1 // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
2 unit UToolText;
4 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
6 interface
8 uses
9   Classes, SysUtils, UTool, UToolVectorial, LCLType, Graphics, BGRABitmap, BGRABitmapTypes, BGRATextFX,
10   BGRAGradients, LCVectorOriginal;
12 type
14   { TToolText }
16   TToolText = class(TVectorialTool)
17   protected
18     FMatrix: TAffineMatrix;
19     FPrevShadow: boolean;
20     FPrevShadowOffset: TPoint;
21     FPrevShadowRadius: single;
ShapeClassnull22     function ShapeClass: TVectorShapeAny; override;
AlwaysRasterizeShapenull23     function AlwaysRasterizeShape: boolean; override;
24     procedure IncludeShadowBounds(var ARect: TRect);
GetCustomShapeBoundsnull25     function GetCustomShapeBounds(ADestBounds: TRect; AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; ADraft: boolean): TRect; override;
26     procedure DrawCustomShape(ADest: TBGRABitmap; AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; ADraft: boolean); override;
27     procedure ShapeChange(ASender: TObject; ABounds: TRectF; ADiff: TVectorShapeDiff); override;
28     procedure ShapeEditingChange(ASender: TObject); override;
29     procedure AssignShapeStyle(AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; AAlwaysFit: boolean); override;
30     procedure QuickDefineEnd; override;
RoundCoordinatenull31     function RoundCoordinate(constref ptF: TPointF): TPointF; override;
DoToolKeyDownnull32     function DoToolKeyDown(var key: Word): TRect; override;
33   public
34     constructor Create(AManager: TToolManager); override;
GetContextualToolbarsnull35     function GetContextualToolbars: TContextualToolbars; override;
ToolCommandnull36     function ToolCommand(ACommand: TToolCommand): boolean; override;
ToolProvideCommandnull37     function ToolProvideCommand(ACommand: TToolCommand): boolean; override;
38   end;
40 implementation
42 uses LCVectorTextShapes, BGRALayerOriginal, BGRATransform, BGRAGrayscaleMask,
43   ugraph, math;
45 { TToolText }
ShapeClassnull47 function TToolText.ShapeClass: TVectorShapeAny;
48 begin
49   result := TTextShape;
50 end;
AlwaysRasterizeShapenull52 function TToolText.AlwaysRasterizeShape: boolean;
53 begin
54   Result:= Manager.TextShadow;
55 end;
57 procedure TToolText.IncludeShadowBounds(var ARect: TRect);
58 var
59   shadowRect: TRect;
60 begin
61   if Manager.TextShadow then
62   begin
63     shadowRect := ARect;
64     shadowRect.Inflate(ceil(Manager.TextShadowBlurRadius),ceil(Manager.TextShadowBlurRadius));
65     shadowRect.Offset(Manager.TextShadowOffset.X,Manager.TextShadowOffset.Y);
66     ARect := RectUnion(ARect, shadowRect);
67   end;
68 end;
GetCustomShapeBoundsnull70 function TToolText.GetCustomShapeBounds(ADestBounds: TRect; AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; ADraft: boolean): TRect;
71 begin
72   Result:= inherited GetCustomShapeBounds(ADestBounds, AMatrix, ADraft);
73   IncludeShadowBounds(result);
74   result.Intersect(ADestBounds);
75 end;
77 procedure TToolText.DrawCustomShape(ADest: TBGRABitmap; AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; ADraft: boolean);
78 var
79   temp: TBGRABitmap;
80   blur, gray, grayShape: TGrayscaleMask;
81   shapeBounds, blurBounds, r, actualShapeBounds: TRect;
82 begin
83   if Manager.TextShadow then
84   begin
