1 // This file is part of OpenCV project.
2 // It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
3 // of this distribution and at http://opencv.org/license.html.
8 namespace cv { namespace usac {
9 enum EstimationMethod { Homography, Fundamental, Fundamental8, Essential, Affine, P3P, P6P};
10 enum VerificationMethod { NullVerifier, SprtVerifier };
11 enum PolishingMethod { NonePolisher, LSQPolisher };
14 // Abstract Error class
15 class Error : public Algorithm {
16 public:
17     // set model to use getError() function
18     virtual void setModelParameters (const Mat &model) = 0;
19     // returns error of point wih @point_idx w.r.t. model
20     virtual float getError (int point_idx) const = 0;
21     virtual const std::vector<float> &getErrors (const Mat &model) = 0;
22     virtual Ptr<Error> clone () const = 0;
23 };
25 // Symmetric Reprojection Error for Homography
26 class ReprojectionErrorSymmetric : public Error {
27 public:
28     static Ptr<ReprojectionErrorSymmetric> create(const Mat &points);
29 };
31 // Forward Reprojection Error for Homography
32 class ReprojectionErrorForward : public Error {
33 public:
34     static Ptr<ReprojectionErrorForward> create(const Mat &points);
35 };
37 // Sampson Error for Fundamental matrix
38 class SampsonError : public Error {
39 public:
40     static Ptr<SampsonError> create(const Mat &points);
41 };
43 // Symmetric Geometric Distance (to epipolar lines) for Fundamental and Essential matrix
44 class SymmetricGeometricDistance : public Error {
45 public:
46     static Ptr<SymmetricGeometricDistance> create(const Mat &points);
47 };
49 // Reprojection Error for Projection matrix
50 class ReprojectionErrorPmatrix : public Error {
51 public:
52     static Ptr<ReprojectionErrorPmatrix> create(const Mat &points);
53 };
55 // Reprojection Error for Affine matrix
56 class ReprojectionErrorAffine : public Error {
57 public:
58     static Ptr<ReprojectionErrorAffine> create(const Mat &points);
59 };
61 // Normalizing transformation of data points
62 class NormTransform : public Algorithm {
63 public:
64     /*
65      * @norm_points is output matrix of size pts_size x 4
66      * @sample constains indices of points
67      * @sample_number is number of used points in sample <0; sample_number)
68      * @T1, T2 are output transformation matrices
69      */
70     virtual void getNormTransformation (Mat &norm_points, const std::vector<int> &sample,
71                                         int sample_number, Matx33d &T1, Matx33d &T2) const = 0;
72     static Ptr<NormTransform> create (const Mat &points);
73 };
75 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
76 ////////////////////////////////////////// SOLVER ///////////////////////////////////////////
77 class MinimalSolver : public Algorithm {
78 public:
79     // Estimate models from minimal sample. models.size() == number of found solutions
80     virtual int estimate (const std::vector<int> &sample, std::vector<Mat> &models) const = 0;
81     // return minimal sample size required for estimation.
82     virtual int getSampleSize() const = 0;
83     // return maximum number of possible solutions.
84     virtual int getMaxNumberOfSolutions () const = 0;
85     virtual Ptr<MinimalSolver> clone () const = 0;
86 };
88 //-------------------------- HOMOGRAPHY MATRIX -----------------------
89 class HomographyMinimalSolver4ptsGEM : public MinimalSolver {
90 public:
91     static Ptr<HomographyMinimalSolver4ptsGEM> create(const Mat &points_);
92 };
94 //-------------------------- FUNDAMENTAL MATRIX -----------------------
95 class FundamentalMinimalSolver7pts : public MinimalSolver {
96 public:
97     static Ptr<FundamentalMinimalSolver7pts> create(const Mat &points_);
98 };
100 class FundamentalMinimalSolver8pts : public MinimalSolver {
101 public:
102     static Ptr<FundamentalMinimalSolver8pts> create(const Mat &points_);
103 };
105 //-------------------------- ESSENTIAL MATRIX -----------------------
106 class EssentialMinimalSolverStewenius5pts : public MinimalSolver {
107 public:
108     static Ptr<EssentialMinimalSolverStewenius5pts> create(const Mat &points_);
109 };
111 //-------------------------- PNP -----------------------
112 class PnPMinimalSolver6Pts : public MinimalSolver {
113 public:
114     static Ptr<PnPMinimalSolver6Pts> create(const Mat &points_);
115 };
117 class P3PSolver : public MinimalSolver {
118 public:
119     static Ptr<P3PSolver> create(const Mat &points_, const Mat &calib_norm_pts, const Mat &K);
120 };
122 //-------------------------- AFFINE -----------------------
123 class AffineMinimalSolver : public MinimalSolver {
124 public:
125     static Ptr<AffineMinimalSolver> create(const Mat &points_);
126 };
128 //////////////////////////////////////// NON MINIMAL SOLVER ///////////////////////////////////////
129 class NonMinimalSolver : public Algorithm {
130 public:
131     // Estimate models from non minimal sample. models.size() == number of found solutions
132     virtual int estimate (const std::vector<int> &sample, int sample_size,
133           std::vector<Mat> &models, const std::vector<double> &weights) const = 0;
134     // return minimal sample size required for non-minimal estimation.
