1 /*
2  * Medical Image Registration ToolKit (MIRTK)
3  *
4  * Copyright 2013-2015 Imperial College London
5  * Copyright 2013-2015 Andreas Schuh
6  *
7  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
8  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
9  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
10  *
11  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12  *
13  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
14  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
15  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
16  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
17  * limitations under the License.
18  */
20 #ifndef MIRTK_BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV_H
21 #define MIRTK_BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV_H
23 #include "mirtk/BSplineFreeFormTransformation3D.h"
25 #include "mirtk/Math.h"
26 #include "mirtk/ImageFunction.h"
27 #include "mirtk/VoxelFunction.h"
28 #include "mirtk/FFDIntegrationMethod.h"
31 namespace mirtk {
34 /**
35  * Free-form transformation parameterized by a stationary velocity field.
36  *
37  * This class implements a free-form transformation which is represented
38  * by a stationary velocity field (2D/3D). The displacement field is obtained
39  * by exponentiating the velocity field, resulting in a diffeomorphic
40  * transformation. A stationary velocity field can be further approximated
41  * from a given displacement field using the group logarithm of diffeomorphisms.
42  */
43 class BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV : public BSplineFreeFormTransformation3D
44 {
45   mirtkTransformationMacro(BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV);
47   // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
48   // Attributes
50   /// Cross-sectional upper integration limit, i.e., time difference between
51   /// target and source if both volumes have the same temporal origin.
52   /// Otherwise, the difference between the temporal origins as given by the
53   /// t and t0 parameters of LocalTransform et al. is used instead.
54   ///
55   /// \note Can be set to zero for the generation of a deformation movie using
56   ///       the transformation tool based on ImageTransformation by varying
57   ///       the -Tt parameter from zero to one and keeping -St fixed at one.
58   ///       Use the doftool to set the --cross-sectional-time-interval to zero.
59   mirtkPublicAttributeMacro(double, T);
61   /// Temporal unit used to determine actual number of integration steps.
62   /// If zero, the number of steps is independent of the temporal interval.
63   mirtkPublicAttributeMacro(double, TimeUnit);
65   /// Number of integration steps per _TimeUnit
66   mirtkPublicAttributeMacro(int, NumberOfSteps);
68   /// Maximum absolute value of scaled velocity when using the
69   /// scaling-and-squaring for computing the displacement field.
70   /// This introduces an adapative choice of the number of integration steps
71   /// needed. At a minimum, NumberOfSteps are taken, but if needed, more
72   /// steps added. If this attribute is set to zero, however, the number
73   /// of integration steps always corresponds to the specified NumberOfSteps.
74   mirtkPublicAttributeMacro(double, MaxScaledVelocity);
76   /// Integration method used to obtain displacement from velocities
77   mirtkPublicAttributeMacro(FFDIntegrationMethod, IntegrationMethod);
79   /// Whether to evaluate BCH formulat for parametric gradient calculation
80   /// on dense image lattice of non-parametric gradient using linear interpolation
81   mirtkPublicAttributeMacro(bool, UseDenseBCHGrid);
83   /// Use Lie derivative definition of Lie bracket based on vector field
84   /// Jacobian matrices instead of difference of vector field composition
85   mirtkPublicAttributeMacro(bool, LieDerivative);
87   /// Number of BCH terms used by ParametricGradient. When set to an invalid
88   /// value, i.e., no. of terms < 2, the gradient is computed using the specified
89   /// integration method instead.
90   mirtkPublicAttributeMacro(int, NumberOfBCHTerms);
92   // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
93   // Construction/Destruction
95 protected:
97   /// Initialize extrapolation function
98   void InitializeExtrapolator();
100 public:
102   /// Default constructor
103   BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV();
105   /// Construct free-form transformation for given image domain and lattice spacing
106   explicit BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV(const ImageAttributes &,
107                                            double = -1, double = -1, double = -1);
109   /// Construct free-form transformation for given target image and lattice spacing
110   explicit BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV(const BaseImage &,
111                                            double, double, double);
113   /// Construct free-form transformation from existing 3D+t deformation field
114   explicit BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV(const GenericImage<double> &, bool = false);
116   /// Copy constructor
117   BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV(const BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV &);
119   /// Destructor
120   virtual ~BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV();
122   // Import other Initialize overloads
123   using BSplineFreeFormTransformation3D::Initialize;
125   /// Initialize free-form transformation constructed by default constructor
126   virtual void Initialize(const ImageAttributes &);
128   /// Initialize free-form transformation which approximates a given transformation
129   virtual void Initialize(const ImageAttributes &, double, double, double,
130                           const Transformation *);
132   /// Subdivide FFD lattice
133   virtual void Subdivide(bool = true, bool = true, bool = true, bool = true);
135   // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
136   // Approximation/Interpolation
138   using BSplineFreeFormTransformation3D::ApproximateAsNew;
140   /// Approximate displacements: This function takes a set of points and a set
141   /// of displacements and finds !new! parameters such that the resulting
142   /// transformation approximates the displacements as good as possible.
