2.. module:: helpers
3    :platform: Unix, Windows
4    :synopsis: Provides spline evaluation helper functions
6.. moduleauthor:: Onur Rauf Bingol <orbingol@gmail.com>
10import os
11from copy import deepcopy
12from . import linalg
13from .exceptions import GeomdlException
15    from functools import lru_cache
16except ImportError:
17    from .functools_lru_cache import lru_cache
20def find_span_binsearch(degree, knot_vector, num_ctrlpts, knot, **kwargs):
21    """ Finds the span of the knot over the input knot vector using binary search.
23    Implementation of Algorithm A2.1 from The NURBS Book by Piegl & Tiller.
25    The NURBS Book states that the knot span index always starts from zero, i.e. for a knot vector [0, 0, 1, 1];
26    if FindSpan returns 1, then the knot is between the half-open interval [0, 1).
28    :param degree: degree, :math:`p`
29    :type degree: int
30    :param knot_vector: knot vector, :math:`U`
31    :type knot_vector: list, tuple
32    :param num_ctrlpts: number of control points, :math:`n + 1`
33    :type num_ctrlpts: int
34    :param knot: knot or parameter, :math:`u`
35    :type knot: float
36    :return: knot span
37    :rtype: int
38    """
39    # Get tolerance value
40    tol = kwargs.get('tol', 10e-6)
42    # In The NURBS Book; number of knots = m + 1, number of control points = n + 1, p = degree
43    # All knot vectors should follow the rule: m = p + n + 1
44    n = num_ctrlpts - 1
45    if abs(knot_vector[n + 1] - knot) <= tol:
46        return n
48    # Set max and min positions of the array to be searched
49    low = degree
50    high = num_ctrlpts
52    # The division could return a float value which makes it impossible to use as an array index
53    mid = (low + high) / 2
54    # Direct int casting would cause numerical errors due to discarding the significand figures (digits after the dot)
55    # The round function could return unexpected results, so we add the floating point with some small number
56    # This addition would solve the issues caused by the division operation and how Python stores float numbers.
57    # E.g. round(13/2) = 6 (expected to see 7)
58    mid = int(round(mid + tol))
60    # Search for the span
61    while (knot < knot_vector[mid]) or (knot >= knot_vector[mid + 1]):
62        if knot < knot_vector[mid]:
63            high = mid
64        else:
65            low = mid
66        mid = int((low + high) / 2)
68    return mid
71def find_span_linear(degree, knot_vector, num_ctrlpts, knot, **kwargs):
72    """ Finds the span of a single knot over the knot vector using linear search.
74    Alternative implementation for the Algorithm A2.1 from The NURBS Book by Piegl & Tiller.
76    :param degree: degree, :math:`p`
77    :type degree: int
78    :param knot_vector: knot vector, :math:`U`
79    :type knot_vector: list, tuple
80    :param num_ctrlpts: number of control points, :math:`n + 1`
81    :type num_ctrlpts: int
82    :param knot: knot or parameter, :math:`u`
83    :type knot: float
84    :return: knot span
85    :rtype: int
86    """
87    span = 0  # Knot span index starts from zero
88    while span < num_ctrlpts and knot_vector[span] <= knot:
89        span += 1
91    return span - 1
94def find_spans(degree, knot_vector, num_ctrlpts, knots, func=find_span_linear):
95    """ Finds spans of a list of knots over the knot vector.
97    :param degree: degree, :math:`p`
98    :type degree: int
99    :param knot_vector: knot vector, :math:`U`
100    :type knot_vector: list, tuple
101    :param num_ctrlpts: number of control points, :math:`n + 1`
102    :type num_ctrlpts: int
103    :param knots: list of knots or parameters
104    :type knots: list, tuple
105    :param func: function for span finding, e.g. linear or binary search
106    :return: list of spans
107    :rtype: list
108    """
109    spans = []
110    for knot in knots:
111        spans.append(func(degree, knot_vector, num_ctrlpts, knot))
112    return spans
115def find_multiplicity(knot, knot_vector, **kwargs):
116    """ Finds knot multiplicity over the knot vector.
118    Keyword Arguments:
119        * ``tol``: tolerance (delta) value for equality checking
121    :param knot: knot or parameter, :math:`u`
122    :type knot: float
123    :param knot_vector: knot vector, :math:`U`
124    :type knot_vector: list, tuple
125    :return: knot multiplicity, :math:`s`
126    :rtype: int
127    """
128    # Get tolerance value
129    tol = kwargs.get('tol', 10e-8)
131    mult = 0  # initial multiplicity
133    for kv in knot_vector:
134        if abs(knot - kv) <= tol:
135            mult += 1
137    return mult
140def basis_function(degree, knot_vector, span, knot):
141    """ Computes the non-vanishing basis functions for a single parameter.
143    Implementation of Algorithm A2.2 from The NURBS Book by Piegl & Tiller.
144    Uses recurrence to compute the basis functions, also known as Cox - de
145    Boor recursion formula.
147    :param degree: degree, :math:`p`
148    :type degree: int
149    :param knot_vector: knot vector, :math:`U`
150    :type knot_vector: list, tuple
151    :param span: knot span, :math:`i`
152    :type span: int
153    :param knot: knot or parameter, :math:`u`
154    :type knot: float
155    :return: basis functions
156    :rtype: list
157    """
158    left = [0.0 for _ in range(degree + 1)]
159    right = [0.0 for _ in range(degree + 1)]
160    N = [1.0 for _ in range(degree + 1)]  # N[0] = 1.0 by definition
162    for j in range(1, degree + 1):
163        left[j] = knot - knot_vector[span + 1 - j]
164        right[j] = knot_vector[span + j] - knot
165        saved = 0.0
166        for r in range(0, j):
167            temp = N[r] / (right[r + 1] + left[j - r])
168            N[r] = saved + right[r + 1] * temp
169            saved = left[j - r] * temp
170        N[j] = saved
172    return N
175def basis_function_one(degree, knot_vector, span, knot):
176    """ Computes the value of a basis function for a single parameter.
