1 /* vim:expandtab:ts=2 sw=2:
2 */
3 /*  Grafx2 - The Ultimate 256-color bitmap paint program
5 	Copyright owned by various GrafX2 authors, see COPYRIGHT.txt for details.
7     Grafx2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
8     modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
9     as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2
10     of the License.
12     Grafx2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15     GNU General Public License for more details.
17     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18     along with Grafx2; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
19 */
21 #include <string.h>
22 #include <stdlib.h>
23 #include "global.h"
24 #include "screen.h"
25 #include "misc.h"
26 #include "graph.h"
27 #include "pxquad.h"
29 #define ZOOMX 4
30 #define ZOOMY 4
Pixel_quad(word x,word y,byte color)33 void Pixel_quad (word x,word y,byte color)
34 /* Affiche un pixel de la color aux coords x;y à l'écran */
35 {
36   Set_Screen_pixel(x * ZOOMX,     y * ZOOMY,     color);
37   Set_Screen_pixel(x * ZOOMX + 1, y * ZOOMY,     color);
38   Set_Screen_pixel(x * ZOOMX + 2, y * ZOOMY,     color);
39   Set_Screen_pixel(x * ZOOMX + 3, y * ZOOMY,     color);
40   Set_Screen_pixel(x * ZOOMX,     y * ZOOMY + 1, color);
41   Set_Screen_pixel(x * ZOOMX + 1, y * ZOOMY + 1, color);
42   Set_Screen_pixel(x * ZOOMX + 2, y * ZOOMY + 1, color);
43   Set_Screen_pixel(x * ZOOMX + 3, y * ZOOMY + 1, color);
44   Set_Screen_pixel(x * ZOOMX,     y * ZOOMY + 2, color);
45   Set_Screen_pixel(x * ZOOMX + 1, y * ZOOMY + 2, color);
46   Set_Screen_pixel(x * ZOOMX + 2, y * ZOOMY + 2, color);
47   Set_Screen_pixel(x * ZOOMX + 3, y * ZOOMY + 2, color);
48   Set_Screen_pixel(x * ZOOMX,     y * ZOOMY + 3, color);
49   Set_Screen_pixel(x * ZOOMX + 1, y * ZOOMY + 3, color);
50   Set_Screen_pixel(x * ZOOMX + 2, y * ZOOMY + 3, color);
51   Set_Screen_pixel(x * ZOOMX + 3, y * ZOOMY + 3, color);
53 }
Read_pixel_quad(word x,word y)55 byte Read_pixel_quad (word x,word y)
56 /* On retourne la couleur du pixel aux coords données */
57 {
58   return Get_Screen_pixel(x * ZOOMX, y * ZOOMY);
59 }
Block_quad(word start_x,word start_y,word width,word height,byte color)61 void Block_quad (word start_x,word start_y,word width,word height,byte color)
62 /* On affiche un rectangle de la couleur donnée */
63 {
64   Screen_FillRect(start_x * ZOOMX, start_y * ZOOMY, width * ZOOMX, height * ZOOMY, color);
65 }
Display_part_of_screen_quad(word width,word height,word image_width)67 void Display_part_of_screen_quad (word width,word height,word image_width)
68 /* Afficher une partie de l'image telle quelle sur l'écran */
69 {
70   byte* src=Main.offset_Y*image_width+Main.offset_X+Main_screen; //Coords de départ ds la source (src)
71   int y;
72   int dy;
74   for(y = 0; y < height; y++)
75   // Pour chaque ligne
76   {
