1 // SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only (modified to allow linking)
2 {******************************* CONTRIBUTOR(S) ******************************
3 - Edivando S. Santos Brasil | mailedivando@gmail.com
4   (Compatibility with delphi VCL 11/2018)
6 ***************************** END CONTRIBUTOR(S) *****************************}
7 unit BCSVGViewer;
9 {$I bgracontrols.inc}
11 interface
13 uses
14   Classes, SysUtils, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, BGRAGraphicControl,
15   {$IFDEF FPC}LResources, LCLType, {$ENDIF}
16   {$IFNDEF FPC}Types, BGRAGraphics, GraphType, FPImage, {$ENDIF}
17   BGRABitmap, BGRABitmapTypes, BGRASVG, BGRAUnits, BCTypes;
19 type
21   { TBCSVGViewer }
23   TBCSVGViewer = class(TCustomBGRAGraphicControl)
24   private
25     FDrawCheckers: boolean;
26     FHorizAlign: TAlignment;
27     FProportional: boolean;
28     FStretchMode: TBCStretchMode;
29     FDestDPI: single;
30     FUseSVGAlignment: boolean;
31     FVertAlign: TTextLayout;
32     Fx: single;
33     Fy: single;
GetSVGStringnull34     function GetSVGString: string;
35     procedure SetDrawCheckers(AValue: boolean);
36     procedure SetFDestDPI(AValue: single);
37     procedure SetSVGString(AValue: string);
38     procedure SetFx(AValue: single);
39     procedure SetFy(AValue: single);
40     procedure SetHorizAlign(AValue: TAlignment);
41     procedure SetProportional(AValue: boolean);
42     procedure SetStretchMode(AValue: TBCStretchMode);
43     procedure SetUseSVGAlignment(AValue: boolean);
44     procedure SetVertAlign(AValue: TTextLayout);
45   protected
47     procedure RedrawBitmapContent; override;
48   public
49     constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
50     destructor Destroy; override;
51     procedure LoadFromFile(AFileName: string);
52     procedure LoadFromResource(Resource: string);
GetSVGRectFnull53     function GetSVGRectF: TRectF;
GetSVGContainerRectFnull54     function GetSVGContainerRectF: TRectF;
55   published
56     { Published declarations }
57     property Align;
58     property Anchors;
59     property OnRedraw;
60     property Bitmap;
61     property BorderSpacing;
62     property Constraints;
63     property SVG: TBGRASVG read FSVG;
64     property SVGString: string read GetSVGString write SetSVGString;
65     property DestDPI: single read FDestDPI write SetFDestDPI {$IFDEF FPC} default
66       96{$ENDIF};
67     property x: single read Fx write SetFx {$IFDEF FPC} default 0{$ENDIF};
68     property y: single read Fy write SetFy {$IFDEF FPC} default 0{$ENDIF};
69     property HorizAlign: TAlignment read FHorizAlign write SetHorizAlign default
70       taCenter;
71     property VertAlign: TTextLayout read FVertAlign write SetVertAlign default tlCenter;
72     property StretchMode: TBCStretchMode
73       read FStretchMode write SetStretchMode default smStretch;
74     property Proportional: boolean read FProportional write SetProportional default True;
75     property DrawCheckers: boolean
76       read FDrawCheckers write SetDrawCheckers default False;
77     property UseSVGAlignment: boolean read FUseSVGAlignment write SetUseSVGAlignment default False;
78     property Color;
79     property ColorOpacity;
80     property OnClick;
81     property OnDblClick;
82     property OnMouseDown;
83     property OnMouseEnter;
84     property OnMouseLeave;
85     property OnMouseMove;
86     property OnMouseUp;
87     {$IFDEF FPC}
88     property OnPaint;
89     {$ENDIF}
90     property OnResize;
91     property Caption;
92   end;