135     virtual int getMinimumRequiredSampleSize() const = 0;
136     // return maximum number of possible solutions.
137     virtual int getMaxNumberOfSolutions () const = 0;
138     virtual Ptr<NonMinimalSolver> clone () const = 0;
139 };
141 //-------------------------- HOMOGRAPHY MATRIX -----------------------
142 class HomographyNonMinimalSolver : public NonMinimalSolver {
143 public:
144     static Ptr<HomographyNonMinimalSolver> create(const Mat &points_);
145 };
147 //-------------------------- FUNDAMENTAL MATRIX -----------------------
148 class FundamentalNonMinimalSolver : public NonMinimalSolver {
149 public:
150     static Ptr<FundamentalNonMinimalSolver> create(const Mat &points_);
151 };
153 //-------------------------- ESSENTIAL MATRIX -----------------------
154 class EssentialNonMinimalSolver : public NonMinimalSolver {
155 public:
156     static Ptr<EssentialNonMinimalSolver> create(const Mat &points_);
157 };
159 //-------------------------- PNP -----------------------
160 class PnPNonMinimalSolver : public NonMinimalSolver {
161 public:
162     static Ptr<PnPNonMinimalSolver> create(const Mat &points);
163 };
165 class DLSPnP : public NonMinimalSolver {
166 public:
167     static Ptr<DLSPnP> create(const Mat &points_, const Mat &calib_norm_pts, const Mat &K);
168 };
170 //-------------------------- AFFINE -----------------------
171 class AffineNonMinimalSolver : public NonMinimalSolver {
172 public:
173     static Ptr<AffineNonMinimalSolver> create(const Mat &points_);
174 };
176 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
177 ////////////////////////////////////////// SCORE ///////////////////////////////////////////
178 class Score {
179 public:
180     int inlier_number;
181     double score;
Score()182     Score () { // set worst case
183         inlier_number = 0;
184         score = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
185     }
Score(int inlier_number_,double score_)186     Score (int inlier_number_, double score_) { // copy constructor
187         inlier_number = inlier_number_;
188         score = score_;
189     }
190     // Compare two scores. Objective is minimization of score. Lower score is better.
isBetter(const Score & score2) const191     inline bool isBetter (const Score &score2) const {
192         return score < score2.score;
193     }
194 };
196 class GammaValues
197 {
198     const double max_range_complete /*= 4.62*/, max_range_gamma /*= 1.52*/;
199     const int max_size_table /* = 3000 */;
201     std::vector<double> gamma_complete, gamma_incomplete, gamma;
203     GammaValues();  // use getSingleton()
205 public:
206     static const GammaValues& getSingleton();
208     const std::vector<double>& getCompleteGammaValues() const;
209     const std::vector<double>& getIncompleteGammaValues() const;
210     const std::vector<double>& getGammaValues() const;
211     double getScaleOfGammaCompleteValues () const;
212     double getScaleOfGammaValues () const;
213     int getTableSize () const;
214 };
216 ////////////////////////////////////////// QUALITY ///////////////////////////////////////////
217 class Quality : public Algorithm {
218 public:
219     virtual ~Quality() override = default;
220     /*
221      * Calculates number of inliers and score of the @model.
222      * return Score with calculated inlier_number and score.
223      * @model: Mat current model, e.g., H matrix.
224      */
225     virtual Score getScore (const Mat &model) const = 0;
getScore(const std::vector<float> &) const226     virtual Score getScore (const std::vector<float> &/*errors*/) const {
227         CV_Error(cv::Error::StsNotImplemented, "getScore(errors)");
228     }
229     // get @inliers of the @model. Assume threshold is given
230     // @inliers must be preallocated to maximum points size.
231     virtual int getInliers (const Mat &model, std::vector<int> &inliers) const = 0;
232     // get @inliers of the @model for given threshold
233     virtual int getInliers (const Mat &model, std::vector<int> &inliers, double thr) const = 0;
234     // Set the best score, so evaluation of the model can terminate earlier
235     virtual void setBestScore (double best_score_) = 0;
236     // set @inliers_mask: true if point i is inlier, false - otherwise.
