1 /*
2  #
3  #  File        : nlmeans.h
4  #                ( C++ header file - CImg plug-in )
5  #
6  #  Description : CImg plugin that implements the non-local mean filter.
7  #                This file is a part of the CImg Library project.
8  #                ( http://cimg.eu )
9  #
10  #  [1] Buades, A.; Coll, B.; Morel, J.-M.: A non-local algorithm for image denoising
11  #      IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2005. CVPR 2005.
12  #      Volume 2,  20-25 June 2005 Page(s):60 - 65 vol. 2
13  #
14  #  [2] Buades, A. Coll, B. and Morel, J.: A review of image denoising algorithms, with a new one.
15  #      Multiscale Modeling and Simulation: A SIAM Interdisciplinary Journal 4 (2004) 490-530
16  #
17  #  [3] Gasser, T. Sroka,L. Jennen Steinmetz,C. Residual variance and residual pattern nonlinear regression.
18  #      Biometrika 73 (1986) 625-659
19  #
20  #  Copyright   : Jerome Boulanger
21  #                ( http://www.irisa.fr/vista/Equipe/People/Jerome.Boulanger.html )
22  #
23  #  License     : CeCILL v2.0
24  #                ( http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL_V2-en.html )
25  #
26  #  This software is governed by the CeCILL  license under French law and
27  #  abiding by the rules of distribution of free software.  You can  use,
28  #  modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
29  #  license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
30  #  "http://www.cecill.info".
31  #
32  #  As a counterpart to the access to the source code and  rights to copy,
33  #  modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
34  #  with a limited warranty  and the software's author,  the holder of the
35  #  economic rights,  and the successive licensors  have only  limited
36  #  liability.
37  #
38  #  In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
39  #  with loading,  using,  modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
40  #  software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
41  #  that may mean  that it is complicated to manipulate,  and  that  also
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48  #
49  #  The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
50  #  knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms.
51  #
52 */
54 #ifndef cimg_plugin_nlmeans
55 #define cimg_plugin_nlmeans
57 //! NL-Means denoising algorithm.
58 /**
59    This is the in-place version of get_nlmean().
60 **/
61 CImg<T>& nlmeans(int patch_size=1, double lambda=-1, double alpha=3, double sigma=-1, int sampling=1){
62   if (!is_empty()){
63     if (sigma<0) sigma = std::sqrt(variance_noise()); // noise variance estimation
64     const double np = (2*patch_size + 1)*(2*patch_size + 1)*spectrum()/(double)sampling;
65     if (lambda<0) {// Bandwidth estimation
66       if (np<100)
67         lambda = ((((((1.1785e-12*np - 5.1827e-10)*np + 9.5946e-08)*np -
68                      9.7798e-06)*np + 6.0756e-04)*np - 0.0248)*np + 1.9203)*np + 7.9599;
69       else
70         lambda = (-7.2611e-04*np + 1.3213)*np + 15.2726;
71     }
72 #if cimg_debug>=1
73     std::fprintf(stderr,"Size of the patch                              : %dx%d \n",
74                  2*patch_size + 1,2*patch_size + 1);
75     std::fprintf(stderr,"Size of window where similar patch are looked for : %dx%d \n",
76                  (int)(alpha*(2*patch_size + 1)),(int)(alpha*(2*patch_size + 1)));
77     std::fprintf(stderr,"Bandwidth of the kernel                                : %fx%f^2 \n",
78                  lambda,sigma);
79     std::fprintf(stderr,"Noise standard deviation estimated to          : %f \n",
80                  sigma);
81 #endif
83     CImg<T> dest(width(),height(),depth(),spectrum(),0);
84     double *uhat = new double[spectrum()];
85     const double h2 = -.5/(lambda*sigma*sigma); // [Kervrann] notations
86     if (depth()!=1){ // 3D case
87       const CImg<> P = (*this).get_blur(1); // inspired from Mahmoudi&Sapiro SPletter dec 05
88       const int n_simu = 64;
