1 /***********************************************************************/
2 /* Open Visualization Data Explorer                                    */
3 /* (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1989,1999                                   */
4 /* ALL RIGHTS RESERVED                                                 */
5 /* This code licensed under the                                        */
6 /*    "IBM PUBLIC LICENSE - Open Visualization Data Explorer"          */
7 /***********************************************************************/
9 #include <dxconfig.h>
12 #ifndef tdmPortLayer_h
13 #define tdmPortLayer_h
14 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
15  $Source: /src/master/dx/src/exec/hwrender/hwPortLayer.h,v $
16   Author: Mark Hood
18   This file contains ANSI prototypes for the tdm porting layer routines.
20 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
24 /*
25  *  graphics hardware types.
26  */
28 #define	GTO		1
29 #define	GTOZMIN		0x00000000
30 #define	GTOZMAX		0x001FFFFF
32 #define HP3D		2
33 #define HP3DZMIN	0xFF800000
34 #define	HP3DZMAX	0x007FFFFF
36 #define SGP		3
37 #define Gt4		4
38 #define Gt4x		5
41 #ifdef STANDALONE
42 /*
43  *  This section is used by programs testing the porting layer.
44  *  Corresponding DX-specific code is in hwWindow.h and Light.H.
45  */
46 typedef struct {
47 #if defined(DX_NATIVE_WINDOWS)
48   HWND wigWindow;
49   HWND xid, parentWindow;
50 #else
51   Display *dpy ;
52   Window xid, parentWindow ;
53   Window lxid, rxid;
54 #endif
55   Colormap colorMap ;
56   tdmInteractorWin interactorData ;
57   int pixw, pixh ;
58   int hwNumImagePlanes, hwZbufferMinValue, hwZbufferMaxValue ;
59   int hwNumZbufferBits, hwType, bufferMode, visibility ;
60   int saveBufValid, saveBufSize ;
61   void *imageCtx, *stack, *saveBuf, *swBuf ;
62   /* #X */ int uitype;
63 } tdmRenderInstance ;
65 #define DEFGLOBALDATA(G) \
66 register tdmRenderInstance *instance = (tdmRenderInstance *) G
69 #define DPY (instance->dpy)
70 #define XWINID (instance->xid)
71 #define LWINID (instance->lxid)
72 #define RWINID (instance->rxid)
73 #define PARENT_WINDOW (instance->parentWindow)
74 #define PIXW (instance->pixw)
75 #define PIXH (instance->pixh)
76 #define BUFFER_MODE (instance->bufferMode)
77 #define VISIBILITY (instance->visibility)
78 #define CLRMAP (instance->colorMap)
79 #define IMAGE_CTX (instance->imageCtx)
80 #define STACK (instance->stack)
81 #define MATRIX_STACK (instance->stack)
82 #define INTERACTOR_DATA (instance->interactorData)
83 #define SW_BUF (instance->swBuf)
84 #define SAVE_BUF (instance->saveBuf)
85 #define SAVE_BUF_SIZE (instance->saveBufSize)
86 #define SAVE_BUF_VALID (instance->saveBufValid)
88 /* #X follows */
89 #define UI_TYPE (instance->uitype)
90 #define DXD_DXUI 	1
91 #define DXD_EXTERNALUI 2
92 #define DXD_NOUI 	3
93 #define DXUI (UI_TYPE == DXD_DXUI)
95 #define NOUI (UI_TYPE == DXD_NOUI)
96 /* #X end */
98 typedef int Error ;
99 #define DXResetError()
100 #define DXWarning(string)
101 #define DXSetError(code, string)
102 #define DXErrorGoto(code, string) goto error
103 #define DXErrorReturn(code, string) return FALSE
104 #define _dxfChangeBufferMode(win, mode)
105 #define _dxfLoadRenderOptionsFile(globals) (TRUE)
106 #define tdmAllocate malloc
107 #define tdmReAllocate realloc
108 #ifndef tdmFree
109 #define tdmFree free
110 #endif
111 #ifndef tdmAllocateLocal
112 #define tdmAllocateLocal malloc
113 #endif
115 #define XmVersion 1001
