1 /***************************************************************************
2  qgisapp.cpp  -  description
3  -------------------
5           begin                : Sat Jun 22 2002
6           copyright            : (C) 2002 by Gary E.Sherman
7           email                : sherman at mrcc.com
8           Romans 3:23=>Romans 6:23=>Romans 10:9,10=>Romans 12
9 ***************************************************************************/
11 /***************************************************************************
12  *                                                                         *
13  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
14  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
15  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
16  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
17  *                                                                         *
18  ***************************************************************************/
20 #include <QObject>
21 #include <QAction>
22 #include <QApplication>
23 #include <QBitmap>
24 #include <QCheckBox>
25 #include <QClipboard>
26 #include <QColor>
27 #include <QCursor>
28 #include <QDesktopServices>
29 #include <QDesktopWidget>
30 #include <QDialog>
31 #include <QDialogButtonBox>
32 #include <QDir>
33 #include <QEvent>
34 #include <QUrlQuery>
35 #include <QFile>
36 #include <QFileInfo>
37 #include <QImageWriter>
38 #include <QInputDialog>
39 #include <QKeyEvent>
40 #include <QLabel>
41 #include <QLibrary>
42 #include <QMenu>
43 #include <QMenuBar>
44 #include <QMessageBox>
45 #include <QPainter>
46 #include <QPictureIO>
47 #include <QPixmap>
48 #include <QPoint>
49 #include <QPrinter>
50 #include <QProcess>
51 #include <QProgressBar>
52 #include <QProgressDialog>
53 #include <QRegExp>
54 #include <QRegExpValidator>
55 #include <QScreen>
56 #include <QShortcut>
57 #include <QSpinBox>
58 #include <QSplashScreen>
59 #include <QUrl>
60 #include <QRegularExpression>
61 #ifndef QT_NO_SSL
62 #include <QSslConfiguration>
63 #endif
64 #include <QStatusBar>
65 #include <QStringList>
66 #include <QSysInfo>
67 #include <QTcpSocket>
68 #include <QTextStream>
69 #include <QtGlobal>
70 #include <QThread>
71 #include <QTimer>
72 #include <QToolButton>
73 #include <QUuid>
74 #include <QVBoxLayout>
75 #include <QWhatsThis>
76 #include <QWidgetAction>
77 #include <mutex>
79 #include "qgssettingsregistrycore.h"
80 #include "qgsnetworkaccessmanager.h"
81 #include "qgsrelationmanager.h"
82 #include "qgsapplication.h"
83 #include "qgslayerstylingwidget.h"
84 #include "qgsdevtoolspanelwidget.h"
85 #include "qgstaskmanager.h"
86 #include "qgsweakrelation.h"
87 #include "qgsziputils.h"
88 #include "qgsbrowserguimodel.h"
89 #include "qgsvectorlayerjoinbuffer.h"
90 #include "qgsgeometryvalidationservice.h"
91 #include "qgssourceselectproviderregistry.h"
92 #include "qgssourceselectprovider.h"
93 #include "qgsprovidermetadata.h"
94 #include "qgsfixattributedialog.h"
95 #include "qgsprojecttimesettings.h"
96 #include "qgsmaplayertemporalproperties.h"
97 #include "qgsmaplayerutils.h"
98 #include "qgsmeshlayertemporalproperties.h"
99 #include "qgsvectorlayersavestyledialog.h"
100 #include "maptools/qgsappmaptools.h"
101 #include "qgsexpressioncontextutils.h"
102 #include "qgsprovidersublayerdetails.h"
103 #include "qgsproviderutils.h"
104 #include "qgsprovidersublayersdialog.h"
105 #include "qgsmaplayerfactory.h"
106 #include "qgsbrowserwidget.h"
107 #include "annotations/qgsannotationitempropertieswidget.h"
108 #include "qgsmaptoolmodifyannotation.h"
109 #include "qgsannotationlayer.h"
111 #include "qgsanalysis.h"
112 #include "qgsgeometrycheckregistry.h"
114 #include "options/qgscodeeditoroptions.h"
115 #include "options/qgsgpsdeviceoptions.h"
117 #ifdef HAVE_3D
118 #include "qgs3d.h"
119 #include "qgs3danimationsettings.h"
120 #include "qgs3danimationwidget.h"
121 #include "qgs3dmapcanvasdockwidget.h"
122 #include "qgs3dmapcanvas.h"
123 #include "qgs3dmapsettings.h"
124 #include "qgscameracontroller.h"
125 #include "qgsflatterraingenerator.h"
126 #include "qgslayoutitem3dmap.h"
127 #include "processing/qgs3dalgorithms.h"
128 #include "qgs3dmaptoolmeasureline.h"
129 #include "qgs3dsymbolregistry.h"
130 #include "layout/qgslayout3dmapwidget.h"
131 #include "layout/qgslayoutviewrubberband.h"
132 #include "qgsvectorlayer3drendererwidget.h"
133 #include "qgsmeshlayer3drendererwidget.h"
134 #include "qgspointcloudlayer3drendererwidget.h"
135 #include "qgs3dapputils.h"
136 #include "qgs3doptions.h"
137 #endif
140 #include "georeferencer/qgsgeorefmainwindow.h"
141 #endif
143 #include "qgsgui.h"
144 #include "qgsnative.h"
145 #include "qgsdatasourceselectdialog.h"
147 #ifdef HAVE_OPENCL
148 #include "qgsopenclutils.h"
149 #endif
151 #include <QNetworkReply>
152 #include <QNetworkProxy>
153 #include <QAuthenticator>
155 Q_GUI_EXPORT extern int qt_defaultDpiX();
157 //
158 // Mac OS X Includes
159 // Must include before GEOS 3 due to unqualified use of 'Point'
160 //
161 #ifdef Q_OS_MACX
162 #include <ApplicationServices/ApplicationServices.h>
163 #include "qgsmacnative.h"
165 // check macro breaks QItemDelegate
166 #ifdef check
167 #undef check
168 #endif
169 #endif
171 //
172 // QGIS Specific Includes
173 //
175 #include "qgscrashhandler.h"
177 #include "qgisapp.h"
178 #include "qgisappinterface.h"
179 #include "qgisappstylesheet.h"
180 #include "qgis.h"
181 #include "qgisplugin.h"
182 #include "qgsabout.h"
183 #include "qgsabstractmaptoolhandler.h"
184 #include "qgsalignrasterdialog.h"
185 #include "qgsappauthrequesthandler.h"
186 #include "qgsappbrowserproviders.h"
187 #include "qgsapplayertreeviewmenuprovider.h"
188 #include "qgsapplication.h"
189 #include "qgsappsslerrorhandler.h"
190 #include "qgsactionmanager.h"
191 #include "qgsannotationmanager.h"
192 #include "qgsannotationregistry.h"
193 #include "qgsattributetabledialog.h"
194 #include "qgsattributedialog.h"
195 #include "qgsauthmanager.h"
196 #include "qgsauthguiutils.h"
197 #ifndef QT_NO_SSL
198 #include "qgsauthcertutils.h"
199 #include "qgsauthsslerrorsdialog.h"
200 #endif
201 #include "qgsappscreenshots.h"
202 #include "qgsapplicationexitblockerinterface.h"
203 #include "qgsbookmarks.h"
204 #include "qgsbookmarkeditordialog.h"
205 #include "qgsbrowserdockwidget.h"
206 #include "qgsadvanceddigitizingdockwidget.h"
207 #include "qgsclipboard.h"
208 #include "qgsconfigureshortcutsdialog.h"
209 #include "qgscoordinatetransform.h"
210 #include "qgscoordinateutils.h"
211 #include "qgscredentialdialog.h"
212 #include "qgscustomdrophandler.h"
213 #include "qgscustomprojectopenhandler.h"
214 #include "qgscustomization.h"
215 #include "qgscustomlayerorderwidget.h"
216 #include "qgscustomprojectiondialog.h"
217 #include "qgsdataitemproviderregistry.h"
218 #include "qgsdataitemguiproviderregistry.h"
219 #include "qgsdatasourceuri.h"
220 #include "qgsdatumtransformdialog.h"
221 #include "qgsdoublespinbox.h"
222 #include "qgsdockwidget.h"
223 #include "qgsdxfexport.h"
224 #include "qgsdxfexportdialog.h"
225 #include "qgsdwgimportdialog.h"
226 #include "qgsdecorationtitle.h"
227 #include "qgsdecorationcopyright.h"
228 #include "qgsdecorationimage.h"
229 #include "qgsdecorationnortharrow.h"
230 #include "qgsdecorationscalebar.h"
231 #include "qgsdecorationgrid.h"
232 #include "qgsdecorationlayoutextent.h"
233 #include "qgsencodingfiledialog.h"
234 #include "qgserror.h"
235 #include "qgserrordialog.h"
236 #include "qgseventtracing.h"
237 #include "qgsexception.h"
238 #include "qgsexpressionselectiondialog.h"
239 #include "qgsfeature.h"
240 #include "qgsfieldcalculator.h"
241 #include "qgsfieldformatter.h"
242 #include "qgsfieldformatterregistry.h"
243 #include "qgsfileutils.h"
244 #include "qgsformannotation.h"
245 #include "qgsgeos.h"
246 #include "qgsguiutils.h"
247 #include "qgshtmlannotation.h"
248 #include "qgsprojectionselectiondialog.h"
249 #include "qgsgpsinformationwidget.h"
250 #include "qgsguivectorlayertools.h"
251 #include "qgslabelingwidget.h"
252 #include "qgsdiagramproperties.h"
253 #include "qgslayerdefinition.h"
254 #include "qgslayertree.h"
255 #include "qgslayertreemapcanvasbridge.h"
256 #include "qgslayertreemodel.h"
257 #include "qgslayertreemodellegendnode.h"
258 #include "qgslayertreeregistrybridge.h"
259 #include "qgslayertreeutils.h"
260 #include "qgslayertreeview.h"
261 #include "qgslayertreeviewdefaultactions.h"
262 #include "qgslayertreeviewembeddedindicator.h"
263 #include "qgslayertreeviewfilterindicator.h"
264 #include "qgslayertreeviewlowaccuracyindicator.h"
265 #include "qgslayertreeviewmemoryindicator.h"
266 #include "qgslayertreeviewbadlayerindicator.h"
267 #include "qgslayertreeviewnonremovableindicator.h"
268 #include "qgslayertreeviewnotesindicator.h"
269 #include "qgslayertreeviewnocrsindicator.h"
270 #include "qgslayertreeviewtemporalindicator.h"
271 #include "qgslayertreeviewofflineindicator.h"
272 #include "qgsrasterpipe.h"
273 #include "qgslayout.h"
274 #include "qgslayoutatlas.h"
275 #include "qgslayoutcustomdrophandler.h"
276 #include "qgslayoutdesignerdialog.h"
277 #include "qgslayoutitemguiregistry.h"
278 #include "qgslayoutmanager.h"
279 #include "qgslayoutqptdrophandler.h"
280 #include "qgslayoutimagedrophandler.h"
281 #include "qgslayoutguiutils.h"
282 #include "qgslocatorwidget.h"
283 #include "qgslocator.h"
284 #include "qgsactionlocatorfilter.h"
285 #include "qgsactivelayerfeatureslocatorfilter.h"
286 #include "qgsalllayersfeatureslocatorfilter.h"
287 #include "qgsbookmarklocatorfilter.h"
288 #include "qgsexpressioncalculatorlocatorfilter.h"
289 #include "qgsgotolocatorfilter.h"
290 #include "qgslayertreelocatorfilter.h"
291 #include "qgslayoutlocatorfilter.h"
292 #include "qgsnominatimlocatorfilter.h"
293 #include "qgssettingslocatorfilter.h"
294 #include "qgsgeocoderlocatorfilter.h"
295 #include "qgsnominatimgeocoder.h"
296 #include "qgslogger.h"
297 #include "qgsmapcanvas.h"
298 #include "qgsmapcanvasdockwidget.h"
299 #include "qgsmapcanvassnappingutils.h"
300 #include "qgsmapcanvastracer.h"
301 #include "qgsmaplayer.h"
302 #include "qgsmaplayerstyleguiutils.h"
303 #include "qgsmapoverviewcanvas.h"
304 #include "qgsmapsettings.h"
305 #include "qgsmaptip.h"
306 #include "qgsmbtiles.h"
307 #include "qgsmenuheader.h"
308 #include "qgsmergeattributesdialog.h"
309 #include "qgsmessageviewer.h"
310 #include "qgsmessagebar.h"
311 #include "qgsmessagebaritem.h"
312 #include "qgsmeshlayer.h"
313 #include "qgsmeshlayerproperties.h"
314 #include "qgspointcloudlayer.h"
315 #include "qgsmemoryproviderutils.h"
316 #include "qgsmimedatautils.h"
317 #include "qgsmessagelog.h"
318 #include "qgsmultibandcolorrenderer.h"
319 #include "qgsnative.h"
320 #include "qgsnativealgorithms.h"
321 #include "qgsnewvectorlayerdialog.h"
322 #include "qgsnewmemorylayerdialog.h"
323 #include "qgsnewmeshlayerdialog.h"
324 #include "options/qgsoptions.h"
325 #include "qgspluginlayer.h"
326 #include "qgspluginlayerregistry.h"
327 #include "qgspluginmanager.h"
328 #include "qgspluginregistry.h"
329 #include "qgspointxy.h"
330 #include "qgspuzzlewidget.h"
331 #include "qgsruntimeprofiler.h"
332 #include "qgshandlebadlayers.h"
333 #include "qgsprintlayout.h"
334 #include "qgsprocessingregistry.h"
335 #include "qgsprojutils.h"
336 #include "qgsproject.h"
337 #include "qgsprojectlayergroupdialog.h"
338 #include "qgsprojectproperties.h"
339 #include "qgsprojectstorage.h"
340 #include "qgsprojectstorageguiprovider.h"
341 #include "qgsprojectstorageguiregistry.h"
342 #include "qgsprojectstorageregistry.h"
343 #include "qgsproviderregistry.h"
344 #include "qgsproviderguiregistry.h"
345 #include "qgspythonrunner.h"
346 #include "qgsproxyprogresstask.h"
347 #include "qgsquerybuilder.h"
348 #include "qgsrastercalcdialog.h"
349 #include "qgsmeshcalculatordialog.h"
350 #include "qgsrasterfilewriter.h"
351 #include "qgsrasterfilewritertask.h"
352 #include "qgsrasteriterator.h"
353 #include "qgsrasterlayer.h"
354 #include "qgsrasterlayerproperties.h"
355 #include "qgsrasternuller.h"
356 #include "qgsbrightnesscontrastfilter.h"
357 #include "qgsrasterrenderer.h"
358 #include "qgsrasterlayersaveasdialog.h"
359 #include "qgsrasterprojector.h"
360 #include "qgsreadwritecontext.h"
361 #include "qgsrectangle.h"
362 #include "qgsreport.h"
363 #include "qgsscalevisibilitydialog.h"
364 #include "qgsgroupwmsdatadialog.h"
365 #include "qgsselectbyformdialog.h"
366 #include "qgsshortcutsmanager.h"
367 #include "qgssinglebandgrayrenderer.h"
368 #include "qgssnappingwidget.h"
369 #include "qgsstatisticalsummarydockwidget.h"
370 #include "qgsstatusbar.h"
371 #include "qgsstatusbarcoordinateswidget.h"
372 #include "qgsstatusbarmagnifierwidget.h"
373 #include "qgsstatusbarscalewidget.h"
374 #include "qgsstyle.h"
375 #include "qgssubsetstringeditorproviderregistry.h"
376 #include "qgssubsetstringeditorprovider.h"
377 #include "qgssubsetstringeditorinterface.h"
378 #include "qgssvgannotation.h"
379 #include "qgstaskmanager.h"
380 #include "qgstaskmanagerwidget.h"
381 #include "qgssymbolselectordialog.h"
382 #include "qgstextannotation.h"
383 #include "qgsundowidget.h"
384 #include "qgsuserinputwidget.h"
385 #include "qgsvectordataprovider.h"
386 #include "qgsvectorfilewriter.h"
387 #include "qgsvectorlayer.h"
388 #include "qgsvectorlayerproperties.h"
389 #include "qgsvectorlayerdigitizingproperties.h"
390 #include "qgsvectortilelayer.h"
391 #include "qgsvectortilelayerproperties.h"
392 #include "qgspointcloudlayerproperties.h"
393 #include "qgsmapthemes.h"
394 #include "qgsmessagelogviewer.h"
395 #include "qgsdataitem.h"
396 #include "qgsmaplayeractionregistry.h"
397 #include "qgswelcomepage.h"
398 #include "qgsversioninfo.h"
399 #include "qgslegendfilterbutton.h"
400 #include "qgsvirtuallayerdefinition.h"
401 #include "qgsvirtuallayerdefinitionutils.h"
402 #include "qgstransaction.h"
403 #include "qgstransactiongroup.h"
404 #include "qgsvectorlayerjoininfo.h"
405 #include "qgsvectorlayerutils.h"
406 #include "qgshelp.h"
407 #include "qgsvectorfilewritertask.h"
408 #include "qgsmapsavedialog.h"
409 #include "qgsmaprenderertask.h"
410 #include "qgsmapdecoration.h"
411 #include "qgsnewnamedialog.h"
412 #include "qgsgui.h"
413 #include "qgsdatasourcemanagerdialog.h"
414 #include "qgsappwindowmanager.h"
415 #include "qgsvaliditycheckregistry.h"
416 #include "qgsappcoordinateoperationhandlers.h"
417 #include "qgsprojectviewsettings.h"
418 #include "qgscoordinateformatter.h"
419 #include "qgslocaldefaultsettings.h"
420 #include "qgsbearingnumericformat.h"
421 #include "qgsprojectdisplaysettings.h"
422 #include "qgstemporalcontrollerdockwidget.h"
423 #include "qgsnetworklogger.h"
424 #include "qgsuserprofilemanager.h"
425 #include "qgsuserprofile.h"
426 #include "qgsnetworkloggerwidgetfactory.h"
427 #include "devtools/profiler/qgsprofilerwidgetfactory.h"
428 #include "qgsabstractdatabaseproviderconnection.h"
429 #include "qgszipitem.h"
431 #include "browser/qgsinbuiltdataitemproviders.h"
433 #include "qgssublayersdialog.h"
434 #include "ogr/qgsvectorlayersaveasdialog.h"
435 #include "qgsannotationitemguiregistry.h"
436 #include "annotations/qgsannotationlayerproperties.h"
437 #include "qgscreateannotationitemmaptool.h"
439 #include "pointcloud/qgspointcloudelevationpropertieswidget.h"
440 #include "pointcloud/qgspointcloudlayerstylewidget.h"
443 #include "modeltest.h"
444 #endif
446 //
447 // GDAL/OGR includes
448 //
449 #include <ogr_api.h>
450 #include <gdal_version.h>
451 #include <proj.h>
453 #ifdef HAVE_PDAL
454 #include <pdal/pdal.hpp>
455 #endif
457 //
458 // Other includes
459 //
460 #include <algorithm>
461 #include <cassert>
462 #include <cmath>
463 #include <functional>
464 #include <iomanip>
465 #include <list>
466 #include <memory>
467 #include <vector>
469 #include "qgsmeasuretool.h"
470 #include "qgsmapcanvasannotationitem.h"
471 #include "qgsmaptoolpan.h"
472 #include "qgsmaptoolidentifyaction.h"
473 #include "qgsmaptoolpinlabels.h"
474 #include "qgsmaptoolmeasureangle.h"
475 #include "qgsmaptoolmeasurebearing.h"
476 #include "qgsmaptoolrotatepointsymbols.h"
477 #include "qgsmaptooldigitizefeature.h"
478 #include "qgsmaptooloffsetpointsymbol.h"
479 #include "vertextool/qgsvertextool.h"
480 #include "qgsmaptooleditmeshframe.h"
482 #include "qgsgeometryvalidationmodel.h"
483 #include "qgsgeometryvalidationdock.h"
484 #include "qgslayoutvaliditychecks.h"
486 // Editor widgets
487 #include "qgseditorwidgetregistry.h"
488 //
489 // Conditional Includes
490 //
491 #ifdef HAVE_PGCONFIG
493 #undef PACKAGE_NAME
497 #include <pg_config.h>
498 #else
499 #define PG_VERSION "unknown"
500 #endif
502 #include <sqlite3.h>
505 extern "C"
506 {
507 #include <spatialite.h>
508 }
509 #include "qgsnewspatialitelayerdialog.h"
510 #endif
512 #include "qgsnewgeopackagelayerdialog.h"
514 #ifdef WITH_BINDINGS
515 #include "qgspythonutils.h"
516 #endif
518 #ifndef Q_OS_WIN
519 #include <dlfcn.h>
520 #else
521 #include <shellapi.h>
522 #include <dbghelp.h>
523 #endif
525 class QTreeWidgetItem;
526 class QgsUserProfileManager;
527 class QgsUserProfile;
529 /**
530  * Set the application title bar text
531  */
setTitleBarText_(QWidget & qgisApp)532 static void setTitleBarText_( QWidget &qgisApp )
533 {
534   QString caption;
535   if ( QgsProject::instance()->title().isEmpty() )
536   {
537     if ( QgsProject::instance()->fileName().isEmpty() )
538     {
539       // new project
540       caption = QgisApp::tr( "Untitled Project" );
541     }
542     else
543     {
544       caption = QgsProject::instance()->baseName();
545     }
546   }
547   else
548   {
549     caption = QgsProject::instance()->title();
550   }
551   if ( !caption.isEmpty() )
552   {
553     caption += QStringLiteral( " %1 " ).arg( QChar( 0x2014 ) );
554   }
555   if ( QgsProject::instance()->isDirty() )
556     caption.prepend( '*' );
558   caption += QgisApp::tr( "QGIS" );
560   if ( Qgis::version().endsWith( QLatin1String( "Master" ) ) )
561   {
562     caption += QStringLiteral( " %1" ).arg( Qgis::devVersion() );
563   }
565   if ( QgisApp::instance()->userProfileManager()->allProfiles().count() > 1 )
566   {
567     // add current profile (if it's not the default one)
568     QgsUserProfile *profile = QgisApp::instance()->userProfileManager()->userProfile();
569     if ( profile->name() != QLatin1String( "default" ) )
570       caption += QStringLiteral( " [%1]" ).arg( profile->name() );
571   }
573   qgisApp.setWindowTitle( caption );
574 }
576 /**
577  * Creator function for output viewer
578 */
messageOutputViewer_()579 static QgsMessageOutput *messageOutputViewer_()
580 {
581   if ( QThread::currentThread() == qApp->thread() )
582     return new QgsMessageViewer( QgisApp::instance() );
583   else
584     return new QgsMessageOutputConsole();
585 }
customSrsValidation_(QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem & srs)587 static void customSrsValidation_( QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem &srs )
588 {
589   const QgsOptions::UnknownLayerCrsBehavior mode = QgsSettings().enumValue( QStringLiteral( "/projections/unknownCrsBehavior" ), QgsOptions::UnknownLayerCrsBehavior::NoAction, QgsSettings::App );
590   switch ( mode )
591   {
592     case QgsOptions::UnknownLayerCrsBehavior::NoAction:
593       return;
595     case QgsOptions::UnknownLayerCrsBehavior::UseDefaultCrs:
596       srs.createFromOgcWmsCrs( QgsSettings().value( QStringLiteral( "Projections/layerDefaultCrs" ), geoEpsgCrsAuthId() ).toString() );
597       break;
599     case QgsOptions::UnknownLayerCrsBehavior::PromptUserForCrs:
600     case QgsOptions::UnknownLayerCrsBehavior::UseProjectCrs:
601       // can't take any action immediately for these -- we may be in a background thread
602       break;
603   }
605   if ( QThread::currentThread() != QApplication::instance()->thread() )
606   {
607     // Running in a background thread -- we can't queue this connection, because
608     // srs is a reference and may be deleted before the queued slot is called.
609     // We also can't do ANY gui related stuff here. Best we can do is log
610     // a warning and move on...
611     QgsMessageLog::logMessage( QObject::tr( "Layer has unknown CRS" ) );
612   }
613   else
614   {
615     QgisApp::instance()->emitCustomCrsValidation( srs );
616   }
617 }
emitCustomCrsValidation(QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem & srs)619 void QgisApp::emitCustomCrsValidation( QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem &srs )
620 {
621   emit customCrsValidation( srs );
622 }
layerTreeViewDoubleClicked(const QModelIndex & index)624 void QgisApp::layerTreeViewDoubleClicked( const QModelIndex &index )
625 {
626   Q_UNUSED( index )
627   QgsSettings settings;
628   switch ( settings.value( QStringLiteral( "qgis/legendDoubleClickAction" ), 0 ).toInt() )
629   {
630     case 0:
631     {
632       //show properties
633       if ( mLayerTreeView )
634       {
635         // if it's a legend node, open symbol editor directly
636         if ( QgsSymbolLegendNode *node = qobject_cast<QgsSymbolLegendNode *>( mLayerTreeView->currentLegendNode() ) )
637         {
638           const QgsSymbol *originalSymbol = node->symbol();
639           if ( !originalSymbol )
640             return;
642           std::unique_ptr< QgsSymbol > symbol( originalSymbol->clone() );
643           QgsVectorLayer *vlayer = qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( node->layerNode()->layer() );
644           QgsSymbolSelectorDialog dlg( symbol.get(), QgsStyle::defaultStyle(), vlayer, this );
645           QgsSymbolWidgetContext context;
646           context.setMapCanvas( mMapCanvas );
647           context.setMessageBar( mInfoBar );
648           dlg.setContext( context );
649           if ( dlg.exec() )
650           {
651             node->setSymbol( symbol.release() );
652           }
654           return;
655         }
656       }
657       QgisApp::instance()->layerProperties();
658       break;
659     }
660     case 1:
661     {
662       QgsSettings settings;
663       QgsAttributeTableFilterModel::FilterMode initialMode = settings.enumValue( QStringLiteral( "qgis/attributeTableBehavior" ),  QgsAttributeTableFilterModel::ShowAll );
664       QgisApp::instance()->attributeTable( initialMode );
665       break;
666     }
667     case 2:
668       mapStyleDock( true );
669       break;
670     default:
671       break;
672   }
673 }
onActiveLayerChanged(QgsMapLayer * layer)675 void QgisApp::onActiveLayerChanged( QgsMapLayer *layer )
676 {
677   if ( mBlockActiveLayerChanged )
678     return;
680   const QList< QgsMapCanvas * > canvases = mapCanvases();
681   for ( QgsMapCanvas *canvas : canvases )
682     canvas->setCurrentLayer( layer );
684   if ( mUndoWidget )
685   {
686     if ( layer )
687     {
688       mUndoWidget->setUndoStack( layer->undoStack() );
689     }
690     else
691     {
692       mUndoWidget->unsetStack();
693     }
694     updateUndoActions();
695   }
697   emit activeLayerChanged( layer );
698 }
vectorLayerStyleLoaded(QgsVectorLayer * vl,QgsMapLayer::StyleCategories categories)700 void QgisApp::vectorLayerStyleLoaded( QgsVectorLayer *vl, QgsMapLayer::StyleCategories categories )
701 {
702   if ( vl && vl->isValid( ) )
703   {
705     // Check broken dependencies in forms
706     if ( categories.testFlag( QgsMapLayer::StyleCategory::Forms ) )
707     {
708       resolveVectorLayerDependencies( vl );
709     }
711     // Check broken relations and try to restore them
712     if ( categories.testFlag( QgsMapLayer::StyleCategory::Relations ) )
713     {
714       resolveVectorLayerWeakRelations( vl );
715     }
717   }
718 }
toggleEventTracing()720 void QgisApp::toggleEventTracing()
721 {
722   QgsSettings settings;
723   if ( !settings.value( QStringLiteral( "qgis/enableEventTracing" ), false ).toBool() )
724   {
725     // make sure the setting is available in Options > Advanced
726     if ( !settings.contains( QStringLiteral( "qgis/enableEventTracing" ) ) )
727       settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "qgis/enableEventTracing" ), false );
729     messageBar()->pushWarning( tr( "Event Tracing" ), tr( "Tracing is not enabled. Look for \"enableEventTracing\" in Options > Advanced." ) );
730     return;
731   }
733   if ( !QgsEventTracing::isTracingEnabled() )
734   {
735     messageBar()->pushSuccess( tr( "Event Tracing" ), tr( "Tracing started." ) );
736     QgsEventTracing::startTracing();
737   }
738   else
739   {
740     QgsEventTracing::stopTracing();
741     QString fileName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName( this, tr( "Save Event Trace..." ), QString(), tr( "Event Traces (*.json)" ) );
742     if ( !fileName.isEmpty() )
743       QgsEventTracing::writeTrace( fileName );
744   }
745 }
showGeoreferencer()748 void QgisApp::showGeoreferencer()
749 {
750   if ( !mGeoreferencer )
751     mGeoreferencer = new QgsGeoreferencerMainWindow( this );
752   mGeoreferencer->show();
753   mGeoreferencer->setFocus();
754 }
755 #endif
annotationItemTypeAdded(int id)757 void QgisApp::annotationItemTypeAdded( int id )
758 {
759   if ( QgsGui::annotationItemGuiRegistry()->itemMetadata( id )->flags() & Qgis::AnnotationItemGuiFlag::FlagNoCreationTools )
760     return;
762   QString name = QgsGui::annotationItemGuiRegistry()->itemMetadata( id )->visibleName();
763   QString groupId = QgsGui::annotationItemGuiRegistry()->itemMetadata( id )->groupId();
764   QToolButton *groupButton = nullptr;
765   if ( !groupId.isEmpty() )
766   {
767     // find existing group toolbutton and submenu, or create new ones if this is the first time the group has been encountered
768     const QgsAnnotationItemGuiGroup &group = QgsGui::annotationItemGuiRegistry()->itemGroup( groupId );
769     QIcon groupIcon = group.icon.isNull() ? QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionAddBasicShape.svg" ) ) : group.icon;
770     QString groupText = tr( "Create %1" ).arg( group.name );
771     if ( mAnnotationItemGroupToolButtons.contains( groupId ) )
772     {
773       groupButton = mAnnotationItemGroupToolButtons.value( groupId );
774     }
775     else
776     {
777       QToolButton *groupToolButton = new QToolButton( mAnnotationsToolBar );
778       groupToolButton->setIcon( groupIcon );
779       groupToolButton->setCheckable( true );
780       groupToolButton->setPopupMode( QToolButton::InstantPopup );
781       groupToolButton->setAutoRaise( true );
782       groupToolButton->setToolButtonStyle( Qt::ToolButtonIconOnly );
783       groupToolButton->setToolTip( groupText );
784       mAnnotationsToolBar->insertWidget( mAnnotationsItemInsertBefore, groupToolButton );
785       mAnnotationItemGroupToolButtons.insert( groupId, groupToolButton );
786       groupButton = groupToolButton;
787     }
788   }
790   // update UI for new item type
791   QAction *action = new QAction( tr( "Create %1" ).arg( name ), this );
792   action->setToolTip( tr( "Create %1" ).arg( name ) );
793   action->setCheckable( true );
794   action->setData( id );
795   action->setIcon( QgsGui::annotationItemGuiRegistry()->itemMetadata( id )->creationIcon() );
797   mMapToolGroup->addAction( action );
799   if ( groupButton )
800     groupButton->addAction( action );
801   else
802   {
803     mAnnotationsToolBar->insertAction( mAnnotationsItemInsertBefore, action );
804   }
806   connect( action, &QAction::toggled, this, [this, action, id]( bool checked )
807   {
808     if ( !checked )
809       return;
811     QgsCreateAnnotationItemMapToolInterface *tool = QgsGui::annotationItemGuiRegistry()->itemMetadata( id )->createMapTool( mMapCanvas, mAdvancedDigitizingDockWidget );
812     tool->mapTool()->setAction( action );
813     mMapCanvas->setMapTool( tool->mapTool() );
814     if ( qobject_cast< QgsMapToolCapture * >( tool->mapTool() ) )
815     {
816       enableDigitizeTechniqueActions( checked, action );
817     }
819     connect( tool->mapTool(), &QgsMapTool::deactivated, tool->mapTool(), &QObject::deleteLater );
820     connect( tool->handler(), &QgsCreateAnnotationItemMapToolHandler::itemCreated, this, [ = ]
821     {
822       QgsAnnotationItem *item = tool->handler()->takeCreatedItem();
823       QgsAnnotationLayer *targetLayer = qobject_cast< QgsAnnotationLayer * >( activeLayer() );
824       if ( !targetLayer )
825         targetLayer = QgsProject::instance()->mainAnnotationLayer();
827       const QString itemId = targetLayer->addItem( item );
828       // automatically select item in layer styling panel
829       mMapStyleWidget->setAnnotationItem( targetLayer, itemId );
830       mMapStylingDock->setUserVisible( true );
831       mMapStyleWidget->focusDefaultWidget();
833       QgsProject::instance()->setDirty( true );
835       // TODO -- possibly automatically deactivate the tool now?
