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Name Date Size #Lines LOC



.gitignoreH A D07-Apr-2017317 3635

Makefile.amH A D03-May-20223 KiB146114

READMEH A D07-Apr-20171.2 KiB4030

TIPSH A D07-Apr-2017647 1613

TODOH A D07-Apr-20171.8 KiB6449

action.cH A D07-Apr-201715.2 KiB632550

action.hH A D07-Apr-20171.2 KiB317

bindump.cH A D07-Apr-2017888 7456

blocktypes.cH A D07-Apr-20174.3 KiB150120

cws2fwsH A D03-May-20221.4 KiB4126

dbl2png.cH A D07-Apr-20175.9 KiB289244

decompile.cH A D07-Apr-201782.2 KiB3,4502,982

decompile.hH A D07-Apr-20171.3 KiB6632

gif2dbl.cH A D07-Apr-20177 KiB292184

gif2mask.cH A D07-Apr-20172.4 KiB12683

hexdump.cH A D07-Apr-2017914 7254

libswf.hH A D07-Apr-2017194 136

listfdb.cH A D07-Apr-20179.1 KiB486368

listjpeg.cH A D07-Apr-20171.7 KiB8866

listmp3.cH A D07-Apr-20175.3 KiB213159

main.cH A D07-Apr-20177.7 KiB358278

makeswf.cH A D07-Apr-201722.2 KiB883531

makeswf.hH A D07-Apr-20171.9 KiB535

makeswf_utils.cH A D07-Apr-20177.1 KiB312179

ming-config.inH A D07-Apr-2017567 4941

ming.cssH A D07-Apr-2017795 3417

output.hH A D07-Apr-20172.4 KiB7738

outputdecl.hH A D07-Apr-20177.4 KiB11997

outputfdb.cH A D07-Apr-20171.4 KiB8773

outputscript.cH A D07-Apr-201756.2 KiB2,0861,717

outputswf.cH A D07-Apr-201733.7 KiB1,267913

outputtxt.cH A D07-Apr-201781 KiB2,9402,512

parser.cH A D07-Apr-2017100 KiB3,5553,076

parser.hH A D07-Apr-20171.8 KiB7647

parserdecl.hH A D07-Apr-20177.7 KiB11897

png2dbl.cH A D07-Apr-20177.7 KiB370270

raw2adpcm.cH A D07-Apr-20176 KiB240168

read.cH A D07-Apr-20178.6 KiB513384

read.hH A D07-Apr-20171 KiB4032

swfoutput.hH A D07-Apr-20171.1 KiB339

swftypes.hH A D07-Apr-201739.8 KiB2,1541,855

vasprintf.cH A D07-Apr-2017723 4437

vasprintf.hH A D07-Apr-2017135 85


3  These are various tools useful in development of ming.  None are
4  particularly user friendly.
6  make all_binaries	 - compiles all working tools
7  make <name>		 - compiles the single requested tool
9general tools:
10  makeswf - compile actionscript code into an .swf movie
11  bindump - show file data in hex and binary
12  hexdump - show file data in hex
14list tools:
15  listswf    - swf format disassembler
16  listaction - show actionscript in the swf
17  listfdb    - show contents of fdb font file
18  listmp3    - show frame header info in mp3 files
19  listjpeg   - show frame header info in jpeg files
21swfto... converter:
22  swftoperl   - attempt to make a perl/ming script out of an swf file
23                Look at swftoperl.html
24  swftophp    - attempt to make a php/ming script out of an swf file
25  swftopython - a todo for pythonfriends :-) not done yet.
28  makefdb     - rip fdb font definition files out of a swf or generator
29                template file.
32  png2dbl   - convert a png-file to dbl
33  *gif2dbl  - convert a gif-file to dbl
34  *gif2mask - convert a gif image to an alpha mask
37  raw2adpcm - convert a raw(pcm?) soundfile to a adpcm-coded soundfile
38  	      (smaller size than raw)