2#/* Open Visualization Data Explorer                                    */
3#/* (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1989,1999                                   */
4#/* ALL RIGHTS RESERVED                                                 */
5#/* This code licensed under the                                        */
6#/*    "IBM PUBLIC LICENSE - Open Visualization Data Explorer"          */
8#include "dxconfig.h"
10MODULE AmbientLight
11CATEGORY Rendering
12DESCRIPTION produces an ambient light
13INPUT color; vector or string; [0.2 0.2 0.2]; color and intensity of light
14OPTIONS red ; green ; blue ; white
15OUTPUT light; light; the ambient light
17MODULE Append
18CATEGORY Structuring
19DESCRIPTION adds objects to an existing group
20INPUT input; group; (no default); group to add objects to
21INPUT object; object; (no default); object to be added
22INPUT id; scalar or string; (no default); series position or name of object
24OUTPUT group; group; the group with objects added
26MODULE Arrange
27CATEGORY Rendering
28DESCRIPTION arranges images for display
29INPUT group; image group; (none); images to be displayed
30INPUT horizontal; integer; (infinity); number of images in horizontal dimension
31OPTIONS 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4
32INPUT compact [visible:0]; vector; [0 0]; make image compact in x and/or y
33INPUT position [visible:0]; vector; [0.5 0.5]; position of each image in its frame
34INPUT size [visible:0]; vector; [0 0]; force size of each frame to this number of pixels
35OUTPUT image; image; resulting image
37MODULE Attribute
38CATEGORY Structuring
39DESCRIPTION extracts an attribute from an object
40INPUT input; object; (none); object from which attribute is obtained
41INPUT attribute; string; "name"; attribute name
42OUTPUT object; object; attribute value
44MODULE AutoAxes
45CATEGORY Annotation
46DESCRIPTION produces an axes box to enclose a given object
47INPUT input; object; (none); object to enclose
48INPUT camera; camera; (none); viewpoint
49INPUT labels; string list; (no labels); labels for axes
50INPUT ticks [visible:0]; integer or integer list; 15; the approximate number of major ticks (0 to suppress)
51INPUT corners [visible:0]; vector list or object; (input object); bounds of axes
52INPUT frame [visible:0]; flag; 0; type of framing
53OPTIONS false ; true
54INPUT adjust [visible:0]; flag; 1; whether to adjust the endpoints to match tick marks
55OPTIONS true; false
56INPUT cursor [visible:0]; vector; (no cursor); cursor position
57INPUT grid [visible:0]; flag; 0; show grid lines on background
58OPTIONS false; true
59INPUT colors [visible:0]; vector list or string list; (appropriate); colors for annotation
60INPUT annotation [visible:0]; string list; "all"; annotation objects to color
61OPTIONS all; background; grid; labels; ticks
62INPUT labelscale [visible:0]; scalar; 1.0; scale factor for labels
63INPUT font [visible:0]; string; (standard); font to use for labels
64OPTIONS area; cyril_d; fixed; gothiceng_t; gothicger_t; gothicit_t
65OPTIONS greek_d; greek_s; italic_d; italic_t; pitman; roman_d
66OPTIONS roman_dser; roman_s; roman_tser; roman_ext; roman_sfix
67OPTIONS script_d; script_s; variable;
68INPUT xticklocations [visible:0]; scalar list; (appropriate); set of x tick locations
69INPUT yticklocations [visible:0]; scalar list; (appropriate); set of y tick locations
70INPUT zticklocations [visible:0]; scalar list; (appropriate); set of z tick locations
71INPUT xticklabels [visible:0]; string list; (xticklocations); labels for x tick locations
72INPUT yticklabels [visible:0]; string list; (yticklocations); labels for y tick locations
73INPUT zticklabels [visible:0]; string list; (zticklocations); labels for z tick locations
74OUTPUT axes; color field; the axes box plus the input
76MODULE AutoCamera
77CATEGORY Rendering
78DESCRIPTION produces a camera
79INPUT object; vector or object; (none); object to look at
80INPUT direction; vector or string or object; "front"; position of camera
81OPTIONS front; back; top; bottom; left; right; diagonal
82OPTIONS off-front; off-back; off-top; off-bottom; off-left; off-right
83OPTIONS off-diagonal
84INPUT width [visible:0]; scalar or object; (input dependent); width of field of view
85INPUT resolution [visible:0]; integer; 640; pixels across image
86INPUT aspect [visible:0]; scalar; 0.75; height/width
87OPTIONS .25 ; .50 ; .75; 1.0; 1.25; 1.5
88INPUT up [visible:0]; vector; [0 1 0]; up direction
89OPTIONS [1 0 0 ] ; [0 1 0 ]; [0 0 1]
90INPUT perspective [visible:0]; flag; 0; orthographic (0) or perspective (1) camera
91OPTIONS false; true
92INPUT angle [visible:0]; scalar; 30.0; view angle in degrees (for perspective projection)
93OPTIONS 15 ; 30 ; 45
94INPUT background [visible:0]; vector or string; "black"; image background color
95OPTIONS black ; white ; red ; green ; blue
96OUTPUT camera; camera; resulting camera
98MODULE AutoColor
99CATEGORY Transformation
100DESCRIPTION automatically colors a field
101INPUT data; data field; (none); field to color
102INPUT opacity [visible:0]; scalar; (input dependent); opacity, between 0 and 1
103OPTIONS 0.1; 0.25; 0.5; 0.75; 1.0
104INPUT intensity [visible:0]; scalar; 1.0; color intensity
105INPUT start [visible:0]; scalar; 0.6666; starting color (default=blue)
106INPUT range [visible:0]; scalar; 0.6666; range of color (default=blue to red)
107INPUT saturation [visible:0]; scalar; 1; saturation, between 0 and 1
108INPUT min; scalar or data field; (min of data); minimum of data to color
109INPUT max [visible:0]; scalar or data field; (max of data); maximum of data to color
110INPUT delayed [visible:0]; flag; 0; delay applying color and opacity maps (byte data only)
111OPTIONS false; true
112INPUT outofrange [visible:0]; vector list or string list; [.3 .3 .3]; how to color out of range points
113OPTIONS color of min; color of max; gray; red; black
114OUTPUT mapped; color field; color mapped input field
115OUTPUT colormap; field; RGB color map used
117MODULE AutoGlyph
118CATEGORY Annotation
119DESCRIPTION assigns an appropriate glyph to each point; scale is in relative units
120INPUT data; data field; (none); set of points to which glyphs will be assigned
121INPUT type; scalar or string or field or group; (input dependent); glyph type
122OPTIONS speedy; spiffy; standard; 0.0; 1.0; 0.5; text
123OPTIONS colored text; cube; square
124OPTIONS arrow2D; circle; diamond; needle
125OPTIONS needle2D; rocket; rocket2D; sphere
126INPUT shape; scalar; 1.0; factor to describe shape of glyph
127OPTIONS .25 ; .50 ; 1.0; 2.0; 3.0
128INPUT scale; scalar; 1.0; scale factor for size of glyphs
129OPTIONS .25 ; .50 ; 1.0; 2.0; 3.0;
130INPUT ratio; scalar; (0.05 or 0); ratio in size (scalars or vectors) between smallest and largest glyphs
131INPUT min [visible:0]; scalar or field; (min of data value or 0); data value which gets the minimum size glyph
132INPUT max [visible:0]; scalar or field; (max of data); data value which gets the maximum size glyph
133OUTPUT glyphs; color field; set of glyphs
135MODULE AutoGrayScale
136CATEGORY Transformation
137DESCRIPTION automatically colors a field using a gray scale
138INPUT data; data field; (none); field to color
139INPUT opacity [visible:0]; scalar; (input dependent); opacity, between 0 and 1
140INPUT hue [visible:0]; scalar; 0.0; hue
141INPUT start [visible:0]; scalar; 0.0; starting intensity
142INPUT range [visible:0]; scalar; 1.0; range of intensity
143INPUT saturation [visible:0]; scalar; 0; saturation, between 0 and 1
144INPUT min [visible:0]; scalar or data field; (min of data); minimum of data to color
145INPUT max [visible:0]; scalar or data field; (max of data); maximum of data to color
146INPUT delayed [visible:0]; flag; 0; delay applying color and opacity maps (byte data only)
147OPTIONS false; true
148INPUT outofrange [visible:0]; vector list or string list; {"color of min", "color of max"}; how to color out of range data values
149OPTIONS color of min; color of max; gray; red; black
150OUTPUT mapped; color field; color mapped input field
151OUTPUT colormap; field; RGB color map used
153MODULE AutoGrid
154CATEGORY Realization
155DESCRIPTION Regrids a field of scattered positions
156INPUT input; field or vector list; (none); field with positions to regrid
157INPUT densityfactor; scalar or vector; 1.0 ; density factor for grid
158INPUT nearest; integer or string; 1; number of nearest neighbors to use
159OPTIONS 1; 2; 5; infinity
160INPUT radius; scalar or string; (appropriate); radius from grid point to consider
161INPUT exponent [visible:0]; scalar; 2.0; weighting exponent
162OPTIONS 1; 2; 3
163INPUT missing [visible:0]; value; (no default); missing value to insert if necessary
164OUTPUT output; field; Regridded field
167MODULE Band
168CATEGORY Realization
169DESCRIPTION divides a field into bands based on given division values
170INPUT data; scalar field; (none); field to subdivide
171INPUT value; scalar or scalar list; (data mean); band divisions
172INPUT number; integer; (no default); number of divisions
173OPTIONS 2 ; 3 ; 4 ; 5 ; 6 ; 7 ; 8 ; 9 ; 10 ; 15 ; 20
174INPUT remap; string; "low"; data values applied to bands
175OPTIONS low ; high ; original
176OUTPUT band; field or group; Divided input
178MODULE BSpline
179CATEGORY Transformation
180DESCRIPTION creates a bspline from a list of points
181INPUT input; scalar list or vector list; (none); list of points to smooth
182INPUT items; integer; 10; number of points in output spline
183INPUT order; integer; 4; order of spline
184OUTPUT result; vector list; list of interpolated points
187MODULE CacheScene
188DESCRIPTION saves render object and camera in cache for picking
189INPUT name; string; (none); name of cached scene
190INPUT pickobject; object; (none); object to be picked from
191INPUT pickcamera; camera; (none); camera for pick view
194MODULE Camera
195CATEGORY Rendering
196DESCRIPTION produces a camera
197INPUT to; vector or object; [0 0 0]; look-to point
198INPUT from; vector or object; [0 0 1]; position of camera
199INPUT width; scalar or object; 100; width of field of view (for orthographic projection)
200INPUT resolution; integer; 640; horizontal resolution of image in pixels
201INPUT aspect; scalar; 0.75; height/width
202INPUT up; vector; [0 1 0]; up direction
203OPTIONS [1 0 0] ; [0 1 0] ; [0 0 1]
204INPUT perspective; flag; 0; projection method: (0) orthographic, (1) perspective
205OPTIONS false; true
206INPUT angle; scalar; 30.0; view angle in degrees (for perspective projection)
207OPTIONS 15.0 ; 30.0 ; 45.0
208INPUT background; vector or string; "black"; image background color
209OPTIONS black ; white ; red ; green ; blue
210OUTPUT camera; camera; resulting camera
212MODULE Caption
213CATEGORY Annotation
214DESCRIPTION displays a caption on the screen
215INPUT string; string or string list; (none); the caption to display
216INPUT position; vector; [.5 .05]; where to display the caption
217INPUT flag [visible:0]; flag; 0; 0=viewport relative coordinates; 1=pixel coordinates
218OPTIONS false; true
219INPUT reference [visible:0]; vector; (same as position); reference point on caption
220INPUT alignment [visible:0]; scalar; (input dependent); examples: 0=left-justify, 0.5=center, 1=right-justify
221OPTIONS 0.0 ; 0.5 ; 1.0
222INPUT height [visible:0]; integer; 15; height of the caption in pixels
223INPUT font [visible:0]; string; "variable"; caption font
224OPTIONS area; cyril_d; fixed; gothiceng_t; gothicger_t; gothicit_t
225OPTIONS greek_d; greek_s; italic_d; italic_t; pitman; roman_d
226OPTIONS roman_dser; roman_s; roman_tser; roman_ext; roman_sfix
227OPTIONS script_d; script_s; variable;
228INPUT direction [visible:0]; vector; [1 0]; direction of baseline
229OPTIONS [1 0] ; [0 1]
230INPUT up [visible:0]; vector; (perpendicular to baseline); direction of vertical strokes
231OUTPUT caption; color field; string object that can be rendered
233MODULE Categorize
234CATEGORY Transformation
235DESCRIPTION categorizes a component of a field
236INPUT field; field; (none); the field to categorize
237INPUT name; string list; "data"; the components to categorize
238INPUT sort; flag; 1; if 0, do not sort the resultant lookup component
239OPTIONS true; false
240OUTPUT categorized; field; field with categorized components and lookups
242MODULE CategoryStatistics
243CATEGORY Transformation
244DESCRIPTION computes statistics of categorical data
245INPUT input; field;  (none); field containing categorical and data components
246INPUT operation; string; "count"; calculation to perform
247OPTIONS "count"; "mean"; "sd"; "var"; "min"; "max"; "accum"
248INPUT category [visible:0]; string; "data"; component with categorical values
249INPUT data [visible:0]; string; "data"; data component for statistics
250INPUT lookup [visible:0]; integer or string or value list; (catname lookup); optional lookup component or number of categories
251OUTPUT statistics; field; field containing statistics on data for each category
253MODULE ChangeGroupMember
254CATEGORY Structuring
255DESCRIPTION alter a member of a group
256INPUT data; group; (none); input group object
