1 /*
2  * Medical Image Registration ToolKit (MIRTK)
3  *
4  * Copyright 2013-2015 Imperial College London
5  * Copyright 2013-2015 Andreas Schuh
6  *
7  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
8  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
9  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
10  *
11  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12  *
13  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
14  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
15  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
16  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
17  * limitations under the License.
18  */
20 #include "mirtk/BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV.h"
22 #include "mirtk/Math.h"
23 #include "mirtk/Memory.h"
24 #include "mirtk/Profiling.h"
25 #include "mirtk/ScalingAndSquaring.h"
26 #include "mirtk/DisplacementToVelocityFieldBCH.h"
27 #include "mirtk/VelocityToDisplacementFieldSS.h"
28 #include "mirtk/LieBracketImageFilter.h"
29 #include "mirtk/VoxelFunction.h"
30 #include "mirtk/NaryVoxelFunction.h"
31 #include "mirtk/ImageToInterpolationCoefficients.h"
32 #include "mirtk/HomogeneousTransformation.h"
33 #include "mirtk/MultiLevelTransformation.h"
34 #include "mirtk/InterpolateImageFunction.hxx"
36 #include "FreeFormTransformationIntegration.h"
39 namespace mirtk {
42 // =============================================================================
43 // Integration methods
44 // =============================================================================
46 // Tolerance of embedded Runge-Kutta methods with automatic step length control
47 static const double SVFFD_RKTOL = 1.e-3;
49 MIRTK_FFDIM2(RKE1,   BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV);
50 MIRTK_FFDIM2(RKEH12, BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV);
51 MIRTK_FFDIM2(RKE2,   BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV);
52 MIRTK_FFDIM2(RKH2,   BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV);
53 MIRTK_FFDIM2(RKBS23, BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV);
54 MIRTK_FFDIM2(RK4,    BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV);
55 MIRTK_FFDIM2(RKF45,  BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV);
56 MIRTK_FFDIM2(RKCK45, BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV);
57 MIRTK_FFDIM2(RKDP45, BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV);
59 // =============================================================================
60 // Construction/Destruction
61 // =============================================================================
63 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
DefaultMaximumScaledVelocity(double dx,double dy,double dz)64 inline double DefaultMaximumScaledVelocity(double dx, double dy, double dz)
65 {
66   double ds = .0;
67   if (dx > .0 && (ds == .0 || dx < ds)) ds = dx;
68   if (dy > .0 && (ds == .0 || dy < ds)) ds = dy;
69   if (dz > .0 && (ds == .0 || dz < ds)) ds = dz;
70   return 0.4 * ds;
71 }
73 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
74 BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV
BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV()75 ::BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV()
76 :
77   _T                (1.0),
78   _TimeUnit         (1.0),
79   _NumberOfSteps    (64),
80   _MaxScaledVelocity(-1.0),
81   _IntegrationMethod(FFDIM_FastSS),
82   _UseDenseBCHGrid  (false),
83   _LieDerivative    (false),
84   _NumberOfBCHTerms (4)
85 {
86   _ExtrapolationMode = Extrapolation_NN;
87 }
89 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
90 BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV
BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV(const ImageAttributes & attr,double dx,double dy,double dz)91 ::BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV(const ImageAttributes &attr,
92                                   double dx, double dy, double dz)
93 :
94   _T                (1.0),
95   _TimeUnit         (1.0),
96   _NumberOfSteps    (64),
97   _MaxScaledVelocity(-1.0),
98   _IntegrationMethod(FFDIM_FastSS),
99   _UseDenseBCHGrid  (false),
100   _LieDerivative    (false),
101   _NumberOfBCHTerms (4)
102 {
103   _ExtrapolationMode = Extrapolation_NN;
104   Initialize(attr, dx, dy, dz);
105 }
107 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
108 BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV
BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV(const BaseImage & target,double dx,double dy,double dz)109 ::BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV(const BaseImage &target,
110                                   double dx, double dy, double dz)
111 :
112   _T                (1.0),
113   _TimeUnit         (1.0),
114   _NumberOfSteps    (64),
115   _MaxScaledVelocity(-1.0),
116   _IntegrationMethod(FFDIM_FastSS),
117   _UseDenseBCHGrid  (false),
118   _LieDerivative    (false),
119   _NumberOfBCHTerms (4)
120 {
121   _ExtrapolationMode = Extrapolation_NN;
122   Initialize(target.Attributes(), dx, dy, dz);
123 }
125 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
126 BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV
BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV(const GenericImage<double> & image,bool disp)127 ::BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV(const GenericImage<double> &image, bool disp)
128 :
129   _T                (1.0),
130   _TimeUnit         (1.0),
131   _NumberOfSteps    (64),
132   _MaxScaledVelocity(-1.0),
133   _IntegrationMethod(FFDIM_FastSS),
134   _UseDenseBCHGrid  (false),
135   _LieDerivative    (false),
136   _NumberOfBCHTerms (4)
137 {
138   Initialize(image, disp);
139 }
141 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
142 BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV
BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV(const BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV & ffd)143 ::BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV(const BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV &ffd)
144 :
145   BSplineFreeFormTransformation3D(ffd),
146   _T                (ffd._T),
147   _TimeUnit         (ffd._TimeUnit),
148   _NumberOfSteps    (ffd._NumberOfSteps),
149   _MaxScaledVelocity(ffd._MaxScaledVelocity),
150   _IntegrationMethod(ffd._IntegrationMethod),
151   _UseDenseBCHGrid  (ffd._UseDenseBCHGrid),
152   _LieDerivative    (ffd._LieDerivative),
153   _NumberOfBCHTerms (ffd._NumberOfBCHTerms)
154 {
155 }
157 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
158 BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV
~BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV()159 ::~BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV()
160 {
161 }
163 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Initialize(const ImageAttributes & attr)164 void BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV::Initialize(const ImageAttributes &attr)
165 {
166   ImageAttributes domain = attr;
167   domain._t = 1; // SV FFD can be used to register time series, but not regular FFD
168   BSplineFreeFormTransformation3D::Initialize(domain);
169   if (attr._t > 0 && !AreEqual(attr._dt, 0.)) {
170     _TimeUnit = attr._dt;
171     _T = attr._t * attr._dt;
172   }
173   if (_MaxScaledVelocity < .0) _MaxScaledVelocity = DefaultMaximumScaledVelocity(_dx, _dy, _dz);
174 }
176 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Initialize(const ImageAttributes & attr,double dx,double dy,double dz,const Transformation * dof)177 void BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV::Initialize(const ImageAttributes &attr,
178                                                  double dx, double dy, double dz,
179                                                  const Transformation *dof)
180 {
181   // Initialize free-form deformation (for extended image grid)
182   //
183   // Ensure that for all target voxels the displacement can be recovered
184   // without requiring any extrapolation of the velocity field during
185   // computation of the trajectory (integration, i.e., exponentiation)
186   this->Initialize(ApproximationDomain(attr, dof), dx, dy, dz);
188   // Approximate given transformation
189   this->ApproximateAsNew(dof);
190 }
192 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Subdivide(bool subdivide_x,bool subdivide_y,bool subdivide_z,bool subdivide_t)193 void BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV::Subdivide(bool subdivide_x, bool subdivide_y, bool subdivide_z, bool subdivide_t)
194 {
195   BSplineFreeFormTransformation3D::Subdivide(subdivide_x, subdivide_y, subdivide_z, subdivide_t);
196   if (_MaxScaledVelocity > .0) _MaxScaledVelocity /= 2;
197 }
199 // =============================================================================
200 // Auxiliary functions
201 // =============================================================================
203 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
204 /// Voxel function used to evaluate Lie bracket at each lattice point using
205 /// the Lie derivative definition which is based on the Jacobian matrices
206 /// of the vector fields. Uses nearest neighbor extrapolation of the velocity field.
