1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 1991-2021 by the GMT Team (https://www.generic-mapping-tools.org/team.html)
3  * See LICENSE.TXT file for copying and redistribution conditions.
4  *
5  * img2grd.c
6  *
7  * img2grd reads an "img" format file (used by Sandwell and Smith
8  * in their estimates of gravity and depth from satellite altimetry),
9  * extracts a Region [with optional N by N averaging], and writes out
10  * the data [or Track control] as a pixel-registered GMT "grd" file,
11  * preserving the Mercator projection (gmtdefaults PROJ_ELLIPSOID = Sphere)
12  * inherent in the img file.
13  *
14  * img file is read from dir GMT_IMGDIR if this is defined as an
15  * environment variable; else img file name is opened directly.
16  *
17  * The coordinates in the img file are determined by the latitude and
18  * longitude span of the img file and the width of an img pixel in
19  * minutes of longitude.  These may be changed from their default values
20  * using the lower-case [-W<maxlon>] [-D<minlat>/<maxlat>] [-I<minutes>]
21  * but must be set to match the coverage of the input img file.
22  *
23  * The user-supplied -R<w>/<e>/<s>/<n> will be adjusted by rounding
24  * outward so that the actual range spanned by the file falls exactly on
25  * the edges of the input pixels.  If the user uses the option to
26  * average the input pixels into N by N square block averages, then the
27  * -R will be adjusted so that the range spans the block averages.
28  *
29  * The coordinates in the output file are in spherical mercator projected
30  * units ranging from 0,0 in the lower left corner of the output to
31  * xmax, ymax in the upper right corner, where xmax,ymax are the width
32  * and height of the (spherical) Mercator map with -Rww/ee/ss/nn and -Jm1.
33  * Here ww/ee/ss/nn are the outward-rounded range values.
34  *
35  * Further details on the coordinate system can be obtained from the
36  * comments in gmt_imgsubs.c and gmt_imgsubs.h
37  *
38  * This is a complete rebuild (for v3.1) of the old program by this name.
39  * New functionality added here is the averaging option [-N] and the
40  * options to define -I, -W, -y, which permit handling very early versions
41  * of these files and anticipate higher-resolutions to come down the road.
42  * Also added is the option to look for the img file in GMT_IMGDIR
43  *
44  * Author:	Walter H F Smith
45  * Date:	8 October, 1998
46  *
47  **WHFS 27 Nov 1998 fixed bug so that -T0 gives correct results
48  **  PW 18 Oct 1999 Use WORDS_BIGENDIAN macro set by configure.
49  *   PW 12 Apr 2006 Replaced -x -y with -W -D
50  *   PW 28 Nov 2006 Added -C for setting origin to main img origin (0,0)
51  *   PW 13 Apr 2018 Get ready for grids with < 1min spacing
52  *   PW 12 May 2019 Make -C the default, add backwards option -F for old default
53  *
54  */
56 #include "gmt_dev.h"
57 #include "gmt_common_byteswap.h"
59 #define THIS_MODULE_CLASSIC_NAME	"img2grd"
60 #define THIS_MODULE_MODERN_NAME	"img2grd"
61 #define THIS_MODULE_LIB		"img"
62 #define THIS_MODULE_PURPOSE	"Extract a subset from an img file in Mercator or Geographic format"
63 #define THIS_MODULE_KEYS	"<G{,GG}"
64 #define THIS_MODULE_NEEDS	"R"
65 #define THIS_MODULE_OPTIONS "-VRn" GMT_OPT("m")
67 /* The following values are used to initialize the default values
68 	controlling the range covered by the img file and the size
69 	of a pixel in minutes of longitude.  The values shown here
70 	are for the 2-minute files currently in use (world_grav 7.2
71 	and topo_polish 6.2).  */
73 #define GMT_IMG_MAXLON		360.0
74 #define GMT_IMG_MINLAT		-72.0059773539
75 #define GMT_IMG_MAXLAT		+72.0059773539
76 #define GMT_IMG_MINLAT_80	-80.7380086280
77 #define GMT_IMG_MAXLAT_80	+80.7380086280
79 #define GMT_IMG_MPIXEL 2.0
81 /* The following structure contains info corresponding to
82  * the above values, which may be altered by the user at
83  * run time via argv[][] switches:  */
85 struct GMT_IMG_RANGE {
86 	double	maxlon;
87 	double	minlat;
88 	double	maxlat;
89 	double	mpixel;
90 };
92 /* The following structure contains info used to set up the
93  * coordinate transformations.  These are to be determined
94  * based on the values in GMT_IMG_RANGE after argv[][] has
95  * been parsed.  Two different structures will be used, one
96  * representing the input file, and the other the output,
97  * to simplify the computation of coordinates for N by N
98  * averages in the output:  */
100 struct GMT_IMG_COORD {
101 	double	radius;		/* # of pixels in 1 radian of longitude */
102 	int	nx360;		/* # of pixels in 360 degrees of longtd */
103 	int	nxcol;		/* # of columns in input img file  */
104 	int	nyrow;		/* # of rows in input img file  */
105 	int	nytop;		/* # of rows from Equator to top edge */
106 };
108 struct IMG2GRD_CTRL {
109 	struct IMG2GRD_In {	/* Input file name */
110 		bool active;
111 		char *file;	/* Input file name */
112 	} In;
113 	struct IMG2GRD_D {	/* -D[<minlat>/<maxlat>] */
114 		bool active;
115 		double min, max;
116 	} D;