257INPUT operation; string; (none); how to alter the group
258OPTIONS insert; replace; delete; insert before; insert after
259INPUT id; integer or string; (no default); index or name of existing group member
260INPUT newmember; object; (operation dependent); new or replacement group member
261INPUT newtag; scalar or string; (no default); new series position or member name
262OUTPUT changed; group; group with one member changed
264MODULE ChangeGroupType
265CATEGORY Structuring
266DESCRIPTION Changes group type - series, multigrid, generic
267INPUT data; group; (none); input group object
268INPUT newtype; string; (none); type for output group
269OPTIONS series; multigrid; generic
270INPUT idlist; scalar list or string list; (no default); series positions or member names
271OUTPUT changed; group; different type of group with same members as input
273MODULE ClipBox
274CATEGORY Rendering
275DESCRIPTION clips an object by a box
276INPUT object; object; (none); object to be clipped
277INPUT corners; vector list or object; (no clipping); corners specifying clipping box
278OUTPUT clipped; object; object marked to be clipped
280MODULE ClipPlane
281CATEGORY Rendering
282DESCRIPTION clips an object by an infinite plane
283INPUT object; object; (none); object to be clipped
284INPUT point; vector; (center of object); a point on the clipping plane
285INPUT normal; vector; [0 0 1]; perpendicular to the clipping plane
286OPTIONS [0 0 1] ; [1 0 0]; [0 1 0]
287OUTPUT clipped; object; object marked to be clipped
289MODULE Collect
290CATEGORY Structuring
291DESCRIPTION collects objects into a group
293INPUT object; object; (no default); object to be collected
295OUTPUT group; group; the group of objects
297MODULE CollectNamed
298CATEGORY Structuring
299DESCRIPTION collects objects into a group
300INPUT object; object; (no default); object to be collected
301INPUT name; string; (no default); name of object
303OUTPUT group; group; the group of objects
305MODULE CollectMultiGrid
306CATEGORY Structuring
307DESCRIPTION collects objects into a multigrid
308INPUT object; object; (no default); object to be collected
309INPUT name; string; (no default); name of object
311OUTPUT multigrid; group; the output multigrid
313MODULE CollectSeries
314CATEGORY Structuring
315DESCRIPTION collects objects into a series
316INPUT object; object; (no default); object to be collected or group of objects
317INPUT position; scalar or scalar list; (no default); series position of object or list of series positions
318INPUT object; object; (no default); object to be collected
319INPUT position; scalar; (no default); series position of object
321OUTPUT series; series; the output series
323MODULE Color
324CATEGORY Transformation
325DESCRIPTION colors a field
326INPUT input; field; (none); field to color
327INPUT color; field or vector or string; (no color added); RGB color, expected range 0-1
328OPTIONS red ; green ; blue; yellow; orange; purple; black; white
329OPTIONS cyan; magenta
330INPUT opacity; field or scalar; (input dependent); opacity, expected range 0-1
331INPUT component [visible:0]; string; "colors"; component to color
332OPTIONS colors ; front colors ; back colors
333INPUT delayed [visible:0]; flag; 0; delay applying colors and opacities (byte data only)
334OPTIONS false; true
335OUTPUT colored; color field; color mapped input field
337MODULE ColorBar
338CATEGORY Annotation
339DESCRIPTION creates a color bar to add to a scene
340INPUT colormap; field; (none); colormap
341INPUT position; vector; [0.95 0.95]; the position of the colorbar in viewport relative coordinates
342INPUT shape; vector; [300 25]; length and width of colorbar in pixels
343INPUT horizontal; flag; 0; horizontal (0) or vertical (1) orientation
344OPTIONS false; true
345INPUT ticks [visible:0]; integer; (input dependent); approximate number of ticks along the bar
346INPUT min [visible:0]; scalar or object; (map min); minimum value on bar
347INPUT max [visible:0]; scalar or object; (map max); maximum value on bar
348INPUT label; string; (no default); label for color bar
349INPUT colors [visible:0]; vector list or string list; (appropriate); colors for annotation
350INPUT annotation [visible:0]; string list; "all"; annotation objects to color
351OPTIONS all; frame; labels; ticks
352INPUT labelscale [visible:0]; scalar; 1.0; scale factor for labels
353INPUT font [visible:0]; string; (standard); font to use for labels
354OPTIONS area; cyril_d; fixed; gothiceng_t; gothicger_t; gothicit_t
355OPTIONS greek_d; greek_s; italic_d; italic_t; pitman; roman_d
356OPTIONS roman_dser; roman_s; roman_tser; roman_ext; roman_sfix
357OPTIONS script_d; script_s; variable;
358INPUT ticklocations [visible:0]; scalar list; (appropriate); tick locations
359INPUT ticklabels [visible:0]; string list; (appropriate); tick labels
360INPUT usefixedfontsize [visible:0]; flag; 0; use fixed font size for labels
361INPUT fixedfontsize [visible:0]; integer; 10; fontsize in pixels, when usefixedfontsize is set to 1
362OUTPUT colorbar; color field; the colorbar
364MODULE Compute
365CATEGORY Transformation
366DESCRIPTION computes a pointwise expression over a field
367INPUT expression [visible:2]; string; (none); expression to compute
368INPUT input; value list or field or string or string list; (no default); input value
370OUTPUT output; value or value list or field; output values
372MODULE Compute2
373CATEGORY Transformation
374DESCRIPTION computes a pointwise expression over a field using input expressions and names
375INPUT expression; string or string list; (none); expression(s) to compute
376INPUT name; string; (no default); name of next input, defaults to a, b, ...
377INPUT input; value list or field or string list; (no default); input value
379OUTPUT output; value or value list or field; output values
381MODULE Connect
382CATEGORY Realization
383DESCRIPTION creates triangle connections for a field of scattered positions
384INPUT input; field or vector list; (none); field with positions to connect
385INPUT method; string; "triangulation"; connection method to use
386OPTIONS triangulation
387INPUT normal; vector; [0 0 1]; normal of projection plane
388OPTIONS [0 0 1]; [0 1 0] ; [1 0 0]
389OUTPUT output; field; connected field
391MODULE Construct
392CATEGORY Realization
393DESCRIPTION constructs an arbitrary field with regular connections
394INPUT origin; vector list; (input dependent); origin for positions, or list of positions
395INPUT deltas; vector list; (input dependent); deltas for positions
396INPUT counts; integer or vector; (input dependent); number of positions in each dimension
397INPUT data; value list or string list; (no default); data, last index varies fastest
398OUTPUT output; field; the output field
400MODULE Convert
401CATEGORY Transformation
402DESCRIPTION converts between hue, saturation, value and red, green, blue color spaces
403INPUT data; vector list or field; (none); input colors or color map
404INPUT incolorspace; string; "hsv"; color space of input
405OPTIONS hsv ; rgb
406INPUT outcolorspace; string; "rgb"; color space of output
407OPTIONS rgb ; hsv
408INPUT addpoints; flag; (input dependent); add positions to ensure valid color transformation
409OPTIONS false; true
410OUTPUT output; vector list or field; output colors or color map
412MODULE CopyContainer
413CATEGORY Structuring
414DESCRIPTION Copy only the top container object including attributes
415INPUT input; field or group; (none); object to copy
416OUTPUT copy; object; copy of container object without any members or components
418MODULE Describe
419CATEGORY Debugging
420DESCRIPTION print description of the input object
422INPUT object; object; (none); object to describe
423INPUT options; string; "all"; select which information to print
424OPTIONS all; structure; details; render
427CATEGORY Transformation
428DESCRIPTION computes the discrete Fourier transform of a field
429INPUT input; field; (none); field to transform
430INPUT direction; string; "forward"; direction of the transform: "forward","inverse", or "backward"
431INPUT center; flag; 0; center the result of the transform
432OPTIONS false; true
433OUTPUT output; field; the transformed data
435MODULE Direction
436CATEGORY Transformation
437DESCRIPTION converts from azimuth, elevation, and distance
438INPUT azimuth; scalar; 0; azimuth in degrees
439INPUT elevation; scalar; 0; elevation in degrees
440INPUT distance; scalar; 1; distance
441OUTPUT point; vector; x, y, z position
443MODULE Display
444CATEGORY Rendering
445DESCRIPTION renders a scene and/or sends an image to the display
447INPUT object; object; (none); object to render or image to display
448INPUT camera; camera; (no default); camera if rendering is required
449INPUT where [visible:0]; window or string; (the users terminal); host and window for display
450INPUT throttle [visible:0]; scalar; 0; minimum time in seconds between frames
451INPUT name [visible:0]; string; (no name); Option name
452INPUT value [visible:0]; object; (no default); Option value
454OUTPUT where; window; host and window id for display
456MODULE DivCurl
457CATEGORY Transformation
458DESCRIPTION computes divergence and curl
459INPUT data; vector field; (none); field of which to compute divergence and curl
460INPUT method [visible:0]; string; "manhattan"; method to use
461OPTIONS manhattan
462OUTPUT div; scalar field; divergence field
463OUTPUT curl; vector field; curl field
466MODULE Done
467CATEGORY Flow Control
468DESCRIPTION Specifies whether a loop should be terminated
470INPUT done; flag; (none); set to 1 to terminate loop
473MODULE Echo
474CATEGORY Debugging
475DESCRIPTION echoes a message
477INPUT string; value list or string list; (no default); message to print
480MODULE Enumerate
481CATEGORY Realization
482DESCRIPTION generates a numeric list
483INPUT start; value; (input dependent); starting value in list
484INPUT end; value; (input dependent); ending value in list
485INPUT count; integer; (input dependent); number of entries in list
486INPUT delta; value; (input dependent); numeric stepsize
487INPUT method; string; "linear"; how to interpret stepsize
488OPTIONS linear
489OUTPUT list; value list; the numeric list
491MODULE Equalize
492CATEGORY Transformation
493DESCRIPTION applies histogram equalization
494INPUT data; scalar field; (none); data to equalize
495INPUT bins; integer; (input dependent); number of equalization bins
496INPUT min [visible:0]; scalar or field; (min of data); lower bound for equalization
497INPUT max [visible:0]; scalar or field; (max of data); upper bound for equalization
498INPUT ihist [visible:0]; field; (histogram of data); input distribution
499INPUT ohist [visible:0]; field; (uniform distribution); output distribution
500OUTPUT equalized; scalar field; the histogram equalized data
503MODULE Executive
504DESCRIPTION executes an executive command
506INPUT command; string; (none); command to be executed
507INPUT value; object; (no default); command dependent values
511MODULE Export
512CATEGORY Import and Export
513DESCRIPTION writes an external data file
515INPUT object; object; (none); object to write
516INPUT name; string; (none); file name to write to
517INPUT format; string; "dx"; format in which to write the file
518OPTIONS dx ; dx text ; dx text follows ; array ; array headers ; vrml
520MODULE Extract
521CATEGORY Structuring
522DESCRIPTION extracts a component from a field
523INPUT input; field; (none); the field from which to extract a component
524INPUT name; string; "data"; the component to extract
525OPTIONS data ; positions ; connections ; colors
526OUTPUT output; object; the named component
528MODULE FaceNormals
529CATEGORY Rendering
530DESCRIPTION computes face normals for flat shading
531INPUT surface; geometry field; (none); surface on which to compute face normals
532OUTPUT normals; field; the surface with face normals
534MODULE Filter
535CATEGORY Transformation
536DESCRIPTION applies a filter to a field
537INPUT input; field; (none); data to filter
538INPUT filter; value or string; "gaussian"; filter to use
539OPTIONS 4-connected ; 8-connected ; 6-connected ; 26-connected
540OPTIONS box ; box 1-d ; box 3-d
541OPTIONS compass:e; compass:n; compass:ne; compass:nw
542OPTIONS compass:s; compass:se; compass:sw; compass:w
543OPTIONS gaussian; gaussian 2-d;gaussian 3 x 3;gaussian 5 x 5;gaussian 7 x 7
544OPTIONS isotropic;kirsch
545OPTIONS laplacian; laplacian 1 d; laplacian 2 d; laplacian 3 d
546OPTIONS line:e-w; line:n-s; line:ne-sw; line:nw-se
547OPTIONS prewitt; roberts; sobel
548INPUT component [visible:0]; string; "data"; component on which to operate
549OPTIONS data ; colors
550INPUT mask [visible:0]; value or string; "box"; rank-value filter mask
551OUTPUT output; field; filtered data
553#if CAD
554MODULE Flatten
555CATEGORY Simplification
556DESCRIPTION Flattens modelling hierarchy
557INPUT input; object; (none); data model to flatten
558OUTPUT output; field; flattened model
562MODULE First
564CATEGORY Flow Control
565DESCRIPTION  Indicates whether this is the first time through the loop
566OUTPUT first; flag;  Is this the first time through loop?