143   virtual void ApproximateDOFs(const double *, const double *, const double *, const double *,
144                                const double *, const double *, const double *, int);
146   /// Finds gradient of approximation error: This function takes a set of points
147   /// and a set of errors. It finds a gradient w.r.t. the transformation parameters
148   /// which minimizes the L2 norm of the approximation error and adds it to the
149   /// input gradient with the given weight.
150   virtual void ApproximateDOFsGradient(const double *, const double *, const double *, const double *,
151                                        const double *, const double *, const double *, int,
152                                        double *, double = 1.0) const;
154   /// Get image domain on which this free-form transformation should be defined
155   /// in order to reduce the error when the given transformation is approximated
156   /// and applied to resample an image on the specified image grid.
157   virtual ImageAttributes ApproximationDomain(const ImageAttributes &,
158                                               const Transformation *);
160   /// Approximate another transformation and return approximation error
161   virtual double ApproximateAsNew(const ImageAttributes &, const Transformation *, int = 1, double = .0);
163   /// Approximate displacements: This function takes a 3D displacement field
164   /// and finds a stationary velocity field which, when exponentiated, approximates
165   /// these displacements by computing the group logarithm of diffeomorphisms.
166   /// The displacements are replaced by the residual displacements of the newly
167   /// approximated transformation. Returns the approximation error of the resulting FFD.
168   virtual double ApproximateAsNew(GenericImage<double> &, int = 1, double = .0);
170   /// Approximate displacements: This function takes a 3D displacement field
171   /// and finds a stationary velocity field which, when exponentiated, approximates
172   /// these displacements by computing the group logarithm of diffeomorphisms.
173   /// The displacements are replaced by the residual displacements of the newly
174   /// approximated transformation. Returns the approximation error of the resulting FFD.
175   virtual double ApproximateAsNew(GenericImage<double> &, bool, int = 3, int = 8);
177   /// Interpolates displacements: This function takes a set of displacements defined at
178   /// the control points and finds a stationary velocity field such that the
179   /// resulting transformation interpolates these displacements.
180   virtual void Interpolate(const double *, const double *, const double *);
182   /// Interpolates velocities: This function takes a set of velocites defined at
183   /// the control points and interpolates these velocities.
184   virtual void InterpolateVelocities(const double *, const double *, const double *);
186   /// Approximate velocities: This function takes a velocity field and initializes
187   /// the cubic B-spline coefficients of this transformation such that the spline
188   /// function approximates the given velocity field. Returns the approximation error
189   /// of the velocity spline function.
190   virtual double ApproximateVelocitiesAsNew(GenericImage<double> &);
192   /// Combine transformations: This function takes a transformation and finds
193   /// a stationary velocity field which, when exponentiated, approximates the
194   /// composition of this and the given transformation.
195   virtual void CombineWith(const Transformation *);
197   /// Combine transformations: This function takes a transformation and finds
198   /// a stationary velocity field which, when exponentiated, approximates the
199   /// composition of this and the given transformation.
