1 /***************************************************************************
2                          qgsalgorithmrandompointsinpolygons.cpp
3                          ---------------------
4     begin                : March 2020
5     copyright            : (C) 2020 by Håvard Tveite
6     email                : havard dot tveite at nmbu dot no
7  ***************************************************************************/
9 /***************************************************************************
10  *                                                                         *
11  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
12  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
13  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
14  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
15  *                                                                         *
16  ***************************************************************************/
19 #include "qgsalgorithmrandompointsinpolygons.h"
20 #include <random>
22 // The algorithm parameter names:
23 static const QString INPUT = QStringLiteral( "INPUT" );
24 static const QString POINTS_NUMBER = QStringLiteral( "POINTS_NUMBER" );
25 static const QString MIN_DISTANCE_GLOBAL = QStringLiteral( "MIN_DISTANCE_GLOBAL" );
26 static const QString MIN_DISTANCE = QStringLiteral( "MIN_DISTANCE" );
27 static const QString MAX_TRIES_PER_POINT = QStringLiteral( "MAX_TRIES_PER_POINT" );
28 static const QString SEED = QStringLiteral( "SEED" );
30 static const QString OUTPUT = QStringLiteral( "OUTPUT" );
31 static const QString OUTPUT_POINTS = QStringLiteral( "OUTPUT_POINTS" );
32 static const QString POINTS_MISSED = QStringLiteral( "POINTS_MISSED" );
35 ///@cond PRIVATE
name() const37 QString QgsRandomPointsInPolygonsAlgorithm::name() const
38 {
39   return QStringLiteral( "randompointsinpolygons" );
40 }
displayName() const42 QString QgsRandomPointsInPolygonsAlgorithm::displayName() const
43 {
44   return QObject::tr( "Random points in polygons" );
45 }
tags() const47 QStringList QgsRandomPointsInPolygonsAlgorithm::tags() const
48 {
49   return QObject::tr( "seed,attributes,create" ).split( ',' );
50 }
group() const52 QString QgsRandomPointsInPolygonsAlgorithm::group() const
53 {
54   return QObject::tr( "Vector creation" );
55 }
groupId() const57 QString QgsRandomPointsInPolygonsAlgorithm::groupId() const
58 {
59   return QStringLiteral( "vectorcreation" );
60 }
initAlgorithm(const QVariantMap &)62 void QgsRandomPointsInPolygonsAlgorithm::initAlgorithm( const QVariantMap & )
63 {
64   addParameter( new QgsProcessingParameterFeatureSource( INPUT, QObject::tr( "Input polygon layer" ), QList< int >() << QgsProcessing::TypeVectorPolygon ) );
65   std::unique_ptr< QgsProcessingParameterNumber > numberPointsParam = qgis::make_unique< QgsProcessingParameterNumber >( POINTS_NUMBER, QObject::tr( "Number of points for each feature" ), QgsProcessingParameterNumber::Integer, 1, false, 1 );
66   numberPointsParam->setIsDynamic( true );
67   numberPointsParam->setDynamicPropertyDefinition( QgsPropertyDefinition( POINTS_NUMBER, QObject::tr( "Number of points for each feature" ), QgsPropertyDefinition::IntegerPositive ) );
68   numberPointsParam->setDynamicLayerParameterName( QStringLiteral( "INPUT" ) );
69   addParameter( numberPointsParam.release() );
71   std::unique_ptr< QgsProcessingParameterDistance > minDistParam = qgis::make_unique< QgsProcessingParameterDistance >( MIN_DISTANCE, QObject::tr( "Minimum distance between points" ), 0, INPUT, true, 0 );
72   minDistParam->setIsDynamic( true );
73   minDistParam->setDynamicPropertyDefinition( QgsPropertyDefinition( MIN_DISTANCE, QObject::tr( "Minimum distance between points" ), QgsPropertyDefinition::DoublePositive ) );
74   minDistParam->setDynamicLayerParameterName( QStringLiteral( "INPUT" ) );
75   addParameter( minDistParam.release() );
77   std::unique_ptr< QgsProcessingParameterDistance > minDistGlobalParam = qgis::make_unique< QgsProcessingParameterDistance >( MIN_DISTANCE_GLOBAL, QObject::tr( "Global minimum distance between points" ), 0, INPUT, true, 0 );
78   minDistGlobalParam->setFlags( minDistGlobalParam->flags() | QgsProcessingParameterDefinition::FlagAdvanced );