568MODULE ForEachMember
570CATEGORY Flow Control
571DESCRIPTION  Iterate over members of a group/array
572INPUT object; object; (none); object to iterate over
573OUTPUT member; object; selected member
574OUTPUT index; integer; 0-based index number of member
575OUTPUT last; flag; Is this the last time through the loop?
577MODULE ForEachN
579CATEGORY Flow Control
580DESCRIPTION  Iterates over a specified set of integers
581INPUT start; integer; (none);  start value
582OPTIONS 0 ; 1
583INPUT end; integer; (none);  end value
584INPUT delta; integer; 1;  delta value
585OPTIONS  -1 ; 1 ; 2
586OUTPUT current; integer; current value
587OUTPUT last; flag; Is this the last time through the loop?
590MODULE Format
591CATEGORY Annotation
592DESCRIPTION formats a string
593INPUT template; string; (none); format control string
594INPUT value; value list or string; (no default); value to format
596OUTPUT string; string; formatted string object
599CATEGORY Transformation
600DESCRIPTION computes the fast Fourier transform of a field
601INPUT input; field; (none); field to transform
602INPUT direction; string; "forward"; direction of the transform:"forward", "inverse" or "backward"
603INPUT center; flag; 0; center the result of the transform
604OPTIONS false; true
605OUTPUT output; field; the transformed data
609DESCRIPTION retrieve an object saved by Set
611INPUT initial; object; (no default); initial object, sent to output if nothing has been Set
612INPUT reset; flag;  0; If set, initial object (rather than cached object) is passed to output
613INPUT key [visible:2, rerun_key:1]; string;  (none); Optional cache key string
614OUTPUT object; object; retrieved object
615OUTPUT link; string; link to Set, must be connected to second input of Set
617MODULE GetGlobal
618CATEGORY Flow Control
619DESCRIPTION retrieve an object saved by SetGlobal
621INPUT initial; object; (no default); initial object, sent to output if nothing has been Set
622INPUT reset; flag;  0; If set, initial object (rather than cached object) is passed to output
623INPUT key [visible:2, rerun_key:1]; string;  (none); Optional cache key string
624OUTPUT object; object; retrieved object
625OUTPUT link; string; link to SetGlobal, must be connected to second input of SetGlobal
627MODULE GetLocal
628CATEGORY Flow Control
629DESCRIPTION retrieve an object saved by SetLocal
631INPUT initial; object; (no default); initial object, sent to output if nothing has been Set
632INPUT reset; flag;  0; If set, initial object (rather than cached object) is passed to output
633INPUT key [visible:2]; string;  (none); Optional cache key string
634OUTPUT object; object; retrieved object
635OUTPUT link; string; link to SetLocal, must be connected to second input of SetLocal
637MODULE GetScene
639DESCRIPTION retrieve object and camera saved by an Image window
640INPUT imagetag [visible:2]; string; (none); tag of image
641OUTPUT object; object; cached object
642OUTPUT camera; camera; cached camera
645MODULE Glyph
646CATEGORY Annotation
647DESCRIPTION assigns an appropriate glyph to each point; scale is in absolute units
648INPUT data; data field; (none); set of points to which glyphs will be assigned
649INPUT type; scalar or string or field or group; (input dependent); glyph type
650OPTIONS speedy; spiffy; standard; 0.0; 1.0; 0.5; text
651OPTIONS colored text; cube; square
652OPTIONS arrow2D; circle; diamond; needle
653OPTIONS needle2D; rocket; rocket2D; sphere
654INPUT shape; scalar; 1.0; factor to describe the shape of the glyph
655OPTIONS .25; .50; .75; 1.0; 1.5; 2.0
656INPUT scale; scalar; (input dependent); scale factor for size of glyphs
657OPTIONS .25; .50; .75; 1.0; 1.5; 2.0
658INPUT ratio; scalar; (0.05 or 0); ratio in size (scalars or vectors) between smallest and largest glyphs
659INPUT min [visible:0]; scalar or field; (min of data or 0); data value which gets the minimum size glyph
660INPUT max [visible:0]; scalar or field; (max of data); data value which gets the maximum size glyph
661OUTPUT glyphs; color field; set of glyphs
663MODULE Gradient
664CATEGORY Transformation
665DESCRIPTION computes the gradient of a scalar field
666INPUT data; scalar field; (none); field of which to compute gradient
667INPUT method [visible:0]; string; "manhattan"; method to use
668OUTPUT gradient; vector field; gradient field
670MODULE Grid
671CATEGORY Realization
672DESCRIPTION produces a set of points on a grid
673INPUT point; vector; (none); point around which to build the grid
674INPUT structure; string; "brick"; shape of the grid
675OPTIONS line; rectangle; crosshair; ellipse; brick
676INPUT shape; vector list; (structure dependent); size and shape of structure
677INPUT density; integer list; ({3, 3, ... }); number of points to put on each element of the grid
678OUTPUT grid; geometry field; output grid
680MODULE Histogram
681CATEGORY Transformation
682DESCRIPTION computes a histogram
683INPUT data; scalar list or vector list or field or series; (none); field to histogram
684INPUT bins; integer or vector; (256 for bytes, 100 otherwise); number of bins in histogram
685INPUT min [visible:0]; scalar or vector or field; (min of data); minimum value to histogram
686INPUT max [visible:0]; scalar or vector or field; (max of data); maximum value to histogram
687INPUT out [visible:0]; flag or vector; 0; if 1, then include outliers
688OPTIONS false; true
689OUTPUT histogram; field or series; the histogram
690OUTPUT median; scalar or scalar list; median of the input field
692MODULE ImageMessage
693DESCRIPTION returns info from exec to ui for data-driven Image
695INPUT id; object; (none);
696INPUT bkgndColor; vector or string; (none);
697INPUT throttle; scalar; (none);
698INPUT recordEnable; flag; (none);
699INPUT recordFile; string; (none);
700INPUT recordFormat; string; (none);
701INPUT recordResolution; integer; (none);
702INPUT recordAspect; scalar; (none);
703INPUT axesEnabled; flag; (none);
704INPUT axesLabels; string list;  (none);
705INPUT axesTicks; integer or integer list;  (none);
706INPUT axesCorners; vector list or object;  (none);
707INPUT axesFrame; flag;  (none);
708INPUT axesAdjust; flag;  (none);
709INPUT axesCursor; vector; (none);
710INPUT axesGrid; flag; (none);
711INPUT axesColors; vector list or string list; (none);
712INPUT axesAnnotate; string list; (none);
713INPUT axesLabelScale; scalar; (none);
714INPUT axesFont; string; (none);
715INPUT axesXTickLocs; scalar list; (none);
716INPUT axesYTickLocs; scalar list; (none);
717INPUT axesZTickLocs; scalar list; (none);
718INPUT axesXTickLabels; string list; (none);
719INPUT axesYTickLabels; string list; (none);
720INPUT axesZTickLabels; string list; (none);
721INPUT interactionMode; string; (none);
722INPUT title; string; (none);
723INPUT renderMode; integer; (none);
724INPUT buttonUpApprox; string; (none);
725INPUT buttonDownApprox; string; (none);
726INPUT buttonUpDensity; integer; (none);
727INPUT buttonDownDensity; integer; (none);
729MODULE Import
730CATEGORY Import and Export
731DESCRIPTION reads an external data file
733INPUT name; string; (none); file name containing data to be read, or !command
734INPUT variable; string or string list; (format dependent); variable to be read
735INPUT format; string; (file extension or content); "dx text", "cdf", "general"
736OPTIONS dx; general; netCDF ; CDF ; cm ; hdf
737INPUT start [visible:0]; integer; (first frame); starting data frame
738INPUT end [visible:0]; integer; (last frame); ending data frame
739INPUT delta [visible:0]; integer; 1; increment between frames
740OUTPUT data; object; object containing requested variables
742MODULE ImportSpreadsheet
743CATEGORY Import and Export
744DESCRIPTION Imports spreadsheet data
745INPUT filename; string;(none) ; filename to import
746INPUT delimiter; string; " "; delimiter
747OPTIONS "\t"
748INPUT columnname [visible:0]; string list; (all); list of columns to import
749INPUT format [visible:0]; string; "1-d"; import as 1-d or 2-d field
750OPTIONS "1-d"; "2-d"
751INPUT categorize [visible:0]; string list; (no columns); list of columns to categorize
752OPTIONS "allstring"
753INPUT start [visible:0]; integer; (first record); starting record
754INPUT end [visible:0]; integer; (last record); ending record
755INPUT delta [visible:0]; integer; 1; increment between records
756INPUT headerlines [visible:0]; integer; 0; lines to skip before data
757INPUT labelline [visible:0]; integer; (no lines); line that labels are on
758OUTPUT data; field; requested data
759OUTPUT labellist; string list; list of column labels
761MODULE Include
762CATEGORY Import and Export
763DESCRIPTION includes (or excludes) points based on data
764INPUT data; data field; (none); field from which to select points
765INPUT min; scalar or vector; (min of data); minimum value to include
766INPUT max; scalar or vector; (max of data); maximum value to include
767INPUT exclude; flag; 0; 0: include selected range, 1: exclude selected range
768OPTIONS false; true
769INPUT cull; flag; 1; if 0, leave culled points in field, marked invalid
770OPTIONS true; false
771INPUT pointwise; flag; 0; if 1, ignore connections when selecting points
772OPTIONS false; true
773OUTPUT output; field; field with selected points
775MODULE Inquire
776CATEGORY Structuring
777DESCRIPTION return information about the input object
778INPUT input; object; (none); the input object being queried
779INPUT inquiry; string; "is null"; what information is requested
780OPTIONS is null; is empty; items; grid counts
781INPUT value; string; (no default); additional qualifiers about this inquiry
782OUTPUT output; integer or object; 1 or 0 for yes/no inquiries, or the value
784MODULE Isolate
785CATEGORY Realization
786DESCRIPTION isolates and shrinks connection elements
787INPUT field; field; (none); the field to be isolated
788INPUT scale; scalar; .5; factor by which to shrink the cells
789OUTPUT output; field; field of isolated connections
791MODULE Isosurface
792CATEGORY Realization
793DESCRIPTION computes isosurfaces or contour lines
794INPUT data; scalar field; (none); field of which to construct isosurface(s)
795INPUT value; scalar or scalar list; (data mean); isosurface value(s)
796INPUT number; integer; (no default); number of isosurfaces or contours
797INPUT gradient [visible:0]; vector field; (no gradient); gradient field
798INPUT flag [visible:0]; flag; 1; whether to compute normals
799OPTIONS true; false
800INPUT direction [visible:0]; integer; -1; how to orient normals
801OUTPUT surface; field or group; isosurface
804DESCRIPTION waits for a line from the terminal
806INPUT prompt; string; "Type <ENTER> to continue"; string printed
808MODULE Legend
809CATEGORY Annotation
810DESCRIPTION creates a legend for string data
811INPUT stringlist; string list; (none); list of strings
812INPUT colorlist; field or vector list or string list; (none); color map or list of colors
813INPUT position; vector; [0.95 0.95]; the position of the legend in viewport relative coordinates
814INPUT shape; vector; [300 25]; length and width of legend in pixels
815INPUT horizontal; flag; 0; horizontal (0) or vertical (1) orientation
816OPTIONS false; true