200   virtual void CombineWith(const BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV *);
202   /// Invert this transformation
203   virtual void Invert();
205   // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
206   // Parameters (non-DoFs)
208   using BSplineFreeFormTransformation3D::Parameter;
210   /// Set named (non-DoF) parameter from value as string
211   virtual bool Set(const char *, const char *);
213   /// Get (non-DoF) parameters as key/value as string map
214   virtual ParameterList Parameter() const;
216   // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
217   // Evaluation (for use FreeFormTransformationRungeKutta integration)
219   using BSplineFreeFormTransformation3D::Evaluate;
220   using BSplineFreeFormTransformation3D::EvaluateJacobianWorld;
221   using BSplineFreeFormTransformation3D::EvaluateJacobianDOFs;
223   /// Evaluates the FFD at a point in lattice coordinates
224   void Evaluate(double &, double &, double &, double) const;
226   /// Calculates the Jacobian of the FFD at a point in lattice coordinates
227   /// and converts the resulting Jacobian to derivatives w.r.t world coordinates
228   void EvaluateJacobianWorld(Matrix &, double, double, double, double) const;
230   /// Calculates the Jacobian of the 2D transformation w.r.t. the transformation parameters
231   void EvaluateJacobianDOFs(TransformationJacobian &,
232                             double, double) const;
234   /// Calculates the Jacobian of the 3D transformation w.r.t. the transformation parameters
235   void EvaluateJacobianDOFs(TransformationJacobian &,
236                             double, double, double) const;
238   /// Calculates the Jacobian of the transformation w.r.t. the transformation parameters
239   void EvaluateJacobianDOFs(TransformationJacobian &,
240                             double, double, double, double) const;
242   // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
243   // Point transformation
245 public:
247   using BSplineFreeFormTransformation3D::Displacement;
249 protected:
251   /// Get number of integration steps for a given temporal integration interval
252   int NumberOfStepsForIntervalLength(double) const;
254   /// Set number of integration steps for a given temporal integration interval
255   void NumberOfStepsForIntervalLength(double, int) const;
257   /// Get length of steps for a given temporal integration interval
258   double StepLengthForIntervalLength(double) const;
260 public:
262   /// Scale velocities
263   ///
264   /// Alternatively, change integration inveral _T.
265   void ScaleVelocities(double);
267   /// Upper integration limit used given the temporal origin of both target
268   /// and source images. If both images have the same temporal origin, the value
269   /// of the member variable @c T is returned. Note that @c T may be set to zero
270   /// in order to force no displacement between images located at the same point
271   /// in time to be zero. This is especially useful when animating the
272   /// deformation between two images with successively increasing upper
273   /// integration limit. Otherwise, if the temporal origin of the two images
274   /// differs, the signed difference between these is returned, i.e., t - t0,
275   /// which corresponds to a forward integration of the target point (x, y, z)
276   /// to the time point of the source image.
277   double UpperIntegrationLimit(double t, double t0) const;
279   /// Transforms a single point using a Runge-Kutta integration
280   ///
281   /// \param[in] T Upper integration limit, i.e., length of time interval.
282   void IntegrateVelocities(double &, double &, double &, double T = 1.0) const;
284   /// Compute displacement field using the scaling and squaring (SS) method
285   ///
286   /// \attention If an input/output displacement field is provided, the resulting
287   ///            transformation is the composition exp(v) o d.
288   ///
289   /// \attention The scaling and squaring cannot be used to obtain the displacements
290   ///            generated by a 3D velocity field on a 2D slice only. It always
291   ///            must be applied to the entire domain of the velocity field.
292   ///
293   /// \param[in,out] d  Displacement field generated by stationary velocity field.
294   /// \param[in]     T  Upper integration limit, i.e., length of time interval.
295   /// \param[in]     wc Pre-computed world coordinates of image voxels.
296   template <class VoxelType>
297   void ScalingAndSquaring(GenericImage<VoxelType> *d,
298                           double T = 1.0, const WorldCoordsImage *wc = NULL) const;
300   /// Compute displacement field and derivatives using the scaling and squaring (SS) method
301   ///
302   /// \attention If an input/output displacement field is provided, the resulting
303   ///            transformation is the composition exp(v) o d.
304   ///
305   /// \attention The scaling and squaring cannot be used to obtain the displacements
306   ///            generated by a 3D velocity field on a 2D slice only. It always
307   ///            must be applied to the entire domain of the velocity field.
308   ///
309   /// \param[in]     attr Attributes of output images.
310   /// \param[in,out] d    Displacement field generated by stationary velocity field.
311   /// \param[out]    dx   Partial derivatives of corresponding transformation w.r.t. x.
312   /// \param[out]    dj   Determinant of Jacobian w.r.t. x, i.e., det(jac(\p dx)).
