1# This .cfg file is used to generate the common GL2 ES3 set
2JavaOutputDir ../../build-temp/gluegen-set
4# Inform the glue code generator of the association between #defines
5# and functions and the extensions in which they are defined
6# _for_ code generation. This shall match the parsed header files!
7GLSemHeader GLES3/gl3x.h
8GLSemHeader GLES3/gl3ext.h
9GLSemHeader GLES2/gl2ext-supplement.h
10GLSemHeader GLES2/gl2ext.h
12Package com.jogamp.opengl
13Style InterfaceOnly
14JavaClass GL2ES3Subset
15Include gl-common.cfg
16Include gl-common-extensions.cfg
17Include gl2_es3-common.cfg
18Include gl-if-gl3-ignores.cfg
19Include gl-if-gl4-ignores.cfg
20Include gl-embedded-ignores.cfg
21Include gl-desktop-ignores.cfg
23# dummy procaddress config / force procaddress for comments
24EmitProcAddressTable false
25ProcAddressTableClassName DontGenerateProcAddressTableStuff
26GetProcAddressTableExpr DontGenerateProcAddressTableStuff
27ForceProcAddressGen __ALL__