77     byte* dest = Get_Screen_pixel_ptr(0, y * ZOOMY);
78     // On fait une copie de la ligne
79     for (dy=width;dy>0;dy--)
80     {
81       *(dest+3)=*(dest+2)=*(dest+1)=*dest=*src;
82       src++;
83       dest+=ZOOMX;
84     }
85     // On double la ligne qu'on vient de copier
86     memcpy(Get_Screen_pixel_ptr(0, y * ZOOMY + 1), Get_Screen_pixel_ptr(0, y * ZOOMY), width * ZOOMX);
87     // On la triple
88     memcpy(Get_Screen_pixel_ptr(0, y * ZOOMY + 2), Get_Screen_pixel_ptr(0, y * ZOOMY), width * ZOOMX);
89     // On la quadruple
90     memcpy(Get_Screen_pixel_ptr(0, y * ZOOMY + 3), Get_Screen_pixel_ptr(0, y * ZOOMY), width * ZOOMX);
92     // On passe à la ligne suivante
93     src+=image_width-width;
94   }
95   //Update_rect(0,0,width,height);
96 }
Pixel_preview_normal_quad(word x,word y,byte color)98 void Pixel_preview_normal_quad (word x,word y,byte color)
99 /* Affichage d'un pixel dans l'écran, par rapport au décalage de l'image
100  * dans l'écran, en mode normal (pas en mode loupe)
101  * Note: si on modifie cette procédure, il faudra penser à faire également
102  * la modif dans la procédure Pixel_Preview_Loupe_SDL. */
103 {
104 //  if(x-Main.offset_X >= 0 && y - Main.offset_Y >= 0)
105   Pixel_quad(x-Main.offset_X,y-Main.offset_Y,color);
106 }
Pixel_preview_magnifier_quad(word x,word y,byte color)108 void Pixel_preview_magnifier_quad  (word x,word y,byte color)
109 {
110   // Affiche le pixel dans la partie non zoomée
111   Pixel_quad(x-Main.offset_X,y-Main.offset_Y,color);
113   // Regarde si on doit aussi l'afficher dans la partie zoomée
114   if (y >= Limit_top_zoom && y <= Limit_visible_bottom_zoom
115           && x >= Limit_left_zoom && x <= Limit_visible_right_zoom)
116   {
117     // On est dedans
118     int height;
119     int y_zoom = Main.magnifier_factor * (y-Main.magnifier_offset_Y);
121     if (Menu_Y - y_zoom < Main.magnifier_factor)
122       // On ne doit dessiner qu'un morceau du pixel
123       // sinon on dépasse sur le menu
124       height = Menu_Y - y_zoom;
125     else
126       height = Main.magnifier_factor;
128     Block_quad(
129       Main.magnifier_factor * (x-Main.magnifier_offset_X) + Main.X_zoom,
130       y_zoom, Main.magnifier_factor, height, color
131       );
132   }
133 }
Horizontal_XOR_line_quad(word x_pos,word y_pos,word width)135 void Horizontal_XOR_line_quad(word x_pos,word y_pos,word width)
136 {
137   //On calcule la valeur initiale de dest:
138   //byte* dest=y_pos*ZOOMY*VIDEO_LINE_WIDTH+x_pos*ZOOMX+Screen_pixels;
140   int x;
142   for (x=0;x<width*ZOOMX;x+=ZOOMX)
143   {
144     byte color = xor_lut[Get_Screen_pixel(x_pos * ZOOMX + x, y_pos * ZOOMY)];
145     Set_Screen_pixel(x_pos * ZOOMX + x,     y_pos * ZOOMY, color);
146     Set_Screen_pixel(x_pos * ZOOMX + x + 1, y_pos * ZOOMY, color);
147     Set_Screen_pixel(x_pos * ZOOMX + x + 2, y_pos * ZOOMY, color);