117 	struct IMG2GRD_E {	/* -E */
118 		bool active;
119 	} E;
120 	struct IMG2GRD_F {	/* -F */
121 		bool active;
122 	} F;
123 	struct IMG2GRD_G {	/* -G<output_grdfile> */
124 		bool active;
125 		char *file;
126 	} G;
127 	struct IMG2GRD_I {	/* -I<minutes> */
128 		bool active;
129 		double value;
130 	} I;
131 	struct IMG2GRD_M {	/* -M */
132 		bool active;
133 	} M;
134 	struct IMG2GRD_N {	/* -N<ave> */
135 		bool active;
136 		int value;
137 	} N;
138 	struct IMG2GRD_S {	/* -S<scale> */
139 		bool active;
140 		unsigned int mode;
141 		double value;
142 	} S;
143 	struct IMG2GRD_T {	/* -T<type> */
144 		bool active;
145 		int value;
146 	} T;
147 	struct IMG2GRD_W {	/* -W<maxlon> */
148 		bool active;
149 		double value;
150 	} W;
151 };
New_Ctrl(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT)153 static void *New_Ctrl (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT) {	/* Allocate and initialize a new control structure */
154 	struct IMG2GRD_CTRL *C;
156 	C = gmt_M_memory (GMT, NULL, 1, struct IMG2GRD_CTRL);
158 	/* Initialize values whose defaults are not 0/false/NULL */
159 	C->D.min = GMT_IMG_MINLAT;
160 	C->D.max = GMT_IMG_MAXLAT;
161 	C->N.value = 1;		/* No averaging */
162 	C->T.value = 1;		/* Default img type */
163 	C->I.value = GMT_IMG_MPIXEL;
165 	return (C);
166 }
Free_Ctrl(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,struct IMG2GRD_CTRL * C)168 static void Free_Ctrl (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, struct IMG2GRD_CTRL *C) {	/* Deallocate control structure */
169 	if (!C) return;
170 	gmt_M_str_free (C->In.file);
171 	gmt_M_str_free (C->G.file);
172 	gmt_M_free (GMT, C);
173 }
usage(struct GMTAPI_CTRL * API,int level)175 static int usage (struct GMTAPI_CTRL *API, int level) {
176 	const char *name = gmt_show_name_and_purpose (API, THIS_MODULE_LIB, THIS_MODULE_CLASSIC_NAME, THIS_MODULE_PURPOSE);
177 	if (level == GMT_MODULE_PURPOSE) return (GMT_NOERROR);
178 	GMT_Usage (API, 0, "usage: %s <world_image_filename> -G%s %s [-D[<minlat>/<maxlat>]] [-E] [-F] "
179 		"[-I<min>[m|s]] [-M] [-N<navg>] [-S[<scale>]] [-T<type>] [%s] [-W<maxlon>] [%s] [%s]\n", name, GMT_OUTGRID, GMT_Rgeo_OPT, GMT_V_OPT, GMT_n_OPT, GMT_PAR_OPT);
181 	if (level == GMT_SYNOPSIS) return (GMT_MODULE_SYNOPSIS);
184 	GMT_Usage (API, 1, "\n<world_image_filename> gives name of img file.");
185 	gmt_outgrid_syntax (API, 'G', "Set name of the output grid file");
186 	GMT_Usage (API, 1, "\n%s", GMT_Rgeo_OPT);
187 	GMT_Usage (API, -2, "Specify the region in decimal degrees or degrees:minutes.");
189 	GMT_Usage (API, 1, "\n-D[<minlat>/<maxlat>]");
190 	GMT_Usage (API, -2, "Set input img file bottom and top latitudes [%.3f/%.3f]. "
191 		"If no latitudes are given it is taken to mean %.3f/%.3f. "
192 		"Without -D we automatically determine the extent from the file size.",
194 	GMT_Usage (API, 1, "\n-E Resample geographic grid to the specified -R.  Cannot be used with -M "
195 		"[Default gives the exact -R of the Mercator grid].");
196 	GMT_Usage (API, 1, "\n-F Translate Mercator coordinates so lower left is (0,0); requires -M.");
197 	GMT_Usage (API, 1, "\n-I<min>[m|s]");
198 	GMT_Usage (API, -2, "Set input img pixels to be <min> minutes of longitude wide [2.0]. "
199 		"Without -I we automatically determine the pixel size from the file size.");
200 	GMT_Usage (API, 1, "\n-M Write a Mercator grid [Default writes a geographic grid].");
201 	GMT_Usage (API, 1, "\n-N<navg>");
202 	GMT_Usage (API, -2, "Output averages of input in <navg> by <navg> squares [no averaging].");
203 	GMT_Usage (API, 1, "\n-S[<scale>]");
204 	GMT_Usage (API, -2, "Multiply img integer values by <scale> before output [1]. "
205 		"To set scale based on information encoded in filename, just give -S.");
206 	GMT_Usage (API, 1, "\n-T<type>");
207 	GMT_Usage (API, -2, "Select the img type format:");
208 	GMT_Usage (API, 3, "0: Obsolete img files w/ no constraint code, gets data.");
209 	GMT_Usage (API, 3, "1: New img file w/ constraints coded, gets data at all points [Default].");
210 	GMT_Usage (API, 3, "2: New img file w/ constraints coded, gets data only at constrained points, NaN elsewhere.");
211 	GMT_Usage (API, 3, "3: New img file w/ constraints coded, gets 1 at constraints, 0 elsewhere.");
212 	GMT_Option (API, "V");
213 	GMT_Usage (API, 1, "\n-W<maxlon>");
214 	GMT_Usage (API, -2, "Input img file runs from 0 to <maxlon> longitude [360.0].");
215 	GMT_Option (API, "n,.");
217 	return (GMT_MODULE_USAGE);
218 }
parse(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,struct IMG2GRD_CTRL * Ctrl,struct GMT_OPTION * options)220 static int parse (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, struct IMG2GRD_CTRL *Ctrl, struct GMT_OPTION *options) {
222 	/* This parses the options provided to grdcut and sets parameters in CTRL.
223 	 * Any GMT common options will override values set previously by other commands.
224 	 * It also replaces any file names specified as input or output with the data ID
225 	 * returned when registering these sources/destinations with the API.
