1 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------
2  *
3  *	Copyright (c) 1991-2021 by the GMT Team (https://www.generic-mapping-tools.org/team.html)
4  *	See LICENSE.TXT file for copying and redistribution conditions.
5  *
6  *	This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  *	it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
8  *	the Free Software Foundation; version 3 or any later version.
9  *
10  *	This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11  *	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  *	GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
14  *
15  *	Contact info: www.generic-mapping-tools.org
16  *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
17 /*
18  * Brief synopsis: grdfill.c reads a grid that has one or more holes in
19  * it flagged by NaNs and interpolates across the holes given a choice
20  * of algorithm.
21  *
22  * Author:	Paul Wessel
23  * Date:	7-JAN-2018
24  * Version:	6 API
25  */
27 #include "gmt_dev.h"
29 #define THIS_MODULE_CLASSIC_NAME	"grdfill"
30 #define THIS_MODULE_MODERN_NAME	"grdfill"
31 #define THIS_MODULE_LIB		"core"
32 #define THIS_MODULE_PURPOSE	"Interpolate across holes in a grid"
33 #define THIS_MODULE_KEYS	"<G{,>?}"
34 #define THIS_MODULE_NEEDS	""
37 enum GRDFILL_mode {
39 	ALG_NN,
41 };
43 struct GRDFILL_CTRL {
44 	struct GRDFILL_In {
45 		bool active;
46 		char *file;
47 	} In;
48 	struct GRDFILL_A {	/* -A<algo>[<options>] */
49 		bool active;
50 		unsigned int mode;
51 		double value;
52 	} A;
53 	struct GRDFILL_G {	/* -G<outgrid> */
54 		bool active;
55 		char *file;
56 	} G;
57 	struct GRDFILL_L {	/* -L[p] */
58 		bool active;
59 		unsigned int mode;	/* 0 = region, 1 = polygons */
60 	} L;
61 	struct GRDFILL_N {	/* -N<value> */
62 		bool active;
63 		float value;
64 	} N;
65 };
New_Ctrl(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT)67 static void *New_Ctrl (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT) {	/* Allocate and initialize a new control structure */
68 	struct GRDFILL_CTRL *C;
70 	C = gmt_M_memory (GMT, NULL, 1, struct GRDFILL_CTRL);
72 	/* Initialize values whose defaults are not 0/false/NULL */
74 	return (C);
75 }
Free_Ctrl(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,struct GRDFILL_CTRL * C)77 static void Free_Ctrl (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, struct GRDFILL_CTRL *C) {	/* Deallocate control structure */
78 	if (!C) return;
79 	gmt_M_str_free (C->In.file);
80 	gmt_M_str_free (C->G.file);
81 	gmt_M_free (GMT, C);
82 }
usage(struct GMTAPI_CTRL * API,int level)84 static int usage (struct GMTAPI_CTRL *API, int level) {
85 	const char *name = gmt_show_name_and_purpose (API, THIS_MODULE_LIB, THIS_MODULE_CLASSIC_NAME, THIS_MODULE_PURPOSE);
86 	if (level == GMT_MODULE_PURPOSE) return (GMT_NOERROR);
87 	GMT_Usage (API, 0, "usage: %s %s [-Ac|n|s[<arg>]] [-G%s] [-L[p]] [-N<value>] [%s] [%s] [%s] [%s]\n",
90 	if (level == GMT_SYNOPSIS) return (GMT_MODULE_SYNOPSIS);
93 	gmt_ingrid_syntax (API, 0, "Name of grid with NaN holes");
95 	GMT_Usage (API, 1, "\n-Ac|n|s[<arg>]");
96 	GMT_Usage (API, -2, "Specify algorithm and any required parameters for in-fill:");
97 	GMT_Usage (API, 3, "c: Fill in NaN holes with the given constant <value>.");
98 	GMT_Usage (API, 3, "n: Fill in NaN holes with nearest neighbor values; "
99 		"append <max_radius> nodes for the outward search "
100 		"[Default radius is sqrt(nx^2+ny^2), with (nx,ny) the dimensions of the grid].");
101 	GMT_Usage (API, 3, "s: Fill in NaN holes with a spline (optionally append tension).");
102 	GMT_Usage (API, -2, "Note: -A is required unless -L is used.");
103 	gmt_outgrid_syntax (API, 'G', "Give filename for where to write the filled-in grid");
104 	GMT_Usage (API, 1, "\n-L[p]");
105 	GMT_Usage (API, -2, "Just list the sub-regions w/e/s/n of each hole. "
106 		"No grid fill takes place and -G is ignored. "
107 		"Optionally, append p to write polygons corresponding to these regions.");
108 	GMT_Usage (API, 1, "\n-N<value>");
109 	GMT_Usage (API, -2, "Set alternate node <value> to indicate a hole [Default looks for NaN-nodes].");
110 	GMT_Option (API, "R,V,f,.");
112 	return (GMT_MODULE_USAGE);
113 }
parse(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,struct GRDFILL_CTRL * Ctrl,struct GMT_OPTION * options)115 static int parse (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, struct GRDFILL_CTRL *Ctrl, struct GMT_OPTION *options) {
116 	/* This parses the options provided to grdfill and sets parameters in CTRL.