207 class SVFFDEvaluateLieBracket : public VoxelFunction
208 {
209 private:
211   typedef BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV::Vector Vector;
212   typedef BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV::Kernel Kernel;
214   const BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV *_FFD;
216   double                      _tau; ///< Scaling of left/first vector field
217   double                      _eta; ///< Scaling of right/second vector field
218   const GenericImage<Vector> &_v;   ///< Left/First vector field
219   const GenericImage<Vector> &_w;   ///< Right/Second vector field
221 public:
223   // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
224   /// Constructor
SVFFDEvaluateLieBracket(const BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV * ffd,const GenericImage<Vector> & v,const GenericImage<Vector> & w)225   SVFFDEvaluateLieBracket(const BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV *ffd,
226                           const GenericImage<Vector>            &v,
227                           const GenericImage<Vector>            &w)
228   :
229     _FFD(ffd), _tau(1.0), _eta(1.0), _v(v), _w(w)
230   {}
232   // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
233   /// Constructor
SVFFDEvaluateLieBracket(const BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV * ffd,double tau,const GenericImage<Vector> & v,double eta,const GenericImage<Vector> & w)234   SVFFDEvaluateLieBracket(const BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV *ffd,
235                           double                                 tau,
236                           const GenericImage<Vector>            &v,
237                           double                                 eta,
238                           const GenericImage<Vector>            &w)
239   :
240     _FFD(ffd), _tau(tau), _eta(eta), _v(v), _w(w)
241   {}
243   // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
244   /// Evaluate velocity at lattice point
Evaluate(Vector & x,double s,const GenericImage<Vector> & v,int i,int j,int k) const245   void Evaluate(Vector &x, double s, const GenericImage<Vector> &v, int i, int j, int k) const
246   {
247     double B_I, B_J, B_K;
248     int    II,  JJ,  KK;
250     x = .0;
251     for (int K = k-1; K <= k+1; K++) {
252       B_K = Kernel::LatticeWeights[K - (k-1)];
253       if      (K <  0)     KK = 0;
254       else if (K >= v.Z()) KK = v.Z()-1;
255       else                 KK = K;
256       for (int J = j-1; J <= j+1; J++) {
257         B_J = Kernel::LatticeWeights[J - (j-1)];
258         if      (J <  0)     JJ = 0;
259         else if (J >= v.Y()) JJ = v.Y() - 1;
260         else                 JJ = J;
261         for (int I = i-1; I <= i+1; I++) {
262           B_I = Kernel::LatticeWeights[I - (i-1)];
263           if      (I <  0)     II = 0;
264           else if (I >= v.X()) II = v.X() - 1;
265           else                 II = I;
266           x += B_I * B_J * B_K * s * v(II, JJ, KK);
267         }
268       }
269     }
270   }
272   // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
273   /// Evaluate Jacobian of velocity field at lattice point
Jacobian(Matrix & jac,double s,const GenericImage<Vector> & v,int i,int j,int k) const274   void Jacobian(Matrix &jac, double s, const GenericImage<Vector> &v, int i, int j, int k) const
275   {
276     int    I, J, K, II, JJ, KK;
277     double B_I, B_J, B_K, B_I_I, B_J_I, B_K_I;
278     Vector dx, dy, dz;
280     for (K = k-1; K <= k+1; K++) {
281       B_K   = Kernel::LatticeWeights  [K - (k-1)];
282       B_K_I = Kernel::LatticeWeights_I[K - (k-1)];
283       if      (K <  0)     KK = 0;
284       else if (K >= v.Z()) KK = v.Z()-1;
285       else                 KK = K;
286       for (J = j-1; J <= j+1; J++) {
287         B_J   = Kernel::LatticeWeights  [J - (j-1)];
288         B_J_I = Kernel::LatticeWeights_I[J - (j-1)];
289         if      (J <  0)     JJ = 0;
290         else if (J >= v.Y()) JJ = v.Y()-1;
291         else                 JJ = J;
292         for (I = i-1; I <= i+1; I++) {
293           B_I   = Kernel::LatticeWeights  [I - (i-1)];
294           B_I_I = Kernel::LatticeWeights_I[I - (i-1)];
295           if      (I <  0)     II = 0;
296           else if (I >= v.X()) II = v.X()-1;
297           else                 II = I;
298           const Vector &coeff = v(II, JJ, KK);
299           dx += B_I_I * B_J   * B_K   * s * coeff;
300           dy += B_I   * B_J_I * B_K   * s * coeff;
301           dz += B_I   * B_J   * B_K_I * s * coeff;
302         }
303       }
304     }
306     jac.Initialize(3, 3);
307     jac(0, 0) = dx._x;
308     jac(0, 1) = dy._x;
309     jac(0, 2) = dz._x;
310     jac(1, 0) = dx._y;
311     jac(1, 1) = dy._y;
312     jac(1, 2) = dz._y;
313     jac(2, 0) = dx._z;
314     jac(2, 1) = dy._z;
315     jac(2, 2) = dz._z;
317     _FFD->JacobianToWorld(jac);
318   }
320   // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
321   /// Compute product of 3x3 matrix and 3D column vector
MatrixProduct(const Matrix & jac,const Vector & vel)322   static Vector MatrixProduct(const Matrix &jac, const Vector &vel)
323   {
324     Vector v;
325     v._x = jac(0, 0) * vel._x + jac(0, 1) * vel._y + jac(0, 2) * vel._z;
326     v._y = jac(1, 0) * vel._x + jac(1, 1) * vel._y + jac(1, 2) * vel._z;
327     v._z = jac(2, 0) * vel._x + jac(2, 1) * vel._y + jac(2, 2) * vel._z;
328     return v;
329   }
331   // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
332   /// Evaluate Lie bracket at given lattice point, u = [v, w]
operator ()(int i,int j,int k,int,Vector * u) const333   void operator ()(int i, int j, int k, int, Vector *u) const
334   {
335     Matrix jac(3, 3);
336     Vector     vel;
337     // u = J_w * v
338     Jacobian(jac, _eta, _w, i, j, k);
339     Evaluate(vel, _tau, _v, i, j, k);
340     *u  = MatrixProduct(jac, vel);
341     // u = J_w * v - J_v * w
342     Jacobian(jac, _tau, _v, i, j, k);
343     Evaluate(vel, _eta, _w, i, j, k);
344     *u -= MatrixProduct(jac, vel);
345   }
346 };
348 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
349 template <class TReal>
EvaluateBCHFormulaDense(int nterms,GenericImage<TReal> & u,const GenericImage<TReal> & v,const GenericImage<TReal> & w,bool minus_v,bool usejac)350 void EvaluateBCHFormulaDense(int nterms, GenericImage<TReal> &u,
351                              const GenericImage<TReal> &v,
352                              const GenericImage<TReal> &w,
353                              bool minus_v, bool usejac)
354 {
357   GenericImage<TReal> l1, l2, l3, l4;
358   if (nterms >= 3) {
359     // - [v, w]
360     liebracket(&l1, &v, &w, usejac);
361     if (nterms >= 4) {
362       // - [v, [v, w]]
363       liebracket(&l2, &v, &l1, usejac);
364       if (nterms >= 5) {
365         // - [w, [w, v]] = [[v, w], w]
366         liebracket(&l3, &l1, &w, usejac);
367         if (nterms >= 6) {
368           // - [[v, [v, w]], w]
369           liebracket(&l4, &l2, &w, usejac);
370           // - [[w, [v, w]], v] == [[v, [v, w]], w]
371         }
372       }
373     }
374   }
376   // Evaluate BCH formula given all pre-computed terms and their respective weights
377   const double weight1[] = {0.0, 1.0, 1.0/2.0, 1.0/12.0, 1.0/12.0, 1.0/48.0, 1.0/48.0};
378   const double weight2[] = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0/2.0, 1.0/12.0, 1.0/12.0, 1.0/48.0, 1.0/48.0};
380   NaryVoxelFunction::VoxelWiseWeightedSum bch;
381   if (minus_v) bch._Weight = weight1;
382   else         bch._Weight = weight2;
384   switch (nterms) {
385     case 1: { if (minus_v) { u = .0; } else { u = v; }                 break; }
386     case 2: { ParallelForEachScalar(v, w,                     u, bch); break; }
387     case 3: { ParallelForEachScalar(v, w, l1,                 u, bch); break; }
388     case 4: { ParallelForEachScalar(v, w, l1, l2,             u, bch); break; }
389     case 5: { ParallelForEachScalar(v, w, l1, l2, l3,         u, bch); break; }
390     case 6: { ParallelForEachScalar(v, w, l1, l2, l3, l4,     u, bch); break; }
391     case 7: { ParallelForEachScalar(v, w, l1, l2, l3, l4, l4, u, bch); break; }
392     default:
393       cerr << "BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV::EvaluateBCHFormulaDense: Invalid number of terms " << nterms << endl;
394       exit(1);
395   };
396   MIRTK_DEBUG_TIMING(3, "evaluation of BCH formula (dense)");
397 }
399 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
400 void BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV
EvaluateBCHFormula(int nterms,CPImage & u,double tau,const CPImage & v,double eta,const CPImage & w,bool minus_v) const401 ::EvaluateBCHFormula(int nterms, CPImage &u,
402                      double tau, const CPImage &v,
403                      double eta, const CPImage &w,
404                      bool minus_v) const
405 {
407   GenericImage<Vector> l1, l2, l3, l4;
408   const ImageAttributes &lattice = u.Attributes();
410   // Calculate required Lie brackets...
411   if (_LieDerivative) {
412     // ... using Lie derivative
413     if (nterms >= 3) {
414       // - [v, w]
415       l1.Initialize(lattice, 3);
416       ParallelForEachVoxel(SVFFDEvaluateLieBracket(this, tau, v, eta, w), lattice, l1);
417       ConvertToCubicBSplineCoefficients(l1);
418       if (nterms >= 4) {
419         // - [v, [v, w]]
420         l2.Initialize(lattice, 3);
421         ParallelForEachVoxel(SVFFDEvaluateLieBracket(this, tau, v, 1., l1), lattice, l2);
422         ConvertToCubicBSplineCoefficients(l2);
423         if (nterms >= 5) {
424           // - [w, [w, v]] = [[v, w], w]
425           l3.Initialize(lattice, 3);
426           ParallelForEachVoxel(SVFFDEvaluateLieBracket(this, 1., l1, eta, w), lattice, l3);
427           ConvertToCubicBSplineCoefficients(l3);
428           if (nterms >= 6) {
429             // - [[v, [v, w]], w]
430             l4.Initialize(lattice, 3);
431             ParallelForEachVoxel(SVFFDEvaluateLieBracket(this, 1., l2, eta, w), lattice, l4);
432             ConvertToCubicBSplineCoefficients(l4);
433             // - [[w, [v, w]], v] == [[v, [v, w]], w]
434           }
435         }
436       }
437     }
438   } else {
439     // ... using composition of vector fields
440     if (nterms >= 3) {
441       DifferenceOfCompositionLieBracketImageFilter3D<Vector> lb;
442       lb.Interpolation(Interpolation_CubicBSpline);
443       lb.Extrapolation(Extrapolation_NN);
444       lb.ComputeInterpolationCoefficients(false);
445       // - [v, w]
446       lb.Input(0, &v), lb.Scaling(0, tau);
447       lb.Input(1, &w), lb.Scaling(1, eta);
448       lb.Output(&l1);
449       lb.Run();
450       ConvertToCubicBSplineCoefficients(l1);
451       if (nterms >= 4) {
452         // - [v, [v, w]]
453         lb.Input(0, &v ), lb.Scaling(0, tau);
454         lb.Input(1, &l1), lb.Scaling(1, 1.0);
455         lb.Output(&l2);
456         lb.Run();
457         ConvertToCubicBSplineCoefficients(l2);
458         if (nterms >= 5) {
459           // - [[v, w], w]
460           lb.Input(0, &l1), lb.Scaling(0, 1.0);
461           lb.Input(1, &w ), lb.Scaling(1, eta);
462           lb.Output(&l3);
463           lb.Run();
464           ConvertToCubicBSplineCoefficients(l3);
465           if (nterms >= 6) {
466             // - [[v, [v, w]], w]
467             lb.Input(0, &l2), lb.Scaling(0, 1.0);
468             lb.Input(1, &w ), lb.Scaling(1, eta);
469             lb.Output(&l4);
470             lb.Run();
471             ConvertToCubicBSplineCoefficients(l4);
472             // - [[w, [v, w]], v] == [[v, [v, w]], w]
473           }
474         }
475       }
476     }
477   }
479   // Evaluate BCH formula given all pre-computed terms and their respective weights
480   const double weight1[] = {0.0, eta, 1.0/2.0, 1.0/12.0, 1.0/12.0, 1.0/48.0, 1.0/48.0};
481   const double weight2[] = {tau, eta, 1.0/2.0, 1.0/12.0, 1.0/12.0, 1.0/48.0, 1.0/48.0};
483   NaryVoxelFunction::VoxelWiseWeightedSum bch;
484   if (minus_v) bch._Weight = weight1;
485   else         bch._Weight = weight2;
487   switch (nterms) {
488     case 1: { if (minus_v) { u = .0; } else { u = v; }                 break; }
489     case 2: { ParallelForEachScalar(v, w,                     u, bch); break; }
490     case 3: { ParallelForEachScalar(v, w, l1,                 u, bch); break; }
491     case 4: { ParallelForEachScalar(v, w, l1, l2,             u, bch); break; }
492     case 5: { ParallelForEachScalar(v, w, l1, l2, l3,         u, bch); break; }
493     case 6: { ParallelForEachScalar(v, w, l1, l2, l3, l4,     u, bch); break; }
494     case 7: { ParallelForEachScalar(v, w, l1, l2, l3, l4, l4, u, bch); break; }
495     default:
496       cerr << "BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV::EvaluateBCHFormula: Invalid number of terms " << nterms << endl;
497       exit(1);
498   };
499   MIRTK_DEBUG_TIMING(3, "evaluation of BCH formula");
500 }
502 // =============================================================================
503 // Approximation/Interpolation
504 // =============================================================================
506 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
507 void BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV
ApproximateDOFs(const double * x,const double * y,const double * z,const double * t,const double * dx,const double * dy,const double * dz,int no)508 ::ApproximateDOFs(const double *x,  const double *y,  const double *z, const double *t,
509                   const double *dx, const double *dy, const double *dz, int no)
510 {
511   // FIXME The initial approximation of the displacements on the control point grid
512   //       smoothes the displacement field too much and hence introduces quite some
513   //       error. Use the overloaded ApproximateAsNew(disp) method when possible.