79   addParameter( minDistGlobalParam.release() );
81   std::unique_ptr< QgsProcessingParameterNumber > maxAttemptsParam = qgis::make_unique< QgsProcessingParameterNumber >( MAX_TRIES_PER_POINT, QObject::tr( "Maximum number of search attempts (for Min. dist. > 0)" ), QgsProcessingParameterNumber::Integer, 10, true, 1 );
82   maxAttemptsParam->setFlags( maxAttemptsParam->flags() | QgsProcessingParameterDefinition::FlagAdvanced );
83   maxAttemptsParam->setIsDynamic( true );
84   maxAttemptsParam->setDynamicPropertyDefinition( QgsPropertyDefinition( MAX_TRIES_PER_POINT, QObject::tr( "Maximum number of attempts per point (for Min. dist. > 0)" ), QgsPropertyDefinition::IntegerPositiveGreaterZero ) );
85   maxAttemptsParam->setDynamicLayerParameterName( QStringLiteral( "INPUT" ) );
86   addParameter( maxAttemptsParam.release() );
88   std::unique_ptr< QgsProcessingParameterNumber > randomSeedParam = qgis::make_unique< QgsProcessingParameterNumber >( SEED, QObject::tr( "Random seed" ), QgsProcessingParameterNumber::Integer, QVariant(), true, 1 );
89   randomSeedParam->setFlags( randomSeedParam->flags() | QgsProcessingParameterDefinition::FlagAdvanced );
90   addParameter( randomSeedParam.release() );
92   std::unique_ptr< QgsProcessingParameterBoolean > includePolygonAttrParam = qgis::make_unique< QgsProcessingParameterBoolean >( INCLUDE_POLYGON_ATTRIBUTES, QObject::tr( "Include polygon attributes" ), true );
93   includePolygonAttrParam->setFlags( includePolygonAttrParam->flags() | QgsProcessingParameterDefinition::FlagAdvanced );
94   addParameter( includePolygonAttrParam.release() );
96   addParameter( new
97                 QgsProcessingParameterFeatureSink( OUTPUT, QObject::tr( "Random points in polygons" ), QgsProcessing::TypeVectorPoint ) );
99   addOutput( new QgsProcessingOutputNumber( OUTPUT_POINTS, QObject::tr( "Total number of points generated" ) ) );
100   addOutput( new QgsProcessingOutputNumber( POINTS_MISSED, QObject::tr( "Number of missed points" ) ) );
101   addOutput( new QgsProcessingOutputNumber( POLYGONS_WITH_MISSED_POINTS, QObject::tr( "Number of polygons with missed points" ) ) );
102   addOutput( new QgsProcessingOutputNumber( FEATURES_WITH_EMPTY_OR_NO_GEOMETRY, QObject::tr( "Number of features with empty or no geometry" ) ) );
103 }
shortHelpString() const105 QString QgsRandomPointsInPolygonsAlgorithm::shortHelpString() const
106 {
107   return QObject::tr( "<p>This algorithm creates a point layer, with points placed randomly "
108                       "in the polygons of the <i><b>Input polygon layer</b></i>.</p> "
109                       "<ul><li>For each feature in the <i><b>Input polygon layer</b></i>, the algorithm attempts to add "
110                       "the specified <i><b>Number of points for each feature</b></i> to the output layer.</li> "
111                       "<li>A <i><b>Minimum distance between points</b></i> and a "
112                       "<i><b>Global minimum distance between points</b></i> can be specified.<br> "
113                       "A point will not be added if there is an already generated point within "
114                       "this (Euclidean) distance from the generated location. "
115                       "With <i>Minimum distance between points</i>, only points in the same "
116                       "polygon feature are considered, while for <i>Global minimum distance "
117                       "between points</i> all previously generated points are considered. "
118                       "If the <i>Global minimum distance between points</i> is set equal to "
119                       "or larger than the (local) <i>Minimum distance between points</i>, the "
120                       "latter has no effect.<br> "
121                       "If the <i>Minimum distance between points</i> is too large, "
122                       "it may not be possible to generate the specified <i>Number of points "
123                       "for each feature</i>, but all the generated points are returned.</li> "
124                       "<li>The <i><b>Maximum number of attempts per point</b></i> can be specified.</li> "
125                       "<li>The seed for the random generator can be provided (<b><i>Random seed</i></b> "
126                       "- integer, greater than 0).</li> "