817INPUT label; string; (no default); label for the legend
818INPUT colors [visible:0]; vector list or string list; (appropriate); colors for annotation
819INPUT annotation [visible:0]; string list; "all"; annotation objects to color
820OPTIONS all; frame; labels; ticks
821INPUT labelscale [visible:0]; scalar; 1.0; scale factor for labels
822INPUT font [visible:0]; string; (standard); font to use for labels
823OPTIONS area; cyril_d; fixed; gothiceng_t; gothicger_t; gothicit_t
824OPTIONS greek_d; greek_s; italic_d; italic_t; pitman; roman_d
825OPTIONS roman_dser; roman_s; roman_tser; roman_ext; roman_sfix
826OPTIONS script_d; script_s; variable;
827OUTPUT legend; color field; the legend
830MODULE Light
831CATEGORY Rendering
832DESCRIPTION produces a distant point light
833INPUT where; vector or camera; [0 0 1]; position or direction of light
834INPUT color; vector or string; [1 1 1]; color and intensity of light
835INPUT camera; flag; 0; 0=fixed direction, 1=direction relative to camera
836OPTIONS false; true
837OUTPUT light; light; a distant light
839MODULE List
840CATEGORY Structuring
841DESCRIPTION concatinates items into a single list
842INPUT object; value or value list or string list; (no default); list item to concatenate
844OUTPUT list; value list or string list; the object list
846MODULE Lookup
847CATEGORY Transformation
848DESCRIPTION replaces values using a lookup table
849INPUT input; field or string list or value or value list; (none); object to lookup
850INPUT table; field or string or value list; (dataname lookup); lookup table
851INPUT data [visible:0]; string; "data"; component of input to lookup
852INPUT lookup [visible:0]; string; "positions"; component of table in which to look
853INPUT value [visible:0]; string; "data"; component of table containing lookup results
854INPUT destination [visible:0]; string; "lookedup"; component of input in which to put result
855INPUT ignore [visible:0]; string list; (no default); properties to ignore in string lookup
856OPTIONS case; space; lspace; rspace; lrspace; punctuation
857INPUT notFound [visible:0]; string or value; (zero or empty string); what to return when a value is not found in lookup
858OUTPUT lookedup; field or value or value list; the lookedup values
861CATEGORY Transformation
862DESCRIPTION applies a function defined by a map to a field
863INPUT input; field or value or value list; (none); field to map
864INPUT map; scalar or vector or field; (identity); map to use
865INPUT source [visible:0]; string; "positions"; component to use as index into map
866OPTIONS positions; data; colors
867INPUT destination [visible:0]; string; "data"; component in which to put result
868OPTIONS data; positions; colors
869OUTPUT output; field or value or value list; input field mapped according to map
871MODULE MapToPlane
872CATEGORY Realization
873DESCRIPTION maps a field onto a plane
874INPUT data; data field; (none); data to be mapped
875INPUT point; vector; (center of object); a point on the map plane
876INPUT normal; vector; [0 0 1]; normal to the map plane
877OPTIONS [0 0 1]; [0 1 0]; [1 0 0]
878OUTPUT plane; data field; mapped plane
880MODULE Mark
881CATEGORY Structuring
882DESCRIPTION marks a component
883INPUT input; field; (none); the field in which to mark a component
884INPUT name; string; (none); the component to mark
885OPTIONS positions; connections; colors
886OUTPUT output; field; the field with the named component marked
888MODULE Measure
889CATEGORY Transformation
890DESCRIPTION performs measurement on a data object
891INPUT input; data field; (none); data to be measured
892INPUT what; string; (input dependent); measurement to perform
893OPTIONS length; area; volume; element
894OUTPUT output; value or field; measurement result
896#if 0
897MODULE Merge
898CATEGORY Transformation
899DESCRIPTION merges new items into a list
900INPUT list; value list or field; (none); list ov values
901INPUT new; value list or field; (no default); new items to merge into the list
902INPUT duplicates; integer; 0; 0: keep duplicates, 1: delete duplicates, 2: delete all items if there are duplicates
903OUTPUT output; value list or field; merged list or field
906MODULE Message
907CATEGORY Debugging
908DESCRIPTION prints a user-generated message, warning, or error
910INPUT message; string; (no default); message to print
911INPUT type; string; "message"; type of information: error, warning, or message
912OPTIONS error; warning; message
913INPUT popup; flag; 0; if set, put the message in a separate popup window
914OPTIONS false; true
916MODULE Morph
917CATEGORY Transformation
918DESCRIPTION applies a binary morphological operator
919INPUT input; field; (none); input data
920INPUT operation; string; "erode"; the operation to apply
921OPTIONS erode; dilate; open; close
922INPUT mask; value or string; "box"; the mask element
923OUTPUT output; field; morphologically transformed input
925MODULE Normals
926CATEGORY Rendering
927DESCRIPTION computes point normals for shading
928INPUT surface; geometry field; (none); surface on which to compute normals
929INPUT method; string; "positions"; component on which to base normals
930OPTIONS positions; connections; faces
931OUTPUT normals; field; the surface with normals
933MODULE Options
934CATEGORY Structuring
935DESCRIPTION associates attributes with an object
936INPUT input; object; (none); object of which to set attributes
937INPUT attribute; string; (no default); attribute to set
938OPTIONS label; scatter; mark; mark every; mark scale; pickable
939OPTIONS ambient; diffuse; specular; shininess; rendering mode
940OPTIONS rendering approximation; render every
941INPUT value; value or string or object; (no default); value of the attribute
943OUTPUT output; object; the object with attributes set
945MODULE Overlay
946CATEGORY Rendering
947DESCRIPTION overlays one image on another
948INPUT overlay; image; (none); overlay image
949INPUT base; image; (none); base image
950INPUT blend; scalar or vector or string or field; .5; 0 for base image only; 1 for overlay image only, or chromakey color or mask field, or chromakey color or mask field
951OUTPUT combined; image; combined image
953MODULE Parse
954CATEGORY Annotation
955DESCRIPTION separates a string up into strings and/or values
956INPUT input; string; (none); string to separate
957INPUT format; string; "%s"; format control string
958OUTPUT value; value or string; value extracted from string
961MODULE Partition
962CATEGORY Import and Export
963DESCRIPTION partitions a data set
964INPUT input; field or group; (none); field to partition
965INPUT n; integer; (machine dependent); maximum number of subparts
966INPUT size [visible:0]; integer; (one primitive); threshold for partitioning
967OUTPUT partitioned; field or group; set of partitioned fields
969MODULE Pick
970CATEGORY Special
972INPUT pickname [visible:2]; string; (none); name of associated cached picks
973INPUT imagename [visible:2]; string; (none); name of associated cached scene
974INPUT locations [visible:0]; vector list; (no default); 2-D screen coordinate pick positions
975INPUT reexecute [visible:2]; flag; (none); cause re-execution whenever pick list is reset
976OPTIONS false; true
977INPUT first; flag; 1; first intersection only instead of all intersections
978OPTIONS true; false
979INPUT persistent [visible:0]; flag; 1; if no new picks, reuse previous picks
980OPTIONS true; false
981INPUT interpolate [visible:0]; flag; 0; include data from pick object in picked
982OPTIONS false; true
983INPUT object [visible:0]; object; (no default); object to pick in
984INPUT camera [visible:0]; camera; (no default); camera used to render scene
985OUTPUT picked; field; pick information
987#if 0
988MODULE PickInvalidate
989CATEGORY Special
990DESCRIPTION sets a picked field to be valid or invalid
991INPUT input; object; (none); object which was picked in
992INPUT pickobject; field; (none); picking structure
993INPUT exclude; flag; 0; set picked field valid (0) or picked field invalid (1)
994OPTIONS false; true
995INPUT poke; integer; (all); poke selection
996INPUT pick; integer; (all); pick selection
997INPUT depth; integer; (bottom); selection depth
998OUTPUT output; object; object with picked object marked using color
999OUTPUT leaf; object; picked leaf object
1002MODULE Pie
1003CATEGORY Realization
1004DESCRIPTION Creates 2-D or 3-D Piechart Wedges
1005INPUT percents; scalar list or field ;  (none); wedge data
1006INPUT percentflag; string ;  "values"; type of percents
1007OPTIONS "values";"percents";"fractions"
1008INPUT radius; scalar list or field; 1; radius/radii of piechart
1009INPUT radiusscale[visible:0]; scalar; 1; radius for "radiusmax" value
1010INPUT radiusmin[visible:0]; scalar; (minimum radius value); radius value which gets the minimum radius size
1011INPUT radiusmax[visible:0]; scalar; (maximum radius value); radius value which gets the maximum radius size
1012INPUT radiusratio[visible:0]; scalar; (.10); ratio in radius size between radiusmin and radiusmax
1013INPUT height; scalar list or field; 0.0; height(s) of piechart (0 for 2
1014INPUT heightscale[visible:0]; scalar; 1; height for "heightmax" value
1015INPUT heightmin[visible:0]; scalar; (minimum height value); height value which gets the minimum height size
1016INPUT heightmax[visible:0]; scalar; (maximum height value); height value which gets the maximum height size
1017INPUT heightratio[visible:0]; scalar; (.10); ratio in height size between heightmin and heightmax
1018INPUT quality; scalar;  0.25; 0.0 < quality < 1
1019INPUT colors[visible:0]; vector list or string list; (no default); colors for piechart
1020INPUT labels; value list or string list or field;  (percentages); labels for each wedge
1021INPUT labelformat[visible:0]; string;  (appropriate); format for labels
1022INPUT showpercents[visible:0]; flag;  0; display percentage with labels
1023OUTPUT wedges; series; the piechart
1024OUTPUT edges; series; the piechart edges
1025OUTPUT labels; field; the piechart labels
1026OUTPUT percents; string list; the wedge percents
1027OUTPUT colors; vector list; the wedge colors
1029MODULE Plot
1030CATEGORY Annotation
1031DESCRIPTION creates a plot
1032INPUT input; field or group; (none); data to plot
1033INPUT labels; string list; {"x", "y"}; axis labels
1034INPUT ticks; integer list; (input dependent); approximate number of ticks
1035INPUT corners; vector list or object; ([xmin, ymin][xmax, ymax]); plot limits
1036INPUT adjust [visible:0]; flag; (input dependent); whether to adjust end points
1037OPTIONS false; true
1038INPUT frame [visible:0]; integer; 0; framing style for plot
1039OPTIONS 0; 1; 2
1040INPUT type [visible:0]; string list; {"lin", "lin"}; plot type
1041OPTIONS lin; log; {"lin", "log"}; {"log", "lin"}
1042INPUT grid [visible:0]; integer; 0; grid style for plot
1043OPTIONS 0; 1; 2; 3
1044INPUT aspect; scalar or string; 1.0; y to x aspect ratio of resulting plot
1045OPTIONS 1.0; .75;  1.2; "inherent"
1046INPUT colors [visible:0]; vector list or string list; (appropriate); colors for annotation
1047INPUT annotation [visible:0]; string list; "all"; annotation objects to color
