1 /*
2 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 This source file is part of OGRE
4     (Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine)
5 For the latest info, see http://www.ogre3d.org/
7 Copyright (c) 2000-2013 Torus Knot Software Ltd
9 Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
10 of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
11 in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
12 to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
13 copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
14 furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
16 The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
17 all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
26 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
27 */
28 #ifndef __Mesh_H__
29 #define __Mesh_H__
31 #include "OgrePrerequisites.h"
33 #include "OgreResource.h"
34 #include "OgreVertexIndexData.h"
35 #include "OgreAxisAlignedBox.h"
36 #include "OgreVertexBoneAssignment.h"
37 #include "OgreIteratorWrappers.h"
38 #include "OgreHardwareVertexBuffer.h"
39 #include "OgreSkeleton.h"
40 #include "OgreAnimation.h"
41 #include "OgreAnimationTrack.h"
42 #include "OgrePose.h"
43 #include "OgreDataStream.h"
44 #include "OgreHeaderPrefix.h"
47 namespace Ogre {
50     /** \addtogroup Core
51     *  @{
52     */
53     /** \addtogroup Resources
54     *  @{
55     */
57     struct MeshLodUsage;
58     struct LodConfig;
59     class LodStrategy;
61     /** Resource holding data about 3D mesh.
62     @remarks
63         This class holds the data used to represent a discrete
64         3-dimensional object. Mesh data usually contains more
65         than just vertices and triangle information; it also
66         includes references to materials (and the faces which use them),
67         level-of-detail reduction information, convex hull definition,
68         skeleton/bones information, keyframe animation etc.
69         However, it is important to note the emphasis on the word
70         'discrete' here. This class does not cover the large-scale
71         sprawling geometry found in level / landscape data.
72     @par
73         Multiple world objects can (indeed should) be created from a
74         single mesh object - see the Entity class for more info.
75         The mesh object will have it's own default
76         material properties, but potentially each world instance may
77         wish to customise the materials from the original. When the object
78         is instantiated into a scene node, the mesh material properties
79         will be taken by default but may be changed. These properties
80         are actually held at the SubMesh level since a single mesh may
81         have parts with different materials.
82     @par
83         As described above, because the mesh may have sections of differing
84         material properties, a mesh is inherently a compound construct,
85         consisting of one or more SubMesh objects.
86         However, it strongly 'owns' it's SubMeshes such that they
87         are loaded / unloaded at the same time. This is contrary to
88         the approach taken to hierarchically related (but loosely owned)
89         scene nodes, where data is loaded / unloaded separately. Note
90         also that mesh sub-sections (when used in an instantiated object)
91         share the same scene node as the parent.
92     */
93     class _OgreExport Mesh: public Resource, public AnimationContainer
94     {
95         friend class SubMesh;
96         friend class MeshSerializerImpl;
97         friend class MeshSerializerImpl_v1_4;
98         friend class MeshSerializerImpl_v1_2;
99         friend class MeshSerializerImpl_v1_1;
101     public:
102         typedef vector<Real>::type LodValueList;
103         typedef vector<MeshLodUsage>::type MeshLodUsageList;
104         /// Multimap of vertex bone assignments (orders by vertex index).
105         typedef multimap<size_t, VertexBoneAssignment>::type VertexBoneAssignmentList;
106         typedef MapIterator<VertexBoneAssignmentList> BoneAssignmentIterator;
107         typedef vector<SubMesh*>::type SubMeshList;
108         typedef vector<unsigned short>::type IndexMap;
110     protected:
111         /** A list of submeshes which make up this mesh.
112             Each mesh is made up of 1 or more submeshes, which
113             are each based on a single material and can have their
114             own vertex data (they may not - they can share vertex data
115             from the Mesh, depending on preference).
116         */
117         SubMeshList mSubMeshList;
119         /** Internal method for making the space for a vertex element to hold tangents. */
120         void organiseTangentsBuffer(VertexData *vertexData,
121             VertexElementSemantic targetSemantic, unsigned short index,
122             unsigned short sourceTexCoordSet);
124     public:
125         /** A hashmap used to store optional SubMesh names.
126             Translates a name into SubMesh index.
127         */
128         typedef HashMap<String, ushort> SubMeshNameMap ;
131     protected:
133         DataStreamPtr mFreshFromDisk;
135         SubMeshNameMap mSubMeshNameMap ;
137         /// Local bounding box volume.
138         AxisAlignedBox mAABB;
139         /// Local bounding sphere radius (centered on object).
140         Real mBoundRadius;
142         /// Optional linked skeleton.
143         String mSkeletonName;
144         SkeletonPtr mSkeleton;
147         VertexBoneAssignmentList mBoneAssignments;
149         /// Flag indicating that bone assignments need to be recompiled.