178    Implementation of Algorithm 2.4 from The NURBS Book by Piegl & Tiller.
180    :param degree: degree, :math:`p`
181    :type degree: int
182    :param knot_vector: knot vector
183    :type knot_vector: list, tuple
184    :param span: knot span, :math:`i`
185    :type span: int
186    :param knot: knot or parameter, :math:`u`
187    :type knot: float
188    :return: basis function, :math:`N_{i,p}`
189    :rtype: float
190    """
191    # Special case at boundaries
192    if (span == 0 and knot == knot_vector[0]) or \
193            (span == len(knot_vector) - degree - 2) and knot == knot_vector[len(knot_vector) - 1]:
194        return 1.0
196    # Knot is outside of span range
197    if knot < knot_vector[span] or knot >= knot_vector[span + degree + 1]:
198        return 0.0
200    N = [0.0 for _ in range(degree + span + 1)]
202    # Initialize the zeroth degree basis functions
203    for j in range(0, degree + 1):
204        if knot_vector[span + j] <= knot < knot_vector[span + j + 1]:
205            N[j] = 1.0
207    # Computing triangular table of basis functions
208    for k in range(1, degree + 1):
209        # Detecting zeros saves computations
210        saved = 0.0
211        if N[0] != 0.0:
212            saved = ((knot - knot_vector[span]) * N[0]) / (knot_vector[span + k] - knot_vector[span])
214        for j in range(0, degree - k + 1):
215            Uleft = knot_vector[span + j + 1]
216            Uright = knot_vector[span + j + k + 1]
218            # Zero detection
219            if N[j + 1] == 0.0:
220                N[j] = saved
221                saved = 0.0
222            else:
223                temp = N[j + 1] / (Uright - Uleft)
224                N[j] = saved + (Uright - knot) * temp
225                saved = (knot - Uleft) * temp
227    return N[0]
230def basis_functions(degree, knot_vector, spans, knots):
231    """ Computes the non-vanishing basis functions for a list of parameters.
233    Wrapper for :func:`.helpers.basis_function` to process multiple span
234    and knot values. Uses recurrence to compute the basis functions, also
235    known as Cox - de Boor recursion formula.
237    :param degree: degree, :math:`p`
238    :type degree: int
239    :param knot_vector: knot vector, :math:`U`
240    :type knot_vector: list, tuple
241    :param spans: list of knot spans
242    :type spans:  list, tuple
243    :param knots: list of knots or parameters
244    :type knots: list, tuple
245    :return: basis functions
246    :rtype: list
247    """
248    basis = []
249    for span, knot in zip(spans, knots):
250        basis.append(basis_function(degree, knot_vector, span, knot))
251    return basis
254def basis_function_all(degree, knot_vector, span, knot):
255    """ Computes all non-zero basis functions of all degrees from 0 up to the input degree for a single parameter.
257    A slightly modified version of Algorithm A2.2 from The NURBS Book by Piegl & Tiller.
258    Wrapper for :func:`.helpers.basis_function` to compute multiple basis functions.
259    Uses recurrence to compute the basis functions, also known as Cox - de Boor
260    recursion formula.
262    For instance; if ``degree = 2``, then this function will compute the basis function
263    values of degrees **0, 1** and **2** for the ``knot`` value at the input knot ``span``
264    of the ``knot_vector``.
266    :param degree: degree, :math:`p`
267    :type degree: int
268    :param knot_vector:  knot vector, :math:`U`
269    :type knot_vector: list, tuple
270    :param span: knot span, :math:`i`
271    :type span: int
272    :param knot: knot or parameter, :math:`u`
273    :type knot: float
274    :return: basis functions
275    :rtype: list
276    """
277    N = [[None for _ in range(degree + 1)] for _ in range(degree + 1)]
278    for i in range(0, degree + 1):
279        bfuns = basis_function(i, knot_vector, span, knot)
280        for j in range(0, i + 1):
281            N[j][i] = bfuns[j]
282    return N
285def basis_function_ders(degree, knot_vector, span, knot, order):
286    """ Computes derivatives of the basis functions for a single parameter.
