1#cython: cdivision=True
2#cython: boundscheck=False
3#cython: nonecheck=False
4#cython: wraparound=False
6import numpy as np
7from warnings import warn
9cimport numpy as cnp
12DTYPE = np.intp
13cdef DTYPE_t BG_NODE_NULL = -999
15cdef struct s_shpinfo
17ctypedef s_shpinfo shape_info
18ctypedef size_t (* fun_ravel)(size_t, size_t, size_t, shape_info *) nogil
21# For having stuff concerning background in one place
22ctypedef struct bginfo:
23    ## The value in the image (i.e. not the label!) that identifies
24    ## the background.
25    DTYPE_t background_val
26    DTYPE_t background_node
27    ## Identification of the background in the labelled image
28    DTYPE_t background_label
31cdef void get_bginfo(background_val, bginfo *ret) except *:
32    if background_val is None:
33        ret.background_val = 0
34    else:
35        ret.background_val = background_val
37    # The node -999 doesn't exist, it will get subsituted by a meaningful value
38    # upon the first background pixel occurrence
39    ret.background_node = BG_NODE_NULL
40    ret.background_label = 0
43# A pixel has neighbors that have already been scanned.
44# In the paper, the pixel is denoted by E and its neighbors:
46#    z=1        z=0       x
47#    ---------------------->
48#   | A B C      F G H
49#   | D E .      I J K
50#   | . . .      L M N
51#   |
52# y V
54# D_ea represents offset of A from E etc. - see the definition of
55# get_shape_info
56cdef enum:
57    # the 0D neighbor
58    # D_ee, # We don't need D_ee
59    # the 1D neighbor
60    D_ed,
61    # 2D neighbors
62    D_ea, D_eb, D_ec,
63    # 3D neighbors
64    D_ef, D_eg, D_eh, D_ei, D_ej, D_ek, D_el, D_em, D_en,
65    D_COUNT
68# Structure for centralized access to shape data
69# Contains information related to the shape of the input array
70cdef struct s_shpinfo:
71    DTYPE_t x
72    DTYPE_t y
73    DTYPE_t z
75    # Number of elements
76    DTYPE_t numels
77    # Dimensions of of the input array
78    DTYPE_t ndim
80    # Offsets between elements recalculated to linear index increments
81    # DEX[D_ea] is offset between E and A (i.e. to the point to upper left)
82    # The name DEX is supposed to evoke DE., where . = A, B, C, D, F etc.
85    # Function pointer to a function that recalculates multi-index to linear
86    # index. Heavily depends on dimensions of the input array.
87    fun_ravel ravel_index
90cdef void get_shape_info(inarr_shape, shape_info *res) except *:
91    """
92    Precalculates all the needed data from the input array shape
93    and stores them in the shape_info struct.
94    """
95    res.y = 1
96    res.z = 1
97    res.ravel_index = ravel_index2D
98    # A shape (3, 1, 4) would make the algorithm crash, but the corresponding
99    # good_shape (i.e. the array with axis swapped) (1, 3, 4) is OK.
100    # Having an axis length of 1 when an axis on the left is longer than 1
101    # (in this case, it has length of 3) is NOT ALLOWED.
102    good_shape = tuple(sorted(inarr_shape))
104    res.ndim = len(inarr_shape)
105    if res.ndim == 1:
106        res.x = inarr_shape[0]
107        res.ravel_index = ravel_index1D
108    elif res.ndim == 2:
109        res.x = inarr_shape[1]
110        res.y = inarr_shape[0]
111        res.ravel_index = ravel_index2D
112        if res.x == 1 and res.y > 1:
113            # Should not occur, but better be safe than sorry
114            raise ValueError(
115                "Swap axis of your %s array so it has a %s shape"
116                % (inarr_shape, good_shape))
117    elif res.ndim == 3:
118        res.x = inarr_shape[2]
119        res.y = inarr_shape[1]
120        res.z = inarr_shape[0]
121        res.ravel_index = ravel_index3D
122        if ((res.x == 1 and res.y > 1)
123            or res.y == 1 and res.z > 1):
124            # Should not occur, but better be safe than sorry
125            raise ValueError(
126                "Swap axes of your %s array so it has a %s shape"
127                % (inarr_shape, good_shape))
128    else:
129        raise NotImplementedError(
130            "Only for images of dimension 1-3 are supported, got a %sD one"
131            % res.ndim)
133    res.numels = res.x * res.y * res.z
135    # When reading this for the first time, look at the diagram by the enum
136    # definition above (keyword D_ee)
137    # Difference between E and G is (x=0, y=-1, z=-1), E and A (-1, -1, 0) etc.