150         bool mBoneAssignmentsOutOfDate;
152         /** Build the index map between bone index and blend index. */
153         void buildIndexMap(const VertexBoneAssignmentList& boneAssignments,
154             IndexMap& boneIndexToBlendIndexMap, IndexMap& blendIndexToBoneIndexMap);
155         /** Compile bone assignments into blend index and weight buffers. */
156         void compileBoneAssignments(const VertexBoneAssignmentList& boneAssignments,
157             unsigned short numBlendWeightsPerVertex,
158             IndexMap& blendIndexToBoneIndexMap,
159             VertexData* targetVertexData);
161         const LodStrategy *mLodStrategy;
162         bool mIsLodManual;
163         ushort mNumLods;
164         MeshLodUsageList mMeshLodUsageList;
166         HardwareBuffer::Usage mVertexBufferUsage;
167         HardwareBuffer::Usage mIndexBufferUsage;
168         bool mVertexBufferShadowBuffer;
169         bool mIndexBufferShadowBuffer;
172         bool mPreparedForShadowVolumes;
173         bool mEdgeListsBuilt;
174         bool mAutoBuildEdgeLists;
176         /// Storage of morph animations, lookup by name
177         typedef map<String, Animation*>::type AnimationList;
178         AnimationList mAnimationsList;
179         /// The vertex animation type associated with the shared vertex data
180         mutable VertexAnimationType mSharedVertexDataAnimationType;
181         /// Whether vertex animation includes normals
182         mutable bool mSharedVertexDataAnimationIncludesNormals;
183         /// Do we need to scan animations for animation types?
184         mutable bool mAnimationTypesDirty;
186         /// List of available poses for shared and dedicated geometryPoseList
187         PoseList mPoseList;
188         mutable bool mPosesIncludeNormals;
191         /** Loads the mesh from disk.  This call only performs IO, it
192             does not parse the bytestream or check for any errors therein.
193             It also does not set up submeshes, etc.  You have to call load()
194             to do that.
195          */
196         void prepareImpl(void);
197         /** Destroys data cached by prepareImpl.
198          */
199         void unprepareImpl(void);
200         /// @copydoc Resource::loadImpl
201         void loadImpl(void);
202         /// @copydoc Resource::postLoadImpl
203         void postLoadImpl(void);
204         /// @copydoc Resource::unloadImpl
205         void unloadImpl(void);
206         /// @copydoc Resource::calculateSize
207         size_t calculateSize(void) const;
209 		void mergeAdjacentTexcoords( unsigned short finalTexCoordSet,
210 									 unsigned short texCoordSetToDestroy, VertexData *vertexData );
213     public:
214         /** Default constructor - used by MeshManager
215         @warning
216             Do not call this method directly.
217         */
218         Mesh(ResourceManager* creator, const String& name, ResourceHandle handle,
219             const String& group, bool isManual = false, ManualResourceLoader* loader = 0);
220         ~Mesh();
222         // NB All methods below are non-virtual since they will be
223         // called in the rendering loop - speed is of the essence.
225         /** Creates a new SubMesh.
226         @remarks
227             Method for manually creating geometry for the mesh.
228             Note - use with extreme caution - you must be sure that
229             you have set up the geometry properly.
230         */
231         SubMesh* createSubMesh(void);
233         /** Creates a new SubMesh and gives it a name
234         */
235         SubMesh* createSubMesh(const String& name);
237         /** Gives a name to a SubMesh
238         */
239         void nameSubMesh(const String& name, ushort index);
241         /** Removes a name from a SubMesh
242         */
243         void unnameSubMesh(const String& name);
245         /** Gets the index of a submesh with a given name.
246         @remarks
247             Useful if you identify the SubMeshes by name (using nameSubMesh)
248             but wish to have faster repeat access.
249         */
250         ushort _getSubMeshIndex(const String& name) const;
252         /** Gets the number of sub meshes which comprise this mesh.
253         */
254         unsigned short getNumSubMeshes(void) const;
256         /** Gets a pointer to the submesh indicated by the index.
257         */
258         SubMesh* getSubMesh(unsigned short index) const;
260         /** Gets a SubMesh by name
261         */
262         SubMesh* getSubMesh(const String& name) const ;
264         /** Destroy a SubMesh with the given index.
265         @note
266             This will invalidate the contents of any existing Entity, or
267             any other object that is referring to the SubMesh list. Entity will
268             detect this and reinitialise, but it is still a disruptive action.
269         */
270         void destroySubMesh(unsigned short index);
272         /** Destroy a SubMesh with the given name.
273         @note
274             This will invalidate the contents of any existing Entity, or
275             any other object that is referring to the SubMesh list. Entity will
276             detect this and reinitialise, but it is still a disruptive action.
277         */
278         void destroySubMesh(const String& name);
280         typedef VectorIterator<SubMeshList> SubMeshIterator;
281         /// Gets an iterator over the available submeshes
getSubMeshIterator(void)282         SubMeshIterator getSubMeshIterator(void)
283         { return SubMeshIterator(mSubMeshList.begin(), mSubMeshList.end()); }
285         /** Shared vertex data.
286         @remarks
287             This vertex data can be shared among multiple submeshes. SubMeshes may not have
288             their own VertexData, they may share this one.
289         @par
290             The use of shared or non-shared buffers is determined when
291             model data is converted to the OGRE .mesh format.