226 	 */
228 	unsigned int n_errors = 0, n_files = 0;
229 	bool sec = false, min = false;
230 	size_t L = 0;
231 	struct GMT_OPTION *opt = NULL;
232 	struct GMTAPI_CTRL *API = GMT->parent;
234 	for (opt = options; opt; opt = opt->next) {	/* Process all the options given */
236 		switch (opt->option) {
237 			/* Common parameters */
239 			case '<':	/* Input files */
240 				if (n_files++ > 0) break;
241 				Ctrl->In.active = true;
242 				if (opt->arg[0]) Ctrl->In.file = strdup (opt->arg);
243 				if (GMT_Get_FilePath (API, GMT_IS_GRID, GMT_IN, GMT_FILE_REMOTE, &(Ctrl->In.file))) n_errors++;
244 				break;
246 			/* Processes program-specific parameters */
248 			case 'F':	/* Backwards helper for old non-C behavior */
249 				n_errors += gmt_M_repeated_module_option (API, Ctrl->F.active);
250 				Ctrl->F.active = true;
251 				break;
252 			case 'D':
253 				n_errors += gmt_M_repeated_module_option (API, Ctrl->D.active);
254 				Ctrl->D.active = true;
255 				if (opt->arg[0] && (sscanf (opt->arg, "%lf/%lf", &Ctrl->D.min, &Ctrl->D.max)) != 2) {
256 					n_errors++;
257 					GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_ERROR, "Option -D: Failed to decode <minlat>/<maxlat>.\n");
258 				}
259 				else {
260 					Ctrl->D.min = GMT_IMG_MINLAT_80;
261 					Ctrl->D.max = GMT_IMG_MAXLAT_80;
262 				}
263 				break;
264 			case 'E':
265 				n_errors += gmt_M_repeated_module_option (API, Ctrl->E.active);
266 				Ctrl->E.active = true;
267 				break;
268 			case 'G':
269 				n_errors += gmt_M_repeated_module_option (API, Ctrl->G.active);
270 				Ctrl->G.active = true;
271 				if (opt->arg[0]) Ctrl->G.file = strdup (opt->arg);
272 				if (GMT_Get_FilePath (API, GMT_IS_GRID, GMT_OUT, GMT_FILE_LOCAL, &(Ctrl->G.file))) n_errors++;
273 				break;
274 			case 'm':
275 				if (gmt_M_compat_check (GMT, 4))	/* Warn and fall through to 'I' on purpose */
276 					GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_COMPAT, "-m<inc> is deprecated; use -I<inc> instead.\n");
277 				else {
278 					n_errors += gmt_default_error (GMT, opt->option);
279 					break;
280 				}
281 				/* Intentionally fall through */
282 			case 'I':
283 				n_errors += gmt_M_repeated_module_option (API, Ctrl->I.active);
284 				Ctrl->I.active = true;
285 				L = strlen (opt->arg);
286 				if (strchr ("ms", opt->arg[L])) {	/* Valid minute or second unit */
287 					if (opt->arg[L] == 's') sec = true;
288 					if (opt->arg[L] == 'm') min = true;
289 					opt->arg[L] = '\0';
290 				}
291 				if ((sscanf (opt->arg, "%lf", &Ctrl->I.value)) != 1) {
292 					n_errors++;
293 					GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_ERROR, "Option -I requires a positive value.\n");
294 				}
295 				if (sec) {
296 					Ctrl->I.value /= 60.0;
297 					opt->arg[L] = 's';
298 				}
299 				else if (min)
300 					opt->arg[L] = 'm';
301 				break;
302 			case 'M':
303 				n_errors += gmt_M_repeated_module_option (API, Ctrl->M.active);
304 				Ctrl->M.active = true;
305 				break;
306 			case 'N':
307 				n_errors += gmt_M_repeated_module_option (API, Ctrl->N.active);
308 				Ctrl->N.active = true;
309 				Ctrl->N.value = atoi (opt->arg);
310 				break;
311 			case 'S':
312 				n_errors += gmt_M_repeated_module_option (API, Ctrl->S.active);
313 				Ctrl->S.active = true;
314 				if (sscanf (opt->arg, "%lf", &Ctrl->S.value) != 1) Ctrl->S.mode = 1;
315 				break;
316 			case 'T':
317 				n_errors += gmt_M_repeated_module_option (API, Ctrl->T.active);
318 				Ctrl->T.active = true;
319 				if ((sscanf (opt->arg, "%d", &Ctrl->T.value)) != 1) {
320 					n_errors++;
321 					GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_ERROR, "Option -T requires an output type 0-3.\n");
322 				}
323 				break;
324 			case 'W':
325 				n_errors += gmt_M_repeated_module_option (API, Ctrl->W.active);
326 				Ctrl->W.active = true;
327 				if ((sscanf (opt->arg, "%lf", &Ctrl->W.value)) != 1) {
328 					n_errors++;
329 					GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_ERROR, "Option -W requires a longitude >= 360.0.\n");
330 				}
331 				break;
332 			default:	/* Report bad options */
333 				n_errors += gmt_default_error (GMT, opt->option);
334 				break;
335 		}
336 	}
338 	n_errors += gmt_M_check_condition (GMT, Ctrl->In.file == NULL, "Must specify input imgfile name.\n");
339 	n_errors += gmt_M_check_condition (GMT, n_files > 1, "More than one world image file name given.\n");
340 	n_errors += gmt_M_check_condition (GMT, !GMT->common.R.active[RSET], "Must specify -R option.\n");
341 	n_errors += gmt_M_check_condition (GMT, GMT->common.R.active[RSET] && (GMT->common.R.wesn[XLO] >= GMT->common.R.wesn[XHI] || GMT->common.R.wesn[YLO] >= GMT->common.R.wesn[YHI]), "Must specify -R with west < east and south < north.\n");
342 	n_errors += gmt_M_check_condition (GMT, !Ctrl->G.active || Ctrl->G.file == NULL, "Must specify output grid file name with -G.\n");
