1 /*
2  * GooCanvas. Copyright (C) 2005 Damon Chaplin.
3  * Released under the GNU LGPL license. See COPYING for details.
4  *
5  * goocanvasitem.h - interface for canvas items & groups.
6  */
7 #ifndef __GOO_CANVAS_ITEM_H__
8 #define __GOO_CANVAS_ITEM_H__
10 #include <gtk/gtk.h>
11 #include "goocanvasstyle.h"
16 /**
17  * GooCanvasAnimateType:
18  * @GOO_CANVAS_ANIMATE_FREEZE: the item remains in the final position.
19  * @GOO_CANVAS_ANIMATE_RESET: the item is moved back to the initial position.
20  * @GOO_CANVAS_ANIMATE_RESTART: the animation is restarted from the initial
21  *  position.
22  * @GOO_CANVAS_ANIMATE_BOUNCE: the animation bounces back and forth between the
23  *  start and end positions.
24  *
25  * #GooCanvasAnimateType is used to specify what happens when the end of an
26  * animation is reached.
27  */
28 typedef enum
29 {
34 } GooCanvasAnimateType;
37 /**
38  * GooCanvasBounds:
39  * @x1: the left edge.
40  * @y1: the top edge.
41  * @x2: the right edge.
42  * @y2: the bottom edge.
43  *
44  * #GooCanvasBounds represents the bounding box of an item in the canvas.
45  */
46 typedef struct _GooCanvasBounds GooCanvasBounds;
47 struct _GooCanvasBounds
48 {
49   gdouble x1, y1, x2, y2;
50 };
52 GType goo_canvas_bounds_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
53 #define GOO_TYPE_CANVAS_BOUNDS (goo_canvas_bounds_get_type ())
56 #define GOO_TYPE_CANVAS_ITEM            (goo_canvas_item_get_type ())
57 #define GOO_CANVAS_ITEM(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((obj), GOO_TYPE_CANVAS_ITEM, GooCanvasItem))
62 /* Workaround for circular dependencies. Include this file first. */
63 typedef struct _GooCanvas           GooCanvas;
64 typedef struct _GooCanvasItemModel  GooCanvasItemModel;
67 /**
68  * GooCanvasItem:
69  *
70  * #GooCanvasItem is a typedef used for objects that implement the
71  * #GooCanvasItem interface.
72  *
73  * (There is no actual #GooCanvasItem struct, since it is only an interface.
74  * But using '#GooCanvasItem' is more helpful than using '#GObject'.)
75  */
76 typedef struct _GooCanvasItem       GooCanvasItem;
79 /**
80  * GooCanvasItemIface:
81  * @get_canvas: returns the canvas the item is in.
82  * @set_canvas: sets the canvas the item is in.
83  * @get_n_children: returns the number of children of the item.
84  * @get_child: returns the child at the given index.
85  * @request_update: requests that an update is scheduled.
86  * @add_child: adds a child.
87  * @move_child: moves a child up or down the stacking order.
88  * @remove_child: removes a child.
89  * @get_child_property: gets a child property of a given child item,
90  *  e.g. the "row" or "column" property of an item in a #GooCanvasTable.
91  * @set_child_property: sets a child property for a given child item.
92  * @get_transform_for_child: gets the transform used to lay out a given child.
93  * @get_parent: gets the item's parent.
94  * @set_parent: sets the item's parent.
95  * @get_bounds: gets the bounds of the item.
96  * @get_items_at: gets all the items at the given point.
97  * @update: updates the item, if needed. It recalculates the bounds of the item
98  *  and requests redraws of parts of the canvas if necessary.
99  * @paint: renders the item to the given cairo context.
100  * @get_requested_area: returns the requested area of the item, in its parent's
101  *  coordinate space. This is only used for items in layout containers such as
102  *  #GooCanvasTable.
103  * @get_requested_height: returns the requested height of the item,
104  *  given a particular allocated width, using the parent's coordinate space.
105  *  Note that this method should only be used if the position of the item
106  *  remains unchanged. If the position might change use
107  *  get_requested_area_for_width() instead.
108  * @get_requested_area_for_width: returns the requested bounds of the item,
109  *  given a particular allocated width, using the parent's coordinate space.
110  * @allocate_area: allocates the item's area, in its parent's coordinate space.
111  *  The item must recalculate its bounds and request redraws of parts of the
112  *  canvas if necessary. This is only used for items in layout containers such
113  *  as #GooCanvasTable.