313   /// \param[out]    lj   Log of determinant of Jacobian w.r.t. x, i.e., log(det(jac(\p dx))).
314   /// \param[in]     T    Upper integration limit, i.e., length of time interval.
315   /// \param[in]     wc   Pre-computed world coordinates of image voxels.
316   template <class VoxelType>
317   void ScalingAndSquaring(const ImageAttributes   &attr,
318                           GenericImage<VoxelType> *d,
319                           GenericImage<VoxelType> *dx,
320                           GenericImage<VoxelType> *dj = NULL,
321                           GenericImage<VoxelType> *lj = NULL,
322                           double T = 1.0, const WorldCoordsImage *wc = NULL) const;
324   /// Whether the caching of the transformation displacements is required
325   /// (or preferred) by this transformation. For some transformations such as
326   /// those parameterized by velocities, caching of the displacements for
327   /// each target voxel results in better performance or is needed for example
328   /// for the scaling and squaring method.
329   virtual bool RequiresCachingOfDisplacements() const;
331   /// Transforms a single point using the local transformation component only
332   virtual void LocalTransform(double &, double &, double &, double = 0, double = NaN) const;
334   /// Transforms a single point using the inverse of the local transformation only
335   virtual bool LocalInverse(double &, double &, double &, double = 0, double = NaN) const;
337   /// Get stationary velocity field
338   void Velocity(GenericImage<float> &) const;
340   /// Get stationary velocity field
341   void Velocity(GenericImage<double> &) const;
343   /// Calculates the displacement vectors for a whole image domain
344   ///
345   /// \attention The displacements are computed at the positions after applying the
346   ///            current displacements at each voxel. These displacements are then
347   ///            added to the current displacements. Therefore, set the input
348   ///            displacements to zero if only interested in the displacements of
349   ///            this transformation at the voxel positions.
350   virtual void Displacement(GenericImage<double> &, double, double = NaN,
351                             const WorldCoordsImage * = NULL) const;
353   /// Calculates the displacement vectors for a whole image domain
354   ///
355   /// \attention The displacements are computed at the positions after applying the
356   ///            current displacements at each voxel. These displacements are then
357   ///            added to the current displacements. Therefore, set the input
358   ///            displacements to zero if only interested in the displacements of
359   ///            this transformation at the voxel positions.
360   virtual void Displacement(GenericImage<float> &, double, double = NaN,
361                             const WorldCoordsImage * = NULL) const;
363   /// Calculates the inverse displacement vectors for a whole image domain
364   ///
365   /// \attention The displacements are computed at the positions after applying the
366   ///            current displacements at each voxel. These displacements are then
367   ///            added to the current displacements. Therefore, set the input
368   ///            displacements to zero if only interested in the displacements of
369   ///            this transformation at the voxel positions.
370   ///
371   /// \returns Always zero.
372   virtual int InverseDisplacement(GenericImage<double> &, double, double = NaN,
373                                   const WorldCoordsImage * = NULL) const;
375   /// Calculates the inverse displacement vectors for a whole image domain
376   ///
377   /// \attention The displacements are computed at the positions after applying the
378   ///            current displacements at each voxel. These displacements are then
379   ///            added to the current displacements. Therefore, set the input
380   ///            displacements to zero if only interested in the displacements of
381   ///            this transformation at the voxel positions.
382   ///
383   /// \returns Always zero.
384   virtual int InverseDisplacement(GenericImage<float> &, double, double = NaN,
385                                   const WorldCoordsImage * = NULL) const;
387   // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
388   // Derivatives
390   using BSplineFreeFormTransformation3D::JacobianDOFs;
391   using BSplineFreeFormTransformation3D::ParametricGradient;
393   /// Calculates the Jacobian of the local transformation w.r.t world coordinates
394   virtual void LocalJacobian(Matrix &, double, double, double, double = 0, double = NaN) const;
396   /// Calculates the Hessian for each component of the local transformation w.r.t world coordinates
397   virtual void LocalHessian(Matrix [3], double, double, double, double = 0, double = NaN) const;
399   /// Calculates the Jacobian of the transformation w.r.t a control point
400   virtual void JacobianDOFs(Matrix &, int, double, double, double, double = 0, double = NaN) const;
402   /// Calculates the Jacobian of the transformation w.r.t a transformation parameters
403   ///
404   /// \attention This overriden base class function returns one column of the 3x3 Jacobian
405   ///            matrix, i.e., only the partial derivatives of the transformation
406   ///            w.r.t. the specified transformation parameter (not control point).