343 	n_errors += gmt_M_check_condition (GMT, Ctrl->D.active && (Ctrl->D.min <= -90 || Ctrl->D.max >= 90.0 || Ctrl->D.max <= Ctrl->D.min), "Min/max latitudes are invalid.\n");
344 	n_errors += gmt_M_check_condition (GMT, Ctrl->T.value < 0 || Ctrl->T.value > 3, "Must specify output type in the range 0-3 with -T.\n");
345 	n_errors += gmt_M_check_condition (GMT, Ctrl->W.active && Ctrl->W.value < 360.0, "Requires a maximum longitude >= 360.0 with -W.\n");
346 	n_errors += gmt_M_check_condition (GMT, Ctrl->I.active && Ctrl->I.value <= 0.0, "Requires a positive value with -I.\n");
347 	n_errors += gmt_M_check_condition (GMT, Ctrl->F.active && !Ctrl->M.active, "Option -F requires -M.\n");
348 	n_errors += gmt_M_check_condition (GMT, Ctrl->E.active && Ctrl->M.active, "Option -E cannot be used with -M.\n");
349 	n_errors += gmt_M_check_condition (GMT, Ctrl->N.active && Ctrl->N.value < 1, "Option -N requires an integer > 1.\n");
351 	return (n_errors ? GMT_PARSE_ERROR : GMT_NOERROR);
352 }
img2grd_gud_fwd(double y)354 GMT_LOCAL double img2grd_gud_fwd (double y) {
355 	/* The Forward Gudermannian function.  Given y, the distance
356 	 * from the Equator to a latitude on a spherical Mercator map
357 	 * developed from a sphere of unit radius, returns the latitude
358 	 * in radians.  Should be called with -oo < y < +oo.  Returned
359 	 * value will be in -M_PI_2 < value < +M_PI_2.  */
361 	return(2.0 * atan(exp(y)) - M_PI_2);
362 }
img2grd_gud_inv(double phi)364 GMT_LOCAL double img2grd_gud_inv (double phi) {
365 	/* The Inverse Gudermannian function.  Given phi, a latitude
366 	 * in radians, returns the distance from the Equator to this
367 	 * latitude on a Mercator map tangent to a sphere of unit
368 	 * radius.  Should be called with -M_PI_2 < phi < +M_PI_2.
369 	 * Returned value will be in -oo < value < +oo.   */
371 	return(log(tan(M_PI_4 + 0.5 * phi)));
372 }
img2grd_lat_to_ypix(double lat,struct GMT_IMG_COORD * coord)374 GMT_LOCAL double img2grd_lat_to_ypix (double lat, struct GMT_IMG_COORD *coord) {
375 	/* Given Latitude in degrees and pointer to coordinate struct,
376 	 * return (double) coordinate from top edge of input img file
377 	 * measured downward in coordinate pixels.  */
379 	 return(coord->nytop - coord->radius * img2grd_gud_inv(lat*D2R));
380 }
img2grd_ypix_to_lat(double ypix,struct GMT_IMG_COORD * coord)382 GMT_LOCAL double img2grd_ypix_to_lat (double ypix, struct GMT_IMG_COORD *coord) {
383 	/* Given Y coordinate, measured downward from top edge of
384 	 * input img file in pixels, and pointer to coordinate struct,
385 	 * return Latitude in degrees.  */
387 	return( R2D * img2grd_gud_fwd( (coord->nytop - ypix) / coord->radius) );
388 }
img2grd_setup_coord(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,struct GMT_IMG_RANGE * r,struct GMT_IMG_COORD * c)390 GMT_LOCAL int img2grd_setup_coord (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, struct GMT_IMG_RANGE *r, struct GMT_IMG_COORD *c) {
391 	/* Given the RANGE info, set up the COORD values.  Return (-1) on failure;
392 	 * 0 on success.  */
394 	if (r->maxlon < 360.0) {
395 		GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_ERROR, "ERROR from img2grd_setup_coord: Cannot handle maxlon < 360.\n");
396 		return (-1);
397 	}
399 	c->nxcol  = irint (r->maxlon * 60.0 / r->mpixel);
400 	c->nx360  = irint (360.0 * 60.0 / r->mpixel);
401 	c->radius = c->nx360 / (2.0 * M_PI);
402 	c->nytop  = irint (c->radius * img2grd_gud_inv(r->maxlat*D2R) );
403 	c->nyrow  = c->nytop - irint (c->radius * img2grd_gud_inv(r->minlat*D2R) );
405 	return (0);
406 }
408 #define bailout(code) {gmt_M_free_options (mode); return (code);}
409 #define Return(code) {Free_Ctrl (GMT, Ctrl); gmt_end_module (GMT, GMT_cpy); bailout (code);}
GMT_img2grd(void * V_API,int mode,void * args)411 EXTERN_MSC int GMT_img2grd (void *V_API, int mode, void *args) {
412 	int error = 0;
413 	unsigned int navgsq, navg;	/* navg by navg pixels are averaged if navg > 1; else if navg == 1 do nothing */
414 	unsigned int first, n_columns, n_rows, iout, jout, jinstart, jinstop, k, kk, ion, jj, iin, jin2, ii, kstart, *ix = NULL;
415 	int jin, iinstart, iinstop;
417 	uint64_t ij;
418 	int16_t tempint;
420 	size_t n_expected;	/* Expected items per row */
422 	double west, east, south, north, wesn[4], toplat, botlat, dx;
423 	double south2, north2, rnavgsq, csum, dsum, left, bottom, inc[2];
425 	int16_t *row = NULL;
426 	uint16_t *u2 = NULL;
428 	char infile[PATH_MAX] = {""}, cmd[GMT_BUFSIZ] = {""}, input[GMT_VF_LEN] = {""}, output[PATH_MAX] = {""};
429 	char z_units[GMT_GRID_UNIT_LEN80] = {""}, exact_R[GMT_LEN256] = {""};
431 	FILE *fp = NULL;
433 	struct GMT_IMG_COORD imgcoord;
435 	struct GMT_GRID *Merc = NULL;
436 	struct IMG2GRD_CTRL *Ctrl = NULL;
437 	struct GMT_CTRL *GMT = NULL, *GMT_cpy = NULL;
438 	struct GMT_OPTION *options = NULL;
439 	struct GMTAPI_CTRL *API = gmt_get_api_ptr (V_API);	/* Cast from void to GMTAPI_CTRL pointer */