94 {$IFDEF FPC}procedure Register;{$ENDIF}
96 implementation
98 uses BGRAVectorize, math;
100 {$IFDEF FPC}
101 procedure Register;
102 begin
103   RegisterComponents('BGRA Controls', [TBCSVGViewer]);
104 end;
106 {$ENDIF}
108 { TBCSVGViewer }
110 procedure TBCSVGViewer.SetFDestDPI(AValue: single);
111 begin
112   if FDestDPI = AValue then
113     Exit;
114   FDestDPI := AValue;
115   DiscardBitmap;
116 end;
118 procedure TBCSVGViewer.SetSVGString(AValue: string);
119 begin
120   FSVG.ASUTF8String := AValue;
121   DiscardBitmap;
122 end;
124 procedure TBCSVGViewer.SetDrawCheckers(AValue: boolean);
125 begin
126   if FDrawCheckers = AValue then
127     Exit;
128   FDrawCheckers := AValue;
129   DiscardBitmap;
130 end;
TBCSVGViewer.GetSVGStringnull132 function TBCSVGViewer.GetSVGString: string;
133 begin
134   Result := FSVG.AsUTF8String;
135 end;
137 procedure TBCSVGViewer.SetFx(AValue: single);
138 begin
139   if Fx = AValue then
140     Exit;
141   Fx := AValue;
142   DiscardBitmap;
143 end;
145 procedure TBCSVGViewer.SetFy(AValue: single);
146 begin
147   if Fy = AValue then
148     Exit;
149   Fy := AValue;
150   DiscardBitmap;
151 end;
153 procedure TBCSVGViewer.SetHorizAlign(AValue: TAlignment);
154 begin
155   if FHorizAlign = AValue then
156     Exit;
157   FHorizAlign := AValue;
158   DiscardBitmap;
159 end;
161 procedure TBCSVGViewer.SetProportional(AValue: boolean);
162 begin
163   if FProportional = AValue then
164     Exit;
165   FProportional := AValue;
166   DiscardBitmap;
167 end;
169 procedure TBCSVGViewer.SetStretchMode(AValue: TBCStretchMode);
170 begin
171   if FStretchMode = AValue then
172     Exit;
173   FStretchMode := AValue;
174   DiscardBitmap;
175 end;
177 procedure TBCSVGViewer.SetUseSVGAlignment(AValue: boolean);
178 begin
179   if FUseSVGAlignment=AValue then Exit;
180   FUseSVGAlignment:=AValue;
181   DiscardBitmap;
182 end;
184 procedure TBCSVGViewer.SetVertAlign(AValue: TTextLayout);
185 begin
186   if FVertAlign = AValue then
187     Exit;
188   FVertAlign := AValue;
189   DiscardBitmap;
190 end;
192 procedure TBCSVGViewer.RedrawBitmapContent;
193 var
194   r: TRectF;
195   checkersSize: integer;
196 begin
197   if (FBGRA <> nil) and (FBGRA.NbPixels <> 0) then
198   begin
199     r := GetSVGRectF;
200     FBGRA.Fill(ColorToBGRA(ColorToRGB(Color), ColorOpacity));
201     if FDrawCheckers then
202     begin
203       checkersSize := round(8 * DestDPI / 96 * BitmapScale);
204       with GetSVGContainerRectF do
205         FBGRA.DrawCheckers(rect(floor(Left), floor(Top),
206           ceil(right), ceil(Bottom)), CSSWhite, CSSSilver,
207           checkersSize, checkersSize);
208     end;
209     FBGRA.Canvas2D.FontRenderer := TBGRAVectorizedFontRenderer.Create;
210     FSVG.StretchDraw(FBGRA.Canvas2D, r, UseSVGAlignment);
211     if Assigned(OnRedraw) then
212       OnRedraw(self, FBGRA);
213   end;
214 end;
216 constructor TBCSVGViewer.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
217 begin
218   inherited Create(AOwner);
219   FSVG := TBGRASVG.Create(100, 100, TCSSUnit.cuPercent);
220   FDestDPI := 96;
221   Fx := 0;
222   Fy := 0;
223   FStretchMode := smStretch;
224   FHorizAlign := taCenter;
225   FVertAlign := tlCenter;
226   FProportional := True;
227   FBitmapAutoScale := False;
228   FUseSVGAlignment:= false;
229 end;
231 destructor TBCSVGViewer.Destroy;
232 begin
233   FSVG.Free;
234   inherited Destroy;
235 end;
237 procedure TBCSVGViewer.LoadFromFile(AFileName: string);
238 begin
239   FSVG.LoadFromFile(AFileName);
240   DiscardBitmap;
241 end;
243 procedure TBCSVGViewer.LoadFromResource(Resource: string);