237     virtual int getInliers (const Mat &model, std::vector<bool> &inliers_mask) const = 0;
238     virtual int getPointsSize() const = 0;
239     virtual Ptr<Quality> clone () const = 0;
240     static int getInliers (const Ptr<Error> &error, const Mat &model,
241             std::vector<bool> &inliers_mask, double threshold);
242     static int getInliers (const Ptr<Error> &error, const Mat &model,
243             std::vector<int>  &inliers,      double threshold);
244 };
246 // RANSAC (binary) quality
247 class RansacQuality : public Quality {
248 public:
249     static Ptr<RansacQuality> create(int points_size_, double threshold_,const Ptr<Error> &error_);
250 };
252 // M-estimator quality - truncated Squared error
253 class MsacQuality : public Quality {
254 public:
255     static Ptr<MsacQuality> create(int points_size_, double threshold_, const Ptr<Error> &error_);
256 };
258 // Marginlizing Sample Consensus quality, D. Barath et al.
259 class MagsacQuality : public Quality {
260 public:
261     static Ptr<MagsacQuality> create(double maximum_thr, int points_size_,const Ptr<Error> &error_,
262                              double tentative_inlier_threshold_, int DoF, double sigma_quantile,
263                              double upper_incomplete_of_sigma_quantile,
264                              double lower_incomplete_of_sigma_quantile, double C_);
265 };
267 // Least Median of Squares Quality
268 class LMedsQuality : public Quality {
269 public:
270     static Ptr<LMedsQuality> create(int points_size_, double threshold_, const Ptr<Error> &error_);
271 };
273 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
274 //////////////////////////////////////// DEGENERACY //////////////////////////////////
275 class Degeneracy : public Algorithm {
276 public:
277     virtual ~Degeneracy() override = default;
278     /*
279      * Check if sample causes degenerate configurations.
280      * For example, test if points are collinear.
281      */
isSampleGood(const std::vector<int> &) const282     virtual bool isSampleGood (const std::vector<int> &/*sample*/) const {
283         return true;
284     }
285     /*
286      * Check if model satisfies constraints.
287      * For example, test if epipolar geometry satisfies oriented constraint.
288      */
isModelValid(const Mat &,const std::vector<int> &) const289     virtual bool isModelValid (const Mat &/*model*/, const std::vector<int> &/*sample*/) const {
290         return true;
291     }
292     /*
293      * Fix degenerate model.
294      * Return true if model is degenerate, false - otherwise
295      */
recoverIfDegenerate(const std::vector<int> &,const Mat &,Mat &,Score &)296     virtual bool recoverIfDegenerate (const std::vector<int> &/*sample*/,const Mat &/*best_model*/,
297                           Mat &/*non_degenerate_model*/, Score &/*non_degenerate_model_score*/) {
298         return false;
299     }
clone(int) const300     virtual Ptr<Degeneracy> clone(int /*state*/) const { return makePtr<Degeneracy>(); }
301 };
303 class EpipolarGeometryDegeneracy : public Degeneracy {
304 public:
305     static void recoverRank (Mat &model, bool is_fundamental_mat);
306     static Ptr<EpipolarGeometryDegeneracy> create (const Mat &points_, int sample_size_);
307 };
309 class EssentialDegeneracy : public EpipolarGeometryDegeneracy {
310 public:
311     static Ptr<EssentialDegeneracy>create (const Mat &points, int sample_size);
312 };
314 class HomographyDegeneracy : public Degeneracy {
315 public:
316     static Ptr<HomographyDegeneracy> create(const Mat &points_);
317 };
319 class FundamentalDegeneracy : public EpipolarGeometryDegeneracy {
320 public:
321     // threshold for homography is squared so is around 2.236 pixels
322     static Ptr<FundamentalDegeneracy> create (int state, const Ptr<Quality> &quality_,
323     const Mat &points_, int sample_size_, double homography_threshold);
324 };
326 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
327 //////////////////////////////////////// ESTIMATOR //////////////////////////////////
328 class Estimator : public Algorithm{
329 public:
330     /*
331      * Estimate models with minimal solver.
332      * Return number of valid solutions after estimation.
333      * Return models accordingly to number of solutions.
334      * Note, vector of models must allocated before.
335      * Note, not all degenerate tests are included in estimation.
336      */
337     virtual int
338     estimateModels (const std::vector<int> &sample, std::vector<Mat> &models) const = 0;
339     /*
340      * Estimate model with non-minimal solver.
341      * Return number of valid solutions after estimation.
342      * Note, not all degenerate tests are included in estimation.
