1 /***************************************************************************
2               qgsraster.h - Raster namespace
3      --------------------------------------
4     Date                 : Apr 2013
5     Copyright            : (C) 2013 by Radim Blazek
6     email                : radim dot blazek at gmail dot com
7  ***************************************************************************/
9 /***************************************************************************
10  *                                                                         *
11  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
12  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
13  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
14  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
15  *                                                                         *
16  ***************************************************************************/
18 #ifndef QGSRASTER_H
19 #define QGSRASTER_H
21 #include "qgis_core.h"
22 #include "qgis_sip.h"
23 #include <QString>
25 #include "qgis.h"
27 /**
28  * \ingroup core
29  * \brief Raster namespace.
30  */
31 class CORE_EXPORT QgsRaster
32 {
33   public:
34     // This is modified copy of GDALColorInterp
35     enum ColorInterpretation
36     {
37       UndefinedColorInterpretation = 0,
38       GrayIndex = 1,          //!< Greyscale
39       PaletteIndex = 2,       //!< Paletted (see associated color table)
40       RedBand = 3,            //!< Red band of RGBA image
41       GreenBand = 4,          //!< Green band of RGBA image
42       BlueBand = 5,           //!< Blue band of RGBA image
43       AlphaBand = 6,          //!< Alpha (0=transparent, 255=opaque)
44       HueBand = 7,            //!< Hue band of HLS image
45       SaturationBand = 8,     //!< Saturation band of HLS image
46       LightnessBand = 9,      //!< Lightness band of HLS image
47       CyanBand = 10,          //!< Cyan band of CMYK image
48       MagentaBand = 11,       //!< Magenta band of CMYK image
49       YellowBand = 12,        //!< Yellow band of CMYK image
50       BlackBand = 13,         //!< Black band of CMLY image
51       YCbCr_YBand = 14,       //!< Y Luminance
52       YCbCr_CbBand = 15,      //!< Cb Chroma
53       YCbCr_CrBand = 16,      //!< Cr Chroma
54       ContinuousPalette = 17  //!< Continuous palette, QGIS addition, GRASS
55     };
57     enum IdentifyFormat
58     {
59       IdentifyFormatUndefined = 0,
60       IdentifyFormatValue     = 1, // numerical pixel value
61       IdentifyFormatText      = 1 << 1, // WMS text
62       IdentifyFormatHtml      = 1 << 2, // WMS HTML
63       IdentifyFormatFeature   = 1 << 3, // WMS GML/JSON -> feature
64     };
66     // Progress types
67     enum RasterProgressType
68     {
69       ProgressHistogram = 0,
70       ProgressPyramids  = 1,
71       ProgressStatistics = 2
72     };
74     enum RasterBuildPyramids
75     {
76       PyramidsFlagNo = 0,
77       PyramidsFlagYes = 1,
78       PyramidsCopyExisting = 2
79     };
81     enum RasterPyramidsFormat
82     {
83       PyramidsGTiff = 0,
84       PyramidsInternal = 1,
85       PyramidsErdas = 2
86     };
88     //! \brief This enumerator describes the different kinds of drawing we can do
89     enum DrawingStyle
90     {
91       UndefinedDrawingStyle,
92       SingleBandGray,                 // a single band image drawn as a range of gray colors
93       SingleBandPseudoColor,          // a single band image drawn using a pseudocolor algorithm
94       PalettedColor,                  // a "Palette" image drawn using color table
95       PalettedSingleBandGray,         // a "Palette" layer drawn in gray scale
96       PalettedSingleBandPseudoColor,  // a "Palette" layerdrawn using a pseudocolor algorithm
97       PalettedMultiBandColor,         // currently not supported
98       MultiBandSingleBandGray,        // a layer containing 2 or more bands, but a single band drawn as a range of gray colors
99       MultiBandSingleBandPseudoColor, // a layer containing 2 or more bands, but a single band drawn using a pseudocolor algorithm
100       MultiBandColor,                 // a layer containing 2 or more bands, mapped to RGB color space. In the case of a multiband with only two bands, one band will be mapped to more than one color.
101       SingleBandColorDataStyle        // ARGB values rendered directly
102     };
104     /**
105      * Check if the specified value is representable in the given data type.
106      * Supported are numerical types Byte, UInt16, Int16, UInt32, Int32, Float32, Float64.
107      * \param value
108      * \param dataType
109      *  \note not available in Python bindings
110      * \since QGIS 2.16
111      */
112     static bool isRepresentableValue( double value, Qgis::DataType dataType ) SIP_SKIP;
114     /**
115      * Gets value representable by given data type.
116      * Supported are numerical types Byte, UInt16, Int16, UInt32, Int32, Float32, Float64.
117      * This is done through C casting, so you have to be sure that the provided value is
118      * representable in the output data type. This can be checked with isRepresentableValue().
119      * \param value
120      * \param dataType
121      * \since QGIS 2.1
122      */
123     static double representableValue( double value, Qgis::DataType dataType );
124 };
126 #endif