117 typedef struct { float x, y, z ; } Point, Vector ;
118 typedef struct { float r, g, b ; } RGBColor ;
119 typedef struct {
120     enum { invalid, point, distant, ambient } kind ;
121     enum { camera, world } relative ;
122     Point position ;
123     Vector direction ;
124     RGBColor color ;
125 } tdmLight, *Light ;
127 #define DXQueryCameraDistantLight(l, d, c) \
128 (l->kind!=distant || l->relative!=camera? 0: (*d=l->direction, *c=l->color, l))
129 #define DXQueryDistantLight(l, d, c) \
130 (l->kind!=distant || l->relative!=world? 0: (*d=l->direction, *c=l->color, l))
131 #define DXQueryAmbientLight(l, c) \
132 (l->kind != ambient? 0: (*c=l->color, l))
133 #else  /* STANDALONE */
135 #define SingleBufferMode (1)
136 #define DoubleBufferMode (2)
137 #define ZBufferEnabled (1)
138 #define ZBufferDisabled (0)
140 #endif /* STANDALONE */
143 typedef struct tdmParsedFormatS {
144   char*	type;
145   char*	where;
146   char* fullHost;
147   char* localHost;
148   char* Xserver;
149   char*	name;
150   char*	cacheId;
151   int   link;
152   char* originalWhere;
154 } tdmParsedFormatT;
156 /*
157  * !! IMPORTANT !!
158  *
159  * To maintain backward compatibility is is important that existing interfaces
160  * are not changed or deleted, and that new functions are added at the end
161  * of the table.
162  *
163  * When new functions are added at the end of the 'tdmDrawPort'
164  * or 'tdmInteractorEcho' structures, the DXD_HWDD_INTERFACE_VERSION #define
165  * in libdx/dx/version.h must be incremented and entry point macros in this
166  * file must check the version before attempting the call.
167  * (see _dxf_ADD_CLIP_PLANES).
168  *
169  * This is because checking for NULL won't work if the structure was
170  * smaller in a previous version.
171  */
173 typedef struct tdmDrawPortS {
174   void*	(*AllocatePixelArray) (void *ctx, int w, int h);
175   Error	(*AddClipPlanes)(void* win, Point *pt, Vector *normal, int count);
176   void	(*ClearArea) (void *ctx, int left, int right, int bottom, int top);
177   translationO	(*CreateHwTranslation)(void *win);
178   void*	(*CreateWindow) (void *globals, char *winName, int w, int h);
179   int	(*DefineLight) (void *win, int n, Light  light);
180   void	(*DestroyWindow) (void *win);
181   Error	(*DrawClipping)(tdmPortHandleP portHandle, xfieldP xfield,
182 			int buttonDown);
183   Error (*DrawImage)(void* win, dxObject image,
184 		     translationO translation);
185   Error	(*DrawOpaque)(tdmPortHandleP portHandle, xfieldP xfield,
186 		      RGBColor ambientColor, int buttonDown);
187   Error	(*RemoveClipPlanes)(void* win, int count);
188   void	(*FreePixelArray) (void *ctx, void *pixels);
189   Error	(*InitRenderModule) (void *globals);
190   void	(*InitRenderPass) (void *win, int bufferMode, int zBufferMode);
191   void	(*LoadMatrix) (void *ctx, float M[4][4]);
192   void	(*MakeProjectionMatrix) (int projection, float width, float aspect,
193  				 float Near, float Far, float M[4][4]);
194   void	(*PopMatrix) (void *ctx);
195   void	(*PushMultiplyMatrix) (void *ctx, float M[4][4]);
196   void	(*PushReplaceMatrix) (void *ctx, float M[4][4]);
197   int	(*ReadApproxBackstore) (void *win, int camw, int camh);
198   void	(*ReplaceViewMatrix) (void *ctx, float M[4][4]);
199   int	(*SetBackgroundColor) (void *ctx, RGBColor color);
200   void	(*SetDoubleBufferMode) (void *ctx);
201   void	(*SetGlobalLightAttributes) (void *ctx, int on);
202   void	(*SetMaterialSpecular) (void *ctx, float r, float g, float b,
203  				float pow);