343      */
344     virtual int
345     estimateModelNonMinimalSample (const std::vector<int> &sample, int sample_size,
346                        std::vector<Mat> &models, const std::vector<double> &weights) const = 0;
347     // return minimal sample size required for minimal estimation.
348     virtual int getMinimalSampleSize () const = 0;
349     // return minimal sample size required for non-minimal estimation.
350     virtual int getNonMinimalSampleSize () const = 0;
351     // return maximum number of possible solutions of minimal estimation.
352     virtual int getMaxNumSolutions () const = 0;
353     // return maximum number of possible solutions of non-minimal estimation.
354     virtual int getMaxNumSolutionsNonMinimal () const = 0;
355     virtual Ptr<Estimator> clone() const = 0;
356 };
358 class HomographyEstimator : public Estimator {
359 public:
360     static Ptr<HomographyEstimator> create (const Ptr<MinimalSolver> &min_solver_,
361             const Ptr<NonMinimalSolver> &non_min_solver_, const Ptr<Degeneracy> &degeneracy_);
362 };
364 class FundamentalEstimator : public Estimator {
365 public:
366     static Ptr<FundamentalEstimator> create (const Ptr<MinimalSolver> &min_solver_,
367             const Ptr<NonMinimalSolver> &non_min_solver_, const Ptr<Degeneracy> &degeneracy_);
368 };
370 class EssentialEstimator : public Estimator {
371 public:
372     static Ptr<EssentialEstimator> create (const Ptr<MinimalSolver> &min_solver_,
373             const Ptr<NonMinimalSolver> &non_min_solver_, const Ptr<Degeneracy> &degeneracy_);
374 };
376 class AffineEstimator : public Estimator {
377 public:
378     static Ptr<AffineEstimator> create (const Ptr<MinimalSolver> &min_solver_,
379             const Ptr<NonMinimalSolver> &non_min_solver_);
380 };
382 class PnPEstimator : public Estimator {
383 public:
384     static Ptr<PnPEstimator> create (const Ptr<MinimalSolver> &min_solver_,
385             const Ptr<NonMinimalSolver> &non_min_solver_);
386 };
388 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
389 ////////////////////////////////////////// MODEL VERIFIER ////////////////////////////////////
390 class ModelVerifier : public Algorithm {
391 public:
392     virtual ~ModelVerifier() override = default;
393     // Return true if model is good, false - otherwise.
394     virtual bool isModelGood(const Mat &model) = 0;
395     // Return true if score was computed during evaluation.
396     virtual bool getScore(Score &score) const = 0;
397     // update verifier by given inlier number
398     virtual void update (int highest_inlier_number) = 0;
399     virtual const std::vector<float> &getErrors() const = 0;
400     virtual bool hasErrors () const = 0;
401     virtual Ptr<ModelVerifier> clone (int state) const = 0;
402     static Ptr<ModelVerifier> create();
403 };
405 struct SPRT_history {
406     /*
407      * delta:
408      * The probability of a data point being consistent
409      * with a ‘bad’ model is modeled as a probability of
410      * a random event with Bernoulli distribution with parameter
411      * δ : p(1|Hb) = δ.
413      * epsilon:
414      * The probability p(1|Hg) = ε
415      * that any randomly chosen data point is consistent with a ‘good’ model
416      * is approximated by the fraction of inliers ε among the data
417      * points
419      * A is the decision threshold, the only parameter of the Adapted SPRT
420      */
421     double epsilon, delta, A;
422     // number of samples processed by test
423     int tested_samples; // k
SPRT_historycv::usac::SPRT_history424     SPRT_history () : epsilon(0), delta(0), A(0) {
425         tested_samples = 0;
426     }
427 };
429 ///////////////////////////////// SPRT VERIFIER /////////////////////////////////////////
430 /*
431 * Matas, Jiri, and Ondrej Chum. "Randomized RANSAC with sequential probability ratio test."
432 * Tenth IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV'05) Volume 1. Vol. 2. IEEE, 2005.
433 */
434 class SPRT : public ModelVerifier {
435 public:
436     // return constant reference of vector of SPRT histories for SPRT termination.
437     virtual const std::vector<SPRT_history> &getSPRTvector () const = 0;
438     static Ptr<SPRT> create (int state, const Ptr<Error> &err_, int points_size_,
439        double inlier_threshold_, double prob_pt_of_good_model,
440        double prob_pt_of_bad_model, double time_sample, double avg_num_models,
441        ScoreMethod score_type_);
442 };
444 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
445 ////////////////////////////////////////// SAMPLER ///////////////////////////////////////
446 class Sampler : public Algorithm {
447 public:
448     virtual ~Sampler() override = default;
449     // set new points size
450     virtual void setNewPointsSize (int points_size) = 0;
451     // generate sample. Fill @sample with indices of points.