441 	/*----------------------- Standard module initialization and parsing ----------------------*/
443 	if (API == NULL) return (GMT_NOT_A_SESSION);
444 	if (mode == GMT_MODULE_PURPOSE) return (usage (API, GMT_MODULE_PURPOSE));	/* Return the purpose of program */
445 	options = GMT_Create_Options (API, mode, args);
446 	if (API->error)
447 		return (API->error); /* Set or get option list */
449 	if ((error = gmt_report_usage (API, options, 0, usage)) != GMT_NOERROR) bailout (error);	/* Give usage if requested */
451 	/* Parse the command-line arguments */
453 	if ((GMT = gmt_init_module (API, THIS_MODULE_LIB, THIS_MODULE_CLASSIC_NAME, THIS_MODULE_KEYS, THIS_MODULE_NEEDS, NULL, &options, &GMT_cpy)) == NULL) bailout (API->error); /* Save current state */
454 	if (GMT_Parse_Common (API, THIS_MODULE_OPTIONS, options)) Return (API->error);
455 	Ctrl = New_Ctrl (GMT);	/* Allocate and initialize a new control structure */
456 	if ((error = parse (GMT, Ctrl, options)) != 0) Return (error);
458 	/*---------------------------- This is the img2grd main code ----------------------------*/
460 	gmt_set_pad (GMT, 2U);	/* Ensure space for BCs in case an API passed pad == 0 */
462 	/* Set up default settings if not specified */
464 	if (Ctrl->W.active) imgrange.maxlon = Ctrl->W.value;
465 	if (Ctrl->I.active) imgrange.mpixel = Ctrl->I.value;
466 	if (Ctrl->D.active) {
467 		imgrange.minlat = Ctrl->D.min;
468 		imgrange.maxlat = Ctrl->D.max;
469 	}
471 	first = gmt_download_file_if_not_found (GMT, Ctrl->In.file, 0);	/* Deal with downloadable GMT data sets first */
473 	if (!gmt_getdatapath (GMT, &Ctrl->In.file[first], infile, R_OK)) {
474 		GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_ERROR, "img file %s not found\n", &Ctrl->In.file[first]);
476 	}
478 	if (! (Ctrl->I.active && Ctrl->D.active)) {
479 		int min;
480 		double lat = 0.0;
481 		struct stat buf;
482 		if (stat (infile, &buf)) Return (GMT_GRDIO_STAT_FAILED);	/* Inquiry about file failed somehow */
484 		switch (buf.st_size) {	/* Known sizes are 1 or 2 min at lat_max = ~72 or 80 */
486 				if (lat == 0.0) lat = GMT_IMG_MAXLAT_80;
487 				min = 1;
488 				break;
490 				if (lat == 0.0) lat = GMT_IMG_MAXLAT_72;
491 				min = 1;
492 				break;
494 				if (lat == 0.0) lat = GMT_IMG_MAXLAT_80;
495 				min = 2;
496 				break;
498 				if (lat == 0.0) lat = GMT_IMG_MAXLAT_72;
499 				min = 2;
500 				break;
501 			case GMT_IMG_NLON_4M*GMT_IMG_NLAT_4M_72*GMT_IMG_ITEMSIZE:	/* Test grid only */
502 				if (lat == 0.0) lat = GMT_IMG_MAXLAT_72;
503 				min = 4;
504 				break;
505 			default:
506 				if (lat == 0.0) return (GMT_GRDIO_BAD_IMG_LAT);
507 				min = (buf.st_size > GMT_IMG_NLON_2M*GMT_IMG_NLAT_2M_80*GMT_IMG_ITEMSIZE) ? 1 : 2;
508 				if (!Ctrl->I.active) GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_ERROR, "img file %s has unusual size - grid increment defaults to %d min\n", infile, min);
509 				break;
510 		}
511 		if (!Ctrl->D.active) {imgrange.minlat = -lat;	imgrange.maxlat = +lat;}
512 		if (!Ctrl->I.active) imgrange.mpixel = Ctrl->I.value = (double) min;
513 		GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION, "img file %s determined to have an increment of %d min and a latitude bound at +/- %g\n", infile, min, lat);
514 	}
516 	strcpy (z_units, "meters, mGal, Eotvos, micro-radians or Myr, depending on img file and -S.");
517 	if (Ctrl->S.mode) {	/* Guess the scaling */
518 		if (strstr (infile, "age")) {
519 			Ctrl->S.value = 0.01;
520 			strcpy (z_units, "Myr");
521 			GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION, "img file %s determined to be crustal ages with scale 0.01.\n", infile);
522 		}
523 		if (strstr (infile, "topo")) {
524 			Ctrl->S.value = 1.0;
525 			strcpy (z_units, "meter");
526 			GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION, "img file %s determined to be bathymetry with scale 1.\n", infile);
527 		}
528 		else if (strstr (infile, "grav")) {
529 			Ctrl->S.value = 0.1;
530 			strcpy (z_units, "mGal");
531 			GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION, "img file %s determined to be free-air anomalies with scale 0.1.\n", infile);
532 		}
533 		else if (strstr (infile, "curv") || strstr (infile, "vgg")) {
534 			Ctrl->S.value = (Ctrl->I.value == 2.0) ? 0.05 : 0.02;
535 			strcpy (z_units, "Eotvos");
536 			GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION, "img file %s determined to be VGG anomalies with scale %g.\n", infile, Ctrl->S.value);
537 		}
538 		else {
539 			GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_WARNING, "Unable to determine data type for img file %s; scale not used.\n", infile);
540 			Ctrl->S.value = 1.0;
541 		}
542 	}
543 	if (Ctrl->T.value == 3) strcpy (z_units, "T/F, one or more constraints fell in this pixel.");
545 	if (img2grd_setup_coord (GMT, &imgrange, &imgcoord) ) {