288    Implementation of Algorithm A2.3 from The NURBS Book by Piegl & Tiller.
290    :param degree: degree, :math:`p`
291    :type degree: int
292    :param knot_vector: knot vector, :math:`U`
293    :type knot_vector: list, tuple
294    :param span: knot span, :math:`i`
295    :type span: int
296    :param knot: knot or parameter, :math:`u`
297    :type knot: float
298    :param order: order of the derivative
299    :type order: int
300    :return: derivatives of the basis functions
301    :rtype: list
302    """
303    # Initialize variables
304    left = [1.0 for _ in range(degree + 1)]
305    right = [1.0 for _ in range(degree + 1)]
306    ndu = [[1.0 for _ in range(degree + 1)] for _ in range(degree + 1)]  # N[0][0] = 1.0 by definition
308    for j in range(1, degree + 1):
309        left[j] = knot - knot_vector[span + 1 - j]
310        right[j] = knot_vector[span + j] - knot
311        saved = 0.0
312        r = 0
313        for r in range(r, j):
314            # Lower triangle
315            ndu[j][r] = right[r + 1] + left[j - r]
316            temp = ndu[r][j - 1] / ndu[j][r]
317            # Upper triangle
318            ndu[r][j] = saved + (right[r + 1] * temp)
319            saved = left[j - r] * temp
320        ndu[j][j] = saved
322    # Load the basis functions
323    ders = [[0.0 for _ in range(degree + 1)] for _ in range((min(degree, order) + 1))]
324    for j in range(0, degree + 1):
325        ders[0][j] = ndu[j][degree]
327    # Start calculating derivatives
328    a = [[1.0 for _ in range(degree + 1)] for _ in range(2)]
329    # Loop over function index
330    for r in range(0, degree + 1):
331        # Alternate rows in array a
332        s1 = 0
333        s2 = 1
334        a[0][0] = 1.0
335        # Loop to compute k-th derivative
336        for k in range(1, order + 1):
337            d = 0.0
338            rk = r - k
339            pk = degree - k
340            if r >= k:
341                a[s2][0] = a[s1][0] / ndu[pk + 1][rk]
342                d = a[s2][0] * ndu[rk][pk]
343            if rk >= -1:
344                j1 = 1
345            else:
346                j1 = -rk
347            if (r - 1) <= pk:
348                j2 = k - 1
349            else:
350                j2 = degree - r
351            for j in range(j1, j2 + 1):
352                a[s2][j] = (a[s1][j] - a[s1][j - 1]) / ndu[pk + 1][rk + j]
353                d += (a[s2][j] * ndu[rk + j][pk])
354            if r <= pk:
355                a[s2][k] = -a[s1][k - 1] / ndu[pk + 1][r]
356                d += (a[s2][k] * ndu[r][pk])
357            ders[k][r] = d
359            # Switch rows
360            j = s1
361            s1 = s2
362            s2 = j
364    # Multiply through by the the correct factors
365    r = float(degree)
366    for k in range(1, order + 1):
367        for j in range(0, degree + 1):
368            ders[k][j] *= r
369        r *= (degree - k)
371    # Return the basis function derivatives list
372    return ders
375def basis_function_ders_one(degree, knot_vector, span, knot, order):
376    """ Computes the derivative of one basis functions for a single parameter.
378    Implementation of Algorithm A2.5 from The NURBS Book by Piegl & Tiller.
380    :param degree: degree, :math:`p`
381    :type degree: int
382    :param knot_vector: knot_vector, :math:`U`
383    :type knot_vector: list, tuple
384    :param span: knot span, :math:`i`
385    :type span: int
386    :param knot: knot or parameter, :math:`u`
387    :type knot: float
388    :param order: order of the derivative
389    :type order: int
390    :return: basis function derivatives
391    :rtype: list
392    """
393    ders = [0.0 for _ in range(0, order + 1)]
395    # Knot is outside of span range
396    if (knot < knot_vector[span]) or (knot >= knot_vector[span + degree + 1]):
397        for k in range(0, order + 1):
398            ders[k] = 0.0
400        return ders
402    N = [[0.0 for _ in range(0, degree + 1)] for _ in range(0, degree + 1)]
404    # Initializing the zeroth degree basis functions
405    for j in range(0, degree + 1):
406        if knot_vector[span + j] <= knot < knot_vector[span + j + 1]:
407            N[j][0] = 1.0
409    # Computing all basis functions values for all degrees inside the span
410    for k in range(1, degree + 1):
411        saved = 0.0
412        # Detecting zeros saves computations
413        if N[0][k - 1] != 0.0:
414            saved = ((knot - knot_vector[span]) * N[0][k - 1]) / (knot_vector[span + k] - knot_vector[span])
416        for j in range(0, degree - k + 1):
417            Uleft = knot_vector[span + j + 1]
418            Uright = knot_vector[span + j + k + 1]
420            # Zero detection
421            if N[j + 1][k - 1] == 0.0:
422                N[j][k] = saved
423                saved = 0.0
424            else:
425                temp = N[j + 1][k - 1] / (Uright - Uleft)
426                N[j][k] = saved + (Uright - knot) * temp
427                saved = (knot - Uleft) * temp
429    # The basis function value is the zeroth derivative
430    ders[0] = N[0][degree]
432    # Computing the basis functions derivatives
433    for k in range(1, order + 1):
434        # Buffer for computing the kth derivative
435        ND = [0.0 for _ in range(0, k + 1)]
437        # Basis functions values used for the derivative
438        for j in range(0, k + 1):
439            ND[j] = N[j][degree - k]
441        # Computing derivatives used for the kth basis function derivative
443        # Derivative order for the k-th basis function derivative
444        for jj in range(1, k + 1):
445            if ND[0] == 0.0:
446                saved = 0.0
447            else:
448                saved = ND[0] / (knot_vector[span + degree - k + jj] - knot_vector[span])
450            # Index of the Basis function derivatives
451            for j in range(0, k - jj + 1):
452                Uleft = knot_vector[span + j + 1]
453                # Wrong in The NURBS Book: -k is missing.
454                # The right expression is the same as for saved with the added j offset
455                Uright = knot_vector[span + j + degree - k + jj + 1]
457                if ND[j + 1] == 0.0:
458                    ND[j] = (degree - k + jj) * saved
459                    saved = 0.0
460                else:
461                    temp = ND[j + 1] / (Uright - Uleft)
463                    ND[j] = (degree - k + jj) * (saved - temp)
464                    saved = temp
466        ders[k] = ND[0]
468    return ders
471def basis_functions_ders(degree, knot_vector, spans, knots, order):
472    """ Computes derivatives of the basis functions for a list of parameters.
474    Wrapper for :func:`.helpers.basis_function_ders` to process multiple span
475    and knot values.