117 	 * Any GMT common options will override values set previously by other commands.
118 	 * It also replaces any file names specified as input or output with the data ID
119 	 * returned when registering these sources/destinations with the API.
120 	 */
122 	unsigned int n_errors = 0, n_files = 0;
123 	struct GMT_OPTION *opt = NULL;
124 	struct GMTAPI_CTRL *API = GMT->parent;
126 	for (opt = options; opt; opt = opt->next) {
127 		switch (opt->option) {
129 			case '<':	/* Input and Output files */
130 				if (n_files++ > 0) {n_errors++; continue; }
131 				Ctrl->In.active = true;
132 				if (opt->arg[0]) Ctrl->In.file = strdup (opt->arg);
133 				if (GMT_Get_FilePath (API, GMT_IS_GRID, GMT_IN, GMT_FILE_REMOTE, &(Ctrl->In.file))) n_errors++;
134 				break;
135 			case '>':	/* Output file  */
136 				Ctrl->G.active = true;
137 				if (opt->arg[0]) Ctrl->G.file = strdup (opt->arg);
138 				if (GMT_Get_FilePath (API, GMT_IS_GRID, GMT_OUT, GMT_FILE_LOCAL, &(Ctrl->G.file))) n_errors++;
139 				break;
141 			/* Processes program-specific parameters */
143 			case 'A':
144 				n_errors += gmt_M_repeated_module_option (API, Ctrl->A.active);
145 				Ctrl->A.active = true;
146 				switch (opt->arg[0]) {
147 					case 'c':	/* Constant fill */
148 						Ctrl->A.mode = ALG_CONSTANT;
149 						Ctrl->A.value = atof (&opt->arg[1]);
150 						break;
151 					case 'n':	/* Nearest neighbor fill */
152 						Ctrl->A.mode = ALG_NN;
153 						Ctrl->A.value = (opt->arg[1]) ? atof (&opt->arg[1]) : -1;
154 						break;
155 					case 's':	/* Spline fill */
156 						Ctrl->A.mode = ALG_SPLINE;
157 						if (opt->arg[1]) Ctrl->A.value =  atof (&opt->arg[1]);
158 						break;
159 					default:
160 						GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_ERROR, "Option -A: Unrecognized algorithm (%c)\n", opt->arg[0]);
161 						n_errors++;
162 				}
163 				break;
165 			case 'G':
166 				n_errors += gmt_M_repeated_module_option (API, Ctrl->G.active);
167 				Ctrl->G.active = true;
168 				if (Ctrl->G.file) {
169 					GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_ERROR, "Specify only one output file\n");
170 					n_errors++;
171 				}
172 				else {
173 					Ctrl->G.file = strdup (opt->arg);
174 					if (GMT_Get_FilePath (API, GMT_IS_GRID, GMT_OUT, GMT_FILE_LOCAL, &(Ctrl->G.file))) n_errors++;
175 				}
176 				break;
178 			case 'L':
179 				n_errors += gmt_M_repeated_module_option (API, Ctrl->L.active);
180 				Ctrl->L.active = true;
181 				if (opt->arg[0] == 'p')
182 					Ctrl->L.mode = 1;
183 				break;
185 			case 'N':
186 				n_errors += gmt_M_repeated_module_option (API, Ctrl->N.active);
187 				Ctrl->N.active = true;
188 				if (opt->arg[0] && !strchr ("Nn", opt->arg[0]))
189 					Ctrl->N.value = (float) atof (opt->arg);
190 				else {
191 					GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_ERROR, "Option -N: No value (or NaN) given\n");
192 					n_errors++;
193 				}
194 				break;
196 			default:	/* Report bad options */
197 				n_errors += gmt_default_error (GMT, opt->option);
198 				break;
199 		}
200 	}
202 	n_errors += gmt_M_check_condition (GMT, !Ctrl->In.file, "Must specify input grid file\n");
203 	n_errors += gmt_M_check_condition (GMT, !(Ctrl->A.active || Ctrl->L.active), "Must specify an algorithm with -A unless -L is used\n");
204 	n_errors += gmt_M_check_condition (GMT, !(Ctrl->L.active || Ctrl->G.file), "Must specify output grid file\n");
205 	n_errors += gmt_M_check_condition (GMT, !(Ctrl->A.active || Ctrl->L.active), "Must specify either -A or -L\n");
207 	return (n_errors ? GMT_PARSE_ERROR : GMT_NOERROR);
208 }
grdfill_do_constant_fill(struct GMT_GRID * G,unsigned int limit[],gmt_grdfloat value)210 GMT_LOCAL int grdfill_do_constant_fill (struct GMT_GRID *G, unsigned int limit[], gmt_grdfloat value) {
211 	/* Algorithm 1: Replace NaNs with a constant value */
212 	uint64_t node;