114  * @get_transform: gets the item's transformation matrix.
115  * @set_transform: sets the item's transformation matrix.
116  * @get_style: gets the item's style.
117  * @set_style: sets the item's style.
118  * @is_visible: returns %TRUE if the item is currently visible.
119  * @get_is_static: returns %TRUE if the item is static.
120  * @set_is_static: notifies the item whether it is static or not.
121  * @get_model: gets the model that the canvas item is viewing.
122  * @set_model: sets the model that the canvas item will view.
123  * @enter_notify_event: signal emitted when the mouse enters the item.
124  * @leave_notify_event: signal emitted when the mouse leaves the item.
125  * @motion_notify_event: signal emitted when the mouse moves within the item.
126  * @button_press_event: signal emitted when a mouse button is pressed within
127  *  the item.
128  * @button_release_event: signal emitted when a mouse button is released.
129  * @focus_in_event: signal emitted when the item receices the keyboard focus.
130  * @focus_out_event: signal emitted when the item loses the keyboard focus.
131  * @key_press_event: signal emitted when a key is pressed.
132  * @key_release_event: signal emitted when a key is released.
133  * @grab_broken_event: signal emitted when a grab that the item has is lost.
134  * @child_notify: signal emitted when a child property is changed.
135  * @query_tooltip: signal emitted to query the tooltip of an item.
136  * @animation_finished: signal emitted when the item's animation has finished.
137  * @scroll_event: signal emitted when the mouse wheel is activated within
138  * the item.
139  *
140  * #GooCanvasItemIFace holds the virtual methods that make up the
141  * #GooCanvasItem interface.
142  *
143  * Simple canvas items only need to implement the get_parent(), set_parent(),
144  * get_bounds(), get_items_at(), update() and paint() methods (and also
145  * get_requested_area() and allocate_area() if they are going to be used
146  * inside a layout container like #GooCanvasTable).
147  *
148  * Items that support transforms should also implement get_transform() and
149  * set_transform(). Items that support styles should implement get_style()
150  * and set_style().
151  *
152  * Container items must implement get_canvas(), set_canvas(),
153  * get_n_children(), get_child() and request_update(). Containers that support
154  * dynamic changes to their children should implement add_child(),
155  * move_child() and remove_child(). Layout containers like #GooCanvasTable
156  * may implement get_child_property(), set_child_property() and
157  * get_transform_for_child().
158  */
159 typedef struct _GooCanvasItemIface  GooCanvasItemIface;
161 struct _GooCanvasItemIface
162 {
163   /*< private >*/
164   GTypeInterface base_iface;
166   /*< public >*/
167   /* Virtual methods that group items must implement. */
168   GooCanvas*		(* get_canvas)			(GooCanvasItem		*item);
169   void			(* set_canvas)			(GooCanvasItem		*item,
170 							 GooCanvas		*canvas);
171   gint			(* get_n_children)		(GooCanvasItem		*item);
172   GooCanvasItem*	(* get_child)			(GooCanvasItem		*item,
173 							 gint			 child_num);
174   void			(* request_update)		(GooCanvasItem		*item);
176   /* Virtual methods that group items may implement. */
177   void			(* add_child)			(GooCanvasItem		*item,
178 							 GooCanvasItem		*child,
179 							 gint			 position);
180   void			(* move_child)			(GooCanvasItem		*item,
181 							 gint			 old_position,
182 							 gint			 new_position);
183   void			(* remove_child)		(GooCanvasItem		*item,
184 							 gint			 child_num);
185   void			(* get_child_property)		(GooCanvasItem		*item,
186 							 GooCanvasItem		*child,
187 							 guint			 property_id,
188 							 GValue			*value,
189 							 GParamSpec		*pspec);
190   void			(* set_child_property)		(GooCanvasItem		*item,
191 							 GooCanvasItem		*child,
192 							 guint			 property_id,
193 							 const GValue		*value,
194 							 GParamSpec		*pspec);
195   gboolean		(* get_transform_for_child)	(GooCanvasItem		*item,
196 							 GooCanvasItem		*child,
197 							 cairo_matrix_t		*transform);
199   /* Virtual methods that all canvas items must implement. */
200   GooCanvasItem*	(* get_parent)			(GooCanvasItem		*item);
201   void			(* set_parent)			(GooCanvasItem		*item,
202 							 GooCanvasItem		*parent);
203   void			(* get_bounds)			(GooCanvasItem		*item,