148     Set_Screen_pixel(x_pos * ZOOMX + x + 3, y_pos * ZOOMY, color);
149     Set_Screen_pixel(x_pos * ZOOMX + x,     y_pos * ZOOMY + 1, color);
150     Set_Screen_pixel(x_pos * ZOOMX + x + 1, y_pos * ZOOMY + 1, color);
151     Set_Screen_pixel(x_pos * ZOOMX + x + 2, y_pos * ZOOMY + 1, color);
152     Set_Screen_pixel(x_pos * ZOOMX + x + 3, y_pos * ZOOMY + 1, color);
153     Set_Screen_pixel(x_pos * ZOOMX + x,     y_pos * ZOOMY + 2, color);
154     Set_Screen_pixel(x_pos * ZOOMX + x + 1, y_pos * ZOOMY + 2, color);
155     Set_Screen_pixel(x_pos * ZOOMX + x + 2, y_pos * ZOOMY + 2, color);
156     Set_Screen_pixel(x_pos * ZOOMX + x + 3, y_pos * ZOOMY + 2, color);
157     Set_Screen_pixel(x_pos * ZOOMX + x,     y_pos * ZOOMY + 3, color);
158     Set_Screen_pixel(x_pos * ZOOMX + x + 1, y_pos * ZOOMY + 3, color);
159     Set_Screen_pixel(x_pos * ZOOMX + x + 2, y_pos * ZOOMY + 3, color);
160     Set_Screen_pixel(x_pos * ZOOMX + x + 3, y_pos * ZOOMY + 3, color);
161   }
162 }
Vertical_XOR_line_quad(word x_pos,word y_pos,word height)164 void Vertical_XOR_line_quad(word x_pos,word y_pos,word height)
165 {
166   int i;
167   for (i = 0; i < height; i++)
168   {
169     byte color = xor_lut[Get_Screen_pixel(x_pos * ZOOMX, (y_pos + i) * ZOOMY)];
170     Set_Screen_pixel(x_pos * ZOOMX,     (y_pos + i) * ZOOMY, color);
171     Set_Screen_pixel(x_pos * ZOOMX + 1, (y_pos + i) * ZOOMY, color);
172     Set_Screen_pixel(x_pos * ZOOMX + 2, (y_pos + i) * ZOOMY, color);
173     Set_Screen_pixel(x_pos * ZOOMX + 3, (y_pos + i) * ZOOMY, color);
174     Set_Screen_pixel(x_pos * ZOOMX,     (y_pos + i) * ZOOMY + 1, color);
175     Set_Screen_pixel(x_pos * ZOOMX + 1, (y_pos + i) * ZOOMY + 1, color);
176     Set_Screen_pixel(x_pos * ZOOMX + 2, (y_pos + i) * ZOOMY + 1, color);
177     Set_Screen_pixel(x_pos * ZOOMX + 3, (y_pos + i) * ZOOMY + 1, color);
178     Set_Screen_pixel(x_pos * ZOOMX,     (y_pos + i) * ZOOMY + 2, color);
179     Set_Screen_pixel(x_pos * ZOOMX + 1, (y_pos + i) * ZOOMY + 2, color);
180     Set_Screen_pixel(x_pos * ZOOMX + 2, (y_pos + i) * ZOOMY + 2, color);
181     Set_Screen_pixel(x_pos * ZOOMX + 3, (y_pos + i) * ZOOMY + 2, color);
182     Set_Screen_pixel(x_pos * ZOOMX,     (y_pos + i) * ZOOMY + 3, color);
183     Set_Screen_pixel(x_pos * ZOOMX + 1, (y_pos + i) * ZOOMY + 3, color);
184     Set_Screen_pixel(x_pos * ZOOMX + 2, (y_pos + i) * ZOOMY + 3, color);
185     Set_Screen_pixel(x_pos * ZOOMX + 3, (y_pos + i) * ZOOMY + 3, color);
186   }
187 }
Display_brush_color_quad(word x_pos,word y_pos,word x_offset,word y_offset,word width,word height,byte transp_color,word brush_width)189 void Display_brush_color_quad(word x_pos,word y_pos,word x_offset,word y_offset,word width,word height,byte transp_color,word brush_width)
190 {
191   // dest = Position à l'écran
192   // src = Position dans la brosse
193   byte* src = Brush + y_offset * brush_width + x_offset;