407   ///            This is in accordance to the Transformation::JacobianDOFs
408   ///            definition, which is violated, however, by most other FFDs.
409   virtual void JacobianDOFs(double [3], int, double, double, double, double = 0, double = NaN) const;
411   /// Calculates the Jacobian of the transformation w.r.t the transformation parameters
412   virtual void JacobianDOFs(TransformationJacobian &, double, double, double, double = 0, double = NaN) const;
414   /// Calculates derivatives of the Jacobian determinant at world point w.r.t. DoFs of a control point
415   ///
416   /// \param[out] dJ  Partial derivatives of Jacobian determinant at (x, y, z) w.r.t. DoFs of control point.
417   /// \param[in]  cp  Index of control point w.r.t. whose DoFs the derivatives are computed.
418   /// \param[in]  x   World coordinate along x axis at which to evaluate derivatives.
419   /// \param[in]  y   World coordinate along y axis at which to evaluate derivatives.
420   /// \param[in]  z   World coordinate along z axis at which to evaluate derivatives.
421   /// \param[in]  adj Adjugate of Jacobian matrix evaluated at (x, y, z).
422   virtual void JacobianDetDerivative(double dJ[3], const Matrix &adj,
423                                      int cp, double x, double y, double z, double t = 0, double t0 = NaN,
424                                      bool wrt_world = true, bool use_spacing = true) const;
426 protected:
428   /// Evaluates the BCH formula s.t. u = log(exp(tau * v) o exp(eta * w))
429   /// \sa Bossa, M., Hernandez, M., & Olmos, S. Contributions to 3D diffeomorphic
430   ///     atlas estimation: application to brain images. MICCAI 2007, 10(Pt 1), 667–74.
431   void EvaluateBCHFormula(int, CPImage &, double, const CPImage &, double, const CPImage &, bool = false) const;
433   /// Applies the chain rule to convert spatial non-parametric gradient
434   /// to a gradient w.r.t the parameters of this transformation given the
435   /// temporal interval which the displacement gradient corresponds to
436   void ParametricGradient(const GenericImage<double> *, double *,
437                           const WorldCoordsImage *,
438                           const WorldCoordsImage *,
439                           double, double, double) const;
441 public:
443   /// Applies the chain rule to convert spatial non-parametric gradient
444   /// to a gradient w.r.t the parameters of this transformation
445   virtual void ParametricGradient(const GenericImage<double> *, double *,
446                                   const WorldCoordsImage *,
447                                   const WorldCoordsImage *,
448                                   double = -1, double = 1) const;
450   /// Applies the chain rule to convert point-wise non-parametric gradient
451   /// to a gradient w.r.t the parameters of this transformation.
452   virtual void ParametricGradient(const PointSet &, const Vector3D<double> *,
453                                   double *, double = 0, double = -1, double = 1) const;
455   // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
456   // I/O
458   // Do not hide methods of base class
459   using BSplineFreeFormTransformation3D::Print;
461   /// Prints the parameters of the transformation
462   virtual void Print(ostream &, Indent = 0) const;
464   /// Whether this transformation can read a file of specified type (i.e. format)
465   virtual bool CanRead(TransformationType) const;
467 protected:
469   /// Reads transformation parameters from a file stream
470   virtual Cifstream &ReadDOFs(Cifstream &, TransformationType);
472   /// Writes transformation parameters to a file stream
473   virtual Cofstream &WriteDOFs(Cofstream &) const;
475   // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
476   // Friends
477   friend class EvaluateBSplineSVFFD2D;
478   friend class EvaluateBSplineSVFFD3D;
479   friend class PartialBSplineFreeFormTransformationSV;
480   friend class MultiLevelStationaryVelocityTransformation;
481 };
483 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
484 // Auxiliary voxel functions for subclasses
485 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
487 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
488 /// Evaluate global SV FFD at image voxels of vector field
489 class EvaluateGlobalSVFFD : public VoxelFunction
490 {
491 public:
EvaluateGlobalSVFFD(const Matrix & logA,BaseImage * output)493   EvaluateGlobalSVFFD(const Matrix &logA, BaseImage *output)
