1 { Converted by Sven Hilscher eMail sven@rufus.lan-ks.de
2   from header file grx20.h
4   grx20.h ---- GRX 2.x API functions and data structure declarations
6   Copyright (c) 1995 Csaba Biegl, 820 Stirrup Dr, Nashville, TN 37221
7   [e-mail: csaba@vuse.vanderbilt.edu]
9   This file is part of the GRX graphics library.
11   The GRX graphics library is free software; you can redistribute it
12   and/or modify it under some conditions; see the "copying.grx" file
13   for details.
15   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19 { Define this if you want to use the Linux console version.
20   (Ignored on non-Linux systems.) }
21 {.$define LINUX_CONSOLE}
22   {and this if you use the svgalib (instead of only the framebuffer) driver}
23 {.$define SVGALIB}
25 { Define this if you want to use the SDL driver in mingw or x11}
26 {.$define __SDL__}
28 {$gnu-pascal,I-}
29 {$ifdef __DJGPP__}
30   {$L grx20}
31 {$elif defined (__MINGW32__)}
32   {$ifdef __SDL__}
33     {$L grx20S, SDL}
34   {$else}
35     {$L grx20}
36   {$endif}
37 {$elif defined (_WIN32)}
38   {$L grxW32, vfs.c, user32, gdi32}
39 {$elif defined (linux) and defined (LINUX_CONSOLE)}
40   {$L grx20}
41   {$ifdef SVGALIB}
42      {$L vga}
43   {$endif}
44 {$else}
45   {$ifdef __SDL__}
46     {$L grx20S, SDL, pthread, X11}
47   {$else}
48     {$L grx20X, X11}
49   {$endif}
50 {$endif}
52 { Uncomment those of the following libraries that you need }
53 {.$L tiff}
54 {.$L jpeg}
55 {.$L png}
56 {.$L z}
57 {.$L socket}
59 unit GRX;
61 interface
63 {$if __GPC_RELEASE__ >= 20030303}
64 {$define asmname external name}
65 {$define varasmname external name}
66 {$else}
67 {$define varasmname external; asmname}
68 {$endif}
69 {$if __GPC_RELEASE__ < 20040917}
70 type
71   CInteger = Integer;
72   CCardinal = Cardinal;
73 {$endif}
75 const
76   MaxVarSize = MaxInt div 8;
78 type
79   MemPtr      = ^Char;
80 {$if __GPC_RELEASE__ >= 20030424}
81   GrColor     = Integer attribute (Size = 32);  { color and operation type, must be 32bit }
82 {$else}
83   GrColor     = Integer (32);  { color and operation type, must be 32bit }
84 {$endif}
85   GrColorPtr  = ^GrColor;
86   GrColors    = array [0 .. MaxVarSize div SizeOf (GrColor) - 1] of GrColor;
87   GrColorsPtr = ^GrColors;
89   { This definition is compatible with the grx
90     definition 'int pts[][2]' used to define polygons }
91   PointType = record
92     x, y: CInteger
93   end;
95 const
96   { these are the supported configurations: }
97   GRX_Version_TCC_8086_DOS     =  1;  { also works with BCC }
98   GRX_Version_GCC_386_GO32     =  2;  { DJGPP }
99   GRX_Version_GCC_386_Linux    =  3;  { the real stuff }
100   GRX_Version_Generic_X11      =  4;  { generic X11 version }
101   GRX_Version_Watcom_DOS4GW    =  5;  { Watcom C++ 11.0 32 Bit }
102   GRX_VERSION_GCC_386_WIN32    =  7;  { WIN32 using Mingw32 }
103   GRX_VERSION_MSC_386_WIN32    =  8;  { WIN32 using MS-VC }
104   GRX_VERSION_GCC_386_CYG32    =  9;  { WIN32 using CYGWIN }
105   GRX_VERSION_GCC_386_X11      = 10;  { X11 version }
106   GRX_VERSION_GCC_X86_64_LINUX = 11;  { console framebuffer 64 }
107   GRX_VERSION_GCC_X86_64_X11   = 12;  { X11 version 64 }
109   { available video modes (for 'GrSetMode') }
111   Gr_Unknown_Mode                      = -1; { initial state }
112   { ============= modes which clear the video memory ============= }
113   Gr_80_25_Text                        = 0;  { Extra parameters for GrSetMode: }
114   Gr_Default_Text                      = 1;
115   Gr_Width_Height_Text                 = 2;  { Integer w,Integer h }
116   Gr_Biggest_Text                      = 3;
117   Gr_320_200_Graphics                  = 4;
118   Gr_Default_Graphics                  = 5;
119   Gr_Width_Height_Graphics             = 6;  { Integer w,Integer h }
120   Gr_Biggest_Noninterlaced_Graphics    = 7;
121   Gr_Biggest_Graphics                  = 8;
122   Gr_Width_Height_Color_Graphics       = 9;  { Integer w,Integer h,Cardinal nc }
123   Gr_Width_Height_Color_Text           = 10; { Integer w,Integer h,Cardinal nc }
124   Gr_Custom_Graphics                   = 11; { Integer w,Integer h,Cardinal nc,Integer vx,Integer vy }
125   { ==== equivalent modes which do not clear the video memory ==== }
126   Gr_NC_80_25_Text                     = 12;
127   Gr_NC_Default_Text                   = 13;
128   Gr_NC_Width_Height_Text              = 14; { Integer w,Integer h }
129   Gr_NC_Biggest_Text                   = 15;
130   Gr_NC_320_200_Graphics               = 16;
131   Gr_NC_Default_Graphics               = 17;
132   Gr_NC_Width_Height_Graphics          = 18; { Integer w,Integer h }
133   Gr_NC_Biggest_Noninterlaced_Graphics = 19;
134   Gr_NC_Biggest_Graphics               = 20;
135   Gr_NC_Width_Height_Color_Graphics    = 21; { Integer w,Integer h,Cardinal nc }
136   Gr_NC_Width_Height_Color_Text        = 22; { Integer w,Integer h,Cardinal nc }
137   Gr_NC_Custom_Graphics                = 23; { Integer w,Integer h,Cardinal nc,Integer vx,Integer vy }
138   { ==== plane instead of color based modes ==== }
139   { colors = 1 << bpp  >>> resort enum for GRX3 <<< }
140   Gr_Width_Height_BPP_Graphics         = 24; { Integer w,Integer h,Integer bpp }
141   Gr_Width_Height_BPP_Text             = 25; { Integer w,Integer h,Integer bpp }
142   Gr_Custom_BPP_Graphics               = 26; { Integer w,Integer h,Integer bpp,Integer vx,Integer vy }
143   Gr_NC_Width_Height_BPP_Graphics      = 27; { Integer w,Integer h,Integer bpp }
144   Gr_NC_Width_Height_BPP_Text          = 28; { Integer w,Integer h,Integer bpp }
145   Gr_NC_Custom_BPP_Graphics            = 29; { Integer w,Integer h,Integer bpp,Integer vx,Integer vy }
147   { Available frame modes (video memory layouts) }
149   { ====== video frame buffer modes ====== }
150   Gr_FrameUndef   =  0;       { undefined }
151   Gr_FrameText    =  1;       { text modes }
152   Gr_FrameHerc1   =  2;       { Hercules mono }
153   Gr_FrameEGAVGA1 =  3;       { EGA VGA mono }
154   Gr_FrameEGA4    =  4;       { EGA 16 color }
155   Gr_FrameSVGA4   =  5;       { (Super) VGA 16 color }
156   Gr_FrameSVGA8   =  6;       { (Super) VGA 256 color }
157   Gr_FrameVGA8X   =  7;       { VGA 256 color mode X }
158   Gr_FrameSVGA16  =  8;       { Super VGA 32768/65536 color }
159   Gr_FrameSVGA24  =  9;       { Super VGA 16M color }
160   Gr_FrameSVGA32L = 10;       { Super VGA 16M color padded #1 }
161   Gr_FrameSVGA32H = 11;       { Super VGA 16M color padded #2 }
162   { ==== modes provided by the X11 driver ===== }
163   Gr_FrameXWin1   = Gr_FrameEGAVGA1;
164   Gr_FrameXWin4   = Gr_FrameSVGA4;
165   Gr_FrameXWin8   = Gr_FrameSVGA8;
166   Gr_FrameXWin16  = Gr_FrameSVGA16;
167   Gr_FrameXWin24  = Gr_FrameSVGA24;
168   Gr_FrameXWin32L = Gr_FrameSVGA32L;
169   Gr_FrameXWin32H = Gr_FrameSVGA32H;
170   { ==== modes provided by the WIN32 driver ===== }
171   Gr_FrameWIN32_1   = Gr_FrameEGAVGA1;
172   Gr_FrameWIN32_4   = Gr_FrameSVGA4;
173   Gr_FrameWIN32_8   = Gr_FrameSVGA8;
174   Gr_FrameWIN32_16  = Gr_FrameSVGA16;
175   Gr_FrameWIN32_24  = Gr_FrameSVGA24;
176   Gr_FrameWIN32_32L = Gr_FrameSVGA32L;
177   Gr_FrameWIN32_32H = Gr_FrameSVGA32H;
178   { ==== modes provided by the SDL driver ===== }
179   Gr_FrameSDL8   = Gr_FrameSVGA8;
180   Gr_FrameSDL16  = Gr_FrameSVGA16;
181   Gr_FrameSDL24  = Gr_FrameSVGA24;
182   Gr_FrameSDL32L = Gr_FrameSVGA32L;
183   Gr_FrameSDL32H = Gr_FrameSVGA32H;
184   { ==== linear frame buffer modes  ====== }
185   Gr_FrameSVGA8_LFB   = 12;   { (Super) VGA 256 color }
186   Gr_FrameSVGA16_LFB  = 13;   { Super VGA 32768/65536 color }
187   Gr_FrameSVGA24_LFB  = 14;   { Super VGA 16M color }
188   Gr_FrameSVGA32L_LFB = 15;   { Super VGA 16M color padded #1 }
189   Gr_FrameSVGA32H_LFB = 16;   { Super VGA 16M color padded #2 }
190   { ====== system RAM frame buffer modes ====== }
191   Gr_FrameRAM1    = 17;       { mono }
192   Gr_FrameRAM4    = 18;       { 16 color planar }
193   Gr_FrameRAM8    = 19;       { 256 color }
194   Gr_FrameRAM16   = 20;       { 32768/65536 color }
195   Gr_FrameRAM24   = 21;       { 16M color }
196   Gr_FrameRAM32L  = 22;       { 16M color padded #1 }
197   Gr_FrameRAM32H  = 23;       { 16M color padded #2 }
198   Gr_FrameRAM3x8  = 24;       { 16M color planar (image mode) }
199   { ====== markers for scanning modes ====== }
200   Gr_FirstTextFrameMode     = Gr_FrameText;
201   Gr_LastTextFrameMode      = Gr_FrameText;
202   Gr_FirstGraphicsFrameMode = Gr_FrameHerc1;
203   Gr_LastGraphicsFrameMode  = Gr_FrameSVGA32H_LFB;
204   Gr_FirstRAMframeMode      = Gr_FrameRAM1;
205   Gr_LastRAMframeMode       = Gr_FrameRAM3x8;
207   { supported video adapter types }
209   Gr_Unknown = -1;          { not known (before driver set) }
210   Gr_VGA     =  0;          { VGA adapter }
211   Gr_EGA     =  1;          { EGA adapter }
212   Gr_Herc    =  2;          { Hercules mono adapter }
213   Gr_8514A   =  3;          { 8514A or compatible }
214   Gr_S3      =  4;          { S3 graphics accelerator }
215   Gr_XWin    =  5;          { X11 driver }
216   Gr_WIN32   =  6;          { WIN32 driver }
217   Gr_LNXFB   =  7;          { Linux framebuffer }
218   Gr_SDL     =  8;          { SDL driver }
219   Gr_Mem     =  9;          { memory only driver }
221   Gr_Max_Polygon_Pointers = 1000000;
222   Gr_Max_Ellipse_Pointers = 1024 + 5;
223   Gr_Max_Angle_Value      = 3600;
224   Gr_Arc_Style_Open       = 0;
225   Gr_Arc_Style_Close1     = 1;
226   Gr_Arc_Style_Close2     = 2;
228   { bits in the GrVideoDriver.drvflags field: }
229   Gr_DriverF_User_Resolution = 1; { set if driver supports user setable arbitrary resolution }
231 type
233   GrVideoModePtr = ^GrVideoMode;
235   { The video driver descriptor structure }
236   { struct _GR_videoDriver }
237   GrVideoDriverPtr = ^GrVideoDriver;
238   GrVideoDriver = record
239     Name      : CString;           { driver name }
240     Adapter   : CInteger;          { adapter type }
241     Inherit   : GrVideoDriverPtr;  { inherit video modes from this }
242     Modes     : GrVideoModePtr;    { table of supported modes }
243     NModes    : CInteger;          { number of modes }
CIntegernull244     Detect    : function: CInteger;
245     Init      : function (Options: CString): CInteger;