204 							 GooCanvasBounds	*bounds);
205   GList*		(* get_items_at)		(GooCanvasItem		*item,
206 							 gdouble		 x,
207 							 gdouble		 y,
208 							 cairo_t		*cr,
209 							 gboolean		 is_pointer_event,
210 							 gboolean		 parent_is_visible,
211 							 GList                  *found_items);
212   void			(* update)			(GooCanvasItem		*item,
213 							 gboolean		 entire_tree,
214 							 cairo_t		*cr,
215 							 GooCanvasBounds	*bounds);
216   void			(* paint)			(GooCanvasItem		*item,
217 							 cairo_t		*cr,
218 							 const GooCanvasBounds	*bounds,
219 							 gdouble		 scale);
221   gboolean		(* get_requested_area)		(GooCanvasItem		*item,
222 							 cairo_t		*cr,
223 							 GooCanvasBounds	*requested_area);
224   void			(* allocate_area)		(GooCanvasItem		*item,
225 							 cairo_t		*cr,
226 							 const GooCanvasBounds	*requested_area,
227 							 const GooCanvasBounds	*allocated_area,
228 							 gdouble		 x_offset,
229 							 gdouble		 y_offset);
231   /* Virtual methods that canvas items may implement. */
232   gboolean		(* get_transform)		(GooCanvasItem		*item,
233 							 cairo_matrix_t		*transform);
234   void			(* set_transform)		(GooCanvasItem		*item,
235 							 const cairo_matrix_t	*transform);
236   GooCanvasStyle*	(* get_style)			(GooCanvasItem		*item);
237   void			(* set_style)			(GooCanvasItem		*item,
238 							 GooCanvasStyle		*style);
239   gboolean		(* is_visible)			(GooCanvasItem		*item);
240   gdouble               (* get_requested_height)	(GooCanvasItem		*item,
241 							 cairo_t		*cr,
242 							 gdouble		 width);
244   /* Virtual methods that model/view items must implement. */
245   GooCanvasItemModel*	(* get_model)			(GooCanvasItem		*item);
246   void			(* set_model)			(GooCanvasItem		*item,
247 							 GooCanvasItemModel	*model);
250   /* Signals. */
251   gboolean		(* enter_notify_event)		(GooCanvasItem		*item,
252 							 GooCanvasItem		*target,
253 							 GdkEventCrossing	*event);
254   gboolean		(* leave_notify_event)		(GooCanvasItem		*item,
255 							 GooCanvasItem		*target,
256 							 GdkEventCrossing	*event);
257   gboolean		(* motion_notify_event)		(GooCanvasItem		*item,
258 							 GooCanvasItem		*target,
259 							 GdkEventMotion		*event);
260   gboolean		(* button_press_event)		(GooCanvasItem		*item,
261 							 GooCanvasItem		*target,
262 							 GdkEventButton		*event);
263   gboolean		(* button_release_event)	(GooCanvasItem		*item,
264 							 GooCanvasItem		*target,
265 							 GdkEventButton		*event);
266   gboolean		(* focus_in_event)		(GooCanvasItem		*item,
267 							 GooCanvasItem		*target,
268 							 GdkEventFocus		*event);
269   gboolean		(* focus_out_event)		(GooCanvasItem		*item,
270 							 GooCanvasItem		*target,
271 							 GdkEventFocus		*event);
272   gboolean		(* key_press_event)		(GooCanvasItem		*item,
273 							 GooCanvasItem		*target,
274 							 GdkEventKey		*event);
275   gboolean		(* key_release_event)		(GooCanvasItem		*item,
276 							 GooCanvasItem		*target,
277 							 GdkEventKey		*event);
278   gboolean		(* grab_broken_event)		(GooCanvasItem		*item,
279 							 GooCanvasItem		*target,
280 							 GdkEventGrabBroken	*event);
281   void			(* child_notify)		(GooCanvasItem		*item,
282 							 GParamSpec		*pspec);
283   gboolean		(* query_tooltip)		(GooCanvasItem		*item,
284 							 gdouble		 x,
285 							 gdouble		 y,
286 							 gboolean		 keyboard_tooltip,
287 							 GtkTooltip		*tooltip);
289   gboolean		(* get_is_static)		(GooCanvasItem		*item);
290   void			(* set_is_static)		(GooCanvasItem		*item,
291 							 gboolean		 is_static);
293   void			(* animation_finished)		(GooCanvasItem           *item,
294 							 gboolean                 stopped);
296   gboolean		(* scroll_event)		(GooCanvasItem		*item,
297 							 GooCanvasItem		*target,
298 							 GdkEventScroll		*event);
300   gboolean              (* get_requested_area_for_width)(GooCanvasItem		*item,
301 							 cairo_t		*cr,
302 							 gdouble		 width,
303 							 GooCanvasBounds	*requested_area);
305   /*< private >*/
307   /* Padding for future expansion */
308   void (*_goo_canvas_reserved1) (void);
309   void (*_goo_canvas_reserved2) (void);
310   void (*_goo_canvas_reserved3) (void);
311 };
314 GType              goo_canvas_item_get_type       (void) G_GNUC_CONST;
317 /*
318  * Group functions - these should only be called on container items.
