1#textdomain wesnoth-trow
3    id=15_A_New_Land
4    name= _ "A New Land"
5    next_scenario=16_The_Kalian
6    map_data="{campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/maps/15_A_New_Land.map}"
8    victory_when_enemies_defeated=no
9    turns=unlimited
12    {SCENARIO_MUSIC wanderer.ogg}
14    [story]
15        [part]
16            story=_ "After the defeat of the Nagas, Haldric’s refugees take on fresh water and hunt small game, relieved to have land beneath their feet. When they depart, even the sea-weather is milder."
17        [/part]
18        [part]
19            story=_ "After a week’s steady sailing eastward, they begin to hear the cries of gulls and feel the loom of the land. The Great Continent appears before them over the summer-lit seas."
20            background=story/trow_story_15-A_New_Land.jpg
21        [/part]
22    [/story]
28    [side]
29        type=Noble Commander
30        id=Prince Haldric
31        name= _ "Prince Haldric"
32        unrenamable=yes
33        side=1
34        canrecruit=yes
35        gold=100
36        controller=human
37        team_name=Haldric
38        user_team_name=_"Refugees"
39        {FLAG_VARIANT loyalist}
40    [/side]
42    [side]
43        type=Elvish Marshal
44        id=Glimir
45        name= _ "Glimir"
46        side=2
47        canrecruit=yes
48        {GOLD 150 220 300}
49        team_name=Continentals
50        user_team_name=_"Continentals"
51        recruit=Elvish Archer, Elvish Fighter, Elvish Shaman, Elvish Hero, Elvish Marksman, Elvish Druid
52        [ai]
53            {NO_SCOUTS}
54            recruitment_pattern=fighter,archer,fighter,archer,healer
56            [aspect]
57                id=recruitment_instructions
59                [facet]
60                    [value]
61                        [recruit]
62                            type=Elvish Hero,Elvish Marksman,Elvish Druid
63                            number=1
64                            importance=2
65                            blocker=yes
66                        [/recruit]
67                        [recruit]
68                            type=Elvish Archer,Elvish Fighter,Elvish Shaman
69                            number=1
70                            importance=1
71                            blocker=no
72                        [/recruit]
73                    [/value]
74                [/facet]
75            [/aspect]
77            {MODIFY_AI_ADD_CANDIDATE_ACTION 2 main_loop (
78                [candidate_action]
79                    engine=lua
80                    name=retreat
81                    id=retreat
82                    max_score=101000
83                    location="campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/ai/ca_retreat.lua"
84                [/candidate_action]
85            )}
86            {MODIFY_AI_ADD_CANDIDATE_ACTION 2 main_loop (
87                [candidate_action]
88                    engine=lua
89                    name=aggressive_attack_no_suicide
90                    id=aggressive_attack_no_suicide
91                    max_score=100000
92                    location="campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/ai/ca_aggressive_attack_no_suicide.lua"
93                [/candidate_action]
94            )}
95            {MODIFY_AI_DELETE_CANDIDATE_ACTION 2 main_loop high_xp_attack}
96            {MODIFY_AI_DELETE_CANDIDATE_ACTION 2 main_loop combat}
97        [/ai]
98        {FLAG_VARIANT wood-elvish}
99    [/side]
103    [side]
104        type=Dwarvish Lord
105        id=Dursil
106        name= _ "Dursil"
107        side=3
108        canrecruit=yes
109        {GOLD 150 220 300}
110        team_name=Continentals
111        user_team_name=_"Continentals"
112        recruit=Dwarvish Fighter, Dwarvish Thunderer, Dwarvish Guardsman, Dwarvish Steelclad, Dwarvish Thunderguard, Dwarvish Pathfinder
113        [ai]
114            {NO_SCOUTS}
115            recruitment_pattern=fighter,mixed fighter,fighter,mixed fighter,scout
117            [aspect]
118                id=recruitment_instructions
120                [facet]
121                    [value]
122                        [recruit]
123                            type=Dwarvish Steelclad,Dwarvish Thunderguard,Dwarvish Pathfinder
124                            number=1
125                            importance=2
126                            blocker=yes
127                        [/recruit]
128                        [recruit]
129                            type=Dwarvish Fighter,Dwarvish Thunderer,Dwarvish Guardsman
130                            number=1
131                            importance=1
132                            blocker=no
133                        [/recruit]
134                    [/value]
135                [/facet]
136            [/aspect]
138            {MODIFY_AI_ADD_CANDIDATE_ACTION 3 main_loop (
139                [candidate_action]
140                    engine=lua
141                    name=retreat
142                    id=retreat
143                    max_score=101000
144                    location="campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/ai/ca_retreat.lua"
145                [/candidate_action]
146            )}
147            {MODIFY_AI_ADD_CANDIDATE_ACTION 3 main_loop (
148                [candidate_action]