1048OPTIONS all; axes; background; grid; labels; ticks
1049INPUT labelscale [visible:0]; scalar; 1.0; scale factor for labels
1050INPUT font [visible:0]; string; (standard); font to use for labels
1051OPTIONS area; cyril_d; fixed; gothiceng_t; gothicger_t; gothicit_t
1052OPTIONS greek_d; greek_s; italic_d; italic_t; pitman; roman_d
1053OPTIONS roman_dser; roman_s; roman_tser; roman_ext; roman_sfix
1054OPTIONS script_d; script_s; variable;
1055INPUT input2 [visible:0]; field or group; (no default); second set of data to plot
1056INPUT label2 [visible:0]; string; {"y2"}; axis label for second y axis
1057INPUT ticks2 [visible:0]; integer; (input dependent); approximate number of ticks on second y axis
1058INPUT corners2 [visible:0]; vector or object; ([ymin, ymax]); plot limits on second y axis
1059INPUT type2 [visible:0]; string; "lin"; plot type for second y axis
1060OPTIONS lin; log
1061INPUT xticklocations [visible:0]; scalar list; (appropriate); x tick locations
1062INPUT y1ticklocations [visible:0]; scalar list; (appropriate); y1 tick locations
1063INPUT y2ticklocations [visible:0]; scalar list; (appropriate); y2 tick locations
1064INPUT xticklabels [visible:0]; string list; (xticklocations); x tick labels
1065INPUT y1ticklabels [visible:0]; string list; (y1ticklocations); y1 tick labels
1066INPUT y2ticklabels [visible:0]; string list; (y2ticklocations); y2 tick labels
1067INPUT usefixedfontsize [visible:0]; flag; 0; use fixed font size for labels
1068INPUT fixedfontsize [visible:0]; scalar; .1; fontsize as fraction of x axis, when usefixedfontsize is set to 1
1069OUTPUT plot; field; the plot
1071MODULE Post
1072CATEGORY Transformation
1073DESCRIPTION change data dependency between positions and connections
1074INPUT input; field; (none); field to have its dependency changed
1075INPUT dependency; string; "positions"; desired output dependency
1076OPTIONS positions; connections
1077OUTPUT output; field; field with data dependent on given component
1079MODULE Print
1080CATEGORY Debugging
1081DESCRIPTION prints an object
1083INPUT object; object; (none); object to print
1084INPUT options; string; "o"; printing options
1085OPTIONS o; rd; rD
1086INPUT component; string or string list; (all components); component or components to print
1087OPTIONS positions; connections; data; colors
1089MODULE QuantizeImage
1090CATEGORY Transformation
1091DESCRIPTION Reduces an RGB image to a ubyte image with colormap
1092INPUT images; image or image series; (none); image(s) to quantize
1093INPUT nColors; integer; 256; max. number of colors to use
1094OUTPUT images; image or image series; resulting quantized images
1097#define MAGICK_FORMATS ; ImageMagick supported format
1099#define MAGICK_FORMATS
1102MODULE ReadImage
1103CATEGORY Import and Export
1104DESCRIPTION reads an image from a file
1105INPUT name; string; "image"; file name
1106INPUT format; string; ("rgb" or input dependent); format of file
1107OPTIONS rgb; r+g+b; tiff; miff MAGICK_FORMATS
1108INPUT start [visible:0]; integer; (first frame); starting movie frame
1109INPUT end [visible:0]; integer; (last frame); ending movie frame
1110INPUT delta [visible:0]; integer; 1; delta of images to read
1111INPUT width [visible:0]; integer; (input dependent); width of image
1112INPUT height [visible:0]; integer; (input dependent); height of image
1113INPUT delayed [visible:0]; flag; (environment-dependent); use delayed colors if present in image file
1114OPTIONS false ; true
1115INPUT colortype [visible:0]; string; (environment-dependent); data type for colors
1116OPTIONS "float" ; "byte"
1117OUTPUT image; image or image series; resulting image
1119MODULE ReadImageWindow
1120CATEGORY Windows
1122DESCRIPTION  Retrieve the contents of a display window
1123INPUT where; window; (no default); window identifier
1124OUTPUT image; field; image found in the window
1126MODULE Reduce
1127CATEGORY Import and Export
1128DESCRIPTION reduces the resolution of a data set
1129INPUT input; field; (none); field to reduce
1130INPUT factor; scalar list or vector list; 2; reduction factor(s)
1131OUTPUT reduced; field or group; set of reduced-resolution data
1133MODULE Refine
1134CATEGORY Import and Export
1135DESCRIPTION resamples a grid at a finer resolution, or changes the element type of a grid
1136INPUT input; field; (none); field to refine
1137INPUT level; integer or string; 1; level of refinement
1138OPTIONS 1; 2; 3; 4; triangles; quads
1139OUTPUT refined; field; refined input
1141MODULE Regrid
1142CATEGORY Realization
1143DESCRIPTION Regrids a field of scattered positions
1144INPUT input; field or vector list; (none); field with positions to regrid
1145INPUT grid; field; (none); grid to use as template
1146INPUT nearest; integer or string; 1; number of nearest neighbors to use
1147OPTIONS 1; 2; 5; infinity
1148INPUT radius; scalar or string; "infinity"; radius from grid point to consider
1149INPUT exponent; scalar; 1.0; weighting exponent
1150OPTIONS 1; 2; 3
1151INPUT missing; value; (no default); missing value to insert if necessary
1152OUTPUT output; field; Regridded field
1154#if CAD
1155MODULE Regroup
1156CATEGORY Simplification
1157DESCRIPTION regroups triangle data into fields representing local volumes
1158INPUT input; object; (none); data to regroup
1159INPUT nBins; integer; 1; number of bins along an axis
1160OUTPUT result; object; regrouped data
1163MODULE Remove
1164CATEGORY Structuring
1165DESCRIPTION remove components from a field
1166INPUT input; field; (none); the field from which to remove the component(s)
1167INPUT name; string or string list; (none); the component(s) to remove
1168OPTIONS positions; connections; data; colors; normals; invalid positions
1169OPTIONS invalid connections
1170OUTPUT output; field; the field without the named component(s)
1172MODULE Rename
1173CATEGORY Structuring
1174DESCRIPTION renames a component in a field
1175INPUT input; field; (none); the field in which to rename something
1176INPUT oldname; string; (none); the old component name
1177OPTIONS positions; connections; data; colors
1178INPUT newname; string; "data"; the new component name
1179OPTIONS positions; connections; data; colors
1180OUTPUT output; field; field with component renamed
1182MODULE Render
1183CATEGORY Rendering
1184DESCRIPTION renders an object
1185INPUT object; object; (none); object to be rendered
1186INPUT camera; camera; (none); camera for rendering
1187INPUT format [visible:0]; string; (standard); format of resulting image
1188OUTPUT image; image; resulting image
1190MODULE Reorient
1191CATEGORY Rendering
1192DESCRIPTION change the orientation of an image
1193INPUT image; field or group; (none); image(s) to be reoriented
1194INPUT how; integer; 0; how to change the orientation by rotation or inversion
1195OPTIONS 0;1;2;3;4;5;6;7
1196OUTPUT image; image; resulting rotated or inverted image
1198MODULE Replace
1199CATEGORY Structuring
1200DESCRIPTION replaces a component in one field with a component from another field
1201INPUT srcfield; field or value list or string list; (none); field from which to get component
1202INPUT dstfield; field; (none); the field in which to replace
1203INPUT srcname; string; "data"; which component from srcfield
1204OPTIONS data ; positions; connections; colors
1205INPUT dstname; string; "data"; the new component name
1206OPTIONS data ; positions; connections; colors
1207OUTPUT out; field; dstfield with component from srcfield
1209MODULE Ribbon
1210CATEGORY Annotation
1211DESCRIPTION produces a ribbon that follows a path
1212INPUT line; field; (none); line to be drawn as a ribbon
1213INPUT width; scalar; (input dependent); the width of the ribbon
1214OUTPUT ribbon; field; the line turned into a ribbon
1216MODULE Rotate
1217CATEGORY Rendering
1218DESCRIPTION rotates an object
1219INPUT input; object; (none); object to rotate
1220INPUT axis; integer or string; "y"; axis about which to rotate
1221OPTIONS y ; x ; z
1222INPUT rotation; scalar; 0; amount of rotation in degrees
1223OPTIONS 30 ; 45 ; 60 ; 90; 135; 180
1224INPUT axis; integer or string; (no default); axis about which to rotate
1225OPTIONS y ; x ; z
1226INPUT rotation; scalar; (no default); amount of rotation in degrees
1227OPTIONS 30 ; 45 ; 60 ; 90; 135; 180
1228REPEAT 2
1229OUTPUT output; object; object marked to be rotated
1232MODULE Route
1233CATEGORY Flow Control
1234DESCRIPTION routes an object through selector-specified output path(s)
1235INPUT selector; integer or integer list; 0; path(s) through which to route input object
1236INPUT input; value list or string list or object; (no default); object to route
1237OUTPUT output; object; a possible path through which the input object may be routed
1238#ifndef CPLUSPLUS_UI
1239OUTPUT output; object; a possible path through which the input object may be routed
1240OUTPUT output; object; a possible path through which the input object may be routed
1241OUTPUT output; object; a possible path through which the input object may be routed
1243#ifdef CPLUSPLUS_UI
1244REPEAT 1
1248MODULE RubberSheet
1249CATEGORY Realization
1250DESCRIPTION deforms a surface based on data values
1251INPUT data; scalar field; (none); the field to deform
1252INPUT scale; scalar; (input dependent); displacement scaling
1253INPUT min [visible:0]; scalar or field; 0.0; offset to apply to data values
1254INPUT max [visible:0]; scalar or field; (max of data); data value to use to set maximum displacement
1255OUTPUT graph; scalar field; the deformed field
1257MODULE Sample
1258CATEGORY Realization
1259DESCRIPTION samples a field at points on a surface or within a volume
1260INPUT manifold; field; (none); the surface or volume to sample
1261INPUT density; integer; 100; approximate number of samples
1262OUTPUT samples; field; a set of samples of the field
1264MODULE Scale
1265CATEGORY Rendering
1266DESCRIPTION scales an object
1267INPUT input; object; (none); object to scale
1268INPUT scaling; scalar or vector; [1 1 1]; scaling factor along x, y and z axes
1269OUTPUT output; object; object marked to be scaled
1271MODULE  ScaleScreen
1272CATEGORY Rendering
1273DESCRIPTION scales screen objects by given amount
1274INPUT object; object; (none) ; object to scale
1275INPUT scalefactor; scalar; 1; scale factor for screen objects
1276INPUT finalres; integer; (no default); final (x) resolution of desired image
1277INPUT currentcamera; camera; (no default); current camera used to view object
1278OUTPUT output; object; object with screen objects scaled as specified
1279OUTPUT newcamera; camera; current camera updated by specified scale factor
1281#if 0
1282MODULE Screen
1283CATEGORY Annotation
1284DESCRIPTION Creates an object aligned with the screen
1285INPUT object; field; (none); object to be made into a screen object
1286INPUT position; vector; (input dependent); position
1287INPUT how; integer; 0; viewport (0), pixel (1), or world (2) coordinates for position
1288INPUT size; scalar or vector; 100; size of screen object
1289INPUT units; integer; 1; viewport (0), pixel (1), or world (2) coordinates for size
1290INPUT depth; integer; 1; behind (-1) within (0) or in front of (1) other objects
