2load_lib "dejagnu.exp"
5# If tracing has been enabled at the top level, then turn it on here
6# too.
7if $tracelevel {
8    strace $tracelevel
11# After these many seconds of execution the test script is aborted
12# with a failure.
13# This is to handle deadlocks. We don't reset the timeout when a match is
14# found to avoid hanging in case of a testcase sending matches in an
15# infinite loops.
16# (not unlikely as it seems, think about flash movies...)
18# Expressed in seconds.
20set timeout 300
21set file all
22set params ""
24global env
26# testcases is set by the Makefile in the site.exp data file.
27foreach file $testcases {
29    verbose "Running test $file"
31    # spawn the executable and look for the DejaGnu output messages from the
32    # test case.
34    # this version of the call allows use of 'wait' to check return code
35    # -open [open "|cmd" "r"] doesn't work for that
37    # Ignore SIGHUP or we'd get a lot of them on Debian stable
38    set PID [spawn -noecho -ignore SIGHUP ./$file]
40    expect {
41	-re "^\[^\n]*NOTE:\[^\n]*\n" {
42	    regsub ".*NOTE: " $expect_out(0,string) "" output
43	    set output [string range $output 0 end-2]
44	    verbose "${file} $output"
45	    # notes tipically come from the test runner, so we'll trust it to mean
46	    # things are someone not too bad...
47	    # -continue_timer
48	    exp_continue
49	}
50	-re "^\[^\n]* ERROR:\[^\n]*\n" {
51	    regsub ".* ERROR: " $expect_out(0,string) "" output
52	    set output [string range $output 0 end-2]
53	    verbose "ERROR: ${file}: $output"
54	    exp_continue -continue_timer
55	}
56	-re "^\[^\n]*XPASSED:\[^\n]*\n" {
57	    regsub ".*XPASSED: " $expect_out(0,string) "" output
58	    set output [string range $output 0 end-2]
59	    xpass "${file}: $output"
60	    exp_continue -continue_timer
61	}
62	-re "^\[^\n]*PASSED:\[^\n]*\n" {
63	    regsub ".*PASSED: " $expect_out(0,string) "" output
64	    set output [string range $output 0 end-2]
65	    pass "${file}: $output"
66	    exp_continue -continue_timer
67	}
68	-re "^\[^\n]*XFAILED:\[^\n]*\n" {
69	    regsub ".*XFAILED: " $expect_out(0,string) "" output
70	    set output [string range $output 0 end-2]
71	    xfail "${file}: $output"
72	    exp_continue -continue_timer
73	}
74	-re "^\[^\n]*FAILED:\[^\n]*\n" {
75	    regsub ".*FAILED: " $expect_out(0,string) "" output
76	    set output [string range $output 0 end-2]
77	    fail "${file}: $output"
78	    exp_continue -continue_timer
79	}
80	-re "^\[^\n]*UNTESTED:\[^\n]*\n" {
81	    regsub ".*UNTESTED: " $expect_out(0,string) "" output
82	    set output [string range $output 0 end-2]
83	    untested "${file}: $output"
84	    exp_continue -continue_timer
85	}
86	-re "^\[^\n]*UNRESOLVED:\[^\n]*\n" {
87	    regsub ".*UNRESOLVED: " $expect_out(0,string) "" output
88	    set output [string range $output 0 end-2]
89	    unresolved "${file}: $output"
90	    exp_continue -continue_timer
91	}
92	-re "^\[^\n]*\n" {
93            # just remove non-matching lines!
94            exp_continue -continue_timer
95	}
96	eof {
97	    #	    unresolved "${file} died prematurely"
98	    #	    catch close
99	    #	    return "${file} died prematurely"
100	}
101	timeout {
102		fail "Test case ${file} still running after ${timeout} seconds, killing it (deadlock?)"
103		exec kill -9 $PID
104		catch close
105		continue;
106	}
107   }
109	# wait for the process to coplete to
110	# check return code
111	set retcode [wait]
113	# debugging
114	#set i 0; foreach j $retcode { print "${file} wait($i) $j"; incr i }
116	# This snippet catches segfaults and aborts.
117	# Would also catch SIGHUP, but we're ignoring them
118	# as on Debian Stable we unexpectedly get them for no apparent reason
119	#
120	if { [ llength $retcode ] > 5 } {
121		fail "${file} died prematurely ([lindex $retcode 6])"
122	}
124	# This snippet catches non-zero returns
125	if { [ lindex $retcode 3 ] != 0 } {
126		fail "${file} exited with non-zero code ([lindex $retcode 3])"
127	}
129    # force a close of the executable to be safe.
130    catch close