292         */
293         VertexData *sharedVertexData;
295         /** Shared index map for translating blend index to bone index.
296         @remarks
297             This index map can be shared among multiple submeshes. SubMeshes might not have
298             their own IndexMap, they might share this one.
299         @par
300             We collect actually used bones of all bone assignments, and build the
301             blend index in 'packed' form, then the range of the blend index in vertex
302             data VES_BLEND_INDICES element is continuous, with no gaps. Thus, by
303             minimising the world matrix array constants passing to GPU, we can support
304             more bones for a mesh when hardware skinning is used. The hardware skinning
305             support limit is applied to each set of vertex data in the mesh, in other words, the
306             hardware skinning support limit is applied only to the actually used bones of each
307             SubMeshes, not all bones across the entire Mesh.
308         @par
309             Because the blend index is different to the bone index, therefore, we use
310             the index map to translate the blend index to bone index.
311         @par
312             The use of shared or non-shared index map is determined when
313             model data is converted to the OGRE .mesh format.
314         */
315         IndexMap sharedBlendIndexToBoneIndexMap;
317         /** Makes a copy of this mesh object and gives it a new name.
318         @remarks
319             This is useful if you want to tweak an existing mesh without affecting the original one. The
320             newly cloned mesh is registered with the MeshManager under the new name.
321         @param newName
322             The name to give the clone.
323         @param newGroup
324             Optional name of the new group to assign the clone to;
325             if you leave this blank, the clone will be assigned to the same
326             group as this Mesh.
327         */
328         MeshPtr clone(const String& newName, const String& newGroup = StringUtil::BLANK);
330         /** Get the axis-aligned bounding box for this mesh.
331         */
332         const AxisAlignedBox& getBounds(void) const;
334         /** Gets the radius of the bounding sphere surrounding this mesh. */
335         Real getBoundingSphereRadius(void) const;
337         /** Manually set the bounding box for this Mesh.
338         @remarks
339             Calling this method is required when building manual meshes now, because OGRE can no longer
340             update the bounds for you, because it cannot necessarily read vertex data back from
341             the vertex buffers which this mesh uses (they very well might be write-only, and even
342             if they are not, reading data from a hardware buffer is a bottleneck).
343             @param pad If true, a certain padding will be added to the bounding box to separate it from the mesh
344         */
345         void _setBounds(const AxisAlignedBox& bounds, bool pad = true);
347         /** Manually set the bounding radius.
348         @remarks
349             Calling this method is required when building manual meshes now, because OGRE can no longer
350             update the bounds for you, because it cannot necessarily read vertex data back from
351             the vertex buffers which this mesh uses (they very well might be write-only, and even
352             if they are not, reading data from a hardware buffer is a bottleneck).
353         */
354         void _setBoundingSphereRadius(Real radius);
356         /** Sets the name of the skeleton this Mesh uses for animation.
357         @remarks
358             Meshes can optionally be assigned a skeleton which can be used to animate
359             the mesh through bone assignments. The default is for the Mesh to use no
360             skeleton. Calling this method with a valid skeleton filename will cause the
361             skeleton to be loaded if it is not already (a single skeleton can be shared
362             by many Mesh objects).
363         @param skelName
364             The name of the .skeleton file to use, or an empty string to use
365             no skeleton
366         */
367         void setSkeletonName(const String& skelName);
369         /** Returns true if this Mesh has a linked Skeleton. */
370         bool hasSkeleton(void) const;
372         /** Returns whether or not this mesh has some kind of vertex animation.
373         */
374         bool hasVertexAnimation(void) const;
376         /** Gets a pointer to any linked Skeleton.
377         @return
378             Weak reference to the skeleton - copy this if you want to hold a strong pointer.
379         */
380         const SkeletonPtr& getSkeleton(void) const;
382         /** Gets the name of any linked Skeleton */
383         const String& getSkeletonName(void) const;
384         /** Initialise an animation set suitable for use with this mesh.
385         @remarks
386             Only recommended for use inside the engine, not by applications.
387         */
388         void _initAnimationState(AnimationStateSet* animSet);
390         /** Refresh an animation set suitable for use with this mesh.
391         @remarks
392             Only recommended for use inside the engine, not by applications.
393         */
394         void _refreshAnimationState(AnimationStateSet* animSet);
395         /** Assigns a vertex to a bone with a given weight, for skeletal animation.
396         @remarks
397             This method is only valid after calling setSkeletonName.
398             Since this is a one-off process there exists only 'addBoneAssignment' and
399             'clearBoneAssignments' methods, no 'editBoneAssignment'. You should not need
400             to modify bone assignments during rendering (only the positions of bones) and OGRE
401             reserves the right to do some internal data reformatting of this information, depending
402             on render system requirements.
403         @par
404             This method is for assigning weights to the shared geometry of the Mesh. To assign
405             weights to the per-SubMesh geometry, see the equivalent methods on SubMesh.
406         */
407         void addBoneAssignment(const VertexBoneAssignment& vertBoneAssign);
409         /** Removes all bone assignments for this mesh.