477    :param degree: degree, :math:`p`
478    :type degree: int
479    :param knot_vector: knot vector, :math:`U`
480    :type knot_vector: list, tuple
481    :param spans: list of knot spans
482    :type spans:  list, tuple
483    :param knots: list of knots or parameters
484    :type knots: list, tuple
485    :param order: order of the derivative
486    :type order: int
487    :return: derivatives of the basis functions
488    :rtype: list
489    """
490    basis_ders = []
491    for span, knot in zip(spans, knots):
492        basis_ders.append(basis_function_ders(degree, knot_vector, span, knot, order))
493    return basis_ders
496def knot_insertion(degree, knotvector, ctrlpts, u, **kwargs):
497    """ Computes the control points of the rational/non-rational spline after knot insertion.
499    Part of Algorithm A5.1 of The NURBS Book by Piegl & Tiller, 2nd Edition.
501    Keyword Arguments:
502        * ``num``: number of knot insertions. *Default: 1*
503        * ``s``: multiplicity of the knot. *Default: computed via :func:`.find_multiplicity`*
504        * ``span``: knot span. *Default: computed via :func:`.find_span_linear`*
506    :param degree: degree
507    :type degree: int
508    :param knotvector: knot vector
509    :type knotvector: list, tuple
510    :param ctrlpts: control points
511    :type ctrlpts: list
512    :param u: knot to be inserted
513    :type u: float
514    :return: updated control points
515    :rtype: list
516    """
517    # Get keyword arguments
518    num = kwargs.get('num', 1)  # number of knot insertions
519    s = kwargs.get('s', find_multiplicity(u, knotvector))  # multiplicity
520    k = kwargs.get('span', find_span_linear(degree, knotvector, len(ctrlpts), u))  # knot span
522    # Initialize variables
523    np = len(ctrlpts)
524    nq = np + num
526    # Initialize new control points array (control points may be weighted or not)
527    ctrlpts_new = [[] for _ in range(nq)]
529    # Initialize a local array of length p + 1
530    temp = [[] for _ in range(degree + 1)]
532    # Save unaltered control points
533    for i in range(0, k - degree + 1):
534        ctrlpts_new[i] = ctrlpts[i]
535    for i in range(k - s, np):
536        ctrlpts_new[i + num] = ctrlpts[i]
538    # Start filling the temporary local array which will be used to update control points during knot insertion
539    for i in range(0, degree - s + 1):
540        temp[i] = deepcopy(ctrlpts[k - degree + i])
542    # Insert knot "num" times
543    for j in range(1, num + 1):
544        L = k - degree + j
545        for i in range(0, degree - j - s + 1):
546            alpha = knot_insertion_alpha(u, tuple(knotvector), k, i, L)
547            if isinstance(temp[i][0], float):
548                temp[i][:] = [alpha * elem2 + (1.0 - alpha) * elem1 for elem1, elem2 in zip(temp[i], temp[i + 1])]
549            else:
550                for idx in range(len(temp[i])):
551                    temp[i][idx][:] = [alpha * elem2 + (1.0 - alpha) * elem1 for elem1, elem2 in
552                                       zip(temp[i][idx], temp[i + 1][idx])]
553        ctrlpts_new[L] = deepcopy(temp[0])
554        ctrlpts_new[k + num - j - s] = deepcopy(temp[degree - j - s])
556    # Load remaining control points
557    L = k - degree + num
558    for i in range(L + 1, k - s):
559        ctrlpts_new[i] = deepcopy(temp[i - L])
561    # Return control points after knot insertion
562    return ctrlpts_new
565@lru_cache(maxsize=os.environ['GEOMDL_CACHE_SIZE'] if "GEOMDL_CACHE_SIZE" in os.environ else 128)
566def knot_insertion_alpha(u, knotvector, span, idx, leg):
567    """ Computes :math:`\\alpha` coefficient for knot insertion algorithm.
569    :param u: knot
570    :type u: float
571    :param knotvector: knot vector
572    :type knotvector: tuple
573    :param span: knot span
574    :type span: int
575    :param idx: index value (degree-dependent)
576    :type idx: int
577    :param leg: i-th leg of the control points polygon
578    :type leg: int
579    :return: coefficient value
580    :rtype: float
581    """
582    return (u - knotvector[leg + idx]) / (knotvector[idx + span + 1] - knotvector[leg + idx])
585def knot_insertion_kv(knotvector, u, span, r):
586    """ Computes the knot vector of the rational/non-rational spline after knot insertion.
588    Part of Algorithm A5.1 of The NURBS Book by Piegl & Tiller, 2nd Edition.
590    :param knotvector: knot vector
591    :type knotvector: list, tuple
592    :param u: knot
593    :type u: float
594    :param span: knot span
595    :type span: int
596    :param r: number of knot insertions
597    :type r: int
598    :return: updated knot vector
599    :rtype: list
600    """
601    # Initialize variables
602    kv_size = len(knotvector)
603    kv_updated = [0.0 for _ in range(kv_size + r)]
605    # Compute new knot vector
606    for i in range(0, span + 1):
607        kv_updated[i] = knotvector[i]
608    for i in range(1, r + 1):
609        kv_updated[span + i] = u
610    for i in range(span + 1, kv_size):
611        kv_updated[i + r] = knotvector[i]
613    # Return the new knot vector
614    return kv_updated
617def knot_removal(degree, knotvector, ctrlpts, u, **kwargs):
618    """ Computes the control points of the rational/non-rational spline after knot removal.