214 	for (unsigned int row = limit[YLO]; row <= limit[YHI]; row++) {
215 		for (unsigned int col = limit[XLO]; col <= limit[XHI]; col++) {
216 			node = gmt_M_ijp (G->header, row, col);
217 			if (gmt_M_is_fnan (G->data[node]))
218 				G->data[node] = value;
219 		}
220 	}
221 	return GMT_NOERROR;
222 }
224 #if 1
grdfill_do_splinefill(struct GMTAPI_CTRL * API,struct GMT_GRID * G,double wesn[],unsigned int limit[],unsigned int n_in_hole,double value)225 GMT_LOCAL int grdfill_do_splinefill (struct GMTAPI_CTRL *API, struct GMT_GRID *G, double wesn[], unsigned int limit[], unsigned int n_in_hole, double value) {
226 	/* Algorithm 2: Replace NaNs with a spline */
227 	char input[GMT_VF_LEN] = {""}, output[GMT_VF_LEN] = {""}, args[GMT_LEN256] = {""}, method[GMT_LEN32] = {""};
228 	unsigned int row, col, row_hole, col_hole, mode, d_limit[4], n_constraints;
229 	uint64_t node, node_hole, k = 0, dim[GMT_DIM_SIZE] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
230 	double *x = NULL, *y = NULL;
231 	gmt_grdfloat *z = NULL;
232 	struct GMT_VECTOR *V = NULL;
233 	struct GMT_GRID *G_hole = NULL;
234 	struct GMT_CTRL *GMT = API->GMT;
236 	/* Allocate a vector container for input to greenspline */
237 	dim[0] = 3;	/* Want three input columns but let length be 0 - this signals that no vector allocations should take place */
238 	if ((V = GMT_Create_Data (API, GMT_IS_VECTOR, GMT_IS_POINT, 0, dim, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL)) == NULL) {
239 		return (API->error);
240 	}
241 	/* Create a virtual file to hold the resampled grid */
243 		return (API->error);
244 	}
245 	/* Add up to 2 rows/cols around hole, but watch for grid edges */
246 	gmt_M_memcpy (d_limit, limit, 4, unsigned int);	/* d_limit will be used to set the grid domain */
247 	/* Undo the half grid inc padding done in the main */
248 	wesn[XLO] += 0.5 * G->header->inc[GMT_X];
249 	wesn[XHI] -= 0.5 * G->header->inc[GMT_X];
250 	wesn[YLO] += 0.5 * G->header->inc[GMT_Y];
251 	wesn[YHI] -= 0.5 * G->header->inc[GMT_Y];
252 	for (k = 1; k <= 2; k++) {
253 		if (d_limit[XLO]) d_limit[XLO]--, wesn[XLO] -= G->header->inc[GMT_X];	/* Move one column westward */
254 		if (d_limit[XHI] < (G->header->n_columns-1)) d_limit[XHI]++, wesn[XHI] += G->header->inc[GMT_X];	/* Move one column eastward */
255 		if (d_limit[YLO]) d_limit[YLO]--, wesn[YHI] += G->header->inc[GMT_Y];	/* Move one row northward */
256 		if (d_limit[YHI] < (G->header->n_rows-1)) d_limit[YHI]++, wesn[YLO] -= G->header->inc[GMT_Y];	/* Move one row southward */
257 	}
258 	n_constraints = (d_limit[YHI] - d_limit[YLO] + 1) * (d_limit[XHI] - d_limit[XLO] + 1) - n_in_hole;
259 	x = gmt_M_memory (GMT, NULL, n_constraints, double);
260 	y = gmt_M_memory (GMT, NULL, n_constraints, double);
261 	z = gmt_M_memory (GMT, NULL, n_constraints, gmt_grdfloat);
262 	for (row = d_limit[YLO], k = 0; row <= d_limit[YHI]; row++) {
263 		for (col = d_limit[XLO]; col <= d_limit[XHI]; col++) {
264 			node = gmt_M_ijp (G->header, row, col);
265 			if (gmt_M_is_fnan (G->data[node])) continue;
266 			x[k] = gmt_M_grd_col_to_x (GMT, col, G->header);
267 			y[k] = gmt_M_grd_row_to_y (GMT, row, G->header);
268 			z[k] = G->data[node];
269 			k++;
270 		}
271 	}
272 	V->n_rows = n_constraints;	/* Must specify how many input points we have */
273 	GMT_Put_Vector (API, V, GMT_X, GMT_DOUBLE, x);
274 	GMT_Put_Vector (API, V, GMT_Y, GMT_DOUBLE, y);
275 	GMT_Put_Vector (API, V, GMT_Z, GMT_FLOAT,  z);
276 	/* Associate our input data vectors with a virtual input file */
278 		return (API->error);
279 	/* Prepare the greenspline command-line arguments */
280 	mode = (gmt_M_is_geographic (GMT, GMT_IN)) ? 2 : 1;
281 	if (value > 0.0)
282 		sprintf (method, "t%g", value);
283 	else
284 		sprintf (method, "c");
285 	sprintf (args, "%s -G%s -S%s -R%.16g/%.16g/%.16g/%.16g -I%.16g/%.16g -D%d", input, output, method, wesn[XLO], wesn[XHI], wesn[YLO], wesn[YHI], G->header->inc[GMT_X], G->header->inc[GMT_Y], mode);
