1 /* -*- C++ -*-
2  * File: unprocessed_raw.cpp
3  * Copyright 2009-2021 LibRaw LLC (info@libraw.org)
4  * Created: Fri Jan 02, 2009
5  *
6  * LibRaw sample
7  * Generates unprocessed raw image: with masked pixels and without black
8 subtraction
9  *
11 LibRaw is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
12 it under the terms of the one of two licenses as you choose:
15    (See file LICENSE.LGPL provided in LibRaw distribution archive for details).
18    (See file LICENSE.CDDL provided in LibRaw distribution archive for details).
20  */
21 #include <stdio.h>
22 #include <string.h>
23 #include <math.h>
24 #include <time.h>
26 #include "libraw/libraw.h"
28 #ifndef LIBRAW_WIN32_CALLS
29 #include <netinet/in.h>
30 #else
31 #include <sys/utime.h>
32 #include <winsock2.h>
33 #endif
35 #ifdef LIBRAW_WIN32_CALLS
36 #define snprintf _snprintf
37 #endif
40 #error This code is for LibRaw 0.14+ only
41 #endif
43 void gamma_curve(unsigned short curve[]);
44 void write_ppm(unsigned width, unsigned height, unsigned short *bitmap,
45                const char *basename);
46 void write_tiff(int width, int height, unsigned short *bitmap,
47                 const char *basename);
main(int ac,char * av[])49 int main(int ac, char *av[])
50 {
51   int i, ret;
52   int verbose = 1, autoscale = 0, use_gamma = 0, out_tiff = 0;
53   char outfn[1024];
55   LibRaw RawProcessor;
56   if (ac < 2)
57   {
58   usage:
59     printf("unprocessed_raw - LibRaw %s sample. %d cameras supported\n"
60            "Usage: %s [-q] [-A] [-g] [-s N] raw-files....\n"
61            "\t-q - be quiet\n"
62            "\t-s N - select Nth image in file (default=0)\n"
63            "\t-g - use gamma correction with gamma 2.2 (not precise,use for "
64            "visual inspection only)\n"
65            "\t-A - autoscaling (by integer factor)\n"
66            "\t-T - write tiff instead of pgm\n",
67            LibRaw::version(), LibRaw::cameraCount(), av[0]);
68     return 0;
69   }
71 #define S RawProcessor.imgdata.sizes
72 #define OUT RawProcessor.imgdata.params
73 #define OUTR RawProcessor.imgdata.rawparams
75   for (i = 1; i < ac; i++)
76   {
77     if (av[i][0] == '-')
78     {
79       if (av[i][1] == 'q' && av[i][2] == 0)
80         verbose = 0;
81       else if (av[i][1] == 'A' && av[i][2] == 0)
82         autoscale = 1;
83       else if (av[i][1] == 'g' && av[i][2] == 0)
84         use_gamma = 1;
85       else if (av[i][1] == 'T' && av[i][2] == 0)
86         out_tiff = 1;
87       else if (av[i][1] == 's' && av[i][2] == 0)
88       {
89         i++;
90         OUTR.shot_select = av[i] ? atoi(av[i]) : 0;
91       }
92       else
93         goto usage;
94       continue;
95     }
97     if (verbose)
98       printf("Processing file %s\n", av[i]);
99     if ((ret = RawProcessor.open_file(av[i])) != LIBRAW_SUCCESS)
100     {
101       fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open %s: %s\n", av[i], libraw_strerror(ret));
102       continue; // no recycle b/c open file will recycle itself
103     }
104     if (verbose)
105     {
106       printf("Image size: %dx%d\nRaw size: %dx%d\n", S.width, S.height,
107              S.raw_width, S.raw_height);
108       printf("Margins: top=%d, left=%d\n", S.top_margin, S.left_margin);
109     }
111     if ((ret = RawProcessor.unpack()) != LIBRAW_SUCCESS)
112     {
113       fprintf(stderr, "Cannot unpack %s: %s\n", av[i], libraw_strerror(ret));
114       continue;
115     }
117     if (verbose)
118       printf("Unpacked....\n");