204   void	(*SetOrthoProjection) (void *ctx, float width, float aspect,
205  			       float Near, float Far);
206 #if defined(DX_NATIVE_WINDOWS)
207   void  (*SetOutputWindow) (void *win, HRGN);
208 #else
209   void	(*SetOutputWindow) (void *win, Window);
210 #endif
211   void	(*SetPerspectiveProjection) (void *ctx, float xfov, float aspect,
212  				     float Near, float Far);
213   void	(*SetSingleBufferMode) (void *ctx);
214   void	(*SetViewport) (void *ctx, int left, int right, int bottom, int top);
215   void	(*SetWindowSize) (void *win,int w,int h);
216 #if defined(DX_NATIVE_WINDOWS)
217   void	(*SwapBuffers) (void *ctx);
218 #else
219   void	(*SwapBuffers) (void *ctx, Window);
220 #endif
221   void	(*WriteApproxBackstore) (void *win, int camw, int camh);
222   void	(*WritePixelRect) (void* win, unsigned char *buf,
223 			   int x, int y,int w, int h);
225   /* End of functions available in 2.0 and 2.0.1 */
227   /* End of 3.0 */
229   Error (*DrawTransparent)(void *globals,
230 		RGBColor * ambientColor, int buttonUp);
231   void  (*GetMatrix)(void *ctx, float M[4][4]);
232   void  (*GetProjection)(void * ctx, float M[4][4]);
233   int   (*GetVersion)(char **);
234   Error (*ReadImage) (void *win, void *buf);
235   Error (*StartFrame) (void *win);
236   Error (*EndFrame) (void *win);
237   Error (*ClearBuffer) (void *win);
239 } tdmDrawPortT;
241 /*
242  * Port Layer light definitions
243  */
245 typedef struct tdmSimpleLightS {
246   Vector	direction;
247   RGBColor	color;
248   int		isAmbient;
249 } tdmSimpleLightT;
253 /*
254  * Port Layer handle
255  */
256 typedef struct tdmPortHandleS {
257   void*			dpy;
258   tdmDrawPortP		portFuncs;
259   tdmInteractorEchoP	echoFuncs;
260   void			(*uninitP)();
261   void*			private;
262 } tdmPortHandleT;
264 #ifndef PRIVATE_TYPE
265 #define PRIVATE_TYPE void *
266 #endif
268 #define DEFPORT(portHandle)  						\
269   register PRIVATE_TYPE _portContext =  				\
270        (PRIVATE_TYPE) ((tdmPortHandleP)portHandle)->private; 		\
271   register tdmInteractorEchoP _eFuncs = 				\
272        (tdmInteractorEchoP) ((tdmPortHandleP)portHandle)->echoFuncs; 	\
273   register tdmDrawPortP _pFuncs = 					\
274        (tdmDrawPortP) ((tdmPortHandleP)portHandle)->portFuncs
276 #define PORT_CTX _portContext
277 #define EFUNCS(foo) (_eFuncs->foo)
279 /*
280  *  The rest of the porting layer is callable by either a test program or
281  *  the DX hardware renderer implementation.
282  */
288 extern int	_dxd_lmHwddVersion;
290 #define _dxf_DRAW_IMAGE( win, image, translation) \
291   ((! _pFuncs->DrawImage)? OK : \
292    (*_pFuncs->DrawImage)(win, image, translation))
294 #define _dxf_DRAW_OPAQUE( portHandle,  xf,  ambientColor, buttonUP) \
295   (*_pFuncs->DrawOpaque)(portHandle,xf,ambientColor,buttonUp)
297 #define _dxf_CREATE_WINDOW( globals, winName, w, h) \
298   (*_pFuncs->CreateWindow)(globals, winName, w, h)
300 #define _dxf_CREATE_HW_TRANSLATION(win) \
301   ((! _pFuncs->CreateHwTranslation)? OK : \
302    (*_pFuncs->CreateHwTranslation)(win))
304 #define _dxf_DRAW_TRANSPARENT(globals, ambientColor, buttonUP) \
305   ((! _pFuncs->DrawTransparent)? OK : \
306    (*_pFuncs->DrawTransparent)(globals, ambientColor, buttonUP))
308    /* Rasterize the sorted list of primitves, if the port requires a sorted
309    * list for transparent primitives, then this should be defined and
310    * be able to traverse the sortIndex list and dereference to the
311    * require connection in the associated xfield.
