1$ ! sys/vms/spec_lev.com -- preprocess nethack's special level compiler code
2$ !
3$ ! This operation needs to be performed prior to executing vmsbuild.com.
4$ ! Process the scanning and parsing code for NetHack's special level
5$ ! and dungeon compilers.  *.l and *.y are converted into *'.c and *.h.
6$ !
8$ ! setup yacc/bison and lex/flex;
9$ !	  (Uncomment the alternatives appropriate for your site;
10$ !	   if yacc and lex are not defined, the pre-processed files
11$ !	   distributed in sys/share will be copied and used.)
12$     ! yacc := bison /Define			!native bison (w/ DCL CLD)
13$     ! yacc := $bison$dir:bison -y -d		!'foreign' bison (w/o CLD)
14$     ! yacc := posix /Run/Input=nl: posix$bin:yacc. """-d
15$     ! yacc := $shell$exe:yacc -d		!yacc from DEC/Shell
16$     ! lex  := $flex$dir:flex			!flex
17$     ! lex  := posix /Run/Input=nl: posix$bin:lex. """
18$     ! lex  := $shell$exe:lex
19$ !	  (Nothing below this line should need to be changed.)
20$ ! additional setup
21$	rename	:= rename/New_Vers
22$	mung	:= call mung	! not to be confused with teco :-)
23$	delete	:= delete/noConfirm
24$	search	:= search/Exact
25$	copy	:= copy/noConcat
26$	! start from a known location -- [.sys.vms], then move to [-.-.util]
27$	cur_dir = f$environment("DEFAULT")
28$	set default 'f$parse(f$environment("PROCEDURE"),,,"DIRECTORY")'
29$	set default [-.-.util]	!move to utility directory
31$mung: subroutine
32$ ! kludge to strip bogus #module directives from POSIX-processed files
33$ !   in lieu of $ rename 'p1' 'p2'
34$	search/Match=NOR 'p1' "#module" /Output='p2'
35$	delete 'p1';*
36$ endsubroutine !mung
38$ ! first cleanup any old intermediate files (to safely handle blind renaming)
39$  if f$search("*tab.%").nes."" then  delete *tab.%;*	!yacc & bison
40$  if f$search("*yy.c") .nes."" then  delete *yy.c;*	!lex & flex
42$ ! process lev_comp.y into lev_yacc.c and ../include/lev_comp.h
43$ if f$type(yacc).eqs."STRING"
44$ then
45$  yacc lev_comp.y
46$  if f$search("y_tab.%").nes."" then  rename y_tab.% lev_comp_tab.*
47$  if f$search("ytab.%") .nes."" then  rename ytab.% lev_comp_tab.*
48$ else		! use preprocessed files
49$  copy [-.sys.share]lev_yacc.c,lev_comp.h []lev_comp_tab.*
50$ endif
51$  mung   lev_comp_tab.c lev_yacc.c
52$  rename lev_comp_tab.h [-.include]lev_comp.h
54$ ! process lev_comp.l into lev_lex.c
55$ if f$type(lex).eqs."STRING"
56$ then
57$  lex lev_comp.l
58$  if f$search("lexyy.c").nes."" then  rename lexyy.c lex_yy.*
59$ else		! use preprocessed file
60$  copy [-.sys.share]lev_lex.c []lex_yy.*
61$ endif
62$  mung   lex_yy.c lev_lex.c
64$ ! process dgn_comp.y into dgn_yacc.c and ../include/dgn_comp.h
65$ if f$type(yacc).eqs."STRING"
66$ then
67$  yacc dgn_comp.y
68$  if f$search("y_tab.%").nes."" then  rename y_tab.% dgn_comp_tab.*
69$  if f$search("ytab.%") .nes."" then  rename ytab.% dgn_comp_tab.*
70$ else
71$  copy [-.sys.share]dgn_yacc.c,dgn_comp.h []dgn_comp_tab.*
72$ endif
73$  mung   dgn_comp_tab.c dgn_yacc.c
74$  rename dgn_comp_tab.h [-.include]dgn_comp.h
76$ ! process dgn_comp.l into dgn_lex.c
77$ if f$type(lex).eqs."STRING"
78$ then
79$  lex dgn_comp.l
80$  if f$search("lexyy.c").nes."" then  rename lexyy.c lex_yy.*
81$ else
82$  copy [-.sys.share]dgn_lex.c []lex_yy.*
83$ endif
84$  mung   lex_yy.c dgn_lex.c
86$ ! done
87$  set default 'cur_dir'
88$ exit