319  */
320 gint               goo_canvas_item_get_n_children (GooCanvasItem   *item);
321 GooCanvasItem*     goo_canvas_item_get_child      (GooCanvasItem   *item,
322 						   gint             child_num);
323 gint               goo_canvas_item_find_child     (GooCanvasItem   *item,
324 						   GooCanvasItem   *child);
325 void               goo_canvas_item_add_child      (GooCanvasItem   *item,
326 						   GooCanvasItem   *child,
327 						   gint             position);
328 void               goo_canvas_item_move_child     (GooCanvasItem   *item,
329 						   gint             old_position,
330 						   gint             new_position);
331 void               goo_canvas_item_remove_child   (GooCanvasItem   *item,
332 						   gint             child_num);
334 void  goo_canvas_item_get_child_property	  (GooCanvasItem   *item,
335 						   GooCanvasItem   *child,
336 						   const gchar     *property_name,
337 						   GValue          *value);
338 void  goo_canvas_item_set_child_property	  (GooCanvasItem   *item,
339 						   GooCanvasItem   *child,
340 						   const gchar     *property_name,
341 						   const GValue    *value);
342 void  goo_canvas_item_get_child_properties        (GooCanvasItem   *item,
343 						   GooCanvasItem   *child,
344 						   ...) G_GNUC_NULL_TERMINATED;
345 void  goo_canvas_item_set_child_properties        (GooCanvasItem   *item,
346 						   GooCanvasItem   *child,
347 						   ...) G_GNUC_NULL_TERMINATED;
348 void  goo_canvas_item_get_child_properties_valist (GooCanvasItem   *item,
349 						   GooCanvasItem   *child,
350 						   va_list	    var_args);
351 void  goo_canvas_item_set_child_properties_valist (GooCanvasItem   *item,
352 						   GooCanvasItem   *child,
353 						   va_list	    var_args);
355 gboolean goo_canvas_item_get_transform_for_child  (GooCanvasItem   *item,
356 						   GooCanvasItem   *child,
357 						   cairo_matrix_t  *transform);
360 /*
361  * Item functions - these are safe to call on all items.
362  */
363 GooCanvas*         goo_canvas_item_get_canvas     (GooCanvasItem   *item);
364 void               goo_canvas_item_set_canvas     (GooCanvasItem   *item,
365 						   GooCanvas       *canvas);
366 GooCanvasItem*     goo_canvas_item_get_parent     (GooCanvasItem   *item);
367 void               goo_canvas_item_set_parent	  (GooCanvasItem   *item,
368 						   GooCanvasItem   *parent);
369 void               goo_canvas_item_remove         (GooCanvasItem   *item);
370 gboolean           goo_canvas_item_is_container   (GooCanvasItem   *item);
372 void               goo_canvas_item_raise          (GooCanvasItem   *item,
373 						   GooCanvasItem   *above);
374 void               goo_canvas_item_lower          (GooCanvasItem   *item,
375 						   GooCanvasItem   *below);
377 gboolean           goo_canvas_item_get_transform  (GooCanvasItem   *item,
378 						   cairo_matrix_t  *transform);
379 void               goo_canvas_item_set_transform  (GooCanvasItem         *item,
380 						   const cairo_matrix_t  *transform);
381 gboolean	   goo_canvas_item_get_simple_transform (GooCanvasItem   *item,
382 							 gdouble         *x,
383 							 gdouble         *y,
384 							 gdouble         *scale,
385 							 gdouble         *rotation);
386 void               goo_canvas_item_set_simple_transform (GooCanvasItem   *item,
387 							 gdouble          x,
388 							 gdouble          y,
389 							 gdouble          scale,
390 							 gdouble          rotation);
392 void               goo_canvas_item_translate      (GooCanvasItem   *item,
393 						   gdouble          tx,
394 						   gdouble          ty);
395 void               goo_canvas_item_scale          (GooCanvasItem   *item,
396 						   gdouble          sx,
397 						   gdouble          sy);
398 void               goo_canvas_item_rotate         (GooCanvasItem   *item,
399 						   gdouble          degrees,