246     Reset     : procedure;
247     SelectMode: function (Drv: GrVideoDriverPtr; w, h, BPP, txt: CInteger; var ep: CCardinal): GrVideoModePtr;
248     DrvFlags  : CCardinal
249   end;
251   { Video driver mode descriptor structure }
252   { struct _GR_videoMode }
253   GrVideoMode = record
254     Present: ByteBool;        { is it really available? }
255     BPP: Byte;                { log2 of # of colors }
256     Width, Height,            { video mode geometry }
257     Mode: ShortInt;           { BIOS mode number (if any) }
258     LineOffset,               { scan line length }
259     PrivData: CInteger;       { driver can use it for anything }
260     ExtInfo: ^GrVideoModeExt  { extra info (maybe shared) }
261   end;
263   { Video driver mode descriptor extension structure. This is a separate
264     structure accessed via a pointer from the main mode descriptor. The
265     reason for this is that frequently several modes can share the same
266     extended info. }
268   { struct _GR_videoModeExt }
269   Int2 = array [0 .. 1] of CInteger;
270   GrVideoModeExt = record
271     Mode        : CInteger;                    { frame driver for this video mode }
272     Drv         : ^GrFrameDriver;              { optional frame driver override }
273     Frame       : MemPtr;                      { frame buffer address }
274     CPrec       : array [1 .. 3] of ByteCard;  { color component precisions }
275     CPos        : array [1 .. 3] of ByteCard;  { color component bit positions }
276     Flags       : CInteger;                    { mode flag bits; see "grdriver.h" }
277     Setup       : function (var md: GrVideoMode; NoClear: CInteger): CInteger;
278     SetVSize    : function (var md: GrVideoMode; w, h: CInteger; var Result: GrVideoMode): CInteger;
279     Scroll      : function (var md: GrVideoMode; x, y: CInteger; var Result: Int2): CInteger;
280     SetBank     : procedure (bk: CInteger);
281     SetRWBanks  : procedure (rb, wb: CInteger);
282     LoadColor   : procedure (c, r, g, b: CInteger);
283     LFB_Selector: CInteger
284   end;
286   GrFrameDriverPtr = ^GrFrameDriver;
288   GrFrameType = record
289     gf_BaseAddr  : array [0 .. 3] of MemPtr;  { base address of frame memory }
290     gf_Selector  : ShortInt;                  { frame memory segment selector }
291     gf_OnScreen  : ByteBool;                  { is it in video memory ? }
292     gf_MemFlags  : Byte;                      { memory allocation flags }
293     gf_LineOffset: CInteger;                  { offset to next scan line in bytes }
294     gf_Driver    : GrFrameDriverPtr           { frame access functions }
295   end;
297   { The frame driver descriptor structure. }
299   { struct _GR_frameDriver }
300   GrFrameDriver = record
301     Mode,                         { supported frame access mode }
302     RMode,                        { matching RAM frame (if video) }
303     Is_Video,                     { video RAM frame driver ? }
304     Row_Align,                    { scan line size alignment }
305     Num_Planes,                   { number of planes }
306     Bits_Per_Pixel    : CInteger; { bits per pixel }
307     Max_Plane_Size    : MedInt;   { maximum plane size in bytes }
308     Init              : function (var md: GrVideoMode): CInteger;
309     ReadPixel         : function (var c: GrFrameType; x, y: CInteger): GrColor;
310     DrawPixel         : procedure (x, y: CInteger; c: GrColor);
311     DrawLine          : procedure (x, y, dx, dy: CInteger; c: GrColor);
312     DrawHLine         : procedure (x, y, w: CInteger; c: GrColor);
313     DrawVLine         : procedure (x, y, h: CInteger; c: GrColor);
314     DrawBlock         : procedure (x, y, w, h: CInteger; c: GrColor);
315     DrawBitmap        : procedure (x, y, w, h: CInteger; BMP: MemPtr; Pitch, Start: CInteger; fg, bg: GrColor);
316     DrawPattern       : procedure (x, y, w: CInteger; Patt: Byte; fg, bg: GrColor);
317     BitBlt            : procedure (var Dst: GrFrameType; dx, dy: CInteger; var Src: GrFrameType; x, y, w, h: CInteger; Op: GrColor);
318     BltV2R            : procedure (var Dst: GrFrameType; dx, dy: CInteger; var Src: GrFrameType; x, y, w, h: CInteger; Op: GrColor);
319     BltR2V            : procedure (var Dst: GrFrameType; dx, dy: CInteger; var Src: GrFrameType; x, y, w, h: CInteger; Op: GrColor);
320     GetIndexedScanline: function (var c: GrFrameType; x, y, w: CInteger; var Index: CInteger): GrColorsPtr;
321     PutScanLine       : procedure (x, y, w: CInteger; scl: GrColorsPtr; Op: GrColor);
322   end;
324   { driver and mode info structure }
326   { extern const struct _GR_driverInfo }
327   GrDriverInfoType = record
328     VDriver    : GrVideoDriverPtr;              { the current video driver }
329     CurMode    : GrVideoModePtr;                { current video mode pointer }
330     ActMode    : GrVideoMode;                   { copy of above, resized if virtual }
331     FDriver,                                    { frame driver for the current context }
332     SDriver,                                    { frame driver for the screen }
333     TDriver    : GrFrameDriver;                 { a dummy driver for text modes }
334     MCode,                                      { code for the current mode }
335     DefTW,DefTH,                                { default text mode size }
336     DefGW,DefGH: CInteger;                      { default graphics mode size }
337     DefTC,DefGC: GrColor;                       { default text and graphics colors }
338     VPosX,VPosY,                                { current virtual viewport position }
339     ErrsFatal,                                  { if set, exit upon errors }
340     ModeRestore,                                { restore startup video mode if set }
341     SplitBanks,                                 { indicates separate R/W banks }
342     CurBank    : CInteger;                      { currently mapped bank }
343     MdSetHook  : procedure;                     { callback for mode set }
344     SetBank    : procedure (bk: CInteger);      { banking routine }
345     SetRWBanks : procedure (rb, wb: CInteger);  { split banking routine }
346   end;
348 var
349   GrDriverInfo: ^GrDriverInfoType; varasmname 'GrDriverInfo';
351 { setup stuff }
GrSetDrivernull353 function  GrSetDriver(DrvSpec: CString):CInteger; asmname 'GrSetDriver';
GrSetModenull354 function  GrSetMode(m, w, h, nc, vx, vy:CInteger):CInteger; asmname 'GrSetMode';
GrSetViewportnull355 function  GrSetViewport(XPos, YPos: CInteger):CInteger; asmname 'GrSetViewport';
356 procedure GrSetModeHook(HookFunc:Pointer); asmname 'GrSetModeHook';
357 procedure GrSetModeRestore(RestoreFlag:Boolean); asmname 'GrSetModeRestore';
359 procedure GrSetErrorHandling(ExitIfError:Boolean); asmname 'GrSetErrorHandling';
360 procedure GrSetEGAVGAmonoDrawnPlane(Plane:CInteger); asmname 'GrSetEGAVGAmonoDrawnPlane';
361 procedure GrSetEGAVGAmonoShownPlane(Plane:CInteger); asmname 'GrSetEGAVGAmonoShownPlane';
GrGetLibraryVersionnull363 function  GrGetLibraryVersion: CInteger; asmname 'GrGetLibraryVersion';
GrGetLibrarySystemnull364 function  GrGetLibrarySystem: CInteger; asmname 'GrGetLibrarySystem';
366 { inquiry stuff ---- many of these can be macros }
GrCurrentModenull368 function  GrCurrentMode:CInteger; asmname 'GrCurrentMode';
GrAdapterTypenull369 function  GrAdapterType:CInteger; asmname 'GrAdapterType';
GrCurrentFrameModenull370 function  GrCurrentFrameMode:CInteger; asmname 'GrCurrentFrameMode';
GrScreenFrameModenull371 function  GrScreenFrameMode:CInteger; asmname 'GrScreenFrameMode';
GrCoreFrameModenull372 function  GrCoreFrameMode:CInteger; asmname 'GrCoreFrameMode';
GrCurrentVideoDrivernull374 function  GrCurrentVideoDriver: GrVideoDriverPtr; asmname 'GrCurrentVideoDriver' ;
GrCurrentVideoModenull375 function  GrCurrentVideoMode:GrVideoModePtr; asmname 'GrCurrentVideoMode';
GrVirtualVideoModenull376 function  GrVirtualVideoMode:GrVideoModePtr; asmname 'GrVirtualVideoMode';
GrCurrentFrameDrivernull377 function  GrCurrentFrameDriver: GrFrameDriverPtr; asmname 'GrCurrentFrameDriver';
GrScreenFrameDrivernull378 function  GrScreenFrameDriver: GrFrameDriverPtr; asmname 'GrScreenFrameDriver';
GrFirstVideoModenull380 function  GrFirstVideoMode(FMode:CInteger):GrVideoModePtr; asmname 'GrFirstVideoMode';
GrNextVideoModenull381 function  GrNextVideoMode(Prev:GrVideoModePtr):GrVideoModePtr; asmname 'GrNextVideoMode';
GrScreenXnull383 function  GrScreenX:CInteger; asmname 'GrScreenX';
GrScreenYnull384 function  GrScreenY:CInteger; asmname 'GrScreenY';
GrVirtualXnull385 function  GrVirtualX:CInteger; asmname 'GrVirtualX';
GrVirtualYnull386 function  GrVirtualY:CInteger; asmname 'GrVirtualY';
GrViewportXnull387 function  GrViewportX:CInteger; asmname 'GrViewportX';
GrViewportYnull388 function  GrViewportY:CInteger; asmname 'GrViewportY';
GrScreenIsVirtualnull389 function  GrScreenIsVirtual:Boolean; asmname 'GrScreenIsVirtual';
391 { RAM context geometry and memory allocation inquiry stuff }
GrFrameNumPlanesnull393 function  GrFrameNumPlanes(md:CInteger):CInteger; asmname 'GrFrameNumPlanes';
GrFrameLineOffsetnull394 function  GrFrameLineOffset(md,Width:CInteger):CInteger; asmname 'GrFrameLineOffset';
GrFramePlaneSizenull395 function  GrFramePlaneSize(md,w,h:CInteger):CInteger; asmname 'GrFramePlaneSize';
GrFrameContextSizenull396 function  GrFrameContextSize(md,w,h:CInteger):CInteger; asmname 'GrFrameContextSize';
GrNumPlanesnull398 function  GrNumPlanes:CInteger; asmname 'GrNumPlanes';
GrLineOffsetnull399 function  GrLineOffset(Width:CInteger):CInteger; asmname 'GrLineOffset';
GrPlaneSizenull400 function  GrPlaneSize(w,h:CInteger):CInteger; asmname 'GrPlaneSize';
GrContextSizenull401 function  GrContextSize(w,h:CInteger):CInteger; asmname 'GrContextSize';
403 { ==================================================================
405   ================================================================== }
407 type
408   { struct _GR_context }
409   GrContextPtr = ^GrContext;
410   GrContext = record
411     gc_Frame: GrFrameType;  { frame buffer info }
412     gc_Root: GrContextPtr;  { context which owns frame }