312    */
314 #define _dxf_DRAW_CLIP(portHandle, xfield, buttonDown) \
315   ((! _pFuncs->DrawClipping)? OK : \
316    (*_pFuncs->DrawClipping) (portHandle, xfield, buttonDown))
317   /*
318    */
320 #define _dxf_ADD_CLIP_PLANES(win, pt, normal, count)  \
321   ((_dxd_lmHwddVersion < 1 ) || (!_pFuncs->AddClipPlanes) ? OK : \
322    (*_pFuncs->AddClipPlanes)(win, pt, normal, count))
323   /*
324    *  Define and enable multiple clip planes. Plane 'n' passes through point
325    *  pt[n]  and is perpendicular to normal[n]. Primitives in the half space
326    *  into which the 'normal' points are kept, all other primitives are clipped.
327    *
328    * 'pt' and 'normal' are given in modeling space.
329    *
330    * If passed NULL, should disable clipping.
331    */
333 #define _dxf_REMOVE_CLIP_PLANES(win, count) \
334   ((_dxd_lmHwddVersion < 1 ) || (!_pFuncs->RemoveClipPlanes) ? OK : \
335    (*_pFuncs->RemoveClipPlanes)(win, count))
336   /*
337    * Should set up the hardware to clip to the given object. If passed
338    * NULL, should disable clipping.
339    */
341 #define	_dxf_DESTROY_WINDOW(win) (*_pFuncs->DestroyWindow)(win)
342   /*
343    *  Destroy specified window.
344    */
346 #if defined(DX_NATIVE_WINDOWS)
347 #define	_dxf_SET_OUTPUT_WINDOW(win, rgn) (*_pFuncs->SetOutputWindow)(win, rgn)
348 #else
349 #define	_dxf_SET_OUTPUT_WINDOW(win, wid) (*_pFuncs->SetOutputWindow)(win, wid)
350 #endif
351   /*
352    *  Direct all graphics to specified window
353    */
355 #define	_dxf_SET_WINDOW_SIZE(win, w, h) (*_pFuncs->SetWindowSize)(win,w,h)
356   /*
357    *  Set graphics window to the specified size
358    */
360 #define	_dxf_INIT_RENDER_MODULE(globals) (*_pFuncs->InitRenderModule)(globals)
361   /*
362    *  This routine is called once, after the graphics window has been
363    *  created.  It's function is loosely defined to encompass all the
364    *  `first time' initialization of the target graphics API.
365    */
366 #if defined(DX_NATIVE_WINDOWS)
367 #define	_dxf_SWAP_BUFFERS(ctx) (*_pFuncs->SwapBuffers)(ctx)
368 #else
369 #define	_dxf_SWAP_BUFFERS(ctx, wid) (*_pFuncs->SwapBuffers)(ctx, wid)
370 #endif
371   /*
372    *  Switch front and back buffers.
373    */
375 #define	_dxf_SINGLE_BUFFER_MODE(ctx) (*_pFuncs->SetSingleBufferMode)(ctx)
376   /*
377    *  Go into single buffer mode
378    */
380 #define	_dxf_DOUBLE_BUFFER_MODE(ctx) (*_pFuncs->SetDoubleBufferMode)(ctx)
381   /*
382    *  Go into double buffer mode.
383    */
385 #define	_dxf_CLEAR_AREA(ctx, left, right, bottom, top) \
386        (*_pFuncs->ClearArea)(ctx, left, right, bottom, top)
387   /*
388    *  Clear image and zbuffer planes in specified pixel bounds.