452     virtual void generateSample (std::vector<int> &sample) = 0;
453     virtual Ptr<Sampler> clone (int state) const = 0;
454 };
456 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
457 /////////////////////////////////// NEIGHBORHOOD GRAPH /////////////////////////////////////////
458 class NeighborhoodGraph : public Algorithm {
459 public:
460     virtual ~NeighborhoodGraph() override = default;
461     // Return neighbors of the point with index @point_idx_ in the graph.
462     virtual const std::vector<int> &getNeighbors(int point_idx_) const = 0;
463 };
465 class RadiusSearchNeighborhoodGraph : public NeighborhoodGraph {
466 public:
467     static Ptr<RadiusSearchNeighborhoodGraph> create (const Mat &points, int points_size,
468             double radius_, int flann_search_params, int num_kd_trees);
469 };
471 class FlannNeighborhoodGraph : public NeighborhoodGraph {
472 public:
473     static Ptr<FlannNeighborhoodGraph> create(const Mat &points, int points_size,
474       int k_nearest_neighbors_, bool get_distances, int flann_search_params, int num_kd_trees);
475     virtual const std::vector<double> &getNeighborsDistances (int idx) const = 0;
476 };
478 class GridNeighborhoodGraph : public NeighborhoodGraph {
479 public:
480     static Ptr<GridNeighborhoodGraph> create(const Mat &points, int points_size,
481             int cell_size_x_img1_, int cell_size_y_img1_,
482             int cell_size_x_img2_, int cell_size_y_img2_, int max_neighbors);
483 };
485 ////////////////////////////////////// UNIFORM SAMPLER ////////////////////////////////////////////
486 class UniformSampler : public Sampler {
487 public:
488     static Ptr<UniformSampler> create(int state, int sample_size_, int points_size_);
489 };
491 /////////////////////////////////// PROSAC (SIMPLE) SAMPLER ///////////////////////////////////////
492 class ProsacSimpleSampler : public Sampler {
493 public:
494     static Ptr<ProsacSimpleSampler> create(int state, int points_size_, int sample_size_,
495            int max_prosac_samples_count);
496 };
498 ////////////////////////////////////// PROSAC SAMPLER ////////////////////////////////////////////
499 class ProsacSampler : public Sampler {
500 public:
501     static Ptr<ProsacSampler> create(int state, int points_size_, int sample_size_,
502                                      int growth_max_samples);
503     // return number of samples generated (for prosac termination).
504     virtual int getKthSample () const = 0;
505     // return constant reference of growth function of prosac sampler (for prosac termination)
506     virtual const std::vector<int> &getGrowthFunction () const = 0;
507     virtual void setTerminationLength (int termination_length) = 0;
508 };
510 ////////////////////////// NAPSAC (N adjacent points sample consensus) SAMPLER ////////////////////
511 class NapsacSampler : public Sampler {
512 public:
513     static Ptr<NapsacSampler> create(int state, int points_size_, int sample_size_,
514           const Ptr<NeighborhoodGraph> &neighborhood_graph_);
515 };
517 ////////////////////////////////////// P-NAPSAC SAMPLER /////////////////////////////////////////
518 class ProgressiveNapsac : public Sampler {
519 public:
520     static Ptr<ProgressiveNapsac> create(int state, int points_size_, int sample_size_,
521             const std::vector<Ptr<NeighborhoodGraph>> &layers, int sampler_length);
522 };
524 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
525 ///////////////////////////////////////// TERMINATION ///////////////////////////////////////////
526 class TerminationCriteria : public Algorithm {
527 public:
528     // update termination object by given @model and @inlier number.