286 	if (G->header->registration == GMT_GRID_PIXEL_REG) strcat (args, " -r");
287 	strcat (args, " --GMT_HISTORY=readonly");
288    	/* Run the greenspline module */
289 	GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION, "Calling greenspline with args %s\n", args);
290   	if (GMT_Call_Module (API, "greenspline", GMT_MODULE_CMD, args)) {
291 		return (API->error);	/* Some sort of failure */
292 	}
293 	if ((G_hole = GMT_Read_VirtualFile (API, output)) == NULL) {	/* Load in the resampled grid */
294 		return (API->error);	/* Some sort of failure */
295 	}
296 	/* Use 0-nx,0-ny for the hole index and the large grid G nodes for the holes */
297 	for (row_hole = 0, row = d_limit[YLO]; row_hole < G_hole->header->n_rows; row_hole++, row++) {
298 		for (col_hole = 0, col = d_limit[XLO]; col_hole < G_hole->header->n_columns; col_hole++, col++) {
299 			node = gmt_M_ijp (G->header, row, col);
300 			if (!gmt_M_is_fnan (G->data[node])) continue;	/* Had data value */
301 			node_hole = gmt_M_ijp (G_hole->header, row_hole, col_hole);
302 			G->data[node] = G_hole->data[node_hole];	/* Replace the NaN with splined value */
303 		}
304 	}
306 	/* Close the two virtual files */
307 	if (GMT_Close_VirtualFile (API, output)) {
308 		GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_ERROR, "Failed to close virtual output file %s\n", output);
309 		return (API->error);
310 	}
311 	if (GMT_Close_VirtualFile (API, input)) {
312 		GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_ERROR, "Failed to close virtual input file %s\n", input);
313 		return (API->error);
314 	}
316 	/* Free our custom vectors */
317 	gmt_M_free (GMT, x);	gmt_M_free (GMT, y);	gmt_M_free (GMT, z);
318 	if (GMT_Destroy_Data (API, &G_hole) != GMT_NOERROR) {
319 		GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_ERROR, "Failed to destroy temporary hold grid\n");
320 		return (API->error);
321 	}
322 	return (GMT_NOERROR);
323 }
324 #endif
grdfill_trace_the_hole(struct GMT_GRID * G,uint64_t node,unsigned int row,unsigned int col,int64_t * step,char * ID,unsigned int limit[])326 GMT_LOCAL unsigned int grdfill_trace_the_hole (struct GMT_GRID *G, uint64_t node, unsigned int row, unsigned int col, int64_t *step, char *ID, unsigned int limit[]) {
327 	/* Determine all the direct neighbor nodes in the W/E/S/N directions that are also NaN, recursively.
328 	 * This is a limited form of Moore neighborhood called Von Neumann neighborhood since we only do the
329 	 * four cardinal directions and ignore the diagonals.  Ignoring the diagonal means two holes that
330 	 * touch at a diagonal will be encoded as two separate holes whereas a full Moore neighborhood
331 	 * calculation would find a single hole.  For our purposes (filling in the hole), smaller holes
332 	 * are less computationally intensive, hence we limit ourselves to good old Von Neumann. */
333 	static int drow[4] = {1, 0, -1, 0}, dcol[4] = {0, 1, 0, -1};	/* Change in row,col per cardinal direction */
334 	unsigned int side, next_row, next_rcol, n_nodes = 0;
335 	int64_t ij;
337 	for (side = 0; side < 4; side++) {	/* For each of the 4 cardinal directions */
338 		ij = node + step[side];		/* This is the grid node (and ID node) of this cardinal point */
339 		if (ID[ij] == 0 && gmt_M_is_fnan (G->data[ij])) {	/* Hole extends in this direction, follow it to its next neighbor */
340 			next_row  = (unsigned int)(row + drow[side]);	/* Set col and row of next point */
341 			next_rcol = (unsigned int)(col + dcol[side]);
342 			ID[ij] = 1;	/* Mark this node as part of the current hole */
343 			if (next_rcol < limit[XLO]) limit[XLO] = next_rcol;	/* Update min/max row and col values */
344 			else if (next_rcol > limit[XHI]) limit[XHI] = next_rcol;
345 			if (next_row < limit[YLO]) limit[YLO] = next_row;