389    */
391 #define	_dxf_WRITE_PIXEL_RECT(win, buf, x, y, w, h) \
392   ((! _pFuncs->WritePixelRect)? OK : \
393    (*_pFuncs->WritePixelRect)(win, buf, x, y, w, h))
394   /*
395    *  DXWrite pixels from software rendering buffer (SW_BUF) into the main
396    *  graphics window.  camw and camh are the DX camera resolutions in width
397    *  and height; these may differ from the graphics window dimensions.
398    */
400 #define _dxf_READ_IMAGE(win, buf) (*_pFuncs->ReadImage)(win, buf)
402 #define _dxf_STARTFRAME(win) (*_pFuncs->StartFrame)(win)
403 #define _dxf_ENDFRAME(win)   (*_pFuncs->EndFrame)(win)
406 #define	_dxf_READ_APPROX_BACKSTORE(win, camw, camh) \
407        (*_pFuncs->ReadApproxBackstore)(win, camw, camh)
408   /*
409    *  DXRead pixels from the main graphics window into the hardware saveunder
410    *  buffer (SAVE_BUF). camw and camh are the DX camera resolutions in width
411    *  and height; these may differ from the graphics window dimensions.
412    */
414 #define	_dxf_WRITE_APPROX_BACKSTORE(win, camw, camh) \
415        (*_pFuncs->WriteApproxBackstore)(win, camw, camh)
416   /*
417    *  DXWrite pixels from hardware saveunder buffer (SAVE_BUF) into the main
418    *  graphics window.  camw and camh are the DX camera resolutions in width
419    *  and height; these may differ from the graphics window dimensions.
420    */
422 #define	_dxf_INIT_RENDER_PASS(win, bufferMode, zBufferMode) \
423   (*_pFuncs->InitRenderPass)(win, bufferMode, zBufferMode)
424 /*#if defined(DX_NATIVE_WINDOWS) */
425 #define _dxf_END_RENDER_PASS(win) (*_pFuncs->EndRenderPass)(win)
426 /* #endif */
427   /*
428    *  Clear the screen and prepare for writing a rendered image.
429    */
431 #define	_dxf_MAKE_PROJECTION_MATRIX(projection, width, aspect, Near, Far, M)\
432        (*_pFuncs->MakeProjectionMatrix)(projection, width, aspect, Near, Far, M)
434   /*
435    *  Return a projection matrix for a simple orthographic or perspective
436    *  camera model (no oblique projections).  This matrix projects view
437    *  coordinates into a normalized projection coordinate system spanning
438    *  -1..1 in X and Y.
439    *
440    *  The projection parameter is 1 for perspecitve views and 0 for
441    *  orthogonal views.  Width is in world units for orthogonal views.
442    *  For perspective views, the width parameter is the field of view
443    *  expressed as the ratio of field width to eye distance, or twice the
444    *  tangent of half the angle of view.  Aspect is the height of the
445    *  window expressed as a fraction of the window width.
446    *
447    *  The near and far parameters are distances from the view coordinate
448    *  origin along the line of sight.  The Z clipping planes are at -near
449    *  and -far since we are using a right-handed coordinate system.  For
450    *  perspective, near and far must be positive in order to avoid drawing
451    *  objects at or behind the eyepoint depth.
452    *
453    *  The near and far parameters should be mapped to whatever normalized
454    *  depths are required by the target API and hardware.  For example, GL
455    *  programs on IBM and SGI hardware need a normalized range of -1..1 in
456    *  Z, while Starbase on the HP CRX cards need a normalized range of
457    *  1..0.  Perspective depth can be handled as described in
458    *  Newman/Sproull Chapter 23, Equation 23-2.
459    *
460    *  DX requires projection matrices with enough precision to accurately
461    *  render view angles of 1/1000 of a degree.
462    *
463    *  The GL and Starbase instances of this function compute the
464    *  projection matrix in software, since the GL ortho() and
465    *  perspective() functions are limited in precision, and there is no
466    *  way to retrieve the projection matrix in Starbase.  Other
467    *  implementations may use whatever API calls are available subject to
468    *  these requirements.
469    */
471 #define	_dxf_SET_ORTHO_PROJECTION(ctx, width, aspect, Near, Far) \
472        (*_pFuncs->SetOrthoProjection)(ctx, width, aspect, Near, Far)
473   /*
474    *  Set up an orthographic view projection and load it into the hardware.