1291OUTPUT screen; object; screen object
1294MODULE Select
1295CATEGORY Structuring
1296DESCRIPTION selects a member of a group or list
1297INPUT input; group or series or value list or string list; (none); the object from which to select
1298INPUT which; integer or integer list or string or string list; 0; which member(s) to select
1299INPUT except [visible:0]; flag; 0; copy all listed members (0) or all but listed members (1)
1300OPTIONS false; true
1301OUTPUT object; object; the selected member(s)
1303#if CAD
1304MODULE SelectLOR
1305CATEGORY Simplification
1306DESCRIPTION selects an appropriate level of detail
1307INPUT group; group; (none); the group to select from
1308INPUT camera; camera; (none); which member
1309INPUT base; scalar; 0; which member
1310INPUT scale; scalar; 1; which member
1311OUTPUT object; object; the selected member
1315MODULE Set
1316DESCRIPTION save an object to be retrieved by Get
1317INPUT object; object; (no default); object to be saved
1318INPUT link; string; (none); link to Get, must be connected to second output of Get
1319INPUT key [visible:2]; string;  (none); Optional cache key string
1321MODULE SetGlobal
1322CATEGORY Flow Control
1323DESCRIPTION save an object to be retrieved by GetGlobal
1324INPUT object; object; (no default); object to be saved
1325INPUT link; string; (none); link to GetGlobal, must be connected to second output of GetGlobal
1326INPUT key [visible:2]; string;  (none); Optional cache key string
1328MODULE SetLocal
1329CATEGORY Flow Control
1330DESCRIPTION save an object to be retrieved by GetLocal
1331INPUT object; object; (no default); object to be saved
1332INPUT link; string; (none); link to GetLocal, must be connected to second output of GetLocal
1333INPUT key [visible:2]; string;  (none); Optional cache key string
1336MODULE Shade
1337CATEGORY Rendering
1338DESCRIPTION specifies object shading parameters
1339INPUT input; field; (none); object to shade
1340INPUT shade; flag; 1; whether to shade this object
1341OPTIONS true; false
1342INPUT how; string; (no default); "smooth" or "faceted"
1343OPTIONS smooth ; faceted
1344INPUT specular [visible:0]; scalar; (no default); specular coefficient (standard = 0.5)
1345INPUT shininess [visible:0]; integer; (no default); shininess exponent (standard = 10)
1346INPUT diffuse [visible:0]; scalar; (no default); diffuse coefficient (standard = 0.7)
1347INPUT ambient [visible:0]; scalar; (no default); ambient coefficient (standard = 1.0)
1348INPUT reversefront [visible:0]; flag; 0; reverse front and back sides
1349OUTPUT output; field; shaded object
1351MODULE ShowBoundary
1352CATEGORY Realization
1353DESCRIPTION shows the boundary of a field
1354INPUT input; field; (none); field of which to show boundary
1355INPUT validity; flag; 0; 0=create boundary of all data, 1=create boundary of valid data only
1356OPTIONS false; true
1357OUTPUT output; color field; renderable boundary of input field
1359MODULE ShowBox
1360CATEGORY Realization
1361DESCRIPTION draws a bounding box
1362INPUT input; field; (none); the field of which to show the bounding box
1363OUTPUT box; color field; renderable bounding box of input field
1364OUTPUT center; vector; center of bounding box
1366MODULE ShowConnections
1367CATEGORY Realization
1368DESCRIPTION shows the outline of connective elements
1369INPUT input; field; (none); field of which to show connections
1370OUTPUT output; color field; renderable connections of input field
1372MODULE ShowPositions
1373CATEGORY Realization
1374DESCRIPTION shows the positions of a field
1375INPUT input; field; (none); field of which to show positions
1376INPUT every [visible:0]; scalar; 1.0; reduction factor for how many positions are shown
1377OUTPUT output; color field; renderable positions of input field
1379#if CAD
1380MODULE Simplify
1381CATEGORY Simplification
1382DESCRIPTION simplification of polyhedral model
1383INPUT input; object; (none); object to simplify
1384INPUT level; scalar list; 1.0; simplification parameter
1385INPUT option; integer; 0; option number
1386INPUT threshold0; scalar; 0.01; first threshold
1387INPUT threshold1; scalar; 0.005; second threshold
1388OUTPUT output; object; simplified object
1391#if CAD
1392MODULE SimplifyRegroup
1393CATEGORY Simplification
1394DESCRIPTION regroups triangle data into fields representing local volumes
1395INPUT input; object; (none); data to regroup
1396INPUT bins; integer; 1 ; desired number of bins
1397INPUT simplification; integer or integer list or scalar or scalar list or vector list; 1; number of bins along an axis
1398OUTPUT result; object; regrouped data
1401MODULE SimplifySurface
1402CATEGORY Transformation
1403DESCRIPTION approximates a triangulated surface and resamples data
1404INPUT original_surface; field;  (none); triangulated surface
1405INPUT max_error; scalar;  (1% of bbox diagonal); maximum positional error
1406INPUT max_data_error; scalar; (10% of data bbox diagonal); maximum data error
1407INPUT volume [visible:0]; flag; 1; preserve volume
1408OPTIONS true; false
1409INPUT boundary [visible:0]; flag; 0; simplify surface boundaries
1410OPTIONS false; true
1411INPUT length [visible:0]; flag; 1; preserve the length of boundaries
1412OPTIONS true; false
1413INPUT data [visible:0]; flag; 1; use position-dependent data to constrain simplification
1414OPTIONS true; false
1415INPUT stats [visible:0]; flag; 0; provide simple statistics
1416OPTIONS false; true
1417OUTPUT simplified; field;  simplified triangulated surface
1419MODULE Slab
1420CATEGORY Import and Export
1421DESCRIPTION takes a slab of multidimensional data
1422INPUT input; field; (none); object to slab
1423INPUT dimension; integer or string; 0; dimension along which to take slab
1424OPTIONS x ; y ; z
1425INPUT position; integer or integer list; (all); starting position(s)
1426INPUT thickness; integer; (0 or 1); thickness of slab (in number of elements)
1427OUTPUT output; field or field series; slabbed data
1429MODULE Slice
1430CATEGORY Import and Export
1431DESCRIPTION slices multi-dimensional data
1432INPUT input; field; (none); object to slice
1433INPUT dimension; integer or string; 0; dimension to eliminate
1434OPTIONS x ; y ; z
1435INPUT position; integer list; (all); which slices to take
1436OUTPUT output; field or field series; sliced data
1438MODULE Sort
1439CATEGORY Transformation
1440DESCRIPTION Sort an object
1441INPUT field; scalar list or field; (none); object to sort
1442INPUT descending; flag; 0; sort in descending order
1443OPTIONS false; true
1444OUTPUT result; scalar list or field; sorted object
1446MODULE Stack
1447CATEGORY Import and Export
1448DESCRIPTION stacks multi-dimensional data
1449INPUT input; field or field series; (none); data to stack
1450INPUT dimension; integer or string; 0; dimension in which to stack
1451OPTIONS x ; y ; z
1452OUTPUT output; field; stacked data
1454MODULE Statistics
1455CATEGORY Transformation
1456DESCRIPTION computes statistics over a field
1457INPUT data; data field or value list; (none); field over which to compute statistics
1458OUTPUT mean; scalar; the mean
1459OUTPUT sd; scalar; the standard deviation
1460OUTPUT var; scalar; the variance
1461OUTPUT min; scalar; the minimum value
1462OUTPUT max; scalar; the maximum value
1464MODULE StereoPick
1465CATEGORY Stereo
1467INPUT pickname [visible:2]; string; (none); name of associated cached picks
1468INPUT imagename [visible:2]; string; (none); name of associated cached scene
1469INPUT locations [visible:0]; vector list; (no default); 2-D screen coordinate pick positions
1470INPUT reexecute [visible:2]; flag; (none); cause re-execution whenever pick list is reset
1471OPTIONS false; true
1472INPUT first; flag; 1; first intersection only instead of all intersections
1473OPTIONS true; false
1474INPUT persistent [visible:0]; flag; 1; if no new picks, reuse previous picks
1475OPTIONS true; false
1476INPUT interpolate [visible:0]; flag; 0; include data from pick object in picked
1477OPTIONS 0; 1; 2
1478INPUT object [visible:0]; object; (no default); object to pick in
1479INPUT camera [visible:0]; camera; (no default); camera used to render scene
1480INPUT stereoArgs; group; (no default) ;
1481INPUT where; window or string; (no default) ;
1482OUTPUT picked; field; pick information
1484MODULE Streakline
1485CATEGORY Realization
1486DESCRIPTION computes streaklines
1487INPUT name [visible:0]; string or object ; (no default); name of streakline
1488INPUT data; vector field or vector field series; (none); vector series time step or vector series
1489INPUT start; vector list or geometry field; (center of first series member); starting point or points
1490INPUT time; scalar list; (series start time); starting time or times
1491INPUT head; integer; (final series frame number); series time step at which to end streaks
1492INPUT frame; integer; (current frame); current frame
1493INPUT curl; vector field or vector field series; (no curl); curl to use for twist
1494INPUT flag; flag; (input dependent); whether to use curl to generate twist
1495OPTIONS true; false
1496INPUT stepscale; value; 0.1; step length as fraction of element size
1497INPUT hold; flag; 0; whether to hold current streak or start anew
1498OPTIONS true; false
1499OUTPUT line; field group; the resulting streakline or streaklines
1501MODULE Streamline
1502CATEGORY Realization
1503DESCRIPTION computes streamlines
1504INPUT data; vector field; (none); vector field
1505INPUT start; vector list or geometry field; (center of object); starting point(s)
1506INPUT time; scalar list; 0; starting time(s)
1507INPUT head; scalar; (infinity); ending time
1508INPUT curl; vector field; (no curl); curl to use for twist
1509INPUT flag; flag; (input dependent); whether to use curl to generate twist
1510OPTIONS true ; false
1511INPUT stepscale; value; 0.1; step length as fraction of element size
1512OUTPUT line; field or group; the resulting streamline(s)
1514MODULE SuperviseState
1515CATEGORY Windows
1516DESCRIPTION manages window state
1518INPUT where; window; (none); where
1519INPUT defaultCamera; camera; (none); initial or default camera
1520INPUT resetCamera; flag; 0; reset to default camera
1521INPUT object; object; (none); initial or default object
1522INPUT resetObject; flag; 0; reset to default object
1523INPUT size; vector or value list; (no default); resolution
1524INPUT events; object; (none); mouse events
1525INPUT mode; integer; -1; mode (default is all modes turned off)
1526INPUT args; object; (no default); interactor arguments
1527OUTPUT object; object; current object
1528OUTPUT camera; camera; window camera
1529OUTPUT where; window; input where
1530OUTPUT events; vector list; unhandled events
1532MODULE SuperviseWindow
1533DESCRIPTION manages a window
1534CATEGORY Windows
1536INPUT name; string; "SuperviseWindow"; title for window
1537INPUT display; string; "localhost"; display
1538INPUT size; camera or vector or value list; [640,480]; resolution
1539INPUT offset; vector or value list; [0, 0]; offset of window in parent
1540INPUT parent; window; (no default); parent window
1541INPUT depth; integer; 8; depth