514   //       -as12312
516   // Approximate displacements at control points
517   double *rx = Allocate<double>(no);
518   double *ry = Allocate<double>(no);
519   double *rz = Allocate<double>(no);
521   memcpy(rx, dx, no * sizeof(double));
522   memcpy(ry, dy, no * sizeof(double));
523   memcpy(rz, dz, no * sizeof(double));
525   BSplineFreeFormTransformation3D::ApproximateDOFs(x, y, z, t, rx, ry, rz, no);
527   Deallocate(rx);
528   Deallocate(ry);
529   Deallocate(rz);
531   // Find stationary velocity field which approximates the displacements
532   GenericImage<double> disp(this->Attributes(), 3);
533   for (int k = 0; k < _z; ++k) {
534     for (int j = 0; j < _y; ++j) {
535       for (int i = 0; i < _x; ++i) {
536         disp(i, j, k, 0) = _CPImage(i, j, k)._x;
537         disp(i, j, k, 1) = _CPImage(i, j, k)._y;
538         disp(i, j, k, 2) = _CPImage(i, j, k)._z;
539       }
540     }
541   }
542   this->ApproximateAsNew(disp);
543 }
545 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
546 void BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV
ApproximateDOFsGradient(const double *,const double *,const double *,const double *,const double *,const double *,const double *,int,double *,double) const547 ::ApproximateDOFsGradient(const double *, const double *, const double *, const double *,
548                           const double *, const double *, const double *, int,
549                           double *, double) const
550 {
551   cerr << this->NameOfClass() << "::ApproximateDOFsGradient: Not implemented" << endl;
552   exit(1);
553 }
555 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
556 ImageAttributes BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV
ApproximationDomain(const ImageAttributes & attr,const Transformation * dof)557 ::ApproximationDomain(const ImageAttributes &attr, const Transformation *dof)
558 {
559   if (!dof) return attr;
561   ImageAttributes grid(attr);
563   // Ensure that for all target voxels the displacement can be recovered
564   // without requiring any extrapolation of the velocity field during
565   // computation of the trajectory (integration, i.e., exponentiation)
566   const Matrix i2w = grid.GetImageToWorldMatrix();
567   const Matrix w2i = grid.GetWorldToImageMatrix();
569   double margin_top    = .0;
570   double margin_bottom = .0;
571   double margin_left   = .0;
572   double margin_right  = .0;
573   double margin_front  = .0;
574   double margin_back   = .0;
576   double x, y, z, wx, wy, wz;
577   for (int k = 0; k < attr._z; ++k)
578   for (int j = 0; j < attr._y; ++j)
579   for (int i = 0; i < attr._x; ++i) {
580     wx = i2w(0, 0) * i + i2w(0, 1) * j + i2w(0, 2) * k + i2w(0, 3);
581     wy = i2w(1, 0) * i + i2w(1, 1) * j + i2w(1, 2) * k + i2w(1, 3);
582     wz = i2w(2, 0) * i + i2w(2, 1) * j + i2w(2, 2) * k + i2w(2, 3);
583     dof->Transform(wx, wy, wz);
584     x = w2i(0, 0) * wx + w2i(0, 1) * wy + w2i(0, 2) * wz + w2i(0, 3);
585     y = w2i(1, 0) * wx + w2i(1, 1) * wy + w2i(1, 2) * wz + w2i(1, 3);
586     z = w2i(2, 0) * wx + w2i(2, 1) * wy + w2i(2, 2) * wz + w2i(2, 3);
587     if (x <  0           && -x              > margin_left)   margin_left   = -x;
588     if (y <  0           && -y              > margin_bottom) margin_bottom = -y;
589     if (z <  0           && -z              > margin_front)  margin_front  = -z;
590     if (x >= grid._x - 1 && x - grid._x - 1 > margin_right)  margin_right  = x - grid._x - 1;
591     if (y >= grid._y - 1 && y - grid._y - 1 > margin_top)    margin_top    = y - grid._y - 1;
592     if (z >= grid._z - 1 && z - grid._z - 1 > margin_back)   margin_back   = z - grid._z - 1;
593   }
595   // Disregard small precision errors
596   const double eps = 1e-6;
597   margin_left   = round(margin_left   / eps) * eps;
598   margin_right  = round(margin_right  / eps) * eps;
599   margin_bottom = round(margin_bottom / eps) * eps;
600   margin_top    = round(margin_top    / eps) * eps;
601   margin_front  = round(margin_front  / eps) * eps;
602   margin_back   = round(margin_back   / eps) * eps;
604   // Account for inter-/extrapolation error on boundary of FFD lattice and
605   // therefore make lattice a bit bigger than otherwise needed
606   const double margin_safety = 1.5;
607   margin_left   = ceil(margin_left   * margin_safety);
608   margin_right  = ceil(margin_right  * margin_safety);
609   margin_bottom = ceil(margin_bottom * margin_safety);
610   margin_top    = ceil(margin_top    * margin_safety);
611   margin_front  = ceil(margin_front  * margin_safety);
612   margin_back   = ceil(margin_back   * margin_safety);
614   // Compute of offsets by which lattice origin must be moved such that
615   // the lattice origin is the center of the extended lattice again
616   const double ox = (margin_right - margin_left  )  * grid._dx / 2.0;
617   const double oy = (margin_top   - margin_bottom) * grid._dy / 2.0;
618   const double oz = (margin_back  - margin_front ) * grid._dz / 2.0;
620   // Initialize free-form deformation (for extended image grid)
621   grid._x       += static_cast<int>(margin_left   + margin_right);
622   grid._y       += static_cast<int>(margin_bottom + margin_top  );
623   grid._z       += static_cast<int>(margin_front  + margin_back );
624   grid._xorigin += grid._xaxis[0] * ox + grid._yaxis[0] * oy + grid._zaxis[0] * oz;
625   grid._yorigin += grid._xaxis[1] * ox + grid._yaxis[1] * oy + grid._zaxis[1] * oz;
626   grid._zorigin += grid._xaxis[2] * ox + grid._yaxis[2] * oy + grid._zaxis[2] * oz;
628   return grid;
629 }
631 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
632 double BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV
ApproximateAsNew(const ImageAttributes & domain,const Transformation * dof,int niter,double max_error)633 ::ApproximateAsNew(const ImageAttributes &domain, const Transformation *dof,
634                    int niter, double max_error)
635 {
636   const HomogeneousTransformation       *lin   = nullptr;
637   const BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV *svffd = nullptr;
638   const MultiLevelTransformation        *mffd  = nullptr;
640   (lin   = dynamic_cast<const HomogeneousTransformation       *>(dof)) ||
641   (svffd = dynamic_cast<const BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV *>(dof)) ||
642   (mffd  = dynamic_cast<const MultiLevelTransformation        *>(dof));
644   if (mffd) {
645     if (mffd->NumberOfLevels() == 0) {
646       lin = mffd->GetGlobalTransformation();
647     } else if (mffd->NumberOfLevels() == 1) {
648       if (mffd->GetGlobalTransformation()->IsIdentity()) {
649         svffd = dynamic_cast<const BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV *>(mffd->GetLocalTransformation(0));
650       }
651     }
652   }
654   // Approximate any other transformation using the base class implementation
655   // which simply evaluates the displacement of the transformation at each
656   // control point and then calls Interpolate in order to interpolate these
657   // control point displacements
658   if (!lin && !svffd) {
659     return BSplineFreeFormTransformation3D::ApproximateAsNew(domain, dof, niter, max_error);
660   }
661   // Check if input is the identity transformation
662   if ((lin && lin->IsIdentity()) || (svffd && svffd->IsIdentity())) {
663     _CPImage = 0.;
664     return 0.;
665   }
667   double error = inf;
668   if (niter >= 0) {
669     // Compute velocities at control points using log map of affine matrix
670     if (lin) {
671       EvaluateGlobalSVFFD logA(logm(lin->GetMatrix()), &_CPImage);
672       ParallelForEachVoxel(_CPImage.Attributes(), &_CPImage, logA);
673     // Evaluate velocities of other SV FFD at control points of this SV FFD
674     } else {
675       ParallelForEachVoxel(EvaluateBSplineSVFFD(svffd, &_CPImage), _attr, _CPImage);
676     }
677     // Convert velocities to B-spline coefficients
678     ConvertToSplineCoefficients(3, _CPImage);
679     // Evaluate approximation error
680     error = EvaluateRMSError(domain, dof);
681   }
683   return error;
684 }
686 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
687 //double BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV
688 //::ApproximateFFDAsNew(GenericImage<double> &disp, double T, int niter)
689 //{
690 //  GenericImage<double>  dv;
691 //  WorldCoordinatesImage wc;
692 //  disp.ImageToWorld(wc);
693 //  for (int iter = 0; iter < niter; ++iter) {
694 //    // Interpolate velocity field
695 //    const ImageAttributes &grid = d.GetImageAttributes();
696 //    v->Initialize(grid, d.GetT());
697 //    switch (d.GetT()) {
698 //      case 2: { ParallelForEachVoxel(EvaluateBSplineSVFFD2D(this, v), grid, v); break; }
699 //      case 3: { ParallelForEachVoxel(EvaluateBSplineSVFFD3D(this, v), grid, v); break; }
700 //      default: {
701 //        cerr << "BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV::ScalingAndSquaring: Vector field must have 2 or 3 components (_t)" << endl;
702 //        exit(1);
703 //      }
704 //    }
705 //    // Exponentiate velocity field
706 //    VelocityToDisplacementFieldSS<double> exp;
707 //    exp.T(T);
708 //    exp.NumberOfSteps    (NumberOfStepsForIntervalLength(T));
709 //    exp.MaxScaledVelocity(_MaxScaledVelocity);
710 //    exp.Interpolation    (Interpolation_BSpline);
711 //    exp.Upsample         (false); // better, but too expensive
712 //    exp.ExternalCache    (cache); // avoid frequent allocation/deallocation
713 //    exp.SetInput         (0, v);  // velocity field to be exponentiated
714 //    exp.SetInput         (1, &d); // input displacement field (may be zero)