475    */
477 #define	_dxf_SET_PERSPECTIVE_PROJECTION(ctx, xfov, aspect, Near, Far) \
478        (*_pFuncs->SetPerspectiveProjection)(ctx, xfov, aspect, Near, Far)
479   /*
480    *  Set up a perspective projection and load it into the hardware.
481    */
483 #define _dxf_GET_PROJECTION(ctx, M) \
484    ((!_pFuncs->GetProjection) ? OK : \
485       (_pfuncs->GetProjection)(ctx, M))
487 #define	_dxf_SET_VIEWPORT(ctx, left, right, bottom, top) \
488        (*_pFuncs->SetViewport)(ctx, left, right, bottom, top)
489   /*
490    *  Set up viewport in pixels.
491    */
493 #define _dxf_GET_MATRIX(ctx, M)      \
494   ((! _pFuncs->GetMatrix)? OK : \
495      (*_pFuncs->GetMatrix)(ctx, M))
497 #define _dxf_GET_VERSION(str)         \
498    ((!_pFuncs->GetVersion) ? 0x0 : \
499     (*_pFuncs->GetVersion)(str))
501 #define	_dxf_LOAD_MATRIX(ctx, M) (*_pFuncs->LoadMatrix)(ctx,M)
502   /*
503    *  Load (replace) M onto the hardware matrix stack.
504    */
506 #define	_dxf_PUSH_MULTIPLY_MATRIX(ctx, M) (*_pFuncs->PushMultiplyMatrix)(ctx, M)
507   /*
508    *  Pushing and multiplying are combined here since some API's (such as
509    *  Starbase) don't provide a separate push.
510    */
512 #define	_dxf_PUSH_REPLACE_MATRIX(ctx, M) (*_pFuncs->PushReplaceMatrix)(ctx,M)
513   /*
514    *  Pushing and loading are combined here since some API's (such as
515    *  Starbase) don't provide a separate push.
516    */
518 #define	_dxf_REPLACE_VIEW_MATRIX(ctx, M) \
519   (*_pFuncs->ReplaceViewMatrix)(ctx,M)
520   /*
521    *  Pushing and loading are combined here since some API's (such as
522    *  Starbase) don't provide a separate push.
523    */
525 #define	_dxf_POP_MATRIX(ctx) (*_pFuncs->PopMatrix)(ctx)
526   /*
527    *  Pop the top of the hardware matrix stack.
528    */
530 #define	_dxf_SET_MATERIAL_SPECULAR(ctx, r, g, b, pow) \
531        (*_pFuncs->SetMaterialSpecular)(ctx, r, g, b, pow)
532   /*
533    *  Set specular reflection coefficients for red, green, and blue; set
534    *  specular exponent (shininess) from pow.
535    */
537 #define _dxf_SET_GLOBAL_LIGHT_ATTRIBUTES(ctx, on)  \
538        (*_pFuncs->SetGlobalLightAttributes)(ctx, on)
539   /*
540    *  Set global lighting attributes.  Some API's, like IBM GL, can only
541    *  set certain lighting attributes such as attenuation globally across
542    *  all defined lights; these API's should do the appropriate
543    *  initialization through this call.  If `on' is FALSE, turn lighting
544    *  completely off.
545    */
547 #define	_dxf_ALLOCATE_PIXEL_ARRAY(ctx, w, h) \
548        (*_pFuncs->AllocatePixelArray)(ctx, w, h)
549   /*
550    *  Allocate storage for a pixel array.
551    */
553 #define	_dxf_FREE_PIXEL_ARRAY(ctx, pixels) \
554        (*_pFuncs->FreePixelArray)(ctx, pixels)
555   /*
556    *  Free pixel array storage.
557    */
559 #define	_dxf_DEFINE_LIGHT(win, n, light) (*_pFuncs->DefineLight)(win, n, light)
560   /*
561    *  Define and switch on light `id' using the attributes specified by
562    *  the `light' parameter.  If `light' is NULL, turn off light `id'.