413     gc_XMax,                { max X coord (width  - 1) }
414     gc_YMax,                { max Y coord (height - 1) }
415     gc_XOffset,             { X offset from root's base }
416     gc_YOffset,             { Y offset from root's base }
417     gc_XClipLo,             { low X clipping limit }
418     gc_YClipLo,             { low Y clipping limit }
419     gc_XClipHi,             { high X clipping limit }
420     gc_YClipHi,             { high Y clipping limit }
421     gc_UsrXBase,            { user window min X coordinate }
422     gc_UsrYBase,            { user window min Y coordinate }
423     gc_UsrWidth,            { user window width  }
424     gc_UsrHeight: CInteger  { user window height }
425   end;
427   { extern const struct _GR_contextInfo }
428   GrContextInfoType = record
429     Current,           { the current context }
430     Screen: GrContext  { the screen context }
431   end;
433 var
434   GrContextInfo: GrContextInfoType; varasmname 'GrContextInfo';
GrCreateContextnull436 function  GrCreateContext(w, h: CInteger; Memory: MemPtr; Where: GrContextPtr): GrContextPtr; asmname 'GrCreateContext';
GrCreateFrameContextnull437 function  GrCreateFrameContext(md: ByteCard; w, h: CInteger; Memory: MemPtr; Where: GrContextPtr): GrContextPtr; asmname 'GrCreateFrameContext';
GrCreateSubContextnull438 function  GrCreateSubContext(x1, y1, x2, y2: CInteger; Parent, Where: GrContextPtr): GrContextPtr; asmname 'GrCreateSubContext';
GrSaveContextnull439 function  GrSaveContext(Where: GrContextPtr): GrContextPtr; asmname 'GrSaveContext';
GrCurrentContextnull440 function  GrCurrentContext: GrContextPtr; asmname 'GrCurrentContext';
GrScreenContextnull441 function  GrScreenContext: GrContextPtr; asmname 'GrScreenContext';
443 procedure GrDestroyContext(Context: GrContextPtr); asmname 'GrDestroyContext';
444 procedure GrResizeSubContext(Context: GrContextPtr; x1, y1, x2, y2: CInteger); asmname 'GrResizeSubContext';
445 procedure GrSetContext(Context: GrContextPtr); asmname 'GrSetContext';
447 procedure GrSetClipBox(x1, y1, x2, y2:CInteger); asmname 'GrSetClipBox';
448 procedure GrGetClipBox(var x1p, y1p, x2p, y2p: CInteger); asmname 'GrGetClipBox';
449 procedure GrResetClipBox; asmname 'GrResetClipBox';
GrMaxXnull451 function  GrMaxX: CInteger; asmname 'GrMaxX';
GrMaxYnull452 function  GrMaxY: CInteger; asmname 'GrMaxY';
GrSizeXnull453 function  GrSizeX:CInteger; asmname 'GrSizeX';
GrSizeYnull454 function  GrSizeY:CInteger; asmname 'GrSizeY';
GrLowXnull455 function  GrLowX: CInteger; asmname 'GrLowX';
GrLowYnull456 function  GrLowY: CInteger; asmname 'GrLowY';
GrHighXnull457 function  GrHighX:CInteger; asmname 'GrHighX';
GrHighYnull458 function  GrHighY:CInteger; asmname 'GrHighY';
460 { ==================================================================
461                            COLOR STUFF
462   ================================================================== }
464 { Flags to 'OR' to colors for various operations }
465 const
466   GrWrite      = 0                ;  { write color }
467   GrXor        = $01000000        ;  { to "xor" any color to the screen }
468   GrOr         = $02000000        ;  { to "or" to the screen }
469   GrAnd        = $03000000        ;  { to "and" to the screen }
470   GrImage      = $04000000        ;  { BLIT: write, except given color }
471   GrCValueMask = $00ffffff        ;  { color value mask }
472   GrCModeMask  = $ff000000        ;  { color operation mask }
473   GrNoColor    = GrXor or 0       ;  { GrNoColor is used for "no" color }
GrColorValuenull475 function  GrColorValue(c:GrColor):GrColor; asmname 'GrColorValue';
GrColorModenull476 function  GrColorMode(c:GrColor):GrColor; asmname 'GrColorMode';
GrWriteModeColornull477 function  GrWriteModeColor(c:GrColor):GrColor; asmname 'GrWriteModeColor';
GrXorModeColornull478 function  GrXorModeColor(c:GrColor):GrColor; asmname 'GrXorModeColor';
GrOrModeColornull479 function  GrOrModeColor(c:GrColor):GrColor; asmname 'GrOrModeColor';
GrAndModeColornull480 function  GrAndModeColor(c:GrColor):GrColor; asmname 'GrAndModeColor';
GrImageModeColornull481 function  GrImageModeColor(c:GrColor):GrColor; asmname 'GrImageModeColor';
483 procedure GrResetColors; asmname 'GrResetColors';
484 procedure GrSetRGBcolorMode; asmname 'GrSetRGBcolorMode';
485 procedure GrRefreshColors; asmname 'GrRefreshColors';
GrNumColorsnull487 function  GrNumColors:GrColor; asmname 'GrNumColors';
GrNumFreeColorsnull488 function  GrNumFreeColors:GrColor; asmname 'GrNumFreeColors';
GrBlacknull490 function  GrBlack:GrColor; asmname 'GrBlack';
GrWhitenull491 function  GrWhite:GrColor; asmname 'GrWhite';
GrBuildRGBcolorTnull493 function  GrBuildRGBcolorT(r,g,b:CInteger):GrColor; asmname 'GrBuildRGBcolorT';
GrBuildRGBcolorRnull494 function  GrBuildRGBcolorR(r,g,b:CInteger):GrColor; asmname 'GrBuildRGBcolorR';
GrRGBcolorRednull495 function  GrRGBcolorRed(c:GrColor):CInteger ; asmname 'GrRGBcolorRed';
GrRGBcolorGreennull496 function  GrRGBcolorGreen(c:GrColor):CInteger ; asmname 'GrRGBcolorGreen';
GrRGBcolorBluenull497 function  GrRGBcolorBlue(c:GrColor):CInteger ; asmname 'GrRGBcolorBlue';
GrAllocColornull499 function  GrAllocColor(r,g,b:CInteger):GrColor; asmname 'GrAllocColor'; { shared, read-only }
GrAllocColorIDnull500 function  GrAllocColorID(r,g,b:CInteger):GrColor; asmname 'GrAllocColorID'; { potentially inlined version }
GrAllocColor2null501 function  GrAllocColor2(hcolor:MedInt):GrColor; asmname 'GrAllocColor2'; { $RRGGBB shared, read-only }
GrAllocColor2IDnull502 function  GrAllocColor2ID(hcolor:MedInt):GrColor; asmname 'GrAllocColor2ID'; { potentially inlined version }
GrAllocCellnull503 function  GrAllocCell:GrColor; asmname 'GrAllocCell'; { unshared, read-write }
GrAllocEgaColorsnull505 function  GrAllocEgaColors:GrColorsPtr; asmname 'GrAllocEgaColors'; { shared, read-only standard EGA colors }
507 procedure GrSetColor(c:GrColor; r,g,b:CInteger); asmname 'GrSetColor';
508 procedure GrFreeColor(c:GrColor); asmname 'GrFreeColor';
509 procedure GrFreeCell(c:GrColor);  asmname 'GrFreeCell';
511 procedure GrQueryColor(c:GrColor; var r,g,b:CInteger); asmname 'GrQueryColor';
512 procedure GrQueryColorID(c:GrColor; var r,g,b:CInteger); asmname 'GrQueryColorID';
513 procedure GrQueryColor2(c:GrColor; var hcolor:MedInt); asmname 'GrQueryColor2';
514 procedure GrQueryColor2ID(c:GrColor; var hcolor:MedInt); asmname 'GrQueryColor2ID';
GrColorSaveBufferSizenull516 function  GrColorSaveBufferSize:CInteger ; asmname 'GrColorSaveBufferSize';
517 procedure GrSaveColors(Buffer:Pointer); asmname 'GrSaveColors';
518 procedure GrRestoreColors(Buffer:Pointer); asmname 'GrRestoreColors';
520 { ==================================================================
521                         GRAPHICS PRIMITIVES
522   ================================================================== }
524 type
525   { framed box colors }
526   GrFBoxColors = record
527     fbx_IntColor,
528     fbx_TopColor,
529     fbx_RightColor,
530     fbx_BottomColor,
531     fbx_LeftColor: GrColor
532   end;
534 procedure GrClearScreen(bg:GrColor); asmname 'GrClearScreen';
535 procedure GrClearContext(bg:GrColor); asmname 'GrClearContext';
536 procedure GrClearContextC(ctx:GrContextPtr; bg:GrColor); asmname 'GrClearContextC';
537 procedure GrClearClipBox(bg:GrColor); asmname 'GrClearClipBox';
538 procedure GrPlot(x, y: CInteger; c:GrColor); asmname 'GrPlot';
539 procedure GrLine(x1, y1, x2, y2: CInteger; c:GrColor); asmname 'GrLine';
540 procedure GrHLine(x1, x2, y:CInteger; c:GrColor); asmname 'GrHLine';
541 procedure GrVLine(x, y1, y2: CInteger; c: GrColor); asmname 'GrVLine';
542 procedure GrBox(x1, y1, x2, y2: CInteger; c: GrColor); asmname 'GrBox';
543 procedure GrFilledBox(x1, y1, x2, y2: CInteger; c: GrColor); asmname 'GrFilledBox';
544 procedure GrFramedBox(x1, y1, x2, y2, Wdt: CInteger; protected var c: GrFBoxColors); asmname 'GrFramedBox';
GrGenerateEllipsenull545 function  GrGenerateEllipse(xc, yc, xa, ya:CInteger; var Points{ : array of PointType }):CInteger; asmname 'GrGenerateEllipse';
GrGenerateEllipseArcnull546 function  GrGenerateEllipseArc(xc, yc, xa, ya, Start, Ende: CInteger; var Points{ : array of PointType }):CInteger; asmname 'GrGenerateEllipseArc';
547 procedure GrLastArcCoords(var xs, ys, xe, ye, xc, yc: CInteger); asmname 'GrLastArcCoords';
548 procedure GrCircle(xc, yc, r: CInteger; c: GrColor); asmname 'GrCircle';
549 procedure GrEllipse(xc, yc, xa, ya: CInteger; c: GrColor); asmname 'GrEllipse';
550 procedure GrCircleArc(xc, yc, r, Start, Ende, Style: CInteger; c: GrColor); asmname 'GrCircleArc';
551 procedure GrEllipseArc(xc, yc, xa, ya, Start, Ende, Style: CInteger; c: GrColor); asmname 'GrEllipseArc';
552 procedure GrFilledCircle(xc, yc, r: CInteger; c: GrColor); asmname 'GrFilledCircle';
553 procedure GrFilledEllipse(xc, yc, xa, ya: CInteger; c: GrColor); asmname 'GrFilledEllipse';
554 procedure GrFilledCircleArc(xc, yc, r, Start, Ende, Style: CInteger; c: GrColor); asmname 'GrFilledCircleArc';
555 procedure GrFilledEllipseArc(xc, yc, xa, ya, Start, Ende, Style: CInteger; c: GrColor); asmname 'GrFilledEllipseArc';
556 procedure GrPolyLine(NumPts: CInteger; var Points{ : array of PointType }; c: GrColor); asmname 'GrPolyLine';
557 procedure GrPolygon(NumPts: CInteger; var Points{ : array of PointType }; c: GrColor); asmname 'GrPolygon';
558 procedure GrFilledConvexPolygon(NumPts: CInteger; var Points{ : array of PointType }; c: GrColor); asmname 'GrFilledConvexPolygon';
559 procedure GrFilledPolygon(NumPts: CInteger; var Points{ : array of PointType }; c: GrColor); asmname 'GrFilledPolygon';
560 procedure GrBitBlt(Dest: GrContextPtr; x, y: CInteger; Src: GrContextPtr; x1, y1, x2, y2: CInteger; Op: GrColor); asmname 'GrBitBlt';
GrPixelnull561 function  GrPixel(x, y:CInteger):GrColor; asmname 'GrPixel';
GrPixelCnull562 function  GrPixelC(c: GrContextPtr; x, y: CInteger): GrColor; asmname 'GrPixelC';
564 procedure GrFloodFill(x, y: CInteger; Border, c: GrColor); asmname 'GrFloodFill';
565 procedure GrFloodSpill(x1, y1, x2, y2: CInteger; old_c, new_c: GrColor); asmname 'GrFloodSpill';
566 procedure GrFloodSpill2( x1,  y1,  x2,  y2: CInteger; old_c1, new_c1, old_c2, new_c2: GrColor); asmname 'GrFloodSpill2';
