1{\rtf0\ansi{\fonttbl\f0\fmodern Courier;}
4\f0\b\fs24 \cf0 Cenon Changes in December 2000\
6\b0 \
10Date	File	Modification\
1202.12.00	German/Localized.strings	Positionierwege instead of Fahrwege\
1303.12.00	ioFunctions.m	ioPutInstruction() -> remove return values if !lookAhead\
14	Xyz.m	-wait -> call ioPutInstruction without look ahead\
15		-xyzMeasureToolOffset: -> lift z all the way up\
16		ZOriginPosition() -> tool offset added\
17	DPLayerDetails.nib	number of steps field allows two digits\
18	PPControl.nib	'Optimize Moves' -> new\
19	PPControl.m, h	optimize moves stuff -> new\
20	Editor2DView.m	-displayMoves: -> moves optimized\
21		-validateMenuItem -> -bringToFront:, -sendToBack: -> disabled if Prefs_OptimizeMoves\
22	PSImport.m	-interpret -> read space inside () correctly\
23	Sinking.m	-createOutput: -> remove outputStream on error\
26\b 3.40 beta 2\
28\b0 \
2904.12.00	DPLayerDetails.m	-update -> use SWITCH_INLAY for inlay not SWITCH_REVERTDIR\
30		-setSwitches: -> changeDir to know when we have to change the direction\
31	Main.nib	Positionierwege instead of Fahrwege\
32	Line.m	realBounds added\
33	Curve.m	realBounds can return 0 for width or height\
34	Editor2DView.m\
35	DPControl.m	VHFUnionRect() instead of NSUnionRect()\
36	types.h	VHFUnionRect() -> new\
37	e2Tile.m	-incrementSerialNumbers -> get serial number\
38		-incrementSerialNumbers -> only increment if pref switch is enabled\
39	TextGraphic.m	-createOutput: -> autorelease pool for serial number\
40		-createOutput: -> no retain for outputStream in serialStreams\
41	DPToolParms.m	-selectTool: -> activate Cenon afterwards\
42	DPBasicLevel.m, h	-isActive -> new\
43	DataPanel.m, h	-activeWindow -> new\
44	DPLayer.m	-setToolAt: -> set tool in magazine only if layer is active\
45	e2Tile.m	-setTileWithLimits: -> dirty when x or y changed\
46		-setTileWithLimits:, -buildTileCopies: -> increase size if larger as working area\
47	DPPosition.m	-sort -> new\
48		-load:, setName: -> call -sort\
49	IPPath.nib, m, h	originXField, originYField, sizeWidthField, sizeHeightField, -setOriginX:, -setOriginY:, setSizeWidth:, -setSizeHeight: -> new\
50	Path.m, h	-size, -setSize: -> new\
53\b 3.40 beta 3\
55\b0 \
56	TextGraphic.m, h	-boundingRectAtIndex: -> new\
57		-edit:in: -> setTextContainerInset: only if fe responds to\
58	TextPath.m	-drawWithPrincipal:, -flattenedObject... -> add 1/2 char width to character position\
5914.12.00	locations.h	FONT_EXT ... -> font\
60	Editor2DDocument.h,m	-saveFont -> new\
61	Type1Import.m,h	fehler rausgemacht\
62	Type1ImportSub.m,h	??\
63	standardEncoding.h	\
64	Font.m,h	fehler rausgemacht\
65	App.m, h	-openfile -> font added\
66		-listFromFile: -> font added, return id\
67		-saveAsPanel -> savePanelAccessory new\
68		-setSaveType: -> new\
69	Editor2DGraphic.m	-getSelection -> create new slaylist\
70	Editor2DView.h,m	-addLayerWithName... -> new\
71	LayerObject.m, h	-setTag:, -tag -> new\
72	Main.nib	savePanelAccessory -> new\
74\b 	Directory structure changed to Projects/Cenon/Source !!!!\
76\b0 	Font.m, h	-saveAs: -> -writeToFile:\
77	Font.m	*backupFilename = [filename stringByAppendingString:@"~"];\
78	Editor2DDocument.m	*backupFilename = [filename stringByAppendingString:@"~"];\
7917.12.00	Font.m	-updateFontMetrics -> gridRect nur in y um 0.5*gridOffset\
80		-getCharStringFromList -> gridRect nur in y um 0.5*gridOffset\
81		-viele: alle Werte floor(VAL*scale) !!!!!\
82	Type1Import.m	-createFontGrid -> grid links raus kleiner\
83	Type1ImportSub.m	-setBounds: -> p auf x=0 und y 0.5*gridOffset gesetzt\
84	Curve.m	-hitEdge auch p1 und p2\
85		-scrollRect: -> else added\
86	Path.m	-scrollRect: -> code for selected object added\
8718.12.00	Editor2DDocument.m	+new, +newFromFile:, +newFromList: -> release view\
88		-windowDidResignMain -> update data panel\
89	Editor2DView.m	createBuffer() -> release all the stuff\
90		-dealloc -> release cacheWindow\
91		-initView -> call addLayer of view\
92	Editor2DWindow.m	-close -> new, stops timer\
93		-windowDidResignKey: -> data panel update removed\
94	DPLayer.m	-addLayerWithName:.. -> set layerObject for all cells\
97\b next 3.40 beta 4\