149                    engine=lua
150                    name=aggressive_attack_no_suicide
151                    id=aggressive_attack_no_suicide
152                    max_score=100000
153                    location="campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/ai/ca_aggressive_attack_no_suicide.lua"
154                [/candidate_action]
155            )}
156            {MODIFY_AI_DELETE_CANDIDATE_ACTION 3 main_loop high_xp_attack}
157            {MODIFY_AI_DELETE_CANDIDATE_ACTION 3 main_loop combat}
158        [/ai]
159        {FLAG_VARIANT knalgan}
160    [/side]
164    [side]
165        type=Elvish Champion
166        id=Eowarar
167        name= _ "Eowarar"
168        side=4
169        canrecruit=yes
170        {GOLD 150 220 300}
171        team_name=Continentals
172        user_team_name=_"Continentals"
173        recruit=Elvish Archer, Elvish Fighter, Elvish Hero, Elvish Ranger, Elvish Sorceress
174        [ai]
175            {NO_SCOUTS}
176            recruitment_pattern=fighter,archer,mixed fighter,mixed fighter
178            [aspect]
179                id=recruitment_instructions
181                [facet]
182                    [value]
183                        [recruit]
184                            type=Elvish Hero,Elvish Ranger,Elvish Sorceress
185                            number=1
186                            importance=2
187                            blocker=yes
188                        [/recruit]
189                        [recruit]
190                            type=Elvish Archer,Elvish Fighter
191                            number=1
192                            importance=1
193                            blocker=no
194                        [/recruit]
195                    [/value]
196                [/facet]
197            [/aspect]
199            {MODIFY_AI_ADD_CANDIDATE_ACTION 4 main_loop (
200                [candidate_action]
201                    engine=lua
202                    name=retreat
203                    id=retreat
204                    max_score=101000
205                    location="campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/ai/ca_retreat.lua"
206                [/candidate_action]
207            )}
208            {MODIFY_AI_ADD_CANDIDATE_ACTION 4 main_loop (
209                [candidate_action]
210                    engine=lua
211                    name=aggressive_attack_no_suicide
212                    id=aggressive_attack_no_suicide
213                    max_score=100000
214                    location="campaigns/The_Rise_Of_Wesnoth/ai/ca_aggressive_attack_no_suicide.lua"
215                [/candidate_action]
216            )}
217            {MODIFY_AI_DELETE_CANDIDATE_ACTION 4 main_loop high_xp_attack}
218            {MODIFY_AI_DELETE_CANDIDATE_ACTION 4 main_loop combat}
219        [/ai]
220        {FLAG_VARIANT long}
221    [/side]
225    [event]
226        name=prestart
228        [store_unit]
229            [filter]
230                side=1
231                canrecruit=yes
232            [/filter]
234            variable=stored_Haldric
235            kill=yes
236        [/store_unit]
237    [/event]
239    [event]
240        name=start
242        [objectives]
243            [objective]
244                description= _ "Avoid deaths for as long as possible" + "<span foreground='white'> <small>" + _"(the scenario ends when any unit perishes)" + "</small></span>"
245                condition=win
246            [/objective]
247            [objective]
248                description= _ "Death of Prince Haldric"
249                condition=lose
250            [/objective]
251            [objective]
252                description= _ "Death of Lady Jessene"
253                condition=lose
254            [/objective]
255            [objective]
256                description= _ "Death of Lord Typhon"
257                condition=lose
258            [/objective]
259            #textdomain wesnoth
260            notes_string = _"Gold carryover:"
261            #textdomain wesnoth-trow
262            [note]
263                red,green,blue=255,255,192
264                description= _ "You will receive a finish bonus — equal to an early finish bonus — for the number of turns you lasted."
265            [/note]
266            [note]
267                red,green,blue=255,255,192
268                description= _ "20% of finishing gold carried over to the next scenario." + "
269<span foreground='white'><big>
271                    #textdomain wesnoth
272                    _"Notes:"+"</big></span>"
273                #textdomain wesnoth-trow
274            [/note]
275            [note]
276                description= _ "Enemies will not initiate an attack if there is a risk of them dying."
277            [/note]
278        [/objectives]
279    [/event]
281    [event]
282        name=start
284        [message]
285            speaker=narrator
286            message= _ "Alas, the shore of the Great Continent was not so tranquil a place as it had appeared from at sea."
287            image=wesnoth-icon.png
288        [/message]
289        [message]
290            speaker=Glimir
291            message= _ "Go home, you vile dwarves! By treaty you are pledged to only the hills and mountains to the north of the Great River. This is not your land."