346 			else if (next_row > limit[YHI]) limit[YHI] = next_row;
347 			/* Recursively trace this nodes next neighbors as well */
348 			n_nodes = n_nodes + 1 + grdfill_trace_the_hole (G, ij, next_row, next_rcol, step, ID, limit);
349 		}
350 	}
351 	return (n_nodes);
352 }
grdfill_find_nearest(int64_t i,int64_t j,int64_t * r2,int64_t * is,int64_t * js,int64_t * xs,int64_t * ys)354 GMT_LOCAL int64_t grdfill_find_nearest (int64_t i, int64_t j, int64_t *r2, int64_t *is, int64_t *js, int64_t *xs, int64_t *ys) {
355 	/* function to find the nearest point based on previous search, smallest distance outside a radius */
356 	int64_t ct = 0, nx, ny, nx1, ii, k = 0, rr, nx1_2, ny_2;
358 	rr = INTMAX_MAX;	/* Ensure we reset this the first time */
360 	/* starting with nx = ny */
361 	nx = (int64_t)(sqrt((double)(*r2) / 2.0));
362 	/* loop over possible nx, find smallest rr */
363 	for (nx1 = nx; nx1 <= (int64_t)sqrt((double)(*r2)) + 1; nx1++) {
364 		if ((nx1_2 = (nx1 * nx1)) < (*r2))
365 			ny = (int64_t)(sqrt((double)((*r2) - nx1_2)));
366 		else
367 			ny = 0;
368 		while ((nx1_2 + ny * ny ) <= (*r2) && ny <= nx1)
369 			ny++;
370 		ny_2 = ny * ny;
371 		if (ny <= nx1) {
372 			if (rr > (nx1_2 + ny_2)) {
373 				k = 0;
374 				rr = nx1_2 + ny_2;
375 				xs[0] = nx1;
376 				ys[0] = ny;
377 			}
378 			else if (rr == (nx1_2 + ny_2)) {
379 				k++;
380 				xs[k] = nx1;
381 				ys[k] = ny;
382 			}
383 		}
384 	}
386 	/* Return the grid index, changing the order may lead to different solution, but mainly because nearest-neighbor is non-unique */
387 	for (ii = 0; ii <= k; ii++) {
388 		nx = xs[ii];
389 		ny = ys[ii];
391 		if (ny == 0) {
392 			js[ct] =   0;	is[ct++] =  nx;
393 			js[ct] =   0;	is[ct++] = -nx;
394 			js[ct] =  nx;	is[ct++] =   0;
395 			js[ct] = -nx;	is[ct++] =   0;
396 		}
397 		else if (nx != ny){
398 			js[ct] =  ny;	is[ct++] =  nx;
399 			js[ct] =  ny;	is[ct++] = -nx;
400 			js[ct] = -ny;	is[ct++] =  nx;
401 			js[ct] = -ny;	is[ct++] = -nx;
402 			js[ct] =  nx;	is[ct++] =  ny;
403 			js[ct] = -nx;	is[ct++] =  ny;
404 			js[ct] =  nx;	is[ct++] = -ny;
405 			js[ct] = -nx;	is[ct++] = -ny;
406 		}
407 		else {
408 			js[ct] =  nx;	is[ct++] =  nx;
409 			js[ct] =  nx;	is[ct++] = -nx;
410 			js[ct] = -nx;	is[ct++] =  nx;
411 			js[ct] = -nx;	is[ct++] = -nx;
412 		}
413  	}
415 	for (ii = 0; ii < ct; ii++) {	/* Set absolute row/col values */
416 		is[ii] = is[ii] + i;
417 		js[ii] = js[ii] + j;
418 	}
420 	*r2 = rr;	/* Update radius */
422 	/* return the number of indexes of the nearest neighbor */
423 	return (ct);
424 }
grdfill_nearest_interp(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,struct GMT_GRID * In,struct GMT_GRID * Out,int64_t radius)426 GMT_LOCAL void grdfill_nearest_interp (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, struct GMT_GRID *In, struct GMT_GRID *Out, int64_t radius) {
427 	uint64_t ij, node;
428 	int64_t nx = In->header->n_columns, ny = In->header->n_rows;
429  	int64_t i, j, flag, ct, k, recx = 1, recy = 1, cs = 0, rr;
430  	int64_t *is = NULL, *js = NULL, *xs = NULL, *ys = NULL;
431 	gmt_grdfloat *m = In->data, *m_interp = Out->data;	/* Short-hand for input and output grids */
432 	double rad2;
434  	/* Allocate memory for temporary indexes */
435  	is = gmt_M_memory (GMT, NULL, 2048, int64_t);
436  	js = gmt_M_memory (GMT, NULL, 2048, int64_t);
437  	xs = gmt_M_memory (GMT, NULL, 512, int64_t);
438  	ys = gmt_M_memory (GMT, NULL, 512, int64_t);
440 	if (radius == -1)	/* Set default radius */
441 		radius = (int64_t)floor (sqrt ((double)(nx*nx + ny*ny)));
442 	rad2 = (double)(radius * radius);
444 	GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION, "Interpolating to nearest neighbor...\n");
445 	gmt_M_row_loop (GMT, In, i) {	/* Loop over each row in grid */
446  		GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION, "Working on row %" PRIi64 "\n", i);
447 		rr = 0;