715 //    exp.SetOutput        (v);     // result is exp(v) o d
716 //    exp.Run();
717 //    d.CopyFrom(*v);
718 //    // dv = exp(-v) o disp
719 //    dv = disp;
720 //    ScalingAndSquaring(dv, T, &wc);
721 //    // Approximate dv by B-spline coefficients at control points
722 //    BSplineFreeFormTransformation3D ffd(this->GetFFDAttributes());
723 //    ffd.Approximate(wc.GetPointerToVoxels(0, 0, 0, 0),
724 //                    wc.GetPointerToVoxels(0, 0, 0, 1),
725 //                    wc.GetPointerToVoxels(0, 0, 0, 2),
726 //                    dv.GetPointerToVoxels(0, 0, 0, 0),
727 //                    dv.GetPointerToVoxels(0, 0, 0, 1),
728 //                    dv.GetPointerToVoxels(0, 0, 0, 2));
729 //    dv.Initialize(_x, _y, _z, 1, 3);
730 //    for (int k = 0; k < _z; ++k) {
731 //      for (int j = 0; j < _y; ++j) {
732 //        for (int i = 0; i < _x; ++i) {
733 //          dv(i, j, k, 0) = ffd._data[k][j][i]._x;
734 //          dv(i, j, k, 1) = ffd._data[k][j][i]._x;
735 //          dv(i, j, k, 2) = ffd._data[k][j][i]._x;
736 //        }
737 //      }
738 //    }
739 //    // Calculate required Lie brackets
740 //    if (_NumberOfBCHTerms >= 3) {
741 //      DifferenceOfCompositionLieBracketImageFilter3D<double> lb;
742 //      lb.Interpolation(Interpolation_CubicBSpline);
743 //      lb.Extrapolation(Extrapolation_NN);
744 //      lb.ComputeInterpolationCoefficients(false);
745 //      // - [v, dv]
746 //      lb.SetInput (0, v);
747 //      lb.SetInput (1, d);
748 //      lb.SetOutput(l1);
749 //      lb.Run();
750 //      ConvertToCubicBSplineCoefficients(*l1);
751 //      if (_NumberOfBCHTerms >= 4) {
752 //        // - [v, [v, dv]]
753 //        lb.SetInput (0, v);
754 //        lb.SetInput (1, l1);
755 //        lb.SetOutput(l2);
756 //        lb.Run();
757 //        ConvertToCubicBSplineCoefficients(*l2);
758 //        if (_NumberOfBCHTerms >= 5) {
759 //          // - [dv, [v, dv]]
760 //          lb.SetInput (0, d);
761 //          lb.SetInput (1, l1);
762 //          lb.SetOutput(l3);
763 //          lb.Run();
764 //          ConvertToCubicBSplineCoefficients(*l3);
765 //          if (_NumberOfBCHTerms >= 6) {
766 //            // - [dv, [v, [v, dv]]]
767 //            lb.SetInput (0, d);
768 //            lb.SetInput (1, l2);
769 //            lb.SetOutput(l4);
770 //            lb.Run();
771 //            ConvertToCubicBSplineCoefficients(*l4);
772 //          }
773 //        }
774 //      }
775 //    }
776 //    // Update velocity coefficients using BCH formula
777 //    NaryVoxelFunction::EvaluateBCHFormula bch;
778 //    switch (_NumberOfBCHTerms) {
779 //      case 2: { /* nothing else to do */                              break; }
780 //      case 3: { ParallelForEachScalar(v, dv, l1,             v, bch); break; }
781 //      case 4: { ParallelForEachScalar(v, dv, l1, l2,         v, bch); break; }
782 //      case 5: { ParallelForEachScalar(v, dv, l1, l2, l3,     v, bch); break; }
783 //      case 6: { ParallelForEachScalar(v, dv, l1, l2, l3, l4, v, bch); break; }
784 //    };
785 //  }
786 //}
788 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
789 double BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV
ApproximateAsNew(GenericImage<double> & disp,int niter,double max_error)790 ::ApproximateAsNew(GenericImage<double> &disp, int niter, double max_error)
791 {
792   return this->ApproximateAsNew(disp, false, 3, niter * 8);
793 }
795 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
796 double BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV
ApproximateAsNew(GenericImage<double> & disp,bool smooth,int nterms,int niter)797 ::ApproximateAsNew(GenericImage<double> &disp, bool smooth, int nterms, int niter)
798 {
799   // TODO: Refactor/review implementation again after update of velocities
800   //       from gradient is now implemented and working.
802   ImageAttributes grid = this->Attributes();
803   grid._t  = 3;
804   grid._dt = disp.GetTSize(); // ignore difference in _dt
806   // Sample displacement field at control points using linear interpolation
807   GenericImage<double> *d = NULL;
809   if (disp.Attributes() == grid) {
810     d = &disp;
811   } else {
812     double x, y, z, vec[3] = {.0, .0, .0};
814     UniquePtr<InterpolateImageFunction> f;
815     f.reset(InterpolateImageFunction::New(Interpolation_Linear, Extrapolation_NN, &disp));
816     f->Input(&disp);
817     f->Initialize();
819     d = new GenericImage<double>(grid);
821     for (int k = 0; k < grid._z; ++k)
822     for (int j = 0; j < grid._y; ++j)
823     for (int i = 0; i < grid._x; ++i) {
824       x = i, y = j, z = k;
825       d->ImageToWorld(x, y, z);
826       disp.WorldToImage(x, y, z);
827       f->Evaluate(vec, x, y, z);
828       d->Put(i, j, k, 0, vec[0]);
829       d->Put(i, j, k, 1, vec[1]);
830       d->Put(i, j, k, 2, vec[2]);
831     }
832   }
834   // Compute stationary velocity field at control points
835   GenericImage<double>                   v;
836   DisplacementToVelocityFieldBCH<double> dtov;
838   dtov.Input (d);
839   dtov.Output(&v);
841   dtov.UpperIntegrationLimit(UpperIntegrationLimit(0, 1));
842   dtov.NumberOfIterations(niter);
843   dtov.NumberOfTerms     (nterms);
844   dtov.NumberOfSteps     (NumberOfStepsForIntervalLength(dtov.UpperIntegrationLimit()));
845   dtov.SmoothVelocities  (smooth);
847   dtov.Run();
849   // Free temporary displacement field
850   if (d != &disp) {
851     delete d;
852     d = NULL;
853   }
855   // Interpolate velocities by B-spline function
856   BSplineFreeFormTransformation3D::Interpolate(v.Data(0, 0, 0, 0),
857                                                v.Data(0, 0, 0, 1),
858                                                v.Data(0, 0, 0, 2));
860   // Evaluate RMS of approximation error
861   double error = .0;
863   v = .0;
864   this->Displacement(v, 0, 1);
866   for (int k = 0; k < disp.Z(); ++k)
867   for (int j = 0; j < disp.Y(); ++j)
868   for (int i = 0; i < disp.X(); ++i) {
869     disp(i, j, k, 0) -= v(i, j, k, 0);
870     disp(i, j, k, 1) -= v(i, j, k, 1);
871     disp(i, j, k, 2) -= v(i, j, k, 2);
872     error += sqrt(disp(i, j ,k, 0) * disp(i, j, k, 0) +
873                   disp(i, j ,k, 1) * disp(i, j, k, 1) +
874                   disp(i, j ,k, 2) * disp(i, j, k, 2));
875   }
876   error /= static_cast<double>(disp.X() * disp.Y() * disp.Z());
878   return error;
879 }
881 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
882 void BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV
Interpolate(const double *,const double *,const double *)883 ::Interpolate(const double *, const double *, const double *)
884 {
885   cerr << this->NameOfClass() << "::Interpolate: Not implemented" << endl;
886   exit(1);
887 }
889 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
890 void BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV
InterpolateVelocities(const double * vx,const double * vy,const double * vz)891 ::InterpolateVelocities(const double *vx, const double *vy, const double *vz)
892 {
893   BSplineFreeFormTransformation3D::Interpolate(vx, vy, vz);
894 }
896 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
897 double BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV
ApproximateVelocitiesAsNew(GenericImage<double> & v)898 ::ApproximateVelocitiesAsNew(GenericImage<double> &v)
899 {
900   double error = 0.;
902   auto * const vx = v.Data(0, 0, 0, 0);
903   auto * const vy = v.Data(0, 0, 0, 1);
904   auto * const vz = v.Data(0, 0, 0, 2);
906   if (_attr.EqualInSpace(v.Attributes())) {
908     BSplineFreeFormTransformation3D::Interpolate(vx, vy, vz);
910   } else {
912     // Compute world coordinates of lattice points
913     const int no = v.NumberOfSpatialVoxels();
914     double *x = Allocate<double>(no);
915     double *y = Allocate<double>(no);
916     double *z = Allocate<double>(no);
917     double *t = Allocate<double>(no);
918     v.Attributes().LatticeToWorld(x, y, z, t);
920     // Approximate velocities
921     BSplineFreeFormTransformation3D::ApproximateDOFs(x, y, z, t, vx, vy, vz, no);
923     // Evaluate error of approximation
924     GenericImage<double> u(v.Attributes(), 3);
925     this->Velocity(u);
926     for (int k = 0; k < v.Z(); ++k)
927     for (int j = 0; j < v.Y(); ++j)
928     for (int i = 0; i < v.X(); ++i) {
929       const int idx = v.VoxelToIndex(i, j, k);
930       vx[idx] -= u(i, j, k, 0);
931       vy[idx] -= u(i, j, k, 1);
932       vz[idx] -= u(i, j, k, 2);
933       error += pow(vx[idx], 2) + pow(vy[idx], 2) + pow(vz[idx], 2);
934     }
935     error = sqrt(error / no);
937     // Free memory
938     Deallocate(x);
939     Deallocate(y);
940     Deallocate(z);
941     Deallocate(t);
942   }
944   return error;
945 }
947 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CombineWith(const Transformation * dof)948 void BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV::CombineWith(const Transformation *dof)
949 {
950   // Convert transformation into SV FFD
951   const BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV *svffd = NULL;
952   svffd = dynamic_cast<const BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV *>(dof);
953   if (!svffd) {
954     BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV *tmp;
955     tmp = new BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV();
956     tmp->Initialize(this->Attributes());
957     tmp->ApproximateAsNew(dof);
958     svffd = tmp;
959   }
960   // Compute coefficients of composite SV FFD using BCH formula
961   this->CombineWith(svffd);
962   // Delete temporary SV FFD