127                       "<li>The user can choose not to <i><b>Include polygon feature attributes</b></i> in "
128                       "the attributes of the generated point features.</li> "
129                       "</ul> "
130                       "The total number of points will be<br> <b>'number of input features'</b> * "
131                       "<i><b>Number of points for each feature</b></i><br> if there are no misses. "
132                       "The <i>Number of points for each feature</i>, <i>Minimum distance between points</i> "
133                       "and <i>Maximum number of attempts per point</i> can be data defined. "
134                       "<p>Output from the algorithm:</p> "
135                       "<ul> "
136                       "<li> The number of features with an empty or no geometry "
137                       "(<code>FEATURES_WITH_EMPTY_OR_NO_GEOMETRY</code>).</li> "
138                       "<li> A point layer containing the random points (<code>OUTPUT</code>).</li> "
139                       "<li> The number of generated features (<code>OUTPUT_POINTS</code>).</li> "
140                       "<li> The number of missed points (<code>POINTS_MISSED</code>).</li> "
141                       "<li> The number of features with non-empty geometry and missing points "
142                       "(<code>POLYGONS_WITH_MISSED_POINTS</code>).</li> "
143                       "</ul>"
144                     );
145 }
createInstance() const148 QgsRandomPointsInPolygonsAlgorithm *QgsRandomPointsInPolygonsAlgorithm::createInstance() const
149 {
150   return new QgsRandomPointsInPolygonsAlgorithm();
151 }
prepareAlgorithm(const QVariantMap & parameters,QgsProcessingContext & context,QgsProcessingFeedback *)153 bool QgsRandomPointsInPolygonsAlgorithm::prepareAlgorithm( const QVariantMap &parameters, QgsProcessingContext &context, QgsProcessingFeedback * )
154 {
155   mNumPoints = parameterAsInt( parameters, POINTS_NUMBER, context );
156   mDynamicNumPoints = QgsProcessingParameters::isDynamic( parameters, POINTS_NUMBER );
157   if ( mDynamicNumPoints )
158     mNumPointsProperty = parameters.value( POINTS_NUMBER ).value< QgsProperty >();
160   mMinDistance = parameterAsDouble( parameters, MIN_DISTANCE, context );
161   mDynamicMinDistance = QgsProcessingParameters::isDynamic( parameters, MIN_DISTANCE );
162   if ( mDynamicMinDistance )
163     mMinDistanceProperty = parameters.value( MIN_DISTANCE ).value< QgsProperty >();
165   mMaxAttempts = parameterAsInt( parameters, MAX_TRIES_PER_POINT, context );
166   mDynamicMaxAttempts = QgsProcessingParameters::isDynamic( parameters, MAX_TRIES_PER_POINT );
167   if ( mDynamicMaxAttempts )
168     mMaxAttemptsProperty = parameters.value( MAX_TRIES_PER_POINT ).value< QgsProperty >();
170   mMinDistanceGlobal = parameterAsDouble( parameters, MIN_DISTANCE_GLOBAL, context );
172   mUseRandomSeed = parameters.value( SEED ).isValid();
173   mRandSeed = parameterAsInt( parameters, SEED, context );
174   mIncludePolygonAttr = parameterAsBoolean( parameters, INCLUDE_POLYGON_ATTRIBUTES, context );
175   return true;
176 }
processAlgorithm(const QVariantMap & parameters,QgsProcessingContext & context,QgsProcessingFeedback * feedback)178 QVariantMap QgsRandomPointsInPolygonsAlgorithm::processAlgorithm( const QVariantMap &parameters,
179     QgsProcessingContext &context, QgsProcessingFeedback *feedback )
180 {
181   std::unique_ptr< QgsProcessingFeatureSource > polygonSource( parameterAsSource( parameters, INPUT, context ) );
182   if ( !polygonSource )
183     throw QgsProcessingException( invalidSourceError( parameters, INPUT ) );
185   QgsFields fields;
186   fields.append( QgsField( QStringLiteral( "rand_point_id" ), QVariant::LongLong ) );
187   if ( mIncludePolygonAttr )
188     fields.extend( polygonSource->fields() );
190   QString ldest;
191   std::unique_ptr< QgsFeatureSink > sink( parameterAsSink( parameters, OUTPUT,
192                                           context, ldest, fields, QgsWkbTypes::Point, polygonSource->sourceCrs() ) );
193   if ( !sink )
194     throw QgsProcessingException( invalidSinkError( parameters, OUTPUT ) );
196   QgsExpressionContext expressionContext = createExpressionContext( parameters, context, polygonSource.get() );