567 procedure GrFloodSpillC(var ctx: GrContext; x1,  y1,  x2,  y2: CInteger; old_c, new_c: GrColor); asmname 'GrFloodSpillC';
568 procedure GrFloodSpillC2(var ctx: GrContext; x1,  y1,  x2,  y2: CInteger; old_c1, new_c1, old_c2, new_c2: GrColor); asmname 'GrFloodSpillC2';
GrGetScanlinenull570 function GrGetScanline(x1,x2,yy: CInteger): GrColorsPtr; asmname 'GrGetScanline';
GrGetScanlineCnull571 function GrGetScanlineC(ctx: GrContextPtr; x1,x2,yy: CInteger): GrColorsPtr; asmname 'GrGetScanlineC';
572 { Input   ctx: source context, if NULL the current context is used }
573 {         x1 : first x coordinate read                             }
574 {         x2 : last  x coordinate read                             }
575 {         yy : y coordinate                                        }
576 { Output  nil : error / no data (clipping occurred)                }
577 {         else                                                     }
578 {           p[0..w]: pixel values read                             }
579 {                      (w = |x2-y1|)                               }
580 {           Output data is valid until next GRX call !             }
582 procedure GrPutScanline(x1,x2,yy: CInteger;c: GrColorsPtr; Op: GrColor); asmname 'GrPutScanline';
583 { Input   x1: first x coordinate to be set                         }
584 {         x2: last  x coordinate to be set                         }
585 {         yy: y coordinate                                         }
586 {         c : c[0..(|x2-x1|] hold the pixel data                   }
587 {         Op: Operation (GrWRITE/GrXOR/GrOR/GrAND/GrIMAGE)         }
588 {                                                                  }
589 { Note    c[..] data must fit GrCVALUEMASK otherwise the results   }
590 {         are implementation dependend.                            }
591 {         => You can't supply operation code with the pixel data!  }
594 { ==================================================================
596   ================================================================== }
598 procedure GrPlotNC(x, y: CInteger; c: GrColor); asmname 'GrPlotNC';
599 procedure GrLineNC(x1, y1, x2, y2: CInteger; c: GrColor); asmname 'GrLineNC';
600 procedure GrHLineNC(x1, x2, y: CInteger; c: GrColor); asmname 'GrHLineNC';
601 procedure GrVLineNC(x, y1, y2: CInteger; c: GrColor); asmname 'GrVLineNC';
602 procedure GrBoxNC(x1, y1, x2, y2: CInteger; c: GrColor); asmname 'GrBoxNC';
603 procedure GrFilledBoxNC(x1, y1, x2, y2: CInteger; c: GrColor); asmname 'GrFilledBoxNC';
604 procedure GrFramedBoxNC(x1, y1, x2, y2, Wdt: CInteger; protected var c: GrFBoxColors); asmname 'GrFramedBoxNC';
605 procedure GrBitBltNC(Dest: GrContextPtr; x, y: CInteger; Src: GrContextPtr; x1, y1, x2, y2: CInteger; Op: GrColor); asmname 'GrBitBltNC';
GrPixelNCnull606 function  GrPixelNC(x, y:CInteger):GrColor; asmname 'GrPixelNC';
GrPixelCNCnull607 function  GrPixelCNC(c: GrContextPtr; x, y: CInteger): GrColor; asmname 'GrPixelCNC';
609 { ==================================================================
611   ================================================================== }
613 const
614   { text drawing directions }
615   Gr_Text_Right      = 0;  { normal }
616   Gr_Text_Down       = 1;  { downward }
617   Gr_Text_Left       = 2;  { upside down, right to left }
618   Gr_Text_Up         = 3;  { upward }
619   Gr_Text_Default    = Gr_Text_Right;
620   { Gr_Text_Is_Vertical(d) = ((d) and 1); }
622   { text alignment options }
623   Gr_Align_Left      = 0;  { X only }
624   Gr_Align_Top       = 0;  { Y only }
625   Gr_Align_Center    = 1;  { X, Y   }
626   Gr_Align_Right     = 2;  { X only }
627   Gr_Align_Bottom    = 2;  { Y only }
628   Gr_Align_Baseline  = 3;  { Y only }
629   Gr_Align_Default   = Gr_Align_Left;
631   { character types in text strings }
632   Gr_Byte_Text    = 0;  { one byte per character }
633   Gr_Word_Text    = 1;  { two bytes per character }
634   Gr_Attr_Text    = 2;  { chr w/ PC style attribute byte }
636   { OR this to the foreground color value for underlined text when
637     using Gr_Byte_Text or Gr_Word_Text modes. }
638   Gr_Underline_Text  =  GrXor shl 4;
640   { Font conversion flags for 'GrLoadConvertedFont'. OR them as desired. }
641   Gr_FontCvt_None       =  0;  { no conversion }
642   Gr_FontCvt_SkipChars  =  1;  { load only selected characters }
643   Gr_FontCvt_Resize     =  2;  { resize the font }
644   Gr_FontCvt_Italicize  =  4;  { tilt font for "italic" look }
645   Gr_FontCvt_Boldify    =  8;  { make a "bold"(er) font  }
646   Gr_FontCvt_Fixify     = 16;  { convert prop. font to fixed wdt }
647   Gr_FontCvt_Proportion = 32;  { convert fixed font to prop. wdt }
649 { font structures }
650 type
651   { font descriptor }
652   GrFontHeader = record
653     Name,                { font name }
654     Family: CString;     { font family name }
655     Proportional,        { characters have varying width }
656     Scalable,            { derived from a scalable font }
657     Preloaded,           { set when linked Integero program }
658     Modified: ByteBool;  { "tweaked" font (resized, etc..) }
659     Width,               { width (proportional=>average) }
660     Height,              { font height }
661     Baseline,            { baseline pixel pos (from top) }
662     ULPos,               { underline pixel pos (from top) }
663     ULHeight,            { underline width }
664     MinChar,             { lowest character code in font }
665     NumChars: CCardinal  { number of characters in font }
666   end;
668   { character descriptor }
669   GrFontChrInfo = record
670     Width,             { width of this character }
671     Offset: CCardinal  { offset from start of bitmap }
672   end;
674   { the complete font }
675   AuxOffsType = array [0 .. 6] of CInteger;
676   GrFont = record
677     h: GrFontHeader;        { the font info structure }
678     BitMap,                 { character bitmap array }
679     AuxMap: MemPtr;         { map for rotated & underline chrs }
680     MinWidth,               { width of narrowest character }
681     MaxWidth,               { width of widest character }
682     AuxSize,                { allocated size of auxiliary map }
683     AuxNext: CCardinal;     { next free byte in auxiliary map }
684     AuxOffs: ^AuxOffsType;  { offsets to completed aux chars }
685     ChrInfo: array [1 .. 1] of GrFontChrInfo  { character info (not act. size) }
686   end;
687   GrFontPtr = ^GrFont;
689 var
690   GrFont_PC6x8 : GrFont; varasmname 'GrFont_PC6x8';
691   GrFont_PC8x8 : GrFont; varasmname 'GrFont_PC8x8';
692   GrFont_PC8x14: GrFont; varasmname 'GrFont_PC8x14';
693   GrFont_PC8x16: GrFont; varasmname 'GrFont_PC8x16';
694   GrDefaultFont: GrFont; varasmname 'GrFont_PC8x14';
GrLoadFontnull696 function GrLoadFont(FontName: CString): GrFontPtr; asmname 'GrLoadFont';
GrLoadConvertedFontnull697 function GrLoadConvertedFont(FontName: CString; cvt, w, h, MinCh, MaxCh: CInteger): GrFontPtr; asmname 'GrLoadConvertedFont';
GrBuildConvertedFontnull698 function GrBuildConvertedFont(protected var From: GrFont; cvt, w, h, MinCh, MaxCh: CInteger): GrFontPtr; asmname 'GrBuildConvertedFont';
700 procedure GrUnloadFont(var Font: GrFont); asmname 'GrUnloadFont';
701 procedure GrDumpFont(protected var f: GrFont; CsymbolName, FileName: CString); asmname 'GrDumpFont';
702 procedure GrSetFontPath(path_list: CString); asmname 'GrSetFontPath';
GrFontCharPresentnull704 function  GrFontCharPresent(protected var Font: GrFont; Chr: CInteger): Boolean; asmname 'GrFontCharPresent';
GrFontCharWidthnull705 function  GrFontCharWidth(protected var Font: GrFont; Chr: CInteger): CInteger; asmname 'GrFontCharWidth';
GrFontCharHeightnull706 function  GrFontCharHeight(protected var Font: GrFont; Chr: CInteger): CInteger; asmname 'GrFontCharHeight';
GrFontCharBmpRowSizenull707 function  GrFontCharBmpRowSize(protected var Font: GrFont; Chr: CInteger): CInteger; asmname 'GrFontCharBmpRowSize';
GrFontCharBitmapSizenull708 function  GrFontCharBitmapSize(protected var Font: GrFont; Chr: CInteger): CInteger; asmname 'GrFontCharBitmapSize';
GrFontStringWidthnull709 function  GrFontStringWidth(protected var Font: GrFont; Text: CString; Len, Typ_e: CInteger): CInteger; asmname 'GrFontStringWidth';
GrFontStringHeightnull710 function  GrFontStringHeight(protected var Font: GrFont; Text: CString; Len, Typ_e: CInteger): CInteger; asmname 'GrFontStringHeight';
GrProportionalTextWidthnull711 function  GrProportionalTextWidth(protected var Font: GrFont; Text: CString; Len, Typ_e: CInteger): CInteger; asmname 'GrProportionalTextWidth';
GrBuildAuxiliaryBitmapnull712 function  GrBuildAuxiliaryBitmap(var Font: GrFont; Chr, Dir, ul: CInteger): MemPtr; asmname 'GrBuildAuxiliaryBitmap';
GrFontCharBitmapnull713 function  GrFontCharBitmap(protected var Font: GrFont; Chr: CInteger): MemPtr; asmname 'GrFontCharBitmap';
GrFontCharAuxBmpnull714 function  GrFontCharAuxBmp(var Font: GrFont; Chr, Dir, ul: CInteger): MemPtr; asmname 'GrFontCharAuxBmp';
716 type
717   GrColorTableP = ^GrColors;
719   { text color union }
720   GrTextColor = record
721   case 1 .. 2 of
722     1: (v: GrColor);           { color value for "direct" text }
723     2: (p: GrColorTableP);     { color table for attribute text }
724   end;
726   { text drawing option structure }
727   GrTextOption = record
728     txo_Font: GrFontPtr;       { font to be used }
729     txo_FgColor,               { foreground color }
730     txo_BgColor: GrTextColor;  { background color }
731     txo_ChrType,               { character type (see above) }
732     txo_Direct,                { direction (see above) }
733     txo_XAlign,                { X alignment (see above) }
734     txo_YAlign: ByteCard       { Y alignment (see above) }
735   end;
737   { fixed font text window desc. }
738   GrTextRegion = record
739     txr_Font: GrFontPtr;       { font to be used }
740     txr_FgColor,               { foreground color }
741     txr_BgColor: GrTextColor;  { background color }
742     txr_Buffer,                { pointer to text buffer }
743     txr_Backup: Pointer;       { optional backup buffer }