410         @remarks
411             This method is for modifying weights to the shared geometry of the Mesh. To assign
412             weights to the per-SubMesh geometry, see the equivalent methods on SubMesh.
413         */
414         void clearBoneAssignments(void);
416         /** Internal notification, used to tell the Mesh which Skeleton to use without loading it.
417         @remarks
418             This is only here for unusual situation where you want to manually set up a
419             Skeleton. Best to let OGRE deal with this, don't call it yourself unless you
420             really know what you're doing.
421         */
422         void _notifySkeleton(SkeletonPtr& pSkel);
425         /** Gets an iterator for access all bone assignments.
426         */
427         BoneAssignmentIterator getBoneAssignmentIterator(void);
429         /** Gets a const reference to the list of bone assignments
430         */
getBoneAssignments()431         const VertexBoneAssignmentList& getBoneAssignments() const { return mBoneAssignments; }
434         /** Returns the number of levels of detail that this mesh supports.
435         @remarks
436             This number includes the original model.
437         */
438         ushort getNumLodLevels(void) const;
439         /** Gets details of the numbered level of detail entry. */
440         const MeshLodUsage& getLodLevel(ushort index) const;
441         /** Adds a new manual level-of-detail entry to this Mesh.
442         @remarks
443             As an alternative to generating lower level of detail versions of a mesh, you can
444             use your own manually modelled meshes as lower level versions. This lets you
445             have complete control over the LOD, and in addition lets you scale down other
446             aspects of the model which cannot be done using the generated method; for example,
447             you could use less detailed materials and / or use less bones in the skeleton if
448             this is an animated mesh. Therefore for complex models you are likely to be better off
449             modelling your LODs yourself and using this method, whilst for models with fairly
450             simple materials and no animation you can just use the generateLodLevels method.
451         @param value
452             The value from which this LOD will apply.
453         @param meshName
454             The name of the mesh which will be the lower level detail version.
455         */
456         void createManualLodLevel(Real value, const String& meshName, const String& groupName = Ogre::String());
458         /** Changes the alternate mesh to use as a manual LOD at the given index.
459         @remarks
460             Note that the index of a LOD may change if you insert other LODs. If in doubt,
461             use getLodIndex().
462         @param index
463             The index of the level to be changed.
464         @param meshName
465             The name of the mesh which will be the lower level detail version.
466         */
467         void updateManualLodLevel(ushort index, const String& meshName);
469         /** Retrieves the level of detail index for the given LOD value.
470         @note
471             The value passed in is the 'transformed' value. If you are dealing with
472             an original source value (e.g. distance), use LodStrategy::transformUserValue
473             to turn this into a lookup value.
474         */
475         ushort getLodIndex(Real value) const;
477         /** Returns true if this mesh is using manual LOD.
478         @remarks
479             A mesh can either use automatically generated LOD, or it can use alternative
480             meshes as provided by an artist. A mesh can only use either all manual LODs
481             or all generated LODs, not a mixture of both.
482         */
isLodManual(void)483         bool isLodManual(void) const { return mIsLodManual; }
485         /** Internal methods for loading LOD, do not use. */
486         void _setLodInfo(unsigned short numLevels, bool isManual);
487         /** Internal methods for loading LOD, do not use. */
488         void _setLodUsage(unsigned short level, MeshLodUsage& usage);
489         /** Internal methods for loading LOD, do not use. */
490         void _setSubMeshLodFaceList(unsigned short subIdx, unsigned short level, IndexData* facedata);
492         /** Removes all LOD data from this Mesh. */
493         void removeLodLevels(void);
495         /** Sets the policy for the vertex buffers to be used when loading
496             this Mesh.
497         @remarks
498             By default, when loading the Mesh, static, write-only vertex and index buffers
499             will be used where possible in order to improve rendering performance.
500             However, such buffers
501             cannot be manipulated on the fly by CPU code (although shader code can). If you
502             wish to use the CPU to modify these buffers, you should call this method. Note,
503             however, that it only takes effect after the Mesh has been reloaded. Note that you
504             still have the option of manually repacing the buffers in this mesh with your
505             own if you see fit too, in which case you don't need to call this method since it
506             only affects buffers created by the mesh itself.
507         @par
508             You can define the approach to a Mesh by changing the default parameters to
509             MeshManager::load if you wish; this means the Mesh is loaded with those options
510             the first time instead of you having to reload the mesh after changing these options.
511         @param usage
512             The usage flags, which by default are
513             HardwareBuffer::HBU_STATIC_WRITE_ONLY
514         @param shadowBuffer
515             If set to @c true, the vertex buffers will be created with a
516             system memory shadow buffer. You should set this if you want to be able to
517             read from the buffer, because reading from a hardware buffer is a no-no.
518         */
519         void setVertexBufferPolicy(HardwareBuffer::Usage usage, bool shadowBuffer = false);
520         /** Sets the policy for the index buffers to be used when loading
521             this Mesh.
522         @remarks
523             By default, when loading the Mesh, static, write-only vertex and index buffers
524             will be used where possible in order to improve rendering performance.
