1This is Dataplot data file   TPPF.DAT
2Percent Point Function Values
3for Student's t distribution
4Number of observations             = 41
5Number of variables per line image = 14
6Order of variables per line image--
7   1. Variable nu  = degrees of freedom = tail-length index
8   2. 50% point    = value such that 50%    of probability is to the left (= 0 for all nu)
9   3. 75% point    = value such that 75%    of probability is to the left
10   4. 80% point    = value such that 80%    of probability is to the left
11   5. 85% point    = value such that 85%    of probability is to the left
12   6. 90% point    = value such that 90%    of probability is to the left
13   7. 95% point    = value such that 95%    of probability is to the left
14   8. 97.5% point  = value such that 97.5%  of probability is to the left
15   9. 98% point    = value such that 98%    of probability is to the left
16  10. 99% point    = value such that 99%    of probability is to the left
17  11. 99.5% point  = value such that 99.5%  of probability is to the left
18  12. 99.75% point = value such that 99.75% of probability is to the left
19  13. 99.9% point  = value such that 99.9%  of probability is to the left
20  14. 99.95% point = value such that 99.95% of probability is to the left
21To read this file into Dataplot--
24   nu   .50     .75     .80     .85     .90        .95      .975       .98     .99     .995     .9975    .999     .9995
26    1  0.0000  1.0000  1.3764  1.9626  3.0777     6.3137  12.7062    15.8945 31.8205 63.6567 127.3245 318.3129 636.6654
27    2  0.0000  0.8165  1.0607  1.3862  1.8856     2.9200   4.3026     4.8487  6.9646  9.9248  14.0892  22.3273  31.6002
28    3  0.0000  0.7649  0.9785  1.2498  1.6377     2.3534   3.1824     3.4819  4.5407  5.8409   7.4534  10.2146  12.9243
29    4  0.0000  0.7407  0.9410  1.1896  1.5332     2.1318   2.7764     2.9985  3.7469  4.6041   5.5976   7.1732   8.6105
30    5  0.0000  0.7267  0.9195  1.1558  1.4759     2.0150   2.5706     2.7565  3.3649  4.0321   4.7734   5.8934   6.8689
32    6  0.0000  0.7176  0.9057  1.1342  1.4398     1.9432   2.4469     2.6122  3.1427  3.7074   4.3168   5.2076   5.9589
33    7  0.0000  0.7111  0.8960  1.1192  1.4149     1.8946   2.3646     2.5167  2.9977  3.4989   4.0281   4.7821   5.4019
34    8  0.0000  0.7064  0.8889  1.1081  1.3968     1.8595   2.3060     2.4489  2.8963  3.3551   3.8319   4.4992   5.0384
35    9  0.0000  0.7027  0.8834  1.0997  1.3830     1.8331   2.2621     2.3984  2.8214  3.2497   3.6893   4.2959   4.7793
36   10  0.0000  0.6998  0.8791  1.0931  1.3722     1.8125   2.2281     2.3593  2.7637  3.1692   3.5812   4.1432   4.5860
38   11  0.0000  0.6974  0.8755  1.0877  1.3634     1.7959   2.2010     2.3281  2.7181  3.1058   3.4965   4.0244   4.4364
39   12  0.0000  0.6955  0.8726  1.0832  1.3562     1.7823   2.1788     2.3027  2.6810  3.0545   3.4284   3.9294   4.3175
40   13  0.0000  0.6938  0.8702  1.0795  1.3502     1.7709   2.1604     2.2816  2.6503  3.0123   3.3724   3.8519   4.2206
41   14  0.0000  0.6924  0.8681  1.0763  1.3450     1.7613   2.1448     2.2638  2.6245  2.9768   3.3257   3.7873   4.1403
42   15  0.0000  0.6912  0.8662  1.0735  1.3406     1.7531   2.1314     2.2485  2.6025  2.9467   3.2860   3.7328   4.0727