244 begin
245   FSVG.LoadFromResource(Resource);
246   DiscardBitmap;
247 end;
TBCSVGViewer.GetSVGRectFnull249 function TBCSVGViewer.GetSVGRectF: TRectF;
250 var
251   vbSize: TPointF;
252   w, h, dpi: single;
253   containerRect: TRectF;
NoStretchnull255   function NoStretch(AX, AY: single): TRectF;
256   begin
257     case HorizAlign of
258       taCenter: Result.Left := (w - vbSize.x) / 2;
259       taRightJustify: Result.Left := w - AX - vbSize.x;
260       else
261         {taLeftJustify} Result.Left := AX;
262     end;
263     case VertAlign of
264       tlCenter: Result.Top := (h - vbSize.y) / 2;
265       tlBottom: Result.Top := h - AY - vbSize.y;
266       else
267         {tlTop} Result.Top := AY;
268     end;
269     Result.Right := Result.Left + vbSize.x;
270     Result.Bottom := Result.Top + vbSize.y;
271   end;
273 begin
274   if FSVG = nil then exit(EmptyRectF);
276   containerRect := GetSVGContainerRectF;
277   w := containerRect.Width;
278   h := containerRect.Height;
279   dpi := DestDPI * BitmapScale;
281   FSVG.Units.ContainerWidth := FloatWithCSSUnit(w * FSVG.Units.DpiX / dpi, cuPixel);
282   FSVG.Units.ContainerHeight := FloatWithCSSUnit(h * FSVG.Units.DpiY / dpi, cuPixel);
284   if UseSVGAlignment then
285     exit(FSVG.GetStretchRectF(containerRect.Left, containerRect.Top, containerRect.Width, containerRect.Height));
287   vbSize := FSVG.ViewSizeInUnit[cuPixel];
288   vbSize.x := vbSize.x * (dpi / FSVG.Units.DpiX);
289   vbSize.y := vbSize.y * (dpi / FSVG.Units.DpiY);
290   if ((StretchMode = smShrink) and ((vbSize.x > w + 0.1) or (vbSize.y > h + 0.1))) or
291     (StretchMode in[smStretch, smCover]) then
292   begin
293     if Proportional then
294       Result := FSVG.GetStretchRectF(HorizAlign, VertAlign, 0, 0, w, h, StretchMode = smCover)
295     else
296     if StretchMode = smShrink then
297     begin
298       NoStretch(0, 0);
299       if vbSize.x > w then
300       begin
301         Result.Left := 0;
302         Result.Right := w;
303       end;
304       if vbSize.y > h then
305       begin
306         Result.Top := 0;
307         Result.Bottom := h;
308       end;
309     end
310     else
311       Result := RectF(0, 0, w, h);
312   end
313   else
314     result := NoStretch(x, y);
316   result.Offset(containerRect.Left, containerRect.Top);
317 end;
GetSVGContainerRectFnull319 function TBCSVGViewer.GetSVGContainerRectF: TRectF;
320 var
321   w, h: Integer;
322   dpi, ratioX, ratioY, ratio: single;
323 begin
324   w := BitmapWidth;
325   h := BitmapHeight;
326   dpi := DestDPI * BitmapScale;
327   Result := RectF(0, 0, w, h);
329   if (FSVG = nil) or not UseSVGAlignment then exit;
331   FSVG.Units.ContainerWidth := FloatWithCSSUnit(w * FSVG.Units.DpiX / dpi, cuPixel);
332   FSVG.Units.ContainerHeight := FloatWithCSSUnit(h * FSVG.Units.DpiY / dpi, cuPixel);
334   if (FSVG = nil) or (FSVG.WidthAsPixel = 0) or
335     (FSVG.HeightAsPixel = 0) or (BitmapWidth = 0)
336     or (BitmapHeight = 0) then exit(EmptyRectF);
338   ratioX := BitmapWidth / FSVG.WidthAsPixel;
339   ratioY := BitmapHeight / FSVG.HeightAsPixel;
340   case StretchMode of
341     smStretch: ratio := min(ratioX, ratioY);
342     smShrink: ratio := min(1, min(ratioX, ratioY));
343     smCover: ratio := max(ratioX, ratioY);
344   else
345     ratio := 1;
346   end;
347   result := RectWithSizeF(0, 0, FSVG.WidthAsPixel * ratio,
348               FSVG.HeightAsPixel * ratio);
349   result.Offset((BitmapWidth - result.Width) / 2,
350     (BitmapHeight - result.Height) / 2);
351 end;
353 end.