89       CImg<> tmp(n_simu,n_simu,n_simu);
90       const double sig = std::sqrt(tmp.fill(0.f).noise(sigma).blur(1).pow(2.).sum()/(n_simu*n_simu*n_simu));
91       const int
92         patch_size_z = 0,
93         pxi = (int)(alpha*patch_size),
94         pyi = (int)(alpha*patch_size),
95         pzi = 2; //Define the size of the neighborhood in z
96       for (int zi = 0; zi<depth(); ++zi) {
97 #if cimg_debug>=1
98         std::fprintf(stderr,"\rProcessing : %3d %%",(int)((float)zi/(float)depth()*100.));fflush(stdout);
99 #endif
100         for (int yi = 0; yi<height(); ++yi)
101           for (int xi = 0; xi<width(); ++xi) {
102             cimg_forC(*this,v) uhat[v] = 0;
103             float sw = 0, wmax = -1;
104             for (int zj = std::max(0,zi - pzi); zj<std::min(depth(),zi + pzi + 1); ++zj)
105               for (int yj = std::max(0,yi - pyi); yj<std::min(height(),yi + pyi + 1); ++yj)
106                 for (int xj = std::max(0,xi - pxi); xj<std::min(width(),xi + pxi + 1); ++xj)
107                   if (cimg::abs(P(xi,yi,zi) - P(xj,yj,zj))/sig<3) {
108                     double d = 0;
109                     int n = 0;
110                     if (xi!=xj && yi!=yj && zi!=zj){
111                       for (int kz = -patch_size_z; kz<patch_size_z + 1; kz+=sampling) {
112                         int
113                           zj_ = zj + kz,
114                           zi_ = zi + kz;
115                         if (zj_>=0 && zj_<depth() && zi_>=0 && zi_<depth())
116                           for (int ky = -patch_size; ky<=patch_size; ky+=sampling) {
117                             int
118                               yj_ = yj + ky,
119                               yi_ = yi + ky;
120                             if (yj_>=0 && yj_<height() && yi_>=0 && yi_<height())
121                               for (int kx = -patch_size; kx<=patch_size; kx+=sampling) {
122                                 int
123                                   xj_ = xj + kx,
124                                   xi_ = xi + kx;
125                                 if (xj_>=0 && xj_<width() && xi_>=0 && xi_<width())
126                                   cimg_forC(*this,v) {
127                                     double d1 = (*this)(xj_,yj_,zj_,v) - (*this)(xi_,yi_,zi_,v);
128                                     d+=d1*d1;
129                                     ++n;
130                                   }
131                               }
132                           }
133                       }
134                       float w = (float)std::exp(d*h2);
135                       wmax = w>wmax?w:wmax;
136                       cimg_forC(*this,v) uhat[v]+=w*(*this)(xj,yj,zj,v);
137                       sw+=w;
138                     }
139                   }
140             // add the central pixel
141             cimg_forC(*this,v) uhat[v]+=wmax*(*this)(xi,yi,zi,v);
142             sw+=wmax;
143             if (sw) cimg_forC(*this,v) dest(xi,yi,zi,v) = (T)(uhat[v]/=sw);
144             else cimg_forC(*this,v) dest(xi,yi,zi,v) = (*this)(xi,yi,zi,v);
145           }
146       }
147     }
148     else { // 2D case
149       const CImg<> P = (*this).get_blur(1); // inspired from Mahmoudi&Sapiro SPletter dec 05
150       const int n_simu = 512;
151       CImg<> tmp(n_simu,n_simu);
152       const double sig = std::sqrt(tmp.fill(0.f).noise(sigma).blur(1).pow(2.).sum()/(n_simu*n_simu));
153       const int
154         pxi = (int)(alpha*patch_size),
155         pyi = (int)(alpha*patch_size); //Define the size of the neighborhood
156       for (int yi = 0; yi<height(); ++yi) {
157 #if cimg_debug>=1
158         std::fprintf(stderr,"\rProcessing : %3d %%",(int)((float)yi/(float)height()*100.));fflush(stdout);
159 #endif
160         for (int xi = 0; xi<width(); ++xi) {
161           cimg_forC(*this,v) uhat[v] = 0;
162           float sw = 0, wmax = -1;
163           for (int yj = std::max(0,yi - pyi); yj<std::min(height(),yi + pyi + 1); ++yj)