620    Implementation based on Algorithm A5.8 and Equation 5.28 of The NURBS Book by Piegl & Tiller
622    Keyword Arguments:
623        * ``num``: number of knot removals
625    :param degree: degree
626    :type degree: int
627    :param knotvector: knot vector
628    :type knotvector: list, tuple
629    :param ctrlpts: control points
630    :type ctrlpts: list
631    :param u: knot to be removed
632    :type u: float
633    :return: updated control points
634    :rtype: list
635    """
636    tol = kwargs.get('tol', 10e-4)  # Refer to Eq 5.30 for the meaning
637    num = kwargs.get('num', 1)  # number of same knot removals
638    s = kwargs.get('s', find_multiplicity(u, knotvector))  # multiplicity
639    r = kwargs.get('span', find_span_linear(degree, knotvector, len(ctrlpts), u))  # knot span
641    # Edge case
642    if num < 1:
643        return ctrlpts
645    # Initialize variables
646    first = r - degree
647    last = r - s
649    # Don't change input variables, prepare new ones for updating
650    ctrlpts_new = deepcopy(ctrlpts)
652    is_volume = True
653    if isinstance(ctrlpts_new[0][0], float):
654        is_volume = False
656    # Initialize temp array for storing new control points
657    if is_volume:
658        temp = [[[] for _ in range(len(ctrlpts_new[0]))] for _ in range((2 * degree) + 1)]
659    else:
660        temp = [[] for _ in range((2 * degree) + 1)]
662    # Loop for Eqs 5.28 & 5.29
663    for t in range(0, num):
664        temp[0] = ctrlpts[first - 1]
665        temp[last - first + 2] = ctrlpts[last + 1]
666        i = first
667        j = last
668        ii = 1
669        jj = last - first + 1
670        remflag = False
672        # Compute control points for one removal step
673        while j - i >= t:
674            alpha_i = knot_removal_alpha_i(u, degree, tuple(knotvector), t, i)
675            alpha_j = knot_removal_alpha_j(u, degree, tuple(knotvector), t, j)
676            if is_volume:
677                for idx in range(len(ctrlpts[0])):
678                    temp[ii][idx] = [(cpt - (1.0 - alpha_i) * ti) / alpha_i for cpt, ti
679                                     in zip(ctrlpts[i][idx], temp[ii - 1][idx])]
680                    temp[jj][idx] = [(cpt - alpha_j * tj) / (1.0 - alpha_j) for cpt, tj
681                                     in zip(ctrlpts[j][idx], temp[jj + 1][idx])]
682            else:
683                temp[ii] = [(cpt - (1.0 - alpha_i) * ti) / alpha_i for cpt, ti in zip(ctrlpts[i], temp[ii - 1])]
684                temp[jj] = [(cpt - alpha_j * tj) / (1.0 - alpha_j) for cpt, tj in zip(ctrlpts[j], temp[jj + 1])]
685            i += 1
686            j -= 1
687            ii += 1
688            jj -= 1
690        # Check if the knot is removable
691        if j - i < t:
692            if is_volume:
693                if linalg.point_distance(temp[ii - 1][0], temp[jj + 1][0]) <= tol:
694                    remflag = True
695            else:
696                if linalg.point_distance(temp[ii - 1], temp[jj + 1]) <= tol:
697                    remflag = True
698        else:
699            alpha_i = knot_removal_alpha_i(u, degree, tuple(knotvector), t, i)
700            if is_volume:
701                ptn = [(alpha_i * t1) + ((1.0 - alpha_i) * t2) for t1, t2 in zip(temp[ii + t + 1][0], temp[ii - 1][0])]
702            else:
703                ptn = [(alpha_i * t1) + ((1.0 - alpha_i) * t2) for t1, t2 in zip(temp[ii + t + 1], temp[ii - 1])]
704            if linalg.point_distance(ctrlpts[i], ptn) <= tol:
705                remflag = True
707        # Check if we can remove the knot and update new control points array
708        if remflag:
709            i = first
710            j = last
711            while j - i > t:
712                ctrlpts_new[i] = temp[i - first + 1]
713                ctrlpts_new[j] = temp[j - first + 1]
714                i += 1
715                j -= 1
717        # Update indices
718        first -= 1
719        last += 1
721    # Fix indexing
722    t += 1
724    # Shift control points (refer to p.183 of The NURBS Book, 2nd Edition)
725    j = int((2*r - s - degree) / 2)  # first control point out
726    i = j
727    for k in range(1, t):
728        if k % 2 == 1:
729            i += 1
730        else:
731            j -= 1
732    for k in range(i+1, len(ctrlpts)):
733        ctrlpts_new[j] = ctrlpts[k]
734        j += 1
736    # Slice to get the new control points
737    ctrlpts_new = ctrlpts_new[0:-t]
739    return ctrlpts_new
742@lru_cache(maxsize=os.environ['GEOMDL_CACHE_SIZE'] if "GEOMDL_CACHE_SIZE" in os.environ else 128)
743def knot_removal_alpha_i(u, degree, knotvector, num, idx):
744    """ Computes :math:`\\alpha_{i}` coefficient for knot removal algorithm.
746    Please refer to Eq. 5.29 of The NURBS Book by Piegl & Tiller, 2nd Edition, p.184 for details.
748    :param u: knot
749    :type u: float
750    :param degree: degree
751    :type degree: int
752    :param knotvector: knot vector
753    :type knotvector: tuple
754    :param num: knot removal index
755    :type num: int
756    :param idx: iterator index
757    :type idx: int
758    :return: coefficient value
759    :rtype: float
760    """
761    return (u - knotvector[idx]) / (knotvector[idx + degree + 1 + num] - knotvector[idx])
764@lru_cache(maxsize=os.environ['GEOMDL_CACHE_SIZE'] if "GEOMDL_CACHE_SIZE" in os.environ else 128)
765def knot_removal_alpha_j(u, degree, knotvector, num, idx):
766    """ Computes :math:`\\alpha_{j}` coefficient for knot removal algorithm.