292        [/message]
293        [message]
294            speaker=Dursil
295            message= _ "Our lands are become full, and our mines go to the bottom of the world. We have won our war against those things that live in the dark. By what right do you claim all of the forests of the world, and all of the land south of the Great River, and force us onto only the hills and mountains of the north? There are hills and mountains as good as any here in the south!"
296        [/message]
297        [message]
298            speaker=Glimir
299            message= _ "By the right of treaty, ancient but still true—"
300        [/message]
301        [message]
302            speaker=Dursil
303            # wmllint: local spelling namby-pamby
304            message= _ "Hmph! You namby-pamby elves: <i>“We don’t cut the trees, we groom the forest.”</i> Our axes can get the wood for a fifth of the cost! I can charge half of what your people do, and still be rich, and I’m not the first to have the thought!"
305        [/message]
306        [message]
307            speaker=Glimir
308            message= _ "Wait, I see a ship. Many ships. We’re being invaded!"
309        [/message]
310        [message]
311            speaker=Dursil
312            message= _ "Umm, we’re being invaded? Fine, we’ll sort out our differences later. Let’s get them first."
313        [/message]
315        [sound]
316            name=ambient/ship.ogg
317        [/sound]
319        [move_unit_fake]
320            type=Galleon
321            side=1
322            x=1,7,10,10,9
323            y=19,21,22,23,24
324        [/move_unit_fake]
326        {PLACE_IMAGE ("units/transport/galleon.png~RC(magenta>red)~FL(horiz)") 9 24}
327        {PLACE_IMAGE ("units/transport/transport-galleon.png~RC(magenta>red)") 1 19}
328        {PLACE_IMAGE ("units/transport/transport-galleon.png~RC(magenta>red)") 4 19}
329        {PLACE_IMAGE ("units/transport/transport-galleon.png~RC(magenta>red)") 1 17}
330        {PLACE_IMAGE ("units/transport/transport-galleon.png~RC(magenta>red)") 3 18}
332        [move_unit_fake]
333            type=$stored_Haldric.type
334            side=1
335            x=9,6
336            y=24,24
337        [/move_unit_fake]
339        [unstore_unit]
340            variable=stored_Haldric
341        [/unstore_unit]
343        [recall]
344            id=Lady Jessene
345            x=8
346            y=24
347        [/recall]
348        [recall]
349            id=Burin the Lost
350            x=7
351            y=25
352        [/recall]
353        [recall]
354            id=Sir Ruddry
355            x=8
356            y=25
357        [/recall]
358        [recall]
359            id=Sir Ladoc
360            x=8
361            y=25
362        [/recall]
363        [recall]
364            id=Minister Edren
365            x=7
366            y=26
367        [/recall]
368        [recall]
369            id=Lord Typhon
370            x=6
371            y=20
372        [/recall]
374        [message]
375            speaker=Prince Haldric
376            message= _ "We come in peace. May our peoples—"
377        [/message]
378        [message]
379            speaker=Dursil
380            message= _ "Get them!"
381        [/message]
382        [message]
383            speaker=Lady Jessene
384            message= _ "Gee, and you were practicing that speech for days. I guess that’s it for diplomacy then. Haldric, we should avoid bloodshed even if we have to ward them off. There has to be a peaceful resolution to this."
385        [/message]
386        [message]
387            speaker=Burin the Lost
388            message= _ "In the name of... This is the continent of my home. But I set out east. I must have traveled clear around the world."
389        [/message]
390        [message]
391            speaker=Burin the Lost
392            message= _ "My people are too far south. I don’t know what’s going on here. I’ll stick with you until the end. You’ve been a good friend. Just no more sea voyages."
393        [/message]
395        {CLEAR_VARIABLE stored_Haldric}
396    [/event]
398    [event]
399        name=turn 3
400        [message]
401            speaker=Lady Jessene
402            message= _ "I bet this wasn’t the welcome you were expecting."
403        [/message]
404    [/event]
406    # Enemies' base income increases by 1 every turn
407    [event]
408        name=new turn
409        first_time_only=no
411        [modify_side]
412            [filter_side]
413                side=2,3,4
414            [/filter_side]
416            income="$($turn_number - 1)"
417        [/modify_side]
418    [/event]
420    [event]
421        name=die
422        [filter]
423            [not]
424                id=Lady Jessene,Prince Haldric,Lord Typhon
425            [/not]
426        [/filter]
428        [move_unit_fake]
429            type=Elvish Shyde
430            side=2
431            x=42,40,39
432            y=3,5,6
433        [/move_unit_fake]
435        {HERO (Autumn Shyde) (Lady Dionli) ( _ "Lady Dionli") 2 39 6 ("portraits/dionli.png")}
436        [+unit]
437            facing=sw
438        [/unit]
440        [message]
441            speaker=Lady Dionli
442            message= _ "What? What’s going on here? Dwarves? Humans? Ships? Glimir, tell me."