138    # Here, it is recalculated to linear (raveled) indices of flattened arrays
139    # with their last (=contiguous) dimension is x.
141    # So now the 1st (needed for 1D, 2D and 3D) part, y = 1, z = 1
142    res.DEX[D_ed] = -1
144    # Not needed, just for illustration
145    # res.DEX[D_ee] = 0
147    # So now the 2nd (needed for 2D and 3D) part, y = 0, z = 1
148    res.DEX[D_ea] = res.ravel_index(-1, -1, 0, res)
149    res.DEX[D_eb] = res.DEX[D_ea] + 1
150    res.DEX[D_ec] = res.DEX[D_eb] + 1
152    # And now the 3rd (needed only for 3D) part, z = 0
153    res.DEX[D_ef] = res.ravel_index(-1, -1, -1, res)
154    res.DEX[D_eg] = res.DEX[D_ef] + 1
155    res.DEX[D_eh] = res.DEX[D_ef] + 2
156    res.DEX[D_ei] = res.DEX[D_ef] - res.DEX[D_eb]  # DEX[D_eb] = one row up, remember?
157    res.DEX[D_ej] = res.DEX[D_ei] + 1
158    res.DEX[D_ek] = res.DEX[D_ei] + 2
159    res.DEX[D_el] = res.DEX[D_ei] - res.DEX[D_eb]
160    res.DEX[D_em] = res.DEX[D_el] + 1
161    res.DEX[D_en] = res.DEX[D_el] + 2
164cdef inline void join_trees_wrapper(DTYPE_t *data_p, DTYPE_t *forest_p,
165                                    DTYPE_t rindex, DTYPE_t idxdiff) nogil:
166    if data_p[rindex] == data_p[rindex + idxdiff]:
167        join_trees(forest_p, rindex, rindex + idxdiff)
170cdef size_t ravel_index1D(size_t x, size_t y, size_t z,
171                          shape_info *shapeinfo) nogil:
172    """
173    Ravel index of a 1D array - trivial. y and z are ignored.
174    """
175    return x
178cdef size_t ravel_index2D(size_t x, size_t y, size_t z,
179                          shape_info *shapeinfo) nogil:
180    """
181    Ravel index of a 2D array. z is ignored
182    """
183    cdef size_t ret = x + y * shapeinfo.x
184    return ret
187cdef size_t ravel_index3D(size_t x, size_t y, size_t z,
188                          shape_info *shapeinfo) nogil:
189    """
190    Ravel index of a 3D array
191    """
192    cdef size_t ret = x + y * shapeinfo.x + z * shapeinfo.y * shapeinfo.x
193    return ret
196# Tree operations implemented by an array as described in Wu et al.
197# The term "forest" is used to indicate an array that stores one or more trees
199# Consider a following tree:
201# 5 ----> 3 ----> 2 ----> 1 <---- 6 <---- 7
202#                 |               |
203#          4 >----/               \----< 8 <---- 9
205# The vertices are a unique number, so the tree can be represented by an
206# array where a the tuple (index, array[index]) represents an edge,
207# so for our example, array[2] == 1, array[7] == 6 and array[1] == 1, because
208# 1 is the root.
209# Last but not least, one array can hold more than one tree as long as their
210# indices are different. It is the case in this algorithm, so for that reason
211# the array is referred to as the "forest" = multiple trees next to each
212# other.
214# In this algorithm, there are as many indices as there are elements in the
215# array to label and array[x] == x for all x. As the labelling progresses,
216# equivalence between so-called provisional (i.e. not final) labels is
217# discovered and trees begin to surface.
218# When we found out that label 5 and 3 are the same, we assign array[5] = 3.
