1 #include "doomdata.h"
2 #include "tarray.h"
3 #include "r_defs.h"
4 #include "x86.h"
6 struct FPolySeg;
7 struct FMiniBSP;
9 struct FEventInfo
10 {
11 	int Vertex;
12 	DWORD FrontSeg;
13 };
15 struct FEvent
16 {
17 	FEvent *Parent, *Left, *Right;
18 	double Distance;
19 	FEventInfo Info;
20 };
22 class FEventTree
23 {
24 public:
25 	FEventTree ();
26 	~FEventTree ();
28 	FEvent *GetMinimum ();
GetSuccessor(FEvent * event)29 	FEvent *GetSuccessor (FEvent *event) const { FEvent *node = Successor(event); return node == &Nil ? NULL : node; }
GetPredecessor(FEvent * event)30 	FEvent *GetPredecessor (FEvent *event) const { FEvent *node = Predecessor(event); return node == &Nil ? NULL : node; }
32 	FEvent *GetNewNode ();
33 	void Insert (FEvent *event);
34 	FEvent *FindEvent (double distance) const;
35 	void DeleteAll ();
PrintTree()37 	void PrintTree () const { PrintTree (Root); }
39 private:
40 	FEvent Nil;
41 	FEvent *Root;
42 	FEvent *Spare;
44 	void DeletionTraverser (FEvent *event);
45 	FEvent *Successor (FEvent *event) const;
46 	FEvent *Predecessor (FEvent *event) const;
48 	void PrintTree (const FEvent *event) const;
49 };
51 struct FSimpleVert
52 {
53 	fixed_t x, y;
54 };
56 extern "C"
57 {
58 	int ClassifyLine2 (node_t &node, const FSimpleVert *v1, const FSimpleVert *v2, int sidev[2]);
59 #ifndef DISABLE_SSE
60 	int ClassifyLineSSE1 (node_t &node, const FSimpleVert *v1, const FSimpleVert *v2, int sidev[2]);
61 	int ClassifyLineSSE2 (node_t &node, const FSimpleVert *v1, const FSimpleVert *v2, int sidev[2]);
62 #ifdef BACKPATCH
63 #ifdef __GNUC__
64 	int ClassifyLineBackpatch (node_t &node, const FSimpleVert *v1, const FSimpleVert *v2, int sidev[2]) __attribute__((noinline));
65 #else
66 	int __declspec(noinline) ClassifyLineBackpatch (node_t &node, const FSimpleVert *v1, const FSimpleVert *v2, int sidev[2]);
67 #endif
68 #endif
69 #endif
70 }
72 class FNodeBuilder
73 {
74 	struct FPrivSeg
75 	{
76 		int v1, v2;
77 		int sidedef;
78 		int linedef;
79 		sector_t *frontsector;
80 		sector_t *backsector;
81 		DWORD next;
82 		DWORD nextforvert;
83 		DWORD nextforvert2;
84 		int loopnum;		// loop number for split avoidance (0 means splitting is okay)
85 		DWORD partner;		// seg on back side
86 		DWORD storedseg;	// seg # in the GL_SEGS lump
88 		int planenum;
89 		bool planefront;
90 		FPrivSeg *hashnext;
91 	};
92 	struct FPrivVert : FSimpleVert
93 	{
94 		DWORD segs;		// segs that use this vertex as v1
95 		DWORD segs2;	// segs that use this vertex as v2
97 		bool operator== (const FPrivVert &other)
98 		{
99 			return x == other.x && y == other.y;
100 		}
101 	};
102 	struct FSimpleLine
103 	{
104 		fixed_t x, y, dx, dy;
105 	};
106 	union USegPtr
107 	{
108 		DWORD SegNum;
109 		FPrivSeg *SegPtr;
110 	};
111 	struct FSplitSharer
112 	{
113 		double Distance;
114 		DWORD Seg;
115 		bool Forward;
116 	};
118 	struct glseg_t : public seg_t
119 	{
120 		DWORD Partner;
121 	};
124 	// Like a blockmap, but for vertices instead of lines
125 	class IVertexMap
126 	{
127 	public:
128 		virtual ~IVertexMap();
129 		virtual int SelectVertexExact(FPrivVert &vert) = 0;
130 		virtual int SelectVertexClose(FPrivVert &vert) = 0;
131 	private:
132 		IVertexMap &operator=(const IVertexMap &);
133 	};
135 	class FVertexMap : public IVertexMap
136 	{
137 	public:
138 		FVertexMap (FNodeBuilder &builder, fixed_t minx, fixed_t miny, fixed_t maxx, fixed_t maxy);
139 		~FVertexMap ();
141 		int SelectVertexExact (FPrivVert &vert);
142 		int SelectVertexClose (FPrivVert &vert);
144 	private:
145 		FNodeBuilder &MyBuilder;
146 		TArray<int> *VertexGrid;
148 		fixed_t MinX, MinY, MaxX, MaxY;
149 		int BlocksWide, BlocksTall;
151 		enum { BLOCK_SHIFT = 8 + FRACBITS };
152 		enum { BLOCK_SIZE = 1 << BLOCK_SHIFT };
154 		int InsertVertex (FPrivVert &vert);
GetBlock(fixed_t x,fixed_t y)155 		inline int GetBlock (fixed_t x, fixed_t y)
156 		{
157 			assert (x >= MinX);
158 			assert (y >= MinY);
159 			assert (x <= MaxX);
160 			assert (y <= MaxY);
161 			return (unsigned(x - MinX) >> BLOCK_SHIFT) + (unsigned(y - MinY) >> BLOCK_SHIFT) * BlocksWide;
162 		}
163 	};
165 	class FVertexMapSimple : public IVertexMap
166 	{
167 	public:
168 		FVertexMapSimple(FNodeBuilder &builder);
170 		int SelectVertexExact(FPrivVert &vert);
171 		int SelectVertexClose(FPrivVert &vert);
172 	private:
173 		int InsertVertex(FPrivVert &vert);
175 		FNodeBuilder &MyBuilder;
176 	};
178 	friend class FVertexMap;
179 	friend class FVertexMapSimple;
181 public:
182 	struct FLevel
183 	{
184 		vertex_t *Vertices;		int NumVertices;
185 		side_t *Sides;			int NumSides;
186 		line_t *Lines;			int NumLines;
188 		fixed_t MinX, MinY, MaxX, MaxY;
190 		void FindMapBounds();
ResetMapBoundsFLevel191 		void ResetMapBounds()
192 		{
193 			MinX = FIXED_MAX;
194 			MinY = FIXED_MAX;
195 			MaxX = FIXED_MIN;
196 			MaxY = FIXED_MIN;
197 		}
198 	};
200 	struct FPolyStart
201 	{
202 		int polynum;
203 		fixed_t x, y;
204 	};
206 	FNodeBuilder (FLevel &level);
207 	FNodeBuilder (FLevel &level,
208 		TArray<FPolyStart> &polyspots, TArray<FPolyStart> &anchors,
209 		bool makeGLNodes);
210 	~FNodeBuilder ();
212 	void Extract (node_t *&nodes, int &nodeCount,
213 		seg_t *&segs, glsegextra_t *&glsegextras, int &segCount,
214 		subsector_t *&ssecs, int &subCount,
215 		vertex_t *&verts, int &vertCount);
216 	const int *GetOldVertexTable();
218 	// These are used for building sub-BSP trees for polyobjects.
219 	void Clear();
220 	void AddPolySegs(FPolySeg *segs, int numsegs);
221 	void AddSegs(seg_t *segs, int numsegs);
222 	void BuildMini(bool makeGLNodes);
223 	void ExtractMini(FMiniBSP *bsp);
225 	static angle_t PointToAngle (fixed_t dx, fixed_t dy);
227 	//  < 0 : in front of line
228 	// == 0 : on line
229 	//  > 0 : behind line
231 	static inline int PointOnSide (int x, int y, int x1, int y1, int dx, int dy);
233 private:
234 	IVertexMap *VertexMap;
235 	int *OldVertexTable;
237 	TArray<node_t> Nodes;
238 	TArray<subsector_t> Subsectors;
239 	TArray<DWORD> SubsectorSets;
240 	TArray<FPrivSeg> Segs;
241 	TArray<FPrivVert> Vertices;
242 	TArray<USegPtr> SegList;
243 	TArray<BYTE> PlaneChecked;
244 	TArray<FSimpleLine> Planes;
246 	TArray<int> Touched;	// Loops a splitter touches on a vertex
247 	TArray<int> Colinear;	// Loops with edges colinear to a splitter
248 	FEventTree Events;		// Vertices intersected by the current splitter
250 	TArray<FSplitSharer> SplitSharers;	// Segs colinear with the current splitter
252 	DWORD HackSeg;			// Seg to force to back of splitter
253 	DWORD HackMate;			// Seg to use in front of hack seg
254 	FLevel &Level;
255 	bool GLNodes;			// Add minisegs to make GL nodes?