744     txr_Width,                 { width of area in chars }
745     txr_Height,                { height of area in chars }
746     txr_LineOffset,            { offset in buffer(s) between rows }
747     txr_XPos,                  { upper left corner X coordinate }
748     txr_YPos: CInteger;        { upper left corner Y coordinate }
749     txr_ChrType: ByteCard      { character type (see above) }
750   end;
GrCharWidthnull752 function  GrCharWidth(Chr: CInteger; protected var Opt: GrTextOption): CInteger; asmname 'GrCharWidth';
GrCharHeightnull753 function  GrCharHeight(Chr: CInteger; protected var Opt: GrTextOption): CInteger; asmname 'GrCharHeight';
754 procedure GrCharSize(Chr: CInteger; protected var Opt: GrTextOption; var w, h: CInteger); asmname 'GrCharSize';
GrStringWidthnull755 function  GrStringWidth(Text: CString; Length: CInteger; protected var Opt: GrTextOption): CInteger; asmname 'GrStringWidth';
GrStringHeightnull756 function  GrStringHeight(Text: CString; Length: CInteger; protected var Opt: GrTextOption): CInteger; asmname 'GrStringHeight';
757 procedure GrStringSize(Text: CString; Length: CInteger; protected var Opt: GrTextOption;var w, h: CInteger); asmname 'GrStringSize';
759 procedure GrDrawChar(Chr, x, y: CInteger; protected var Opt: GrTextOption); asmname 'GrDrawChar';
760 procedure GrDrawString(Text: CString; Length, x, y: CInteger; protected var Opt: GrTextOption); asmname 'GrDrawString';
761 procedure GrTextXY(x, y: CInteger; Text: CString; fg, bg: GrColor); asmname 'GrTextXY';
763 procedure GrDumpChar(Chr, Col, Row: CInteger; protected var r: GrTextRegion); asmname 'GrDumpChar';
764 procedure GrDumpText(Col, Row, Wdt, Hgt: CInteger; protected var r: GrTextRegion); asmname 'GrDumpText';
765 procedure GrDumpTextRegion(protected var r: GrTextRegion); asmname 'GrDumpTextRegion';
767 { =================================================================
769   ================================================================== }
771 { custom line option structure
772   zero or one dash pattern length means the line is continuous
773   the dash pattern always begins with a drawn section }
775 type
776   GrLineOption = record
777     Lno_Color  : GrColor;   { color used to draw line }
778     Lno_Width,              { width of the line }
779     Lno_PattLen: CInteger;  { length of the dash pattern }
780     Lno_DashPat: MemPtr     { draw/nodraw pattern }
781   end;
783 procedure GrCustomLine(x1, y1, x2, y2: CInteger; protected var o: GrLineOption); asmname 'GrCustomLine';
784 procedure GrCustomBox(x1, y1, x2, y2: CInteger; protected var o: GrLineOption); asmname 'GrCustomBox';
785 procedure GrCustomCircle(xc, yc, r: CInteger; protected var o: GrLineOption); asmname 'GrCustomCircle';
786 procedure GrCustomEllipse(xc, yc, r: CInteger; protected var o: GrLineOption); asmname 'GrCustomEllipse';
787 procedure GrCustomCircleArc(xc, yc, r, Start, Ende, Style: CInteger; protected var o: GrLineOption); asmname 'GrCustomCircleArc';
788 procedure GrCustomEllipseArc(xc, yc, xa, ya, Start, Ende, Style: CInteger; protected var o: GrLineOption); asmname 'GrCustomEllipseArc';
789 procedure GrCustomPolyLine(NumPts: CInteger; var Points{ : array of PointType }; protected var o: GrLineOption); asmname 'GrCustomPolyLine';
790 procedure GrCustomPolygon(NumPts: CInteger; var Points{ : array of PointType }; protected var o: GrLineOption); asmname 'GrCustomPolygon';
792 { ==================================================================
794   ================================================================== }
796 { BITMAP: a mode independent way to specify a fill pattern of two
797   colors. It is always 8 pixels wide (1 byte per scan line), its
798   height is user-defined. SET THE TYPE FLAG TO ZERO!!! }
800 type
801   GrBitmap = record
802     bmp_IsPixMap,           { type flag for pattern union }
803     bmp_Height: CInteger;   { bitmap height }
804     bmp_Data: MemPtr;       { pointer to the bit pattern }
805     bmp_FgColor,            { foreground color for fill }
806     bmp_BgColor: GrColor;   { background color for fill }
807     bmp_MemFlags: CInteger  { set if dynamically allocated }
808   end;
810   { PIXMAP: a fill pattern stored in a layout identical to the video RAM
811       for filling using 'bitblt'-s. It is mode dependent, typically one
812       of the library functions is used to build it. KEEP THE TYPE FLAG
813       NONZERO!!! }
815   GrPixmap = record
816     pxp_IsPixMap,            { type flag for pattern union }
817     pxp_Width,               { pixmap width (in pixels)  }
818     pxp_Height: CInteger;    { pixmap height (in pixels) }
819     pxp_Oper: GrColor;       { bitblt mode (SET, OR, XOR, AND, IMAGE) }
820     pxp_Source: GrFrameType  { source context for fill }
821   end;
823   { Fill pattern union -- can either be a bitmap or a pixmap }
825   GrPattern = record
826   case 1 .. 3 of
827     1: (gp_IsPixMap: CInteger);   { nonzero for pixmaps }
828     2: (gp_BitMap  : GrBitmap);  { fill bitmap }
829     3: (gp_PixMap  : GrPixmap);  { fill pixmap }
830   end;
831   GrPatternPtr = ^GrPattern;
833   { Draw pattern for line drawings -- specifies both the:
834       (1) fill pattern, and the
835       (2) custom line drawing option }
836   GrLinePattern = record
837     lnp_Pattern: GrPatternPtr;  { fill pattern }
838     lnp_Option : ^GrLineOption  { width + dash pattern }
839   end;
840   GrLinePatternPtr = GrLinePattern;
GrBuildPixmapnull842 function  GrBuildPixmap(protected var Pixels; w, h: CInteger; protected var Colors { : array of GrColor }): GrPatternPtr; asmname 'GrBuildPixmap';
GrBuildPixmapFromBitsnull843 function  GrBuildPixmapFromBits(protected var Bits; w, h: CInteger; fgc, bgc: GrColor): GrPatternPtr; asmname 'GrBuildPixmapFromBits';
GrConvertToPixmapnull844 function  GrConvertToPixmap(Src: GrContextPtr): GrPatternPtr; asmname 'GrConvertToPixmap';
846 procedure GrDestroyPattern(p: GrPatternPtr); asmname 'GrDestroyPattern';
848 procedure GrPatternedLine(x1, y1, x2, y2: CInteger; lp: GrLinePatternPtr); asmname 'GrPatternedLine';
849 procedure GrPatternedBox(x1, y1, x2, y2: CInteger; lp: GrLinePatternPtr); asmname 'GrPatternedBox';
850 procedure GrPatternedCircle(xc, yc, r: CInteger; lp: GrLinePatternPtr); asmname 'GrPatternedCircle';
851 procedure GrPatternedEllipse(xc, yc, xa, ya: CInteger; lp: GrLinePatternPtr); asmname 'GrPatternedEllipse';
852 procedure GrPatternedCircleArc(xc, yc, r, Start, Ende, Style: CInteger; lp: GrLinePatternPtr); asmname 'GrPatternedCircleArc';
853 procedure GrPatternedEllipseArc(xc, yc, xa, ya, Start, Ende, Style: CInteger; lp: GrLinePatternPtr); asmname 'GrPatternedEllipseArc';
854 procedure GrPatternedPolyLine(NumPts: CInteger; var Points{ : array of PointType }; lp: GrLinePatternPtr); asmname 'GrPatternedPolyLine';
855 procedure GrPatternedPolygon(NumPts: CInteger; var Points{ : array of PointType }; lp: GrLinePatternPtr); asmname 'GrPatternedPolygon';
857 procedure GrPatternFilledPlot(x, y: CInteger; p: GrPatternPtr); asmname 'GrPatternFilledPlot';
858 procedure GrPatternFilledLine(x1, y1, x2, y2: CInteger; p: GrPatternPtr); asmname 'GrPatternFilledLine';
859 procedure GrPatternFilledBox(x1, y1, x2, y2: CInteger; p: GrPatternPtr); asmname 'GrPatternFilledBox';
860 procedure GrPatternFilledCircle(xc, yc, r: CInteger; p: GrPatternPtr); asmname 'GrPatternFilledCircle';
861 procedure GrPatternFilledEllipse(xc, yc, xa, ya: CInteger; p: GrPatternPtr); asmname 'GrPatternFilledEllipse';
862 procedure GrPatternFilledCircleArc(xc, yc, r, Start, Ende, Style: CInteger; p: GrPatternPtr); asmname 'GrPatternFilledCircleArc';
863 procedure GrPatternFilledEllipseArc(xc, yc, xa, ya, Start, Ende, Style: CInteger; p: GrPatternPtr); asmname 'GrPatternFilledEllipseArc';
864 procedure GrPatternFilledConvexPolygon(NumPts: CInteger; var Points{ : array of PointType }; p: GrPatternPtr); asmname 'GrPatternFilledConvexPolygon';
865 procedure GrPatternFilledPolygon(NumPts: CInteger; var Points{ : array of PointType }; p: GrPatternPtr); asmname 'GrPatternFilledPolygon';
866 procedure GrPatternFloodFill(x, y: CInteger; Border: GrColor; p: GrPatternPtr); asmname 'GrPatternFloodFill';
868 procedure GrPatternDrawChar(Chr, x, y: CInteger; protected var Opt: GrTextOption; p: GrPatternPtr); asmname 'GrPatternDrawChar';
869 procedure GrPatternDrawString(Text: CString; Length, x, y: CInteger; protected var Opt: GrTextOption; p: GrPatternPtr); asmname 'GrPatternDrawString';
870 procedure GrPatternDrawStringExt(Text: CString; Length, x, y: CInteger; protected var Opt: GrTextOption; p: GrPatternPtr); asmname 'GrPatternDrawStringExt';
873 { ==================================================================
874                         IMAGE MANIPULATION
875   ================================================================== }
877 { <image.h>   - Image Utility
878                 by Michal Stencl Copyright (c) 1998 for GRX
879   <e-mail>    - [stenclpmd@ba.telecom.sk] }
881 type
882   GrImagePtr = ^GrPixmap;
884 { Flags for GrImageInverse() }
885 const
886   Gr_Image_Inverse_LR = 1;  { inverse left right }
887   Gr_Image_Inverse_TD = 2;  { inverse top down   }
GrImageBuildnull889 function  GrImageBuild(protected var Pixels; w, h: CInteger; protected var Colors { : array of GrColor }): GrImagePtr; asmname 'GrImageBuild';
890 procedure GrImageDestroy(i: GrImagePtr); asmname 'GrImageDestroy';
891 procedure GrImageDisplay(x,y: CInteger; i: GrImagePtr); asmname 'GrImageDisplay';
892 procedure GrImageDisplayExt(x1,y1,x2,y2: CInteger; i: GrImagePtr); asmname 'GrImageDisplayExt';
893 procedure GrImageFilledBoxAlign(xo,yo,x1,y1,x2,y2: CInteger; p: GrImagePtr); asmname 'GrImageFilledBoxAlign';
894 procedure GrImageHLineAlign(xo,yo,x,y,Width: CInteger; p: GrImagePtr); asmname 'GrImageHLineAlign';
895 procedure GrImagePlotAlign(xo,yo,x,y: CInteger; p: GrImagePtr); asmname 'GrImagePlotAlign';
GrImageInversenull897 function  GrImageInverse(p: GrImagePtr; Flag: CInteger): GrImagePtr; asmname 'GrImageInverse';
GrImageStretchnull898 function  GrImageStretch(p: GrImagePtr; NWidth, NHeight: CInteger): GrImagePtr; asmname 'GrImageStretch';
GrImageFromPatternnull900 function  GrImageFromPattern(p: GrPatternPtr): GrImagePtr; asmname 'GrImageFromPattern';