120     if (!(RawProcessor.imgdata.idata.filters ||
121           RawProcessor.imgdata.idata.colors == 1))
122     {
123       printf("Only Bayer-pattern RAW files supported, sorry....\n");
124       continue;
125     }
127     if (autoscale)
128     {
129       unsigned max = 0, scale;
130       for (int j = 0; j < S.raw_height * S.raw_width; j++)
131         if (max < RawProcessor.imgdata.rawdata.raw_image[j])
132           max = RawProcessor.imgdata.rawdata.raw_image[j];
133       if (max > 0 && max < 1 << 15)
134       {
135         scale = (1 << 16) / max;
136         if (verbose)
137           printf("Scaling with multiplier=%d (max=%d)\n", scale, max);
139         for (int j = 0; j < S.raw_height * S.raw_width; j++)
140           RawProcessor.imgdata.rawdata.raw_image[j] *= scale;
141       }
142     }
143     if (use_gamma)
144     {
145       unsigned short curve[0x10000];
146       gamma_curve(curve);
147       for (int j = 0; j < S.raw_height * S.raw_width; j++)
148         RawProcessor.imgdata.rawdata.raw_image[j] =
149             curve[RawProcessor.imgdata.rawdata.raw_image[j]];
150       if (verbose)
151         printf("Gamma-corrected....\n");
152     }
154     if (OUTR.shot_select)
155       snprintf(outfn, sizeof(outfn), "%s-%d.%s", av[i], OUTR.shot_select,
156                out_tiff ? "tiff" : "pgm");
157     else
158       snprintf(outfn, sizeof(outfn), "%s.%s", av[i], out_tiff ? "tiff" : "pgm");
160     if (out_tiff)
161       write_tiff(S.raw_width, S.raw_height,
162                  RawProcessor.imgdata.rawdata.raw_image, outfn);
163     else
164       write_ppm(S.raw_width, S.raw_height,
165                 RawProcessor.imgdata.rawdata.raw_image, outfn);
167     if (verbose)
168       printf("Stored to file %s\n", outfn);
169   }
170   return 0;
171 }
write_ppm(unsigned width,unsigned height,unsigned short * bitmap,const char * fname)173 void write_ppm(unsigned width, unsigned height, unsigned short *bitmap,
174                const char *fname)
175 {
176   if (!bitmap)
177     return;
179   FILE *f = fopen(fname, "wb");
180   if (!f)
181     return;
182   int bits = 16;
183   fprintf(f, "P5\n%d %d\n%d\n", width, height, (1 << bits) - 1);
184   unsigned char *data = (unsigned char *)bitmap;
185   unsigned data_size = width * height * 2;
186 #define SWAP(a, b)                                                             \
187   {                                                                            \
188     a ^= b;                                                                    \
189     a ^= (b ^= a);                                                             \
190   }
191   for (unsigned i = 0; i < data_size; i += 2)
192     SWAP(data[i], data[i + 1]);
193 #undef SWAP
194   fwrite(data, data_size, 1, f);
195   fclose(f);
196 }
198 /*  == gamma curve and tiff writer - simplified cut'n'paste from dcraw.c */
200 #define SQR(x) ((x) * (x))
gamma_curve(unsigned short * curve)202 void gamma_curve(unsigned short *curve)
203 {
205   double pwr = 1.0 / 2.2;
206   double ts = 0.0;
207   int imax = 0xffff;
208   int mode = 2;
209   int i;
210   double g[6], bnd[2] = {0, 0}, r;
212   g[0] = pwr;
213   g[1] = ts;
214   g[2] = g[3] = g[4] = 0;
215   bnd[g[1] >= 1] = 1;
216   if (g[1] && (g[1] - 1) * (g[0] - 1) <= 0)
217   {
218     for (i = 0; i < 48; i++)
219     {
220       g[2] = (bnd[0] + bnd[1]) / 2;
221       if (g[0])
222         bnd[(pow(g[2] / g[1], -g[0]) - 1) / g[0] - 1 / g[2] > -1] = g[2];
223       else