546 		GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_ERROR, "Failure in img coordinate specification [-I -W or -D].\n");
547 		Return (GMT_RUNTIME_ERROR);
548 	}
549 	else if (Ctrl->N.active && (imgcoord.nx360%Ctrl->N.value != 0 || imgcoord.nyrow%Ctrl->N.value != 0) ) {
550 		GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_ERROR, "Option -N: Bad choice of navg.  Must divide %d and %d\n", imgcoord.nx360, imgcoord.nyrow);
551 		Return (GMT_RUNTIME_ERROR);
552 	}
554 	if ((fp = gmt_fopen (GMT, infile, "rb")) == NULL) {
555 		GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_ERROR, "Cannot open %s for binary read.\n", infile);
556 		Return (GMT_RUNTIME_ERROR);
557 	}
559 	gmt_set_geographic (GMT, GMT_IN);
560 	gmt_set_cartesian (GMT, GMT_OUT);	/* Since output is no longer lon/lat */
562 	/* Keep original -R for later */
564 	west  = wesn[XLO] = GMT->common.R.wesn[XLO];
565 	east  = wesn[XHI] = GMT->common.R.wesn[XHI];
566 	south = wesn[YLO] = GMT->common.R.wesn[YLO];
567 	north = wesn[YHI] = GMT->common.R.wesn[YHI];
569 	navg = Ctrl->N.value;
571 	/* Expected edges of input image based on coordinate initialization (might not exactly match user spec) */
573 	toplat = img2grd_ypix_to_lat (0.0, &imgcoord);
574 	botlat = img2grd_ypix_to_lat ((double)imgcoord.nyrow, &imgcoord);
575 	dx = 1.0 / ((double)imgcoord.nx360 / 360.0);
576 	inc[GMT_X] = inc[GMT_Y] = dx * navg;
578 	GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION, "Expects %s to be %d by %d pixels spanning 0/%5.1f/%.8g/%.8g.\n", infile, imgcoord.nxcol, imgcoord.nyrow, dx*imgcoord.nxcol, botlat, toplat);
580 	if (toplat < wesn[YHI]) {
581 		GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_WARNING, "Your top latitude (%.12g) lies outside top latitude of input (%.12g) - now truncated.\n", wesn[YHI], toplat);
582 		wesn[YHI] = toplat - GMT_CONV8_LIMIT;	/* To ensure proper round-off in calculating n_rows */
583 	}
584 	if (botlat > wesn[YLO]) {
585 		GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_WARNING, "Your bottom latitude (%.12g) lies outside bottom latitude of input (%.12g) - now truncated.\n", wesn[YLO], botlat);
586 		wesn[YLO] = botlat + GMT_CONV8_LIMIT;	/* To ensure proper round-off in calculating n_rows */
587 	}
589 	/* Re-adjust user's -R so that it falls on pixel coordinate boundaries */
591 	jinstart = navg * (urint (floor (img2grd_lat_to_ypix (wesn[YHI], &imgcoord) / navg)));
592 	jinstop  = navg * (urint (ceil  (img2grd_lat_to_ypix (wesn[YLO], &imgcoord) / navg)));
593 	/* jinstart <= jinputrow < jinstop  */
594 	n_rows = (int)(jinstop - jinstart) / navg;
595 	north2 = wesn[YHI] = img2grd_ypix_to_lat ((double)jinstart, &imgcoord);
596 	south2 = wesn[YLO] = img2grd_ypix_to_lat ((double)jinstop,  &imgcoord);
598 	iinstart = navg * (urint (floor (wesn[XLO]/inc[GMT_X])));
599 	iinstop  = navg * (urint (ceil  (wesn[XHI]/inc[GMT_X])));
600 	/* iinstart <= ipixelcol < iinstop, but modulo all with imgcoord.nx360  */
601 	/* Reset left and right edges of user area */
602 	wesn[XLO] = iinstart * dx;
603 	wesn[XHI] = iinstop  * dx;
604 	n_columns = (int)(iinstop - iinstart) / navg;
606 	sprintf (exact_R, "%.16g/%.16g/%.16g/%.16g", wesn[XLO], wesn[XHI], wesn[YLO], wesn[YHI]);
607 	GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION, "To fit [averaged] input, your %s is adjusted to the exact region -R%s.\n", Ctrl->In.file, exact_R);
608 	GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION, "The output grid size will be %d by %d pixels.\n", n_columns, n_rows);
610 	/* Set iinstart so that it is non-negative, for use to index pixels.  */
611 	while (iinstart < 0) iinstart += imgcoord.nx360;
613 	/* Set navgsq, rnavgsq, for the averaging */
614 	navgsq = navg * navg;
615 	rnavgsq = 1.0 / navgsq;
617 	/* Set up header with Mercatorized dimensions assuming -Jm1i  */
618 	if (Ctrl->F.active || !Ctrl->M.active) {	/* Backwards support for old behavior in -M, or being internally consistent with central meridian */
619 		wesn[XLO] = 0.0;
620 		wesn[XHI] = n_columns * inc[GMT_X];
621 		wesn[YLO] = 0.0;
622 		wesn[YHI] = n_rows * inc[GMT_Y];
623 		left = wesn[XLO];
624 		bottom = wesn[YLO];
625 	}
626 	else {
627 		int equator = irint (img2grd_lat_to_ypix (0.0, &imgcoord));
628 		wesn[XLO] = iinstart * inc[GMT_X];
629 		wesn[XHI] = wesn[XLO] + n_columns * inc[GMT_X];
630 		wesn[YHI] = (imgcoord.nyrow - (int)jinstart - equator) * inc[GMT_Y];
631 		wesn[YLO] = wesn[YHI] - n_rows * inc[GMT_Y];
632 		left = bottom = 0.0;
633 		if (wesn[XHI] > 360.0) {
634 			wesn[XHI] -= 360.0;
635 			wesn[XLO] -= 360.0;
636 		}
637 		else if (west < 0.0 && east < 0.0 && west >= -180.0 && wesn[XLO] > 0.0) {	/* Gave reasonable negative region, honor it */
638 			wesn[XHI] -= 360.0;
639 			wesn[XLO] -= 360.0;
640 		}
641 	}
642 	GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_DEBUG, "Allocate Grid container for Mercator data\n");