448 		gmt_M_col_loop (GMT, In, i, j, ij) {	/* Loop over all columns */
449 			if (!gmt_M_is_fnan (m[ij]))	/* Already duplicated in the calling program */
450 				rr = 0;
451 			else {	/* search nearest neighbor, use previous nearest distance to exclude certain search area. */
452 				flag = 0;
453 				/* set the starting search radius based on last nearest distance */
454 				if (rr >= 4) {
455 					if (recy > 0 && recx > 0)
456 						rr = (recx-1)*(recx-1)+(recy-1)*(recy-1)-1;
457 					else if (recy == 0 && recx > 0)
458 						rr = (recx-1)*(recx-1)-1;
459 					else if (recy > 0 && recx == 0)
460 						rr = (recy-1)*(recy-1)-1;
461 				}
462 				else
463 					rr = 0;
465 				while (flag == 0 && rr <= rad2) {
466 					ct = grdfill_find_nearest (i, j, &rr, is, js, xs, ys);
467 					cs++;
468 					for (k = 0; k < ct; k++) {
469 						if (is[k] >= 0 && is[k] < ny && js[k] >=0 && js[k] < nx) {
470 							node = gmt_M_ijp (In->header, is[k], js[k]);
471 							if (!gmt_M_is_fnan (m[node])) {
472 								m_interp[ij] = m[node];
473 								flag = 1;
474 								recx = int64_abs (is[k]-i);
475 								recy = int64_abs (js[k]-j);
476 								break;
477 							}
478 						}
479 					}
480 				}
481 			}
482 			if (i == 0 && rr == -1)
483 				GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_DEBUG, "(%d %d %d %d)\n", j, rr, recx, recy);
484 		}
485 	}
487 	GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION, "%" PRIi64 " number of searches used\n", cs);
489 	gmt_M_free (GMT, is);
490 	gmt_M_free (GMT, js);
491 	gmt_M_free (GMT, xs);
492 	gmt_M_free (GMT, ys);
493 }
495 #define bailout(code) {gmt_M_free_options (mode); return (code);}
496 #define Return(code) {Free_Ctrl (GMT, Ctrl); gmt_end_module (GMT, GMT_cpy); bailout (code);}
GMT_grdfill(void * V_API,int mode,void * args)498 EXTERN_MSC int GMT_grdfill (void *V_API, int mode, void *args) {
499 	char *ID = NULL, *RG_orig_hist = NULL;
500 	int error = 0, RG_id = 0;
501 	unsigned int hole_number = 0, row, col, limit[4], n_nodes;
502 	uint64_t node, offset;
503 	int64_t off[4];
504 	double wesn[4];
505 	struct GMT_GRID *Grid = NULL;
506 	struct GMT_RECORD *Out = NULL;
507 	struct GRDFILL_CTRL *Ctrl = NULL;
508 	struct GMT_CTRL *GMT = NULL, *GMT_cpy = NULL;
509 	struct GMT_OPTION *options = NULL;
510 	struct GMTAPI_CTRL *API = gmt_get_api_ptr (V_API);	/* Cast from void to GMTAPI_CTRL pointer */
512 	/*----------------------- Standard module initialization and parsing ----------------------*/
514 	if (API == NULL) return (GMT_NOT_A_SESSION);
515 	if (mode == GMT_MODULE_PURPOSE) return (usage (API, GMT_MODULE_PURPOSE));	/* Return the purpose of program */
516 	options = GMT_Create_Options (API, mode, args);	if (API->error) return (API->error);	/* Set or get option list */
518 	if ((error = gmt_report_usage (API, options, 0, usage)) != GMT_NOERROR) bailout (error);	/* Give usage if requested */
520 	/* Parse the command-line arguments */
522 	if ((GMT = gmt_init_module (API, THIS_MODULE_LIB, THIS_MODULE_CLASSIC_NAME, THIS_MODULE_KEYS, THIS_MODULE_NEEDS, NULL, &options, &GMT_cpy)) == NULL) bailout (API->error); /* Save current state */
523 	if (GMT_Parse_Common (API, THIS_MODULE_OPTIONS, options)) Return (API->error);
524 	Ctrl = New_Ctrl (GMT);	/* Allocate and initialize a new control structure */
525 	if ((error = parse (GMT, Ctrl, options)) != 0) Return (error);
527 	/*---------------------------- This is the grdfill main code ----------------------------*/
529 	if ((Grid = GMT_Read_Data (API, GMT_IS_GRID, GMT_IS_FILE, GMT_IS_SURFACE, GMT_CONTAINER_ONLY, NULL, Ctrl->In.file, NULL)) == NULL) {	/* Get header only */
530 		Return (API->error);
531 	}
533 	if (GMT->common.R.active[RSET]) {	/* Specified a subset */
534 		bool global = false;
535 		global = gmt_grd_is_global (GMT, Grid->header);
536 		if (!global && (GMT->common.R.wesn[XLO] < Grid->header->wesn[XLO] || GMT->common.R.wesn[XHI] > Grid->header->wesn[XHI])) error++;