563    *  If more lights are defined than supported by the API, the extra
564    *  lights are ignored.
565    */
567 #define	_dxf_SET_BACKGROUND_COLOR(ctx, color) \
568        (*_pFuncs->SetBackgroundColor)(ctx, color)
569   /*
570    *  Set the background color for the image window.
571    */
573 #define _dxf_CLEARBUFFER(win) (*_pFuncs->ClearBuffer)(win)
576 #else /* OLD_PORT_LAYER_CALLS */
578 int
579 _dxfBoundingBoxDraw (tdmPortHandleP portHandle, Field f, int clip_status) ;
581 void
582 _dxfImageDraw (tdmPortHandleP portHandle, Field f, Array p) ;
584 void
585 _dxfUnconnectedPointDraw (tdmPortHandleP portHandle, Field f,
586 			  int npoints, Point *points,
587 			  RGBColor *colors, RGBColor *color_map) ;
589 #ifndef STANDALONE
590 #ifdef PROTO_USED
591 /*
592  *  can't use these prototypes until all DX primitives use
593  *  ANSI style function declarations.
594  */
596 int
597 _dxfCubeDraw (tdmPortHandleP portHandle, Field f, int npoints, Point *points,
598 	     int nshapes, int *connections,
599 	     int colorDepPos, RGBColor *colors, RGBColor *color_map,
600 	     int normalDepPos, Vector *normals,
601 	     int opacityDepPos, float *opacities, float *opacity_map,
602 	     float k_ambi, float k_diff, float k_spec) ;
603 int
604 _dxfLineDraw (tdmPortHandleP portHandle, Field f, int npoints, Point *points,
605 	     int nshapes, int *connections,
606 	     int colorDepPos, RGBColor *colors, RGBColor *color_map,
607 	     int normalDepPos, Vector *normals,
608 	     int opacityDepPos, float *opacities, float *opacity_map,
609 	     float k_ambi, float k_diff, float k_spec) ;
610 int
611 _dxfQmeshDraw (tdmPortHandleP portHandle, Field f, int npoints, Point *points,
612 	     int nshapes, int *connections,
613 	     int colorDepPos, RGBColor *colors, RGBColor *color_map,
614 	     int normalDepPos, Vector *normals,
615 	     int opacityDepPos, float *opacities, float *opacity_map,
616 	     float k_ambi, float k_diff, float k_spec) ;
617 int
618 _dxfQuadDraw (tdmPortHandleP portHandle, Field f, int npoints, Point *points,
619 	     int nshapes, int *connections,
620 	     int colorDepPos, RGBColor *colors, RGBColor *color_map,
621 	     int normalDepPos, Vector *normals,
622 	     int opacityDepPos, float *opacities, float *opacity_map,
623 	     float k_ambi, float k_diff, float k_spec) ;
624 int
625 _dxfTetraDraw (tdmPortHandleP portHandle, Field f, int npoints, Point *points,
626 	     int nshapes, int *connections,
627 	     int colorDepPos, RGBColor *colors, RGBColor *color_map,
628 	     int normalDepPos, Vector *normals,
629 	     int opacityDepPos, float *opacities, float *opacity_map,
630 	     float k_ambi, float k_diff, float k_spec) ;
631 int
632 _dxfTmeshDraw (tdmPortHandleP portHandle, Field f, int npoints, Point *points,
633 	      int nshapes, int *connections,
634 	      int colorDepend, RGBColor *colors, RGBColor *color_map,
635 	      int normalDepend, Vector *normals,
636 	      int opacityDepend, float *opacities, float *opacity_map,
637 	      float k_ambi, float k_diff, float k_spec) ;
638 int
639 _dxfTriDraw (tdmPortHandleP portHandle, Field f, int npoints, Point *points,
