1import QtQuick 2.12
2import "../colors.js" as Colors
4Rectangle {
5    id: root
6    property real uiScale: 1
7    width: 300 * uiScale
8    height: 300 * uiScale
9    color: "#00000000"
10    property bool isCurrentItem
11    property string rootDir
12    property string searchID
13    property int captureTime
14    property int importTime
15    property int lastProcessedTime
16    property int rating
17    property string filename
18    property int thumbWritten
20    property string __thumbPath: (Qt.platform.os == "windows" ? 'file:///' : 'file://') + rootDir + '/'+ searchID.slice(0,4) + '/' + searchID + '.jpg'
22    signal tooltipWanted(string text, int x, int y)
23    signal selectImage()
24    signal enqueueImage()
25    signal rate(int ratingIn)
27    property bool flashing: false
29    Rectangle {
30        id: backgroundRect
31        anchors.fill: parent
32        //When they are equal in the DB, this sometimes turned on randomly.
33        //Subtracting 1 from the lastProcessedTime makes it not.
34        color: flashing ? Colors.medOrange : (importTime < (lastProcessedTime-1)) ? "green" : "#000000"
35        opacity: isCurrentItem ? .3 : .1
36    }
38    Loader {
39        id: loadThumb
40        asynchronous: true
41        anchors.centerIn: parent
42        //sourceComponent: thumbImage
43    }
45    Component {
46        id: thumbImage
47        Image {
48            id: thumb
49            width: 290 * uiScale
50            height: 290 * uiScale
51            fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
52            source: root.__thumbPath
53            sourceSize.width: 290 * uiScale
54            sourceSize.height: 290 * uiScale
55            cache: false
56        }
57    }
58    Component {
59        id: thumbPlaceholder
60        Text {
61            id: thumbMissingText
62            width: 290 * uiScale
63            height: 290 * uiScale
64            horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
65            verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
66            text: qsTr("Image file is\nunreadable")
67            color: "white"
68            font.pixelSize: 12.0 * uiScale
69        }
70    }
71    Component.onCompleted: {
72        if (thumbWritten === -1) {
73            loadThumb.sourceComponent = thumbPlaceholder
74        }
75        else {
76            loadThumb.sourceComponent = thumbImage
77        }
78    }
80    ToolTip {
81        id: tooltip
82        anchors.fill: loadThumb
83        tooltipText: root.filename + '\n' + organizeModel.getDateTimeString(root.captureTime)
84        Component.onCompleted: {
85            tooltip.tooltipWanted.connect(root.tooltipWanted)
86        }
87    }
88    Rectangle {
89        id: ratingRect
90        x: 0
91        y: rating >= 0 ? 0 : 295*uiScale
92        height: 5 * uiScale
93        width: (rating >= 0) ? root.width * rating/5 : root.width
94        color: ratingArea.pressed ? "#00000000" : ((rating >= 0) ? Colors.medOrange : "red")
95    }
96    MouseArea {
97        id: imageEnqueuer
98        anchors.fill: parent
99        onClicked: root.selectImage()
100        onDoubleClicked: {
101            root.enqueueImage()
102            root.flashing = true
103            enqueueBlinker.start()
104        }
105    }
106    Timer {
107        id: enqueueBlinker
108        interval: 200
109        onTriggered: root.flashing = false
110    }
112    MouseArea {
113        id: ratingArea
114        enabled: root.isCurrentItem
115        hoverEnabled: true
116        x: 0
117        y: 0
118        width: 300 * uiScale
119        height: 20 * uiScale
120        onClicked: {
121            root.rate(ratingArea.mouseX > root.width/10 ? Math.ceil(ratingArea.mouseX * 5 / root.width) : 0)
122        }
123        Rectangle {
124            id: tempRatingRect
125            x: 0
126            y: 0
127            width: Math.ceil(ratingArea.mouseX * 5 / root.width) * root.width / 5
128            height: ratingArea.containsMouse ? 20 * uiScale : 0
129            color: ratingArea.mouseX > root.width/10 ? Colors.medOrange : Colors.darkGray
130            border.width: 2*uiScale
131            border.color: Colors.medOrange
132            opacity: 0.8
133        }
134    }
135    onThumbWrittenChanged: {
136        if (thumbWritten === 1) {
137            loadThumb.source = ""
138            loadThumb.sourceComponent = thumbImage
139        }
140        else if (thumbWritten === -1) {
141            loadThumb.sourceComponent = thumbPlaceholder
142        }
143        //If it's 0, then we wait for it to become 1.
144    }