
692 */
dummy_nhgetch()693 int dummy_nhgetch()
694 {
695 	printf("dummy_nhgetch\n");
696 	int ret = dummy_getchar();
697 	printf("dummy_nhgetch %d %c\n",ret,ret);
698 	return ret;
699 }
701 /*
702 int nh_poskey(int *x, int *y, int *mod)
703                 -- Returns a single character input from the user or a
704                    a positioning event (perhaps from a mouse).  If the
705                    return value is non-zero, a character was typed, else,
706                    a position in the MAP window is returned in x, y and mod.
707                    mod may be one of
709                         CLICK_1         -- mouse click type 1
710                         CLICK_2         -- mouse click type 2
712                    The different click types can map to whatever the
713                    hardware supports.  If no mouse is supported, this
714                    routine always returns a non-zero character.
715 */
dummy_nh_poskey(int * x,int * y,int * mod)716 int dummy_nh_poskey(int *x, int *y, int *mod)
717 {
718 #if 0
719     gtk_signal_emit (GTK_OBJECT (dummy_windowlist[WIN_STATUS].win),
720 		       ghack_signals[GHSIG_FADE_HIGHLIGHT]);
722     g_askingQuestion = 0;
723     /* Process events until a key or map-click arrives. */
724     while ( g_numKeys == 0 && g_numClicks == 0 )
725 	gtk_main_iteration();
727     if (g_numKeys > 0) {
728 	int key;
729 	GList *theFirst;
731 	theFirst = g_list_first( g_keyBuffer);
732 	g_keyBuffer = g_list_remove_link(g_keyBuffer, theFirst);
733 	key = GPOINTER_TO_INT( theFirst->data);
734 	g_list_free_1( theFirst);
735 	g_numKeys--;
736 	return ( key);
737     }
738     else {
739 	GHClick *click;
740 	GList *theFirst;
742 	theFirst = g_list_first( g_clickBuffer);
743 	g_clickBuffer = g_list_remove_link(g_clickBuffer, theFirst);
744 	click = (GHClick*) theFirst->data;
745 	*x=click->x;
746         *y=click->y;
747         *mod=click->mod;
748 	g_free( click);
749 	g_list_free_1( theFirst);
750 	g_numClicks--;
751 	return ( 0);
752     }
753 #endif
754 	printf("dummy_nh_poskey\n");
755 	return dummy_getchar();
756 }
758 /*
759 nhbell()        -- Beep at user.  [This will exist at least until sounds are
760                    redone, since sounds aren't attributable to windows anyway.]
761 */
dummy_nhbell()762 void dummy_nhbell()
763 {
764 	printf("BEEP!\n");
765 }
767 /*
768 doprev_message()
769                 -- Display previous messages.  Used by the ^P command.
770                 -- On the tty-port this scrolls WIN_MESSAGE back one line.
771 */
dummy_doprev_message()772 int dummy_doprev_message()
773 {
774 	/* Do Nothing.  They can read old messages using the scrollbar. */
775 	return 0;
776 }
778 /*
779 char yn_function(const char *ques, const char *choices, char default)
780                 -- Print a prompt made up of ques, choices and default.
781                    Read a single character response that is contained in
782                    choices or default.  If choices is NULL, all possible
783                    inputs are accepted and returned.  This overrides
784                    everything else.  The choices are expected to be in
785                    lower case.  Entering ESC always maps to 'q', or 'n',
786                    in that order, if present in choices, otherwise it maps
787                    to default.  Entering any other quit character (SPACE,
788                    RETURN, NEWLINE) maps to default.
789                 -- If the choices string contains ESC, then anything after
790                    it is an acceptable response, but the ESC and whatever
791                    follows is not included in the prompt.
792                 -- If the choices string contains a '#' then accept a count.
793                    Place this value in the global "yn_number" and return '#'.
794                 -- This uses the top line in the tty window-port, other
795                    ports might use a popup.