195   word x,y;
197   // Pour chaque ligne
198   for(y = 0; y < height; y++)
199   {
200     byte* dest = Get_Screen_pixel_ptr(x_pos * ZOOMX, (y_pos + y) * ZOOMY);
201     byte* dest1 = Get_Screen_pixel_ptr(x_pos * ZOOMX, (y_pos + y) * ZOOMY + 1);
202     byte* dest2 = Get_Screen_pixel_ptr(x_pos * ZOOMX, (y_pos + y) * ZOOMY + 2);
203     byte* dest3 = Get_Screen_pixel_ptr(x_pos * ZOOMX, (y_pos + y) * ZOOMY + 3);
204      // Pour chaque pixel
205     for(x = width;x > 0; x--)
206     {
207       // On vérifie que ce n'est pas la transparence
208       if(*src != transp_color)
209       {
210         *(dest3+3) = *(dest3+2) = *(dest3+1) = *(dest3) = *(dest2+3) = *(dest2+2) = *(dest2+1) = *(dest2) = *(dest1+3) = *(dest1+2) = *(dest1+1) = *(dest1) = *(dest+3) = *(dest+2) = *(dest+1) = *dest = *src;
211       }
213       // Pixel suivant
214       src++;
215       dest+=ZOOMX;
216       dest1+=ZOOMX;
217       dest2+=ZOOMX;
218       dest3+=ZOOMX;
219     }
221     // On passe à la ligne suivante
222     src = src + brush_width - width;
223   }
224   Update_rect(x_pos,y_pos,width,height);
225 }
Display_brush_mono_quad(word x_pos,word y_pos,word x_offset,word y_offset,word width,word height,byte transp_color,byte color,word brush_width)227 void Display_brush_mono_quad(word x_pos, word y_pos,
228         word x_offset, word y_offset, word width, word height,
229         byte transp_color, byte color, word brush_width)
230 /* On affiche la brosse en monochrome */
231 {
232   // dest = adr destination à l'écran
233   byte* src=brush_width*y_offset+x_offset+Brush; // src = adr ds
234       // la brosse
235   int x,y;
237   // Pour chaque ligne
238   for(y = 0; y < height; y++)
239   {
240     byte* dest = Get_Screen_pixel_ptr(x_pos * ZOOMX, (y_pos + y) * ZOOMY);
241     byte* dest1 = Get_Screen_pixel_ptr(x_pos * ZOOMX, (y_pos + y) * ZOOMY + 1);
242     byte* dest2 = Get_Screen_pixel_ptr(x_pos * ZOOMX, (y_pos + y) * ZOOMY + 2);
243     byte* dest3 = Get_Screen_pixel_ptr(x_pos * ZOOMX, (y_pos + y) * ZOOMY + 3);
244     for(x=width;x!=0;x--)
245     //Pour chaque pixel
246     {
247       if (*src!=transp_color)
248         *(dest3+3) = *(dest3+2) = *(dest3+1) = *(dest3) = *(dest2+3) = *(dest2+2) = *(dest2+1) = *(dest2) = *(dest1+3) = *(dest1+2) = *(dest1+1) = *(dest1) = *(dest+3) = *(dest+2) = *(dest+1) = *dest = color;
250       // On passe au pixel suivant
251       src++;
252       dest+=ZOOMX;
253       dest1+=ZOOMX;
254       dest2+=ZOOMX;
255       dest3+=ZOOMX;
256     }
258     // On passe à la ligne suivante
259     src+=brush_width-width;
260   }
261   Update_rect(x_pos,y_pos,width,height);
262 }
Clear_brush_quad(word x_pos,word y_pos,word x_offset,word y_offset,word width,word height,byte transp_color,word image_width)264 void Clear_brush_quad(word x_pos,word y_pos,word x_offset,word y_offset,word width,word height,byte transp_color,word image_width)