836     } );
837   } );
838 }
840 /*
841  * This function contains forced validation of CRS used in QGIS.
842  * There are 4 options depending on the settings:
843  * - ask for CRS using projection selecter
844  * - use project's CRS
845  * - use predefined global CRS
846  * - take no action (leave as unknown CRS)
847  */
validateCrs(QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem & srs)848 void QgisApp::validateCrs( QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem &srs )
849 {
850   static QString sAuthId = QString();
852   const QgsOptions::UnknownLayerCrsBehavior mode = QgsSettings().enumValue( QStringLiteral( "/projections/unknownCrsBehavior" ), QgsOptions::UnknownLayerCrsBehavior::NoAction, QgsSettings::App );
853   switch ( mode )
854   {
855     case QgsOptions::UnknownLayerCrsBehavior::NoAction:
856       break;
858     case QgsOptions::UnknownLayerCrsBehavior::UseDefaultCrs:
859     {
860       srs.createFromOgcWmsCrs( QgsSettings().value( QStringLiteral( "Projections/layerDefaultCrs" ), geoEpsgCrsAuthId() ).toString() );
861       sAuthId = srs.authid();
862       visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "CRS was undefined" ), tr( "defaulting to CRS %1" ).arg( srs.userFriendlyIdentifier() ), Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning );
863       break;
864     }
866     case QgsOptions::UnknownLayerCrsBehavior::PromptUserForCrs:
867     {
868       // \note this class is not a descendent of QWidget so we can't pass
869       // it in the ctor of the layer projection selector
871       static bool opening = false;
872       if ( opening )
873         break;
874       opening = true;
876       QgsProjectionSelectionDialog *mySelector = new QgsProjectionSelectionDialog();
877       const QString validationHint = srs.validationHint();
878       if ( !validationHint.isEmpty() )
879         mySelector->setMessage( validationHint );
880       else
881         mySelector->showNoCrsForLayerMessage();
883       if ( sAuthId.isNull() )
884         sAuthId = QgsProject::instance()->crs().authid();
886       QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem defaultCrs( sAuthId );
887       if ( defaultCrs.isValid() )
888       {
889         mySelector->setCrs( defaultCrs );
890       }
892       QgsTemporaryCursorRestoreOverride cursorOverride;
894       if ( mySelector->exec() )
895       {
896         QgsDebugMsgLevel( "Layer srs set from dialog: " + QString::number( mySelector->crs().srsid() ), 2 );
897         srs = mySelector->crs();
898         sAuthId = srs.authid();
899       }
901       delete mySelector;
902       opening = false;
903       break;
904     }
906     case QgsOptions::UnknownLayerCrsBehavior::UseProjectCrs:
907     {
908       // XXX TODO: Change project to store selected CS as 'projectCRS' not 'selectedWkt'
909       srs = QgsProject::instance()->crs();
910       sAuthId = srs.authid();
911       QgsDebugMsgLevel( "Layer srs set from project: " + sAuthId, 2 );
912       visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "CRS was undefined" ), tr( "defaulting to project CRS %1" ).arg( srs.userFriendlyIdentifier() ), Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning );
913       break;
914     }
915   }
916 }
cmpByText_(QAction * a,QAction * b)919 static bool cmpByText_( QAction *a, QAction *b )
920 {
921   return QString::localeAwareCompare( a->text(), b->text() ) < 0;
922 }
925 QgisApp *QgisApp::sInstance = nullptr;
927 // constructor starts here
QgisApp(QSplashScreen * splash,bool restorePlugins,bool skipVersionCheck,const QString & rootProfileLocation,const QString & activeProfile,QWidget * parent,Qt::WindowFlags fl)928 QgisApp::QgisApp( QSplashScreen *splash, bool restorePlugins, bool skipVersionCheck, const QString &rootProfileLocation, const QString &activeProfile, QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags fl )
929   : QMainWindow( parent, fl )
930   , mSplash( splash )
931 {
932   if ( sInstance )
933   {
934     QMessageBox::critical(
935       this,
936       tr( "Multiple Instances of QgisApp" ),
937       tr( "Multiple instances of QGIS application object detected.\nPlease contact the developers.\n" ) );
938     abort();
939   }
941   sInstance = this;
942   QgsRuntimeProfiler *profiler = QgsApplication::profiler();
944   QColor splashTextColor = Qgis::releaseName() == QLatin1String( "Master" ) ? QColor( 93, 153, 51 ) : Qt::black;
946   startProfile( tr( "Create user profile manager" ) );
947   mUserProfileManager = new QgsUserProfileManager( QString(), this );
948   mUserProfileManager->setRootLocation( rootProfileLocation );
949   mUserProfileManager->setActiveUserProfile( activeProfile );
950   mUserProfileManager->setNewProfileNotificationEnabled( true );
951   connect( mUserProfileManager, &QgsUserProfileManager::profilesChanged, this, &QgisApp::refreshProfileMenu );
952   endProfile();
954   // start the network logger early, we want all requests logged!
955   startProfile( tr( "Create network logger" ) );
956   mNetworkLogger = new QgsNetworkLogger( QgsNetworkAccessManager::instance(), this );
957   endProfile();
959   // load GUI: actions, menus, toolbars
960   startProfile( tr( "Setting up UI" ) );
961   setupUi( this );
962   // because mActionToggleMapOnly can hide the menu (thereby disabling menu actions),
963   //  we attach the following actions to the MainWindow too (to be able to come back)
964   this->addAction( mActionToggleFullScreen );
965   this->addAction( mActionTogglePanelsVisibility );
966   this->addAction( mActionToggleMapOnly );
967   endProfile();
969   setDockOptions( dockOptions() | QMainWindow::GroupedDragging );
971   //////////
973   startProfile( tr( "Checking user database" ) );
974   mSplash->showMessage( tr( "Checking database" ), Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignBottom, splashTextColor );
975   qApp->processEvents();
976   // Do this early on before anyone else opens it and prevents us copying it
977   QString dbError;
978   if ( !QgsApplication::createDatabase( &dbError ) )
979   {
980     QMessageBox::critical( this, tr( "Private qgis.db" ), dbError );
981   }
982   endProfile();
984   // Create the themes folder for the user
985   startProfile( tr( "Creating theme folder" ) );
986   QgsApplication::createThemeFolder();
987   endProfile();
989   mSplash->showMessage( tr( "Reading settings" ), Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignBottom, splashTextColor );
990   qApp->processEvents();
992   mSplash->showMessage( tr( "Setting up the GUI" ), Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignBottom, splashTextColor );
993   qApp->processEvents();
995   QgsApplication::initQgis();
996   if ( !QgsApplication::authManager()->isDisabled() )
997   {
998     // Most of the auth initialization is now done inside initQgis, no need to profile here
999     masterPasswordSetup();
1000   }
1002   QgsSettings settings;
1005   startProfile( tr( "Building style sheet" ) );
1006   // set up stylesheet builder and apply saved or default style options
1007   mStyleSheetBuilder = new QgisAppStyleSheet( this );
1008   connect( mStyleSheetBuilder, &QgisAppStyleSheet::appStyleSheetChanged,
1009            this, &QgisApp::setAppStyleSheet );
1010   endProfile();
1012   QWidget *centralWidget = this->centralWidget();
1013   QGridLayout *centralLayout = new QGridLayout( centralWidget );
1014   centralWidget->setLayout( centralLayout );
1015   centralLayout->setContentsMargins( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
1017   // "theMapCanvas" used to find this canonical instance later
1018   startProfile( tr( "Creating map canvas" ) );
1019   mMapCanvas = new QgsMapCanvas( centralWidget );
1020   mMapCanvas->setObjectName( QStringLiteral( "theMapCanvas" ) );
1022   // before anything, let's freeze canvas redraws
1023   QgsCanvasRefreshBlocker refreshBlocker;
1025   connect( mMapCanvas, &QgsMapCanvas::messageEmitted, this, &QgisApp::displayMessage );
1027   if ( settings.value( QStringLiteral( "qgis/main_canvas_preview_jobs" ) ).isNull() )
1028   {
1029     // So that it appears in advanced settings
1030     settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "qgis/main_canvas_preview_jobs" ), true );
1031   }
1032   mMapCanvas->setPreviewJobsEnabled( settings.value( QStringLiteral( "qgis/main_canvas_preview_jobs" ), true ).toBool() );
1034   // set canvas color right away
1035   int myRed = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "qgis/default_canvas_color_red" ), 255 ).toInt();
1036   int myGreen = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "qgis/default_canvas_color_green" ), 255 ).toInt();
1037   int myBlue = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "qgis/default_canvas_color_blue" ), 255 ).toInt();
1038   mMapCanvas->setCanvasColor( QColor( myRed, myGreen, myBlue ) );
1040   // set project linked to main canvas
1041   mMapCanvas->setProject( QgsProject::instance() );
1042   endProfile();
1044   // what type of project to auto-open
1045   mProjOpen = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "qgis/projOpenAtLaunch" ), 0 ).toInt();
1047   // a bar to warn the user with non-blocking messages
1048   startProfile( tr( "Message bar" ) );
1049   mInfoBar = new QgsMessageBar( centralWidget );
1050   mInfoBar->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Fixed );
1051   centralLayout->addWidget( mInfoBar, 0, 0, 1, 1 );
1052   endProfile();
1054   startProfile( tr( "Welcome page" ) );
1055   mWelcomePage = new QgsWelcomePage( skipVersionCheck );
1056   connect( mWelcomePage, &QgsWelcomePage::projectRemoved, this, [ this ]( int row )
1057   {
1058     mRecentProjects.removeAt( row );
1059     saveRecentProjects();
1060     updateRecentProjectPaths();
1061   } );
1062   connect( mWelcomePage, &QgsWelcomePage::projectPinned, this, [ this ]( int row )
1063   {
1064     mRecentProjects.at( row ).pin = true;
1065     saveRecentProjects();
1066     updateRecentProjectPaths();
1067   } );
1068   connect( mWelcomePage, &QgsWelcomePage::projectUnpinned, this, [ this ]( int row )
1069   {
1070     mRecentProjects.at( row ).pin = false;
1071     saveRecentProjects();
1072     updateRecentProjectPaths();
1073   } );
1074   endProfile();
1076   mCentralContainer = new QStackedWidget;
1077   mCentralContainer->insertWidget( 0, mMapCanvas );
1078   mCentralContainer->insertWidget( 1, mWelcomePage );
1080   centralLayout->addWidget( mCentralContainer, 0, 0, 2, 1 );
1081   mInfoBar->raise();
1083   connect( mMapCanvas, &QgsMapCanvas::layersChanged, this, &QgisApp::showMapCanvas );
1085   mCentralContainer->setCurrentIndex( mProjOpen ? 0 : 1 );
1087   startProfile( tr( "User input dock" ) );
1088   // User Input Dock Widget
1089   mUserInputDockWidget = new QgsUserInputWidget( mMapCanvas );
1090   mUserInputDockWidget->setObjectName( QStringLiteral( "UserInputDockWidget" ) );
1091   mUserInputDockWidget->setAnchorWidget( mMapCanvas );
1092   mUserInputDockWidget->setAnchorWidgetPoint( QgsFloatingWidget::TopRight );
1093   mUserInputDockWidget->setAnchorPoint( QgsFloatingWidget::TopRight );
1095   endProfile();
1097   //set the focus to the map canvas
1098   mMapCanvas->setFocus();
1100   startProfile( tr( "Layer tree" ) );
1101   mLayerTreeView = new QgsLayerTreeView( this );
1102   mLayerTreeView->setObjectName( QStringLiteral( "theLayerTreeView" ) ); // "theLayerTreeView" used to find this canonical instance later
1103   endProfile();
1105   // create undo widget
1106   startProfile( tr( "Undo dock" ) );
1107   mUndoDock = new QgsDockWidget( tr( "Undo/Redo" ), this );
1108   QShortcut *showUndoDock = new QShortcut( QKeySequence( tr( "Ctrl+5" ) ), this );
1109   connect( showUndoDock, &QShortcut::activated, mUndoDock, &QgsDockWidget::toggleUserVisible );
1110   showUndoDock->setObjectName( QStringLiteral( "ShowUndoPanel" ) );
1111   showUndoDock->setWhatsThis( tr( "Show Undo/Redo Panel" ) );
1113   mUndoWidget = new QgsUndoWidget( mUndoDock, mMapCanvas );
1114   mUndoWidget->setObjectName( QStringLiteral( "Undo" ) );
1115   mUndoDock->setWidget( mUndoWidget );
1116   mUndoDock->setObjectName( QStringLiteral( "undo/redo dock" ) );
1117   endProfile();
1119   // Advanced Digitizing dock
1120   startProfile( tr( "Advanced digitize panel" ) );
1121   mAdvancedDigitizingDockWidget = new QgsAdvancedDigitizingDockWidget( mMapCanvas, this );
1122   mAdvancedDigitizingDockWidget->setWindowTitle( tr( "Advanced Digitizing" ) );
1123   mAdvancedDigitizingDockWidget->setObjectName( QStringLiteral( "AdvancedDigitizingTools" ) );
1125   QShortcut *showAdvancedDigitizingDock = new QShortcut( QKeySequence( tr( "Ctrl+4" ) ), this );
1126   connect( showAdvancedDigitizingDock, &QShortcut::activated, mAdvancedDigitizingDockWidget, &QgsDockWidget::toggleUserVisible );
1127   showAdvancedDigitizingDock->setObjectName( QStringLiteral( "ShowAdvancedDigitizingPanel" ) );
1128   showAdvancedDigitizingDock->setWhatsThis( tr( "Show Advanced Digitizing Panel" ) );
1130   endProfile();
1132   // Statistical Summary dock
1133   startProfile( tr( "Statistics dock" ) );
1134   mStatisticalSummaryDockWidget = new QgsStatisticalSummaryDockWidget( this );
1135   mStatisticalSummaryDockWidget->setObjectName( QStringLiteral( "StatisticalSummaryDockWidget" ) );
1137   QShortcut *showStatsDock = new QShortcut( QKeySequence( tr( "Ctrl+6" ) ), this );
1138   connect( showStatsDock, &QShortcut::activated, mStatisticalSummaryDockWidget, &QgsDockWidget::toggleUserVisible );
1139   showStatsDock->setObjectName( QStringLiteral( "ShowStatisticsPanel" ) );
1140   showStatsDock->setWhatsThis( tr( "Show Statistics Panel" ) );
1142   endProfile();
1144   // Bookmarks dock
1145   startProfile( tr( "Bookmarks widget" ) );
1146   mBookMarksDockWidget = new QgsBookmarks( this );
1147   mBookMarksDockWidget->setObjectName( QStringLiteral( "BookmarksDockWidget" ) );
1149   QShortcut *showBookmarksDock = new QShortcut( QKeySequence( tr( "Ctrl+7" ) ), this );
1150   connect( showBookmarksDock, &QShortcut::activated, mBookMarksDockWidget, &QgsDockWidget::toggleUserVisible );
1151   showBookmarksDock->setObjectName( QStringLiteral( "ShowBookmarksPanel" ) );
1152   showBookmarksDock->setWhatsThis( tr( "Show Bookmarks Panel" ) );
1153   mBookMarksDockWidget->setToggleVisibilityAction( mActionShowBookmarkManager );
1155   connect( mActionShowBookmarks, &QAction::triggered, this, [ = ] { showBookmarks(); } );
1157   endProfile();
1159   startProfile( tr( "Snapping utilities" ) );
1160   mSnappingUtils = new QgsMapCanvasSnappingUtils( mMapCanvas, this );
1161   mMapCanvas->setSnappingUtils( mSnappingUtils );
1162   connect( QgsProject::instance(), &QgsProject::snappingConfigChanged, mSnappingUtils, &QgsSnappingUtils::setConfig );
1164   endProfile();
1166   functionProfile( &QgisApp::createMenus, this, QStringLiteral( "Create menus" ) );
1167   functionProfile( &QgisApp::createActions, this, QStringLiteral( "Create actions" ) );
1168   functionProfile( &QgisApp::createActionGroups, this, QStringLiteral( "Create action group" ) );
1170   // create tools
1171   mMapTools = std::make_unique< QgsAppMapTools >( mMapCanvas, mAdvancedDigitizingDockWidget );
1173   functionProfile( &QgisApp::createToolBars, this, QStringLiteral( "Toolbars" ) );
1174   functionProfile( &QgisApp::createStatusBar, this, QStringLiteral( "Status bar" ) );
1175   functionProfile( &QgisApp::setupCanvasTools, this, QStringLiteral( "Create canvas tools" ) );
1176   const QList< QgsMapToolCapture * > captureTools = mMapTools->captureTools();
1177   for ( QgsMapToolCapture *tool : captureTools )
1178   {
1179     connect( tool->action(), &QAction::toggled, this, [this, tool]( bool checked ) { enableDigitizeTechniqueActions( checked, tool->action() ); } );
1180   }
1182   applyDefaultSettingsToCanvas( mMapCanvas );
1184   functionProfile( &QgisApp::initLayerTreeView, this, QStringLiteral( "Initialize layer tree view" ) );
1185   functionProfile( &QgisApp::createOverview, this, QStringLiteral( "Create overview" ) );
1186   functionProfile( &QgisApp::createMapTips, this, QStringLiteral( "Create map tips" ) );
1187   functionProfile( &QgisApp::createDecorations, this, QStringLiteral( "Create decorations" ) );
1188   functionProfile( &QgisApp::readSettings, this, QStringLiteral( "Read settings" ) );
1189   functionProfile( &QgisApp::updateProjectFromTemplates, this, QStringLiteral( "Update project from templates" ) );
1190   functionProfile( &QgisApp::legendLayerSelectionChanged, this, QStringLiteral( "Legend layer selection changed" ) );
1191   functionProfile( &QgisApp::init3D, this, QStringLiteral( "Initialize 3D support" ) );
1192   functionProfile( &QgisApp::initNativeProcessing, this, QStringLiteral( "Initialize native processing" ) );
1193   functionProfile( &QgisApp::initLayouts, this, QStringLiteral( "Initialize layouts support" ) );
1195   startProfile( tr( "Geometry validation" ) );
1197   mGeometryValidationService = std::make_unique<QgsGeometryValidationService>( QgsProject::instance() );
1198   mGeometryValidationService->setMessageBar( mInfoBar );
1199   mGeometryValidationDock = new QgsGeometryValidationDock( tr( "Geometry Validation" ), mMapCanvas, this );
1200   mGeometryValidationDock->hide();
1201   mGeometryValidationModel = new QgsGeometryValidationModel( mGeometryValidationService.get(), mGeometryValidationDock );
1202   connect( this, &QgisApp::activeLayerChanged, mGeometryValidationModel, [this]( QgsMapLayer * layer )
1203   {
1204     mGeometryValidationModel->setCurrentLayer( qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( layer ) );
1205   } );
1206   mGeometryValidationDock->setGeometryValidationModel( mGeometryValidationModel );
1207   mGeometryValidationDock->setGeometryValidationService( mGeometryValidationService.get() );
1208   endProfile();
1210   QgsApplication::annotationRegistry()->addAnnotationType( QgsAnnotationMetadata( QStringLiteral( "FormAnnotationItem" ), &QgsFormAnnotation::create ) );
1211   connect( QgsProject::instance()->annotationManager(), &QgsAnnotationManager::annotationAdded, this, &QgisApp::annotationCreated );
1213   mSaveRollbackInProgress = false;
1215   QString templateDirName = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "qgis/projectTemplateDir" ),
1216                             QString( QgsApplication::qgisSettingsDirPath() + "project_templates" ) ).toString();
1217   if ( !QFileInfo::exists( templateDirName ) )
1218   {
1219     // create default template directory
1220     if ( !QDir().mkdir( QgsApplication::qgisSettingsDirPath() + "project_templates" ) )
1221       templateDirName.clear();
1222   }
1223   if ( !templateDirName.isEmpty() ) // template directory exists, so watch it!
1224   {
1225     QFileSystemWatcher *projectsTemplateWatcher = new QFileSystemWatcher( this );
1226     projectsTemplateWatcher->addPath( templateDirName );
1227     connect( projectsTemplateWatcher, &QFileSystemWatcher::directoryChanged, this, [this] { updateProjectFromTemplates(); } );
1228   }
1230   // initialize the plugin manager
1231   startProfile( tr( "Plugin manager" ) );
1232   mPluginManager = new QgsPluginManager( this, restorePlugins );
1233   endProfile();
1235   addDockWidget( Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea, mUndoDock );
1236   mUndoDock->hide();
1238   startProfile( tr( "Layer style dock" ) );
1239   mMapStylingDock = new QgsDockWidget( this );
1240   mMapStylingDock->setWindowTitle( tr( "Layer Styling" ) );
1241   mMapStylingDock->setObjectName( QStringLiteral( "LayerStyling" ) );
1242   QShortcut *showStylingDock = new QShortcut( QKeySequence( tr( "Ctrl+3" ) ), this );
1243   connect( showStylingDock, &QShortcut::activated, mMapStylingDock, &QgsDockWidget::toggleUserVisible );
1244   showStylingDock->setObjectName( QStringLiteral( "ShowLayerStylingPanel" ) );
1245   showStylingDock->setWhatsThis( tr( "Show Style Panel" ) );
1247   mMapStyleWidget = new QgsLayerStylingWidget( mMapCanvas, mInfoBar, mMapLayerPanelFactories );
1248   mMapStylingDock->setWidget( mMapStyleWidget );
1249   connect( mMapStyleWidget, &QgsLayerStylingWidget::styleChanged, this, &QgisApp::updateLabelToolButtons );
1250   connect( mMapStylingDock, &QDockWidget::visibilityChanged, mActionStyleDock, &QAction::setChecked );
1252   addDockWidget( Qt::RightDockWidgetArea, mMapStylingDock );
1253   mMapStylingDock->hide();
1254   endProfile();
1256   startProfile( tr( "Developer tools dock" ) );
1257   mDevToolsDock = new QgsDockWidget( this );
1258   mDevToolsDock->setWindowTitle( tr( "Debugging/Development Tools" ) );
1259   mDevToolsDock->setObjectName( QStringLiteral( "DevTools" ) );
1260   QShortcut *showDevToolsDock = new QShortcut( QKeySequence( tr( "F12" ) ), this );
1261   connect( showDevToolsDock, &QShortcut::activated, mDevToolsDock, &QgsDockWidget::toggleUserVisible );
1262   showDevToolsDock->setObjectName( QStringLiteral( "ShowDevToolsPanel" ) );
1263   showDevToolsDock->setWhatsThis( tr( "Show Debugging/Development Tools" ) );
1265   mDevToolsWidget = new QgsDevToolsPanelWidget( mDevToolFactories );
1266   mDevToolsDock->setWidget( mDevToolsWidget );
1267 //  connect( mDevToolsDock, &QDockWidget::visibilityChanged, mActionStyleDock, &QAction::setChecked );
1269   addDockWidget( Qt::RightDockWidgetArea, mDevToolsDock );
1270   mDevToolsDock->hide();
1271   endProfile();
1273   startProfile( tr( "Snapping dialog" ) );
1274   mSnappingDialog = new QgsSnappingWidget( QgsProject::instance(), mMapCanvas, this );
1275   connect( mSnappingDialog, &QgsSnappingWidget::snappingConfigChanged, QgsProject::instance(), [ = ] { QgsProject::instance()->setSnappingConfig( mSnappingDialog->config() ); } );
1276   QString mainSnappingWidgetMode = QgsSettings().value( QStringLiteral( "/qgis/mainSnappingWidgetMode" ), "dialog" ).toString();
1277   if ( mainSnappingWidgetMode == QLatin1String( "dock" ) )
1278   {
1279     QgsDockWidget *dock = new QgsDockWidget( tr( "Snapping and Digitizing Options" ), QgisApp::instance() );
1280     dock->setAllowedAreas( Qt::AllDockWidgetAreas );
1281     dock->setWidget( mSnappingDialog );
1282     dock->setObjectName( QStringLiteral( "Snapping and Digitizing Options" ) );
1283     addDockWidget( Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea, dock );
1284     mSnappingDialogContainer = dock;
1285     dock->hide();
1286   }
1287   else
1288   {
1289     QDialog *dialog = new QDialog( this, Qt::Tool );
1290     dialog->setObjectName( QStringLiteral( "snappingSettings" ) );
1291     dialog->setWindowTitle( tr( "Project Snapping Settings" ) );
1292     QgsGui::instance()->enableAutoGeometryRestore( dialog );
1293     QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout( dialog );
1294     layout->addWidget( mSnappingDialog );
1295     layout->setContentsMargins( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
1296     mSnappingDialogContainer = dialog;
1297   }
1298   endProfile();
1300   mBrowserModel = new QgsBrowserGuiModel( this );
1301   mBrowserWidget = new QgsBrowserDockWidget( tr( "Browser" ), mBrowserModel, this );
1302   mBrowserWidget->setObjectName( QStringLiteral( "Browser" ) );
1303   mBrowserWidget->setMessageBar( mInfoBar );
1305   mTemporalControllerWidget = new QgsTemporalControllerDockWidget( tr( "Temporal Controller" ), this );
1306   mTemporalControllerWidget->setObjectName( QStringLiteral( "Temporal Controller" ) );
1307   addDockWidget( Qt::TopDockWidgetArea, mTemporalControllerWidget );
1308   mTemporalControllerWidget->hide();
1309   mTemporalControllerWidget->setToggleVisibilityAction( mActionTemporalController );
1311   mMapCanvas->setTemporalController( mTemporalControllerWidget->temporalController() );
1312   mTemporalControllerWidget->setMapCanvas( mMapCanvas );
1314   QgsGui::instance()->dataItemGuiProviderRegistry()->addProvider( new QgsAppDirectoryItemGuiProvider() );
1315   QgsGui::instance()->dataItemGuiProviderRegistry()->addProvider( new QgsAppFileItemGuiProvider() );
1316   QgsGui::instance()->dataItemGuiProviderRegistry()->addProvider( new QgsProjectHomeItemGuiProvider() );
1317   QgsGui::instance()->dataItemGuiProviderRegistry()->addProvider( new QgsProjectItemGuiProvider() );
1318   QgsGui::instance()->dataItemGuiProviderRegistry()->addProvider( new QgsFavoritesItemGuiProvider() );
1319   QgsGui::instance()->dataItemGuiProviderRegistry()->addProvider( new QgsLayerItemGuiProvider() );
1320   QgsGui::instance()->dataItemGuiProviderRegistry()->addProvider( new QgsBookmarksItemGuiProvider() );
1321   QgsGui::instance()->dataItemGuiProviderRegistry()->addProvider( new QgsFieldsItemGuiProvider() );
1322   QgsGui::instance()->dataItemGuiProviderRegistry()->addProvider( new QgsFieldItemGuiProvider() );
1323   QgsGui::instance()->dataItemGuiProviderRegistry()->addProvider( new QgsDatabaseItemGuiProvider() );
1325   QShortcut *showBrowserDock = new QShortcut( QKeySequence( tr( "Ctrl+2" ) ), this );
1326   connect( showBrowserDock, &QShortcut::activated, mBrowserWidget, &QgsDockWidget::toggleUserVisible );
1327   showBrowserDock->setObjectName( QStringLiteral( "ShowBrowserPanel" ) );
1328   showBrowserDock->setWhatsThis( tr( "Show Browser Panel" ) );
1330   addDockWidget( Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea, mBrowserWidget );
1331   mBrowserWidget->hide();
1332   // Only connect the first widget: the model is shared, there is no need to refresh multiple times.