494   :
495     _LogA(logA), _Output(output)
496   {}
498 //  template <class T>
499 //  void Evaluate(Vector2D<T> &v, double x, double y, double z)
500 //  {
501 //    v._x = static_cast<T>(_LogA(0, 0) * x + _LogA(0, 1) * y + _LogA(0, 2) * z + _LogA(0, 3));
502 //    v._y = static_cast<T>(_LogA(1, 0) * x + _LogA(1, 1) * y + _LogA(1, 2) * z + _LogA(1, 3));
503 //  }
505   template <class T>
Evaluate(Vector3D<T> & v,double x,double y,double z)506   void Evaluate(Vector3D<T> &v, double x, double y, double z)
507   {
508     v._x = static_cast<T>(_LogA(0, 0) * x + _LogA(0, 1) * y + _LogA(0, 2) * z + _LogA(0, 3));
509     v._y = static_cast<T>(_LogA(1, 0) * x + _LogA(1, 1) * y + _LogA(1, 2) * z + _LogA(1, 3));
510     v._z = static_cast<T>(_LogA(2, 0) * x + _LogA(2, 1) * y + _LogA(2, 2) * z + _LogA(2, 3));
511   }
513   template <class VectorType>
operator()514   void operator()(int i, int j, int k, int, VectorType *v)
515   {
516     double x = i, y = j, z = k;
517     _Output->ImageToWorld(x, y, z);
518     Evaluate(*v, x, y, z);
519   }
521 private:
522   const Matrix _LogA;   ///< Input transformation
523   BaseImage   *_Output; ///< Output image
524 };
526 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
527 /// Evaluate global SV FFD at image voxels of 3D vector field
528 class EvaluateGlobalSVFFD3D : public VoxelFunction
529 {
530 public:
EvaluateGlobalSVFFD3D(const Matrix & logA,BaseImage * output)532   EvaluateGlobalSVFFD3D(const Matrix &logA, BaseImage *output)
533   :
534     _LogA  (logA),
535     _Output(output),
536     _y     (output->NumberOfSpatialVoxels()),
537     _z     (2 * _y)
538   {}
540   template <class T>
operator()541   void operator()(int i, int j, int k, int, T *out)
542   {
543     double x = i, y = j, z = k;
544     _Output->ImageToWorld(x, y, z);
545     out[_x] = static_cast<T>(_LogA(0, 0) * x + _LogA(0, 1) * y + _LogA(0, 2) * z + _LogA(0, 3));
546     out[_y] = static_cast<T>(_LogA(1, 0) * x + _LogA(1, 1) * y + _LogA(1, 2) * z + _LogA(1, 3));
547     out[_z] = static_cast<T>(_LogA(2, 0) * x + _LogA(2, 1) * y + _LogA(2, 2) * z + _LogA(2, 3));
548   }
550 private:
551   const Matrix _LogA;   ///< Input transformation
552   BaseImage   *_Output; ///< Output image
554   static const int _x = 0; ///< Offset of x component
555   int              _y;     ///< Offset of y component
556   int              _z;     ///< Offset of z component
557 };
559 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
560 /// Evaluate B-spline SV FFD at image voxels
561 class EvaluateBSplineSVFFD : public VoxelFunction
562 {
563 public:
EvaluateBSplineSVFFD(const BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV * input,BaseImage * output)565   EvaluateBSplineSVFFD(const BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV *input,
566                        BaseImage                             *output)
567   :
568     _Input(input), _Output(output)
569   {}
571 //  template <class T>
572 //  void Put(Vector2D<T> *v, double vx, double vy, double)
573 //  {
574 //    v->_x = vx, v->_y = vy;
575 //  }
577   template <class T>
Put(Vector3D<T> * v,double vx,double vy,double vz)578   void Put(Vector3D<T> *v, double vx, double vy, double vz)
579   {
580     v->_x = static_cast<T>(vx);
581     v->_y = static_cast<T>(vy);
582     v->_z = static_cast<T>(vz);
583   }
585   template <class VectorType>
operator()586   void operator()(int i, int j, int k, int, VectorType *v)
587   {
588     double vx = i, vy = j, vz = k;
589     _Output->ImageToWorld  (vx, vy, vz);
590     _Input ->WorldToLattice(vx, vy, vz);
591     _Input ->Evaluate      (vx, vy, vz);
592     Put(v, vx, vy, vz);
593   }
595 protected:
596   const BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV *_Input;  ///< Input transformation
597   BaseImage                             *_Output; ///< Output image
598 };
600 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
601 /// Evaluate B-spline SV FFD at image voxels
602 class EvaluateBSplineSVFFD3D : public VoxelFunction
603 {
604 public:
EvaluateBSplineSVFFD3D(const BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV * input,BaseImage * output)606   EvaluateBSplineSVFFD3D(const BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV *input, BaseImage *output)
607   :
608     _Input (input),
609     _Output(output),
610     _y     (output->NumberOfSpatialVoxels()),
611     _z     (2 * _y)
