1#textdomain wesnoth-thot
3# This unit is designed to be a bit tougher and more combat-capable
4# than an Evish Shaman, but distinctly weaker than a Dwarvish
5# Fighter. It is deliberately expensive, as the boosted leadership
6# ability is powerful.
9    id=Dwarvish Witness
10    name= _ "Dwarvish Witness"
11    race=dwarf
12    image=units/witness.png
13    hitpoints=30
14    movement_type=dwarvishfoot
15    [resistance]
16        blade=60
17        pierce=70
18        impact=70
19    [/resistance]
20    movement=5
21    level=1
22    alignment=neutral
23    cost=20
24    usage=mixed fighter
25    experience=32
26    advances_to=Dwarvish Annalist
27    description= _ "A Witness functions as the eyes of the dwarves’ history, a deep lore that they never share with outsiders. The presence of a Witness inspires dwarvish warriors with the knowledge that their deeds (and their deaths) will not go unrecorded. They learn a fighting style deliberately unlike that of their fellows, one designed to turn the vaunted strength of the dwarves against itself. The person of a Witness is considered sacred, and Witnesses are often used as envoys between dwarvish clans."+{SPECIAL_NOTES}+{SPECIAL_NOTES_INSPIRE}+{SPECIAL_NOTES_MAGICAL}+{SPECIAL_NOTES_SLOW}
28    [abilities]
30    [/abilities]
31    die_sound={SOUND_LIST:DWARF_DIE}
32    {DEFENSE_ANIM "units/witness-defend2.png" "units/witness-defend1.png" {SOUND_LIST:DWARF_HIT} }
33    {LEADING_ANIM units/witness-lead.png units/witness.png 25,8}
35    [attack]
36        name=flail
37        #textdomain wesnoth-units
38        description= _"flail"
39        #textdomain wesnoth-thot
40        icon=attacks/mace-and-chain.png
41        type=impact
42        range=melee
43        damage=5
44        number=2
45        [specials]
47        [/specials]
48    [/attack]
50    [attack_anim]
51        [filter_attack]
52            name=flail
53        [/filter_attack]
54        start_time=-250
55        [frame]
56            image=units/witness-attack[1~9].png:[25*4,50,200,75,50,50]
57        [/frame]
58        [frame]
59            image=units/witness-defend1.png:25
60        [/frame]
61        {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS flail.ogg flail-miss.ogg -250}
62    [/attack_anim]
64    [attack]
65        name=bolas
66        description= _"bolas"
67        type=impact
68        range=ranged
69        damage=6
70        number=1
71        [specials]
73            {WEAPON_SPECIAL_SLOW}
74        [/specials]
75        icon=attacks/bolas.png
76    [/attack]
77    [attack_anim]
78        [filter_attack]
79            name=bolas
80        [/filter_attack]
81        missile_start_time=-200
82        [missile_frame]
83            duration=200
84            image=projectiles/bolas-n.png
85            image_diagonal=projectiles/bolas-ne.png
86        [/missile_frame]
87        start_time=-350
88        [frame]
89            image=units/witness-ranged[1~2].png:[150,300]
90        [/frame]
91        {SOUND:HIT_AND_MISS hatchet.wav hatchet-miss.wav -200}
92        [frame]
93            image="units/witness.png:50"
94        [/frame]
95    [/attack_anim]