1333   connect( this, &QgisApp::connectionsChanged, mBrowserWidget, [ = ]
1334   {
1335     if ( !mBlockBrowser1Refresh && !mBlockBrowser2Refresh )
1336       mBrowserWidget->refresh();
1337   } );
1338   connect( mBrowserWidget, &QgsBrowserDockWidget::connectionsChanged, this, [ = ]
1339   {
1340     mBlockBrowser1Refresh++;
1341     emit connectionsChanged();
1342     mBlockBrowser1Refresh--;
1343   } );
1344   connect( mBrowserWidget, &QgsBrowserDockWidget::openFile, this, &QgisApp::openFile );
1345   connect( mBrowserWidget, &QgsBrowserDockWidget::handleDropUriList, this, &QgisApp::handleDropUriList );
1347   mBrowserWidget2 = new QgsBrowserDockWidget( tr( "Browser (2)" ), mBrowserModel, this );
1348   mBrowserWidget2->setObjectName( QStringLiteral( "Browser2" ) );
1349   addDockWidget( Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea, mBrowserWidget2 );
1350   mBrowserWidget2->hide();
1351   connect( mBrowserWidget2, &QgsBrowserDockWidget::connectionsChanged, this, [ = ]
1352   {
1353     mBlockBrowser2Refresh++;
1354     emit connectionsChanged();
1355     mBlockBrowser2Refresh--;
1356   } );
1357   connect( mBrowserWidget2, &QgsBrowserDockWidget::openFile, this, &QgisApp::openFile );
1358   connect( mBrowserWidget2, &QgsBrowserDockWidget::handleDropUriList, this, &QgisApp::handleDropUriList );
1360   addDockWidget( Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea, mAdvancedDigitizingDockWidget );
1361   mAdvancedDigitizingDockWidget->hide();
1363   addDockWidget( Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea, mStatisticalSummaryDockWidget );
1364   mStatisticalSummaryDockWidget->hide();
1366   addDockWidget( Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea, mBookMarksDockWidget );
1367   mBookMarksDockWidget->hide();
1369   // create the GPS tool on starting QGIS - this is like the browser
1370   mpGpsWidget = new QgsGpsInformationWidget( mMapCanvas );
1371   QgsPanelWidgetStack *gpsStack = new QgsPanelWidgetStack();
1372   gpsStack->setMainPanel( mpGpsWidget );
1373   mpGpsWidget->setDockMode( true );
1374   //create the dock widget
1375   mpGpsDock = new QgsDockWidget( tr( "GPS Information" ), this );
1377   QShortcut *showGpsDock = new QShortcut( QKeySequence( tr( "Ctrl+0" ) ), this );
1378   connect( showGpsDock, &QShortcut::activated, mpGpsDock, &QgsDockWidget::toggleUserVisible );
1379   showGpsDock->setObjectName( QStringLiteral( "ShowGpsPanel" ) );
1380   showGpsDock->setWhatsThis( tr( "Show GPS Information Panel" ) );
1382   mpGpsDock->setObjectName( QStringLiteral( "GPSInformation" ) );
1383   mpGpsDock->setAllowedAreas( Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea | Qt::RightDockWidgetArea );
1384   addDockWidget( Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea, mpGpsDock );
1385   // add to the Panel submenu
1386   // now add our widget to the dock - ownership of the widget is passed to the dock
1387   mpGpsDock->setWidget( gpsStack );
1388   mpGpsDock->hide();
1390   mLastMapToolMessage = nullptr;
1392   mLogViewer = new QgsMessageLogViewer( this );
1394   mLogDock = new QgsDockWidget( tr( "Log Messages" ), this );
1395   mLogDock->setObjectName( QStringLiteral( "MessageLog" ) );
1396   mLogDock->setAllowedAreas( Qt::AllDockWidgetAreas );
1397   addDockWidget( Qt::BottomDockWidgetArea, mLogDock );
1398   mLogDock->setWidget( mLogViewer );
1399   mLogDock->hide();
1400   connect( mMessageButton, &QAbstractButton::toggled, mLogDock, &QgsDockWidget::setUserVisible );
1401   connect( mLogDock, &QgsDockWidget::visibilityChanged, mMessageButton, &QAbstractButton::setChecked );
1402   connect( QgsApplication::messageLog(), static_cast < void ( QgsMessageLog::* )( bool ) >( &QgsMessageLog::messageReceived ), this, &QgisApp::toggleLogMessageIcon );
1403   connect( mMessageButton, &QAbstractButton::toggled, this, &QgisApp::toggleLogMessageIcon );
1404   mVectorLayerTools = new QgsGuiVectorLayerTools();
1406   // Init the editor widget types
1407   QgsGui::editorWidgetRegistry()->initEditors( mMapCanvas, mInfoBar );
1409   mInternalClipboard = new QgsClipboard; // create clipboard
1410   connect( mInternalClipboard, &QgsClipboard::changed, this, &QgisApp::clipboardChanged );
1411   mQgisInterface = new QgisAppInterface( this ); // create the interface
1413 #ifdef Q_OS_MAC
1414   // action for Window menu (create before generating WindowTitleChange event))
1415   mWindowAction = new QAction( this );
1416   connect( mWindowAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( activate() ) );
1418   // add this window to Window menu
1419   addWindow( mWindowAction );
1420 #endif
1422   registerMapLayerPropertiesFactory( new QgsVectorLayerDigitizingPropertiesFactory( this ) );
1423   registerMapLayerPropertiesFactory( new QgsPointCloudRendererWidgetFactory( this ) );
1424 #ifdef HAVE_3D
1425   registerMapLayerPropertiesFactory( new QgsVectorLayer3DRendererWidgetFactory( this ) );
1426   registerMapLayerPropertiesFactory( new QgsMeshLayer3DRendererWidgetFactory( this ) );
1427   registerMapLayerPropertiesFactory( new QgsPointCloudLayer3DRendererWidgetFactory( this ) );
1428 #endif
1429   registerMapLayerPropertiesFactory( new QgsPointCloudElevationPropertiesWidgetFactory( this ) );
1430   registerMapLayerPropertiesFactory( new QgsAnnotationItemPropertiesWidgetFactory( this ) );
1432   activateDeactivateLayerRelatedActions( nullptr ); // after members were created
1434   connect( QgsGui::mapLayerActionRegistry(), &QgsMapLayerActionRegistry::changed, this, &QgisApp::refreshActionFeatureAction );
1436   // set application's caption
1437   QString caption = tr( "QGIS - %1 ('%2')" ).arg( Qgis::version(), Qgis::releaseName() );
1438   setWindowTitle( caption );
1440   // QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "QGIS starting…" ), QString(), Qgis::MessageLevel::Info );
1442   connect( QgsProject::instance(), &QgsProject::isDirtyChanged, this, [ = ] { setTitleBarText_( *this ); } );
1444   // set QGIS specific srs validation
1445   connect( this, &QgisApp::customCrsValidation,
1446            this, &QgisApp::validateCrs );
1447   QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem::setCustomCrsValidation( customSrsValidation_ );
1449   // set graphical message output
1450   QgsMessageOutput::setMessageOutputCreator( messageOutputViewer_ );
1452   // set graphical credential requester
1453   new QgsCredentialDialog( this );
1455   mLocatorWidget->setMapCanvas( mMapCanvas );
1456   connect( mLocatorWidget, &QgsLocatorWidget::configTriggered, this, [ = ] { showOptionsDialog( this, QStringLiteral( "mOptionsLocatorSettings" ) ); } );
1458   qApp->processEvents();
1460   // load providers
1461   mSplash->showMessage( tr( "Checking provider plugins" ), Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignBottom, splashTextColor );
1462   qApp->processEvents();
1464   // Setup QgsNetworkAccessManager (this needs to happen after authentication, for proxy settings)
1465   namSetup();
1468 #ifdef HAVE_OPENCL
1469   // Setup the default OpenCL programs source path, this my be overridden later by main.cpp startup
1470   QgsOpenClUtils::setSourcePath( QDir( QgsApplication::pkgDataPath() ).absoluteFilePath( QStringLiteral( "resources/opencl_programs" ) ) );
1471 #endif
1474   QgsApplication::dataItemProviderRegistry()->addProvider( new QgsBookmarksDataItemProvider() );
1475   registerCustomDropHandler( new QgsBookmarkDropHandler() );
1476   QgsApplication::dataItemProviderRegistry()->addProvider( new QgsQlrDataItemProvider() );
1477   registerCustomDropHandler( new QgsQlrDropHandler() );
1478   QgsApplication::dataItemProviderRegistry()->addProvider( new QgsQptDataItemProvider() );
1479   registerCustomDropHandler( new QgsQptDropHandler() );
1480   QgsApplication::dataItemProviderRegistry()->addProvider( new QgsStyleXmlDataItemProvider() );
1481   registerCustomDropHandler( new QgsStyleXmlDropHandler() );
1482   QgsApplication::dataItemProviderRegistry()->addProvider( new QgsHtmlDataItemProvider() );
1484   // set handler for missing layers (will be owned by QgsProject)
1485   mAppBadLayersHandler = new QgsHandleBadLayersHandler();
1486   QgsProject::instance()->setBadLayerHandler( mAppBadLayersHandler );
1488   mSplash->showMessage( tr( "Starting Python" ), Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignBottom, splashTextColor );
1489   qApp->processEvents();
1490   loadPythonSupport();
1492 #ifdef WITH_BINDINGS
1493   QgsApplication::dataItemProviderRegistry()->addProvider( new QgsPyDataItemProvider() );
1494   registerCustomDropHandler( new QgsPyDropHandler() );
1495 #endif
1497   QgsApplication::dataItemProviderRegistry()->addProvider( new QgsProjectDataItemProvider() );
1499   // now when all data item providers are registered, customize both browsers
1500   QgsCustomization::instance()->updateBrowserWidget( mBrowserWidget );
1501   QgsCustomization::instance()->updateBrowserWidget( mBrowserWidget2 );
1504   // populate annotation toolbar with initial items...
1505   const QList< int > itemMetadataIds = QgsGui::annotationItemGuiRegistry()->itemMetadataIds();
1506   for ( int id : itemMetadataIds )
1507   {
1508     annotationItemTypeAdded( id );
1509   }
1510   //..and listen out for new item types
1511   connect( QgsGui::annotationItemGuiRegistry(), &QgsAnnotationItemGuiRegistry::typeAdded, this, &QgisApp::annotationItemTypeAdded );
1514   // Create the plugin registry and load plugins
1515   // load any plugins that were running in the last session
1516   mSplash->showMessage( tr( "Restoring loaded plugins" ), Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignBottom, splashTextColor );
1517   qApp->processEvents();
1518   QgsPluginRegistry::instance()->setQgisInterface( mQgisInterface );
1520   if ( restorePlugins )
1521   {
1522     // Restoring of plugins can be disabled with --noplugins command line option
1523     // because some plugins may cause QGIS to crash during startup
1524     QgsPluginRegistry::instance()->restoreSessionPlugins( QgsApplication::pluginPath() );
1526     // Also restore plugins from user specified plugin directories
1527     QString myPaths = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "plugins/searchPathsForPlugins" ), "" ).toString();
1528     if ( !myPaths.isEmpty() )
1529     {
1530       QStringList myPathList = myPaths.split( '|' );
1531       QgsPluginRegistry::instance()->restoreSessionPlugins( myPathList );
1532     }
1533   }
1535 #ifdef WITH_BINDINGS
1536   if ( mPythonUtils && mPythonUtils->isEnabled() )
1537   {
1538     startProfile( tr( "Plugin installer" ) );
1539     // initialize the plugin installer to start fetching repositories in background
1540     QgsPythonRunner::run( QStringLiteral( "import pyplugin_installer" ) );
1541     QgsPythonRunner::run( QStringLiteral( "pyplugin_installer.initPluginInstaller()" ) );
1542     // enable Python in the Plugin Manager and pass the PythonUtils to it
1543     mPluginManager->setPythonUtils( mPythonUtils );
1544     // add Python Console options
1545     initPythonConsoleOptions();
1546     endProfile();
1547   }
1548   else if ( mActionShowPythonDialog )
1549 #endif
1550   {
1551     // python is disabled so get rid of the action for python console
1552     // and installing plugin from ZUIP
1553     delete mActionShowPythonDialog;
1554     mActionShowPythonDialog = nullptr;
1555   }
1557   // Update recent project list (as possible custom project storages are now registered by plugins)
1558   mSplash->showMessage( tr( "Updating recent project paths" ), Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignBottom );
1559   qApp->processEvents();
1560   startProfile( tr( "Update recent project paths" ) );
1561   updateRecentProjectPaths();
1562   mWelcomePage->setRecentProjects( mRecentProjects );
1563   endProfile();
1565   // Set icon size of toolbars
1566   if ( settings.contains( QStringLiteral( "/qgis/iconSize" ) ) )
1567   {
1568     int size = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "/qgis/iconSize" ) ).toInt();
1569     if ( size < 16 )
1570       size = QGIS_ICON_SIZE;
1571     setIconSizes( size );
1572   }
1573   else
1574   {
1575     // first run, guess a good icon size
1576     int size = chooseReasonableDefaultIconSize();
1577     settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "/qgis/iconSize" ), size );
1578     setIconSizes( size );
1579   }
1581   QgsApplication::validityCheckRegistry()->addCheck( new QgsLayoutScaleBarValidityCheck() );
1582   QgsApplication::validityCheckRegistry()->addCheck( new QgsLayoutNorthArrowValidityCheck() );
1583   QgsApplication::validityCheckRegistry()->addCheck( new QgsLayoutOverviewValidityCheck() );
1584   QgsApplication::validityCheckRegistry()->addCheck( new QgsLayoutPictureSourceValidityCheck() );
1586   mSplash->showMessage( tr( "Initializing file filters" ), Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignBottom, splashTextColor );
1587   qApp->processEvents();
1589   // now build vector and raster file filters
1590   mVectorFileFilter = QgsProviderRegistry::instance()->fileVectorFilters();
1591   mRasterFileFilter = QgsProviderRegistry::instance()->fileRasterFilters();
1593 #if 0
1594   // Set the background color for toolbox and overview as they default to
1595   // white instead of the window color
1596   QPalette myPalette = toolBox->palette();
1597   myPalette.setColor( QPalette::Button, myPalette.window().color() );
1598   toolBox->setPalette( myPalette );
1599   //do the same for legend control
1600   myPalette = toolBox->palette();
1601   myPalette.setColor( QPalette::Button, myPalette.window().color() );
1602   mMapLegend->setPalette( myPalette );
1603   //and for overview control this is done in createOverView method
1604 #endif
1605   // Do this last in the ctor to ensure that all members are instantiated properly
1606   setupConnections();
1607   //
1608   // Please make sure this is the last thing the ctor does so that we can ensure the
1609   // widgets are all initialized before trying to restore their state.
1610   //
1611   mSplash->showMessage( tr( "Restoring window state" ), Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignBottom, splashTextColor );
1612   qApp->processEvents();
1613   startProfile( tr( "Restore window state" ) );
1614   restoreWindowState();
1615   endProfile();
1617   // do main window customization - after window state has been restored, before the window is shown
1618   startProfile( tr( "Update customization on main window" ) );
1619   QgsCustomization::instance()->updateMainWindow( mToolbarMenu, mPanelMenu );
1620   endProfile();
1622   mSplash->showMessage( tr( "Populate saved styles" ), Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignBottom, splashTextColor );
1623   startProfile( tr( "Populate saved styles" ) );
1624   QgsStyle::defaultStyle();
1625   endProfile();
1627   mSplash->showMessage( tr( "QGIS Ready!" ), Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignBottom, splashTextColor );
1629   QgsMessageLog::logMessage( QgsApplication::showSettings(), QString(), Qgis::MessageLevel::Info );
1631   //QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "QGIS Ready!" ), QString(), Qgis::MessageLevel::Info );
1633   mMapTipsVisible = false;
1634   // This turns on the map tip if they where active in the last session
1635   if ( settings.value( QStringLiteral( "qgis/enableMapTips" ), false ).toBool() )
1636   {
1637     toggleMapTips( true );
1638   }
1640   mPythonMacrosEnabled = false;
1642   // setup drag drop
1643   setAcceptDrops( true );
1645   mFullScreenMode = false;
1646   mPrevScreenModeMaximized = false;
1647   startProfile( tr( "Show main window" ) );
1648   show();
1649   qApp->processEvents();
1650   endProfile();
1652   QgsGui::setWindowManager( new QgsAppWindowManager() );
1654   mMapCanvas->clearExtentHistory(); // reset zoomnext/zoomlast
1656   QShortcut *zoomInShortCut = new QShortcut( QKeySequence( tr( "Ctrl++" ) ), this );
1657   connect( zoomInShortCut, &QShortcut::activated, mMapCanvas, &QgsMapCanvas::zoomIn );
1658   zoomInShortCut->setObjectName( QStringLiteral( "ZoomInToCanvas" ) );
1659   zoomInShortCut->setWhatsThis( tr( "Zoom in to canvas" ) );
1660   zoomInShortCut->setProperty( "Icon", QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionZoomIn.svg" ) ) );
1662   QShortcut *zoomShortCut2 = new QShortcut( QKeySequence( tr( "Ctrl+=" ) ), this );
1663   connect( zoomShortCut2, &QShortcut::activated, mMapCanvas, &QgsMapCanvas::zoomIn );
1664   zoomShortCut2->setObjectName( QStringLiteral( "ZoomInToCanvas2" ) );
1665   zoomShortCut2->setWhatsThis( tr( "Zoom in to canvas (secondary)" ) );
1666   zoomShortCut2->setProperty( "Icon", QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionZoomIn.svg" ) ) );
1668   QShortcut *zoomOutShortCut = new QShortcut( QKeySequence( tr( "Ctrl+-" ) ), this );
1669   connect( zoomOutShortCut, &QShortcut::activated, mMapCanvas, &QgsMapCanvas::zoomOut );
1670   zoomOutShortCut->setObjectName( QStringLiteral( "ZoomOutOfCanvas" ) );
1671   zoomOutShortCut->setWhatsThis( tr( "Zoom out of canvas" ) );
1672   zoomOutShortCut->setProperty( "Icon", QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionZoomOut.svg" ) ) );
1674   //also make ctrl+alt+= a shortcut to switch to zoom in map tool
1675   QShortcut *zoomInToolShortCut = new QShortcut( QKeySequence( tr( "Ctrl+Alt+=" ) ), this );
1676   connect( zoomInToolShortCut, &QShortcut::activated, this, &QgisApp::zoomIn );
1677   zoomInToolShortCut->setObjectName( QStringLiteral( "ZoomIn2" ) );
1678   zoomInToolShortCut->setWhatsThis( tr( "Zoom in (secondary)" ) );
1679   zoomInToolShortCut->setProperty( "Icon", QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionZoomIn.svg" ) ) );
1681   QShortcut *shortcutTracing = new QShortcut( QKeySequence( tr( "Ctrl+Shift+." ) ), this );
1682   connect( shortcutTracing, &QShortcut::activated, this, &QgisApp::toggleEventTracing );
1684   if ( ! QTouchDevice::devices().isEmpty() )
1685   {
1686     //add reacting to long click in touch
1687     grabGesture( Qt::TapAndHoldGesture );
1688   }
1690   connect( QgsApplication::taskManager(), &QgsTaskManager::statusChanged, this, &QgisApp::onTaskCompleteShowNotify );
1692   QgsGui::instance()->nativePlatformInterface()->initializeMainWindow( windowHandle(),
1693       QgsApplication::applicationName(),
1694       QgsApplication::organizationName(),
1695       Qgis::version() );
1696   connect( QgsGui::instance()->nativePlatformInterface(), &QgsNative::usbStorageNotification, mBrowserModel, &QgsBrowserModel::refreshDrives );
1698   // setup application progress reports from task manager
1699   connect( QgsApplication::taskManager(), &QgsTaskManager::taskAdded, this, []
1700   {
1701     QgsGui::instance()->nativePlatformInterface()->showUndefinedApplicationProgress();
1702   } );
1703   connect( QgsApplication::taskManager(), &QgsTaskManager::finalTaskProgressChanged, this, []( double val )
1704   {
1705     QgsGui::instance()->nativePlatformInterface()->setApplicationProgress( val );
1706   } );
1707   connect( QgsApplication::taskManager(), &QgsTaskManager::allTasksFinished, this, []
1708   {
1709     QgsGui::instance()->nativePlatformInterface()->hideApplicationProgress();
1710   } );
1711   connect( QgsApplication::taskManager(), &QgsTaskManager::countActiveTasksChanged, this, []( int count )
1712   {
1713     QgsGui::instance()->nativePlatformInterface()->setApplicationBadgeCount( count );
1714   } );
1716   ( void )new QgsAppMissingGridHandler( this );
1718   // supposedly all actions have been added, now register them to the shortcut manager
1719   QgsGui::shortcutsManager()->registerAllChildren( this );
1720   QgsGui::shortcutsManager()->registerAllChildren( mSnappingWidget );
1722   // register additional action
1723   auto registerShortcuts = [ = ]( const QString & sequence, const QString & objectName, const QString & whatsThis )
1724   {
1725     QShortcut *sc = new QShortcut( QKeySequence( sequence ), this );
1726     sc->setContext( Qt::ApplicationShortcut );
1727     sc->setObjectName( objectName );
1728     sc->setWhatsThis( whatsThis );
1729     QgsGui::shortcutsManager()->registerShortcut( sc, sequence );
1730   };
1731   registerShortcuts( QStringLiteral( "Ctrl+Alt+{" ), QStringLiteral( "mAttributeTableFirstEditedFeature" ), tr( "Edit first feature in attribute table" ) );
1732   registerShortcuts( QStringLiteral( "Ctrl+Alt+[" ), QStringLiteral( "mAttributeTablePreviousEditedFeature" ), tr( "Edit previous feature in attribute table" ) );
1733   registerShortcuts( QStringLiteral( "Ctrl+Alt+]" ), QStringLiteral( "mAttributeTableNextEditedFeature" ), tr( "Edit next feature in attribute table" ) );
1734   registerShortcuts( QStringLiteral( "Ctrl+Alt+}" ), QStringLiteral( "mAttributeTableLastEditedFeature" ), tr( "Edit last feature in attribute table" ) );
1736   QgsGui::providerGuiRegistry()->registerGuis( this );
1738   setupLayoutManagerConnections();
1740   setupDuplicateFeaturesAction();
1742   // support for project storage
1743   connect( mProjectFromStorageMenu, &QMenu::aboutToShow, this, [this] { populateProjectStorageMenu( mProjectFromStorageMenu, false ); } );
1744   connect( mProjectToStorageMenu, &QMenu::aboutToShow, this, [this] { populateProjectStorageMenu( mProjectToStorageMenu, true ); } );
1746   QList<QAction *> actions = mPanelMenu->actions();
1747   std::sort( actions.begin(), actions.end(), cmpByText_ );
1748   mPanelMenu->insertActions( nullptr, actions );
1750   mBearingNumericFormat.reset( QgsLocalDefaultSettings::bearingFormat() );
1752   mNetworkLoggerWidgetFactory.reset( std::make_unique< QgsNetworkLoggerWidgetFactory >( mNetworkLogger ) );
1754   // update windows
1755   qApp->processEvents();
1757   // notify user if authentication system is disabled
1758   ( void )QgsAuthGuiUtils::isDisabled( messageBar() );
1760   startProfile( tr( "New project" ) );
1761   fileNewBlank(); // prepare empty project, also skips any default templates from loading
1762   updateCrsStatusBar();
1763   endProfile();
1765   connect( qobject_cast< QgsMapToolModifyAnnotation * >( mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::AnnotationEdit ) ), &QgsMapToolModifyAnnotation::itemSelected,
1766            mMapStyleWidget, &QgsLayerStylingWidget::setAnnotationItem );
1767   connect( qobject_cast< QgsMapToolModifyAnnotation * >( mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::AnnotationEdit ) ), &QgsMapToolModifyAnnotation::selectionCleared,
1768            mMapStyleWidget, [this] { mMapStyleWidget->setAnnotationItem( nullptr, QString() ); } );
1770   // request notification of FileOpen events (double clicking a file icon in Mac OS X Finder)
1771   // should come after fileNewBlank to ensure project is properly set up to receive any data source files
1772   QgsApplication::setFileOpenEventReceiver( this );
1774 #ifdef ANDROID
1775   toggleFullScreen();
1776 #endif
1778   mStartupProfilerWidgetFactory.reset( std::make_unique< QgsProfilerWidgetFactory >( profiler ) );
1780   auto toggleRevert = [ = ]
1781   {
1782     mActionRevertProject->setEnabled( QgsProject::instance()->isDirty() &&!QgsProject::instance()->fileName().isEmpty() );
1783   };
1784   connect( QgsProject::instance(), &QgsProject::isDirtyChanged, mActionRevertProject, toggleRevert );
1785   connect( QgsProject::instance(), &QgsProject::fileNameChanged, mActionRevertProject, toggleRevert );
1787   connect( QgsProject::instance()->displaySettings(), &QgsProjectDisplaySettings::bearingFormatChanged, this, [ = ]
1788   {
1789     mBearingNumericFormat.reset( QgsProject::instance()->displaySettings()->bearingFormat()->clone() );
1790   } );
1791   connect( mMapCanvas, &QgsMapCanvas::panDistanceBearingChanged, this, &QgisApp::showPanMessage );
1793   // the most important part of the initialization: make sure that people can play puzzle if they need
1794   QgsPuzzleWidget *puzzleWidget = new QgsPuzzleWidget( mMapCanvas );
1795   mCentralContainer->insertWidget( 2, puzzleWidget );
1796   connect( mCoordsEdit, &QgsStatusBarCoordinatesWidget::weAreBored, this, [ this, puzzleWidget ]
1797   {
1798     if ( puzzleWidget->letsGetThePartyStarted() )
1799       mCentralContainer->setCurrentIndex( 2 );
1800   } );
1801   connect( puzzleWidget, &QgsPuzzleWidget::done, this, [ this ]
1802   {
1803     mCentralContainer->setCurrentIndex( 0 );
1804   } );
1806   mCodeEditorWidgetFactory.reset( std::make_unique< QgsCodeEditorOptionsFactory >() );
1807   mBabelGpsDevicesWidgetFactory.reset( std::make_unique< QgsGpsDeviceOptionsFactory >() );
1809 #ifdef HAVE_3D
1810   m3DOptionsWidgetFactory.reset( std::make_unique< Qgs3DOptionsFactory >() );
1811 #endif
1812 }
QgisApp()1814 QgisApp::QgisApp()
1815   : QMainWindow( nullptr, Qt::WindowFlags() )
1816 #ifdef Q_OS_MAC
1817   , mWindowMenu( nullptr )
1818 #endif
1819 {
1820   sInstance = this;
1821   setupUi( this );
1822   mInternalClipboard = new QgsClipboard;
1823   mMapCanvas = new QgsMapCanvas();
1824   connect( mMapCanvas, &QgsMapCanvas::messageEmitted, this, &QgisApp::displayMessage );
1825   QgsCanvasRefreshBlocker refreshBlocker;
1826   mLayerTreeView = new QgsLayerTreeView( this );
1827   QgsLayerTreeModel *model = new QgsLayerTreeModel( QgsProject::instance()->layerTreeRoot(), this );
1828   mLayerTreeView->setModel( model );
1829   mUndoWidget = new QgsUndoWidget( nullptr, mMapCanvas );
1830   mUserInputDockWidget = new QgsUserInputWidget( this );
1831   mInfoBar = new QgsMessageBar( centralWidget() );
1832   mLayerTreeView->setMessageBar( mInfoBar );
1833   mAdvancedDigitizingDockWidget = new QgsAdvancedDigitizingDockWidget( mMapCanvas, this );
1834   mPanelMenu = new QMenu( this );
1835   mProgressBar = new QProgressBar( this );
1836   mStatusBar = new QgsStatusBar( this );
1838   mBearingNumericFormat.reset( QgsLocalDefaultSettings::bearingFormat() );
1839   // More tests may need more members to be initialized
1840 }
~QgisApp()1842 QgisApp::~QgisApp()
1843 {
1844   // shouldn't be needed, but from this stage on, we don't want/need ANY map canvas refreshes to take place
1845   mFreezeCount = 1000000;
1848   if ( mGeoreferencer )
1849   {
1850     delete mGeoreferencer;
1851     mGeoreferencer = nullptr;
1852   }
1853 #endif
1855   mNetworkLoggerWidgetFactory.reset();
1857   delete mInternalClipboard;
1858   delete mQgisInterface;
1859   delete mStyleSheetBuilder;
1861   if ( QgsMapTool *tool = mMapCanvas->mapTool() )
1862     mMapCanvas->unsetMapTool( tool );
1863   mMapTools.reset();
1865   // must come after deleting map tools
1866   delete mAdvancedDigitizingDockWidget;
1867   mAdvancedDigitizingDockWidget = nullptr;
1869   delete mpMaptip;
1871   delete mpGpsWidget;
1873   delete mOverviewMapCursor;
1875   delete mTracer;
1877   delete mVectorLayerTools;
1878   delete mWelcomePage;
1879   delete mBookMarksDockWidget;
1881   // Gracefully delete window manager now
1882   QgsGui::setWindowManager( nullptr );
1884   deleteLayoutDesigners();
1885   removeAnnotationItems();
1887   // cancel request for FileOpen events
1888   QgsApplication::setFileOpenEventReceiver( nullptr );
1890   unregisterCustomLayoutDropHandler( mLayoutQptDropHandler );
1891   unregisterCustomLayoutDropHandler( mLayoutImageDropHandler );
1893 #ifdef WITH_BINDINGS
1894   delete mPythonUtils;
1895 #endif
1897   delete mDataSourceManagerDialog;
1898   qDeleteAll( mCustomDropHandlers );
1899   qDeleteAll( mCustomLayoutDropHandlers );
1901   const QList<QgsMapCanvas *> canvases = mapCanvases();
1902   for ( QgsMapCanvas *canvas : canvases )
1903   {
1904     delete canvas;
1905   }
1907   // these may have references to map layers which need to be cleaned up
1908   mBrowserWidget->close(); // close first, to trigger save of state
1909   delete mBrowserWidget;
1910   mBrowserWidget = nullptr;
1911   delete mBrowserWidget2;
1912   mBrowserWidget2 = nullptr;
1913   delete mBrowserModel;
1914   mBrowserModel = nullptr;
1915   delete mGeometryValidationDock;
1916   mGeometryValidationDock = nullptr;
1917   delete mSnappingUtils;
1918   mSnappingUtils = nullptr;
1919   delete mUserInputDockWidget;
1920   mUserInputDockWidget = nullptr;
1921   delete mMapStylingDock;
1922   mMapStylingDock = nullptr;
1924   QgsGui::instance()->nativePlatformInterface()->cleanup();
1926   // This function *MUST* be the last one called, as it destroys in
1927   // particular GDAL. As above objects can hold GDAL/OGR objects, it is not
1928   // safe destroying them afterwards
1929   QgsApplication::exitQgis();
1930   // Do *NOT* add anything here !