529     // and return maximum number of predicted iteration
530     virtual int update(const Mat &model, int inlier_number) = 0;
531     // clone termination
532     virtual Ptr<TerminationCriteria> clone () const = 0;
533 };
535 //////////////////////////////// STANDARD TERMINATION ///////////////////////////////////////////
536 class StandardTerminationCriteria : public TerminationCriteria {
537 public:
538     static Ptr<StandardTerminationCriteria> create(double confidence, int points_size_,
539                int sample_size_, int max_iterations_);
540 };
542 ///////////////////////////////////// SPRT TERMINATION //////////////////////////////////////////
543 class SPRTTermination : public TerminationCriteria {
544 public:
545     static Ptr<SPRTTermination> create(const std::vector<SPRT_history> &sprt_histories_,
546                double confidence, int points_size_, int sample_size_, int max_iterations_);
547 };
549 ///////////////////////////// PROGRESSIVE-NAPSAC-SPRT TERMINATION /////////////////////////////////
550 class SPRTPNapsacTermination : public TerminationCriteria {
551 public:
552     static Ptr<SPRTPNapsacTermination> create(const std::vector<SPRT_history>&
553         sprt_histories_, double confidence, int points_size_, int sample_size_,
554         int max_iterations_, double relax_coef_);
555 };
557 ////////////////////////////////////// PROSAC TERMINATION /////////////////////////////////////////
558 class ProsacTerminationCriteria : public TerminationCriteria {
559 public:
560     static Ptr<ProsacTerminationCriteria> create(const Ptr<ProsacSampler> &sampler_,
561          const Ptr<Error> &error_, int points_size_, int sample_size, double confidence,
562          int max_iters, int min_termination_length, double beta, double non_randomness_phi,
563          double inlier_thresh);
564 };
566 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
567 /////////////////////////////////////////// UTILS ////////////////////////////////////////////////
568 namespace Utils {
569     /*
570      * calibrate points: [x'; 1] = K^-1 [x; 1]
571      * @points is matrix N x 4.
572      * @norm_points is output matrix N x 4 with calibrated points.
573      */
574     void calibratePoints (const Mat &K1, const Mat &K2, const Mat &points, Mat &norm_points);
575     void calibrateAndNormalizePointsPnP (const Mat &K, const Mat &pts, Mat &calib_norm_pts);
576     void normalizeAndDecalibPointsPnP (const Mat &K, Mat &pts, Mat &calib_norm_pts);
577     void decomposeProjection (const Mat &P, Mat &K_, Mat &R, Mat &t, bool same_focal=false);
578     double getCalibratedThreshold (double threshold, const Mat &K1, const Mat &K2);
579     float findMedian (std::vector<float> &array);
580 }
581 namespace Math {
582     // return skew symmetric matrix
583     Matx33d getSkewSymmetric(const Vec3d &v_);
584     // eliminate matrix with m rows and n columns to be upper triangular.
585     bool eliminateUpperTriangular (std::vector<double> &a, int m, int n);
586     Matx33d rotVec2RotMat (const Vec3d &v);
587     Vec3d rotMat2RotVec (const Matx33d &R);
588 }
590 ///////////////////////////////////////// RANDOM GENERATOR /////////////////////////////////////
591 class RandomGenerator : public Algorithm {
592 public:
593     virtual ~RandomGenerator() override = default;
594     // interval is <0, max_range);
595     virtual void resetGenerator (int max_range) = 0;
596     // return sample filled with random numbers
597     virtual void generateUniqueRandomSet (std::vector<int> &sample) = 0;
598     // fill @sample of size @subset_size with random numbers in range <0, @max_range)
599     virtual void generateUniqueRandomSet (std::vector<int> &sample, int subset_size,
600                                                                     int max_range) = 0;
601     // fill @sample of size @sample.size() with random numbers in range <0, @max_range)
602     virtual void generateUniqueRandomSet (std::vector<int> &sample, int max_range) = 0;
603     // return subset=sample size
604     virtual void setSubsetSize (int subset_sz) = 0;
605     virtual int getSubsetSize () const = 0;
606     // return random number from <0, max_range), where max_range is from constructor
607     virtual int getRandomNumber () = 0;
608     // return random number from <0, max_rng)
609     virtual int getRandomNumber (int max_rng) = 0;
610     virtual const std::vector<int> &generateUniqueRandomSubset (std::vector<int> &array1,
611             int size1) = 0;
612     virtual Ptr<RandomGenerator> clone (int state) const = 0;
613 };
615 class UniformRandomGenerator : public RandomGenerator {
616 public:
617     static Ptr<UniformRandomGenerator> create (int state);
618     static Ptr<UniformRandomGenerator> create (int state, int max_range, int subset_size_);
619 };
621 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
622 ////////////////////////////////////// LOCAL OPTIMIZATION /////////////////////////////////////////
623 class LocalOptimization : public Algorithm {
624 public:
625     virtual ~LocalOptimization() override = default;
626     /*
627      * Refine so-far-the-best RANSAC model in local optimization step.
628      * @best_model: so-far-the-best model
629      * @new_model: output refined new model.
630      * @new_model_score: score of @new_model.