85     shapeBounds := GetCustomShapeBounds(rect(0,0,ADest.Width,ADest.Height),AMatrix,ADraft);
86     shapeBounds.Intersect(ADest.ClipRect);
87     if (shapeBounds.Width > 0) and (shapeBounds.Height > 0) then
88     begin
89       temp := TBGRABitmap.Create(shapeBounds.Width,shapeBounds.Height);
90       inherited DrawCustomShape(temp, AffineMatrixTranslation(-shapeBounds.Left,-shapeBounds.Top)*AMatrix, ADraft);
91       actualShapeBounds := temp.GetImageBounds;
92       if not actualShapeBounds.IsEmpty then
93       begin
94         actualShapeBounds.Offset(shapeBounds.Left,shapeBounds.Top);
95         grayShape := TGrayscaleMask.Create;
96         grayShape.CopyFrom(temp, cAlpha);
98         blurBounds := actualShapeBounds;
99         blurBounds.Inflate(ceil(Manager.TextShadowBlurRadius),ceil(Manager.TextShadowBlurRadius));
100         blurBounds.Offset(Manager.TextShadowOffset.X,Manager.TextShadowOffset.Y);
101         r := ADest.ClipRect;
102         r.Inflate(ceil(Manager.TextShadowBlurRadius),ceil(Manager.TextShadowBlurRadius));
103         blurBounds.Intersect(r);
104         gray := TGrayscaleMask.Create(blurBounds.Width,blurBounds.Height);
105         gray.PutImage(shapeBounds.Left-blurBounds.Left+Manager.TextShadowOffset.X,
106                       shapeBounds.Top-blurBounds.Top+Manager.TextShadowOffset.Y,grayShape,dmSet);
107         grayShape.Free;
108         blur := gray.FilterBlurRadial(Manager.TextShadowBlurRadius,Manager.TextShadowBlurRadius, rbFast) as TGrayscaleMask;
109         gray.Free;
110         ADest.FillMask(blurBounds.Left,blurBounds.Top,blur,BGRABlack,dmDrawWithTransparency);
111         blur.Free;
112       end;
113       ADest.PutImage(shapeBounds.Left,shapeBounds.Top,temp,dmDrawWithTransparency);
114       temp.Free;
115     end;
116     FPrevShadow := true;
117     FPrevShadowRadius := Manager.TextShadowBlurRadius;
118     FPrevShadowOffset := Manager.TextShadowOffset;
119   end else
120   begin
121     inherited DrawCustomShape(ADest, AMatrix, ADraft);
122     FPrevShadow := false;
123   end;
124 end;
126 procedure TToolText.ShapeChange(ASender: TObject; ABounds: TRectF; ADiff: TVectorShapeDiff);
127 var
128   r: TRect;
129   posF: TPointF;
130 begin
131   posF := AffineMatrixInverse(FMatrix)*(FShape as TTextShape).LightPosition;
132   Manager.LightPosition := posF;
133   with ABounds do r := rect(floor(Left),floor(Top),ceil(Right),ceil(Bottom));
134   IncludeShadowBounds(r);
135   inherited ShapeChange(ASender, RectF(r.Left,r.Top,r.Right,r.Bottom), ADiff);
136 end;
138 procedure TToolText.ShapeEditingChange(ASender: TObject);
139 begin
140   with (FShape as TTextShape) do
141     Manager.TextAlign := ParagraphAlignment;
142   inherited ShapeEditingChange(ASender);
143 end;
145 procedure TToolText.AssignShapeStyle(AMatrix: TAffineMatrix; AAlwaysFit: boolean);
146 var
147   r: TRect;
148   toolDest: TBGRABitmap;
149   zoom: Single;
150 begin
151   inherited AssignShapeStyle(AMatrix, AAlwaysFit);
152   FMatrix := AMatrix;
153   with TTextShape(FShape) do
154   begin
155     zoom := (VectLen(AMatrix[1,1],AMatrix[2,1])+VectLen(AMatrix[1,2],AMatrix[2,2]))/2;
156     FontEmHeight:= zoom*Manager.TextFontSize*Manager.Image.DPI/72;
157     FontName:= Manager.TextFontName;
158     FontStyle:= Manager.TextFontStyle;
159     Aliased := Manager.ShapeOptionAliasing;
160     LightPosition := AMatrix*Manager.LightPosition;