1931 }
dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent * event)1933 void QgisApp::dragEnterEvent( QDragEnterEvent *event )
1934 {
1935   if ( event->mimeData()->hasUrls() || event->mimeData()->hasFormat( QStringLiteral( "application/x-vnd.qgis.qgis.uri" ) ) )
1936   {
1937     // the mime data are coming from layer tree, so ignore that, do not import those layers again
1938     if ( !event->mimeData()->hasFormat( QStringLiteral( "application/qgis.layertreemodeldata" ) ) )
1939       event->acceptProposedAction();
1940   }
1942   // check if any custom handlers can operate on the data
1943   const QVector<QPointer<QgsCustomDropHandler >> handlers = mCustomDropHandlers;
1944   for ( QgsCustomDropHandler *handler : handlers )
1945   {
1946     if ( handler && handler->canHandleMimeData( event->mimeData() ) )
1947     {
1948       event->acceptProposedAction();
1949       return;
1950     }
1951   }
1952 }
dropEvent(QDropEvent * event)1954 void QgisApp::dropEvent( QDropEvent *event )
1955 {
1956   // dragging app is locked for the duration of dropEvent. This causes explorer windows to hang
1957   // while large projects/layers are loaded. So instead we return from dropEvent as quickly as possible
1958   // and do the actual handling of the drop after a very short timeout
1959   QTimer *timer = new QTimer( this );
1960   timer->setSingleShot( true );
1961   timer->setInterval( 50 );
1963   // first, allow custom handlers to directly operate on the mime data
1964   const QVector<QPointer<QgsCustomDropHandler >> handlers = mCustomDropHandlers;
1965   for ( QgsCustomDropHandler *handler : handlers )
1966   {
1967     if ( handler )
1968     {
1969       if ( handler->handleMimeDataV2( event->mimeData() ) )
1970       {
1971         // custom handler completely handled this data, no further processing required
1972         event->acceptProposedAction();
1973         return;
1974       }
1977       handler->handleMimeData( event->mimeData() );
1979     }
1980   }
1982   // get the file list
1983   QList<QUrl>::iterator i;
1984   QList<QUrl>urls = event->mimeData()->urls();
1985   QStringList files;
1986   for ( i = urls.begin(); i != urls.end(); ++i )
1987   {
1988     QString fileName = i->toLocalFile();
1989     // seems that some drag and drop operations include an empty url
1990     // so we test for length to make sure we have something
1991     if ( !fileName.isEmpty() )
1992     {
1993       files << fileName;
1994     }
1995   }
1997   QgsMimeDataUtils::UriList lst;
1998   if ( QgsMimeDataUtils::isUriList( event->mimeData() ) )
1999   {
2000     lst = QgsMimeDataUtils::decodeUriList( event->mimeData() );
2001   }
2003   connect( timer, &QTimer::timeout, this, [this, timer, files, lst]
2004   {
2005     QgsCanvasRefreshBlocker refreshBlocker;
2007     for ( const QString &file : std::as_const( files ) )
2008     {
2009       bool handled = false;
2011       // give custom drop handlers first priority at handling the file
2012       const QVector<QPointer<QgsCustomDropHandler >> handlers = mCustomDropHandlers;
2013       for ( QgsCustomDropHandler *handler : handlers )
2014       {
2015         if ( handler && handler->handleFileDrop( file ) )
2016         {
2017           handled = true;
2018           break;
2019         }
2020       }
2022       if ( !handled )
2023         openFile( file );
2024     }
2026     if ( !lst.isEmpty() )
2027     {
2028       handleDropUriList( lst );
2029     }
2031     timer->deleteLater();
2032   } );
2034   event->acceptProposedAction();
2035   timer->start();
2036 }
annotationCreated(QgsAnnotation * annotation)2038 void QgisApp::annotationCreated( QgsAnnotation *annotation )
2039 {
2040   const auto canvases = mapCanvases();
2041   // create canvas annotation item for annotation
2042   for ( QgsMapCanvas *canvas : canvases )
2043   {
2044     QgsMapCanvasAnnotationItem *canvasItem = new QgsMapCanvasAnnotationItem( annotation, canvas );
2045     Q_UNUSED( canvasItem ) //item is already added automatically to canvas scene
2046   }
2047 }
registerCustomDropHandler(QgsCustomDropHandler * handler)2049 void QgisApp::registerCustomDropHandler( QgsCustomDropHandler *handler )
2050 {
2051   if ( !mCustomDropHandlers.contains( handler ) )
2052     mCustomDropHandlers << handler;
2054   const auto canvases = mapCanvases();
2055   for ( QgsMapCanvas *canvas : canvases )
2056   {
2057     canvas->setCustomDropHandlers( mCustomDropHandlers );
2058   }
2059 }
unregisterCustomDropHandler(QgsCustomDropHandler * handler)2061 void QgisApp::unregisterCustomDropHandler( QgsCustomDropHandler *handler )
2062 {
2063   mCustomDropHandlers.removeOne( handler );
2065   const auto canvases = mapCanvases();
2066   for ( QgsMapCanvas *canvas : canvases )
2067   {
2068     canvas->setCustomDropHandlers( mCustomDropHandlers );
2069   }
2070 }
registerCustomProjectOpenHandler(QgsCustomProjectOpenHandler * handler)2072 void QgisApp::registerCustomProjectOpenHandler( QgsCustomProjectOpenHandler *handler )
2073 {
2074   if ( !mCustomProjectOpenHandlers.contains( handler ) )
2075     mCustomProjectOpenHandlers << handler;
2076 }
unregisterCustomProjectOpenHandler(QgsCustomProjectOpenHandler * handler)2078 void QgisApp::unregisterCustomProjectOpenHandler( QgsCustomProjectOpenHandler *handler )
2079 {
2080   mCustomProjectOpenHandlers.removeOne( handler );
2081 }
customDropHandlers() const2083 QVector<QPointer<QgsCustomDropHandler> > QgisApp::customDropHandlers() const
2084 {
2085   return mCustomDropHandlers;
2086 }
registerCustomLayoutDropHandler(QgsLayoutCustomDropHandler * handler)2088 void QgisApp::registerCustomLayoutDropHandler( QgsLayoutCustomDropHandler *handler )
2089 {
2090   if ( !mCustomLayoutDropHandlers.contains( handler ) )
2091     mCustomLayoutDropHandlers << handler;
2092 }
unregisterCustomLayoutDropHandler(QgsLayoutCustomDropHandler * handler)2094 void QgisApp::unregisterCustomLayoutDropHandler( QgsLayoutCustomDropHandler *handler )
2095 {
2096   mCustomLayoutDropHandlers.removeOne( handler );
2097 }
customLayoutDropHandlers() const2099 QVector<QPointer<QgsLayoutCustomDropHandler> > QgisApp::customLayoutDropHandlers() const
2100 {
2101   return mCustomLayoutDropHandlers;
2102 }
handleDropUriList(const QgsMimeDataUtils::UriList & lst)2104 void QgisApp::handleDropUriList( const QgsMimeDataUtils::UriList &lst )
2105 {
2106   // avoid unnecessary work when adding lots of layers at once - defer emitting the active layer changed signal until we've
2107   // added all layers, and only emit the signal once for the final layer added
2108   mBlockActiveLayerChanged = true;
2110   QgsScopedProxyProgressTask task( tr( "Loading layers" ) );
2113   auto showLayerLoadWarnings = [ = ]( const QString & title, const QString & shortMessage, const QString & longMessage, Qgis::MessageLevel level )
2114   {
2115     QgsMessageBarItem *messageWidget = visibleMessageBar()->createMessage( title, shortMessage );
2116     QPushButton *detailsButton = new QPushButton( tr( "Details" ) );
2117     connect( detailsButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, [ = ]
2118     {
2119       if ( QgsMessageViewer *dialog = dynamic_cast< QgsMessageViewer * >( QgsMessageOutput::createMessageOutput() ) )
2120       {
2121         dialog->setTitle( title );
2122         dialog->setMessage( longMessage, QgsMessageOutput::MessageHtml );
2123         dialog->showMessage();
2124       }
2125     } );
2126     messageWidget->layout()->addWidget( detailsButton );
2127     return visibleMessageBar()->pushWidget( messageWidget, level, 0 );
2128   };
2130   // insert items in reverse order as each one is inserted on top of previous one
2131   int count = 0;
2132   for ( int i = lst.size() - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i--, count++ )
2133   {
2134     const QgsMimeDataUtils::Uri &u = lst.at( i );
2136     QString uri = crsAndFormatAdjustedLayerUri( u.uri, u.supportedCrs, u.supportedFormats );
2138     if ( u.layerType == QLatin1String( "collection" ) )
2139     {
2140       openLayer( uri, true );
2141     }
2142     else if ( u.layerType == QLatin1String( "vector" ) )
2143     {
2144       addVectorLayer( uri, u.name, u.providerKey );
2145     }
2146     else if ( u.layerType == QLatin1String( "raster" ) )
2147     {
2148       addRasterLayer( uri, u.name, u.providerKey );
2149     }
2150     else if ( u.layerType == QLatin1String( "mesh" ) )
2151     {
2152       addMeshLayer( uri, u.name, u.providerKey );
2153     }
2154     else if ( u.layerType == QLatin1String( "pointcloud" ) )
2155     {
2156       addPointCloudLayer( uri, u.name, u.providerKey );
2157     }
2158     else if ( u.layerType == QLatin1String( "vector-tile" ) )
2159     {
2160       QgsTemporaryCursorOverride busyCursor( Qt::WaitCursor );
2162       const QgsVectorTileLayer::LayerOptions options( QgsProject::instance()->transformContext() );
2163       QgsVectorTileLayer *layer = new QgsVectorTileLayer( uri, u.name, options );
2164       bool ok = false;
2165       layer->loadDefaultMetadata( ok );
2167       QString error;
2168       QStringList warnings;
2169       bool res = layer->loadDefaultStyle( error, warnings );
2170       if ( res && !warnings.empty() )
2171       {
2172         QString message = QStringLiteral( "<p>%1</p>" ).arg( tr( "The following warnings were generated while converting the vector tile style:" ) );
2173         message += QLatin1String( "<ul>" );
2175         std::sort( warnings.begin(), warnings.end() );
2176         warnings.erase( std::unique( warnings.begin(), warnings.end() ), warnings.end() );
2178         for ( const QString &w : std::as_const( warnings ) )
2179         {
2180           message += QStringLiteral( "<li>%1</li>" ).arg( w.toHtmlEscaped().replace( '\n', QLatin1String( "<br>" ) ) );
2181         }
2182         message += QLatin1String( "</ul>" );
2183         showLayerLoadWarnings( tr( "Vector tiles" ), tr( "Style could not be completely converted" ),
2184                                message, Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning );
2185       }
2186       addMapLayer( layer );
2187     }
2188     else if ( u.layerType == QLatin1String( "plugin" ) )
2189     {
2190       addPluginLayer( uri, u.name, u.providerKey );
2191     }
2192     else if ( u.layerType == QLatin1String( "custom" ) )
2193     {
2194       const auto constMCustomDropHandlers = mCustomDropHandlers;
2195       for ( QgsCustomDropHandler *handler : constMCustomDropHandlers )
2196       {
2197         if ( handler && handler->customUriProviderKey() == u.providerKey )
2198         {
2199           handler->handleCustomUriDrop( u );
2200           break;
2201         }
2202       }
2203     }
2204     else if ( u.layerType == QLatin1String( "project" ) )
2205     {
2206       openFile( u.uri, QStringLiteral( "project" ) );
2207     }
2209     task.setProgress( 100.0 * static_cast< double >( count ) / lst.size() );
2210   }
2212   mBlockActiveLayerChanged = false;
2213   onActiveLayerChanged( activeLayer() );
2214 }
event(QEvent * event)2216 bool QgisApp::event( QEvent *event )
2217 {
2218   bool done = false;
2219   if ( event->type() == QEvent::FileOpen )
2220   {
2221     // handle FileOpen event (double clicking a file icon in Mac OS X Finder)
2222     QFileOpenEvent *foe = static_cast<QFileOpenEvent *>( event );
2223     openFile( foe->file() );
2224     done = true;
2225   }
2226   else if ( !QTouchDevice::devices().isEmpty() && event->type() == QEvent::Gesture )
2227   {
2228     done = gestureEvent( static_cast<QGestureEvent *>( event ) );
2229   }
2230   else
2231   {
2232     // pass other events to base class
2233     done = QMainWindow::event( event );
2234   }
2235   return done;
2236 }
visibleMessageBar()2239 QgsMessageBar *QgisApp::visibleMessageBar()
2240 {
2241   if ( mDataSourceManagerDialog &&
2242        mDataSourceManagerDialog->isVisible() &&
2243        mDataSourceManagerDialog->isModal() )
2244   {
2245     return mDataSourceManagerDialog->messageBar();
2246   }
2247   else
2248   {
2249     return messageBar();
2250   }
2251 }
findBrokenLayerDependencies(QgsVectorLayer * vl,QgsMapLayer::StyleCategories categories) const2253 const QList<QgsVectorLayerRef> QgisApp::findBrokenLayerDependencies( QgsVectorLayer *vl, QgsMapLayer::StyleCategories categories ) const
2254 {
2255   QList<QgsVectorLayerRef> brokenDependencies;
2257   if ( categories.testFlag( QgsMapLayer::StyleCategory::Forms ) )
2258   {
2259     for ( int i = 0; i < vl->fields().count(); i++ )
2260     {
2261       const QgsEditorWidgetSetup setup = QgsGui::editorWidgetRegistry()->findBest( vl, vl->fields().field( i ).name() );
2262       QgsFieldFormatter *fieldFormatter = QgsApplication::fieldFormatterRegistry()->fieldFormatter( setup.type() );
2263       if ( fieldFormatter )
2264       {
2265         const QList<QgsVectorLayerRef> constDependencies { fieldFormatter->layerDependencies( setup.config() ) };
2266         for ( const QgsVectorLayerRef &dependency : constDependencies )
2267         {
2268           // I guess we need and isNull()/isValid() method for the ref
2269           if ( dependency.layer ||
2270                ! dependency.name.isEmpty() ||
2271                ! dependency.source.isEmpty() ||
2272                ! dependency.layerId.isEmpty() )
2273           {
2274             const QgsVectorLayer *depVl { QgsVectorLayerRef( dependency ).resolveWeakly( QgsProject::instance(), QgsVectorLayerRef::MatchType::Name ) };
2275             if ( ! depVl || ! depVl->isValid() )
2276             {
2277               brokenDependencies.append( dependency );
2278             }
2279           }
2280         }
2281       }
2282     }
2283   }
2285   if ( categories.testFlag( QgsMapLayer::StyleCategory::Relations ) )
2286   {
2287     // Check for layer weak relations
2288     const QList<QgsWeakRelation> constWeakRelations { vl->weakRelations() };
2289     for ( const QgsWeakRelation &rel : constWeakRelations )
2290     {
2291       QgsRelation relation { rel.resolvedRelation( QgsProject::instance(), QgsVectorLayerRef::MatchType::Name ) };
2292       QgsVectorLayerRef dependency;
2293       bool found = false;
2294       if ( ! relation.isValid() )
2295       {
2296         // This is the big question: do we really
2297         // want to automatically load the referencing layer(s) too?
2298         // This could potentially lead to a cascaded load of a
2299         // long list of layers.
2300         // The code is in place but let's leave it disabled for now.
2301         if ( relation.referencedLayer() == vl )
2302         {
2303           // Do nothing because vl is the referenced layer
2304 #if 0
2305           dependency = rel.referencingLayer();
2306           found = true;
2307 #endif
2308         }
2309         else if ( relation.referencingLayer() == vl )
2310         {
2311           dependency = rel.referencedLayer();
2312           found = true;
2313         }
2314         else
2315         {
2316           // Something wrong is going on here, maybe this relation
2317           // does not really apply to this layer?
2318           QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "None of the layers in the relation stored in the style match the current layer, skipping relation id: %1." ).arg( relation.id() ) );
2319         }
2321         if ( found )
2322         {
2323           // Make sure we don't add it twice if it was already added by the form widgets check
2324           bool refFound = false;
2325           for ( const QgsVectorLayerRef &otherRef : std::as_const( brokenDependencies ) )
2326           {
2327             if ( dependency.layerId == otherRef.layerId || ( dependency.source == otherRef.source && dependency.provider == otherRef.provider ) )
2328             {
2329               refFound = true;
2330               break;
2331             }
2332           }
2333           if ( ! refFound )
2334           {
2335             brokenDependencies.append( dependency );
2336           }
2337         }
2338       }
2339     }
2340   }
2341   return brokenDependencies;
2342 }
resolveVectorLayerDependencies(QgsVectorLayer * vl,QgsMapLayer::StyleCategories categories)2344 void QgisApp::resolveVectorLayerDependencies( QgsVectorLayer *vl, QgsMapLayer::StyleCategories categories )
2345 {
2346   if ( vl && vl->isValid() )
2347   {
2348     const auto constDependencies { findBrokenLayerDependencies( vl, categories ) };
2349     for ( const QgsVectorLayerRef &dependency : constDependencies )
2350     {
2351       // Check for projects without layer dependencies (see 7e8c7b3d0e094737336ff4834ea2af625d2921bf)
2352       if ( QgsProject::instance()->mapLayer( dependency.layerId ) || ( dependency.name.isEmpty() && dependency.source.isEmpty() ) )
2353       {
2354         continue;
2355       }
2356       // try to aggressively resolve the broken dependencies
2357       bool loaded = false;
2358       const QString providerName { vl->dataProvider()->name() };
2359       QgsProviderMetadata *providerMetadata { QgsProviderRegistry::instance()->providerMetadata( providerName ) };
2360       if ( providerMetadata )
2361       {
2362         // Retrieve the DB connection (if any)
2364         std::unique_ptr< QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection > conn { QgsMapLayerUtils::databaseConnection( vl ) };
2365         if ( conn )
2366         {
2367           QString tableSchema;
2368           QString tableName;
2369           const QVariantMap sourceParts = providerMetadata->decodeUri( dependency.source );
2371           // This part should really be abstracted out to the connection classes or to the providers directly.
2372           // Different providers decode the uri differently, for example we don't get the table name out of OGR
2373           // but the layerName/layerId instead, so let's try different approaches
2375           // This works for GPKG
2376           tableName = sourceParts.value( QStringLiteral( "layerName" ) ).toString();
2378           // This works for PG and spatialite
2379           if ( tableName.isEmpty() )
2380           {
2381             tableName = sourceParts.value( QStringLiteral( "table" ) ).toString();
2382             tableSchema = sourceParts.value( QStringLiteral( "schema" ) ).toString();
2383           }
2385           // Helper to find layers in connections
2386           auto layerFinder = [ &conn, &dependency, &providerName ]( const QString & tableSchema, const QString & tableName ) -> bool
2387           {
2388             // First try the current schema (or no schema if it's not supported from the provider)
2389             try
2390             {
2391               const QString layerUri { conn->tableUri( tableSchema, tableName )};
2392               // Load it!
2393               std::unique_ptr< QgsVectorLayer > newVl = std::make_unique< QgsVectorLayer >( layerUri, dependency.name, providerName );
2394               if ( newVl->isValid() )
2395               {
2396                 QgsProject::instance()->addMapLayer( newVl.release() );
2397                 return true;
2398               }
2399             }
2400             catch ( QgsProviderConnectionException & )
2401             {
2402               // Do nothing!
2403             }
2404             return false;
2405           };
2407           loaded = layerFinder( tableSchema, tableName );
2409           // Try different schemas
2410           if ( ! loaded && conn->capabilities().testFlag( QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::Capability::Schemas ) && ! tableSchema.isEmpty() )
2411           {
2412             const QStringList schemas { conn->schemas() };
2413             for ( const QString &schemaName : schemas )
2414             {
2415               if ( schemaName != tableSchema )
2416               {
2417                 loaded = layerFinder( schemaName, tableName );
2418               }
2419               if ( loaded )
2420               {
2421                 break;
2422               }
2423             }
2424           }
2425         }
2426       }
2427       if ( ! loaded )
2428       {
2429         const QString msg { tr( "layer '%1' requires layer '%2' to be loaded but '%2' could not be found, please load it manually if possible." ).arg( vl->name(), dependency.name ) };
2430         messageBar()->pushWarning( tr( "Missing layer form dependency" ), msg );
2431       }
2432       else
2433       {
2434         messageBar()->pushSuccess( tr( "Missing layer form dependency" ), tr( "Layer dependency '%2' required by '%1' was automatically loaded." )
2435                                    .arg( vl->name() )
2436                                    .arg( dependency.name ) );
2437       }
2438     }
2439   }
2440 }
resolveVectorLayerWeakRelations(QgsVectorLayer * vectorLayer)2442 void QgisApp::resolveVectorLayerWeakRelations( QgsVectorLayer *vectorLayer )
2443 {
2444   if ( vectorLayer && vectorLayer->isValid() )
2445   {
2446     const QList<QgsWeakRelation> constWeakRelations { vectorLayer->weakRelations( ) };
2447     for ( const QgsWeakRelation &rel : constWeakRelations )
2448     {
2449       QgsRelation relation { rel.resolvedRelation( QgsProject::instance(), QgsVectorLayerRef::MatchType::Name ) };
2450       if ( relation.isValid() )
2451       {
2452         // Avoid duplicates
2453         const QList<QgsRelation> constRelations { QgsProject::instance()->relationManager()->relations().values() };
2454         for ( const QgsRelation &other : constRelations )
2455         {
2456           if ( relation.hasEqualDefinition( other ) )
2457           {
2458             continue;
2459           }
2460         }
2461         QgsProject::instance()->relationManager()->addRelation( relation );
2462       }
2463     }
2464   }
2465 }
dataSourceManager(const QString & pageName)2467 void QgisApp::dataSourceManager( const QString &pageName )
2468 {
2469   if ( ! mDataSourceManagerDialog )
2470   {
2471     mDataSourceManagerDialog = new QgsDataSourceManagerDialog( mBrowserModel, this, mapCanvas() );
2472     connect( this, &QgisApp::connectionsChanged, mDataSourceManagerDialog, &QgsDataSourceManagerDialog::refresh );
2473     connect( mDataSourceManagerDialog, &QgsDataSourceManagerDialog::connectionsChanged, this, &QgisApp::connectionsChanged );
2474     connect( mDataSourceManagerDialog, SIGNAL( addRasterLayer( QString const &, QString const &, QString const & ) ),
2475              this, SLOT( addRasterLayer( QString const &, QString const &, QString const & ) ) );
2476     connect( mDataSourceManagerDialog, &QgsDataSourceManagerDialog::addRasterLayers, this, [ = ]( const QStringList & layersList ) { addRasterLayers( layersList ); } );
2477     connect( mDataSourceManagerDialog, SIGNAL( addVectorLayer( QString const &, QString const &, QString const & ) ),
2478              this, SLOT( addVectorLayer( QString const &, QString const &, QString const & ) ) );
2479     connect( mDataSourceManagerDialog, SIGNAL( addVectorLayers( QStringList const &, QString const &, QString const & ) ),
2480              this, SLOT( addVectorLayers( QStringList const &, QString const &, QString const & ) ) );
2481     connect( mDataSourceManagerDialog, &QgsDataSourceManagerDialog::addMeshLayer, this, &QgisApp::addMeshLayer );
2482     connect( mDataSourceManagerDialog, &QgsDataSourceManagerDialog::addVectorTileLayer, this, &QgisApp::addVectorTileLayer );
2483     connect( mDataSourceManagerDialog, &QgsDataSourceManagerDialog::addPointCloudLayer, this, &QgisApp::addPointCloudLayer );
2484     connect( mDataSourceManagerDialog, &QgsDataSourceManagerDialog::showStatusMessage, this, &QgisApp::showStatusMessage );
2485     connect( mDataSourceManagerDialog, &QgsDataSourceManagerDialog::addDatabaseLayers, this, &QgisApp::addDatabaseLayers );
2486     connect( mDataSourceManagerDialog, &QgsDataSourceManagerDialog::replaceSelectedVectorLayer, this, &QgisApp::replaceSelectedVectorLayer );
2487     connect( mDataSourceManagerDialog, &QgsDataSourceManagerDialog::handleDropUriList, this, &QgisApp::handleDropUriList );
2488     connect( this, &QgisApp::newProject, mDataSourceManagerDialog, &QgsDataSourceManagerDialog::updateProjectHome );
2489     connect( mDataSourceManagerDialog, &QgsDataSourceManagerDialog::openFile, this, &QgisApp::openFile );
2491   }
2492   else
2493   {
2494     mDataSourceManagerDialog->reset();
2495   }
2496   // Try to open the dialog on a particular page
2497   if ( ! pageName.isEmpty() )
2498   {
2499     mDataSourceManagerDialog->openPage( pageName );
2500   }
2501   if ( QgsSettings().value( QStringLiteral( "/qgis/dataSourceManagerNonModal" ), true ).toBool() )
2502   {
2503     mDataSourceManagerDialog->show();
2504   }
2505   else
2506   {
2507     mDataSourceManagerDialog->exec();
2508   }
2509 }
browserModel()2511 QgsBrowserGuiModel *QgisApp::browserModel()
2512 {
2513   return mBrowserModel;
2514 }
styleSheetBuilder()2516 QgisAppStyleSheet *QgisApp::styleSheetBuilder()
2517 {
2518   Q_ASSERT( mStyleSheetBuilder );
2519   return mStyleSheetBuilder;
2520 }
readRecentProjects()2522 void QgisApp::readRecentProjects()
2523 {
2524   QgsSettings settings;
2525   mRecentProjects.clear();
2527   settings.beginGroup( QStringLiteral( "UI" ) );
2529   // Migrate old recent projects if first time with new system
2530   if ( !settings.childGroups().contains( QStringLiteral( "recentProjects" ) ) )
2531   {
2532     QStringList oldRecentProjects = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "UI/recentProjectsList" ) ).toStringList();
2534     const auto constOldRecentProjects = oldRecentProjects;
2535     for ( const QString &project : constOldRecentProjects )
2536     {
2537       QgsRecentProjectItemsModel::RecentProjectData data;
2538       data.path = project;
2539       data.title = project;
2541       mRecentProjects.append( data );
2542     }
2543   }
2544   settings.endGroup();
2546   settings.beginGroup( QStringLiteral( "UI/recentProjects" ) );
2547   QStringList projectKeysList = settings.childGroups();
2549   //convert list to int values to obtain proper order
2550   QList<int> projectKeys;
2551   const auto constProjectKeysList = projectKeysList;
2552   for ( const QString &key : constProjectKeysList )
2553   {
2554     projectKeys.append( key.toInt() );
2555   }
2556   std::sort( projectKeys.begin(), projectKeys.end() );
2558   int pinPos = 0;
2559   const int maxProjects = QgsSettings().value( QStringLiteral( "maxRecentProjects" ), 20, QgsSettings::App ).toInt();
2560   for ( int i = 0; i < projectKeys.count(); ++i )
2561   {
2562     QgsRecentProjectItemsModel::RecentProjectData data;
2563     settings.beginGroup( QString::number( projectKeys.at( i ) ) );
2564     data.title = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "title" ) ).toString();
2565     data.path = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "path" ) ).toString();
2566     data.previewImagePath = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "previewImage" ) ).toString();
2567     data.crs = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "crs" ) ).toString();
2568     data.pin = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "pin" ) ).toBool();
2569     settings.endGroup();
2570     if ( data.pin )
2571     {
2572       mRecentProjects.insert( pinPos, data );
2573       pinPos++;
2574     }
2575     else
2576     {
2577       mRecentProjects.append( data );
2578     }
2579     if ( mRecentProjects.count() >= maxProjects )
2580       break;
2581   }
2582   settings.endGroup();
2583 }
applyProjectSettingsToCanvas(QgsMapCanvas * canvas)2585 void QgisApp::applyProjectSettingsToCanvas( QgsMapCanvas *canvas )
2586 {
2587   canvas->setCanvasColor( QgsProject::instance()->backgroundColor() );
2588   canvas->setSelectionColor( QgsProject::instance()->selectionColor() );
2589 }
applyDefaultSettingsToCanvas(QgsMapCanvas * canvas)2591 void QgisApp::applyDefaultSettingsToCanvas( QgsMapCanvas *canvas )
2592 {
2593   QgsSettings settings;
2594   canvas->enableAntiAliasing( settings.value( QStringLiteral( "qgis/enable_anti_aliasing" ), true ).toBool() );
2595   double zoomFactor = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "qgis/zoom_factor" ), 2 ).toDouble();
2596   canvas->setWheelFactor( zoomFactor );
2597   canvas->setCachingEnabled( settings.value( QStringLiteral( "qgis/enable_render_caching" ), true ).toBool() );
2598   canvas->setParallelRenderingEnabled( settings.value( QStringLiteral( "qgis/parallel_rendering" ), true ).toBool() );
2599   canvas->setMapUpdateInterval( settings.value( QStringLiteral( "qgis/map_update_interval" ), 250 ).toInt() );
2600   canvas->setSegmentationTolerance( settings.value( QStringLiteral( "qgis/segmentationTolerance" ), "0.01745" ).toDouble() );
2601   canvas->setSegmentationToleranceType( QgsAbstractGeometry::SegmentationToleranceType( settings.enumValue( QStringLiteral( "qgis/segmentationToleranceType" ), QgsAbstractGeometry::MaximumAngle ) ) );
2602 }
chooseReasonableDefaultIconSize() const2604 int QgisApp::chooseReasonableDefaultIconSize() const
2605 {
2606   QScreen *screen = QApplication::screens().at( 0 );
2607   if ( screen->physicalDotsPerInch() < 115 )
2608   {
2609     // no hidpi screen, use default size
2610     return QGIS_ICON_SIZE;
2611   }
2612   else
2613   {
2614     double size = fontMetrics().horizontalAdvance( 'X' ) * 3;
2615     if ( size < 24 )
2616       return 16;
2617     else if ( size < 32 )
2618       return 24;
2619     else if ( size < 48 )
2620       return 32;
2621     else if ( size < 64 )
2622       return 48;
2623     else
2624       return 64;
2625   }
2627 }
readSettings()2629 void QgisApp::readSettings()
2630 {
2631   QgsSettings settings;
2632   QString themeName = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "UI/UITheme" ), "default" ).toString();
2633   setTheme( themeName );
2635   // Read legacy settings
2636   readRecentProjects();
2638   // this is a new session, reset enable macros value  when they are set for session
2639   Qgis::PythonMacroMode macroMode = settings.enumValue( QStringLiteral( "qgis/enableMacros" ), Qgis::PythonMacroMode::Ask );
2640   switch ( macroMode )
2641   {
2642     case Qgis::PythonMacroMode::NotForThisSession:
2643     case Qgis::PythonMacroMode::SessionOnly:
2644       settings.setEnumValue( QStringLiteral( "qgis/enableMacros" ), Qgis::PythonMacroMode::Ask );
2645       break;
2647     case Qgis::PythonMacroMode::Always:
2648     case Qgis::PythonMacroMode::Never:
2649     case Qgis::PythonMacroMode::Ask:
2650       break;
2651   }
2652 }
2655 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2656 //            Set Up the gui toolbars, menus, statusbar etc
2657 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
createActions()2659 void QgisApp::createActions()
2660 {
2661   mActionPluginSeparator1 = nullptr;  // plugin list separator will be created when the first plugin is loaded
2662   mActionPluginSeparator2 = nullptr;  // python separator will be created only if python is found
2663   mActionRasterSeparator = nullptr;   // raster plugins list separator will be created when the first plugin is loaded
2665   // Project Menu Items
2667   connect( mActionNewProject, &QAction::triggered, this, [ = ] { fileNew(); } );
2668   connect( mActionNewBlankProject, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::fileNewBlank );
2669   connect( mActionOpenProject, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::fileOpen );
2670   connect( mActionRevertProject, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::fileRevert );
2671   connect( mActionSaveProject, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::fileSave );
2672   connect( mActionCloseProject, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::fileClose );
2673   connect( mActionSaveProjectAs, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::fileSaveAs );
2674   connect( mActionSaveMapAsImage, &QAction::triggered, this, [ = ] { saveMapAsImage(); } );
2675   connect( mActionSaveMapAsPdf, &QAction::triggered, this, [ = ] { saveMapAsPdf(); } );
2676   connect( mActionNewMapCanvas, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::newMapCanvas );
2677   connect( mActionNew3DMapCanvas, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::new3DMapCanvas );
2678   connect( mActionNewPrintLayout, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::newPrintLayout );
2679   connect( mActionNewReport, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::newReport );
2680   connect( mActionShowLayoutManager, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::showLayoutManager );
2681   connect( mActionExit, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::fileExit );
2682   connect( mActionDxfExport, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::dxfExport );
2683   connect( mActionDwgImport, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::dwgImport );
2685   // Edit Menu Items
2687   connect( mActionUndo, &QAction::triggered, mUndoWidget, &QgsUndoWidget::undo );
2688   connect( mActionRedo, &QAction::triggered, mUndoWidget, &QgsUndoWidget::redo );
2689   connect( mActionCutFeatures, &QAction::triggered, this, [ = ] { cutSelectionToClipboard(); } );
2690   connect( mActionCopyFeatures, &QAction::triggered, this, [ = ] { copySelectionToClipboard(); } );
2691   connect( mActionPasteFeatures, &QAction::triggered, this, [ = ] { pasteFromClipboard(); } );
2692   connect( mActionPasteAsNewVector, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::pasteAsNewVector );
2693   connect( mActionPasteAsNewMemoryVector, &QAction::triggered, this, [ = ] { pasteAsNewMemoryVector(); } );
2694   connect( mActionCopyStyle, &QAction::triggered, this, [ = ] { copyStyle(); } );
2695   connect( mActionPasteStyle, &QAction::triggered, this, [ = ] { pasteStyle(); } );
2696   connect( mActionCopyLayer, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::copyLayer );
2697   connect( mActionPasteLayer, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::pasteLayer );
2698   connect( mActionAddFeature, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::addFeature );
2699   connect( mActionCircularStringCurvePoint, &QAction::triggered, this, [ = ] { setMapTool( mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::CircularStringCurvePoint ) ); } );