525             However, such buffers
526             cannot be manipulated on the fly by CPU code (although shader code can). If you
527             wish to use the CPU to modify these buffers, you should call this method. Note,
528             however, that it only takes effect after the Mesh has been reloaded. Note that you
529             still have the option of manually repacing the buffers in this mesh with your
530             own if you see fit too, in which case you don't need to call this method since it
531             only affects buffers created by the mesh itself.
532         @par
533             You can define the approach to a Mesh by changing the default parameters to
534             MeshManager::load if you wish; this means the Mesh is loaded with those options
535             the first time instead of you having to reload the mesh after changing these options.
536         @param usage
537             The usage flags, which by default are
538             HardwareBuffer::HBU_STATIC_WRITE_ONLY
539         @param shadowBuffer
540             If set to @c true, the index buffers will be created with a
541             system memory shadow buffer. You should set this if you want to be able to
542             read from the buffer, because reading from a hardware buffer is a no-no.
543         */
544         void setIndexBufferPolicy(HardwareBuffer::Usage usage, bool shadowBuffer = false);
545         /** Gets the usage setting for this meshes vertex buffers. */
getVertexBufferUsage(void)546         HardwareBuffer::Usage getVertexBufferUsage(void) const { return mVertexBufferUsage; }
547         /** Gets the usage setting for this meshes index buffers. */
getIndexBufferUsage(void)548         HardwareBuffer::Usage getIndexBufferUsage(void) const { return mIndexBufferUsage; }
549         /** Gets whether or not this meshes vertex buffers are shadowed. */
isVertexBufferShadowed(void)550         bool isVertexBufferShadowed(void) const { return mVertexBufferShadowBuffer; }
551         /** Gets whether or not this meshes index buffers are shadowed. */
isIndexBufferShadowed(void)552         bool isIndexBufferShadowed(void) const { return mIndexBufferShadowBuffer; }
555         /** Rationalises the passed in bone assignment list.
556         @remarks
557             OGRE supports up to 4 bone assignments per vertex. The reason for this limit
558             is that this is the maximum number of assignments that can be passed into
559             a hardware-assisted blending algorithm. This method identifies where there are
560             more than 4 bone assignments for a given vertex, and eliminates the bone
561             assignments with the lowest weights to reduce to this limit. The remaining
562             weights are then re-balanced to ensure that they sum to 1.0.
563         @param vertexCount
564             The number of vertices.
565         @param assignments
566             The bone assignment list to rationalise. This list will be modified and
567             entries will be removed where the limits are exceeded.
568         @return
569             The maximum number of bone assignments per vertex found, clamped to [1-4]
570         */
571         unsigned short _rationaliseBoneAssignments(size_t vertexCount, VertexBoneAssignmentList& assignments);
573         /** Internal method, be called once to compile bone assignments into geometry buffer.
574         @remarks
575             The OGRE engine calls this method automatically. It compiles the information
576             submitted as bone assignments into a format usable in realtime. It also
577             eliminates excessive bone assignments (max is OGRE_MAX_BLEND_WEIGHTS)
578             and re-normalises the remaining assignments.
579         */
580         void _compileBoneAssignments(void);
582         /** Internal method, be called once to update the compiled bone assignments.
583         @remarks
584             The OGRE engine calls this method automatically. It updates the compiled bone
585             assignments if requested.
586         */
587         void _updateCompiledBoneAssignments(void);
589 		/** This method collapses two texcoords into one for all submeshes where this is possible.
590         @remarks
591 			Often a submesh can have two tex. coords. (i.e. TEXCOORD0 & TEXCOORD1), being both
592 			composed of two floats. There are many practical reasons why it would be more convenient
593 			to merge both of them into one TEXCOORD0 of 4 floats. This function does exactly that
594 			The finalTexCoordSet must have enough space for the merge, or else the submesh will be
595 			skipped. (i.e. you can't merge a tex. coord with 3 floats with one having 2 floats)
597 			finalTexCoordSet & texCoordSetToDestroy must be in the same buffer source, and must
598 			be adjacent.
599 		@param finalTexCoordSet The tex. coord index to merge to. Should have enough space to
600 			actually work.
601         @param texCoordSetToDestroy The texture coordinate index that will disappear on
602 			successful merges.
603         */
604 		void mergeAdjacentTexcoords( unsigned short finalTexCoordSet, unsigned short texCoordSetToDestroy );
606 		void _configureMeshLodUsage(const LodConfig& lodConfig);
608         /** This method builds a set of tangent vectors for a given mesh into a 3D texture coordinate buffer.
609         @remarks
610             Tangent vectors are vectors representing the local 'X' axis for a given vertex based
611             on the orientation of the 2D texture on the geometry. They are built from a combination
612             of existing normals, and from the 2D texture coordinates already baked into the model.
613             They can be used for a number of things, but most of all they are useful for
614             vertex and fragment programs, when you wish to arrive at a common space for doing
615             per-pixel calculations.
