1 /*
2  * Copyright 2011-2017 Blender Foundation
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 #ifndef __UTIL_MATH_INTERSECT_H__
18 #define __UTIL_MATH_INTERSECT_H__
22 /* Ray Intersection */
ray_sphere_intersect(float3 ray_P,float3 ray_D,float ray_t,float3 sphere_P,float sphere_radius,float3 * isect_P,float * isect_t)24 ccl_device bool ray_sphere_intersect(float3 ray_P,
25                                      float3 ray_D,
26                                      float ray_t,
27                                      float3 sphere_P,
28                                      float sphere_radius,
29                                      float3 *isect_P,
30                                      float *isect_t)
31 {
32   const float3 d = sphere_P - ray_P;
33   const float radiussq = sphere_radius * sphere_radius;
34   const float tsq = dot(d, d);
36   if (tsq > radiussq) {
37     /* Ray origin outside sphere. */
38     const float tp = dot(d, ray_D);
39     if (tp < 0.0f) {
40       /* Ray  points away from sphere. */
41       return false;
42     }
43     const float dsq = tsq - tp * tp; /* pythagoras */
44     if (dsq > radiussq) {
45       /* Closest point on ray outside sphere. */
46       return false;
47     }
48     const float t = tp - sqrtf(radiussq - dsq); /* pythagoras */
49     if (t < ray_t) {
50       *isect_t = t;
51       *isect_P = ray_P + ray_D * t;
52       return true;
53     }
54   }
55   return false;
56 }
ray_aligned_disk_intersect(float3 ray_P,float3 ray_D,float ray_t,float3 disk_P,float disk_radius,float3 * isect_P,float * isect_t)58 ccl_device bool ray_aligned_disk_intersect(float3 ray_P,
59                                            float3 ray_D,
60                                            float ray_t,
61                                            float3 disk_P,
62                                            float disk_radius,
63                                            float3 *isect_P,
64                                            float *isect_t)
65 {
66   /* Aligned disk normal. */
67   float disk_t;
68   const float3 disk_N = normalize_len(ray_P - disk_P, &disk_t);
69   const float div = dot(ray_D, disk_N);
70   if (UNLIKELY(div == 0.0f)) {
71     return false;
72   }
73   /* Compute t to intersection point. */
74   const float t = -disk_t / div;
75   if (t < 0.0f || t > ray_t) {
76     return false;
77   }
78   /* Test if within radius. */
79   float3 P = ray_P + ray_D * t;
80   if (len_squared(P - disk_P) > disk_radius * disk_radius) {
81     return false;
82   }
83   *isect_P = P;
84   *isect_t = t;
85   return true;
86 }
ray_triangle_intersect(float3 ray_P,float3 ray_dir,float ray_t,const ssef * ssef_verts,float * isect_u,float * isect_v,float * isect_t)88 ccl_device_forceinline bool ray_triangle_intersect(float3 ray_P,
89                                                    float3 ray_dir,
90                                                    float ray_t,
91 #if defined(__KERNEL_SSE2__) && defined(__KERNEL_SSE__)
92                                                    const ssef *ssef_verts,
93 #else
94                                                    const float3 tri_a,
95                                                    const float3 tri_b,
96                                                    const float3 tri_c,
97 #endif
98                                                    float *isect_u,
99                                                    float *isect_v,
100                                                    float *isect_t)
101 {
102 #if defined(__KERNEL_SSE2__) && defined(__KERNEL_SSE__)
103   typedef ssef float3;
104   const float3 tri_a(ssef_verts[0]);
105   const float3 tri_b(ssef_verts[1]);
106   const float3 tri_c(ssef_verts[2]);
107   const float3 P(ray_P);
108   const float3 dir(ray_dir);
109 #else
110 #  define dot3(a, b) dot(a, b)
111   const float3 P = ray_P;
112   const float3 dir = ray_dir;
113 #endif
115   /* Calculate vertices relative to ray origin. */
116   const float3 v0 = tri_c - P;
117   const float3 v1 = tri_a - P;
118   const float3 v2 = tri_b - P;
120   /* Calculate triangle edges. */
121   const float3 e0 = v2 - v0;
122   const float3 e1 = v0 - v1;
123   const float3 e2 = v1 - v2;
125   /* Perform edge tests. */