2700   connect( mActionCircularStringRadius, &QAction::triggered, this, [ = ] { setMapTool( mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::CircularStringRadius ) ); } );
2701   connect( mActionCircle2Points, &QAction::triggered, this, [ = ] { setMapTool( mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::Circle2Points ), true ); } );
2702   connect( mActionCircle3Points, &QAction::triggered, this, [ = ] { setMapTool( mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::Circle3Points ), true ); } );
2703   connect( mActionCircle3Tangents, &QAction::triggered, this, [ = ] { setMapTool( mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::Circle3Tangents ), true ); } );
2704   connect( mActionCircle2TangentsPoint, &QAction::triggered, this, [ = ] { setMapTool( mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::Circle2TangentsPoint ), true ); } );
2705   connect( mActionCircleCenterPoint, &QAction::triggered, this,  [ = ] { setMapTool( mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::CircleCenterPoint ), true ); } );
2706   connect( mActionEllipseCenter2Points, &QAction::triggered, this,  [ = ] { setMapTool( mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::EllipseCenter2Points ), true ); } );
2707   connect( mActionEllipseCenterPoint, &QAction::triggered, this,  [ = ] { setMapTool( mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::EllipseCenterPoint ), true ); } );
2708   connect( mActionEllipseExtent, &QAction::triggered, this,  [ = ] { setMapTool( mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::EllipseExtent ), true ); } );
2709   connect( mActionEllipseFoci, &QAction::triggered, this,  [ = ] { setMapTool( mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::EllipseFoci ), true ); } );
2710   connect( mActionRectangleCenterPoint, &QAction::triggered, this,  [ = ] { setMapTool( mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::RectangleCenterPoint ), true ); } );
2711   connect( mActionRectangleExtent, &QAction::triggered, this,  [ = ] { setMapTool( mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::RectangleExtent ), true ); } );
2712   connect( mActionRectangle3PointsDistance, &QAction::triggered, this,  [ = ] { setMapTool( mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::Rectangle3PointsDistance ), true ); } );
2713   connect( mActionRectangle3PointsProjected, &QAction::triggered, this,  [ = ] { setMapTool( mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::Rectangle3PointsProjected ), true ); } );
2714   connect( mActionRegularPolygon2Points, &QAction::triggered, this,  [ = ] { setMapTool( mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::RegularPolygon2Points ), true ); } );
2715   connect( mActionRegularPolygonCenterPoint, &QAction::triggered, this,  [ = ] { setMapTool( mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::RegularPolygonCenterPoint ), true ); } );
2716   connect( mActionRegularPolygonCenterCorner, &QAction::triggered, this,  [ = ] { setMapTool( mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::RegularPolygonCenterCorner ), true ); } );
2717   connect( mActionDigitizeWithCurve, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::enableDigitizeWithCurve );
2718   connect( mActionStreamDigitize, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::enableStreamDigitizing );
2719   mActionStreamDigitize->setShortcut( tr( "R", "Keyboard shortcut: toggle stream digitizing" ) );
2721   connect( mActionMoveFeature, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::moveFeature );
2722   connect( mActionMoveFeatureCopy, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::moveFeatureCopy );
2723   connect( mActionRotateFeature, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::rotateFeature );
2724   connect( mActionScaleFeature, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::scaleFeature );
2725   connect( mActionReshapeFeatures, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::reshapeFeatures );
2726   connect( mActionSplitFeatures, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::splitFeatures );
2727   connect( mActionSplitParts, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::splitParts );
2728   connect( mActionDeleteSelected, &QAction::triggered, this, [ = ] { deleteSelected( nullptr, nullptr, true ); } );
2729   connect( mActionAddRing, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::addRing );
2730   connect( mActionFillRing, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::fillRing );
2731   connect( mActionAddPart, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::addPart );
2732   connect( mActionSimplifyFeature, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::simplifyFeature );
2733   connect( mActionDeleteRing, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::deleteRing );
2734   connect( mActionDeletePart, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::deletePart );
2735   connect( mActionMergeFeatures, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::mergeSelectedFeatures );
2736   connect( mActionMergeFeatureAttributes, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::mergeAttributesOfSelectedFeatures );
2737   connect( mActionMultiEditAttributes, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::modifyAttributesOfSelectedFeatures );
2738   connect( mActionVertexTool, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::vertexTool );
2739   connect( mActionVertexToolActiveLayer, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::vertexToolActiveLayer );
2740   connect( mActionRotatePointSymbols, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::rotatePointSymbols );
2741   connect( mActionOffsetPointSymbol, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::offsetPointSymbol );
2742   connect( mActionSnappingOptions, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::snappingOptions );
2743   connect( mActionOffsetCurve, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::offsetCurve );
2744   connect( mActionReverseLine, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::reverseLine );
2745   connect( mActionTrimExtendFeature, &QAction::triggered, this, [ = ] { mMapCanvas->setMapTool( mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::TrimExtendFeature ) ); } );
2747   // View Menu Items
2748   connect( mActionPan, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::pan );
2749   connect( mActionPanToSelected, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::panToSelected );
2750   connect( mActionZoomIn, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::zoomIn );
2751   connect( mActionZoomOut, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::zoomOut );
2752   connect( mActionSelectFeatures, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::selectFeatures );
2753   connect( mActionSelectPolygon, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::selectByPolygon );
2754   connect( mActionSelectFreehand, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::selectByFreehand );
2755   connect( mActionSelectRadius, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::selectByRadius );
2756   connect( mActionDeselectAll, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::deselectAll );
2757   connect( mActionDeselectActiveLayer, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::deselectActiveLayer );
2758   connect( mActionSelectAll, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::selectAll );
2759   connect( mActionReselect, &QAction::triggered, this, [ = ]
2760   {
2761     QgsVectorLayer *vlayer = qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( mMapCanvas->currentLayer() );
2762     if ( !vlayer )
2763     {
2764       visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage(
2765         tr( "No active vector layer" ),
2766         tr( "To reselect features, choose a vector layer in the legend." ),
2767         Qgis::MessageLevel::Info );
2768       return;
2769     }
2771     vlayer->reselect();
2772   } );
2773   connect( mActionInvertSelection, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::invertSelection );
2774   connect( mActionSelectByExpression, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::selectByExpression );
2775   connect( mActionSelectByForm, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::selectByForm );
2776   connect( mActionIdentify, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::identify );
2777   connect( mActionFeatureAction, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::doFeatureAction );
2778   connect( mActionMeasure, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::measure );
2779   connect( mActionMeasureArea, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::measureArea );
2780   connect( mActionMeasureAngle, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::measureAngle );
2781   connect( mActionMeasureBearing, &QAction::triggered, this,  [ = ] { setMapTool( mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::MeasureBearing ) ); } );
2782   connect( mActionZoomFullExtent, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::zoomFull );
2783   connect( mActionZoomToLayer, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::zoomToLayerExtent );
2784   connect( mActionZoomToLayers, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::zoomToLayerExtent );
2785   connect( mActionZoomToSelected, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::zoomToSelected );
2786   connect( mActionZoomLast, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::zoomToPrevious );
2787   connect( mActionZoomNext, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::zoomToNext );
2788   connect( mActionZoomActualSize, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::zoomActualSize );
2789   connect( mActionMapTips, &QAction::toggled, this, &QgisApp::toggleMapTips );
2790   connect( mActionNewBookmark, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::newBookmark );
2791   connect( mActionDraw, &QAction::triggered, this, [this] { refreshMapCanvas( true ); } );
2792   connect( mActionTextAnnotation, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::addTextAnnotation );
2793   connect( mActionFormAnnotation, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::addFormAnnotation );
2794   connect( mActionHtmlAnnotation, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::addHtmlAnnotation );
2795   connect( mActionSvgAnnotation, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::addSvgAnnotation );
2796   connect( mActionAnnotation, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::modifyAnnotation );
2797   connect( mActionLabeling, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::labeling );
2798   mStatisticalSummaryDockWidget->setToggleVisibilityAction( mActionStatisticalSummary );
2800   // Layer Menu Items
2802   connect( mActionDataSourceManager, &QAction::triggered, this, [ = ]() { dataSourceManager(); } );
2803   connect( mActionNewVectorLayer, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::newVectorLayer );
2805   connect( mActionNewSpatiaLiteLayer, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::newSpatialiteLayer );
2806 #endif
2807   connect( mActionNewGeoPackageLayer, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::newGeoPackageLayer );
2808   connect( mActionNewMemoryLayer, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::newMemoryLayer );
2809   connect( mActionNewMeshLayer, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::newMeshLayer );
2810   connect( mActionNewGpxLayer, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::newGpxLayer );
2811   connect( mActionNewVirtualLayer, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::addVirtualLayer );
2812   connect( mActionShowRasterCalculator, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::showRasterCalculator );
2813   connect( mActionShowMeshCalculator, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::showMeshCalculator );
2814   connect( mActionShowAlignRasterTool, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::showAlignRasterTool );
2815   connect( mActionEmbedLayers, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::embedLayers );
2816   connect( mActionAddLayerDefinition, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::addLayerDefinition );
2817   connect( mActionAddOgrLayer, &QAction::triggered, this, [ = ] { dataSourceManager( QStringLiteral( "ogr" ) ); } );
2818   connect( mActionAddRasterLayer, &QAction::triggered, this, [ = ] { dataSourceManager( QStringLiteral( "gdal" ) ); } );
2819   connect( mActionAddMeshLayer, &QAction::triggered, this, [ = ] { dataSourceManager( QStringLiteral( "mdal" ) ); } );
2820   connect( mActionAddPgLayer, &QAction::triggered, this, [ = ] { dataSourceManager( QStringLiteral( "postgres" ) ); } );
2822   connect( mActionAddSpatiaLiteLayer, &QAction::triggered, this, [ = ] { dataSourceManager( QStringLiteral( "spatialite" ) ); } );
2823 #endif
2824   connect( mActionAddMssqlLayer, &QAction::triggered, this, [ = ] { dataSourceManager( QStringLiteral( "mssql" ) ); } );
2825   connect( mActionAddOracleLayer, &QAction::triggered, this, [ = ] { dataSourceManager( QStringLiteral( "oracle" ) ); } );
2826   connect( mActionAddHanaLayer, &QAction::triggered, this, [ = ] { dataSourceManager( QStringLiteral( "hana" ) ); } );
2827   connect( mActionAddWmsLayer, &QAction::triggered, this, [ = ] { dataSourceManager( QStringLiteral( "wms" ) ); } );
2828   connect( mActionAddXyzLayer, &QAction::triggered, this, [ = ] { dataSourceManager( QStringLiteral( "xyz" ) ); } );
2829   connect( mActionAddVectorTileLayer, &QAction::triggered, this, [ = ] { dataSourceManager( QStringLiteral( "vectortile" ) ); } );
2830   connect( mActionAddPointCloudLayer, &QAction::triggered, this, [ = ] { dataSourceManager( QStringLiteral( "ept" ) ); } );
2831   connect( mActionAddWcsLayer, &QAction::triggered, this, [ = ] { dataSourceManager( QStringLiteral( "wcs" ) ); } );
2833   connect( mActionAddWfsLayer, &QAction::triggered, this, [ = ] { dataSourceManager( QStringLiteral( "WFS" ) ); } );
2834 #endif
2835   connect( mActionAddAfsLayer, &QAction::triggered, this, [ = ] { dataSourceManager( QStringLiteral( "arcgisfeatureserver" ) ); } );
2836   connect( mActionAddDelimitedText, &QAction::triggered, this, [ = ] { dataSourceManager( QStringLiteral( "delimitedtext" ) ); } );
2837   connect( mActionAddVirtualLayer, &QAction::triggered, this, [ = ] { dataSourceManager( QStringLiteral( "virtual" ) ); } );
2838   connect( mActionOpenTable, &QAction::triggered, this, [ = ]
2839   {
2840     QgsSettings settings;
2841     QgsAttributeTableFilterModel::FilterMode initialMode = settings.enumValue( QStringLiteral( "qgis/attributeTableBehavior" ),  QgsAttributeTableFilterModel::ShowAll );
2842     attributeTable( initialMode );
2843   } );
2844   connect( mActionOpenTableSelected, &QAction::triggered, this, [ = ]
2845   {
2846     attributeTable( QgsAttributeTableFilterModel::ShowSelected );
2847   } );
2848   connect( mActionOpenTableVisible, &QAction::triggered, this, [ = ]
2849   {
2850     attributeTable( QgsAttributeTableFilterModel::ShowVisible );
2851   } );
2852   connect( mActionOpenTableEdited, &QAction::triggered, this, [ = ]
2853   {
2854     attributeTable( QgsAttributeTableFilterModel::ShowEdited );
2855   } );
2856   connect( mActionOpenFieldCalc, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::fieldCalculator );
2857   connect( mActionToggleEditing, &QAction::triggered, this, [ = ] { toggleEditing(); } );
2858   connect( mActionSaveLayerEdits, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::saveActiveLayerEdits );
2859   connect( mActionSaveEdits, &QAction::triggered, this, [ = ] { saveEdits(); } );
2860   connect( mActionSaveAllEdits, &QAction::triggered, this, [ = ] { saveAllEdits(); } );
2861   connect( mActionRollbackEdits, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::rollbackEdits );
2862   connect( mActionRollbackAllEdits, &QAction::triggered, this, [ = ] { rollbackAllEdits(); } );
2863   connect( mActionCancelEdits, &QAction::triggered, this, [ = ] { cancelEdits(); } );
2864   connect( mActionCancelAllEdits, &QAction::triggered, this, [ = ] { cancelAllEdits(); } );
2865   connect( mActionLayerSaveAs, &QAction::triggered, this, [ = ] { saveAsFile(); } );
2866   connect( mActionSaveLayerDefinition, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::saveAsLayerDefinition );
2867   connect( mActionRemoveLayer, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::removeLayer );
2868   connect( mActionDuplicateLayer, &QAction::triggered, this, [ = ] { duplicateLayers(); } );
2869   connect( mActionSetLayerScaleVisibility, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::setLayerScaleVisibility );
2870   connect( mActionSetLayerCRS, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::setLayerCrs );
2871   connect( mActionSetProjectCRSFromLayer, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::setProjectCrsFromLayer );
2872   connect( mActionLayerProperties, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::layerProperties );
2873   connect( mActionLayerSubsetString, &QAction::triggered, this, qOverload<>( &QgisApp::layerSubsetString ) );
2874   connect( mActionAddToOverview, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::isInOverview );
2875   connect( mActionAddAllToOverview, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::addAllToOverview );
2876   connect( mActionRemoveAllFromOverview, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::removeAllFromOverview );
2877   connect( mActionShowAllLayers, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::showAllLayers );
2878   connect( mActionHideAllLayers, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::hideAllLayers );
2879   connect( mActionShowSelectedLayers, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::showSelectedLayers );
2880   connect( mActionHideSelectedLayers, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::hideSelectedLayers );
2881   connect( mActionToggleSelectedLayers, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::toggleSelectedLayers );
2882   connect( mActionToggleSelectedLayersIndependently, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::toggleSelectedLayersIndependently );
2883   connect( mActionHideDeselectedLayers, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::hideDeselectedLayers );
2885   // Plugin Menu Items
2887   connect( mActionManagePlugins, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::showPluginManager );
2888   connect( mActionShowPythonDialog, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::showPythonDialog );
2890   // Settings Menu Items
2892   connect( mActionToggleFullScreen, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::toggleFullScreen );
2893   connect( mActionTogglePanelsVisibility, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::togglePanelsVisibility );
2894   connect( mActionToggleMapOnly, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::toggleMapOnly );
2895   connect( mActionProjectProperties, &QAction::triggered, this, [ = ] {projectProperties( QString() );} );
2896   connect( mActionOptions, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::options );
2897   connect( mActionCustomProjection, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::customProjection );
2898   connect( mActionConfigureShortcuts, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::configureShortcuts );
2899   connect( mActionStyleManager, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::showStyleManager );
2900   connect( mActionCustomization, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::customize );
2902 #ifdef Q_OS_MAC
2903   // Window Menu Items
2905   mActionWindowMinimize = new QAction( tr( "Minimize" ), this );
2906   mActionWindowMinimize->setShortcut( tr( "Ctrl+M", "Minimize Window" ) );
2907   mActionWindowMinimize->setStatusTip( tr( "Minimizes the active window to the dock" ) );
2908   connect( mActionWindowMinimize, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( showActiveWindowMinimized() ) );
2910   mActionWindowZoom = new QAction( tr( "Zoom" ), this );
2911   mActionWindowZoom->setStatusTip( tr( "Toggles between a predefined size and the window size set by the user" ) );
2912   connect( mActionWindowZoom, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( toggleActiveWindowMaximized() ) );
2914   mActionWindowAllToFront = new QAction( tr( "Bring All to Front" ), this );
2915   mActionWindowAllToFront->setStatusTip( tr( "Bring forward all open windows" ) );
2916   connect( mActionWindowAllToFront, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( bringAllToFront() ) );
2918   // list of open windows
2919   mWindowActions = new QActionGroup( this );
2920 #endif
2922   // Vector edits menu
2923   QMenu *menuAllEdits = new QMenu( tr( "Current Edits" ), this );
2924   menuAllEdits->addAction( mActionSaveEdits );
2925   menuAllEdits->addAction( mActionRollbackEdits );
2926   menuAllEdits->addAction( mActionCancelEdits );
2927   menuAllEdits->addSeparator();
2928   menuAllEdits->addAction( mActionSaveAllEdits );
2929   menuAllEdits->addAction( mActionRollbackAllEdits );
2930   menuAllEdits->addAction( mActionCancelAllEdits );
2931   menuAllEdits->setObjectName( "AllEditsMenu" );
2932   mActionAllEdits->setMenu( menuAllEdits );
2934   // Raster toolbar items
2935   connect( mActionLocalHistogramStretch, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::localHistogramStretch );
2936   connect( mActionFullHistogramStretch, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::fullHistogramStretch );
2937   connect( mActionLocalCumulativeCutStretch, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::localCumulativeCutStretch );
2938   connect( mActionFullCumulativeCutStretch, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::fullCumulativeCutStretch );
2939   connect( mActionIncreaseBrightness, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::increaseBrightness );
2940   connect( mActionDecreaseBrightness, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::decreaseBrightness );
2941   connect( mActionIncreaseContrast, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::increaseContrast );
2942   connect( mActionDecreaseContrast, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::decreaseContrast );
2943   connect( mActionIncreaseGamma, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::increaseGamma );
2944   connect( mActionDecreaseGamma, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::decreaseGamma );
2947   connect( mActionShowGeoreferencer, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::showGeoreferencer );
2948 #else
2949   delete mActionShowGeoreferencer;
2950   mActionShowGeoreferencer = nullptr;
2951 #endif
2953   // Help Menu Items
2955 #ifdef Q_OS_MAC
2956   mActionHelpContents->setShortcut( QString( "Ctrl+?" ) );
2957   mActionQgisHomePage->setShortcut( QString() );
2958   mActionReportaBug->setShortcut( QString() );
2959 #endif
2961   mActionHelpContents->setEnabled( QFileInfo::exists( QgsApplication::pkgDataPath() + "/doc/index.html" ) );
2963   connect( mActionHelpContents, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::helpContents );
2964   connect( mActionHelpAPI, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::apiDocumentation );
2965   connect( mActionReportaBug, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::reportaBug );
2966   connect( mActionNeedSupport, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::supportProviders );
2967   connect( mActionQgisHomePage, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::helpQgisHomePage );
2968   connect( mActionCheckQgisVersion, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::checkQgisVersion );
2969   connect( mActionAbout, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::about );
2970   connect( mActionSponsors, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::sponsors );
2972   connect( mActionShowPinnedLabels, &QAction::toggled, this, &QgisApp::showPinnedLabels );
2973   connect( mActionShowUnplacedLabels, &QAction::toggled, this, [ = ]( bool active )
2974   {
2975     QgsLabelingEngineSettings engineSettings = QgsProject::instance()->labelingEngineSettings();
2976     engineSettings.setFlag( QgsLabelingEngineSettings::DrawUnplacedLabels, active );
2977     QgsProject::instance()->setLabelingEngineSettings( engineSettings );
2978     refreshMapCanvas( true );
2979   } );
2980   connect( QgsProject::instance(), &QgsProject::labelingEngineSettingsChanged, this, [ = ]
2981   {
2982     whileBlocking( mActionShowUnplacedLabels )->setChecked( QgsProject::instance()->labelingEngineSettings().testFlag( QgsLabelingEngineSettings::DrawUnplacedLabels ) );
2983   } );
2984   connect( mActionPinLabels, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::pinLabels );
2985   connect( mActionShowHideLabels, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::showHideLabels );
2986   connect( mActionMoveLabel, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::moveLabel );
2987   connect( mActionRotateLabel, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::rotateLabel );
2988   connect( mActionChangeLabelProperties, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::changeLabelProperties );
2990   connect( mActionDiagramProperties, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::diagramProperties );
2992   connect( mActionCreateAnnotationLayer, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::createAnnotationLayer );
2993   connect( mActionModifyAnnotation, &QAction::triggered, this, [ = ] {  mMapCanvas->setMapTool( mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::AnnotationEdit ) ); } );
2994   connect( mMainAnnotationLayerProperties, &QAction::triggered, this, [ = ]
2995   {
2996     showLayerProperties( QgsProject::instance()->mainAnnotationLayer() );
2997   } );
2999   // we can't set the shortcut these actions, because we need to restrict their context to the canvas and it's children..
3000   for ( QWidget *widget :
3001         {
3002           static_cast< QWidget * >( mMapCanvas ),
3003           static_cast< QWidget * >( mLayerTreeView )
3004         } )
3005   {
3006     QShortcut *copyShortcut = new QShortcut( QKeySequence::Copy, widget );
3007     copyShortcut->setContext( Qt::WidgetWithChildrenShortcut );
3008     connect( copyShortcut, &QShortcut::activated, this, [ = ] { copySelectionToClipboard(); } );
3010     QShortcut *cutShortcut = new QShortcut( QKeySequence::Cut, widget );
3011     cutShortcut->setContext( Qt::WidgetWithChildrenShortcut );
3012     connect( cutShortcut, &QShortcut::activated, this, [ = ] { cutSelectionToClipboard(); } );
3014     QShortcut *pasteShortcut = new QShortcut( QKeySequence::Paste, widget );
3015     pasteShortcut->setContext( Qt::WidgetWithChildrenShortcut );
3016     connect( pasteShortcut, &QShortcut::activated, this, [ = ] { pasteFromClipboard(); } );
3018     QShortcut *selectAllShortcut = new QShortcut( QKeySequence::SelectAll, widget );
3019     selectAllShortcut->setContext( Qt::WidgetWithChildrenShortcut );
3020     connect( selectAllShortcut, &QShortcut::activated, this, &QgisApp::selectAll );
3021   }
3023 #ifndef HAVE_POSTGRESQL
3024   delete mActionAddPgLayer;
3025   mActionAddPgLayer = 0;
3026 #endif
3028 #ifndef HAVE_ORACLE
3029   delete mActionAddOracleLayer;
3030   mActionAddOracleLayer = nullptr;
3031 #endif
3033 #ifndef HAVE_HANA
3034   delete mActionAddHanaLayer;
3035   mActionAddHanaLayer = nullptr;
3036 #endif
3038 }
showStyleManager()3040 void QgisApp::showStyleManager()
3041 {
3042   QgsGui::windowManager()->openStandardDialog( QgsWindowManagerInterface::DialogStyleManager );
3043 }
initPythonConsoleOptions()3045 void QgisApp::initPythonConsoleOptions()
3046 {
3047   QgsPythonRunner::run( QStringLiteral( "import console" ) );
3048   QgsPythonRunner::run( QStringLiteral( "console.init_options_widget()" ) );
3049 }
showPythonDialog()3051 void QgisApp::showPythonDialog()
3052 {
3053 #ifdef WITH_BINDINGS
3054   if ( !mPythonUtils || !mPythonUtils->isEnabled() )
3055     return;
3057   bool res = mPythonUtils->runString(
3058                "import console\n"
3059                "console.show_console()\n", tr( "Failed to open Python console:" ), false );
3061   if ( !res )
3062   {
3063     QString className, text;
3064     mPythonUtils->getError( className, text );
3065     visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "Error" ), tr( "Failed to open Python console:" ) + '\n' + className + ": " + text, Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning );
3066   }
3067 #ifdef Q_OS_MAC
3068   else
3069   {
3070     addWindow( mActionShowPythonDialog );
3071   }
3072 #endif
3073 #endif
3074 }
createActionGroups()3076 void QgisApp::createActionGroups()
3077 {
3078   //
3079   // Map Tool Group
3080   mMapToolGroup = new QActionGroup( this );
3081   mMapToolGroup->addAction( mActionPan );
3082   mMapToolGroup->addAction( mActionZoomIn );
3083   mMapToolGroup->addAction( mActionZoomOut );
3084   mMapToolGroup->addAction( mActionIdentify );
3085   mMapToolGroup->addAction( mActionFeatureAction );
3086   mMapToolGroup->addAction( mActionSelectFeatures );
3087   mMapToolGroup->addAction( mActionSelectPolygon );
3088   mMapToolGroup->addAction( mActionSelectFreehand );
3089   mMapToolGroup->addAction( mActionSelectRadius );
3090   mMapToolGroup->addAction( mActionDeselectAll );
3091   mMapToolGroup->addAction( mActionDeselectActiveLayer );
3092   mMapToolGroup->addAction( mActionSelectAll );
3093   mMapToolGroup->addAction( mActionReselect );
3094   mMapToolGroup->addAction( mActionInvertSelection );
3095   mMapToolGroup->addAction( mActionMeasure );
3096   mMapToolGroup->addAction( mActionMeasureArea );
3097   mMapToolGroup->addAction( mActionMeasureAngle );
3098   mMapToolGroup->addAction( mActionMeasureBearing );
3099   mMapToolGroup->addAction( mActionAddFeature );
3100   mMapToolGroup->addAction( mActionCircularStringCurvePoint );
3101   mMapToolGroup->addAction( mActionCircularStringRadius );
3102   mMapToolGroup->addAction( mActionCircle2Points );
3103   mMapToolGroup->addAction( mActionCircle3Points );
3104   mMapToolGroup->addAction( mActionCircle3Tangents );
3105   mMapToolGroup->addAction( mActionCircle2TangentsPoint );
3106   mMapToolGroup->addAction( mActionCircleCenterPoint );
3107   mMapToolGroup->addAction( mActionEllipseCenter2Points );
3108   mMapToolGroup->addAction( mActionEllipseCenterPoint );
3109   mMapToolGroup->addAction( mActionEllipseExtent );
3110   mMapToolGroup->addAction( mActionEllipseFoci );
3111   mMapToolGroup->addAction( mActionRectangleCenterPoint );
3112   mMapToolGroup->addAction( mActionRectangleExtent );
3113   mMapToolGroup->addAction( mActionRectangle3PointsDistance );
3114   mMapToolGroup->addAction( mActionRectangle3PointsProjected );
3115   mMapToolGroup->addAction( mActionRegularPolygon2Points );
3116   mMapToolGroup->addAction( mActionRegularPolygonCenterPoint );
3117   mMapToolGroup->addAction( mActionRegularPolygonCenterCorner );
3118   mMapToolGroup->addAction( mActionMoveFeature );
3119   mMapToolGroup->addAction( mActionMoveFeatureCopy );
3120   mMapToolGroup->addAction( mActionRotateFeature );
3121   mMapToolGroup->addAction( mActionScaleFeature );
3122   mMapToolGroup->addAction( mActionOffsetCurve );
3123   mMapToolGroup->addAction( mActionReshapeFeatures );
3124   mMapToolGroup->addAction( mActionSplitFeatures );
3125   mMapToolGroup->addAction( mActionSplitParts );
3126   mMapToolGroup->addAction( mActionDeleteSelected );
3127   mMapToolGroup->addAction( mActionAddRing );
3128   mMapToolGroup->addAction( mActionFillRing );
3129   mMapToolGroup->addAction( mActionAddPart );
3130   mMapToolGroup->addAction( mActionSimplifyFeature );
3131   mMapToolGroup->addAction( mActionDeleteRing );
3132   mMapToolGroup->addAction( mActionDeletePart );
3133   mMapToolGroup->addAction( mActionMergeFeatures );
3134   mMapToolGroup->addAction( mActionMergeFeatureAttributes );
3135   mMapToolGroup->addAction( mActionVertexTool );
3136   mMapToolGroup->addAction( mActionVertexToolActiveLayer );
3137   mMapToolGroup->addAction( mActionRotatePointSymbols );
3138   mMapToolGroup->addAction( mActionOffsetPointSymbol );
3139   mMapToolGroup->addAction( mActionPinLabels );
3140   mMapToolGroup->addAction( mActionShowHideLabels );
3141   mMapToolGroup->addAction( mActionMoveLabel );
3142   mMapToolGroup->addAction( mActionRotateLabel );
3143   mMapToolGroup->addAction( mActionChangeLabelProperties );
3144   mMapToolGroup->addAction( mActionReverseLine );
3145   mMapToolGroup->addAction( mActionTrimExtendFeature );
3146   mMapToolGroup->addAction( mActionModifyAnnotation );
3148   //
3149   // Preview Modes Group
3150   QActionGroup *mPreviewGroup = new QActionGroup( this );
3151   mPreviewGroup->setExclusive( true );
3152   mActionPreviewModeOff->setActionGroup( mPreviewGroup );
3153   mActionPreviewModeMono->setActionGroup( mPreviewGroup );
3154   mActionPreviewModeGrayscale->setActionGroup( mPreviewGroup );
3155   mActionPreviewProtanope->setActionGroup( mPreviewGroup );
3156   mActionPreviewDeuteranope->setActionGroup( mPreviewGroup );
3157   mActionPreviewTritanope->setActionGroup( mPreviewGroup );
3158 }
setAppStyleSheet(const QString & stylesheet)3160 void QgisApp::setAppStyleSheet( const QString &stylesheet )
3161 {
3162   // avoid crash on stylesheet change -- see https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-69204
3163   static bool sOnce = false;
3164   if ( sOnce )
3165     return;
3166   sOnce = true;
3168   setStyleSheet( stylesheet );
3170   // cascade styles to any current layout designers
3171   const auto constMLayoutDesignerDialogs = mLayoutDesignerDialogs;
3172   for ( QgsLayoutDesignerDialog *d : constMLayoutDesignerDialogs )
3173   {
3174     d->setStyleSheet( stylesheet );
3175   }
3177   if ( mpMaptip )
3178   {
3179     mpMaptip->applyFontSettings();
3180   }
3181 }
createMenus()3183 void QgisApp::createMenus()
3184 {
3185   /*
3186    * The User Interface Guidelines for each platform specify different locations
3187    * for the following items.