640 	     int nshapes, int *connections,
641 	     int colorDepPos, RGBColor *colors, RGBColor *color_map,
642 	     int normalDepPos, Vector *normals,
643 	     int opacityDepPos, float *opacities, float *opacity_map,
644 	     float k_ambi, float k_diff, float k_spec) ;
646 #endif /* PROTO_USED */
647 #endif /* STANDALONE */
649 Error
650 _dxf_DRAW_IMAGE(void* win, dxObject image,
651 		translationO translation);
652 Error
653 _dxf_DRAW_OPAQUE(tdmPortHandleP portHandle, xfieldP xf,
654 		 RGBColor ambientColor, int buttonUP);
655 Error
656 _dxf_DRAW_TRANSPARENT(void * globals, RGBColor * ambientColor, int buttonUP);
657 Error
658 _dxf_DRAW_CLIP(tdmPortHandleP portHandle, xfieldP xfield, int buttonDown) ;
659 Error
660 _dxf_ADD_CLIP_PLANES(void* win, Point *pt, Vector *normal, int count);
661 Error
662 _dxf_REMOVE_CLIP_PLANES(void* win, int count);
663 int
664 _dxf_GRAPHICS_NOT_AVAILABLE (char *hostnameP) ;
665 void*
666 _dxf_CREATE_WINDOW (void *globals, char *winName, int w, int h) ;
667 translationO
668 _dxf_CREATE_HW_TRANSLATION (void *win) ;
669 void
670 _dxf_DESTROY_WINDOW (void *win) ;
671 void
672 _dxf_SET_OUTPUT_WINDOW (void *win) ;
673 void
674 _dxf_SET_WINDOW_SIZE (void *win, int w, int h) ;
675 Error
676 _dxf_INIT_RENDER_MODULE (void *globals) ;
677 void
678 _dxf_SWAP_BUFFERS (void *ctx) ;
679 void
680 _dxf_SINGLE_BUFFER_MODE (void *ctx) ;
681 void
682 _dxf_DOUBLE_BUFFER_MODE (void *ctx) ;
683 void
684 _dxf_CLEAR_AREA (void *ctx, int left, int right, int bottom, int top) ;
685 void
686 _dxf_WRITE_PIXEL_RECT (void *win, unsigned char *buf,
687 		       int x, int y, int w, int h) ;
688 int
689 _dxf_READ_APPROX_BACKSTORE (void *win, int camw, int camh) ;
690 void
691 _dxf_WRITE_APPROX_BACKSTORE (void *win, int camw, int camh) ;
692 void
693 _dxf_INIT_RENDER_PASS (void *win, int bufferMode, int zBufferMode) ;
694 void
695 _dxf_MAKE_PROJECTION_MATRIX (int projection, float width, float aspect,
696 			    float Near, float Far, register float M[4][4]) ;
697 void
699     (void *ctx, float width, float aspect, float Near, float Far) ;
700 void
702     (void *ctx, float xfov, float aspect, float Near, float Far) ;
703 void
704 _dxf_SET_VIEWPORT (void *ctx, int left, int right, int bottom, int top) ;
705 void
706 _dxf_LOAD_MATRIX (void *ctx, float M[4][4]) ;
707 void
708 _dxf_PUSH_MULTIPLY_MATRIX (void *ctx, float M[4][4]) ;
709 void
710 _dxf_PUSH_REPLACE_MATRIX (void *ctx, float M[4][4]) ;
711 void
712 _dxf_REPLACE_VIEW_MATRIX (void *ctx, float M[4][4]) ;
713 void
714 _dxf_POP_MATRIX (void *ctx) ;
715 void
716 _dxf_SET_MATERIAL_SPECULAR (void *ctx, float r, float g, float b, float pow) ;
717 void
718 _dxf_SET_GLOBAL_LIGHT_ATTRIBUTES (void *ctx, int on) ;
719 void *
720 _dxf_ALLOCATE_PIXEL_ARRAY (void *ctx, int width, int height) ;
721 void
722 _dxf_FREE_PIXEL_ARRAY (void *ctx, void *pixels) ;
723 int
724 _dxf_DEFINE_LIGHT (void *win, int n, Light light) ;
725 int
726 _dxf_SET_BACKGROUND_COLOR (void *ctx, RGBColor color);
728 #endif 	/* OLD_PORT_LAYER_CALLS */
729 #endif  /* STRUCTURES_ONLY */
731 #endif /* tdmPortLayer_h */