126 #if defined(__KERNEL_SSE2__) && defined(__KERNEL_SSE__)
127   const float3 crossU = cross(v2 + v0, e0);
128   const float3 crossV = cross(v0 + v1, e1);
129   const float3 crossW = cross(v1 + v2, e2);
131   ssef crossX(crossU);
132   ssef crossY(crossV);
133   ssef crossZ(crossW);
134   ssef zero = _mm_setzero_ps();
135   _MM_TRANSPOSE4_PS(crossX, crossY, crossZ, zero);
137   const ssef dirX(ray_dir.x);
138   const ssef dirY(ray_dir.y);
139   const ssef dirZ(ray_dir.z);
141   ssef UVWW = madd(crossX, dirX, madd(crossY, dirY, crossZ * dirZ));
142 #else  /* __KERNEL_SSE2__ */
143   const float U = dot(cross(v2 + v0, e0), ray_dir);
144   const float V = dot(cross(v0 + v1, e1), ray_dir);
145   const float W = dot(cross(v1 + v2, e2), ray_dir);
146 #endif /* __KERNEL_SSE2__ */
148 #if defined(__KERNEL_SSE2__) && defined(__KERNEL_SSE__)
149   int uvw_sign = movemask(UVWW) & 0x7;
150   if (uvw_sign != 0) {
151     if (uvw_sign != 0x7) {
152       return false;
153     }
154   }
155 #else
156   const float minUVW = min(U, min(V, W));
157   const float maxUVW = max(U, max(V, W));
159   if (minUVW < 0.0f && maxUVW > 0.0f) {
160     return false;
161   }
162 #endif
164   /* Calculate geometry normal and denominator. */
165   const float3 Ng1 = cross(e1, e0);
166   // const Vec3vfM Ng1 = stable_triangle_normal(e2,e1,e0);
167   const float3 Ng = Ng1 + Ng1;
168   const float den = dot3(Ng, dir);
169   /* Avoid division by 0. */
170   if (UNLIKELY(den == 0.0f)) {
171     return false;
172   }
174   /* Perform depth test. */
175   const float T = dot3(v0, Ng);
176   const int sign_den = (__float_as_int(den) & 0x80000000);
177   const float sign_T = xor_signmask(T, sign_den);
178   if ((sign_T < 0.0f) || (sign_T > ray_t * xor_signmask(den, sign_den))) {
179     return false;
180   }
182   const float inv_den = 1.0f / den;
183 #if defined(__KERNEL_SSE2__) && defined(__KERNEL_SSE__)
184   UVWW *= inv_den;
185   _mm_store_ss(isect_u, UVWW);
186   _mm_store_ss(isect_v, shuffle<1, 1, 3, 3>(UVWW));
187 #else
188   *isect_u = U * inv_den;
189   *isect_v = V * inv_den;
190 #endif
191   *isect_t = T * inv_den;
192   return true;
194 #undef dot3
195 }
197 /* Tests for an intersection between a ray and a quad defined by
198  * its midpoint, normal and sides.
199  * If ellipse is true, hits outside the ellipse that's enclosed by the
200  * quad are rejected.
201  */
ray_quad_intersect(float3 ray_P,float3 ray_D,float ray_mint,float ray_maxt,float3 quad_P,float3 quad_u,float3 quad_v,float3 quad_n,float3 * isect_P,float * isect_t,float * isect_u,float * isect_v,bool ellipse)202 ccl_device bool ray_quad_intersect(float3 ray_P,
203                                    float3 ray_D,
204                                    float ray_mint,
205                                    float ray_maxt,
206                                    float3 quad_P,
207                                    float3 quad_u,
208                                    float3 quad_v,
209                                    float3 quad_n,
210                                    float3 *isect_P,
211                                    float *isect_t,
212                                    float *isect_u,
213                                    float *isect_v,
214                                    bool ellipse)
215 {
216   /* Perform intersection test. */
217   float t = -(dot(ray_P, quad_n) - dot(quad_P, quad_n)) / dot(ray_D, quad_n);
218   if (t < ray_mint || t > ray_maxt) {
219     return false;
220   }
221   const float3 hit = ray_P + t * ray_D;
222   const float3 inplane = hit - quad_P;
223   const float u = dot(inplane, quad_u) / dot(quad_u, quad_u);
224   if (u < -0.5f || u > 0.5f) {
225     return false;
226   }
227   const float v = dot(inplane, quad_v) / dot(quad_v, quad_v);
228   if (v < -0.5f || v > 0.5f) {
229     return false;
230   }
231   if (ellipse && (u * u + v * v > 0.25f)) {
232     return false;
233   }
234   /* Store the result. */
235   /* TODO(sergey): Check whether we can avoid some checks here. */
236   if (isect_P != NULL)
237     *isect_P = hit;
238   if (isect_t != NULL)
239     *isect_t = t;
240   if (isect_u != NULL)
241     *isect_u = u + 0.5f;
242   if (isect_v != NULL)
243     *isect_v = v + 0.5f;
244   return true;
245 }
249 #endif /* __UTIL_MATH_INTERSECT_H__ */