963   if (svffd != dof) delete svffd;
964 }
966 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CombineWith(const BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV * svffd)967 void BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV::CombineWith(const BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV *svffd)
968 {
969   EvaluateBCHFormula(_NumberOfBCHTerms, _CPImage, _T, _CPImage, svffd->T(), svffd->_CPImage);
970   if (_T < 0.) this->Invert();
971 }
973 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ScaleVelocities(double e)974 void BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV::ScaleVelocities(double e)
975 {
976   _CPImage *= e;
977 }
979 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Invert()980 void BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV::Invert()
981 {
982   this->ScaleVelocities(-1.);
983 }
985 // =============================================================================
986 // Parameters (non-DoFs)
987 // =============================================================================
989 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Set(const char * name,const char * value)990 bool BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV::Set(const char *name, const char *value)
991 {
992   if (strcmp(name, "Cross-sectional time interval") == 0 ||
993       strcmp(name, "Cross sectional time interval") == 0) {
994     return FromString(value, _T);
995   } else if (strcmp(name, "Time unit of integration interval") == 0) {
996     return FromString(value, _TimeUnit);
997   } else if (strcmp(name,    "No. of integration steps") == 0 ||
998              strcmp(name, "Number of integration steps") == 0) {
999     return FromString(value, _NumberOfSteps) && _NumberOfSteps > 0;
1000   } else if (strcmp(name,    "No. of squaring steps")    == 0 ||
1001              strcmp(name, "Number of squaring steps") == 0) {
1002     if (!FromString(value, _NumberOfSteps) || _NumberOfSteps <= 0) return false;
1003     _NumberOfSteps = static_cast<int>(pow(2, _NumberOfSteps));
1004     if (_IntegrationMethod != FFDIM_SS && _IntegrationMethod != FFDIM_FastSS) {
1005       _IntegrationMethod = FFDIM_FastSS;
1006     }
1007   } else if (strcmp(name, "Maximum scaled velocity") == 0) {
1008     return FromString(value, _MaxScaledVelocity);
1009   } else if (strcmp(name, "Use Lie derivative") == 0) {
1010     return FromString(value, _LieDerivative);
1011   } else if (strcmp(name, "Use dense BCH lattice") == 0) {
1012     return FromString(value, _UseDenseBCHGrid);
1013   } else if (strcmp(name,    "No. of BCH terms")    == 0 ||
1014              strcmp(name, "Number of BCH terms") == 0) {
1015     return FromString(value, _NumberOfBCHTerms) && _NumberOfBCHTerms <= 6;
1016   } else if (strcmp(name, "Integration method") == 0) {
1017     return FromString(value, _IntegrationMethod) && _IntegrationMethod != FFDIM_Unknown;
1018   // deprecated parameters
1019   } else if (strcmp(name, "Use scaling and squaring") == 0) {
1020     bool useSS = false;
1021     if (!FromString(value, useSS)) return false;
1022     if (useSS) {
1023       if (_IntegrationMethod != FFDIM_SS && _IntegrationMethod != FFDIM_FastSS) {
1024         _IntegrationMethod = FFDIM_FastSS;
1025       }
1026     } else {
1027       if (_IntegrationMethod == FFDIM_SS || _IntegrationMethod == FFDIM_FastSS) {
1028         _IntegrationMethod = FFDIM_RKE1;
1029       }
1030     }
1031     return true;
1032   } else if (strcmp(name, "Fast scaling and squaring") == 0) {
1033     bool fastSS;
1034     if (!FromString(value, fastSS)) return false;
1035     if (_IntegrationMethod == FFDIM_SS && fastSS) _IntegrationMethod = FFDIM_FastSS;
1036     return true;
1037   }
1038   return BSplineFreeFormTransformation3D::Set(name, value);
1039 }
1041 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Parameter() const1042 ParameterList BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV::Parameter() const
1043 {
1044   ParameterList params = BSplineFreeFormTransformation3D::Parameter();
1045   Insert(params, "Integration method",                _IntegrationMethod);
1046   Insert(params, "Cross-sectional time interval",     _T);
1047   Insert(params, "Time unit of integration interval", _TimeUnit);
1048   Insert(params, "No. of integration steps",          _NumberOfSteps);
1049   Insert(params, "Maximum scaled velocity",           _MaxScaledVelocity);
1050   Insert(params, "Use Lie derivative",                _LieDerivative);
1051   Insert(params, "Use dense BCH lattice",             _UseDenseBCHGrid);
1052   Insert(params, "No. of BCH terms",                  _NumberOfBCHTerms);
1053   return params;
1054 }
1056 // =============================================================================
1057 // Point transformation
1058 // =============================================================================
1060 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
IntegrateVelocities(double & x,double & y,double & z,double T) const1061 void BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV::IntegrateVelocities(double &x, double &y, double &z, double T) const
1062 {
1063   const double dt = StepLengthForIntervalLength(T);
1064   if (dt) {
1065     if      (_IntegrationMethod == FFDIM_FastSS ||
1066              _IntegrationMethod == FFDIM_SS     ||
1067              _IntegrationMethod == FFDIM_RKE1)   RKE1  ::Transform(this, x, y, z, .0, T, dt);
1068     else if (_IntegrationMethod == FFDIM_RKE2)   RKE2  ::Transform(this, x, y, z, .0, T, dt);
1069     else if (_IntegrationMethod == FFDIM_RKH2)   RKH2  ::Transform(this, x, y, z, .0, T, dt);
1070     else if (_IntegrationMethod == FFDIM_RK4)    RK4   ::Transform(this, x, y, z, .0, T, dt);
1071     else if (_IntegrationMethod == FFDIM_RKEH12) RKEH12::Transform(this, x, y, z, .0, T, 0.5 * dt, 2.0 * dt, SVFFD_RKTOL);
1072     else if (_IntegrationMethod == FFDIM_RKBS23) RKBS23::Transform(this, x, y, z, .0, T, 0.5 * dt, 2.0 * dt, SVFFD_RKTOL);
1073     else if (_IntegrationMethod == FFDIM_RKF45)  RKF45 ::Transform(this, x, y, z, .0, T, 0.5 * dt, 2.0 * dt, SVFFD_RKTOL);
1074     else if (_IntegrationMethod == FFDIM_RKCK45) RKCK45::Transform(this, x, y, z, .0, T, 0.5 * dt, 2.0 * dt, SVFFD_RKTOL);
1075     else if (_IntegrationMethod == FFDIM_RKDP45) RKDP45::Transform(this, x, y, z, .0, T, 0.5 * dt, 2.0 * dt, SVFFD_RKTOL);
1076     else {
1077       cerr << "BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV::IntegrateVelocities: Unknown integration method: " << _IntegrationMethod << endl;
1078       exit(1);
1079     }
1080   }
1081 }
1083 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1084 void BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV
LocalTransform(double & x,double & y,double & z,double t,double t0) const1085 ::LocalTransform(double &x, double &y, double &z, double t, double t0) const
1086 {
1087   IntegrateVelocities(x, y, z, + UpperIntegrationLimit(t, t0));
1088 }
1090 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1091 bool BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV
LocalInverse(double & x,double & y,double & z,double t,double t0) const1092 ::LocalInverse(double &x, double &y, double &z, double t, double t0) const
1093 {
1094   IntegrateVelocities(x, y, z, - UpperIntegrationLimit(t, t0));
1095   return true;
1096 }
1098 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1099 template <class VoxelType>
1100 void BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV
ScalingAndSquaring(GenericImage<VoxelType> * d,double T,const WorldCoordsImage * wc) const1101 ::ScalingAndSquaring(GenericImage<VoxelType> *d,
1102                      double T, const WorldCoordsImage *wc) const
1103 {
1104   ScalingAndSquaring<VoxelType>(d->Attributes(), d, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, T, wc);
1105 }
1107 template void BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV
1108 ::ScalingAndSquaring(GenericImage<float> *d,
1109                      double T, const WorldCoordsImage *) const;
1111 template void BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV
1112 ::ScalingAndSquaring(GenericImage<double> *d,
1113                      double T, const WorldCoordsImage *) const;
1115 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1116 template <class VoxelType>
1117 void BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV
ScalingAndSquaring(const ImageAttributes & a,GenericImage<VoxelType> * d,GenericImage<VoxelType> * dx,GenericImage<VoxelType> * dj,GenericImage<VoxelType> * lj,double T,const WorldCoordsImage *) const1118 ::ScalingAndSquaring(const ImageAttributes   &a,
1119                      GenericImage<VoxelType> *d,
1120                      GenericImage<VoxelType> *dx,
1121                      GenericImage<VoxelType> *dj,
1122                      GenericImage<VoxelType> *lj,
1123                      double T, const WorldCoordsImage *) const
1124 {
1125   // Attributes of output images
1126   ImageAttributes attr(a);
1127   if (!attr) {
1128     if      (d ) attr = d ->Attributes();
1129     else if (dx) attr = dx->Attributes();
1130     else if (dj) attr = dj->Attributes();
1131     else if (lj) attr = lj->Attributes();
1132   }
1133   attr._t = 1, attr._dt = .0;
1134   if (!attr) return;
1135   // Copy input displacement field
1136   UniquePtr<GenericImage<VoxelType> > din(d ? new GenericImage<VoxelType>(*d) : nullptr);
1137   // TODO: The runtime of the ScalingAndSquaring filter has been greatly improved
1138   //       to almost match the old VelocityToDisplacementFieldSS implementation.