265 {
266   byte* src = ( y_pos + Main.offset_Y ) * image_width + x_pos + Main.offset_X + Main_screen; //Coords de départ ds la source (src)
267   int y;
268   int x;
269   (void)x_offset; // unused
270   (void)y_offset; // unused
271   (void)transp_color; // unused
273   // Pour chaque ligne
274   for(y = 0; y < height; y++)
275   {
276     byte* dest = Get_Screen_pixel_ptr(x_pos * ZOOMX, (y_pos + y) * ZOOMY);
277     byte* dest1 = Get_Screen_pixel_ptr(x_pos * ZOOMX, (y_pos + y) * ZOOMY + 1);
278     byte* dest2 = Get_Screen_pixel_ptr(x_pos * ZOOMX, (y_pos + y) * ZOOMY + 2);
279     byte* dest3 = Get_Screen_pixel_ptr(x_pos * ZOOMX, (y_pos + y) * ZOOMY + 3);
280     for(x=width;x!=0;x--)
281     //Pour chaque pixel
282     {
283       *(dest3+3) = *(dest3+2) = *(dest3+1) = *(dest3) = *(dest2+3) = *(dest2+2) = *(dest2+1) = *(dest2) = *(dest1+3) = *(dest1+2) = *(dest1+1) = *(dest1) = *(dest+3) = *(dest+2) = *(dest+1) = *dest = *src;
285       // On passe au pixel suivant
286       src++;
287       dest+=ZOOMX;
288       dest1+=ZOOMX;
289       dest2+=ZOOMX;
290       dest3+=ZOOMX;
291     }
293     // On passe à la ligne suivante
294     src+=image_width-width;
295   }
296   Update_rect(x_pos,y_pos,width,height);
297 }
299 // Affiche une brosse (arbitraire) à l'écran
Display_brush_quad(byte * brush,word x_pos,word y_pos,word x_offset,word y_offset,word width,word height,byte transp_color,word brush_width)300 void Display_brush_quad(byte * brush, word x_pos,word y_pos,word x_offset,word y_offset,word width,word height,byte transp_color,word brush_width)
301 {
302   // dest = Position à l'écran
303   // src = Position dans la brosse
304   byte* src = brush + y_offset * brush_width + x_offset;
306   word x,y;
308   // Pour chaque ligne
309   for(y = 0; y < height; y++)
310   {
311     byte* dest = Get_Screen_pixel_ptr(x_pos * ZOOMX, (y_pos + y) * ZOOMY);
312     byte* dest1 = Get_Screen_pixel_ptr(x_pos * ZOOMX, (y_pos + y) * ZOOMY + 1);
313     byte* dest2 = Get_Screen_pixel_ptr(x_pos * ZOOMX, (y_pos + y) * ZOOMY + 2);
314     byte* dest3 = Get_Screen_pixel_ptr(x_pos * ZOOMX, (y_pos + y) * ZOOMY + 3);
315     // Pour chaque pixel
316     for(x = width;x > 0; x--)
317     {
318       // On vérifie que ce n'est pas la transparence
319       if(*src != transp_color)
320       {
321         *(dest3+3) = *(dest3+2) = *(dest3+1) = *(dest3) = *(dest2+3) = *(dest2+2) = *(dest2+1) = *(dest2) = *(dest1+3) = *(dest1+2) = *(dest1+1) = *(dest1) = *(dest+3) = *(dest+2) = *(dest+1) = *dest = *src;
322       }
324       // Pixel suivant
325       src++; dest+=ZOOMX;
326       dest1+=ZOOMX;
327       dest2+=ZOOMX;
328       dest3+=ZOOMX;
329     }
331     // On passe à la ligne suivante
332     src = src + brush_width - width;
333   }
334 }
Remap_screen_quad(word x_pos,word y_pos,word width,word height,byte * conversion_table)336 void Remap_screen_quad(word x_pos,word y_pos,word width,word height,byte * conversion_table)