400 						   gdouble          cx,
401 						   gdouble          cy);
402 void               goo_canvas_item_skew_x         (GooCanvasItem   *item,
403 						   gdouble          degrees,
404 						   gdouble          cx,
405 						   gdouble          cy);
406 void               goo_canvas_item_skew_y         (GooCanvasItem   *item,
407 						   gdouble          degrees,
408 						   gdouble          cx,
409 						   gdouble          cy);
411 GooCanvasStyle*    goo_canvas_item_get_style      (GooCanvasItem   *item);
412 void               goo_canvas_item_set_style      (GooCanvasItem   *item,
413 						   GooCanvasStyle  *style);
415 void               goo_canvas_item_animate        (GooCanvasItem   *item,
416 						   gdouble           x,
417 						   gdouble           y,
418 						   gdouble           scale,
419 						   gdouble           degrees,
420 						   gboolean          absolute,
421 						   gint             duration,
422 						   gint             step_time,
423 						   GooCanvasAnimateType type);
424 void               goo_canvas_item_stop_animation (GooCanvasItem   *item);
428 void               goo_canvas_item_get_bounds	  (GooCanvasItem   *item,
429 						   GooCanvasBounds *bounds);
430 GList*		   goo_canvas_item_get_items_at   (GooCanvasItem   *item,
431 						   gdouble          x,
432 						   gdouble          y,
433 						   cairo_t         *cr,
434 						   gboolean         is_pointer_event,
435 						   gboolean         parent_is_visible,
436 						   GList           *found_items);
437 gboolean           goo_canvas_item_is_visible     (GooCanvasItem   *item);
439 GooCanvasItemModel* goo_canvas_item_get_model	  (GooCanvasItem      *item);
440 void                goo_canvas_item_set_model	  (GooCanvasItem      *item,
441 						   GooCanvasItemModel *model);
443 void               goo_canvas_item_request_update (GooCanvasItem   *item);
444 void		   goo_canvas_item_ensure_updated (GooCanvasItem   *item);
445 void               goo_canvas_item_update         (GooCanvasItem   *item,
446 						   gboolean         entire_tree,
447 						   cairo_t         *cr,
448 						   GooCanvasBounds *bounds);
449 void               goo_canvas_item_paint          (GooCanvasItem         *item,
450 						   cairo_t               *cr,
451 						   const GooCanvasBounds *bounds,
452 						   gdouble                scale);
454 gboolean	   goo_canvas_item_get_requested_area (GooCanvasItem	*item,
455 						       cairo_t          *cr,
456 						       GooCanvasBounds  *requested_area);
457 gboolean	   goo_canvas_item_get_requested_area_for_width (GooCanvasItem	*item,
458 								 cairo_t          *cr,
459 								 gdouble           width,
460 								 GooCanvasBounds  *requested_area);
461 gdouble            goo_canvas_item_get_requested_height (GooCanvasItem  *item,
462 							 cairo_t	*cr,
463 							 gdouble         width);
464 void		   goo_canvas_item_allocate_area      (GooCanvasItem	     *item,
465 						       cairo_t               *cr,
466 						       const GooCanvasBounds *requested_area,
467 						       const GooCanvasBounds *allocated_area,
468 						       gdouble                x_offset,
469 						       gdouble                y_offset);
471 gboolean	   goo_canvas_item_get_is_static	(GooCanvasItem		*item);
472 void		   goo_canvas_item_set_is_static	(GooCanvasItem		*item,
473 							 gboolean		 is_static);
476 /*
477  * Functions to support child properties when implementing new canvas items.
478  */
479 void         goo_canvas_item_class_install_child_property (GObjectClass *iclass,
480 							   guint	 property_id,
481 							   GParamSpec	*pspec);
482 GParamSpec*  goo_canvas_item_class_find_child_property	  (GObjectClass	*iclass,
483 							   const gchar	*property_name);
484 GParamSpec** goo_canvas_item_class_list_child_properties  (GObjectClass	*iclass,
485 							   guint	*n_properties);
492 #endif /* __GOO_CANVAS_ITEM_H__ */