537 		if (GMT->common.R.wesn[YLO] < Grid->header->wesn[YLO] || GMT->common.R.wesn[YHI] > Grid->header->wesn[YHI]) error++;
538 		if (error) {
539 			GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_ERROR, "Subset exceeds data domain!\n");
540 			Return (GMT_RUNTIME_ERROR);
541 		}
542 		if (GMT_Read_Data (API, GMT_IS_GRID, GMT_IS_FILE, GMT_IS_SURFACE, GMT_DATA_ONLY, GMT->common.R.wesn, Ctrl->In.file, Grid) == NULL) {
543 			Return (API->error);	/* Get subset */
544 		}
545 	}
546 	else if (GMT_Read_Data (API, GMT_IS_GRID, GMT_IS_FILE, GMT_IS_SURFACE, GMT_DATA_ONLY, NULL, Ctrl->In.file, Grid) == NULL) {
547 		Return (API->error);	/* Get all */
548 	}
550 	if (Ctrl->N.active) {	/* User wants a specific value to indicate a hole instead of NaN; replace those values with NaNs since that is what is expected below */
551 		gmt_M_grd_loop (GMT, Grid, row, col, node) {	/* Loop over all grid nodes */
552 			if (floatAlmostEqualZero (Grid->data[node], Ctrl->N.value))
553 				Grid->data[node] = GMT->session.f_NaN;
554 		}
555 	}
556 	/* Here any hole is identified as a patch of NaNs */
558 	if (Ctrl->A.mode == ALG_NN) {	/* Do Eric Xu's NN algorithm and bail */
559 		int64_t radius = lrint (Ctrl->A.value);
560 		struct GMT_GRID *New = NULL;
561 		if ((New = GMT_Duplicate_Data (API, GMT_IS_GRID, GMT_DUPLICATE_DATA, Grid)) == NULL) {
562 			GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_ERROR, "Unable to duplicate input grid!\n");
563 			Return (API->error);
564 		}
565 		grdfill_nearest_interp (GMT, Grid, New, radius);	/* Perform the NN replacements */
567 		if (GMT_Write_Data (API, GMT_IS_GRID, GMT_IS_FILE, GMT_IS_SURFACE, GMT_GRID_ALL, NULL, Ctrl->G.file, New)) {
568 			GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_ERROR, "Failed to write output grid!\n");
569 			Return (API->error);
570 		}
571 		Return (GMT_NOERROR);
572 	}
574 	if (Ctrl->L.active) {
575 		if (GMT_Init_IO (API, GMT_IS_DATASET, (Ctrl->L.mode) ? GMT_IS_POLYGON : GMT_IS_POINT, GMT_OUT, GMT_ADD_DEFAULT, 0, options) != GMT_NOERROR) {	/* Registers default output destination, unless already set */
576 			Return (API->error);
577 		}
578 		if (GMT_Begin_IO (API, GMT_IS_DATASET, GMT_OUT, GMT_HEADER_OFF) != GMT_NOERROR) {	/* Enables data output and sets access mode */
579 			Return (API->error);
580 		}
581 		if (GMT_Set_Geometry (API, GMT_OUT, GMT_IS_POINT) != GMT_NOERROR) {	/* Sets output geometry */
582 			Return (API->error);
583 		}
584 		if ((error = GMT_Set_Columns (API, GMT_OUT, 2 + 2*(1-Ctrl->L.mode), GMT_COL_FIX_NO_TEXT)) != GMT_NOERROR) {
585 			Return (API->error);
586 		}
587 		if (Ctrl->L.mode) gmt_set_segmentheader (GMT, GMT_OUT, true);
588 	}
590 	if (Ctrl->A.mode == ALG_SPLINE) {	/* Must preserve the original -RG history which greenspline messes with */
591 		RG_id = gmt_get_option_id (0, "R") + 1;
592 		if (GMT->init.history[RG_id]) RG_orig_hist = strdup (GMT->init.history[RG_id]);
593 	}
595 	/* To avoid having to check every row,col for being inside the grid we set
596 	 * the boundary row/cols in the ID grid to 1. */
598 	ID = gmt_M_memory_aligned (GMT, NULL, Grid->header->size, char);
599 	/* Set the top and bottom boundary rows to UINT_MAX */
600 	offset = (uint64_t)(Grid->header->pad[YHI] + Grid->header->n_rows) * Grid->header->mx;
601 	for (node = 0; node < (uint64_t)Grid->header->pad[YHI]*Grid->header->mx; node++) ID[node] = ID[node+offset] = 1;
602 	/* Set the left and right boundary columnss to UINT_MAX */
603 	offset = Grid->header->pad[XLO] + Grid->header->n_columns;
604 	for (row = 0; row < Grid->header->my; row++) {
605 		for (col = 0; col < Grid->header->pad[XLO]; col++)
606 			ID[row*Grid->header->mx+col] = 1;
607 		for (col = 0; col < Grid->header->pad[XHI]; col++)
608 			ID[row*Grid->header->mx+offset+col] = 1;
609 	}