198   // Initialize random engine -- note that we only use this if the user has specified a fixed seed
199   std::random_device rd;
200   std::mt19937 mt( !mUseRandomSeed ? rd() : mRandSeed );
201   std::uniform_real_distribution<> uniformDist( 0, 1 );
202   std::uniform_int_distribution<> uniformIntDist( 1, 999999999 );
204   // Index for finding global close points (mMinDistance != 0)
205   QgsSpatialIndex globalIndex;
206   int indexPoints = 0;
208   int totNPoints = 0;
209   int missedPoints = 0;
210   int missedPolygons = 0;
211   int emptyOrNullGeom = 0;
213   long featureCount = 0;
214   long long attempts = 0; // used for unique feature IDs in the indexes
215   long numberOfFeatures = polygonSource->featureCount();
216   long long desiredNumberOfPoints = 0;
217   const double featureProgressStep = 100.0 / ( numberOfFeatures > 0 ? numberOfFeatures : 1 );
218   double baseFeatureProgress = 0.0;
219   QgsFeature polyFeat;
220   QgsFeatureIterator fitL = mIncludePolygonAttr || mDynamicNumPoints || mDynamicMinDistance || mDynamicMaxAttempts ? polygonSource->getFeatures()
221                             : polygonSource->getFeatures( QgsFeatureRequest().setNoAttributes() );
222   while ( fitL.nextFeature( polyFeat ) )
223   {
224     if ( feedback->isCanceled() )
225     {
226       feedback->setProgress( 0 );
227       break;
228     }
229     if ( !polyFeat.hasGeometry() )
230     {
231       // Increment invalid features count
232       emptyOrNullGeom++;
233       featureCount++;
234       baseFeatureProgress += featureProgressStep;
235       feedback->setProgress( baseFeatureProgress );
236       continue;
237     }
238     QgsGeometry polyGeom( polyFeat.geometry() );
239     if ( polyGeom.isEmpty() )
240     {
241       // Increment invalid features count
242       emptyOrNullGeom++;
243       featureCount++;
244       baseFeatureProgress += featureProgressStep;
245       feedback->setProgress( baseFeatureProgress );
246       continue;
247     }
248     if ( mDynamicNumPoints || mDynamicMinDistance || mDynamicMaxAttempts )
249     {
250       expressionContext.setFeature( polyFeat );
251     }
252     // (Re)initialize the local (per polygon) index
253     QgsSpatialIndex localIndex;
254     int localIndexPoints = 0;
255     int pointsAddedForThisFeature = 0;
256     // Get data defined parameters
257     int numberPointsForThisFeature = mNumPoints;
258     if ( mDynamicNumPoints )
259       numberPointsForThisFeature = mNumPointsProperty.valueAsInt( expressionContext, numberPointsForThisFeature );
260     desiredNumberOfPoints += numberPointsForThisFeature;
261     int maxAttemptsForThisFeature = mMaxAttempts;
262     if ( mDynamicMaxAttempts )
263       maxAttemptsForThisFeature = mMaxAttemptsProperty.valueAsInt( expressionContext, maxAttemptsForThisFeature );
264     double minDistanceForThisFeature = mMinDistance;
265     if ( mDynamicMinDistance )
266       minDistanceForThisFeature = mMinDistanceProperty.valueAsDouble( expressionContext, minDistanceForThisFeature );
267     const double pointProgressIncrement = featureProgressStep / ( numberPointsForThisFeature * maxAttemptsForThisFeature );
268     double pointProgress = 0.0;
269     // Check if we can avoid using the acceptPoint function
270     if ( ( minDistanceForThisFeature == 0 ) && ( mMinDistanceGlobal == 0 ) )
271     {
272       QVector< QgsPointXY > newPoints = polyGeom.randomPointsInPolygon( numberPointsForThisFeature, mUseRandomSeed ? uniformIntDist( mt ) : 0 );
273       for ( int i = 0; i < newPoints.length(); i++ )
274       {
275         // add the point
276         QgsPointXY pt = newPoints[i];
277         QgsFeature f = QgsFeature( totNPoints );
278         QgsAttributes pAttrs = QgsAttributes();
279         pAttrs.append( totNPoints );
280         if ( mIncludePolygonAttr )
281         {
282           pAttrs.append( polyFeat.attributes() );
283         }
284         f.setAttributes( pAttrs );
285         QgsGeometry newGeom = QgsGeometry::fromPointXY( pt );
286         f.setGeometry( newGeom );
287         sink->addFeature( f, QgsFeatureSink::FastInsert );
288         totNPoints++;
289         pointsAddedForThisFeature++;
290         pointProgress += pointProgressIncrement * ( maxAttemptsForThisFeature );
