1#textdomain wesnoth-thot
3    id=Dwarvish Annalist
4    name= _ "Dwarvish Annalist"
5    race=dwarf
6    image=units/annalist.png
7    hitpoints=40
8    movement_type=dwarvishfoot
9    [resistance]
10        blade=50
11        pierce=60
12        impact=60
13    [/resistance]
14    movement=5
15    level=2
16    alignment=neutral
17    cost=40
18    usage=mixed fighter
19    experience=80
20    advances_to=Dwarvish Loremaster
21    description= _ "Dwarvish Annalists are the historians of this ancient and proud race. They are few in number, and their very existence is not generally known to the other peoples of the Great Continent. To the abilities of the Witness they add, through the study of herb and mineral lore, the ability to cure poison."+{SPECIAL_NOTES}+{SPECIAL_NOTES_SLOW}+{SPECIAL_NOTES_UNPOISON}+{SPECIAL_NOTES_INSPIRE}+{SPECIAL_NOTES_MAGICAL}
22    [abilities]
25    [/abilities]
26    die_sound={SOUND_LIST:DWARF_DIE}
27    {DEFENSE_ANIM "units/annalist-defend2.png" "units/annalist-defend1.png" {SOUND_LIST:DWARF_HIT} }
28    {LEADING_ANIM units/annalist-lead.png units/annalist.png 25,8}
30    [attack]
31        name=flail
32        #textdomain wesnoth-units
33        description= _"flail"
34        #textdomain wesnoth-thot
35        icon=attacks/mace-and-chain.png
36        type=impact
37        range=melee
38        damage=7
39        number=2
40        [specials]
42        [/specials]
43    [/attack]
45    [attack_anim]
46        [filter_attack]
47            name=flail
48        [/filter_attack]
49        start_time=-250
50        [frame]
51            image=units/annalist-attack[1~9].png:[25*4,50,200,75,50,50]
52        [/frame]
53        [frame]
54            image=units/annalist-defend1.png:25
55        [/frame]
56        {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS flail.ogg flail-miss.ogg -250}
57    [/attack_anim]
59    [attack]
60        name=bolas
61        description= _"bolas"
62        type=impact
63        range=ranged
64        damage=6
65        number=2
66        [specials]
68            {WEAPON_SPECIAL_SLOW}
69        [/specials]
70        icon=attacks/bolas.png
71    [/attack]
72    [attack_anim]
73        [filter_attack]
74            name=bolas
75        [/filter_attack]
76        missile_start_time=-200
77        [missile_frame]
78            duration=200
79            image=projectiles/bolas-n.png
80            image_diagonal=projectiles/bolas-ne.png
81        [/missile_frame]
82        start_time=-350
83        [frame]
84            image=units/annalist-ranged[1~2].png:[150,300]
85        [/frame]
86        {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS hatchet.wav hatchet-miss.wav -200}
87        [frame]
88            image="units/annalist.png:50"
89        [/frame]
90    [/attack_anim]