1542INPUT visibility; flag; 1; visibility of window 0:closed, 1:open, 2:open on top
1543INPUT pick; flag; 0; whether to consider only button down events
1544INPUT sizeFlag; flag; 0; whether to force the size of an already-existant window
1545INPUT offsetFlag; flag; 0; whether to force the offset of an already-existant window
1546INPUT decorations; flag; 1; whether to let the window manager decorate the window
1547OUTPUT where; window; output where param
1548OUTPUT size; vector; window size
1549OUTPUT events; vector list; button events
1552MODULE Switch
1553CATEGORY Flow Control
1554DESCRIPTION switches an object on or off
1555INPUT selector; integer; 0; which object to switch
1556INPUT input; value list or string list or object; (no default); potential object to switch
1557REPEAT 1
1558OUTPUT output; object; the object switched
1561MODULE System
1562CATEGORY Debugging
1563DESCRIPTION executes a system function
1565INPUT string; string; (none); shell command to execute
1567MODULE Text
1568CATEGORY Annotation
1569DESCRIPTION displays text in space
1570INPUT string; string or field; (none); the text to display
1571INPUT position; vector; [0 0 0]; where to display the text
1572INPUT height; scalar; 1; height of the text in world coordinates
1573INPUT font; string; "variable"; text font
1574OPTIONS area; cyril_d; fixed; gothiceng_t; gothicger_t; gothicit_t
1575OPTIONS greek_d; greek_s; italic_d; italic_t; pitman; roman_d
1576OPTIONS roman_dser; roman_s; roman_tser; roman_ext; roman_sfix
1577OPTIONS script_d; script_s; variable;
1578INPUT direction [visible:0]; vector; [1 0 0]; direction of baseline
1579OPTIONS [1 0 0]; [0 1 0]; [0 0 1]
1580INPUT up [visible:0]; vector; (perpendicular to baseline); direction of vertical strokes
1581OUTPUT text; color field; string object that can be rendered
1583MODULE Trace
1584CATEGORY Debugging
1585DESCRIPTION enables or disables tracing options
1587INPUT what; string; (none); what to trace
1588OPTIONS time
1589INPUT how; integer; 1; level of tracing (0=off)
1590OPTIONS 0 ; 1
1592MODULE Transform
1593CATEGORY Rendering
1594DESCRIPTION generalized transform of an object
1595INPUT input; object; (none); object to transform
1596INPUT transform; tensor; (none); 3 x 3 or 3 x 4 transformation matrix
1597OUTPUT output; object; object marked to be transformed
1599MODULE Translate
1600CATEGORY Rendering
1601DESCRIPTION translates an object
1602INPUT input; object; (none); object to translate
1603INPUT translation; vector; [0 0 0]; translation amount along x, y and z axes
1604OUTPUT output; object; object marked to be translated
1606MODULE Transpose
1607CATEGORY Import and Export
1608DESCRIPTION performs a generalized transpose
1609INPUT input; field; (none); object to transpose
1610INPUT dimensions; integer list or string list; (no transposition); new coordinate list
1611OPTIONS 0 1 ; 1 0
1612OPTIONS 0 1 2 ; 1 0 2 ; 0 2 1 ; 1 2 0; 2 1 0 ; 2 0 1
1613OUTPUT output; field; transposed data
1615#if CAD
1616MODULE Triangulate
1617CATEGORY Transformation
1618DESCRIPTION triangulates face/loop/edge structure
1619INPUT input; object; (none); object to triangulate
1620OUTPUT output; object; triangulated data
1623MODULE Tube
1624CATEGORY Annotation
1625DESCRIPTION produces a tube that follows a path
1626INPUT line; field; (none); line to be drawn as a tube
1627INPUT diameter; scalar; (input dependent); the diameter of the tube
1628INPUT ngon [visible:0]; integer; 8; the number of sides to the tube
1629OPTIONS 6 ; 8 ; 12 ; 16
1630INPUT style [visible:0]; string; "sphere"; the style with which to cap ends
1631OUTPUT tube; field; the line turned into a tube
1633MODULE Unmark
1634CATEGORY Structuring
1635DESCRIPTION unmarks a marked component
1636INPUT input; field; (none); field with a marked component
1637INPUT name; string; (input dependent); the component to unmark
1638OPTIONS data ; positions ; connections ; colors
1639OUTPUT output; field; the field with the named component not marked
1641MODULE UpdateCamera
1642CATEGORY Rendering
1643DESCRIPTION alters an existing camera
1644INPUT camera; camera; (none); camera to be altered
1645INPUT to; vector or object; (no default); new look-to point
1646INPUT from; vector or object; (no default); new position of camera
1647INPUT width; scalar or object; (no default); new width of field of view (for orthographic projection)
1648INPUT resolution; integer; (no default); new horizontal resolution of image in pixels
1649INPUT aspect; scalar; (no default); new height/width
1650INPUT up; vector; (no default); new up direction
1651OPTIONS [1 0 0] ; [0 1 0] ; [0 0 1]
1652INPUT perspective; flag; (no default); new projection method: (0) orthographic, (1) perspective
1653OPTIONS false; true
1654INPUT angle; scalar; (no default); new view angle in degrees (for perspective projection)
1655OPTIONS 15.0 ; 30.0 ; 45.0
1656INPUT background; vector or string; (no default); new image background color
1657OPTIONS black ; white ; red ; green ; blue
1658OUTPUT camera; camera; resulting camera altered by inputs
1660MODULE Usage
1661CATEGORY Debugging
1662DESCRIPTION prints current resource utilization
1664INPUT what; string; (none); what to print
1665OPTIONS memory
1666INPUT how; integer; 0; level of detail
1668MODULE Verify
1669CATEGORY Debugging
1670DESCRIPTION checks an object for internal consistancy
1671INPUT input ; object; (none); object to check
1672INPUT how; string; (no default); level of verification
1673OUTPUT output; object; same object
1675MODULE VisualObject
1676CATEGORY Debugging
1677DESCRIPTION create a renderable representation of input object
1678INPUT input; object; (none); object to see
1679INPUT options; string; "v"; layout direction, "v" or "h"
1680OPTIONS v ; h
1681OUTPUT output; field; visual representation of the object
1683MODULE WriteImage
1684CATEGORY Import and Export
1685DESCRIPTION writes an image to a file
1687INPUT image; image or image series; (none); the image to write
1688INPUT name; string; "image"; file name
1689INPUT format; string; ("rgb" or input dependent); format of file
1690OPTIONS rgb; r+g+b; tiff ; ps color ; ps gray; eps color; eps gray ; yuv ; miff MAGICK_FORMATS
1691INPUT frame; integer; (current + 1); frame to write
1693#ifdef CPLUSPLUS_UI
1696#if 0
1697MODULE DXLMessage
1699DESCRIPTION sends messages from the executive to a remote application
1700INPUT message; string; (none); message to be sent
1701INPUT pending; integer; 1; disposition of message
1702INPUT messageType [visible:0]; string; "LINK"; message type
1706MODULE DXLInputNamed
1710INPUT name; string; (none); name of input
1711INPUT default; value or string or object; (no default); default value
1712OUTPUT output; object; the default value or value sent from remote application
1714MODULE DXLOutput
1716DESCRIPTION Send a string representation of the input to a DXLink application
1718INPUT label[visible:2]; string ; (none); The label associated with the value sent
1719INPUT value; value or string or value list or string list; (none);  value sent to the DXLink application
1721MODULE DXLOutputNamed
1723DESCRIPTION Send a string representation of the input to a named recipient in a DXLink application
1725INPUT name; string ; (none); The label associated with the value sent
1726INPUT value; value or string or value list or string list; (none);  value sent to the DXLink application
1728MODULE Execute
1729CATEGORY Flow Control
1730DESCRIPTION changes the execution state
1731INPUT action; string;  "end"; execution action ("end", "once", "on change")
1732OPTIONS end; once; on change
1734#if 0
1735MODULE InteractionMode
1736CATEGORY Interface Control
1737DESCRIPTION change the interaction mode of the image window
1738INPUT mode; string; "none"; the interaction mode
1739INPUT which; string; (no default); identifies which image to act on
1740OPTIONS none; camera; cursors; navigate; panzoom; pick; roam; rotate; zoom
1743MODULE ManageColormapEditor
1744CATEGORY Interface Control
1745DESCRIPTION opens or closes one or more colormap editors
1746INPUT name; string list;  (no default); name of colormap editors to open or close(default all)
1747INPUT open; flag or flag list or string list;  0; open (1) or close (0) the colormap editor, or list of editors which should be open
1748OPTIONS false ; true
1749INPUT how; string;  "title"; open or close colormap editor by "title" or "label"
1750OPTIONS title ; label
1752MODULE ManageControlPanel
1753CATEGORY Interface Control
1754DESCRIPTION opens or closes one or more control panels
1755INPUT name; string list;  (no default); names of control panels to open or close(default all)
1756INPUT open; flag or flag list or string list;  0; open (1) or close (0) the control panels, or list of panels which should be open
1757OPTIONS false ; true
1759MODULE ManageImageWindow
1760CATEGORY Interface Control
1761DESCRIPTION opens or closes one or more image windows
1762INPUT name; string list;  (no default); names of windows to open or close(default all)
1763INPUT open; flag or flag list or string list;  0; open (1) or close (0) the image window, or list of image windows which should be open
1764OPTIONS false ; true
1765INPUT how; string;  "title"; open or close image window by "title" or "label"
1766OPTIONS title ; label
1768MODULE ManageSequencer
1769CATEGORY Interface Control
1770DESCRIPTION opens or closes the sequencer
1771INPUT open; flag;  0; open (1) or close (0) the sequencer
1772OPTIONS false ; true
1774#if 0
1775MODULE OpenVisualProgram
1776CATEGORY Interface Control
1777DESCRIPTION open a visual program
1778INPUT name; string;  (none); the name of the visual program to open
1779INPUT flush; flag;  1; flush the cache when loading new visual program
1782MODULE Integer
1783CATEGORY Interactor
1784DESCRIPTION integer interactor
1786INPUT id [visible:2] ; string; (none) ;
1787INPUT data [cache:2]; object; (no default) ; object from which to generate interactor attributes and output value (if required).
1788INPUT value [visible:2, reroute:0] ; integer; (no default) ; current value of this interactor
1789INPUT refresh [visible:0, cache:2] ; flag ; 0 ; force reset using current inputs
1790INPUT min [visible:0,cache:2] ; integer; (min of data) ; minimum of output
1791INPUT max [visible:0,cache:2] ; integer; (max of data) ; maximum of output
1792INPUT delta [visible:0,cache:2]; scalar ; (input dependent) ; the interactor increment
1793INPUT method [visible:0,cache:2]; string ; (rounded, relative or absolute) ; how to interpret delta input
1794OPTIONS rounded; relative; absolute
1795INPUT reserved2 [visible:2] ; integer ; 0 ; reserved for later use.
1796INPUT start [visible:0] ; string ; (minimum, midpoint or maximum) ; start value of this interactor
1797OPTIONS minimum; midpoint; maximum
1798INPUT label [visible:0, cache:2] ; string ; "Integer" ; global name applied to interactor instances
1799OUTPUT output; integer; interactor output
1801MODULE IntegerList
1802CATEGORY Interactor
1803DESCRIPTION integer list interactor
1805INPUT id [visible:2] ; string; (none) ;
1806INPUT data [cache:2]; object; (no default) ; object from which to generate interactor attributes and output value (if required).
