1 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 //
3 //                             Pixie
4 //
5 // Copyright � 1999 - 2003, Okan Arikan
6 //
7 // Contact: okan@cs.utexas.edu
8 //
9 //	This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
10 //	modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
11 //	License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
12 //	version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
13 //
14 //	This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 //	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 //	Lesser General Public License for more details.
18 //
19 //	You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
20 //	License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
21 //	Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
22 //
23 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
24 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
25 //
26 //  File				:	texmake.cpp
27 //  Classes				:	-
28 //  Description			:	Texture making program
29 //
30 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
31 #include <stdio.h>
32 #include <stdlib.h>
33 #include <string.h>
35 #include "common/global.h"
36 #include "common/os.h"
37 #include "ri/ri.h"
39 const	char	*tileSizeArgument			=	"-tilesize";
40 const	char	*resizeModeArgument			=	"-resize";
41 const	char	*smodeArgument				=	"-smode";
42 const	char	*tmodeArgument				=	"-tmode";
43 const	char	*filterArgument				=	"-filter";
44 const	char	*filterWidthArgument		=	"-filterwidth";
45 const	char	*sfilterWidthArgument		=	"-sfilterwidth";
46 const	char	*tfilterWidthArgument		=	"-tfilterwidth";
47 const	char	*inputPathArgument			=	"-input";
48 const	char	*outputPathArgument			=	"-output";
49 const	char	*shadowArgument				=	"-shadow";
50 const	char	*envlatArgument				=	"-envlatl";
51 const	char	*envcubeArgument			=	"-envcube";
52 const	char	*fovArgument				=	"-fov";
53 const	char	*texture3dArgument			=	"-texture3d";
54 const	char	*maxerrorArgument			=	"-maxerror";
55 const	char	*radiusscaleArgument		=	"-radiusscale";
56 const	char	*maxdepthArgument			=	"-maxdepth";
printUsage()58 void	printUsage() {
59 	printf("Usage: texmake [-(shadow|envlatl|envcube)] [-resize <mode>] [-smode <mode>] [-tmode <mode>] [-filter <filter>] [-filterwidth <width>] [-filterheight <height>] [-sfilterwidth <width>] [-tfilterwidth <width>] <inputfile> <outputfile>\n");
60 	printf("       texmake -texture3d [-maxerror <number>] [-radiusscale <number>] [-maxdepth <number>] <inputfile> <outputfile>\n");
61 }
main(int argc,char * argv[])63 int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
64 	int				tileSize		=	32;
65 	const char		*resizeMode		=	"up";
66 	const char		*smode			=	"periodic";
67 	const char		*tmode			=	"periodic";
68 	float			filterWidth		=	3;
69 	float			filterHeight	=	3;
70 	const char		*inPath			=	".";
71 	const char		*outPath		=	".";
72 	float			fov				=	90;
73 	RtFilterFunc	filter			=	RiCatmullRomFilter;
74 	float			maxerror		=	0.002f;
75 	float			radiusScale		=	1.0f;
76 	int				maxDepth		=	10;
77 	int				i;
78 	const char		*textureMode	=	"texture";
79 	int				processed;
81 	RtToken			tokens[50];
82 	RtPointer		vals[50];
83 	const char		*files[50];
84 	int				currentFile			=	0;
85 	int				currentParameter	=	0;
87 	if (argc == 1) {
88 		printUsage();
89 		return 0;
90 	}
92 	for (i=1;i<argc;i++) {
93 		if (strcmp(argv[i],"--help") == 0) {
94 			printUsage();
95 		} else if (strcmp(argv[i],shadowArgument) == 0) {
96 			textureMode	=	"shadow";
97 		} else if (strcmp(argv[i],envlatArgument) == 0) {
98 			textureMode	=	"envlat";
99 		} else if (strcmp(argv[i],envcubeArgument) == 0) {
100 			textureMode	=	"envcube";
101 		} else if (strcmp(argv[i],texture3dArgument) == 0) {
102 			textureMode	=	"texture3d";
103 		} else if (strcmp(argv[i],tileSizeArgument) == 0) {
104 			i++;
105 			tileSize	=	atoi(argv[i]);
106 		} else if (strcmp(argv[i],resizeModeArgument) == 0) {
107 			i++;
108 			resizeMode	=	argv[i];
109 		} else if (strcmp(argv[i],smodeArgument) == 0) {