610 	/* Initiate the node offsets in the cardinal directions */
611 	off[0] = Grid->header->mx;	off[1] = 1; 	off[2] = -off[0]; off[3] = -off[1];
613 	Out = gmt_new_record (GMT, wesn, NULL);	/* Since we only need to worry about numerics in this module */
614 	gmt_M_grd_loop (GMT, Grid, row, col, node) {	/* Loop over all grid nodes */
615 		if (ID[node]) continue;	/* Already identified as part of a hole */
616 		if (gmt_M_is_fnan (Grid->data[node])) {	/* Node is part of a new hole */
617 			limit[XLO] = limit[XHI] = col;	/* Initiate min/max col to this single node */
618 			limit[YLO] = limit[YHI] = row;	/* Initiate min/max row to this single node */
619 			ID[node] = 1;	/* Flag this node as part of a hole */
620 			++hole_number;	/* Increase the current hole number */
621 			/* Trace all the contiguous neighbors, updating the bounding box as we go along */
622 			n_nodes = 1 + grdfill_trace_the_hole (Grid, node, row, col, off, ID, limit);
623 			wesn[XLO] = gmt_M_grd_col_to_x (GMT, limit[XLO], Grid->header) - 0.5 * Grid->header->inc[GMT_X];
624 			wesn[XHI] = gmt_M_grd_col_to_x (GMT, limit[XHI], Grid->header) + 0.5 * Grid->header->inc[GMT_X];
625 			wesn[YLO] = gmt_M_grd_row_to_y (GMT, limit[YHI], Grid->header) - 0.5 * Grid->header->inc[GMT_Y];
626 			wesn[YHI] = gmt_M_grd_row_to_y (GMT, limit[YLO], Grid->header) + 0.5 * Grid->header->inc[GMT_Y];
627 			GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION, "Hole BB %u: -R: %g/%g/%g/%g [%u nodes]\n", hole_number, wesn[XLO], wesn[XHI], wesn[YLO], wesn[YHI], n_nodes);
628 			if (Ctrl->L.active) {
629 				if (Ctrl->L.mode) {	/* Write a closed polygon */
630 					double tmp[4];
631 					gmt_M_memcpy (tmp, wesn, 4, double);
633 					wesn[GMT_X] = tmp[XLO];	wesn[GMT_Y] = tmp[YLO];
634 					GMT_Put_Record (API, GMT_WRITE_DATA, Out);
635 					wesn[GMT_X] = tmp[XHI];
636 					GMT_Put_Record (API, GMT_WRITE_DATA, Out);
637 					wesn[GMT_Y] = tmp[YHI];
638 					GMT_Put_Record (API, GMT_WRITE_DATA, Out);
639 					wesn[GMT_X] = tmp[XLO];
640 					GMT_Put_Record (API, GMT_WRITE_DATA, Out);
641 					wesn[GMT_Y] = tmp[YLO];
642 					GMT_Put_Record (API, GMT_WRITE_DATA, Out);
643 				}
644 				else	/* Write west east south north limits */
645 					GMT_Put_Record (API, GMT_WRITE_DATA, Out);
646 			}
647 			else {
648 				switch (Ctrl->A.mode) {
649 					case ALG_CONSTANT:	/* Fill in using a constant value */
650 						error = grdfill_do_constant_fill (Grid, limit, (gmt_grdfloat)Ctrl->A.value);
651 						break;
652 					case ALG_SPLINE:	/* Fill in using a spline */
653 						error = grdfill_do_splinefill (API, Grid, wesn, limit, n_nodes, Ctrl->A.value);
654 						break;
655 				}
656 				if (error) {
657 					GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION, "Failed to fill hole %u\n", hole_number);
658 					continue;
659 				}
660 			}
661 		}
662 	}
663 	if (hole_number) GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION, "Found %u holes\n", hole_number);
664 	gmt_M_free_aligned (GMT, ID);
665 	gmt_M_free (GMT, Out);
667 	if (Ctrl->L.active) {
668 		if (GMT_End_IO (API, GMT_OUT, 0) != GMT_NOERROR) {	/* Disables further data output */
669 			free(RG_orig_hist);
670 			Return (API->error);
671 		}
672 	}
673 	else if (hole_number) {	/* Must write the revised grid if there were any holes*/
674 		if (GMT_Set_Comment (API, GMT_IS_GRID, GMT_COMMENT_IS_OPTION | GMT_COMMENT_IS_COMMAND, options, Grid)) {
675 			free(RG_orig_hist);
676 			Return (API->error);
677 		}
679 			free(RG_orig_hist);
680 			Return (API->error);
681 		}
682 	}
683 	else {
684 		GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_WARNING, "No holes detected in grid - grid was not updated\n");
685 	}
687 	if (Ctrl->A.mode == ALG_SPLINE) {
688 		if (GMT->init.history[RG_id]) gmt_M_str_free (GMT->init.history[RG_id]);
689 		if (RG_orig_hist) GMT->init.history[RG_id] = RG_orig_hist;
690 	}
692 	Return (GMT_NOERROR);
693 }