1139   //       However, the latter is still about 15% faster...
1140   if (d && !dx && !dj && !lj) {
1141     GenericImage<VoxelType> v;
1142     if (_IntegrationMethod == FFDIM_FastSS) {
1143       v.Initialize(this->Attributes(), 3);
1144       ParallelForEachVoxel(EvaluateBSplineSVFFD3D(this, &v), this->Attributes(), v);
1145     } else {
1146       v.Initialize(attr, 3);
1147       ParallelForEachVoxel(EvaluateBSplineSVFFD3D(this, &v), attr, v);
1148     }
1149     // Exponentiate velocity field
1150     VelocityToDisplacementFieldSS<VoxelType> exp;
1151     exp.UpperIntegrationLimit(T);
1152     exp.NumberOfSteps(NumberOfStepsForIntervalLength(T));
1153     exp.MaxScaledVelocity(static_cast<VoxelType>(_MaxScaledVelocity));
1154     exp.Interpolation(Interpolation_Linear);
1155     exp.Upsample(false);     // better, but too expensive
1156     exp.Input(0, &v);        // velocity field to be exponentiated
1157     exp.Input(1, din.get()); // input displacement field (may be nullptr)
1158     exp.Output(d);           // result is exp(v) o d
1159     exp.Run();
1160   } else {
1161     // Copy B-spline coefficients of velocity field
1162     GenericImage<VoxelType> v(this->Attributes(), 3);
1163     VoxelType *vx = v.Data(0, 0, 0, 0);
1164     VoxelType *vy = v.Data(0, 0, 0, 1);
1165     VoxelType *vz = v.Data(0, 0, 0, 2);
1166     const Vector *vp = _CPImage.Data();
1167     for (int idx = 0; idx < _CPImage.NumberOfVoxels(); ++idx, ++vx, ++vy, ++vz, ++vp) {
1168       *vx = static_cast<VoxelType>(vp->_x);
1169       *vy = static_cast<VoxelType>(vp->_y);
1170       *vz = static_cast<VoxelType>(vp->_z);
1171     }
1172     // Exponentiate velocity field
1173     mirtk::ScalingAndSquaring<VoxelType> exp;
1174     exp.UpperIntegrationLimit(T);
1175     exp.NumberOfSteps(NumberOfStepsForIntervalLength(T));
1176     exp.MaxScaledVelocity(_MaxScaledVelocity);
1177     exp.InterimAttributes(_IntegrationMethod == FFDIM_FastSS ? this->Attributes() : attr);
1178     exp.OutputAttributes(attr);
1179     exp.Upsample(false);                         // better, but too expensive
1180     exp.ComputeInterpolationCoefficients(false); // v contains B-spline coefficients
1181     exp.InputVelocity(&v);                       // velocity field to be exponentiated
1182     exp.InputDisplacement(din.get());            // input displacement field (may be zero)
1183     exp.OutputDisplacement(d);                   // i.e., d = exp(v) o din
1184     exp.OutputJacobian(dx);                      // i.e., Jacobian
1185     exp.OutputDetJacobian(dj);                   // i.e., det(Jacobian)
1186     exp.OutputLogJacobian(lj);                   // i.e., log(det(Jacobian)
1187     exp.Run();
1188   }
1189 }
1191 template void BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV
1192 ::ScalingAndSquaring(const ImageAttributes &,
1193                      GenericImage<float> *,
1194                      GenericImage<float> *,
1195                      GenericImage<float> *,
1196                      GenericImage<float> *,
1197                      double, const WorldCoordsImage *) const;
1199 template void BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV
1200 ::ScalingAndSquaring(const ImageAttributes &,
1201                      GenericImage<double> *,
1202                      GenericImage<double> *,
1203                      GenericImage<double> *,
1204                      GenericImage<double> *,
1205                      double, const WorldCoordsImage *) const;
1207 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1208 void BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV
Displacement(GenericImage<float> & d,double t,double t0,const WorldCoordsImage * wc) const1209 ::Displacement(GenericImage<float> &d, double t, double t0, const WorldCoordsImage *wc) const
1210 {
1211   double T;
1212   if ((T = + UpperIntegrationLimit(t, t0))) {
1214     // Use scaling and squaring method to efficiently compute displacements when possible
1215     if ((_IntegrationMethod == FFDIM_SS || _IntegrationMethod == FFDIM_FastSS) &&
1216         ((_z <= 1 && d.Z() <= 1) || (_z > 1 && d.Z() > 1))) {
1217       ScalingAndSquaring(&d, T, wc);
1218     // Evaluate transformation at each voxel separately using numerical integration
1219     } else {
1220       Transformation::Displacement(d, t, t0, wc);
1221     }
1222     MIRTK_DEBUG_TIMING(3, "computation of exp(" << T << "*v)");
1223   }
1224 }
1226 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1227 void BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV
Displacement(GenericImage<double> & d,double t,double t0,const WorldCoordsImage * wc) const1228 ::Displacement(GenericImage<double> &d, double t, double t0, const WorldCoordsImage *wc) const
1229 {
1230   double T;
1231   if ((T = + UpperIntegrationLimit(t, t0))) {
1233     // Use scaling and squaring method to efficiently compute displacements when possible
1234     if ((_IntegrationMethod == FFDIM_SS || _IntegrationMethod == FFDIM_FastSS) &&
1235         ((_z <= 1 && d.Z() <= 1) || (_z > 1 && d.Z() > 1))) {
1236       ScalingAndSquaring(&d, T, wc);
1237     // Evaluate transformation at each voxel separately using numerical integration
1238     } else {
1239       Transformation::Displacement(d, t, t0, wc);
1240     }
1241     MIRTK_DEBUG_TIMING(3, "computation of exp(" << T << "*v)");
1242   }
1243 }
1245 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1246 int BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV
InverseDisplacement(GenericImage<float> & d,double t,double t0,const WorldCoordsImage * wc) const1247 ::InverseDisplacement(GenericImage<float> &d, double t, double t0, const WorldCoordsImage *wc) const
1248 {
1249   double T;
1250   if ((T = - UpperIntegrationLimit(t, t0))) {
1252     // Use scaling and squaring method to efficiently compute displacements when possible
1253     if ((_IntegrationMethod == FFDIM_SS || _IntegrationMethod == FFDIM_FastSS) &&
1254         ((_z <= 1 && d.Z() <= 1) || (_z > 1 && d.Z() > 1))) {
1255       ScalingAndSquaring(&d, T, wc);
1256     // Evaluate transformation at each voxel separately using numerical integration
1257     } else {
1258       Transformation::InverseDisplacement(d, t, t0, wc);
1259     }
1260     MIRTK_DEBUG_TIMING(3, "computation of exp(" << T << "*v)");
1261   }
1262   return 0;
1263 }
1265 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1266 int BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV
InverseDisplacement(GenericImage<double> & d,double t,double t0,const WorldCoordsImage * wc) const1267 ::InverseDisplacement(GenericImage<double> &d, double t, double t0, const WorldCoordsImage *wc) const
1268 {
1269   double T;
1270   if ((T = - UpperIntegrationLimit(t, t0))) {
1272     // Use scaling and squaring method to efficiently compute displacements when possible
1273     if ((_IntegrationMethod == FFDIM_SS || _IntegrationMethod == FFDIM_FastSS) &&
1274         ((_z <= 1 && d.Z() <= 1) || (_z > 1 && d.Z() > 1))) {
1275       ScalingAndSquaring(&d, T, wc);
1276     // Evaluate transformation at each voxel separately uing numerical integration
1277     } else {
1278       Transformation::InverseDisplacement(d, t, t0, wc);
1279     }
1280     MIRTK_DEBUG_TIMING(3, "computation of exp(" << T << "*v)");
1281   }
1282   return 0;
1283 }
1285 // =============================================================================
1286 // Derivatives
1287 // =============================================================================
1289 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
LocalJacobian(Matrix & jac,double x,double y,double z,double t,double t0) const1290 void BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV::LocalJacobian(Matrix &jac, double x, double y, double z, double t, double t0) const
1291 {
1292   jac.Initialize(3, 3);
1293   jac.Ident();
1294   double dt, T;
1295   if ((dt = StepLengthForIntervalLength(T = UpperIntegrationLimit(t, t0)))) {
1296     if      (_IntegrationMethod == FFDIM_SS     ||
1297              _IntegrationMethod == FFDIM_FastSS ||
1298              _IntegrationMethod == FFDIM_RKE1)   RKE1  ::Jacobian(this, jac, x, y, z, .0, T, dt);
1299     else if (_IntegrationMethod == FFDIM_RKE2)   RKE2  ::Jacobian(this, jac, x, y, z, .0, T, dt);
1300     else if (_IntegrationMethod == FFDIM_RKH2)   RKH2  ::Jacobian(this, jac, x, y, z, .0, T, dt);
1301     else if (_IntegrationMethod == FFDIM_RK4)    RK4   ::Jacobian(this, jac, x, y, z, .0, T, dt);
1302     else if (_IntegrationMethod == FFDIM_RKEH12) RKEH12::Jacobian(this, jac, x, y, z, .0, T, 0.5 * dt, 2.0 * dt, SVFFD_RKTOL);
1303     else if (_IntegrationMethod == FFDIM_RKBS23) RKBS23::Jacobian(this, jac, x, y, z, .0, T, 0.5 * dt, 2.0 * dt, SVFFD_RKTOL);
1304     else if (_IntegrationMethod == FFDIM_RKF45)  RKF45 ::Jacobian(this, jac, x, y, z, .0, T, 0.5 * dt, 2.0 * dt, SVFFD_RKTOL);
1305     else if (_IntegrationMethod == FFDIM_RKCK45) RKCK45::Jacobian(this, jac, x, y, z, .0, T, 0.5 * dt, 2.0 * dt, SVFFD_RKTOL);
1306     else if (_IntegrationMethod == FFDIM_RKDP45) RKDP45::Jacobian(this, jac, x, y, z, .0, T, 0.5 * dt, 2.0 * dt, SVFFD_RKTOL);
1307     else {
1308       cerr << "BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV::Jacobian: Unknown integration method: " << _IntegrationMethod << endl;
1309       exit(1);
1310     }
1311   }
1312 }
1314 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
