1 #ifndef JHEAD_H
2 #define JHEAD_H 1
4 #include <limits.h>
5 #include <time.h>
6 #include <stdio.h>
8 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 // Include file for jhead program.
10 //
11 // This include file only defines stuff that goes across modules.
12 // I like to keep the definitions for macros and structures as close to
13 // where they get used as possible, so include files only get stuff that
14 // gets used in more than one file.
15 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
17 typedef unsigned char uchar;
19 #ifndef TRUE
20     #define TRUE 1
21     #define FALSE 0
22 #endif
24 #define MAX_COMMENT 2000
26 #ifdef _WIN32
27     #define PATH_MAX _MAX_PATH
28 #endif
30 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
31 // This structure is used to store jpeg file sections in memory.
32 typedef struct {
33     uchar *  Data;
34     int      Type;
35     unsigned Size;
36 }Section_t;
38 // Strings describing the various orientation settings.
39 extern char * OrientTab[];
40 // Corresponding Integers.
41 extern int OrientRot[];
43 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
44 // This structure stores Exif header image elements in a simple manner
45 // Used to store camera data as extracted from the various ways that it can be
46 // stored in an exif header
47 typedef struct {
48     char  FileName     [PATH_MAX+1];
49     time_t FileDateTime;
50     unsigned FileSize;
51     char  CameraMake   [32];
52     char  CameraModel  [40];
53     char  DateTime     [20];
54     int   Height, Width;
55     int   Orientation;
56     int   IsColor;
57     int   Process;
58     int   FlashUsed;
59     float FocalLength;
60     float ExposureTime;
61     float ApertureFNumber;
62     float Distance;
63     float CCDWidth;
64     float ExposureBias;
65     int   Whitebalance;
66     int   MeteringMode;
67     int   ExposureProgram;
68     int   ISOequivalent;
69     int   CompressionLevel;
70     char  Comments[MAX_COMMENT];
72     unsigned char * ThumbnailPointer;  // Pointer at the thumbnail
73     unsigned ThumbnailSize;     // Size of thumbnail.
75     char * DatePointer;
77 }ImageInfo_t;
80 #define EXIT_FAILURE  1
81 #define EXIT_SUCCESS  0
83 // jpgfile.c functions
84 typedef enum {
85     READ_EXIF = 1,
86     READ_IMAGE = 2,
87     READ_ALL = 3
88 }ReadMode_t;
91 // prototypes for jhead.c functions
92 extern void ErrFatal(char * msg);
93 extern void ErrNonfatal(char * msg, int a1, int a2);
95 // Prototypes for exif.c functions.
96 extern int Exif2tm(struct tm * timeptr, char * ExifTime);
97 extern void process_EXIF (unsigned char * CharBuf, unsigned int length);
98 extern int RemoveThumbnail(unsigned char * ExifSection, unsigned int Length);
100 // Prototypes for myglob.c module
101 extern void MyGlob(const char * Pattern , void (*FileFuncParm)(const char * FileName));
103 // Prototypes from jpgfile.c
104 int ReadJpegSections (FILE * infile, ReadMode_t ReadMode);
105 void DiscardData(void);
106 void DiscardAllButExif(void);
107 int ReadJpegFile(const char * FileName, ReadMode_t ReadMode);
108 int TrimExifFunc(void);
109 int RemoveSectionType(int SectionType);
110 void WriteJpegFile(const char * FileName);
111 Section_t * FindSection(int SectionType);
112 Section_t * CreateSection(int SectionType, unsigned char * Data, int size);
113 void ResetJpgfile(void);
116 // Variables from jhead.c used by exif.c
117 extern ImageInfo_t ImageInfo;
118 extern int ShowTags;
119 #ifdef VERBOSE
120 extern void ShowImageInfo(void);
121 extern void ShowConciseImageInfo(void);
122 #endif
124 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
125 // JPEG markers consist of one or more 0xFF bytes, followed by a marker
126 // code byte (which is not an FF).  Here are the marker codes of interest
127 // in this program.  (See jdmarker.c for a more complete list.)
128 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
130 #define M_SOF0  0xC0            // Start Of Frame N
131 #define M_SOF1  0xC1            // N indicates which compression process
132 #define M_SOF2  0xC2            // Only SOF0-SOF2 are now in common use
133 #define M_SOF3  0xC3
134 #define M_SOF5  0xC5            // NB: codes C4 and CC are NOT SOF markers
135 #define M_SOF6  0xC6
136 #define M_SOF7  0xC7
137 #define M_SOF9  0xC9
138 #define M_SOF10 0xCA
139 #define M_SOF11 0xCB
140 #define M_SOF13 0xCD
141 #define M_SOF14 0xCE
142 #define M_SOF15 0xCF
143 #define M_SOI   0xD8            // Start Of Image (beginning of datastream)
144 #define M_EOI   0xD9            // End Of Image (end of datastream)
145 #define M_SOS   0xDA            // Start Of Scan (begins compressed data)
146 #define M_JFIF  0xE0            // Jfif marker
147 #define M_EXIF  0xE1            // Exif marker
148 #define M_COM   0xFE            // COMment
150 #endif /* JHEAD_H */