768    Please refer to Eq. 5.29 of The NURBS Book by Piegl & Tiller, 2nd Edition, p.184 for details.
770    :param u: knot
771    :type u: float
772    :param degree: degree
773    :type degree: int
774    :param knotvector: knot vector
775    :type knotvector: tuple
776    :param num: knot removal index
777    :type num: int
778    :param idx: iterator index
779    :type idx: int
780    :return: coefficient value
781    :rtype: float
782    """
783    return (u - knotvector[idx - num]) / (knotvector[idx + degree + 1] - knotvector[idx - num])
786def knot_removal_kv(knotvector, span, r):
787    """ Computes the knot vector of the rational/non-rational spline after knot removal.
789    Part of Algorithm A5.8 of The NURBS Book by Piegl & Tiller, 2nd Edition.
791    :param knotvector: knot vector
792    :type knotvector: list, tuple
793    :param span: knot span
794    :type span: int
795    :param r: number of knot removals
796    :type r: int
797    :return: updated knot vector
798    :rtype: list
799    """
800    # Edge case
801    if r < 1:
802        return knotvector
804    # Create a deep copy of the input knot  vector
805    kv_updated = deepcopy(knotvector)
807    # Shift knots
808    for k in range(span + 1, len(knotvector)):
809        kv_updated[k - r] = knotvector[k]
811    # Slice to get the new knot vector
812    kv_updated = kv_updated[0:-r]
814    # Return the new knot vector
815    return kv_updated
818def knot_refinement(degree, knotvector, ctrlpts, **kwargs):
819    """ Computes the knot vector and the control points of the rational/non-rational spline after knot refinement.
821    Implementation of Algorithm A5.4 of The NURBS Book by Piegl & Tiller, 2nd Edition.
823    The algorithm automatically find the knots to be refined, i.e. the middle knots in the knot vector, and their
824    multiplicities, i.e. number of same knots in the knot vector. This is the basis of knot refinement algorithm.
825    This operation can be overridden by providing a list of knots via ``knot_list`` argument. In addition, users can
826    provide a list of additional knots to be inserted in the knot vector via ``add_knot_list`` argument.
828    Moreover, a numerical ``density`` argument can be used to automate extra knot insertions. If ``density`` is bigger
829    than 1, then the algorithm finds the middle knots in each internal knot span to increase the number of knots to be
830    refined.
832    **Example**: Let the degree is 2 and the knot vector to be refined is ``[0, 2, 4]`` with the superfluous knots
833    from the start and end are removed. Knot vectors with the changing ``density (d)`` value will be:
835    * ``d = 1``, knot vector ``[0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4]``
836    * ``d = 2``, knot vector ``[0, 0.5, 0.5, 1, 1, 1.5, 1.5, 2, 2, 2.5, 2.5, 3, 3, 3.5, 3.5, 4]``
838    Keyword Arguments:
839        * ``knot_list``: knot list to be refined. *Default: list of internal knots*
840        * ``add_knot_list``: additional list of knots to be refined. *Default: []*
841        * ``density``: Density of the knots. *Default: 1*
843    :param degree: degree
844    :type degree: int
845    :param knotvector: knot vector
846    :type knotvector: list, tuple
847    :param ctrlpts: control points
848    :return: updated control points and knot vector
849    :rtype: tuple
850    """
851    # Get keyword arguments
852    tol = kwargs.get('tol', 10e-8)  # tolerance value for zero equality checking
853    check_num = kwargs.get('check_num', True)  # enables/disables input validity checking
854    knot_list = kwargs.get('knot_list', knotvector[degree:-degree])
855    add_knot_list = kwargs.get('add_knot_list', list())
856    density = kwargs.get('density', 1)
858    # Input validity checking
859    if check_num:
860        if not isinstance(density, int):
861            raise GeomdlException("Density value must be an integer", data=dict(density=density))
863        if density < 1:
864            raise GeomdlException("Density value cannot be less than 1", data=dict(density=density))
866    # Add additional knots to be refined
867    if add_knot_list:
868        knot_list += list(add_knot_list)
870    # Sort the list and convert to a set to make sure that the values are unique
871    knot_list = sorted(set(knot_list))
873    # Increase knot density
874    for d in range(0, density):
875        rknots = []
876        for i in range(len(knot_list) - 1):
877            knot_tmp = knot_list[i] + ((knot_list[i + 1] - knot_list[i]) / 2.0)
878            rknots.append(knot_list[i])
879            rknots.append(knot_tmp)
880        rknots.append(knot_list[i + 1])
881        knot_list = rknots
883    # Find how many knot insertions are necessary
884    X = []
885    for mk in knot_list:
886        s = find_multiplicity(mk, knotvector)
887        r = degree - s
888        X += [mk for _ in range(r)]