612   {}
614   template <class T>
operator()615   void operator()(int i, int j, int k, int, T *out)
616   {
617     double x = i, y = j, z = k;
618     _Output->ImageToWorld  (x, y, z);
619     _Input ->WorldToLattice(x, y, z);
620     _Input ->Evaluate      (x, y, z);
621     out[_x] = static_cast<T>(x);
622     out[_y] = static_cast<T>(y);
623     out[_z] = static_cast<T>(z);
624   }
626 private:
627   const BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV *_Input;  ///< Input transformation
628   BaseImage                             *_Output; ///< Output image
630   static const int _x = 0; ///< Offset of x component
631   int              _y;     ///< Offset of y component
632   int              _z;     ///< Offset of z component
633 };
635 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
636 /// Evaluate and add B-spline SV FFD at image voxels
637 class AddBSplineSVFFD : public VoxelFunction
638 {
639 public:
AddBSplineSVFFD(const BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV * input,BaseImage * output)641   AddBSplineSVFFD(const BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV *input,
642                   BaseImage                             *output)
643   :
644     _Input(input), _Output(output)
645   {}
647 //  template <class T>
648 //  void Add(Vector2D<T> *v, double vx, double vy, double)
649 //  {
650 //    v->_x += static_cast<T>(vx);
651 //    v->_y += static_cast<T>(vy);
652 //  }
654   template <class T>
Add(Vector3D<T> * v,double vx,double vy,double vz)655   void Add(Vector3D<T> *v, double vx, double vy, double vz)
656   {
657     v->_x += static_cast<T>(vx);
658     v->_y += static_cast<T>(vy);
659     v->_z += static_cast<T>(vz);
660   }
662   template <class VectorType>
operator()663   void operator()(int i, int j, int k, int, VectorType *v)
664   {
665     double vx = i, vy = j, vz = k;
666     _Output->ImageToWorld  (vx, vy, vz);
667     _Input ->WorldToLattice(vx, vy, vz);
668     _Input ->Evaluate      (vx, vy, vz);
669     Add(v, vx, vy, vz);
670   }
672 protected:
673   const BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV *_Input;  ///< Input transformation
674   BaseImage                             *_Output; ///< Output image
675 };
677 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
678 /// Evaluate and add 3D B-spline SV FFD at image voxels
679 class AddBSplineSVFFD3D : public VoxelFunction
680 {
681 public:
AddBSplineSVFFD3D(const BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV * input,BaseImage * output)683   AddBSplineSVFFD3D(const BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV *input, BaseImage *output)
684   :
685     _Input (input),
686     _Output(output),
687     _y     (output->NumberOfSpatialVoxels()),
688     _z     (2 * _y)
689   {}
691   template <class T>
operator()692   void operator()(int i, int j, int k, int, T *out)
693   {
694     double x = i, y = j, z = k;
695     _Output->ImageToWorld  (x, y, z);
696     _Input ->WorldToLattice(x, y, z);
697     _Input ->Evaluate      (x, y, z);
698     out[_x] += static_cast<T>(x);
699     out[_y] += static_cast<T>(y);
700     out[_z] += static_cast<T>(z);
701   }
703 private:
704   const BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV *_Input;  ///< Input transformation
705   BaseImage                             *_Output; ///< Output image
707   static const int _x = 0; ///< Offset of x component
708   int              _y;     ///< Offset of y component
709   int              _z;     ///< Offset of z component
710 };
712 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
713 // Inline definitions
714 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
716 // =============================================================================
717 // Evaluation
718 // =============================================================================
720 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Evaluate(double & x,double & y,double & z,double)721 inline void BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV::Evaluate(double &x, double &y, double &z, double) const
722 {
723   BSplineFreeFormTransformation3D::Evaluate(x, y, z);
724 }
726 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EvaluateJacobianWorld(Matrix & jac,double x,double y,double z,double)727 inline void BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV::EvaluateJacobianWorld(Matrix &jac, double x, double y, double z, double) const