LocalHessian(Matrix[3],double,double,double,double,double) const1315 void BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV::LocalHessian(Matrix [3], double, double, double, double, double) const
1316 {
1317   cerr << this->NameOfClass() << "::LocalHessian: Not implemented" << endl;
1318   exit(1);
1319 }
1321 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
JacobianDOFs(Matrix & jac,int cp,double x,double y,double z,double t,double t0) const1322 void BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV::JacobianDOFs(Matrix &jac, int cp, double x, double y, double z, double t, double t0) const
1323 {
1324   jac.Initialize(3, 3);
1325   jac.Ident();
1326   double dt, T;
1327   if ((dt = StepLengthForIntervalLength(T = UpperIntegrationLimit(t, t0)))) {
1328     int ci, cj, ck, cl;
1329     this->IndexToLattice(cp, ci, cj, ck, cl);
1330     if      (_IntegrationMethod == FFDIM_SS     ||
1331              _IntegrationMethod == FFDIM_FastSS ||
1332              _IntegrationMethod == FFDIM_RKE1)   RKE1  ::JacobianDOFs(this, jac, ci, cj, ck, cl, x, y, z, .0, T, dt);
1333     else if (_IntegrationMethod == FFDIM_RKE2)   RKE2  ::JacobianDOFs(this, jac, ci, cj, ck, cl, x, y, z, .0, T, dt);
1334     else if (_IntegrationMethod == FFDIM_RKH2)   RKH2  ::JacobianDOFs(this, jac, ci, cj, ck, cl, x, y, z, .0, T, dt);
1335     else if (_IntegrationMethod == FFDIM_RK4)    RK4   ::JacobianDOFs(this, jac, ci, cj, ck, cl, x, y, z, .0, T, dt);
1336     else if (_IntegrationMethod == FFDIM_RKEH12) RKEH12::JacobianDOFs(this, jac, ci, cj, ck, cl, x, y, z, .0, T, 0.5 * dt, 2.0 * dt, SVFFD_RKTOL);
1337     else if (_IntegrationMethod == FFDIM_RKBS23) RKBS23::JacobianDOFs(this, jac, ci, cj, ck, cl, x, y, z, .0, T, 0.5 * dt, 2.0 * dt, SVFFD_RKTOL);
1338     else if (_IntegrationMethod == FFDIM_RKF45)  RKF45 ::JacobianDOFs(this, jac, ci, cj, ck, cl, x, y, z, .0, T, 0.5 * dt, 2.0 * dt, SVFFD_RKTOL);
1339     else if (_IntegrationMethod == FFDIM_RKCK45) RKCK45::JacobianDOFs(this, jac, ci, cj, ck, cl, x, y, z, .0, T, 0.5 * dt, 2.0 * dt, SVFFD_RKTOL);
1340     else if (_IntegrationMethod == FFDIM_RKDP45) RKDP45::JacobianDOFs(this, jac, ci, cj, ck, cl, x, y, z, .0, T, 0.5 * dt, 2.0 * dt, SVFFD_RKTOL);
1341     else {
1342       cerr << "BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV::JacobianDOFs: Unknown integration method: " << _IntegrationMethod << endl;
1343       exit(1);
1344     }
1345   }
1346 }
1348 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
JacobianDOFs(double jac[3],int dof,double x,double y,double z,double t,double t0) const1349 void BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV::JacobianDOFs(double jac[3], int dof, double x, double y, double z, double t, double t0) const
1350 {
1351   Matrix dTdp(3, 3);
1352   this->JacobianDOFs(dTdp, dof / 3, x, y, z, t, t0);
1353   const int c = dof % 3;
1354   jac[0] = dTdp(0, c);
1355   jac[1] = dTdp(1, c);
1356   jac[2] = dTdp(2, c);
1357 }
1359 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1360 void BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV
EvaluateJacobianDOFs(TransformationJacobian & jac,double x,double y) const1361 ::EvaluateJacobianDOFs(TransformationJacobian &jac, double x, double y) const
1362 {
1363   int i = ifloor(x);
1364   int j = ifloor(y);
1366   const int A = Kernel::VariableToIndex(x - i);
1367   const int B = Kernel::VariableToIndex(y - j);
1369   --i, --j;
1371   double wxy, wy;
1372   int    ci, cj, xdof, ydof;
1374   for (int b = 0; b <= 3; ++b) {
1375     cj = j + b;
1376     if (cj < 0 || cj >= _y) continue;
1377     wy = Kernel::LookupTable[B][b];
1378     for (int a = 0; a <= 3; ++a) {
1379       ci = i + a;
1380       if (ci < 0 || ci >= _x) continue;
1381       wxy = Kernel::LookupTable[A][a] * wy;
1382       IndexToDOFs(LatticeToIndex(ci, cj), xdof, ydof);
1383       jac(xdof)._x = jac(ydof)._y = wxy;
1384     }
1385   }
1386 }
1388 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1389 void BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV
EvaluateJacobianDOFs(TransformationJacobian & jac,double x,double y,double z) const1390 ::EvaluateJacobianDOFs(TransformationJacobian &jac, double x, double y, double z) const
1391 {
1392   int i = ifloor(x);
1393   int j = ifloor(y);
1394   int k = ifloor(z);
1396   const int A = Kernel::VariableToIndex(x - i);
1397   const int B = Kernel::VariableToIndex(y - j);
1398   const int C = Kernel::VariableToIndex(z - k);
1400   --i, --j, --k;
1402   double wxyz, wyz, wz;
1403   int    ci, cj, ck, xdof, ydof, zdof;
1405   for (int c = 0; c <= 3; ++c) {
1406     ck = k + c;
1407     if (ck < 0 || ck >= _z) continue;
1408     wz = Kernel::LookupTable[C][c];
1409     for (int b = 0; b <= 3; ++b) {
1410       cj = j + b;
1411       if (cj < 0 || cj >= _y) continue;
1412       wyz = Kernel::LookupTable[B][b] * wz;
1413       for (int a = 0; a <= 3; ++a) {
1414         ci = i + a;
1415         if (ci < 0 || ci >= _x) continue;
1416         wxyz = Kernel::LookupTable[A][a] * wyz;
1417         IndexToDOFs(LatticeToIndex(ci, cj, ck), xdof, ydof, zdof);
1418         jac(xdof)._x = jac(ydof)._y = jac(zdof)._z = wxyz;
1419       }
1420     }
1421   }
1422 }
1424 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
JacobianDOFs(TransformationJacobian & jac,double x,double y,double z,double t,double t0) const1425 void BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV::JacobianDOFs(TransformationJacobian &jac, double x, double y, double z, double t, double t0) const
1426 {
1427   jac.Clear();
1428   double dt, T;
1429   if ((dt = StepLengthForIntervalLength(T = UpperIntegrationLimit(t, t0)))) {
1430     if      (_IntegrationMethod == FFDIM_SS     ||
1431              _IntegrationMethod == FFDIM_FastSS ||
1432              _IntegrationMethod == FFDIM_RKE1)   RKE1  ::JacobianDOFs(this, jac, x, y, z, .0, T, dt);
1433     else if (_IntegrationMethod == FFDIM_RKE2)   RKE2  ::JacobianDOFs(this, jac, x, y, z, .0, T, dt);
1434     else if (_IntegrationMethod == FFDIM_RKH2)   RKH2  ::JacobianDOFs(this, jac, x, y, z, .0, T, dt);
1435     else if (_IntegrationMethod == FFDIM_RK4)    RK4   ::JacobianDOFs(this, jac, x, y, z, .0, T, dt);
1436     else if (_IntegrationMethod == FFDIM_RKEH12) RKEH12::JacobianDOFs(this, jac, x, y, z, .0, T, 0.5 * dt, 2.0 * dt, SVFFD_RKTOL);
1437     else if (_IntegrationMethod == FFDIM_RKBS23) RKBS23::JacobianDOFs(this, jac, x, y, z, .0, T, 0.5 * dt, 2.0 * dt, SVFFD_RKTOL);
1438     else if (_IntegrationMethod == FFDIM_RKF45)  RKF45 ::JacobianDOFs(this, jac, x, y, z, .0, T, 0.5 * dt, 2.0 * dt, SVFFD_RKTOL);
1439     else if (_IntegrationMethod == FFDIM_RKCK45) RKCK45::JacobianDOFs(this, jac, x, y, z, .0, T, 0.5 * dt, 2.0 * dt, SVFFD_RKTOL);
1440     else if (_IntegrationMethod == FFDIM_RKDP45) RKDP45::JacobianDOFs(this, jac, x, y, z, .0, T, 0.5 * dt, 2.0 * dt, SVFFD_RKTOL);
1441     else {
1442       cerr << "BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV::JacobianDOFs: Unknown integration method: " << _IntegrationMethod << endl;
1443       exit(1);
1444     }
1445   }
1446 }
1448 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1449 inline void BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV
JacobianDetDerivative(double[3],const Matrix &,int,double,double,double,double,double,bool,bool) const1450 ::JacobianDetDerivative(double [3], const Matrix &, int, double, double, double, double, double, bool, bool) const
1451 {
1452   Throw(ERR_NotImplemented, __FUNCTION__, "Not implemented");
1453 }
1455 namespace BSplineFreeFormTransformationSVUtils {
1457 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1458 struct MultiplyDerivatives : public VoxelFunction
1459 {
1460   const int x, y, z, xx, xy, xz, yx, yy, yz, zx, zy, zz; // offsets
MultiplyDerivativesmirtk::BSplineFreeFormTransformationSVUtils::MultiplyDerivatives1462   MultiplyDerivatives(int n)
1463   :
1464     x(0), y(x+n), z(y+n),
1465     xx(   0), xy(xx+n), xz(xy+n),
1466     yx(xz+n), yy(yx+n), yz(yy+n),
1467     zx(yz+n), zy(zx+n), zz(zy+n)
1468   {}
operator ()mirtk::BSplineFreeFormTransformationSVUtils::MultiplyDerivatives1470   void operator ()(const GenericImage<double> &, int, const double *in, const double *d, double *out) const
1471   {
1472     // Attention: out can be equal d, therefore use temporary variables
1473     double gx = in[x] * d[xx] + in[x] * d[xy] + in[x] * d[xz];
1474     double gy = in[y] * d[yx] + in[y] * d[yy] + in[y] * d[yz];
1475     double gz = in[z] * d[zx] + in[z] * d[zy] + in[z] * d[zz];
1476     out[x] = gx, out[y] = gy, out[z] = gz;
1477   }
1478 };
1481 } // namespace BSplineFreeFormTransformationSVUtils
1482 using namespace BSplineFreeFormTransformationSVUtils;
1484 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1485 void BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV
ParametricGradient(const GenericImage<double> * in,double * out,const WorldCoordsImage * i2w,const WorldCoordsImage * wc,double t,double t0,double w) const1486 ::ParametricGradient(const GenericImage<double> *in, double *out,
1487                      const WorldCoordsImage *i2w, const WorldCoordsImage *wc,
1488                      double t, double t0, double w) const
1489 {
1490   // Upper integration limit for given interval
1491   const double T = UpperIntegrationLimit(t, t0);
1492   if (IsZero(T)) return;