220cdef DTYPE_t find_root(DTYPE_t *forest, DTYPE_t n) nogil:
221    """Find the root of node n.
222    Given the example above, for any integer from 1 to 9, 1 is always returned
223    """
224    cdef DTYPE_t root = n
225    while (forest[root] < root):
226        root = forest[root]
227    return root
230cdef inline void set_root(DTYPE_t *forest, DTYPE_t n, DTYPE_t root) nogil:
231    """
232    Set all nodes on a path to point to new_root.
233    Given the example above, given n=9, root=6, it would "reconnect" the tree.
234    so forest[9] = 6 and forest[8] = 6
235    The ultimate goal is that all tree nodes point to the real root,
236    which is element 1 in this case.
237    """
238    cdef DTYPE_t j
239    while (forest[n] < n):
240        j = forest[n]
241        forest[n] = root
242        n = j
244    forest[n] = root
247cdef inline void join_trees(DTYPE_t *forest, DTYPE_t n, DTYPE_t m) nogil:
248    """Join two trees containing nodes n and m.
249    If we imagine that in the example tree, the root 1 is not known, we
250    rather have two disjoint trees with roots 2 and 6.
251    Joining them would mean that all elements of both trees become connected
252    to the element 2, so forest[9] == 2, forest[6] == 2 etc.
253    However, when the relationship between 1 and 2 can still be discovered later.
254    """
255    cdef DTYPE_t root
256    cdef DTYPE_t root_m
258    if (n != m):
259        root = find_root(forest, n)
260        root_m = find_root(forest, m)
262        if (root > root_m):
263            root = root_m
265        set_root(forest, n, root)
266        set_root(forest, m, root)
269def _get_swaps(shp):
270    """
271    What axes to swap if we want to convert an illegal array shape
272    to a legal one.
274    Args:
275        shp (tuple-like): The array shape
277    Returns:
278        list: List of tuples to be passed to np.swapaxes
279    """
280    shp = np.array(shp)
281    swaps = []
283    # Dimensions where the array is "flat"
284    ones = np.where(shp == 1)[0][::-1]
285    # The other dimensions
286    bigs = np.where(shp > 1)[0]
287    # We now go from opposite directions and swap axes if an index of a flat
288    # axis is higher than the one of a thick axis
289    for one, big in zip(ones, bigs):
290        if one < big:
291            # We are ordered already
292            break
293        else:
294            swaps.append((one, big))
295    # TODO: Add more swaps so the array is longer along x and shorter along y
296    return swaps
299def _apply_swaps(arr, swaps):
300    arr2 = arr
301    for one, two in swaps:
302        arr2 = arr.swapaxes(one, two)
303    return arr2
306def reshape_array(arr):
307    """
308    "Rotates" the array so it gains a shape that the algorithm can work with.
309    An illegal shape is (3, 1, 4), and correct one is (1, 3, 4) or (1, 4, 3).
310    The point is to have all 1s of the shape at the beginning, not in the
311    middle of the shape tuple.
313    Note: The greater-than-one shape component should go from greatest to
314    lowest numbers since it is more friendly to the CPU cache (so (1, 3, 4) is
315    less optimal than (1, 4, 3). Keyword to this is "memory spatial locality"
317    Args:
318        arr (np.ndarray): The array we want to fix
320    Returns:
321        tuple (result, swaps): The result is the "fixed" array and a record
322        of what has been done with it.
323    """
324    swaps = _get_swaps(arr.shape)
325    reshaped = _apply_swaps(arr, swaps)
326    return reshaped, swaps
329def undo_reshape_array(arr, swaps):
330    """
331    Does the opposite of what :func:`reshape_array` does
333    Args:
334        arr (np.ndarray): The array to "revert"
335        swaps (list): The second result of :func:`reshape_array`
337    Returns:
338        np.ndarray: The array of the original shape
339    """
340    # It is safer to undo axes swaps in the opposite order
341    # than the application order
342    reshaped = _apply_swaps(arr, swaps[::-1])
343    return reshaped
346def label_cython(input_, background=None, return_num=False,
347                 connectivity=None):
348    # Connected components search as described in Fiorio et al.