443        [/message]
444        [message]
445            speaker=Glimir
446            message= _ "The stories are true. There must be dwarven colonists in the Brown Hills. We caught this band chopping wood near the bay. Then we saw lots of ships. Not like before, with that fellow from Southbay and his lone ship. It was always interesting when he stopped by."
447        [/message]
448        [message]
449            speaker=Glimir
450            # wmllint: local spelling erm
451            message= _ "We thought we were being invaded. We, erm, put our differences aside with the dwarves, for the moment, and decided to deal with this first."
452        [/message]
453        [message]
454            speaker=Lady Dionli
455            message= _ "These are disturbing trends. Human, it is by luck alone that I am here to spare you. For on this day the Council of Lords is meeting in a forest not far from here."
456        [/message]
457        [message]
458            speaker=Prince Haldric
459            message= _ "I am Prince Haldric. We come in peace. May our peoples—"
460        [/message]
461        [message]
462            speaker=Lady Jessene
463            message= _ "Haldric."
464        [/message]
465        [message]
466            speaker=Lady Dionli
467            message= _ "As for you, dwarf, return to the Brown Hills. Then tell your people to prepare to return to the north."
468        [/message]
469        [message]
470            speaker=Dursil
471            message= _ "I’ll return to the hills, but I can’t promise that my people will go. Hmph!"
472        [/message]
473        [message]
474            speaker=Lady Dionli
475            message= _ "Haldric, is it? You are their leader? You and your advisers are to come with me. It will be safe for your passengers to disembark here."
476        [/message]
478        [move_unit_fake]
479            type=Familiar
480            side=4
481            x=1,3
482            y=11,11
483        [/move_unit_fake]
485        {LIVING_INTEL (Familiar) (Familiar) ( _ "Familiar") "portraits/familiar.png" 4 3 11}
487        [kill]
488            id=Familiar
489        [/kill]
491        [move_unit_fake]
492            type=Familiar
493            side=4
494            x=3,4,4,1
495            y=11,10,9,8
496        [/move_unit_fake]
498        [message]
499            speaker=Lady Jessene
500            message={WHISPER _"Maybe it’d be best if you didn’t mention our little friend following us..."}
501        [/message]
503#ifdef EASY
504        [message]
505            speaker=Lord Typhon
506            message= _ "I must return to my people. You have kept your word, you may avail of my services in the future. The services of my people will remain at your disposal."
507        [/message]
509        [disallow_recruit]
510            side=1
511            type=Merman Fighter,Merman Hunter
512        [/disallow_recruit]
514        [message]
515            speaker=Lord Typhon
516            message= _ "I must return to my people. My warriors that fought by your side wish to remain with you. You have kept your word, and you may avail of my services in the future."
517        [/message]
520        [kill]
521            id=Lord Typhon
522        [/kill]
524        [message]
525            speaker=Prince Haldric
526            message= _ "May the currents carry you swiftly, my friend. " + {WHISPER _"Jessene, send word that a third of the fleet is to return to the Green Isle, to look for more survivors. If they return tell them to keep returning until no more survivors are found."}
527        [/message]
528        [message]
529            speaker=Prince Haldric
530            message={WHISPER _"Man the ships with skeleton crews, and give them the remaining supplies. Pass the word to Lord Typhon. Make sure that no more than a third of the fleet is sent. We must not provide the orcs with a ready-made fleet. Make haste, return before it is time to meet with these, what are they? Ahh, elves."}
531        [/message]
532        [message]
533            speaker=Prince Haldric
534            message= _ "This is the second Eldaric I get to say goodbye to. At least this time it is easier than the first."
535        [/message]
537        [set_variable]
538            name=num_done
539            value=0
540        [/set_variable]
542        [set_variable]
543            name=a_beach
544            value=0
545        [/set_variable]
547        [set_variable]
548            name=cursed_isle
549            value=0
550        [/set_variable]
552        [set_variable]
553            name=the_dragon
554            value=0
555        [/set_variable]
557        [set_variable]
558            name=troll_hole
559            value=0
560        [/set_variable]
562        [set_variable]
563            name=last_done
564            value="none"
565        [/set_variable]
567        [modify_turns]
568            value=$turn_number
569        [/modify_turns]
570        [modify_turns]
571            add=$turn_number
572        [/modify_turns]
574        [endlevel]
575            #Bet I scared a few people there
576            result=victory
577            bonus=yes
578            {NEW_GOLD_CARRYOVER 20}
579            next_scenario=16_The_Kalian
580        [/endlevel]
581    [/event]