728 {
729   if (_z == 1) BSplineFreeFormTransformation3D::EvaluateJacobianWorld(jac, x, y);
730   else         BSplineFreeFormTransformation3D::EvaluateJacobianWorld(jac, x, y, z);
731 }
733 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
734 inline void BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV
EvaluateJacobianDOFs(TransformationJacobian & jac,double x,double y,double z,double)735 ::EvaluateJacobianDOFs(TransformationJacobian &jac, double x, double y, double z, double) const
736 {
737   if (_z == 1) EvaluateJacobianDOFs(jac, x, y);
738   else         EvaluateJacobianDOFs(jac, x, y, z);
739 }
741 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Velocity(GenericImage<float> & v)742 inline void BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV::Velocity(GenericImage<float> &v) const
743 {
744   if (v.T() != 3) {
745     Throw(ERR_InvalidArgument, __FUNCTION__, "Output image must have 3 channels!");
746   }
747   v.PutTSize(0.);
748   ParallelForEachVoxel(EvaluateBSplineSVFFD3D(this, &v), v.Attributes(), v);
749 }
751 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Velocity(GenericImage<double> & v)752 inline void BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV::Velocity(GenericImage<double> &v) const
753 {
754   if (v.T() != 3) {
755     Throw(ERR_InvalidArgument, __FUNCTION__, "Output image must have 3 channels!");
756   }
757   v.PutTSize(0.);
758   ParallelForEachVoxel(EvaluateBSplineSVFFD3D(this, &v), v.Attributes(), v);
759 }
761 // =============================================================================
762 // Point transformation
763 // =============================================================================
765 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
RequiresCachingOfDisplacements()766 inline bool BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV::RequiresCachingOfDisplacements() const
767 {
768   return (_IntegrationMethod == FFDIM_SS || _IntegrationMethod == FFDIM_FastSS);
769 }
771 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
UpperIntegrationLimit(double t,double t0)772 inline double BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV::UpperIntegrationLimit(double t, double t0) const
773 {
774   double T = t - t0;
775   return !IsNaN(T) && !AreEqual(T, 0.) ? T : _T; // if zero/NaN, return cross-sectional interval _T instead
776 }
778 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
NumberOfStepsForIntervalLength(double T)779 inline int BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV::NumberOfStepsForIntervalLength(double T) const
780 {
781   return (_TimeUnit > .0) ? static_cast<int>((abs(T) / _TimeUnit) * _NumberOfSteps + 0.5) : _NumberOfSteps;
782 }
784 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
NumberOfStepsForIntervalLength(double T,int nsteps)785 inline void BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV::NumberOfStepsForIntervalLength(double T, int nsteps) const
786 {
787   if (_TimeUnit > .0) nsteps = static_cast<int>((_TimeUnit / abs(T)) * nsteps + 0.5);
788   const_cast<BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV *>(this)->_NumberOfSteps = nsteps;
789 }
791 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
StepLengthForIntervalLength(double T)792 inline double BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV::StepLengthForIntervalLength(double T) const
793 {
794   if (_NumberOfSteps == 0) return .0;
795   return ((_TimeUnit > .0) ? (_TimeUnit / static_cast<double>(_NumberOfSteps))
796                            : ( abs(T)  / static_cast<double>(_NumberOfSteps)));
797 }
799 // =============================================================================
800 // Derivatives
801 // =============================================================================
803 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
804 inline void BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV
ParametricGradient(const GenericImage<double> * in,double * out,const WorldCoordsImage * i2w,const WorldCoordsImage * wc,double t0,double w)805 ::ParametricGradient(const GenericImage<double> *in, double *out,
806                      const WorldCoordsImage *i2w, const WorldCoordsImage *wc,
807                      double t0, double w) const
808 {
809   this->ParametricGradient(in, out, i2w, wc, in->GetTOrigin(), t0, w);
810 }
813 } // namespace mirtk
815 #endif // MIRTK_BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV_H