161     AltitudePercent:= Manager.PhongShapeAltitude;
162     ParagraphAlignment:= Manager.TextAlign;
163     PenPhong := Manager.TextPhong;
164   end;
165   if (Manager.TextShadow <> FPrevShadow) or
166      (FPrevShadow and
167      ((Manager.TextShadowBlurRadius <> FPrevShadowRadius) or
168      (Manager.TextShadowOffset <> FPrevShadowOffset))) then
169   begin
170     toolDest := GetToolDrawingLayer;
171     r:= UpdateShape(toolDest);
172     Action.NotifyChange(toolDest, r);
173   end;
174 end;
176 procedure TToolText.QuickDefineEnd;
177 begin
178   FShape.Usermode := vsuEditText;
179 end;
TToolText.RoundCoordinatenull181 function TToolText.RoundCoordinate(constref ptF: TPointF): TPointF;
182 begin
183   result := PointF(floor(ptF.x)+0.5,floor(ptF.y)+0.5);
184 end;
186 constructor TToolText.Create(AManager: TToolManager);
187 begin
188   inherited Create(AManager);
189   FMatrix := AffineMatrixIdentity;
190 end;
GetContextualToolbarsnull192 function TToolText.GetContextualToolbars: TContextualToolbars;
193 begin
194   Result:= [ctPenFill,ctText,ctOutlineFill,ctOutlineWidth,ctAliasing];
195   if Manager.TextPhong then include(result, ctAltitude);
196 end;
TToolText.DoToolKeyDownnull198 function TToolText.DoToolKeyDown(var key: Word): TRect;
199 var
200   keyUtf8: TUTF8Char;
201   handled: Boolean;
202 begin
203   if Key = VK_SPACE then
204   begin
205     keyUtf8:= ' ';
206     result := ToolKeyPress(keyUtf8);
207     Key := 0;
208   end else
209   if (Key = VK_ESCAPE) and Assigned(FShape) then
210   begin
211     if FShape.Usermode = vsuEditText then
212       FShape.Usermode := vsuEdit
213     else
214       result := ValidateShape;
215     Key := 0;
216   end else
217   if (Key = VK_RETURN) and Assigned(FShape) then
218   begin
219     handled := false;
220     FShape.KeyDown(ShiftState, skReturn, handled);
221     if not handled then ValidateShape;
222     Key := 0;
223   end else
224     Result:=inherited DoToolKeyDown(key);
225 end;
ToolCommandnull227 function TToolText.ToolCommand(ACommand: TToolCommand): boolean;
228 begin
229   if Assigned(FShape) and (FShape.Usermode = vsuEditText) then
230     case ACommand of
231     tcCopy: Result:= TTextShape(FShape).CopySelection;
232     tcCut: Result:= TTextShape(FShape).CutSelection;
233     tcPaste: Result:= TTextShape(FShape).PasteSelection;
234     tcDelete: Result:= TTextShape(FShape).DeleteSelection;
235     else
236       result := inherited ToolCommand(ACommand);
237     end
238   else
239     case ACommand of
240     tcDelete:
241       if Assigned(FShape) then
242       begin
243         CancelShape;
244         result := true;
245       end else result := false;
246     else result := inherited ToolCommand(ACommand);
247     end;
248 end;
TToolText.ToolProvideCommandnull250 function TToolText.ToolProvideCommand(ACommand: TToolCommand): boolean;
251 begin
252   if Assigned(FShape) and (FShape.Usermode = vsuEditText) then
253     case ACommand of
254     tcCopy,tcCut,tcDelete: result := TTextShape(FShape).HasSelection;
255     tcPaste: result := true;
256     else
257       result := inherited ToolProvideCommand(ACommand);
258     end
259   else
260     case ACommand of
261     tcDelete: result := Assigned(FShape);
262     else result := inherited ToolProvideCommand(ACommand);
263     end;
264 end;
266 initialization
268     RegisterTool(ptText, TToolText);
270 end.