349    # We have to ensure that the shape of the input can be handled by the
350    # algorithm.  The input is reshaped as needed for compatibility.
351    input_, swaps = reshape_array(input_)
352    shape = input_.shape
353    ndim = input_.ndim
355    cdef cnp.ndarray[DTYPE_t, ndim=1] forest
357    # Having data a 2D array slows down access considerably using linear
358    # indices even when using the data_p pointer :-(
360    # np.array makes a copy so it is safe to modify data in-place
361    data = np.array(input_, order='C', dtype=DTYPE)
362    forest = np.arange(data.size, dtype=DTYPE)
364    cdef DTYPE_t *forest_p = <DTYPE_t*>forest.data
365    cdef DTYPE_t *data_p = <DTYPE_t*>cnp.PyArray_DATA(data)
367    cdef shape_info shapeinfo
368    cdef bginfo bg
370    get_shape_info(shape, &shapeinfo)
371    get_bginfo(background, &bg)
373    if connectivity is None:
374        # use the full connectivity by default
375        connectivity = ndim
377    if not 1 <= connectivity <= ndim:
378        raise ValueError(
379            f'Connectivity for {input_.ndim}D image should '
380            f'be in [1, ..., {input_.ndim}]. Got {connectivity}.'
381        )
383    cdef DTYPE_t conn = connectivity
384    # Label output
385    cdef DTYPE_t ctr
386    with nogil:
387        scanBG(data_p, forest_p, &shapeinfo, &bg)
388        # the data are treated as degenerated 3D arrays if needed
389        # without any performance sacrifice
390        scan3D(data_p, forest_p, &shapeinfo, &bg, conn)
391        ctr = resolve_labels(data_p, forest_p, &shapeinfo, &bg)
393    # Work around a bug in ndimage's type checking on 32-bit platforms
394    if data.dtype == np.int32:
395        data = data.view(np.int32)
397    if swaps:
398        data = undo_reshape_array(data, swaps)
400    if return_num:
401        return data, ctr
402    else:
403        return data
406cdef DTYPE_t resolve_labels(DTYPE_t *data_p, DTYPE_t *forest_p,
407                            shape_info *shapeinfo, bginfo *bg) nogil:
408    """
409    We iterate through the provisional labels and assign final labels based on
410    our knowledge of prov. labels relationship.
411    We also track how many distinct final labels we have.
412    """
413    cdef DTYPE_t counter = 1, i
415    for i in range(shapeinfo.numels):
416        if i == forest_p[i]:
417            # We have stumbled across a root which is something new to us (root
418            # is the LOWEST of all prov. labels that are equivalent to it)
420            # If the root happens to be the background,
421            # assign the background label instead of a
422            # new label from the counter
423            if i == bg.background_node:
424                # Also, if there is no background in the image,
425                # bg.background_node == BG_NODE_NULL < 0 and this never occurs.
426                data_p[i] = bg.background_label
427            else:
428                data_p[i] = counter
429                # The background label is basically hardcoded to 0, so no need
430                # to check that the new counter != bg.background_label
431                counter += 1
432        else:
433            data_p[i] = data_p[forest_p[i]]
434    return counter - 1
437cdef void scanBG(DTYPE_t *data_p, DTYPE_t *forest_p, shape_info *shapeinfo,
438                 bginfo *bg) nogil:
439    """
440    Settle all background pixels now and don't bother with them later.
441    Since this only requires one linar sweep through the array, it is fast
442    and it makes sense to do it separately.
444    The purpose of this function is update of forest_p and bg parameter inplace.
445    """
446    cdef DTYPE_t i, bgval = bg.background_val, firstbg = shapeinfo.numels
447    # We find the provisional label of the background, which is the index of
448    # the first background pixel
449    for i in range(shapeinfo.numels):
450        if data_p[i] == bgval:
451            firstbg = i
452            bg.background_node = firstbg
453            break
455    # There is no background, therefore the first background element
456    # is not defined.
457    # Since BG_NODE_NULL < 0, this is enough to ensure
458    # that resolve_labels doesn't worry about background.