337 {
338   // dest = coords a l'écran
339   int x,y;
341   // Pour chaque ligne
342   for(y = 0; y < height; y++)
343   {
344     byte* dest = Get_Screen_pixel_ptr(x_pos * ZOOMX, (y_pos + y) * ZOOMY);
345     byte* dest1 = Get_Screen_pixel_ptr(x_pos * ZOOMX, (y_pos + y) * ZOOMY + 1);
346     byte* dest2 = Get_Screen_pixel_ptr(x_pos * ZOOMX, (y_pos + y) * ZOOMY + 2);
347     byte* dest3 = Get_Screen_pixel_ptr(x_pos * ZOOMX, (y_pos + y) * ZOOMY + 3);
348     // Pour chaque pixel
349     for(x=width;x>0;x--)
350     {
351       *(dest3+3) = *(dest3+2) = *(dest3+1) = *(dest3) = *(dest2+3) = *(dest2+2) = *(dest2+1) = *(dest2) = *(dest1+3) = *(dest1+2) = *(dest1+1) = *(dest1) = *(dest+3) = *(dest+2) = *(dest+1) = *dest =
352         conversion_table[*dest];
353       dest +=ZOOMX;
354       dest1+=ZOOMX;
355       dest2+=ZOOMX;
356       dest3+=ZOOMX;
357     }
358   }
360   Update_rect(x_pos,y_pos,width,height);
361 }
Display_line_on_screen_fast_quad(word x_pos,word y_pos,word width,byte * line)363 void Display_line_on_screen_fast_quad(word x_pos,word y_pos,word width,byte * line)
364 /* On affiche toute une ligne de pixels telle quelle. */
365 /* Utilisée si le buffer contient déja des pixel doublés. */
366 {
367   memcpy(Get_Screen_pixel_ptr(+x_pos*ZOOMX, y_pos*ZOOMY), line, width*ZOOMX);
368   memcpy(Get_Screen_pixel_ptr(+x_pos*ZOOMX, y_pos*ZOOMY+1), line, width*ZOOMX);
369   memcpy(Get_Screen_pixel_ptr(+x_pos*ZOOMX, y_pos*ZOOMY+2), line, width*ZOOMX);
370   memcpy(Get_Screen_pixel_ptr(+x_pos*ZOOMX, y_pos*ZOOMY+3), line, width*ZOOMX);
371 }
Display_line_on_screen_quad(word x_pos,word y_pos,word width,byte * line)373 void Display_line_on_screen_quad(word x_pos,word y_pos,word width,byte * line)
374 /* On affiche une ligne de pixels en les doublant. */
375 {
376   int x;
377   byte* dest = Get_Screen_pixel_ptr(x_pos * ZOOMX, y_pos * ZOOMY);
378   byte* dest1 = Get_Screen_pixel_ptr(x_pos * ZOOMX, y_pos * ZOOMY + 1);
379   byte* dest2 = Get_Screen_pixel_ptr(x_pos * ZOOMX, y_pos * ZOOMY + 2);
380   byte* dest3 = Get_Screen_pixel_ptr(x_pos * ZOOMX, y_pos * ZOOMY + 3);
381   for(x=width;x>0;x--)
382   {
383     *(dest3+3) = *(dest3+2) = *(dest3+1) = *(dest3) = *(dest2+3) = *(dest2+2) = *(dest2+1) = *(dest2) = *(dest1+3) = *(dest1+2) = *(dest1+1) = *(dest1) = *(dest+3) = *(dest+2) = *(dest+1) = *dest = *line;
384     dest+=ZOOMX;
385     dest1+=ZOOMX;
386     dest2+=ZOOMX;
387     dest3+=ZOOMX;
388     line++;
389   }
390 }
Display_transparent_mono_line_on_screen_quad(word x_pos,word y_pos,word width,byte * line,byte transp_color,byte color)391 void Display_transparent_mono_line_on_screen_quad(
392         word x_pos, word y_pos, word width, byte* line,
393         byte transp_color, byte color)
394 // Affiche une ligne à l'écran avec une couleur + transparence.