GrImageFromContextnull901 function  GrImageFromContext(c: GrContextPtr): GrImagePtr; asmname 'GrImageFromContext';
GrImageBuildUsedAsPatternnull902 function  GrImageBuildUsedAsPattern(protected var Pixels; w, h: CInteger; protected var Colors { : array of GrColor }): GrImagePtr; asmname 'GrImageBuildUsedAsPattern';
GrPatternFromImagenull904 function  GrPatternFromImage(i: GrImagePtr): GrPatternPtr; asmname 'GrPatternFromImage';
906 { ==================================================================
908   ================================================================== }
910 procedure GrSetUserWindow(x1, y1, x2, y2: CInteger); asmname 'GrSetUserWindow';
911 procedure GrGetUserWindow(var x1, y1, x2, y2: CInteger); asmname 'GrGetUserWindow';
912 procedure GrGetScreenCoord(var x, y: CInteger); asmname 'GrGetScreenCoord';
913 procedure GrGetUserCoord(var x, y: CInteger); asmname 'GrGetUserCoord';
915 procedure GrUsrPlot(x, y: CInteger; c:GrColor); asmname 'GrUsrPlot';
916 procedure GrUsrLine(x1, y1, x2, y2: CInteger; c:GrColor); asmname 'GrUsrLine';
917 procedure GrUsrHLine(x1, x2, y:CInteger; c:GrColor); asmname 'GrUsrHLine';
918 procedure GrUsrVLine(x, y1, y2: CInteger; c: GrColor); asmname 'GrUsrVLine';
919 procedure GrUsrBox(x1, y1, x2, y2: CInteger; c: GrColor); asmname 'GrUsrBox';
920 procedure GrUsrFilledBox(x1, y1, x2, y2: CInteger; c: GrColor); asmname 'GrUsrFilledBox';
921 procedure GrUsrFramedBox(x1, y1, x2, y2, Wdt: CInteger; c: GrFBoxColors); asmname 'GrUsrFramedBox';
923 procedure GrUsrCircle(xc, yc, r: CInteger; c: GrColor); asmname 'GrUsrCircle';
924 procedure GrUsrEllipse(xc, yc, xa, ya: CInteger; c: GrColor); asmname 'GrUsrEllipse';
925 procedure GrUsrCircleArc(xc, yc, r, Start, Ende, Style: CInteger; c: GrColor); asmname 'GrUsrCircleArc';
926 procedure GrUsrEllipseArc(xc, yc, xa, ya, Start, Ende, Style: CInteger; c: GrColor); asmname 'GrUsrEllipseArc';
927 procedure GrUsrFilledCircle(xc, yc, r: CInteger; c: GrColor); asmname 'GrUsrFilledCircle';
928 procedure GrUsrFilledEllipse(xc, yc, xa, ya: CInteger; c: GrColor); asmname 'GrUsrFilledEllipse';
929 procedure GrUsrFilledCircleArc(xc, yc, r, Start, Ende, Style: CInteger; c: GrColor); asmname 'GrUsrFilledCircleArc';
930 procedure GrUsrFilledEllipseArc(xc, yc, xa, ya, Start, Ende, Style: CInteger; c: GrColor); asmname 'GrUsrFilledEllipseArc';
931 procedure GrUsrPolyLine(NumPts: CInteger; var Points{ : array of PointType }; c: GrColor); asmname 'GrUsrPolyLine';
932 procedure GrUsrPolygon(NumPts: CInteger; var Points{ : array of PointType }; c: GrColor); asmname 'GrUsrPolygon';
933 procedure GrUsrFilledConvexPolygon(NumPts: CInteger; var Points{ : array of PointType }; c: GrColor); asmname 'GrUsrFilledConvexPolygon';
934 procedure GrUsrFilledPolygon(NumPts: CInteger; var Points{ : array of PointType }; c: GrColor); asmname 'GrUsrFilledPolygon';
935 procedure GrUsrFloodFill(x, y: CInteger; Border, c: GrColor); asmname 'GrUsrFloodFill';
GrUsrPixelnull937 function  GrUsrPixel(x, y:CInteger):GrColor; asmname 'GrUsrPixel';
GrUsrPixelCnull938 function  GrUsrPixelC(c: GrContextPtr; x, y: CInteger):GrColor; asmname 'GrUsrPixelC';
940 procedure GrUsrCustomLine(x1, y1, x2, y2: CInteger; protected var o: GrLineOption); asmname 'GrUsrCustomLine';
941 procedure GrUsrCustomBox(x1, y1, x2, y2: CInteger; protected var o: GrLineOption); asmname 'GrUsrCustomBox';
942 procedure GrUsrCustomCircle(xc, yc, r: CInteger; protected var o: GrLineOption); asmname 'GrUsrCustomCircle';
943 procedure GrUsrCustomEllipse(xc, yc, r: CInteger; protected var o: GrLineOption); asmname 'GrUsrCustomEllipse';
944 procedure GrUsrCustomCircleArc(xc, yc, r, Start, Ende, Style: CInteger; protected var o: GrLineOption); asmname 'GrUsrCustomCircleArc';
945 procedure GrUsrCustomEllipseArc(xc, yc, xa, ya, Start, Ende, Style: CInteger; protected var o: GrLineOption); asmname 'GrUsrCustomEllipseArc';
946 procedure GrUsrCustomPolyLine(NumPts: CInteger; var Points{ : array of PointType }; protected var o: GrLineOption); asmname 'GrUsrCustomPolyLine';
947 procedure GrUsrCustomPolygon(NumPts: CInteger; var Points{ : array of PointType }; protected var o: GrLineOption); asmname 'GrUsrCustomPolygon';
949 procedure GrUsrPatternedLine(x1, y1, x2, y2: CInteger; lp: GrLinePatternPtr); asmname 'GrUsrPatternedLine';
950 procedure GrUsrPatternedBox(x1, y1, x2, y2: CInteger; lp: GrLinePatternPtr); asmname 'GrUsrPatternedBox';
951 procedure GrUsrPatternedCircle(xc, yc, r: CInteger; lp: GrLinePatternPtr); asmname 'GrUsrPatternedCircle';
952 procedure GrUsrPatternedEllipse(xc, yc, xa, ya: CInteger; lp: GrLinePatternPtr); asmname 'GrUsrPatternedEllipse';
953 procedure GrUsrPatternedCircleArc(xc, yc, r, Start, Ende, Style: CInteger; lp: GrLinePatternPtr); asmname 'GrUsrPatternedCircleArc';
954 procedure GrUsrPatternedEllipseArc(xc, yc, xa, ya, Start, Ende, Style: CInteger; lp: GrLinePatternPtr); asmname 'GrUsrPatternedEllipseArc';
955 procedure GrUsrPatternedPolyLine(NumPts: CInteger; var Points{ : array of PointType }; lp: GrLinePatternPtr); asmname 'GrUsrPatternedPolyLine';
956 procedure GrUsrPatternedPolygon(NumPts: CInteger; var Points{ : array of PointType }; lp: GrLinePatternPtr); asmname 'GrUsrPatternedPolygon';
958 procedure GrUsrPatternFilledPlot(x, y: CInteger; p: GrPatternPtr); asmname 'GrPatternFilledPlot';
959 procedure GrUsrPatternFilledLine(x1, y1, x2, y2: CInteger; p: GrPatternPtr); asmname 'GrUsrPatternFilledLine';
960 procedure GrUsrPatternFilledBox(x1, y1, x2, y2: CInteger; p: GrPatternPtr); asmname 'GrUsrPatternFilledBox';
961 procedure GrUsrPatternFilledCircle(xc, yc, r: CInteger; p: GrPatternPtr); asmname 'GrUsrPatternFilledCircle';
962 procedure GrUsrPatternFilledEllipse(xc, yc, xa, ya: CInteger; p: GrPatternPtr); asmname 'GrUsrPatternFilledEllipse';
963 procedure GrUsrPatternFilledCircleArc(xc, yc, r, Start, Ende, Style: CInteger; p: GrPatternPtr); asmname 'GrUsrPatternFilledCircleArc';
964 procedure GrUsrPatternFilledEllipseArc(xc, yc, xa, ya, Start, Ende, Style: CInteger; p: GrPatternPtr); asmname 'GrUsrPatternFilledEllipseArc';
965 procedure GrUsrPatternFilledConvexPolygon(NumPts: CInteger; var Points{ : array of PointType }; p: GrPatternPtr); asmname 'GrUsrPatternFilledConvexPolygon';
966 procedure GrUsrPatternFilledPolygon(NumPts: CInteger; var Points{ : array of PointType }; p: GrPatternPtr); asmname 'GrUsrPatternFilledPolygon';
967 procedure GrUsrPatternFloodFill(x, y: CInteger; Border: GrColor; p: GrPatternPtr); asmname 'GrUsrPatternFloodFill';
969 procedure GrUsrDrawChar(Chr, x, y: CInteger; protected var Opt: GrTextOption); asmname 'GrUsrDrawChar';
970 procedure GrUsrDrawString(Text: CString; Length, x, y: CInteger; protected var Opt: GrTextOption); asmname 'GrUsrDrawString';
971 procedure GrUsrTextXY(x, y: CInteger; Text: CString; fg, bg: CInteger); asmname 'GrUsrTextXY';
973 { ==================================================================
974                   GRAPHICS CURSOR UTILITIES
975   ================================================================== }
977 type
978   GrCursor = record
979     Work: GrContext;     { work areas (4) }
980     XCord,YCord,         { cursor position on screen }
981     XSize,YSize,         { cursor size }
982     XOffs,YOffs,         { LU corner to hot point offset }
983     XWork,YWork,         { save/work area sizes }
984     XWPos,YWPos,         { save/work area position on screen }
985     Displayed: CInteger  { set if displayed }
986   end;
987   GrCursorPtr = ^GrCursor;
GrBuildCursornull989 function  GrBuildCursor(Pixels: Pointer; Pitch, w, h, xo, yo: CInteger; protected var Colors { : array of GrColor }): GrCursorPtr; asmname 'GrBuildCursor';
990 procedure GrDestroyCursor(Cursor: GrCursorPtr); asmname 'GrDestroyCursor';
991 procedure GrDisplayCursor(Cursor: GrCursorPtr); asmname 'GrDisplayCursor';
992 procedure GrEraseCursor(Cursor: GrCursorPtr); asmname 'GrEraseCursor';
993 procedure GrMoveCursor(Cursor: GrCursorPtr; x, y: CInteger); asmname 'GrMoveCursor';
995 { ==================================================================
997   ================================================================== }
999 const
1000   Gr_M_Motion        = $0001;      { mouse event flag bits }
1001   Gr_M_Left_Down     = $0002;
1002   Gr_M_Left_Up       = $0004;
1003   Gr_M_Right_Down    = $0008;
1004   Gr_M_Right_Up      = $0010;
1005   Gr_M_Middle_Down   = $0020;
1006   Gr_M_Middle_Up     = $0040;
1007   Gr_M_P4_Down       = $0400;
1008   Gr_M_P4_Up         = $0800;
1009   Gr_M_P5_Down       = $2000;
1010   Gr_M_P5_Up         = $4000;
1011   Gr_M_Button_Down   = Gr_M_Left_Down or Gr_M_Middle_Down or Gr_M_Right_Down or Gr_M_P4_Down or Gr_M_P5_Down;
1012   Gr_M_Button_Up     = Gr_M_Left_Up   or Gr_M_Middle_Up   or Gr_M_Right_Up   or Gr_M_P4_Up   or Gr_M_P5_Up;
1013   Gr_M_Button_Change = Gr_M_Button_Up or Gr_M_Button_Down;
1015   Gr_M_Left          = $01;        { mouse button index bits }
1016   Gr_M_Right         = $02;
1017   Gr_M_Middle        = $04;
1018   Gr_M_P4            = $08;
1019   Gr_M_P5            = $10;
1021   Gr_M_KeyPress      = $0080;      { other event flag bits }
1022   Gr_M_Poll          = $0100;
1023   Gr_M_NoPaint       = $0200;
1024   Gr_Command         = $1000;
1025   Gr_M_Event         = Gr_M_Motion or Gr_M_KeyPress or Gr_M_Button_Change or Gr_Command;
1027   Gr_KB_RightShift   = $01;    { Keybd states: right shift key depressed }
1028   Gr_KB_LeftShift    = $02;    { left shift key depressed }
1029   Gr_KB_Ctrl         = $04;    { CTRL depressed }
1030   Gr_KB_Alt          = $08;    { ALT depressed }
1031   Gr_KB_ScrolLock    = $10;    { SCROLL LOCK active }
1032   Gr_KB_NumLock      = $20;    { NUM LOCK active }
1033   Gr_KB_CapsLock     = $40;    { CAPS LOCK active }
1034   Gr_KB_Insert       = $80;    { INSERT state active }
1035   Gr_KB_Shift        = Gr_KB_LeftShift or Gr_KB_RightShift;
1037   Gr_M_Cur_Normal    = 0;       { MOUSE CURSOR modes: just the cursor }
1038   Gr_M_Cur_Rubber    = 1;       { rectangular rubber band (XOR-d to the screen) }
1039   Gr_M_Cur_Line      = 2;       { line attached to the cursor }
1040   Gr_M_Cur_Box       = 3;       { rectangular box dragged by the cursor }