459    if bg.background_node == BG_NODE_NULL:
460        return
462    # And then we apply this provisional label to the whole background
463    for i in range(firstbg, shapeinfo.numels):
464        if data_p[i] == bgval:
465            forest_p[i] = firstbg
468# Here, we work with flat arrays regardless whether the data is 1, 2 or 3D.
469# The lookup to the neighbor in a 2D array is achieved by precalculating an
470# offset and adding it to the index.
471# The forward scan mask looks like this (the center point is actually E):
472# (take a look at shape_info docs for more exhaustive info)
473# A B C
474# D E
476# So if I am in the point E and want to take a look to A, I take the index of
477# E and add shapeinfo.DEX[D_ea] to it and get the index of A.
478# The 1D indices are "raveled" or "linear", that's where "rindex" comes from.
481cdef void scan1D(DTYPE_t *data_p, DTYPE_t *forest_p, shape_info *shapeinfo,
482                 bginfo *bg, DTYPE_t connectivity, DTYPE_t y, DTYPE_t z) nogil:
483    """
484    Perform forward scan on a 1D object, usually the first row of an image
485    """
486    if shapeinfo.numels == 0:
487        return
488    # Initialize the first row
489    cdef DTYPE_t x, rindex, bgval = bg.background_val
490    cdef DTYPE_t *DEX = shapeinfo.DEX
491    rindex = shapeinfo.ravel_index(0, y, z, shapeinfo)
493    for x in range(1, shapeinfo.x):
494        rindex += 1
495        # Handle the first row
496        if data_p[rindex] == bgval:
497            # Nothing to do if we are background
498            continue
500        join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_ed])
503cdef void scan2D(DTYPE_t *data_p, DTYPE_t *forest_p, shape_info *shapeinfo,
504                 bginfo *bg, DTYPE_t connectivity, DTYPE_t z) nogil:
505    """
506    Perform forward scan on a 2D array.
507    """
508    if shapeinfo.numels == 0:
509        return
510    cdef DTYPE_t x, y, rindex, bgval = bg.background_val
511    cdef DTYPE_t *DEX = shapeinfo.DEX
512    scan1D(data_p, forest_p, shapeinfo, bg, connectivity, 0, z)
513    for y in range(1, shapeinfo.y):
514        # BEGINNING of x = 0
515        rindex = shapeinfo.ravel_index(0, y, 0, shapeinfo)
516        # Handle the first column
517        if data_p[rindex] != bgval:
518            # Nothing to do if we are background
520            join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_eb])
522            if connectivity >= 2:
523                join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_ec])
524        # END of x = 0
526        for x in range(1, shapeinfo.x - 1):
527            # We have just moved to another column (of the same row)
528            # so we increment the raveled index. It will be reset when we get
529            # to another row, so we don't have to worry about altering it here.
530            rindex += 1
531            if data_p[rindex] == bgval:
532                # Nothing to do if we are background
533                continue
535            join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_eb])
536            join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_ed])
538            if connectivity >= 2:
539                join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_ea])
540                join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_ec])
542        # Finally, the last column
543        # BEGINNING of x = max
544        rindex += 1
545        if data_p[rindex] != bgval:
546            # Nothing to do if we are background
548            join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_eb])
549            join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_ed])
551            if connectivity >= 2:
552                join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_ea])
553        # END of x = max
556cdef void scan3D(DTYPE_t *data_p, DTYPE_t *forest_p, shape_info *shapeinfo,
557                 bginfo *bg, DTYPE_t connectivity) nogil:
558    """