395 // Utilisé par les brosses en mode zoom
396 {
397   //byte* dest = Screen_pixels+ y_pos*VIDEO_LINE_WIDTH + x_pos*ZOOMX;
398   byte* dest = Get_Screen_pixel_ptr(x_pos * ZOOMX, y_pos);
399   int x;
400   // Pour chaque pixel
401   for(x=0;x<width;x++)
402   {
403     if (transp_color!=*line)
404     {
405       *(dest+3)=*(dest+2)=*(dest+1)=*dest=color;
406     }
407     line ++; // Pixel suivant
408     dest+=ZOOMX;
409   }
410 }
Read_line_screen_quad(word x_pos,word y_pos,word width,byte * line)412 void Read_line_screen_quad(word x_pos,word y_pos,word width,byte * line)
413 {
414   memcpy(line, Get_Screen_pixel_ptr(x_pos * ZOOMX, y_pos * ZOOMY), width*ZOOMX);
415 }
Display_part_of_screen_scaled_quad(word width,word height,word image_width,byte * buffer)417 void Display_part_of_screen_scaled_quad(
418         word width, // width non zoomée
419         word height, // height zoomée
420         word image_width,byte * buffer)
421 {
422   byte* src = Main_screen + Main.magnifier_offset_Y * image_width
423                       + Main.magnifier_offset_X;
424   int y = 0; // Ligne en cours de traitement
426   // Pour chaque ligne à zoomer
427   while(1)
428   {
429     int x;
431     // On éclate la ligne
432     Zoom_a_line(src,buffer,Main.magnifier_factor*ZOOMX,width);
433     // On l'affiche Facteur fois, sur des lignes consécutives
434     x = Main.magnifier_factor/**ZOOMY*/;
435     // Pour chaque ligne
436     do{
437       // On affiche la ligne zoomée
438       Display_line_on_screen_fast_quad(
439         Main.X_zoom, y, width*Main.magnifier_factor,
440         buffer
441       );
442       // On passe à la suivante
443       y++;
444       if(y==height/**ZOOMY*/)
445       {
446         Redraw_grid(Main.X_zoom,0,
447           width*Main.magnifier_factor,height);
448         Update_rect(Main.X_zoom,0,
449           width*Main.magnifier_factor,height);
450         return;
451       }
452       x--;
453     }while (x > 0);
454     src += image_width;
455   }
456 // ATTENTION on n'arrive jamais ici !
457 }
459 // Affiche une partie de la brosse couleur zoomée
Display_brush_color_zoom_quad(word x_pos,word y_pos,word x_offset,word y_offset,word width,word end_y_pos,byte transp_color,word brush_width,byte * buffer)460 void Display_brush_color_zoom_quad(word x_pos,word y_pos,
461         word x_offset,word y_offset,
462         word width, // width non zoomée
463         word end_y_pos,byte transp_color,
464         word brush_width, // width réelle de la brosse
465         byte * buffer)
466 {
467   byte* src = Brush+y_offset*brush_width + x_offset;
468   word y = y_pos;
469   byte bx;
471   // Pour chaque ligne
472   while(1)
473   {
474     Zoom_a_line(src,buffer,Main.magnifier_factor,width);
475     // On affiche facteur fois la ligne zoomée
476     for(bx=Main.magnifier_factor;bx>0;bx--)
477     {
478       byte* line_src = buffer;
479       //byte* dest = Screen_pixels + y*ZOOMY * VIDEO_LINE_WIDTH + x_pos * ZOOMX;
480       byte* dest = Get_Screen_pixel_ptr(x_pos * ZOOMX, y * ZOOMY);
481       word x;
482       // Pour chaque pixel de la ligne
483       for(x = width*Main.magnifier_factor;x > 0;x--)
484       {
485         if(*line_src!=transp_color)
486         {
487           *(dest+3)=*(dest+2)=*(dest+1)=*dest = *line_src;
488         }
489         line_src++;
490         dest+=ZOOMX;
491       }
492       // Double the line
493       memcpy(Get_Screen_pixel_ptr(x_pos * ZOOMX, y * ZOOMY + 1), Get_Screen_pixel_ptr(x_pos * ZOOMX, y * ZOOMY), width*ZOOMX*Main.magnifier_factor);