44   16  0.0000  0.6901  0.8647  1.0711  1.3368     1.7459   2.1199     2.2354  2.5835  2.9208   3.2520   3.6861   4.0149
45   17  0.0000  0.6892  0.8633  1.0690  1.3334     1.7396   2.1098     2.2238  2.5669  2.8982   3.2224   3.6457   3.9651
46   18  0.0000  0.6884  0.8620  1.0672  1.3304     1.7341   2.1009     2.2137  2.5524  2.8784   3.1966   3.6105   3.9216
47   19  0.0000  0.6876  0.8610  1.0655  1.3277     1.7291   2.0930     2.2047  2.5395  2.8609   3.1737   3.5794   3.8834
48   20  0.0000  0.6870  0.8600  1.0640  1.3253     1.7247   2.0860     2.1967  2.5280  2.8453   3.1534   3.5518   3.8495
50   21  0.0000  0.6864  0.8591  1.0627  1.3232     1.7207   2.0796     2.1894  2.5176  2.8314   3.1352   3.5271   3.8193
51   22  0.0000  0.6858  0.8583  1.0614  1.3212     1.7171   2.0739     2.1829  2.5083  2.8188   3.1188   3.5050   3.7921
52   23  0.0000  0.6853  0.8575  1.0603  1.3195     1.7139   2.0687     2.1770  2.4999  2.8073   3.1040   3.4850   3.7676
53   24  0.0000  0.6848  0.8569  1.0593  1.3178     1.7109   2.0639     2.1715  2.4922  2.7969   3.0905   3.4668   3.7454
54   25  0.0000  0.6844  0.8562  1.0584  1.3163     1.7081   2.0595     2.1666  2.4851  2.7874   3.0782   3.4502   3.7252
56   26  0.0000  0.6840  0.8557  1.0575  1.3150     1.7056   2.0555     2.1620  2.4786  2.7787   3.0669   3.4350   3.7066
57   27  0.0000  0.6837  0.8551  1.0567  1.3137     1.7033   2.0518     2.1578  2.4727  2.7707   3.0565   3.4210   3.6896
58   28  0.0000  0.6834  0.8546  1.0560  1.3125     1.7011   2.0484     2.1539  2.4671  2.7633   3.0469   3.4082   3.6739
59   29  0.0000  0.6830  0.8542  1.0553  1.3114     1.6991   2.0452     2.1503  2.4620  2.7564   3.0381   3.3962   3.6594
60   30  0.0000  0.6828  0.8538  1.0547  1.3104     1.6973   2.0423     2.1470  2.4573  2.7500   3.0298   3.3852   3.6460
62   40  0.0000  0.6807  0.8507  1.0500  1.3031     1.6839   2.0211     2.1229  2.4233  2.7045   2.9712   3.3069   3.5510
63   50  0.0000  0.6794  0.8489  1.0473  1.2987     1.6759   2.0086     2.1087  2.4033  2.6778   2.9370   3.2614   3.4960
64   60  0.0000  0.6786  0.8477  1.0455  1.2958     1.6706   2.0003     2.0994  2.3901  2.6603   2.9146   3.2317   3.4602
65   70  0.0000  0.6780  0.8468  1.0442  1.2938     1.6669   1.9944     2.0927  2.3808  2.6479   2.8987   3.2108   3.4350
66   80  0.0000  0.6776  0.8461  1.0432  1.2922     1.6641   1.9901     2.0878  2.3739  2.6387   2.8870   3.1953   3.4164
68   90  0.0000  0.6772  0.8456  1.0424  1.2910     1.6620   1.9867     2.0839  2.3685  2.6316   2.8779   3.1833   3.4020
69  100  0.0000  0.6770  0.8452  1.0418  1.2901     1.6602   1.9840     2.0809  2.3642  2.6259   2.8707   3.1737   3.3905
70  200  0.0000  0.6757  0.8434  1.0391  1.2858     1.6525   1.9719     2.0672  2.3451  2.6006   2.8385   3.1315   3.3399
71  500  0.0000  0.6750  0.8423  1.0375  1.2832     1.6479   1.9647     2.0591  2.3338  2.5857   2.8196   3.1066   3.3101
72 1000  0.0000  0.6747  0.8420  1.0370  1.2824     1.6464   1.9623     2.0564  2.3301  2.5808   2.8133   3.0984   3.3003
74Normal 0.0000  0.6745  0.8416  1.0364  1.2816     1.6449   1.9600     2.0538  2.3264  2.5758   2.8070   3.0902   3.2906