890    # Check if the knot refinement is possible
891    if not X:
892        raise GeomdlException("Cannot refine knot vector on this parametric dimension")
894    # Initialize common variables
895    r = len(X) - 1
896    n = len(ctrlpts) - 1
897    m = n + degree + 1
898    a = find_span_linear(degree, knotvector, n, X[0])
899    b = find_span_linear(degree, knotvector, n, X[r]) + 1
901    # Initialize new control points array
902    if isinstance(ctrlpts[0][0], float):
903        new_ctrlpts = [[] for _ in range(n + r + 2)]
904    else:
905        new_ctrlpts = [[[] for _ in range(len(ctrlpts[0]))] for _ in range(n + r + 2)]
907    # Fill unchanged control points
908    for j in range(0, a - degree + 1):
909        new_ctrlpts[j] = ctrlpts[j]
910    for j in range(b - 1, n + 1):
911        new_ctrlpts[j + r + 1] = ctrlpts[j]
913    # Initialize new knot vector array
914    new_kv = [0.0 for _ in range(m + r + 2)]
916    # Fill unchanged knots
917    for j in range(0, a + 1):
918        new_kv[j] = knotvector[j]
919    for j in range(b + degree, m + 1):
920        new_kv[j + r + 1] = knotvector[j]
922    # Initialize variables for knot refinement
923    i = b + degree - 1
924    k = b + degree + r
925    j = r
927    # Apply knot refinement
928    while j >= 0:
929        while X[j] <= knotvector[i] and i > a:
930            new_ctrlpts[k - degree - 1] = ctrlpts[i - degree - 1]
931            new_kv[k] = knotvector[i]
932            k -= 1
933            i -= 1
934        new_ctrlpts[k - degree - 1] = deepcopy(new_ctrlpts[k - degree])
935        for l in range(1, degree + 1):
936            idx = k - degree + l
937            alpha = new_kv[k + l] - X[j]
938            if abs(alpha) < tol:
939                new_ctrlpts[idx - 1] = deepcopy(new_ctrlpts[idx])
940            else:
941                alpha = alpha / (new_kv[k + l] - knotvector[i - degree + l])
942                if isinstance(ctrlpts[0][0], float):
943                    new_ctrlpts[idx - 1] = [alpha * p1 + (1.0 - alpha) * p2 for p1, p2 in
944                                            zip(new_ctrlpts[idx - 1], new_ctrlpts[idx])]
945                else:
946                    for idx2 in range(len(ctrlpts[0])):
947                        new_ctrlpts[idx - 1][idx2] = [alpha * p1 + (1.0 - alpha) * p2 for p1, p2 in
948                                                      zip(new_ctrlpts[idx - 1][idx2], new_ctrlpts[idx][idx2])]
949        new_kv[k] = X[j]
950        k = k - 1
951        j -= 1
953    # Return control points and knot vector after refinement
954    return new_ctrlpts, new_kv
957def degree_elevation(degree, ctrlpts, **kwargs):
958    """ Computes the control points of the rational/non-rational spline after degree elevation.
960    Implementation of Eq. 5.36 of The NURBS Book by Piegl & Tiller, 2nd Edition, p.205
962    Keyword Arguments:
963        * ``num``: number of degree elevations
965    Please note that degree elevation algorithm can only operate on Bezier shapes, i.e. curves, surfaces, volumes.
967    :param degree: degree
968    :type degree: int
969    :param ctrlpts: control points
970    :type ctrlpts: list, tuple
971    :return: control points of the degree-elevated shape
972    :rtype: list
973    """
974    # Get keyword arguments
975    num = kwargs.get('num', 1)  # number of degree elevations
976    check_op = kwargs.get('check_num', True)  # enable/disable input validation checks
978    if check_op:
979        if degree + 1 != len(ctrlpts):
980            raise GeomdlException("Degree elevation can only work with Bezier-type geometries")
981        if num <= 0:
982            raise GeomdlException("Cannot degree elevate " + str(num) + " times")
984    # Initialize variables
985    num_pts_elev = degree + 1 + num
986    pts_elev = [[0.0 for _ in range(len(ctrlpts[0]))] for _ in range(num_pts_elev)]
988    # Compute control points of degree-elevated 1-dimensional shape
989    for i in range(0, num_pts_elev):
990        start = max(0, (i - num))
991        end = min(degree, i)
992        for j in range(start, end + 1):
993            coeff = linalg.binomial_coefficient(degree, j) * linalg.binomial_coefficient(num, (i - j))
994            coeff /= linalg.binomial_coefficient((degree + num), i)
995            pts_elev[i] = [p1 + (coeff * p2) for p1, p2 in zip(pts_elev[i], ctrlpts[j])]
997    # Return computed control points after degree elevation
998    return pts_elev
1001def degree_reduction(degree, ctrlpts, **kwargs):
1002    """ Computes the control points of the rational/non-rational spline after degree reduction.
1004    Implementation of Eqs. 5.41 and 5.42 of The NURBS Book by Piegl & Tiller, 2nd Edition, p.220
1006    Please note that degree reduction algorithm can only operate on Bezier shapes, i.e. curves, surfaces, volumes and
1007    this implementation does NOT compute the maximum error tolerance as described via Eqs. 5.45 and 5.46 of The NURBS