3188    *
3189    * Custom CRS, Options:
3190    * Gnome - bottom of Edit menu
3191    * Mac - Application menu (moved automatically by Qt)
3192    * Kde, Win - Settings menu (Win should use Tools menu but we don't have one)
3193    *
3194    * Panel and Toolbar submenus, Toggle Full Screen:
3195    * Gnome, Mac, Win - View menu
3196    * Kde - Settings menu
3197    *
3198    * For Mac, About and Exit are also automatically moved by Qt to the Application menu.
3199    */
3201   // Layer menu
3203   // Panel and Toolbar Submenus
3204   mPanelMenu = new QMenu( tr( "Panels" ), this );
3205   mPanelMenu->setObjectName( QStringLiteral( "mPanelMenu" ) );
3206   mToolbarMenu = new QMenu( tr( "Toolbars" ), this );
3207   mToolbarMenu->setObjectName( QStringLiteral( "mToolbarMenu" ) );
3209   // Get platform for menu layout customization (Gnome, Kde, Mac, Win)
3210   QDialogButtonBox::ButtonLayout layout =
3211     QDialogButtonBox::ButtonLayout( style()->styleHint( QStyle::SH_DialogButtonLayout, nullptr, this ) );
3213   // Connect once for the entire submenu.
3214   connect( mRecentProjectsMenu, &QMenu::triggered, this, static_cast < void ( QgisApp::* )( QAction *action ) >( &QgisApp::openProject ) );
3215   connect( mProjectFromTemplateMenu, &QMenu::triggered,
3216            this, &QgisApp::fileNewFromTemplateAction );
3219   // View Menu
3221   if ( layout != QDialogButtonBox::KdeLayout )
3222   {
3223     mViewMenu->addSeparator();
3224     mViewMenu->addMenu( mPanelMenu );
3225     mViewMenu->addMenu( mToolbarMenu );
3226     mViewMenu->addAction( mActionToggleFullScreen );
3227     mViewMenu->addAction( mActionTogglePanelsVisibility );
3228     mViewMenu->addAction( mActionToggleMapOnly );
3229   }
3230   else
3231   {
3232     // on the top of the settings menu
3233     QAction *before = mSettingsMenu->actions().at( 0 );
3234     mSettingsMenu->insertMenu( before, mPanelMenu );
3235     mSettingsMenu->insertMenu( before, mToolbarMenu );
3236     mSettingsMenu->insertAction( before, mActionToggleFullScreen );
3237     mSettingsMenu->insertAction( before, mActionTogglePanelsVisibility );
3238     mSettingsMenu->insertAction( before, mActionToggleMapOnly );
3239     mSettingsMenu->insertSeparator( before );
3240   }
3242 #ifdef Q_OS_MAC
3244   // keep plugins from hijacking About and Preferences application menus
3245   // these duplicate actions will be moved to application menus by Qt
3246   mProjectMenu->addAction( mActionAbout );
3247   QAction *actionPrefs = new QAction( tr( "Preferences…" ), this );
3248   actionPrefs->setMenuRole( QAction::PreferencesRole );
3249   actionPrefs->setIcon( mActionOptions->icon() );
3250   connect( actionPrefs, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::options );
3251   mProjectMenu->addAction( actionPrefs );
3253   // Window Menu
3255   mWindowMenu = new QMenu( tr( "Window" ), this );
3257   mWindowMenu->addAction( mActionWindowMinimize );
3258   mWindowMenu->addAction( mActionWindowZoom );
3259   mWindowMenu->addSeparator();
3261   mWindowMenu->addAction( mActionWindowAllToFront );
3262   mWindowMenu->addSeparator();
3264   // insert before Help menu, as per Mac OS convention
3265   menuBar()->insertMenu( mHelpMenu->menuAction(), mWindowMenu );
3266 #endif
3268   // Database Menu
3269   // don't add it yet, wait for a plugin
3270   mDatabaseMenu = new QMenu( tr( "&Database" ), menuBar() );
3271   mDatabaseMenu->setObjectName( QStringLiteral( "mDatabaseMenu" ) );
3272   // Web Menu
3273   // don't add it yet, wait for a plugin
3274   mWebMenu = new QMenu( tr( "&Web" ), menuBar() );
3275   mWebMenu->setObjectName( QStringLiteral( "mWebMenu" ) );
3277   createProfileMenu();
3278 }
refreshProfileMenu()3280 void QgisApp::refreshProfileMenu()
3281 {
3282   if ( !mConfigMenu )
3283     return;
3285   mConfigMenu->clear();
3286   QgsUserProfile *profile = userProfileManager()->userProfile();
3287   QString activeName = profile->name();
3288   mConfigMenu->setTitle( tr( "&User Profiles" ) );
3290   QActionGroup *profileGroup = new QActionGroup( mConfigMenu );
3291   profileGroup->setExclusive( true );
3293   const auto constAllProfiles = userProfileManager()->allProfiles();
3294   for ( const QString &name : constAllProfiles )
3295   {
3296     std::unique_ptr< QgsUserProfile > namedProfile( userProfileManager()->profileForName( name ) );
3297     QAction *action = new QAction( namedProfile->icon(), namedProfile->alias(), profileGroup );
3298     action->setToolTip( namedProfile->folder() );
3299     action->setCheckable( true );
3300     action->setObjectName( "mActionProfile_" + namedProfile->alias() );
3301     mConfigMenu->addAction( action );
3303     if ( name == activeName )
3304     {
3305       action->setChecked( true );
3306     }
3307     else
3308     {
3309       connect( action, &QAction::triggered, this, [this, name]()
3310       {
3311         userProfileManager()->loadUserProfile( name );
3312       } );
3313     }
3314   }
3316   mConfigMenu->addSeparator( );
3318   QAction *openProfileFolderAction = mConfigMenu->addAction( tr( "Open Active Profile Folder" ) );
3319   openProfileFolderAction->setObjectName( "mActionOpenActiveProfileFolder" );
3320   connect( openProfileFolderAction, &QAction::triggered, this, [this]()
3321   {
3322     QDesktopServices::openUrl( QUrl::fromLocalFile( userProfileManager()->userProfile()->folder() ) );
3323   } );
3325   QAction *newProfileAction = mConfigMenu->addAction( tr( "New Profile…" ) );
3326   newProfileAction->setObjectName( "mActionNewProfile" );
3327   connect( newProfileAction, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::newProfile );
3328 }
createProfileMenu()3330 void QgisApp::createProfileMenu()
3331 {
3332   mConfigMenu = new QMenu( this );
3333   mConfigMenu->setObjectName( "mUserProfileMenu" );
3335   settingsMenu()->insertMenu( settingsMenu()->actions().first(), mConfigMenu );
3337   refreshProfileMenu();
3338 }
createToolBars()3340 void QgisApp::createToolBars()
3341 {
3342   QgsSettings settings;
3343   // QSize myIconSize ( 32,32 ); //large icons
3344   // Note: we need to set each object name to ensure that
3345   // qmainwindow::saveState and qmainwindow::restoreState
3346   // work properly
3348   QList<QToolBar *> toolbarMenuToolBars;
3349   toolbarMenuToolBars << mFileToolBar
3350                       << mDataSourceManagerToolBar
3351                       << mLayerToolBar
3352                       << mDigitizeToolBar
3353                       << mAdvancedDigitizeToolBar
3354                       << mShapeDigitizeToolBar
3355                       << mMapNavToolBar
3356                       << mAttributesToolBar
3357                       << mSelectionToolBar
3358                       << mPluginToolBar
3359                       << mHelpToolBar
3360                       << mRasterToolBar
3361                       << mVectorToolBar
3362                       << mDatabaseToolBar
3363                       << mWebToolBar
3364                       << mLabelToolBar
3365                       << mSnappingToolBar
3366                       << mMeshToolBar
3367                       << mAnnotationsToolBar;
3369   mSnappingWidget = new QgsSnappingWidget( QgsProject::instance(), mMapCanvas, mSnappingToolBar );
3370   mSnappingWidget->setObjectName( QStringLiteral( "mSnappingWidget" ) );
3371   connect( mSnappingWidget, &QgsSnappingWidget::snappingConfigChanged, QgsProject::instance(), [ = ] { QgsProject::instance()->setSnappingConfig( mSnappingWidget->config() ); } );
3372   mSnappingToolBar->addWidget( mSnappingWidget );
3374   mTracer = new QgsMapCanvasTracer( mMapCanvas, messageBar() );
3375   mTracer->setActionEnableTracing( mSnappingWidget->enableTracingAction() );
3376   mTracer->setActionEnableSnapping( mSnappingWidget->enableSnappingAction() );
3377   connect( mSnappingWidget->tracingOffsetSpinBox(),
3378            static_cast< void ( QgsDoubleSpinBox::* )( double ) >( &QgsDoubleSpinBox::valueChanged ),
3379   this, [ = ]( double v ) { mTracer->setOffset( v ); } );
3381   mDigitizeModeToolButton = new QToolButton();
3382   mDigitizeModeToolButton->setPopupMode( QToolButton::MenuButtonPopup );
3383   QMenu *digitizeMenu = new QMenu( mDigitizeModeToolButton );
3384   digitizeMenu->addAction( mActionDigitizeWithCurve );
3385   digitizeMenu->addAction( mActionStreamDigitize );
3386   digitizeMenu->addSeparator();
3387   digitizeMenu->addAction( mMapTools->streamDigitizingSettingsAction() );
3388   mDigitizeModeToolButton->setMenu( digitizeMenu );
3390   switch ( settings.value( QStringLiteral( "UI/digitizeTechnique" ), 0 ).toInt() )
3391   {
3392     case 0:
3393       mDigitizeModeToolButton->setDefaultAction( mActionDigitizeWithCurve );
3394       break;
3395     case 1:
3396       mDigitizeModeToolButton->setDefaultAction( mActionStreamDigitize );
3397       break;
3398   }
3399   mAdvancedDigitizeToolBar->insertWidget( mAdvancedDigitizeToolBar->actions().at( 0 ), mDigitizeModeToolButton );
3401   QList<QAction *> toolbarMenuActions;
3402   // Set action names so that they can be used in customization
3403   const auto constToolbarMenuToolBars = toolbarMenuToolBars;
3404   for ( QToolBar *toolBar : constToolbarMenuToolBars )
3405   {
3406     toolBar->toggleViewAction()->setObjectName( "mActionToggle" + toolBar->objectName().mid( 1 ) );
3407     toolbarMenuActions << toolBar->toggleViewAction();
3408   }
3410   // sort actions in toolbar menu
3411   std::sort( toolbarMenuActions.begin(), toolbarMenuActions.end(), cmpByText_ );
3413   mToolbarMenu->addActions( toolbarMenuActions );
3415   // advanced selection tool button
3416   QToolButton *bt = new QToolButton( mSelectionToolBar );
3417   bt->setPopupMode( QToolButton::MenuButtonPopup );
3418   bt->addAction( mActionSelectByForm );
3419   bt->addAction( mActionSelectByExpression );
3420   bt->addAction( mActionSelectAll );
3421   bt->addAction( mActionInvertSelection );
3423   QAction *defAdvancedSelectionAction = mActionSelectByForm;
3424   switch ( settings.value( QStringLiteral( "UI/selectionTool" ), 0 ).toInt() )
3425   {
3426     case 0:
3427       defAdvancedSelectionAction = mActionSelectByForm;
3428       break;
3429     case 1:
3430       defAdvancedSelectionAction = mActionSelectByExpression;
3431       break;
3432     case 2:
3433       defAdvancedSelectionAction = mActionSelectAll;
3434       break;
3435     case 3:
3436       defAdvancedSelectionAction = mActionInvertSelection;
3437       break;
3438   }
3439   bt->setDefaultAction( defAdvancedSelectionAction );
3440   QAction *advancedSelectionAction = mSelectionToolBar->insertWidget( mActionOpenTable, bt );
3441   advancedSelectionAction->setObjectName( QStringLiteral( "ActionSelection" ) );
3442   connect( bt, &QToolButton::triggered, this, &QgisApp::toolButtonActionTriggered );
3444   // mouse select tool button
3445   bt = new QToolButton( mSelectionToolBar );
3446   bt->setPopupMode( QToolButton::MenuButtonPopup );
3447   bt->addAction( mActionSelectFeatures );
3448   bt->addAction( mActionSelectPolygon );
3449   bt->addAction( mActionSelectFreehand );
3450   bt->addAction( mActionSelectRadius );
3452   QAction *defMouseSelectAction = mActionSelectFeatures;
3453   switch ( settings.value( QStringLiteral( "UI/selectTool" ), 1 ).toInt() )
3454   {
3455     case 1:
3456       defMouseSelectAction = mActionSelectFeatures;
3457       break;
3458     case 2:
3459       defMouseSelectAction = mActionSelectRadius;
3460       break;
3461     case 3:
3462       defMouseSelectAction = mActionSelectPolygon;
3463       break;
3464     case 4:
3465       defMouseSelectAction = mActionSelectFreehand;
3466       break;
3467   }
3468   bt->setDefaultAction( defMouseSelectAction );
3469   QAction *mouseSelectionAction = mSelectionToolBar->insertWidget( advancedSelectionAction, bt );
3470   mouseSelectionAction->setObjectName( QStringLiteral( "ActionSelect" ) );
3471   connect( bt, &QToolButton::triggered, this, &QgisApp::toolButtonActionTriggered );
3473   // deselection tool button
3474   bt = new QToolButton( mSelectionToolBar );
3475   bt->setPopupMode( QToolButton::MenuButtonPopup );
3476   bt->addAction( mActionDeselectAll );
3477   bt->addAction( mActionDeselectActiveLayer );
3479   QAction *defDeselectionAction = mActionDeselectAll;
3480   switch ( settings.value( QStringLiteral( "UI/deselectionTool" ), 0 ).toInt() )
3481   {
3482     case 0:
3483       defDeselectionAction = mActionDeselectAll;
3484       break;
3485     case 1:
3486       defDeselectionAction = mActionDeselectActiveLayer;
3487       break;
3488   }
3489   bt->setDefaultAction( defDeselectionAction );
3490   QAction *deselectionAction = mSelectionToolBar->insertWidget( mActionOpenTable, bt );
3491   deselectionAction->setObjectName( QStringLiteral( "ActionDeselection" ) );
3492   connect( bt, &QToolButton::triggered, this, &QgisApp::toolButtonActionTriggered );
3494   // feature action tool button
3495   bt = new QToolButton( mAttributesToolBar );
3496   bt->setPopupMode( QToolButton::MenuButtonPopup );
3497   bt->setDefaultAction( mActionFeatureAction );
3498   mFeatureActionMenu = new QMenu( bt );
3499   connect( mFeatureActionMenu, &QMenu::triggered, this, &QgisApp::updateDefaultFeatureAction );
3500   connect( mFeatureActionMenu, &QMenu::triggered, this, &QgisApp::doFeatureAction );
3501   connect( mFeatureActionMenu, &QMenu::aboutToShow, this, &QgisApp::refreshFeatureActions );
3502   bt->setMenu( mFeatureActionMenu );
3503   QAction *featureActionAction = mAttributesToolBar->insertWidget( mouseSelectionAction, bt );
3504   featureActionAction->setObjectName( QStringLiteral( "ActionFeatureAction" ) );
3508   // open table tool button
3510   bt = new QToolButton( mAttributesToolBar );
3511   bt->setPopupMode( QToolButton::MenuButtonPopup );
3512   bt->addAction( mActionOpenTable );
3513   bt->addAction( mActionOpenTableSelected );
3514   bt->addAction( mActionOpenTableVisible );
3515   bt->addAction( mActionOpenTableEdited );
3517   QAction *defOpenTableAction = mActionOpenTable;
3518   switch ( settings.value( QStringLiteral( "UI/openTableTool" ), 0 ).toInt() )
3519   {
3520     case 0:
3521       defOpenTableAction = mActionOpenTable;
3522       break;
3523     case 1:
3524       defOpenTableAction = mActionOpenTableSelected;
3525       break;
3526     case 2:
3527       defOpenTableAction = mActionOpenTableVisible;
3528       break;
3529     case 3:
3530       defOpenTableAction = mActionOpenTableEdited;
3531       break;
3532   }
3533   bt->setDefaultAction( defOpenTableAction );
3534   QAction *openTableAction = mAttributesToolBar->insertWidget( mActionMapTips, bt );
3535   openTableAction->setObjectName( QStringLiteral( "ActionOpenTable" ) );
3536   connect( bt, &QToolButton::triggered, this, &QgisApp::toolButtonActionTriggered );
3540   // measure tool button
3542   bt = new QToolButton( mAttributesToolBar );
3543   bt->setPopupMode( QToolButton::MenuButtonPopup );
3544   bt->addAction( mActionMeasure );
3545   bt->addAction( mActionMeasureArea );
3546   bt->addAction( mActionMeasureBearing );
3547   bt->addAction( mActionMeasureAngle );
3549   QAction *defMeasureAction = mActionMeasure;
3550   switch ( settings.value( QStringLiteral( "UI/measureTool" ), 0 ).toInt() )
3551   {
3552     case 0:
3553       defMeasureAction = mActionMeasure;
3554       break;
3555     case 1:
3556       defMeasureAction = mActionMeasureArea;
3557       break;
3558     case 2:
3559       defMeasureAction = mActionMeasureBearing;
3560       break;
3561     case 3:
3562       defMeasureAction = mActionMeasureAngle;
3563       break;
3564   }
3565   bt->setDefaultAction( defMeasureAction );
3566   QAction *measureAction = mAttributesToolBar->insertWidget( mActionMapTips, bt );
3567   measureAction->setObjectName( QStringLiteral( "ActionMeasure" ) );
3568   connect( bt, &QToolButton::triggered, this, &QgisApp::toolButtonActionTriggered );
3570   // vector layer edits tool buttons
3571   QToolButton *tbAllEdits = qobject_cast<QToolButton *>( mDigitizeToolBar->widgetForAction( mActionAllEdits ) );
3572   tbAllEdits->setPopupMode( QToolButton::InstantPopup );
3574   // new layer tool button
3576   bt = new QToolButton();
3577   bt->setPopupMode( QToolButton::MenuButtonPopup );
3578   bt->addAction( mActionNewVectorLayer );
3580   bt->addAction( mActionNewSpatiaLiteLayer );
3581 #endif
3582   bt->addAction( mActionNewGeoPackageLayer );
3583   bt->addAction( mActionNewMemoryLayer );
3585   QAction *defNewLayerAction = mActionNewVectorLayer;
3586   switch ( settings.value( QStringLiteral( "UI/defaultNewLayer" ), 1 ).toInt() )
3587   {
3588     case 0:
3589       defNewLayerAction = mActionNewSpatiaLiteLayer;
3590       break;
3591     case 1:
3592       defNewLayerAction = mActionNewVectorLayer;
3593       break;
3594     case 2:
3595       defNewLayerAction = mActionNewMemoryLayer;
3596       break;
3597     case 3:
3598       defNewLayerAction = mActionNewGeoPackageLayer;
3599       break;
3600   }
3601   bt->setDefaultAction( defNewLayerAction );
3602   QAction *newLayerAction = mLayerToolBar->addWidget( bt );
3604   newLayerAction->setObjectName( QStringLiteral( "ActionNewLayer" ) );
3605   connect( bt, &QToolButton::triggered, this, &QgisApp::toolButtonActionTriggered );
3607   // add db layer button
3608   bt = new QToolButton();
3609   bt->setPopupMode( QToolButton::MenuButtonPopup );
3610   if ( mActionAddPgLayer )
3611     bt->addAction( mActionAddPgLayer );
3612   if ( mActionAddMssqlLayer )
3613     bt->addAction( mActionAddMssqlLayer );
3614   if ( mActionAddOracleLayer )
3615     bt->addAction( mActionAddOracleLayer );
3616   if ( mActionAddHanaLayer )
3617     bt->addAction( mActionAddHanaLayer );
3618   QAction *defAddDbLayerAction = mActionAddPgLayer;
3619   switch ( settings.value( QStringLiteral( "UI/defaultAddDbLayerAction" ), 0 ).toInt() )
3620   {
3621     case 0:
3622       defAddDbLayerAction = mActionAddPgLayer;
3623       break;
3624     case 1:
3625       defAddDbLayerAction = mActionAddMssqlLayer;
3626       break;
3627     case 2:
3628       defAddDbLayerAction = mActionAddOracleLayer;
3629       break;
3630     case 3:
3631       defAddDbLayerAction = mActionAddHanaLayer;
3632       break;
3633   }
3634   if ( defAddDbLayerAction )
3635     bt->setDefaultAction( defAddDbLayerAction );
3636   QAction *addDbLayerAction = mLayerToolBar->insertWidget( mActionAddWmsLayer, bt );
3637   addDbLayerAction->setObjectName( QStringLiteral( "ActionAddDbLayer" ) );
3638   connect( bt, &QToolButton::triggered, this, &QgisApp::toolButtonActionTriggered );
3640   QLayout *layout = mLayerToolBar->layout();
3641   for ( int i = 0; i < layout->count(); ++i )
3642   {
3643     layout->itemAt( i )->setAlignment( Qt::AlignLeft );
3644   }
3646   //circular string digitize tool button
3647   QToolButton *tbAddCircularString = new QToolButton( mShapeDigitizeToolBar );
3648   tbAddCircularString->setPopupMode( QToolButton::MenuButtonPopup );
3649   tbAddCircularString->addAction( mActionCircularStringCurvePoint );
3650   tbAddCircularString->addAction( mActionCircularStringRadius );
3651   QAction *defActionCircularString = mActionCircularStringCurvePoint;
3652   switch ( settings.value( QStringLiteral( "UI/defaultCircularString" ), 0 ).toInt() )
3653   {
3654     case 0:
3655       defActionCircularString = mActionCircularStringCurvePoint;
3656       break;
3657     case 1:
3658       defActionCircularString = mActionCircularStringRadius;
3659       break;
3660   }
3661   tbAddCircularString->setDefaultAction( defActionCircularString );
3662   QAction *addCircularAction = mShapeDigitizeToolBar->insertWidget( mActionVertexTool, tbAddCircularString );
3663   addCircularAction->setObjectName( QStringLiteral( "ActionAddCircularString" ) );
3664   connect( tbAddCircularString, &QToolButton::triggered, this, &QgisApp::toolButtonActionTriggered );
3666   //circle digitize tool button
3667   QToolButton *tbAddCircle = new QToolButton( mShapeDigitizeToolBar );
3668   tbAddCircle->setPopupMode( QToolButton::MenuButtonPopup );
3669   tbAddCircle->addAction( mActionCircle2Points );
3670   tbAddCircle->addAction( mActionCircle3Points );
3671   tbAddCircle->addAction( mActionCircle3Tangents );
3672   tbAddCircle->addAction( mActionCircle2TangentsPoint );
3673   tbAddCircle->addAction( mActionCircleCenterPoint );
3674   QAction *defActionCircle = mActionCircle2Points;
3675   switch ( settings.value( QStringLiteral( "UI/defaultCircle" ), 0 ).toInt() )
3676   {
3677     case 0:
3678       defActionCircle = mActionCircle2Points;
3679       break;
3680     case 1:
3681       defActionCircle = mActionCircle3Points;
3682       break;
3683     case 2:
3684       defActionCircle = mActionCircle3Tangents;
3685       break;
3686     case 3:
3687       defActionCircle = mActionCircle2TangentsPoint;
3688       break;
3689     case 4:
3690       defActionCircle = mActionCircleCenterPoint;
3691       break;
3692   }
3693   tbAddCircle->setDefaultAction( defActionCircle );
3694   QAction *addCircleAction = mShapeDigitizeToolBar->insertWidget( mActionVertexTool, tbAddCircle );
3695   addCircleAction->setObjectName( QStringLiteral( "ActionAddCircle" ) );
3696   connect( tbAddCircle, &QToolButton::triggered, this, &QgisApp::toolButtonActionTriggered );
3698   //ellipse digitize tool button
3699   QToolButton *tbAddEllipse = new QToolButton( mShapeDigitizeToolBar );
3700   tbAddEllipse->setPopupMode( QToolButton::MenuButtonPopup );
3701   tbAddEllipse->addAction( mActionEllipseCenter2Points );
3702   tbAddEllipse->addAction( mActionEllipseCenterPoint );
3703   tbAddEllipse->addAction( mActionEllipseExtent );
3704   tbAddEllipse->addAction( mActionEllipseFoci );
3705   QAction *defActionEllipse = mActionEllipseCenter2Points;
3706   switch ( settings.value( QStringLiteral( "UI/defaultEllipse" ), 0 ).toInt() )
3707   {
3708     case 0:
3709       defActionEllipse = mActionEllipseCenter2Points;
3710       break;
3711     case 1:
3712       defActionEllipse = mActionEllipseCenterPoint;
3713       break;
3714     case 2:
3715       defActionEllipse = mActionEllipseExtent;
3716       break;
3717     case 3:
3718       defActionEllipse = mActionEllipseFoci;
3719       break;
3720   }
3721   tbAddEllipse->setDefaultAction( defActionEllipse );
3722   QAction *addEllipseAction = mShapeDigitizeToolBar->insertWidget( mActionVertexTool, tbAddEllipse );
3723   addEllipseAction->setObjectName( QStringLiteral( "ActionAddEllipse" ) );
3724   connect( tbAddEllipse, &QToolButton::triggered, this, &QgisApp::toolButtonActionTriggered );
3726   //Rectangle digitize tool button
3727   QToolButton *tbAddRectangle = new QToolButton( mShapeDigitizeToolBar );
3728   tbAddRectangle->setPopupMode( QToolButton::MenuButtonPopup );
3729   tbAddRectangle->addAction( mActionRectangleCenterPoint );
3730   tbAddRectangle->addAction( mActionRectangleExtent );
3731   tbAddRectangle->addAction( mActionRectangle3PointsDistance );
3732   tbAddRectangle->addAction( mActionRectangle3PointsProjected );
3733   QAction *defActionRectangle = mActionRectangleCenterPoint;
3734   switch ( settings.value( QStringLiteral( "UI/defaultRectangle" ), 0 ).toInt() )
3735   {
3736     case 0:
3737       defActionRectangle = mActionRectangleCenterPoint;
3738       break;
3739     case 1:
3740       defActionRectangle = mActionRectangleExtent;
3741       break;
3742     case 2:
3743       defActionRectangle = mActionRectangle3PointsDistance;
3744       break;
3745     case 3:
3746       defActionRectangle = mActionRectangle3PointsProjected;
3747       break;
3748   }
3749   tbAddRectangle->setDefaultAction( defActionRectangle );
3750   QAction *addRectangleAction = mShapeDigitizeToolBar->insertWidget( mActionVertexTool, tbAddRectangle );
3751   addRectangleAction->setObjectName( QStringLiteral( "ActionAddRectangle" ) );
3752   connect( tbAddRectangle, &QToolButton::triggered, this, &QgisApp::toolButtonActionTriggered );
3754   //Regular polygon digitize tool button
3755   QToolButton *tbAddRegularPolygon = new QToolButton( mShapeDigitizeToolBar );
3756   tbAddRegularPolygon->setPopupMode( QToolButton::MenuButtonPopup );
3757   tbAddRegularPolygon->addAction( mActionRegularPolygon2Points );
3758   tbAddRegularPolygon->addAction( mActionRegularPolygonCenterPoint );
3759   tbAddRegularPolygon->addAction( mActionRegularPolygonCenterCorner );
3760   QAction *defActionRegularPolygon = mActionRegularPolygon2Points;
3761   switch ( settings.value( QStringLiteral( "UI/defaultRegularPolygon" ), 0 ).toInt() )
3762   {
3763     case 0:
3764       defActionRegularPolygon = mActionRegularPolygon2Points;
3765       break;
3766     case 1:
3767       defActionRegularPolygon = mActionRegularPolygonCenterPoint;
3768       break;
3769     case 2:
3770       defActionRegularPolygon = mActionRegularPolygonCenterCorner;
3771       break;
3772   }
3773   tbAddRegularPolygon->setDefaultAction( defActionRegularPolygon );
3774   QAction *addRegularPolygonAction = mShapeDigitizeToolBar->insertWidget( mActionVertexTool, tbAddRegularPolygon );
3775   addRegularPolygonAction->setObjectName( QStringLiteral( "ActionAddRegularPolygon" ) );
3776   connect( tbAddRegularPolygon, &QToolButton::triggered, this, &QgisApp::toolButtonActionTriggered );
3778   // Cad toolbar
3779   mAdvancedDigitizeToolBar->insertAction( mAdvancedDigitizeToolBar->actions().at( 0 ), mAdvancedDigitizingDockWidget->enableAction() );
3781   // move feature tool button
3782   QToolButton *moveFeatureButton = new QToolButton( mAdvancedDigitizeToolBar );
3783   moveFeatureButton->setPopupMode( QToolButton::MenuButtonPopup );
3784   moveFeatureButton->addAction( mActionMoveFeature );
3785   moveFeatureButton->addAction( mActionMoveFeatureCopy );
3786   QAction *defAction = mActionMoveFeature;
3787   switch ( settings.value( QStringLiteral( "UI/defaultMoveTool" ), 0 ).toInt() )
3788   {
3789     case 0:
3790       defAction = mActionMoveFeature;
3791       break;
3792     case 1:
3793       defAction = mActionMoveFeatureCopy;
3794       break;
3795   }
3796   moveFeatureButton->setDefaultAction( defAction );
3797   QAction *moveToolAction = mAdvancedDigitizeToolBar->insertWidget( mActionRotateFeature, moveFeatureButton );
3798   moveToolAction->setObjectName( QStringLiteral( "ActionMoveFeatureTool" ) );
3799   connect( moveFeatureButton, &QToolButton::triggered, this, &QgisApp::toolButtonActionTriggered );
3801   // vertex tool button
3802   QToolButton *vertexToolButton = new QToolButton( mDigitizeToolBar );
3803   vertexToolButton->setPopupMode( QToolButton::MenuButtonPopup );
3804   vertexToolButton->addAction( mActionVertexTool );
3805   vertexToolButton->addAction( mActionVertexToolActiveLayer );
3806   QAction *defActionVertexTool = mActionVertexTool;
3807   switch ( settings.enumValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/defaultVertexTool" ), QgsVertexTool::ActiveLayer ) )
3808   {
3809     case QgsVertexTool::AllLayers:
3810       defActionVertexTool = mActionVertexTool;
3811       break;
3812     case QgsVertexTool::ActiveLayer:
3813       defActionVertexTool = mActionVertexToolActiveLayer;
3814       break;
3815   }
3816   vertexToolButton->setDefaultAction( defActionVertexTool );
3817   QAction *actionVertexTool = mDigitizeToolBar->insertWidget( mActionMultiEditAttributes, vertexToolButton );
3818   actionVertexTool->setObjectName( QStringLiteral( "ActionVertexTool" ) );
3819   connect( vertexToolButton, &QToolButton::triggered, this, &QgisApp::toolButtonActionTriggered );
3821   bt = new QToolButton();
3822   bt->setPopupMode( QToolButton::MenuButtonPopup );
3823   bt->addAction( mActionRotatePointSymbols );
3824   bt->addAction( mActionOffsetPointSymbol );
3826   QAction *defPointSymbolAction = mActionRotatePointSymbols;
3827   switch ( settings.value( QStringLiteral( "UI/defaultPointSymbolAction" ), 0 ).toInt() )
3828   {
3829     case 0:
3830       defPointSymbolAction = mActionRotatePointSymbols;
3831       break;
3832     case 1:
3833       defPointSymbolAction = mActionOffsetPointSymbol;
3834       break;
3835   }
3836   bt->setDefaultAction( defPointSymbolAction );
3837   QAction *pointSymbolAction = mAdvancedDigitizeToolBar->addWidget( bt );
3838   pointSymbolAction->setObjectName( QStringLiteral( "ActionPointSymbolTools" ) );
3839   connect( bt, &QToolButton::triggered, this, &QgisApp::toolButtonActionTriggered );
3841   QgsMapToolEditMeshFrame *editMeshMapTool = qobject_cast<QgsMapToolEditMeshFrame *>( mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::EditMeshFrame ) );
3842   if ( editMeshMapTool )
3843   {
3844     mMeshToolBar->addAction( editMeshMapTool->digitizeAction() );
3846     QToolButton *meshSelectToolButton = new QToolButton();
3847     meshSelectToolButton->setPopupMode( QToolButton::MenuButtonPopup );
3848     QList<QAction *> selectActions = editMeshMapTool->selectActions();
3849     for ( QAction *selectAction : selectActions )
3850     {
3851       meshSelectToolButton->addAction( selectAction );
3852       connect( selectAction, &QAction::triggered, meshSelectToolButton, [selectAction, meshSelectToolButton]
3853       {
3854         meshSelectToolButton->setDefaultAction( selectAction );
3855       } );
3856     }
3858     meshSelectToolButton->setDefaultAction( editMeshMapTool->defaultSelectActions() );
3859     mMeshToolBar->addWidget( meshSelectToolButton );
3861     mMeshToolBar->addAction( ( editMeshMapTool->transformAction() ) );
3863     QToolButton *meshForceByLinesToolButton = new QToolButton();
3864     meshForceByLinesToolButton->setPopupMode( QToolButton::MenuButtonPopup );
3865     QMenu *meshForceByLineMenu = new QMenu( meshForceByLinesToolButton );
3867     //meshForceByLineMenu->addActions( editMeshMapTool->forceByLinesActions() );
3868     meshForceByLinesToolButton->setDefaultAction( editMeshMapTool->defaultForceAction() );
3869     meshForceByLineMenu->addSeparator();
3870     meshForceByLineMenu->addAction( editMeshMapTool->forceByLineWidgetActionSettings() );
3871     meshForceByLinesToolButton->setMenu( meshForceByLineMenu );
3872     mMeshToolBar->addWidget( meshForceByLinesToolButton );
3874     digitizeMenu->addAction( mActionStreamDigitize );
3875     digitizeMenu->addSeparator();
3876     digitizeMenu->addAction( mMapTools->streamDigitizingSettingsAction() );
3877     mDigitizeModeToolButton->setMenu( digitizeMenu );
3878     for ( QAction *mapToolAction : editMeshMapTool->mapToolActions() )
3879       mMapToolGroup->addAction( mapToolAction );
3881     mMeshMenu->addAction( editMeshMapTool->reindexAction() );
3882   }
3884   QToolButton *annotationLayerToolButton = new QToolButton();
3885   annotationLayerToolButton->setPopupMode( QToolButton::MenuButtonPopup );
3886   QMenu *annotationLayerMenu = new QMenu( annotationLayerToolButton );
3887   annotationLayerMenu->addAction( mActionCreateAnnotationLayer );
3888   annotationLayerMenu->addAction( mMainAnnotationLayerProperties );
3889   annotationLayerToolButton->setMenu( annotationLayerMenu );
3890   annotationLayerToolButton->setDefaultAction( mActionCreateAnnotationLayer );
3891   mAnnotationsToolBar->insertWidget( mAnnotationsToolBar->actions().at( 0 ), annotationLayerToolButton );
3893   // Registered annotation items will be inserted before this separator
3894   mAnnotationsItemInsertBefore = mAnnotationsToolBar->addSeparator();
3896   bt = new QToolButton();
3897   bt->setPopupMode( QToolButton::MenuButtonPopup );
3898   bt->addAction( mActionTextAnnotation );
3899   bt->addAction( mActionFormAnnotation );
3900   bt->addAction( mActionHtmlAnnotation );
3901   bt->addAction( mActionSvgAnnotation );
3902   bt->addAction( mActionAnnotation );
3904   QAction *defAnnotationAction = mActionTextAnnotation;
3905   switch ( settings.value( QStringLiteral( "UI/annotationTool" ), 0 ).toInt() )
3906   {
3907     case 0:
3908       defAnnotationAction = mActionTextAnnotation;
3909       break;
3910     case 1:
3911       defAnnotationAction = mActionFormAnnotation;
3912       break;
3913     case 2:
3914       defAnnotationAction = mActionHtmlAnnotation;
3915       break;
3916     case 3:
3917       defAnnotationAction = mActionSvgAnnotation;
3918       break;
3919     case 4:
3920       defAnnotationAction = mActionAnnotation;
3921       break;
3922   }
3923   bt->setDefaultAction( defAnnotationAction );
3924   QAction *annotationAction = mAnnotationsToolBar->addWidget( bt );
3925   annotationAction->setObjectName( QStringLiteral( "ActionAnnotation" ) );
3926   connect( bt, &QToolButton::triggered, this, &QgisApp::toolButtonActionTriggered );
3927 }
createStatusBar()3929 void QgisApp::createStatusBar()
3930 {
3931   //remove borders from children under Windows
3932   statusBar()->setStyleSheet( QStringLiteral( "QStatusBar::item {border: none;}" ) );
3934   // Drop the font size in the status bar by a couple of points
3935   QFont statusBarFont = font();
3936   int fontSize = statusBarFont.pointSize();
3937 #ifdef Q_OS_WIN
3938   fontSize = std::max( fontSize - 1, 8 ); // bit less on windows, due to poor rendering of small point sizes
3939 #else
3940   fontSize = std::max( fontSize - 2, 6 );
3941 #endif
3942   statusBarFont.setPointSize( fontSize );
3943   statusBar()->setFont( statusBarFont );
3945   mStatusBar = new QgsStatusBar();
3946   mStatusBar->setParentStatusBar( QMainWindow::statusBar() );
3947   mStatusBar->setFont( statusBarFont );
3949   statusBar()->addPermanentWidget( mStatusBar, 10 );
3951   // Add a panel to the status bar for the scale, coords and progress
3952   // And also rendering suppression checkbox
3953   mProgressBar = new QProgressBar( mStatusBar );
3954   mProgressBar->setObjectName( QStringLiteral( "mProgressBar" ) );
3955   mProgressBar->setMaximumWidth( 100 );
3956   mProgressBar->setMaximumHeight( 18 );
3957   mProgressBar->hide();
3958   mStatusBar->addPermanentWidget( mProgressBar, 1 );
3960   connect( mMapCanvas, &QgsMapCanvas::renderStarting, this, &QgisApp::canvasRefreshStarted );
3961   connect( mMapCanvas, &QgsMapCanvas::mapCanvasRefreshed, this, &QgisApp::canvasRefreshFinished );
3963   mTaskManagerWidget = new QgsTaskManagerStatusBarWidget( QgsApplication::taskManager(), mStatusBar );
3964   mTaskManagerWidget->setFont( statusBarFont );
3965   mStatusBar->addPermanentWidget( mTaskManagerWidget, 0 );
3967   //coords status bar widget
3968   mCoordsEdit = new QgsStatusBarCoordinatesWidget( mStatusBar );
3969   mCoordsEdit->setObjectName( QStringLiteral( "mCoordsEdit" ) );
3970   mCoordsEdit->setMapCanvas( mMapCanvas );
3971   mCoordsEdit->setFont( statusBarFont );
3972   mStatusBar->addPermanentWidget( mCoordsEdit, 0 );
3974   mScaleWidget = new QgsStatusBarScaleWidget( mMapCanvas, mStatusBar );
3975   mScaleWidget->setObjectName( QStringLiteral( "mScaleWidget" ) );
3976   mScaleWidget->setFont( statusBarFont );
3977   mStatusBar->addPermanentWidget( mScaleWidget, 0 );
3979   // zoom widget
3980   mMagnifierWidget = new QgsStatusBarMagnifierWidget( mStatusBar );
3981   mMagnifierWidget->setObjectName( QStringLiteral( "mMagnifierWidget" ) );
3982   mMagnifierWidget->setFont( statusBarFont );
3983   connect( mMapCanvas, &QgsMapCanvas::magnificationChanged, mMagnifierWidget, &QgsStatusBarMagnifierWidget::updateMagnification );
3984   connect( mMapCanvas, &QgsMapCanvas::scaleLockChanged, mMagnifierWidget, &QgsStatusBarMagnifierWidget::updateScaleLock );
3985   connect( mMagnifierWidget, &QgsStatusBarMagnifierWidget::magnificationChanged, mMapCanvas, [ = ]( double factor ) { mMapCanvas->setMagnificationFactor( factor ); } );
3986   connect( mMagnifierWidget, &QgsStatusBarMagnifierWidget::scaleLockChanged, mMapCanvas, &QgsMapCanvas::setScaleLocked );
3987   mMagnifierWidget->updateMagnification( QSettings().value( QStringLiteral( "/qgis/magnifier_factor_default" ), 1.0 ).toDouble() );
3988   mStatusBar->addPermanentWidget( mMagnifierWidget, 0 );
3990   // add a widget to show/set current rotation
3991   mRotationLabel = new QLabel( QString(), mStatusBar );
3992   mRotationLabel->setObjectName( QStringLiteral( "mRotationLabel" ) );
3993   mRotationLabel->setFont( statusBarFont );
3994   mRotationLabel->setMinimumWidth( 10 );
3995   //mRotationLabel->setMaximumHeight( 20 );
3996   mRotationLabel->setMargin( 3 );
3997   mRotationLabel->setAlignment( Qt::AlignCenter );
3998   mRotationLabel->setFrameStyle( QFrame::NoFrame );
3999   mRotationLabel->setText( tr( "Rotation" ) );
4000   mRotationLabel->setToolTip( tr( "Current clockwise map rotation in degrees" ) );
4001   mStatusBar->addPermanentWidget( mRotationLabel, 0 );
4003   mRotationEdit = new QgsDoubleSpinBox( mStatusBar );
4004   mRotationEdit->setObjectName( QStringLiteral( "mRotationEdit" ) );
4005   mRotationEdit->setClearValue( 0.0 );
4006   mRotationEdit->setKeyboardTracking( false );
4007   mRotationEdit->setMaximumWidth( 120 );
4008   mRotationEdit->setDecimals( 1 );
4009   mRotationEdit->setRange( -360.0, 360.0 );
4010   mRotationEdit->setWrapping( true );
4011   mRotationEdit->setSingleStep( 5.0 );
4012   mRotationEdit->setFont( statusBarFont );
4013   mRotationEdit->setSuffix( tr( " °" ) );
4014   mRotationEdit->setToolTip( tr( "Current clockwise map rotation in degrees" ) );
4015   mStatusBar->addPermanentWidget( mRotationEdit, 0 );
4016   connect( mRotationEdit, static_cast < void ( QgsDoubleSpinBox::* )( double ) > ( &QgsDoubleSpinBox::valueChanged ), this, &QgisApp::userRotation );
4018   showRotation();
4020   // render suppression status bar widget
4021   mRenderSuppressionCBox = new QCheckBox( tr( "Render" ), mStatusBar );
4022   mRenderSuppressionCBox->setObjectName( QStringLiteral( "mRenderSuppressionCBox" ) );
4023   mRenderSuppressionCBox->setChecked( true );
4024   mRenderSuppressionCBox->setFont( statusBarFont );
4025   mRenderSuppressionCBox->setToolTip( tr( "Toggle map rendering" ) );
4026   mStatusBar->addPermanentWidget( mRenderSuppressionCBox, 0 );
4027   // On the fly projection status bar icon
4028   // Changed this to a tool button since a QPushButton is
4029   // sculpted on OS X and the icon is never displayed [gsherman]
4030   mOnTheFlyProjectionStatusButton = new QToolButton( mStatusBar );
4031   mOnTheFlyProjectionStatusButton->setAutoRaise( true );
4032   mOnTheFlyProjectionStatusButton->setFont( statusBarFont );
4033   mOnTheFlyProjectionStatusButton->setToolButtonStyle( Qt::ToolButtonTextBesideIcon );
4034   mOnTheFlyProjectionStatusButton->setObjectName( QStringLiteral( "mOntheFlyProjectionStatusButton" ) );
4035   // Maintain uniform widget height in status bar by setting button height same as labels
4036   // For Qt/Mac 3.3, the default toolbutton height is 30 and labels were expanding to match
4037   mOnTheFlyProjectionStatusButton->setMaximumHeight( mScaleWidget->height() );
4038   mOnTheFlyProjectionStatusButton->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "mIconProjectionEnabled.svg" ) ) );
4039   mOnTheFlyProjectionStatusButton->setToolTip( tr( "CRS status - Click "
4040       "to open coordinate reference system dialog" ) );
4041   connect( mOnTheFlyProjectionStatusButton, &QAbstractButton::clicked,
4042            this, &QgisApp::projectPropertiesProjections );//bring up the project props dialog when clicked
4043   mStatusBar->addPermanentWidget( mOnTheFlyProjectionStatusButton, 0 );
4044   mStatusBar->showMessage( tr( "Ready" ) );
4046   mMessageButton = new QToolButton( mStatusBar );
4047   mMessageButton->setAutoRaise( true );
4048   mMessageButton->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mMessageLogRead.svg" ) ) );
4049   mMessageButton->setToolTip( tr( "Messages" ) );
4050   mMessageButton->setObjectName( QStringLiteral( "mMessageLogViewerButton" ) );
4051   mMessageButton->setMaximumHeight( mScaleWidget->height() );
4052   mMessageButton->setCheckable( true );
4053   mStatusBar->addPermanentWidget( mMessageButton, 0 );
4055   mLocatorWidget = new QgsLocatorWidget( mStatusBar );
4056   mStatusBar->addPermanentWidget( mLocatorWidget, 0, QgsStatusBar::AnchorLeft );
4057   QShortcut *locatorShortCut = new QShortcut( QKeySequence( tr( "Ctrl+K" ) ), this );
4058   connect( locatorShortCut, &QShortcut::activated, mLocatorWidget, [ = ] { mLocatorWidget->search( QString() ); } );
4059   locatorShortCut->setObjectName( QStringLiteral( "Locator" ) );
4060   locatorShortCut->setWhatsThis( tr( "Trigger Locator" ) );
4062   mLocatorWidget->locator()->registerFilter( new QgsLayerTreeLocatorFilter() );
4063   mLocatorWidget->locator()->registerFilter( new QgsLayoutLocatorFilter() );
4064   QList< QWidget *> actionObjects;
4065   actionObjects << menuBar()
4066                 << mAdvancedDigitizeToolBar
4067                 << mShapeDigitizeToolBar
4068                 << mFileToolBar
4069                 << mDataSourceManagerToolBar
4070                 << mLayerToolBar
4071                 << mDigitizeToolBar
4072                 << mMapNavToolBar
4073                 << mAttributesToolBar
4074                 << mPluginToolBar
4075                 << mRasterToolBar
4076                 << mLabelToolBar
4077                 << mVectorToolBar
4078                 << mDatabaseToolBar
4079                 << mWebToolBar
4080                 << mSnappingToolBar;
4082   mLocatorWidget->locator()->registerFilter( new QgsActionLocatorFilter( actionObjects ) );
4083   mLocatorWidget->locator()->registerFilter( new QgsActiveLayerFeaturesLocatorFilter() );
4084   mLocatorWidget->locator()->registerFilter( new QgsAllLayersFeaturesLocatorFilter() );
4085   mLocatorWidget->locator()->registerFilter( new QgsExpressionCalculatorLocatorFilter() );
4086   mLocatorWidget->locator()->registerFilter( new QgsBookmarkLocatorFilter() );
4087   mLocatorWidget->locator()->registerFilter( new QgsSettingsLocatorFilter() );
4088   mLocatorWidget->locator()->registerFilter( new QgsGotoLocatorFilter() );
4090   mNominatimGeocoder = std::make_unique< QgsNominatimGeocoder>();
4091   mLocatorWidget->locator()->registerFilter( new QgsNominatimLocatorFilter( mNominatimGeocoder.get(), mMapCanvas ) );
4092 }
setIconSizes(int size)4094 void QgisApp::setIconSizes( int size )
4095 {
4096   QSize iconSize = QSize( size, size );
4097   QSize panelIconSize = QgsGuiUtils::panelIconSize( iconSize );
4099   //Set the icon size of for all the toolbars created in the future.
4100   setIconSize( iconSize );
4102   //Change all current icon sizes.
4103   QList<QToolBar *> toolbars = findChildren<QToolBar *>();
4104   const auto constToolbars = toolbars;
4105   for ( QToolBar *toolbar : constToolbars )
4106   {
4107     QString className = toolbar->parent()->metaObject()->className();
4108     if ( className == QLatin1String( "QgisApp" ) )
4109     {
4110       toolbar->setIconSize( iconSize );
4111     }
4112     else
4113     {
4114       toolbar->setIconSize( panelIconSize );
4115     }
4116   }
4118   const auto constMLayoutDesignerDialogs = mLayoutDesignerDialogs;
4119   for ( QgsLayoutDesignerDialog *d : constMLayoutDesignerDialogs )
4120   {
4121     d->setIconSizes( size );
4122   }
4123 }
setTheme(const QString & themeName)4125 void QgisApp::setTheme( const QString &themeName )
4126 {
4127   /*
4128   Init the toolbar icons by setting the icon for each action.
4129   All toolbar/menu items must be a QAction in order for this
4130   to work.
4132   When new toolbar/menu QAction objects are added to the interface,
4133   add an entry below to set the icon
4135   PNG names must match those defined for the default theme. The
4136   default theme is installed in <prefix>/share/qgis/themes/default.
4138   New core themes can be added by creating a subdirectory under src/themes
4139   and modifying the appropriate CMakeLists.txt files. User contributed themes
4140   will be installed directly into <prefix>/share/qgis/themes/<themedir>.
4142   Themes can be selected from the preferences dialog. The dialog parses
4143   the themes directory and builds a list of themes (ie subdirectories)
4144   for the user to choose from.