631      * Returns bool if model was refined successfully, false - otherwise
632      */
633     virtual bool refineModel (const Mat &best_model, const Score &best_model_score,
634                               Mat &new_model, Score &new_model_score) = 0;
635     virtual Ptr<LocalOptimization> clone(int state) const = 0;
636 };
638 //////////////////////////////////// GRAPH CUT LO ////////////////////////////////////////
639 class GraphCut : public LocalOptimization {
640 public:
641     static Ptr<GraphCut>
642     create(const Ptr<Estimator> &estimator_, const Ptr<Error> &error_,
643            const Ptr<Quality> &quality_, const Ptr<NeighborhoodGraph> &neighborhood_graph_,
644            const Ptr<RandomGenerator> &lo_sampler_, double threshold_,
645            double spatial_coherence_term, int gc_iters);
646 };
648 //////////////////////////////////// INNER + ITERATIVE LO ///////////////////////////////////////
649 class InnerIterativeLocalOptimization : public LocalOptimization {
650 public:
651     static Ptr<InnerIterativeLocalOptimization>
652     create(const Ptr<Estimator> &estimator_, const Ptr<Quality> &quality_,
653            const Ptr<RandomGenerator> &lo_sampler_, int pts_size, double threshold_,
654            bool is_iterative_, int lo_iter_sample_size_, int lo_inner_iterations,
655            int lo_iter_max_iterations, double threshold_multiplier);
656 };
658 class SigmaConsensus : public LocalOptimization {
659 public:
660     static Ptr<SigmaConsensus>
661     create(const Ptr<Estimator> &estimator_, const Ptr<Error> &error_,
662            const Ptr<Quality> &quality, const Ptr<ModelVerifier> &verifier_,
663            int max_lo_sample_size, int number_of_irwls_iters_,
664            int DoF, double sigma_quantile, double upper_incomplete_of_sigma_quantile,
665            double C_, double maximum_thr);
666 };
668 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
669 /////////////////////////////////////// FINAL MODEL POLISHER //////////////////////////////////////
670 class FinalModelPolisher : public Algorithm {
671 public:
672     virtual ~FinalModelPolisher() override = default;
673     /*
674      * Polish so-far-the-best RANSAC model in the end of RANSAC.
675      * @model: input final RANSAC model.
676      * @new_model: output polished model.
677      * @new_score: score of output model.
678      * Return true if polishing was successful, false - otherwise.
679      */
680     virtual bool polishSoFarTheBestModel (const Mat &model, const Score &best_model_score,
681             Mat &new_model, Score &new_model_score) = 0;
682 };
684 ///////////////////////////////////// LEAST SQUARES POLISHER //////////////////////////////////////
685 class LeastSquaresPolishing : public FinalModelPolisher {
686 public:
687     static Ptr<LeastSquaresPolishing> create (const Ptr<Estimator> &estimator_,
688         const Ptr<Quality> &quality_, int lsq_iterations);
689 };
691 /////////////////////////////////// RANSAC OUTPUT ///////////////////////////////////
692 class RansacOutput : public Algorithm {
693 public:
694     virtual ~RansacOutput() override = default;
695     static Ptr<RansacOutput> create(const Mat &model_,
696         const std::vector<bool> &inliers_mask_,
697         int time_mcs_, double score_, int number_inliers_, int number_iterations_,
698         int number_estimated_models_, int number_good_models_);
700     // Return inliers' indices. size of vector = number of inliers
701     virtual const std::vector<int > &getInliers() = 0;
702     // Return inliers mask. Vector of points size. 1-inlier, 0-outlier.
703     virtual const std::vector<bool> &getInliersMask() const = 0;
704     virtual int getTimeMicroSeconds() const = 0;
705     virtual int getTimeMicroSeconds1() const = 0;
706     virtual int getTimeMilliSeconds2() const = 0;
707     virtual int getTimeSeconds3() const = 0;
708     virtual int getNumberOfInliers() const = 0;
709     virtual int getNumberOfMainIterations() const = 0;
710     virtual int getNumberOfGoodModels () const = 0;
711     virtual int getNumberOfEstimatedModels () const = 0;
712     virtual const Mat &getModel() const = 0;
713 };
715 ////////////////////////////////////////////// MODEL /////////////////////////////////////////////
717 class Model : public Algorithm {
718 public:
719     virtual bool isFundamental () const = 0;
720     virtual bool isHomography () const = 0;
721     virtual bool isEssential () const = 0;
722     virtual bool isPnP () const = 0;
724     // getters
725     virtual int getSampleSize () const = 0;
726     virtual bool isParallel() const = 0;
727     virtual int getMaxNumHypothesisToTestBeforeRejection() const = 0;