1008    Book by Piegl & Tiller, 2nd Edition, p.221 to determine whether the shape is degree reducible or not.
1010    :param degree: degree
1011    :type degree: int
1012    :param ctrlpts: control points
1013    :type ctrlpts: list, tuple
1014    :return: control points of the degree-reduced shape
1015    :rtype: list
1016    """
1017    # Get keyword arguments
1018    check_op = kwargs.get('check_num', True)  # enable/disable input validation checks
1020    if check_op:
1021        if degree + 1 != len(ctrlpts):
1022            raise GeomdlException("Degree reduction can only work with Bezier-type geometries")
1023        if degree < 2:
1024            raise GeomdlException("Input spline geometry must have degree > 1")
1026    # Initialize variables
1027    pts_red = [[0.0 for _ in range(len(ctrlpts[0]))] for _ in range(degree)]
1029    # Fix start and end control points
1030    pts_red[0] = ctrlpts[0]
1031    pts_red[-1] = ctrlpts[-1]
1033    # Find if the degree is an even or an odd number
1034    p_is_odd = True if degree % 2 != 0 else False
1036    # Compute control points of degree-reduced 1-dimensional shape
1037    r = int((degree - 1) / 2)
1038    # Handle a special case when degree = 2
1039    if degree == 2:
1040        r1 = r - 2
1041    else:
1042        # Determine r1 w.r.t. degree evenness
1043        r1 = r - 1 if p_is_odd else r
1044    for i in range(1, r1 + 1):
1045        alpha = float(i) / float(degree)
1046        pts_red[i] = [(c1 - (alpha * c2)) / (1 - alpha) for c1, c2 in zip(ctrlpts[i], pts_red[i - 1])]
1047    for i in range(degree - 2, r1 + 2):
1048        alpha = float(i + 1) / float(degree)
1049        pts_red[i] = [(c1 - ((1 - alpha) * c2)) / alpha for c1, c2 in zip(ctrlpts[i + 1], pts_red[i + 1])]
1051    if p_is_odd:
1052        alpha = float(r) / float(degree)
1053        left = [(c1 - (alpha * c2)) / (1 - alpha) for c1, c2 in zip(ctrlpts[r], pts_red[r - 1])]
1054        alpha = float(r + 1) / float(degree)
1055        right = [(c1 - ((1 - alpha) * c2)) / alpha for c1, c2 in zip(ctrlpts[r + 1], pts_red[r + 1])]
1056        pts_red[r] = [0.5 * (pl + pr) for pl, pr in zip(left, right)]
1058    # Return computed control points after degree reduction
1059    return pts_red
1062def curve_deriv_cpts(dim, degree, kv, cpts, rs, deriv_order=0):
1063    """ Compute control points of curve derivatives.
1065    Implementation of Algorithm A3.3 from The NURBS Book by Piegl & Tiller.
1067    :param dim: spatial dimension of the curve
1068    :type dim: int
1069    :param degree: degree of the curve
1070    :type degree: int
1071    :param kv: knot vector
1072    :type kv: list, tuple
1073    :param cpts: control points
1074    :type cpts: list, tuple
1075    :param rs: minimum (r1) and maximum (r2) knot spans that the curve derivative will be computed
1076    :param deriv_order: derivative order, i.e. the i-th derivative
1077    :type deriv_order: int
1078    :return: control points of the derivative curve over the input knot span range
1079    :rtype: list
1080    """
1081    r = rs[1] - rs[0]
1083    # Initialize return value (control points)
1084    PK = [[[None for _ in range(dim)] for _ in range(r + 1)] for _ in range(deriv_order + 1)]
1086    # Algorithm A3.3
1087    for i in range(0, r + 1):
1088        PK[0][i][:] = [elem for elem in cpts[rs[0] + i]]
1090    for k in range(1, deriv_order + 1):
1091        tmp = degree - k + 1
1092        for i in range(0, r - k + 1):
1093            PK[k][i][:] = [tmp * (elem1 - elem2) /
1094                           (kv[rs[0] + i + degree + 1] - kv[rs[0] + i + k]) for elem1, elem2
1095                           in zip(PK[k - 1][i + 1], PK[k - 1][i])]
1097    # Return control points (as a 2-dimensional list of points)
1098    return PK
1101def surface_deriv_cpts(dim, degree, kv, cpts, cpsize, rs, ss, deriv_order=0):
1102    """ Compute control points of surface derivatives.
1104    Implementation of Algorithm A3.7 from The NURBS Book by Piegl & Tiller.
1106    :param dim: spatial dimension of the surface
1107    :type dim: int
1108    :param degree: degrees
1109    :type degree: list, tuple
1110    :param kv: knot vectors
1111    :type kv: list, tuple
1112    :param cpts: control points
1113    :type cpts: list, tuple
1114    :param cpsize: number of control points in all parametric directions
1115    :type cpsize: list, tuple
1116    :param rs: minimum (r1) and maximum (r2) knot spans for the u-direction
1117    :type rs: list, tuple
1118    :param ss: minimum (s1) and maximum (s2) knot spans for the v-direction
1119    :type ss: list, tuple
1120    :param deriv_order: derivative order, i.e. the i-th derivative
1121    :type deriv_order: int
1122    :return: control points of the derivative surface over the input knot span ranges
1123    :rtype: list
1124    """
1125    # Initialize return value (control points)
1126    PKL = [[[[[None for _ in range(dim)]
1127              for _ in range(cpsize[1])] for _ in range(cpsize[0])]
1128            for _ in range(deriv_order + 1)] for _ in range(deriv_order + 1)]
1130    du = min(degree[0], deriv_order)
1131    dv = min(degree[1], deriv_order)
1133    r = rs[1] - rs[0]
1134    s = ss[1] - ss[0]
1136    # Control points of the U derivatives of every U-curve
1137    for j in range(ss[0], ss[1] + 1):
1138        PKu = curve_deriv_cpts(dim=dim,
1139                               degree=degree[0],
1140                               kv=kv[0],
1141                               cpts=[cpts[j + (cpsize[1] * i)] for i in range(cpsize[0])],
1142                               rs=rs,
1143                               deriv_order=du)
1145        # Copy into output as the U partial derivatives
1146        for k in range(0, du + 1):
1147            for i in range(0, r - k + 1):
1148                PKL[k][0][i][j - ss[0]] = PKu[k][i]
1150    # Control points of the V derivatives of every U-differentiated V-curve
1151    for k in range(0, du):
1152        for i in range(0, r - k + 1):
1153            dd = min(deriv_order - k, dv)
1155            PKuv = curve_deriv_cpts(dim=dim,
1156                                    degree=degree[1],
1157                                    kv=kv[1][ss[0]:],
1158                                    cpts=PKL[k][0][i],
1159                                    rs=(0, s),
1160                                    deriv_order=dd)
1162            # Copy into output
1163            for l in range(1, dd + 1):
1164                for j in range(0, s - l + 1):
1165                    PKL[k][l][i][j] = PKuv[l][j]
1167    # Return control points
1168    return PKL