291       }
292       feedback->setProgress( baseFeatureProgress + pointProgress );
293       continue;
294     }
295     else
296     {
297       // Have to check for minimum distance, provide the acceptPoints function
298       QVector< QgsPointXY > newPoints = polyGeom.randomPointsInPolygon( numberPointsForThisFeature, [ & ]( const QgsPointXY & newPoint ) -> bool
299       {
300         attempts++;
301         // May have to check minimum distance to existing points
302         // The first point can always be added
303         // Local first (if larger than global)
304         if ( minDistanceForThisFeature != 0 && mMinDistanceGlobal < minDistanceForThisFeature && localIndexPoints > 0 )
305         {
306           QList<QgsFeatureId> neighbors = localIndex.nearestNeighbor( newPoint, 1, minDistanceForThisFeature );
307           //if ( totNPoints > 0 && !neighbors.empty() )
308           if ( !neighbors.empty() )
309           {
310             return false;
311           }
312         }
313         // The global
314         if ( mMinDistanceGlobal != 0.0 && indexPoints > 0 )
315         {
316           QList<QgsFeatureId> neighbors = globalIndex.nearestNeighbor( newPoint, 1, mMinDistanceGlobal );
317           //if ( totNPoints > 0 && !neighbors.empty() )
318           if ( !neighbors.empty() )
319           {
320             return false;
321           }
322         }
323         // Point is accepted - add it to the indexes
324         QgsFeature f = QgsFeature( attempts );
325         QgsAttributes pAttrs = QgsAttributes();
326         pAttrs.append( attempts );
327         f.setAttributes( pAttrs );
328         QgsGeometry newGeom = QgsGeometry::fromPointXY( newPoint );
330         f.setGeometry( newGeom );
331         //totNPoints++;
333         if ( minDistanceForThisFeature != 0 )
334         {
335           localIndex.addFeature( f );
336           localIndexPoints++;
337         }
338         if ( mMinDistanceGlobal != 0.0 )
339         {
340           globalIndex.addFeature( f );
341           indexPoints++;
342         }
343         return true;
344       },  mUseRandomSeed ? uniformIntDist( mt ) : 0, feedback, maxAttemptsForThisFeature );
346       // create and output features for the generated points
347       for ( int i = 0; i < newPoints.length(); i++ )
348       {
349         QgsPointXY pt = newPoints[i];
350         QgsFeature f = QgsFeature( totNPoints );
351         QgsAttributes pAttrs = QgsAttributes();
352         pAttrs.append( totNPoints );
353         if ( mIncludePolygonAttr )
354         {
355           pAttrs.append( polyFeat.attributes() );
356         }
357         f.setAttributes( pAttrs );
358         QgsGeometry newGeom = QgsGeometry::fromPointXY( pt );
359         f.setGeometry( newGeom );
360         sink->addFeature( f, QgsFeatureSink::FastInsert );
361         totNPoints++;
362         pointsAddedForThisFeature++;
363         pointProgress += pointProgressIncrement * ( maxAttemptsForThisFeature );
364       }
365       feedback->setProgress( baseFeatureProgress + pointProgress );
366     }
368     baseFeatureProgress += featureProgressStep;
369     if ( pointsAddedForThisFeature < numberPointsForThisFeature )
370     {
371       missedPolygons++;
372     }
373     featureCount++;
374     feedback->setProgress( baseFeatureProgress );
375   } // while features
376   missedPoints = desiredNumberOfPoints - totNPoints;
377   feedback->pushInfo( QObject::tr( "Total number of points generated: "
378                                    "%1\nNumber of missed points: "
379                                    "%2\nPolygons with missing points: "
380                                    "%3\nFeatures with empty or missing "
381                                    "geometries: %4"
382                                  ).arg( totNPoints ).arg( missedPoints ).arg( missedPolygons ).arg( emptyOrNullGeom ) );
383   QVariantMap outputs;
384   outputs.insert( OUTPUT, ldest );
385   outputs.insert( OUTPUT_POINTS, totNPoints );
386   outputs.insert( POINTS_MISSED, missedPoints );
387   outputs.insert( POLYGONS_WITH_MISSED_POINTS, missedPolygons );
388   outputs.insert( FEATURES_WITH_EMPTY_OR_NO_GEOMETRY, emptyOrNullGeom );
390   return outputs;
391 }
393 ///@endcond