110 			i++;
111 			smode		=	argv[i];
112 		} else if (strcmp(argv[i],tmodeArgument) == 0) {
113 			i++;
114 			tmode		=	argv[i];
115 		} else if (strcmp(argv[i],filterArgument) == 0) {
116 			i++;
117 			if (strcmp(argv[i],"box") == 0) {
118 				filter	=	RiBoxFilter;
119 			} else if (strcmp(argv[i],"triangle") == 0) {
120 				filter	=	RiTriangleFilter;
121 			} else if (strcmp(argv[i],"gaussian") == 0) {
122 				filter	=	RiGaussianFilter;
123 			} else if (strcmp(argv[i],"catmull-rom") == 0) {
124 				filter	=	RiCatmullRomFilter;
125 			} else if (strcmp(argv[i],"sinc") == 0) {
126 				filter	=	RiSincFilter;
127 			} else {
128 				fprintf(stderr,"Unknown filter: %s\n",argv[i]);
129 			}
130 		} else if (strcmp(argv[i],filterWidthArgument) == 0) {
131 			i++;
132 			filterWidth		=	(float) atof(argv[i]);
133 			filterHeight	=	(float) atof(argv[i]);
134 		} else if (strcmp(argv[i],sfilterWidthArgument) == 0) {
135 			i++;
136 			filterWidth	=	(float) atof(argv[i]);
137 		} else if (strcmp(argv[i],tfilterWidthArgument) == 0) {
138 			i++;
139 			filterHeight	=	(float) atof(argv[i]);
140 		} else if (strcmp(argv[i],fovArgument) == 0) {
141 			i++;
142 			fov	=	(float) atof(argv[i]);
143 		} else if (strcmp(argv[i],maxerrorArgument) == 0) {
144 			i++;
145 			maxerror		=	(float) atof(argv[i]);
146 		} else if (strcmp(argv[i],radiusscaleArgument) == 0) {
147 			i++;
148 			radiusScale		=	(float) atof(argv[i]);
149 		} else if (strcmp(argv[i],maxdepthArgument) == 0) {
150 			i++;
151 			maxDepth		=	(int) atoi(argv[i]);
152 		} else if (strcmp(argv[i],inputPathArgument) == 0) {
153 			i++;
154 			inPath		=	argv[i];
155 		} else if (strcmp(argv[i],outputPathArgument) == 0) {
156 			i++;
157 			outPath		=	argv[i];
158 		} else {
159 			files[currentFile++]	=	argv[i];
160 		}
161 	}
163 	processed	=	FALSE;
165 	if (strcmp(textureMode,"texture") == 0) {
166 		if (currentFile == 2) {
167 			RiBegin(RI_NULL);
168 			tokens[currentParameter]	=	"resize";
169 			vals[currentParameter++]	=	(RtPointer) &resizeMode;
170 			RiMakeTextureV(files[0],files[1],smode,tmode,filter,filterWidth,filterHeight,currentParameter,tokens,vals);
171 			RiEnd();
173 			processed	=	TRUE;
174 		}
175 	} else if (strcmp(textureMode,"shadow") == 0) {
176 		if (currentFile == 2) {
177 			RiBegin(RI_NULL);
178 			tokens[currentParameter]	=	"resize";
179 			vals[currentParameter++]	=	(RtPointer) &resizeMode;
180 			RiMakeShadowV(files[0],files[1],currentParameter,tokens,vals);
181 			RiEnd();
183 			processed	=	TRUE;
184 		}
185 	} else if (strcmp(textureMode,"envlat") == 0) {
186 		if (currentFile == 2) {
187 			RiBegin(RI_NULL);
188 			tokens[currentParameter]	=	"resize";
189 			vals[currentParameter++]	=	(RtPointer) &resizeMode;
190 			RiMakeLatLongEnvironmentV(files[0],files[1],filter,filterWidth,filterHeight,currentParameter,tokens,vals);
191 			RiEnd();
193 			processed	=	TRUE;
194 		}
195 	} else if (strcmp(textureMode,"envcube") == 0) {
196 		if (currentFile == 7) {
197 			RiBegin(RI_NULL);
198 			tokens[currentParameter]	=	"resize";
199 			vals[currentParameter++]	=	&resizeMode;
200 			RiMakeCubeFaceEnvironmentV(files[0],files[1],files[2],files[3],files[4],files[5],files[6],fov,filter,filterWidth,filterHeight,currentParameter,tokens,vals);
201 			RiEnd();
203 			processed	=	TRUE;
204 		}
205 	} else if (strcmp(textureMode,"texture3d") == 0) {
206 		if (currentFile == 2) {
207 			RiBegin(RI_NULL);
208 			tokens[currentParameter]			=	RI_MAXERROR;
209 			vals[currentParameter++]			= 	(RtPointer) &maxerror;
210 			tokens[currentParameter]			=	"radiusscale";
211 			vals[currentParameter++]			= 	(RtPointer) &radiusScale;
212 			tokens[currentParameter]			=	"maxdepth";
213 			vals[currentParameter++]			= 	(RtPointer) &maxDepth;
214 			RiMakeBrickMapV(1,&files[0],files[1],currentParameter,tokens,vals);
215 			RiEnd();
217 			processed	=	TRUE;
218 		}
219 	}
221 	if (processed == FALSE) {
222 		fprintf(stderr,"Unknown texture mode (\"%s\") or invalid number of arguments (%d)\n",textureMode,currentFile);
223 	}
225 	return 0;
226 }