224         bnd[g[2] / exp(1 - 1 / g[2]) < g[1]] = g[2];
225     }
226     g[3] = g[2] / g[1];
227     if (g[0])
228       g[4] = g[2] * (1 / g[0] - 1);
229   }
230   if (g[0])
231     g[5] = 1 / (g[1] * SQR(g[3]) / 2 - g[4] * (1 - g[3]) +
232                 (1 - pow(g[3], 1 + g[0])) * (1 + g[4]) / (1 + g[0])) -
233            1;
234   else
235     g[5] = 1 / (g[1] * SQR(g[3]) / 2 + 1 - g[2] - g[3] -
236                 g[2] * g[3] * (log(g[3]) - 1)) -
237            1;
238   for (i = 0; i < 0x10000; i++)
239   {
240     curve[i] = 0xffff;
241     if ((r = (double)i / imax) < 1)
242       curve[i] =
243           0x10000 *
244           (mode ? (r < g[3] ? r * g[1]
245                             : (g[0] ? pow(r, g[0]) * (1 + g[4]) - g[4]
246                                     : log(r) * g[2] + 1))
247                 : (r < g[2] ? r / g[1]
248                             : (g[0] ? pow((r + g[4]) / (1 + g[4]), 1 / g[0])
249                                     : exp((r - 1) / g[2]))));
250   }
251 }
tiff_set(ushort * ntag,ushort tag,ushort type,int count,int val)253 void tiff_set(ushort *ntag, ushort tag, ushort type, int count, int val)
254 {
255   struct libraw_tiff_tag *tt;
256   int c;
258   tt = (struct libraw_tiff_tag *)(ntag + 1) + (*ntag)++;
259   tt->tag = tag;
260   tt->type = type;
261   tt->count = count;
262   if ((type < LIBRAW_EXIFTAG_TYPE_SHORT) && (count <= 4))
263     for (c = 0; c < 4; c++)
264       tt->val.c[c] = val >> (c << 3);
265   else if (tagtypeIs(LIBRAW_EXIFTAG_TYPE_SHORT) && (count <= 2))
266     for (c = 0; c < 2; c++)
267       tt->val.s[c] = val >> (c << 4);
268   else
269     tt->val.i = val;
270 }
271 #define TOFF(ptr) ((char *)(&(ptr)) - (char *)th)
tiff_head(int width,int height,struct tiff_hdr * th)273 void tiff_head(int width, int height, struct tiff_hdr *th)
274 {
275   int c;
276   time_t timestamp = time(NULL);
277   struct tm *t;
279   memset(th, 0, sizeof *th);
280   th->t_order = htonl(0x4d4d4949) >> 16;
281   th->magic = 42;
282   th->ifd = 10;
283   tiff_set(&th->ntag, 254, 4, 1, 0);
284   tiff_set(&th->ntag, 256, 4, 1, width);
285   tiff_set(&th->ntag, 257, 4, 1, height);
286   tiff_set(&th->ntag, 258, 3, 1, 16);
287   for (c = 0; c < 4; c++)
288     th->bps[c] = 16;
289   tiff_set(&th->ntag, 259, 3, 1, 1);
290   tiff_set(&th->ntag, 262, 3, 1, 1);
291   tiff_set(&th->ntag, 273, 4, 1, sizeof *th);
292   tiff_set(&th->ntag, 277, 3, 1, 1);
293   tiff_set(&th->ntag, 278, 4, 1, height);
294   tiff_set(&th->ntag, 279, 4, 1, height * width * 2);
295   tiff_set(&th->ntag, 282, 5, 1, TOFF(th->rat[0]));
296   tiff_set(&th->ntag, 283, 5, 1, TOFF(th->rat[2]));
297   tiff_set(&th->ntag, 284, 3, 1, 1);
298   tiff_set(&th->ntag, 296, 3, 1, 2);
299   tiff_set(&th->ntag, 306, 2, 20, TOFF(th->date));
300   th->rat[0] = th->rat[2] = 300;
301   th->rat[1] = th->rat[3] = 1;
302   t = localtime(&timestamp);
303   if (t)
304     sprintf(th->date, "%04d:%02d:%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", t->tm_year + 1900,
305             t->tm_mon + 1, t->tm_mday, t->tm_hour, t->tm_min, t->tm_sec);
306 }
write_tiff(int width,int height,unsigned short * bitmap,const char * fn)308 void write_tiff(int width, int height, unsigned short *bitmap, const char *fn)
309 {
310   struct tiff_hdr th;
312   FILE *ofp = fopen(fn, "wb");
313   if (!ofp)
314     return;
315   tiff_head(width, height, &th);
316   fwrite(&th, sizeof th, 1, ofp);
317   fwrite(bitmap, 2, width * height, ofp);
318   fclose(ofp);
319 }