616         @par
617             The prerequisites for calling this method include that the vertex data used by every
618             SubMesh has both vertex normals and 2D texture coordinates.
619         @param targetSemantic
620             The semantic to store the tangents in. Defaults to
621             the explicit tangent binding, but note that this is only usable on more
622             modern hardware (Shader Model 2), so if you need portability with older
623             cards you should change this to a texture coordinate binding instead.
624         @param sourceTexCoordSet
625             The texture coordinate index which should be used as the source
626             of 2D texture coordinates, with which to calculate the tangents.
627         @param index
628             The element index, ie the texture coordinate set which should be used to store the 3D
629             coordinates representing a tangent vector per vertex, if targetSemantic is
630             VES_TEXTURE_COORDINATES. If this already exists, it will be overwritten.
631         @param splitMirrored
632             Sets whether or not to split vertices when a mirrored tangent space
633             transition is detected (matrix parity differs). @see TangentSpaceCalc::setSplitMirrored
634         @param splitRotated
635             Sets whether or not to split vertices when a rotated tangent space
636             is detected. @see TangentSpaceCalc::setSplitRotated
637         @param storeParityInW
638             If @c true, store tangents as a 4-vector and include parity in w.
639         */
640         void buildTangentVectors(VertexElementSemantic targetSemantic = VES_TANGENT,
641             unsigned short sourceTexCoordSet = 0, unsigned short index = 0,
642             bool splitMirrored = false, bool splitRotated = false, bool storeParityInW = false);
644         /** Ask the mesh to suggest parameters to a future buildTangentVectors call,
645             should you wish to use texture coordinates to store the tangents.
646         @remarks
647             This helper method will suggest source and destination texture coordinate sets
648             for a call to buildTangentVectors. It will detect when there are inappropriate
649             conditions (such as multiple geometry sets which don't agree).
650             Moreover, it will return 'true' if it detects that there are aleady 3D
651             coordinates in the mesh, and therefore tangents may have been prepared already.
652         @param targetSemantic
653             The semantic you intend to use to store the tangents
654             if they are not already present;
655             most likely options are VES_TEXTURE_COORDINATES or VES_TANGENT; you should
656             use texture coordinates if you want compatibility with older, pre-SM2
657             graphics cards, and the tangent binding otherwise.
658         @param outSourceCoordSet
659             Reference to a source texture coordinate set which
660             will be populated.
661         @param outIndex
662             Reference to a destination element index (e.g. texture coord set)
663             which will be populated
664         */
665         bool suggestTangentVectorBuildParams(VertexElementSemantic targetSemantic,
666             unsigned short& outSourceCoordSet, unsigned short& outIndex);
668         /** Builds an edge list for this mesh, which can be used for generating a shadow volume
669             among other things.
670         */
671         void buildEdgeList(void);
672         /** Destroys and frees the edge lists this mesh has built. */
673         void freeEdgeList(void);
675         /** This method prepares the mesh for generating a renderable shadow volume.
676         @remarks
677             Preparing a mesh to generate a shadow volume involves firstly ensuring that the
678             vertex buffer containing the positions for the mesh is a standalone vertex buffer,
679             with no other components in it. This method will therefore break apart any existing
680             vertex buffers this mesh holds if position is sharing a vertex buffer.
681             Secondly, it will double the size of this vertex buffer so that there are 2 copies of
682             the position data for the mesh. The first half is used for the original, and the second
683             half is used for the 'extruded' version of the mesh. The vertex count of the main
684             VertexData used to render the mesh will remain the same though, so as not to add any
685             overhead to regular rendering of the object.
686             Both copies of the position are required in one buffer because shadow volumes stretch
687             from the original mesh to the extruded version.
688         @par
689             Because shadow volumes are rendered in turn, no additional
690             index buffer space is allocated by this method, a shared index buffer allocated by the
691             shadow rendering algorithm is used for addressing this extended vertex buffer.
692         */
693         void prepareForShadowVolume(void);
695         /** Return the edge list for this mesh, building it if required.
696         @remarks
697             You must ensure that the Mesh as been prepared for shadow volume
698             rendering if you intend to use this information for that purpose.
699         @param lodIndex
700             The LOD at which to get the edge list, 0 being the highest.
701         */
702         EdgeData* getEdgeList(unsigned short lodIndex = 0);
704         /** Return the edge list for this mesh, building it if required.
705         @remarks
706             You must ensure that the Mesh as been prepared for shadow volume
707             rendering if you intend to use this information for that purpose.
708         @param lodIndex
709             The LOD at which to get the edge list, 0 being the highest.
710         */
711         const EdgeData* getEdgeList(unsigned short lodIndex = 0) const;
713         /** Returns whether this mesh has already had it's geometry prepared for use in
714             rendering shadow volumes. */
isPreparedForShadowVolumes(void)715         bool isPreparedForShadowVolumes(void) const { return mPreparedForShadowVolumes; }
717         /** Returns whether this mesh has an attached edge list. */
isEdgeListBuilt(void)718         bool isEdgeListBuilt(void) const { return mEdgeListsBuilt; }
720         /** Prepare matrices for software indexed vertex blend.