164             for (int xj = std::max(0,xi - pxi); xj<std::min(width(),xi + pxi + 1); ++xj)
165               if (cimg::abs(P(xi,yi) - P(xj,yj))/sig<3.) {
166                 double d = 0;
167                 int n = 0;
168                 if (!(xi==xj && yi==yj)) //{
169                   for (int ky = -patch_size; ky<patch_size + 1; ky+=sampling) {
170                     int
171                       yj_ = yj + ky,
172                       yi_ = yi + ky;
173                     if (yj_>=0 && yj_<height() && yi_>=0 && yi_<height())
174                       for (int kx = -patch_size; kx<patch_size + 1; kx+=sampling) {
175                         int
176                           xj_ = xj + kx,
177                           xi_ = xi + kx;
178                         if (xj_>=0 && xj_<width() && xi_>=0 && xi_<width())
179                           cimg_forC(*this,v) {
180                             double d1 = (*this)(xj_,yj_,v) - (*this)(xi_,yi_,v);
181                             d+=d1*d1;
182                             n++;
183                           }
184                       }
185                     //}
186                 float w = (float)std::exp(d*h2);
187                 cimg_forC(*this,v) uhat[v]+=w*(*this)(xj,yj,v);
188                 wmax = w>wmax?w:wmax; // Store the maximum of the weights
189                 sw+=w; // Compute the sum of the weights
190                 }
191               }
192           // add the central pixel with the maximum weight
193           cimg_forC(*this,v) uhat[v]+=wmax*(*this)(xi,yi,v);
194           sw+=wmax;
196           // Compute the estimate for the current pixel
197           if (sw) cimg_forC(*this,v) dest(xi,yi,v) = (T)(uhat[v]/=sw);
198           else cimg_forC(*this,v) dest(xi,yi,v) = (*this)(xi,yi,v);
199         }
200       } // main loop
201     } // 2d
202     delete [] uhat;
203     dest.move_to(*this);
204 #if cimg_debug>=1
205     std::fprintf(stderr,"\n"); // make a new line
206 #endif
207   } // is empty
208   return *this;
209 }
211 //! Get the result of the NL-Means denoising algorithm.
212 /**
213    \param patch_size = radius of the patch (1=3x3 by default)
214    \param lambda = bandwidth ( -1 by default : automatic selection)
215    \param alpha  = size of the region where similar patch are searched (3 x patch_size = 9x9 by default)
216    \param sigma = noise standard deviation (-1 = estimation)
217    \param sampling = sampling of the patch (1 = uses all point, 2 = uses one point on 4, etc)
218    If the image has three dimensions then the patch is only in  2D and the neighborhood extent in time is only 5.
219    If the image has several channel (color images), the distance between the two patch is computed using
220    all the channels.
221    The greater the patch is the best is the result.
222    Lambda parameter is function of the size of the patch size. The automatic Lambda parameter is taken
223    in the Chi2 table at a significiance level of 0.01. This diffear from the original paper [1].
224    The weighted average becomes then:
225    \f$$ \hat{f}(x,y) = \sum_{x',y'} \frac{1}{Z} exp(\frac{P(x,y)-P(x',y')}{2 \lambda \sigma^2}) f(x',y') $$\f
226    where \f$ P(x,y) $\f denotes the patch in (x,y) location.
228    An a priori is also used to increase the speed of the algorithm in the spirit of Sapiro et al. SPletter dec 05
230    This very basic version of the Non-Local Means algorithm provides an output image which contains
231    some residual noise with a relatively small variance (\f$\sigma<5$\f).
233    [1] A non-local algorithm for image denoising
234    Buades, A.; Coll, B.; Morel, J.-M.;
235    Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2005. CVPR 2005. IEEE Computer Society Conference on
236    Volume 2,  20-25 June 2005 Page(s):60 - 65 vol. 2
237 **/
238 CImg<T> get_nlmeans( int patch_size=1,  double lambda=-1, double alpha=3 ,double sigma=-1, int sampling=1) const  {
239   return CImg<T>(*this).nlmeans(patch_size,lambda,alpha,sigma,sampling);
240 }
242 #endif /* cimg_plugin_nlmeans */