494       // Triple the line
495       memcpy(Get_Screen_pixel_ptr(x_pos * ZOOMX, y * ZOOMY + 2), Get_Screen_pixel_ptr(x_pos * ZOOMX, y * ZOOMY), width*ZOOMX*Main.magnifier_factor);
496       // Quadruple it
497       memcpy(Get_Screen_pixel_ptr(x_pos * ZOOMX, y * ZOOMY + 3), Get_Screen_pixel_ptr(x_pos * ZOOMX, y * ZOOMY), width*ZOOMX*Main.magnifier_factor);
498       y++;
499       if(y==end_y_pos)
500       {
501         return;
502       }
503     }
504     src += brush_width;
505   }
506   // ATTENTION zone jamais atteinte
507 }
Display_brush_mono_zoom_quad(word x_pos,word y_pos,word x_offset,word y_offset,word width,word end_y_pos,byte transp_color,byte color,word brush_width,byte * buffer)509 void Display_brush_mono_zoom_quad(word x_pos, word y_pos,
510         word x_offset, word y_offset,
511         word width, // width non zoomée
512         word end_y_pos,
513         byte transp_color, byte color,
514         word brush_width, // width réelle de la brosse
515         byte * buffer
516 )
518 {
519   byte* src = Brush + y_offset * brush_width + x_offset;
520   int y=y_pos*ZOOMY;
522   //Pour chaque ligne à zoomer :
523   while(1)
524   {
525     int bx;
526     // src = Ligne originale
527     // On éclate la ligne
528     Zoom_a_line(src,buffer,Main.magnifier_factor,width);
530     // On affiche la ligne Facteur fois à l'écran (sur des
531     // lignes consécutives)
532     bx = Main.magnifier_factor*ZOOMY;
534     // Pour chaque ligne écran
535     do
536     {
537       // On affiche la ligne zoomée
538       Display_transparent_mono_line_on_screen_quad(
539         x_pos, y, width * Main.magnifier_factor,
540         buffer, transp_color, color
541       );
542       // On passe à la ligne suivante
543       y++;
544       // On vérifie qu'on est pas à la ligne finale
545       if(y == end_y_pos*ZOOMY)
546       {
547         Redraw_grid( x_pos, y_pos,
548           width * Main.magnifier_factor, end_y_pos - y_pos );
549         Update_rect( x_pos, y_pos,
550           width * Main.magnifier_factor, end_y_pos - y_pos );
551         return;
552       }
553       bx --;
554     }
555     while (bx > 0);
557     // Passage à la ligne suivante dans la brosse aussi
558     src+=brush_width;
559   }
560 }
Clear_brush_scaled_quad(word x_pos,word y_pos,word x_offset,word y_offset,word width,word end_y_pos,byte transp_color,word image_width,byte * buffer)562 void Clear_brush_scaled_quad(word x_pos,word y_pos,word x_offset,word y_offset,word width,word end_y_pos,byte transp_color,word image_width,byte * buffer)
563 {
565   // En fait on va recopier l'image non zoomée dans la partie zoomée !
566   byte* src = Main_screen + y_offset * image_width + x_offset;
567   int y = y_pos;
568   int bx;
569   (void)transp_color; // unused
571   // Pour chaque ligne à zoomer
572   while(1){
573     Zoom_a_line(src,buffer,Main.magnifier_factor*ZOOMX,width);
575     bx=Main.magnifier_factor;
577     // Pour chaque ligne
578     do{
579       // TODO a verifier
580       Display_line_on_screen_fast_quad(x_pos,y,
581         width * Main.magnifier_factor,buffer);
583       // Ligne suivante
584       y++;
585       if(y==end_y_pos)
586       {
587         Redraw_grid(x_pos,y_pos,
588           width*Main.magnifier_factor,end_y_pos-y_pos);
589         Update_rect(x_pos,y_pos,
590           width*Main.magnifier_factor,end_y_pos-y_pos);
591         return;
592       }
593       bx--;
594     }while(bx!=0);
596     src+= image_width;
597   }
598 }