721         @remarks
722             This function organise bone indexed matrices to blend indexed matrices,
723             so software vertex blending can access to the matrix via blend index
724             directly.
725         @param blendMatrices
726             Pointer to an array of matrix pointers to store
727             prepared results, which indexed by blend index.
728         @param boneMatrices
729             Pointer to an array of matrices to be used to blend,
730             which indexed by bone index.
731         @param indexMap
732             The index map used to translate blend index to bone index.
733         */
734         static void prepareMatricesForVertexBlend(const Matrix4** blendMatrices,
735             const Matrix4* boneMatrices, const IndexMap& indexMap);
737         /** Performs a software indexed vertex blend, of the kind used for
738             skeletal animation although it can be used for other purposes.
739         @remarks
740             This function is supplied to update vertex data with blends
741             done in software, either because no hardware support is available,
742             or that you need the results of the blend for some other CPU operations.
743         @param sourceVertexData
744             VertexData class containing positions, normals,
745             blend indices and blend weights.
746         @param targetVertexData
747             VertexData class containing target position
748             and normal buffers which will be updated with the blended versions.
749             Note that the layout of the source and target position / normal
750             buffers must be identical, ie they must use the same buffer indexes
751         @param blendMatrices
752             Pointer to an array of matrix pointers to be used to blend,
753             indexed by blend indices in the sourceVertexData
754         @param numMatrices
755             Number of matrices in the blendMatrices, it might be used
756             as a hint for optimisation.
757         @param blendNormals
758             If @c true, normals are blended as well as positions.
759         */
760         static void softwareVertexBlend(const VertexData* sourceVertexData,
761             const VertexData* targetVertexData,
762             const Matrix4* const* blendMatrices, size_t numMatrices,
763             bool blendNormals);
765         /** Performs a software vertex morph, of the kind used for
766             morph animation although it can be used for other purposes.
767         @remarks
768             This function will linearly interpolate positions between two
769             source buffers, into a third buffer.
770         @param t
771             Parametric distance between the start and end buffer positions.
772         @param b1
773             Vertex buffer containing VET_FLOAT3 entries for the start positions.
774         @param b2
775             Vertex buffer containing VET_FLOAT3 entries for the end positions.
776         @param targetVertexData
777             VertexData destination; assumed to have a separate position
778             buffer already bound, and the number of vertices must agree with the
779             number in start and end
780         */
781         static void softwareVertexMorph(Real t,
782             const HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr& b1,
783             const HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr& b2,
784             VertexData* targetVertexData);
786         /** Performs a software vertex pose blend, of the kind used for
787             morph animation although it can be used for other purposes.
788         @remarks
789             This function will apply a weighted offset to the positions in the
790             incoming vertex data (therefore this is a read/write operation, and
791             if you expect to call it more than once with the same data, then
792             you would be best to suppress hardware uploads of the position buffer
793             for the duration).
794         @param weight
795             Parametric weight to scale the offsets by.
796         @param vertexOffsetMap
797             Potentially sparse map of vertex index -> offset.
798         @param normalsMap
799             Potentially sparse map of vertex index -> normal.
800         @param targetVertexData
801             VertexData destination; assumed to have a separate position
802             buffer already bound, and the number of vertices must agree with the
803             number in start and end.
804         */
805         static void softwareVertexPoseBlend(Real weight,
806             const map<size_t, Vector3>::type& vertexOffsetMap,
807             const map<size_t, Vector3>::type& normalsMap,
808             VertexData* targetVertexData);
809         /** Gets a reference to the optional name assignments of the SubMeshes. */
getSubMeshNameMap(void)810         const SubMeshNameMap& getSubMeshNameMap(void) const { return mSubMeshNameMap; }
812         /** Sets whether or not this Mesh should automatically build edge lists
813             when asked for them, or whether it should never build them if
814             they are not already provided.
815         @remarks
816             This allows you to create meshes which do not have edge lists calculated,
817             because you never want to use them. This value defaults to 'true'
818             for mesh formats which did not include edge data, and 'false' for
819             newer formats, where edge lists are expected to have been generated
820             in advance.
821         */
setAutoBuildEdgeLists(bool autobuild)822         void setAutoBuildEdgeLists(bool autobuild) { mAutoBuildEdgeLists = autobuild; }
823         /** Sets whether or not this Mesh should automatically build edge lists
824             when asked for them, or whether it should never build them if
825             they are not already provided.
826         */
getAutoBuildEdgeLists(void)827         bool getAutoBuildEdgeLists(void) const { return mAutoBuildEdgeLists; }
829         /** Gets the type of vertex animation the shared vertex data of this mesh supports.
830         */
831         virtual VertexAnimationType getSharedVertexDataAnimationType(void) const;
833         /// Returns whether animation on shared vertex data includes normals.
getSharedVertexDataAnimationIncludesNormals()834         bool getSharedVertexDataAnimationIncludesNormals() const { return mSharedVertexDataAnimationIncludesNormals; }
836         /** Creates a new Animation object for vertex animating this mesh.