728     virtual PolishingMethod getFinalPolisher () const = 0;
729     virtual LocalOptimMethod getLO () const = 0;
730     virtual ErrorMetric getError () const = 0;
731     virtual EstimationMethod getEstimator () const = 0;
732     virtual ScoreMethod getScore () const = 0;
733     virtual int getMaxIters () const = 0;
734     virtual double getConfidence () const = 0;
735     virtual double getThreshold () const = 0;
736     virtual VerificationMethod getVerifier () const = 0;
737     virtual SamplingMethod getSampler () const = 0;
738     virtual double getTimeForModelEstimation () const = 0;
739     virtual double getSPRTdelta () const = 0;
740     virtual double getSPRTepsilon () const = 0;
741     virtual double getSPRTavgNumModels () const = 0;
742     virtual NeighborSearchMethod getNeighborsSearch () const = 0;
743     virtual int getKNN () const = 0;
744     virtual int getCellSize () const = 0;
745     virtual int getGraphRadius() const = 0;
746     virtual double getRelaxCoef () const = 0;
748     virtual int getFinalLSQIterations () const = 0;
749     virtual int getDegreesOfFreedom () const = 0;
750     virtual double getSigmaQuantile () const = 0;
751     virtual double getUpperIncompleteOfSigmaQuantile () const = 0;
752     virtual double getLowerIncompleteOfSigmaQuantile () const = 0;
753     virtual double getC () const = 0;
754     virtual double getMaximumThreshold () const = 0;
755     virtual double getGraphCutSpatialCoherenceTerm () const = 0;
756     virtual int getLOSampleSize () const = 0;
757     virtual int getLOThresholdMultiplier() const = 0;
758     virtual int getLOIterativeSampleSize() const = 0;
759     virtual int getLOIterativeMaxIters() const = 0;
760     virtual int getLOInnerMaxIters() const = 0;
761     virtual const std::vector<int> &getGridCellNumber () const = 0;
762     virtual int getRandomGeneratorState () const = 0;
763     virtual int getMaxItersBeforeLO () const = 0;
765     // setters
766     virtual void setLocalOptimization (LocalOptimMethod lo_) = 0;
767     virtual void setKNearestNeighhbors (int knn_) = 0;
768     virtual void setNeighborsType (NeighborSearchMethod neighbors) = 0;
769     virtual void setCellSize (int cell_size_) = 0;
770     virtual void setParallel (bool is_parallel) = 0;
771     virtual void setVerifier (VerificationMethod verifier_) = 0;
772     virtual void setPolisher (PolishingMethod polisher_) = 0;
773     virtual void setError (ErrorMetric error_) = 0;
774     virtual void setLOIterations (int iters) = 0;
775     virtual void setLOIterativeIters (int iters) = 0;
776     virtual void setLOSampleSize (int lo_sample_size) = 0;
777     virtual void setThresholdMultiplierLO (double thr_mult) = 0;
778     virtual void setRandomGeneratorState (int state) = 0;
780     virtual void maskRequired (bool required) = 0;
781     virtual bool isMaskRequired () const = 0;
782     static Ptr<Model> create(double threshold_, EstimationMethod estimator_, SamplingMethod sampler_,
783          double confidence_=0.95, int max_iterations_=5000, ScoreMethod score_ =ScoreMethod::SCORE_METHOD_MSAC);
784 };
786 Mat findHomography(InputArray srcPoints, InputArray dstPoints, int method,
787                    double ransacReprojThreshold, OutputArray mask,
788                    const int maxIters, const double confidence);
790 Mat findFundamentalMat( InputArray points1, InputArray points2,
791     int method, double ransacReprojThreshold, double confidence,
792     int maxIters, OutputArray mask=noArray());
794 bool solvePnPRansac( InputArray objectPoints, InputArray imagePoints,
795          InputArray cameraMatrix, InputArray distCoeffs,
796          OutputArray rvec, OutputArray tvec,
797          bool useExtrinsicGuess, int iterationsCount,
798          float reprojectionError, double confidence,
799          OutputArray inliers, int flags);
801 Mat findEssentialMat( InputArray points1, InputArray points2,
802                       InputArray cameraMatrix1,
803                       int method, double prob,
804                       double threshold, OutputArray mask);
806 Mat estimateAffine2D(InputArray from, InputArray to, OutputArray inliers,
807      int method, double ransacReprojThreshold, int maxIters,
808      double confidence, int refineIters);
810 void saveMask (OutputArray mask, const std::vector<bool> &inliers_mask);
811 void setParameters (Ptr<Model> &params, EstimationMethod estimator, const UsacParams &usac_params,
812         bool mask_need);
813 bool run (const Ptr<const Model> &params, InputArray points1, InputArray points2, int state,
814       Ptr<RansacOutput> &ransac_output, InputArray K1_, InputArray K2_,
815       InputArray dist_coeff1, InputArray dist_coeff2);
816 }}