257 	// Progress meter stuff
258 	int SegsStuffed;
260 	void FindUsedVertices (vertex_t *vertices, int max);
261 	void BuildTree ();
262 	void MakeSegsFromSides ();
263 	int CreateSeg (int linenum, int sidenum);
264 	void GroupSegPlanes ();
265 	void GroupSegPlanesSimple ();
266 	void FindPolyContainers (TArray<FPolyStart> &spots, TArray<FPolyStart> &anchors);
267 	bool GetPolyExtents (int polynum, fixed_t bbox[4]);
268 	int MarkLoop (DWORD firstseg, int loopnum);
269 	void AddSegToBBox (fixed_t bbox[4], const FPrivSeg *seg);
270 	int CreateNode (DWORD set, unsigned int count, fixed_t bbox[4]);
271 	int CreateSubsector (DWORD set, fixed_t bbox[4]);
272 	void CreateSubsectorsForReal ();
273 	bool CheckSubsector (DWORD set, node_t &node, DWORD &splitseg);
274 	bool CheckSubsectorOverlappingSegs (DWORD set, node_t &node, DWORD &splitseg);
275 	bool ShoveSegBehind (DWORD set, node_t &node, DWORD seg, DWORD mate);	int SelectSplitter (DWORD set, node_t &node, DWORD &splitseg, int step, bool nosplit);
276 	void SplitSegs (DWORD set, node_t &node, DWORD splitseg, DWORD &outset0, DWORD &outset1, unsigned int &count0, unsigned int &count1);
277 	DWORD SplitSeg (DWORD segnum, int splitvert, int v1InFront);
278 	int Heuristic (node_t &node, DWORD set, bool honorNoSplit);
280 	// Returns:
281 	//	0 = seg is in front
282 	//  1 = seg is in back
283 	// -1 = seg cuts the node
285 	inline int ClassifyLine (node_t &node, const FPrivVert *v1, const FPrivVert *v2, int sidev[2]);
287 	void FixSplitSharers (const node_t &node);
288 	double AddIntersection (const node_t &node, int vertex);
289 	void AddMinisegs (const node_t &node, DWORD splitseg, DWORD &fset, DWORD &rset);
290 	DWORD CheckLoopStart (fixed_t dx, fixed_t dy, int vertex1, int vertex2);
291 	DWORD CheckLoopEnd (fixed_t dx, fixed_t dy, int vertex2);
292 	void RemoveSegFromVert1 (DWORD segnum, int vertnum);
293 	void RemoveSegFromVert2 (DWORD segnum, int vertnum);
294 	DWORD AddMiniseg (int v1, int v2, DWORD partner, DWORD seg1, DWORD splitseg);
295 	void SetNodeFromSeg (node_t &node, const FPrivSeg *pseg) const;
297 	int CloseSubsector (TArray<glseg_t> &segs, int subsector, vertex_t *outVerts);
298 	DWORD PushGLSeg (TArray<glseg_t> &segs, const FPrivSeg *seg, vertex_t *outVerts);
299 	void PushConnectingGLSeg (int subsector, TArray<glseg_t> &segs, vertex_t *v1, vertex_t *v2);
300 	int OutputDegenerateSubsector (TArray<glseg_t> &segs, int subsector, bool bForward, double lastdot, FPrivSeg *&prev, vertex_t *outVerts);
302 	static int STACK_ARGS SortSegs (const void *a, const void *b);
304 	double InterceptVector (const node_t &splitter, const FPrivSeg &seg);
306 	void PrintSet (int l, DWORD set);
308 	FNodeBuilder &operator= (const FNodeBuilder &) { return *this; }
309 };
311 // Points within this distance of a line will be considered on the line.
312 // Units are in fixed_ts.
313 const double SIDE_EPSILON = 6.5536;
315 // Vertices within this distance of each other will be considered as the same vertex.
316 #define VERTEX_EPSILON	6		// This is a fixed_t value
PointOnSide(int x,int y,int x1,int y1,int dx,int dy)318 inline int FNodeBuilder::PointOnSide (int x, int y, int x1, int y1, int dx, int dy)
319 {
320 	// For most cases, a simple dot product is enough.
321 	double d_dx = double(dx);
322 	double d_dy = double(dy);
323 	double d_x = double(x);
324 	double d_y = double(y);
325 	double d_x1 = double(x1);
326 	double d_y1 = double(y1);
328 	double s_num = (d_y1-d_y)*d_dx - (d_x1-d_x)*d_dy;
330 	if (fabs(s_num) < 17179869184.f)	// 4<<32
331 	{
332 		// Either the point is very near the line, or the segment defining
333 		// the line is very short: Do a more expensive test to determine
334 		// just how far from the line the point is.
335 		double l = d_dx*d_dx + d_dy*d_dy;		// double l = sqrt(d_dx*d_dx+d_dy*d_dy);
336 		double dist = s_num * s_num / l;		// double dist = fabs(s_num)/l;
337 		if (dist < SIDE_EPSILON*SIDE_EPSILON)	// if (dist < SIDE_EPSILON)
338 		{
339 			return 0;
340 		}
341 	}
342 	return s_num > 0.0 ? -1 : 1;
343 }
ClassifyLine(node_t & node,const FPrivVert * v1,const FPrivVert * v2,int sidev[2])345 inline int FNodeBuilder::ClassifyLine (node_t &node, const FPrivVert *v1, const FPrivVert *v2, int sidev[2])
346 {
347 #ifdef DISABLE_SSE
348 	return ClassifyLine2 (node, v1, v2, sidev);
349 #else
350 #if defined(__SSE2__) || defined(_M_X64)
351 	// If compiling with SSE2 support everywhere, just use the SSE2 version.
352 	return ClassifyLineSSE2 (node, v1, v2, sidev);
353 #elif defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER < 1300
354 	// VC 6 does not support SSE optimizations.
355 	return ClassifyLine2 (node, v1, v2, sidev);
356 #else
357 	// Select the routine based on our flag.
358 #ifdef BACKPATCH
359 	return ClassifyLineBackpatch (node, v1, v2, sidev);
360 #else
361 	if (CPU.bSSE2)
362 		return ClassifyLineSSE2 (node, v1, v2, sidev);
363 	else
364 		return ClassifyLine2 (node, v1, v2, sidev);
365 #endif
366 #endif
367 #endif
368 }