837         @param name
838             The name of this animation.
839         @param length
840             The length of the animation in seconds.
841         */
842         virtual Animation* createAnimation(const String& name, Real length);
844         /** Returns the named vertex Animation object.
845         @param name
846             The name of the animation.
847         */
848         virtual Animation* getAnimation(const String& name) const;
850         /** Internal access to the named vertex Animation object - returns null
851             if it does not exist.
852         @param name
853             The name of the animation.
854         */
855         virtual Animation* _getAnimationImpl(const String& name) const;
857         /** Returns whether this mesh contains the named vertex animation. */
858         virtual bool hasAnimation(const String& name) const;
860         /** Removes vertex Animation from this mesh. */
861         virtual void removeAnimation(const String& name);
863         /** Gets the number of morph animations in this mesh. */
864         virtual unsigned short getNumAnimations(void) const;
866         /** Gets a single morph animation by index.
867         */
868         virtual Animation* getAnimation(unsigned short index) const;
870         /** Removes all morph Animations from this mesh. */
871         virtual void removeAllAnimations(void);
872         /** Gets a pointer to a vertex data element based on a morph animation
873             track handle.
874         @remarks
875             0 means the shared vertex data, 1+ means a submesh vertex data (index+1)
876         */
877         VertexData* getVertexDataByTrackHandle(unsigned short handle);
878         /** Iterates through all submeshes and requests them
879             to apply their texture aliases to the material they use.
880         @remarks
881             The submesh will only apply texture aliases to the material if matching
882             texture alias names are found in the material.  If a match is found, the
883             submesh will automatically clone the original material and then apply its
884             texture to the new material.
885         @par
886             This method is normally called by the protected method loadImpl when a
887             mesh if first loaded.
888         */
889         void updateMaterialForAllSubMeshes(void);
891         /** Internal method which, if animation types have not been determined,
892             scans any vertex animations and determines the type for each set of
893             vertex data (cannot have 2 different types).
894         */
895         void _determineAnimationTypes(void) const;
896         /** Are the derived animation types out of date? */
_getAnimationTypesDirty(void)897         bool _getAnimationTypesDirty(void) const { return mAnimationTypesDirty; }
899         /** Create a new Pose for this mesh or one of its submeshes.
900         @param target
901             The target geometry index; 0 is the shared Mesh geometry, 1+ is the
902             dedicated SubMesh geometry belonging to submesh index + 1.
903         @param name
904             Name to give the pose, which is optional.
905         @return
906             A new Pose ready for population.
907         */
908         Pose* createPose(ushort target, const String& name = StringUtil::BLANK);
909         /** Get the number of poses.*/
getPoseCount(void)910         size_t getPoseCount(void) const { return mPoseList.size(); }
911         /** Retrieve an existing Pose by index.*/
912         Pose* getPose(ushort index);
913         /** Retrieve an existing Pose by name.*/
914         Pose* getPose(const String& name);
915         /** Destroy a pose by index.
916         @note
917             This will invalidate any animation tracks referring to this pose or those after it.
918         */
919         void removePose(ushort index);
920         /** Destroy a pose by name.
921         @note
922             This will invalidate any animation tracks referring to this pose or those after it.
923         */
924         void removePose(const String& name);
925         /** Destroy all poses. */
926         void removeAllPoses(void);
928         typedef VectorIterator<PoseList> PoseIterator;
929         typedef ConstVectorIterator<PoseList> ConstPoseIterator;
931         /** Get an iterator over all the poses defined. */
932         PoseIterator getPoseIterator(void);
933         /** Get an iterator over all the poses defined. */
934         ConstPoseIterator getPoseIterator(void) const;
935         /** Get pose list. */
936         const PoseList& getPoseList(void) const;
938         /** Get LOD strategy used by this mesh. */
939         const LodStrategy *getLodStrategy() const;
940         /** Set the LOD strategy used by this mesh. */
941         void setLodStrategy(LodStrategy *lodStrategy);
943     };
945     /** A way of recording the way each LODs is recorded this Mesh. */
946     struct MeshLodUsage
947     {
948         /** User-supplied values used to determine when th is LOD applies.
949         @remarks
950             This is required in case the LOD strategy changes.
951         */
952         Real userValue;
954         /** Value used by to determine when this LOD applies.
955         @remarks
956             May be interpretted differently by different strategies.
957             Transformed from user-supplied values with LodStrategy::transformUserValue.
958         */
959         Real value;
961         /// Only relevant if mIsLodManual is true, the name of the alternative mesh to use.
962         String manualName;
963         /// Only relevant if mIsLodManual is true, the name of the group of the alternative mesh.
964         String manualGroup;
965         /// Hard link to mesh to avoid looking up each time.
966         mutable MeshPtr manualMesh;
967         /// Edge list for this LOD level (may be derived from manual mesh).
968         mutable EdgeData* edgeData;
MeshLodUsageMeshLodUsage970         MeshLodUsage() : userValue(0.0), value(0.0), edgeData(0) {}
971     };
973     /** @} */
974     /** @} */
977 } // namespace Ogre
979 #include "OgreHeaderSuffix.h"
981 #endif // __Mesh_H__