559    Perform forward scan on a 3D array.
561    """
562    if shapeinfo.numels == 0:
563        return
564    cdef DTYPE_t x, y, z, rindex, bgval = bg.background_val
565    cdef DTYPE_t *DEX = shapeinfo.DEX
566    # Handle first plane
567    scan2D(data_p, forest_p, shapeinfo, bg, connectivity, 0)
568    for z in range(1, shapeinfo.z):
569        # Handle first row in 3D manner
570        # BEGINNING of y = 0
571        # BEGINNING of x = 0
572        rindex = shapeinfo.ravel_index(0, 0, z, shapeinfo)
573        if data_p[rindex] != bgval:
574            # Nothing to do if we are background
576            # Now we have pixels below
577            join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_ej])
579            if connectivity >= 2:
580                join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_ek])
581                join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_em])
582                if connectivity >= 3:
583                    join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_en])
584        # END of x = 0
586        for x in range(1, shapeinfo.x - 1):
587            rindex += 1
588            # Handle the first row
589            if data_p[rindex] == bgval:
590                # Nothing to do if we are background
591                continue
593            join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_ed])
594            join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_ej])
596            if connectivity >= 2:
597                join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_ei])
598                join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_ek])
599                join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_em])
600                if connectivity >= 3:
601                    join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_el])
602                    join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_en])
604        # BEGINNING of x = max
605        rindex += 1
606        # Handle the last element of the first row
607        if data_p[rindex] != bgval:
608            # Nothing to do if we are background
610            join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_ed])
611            join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_ej])
613            if connectivity >= 2:
614                join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_ei])
615                join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_em])
616                if connectivity >= 3:
617                    join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_el])
618        # END of x = max
619        # END of y = 0
621        # BEGINNING of y = ...
622        for y in range(1, shapeinfo.y - 1):
623            # BEGINNING of x = 0
624            rindex = shapeinfo.ravel_index(0, y, z, shapeinfo)
625            # Handle the first column in 3D manner
626            if data_p[rindex] != bgval:
627                # Nothing to do if we are background
629                join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_eb])
630                join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_ej])
632                if connectivity >= 2:
633                    join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_ec])
634                    join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_eg])
635                    join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_ek])
636                    join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_em])
637                    if connectivity >= 3:
638                        join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_eh])
639                        join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_en])
640            # END of x = 0
642            # Handle the rest of columns
643            for x in range(1, shapeinfo.x - 1):
644                rindex += 1
645                if data_p[rindex] == bgval:
646                    # Nothing to do if we are background
647                    continue
649                join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_eb])
650                join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_ed])
651                join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_ej])
653                if connectivity >= 2:
654                    join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_ea])
655                    join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_ec])
656                    join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_eg])
657                    join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_ei])
658                    join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_ek])
659                    join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_em])
660                    if connectivity >= 3:
661                        join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_ef])
662                        join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_eh])
663                        join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_el])
664                        join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_en])
666            # BEGINNING of x = max
667            rindex += 1
668            if data_p[rindex] != bgval:
669                # Nothing to do if we are background
671                join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_eb])
672                join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_ed])
673                join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_ej])
675                if connectivity >= 2:
676                    join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_ea])
677                    join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_eg])
678                    join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_ei])
679                    join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_em])
680                    if connectivity >= 3:
681                        join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_ef])
682                        join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_el])
683            # END of x = max
684        # END of y = ...
686        # BEGINNING of y = max
687        # BEGINNING of x = 0
688        rindex = shapeinfo.ravel_index(0, shapeinfo.y - 1, z, shapeinfo)
689        # Handle the first column in 3D manner
690        if data_p[rindex] != bgval:
691            # Nothing to do if we are background
693            join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_eb])
694            join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_ej])
696            if connectivity >= 2:
697                join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_ec])
698                join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_eg])
699                join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_ek])
700                if connectivity >= 3:
701                    join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_eh])
702        # END of x = 0
704        # Handle the rest of columns
705        for x in range(1, shapeinfo.x - 1):
706            rindex += 1
707            if data_p[rindex] == bgval:
708                # Nothing to do if we are background
709                continue
711            join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_eb])
712            join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_ed])
713            join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_ej])
715            if connectivity >= 2:
716                join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_ea])
717                join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_ec])
718                join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_eg])
719                join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_ei])
720                join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_ek])
721                if connectivity >= 3:
722                    join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_ef])
723                    join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_eh])
725        # BEGINNING of x = max
726        rindex += 1
727        if data_p[rindex] != bgval:
728            # Nothing to do if we are background
730            join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_eb])
731            join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_ed])
732            join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_ej])
734            if connectivity >= 2:
735                join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_ea])
736                join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_eg])
737                join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_ei])
738                if connectivity >= 3:
739                    join_trees_wrapper(data_p, forest_p, rindex, DEX[D_ef])
740        # END of x = max
741        # END of y = max