643 	if ((Merc = GMT_Create_Data (API, GMT_IS_GRID, GMT_IS_SURFACE, GMT_CONTAINER_AND_DATA, NULL, wesn, inc, \
645 		fclose (fp);
646 		Return (API->error);
647 	}
649 	if (Ctrl->M.active) {
650 		snprintf (Merc->header->x_units, GMT_GRID_UNIT_LEN80, "Spherical Mercator projected Longitude, -Jm1, length from %.12g", left);
651 		snprintf (Merc->header->y_units, GMT_GRID_UNIT_LEN80, "Spherical Mercator projected Latitude, -Jm1, length from %.12g", bottom);
652 		snprintf (Merc->header->remark, GMT_GRID_REMARK_LEN160, "%s%.12g/%.12g/%.12g/%.12g", GMT_IMG_REMARK, wesn[XLO], wesn[XHI], south2, north2);
653 	}
654 	else {
655 		sprintf (Merc->header->x_units, "longitude [degrees_east]");
656 		sprintf (Merc->header->y_units, "latitude [degrees_north]");
657 	}
658 	strncpy (Merc->header->z_units, z_units, GMT_GRID_UNIT_LEN80-1);
659 	strcpy (Merc->header->title, "Data from Altimetry");
660 	Merc->header->z_min = DBL_MAX;	Merc->header->z_max = -DBL_MAX;
661 	/* Now malloc some space for integer pixel index, and int16_t data buffer.  */
663 	row = gmt_M_memory (GMT, NULL, navg * imgcoord.nxcol, int16_t);
664 	ix = gmt_M_memory (GMT, NULL, navgsq * Merc->header->n_columns, unsigned int);
666 	/* Load ix with the index to the correct column, for each output desired.  This helps for Greenwich,
667 	   also faster averaging of the file, etc.  Note for averaging each n by n block is looped in turn. */
669 	if (navg > 1) {
670 		for (iout = k = 0; iout < Merc->header->n_columns; iout++) {
671 			ion = iout * navg;
672 			for (jin2 = 0; jin2 < navg; jin2++) {
673 				jj = jin2 * imgcoord.nxcol;
674 				for (iin = 0; iin < navg; iin++) {
675 					ii = (iin + iinstart + ion) % imgcoord.nx360;
676 					ix[k] = ii + jj;
677 					k++;
678 				}
679 			}
680 		}
681 	}
682 	else {
683 		for (iout = 0; iout < Merc->header->n_columns; iout++) ix[iout] = (iout + iinstart) % imgcoord.nx360;
684 	}
687 	/* Now before beginning data loop, fseek if needed.  */
688 	if (jinstart > 0 && jinstart < (unsigned int)imgcoord.nyrow) fseek (fp, 2LL * imgcoord.nxcol * jinstart, SEEK_SET);
690 	/* Now loop over output points, reading and handling data as needed */
692 	n_expected = navg * imgcoord.nxcol;
693 	for (jout = 0; jout < Merc->header->n_rows; jout++) {
694 		jin = jinstart + navg * jout;
695 		ij = gmt_M_ijp (Merc->header, jout, 0);	/* Left-most index of this row */
696 		if (jin < 0 || jin >= imgcoord.nyrow) {	/* Outside latitude range; set row to NaNs */
697 			for (iout = 0; iout < Merc->header->n_columns; iout++, ij++) Merc->data[ij] = GMT->session.f_NaN;
698 			continue;
699 		}
700 		if ((fread (row, sizeof (int16_t), n_expected, fp) ) != n_expected) {
701 			GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_ERROR, "Read failure at jin = %d.\n", jin);
702 			gmt_M_free (GMT, ix);	gmt_M_free (GMT, row);
703 			fclose (fp);
704 			Return (GMT_DATA_READ_ERROR);
705 		}
708 		u2 = (uint16_t *)row;
709 		for (iout = 0; iout < navg * imgcoord.nxcol; iout++)
710 			u2[iout] = bswap16 (u2[iout]);
711 #endif
713 		for (iout = 0, kstart = 0; iout < Merc->header->n_columns; iout++, ij++, kstart += navgsq) {
714 			if (navg) {
715 				csum = dsum = 0.0;
716 				for (k = 0, kk = kstart; k < navgsq; k++, kk++) {
717 					tempint = row[ix[kk]];
718 					if (Ctrl->T.value && abs (tempint) % 2 != 0) {
719 						csum += 1.0;
720 						tempint--;
721 					}
722 					dsum += (double) tempint;
723 				}
724 				csum *= rnavgsq;
725 				dsum *= rnavgsq;
726 			}
727 			else {
728 				tempint = row[ix[iout]];
729 				if (Ctrl->T.value && abs (tempint) %2 != 0) {
730 					csum = 1.0;
731 					tempint--;
732 				}
733 				else
734 					csum = 0.0;
735 				dsum = (double) tempint;
736 			}
738 			if (Ctrl->S.active) dsum *= Ctrl->S.value;
740 			switch (Ctrl->T.value) {
741 				case 0:
742 				case 1:
743 					Merc->data[ij] = (gmt_grdfloat) dsum;
744 					break;
745 				case 2:
746 					Merc->data[ij] = (gmt_grdfloat)((csum >= 0.5) ? dsum : GMT->session.f_NaN);
747 					break;
748 				case 3:
749 					Merc->data[ij] = (gmt_grdfloat)csum;
750 					break;
751 			}
754 			if (Ctrl->T.value != 2 || csum >= 0.5) {
755 				if (Merc->header->z_min > Merc->data[ij]) Merc->header->z_min = Merc->data[ij];
756 				if (Merc->header->z_max < Merc->data[ij]) Merc->header->z_max = Merc->data[ij];
757 			}
758 		}
759 	}
760 	fclose (fp);
762 	gmt_M_free (GMT, ix);
763 	gmt_M_free (GMT, row);
765 	if (!Ctrl->E.active) {	/* Update R history with exact region found above */
766 		/* Because the Mercator grid's equidistant y-nodes are not equidistant when converted back to geographic coordinates,
767 		 * the corresponding south and north coordinates for the outside of the pixels will generally not match the given
768 		 * south and north boundaries in the specified -R setting.  Because this is only an issue in this program we replace
769 		 * the given -R with the exact -R in the gmt.history file so that any subsequent module call using -R shorthand will
