1.. _sponsoring-faq:
4Sponsoring FAQ
7Why does GDAL need sponsorship?
10GDAL is the most central piece of [Critical Digital
12in the geospatial world, serving as the primary building block for data management and processing
13in open source, commercial, and government geospatial software. But most of the resources to it
14have gone to the development of new features, while the maintenance burden has only increased with
15more functionality.
17The purpose of sponsor funding is to provide substantial long-acting resources
18that give the project the ability to address software, testing, and project
19challenges that do not attract individual sponsorship attention. With
20a pool of resources that are not earmarked for features, it can
21attack usability, performance, and modernization challenges that benefit everyone.
22Sustained funding enables multi-year efforts that do not
23disrupt the existing GDAL user base, and it will provide the baseline
24resources to allow day-to-day maintenance operations to continue uninterrupted.
26The larger funding levels enabled by sponsorship aim to help GDAL grow to a team of maintainers,
27as is typical in other leading open source projects. The past few years have seen only one maintainer,
28who has been stretched thin. The resources provided by this effort allow maintenance activities to
29continue *and* allow the project to support on-boarding additional developers to tackle various needs
30of the project that have been ignored due to lack of direct funding interest.
32My organization wants to sponsor. How can we do that?
35To learn about the benefits of becoming a sponsor at
36various levels start with the `Sustainable GDAL Sponsorship Prospectus`_.
37If you are interested, need help convincing your key decision-makers, or have
38any questions, don't hesitate to contact gdal-sponsors@osgeo.org.
40.. _Sustainable GDAL Sponsorship Prospectus: https://gdal.org/sponsors/Sustainable%20GDAL%20Sponsorship%20Prospectus.pdf
42What is NumFOCUS and why is the project using that foundation rather than using OSGeo for this effort?
45`NumFOCUS <https://numfocus.org>`__ is a US-based 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit that is already managing
46funding for many individual software projects using this model such as Numpy,
47Jupyter, pandas, Julia, and SciPy. They have staff, policies, procedures, and
48infrastructure for managing the financial support of open source software
49projects with this funding model. Many organizations in the initial list of
50sponsors are already funding projects through NumFOCUS, and adding GDAL to the
51roster improves efficiency on their side.
53`OSGeo <https://www.osgeo.org>`__  does not have staff and procedures to manage tracking workloads and
54payments. OSGeo also does not provide tax-exempt status for contributions.
55NumFOCUS has established relationships with a large number of the initial
56sponsors. These properties are why the GDAL PSC has chosen the NumFOCUS path
57for management of this effort.
59So GDAL is a NumFOCUS project now?
62Not exactly. GDAL will be a project within NumFOCUS under the "Grantor-Grantee Model".
63OSGeo is still the primary foundational "home" of GDAL such as it is, but NumFOCUS
64is providing this financial vehicle and service to the project under the purview of
65its charter.
67What is the project going to do with the money?
70* The GDAL PSC will control the purse strings. Contributors seeking resources
71  will submit a proposal to the PSC (RFC-style, but not public) describing the
72  tasks and efforts they will seek to achieve. Any substantial efforts with
73  external impacts will continue to be required to use the GDAL RFC process as
74  described in :ref:`rfc-1`.
76* Developers will be able submit requests to the GDAL PSC for 'maintenance
77  work units', which could encompass ticket i/o and related code improvements,
78  CI grooming, mailing list gardening, and fuzzing response activities.
80* A significant portion (25% per year if possible) of the resources will be targeted toward
81  *growing* new active developers into the project. Examples of this include
82  soliciting ticket and code contributors with funding if they show interest
83  and aptitude, and providing resources to mentor and support junior developers who are
84  working into roles in the project.  These activities are
85  extremely hard to do without financial support.
87* Spot resources will be available to attack needs that have difficulty finding
88  funded attention, such as API improvements in support of specific application
89  niches and subsystem refreshes like build, tests, and CI. The GDAL PSC could
90  fund significant RFCs that demonstrate need and agreement on an ad hoc basis.
92* The GDAL PSC will delegate some resources to GDAL-related projects and
93  dependencies – libtiff, libgeotiff, PROJ, shapelib, and the various language
94  bindings and libraries. If more resources than the GDAL project itself can
95  use are available for a particular year, the project will open them up to the
96  wider community of related libraries and users to repurpose them.
98How can the resources be used?
101The funds cannot be used benefit an individual contributor or be directed by a
102contributor through the non-profit organization. For example, a fictional
103Imagery Corp cannot fund NumFOCUS with explicit intent to have those resources
104used to fix bugs or add features that benefit Imagery Corp. Imagery Corp can
105still continue to solicit GDAL active contributors, or actively contribute the
106fixes themselves, to achieve their goals with the software.
108How is this going to impact GDAL software releases?
111A primary goal of this effort is to provide resources needed to allow the current
112GDAL maintainer to
113keep up the existing release schedule and cadence. Without these resources, the
114schedule was likely to have significantly stretched out to one or two
115maintenance releases per year.
117Can I use some of the funding to support fixing something?
120Quite possibly. The GDAL PSC will provide a proposal template where you will
121need to describe the issue(s), propose the approach and impacts of it, and
122state your cost to complete the effort.