796 */
dummy_yn_function(const char * question,const char * choices,CHAR_P def)797 char dummy_yn_function(const char *question, const char *choices,
798 		CHAR_P def)
799 {
800 	// TODO
801 	printf("dummy_yn_function %s\n", question);
802 	int ret = dummy_getchar();
803 	printf("dummy_yn_function %d %c\n", ret, ret);
804 	return ret;
805 }
807 /** Strips newline from end of string. */
strip_newline(char * str)808 void strip_newline(char *str) {
809 	/* Strip newline from end */
810 	if (str[strlen(str)-1] == '\n') {
811 		str[strlen(str)-1] = '\0';
812 	}
813 }
815 /*
816 getlin(const char *ques, char *input)
817 	    -- Prints ques as a prompt and reads a single line of text,
818 	       up to a newline.  The string entered is returned without the
819 	       newline.  ESC is used to cancel, in which case the string
820 	       "\033\000" is returned.
821 	    -- getlin() must call flush_screen(1) before doing anything.
822 	    -- This uses the top line in the tty window-port, other
823 	       ports might use a popup.
824 */
dummy_getlin(const char * question,char * input)825 void dummy_getlin(const char *question, char *input)
826 {
827 	printf("dummy_getlin\n");
828 	fprintf(stdout, "%s:\n", question);
829 	fflush(stdout);
830 	char *ret = fgets(input, 256, stdin);
832 	if (ret == NULL) {
833 		input[0] = '\033';
834 		input[1] = '\0';
835 	} else {
836 		strip_newline(input);
837 	}
839 }
841 /*
842 int get_ext_cmd(void)
843 	    -- Get an extended command in a window-port specific way.
844 	       An index into extcmdlist[] is returned on a successful
845 	       selection, -1 otherwise.
846 */
dummy_get_ext_cmd()847 int dummy_get_ext_cmd()
848 {
849 	char cmd[255];
850 	int i;
851 	char *ret;
853 	printf("dummy_get_ext_cmd\n");
854 	ret = fgets(cmd, sizeof(cmd), stdin);
856 	for (i = 0; extcmdlist[i].ef_txt != (char *)0; i++) {
857 		strip_newline(ret);
858 		if (!strcmpi(ret, extcmdlist[i].ef_txt)) {
859 			return i;
860 		}
861 	}
862 	return -1;
863 }
866 /*
867 number_pad(state)
868 	    -- Initialize the number pad to the given state.
869 */
dummy_number_pad(int state)870 void dummy_number_pad(int state)
871 {
872 	/* Do Nothing */
873 	printf("dummy_number_pad\n");
874 }
876 /*
877 delay_output()  -- Causes a visible delay of 50ms in the output.
878 	       Conceptually, this is similar to wait_synch() followed
879 	       by a nap(50ms), but allows asynchronous operation.
880 */
dummy_delay_output()881 void dummy_delay_output()
882 {
883 	// TODO
884 	/* Do Nothing */
885 	printf("dummy_delay_output\n");
886 }
888 /*
889 start_screen()  -- Only used on Unix tty ports, but must be declared for
890 	       completeness.  Sets up the tty to work in full-screen
891 	       graphics mode.  Look at win/tty/termcap.c for an
892 	       example.  If your window-port does not need this function
893 	       just declare an empty function.
894 */
dummy_start_screen()895 void dummy_start_screen()
896 {
897 	/* Do Nothing */
898 	printf("dummy_start_screen\n");
899 }
901 /*
902 end_screen()    -- Only used on Unix tty ports, but must be declared for
903 	       completeness.  The complement of start_screen().
904 */
dummy_end_screen()905 void dummy_end_screen()
906 {
907 	/* Do Nothing */
908 	printf("dummy_end_screen\n");
909 }
911 /*
912 outrip(winid, int)
913 	    -- The tombstone code.  If you want the traditional code use
914 	       genl_outrip for the value and check the #if in rip.c.
915 */
dummy_outrip(winid wid,int how)916 void dummy_outrip(winid wid, int how)
917 {
918 	printf("dummy_outrip\n");
919 }