1807INPUT value [visible:2,reroute:0]; integer list; (none);current value of this interactor
1808INPUT refresh [visible:0, cache:2] ; flag ; 0 ; force reset using current inputs
1809INPUT min [visible:0,cache:2] ; integer; (min of data) ; minimum of output
1810INPUT max [visible:0,cache:2] ; integer; (max of data) ; maximum of output
1811INPUT delta [visible:0,cache:2]; scalar ; (input dependent) ; the interactor increment
1812INPUT method [visible:0,cache:2]; string ; (rounded, relative or absolute) ; how to interpret delta input
1813OPTIONS rounded; relative; absolute
1814INPUT reserved2 [visible:2] ; integer; (input dependent) ; reserved for later use.
1815INPUT nitems [visible:0,cache:2] ; integer ; 11 ; number of items in initial list
1816INPUT label [visible:0, cache:2] ; string ; "IntegerList" ; global name applied to interactor instances
1817OUTPUT output; integer list; interactor output
1819MODULE Scalar
1820CATEGORY Interactor
1821DESCRIPTION scalar interactor
1823INPUT id [visible:2] ; string; (none) ;
1824INPUT data [cache:2]; object; (no default) ; object from which to generate interactor attributes and output value (if required).
1825INPUT value [visible:2,reroute:0]; scalar; (no default) ; current value of this interactor
1826INPUT refresh [visible:0, cache:2] ; flag ; 0 ; force reset using current inputs
1827INPUT min [visible:0,cache:2] ; scalar; (min of data) ; minimum of output
1828INPUT max [visible:0,cache:2] ; scalar; (max of data) ; maximum of output
1829INPUT delta [visible:0,cache:2]; scalar ; (input dependent) ; the interactor increment
1830INPUT method [visible:0,cache:2]; string ; (rounded, relative or absolute) ; how to interpret delta input
1831OPTIONS rounded; relative; absolute
1832INPUT decimals [visible:0,cache:2] ; integer; (input dependent) ; number of decimal places to be displayed
1833INPUT start [visible:0] ; string ; (minimum, midpoint or maximum) ; start value of this interactor
1834OPTIONS minimum; midpoint; maximum
1835INPUT label [visible:0, cache:2] ; string ; "Scalar" ; global name applied to interactor instances
1836OUTPUT output; scalar; interactor output
1838MODULE ScalarList
1839CATEGORY Interactor
1840DESCRIPTION scalar list interactor
1842INPUT id [visible:2] ; string; (none) ;
1843INPUT data [cache:2]; object; (no default) ; object from which to generate interactor attributes and output value (if required).
1844INPUT value [visible:2,reroute:0] ; scalar list; (none);current value of this interactor
1845INPUT refresh [visible:0, cache:2] ; flag ; 0 ; force reset using current inputs
1846INPUT min [visible:0,cache:2] ; scalar; (min of data) ; minimum of output
1847INPUT max [visible:0,cache:2] ; scalar; (max of data) ; maximum of output
1848INPUT delta [visible:0,cache:2]; scalar ; (input dependent) ; the interactor increment
1849INPUT method [visible:0,cache:2]; string ; (rounded, relative or absolute) ; how to interpret delta input
1850OPTIONS rounded; relative; absolute
1851INPUT decimals [visible:0,cache:2] ; integer ; (input dependent) ; number of decimal places to be displayed
1852INPUT nitems [visible:0,cache:2] ; integer ; 11 ; number of items in initial list
1853INPUT label [visible:0, cache:2] ; string ; "ScalarList" ; global name applied to interactor instances
1854OUTPUT output; scalar list; interactor output
1856MODULE SetDXLInputNamed
1857INPUT name; string; (no default); name of input to set
1858INPUT object; object; (no default); value to set named input to
1860MODULE Vector
1861CATEGORY Interactor
1862DESCRIPTION vector interactor
1864INPUT id [visible:2] ; string; (none) ;
1865INPUT data [cache:2]; object; (no default) ; object from which to generate interactor attributes and output value (if required).
1866INPUT value [visible:2,reroute:0]; vector; (no default) ; current value of this interactor
1867INPUT refresh [visible:0, cache:2] ; flag ; 0 ; force reset using current inputs
1868INPUT min [visible:0,cache:2] ; scalar or vector; (min of data) ; minimum of output vector components
1869INPUT max [visible:0,cache:2] ; scalar or vector; (max of data) ; maximum of output vector components
1870INPUT delta [visible:0,cache:2]; scalar or vector ; (input dependent) ; the interactor increment
1871INPUT method [visible:0,cache:2]; string ; (rounded, relative or absolute) ; how to interpret delta input
1872OPTIONS rounded; relative; absolute
1873INPUT decimals [visible:0,cache:2] ; integer or vector; (input dependent) ; number of decimal places to show in vector components
1874INPUT start [visible:0] ; string ; (minimum, midpoint or maximum) ; start value of this interactor
1875OPTIONS minimum; midpoint; maximum
1876INPUT label [visible:0, cache:2] ; string ; "Vector" ; global name applied to interactor instances
1877OUTPUT output; vector; interactor output
1879MODULE VectorList
1880CATEGORY Interactor
1881DESCRIPTION vector list interactor
1883INPUT id [visible:2] ; string; (none) ;
1884INPUT data [cache:2]; object; (no default) ; object from which to generate interactor attributes and output value (if required).
1885INPUT value [visible:2,reroute:0] ; vector list; (none);current value of this interactor
1886INPUT refresh [visible:0, cache:2] ; flag ; 0 ; force reset using current inputs
1887INPUT min [visible:0,cache:2] ; scalar or vector ; (min of data) ; minimum of output vector components
1888INPUT max [visible:0,cache:2] ; scalar or vector ; (max of data) ; maximum of output vector components
1889INPUT delta [visible:0,cache:2]; scalar or vector ; (input dependent) ; the interactor increment
1890INPUT method [visible:0,cache:2]; string ; (rounded, relative or absolute) ; how to interpret delta input
1891OPTIONS rounded; relative; absolute
1892INPUT decimals [visible:0,cache:2] ; integer or vector; (input dependent) ; number of decimal places to show in vector components
1893INPUT nitems [visible:0,cache:2] ; integer ; 11 ; number of items in initial list
1894INPUT label [visible:0, cache:2] ; string ; "VectorList" ; global name applied to interactor instances
1895OUTPUT output; vector list; interactor output
1897MODULE Selector
1898CATEGORY Interactor
1899DESCRIPTION selector interactor
1901INPUT id [visible:2] ; string; (none) ;
1902INPUT currentstring [visible:2,reroute:1]; string; (no default) ; current output string
1903INPUT currentvalue [visible:2,reroute:0]; value or string; (no default) ; current output value
1904INPUT stringdata [cache:2] ; string list or group; (no default) ; specifies or derives list of potential output strings
1905INPUT valuelist [visible:0,cache:2] ; integer or value list or string list; (0 based list) ; list of potential output values
1906INPUT cull [visible:0, cache:2] ; flag ; 0 ; controls handling of zero length strings
1907OPTIONS false; true
1908INPUT label [visible:0,cache:2] ; string; "Selector" ; global name applied to interactor
1909OUTPUT value; value or string; value
1910OUTPUT name; string ; string value
1913MODULE SelectorList
1914CATEGORY Interactor
1915DESCRIPTION Selector list interactor
1917INPUT  id [visible:2] ; string; (none) ;
1918INPUT  currentstring [visible:2,reroute:1] ; string list; (no default) ; current output st ring
1919INPUT  currentvalue [visible:2,reroute:0] ; value list or string or string list; (no default) ; current output value
1920INPUT  stringdata [cache:2] ; string list or group; (no default) ; specifies or derives list of potential output strings
1921INPUT  valuelist [visible:0,cache:2] ; integer or value list or string list; (0 based list) ; list of potential output values
1922INPUT  cull [visible:0, cache:2] ; flag ; 0 ; controls handling of zero length strings
1923INPUT  label [visible:0,cache:2] ; string; "SelectorList" ; global name applied to interactor
1924OUTPUT value; value list or string list ; value
1925OUTPUT name;  string list; string value
1927#if 0
1928/* Version 2.1 changed the type of Colormaps #1, #3 and #4 inputs to vector
1929 * list, but continues to allow scalar list for backwards compatibility when
1930 * reading old .net files.
1931 */
1933MODULE Colormap
1934CATEGORY Special
1935DESCRIPTION represents the colormap generated by a colormap editor
1937INPUT huemap [visible:2] ; vector list or scalar list; (no default); 2-vector list of data-value/hue pairs
1938INPUT satmap [visible:2] ; vector list; (no default); 2-vector list of data-value/saturation pairs
1939INPUT valmap [visible:2] ; vector list or scalar list; (no default); 2-vector list of data-value/value pairs
1940INPUT opmap [visible:2] ; vector list or scalar list; (no default); 2-vector list of data-value/opacity pairs
1941INPUT id [visible:2] ; string ; (none) ;
1942INPUT data [cache:2] ; field or group ; (no default) ; object from which to generate interactor attributes and output value (if required)
1943INPUT min [visible:0, cache:2] ; scalar ; (min of data) ; minimum of colormap range
1944INPUT max [visible:0, cache:2] ; scalar ; (max of data) ; maximum of colormap range
1945INPUT nbins [visible:0, cache:2] ; integer ; 20 ; number of bins in histogram
1946INPUT colormap [cache:2] ; field or group ; (no default) ; rgb colormap to use
1947INPUT opacity [cache:2] ; field ; (no default) ; opacity map to use
1948INPUT minmax [visible:2] ; scalar list ; (no default) ; ui minimum and maximum
1949INPUT defaulthue [visible:2] ; vector list; (no default); default data-value/huepairs
1950INPUT defaultsat [visible:2] ; vector list; (no default); default data-value/sat pairs
1951INPUT defaultval [visible:2] ; vector list; (no default); default data-value/val pairs
1952INPUT defaultop [visible:2] ; vector list; (no default); default data-value/op pairs
1953INPUT defaultmin [visible:2] ; scalar ; (no default); default min of map space
1954INPUT defaultmax [visible:2] ; scalar ; (no default); default max of map space
1955INPUT title [visible:0, cache:2] ; string ; "Colormap Editor" ; title of editor
1956OUTPUT rgb; field; rgb color field
1957OUTPUT opacity; field; opacity field
1959MODULE Sequencer
1960CATEGORY Special
1961DESCRIPTION Sequence Controller
1963INPUT id [visible:2] ; string; (none) ;
1964INPUT data [visible:2] ; object ; (no default) ; reserved for later use
1965INPUT frame [visible:2, reroute:0] ; integer; (no default) ; current value of @frame
1966INPUT min [cache:2] ; integer ; 1 ; minimum of integer sequence
1967INPUT max [cache:2] ; integer ; 100 ; maximum of integer sequence
1968INPUT delta [visible:0,cache:2]; integer ; 1 ; indicates the step between numbers in the sequence
1969INPUT attr [visible:2]; integer list ; (no default) ; holds frame control values (min, max, delta...)
1970OUTPUT frame; integer ; frame number
1972MODULE Toggle
1973CATEGORY Interactor
1974DESCRIPTION Select between two different values
1976INPUT id     [visible:2]; object; (none) ;
1977INPUT currentval [visible:2,reroute:0]; value or string; (none); current output value
1978INPUT isset [visible:2] ;  flag ; (no default) ; is the toggle set
1979INPUT setvalue [cache:2] ;  value or string; 1 ; output value toggle when set
1980INPUT unsetvalue [cache:2] ;  value or string; 0 ; output value toggle when unset
1981INPUT label  [visible:0, cache:2] ;  string; (no default) ; global name applied to interactor
1982OUTPUT output ;  value or string; the selected toggle value
1984MODULE SocketConnection
1985CATEGORY Import and Export
1987INPUT port; integer; (none); port to connect to
1988OUTPUT obj; object; received data (if any)
1990#endif /* CPLUSPLUS_UI */