1494   // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1495   // BCH based velocity update computation
1496   if (_NumberOfBCHTerms > 1) {
1499     if (_UseDenseBCHGrid && _NumberOfBCHTerms > 2) {
1500       GenericImage<double> v(in->Attributes(), 3);
1501       this->Velocity(v);
1502       EvaluateBCHFormulaDense<double>(_NumberOfBCHTerms, v, v, *in, true, _LieDerivative);
1503       BSplineFreeFormTransformation3D::ParametricGradient(&v, out, i2w, wc, t0, w / T);
1504    } else {
1505       // Compute spline coefficients of update velocity field
1506       CPImage u(this->Attributes());
1507       DOFValue * const grd = reinterpret_cast<DOFValue *>(u.Data());
1508       BSplineFreeFormTransformation3D::ParametricGradient(in, grd, i2w, wc, t0, 1.);
1509       // Approximate velocity spline coefficients of composite transformation
1510       // using Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff (BCH) formula and subtract current coefficients
1511       EvaluateBCHFormula(_NumberOfBCHTerms, u, T, _CPImage, 1., u, true);
1512       // Adjust weight as update field is computed for tau * v, i.e.,
1513       //   exp(tau * v_{i+1}) = exp(tau v_i) o exp(\delta u)
1514       //   ==> v_{i+1} = log(exp(tau * v_{i+1})) / tau
1515       w /= T;
1516       // Add weighted gradient to total energy gradient
1517       for (int dof = 0; dof < this->NumberOfDOFs(); ++dof) {
1518         if (_Status[dof] == Active) out[dof] += w * grd[dof];
1519       }
1520     }
1521     MIRTK_DEBUG_TIMING(2, "parametric gradient computation (BCH, dense=" << (_UseDenseBCHGrid ? "yes" : "no") << ")");
1523   // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1524   // Scaling and squaring based gradient computation
1525   } else if (_IntegrationMethod == FFDIM_SS || _IntegrationMethod == FFDIM_FastSS) {
1529     // Copy B-spline coefficients of velocity field
1530     GenericImage<double> v(this->Attributes(), 3);
1531     double *vx = v.Data(0, 0, 0, 0);
1532     double *vy = v.Data(0, 0, 0, 1);
1533     double *vz = v.Data(0, 0, 0, 2);
1534     const Vector *vp = _CPImage.Data();
1535     for (int idx = 0; idx < _CPImage.NumberOfVoxels(); ++idx, ++vx, ++vy, ++vz, ++vp) {
1536       *vx = vp->_x;
1537       *vy = vp->_y;
1538       *vz = vp->_z;
1539     }
1541     // Exponentiate non-parametric gradient using inverse mapping
1542     // (cf. Modat et al., "Parametric non-rigid registration using a stationary velocity field", MMBIA, 145–150, 2012)
1543     GenericImage<double> dv;
1544     mirtk::ScalingAndSquaring<double> exp;
1545     exp.UpperIntegrationLimit(T);
1546     exp.ComputeInverse(true);
1547     exp.NumberOfSteps(NumberOfStepsForIntervalLength(T));
1548     exp.MaxScaledVelocity(_MaxScaledVelocity);
1549     exp.InterimAttributes(_IntegrationMethod == FFDIM_FastSS ? this->Attributes() : in->Attributes());
1550     exp.OutputAttributes(exp.InterimAttributes());
1551     exp.InputVelocity(&v);
1552     exp.ComputeInterpolationCoefficients(false);
1553     exp.InputGradient(in);
1554     exp.OutputGradient(&dv);
1555     exp.Run();
1557     // Free copy of velocity coefficients
1558     v.Clear();
1560     // Multiply resulting vectors by derivative of v w.r.t. the DoFs
1561     BSplineFreeFormTransformation3D::ParametricGradient(&dv, out, i2w, wc, t0, w);
1563     MIRTK_DEBUG_TIMING(2, "parametric gradient computation" << (_IntegrationMethod == FFDIM_FastSS ? " (FastSS)" : " (SS)"));
1565   // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1566   // Runge-Kutta integration based gradient computation similar to TD FFD
1567   // transformation parameterized by non-stationary velocity field
1568   } else {
1570     // Note: T = in->GetTOrigin() - t0
1571     FreeFormTransformation::ParametricGradient(in, out, i2w, wc, in->GetTOrigin() - T, w);
1573   }
1574 }
1576 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1577 void BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV
ParametricGradient(const PointSet & pos,const Vector3D<double> * in,double * out,double t,double t0,double w) const1578 ::ParametricGradient(const PointSet &pos, const Vector3D<double> *in,
1579                      double *out, double t, double t0, double w) const
1580 {
1581   // Runge-Kutta integration based gradient computation similar to TD FFD
1582   // transformation parameterized by non-stationary velocity field
1583   FreeFormTransformation::ParametricGradient(pos, in, out, t, t0, w);
1584 }
1586 // =============================================================================
1587 // I/O
1588 // =============================================================================
1590 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Print(ostream & os,Indent indent) const1591 void BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV::Print(ostream &os, Indent indent) const
1592 {
1593   os << indent << "B-spline SV FFD:" << endl;
1594   indent++;
1595   // Print FFD attributes
1596   FreeFormTransformation3D::Print(os, indent);
1597   // Change output stream settings
1598   const streamsize    w = os.width    (0);
1599   const streamsize    p = os.precision(2);
1600   const ios::fmtflags f = os.flags();
1601   cout.unsetf(ios::floatfield);
1602   // Print SV FFD parameters
1603   os << indent << "Integration method:                " << setw(6) << ToString(_IntegrationMethod) << endl;
1604   os << indent << "Cross-sectional time interval:     " << setw(6) << _T << endl;
1605   os << indent << "Time unit of integration interval: " << setw(6) << _TimeUnit << endl;
1606   os << indent << "Maximum scaled velocity:           " << setw(6) << _MaxScaledVelocity << endl;
1607   os << indent << "No. of integration steps per unit: " << setw(6) << _NumberOfSteps << endl;
1608   os << indent << "No. of cross-sectional steps:      " << setw(6) << NumberOfStepsForIntervalLength(_T) << endl;
1609   os << indent << "No. of BCH terms:                  " << setw(6) << _NumberOfBCHTerms << endl;
1610   os << indent << "Use Lie derivative:                " << setw(6) << ToString(_LieDerivative) << endl;
1611   // Restore output stream settings
1612   os.width    (w);
1613   os.precision(p);
1614   os.flags    (f);
1615 }
1617 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CanRead(TransformationType format) const1618 bool BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV::CanRead(TransformationType format) const
1619 {
1620   switch (format) {
1629       return true;
1630     default:
1631       return false;
1632   }
1633 }
1635 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ReadDOFs(Cifstream & from,TransformationType format)1636 Cifstream &BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV::ReadDOFs(Cifstream &from, TransformationType format)
1637 {
1638   // Read FFD data
1639   switch (format) {
1646       BSplineFreeFormTransformation3D::ReadDOFs(from, TRANSFORMATION_BSPLINE_FFD_3D_v2);
1648       BSplineFreeFormTransformation3D::ReadDOFs(from, TRANSFORMATION_BSPLINE_FFD_3D_v3);
1649     default:
1650       BSplineFreeFormTransformation3D::ReadDOFs(from, TRANSFORMATION_BSPLINE_FFD_3D);
1651   }
1653   // Read number of integration steps
1654   from.ReadAsInt(&_NumberOfSteps, 1);
1656   if (format == TRANSFORMATION_BSPLINE_FFD_SV_v1) return from;
1658   // Read upper integration limit
1659   from.ReadAsDouble(&_T, 1);
1660   // Read number of BCH terms to use for update
1661   from.ReadAsInt(&_NumberOfBCHTerms, 1);
1663   if (format == TRANSFORMATION_BSPLINE_FFD_SV_v2) return from;
1665   // Read time unit of integration interval
1666   from.ReadAsDouble(&_TimeUnit, 1);
1668   if (format == TRANSFORMATION_BSPLINE_FFD_SV_v3) return from;
1670   if (format <= TRANSFORMATION_BSPLINE_FFD_SV_v6) {
1672     // Whether to use scaling and squaring
1673     char useSS;
1674     from.ReadAsChar(&useSS, 1);
1676     // Maximum scaled velocity
1677     from.ReadAsDouble(&_MaxScaledVelocity, 1);
1679     if (format == TRANSFORMATION_BSPLINE_FFD_SV_v4) return from;
1681     // Whether to use fast scaling and squaring
1682     char fastSS;
1683     from.ReadAsChar(&fastSS, 1);
1685     // Set integration method
1686     _IntegrationMethod = (useSS ? (fastSS ? FFDIM_FastSS : FFDIM_SS) : FFDIM_RKE1);
1688   } else {
1690     // Integration method
1691     unsigned int integration_method;
1692     from.ReadAsUInt(&integration_method, 1);
1693     _IntegrationMethod = static_cast<FFDIntegrationMethod>(integration_method);
1695     // Maximum scaled velocity
1696     from.ReadAsDouble(&_MaxScaledVelocity, 1);
1698   }
1700   return from;
1701 }
1703 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
WriteDOFs(Cofstream & to) const1704 Cofstream &BSplineFreeFormTransformationSV::WriteDOFs(Cofstream &to) const
1705 {
1706   // Write FFD data
1707   BSplineFreeFormTransformation3D::WriteDOFs(to);
1709   // Write number of integration steps
1710   to.WriteAsInt(&_NumberOfSteps, 1);
1711   // Write upper integration limit
1712   to.WriteAsDouble(&_T, 1);
1713   // Write number of BCH terms to use for update
1714   to.WriteAsInt(&_NumberOfBCHTerms, 1);
1715   // Write time unit of integration interval
1716   to.WriteAsDouble(&_TimeUnit, 1);
1717   // Integration method
1718   const unsigned int integration_method = _IntegrationMethod;
1719   to.WriteAsUInt(&integration_method, 1);
1720   // Maximum scaled velocity
1721   to.WriteAsDouble(&_MaxScaledVelocity, 1);
1723   return to;
1724 }
1727 } // namespace mirtk