1041   Gr_M_Cur_Cross     = 4;       { crosshair }
1043   Gr_M_Queue_Size    = 128;     { default queue size }
1045 type
1046   { mouse event buffer structure }
1047   GrMouseEvent = record
1048     Flags,             { event type flags (see above) }
1049     x, y,              { mouse coordinates }
1050     Buttons,           { mouse button state }
1051     Key,               { key code from keyboard }
1052     KBStat: CInteger;  { keybd status (ALT, CTRL, etc..) }
1053     DTime: MedInt      { time since last event (msec) }
1054   end;
1055   GrMouseEventPtr = ^GrMouseEvent;
GrMouseDetectnull1057 function  GrMouseDetect: Boolean; asmname 'GrMouseDetect';
1058 procedure GrMouseEventMode(Dummy: CInteger); asmname 'GrMouseEventMode';
1059 procedure GrMouseInit; asmname 'GrMouseInit';
1060 procedure GrMouseInitN(Queue_Size: CInteger); asmname 'GrMouseInitN';
1061 procedure GrMouseUnInit; asmname 'GrMouseUnInit';
1062 procedure GrMouseSetSpeed(SPMult, SPDiv: CInteger); asmname 'GrMouseSetSpeed';
1063 procedure GrMouseSetAccel(Thresh, Accel: CInteger); asmname 'GrMouseSetAccel';
1064 procedure GrMouseSetLimits(x1, y1, x2, y2: CInteger); asmname 'GrMouseSetLimits';
1065 procedure GrMouseGetLimits(var x1, y1, x2, y2: CInteger); asmname 'GrMouseGetLimits';
1066 procedure GrMouseWarp(x, y: CInteger); asmname 'GrMouseWarp';
1067 procedure GrMouseEventEnable(Enable_KB, Enable_MS: Boolean); asmname 'GrMouseEventEnable';
1068 procedure GrMouseGetEvent(Flags: CInteger; Event: GrMouseEventPtr); asmname 'GrMouseGetEvent';
1069 procedure GrMouseGetEventT(Flags: CInteger; Event: GrMouseEventPtr; timout_msecs: CInteger); asmname 'GrMouseGetEventT';
GrMousePendingEventnull1070 function  GrMousePendingEvent: CInteger; asmname 'GrMousePendingEvent';
GrMouseGetCursornull1072 function  GrMouseGetCursor: GrCursorPtr; asmname 'GrMouseGetCursor';
1073 procedure GrMouseSetCursor(Cursor: GrCursorPtr); asmname 'GrMouseSetCursor';
1074 procedure GrMouseSetColors(fg,bg: GrColor); asmname 'GrMouseSetColors';
1075 procedure GrMouseSetCursorMode(Mode: CInteger; x1, y1, x2, y2: CInteger; c: CInteger); asmname 'GrMouseSetCursorMode';
1076 procedure GrMouseDisplayCursor; asmname 'GrMouseDisplayCursor';
1077 procedure GrMouseEraseCursor; asmname 'GrMouseEraseCursor';
1078 procedure GrMouseUpdateCursor; asmname 'GrMouseUpdateCursor';
GrMouseCursorIsDisplayednull1079 function  GrMouseCursorIsDisplayed: Boolean; asmname 'GrMouseCursorIsDisplayed';
GrMouseBlocknull1081 function  GrMouseBlock(c: GrContextPtr; x1, y1, x2, y2: CInteger): CInteger; asmname 'GrMouseBlock';
1082 procedure GrMouseUnBlock(Return_Value_From_GrMouseBlock: CInteger); asmname 'GrMouseUnBlock';
1084 { ==================================================================
1085                          KEYBOARD INTERFACE
1086   ================================================================== }
1088 const
1089   GrKey_NoKey              = $0000;  { no key available }
1090   GrKey_OutsideValidRange  = $0100;  { key typed but code outside 1 .. GrKey_LastDefinedKeycode }
1092   { standard ASCII key codes }
1093   GrKey_Control_A          = $0001;
1094   GrKey_Control_B          = $0002;
1095   GrKey_Control_C          = $0003;
1096   GrKey_Control_D          = $0004;
1097   GrKey_Control_E          = $0005;
1098   GrKey_Control_F          = $0006;
1099   GrKey_Control_G          = $0007;
1100   GrKey_Control_H          = $0008;
1101   GrKey_Control_I          = $0009;
1102   GrKey_Control_J          = $000a;
1103   GrKey_Control_K          = $000b;
1104   GrKey_Control_L          = $000c;
1105   GrKey_Control_M          = $000d;
1106   GrKey_Control_N          = $000e;
1107   GrKey_Control_O          = $000f;
1108   GrKey_Control_P          = $0010;
1109   GrKey_Control_Q          = $0011;
1110   GrKey_Control_R          = $0012;
1111   GrKey_Control_S          = $0013;
1112   GrKey_Control_T          = $0014;
1113   GrKey_Control_U          = $0015;
1114   GrKey_Control_V          = $0016;
1115   GrKey_Control_W          = $0017;
1116   GrKey_Control_X          = $0018;
1117   GrKey_Control_Y          = $0019;
1118   GrKey_Control_Z          = $001a;
1119   GrKey_Control_LBracket   = $001b;
1120   GrKey_Control_BackSlash  = $001c;
1121   GrKey_Control_RBracket   = $001d;
1122   GrKey_Control_Caret      = $001e;
1123   GrKey_Control_Underscore = $001f;
1124   GrKey_Space              = $0020;
1125   GrKey_ExclamationPoint   = $0021;
1126   GrKey_DoubleQuote        = $0022;
1127   GrKey_Hash               = $0023;
1128   GrKey_Dollar             = $0024;
1129   GrKey_Percent            = $0025;
1130   GrKey_Ampersand          = $0026;
1131   GrKey_Quote              = $0027;
1132   GrKey_LParen             = $0028;
1133   GrKey_RParen             = $0029;
1134   GrKey_Star               = $002a;
1135   GrKey_Plus               = $002b;
1136   GrKey_Comma              = $002c;
1137   GrKey_Dash               = $002d;
1138   GrKey_Period             = $002e;
1139   GrKey_Slash              = $002f;
1140   GrKey_0                  = $0030;
1141   GrKey_1                  = $0031;
1142   GrKey_2                  = $0032;
1143   GrKey_3                  = $0033;
1144   GrKey_4                  = $0034;
1145   GrKey_5                  = $0035;
1146   GrKey_6                  = $0036;
1147   GrKey_7                  = $0037;
1148   GrKey_8                  = $0038;
1149   GrKey_9                  = $0039;
1150   GrKey_Colon              = $003a;
1151   GrKey_SemiColon          = $003b;
1152   GrKey_LAngle             = $003c;
1153   GrKey_Equals             = $003d;
1154   GrKey_RAngle             = $003e;
1155   GrKey_QuestionMark       = $003f;
1156   GrKey_At                 = $0040;
1157   GrKey_A                  = $0041;
1158   GrKey_B                  = $0042;
1159   GrKey_C                  = $0043;
1160   GrKey_D                  = $0044;
1161   GrKey_E                  = $0045;
1162   GrKey_F                  = $0046;
1163   GrKey_G                  = $0047;
1164   GrKey_H                  = $0048;
1165   GrKey_I                  = $0049;
1166   GrKey_J                  = $004a;
1167   GrKey_K                  = $004b;
1168   GrKey_L                  = $004c;
1169   GrKey_M                  = $004d;
1170   GrKey_N                  = $004e;
1171   GrKey_O                  = $004f;
1172   GrKey_P                  = $0050;
1173   GrKey_Q                  = $0051;
1174   GrKey_R                  = $0052;
1175   GrKey_S                  = $0053;
1176   GrKey_T                  = $0054;
1177   GrKey_U                  = $0055;
1178   GrKey_V                  = $0056;
1179   GrKey_W                  = $0057;
1180   GrKey_X                  = $0058;
1181   GrKey_Y                  = $0059;
1182   GrKey_Z                  = $005a;
1183   GrKey_LBracket           = $005b;
1184   GrKey_BackSlash          = $005c;
1185   GrKey_RBracket           = $005d;
1186   GrKey_Caret              = $005e;
1187   GrKey_UnderScore         = $005f;
1188   GrKey_BackQuote          = $0060;
1189   GrKey_Small_a            = $0061;
1190   GrKey_Small_b            = $0062;
1191   GrKey_Small_c            = $0063;
1192   GrKey_Small_d            = $0064;
1193   GrKey_Small_e            = $0065;
1194   GrKey_Small_f            = $0066;
1195   GrKey_Small_g            = $0067;
1196   GrKey_Small_h            = $0068;
1197   GrKey_Small_i            = $0069;
1198   GrKey_Small_j            = $006a;
1199   GrKey_Small_k            = $006b;
1200   GrKey_Small_l            = $006c;
1201   GrKey_Small_m            = $006d;
1202   GrKey_Small_n            = $006e;
1203   GrKey_Small_o            = $006f;
1204   GrKey_Small_p            = $0070;
1205   GrKey_Small_q            = $0071;
1206   GrKey_Small_r            = $0072;
1207   GrKey_Small_s            = $0073;
1208   GrKey_Small_t            = $0074;
1209   GrKey_Small_u            = $0075;
1210   GrKey_Small_v            = $0076;
1211   GrKey_Small_w            = $0077;
1212   GrKey_Small_x            = $0078;
1213   GrKey_Small_y            = $0079;
1214   GrKey_Small_z            = $007a;
1215   GrKey_LBrace             = $007b;
1216   GrKey_Pipe               = $007c;
1217   GrKey_RBrace             = $007d;
1218   GrKey_Tilde              = $007e;
1219   GrKey_Control_Backspace  = $007f;
1221   { extended key codes as defined in DJGPP }
1222   GrKey_Alt_Escape         = $0101;
1223   GrKey_Control_At         = $0103;
1224   GrKey_Alt_Backspace      = $010e;
1225   GrKey_BackTab            = $010f;
1226   GrKey_Alt_Q              = $0110;
1227   GrKey_Alt_W              = $0111;
1228   GrKey_Alt_E              = $0112;
1229   GrKey_Alt_R              = $0113;
1230   GrKey_Alt_T              = $0114;
1231   GrKey_Alt_Y              = $0115;
1232   GrKey_Alt_U              = $0116;
1233   GrKey_Alt_I              = $0117;
1234   GrKey_Alt_O              = $0118;
1235   GrKey_Alt_P              = $0119;
1236   GrKey_Alt_LBracket       = $011a;
1237   GrKey_Alt_RBracket       = $011b;
1238   GrKey_Alt_Return         = $011c;
1239   GrKey_Alt_A              = $011e;
1240   GrKey_Alt_S              = $011f;
1241   GrKey_Alt_D              = $0120;
1242   GrKey_Alt_F              = $0121;
1243   GrKey_Alt_G              = $0122;
1244   GrKey_Alt_H              = $0123;
1245   GrKey_Alt_J              = $0124;
1246   GrKey_Alt_K              = $0125;
1247   GrKey_Alt_L              = $0126;
1248   GrKey_Alt_Semicolon      = $0127;
1249   GrKey_Alt_Quote          = $0128;
1250   GrKey_Alt_Backquote      = $0129;
1251   GrKey_Alt_Backslash      = $012b;
1252   GrKey_Alt_Z              = $012c;
1253   GrKey_Alt_X              = $012d;
1254   GrKey_Alt_C              = $012e;
1255   GrKey_Alt_V              = $012f;
1256   GrKey_Alt_B              = $0130;
1257   GrKey_Alt_N              = $0131;
1258   GrKey_Alt_M              = $0132;
1259   GrKey_Alt_Comma          = $0133;
1260   GrKey_Alt_Period         = $0134;
1261   GrKey_Alt_Slash          = $0135;
1262   GrKey_Alt_KPStar         = $0137;
1263   GrKey_F1                 = $013b;
1264   GrKey_F2                 = $013c;
1265   GrKey_F3                 = $013d;
1266   GrKey_F4                 = $013e;