770 		 * get the actual (exect) region and not the requested (initial, approximate) region. */
771 		int id = gmt_get_option_id (0, "R");			/* The -R[P] item in the history array */
772 		if (GMT->current.setting.run_mode == GMT_MODERN) id++;	/* Instead pick the -RG item under modern mode since this is not a plotting tool */
773 		gmt_M_str_free (GMT->init.history[id]);			/* Free the previous history string set during parsing */
774 		GMT->init.history[id] = strdup (exact_R);		/* Replace it with the exact region */
775 	}
777 	/* We now have the Mercator grid in Grid. */
779 	GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION, "Created %d by %d Mercatorized grid file.  Min, Max values are %.8g  %.8g\n", Merc->header->n_columns, Merc->header->n_rows, Merc->header->z_min, Merc->header->z_max);
780 	if (Ctrl->M.active) {	/* Write out the Mercator grid and return, no projection needed */
781 		gmt_set_pad (GMT, API->pad);	/* Reset to session default pad before output */
782 		if (GMT_Set_Comment (API, GMT_IS_GRID, GMT_COMMENT_IS_OPTION | GMT_COMMENT_IS_COMMAND, options, Merc)) Return (API->error);
784 			Return (API->error);
785 		}
786 		Return (GMT_NOERROR);
787 	}
789 	/* Here we need to reproject the data, and Merc becomes a temporary grid */
791 	GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION, "Undo the implicit spherical Mercator -Jm1i projection.\n");
792 	/* Preparing source and destination for GMT_grdproject */
793 	/* a. Register the Mercator grid to be the source read by GMT_grdproject by passing a pointer */
794 	GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_DEBUG, "Open Mercator Grid as grdproject virtual input\n");
795 	if (GMT_Open_VirtualFile (API, GMT_IS_GRID, GMT_IS_SURFACE, GMT_IN|GMT_IS_REFERENCE, Merc, input) != GMT_NOERROR) {
796 		Return (API->error);
797 	}
798 	/* b. If -E: Register a grid struct Geo to be the destination allocated and written to by GMT_grdproject, else write to -G<file> */
799 	if (Ctrl->E.active) {	/* Since we will resample again, register a memory location for the result */
800 		GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_DEBUG, "Register memory Grid container as grdproject output\n");
802 			Return (API->error);
803 		}
804 	}
805 	else	/* The output here is the final result */
806 		strncpy (output, Ctrl->G.file, PATH_MAX-1);
807 	sprintf (cmd, "-R%g/%g/%g/%g -Jm1i -I %s -G%s --PROJ_ELLIPSOID=Sphere --PROJ_LENGTH_UNIT=inch --GMT_HISTORY=readonly", west, east, south2, north2, input, output);
808 	GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_DEBUG, "Calling grdproject %s.\n", cmd);
809 	if (GMT_Call_Module (API, "grdproject", GMT_MODULE_CMD, cmd)!= GMT_NOERROR) {	/* Inverse project the grid or fail */
810 		Return (API->error);
811 	}
812 	/* Close the virtual file */
813 	if (GMT_Close_VirtualFile (API, input) != GMT_NOERROR) {
814 		Return (API->error);
815 	}
816 	/* Destroy the memory as well */
817 	if (GMT_Destroy_Data (API, &Merc) != GMT_NOERROR) {
818 		Return (API->error);
819 	}
820 	if (Ctrl->E.active) {	/* Resample again using the given -R and the dx/dy in even minutes */
821 		/* Preparing source and destination for GMT_grdsample */
822 		/* a. Register the Geographic grid returned by GMT_grdproject to be the source read by GMT_grdsample by passing a pointer */
823 		struct GMT_GRID *Geo = NULL;
824 		GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_DEBUG, "Read Geo Grid container as grdproject virtual output\n");
825 		if ((Geo = GMT_Read_VirtualFile (API, output)) == NULL) {
826 			Return (API->error);
827 		}
828 		/* Close the virtual file */
829 		if (GMT_Close_VirtualFile (API, output) != GMT_NOERROR) {
830 			Return (API->error);
831 		}
832 		strcpy (Geo->header->title, "Data from Altimetry");
833 		strncpy (Geo->header->z_units, z_units, GMT_GRID_UNIT_LEN80-1);
834 		sprintf (Geo->header->x_units, "longitude [degrees_east]");
835 		sprintf (Geo->header->y_units, "latitude [degrees_north]");
836 		GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_DEBUG, "Open Geo Grid container as grdsample virtual input\n");
837 		if (GMT_Open_VirtualFile (API, GMT_IS_GRID, GMT_IS_SURFACE, GMT_IN|GMT_IS_REFERENCE, Geo, input) != GMT_NOERROR) {
838 			Return (API->error);
839 		}
840 		sprintf (cmd, "-R%g/%g/%g/%g -I%gm %s -G%s -fg --GMT_HISTORY=readonly", west, east, south, north, Ctrl->I.value, input, Ctrl->G.file);
841 		GMT_Report (API, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION, "Calling grdsample with args %s\n", cmd);
842 		if (GMT_Call_Module (API, "grdsample", GMT_MODULE_CMD, cmd) != GMT_NOERROR) {	/* Resample the grid or fail */
843 			Return (API->error);
844 		}
845 		/* Close the virtual file */
846 		if (GMT_Close_VirtualFile (API, input) != GMT_NOERROR) {
847 			Return (API->error);
848 		}
849 	}
851 	Return (GMT_NOERROR);
852 }