1267   GrKey_F5                 = $013f;
1268   GrKey_F6                 = $0140;
1269   GrKey_F7                 = $0141;
1270   GrKey_F8                 = $0142;
1271   GrKey_F9                 = $0143;
1272   GrKey_F10                = $0144;
1273   GrKey_Home               = $0147;
1274   GrKey_Up                 = $0148;
1275   GrKey_PageUp             = $0149;
1276   GrKey_Alt_KPMinus        = $014a;
1277   GrKey_Left               = $014b;
1278   GrKey_Center             = $014c;
1279   GrKey_Right              = $014d;
1280   GrKey_Alt_KPPlus         = $014e;
1281   GrKey_End                = $014f;
1282   GrKey_Down               = $0150;
1283   GrKey_PageDown           = $0151;
1284   GrKey_Insert             = $0152;
1285   GrKey_Delete             = $0153;
1286   GrKey_Shift_F1           = $0154;
1287   GrKey_Shift_F2           = $0155;
1288   GrKey_Shift_F3           = $0156;
1289   GrKey_Shift_F4           = $0157;
1290   GrKey_Shift_F5           = $0158;
1291   GrKey_Shift_F6           = $0159;
1292   GrKey_Shift_F7           = $015a;
1293   GrKey_Shift_F8           = $015b;
1294   GrKey_Shift_F9           = $015c;
1295   GrKey_Shift_F10          = $015d;
1296   GrKey_Control_F1         = $015e;
1297   GrKey_Control_F2         = $015f;
1298   GrKey_Control_F3         = $0160;
1299   GrKey_Control_F4         = $0161;
1300   GrKey_Control_F5         = $0162;
1301   GrKey_Control_F6         = $0163;
1302   GrKey_Control_F7         = $0164;
1303   GrKey_Control_F8         = $0165;
1304   GrKey_Control_F9         = $0166;
1305   GrKey_Control_F10        = $0167;
1306   GrKey_Alt_F1             = $0168;
1307   GrKey_Alt_F2             = $0169;
1308   GrKey_Alt_F3             = $016a;
1309   GrKey_Alt_F4             = $016b;
1310   GrKey_Alt_F5             = $016c;
1311   GrKey_Alt_F6             = $016d;
1312   GrKey_Alt_F7             = $016e;
1313   GrKey_Alt_F8             = $016f;
1314   GrKey_Alt_F9             = $0170;
1315   GrKey_Alt_F10            = $0171;
1316   GrKey_Control_Print      = $0172;
1317   GrKey_Control_Left       = $0173;
1318   GrKey_Control_Right      = $0174;
1319   GrKey_Control_End        = $0175;
1320   GrKey_Control_PageDown   = $0176;
1321   GrKey_Control_Home       = $0177;
1322   GrKey_Alt_1              = $0178;
1323   GrKey_Alt_2              = $0179;
1324   GrKey_Alt_3              = $017a;
1325   GrKey_Alt_4              = $017b;
1326   GrKey_Alt_5              = $017c;
1327   GrKey_Alt_6              = $017d;
1328   GrKey_Alt_7              = $017e;
1329   GrKey_Alt_8              = $017f;
1330   GrKey_Alt_9              = $0180;
1331   GrKey_Alt_0              = $0181;
1332   GrKey_Alt_Dash           = $0182;
1333   GrKey_Alt_Equals         = $0183;
1334   GrKey_Control_PageUp     = $0184;
1335   GrKey_F11                = $0185;
1336   GrKey_F12                = $0186;
1337   GrKey_Shift_F11          = $0187;
1338   GrKey_Shift_F12          = $0188;
1339   GrKey_Control_F11        = $0189;
1340   GrKey_Control_F12        = $018a;
1341   GrKey_Alt_F11            = $018b;
1342   GrKey_Alt_F12            = $018c;
1343   GrKey_Control_Up         = $018d;
1344   GrKey_Control_KPDash     = $018e;
1345   GrKey_Control_Center     = $018f;
1346   GrKey_Control_KPPlus     = $0190;
1347   GrKey_Control_Down       = $0191;
1348   GrKey_Control_Insert     = $0192;
1349   GrKey_Control_Delete     = $0193;
1350   GrKey_Control_Tab        = $0194;
1351   GrKey_Control_KPSlash    = $0195;
1352   GrKey_Control_KPStar     = $0196;
1353   GrKey_Alt_KPSlash        = $01a4;
1354   GrKey_Alt_Tab            = $01a5;
1355   GrKey_Alt_Enter          = $01a6;
1357   { some additional codes not in DJGPP }
1358   GrKey_Alt_LAngle         = $01b0;
1359   GrKey_Alt_RAngle         = $01b1;
1360   GrKey_Alt_At             = $01b2;
1361   GrKey_Alt_LBrace         = $01b3;
1362   GrKey_Alt_Pipe           = $01b4;
1363   GrKey_Alt_RBrace         = $01b5;
1364   GrKey_Print              = $01b6;
1365   GrKey_Shift_Insert       = $01b7;
1366   GrKey_Shift_Home         = $01b8;
1367   GrKey_Shift_End          = $01b9;
1368   GrKey_Shift_PageUp       = $01ba;
1369   GrKey_Shift_PageDown     = $01bb;
1370   GrKey_Alt_Up             = $01bc;
1371   GrKey_Alt_Left           = $01bd;
1372   GrKey_Alt_Center         = $01be;
1373   GrKey_Alt_Right          = $01c0;
1374   GrKey_Alt_Down           = $01c1;
1375   GrKey_Alt_Insert         = $01c2;
1376   GrKey_Alt_Delete         = $01c3;
1377   GrKey_Alt_Home           = $01c4;
1378   GrKey_Alt_End            = $01c5;
1379   GrKey_Alt_PageUp         = $01c6;
1380   GrKey_Alt_PageDown       = $01c7;
1381   GrKey_Shift_Up           = $01c8;
1382   GrKey_Shift_Down         = $01c9;
1383   GrKey_Shift_Right        = $01ca;
1384   GrKey_Shift_Left         = $01cb;
1386   { this may be usefull for table allocation ... }
1387   GrKey_LastDefinedKeycode = GrKey_Shift_Left;
1389   { some well known synomyms }
1390   GrKey_BackSpace          = GrKey_Control_H;
1391   GrKey_Tab                = GrKey_Control_I;
1392   GrKey_LineFeed           = GrKey_Control_J;
1393   GrKey_Escape             = GrKey_Control_LBracket;
1394   GrKey_Return             = GrKey_Control_M;
1396 type
1397   GrKeyType = ShortInt;
1399 { new functions to replace the old style
1400     kbhit / getch / getkey / getxkey / getkbstat
1401   keyboard interface }
GrKeyPressednull1402 function GrKeyPressed: CInteger; asmname 'GrKeyPressed';
GrKeyReadnull1403 function GrKeyRead: GrKeyType; asmname 'GrKeyRead';
GrKeyStatnull1404 function GrKeyStat: CInteger; asmname 'GrKeyStat';
1406 { ==================================================================
1408   ================================================================== }
1410 procedure GrResizeGrayMap (var Map; Pitch, ow, oh, nw, nh: CInteger); asmname 'GrResizeGrayMap';
GrMatchStringnull1411 function  GrMatchString (Pattern, Strg: CString): CInteger; asmname 'GrMatchString';
1412 procedure GrSetWindowTitle (Title: CString); asmname 'GrSetWindowTitle';
1413 procedure GrSleep (MSec: CInteger); asmname 'GrSleep';
1414 procedure GrFlush; asmname 'GrFlush';
1416 { ==================================================================
1417                             PNM FUNCTIONS
1418   ================================================================== }
1420 { The PNM formats, grx support load/save of binaries formats (4,5,6) only }
1422 const
1423   PlainPBMFormat = 1;
1424   PlainPGMFormat = 2;
1425   PlainPPMFormat = 3;
1426   PBMFormat      = 4;
1427   PGMFormat      = 5;
1428   PPMFormat      = 6;
1430 { The PNM functions }
GrSaveContextToPbmnull1432 function GrSaveContextToPbm (grc: GrContextPtr; FileName, Comment: CString): CInteger; asmname 'GrSaveContextToPbm';
GrSaveContextToPgmnull1433 function GrSaveContextToPgm (grc: GrContextPtr; FileName, Comment: CString): CInteger; asmname 'GrSaveContextToPgm';
GrSaveContextToPpmnull1434 function GrSaveContextToPpm (grc: GrContextPtr; FileName, Comment: CString): CInteger; asmname 'GrSaveContextToPpm';
GrLoadContextFromPnmnull1435 function GrLoadContextFromPnm (grc: GrContextPtr; FileName: CString): CInteger; asmname 'GrLoadContextFromPnm';
GrQueryPnmnull1436 function GrQueryPnm (FileName: CString; var Width, Height, MaxVal: CInteger): CInteger; asmname 'GrQueryPnm';
GrLoadContextFromPnmBuffernull1437 function GrLoadContextFromPnmBuffer (grc: GrContextPtr; protected var Buffer): CInteger; asmname 'GrLoadContextFromPnmBuffer';
GrQueryPnmBuffernull1438 function GrQueryPnmBuffer (protected var Buffer; var Width, Height, MaxVal: CInteger): CInteger; asmname 'GrQueryPnmBuffer';
1440 { ==================================================================
1441                              ADDON FUNCTIONS
1442    these functions may not be installed or available on all systems
1443   ================================================================== }
GrPngSupportnull1445 function GrPngSupport: CInteger; asmname 'GrPngSupport';
GrSaveContextToPngnull1446 function GrSaveContextToPng (grc: GrContextPtr; FileName: CString): CInteger; asmname 'GrSaveContextToPng';
GrLoadContextFromPngnull1447 function GrLoadContextFromPng (grc: GrContextPtr; FileName: CString; UseAlpha: CInteger): CInteger; asmname 'GrLoadContextFromPng';
GrQueryPngnull1448 function GrQueryPng (FileName: CString; var Width, Height: CInteger): CInteger; asmname 'GrQueryPng';
1450 { SaveContextToTiff - Dump a context in a TIFF file
1452   Arguments:
1453     cxt:   Context to be saved (nil -> use current context)
1454     tiffn: Name of tiff file
1455     compr: Compression method (see tiff.h), 0: automatic selection
1456     docn:  string saved in the tiff file (DOCUMENTNAME tag)
1458    Returns  0 on success
1459            -1 on error
1461   requires tifflib by  Sam Leffler (sam@engr.sgi.com)
1462          available at  ftp://ftp.sgi.com/graphics/tiff }
SaveContextToTiffnull1463 function SaveContextToTiff(Cxt: GrContextPtr; TiffN: CString; Compr: CInteger; DocN: CString): CInteger; asmname 'SaveContextToTiff';
1465 { GrSaveContextToJpeg - Dump a context in a JPEG file
1467   Arguments:
1468     grc:      Context to be saved (nil -> use current context)
1469     Filename: Name of the jpeg file
1470     accuracy: Accuracy percentage (100 for no loss of quality)
1472    Returns  0 on success
1473            -1 on error
1475   requires jpeg-6a by  IJG (Independent JPEG Group)
1476          available at  ftp.uu.net as graphics/jpeg/jpegsrc.v6a.tar.gz }
GrSaveContextToJpegnull1477 function GrSaveContextToJpeg(grc: GrContextPtr; FileName: CString; Accuracy: CInteger): CInteger; asmname 'GrSaveContextToJpeg';
GrSaveContextToGrayJpegnull1478 function GrSaveContextToGrayJpeg(grc: GrContextPtr; FileName: CString; Accuracy: CInteger): CInteger; asmname 'GrSaveContextToGrayJpeg';
GrJpegSupportnull1479 function GrJpegSupport: CInteger; asmname 'GrJpegSupport';
GrLoadContextFromJpegnull1480 function GrLoadContextFromJpeg(grc: GrContextPtr; FileName: CString; Scale: CInteger): CInteger; asmname 'GrLoadContextFromJpeg';
GrQueryJpegnull1481 function GrQueryJpeg(FileName: CString; var Width, Height: CInteger): CInteger; asmname 'GrQueryJpeg';
1483 implementation
1485 end.