4145   */
4147   QString theme = themeName;
4149   mStyleSheetBuilder->buildStyleSheet( mStyleSheetBuilder->defaultOptions() );
4150   QgsApplication::setUITheme( theme );
4152   mActionNewProject->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionFileNew.svg" ) ) );
4153   mActionOpenProject->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionFileOpen.svg" ) ) );
4154   mActionSaveProject->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionFileSave.svg" ) ) );
4155   mActionSaveProjectAs->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionFileSaveAs.svg" ) ) );
4156   mActionSaveMapAsImage->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionSaveMapAsImage.svg" ) ) );
4157   mActionSaveMapAsPdf->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionSaveAsPDF.svg" ) ) );
4158   mActionExit->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionFileExit.png" ) ) );
4159   mActionAddOgrLayer->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionAddOgrLayer.svg" ) ) );
4160   mActionAddRasterLayer->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionAddRasterLayer.svg" ) ) );
4162   mActionAddPgLayer->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionAddPostgisLayer.svg" ) ) );
4163 #endif
4165   mActionNewSpatiaLiteLayer->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionNewSpatiaLiteLayer.svg" ) ) );
4166   mActionAddSpatiaLiteLayer->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionAddSpatiaLiteLayer.svg" ) ) );
4167 #endif
4168   mActionAddMssqlLayer->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionAddMssqlLayer.svg" ) ) );
4169 #ifdef HAVE_ORACLE
4170   mActionAddOracleLayer->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionAddOracleLayer.svg" ) ) );
4171 #endif
4172 #ifdef HAVE_HANA
4173   mActionAddHanaLayer->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionAddHanaLayer.svg" ) ) );
4174 #endif
4175   mActionRemoveLayer->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionRemoveLayer.svg" ) ) );
4176   mActionDuplicateLayer->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionDuplicateLayer.svg" ) ) );
4177   mActionSetLayerCRS->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionSetLayerCRS.png" ) ) );
4178   mActionSetProjectCRSFromLayer->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionSetProjectCRSFromLayer.png" ) ) );
4179   mActionNewVectorLayer->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionNewVectorLayer.svg" ) ) );
4180   mActionDataSourceManager->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionDataSourceManager.svg" ) ) );
4181   mActionNewMemoryLayer->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionCreateMemory.svg" ) ) );
4182   mActionAddAllToOverview->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionAddAllToOverview.svg" ) ) );
4183   mActionHideAllLayers->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionHideAllLayers.svg" ) ) );
4184   mActionShowAllLayers->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionShowAllLayers.svg" ) ) );
4185   mActionHideSelectedLayers->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionHideSelectedLayers.svg" ) ) );
4186   mActionHideDeselectedLayers->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionHideDeselectedLayers.svg" ) ) );
4187   mActionShowSelectedLayers->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionShowSelectedLayers.svg" ) ) );
4188   mActionRemoveAllFromOverview->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionRemoveAllFromOverview.svg" ) ) );
4189   mActionToggleFullScreen->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionToggleFullScreen.png" ) ) );
4190   mActionProjectProperties->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionProjectProperties.svg" ) ) );
4191   mActionManagePlugins->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionShowPluginManager.svg" ) ) );
4192   mActionShowPythonDialog->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "console/mIconRunConsole.svg" ) ) );
4193   mActionCheckQgisVersion->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mIconSuccess.svg" ) ) );
4194   mActionOptions->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionOptions.svg" ) ) );
4195   mActionConfigureShortcuts->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionKeyboardShortcuts.svg" ) ) );
4196   mActionCustomization->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionInterfaceCustomization.svg" ) ) );
4197   mActionHelpContents->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionHelpContents.svg" ) ) );
4198   mActionLocalHistogramStretch->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionLocalHistogramStretch.svg" ) ) );
4199   mActionFullHistogramStretch->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionFullHistogramStretch.svg" ) ) );
4200   mActionIncreaseBrightness->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionIncreaseBrightness.svg" ) ) );
4201   mActionDecreaseBrightness->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionDecreaseBrightness.svg" ) ) );
4202   mActionIncreaseContrast->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionIncreaseContrast.svg" ) ) );
4203   mActionDecreaseContrast->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionDecreaseContrast.svg" ) ) );
4204   mActionIncreaseGamma->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionIncreaseGamma.svg" ) ) );
4205   mActionDecreaseGamma->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionDecreaseGamma.svg" ) ) );
4206   mActionZoomActualSize->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionZoomNative.png" ) ) );
4207   mActionQgisHomePage->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionQgisHomePage.png" ) ) );
4208   mActionAbout->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionHelpAbout.svg" ) ) );
4209   mActionSponsors->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionHelpSponsors.png" ) ) );
4210   mActionDraw->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionRefresh.svg" ) ) );
4211   mActionToggleEditing->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionToggleEditing.svg" ) ) );
4212   mActionSaveLayerEdits->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionSaveAllEdits.svg" ) ) );
4213   mActionAllEdits->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionAllEdits.svg" ) ) );
4214   mActionSaveEdits->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionSaveEdits.svg" ) ) );
4215   mActionSaveAllEdits->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionSaveAllEdits.svg" ) ) );
4216   mActionRollbackEdits->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionRollbackEdits.svg" ) ) );
4217   mActionRollbackAllEdits->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionRollbackAllEdits.svg" ) ) );
4218   mActionCancelEdits->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionCancelEdits.svg" ) ) );
4219   mActionCancelAllEdits->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionCancelAllEdits.svg" ) ) );
4220   mActionCutFeatures->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionEditCut.svg" ) ) );
4221   mActionCopyFeatures->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionEditCopy.svg" ) ) );
4222   mActionPasteFeatures->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionEditPaste.svg" ) ) );
4223   mActionAddFeature->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionCapturePoint.svg" ) ) );
4224   mActionMoveFeature->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionMoveFeaturePoint.svg" ) ) );
4225   mActionMoveFeatureCopy->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionMoveFeatureCopyPoint.svg" ) ) );
4226   mActionRotateFeature->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionRotateFeature.svg" ) ) );
4227   mActionScaleFeature->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionScaleFeature.svg" ) ) );
4228   mActionReshapeFeatures->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionReshape.svg" ) ) );
4229   mActionSplitFeatures->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionSplitFeatures.svg" ) ) );
4230   mActionSplitParts->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionSplitParts.svg" ) ) );
4231   mActionDeleteSelected->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionDeleteSelectedFeatures.svg" ) ) );
4232   mActionVertexTool->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionVertexTool.svg" ) ) );
4233   mActionVertexToolActiveLayer->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionVertexToolActiveLayer.svg" ) ) );
4234   mActionSimplifyFeature->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionSimplify.svg" ) ) );
4235   mActionUndo->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionUndo.svg" ) ) );
4236   mActionRedo->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionRedo.svg" ) ) );
4237   mActionAddRing->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionAddRing.svg" ) ) );
4238   mActionFillRing->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionFillRing.svg" ) ) );
4239   mActionAddPart->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionAddPart.svg" ) ) );
4240   mActionDeleteRing->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionDeleteRing.svg" ) ) );
4241   mActionDeletePart->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionDeletePart.svg" ) ) );
4242   mActionMergeFeatures->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionMergeFeatures.svg" ) ) );
4243   mActionOffsetCurve->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionOffsetCurve.svg" ) ) );
4244   mActionMergeFeatureAttributes->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionMergeFeatureAttributes.svg" ) ) );
4245   mActionRotatePointSymbols->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "mActionRotatePointSymbols.svg" ) ) );
4246   mActionOffsetPointSymbol->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "mActionOffsetPointSymbols.svg" ) ) );
4247   mActionZoomIn->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionZoomIn.svg" ) ) );
4248   mActionZoomOut->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionZoomOut.svg" ) ) );
4249   mActionZoomFullExtent->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionZoomFullExtent.svg" ) ) );
4250   mActionZoomToSelected->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionZoomToSelected.svg" ) ) );
4251   mActionShowRasterCalculator->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionShowRasterCalculator.png" ) ) );
4252   mActionShowMeshCalculator->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionShowMeshCalculator.png" ) ) );
4253   mActionPan->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionPan.svg" ) ) );
4254   mActionPanToSelected->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionPanToSelected.svg" ) ) );
4255   mActionZoomLast->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionZoomLast.svg" ) ) );
4256   mActionZoomNext->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionZoomNext.svg" ) ) );
4257   mActionZoomToLayer->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionZoomToLayer.svg" ) ) );
4258   mActionZoomToLayers->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionZoomToLayer.svg" ) ) );
4259   mActionZoomActualSize->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionZoomActual.svg" ) ) );
4260   mActionIdentify->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionIdentify.svg" ) ) );
4261   mActionFeatureAction->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mAction.svg" ) ) );
4262   mActionSelectFeatures->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionSelectRectangle.svg" ) ) );
4263   mActionSelectPolygon->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionSelectPolygon.svg" ) ) );
4264   mActionSelectFreehand->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionSelectFreehand.svg" ) ) );
4265   mActionSelectRadius->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionSelectRadius.svg" ) ) );
4266   mActionDeselectAll->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionDeselectAll.svg" ) ) );
4267   mActionDeselectActiveLayer->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionDeselectActiveLayer.svg" ) ) );
4268   mActionSelectAll->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionSelectAll.svg" ) ) );
4269   mActionInvertSelection->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionInvertSelection.svg" ) ) );
4270   mActionSelectByExpression->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mIconExpressionSelect.svg" ) ) );
4271   mActionSelectByForm->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mIconFormSelect.svg" ) ) );
4272   mActionOpenTable->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionOpenTable.svg" ) ) );
4273   mActionOpenTableSelected->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionOpenTableSelected.svg" ) ) );
4274   mActionOpenTableVisible->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionOpenTableVisible.svg" ) ) );
4275   mActionOpenTableEdited->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionOpenTableEdited.svg" ) ) );
4276   mActionOpenFieldCalc->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionCalculateField.svg" ) ) );
4277   mActionMeasure->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionMeasure.svg" ) ) );
4278   mActionMeasureArea->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionMeasureArea.svg" ) ) );
4279   mActionMeasureAngle->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionMeasureAngle.svg" ) ) );
4280   mActionMeasureBearing->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionMeasureBearing.svg" ) ) );
4281   mActionMapTips->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionMapTips.svg" ) ) );
4282   mActionShowBookmarkManager->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionShowBookmarks.svg" ) ) );
4283   mActionShowBookmarks->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionShowBookmarks.svg" ) ) );
4284   mActionNewBookmark->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionNewBookmark.svg" ) ) );
4285   mActionCustomProjection->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionCustomProjection.svg" ) ) );
4286   mActionAddWmsLayer->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionAddWmsLayer.svg" ) ) );
4287   mActionAddXyzLayer->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionAddXyzLayer.svg" ) ) );
4288   mActionAddVectorTileLayer->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionAddVectorTileLayer.svg" ) ) );
4289   mActionAddWcsLayer->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionAddWcsLayer.svg" ) ) );
4291   mActionAddWfsLayer->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionAddWfsLayer.svg" ) ) );
4292 #endif
4293   mActionAddAfsLayer->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionAddAfsLayer.svg" ) ) );
4294   mActionAddToOverview->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionInOverview.svg" ) ) );
4295   mActionAnnotation->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionAnnotation.svg" ) ) );
4296   mActionFormAnnotation->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionFormAnnotation.svg" ) ) );
4297   mActionHtmlAnnotation->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionHtmlAnnotation.svg" ) ) );
4298   mActionSvgAnnotation->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionSvgAnnotation.svg" ) ) );
4299   mActionTextAnnotation->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionTextAnnotation.svg" ) ) );
4300   mActionLabeling->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionLabeling.svg" ) ) );
4301   mActionShowPinnedLabels->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionShowPinnedLabels.svg" ) ) );
4302   mActionPinLabels->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionPinLabels.svg" ) ) );
4303   mActionShowHideLabels->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionShowHideLabels.svg" ) ) );
4304   mActionShowUnplacedLabels->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionShowUnplacedLabel.svg" ) ) );
4305   mActionMoveLabel->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionMoveLabel.svg" ) ) );
4306   mActionRotateLabel->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionRotateLabel.svg" ) ) );
4307   mActionChangeLabelProperties->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionChangeLabelProperties.svg" ) ) );
4308   mActionDiagramProperties->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/propertyicons/diagram.svg" ) ) );
4309   mActionDecorationTitle->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/title_label.svg" ) ) );
4310   mActionDecorationCopyright->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/copyright_label.svg" ) ) );
4311   mActionDecorationImage->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionAddImage.svg" ) ) );
4312   mActionDecorationNorthArrow->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/north_arrow.svg" ) ) );
4313   mActionDecorationScaleBar->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionScaleBar.svg" ) ) );
4314   mActionDecorationGrid->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/grid.svg" ) ) );
4315   mActionReverseLine->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionReverseLine.svg" ) ) );
4316   mActionTrimExtendFeature->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionTrimExtendFeature.svg" ) ) );
4317   mActionTemporalController->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/propertyicons/temporal.svg" ) ) );
4319   emit currentThemeChanged( themeName );
4320 }
setupConnections()4322 void QgisApp::setupConnections()
4323 {
4324   // connect the "cleanup" slot
4325   connect( qApp, &QApplication::aboutToQuit, this, &QgisApp::saveWindowState );
4327   // signal when mouse moved over window (coords display in status bar)
4328   connect( mMapCanvas, &QgsMapCanvas::xyCoordinates, this, &QgisApp::saveLastMousePosition );
4329   connect( mMapCanvas, &QgsMapCanvas::extentsChanged, this, &QgisApp::extentChanged );
4330   connect( mMapCanvas, &QgsMapCanvas::scaleChanged, this, &QgisApp::showScale );
4331   connect( mMapCanvas, &QgsMapCanvas::rotationChanged, this, &QgisApp::showRotation );
4332   connect( mMapCanvas, &QgsMapCanvas::scaleChanged, this, &QgisApp::updateMouseCoordinatePrecision );
4333   connect( mMapCanvas, &QgsMapCanvas::mapToolSet, this, &QgisApp::mapToolChanged );
4334   connect( mMapCanvas, &QgsMapCanvas::selectionChanged, this, &QgisApp::selectionChanged );
4335   connect( mMapCanvas, &QgsMapCanvas::layersChanged, this, &QgisApp::markDirty );
4337   connect( mMapCanvas, &QgsMapCanvas::zoomLastStatusChanged, mActionZoomLast, &QAction::setEnabled );
4338   connect( mMapCanvas, &QgsMapCanvas::zoomNextStatusChanged, mActionZoomNext, &QAction::setEnabled );
4340   connect( mRenderSuppressionCBox, &QAbstractButton::toggled, this, [ = ]( bool flag )
4341   {
4342     const auto canvases = mapCanvases();
4343     for ( QgsMapCanvas *canvas : canvases )
4344       canvas->setRenderFlag( flag );
4345     if ( !flag )
4346       canvasRefreshFinished(); // deals with the busy indicator in case of ongoing rendering
4347   } );
4349   connect( mMapCanvas, &QgsMapCanvas::destinationCrsChanged, this, &QgisApp::reprojectAnnotations );
4351   // connect MapCanvas keyPress event so we can check if selected feature collection must be deleted
4352   connect( mMapCanvas, &QgsMapCanvas::keyPressed, this, &QgisApp::mapCanvas_keyPressed );
4354   // project crs connections
4355   connect( QgsProject::instance(), &QgsProject::crsChanged, this, &QgisApp::projectCrsChanged );
4357   connect( QgsProject::instance()->viewSettings(), &QgsProjectViewSettings::mapScalesChanged, this, [ = ] { mScaleWidget->updateScales(); } );
4359   connect( QgsProject::instance(), &QgsProject::missingDatumTransforms, this, [ = ]( const QStringList & transforms )
4360   {
4361     QString message = tr( "Transforms are not installed: %1 " ).arg( transforms.join( QLatin1String( " ," ) ) );
4362     messageBar()->pushWarning( tr( "Missing datum transforms" ), message );
4363   } );
4365   connect( QgsProject::instance(), &QgsProject::labelingEngineSettingsChanged,
4366            mMapCanvas, [ = ]
4367   {
4368     mMapCanvas->setLabelingEngineSettings( QgsProject::instance()->labelingEngineSettings() );
4369   } );
4371   connect( QgsProject::instance(), &QgsProject::backgroundColorChanged, this, [ = ]
4372   {
4373     const QColor backgroundColor = QgsProject::instance()->backgroundColor();
4374     const auto constMapCanvases = mapCanvases();
4375     for ( QgsMapCanvas *canvas : constMapCanvases )
4376     {
4377       canvas->setCanvasColor( backgroundColor );
4378     }
4379     if ( auto *lMapOverviewCanvas = mapOverviewCanvas() )
4380     {
4381       lMapOverviewCanvas->setBackgroundColor( backgroundColor );
4382       lMapOverviewCanvas->refresh();
4383     }
4384   } );
4386   connect( QgsProject::instance(), &QgsProject::selectionColorChanged, this, [ = ]
4387   {
4388     const QColor selectionColor = QgsProject::instance()->selectionColor();
4389     const auto constMapCanvases = mapCanvases();
4390     for ( QgsMapCanvas *canvas : constMapCanvases )
4391     {
4392       canvas->setSelectionColor( selectionColor );
4393     }
4394   } );
4396   connect( QgsProject::instance()->timeSettings(), &QgsProjectTimeSettings::temporalRangeChanged, this, &QgisApp::projectTemporalRangeChanged );
4398   // connect legend signals
4399   connect( this, &QgisApp::activeLayerChanged,
4400            this, &QgisApp::activateDeactivateLayerRelatedActions );
4401   connect( this, &QgisApp::activeLayerChanged,
4402            this, &QgisApp::setMapStyleDockLayer );
4403   connect( mLayerTreeView->selectionModel(), &QItemSelectionModel::selectionChanged,
4404            this, &QgisApp::legendLayerSelectionChanged );
4405   connect( mLayerTreeView->selectionModel(), &QItemSelectionModel::selectionChanged,
4406            this, &QgisApp::activateDeactivateMultipleLayersRelatedActions );
4407   connect( mLayerTreeView->layerTreeModel()->rootGroup(), &QgsLayerTreeNode::addedChildren,
4408            this, &QgisApp::markDirty );
4409   connect( mLayerTreeView->layerTreeModel()->rootGroup(), &QgsLayerTreeNode::addedChildren,
4410            this, &QgisApp::updateNewLayerInsertionPoint );
4411   connect( mLayerTreeView->layerTreeModel()->rootGroup(), &QgsLayerTreeNode::removedChildren,
4412            this, &QgisApp::markDirty );
4413   connect( mLayerTreeView->layerTreeModel()->rootGroup(), &QgsLayerTreeNode::removedChildren,
4414            this, &QgisApp::updateNewLayerInsertionPoint );
4415   connect( mLayerTreeView->layerTreeModel()->rootGroup(), &QgsLayerTreeNode::visibilityChanged,
4416            this, &QgisApp::markDirty );
4417   connect( mLayerTreeView->layerTreeModel()->rootGroup(), &QgsLayerTreeNode::customPropertyChanged,
4418            this, [ = ]( QgsLayerTreeNode *, const QString & key )
4419   {
4420     // only mark dirty for non-view only changes
4421     if ( !QgsLayerTreeView::viewOnlyCustomProperties().contains( key ) )
4422       QgisApp::markDirty();
4423   } );
4425   // connect map layer registry
4426   connect( QgsProject::instance(), &QgsProject::layersAdded,
4427            this, &QgisApp::layersWereAdded );
4428   connect( QgsProject::instance(),
4429            static_cast < void ( QgsProject::* )( const QStringList & ) >( &QgsProject::layersWillBeRemoved ),
4430            this, &QgisApp::removingLayers );
4432   // connect initialization signal
4433   connect( this, &QgisApp::initializationCompleted,
4434            this, &QgisApp::fileOpenAfterLaunch );
4436   // Connect warning dialog from project reading
4437   connect( QgsProject::instance(), &QgsProject::oldProjectVersionWarning,
4438            this, &QgisApp::oldProjectVersionWarning );
4439   connect( QgsProject::instance(), &QgsProject::layerLoaded,
4440            this, [this]( int i, int n )
4441   {
4442     if ( !mProjectLoadingProxyTask && i < n )
4443     {
4444       const QString name = QgsProject::instance()->title().isEmpty() ? QgsProject::instance()->fileName() : QgsProject::instance()->title();
4445       mProjectLoadingProxyTask = new QgsProxyProgressTask( tr( "Loading “%1”" ).arg( name ) );
4446       QgsApplication::taskManager()->addTask( mProjectLoadingProxyTask );
4447     }
4449     if ( mProjectLoadingProxyTask )
4450     {
4451       mProjectLoadingProxyTask->setProxyProgress( 100.0 * static_cast< double >( i ) / n );
4452       if ( i >= n )
4453       {
4454         mProjectLoadingProxyTask->finalize( true );
4455         mProjectLoadingProxyTask = nullptr;
4456       }
4457     }
4458   } );
4459   connect( QgsProject::instance(), &QgsProject::loadingLayer,
4460            this, &QgisApp::showStatusMessage );
4461   connect( QgsProject::instance(), &QgsProject::loadingLayerMessageReceived,
4462            this, &QgisApp::loadingLayerMessages );
4463   connect( QgsProject::instance(), &QgsProject::readProject,
4464            this, &QgisApp::readProject );
4465   connect( QgsProject::instance(), &QgsProject::writeProject,
4466            this, &QgisApp::writeProject );
4468   connect( this, &QgisApp::projectRead,
4469            this, &QgisApp::fileOpenedOKAfterLaunch );
4471   connect( QgsProject::instance(), &QgsProject::transactionGroupsChanged, this, &QgisApp::onTransactionGroupsChanged );
4473   // connect preview modes actions
4474   connect( mActionPreviewModeOff, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::disablePreviewMode );
4475   connect( mActionPreviewModeMono, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::activateMonoPreview );
4476   connect( mActionPreviewModeGrayscale, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::activateGrayscalePreview );
4477   connect( mActionPreviewProtanope, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::activateProtanopePreview );
4478   connect( mActionPreviewDeuteranope, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::activateDeuteranopePreview );
4479   connect( mActionPreviewTritanope, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::activateTritanopePreview );
4481   // setup undo/redo actions
4482   connect( mUndoWidget, &QgsUndoWidget::undoStackChanged, this, &QgisApp::updateUndoActions );
4484   connect( mLayoutsMenu, &QMenu::aboutToShow, this, &QgisApp::layoutsMenuAboutToShow );
4485 }
setupCanvasTools()4487 void QgisApp::setupCanvasTools()
4488 {
4489   mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::ZoomIn )->setAction( mActionZoomIn );
4490   mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::ZoomOut )->setAction( mActionZoomOut );
4491   connect( mMapTools->mapTool< QgsMapToolPan >( QgsAppMapTools::Pan ), &QgsMapToolPan::panDistanceBearingChanged, this, &QgisApp::showPanMessage );
4492   mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::Pan )->setAction( mActionPan );
4493   mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::Identify )->setAction( mActionIdentify );
4494   connect( mMapTools->mapTool< QgsMapToolIdentifyAction >( QgsAppMapTools::Identify ), &QgsMapToolIdentifyAction::copyToClipboard,
4495            this, &QgisApp::copyFeatures );
4496   mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::FeatureAction )->setAction( mActionFeatureAction );
4497   mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::MeasureDistance )->setAction( mActionMeasure );
4498   mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::MeasureArea )->setAction( mActionMeasureArea );
4499   mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::MeasureAngle )->setAction( mActionMeasureAngle );
4500   mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::MeasureBearing )->setAction( mActionMeasureBearing );
4501   mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::TextAnnotation )->setAction( mActionTextAnnotation );
4502   mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::FormAnnotation )->setAction( mActionFormAnnotation );
4503   mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::HtmlAnnotation )->setAction( mActionHtmlAnnotation );
4504   mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::SvgAnnotation )->setAction( mActionSvgAnnotation );
4505   mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::Annotation )->setAction( mActionAnnotation );
4506   mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::AddFeature )->setAction( mActionAddFeature );
4507   mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::CircularStringCurvePoint )->setAction( mActionCircularStringCurvePoint );
4508   mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::CircularStringRadius )->setAction( mActionCircularStringRadius );
4509   mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::Circle2Points )->setAction( mActionCircle2Points );
4510   mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::Circle3Points )->setAction( mActionCircle3Points );
4511   mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::Circle3Tangents )->setAction( mActionCircle3Tangents );
4512   mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::Circle2TangentsPoint )->setAction( mActionCircle2TangentsPoint );
4513   mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::CircleCenterPoint )->setAction( mActionCircleCenterPoint );
4514   mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::EllipseCenter2Points )->setAction( mActionEllipseCenter2Points );
4515   mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::EllipseCenterPoint )->setAction( mActionEllipseCenterPoint );
4516   mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::EllipseExtent )->setAction( mActionEllipseExtent );
4517   mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::EllipseFoci )->setAction( mActionEllipseFoci );
4518   mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::RectangleCenterPoint )->setAction( mActionRectangleCenterPoint );
4519   mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::RectangleExtent )->setAction( mActionRectangleExtent );
4520   mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::Rectangle3PointsDistance )->setAction( mActionRectangle3PointsDistance );
4521   mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::Rectangle3PointsProjected )->setAction( mActionRectangle3PointsProjected );
4522   mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::RegularPolygon2Points )->setAction( mActionRegularPolygon2Points );
4523   mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::RegularPolygonCenterPoint )->setAction( mActionRegularPolygonCenterPoint );
4524   mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::RegularPolygonCenterCorner )->setAction( mActionRegularPolygonCenterCorner );
4525   mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::MoveFeature )->setAction( mActionMoveFeature );
4526   mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::MoveFeatureCopy )->setAction( mActionMoveFeatureCopy );
4527   mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::RotateFeature )->setAction( mActionRotateFeature );
4528   mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::ScaleFeature )->setAction( mActionScaleFeature );
4529   mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::OffsetCurve )->setAction( mActionOffsetCurve );
4530   mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::ReshapeFeatures )->setAction( mActionReshapeFeatures );
4531   mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::ReverseLine )->setAction( mActionReverseLine );
4532   mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::SplitFeatures )->setAction( mActionSplitFeatures );
4533   mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::SplitParts )->setAction( mActionSplitParts );
4534   mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::SelectFeatures )->setAction( mActionSelectFeatures );
4535   mMapTools->mapTool<QgsMapToolSelect>( QgsAppMapTools::SelectFeatures )->setSelectionMode( QgsMapToolSelectionHandler::SelectSimple );
4536   connect( mMapTools->mapTool<QgsMapToolSelect>( QgsAppMapTools::SelectFeatures ), &QgsMapToolSelect::modeChanged, this, &QgisApp::selectionModeChanged );
4537   mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::SelectPolygon )->setAction( mActionSelectPolygon );
4538   mMapTools->mapTool<QgsMapToolSelect>( QgsAppMapTools::SelectPolygon )->setSelectionMode( QgsMapToolSelectionHandler::SelectPolygon );
4539   connect( mMapTools->mapTool<QgsMapToolSelect>( QgsAppMapTools::SelectPolygon ), &QgsMapToolSelect::modeChanged, this, &QgisApp::selectionModeChanged );
4540   mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::SelectFreehand )->setAction( mActionSelectFreehand );
4541   mMapTools->mapTool<QgsMapToolSelect>( QgsAppMapTools::SelectFreehand )->setSelectionMode( QgsMapToolSelectionHandler::SelectFreehand );
4542   connect( mMapTools->mapTool<QgsMapToolSelect>( QgsAppMapTools::SelectFreehand ), &QgsMapToolSelect::modeChanged, this, &QgisApp::selectionModeChanged );
4543   mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::SelectRadius )->setAction( mActionSelectRadius );
4544   mMapTools->mapTool<QgsMapToolSelect>( QgsAppMapTools::SelectRadius )->setSelectionMode( QgsMapToolSelectionHandler::SelectRadius );
4545   connect( mMapTools->mapTool<QgsMapToolSelect>( QgsAppMapTools::SelectRadius ), &QgsMapToolSelect::modeChanged, this, &QgisApp::selectionModeChanged );
4546   mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::AddRing )->setAction( mActionAddRing );
4547   mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::FillRing )->setAction( mActionFillRing );
4548   mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::AddPart )->setAction( mActionAddPart );
4549   mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::SimplifyFeature )->setAction( mActionSimplifyFeature );
4550   mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::DeleteRing )->setAction( mActionDeleteRing );
4551   mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::DeletePart )->setAction( mActionDeletePart );
4552   mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::VertexTool )->setAction( mActionVertexTool );
4553   mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::VertexToolActiveLayer )->setAction( mActionVertexToolActiveLayer );
4554   mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::RotatePointSymbolsTool )->setAction( mActionRotatePointSymbols );
4555   mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::OffsetPointSymbolTool )->setAction( mActionOffsetPointSymbol );
4556   mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::TrimExtendFeature )->setAction( mActionTrimExtendFeature );
4557   mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::PinLabels )->setAction( mActionPinLabels );
4558   mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::ShowHideLabels )->setAction( mActionShowHideLabels );
4559   mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::MoveLabel )->setAction( mActionMoveLabel );
4560   mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::RotateLabel )->setAction( mActionRotateLabel );
4561   mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::ChangeLabelProperties )->setAction( mActionChangeLabelProperties );
4562   mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::AnnotationEdit )->setAction( mActionModifyAnnotation );
4564   //ensure that non edit tool is initialized or we will get crashes in some situations
4565   mNonEditMapTool = mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::Pan );
4566 }
createOverview()4568 void QgisApp::createOverview()
4569 {
4570   // overview canvas
4571   mOverviewCanvas = new QgsMapOverviewCanvas( nullptr, mMapCanvas );
4573   //set canvas color to default
4574   QgsSettings settings;
4575   int red = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "qgis/default_canvas_color_red" ), 255 ).toInt();
4576   int green = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "qgis/default_canvas_color_green" ), 255 ).toInt();
4577   int blue = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "qgis/default_canvas_color_blue" ), 255 ).toInt();
4578   mOverviewCanvas->setBackgroundColor( QColor( red, green, blue ) );
4580   mOverviewMapCursor = new QCursor( Qt::OpenHandCursor );
4581   mOverviewCanvas->setCursor( *mOverviewMapCursor );
4582 //  QVBoxLayout *myOverviewLayout = new QVBoxLayout;
4583 //  myOverviewLayout->addWidget(overviewCanvas);
4584 //  overviewFrame->setLayout(myOverviewLayout);
4585   mOverviewDock = new QgsDockWidget( tr( "Overview" ), this );
4587   QShortcut *showOverviewDock = new QShortcut( QKeySequence( tr( "Ctrl+8" ) ), this );
4588   connect( showOverviewDock, &QShortcut::activated, mOverviewDock, &QgsDockWidget::toggleUserVisible );
4589   showOverviewDock->setObjectName( QStringLiteral( "ShowOverviewPanel" ) );
4590   showOverviewDock->setWhatsThis( tr( "Show Overview Panel" ) );
4592   mOverviewDock->setObjectName( QStringLiteral( "Overview" ) );
4593   mOverviewDock->setAllowedAreas( Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea | Qt::RightDockWidgetArea );
4594   mOverviewDock->setWidget( mOverviewCanvas );
4595   addDockWidget( Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea, mOverviewDock );
4596   // add to the Panel submenu
4597   mPanelMenu->addAction( mOverviewDock->toggleViewAction() );
4599   mLayerTreeCanvasBridge->setOverviewCanvas( mOverviewCanvas );
4600 }
addDockWidget(Qt::DockWidgetArea area,QDockWidget * thepDockWidget)4602 void QgisApp::addDockWidget( Qt::DockWidgetArea area, QDockWidget *thepDockWidget )
4603 {
4604   QMainWindow::addDockWidget( area, thepDockWidget );
4605   // Make the right and left docks consume all vertical space and top
4606   // and bottom docks nest between them
4607   setCorner( Qt::TopLeftCorner, Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea );
4608   setCorner( Qt::BottomLeftCorner, Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea );
4609   setCorner( Qt::TopRightCorner, Qt::RightDockWidgetArea );
4610   setCorner( Qt::BottomRightCorner, Qt::RightDockWidgetArea );
4611   // add to the Panel submenu
4612   mPanelMenu->addAction( thepDockWidget->toggleViewAction() );
4614   thepDockWidget->show();
4616   // refresh the map canvas
4617   refreshMapCanvas();
4618 }
removeDockWidget(QDockWidget * thepDockWidget)4620 void QgisApp::removeDockWidget( QDockWidget *thepDockWidget )
4621 {
4622   QMainWindow::removeDockWidget( thepDockWidget );
4623   mPanelMenu->removeAction( thepDockWidget->toggleViewAction() );
4624 }
addToolBar(const QString & name)4626 QToolBar *QgisApp::addToolBar( const QString &name )
4627 {
4628   QToolBar *toolBar = QMainWindow::addToolBar( name );
4629   // add to the Toolbar submenu
4630   mToolbarMenu->addAction( toolBar->toggleViewAction() );
4631   return toolBar;
4632 }
addToolBar(QToolBar * toolBar,Qt::ToolBarArea area)4634 void QgisApp::addToolBar( QToolBar *toolBar, Qt::ToolBarArea area )
4635 {
4636   QMainWindow::addToolBar( area, toolBar );
4637   // add to the Toolbar submenu
4638   mToolbarMenu->addAction( toolBar->toggleViewAction() );
4639 }
layerTreeView()4641 QgsLayerTreeView *QgisApp::layerTreeView()
4642 {
4643   Q_ASSERT( mLayerTreeView );
4644   return mLayerTreeView;
4645 }
pluginManager()4647 QgsPluginManager *QgisApp::pluginManager()
4648 {
4649   Q_ASSERT( mPluginManager );
4650   return mPluginManager;
4651 }
userProfileManager()4653 QgsUserProfileManager *QgisApp::userProfileManager()
4654 {
4655   Q_ASSERT( mUserProfileManager );
4656   return mUserProfileManager;
4657 }
mapCanvas()4659 QgsMapCanvas *QgisApp::mapCanvas()
4660 {
4661   Q_ASSERT( mMapCanvas );
4662   return mMapCanvas;
4663 }
createNewMapCanvas(const QString & name)4665 QgsMapCanvas *QgisApp::createNewMapCanvas( const QString &name )
4666 {
4667   QgsMapCanvasDockWidget *dock = createNewMapCanvasDock( name );
4668   if ( !dock )
4669     return nullptr;
4671   setupDockWidget( dock );  // use default dock position settings
4673   dock->mapCanvas()->setLayers( mMapCanvas->layers() );
4674   dock->mapCanvas()->setExtent( mMapCanvas->extent() );
4675   QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "QgisApp::createNewMapCanvas -2- : QgsProject::instance()->crs().description[%1]ellipsoid[%2]" ).arg( QgsProject::instance()->crs().description(), QgsProject::instance()->crs().ellipsoidAcronym() ), 3 );
4676   dock->mapCanvas()->setDestinationCrs( QgsProject::instance()->crs() );
4677   dock->mapCanvas()->freeze( false );
4678   return dock->mapCanvas();
4679 }
createNewMapCanvasDock(const QString & name)4681 QgsMapCanvasDockWidget *QgisApp::createNewMapCanvasDock( const QString &name )
4682 {
4683   const auto canvases = mapCanvases();
4684   for ( QgsMapCanvas *canvas : canvases )
4685   {
4686     if ( canvas->objectName() == name )
4687     {
4688       QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "A map canvas with name '%1' already exists!" ).arg( name ) );
4689       return nullptr;
4690     }
4691   }
4693   QgsMapCanvasDockWidget *mapCanvasWidget = new QgsMapCanvasDockWidget( name, this );
4694   mapCanvasWidget->setAllowedAreas( Qt::AllDockWidgetAreas );
4695   mapCanvasWidget->setMainCanvas( mMapCanvas );
4697   QgsMapCanvas *mapCanvas = mapCanvasWidget->mapCanvas();
4698   mapCanvas->freeze( true );
4699   mapCanvas->setObjectName( name );
4700   mapCanvas->setProject( QgsProject::instance() );
4701   connect( mapCanvas, &QgsMapCanvas::messageEmitted, this, &QgisApp::displayMessage );
4702   connect( mLayerTreeCanvasBridge, &QgsLayerTreeMapCanvasBridge::canvasLayersChanged, mapCanvas, &QgsMapCanvas::setLayers );
4704   applyProjectSettingsToCanvas( mapCanvas );
4705   applyDefaultSettingsToCanvas( mapCanvas );
4707   // add existing annotations to canvas
4708   const auto constAnnotations = QgsProject::instance()->annotationManager()->annotations();
4709   for ( QgsAnnotation *annotation : constAnnotations )
4710   {
4711     QgsMapCanvasAnnotationItem *canvasItem = new QgsMapCanvasAnnotationItem( annotation, mapCanvas );
4712     Q_UNUSED( canvasItem ) //item is already added automatically to canvas scene
4713   }
4715   mapCanvas->setCustomDropHandlers( mCustomDropHandlers );
4717   markDirty();
4718   connect( mapCanvasWidget, &QgsMapCanvasDockWidget::closed, this, &QgisApp::markDirty );
4719   connect( mapCanvasWidget, &QgsMapCanvasDockWidget::renameTriggered, this, &QgisApp::renameView );
4721   return mapCanvasWidget;
4722 }
setupDockWidget(QDockWidget * dockWidget,bool isFloating,QRect dockGeometry,Qt::DockWidgetArea area)4725 void QgisApp::setupDockWidget( QDockWidget *dockWidget, bool isFloating, QRect dockGeometry, Qt::DockWidgetArea area )
4726 {
4727   dockWidget->setFloating( isFloating );
4728   if ( dockGeometry.isEmpty() )
4729   {
4730     // try to guess a nice initial placement for view - about 3/4 along, half way down
4731     dockWidget->setGeometry( QRect( static_cast< int >( rect().width() * 0.75 ), static_cast< int >( rect().height() * 0.5 ), 400, 400 ) );
4732     addDockWidget( area, dockWidget );
4733   }
4734   else
4735   {
4736     if ( !isFloating )
4737     {
4738       // ugly hack, but only way to set dock size correctly for Qt < 5.6
4739       dockWidget->setFixedSize( dockGeometry.size() );
4740       addDockWidget( area, dockWidget );
4741       dockWidget->resize( dockGeometry.size() );
4742       QgsApplication::processEvents(); // required!
4743       dockWidget->setFixedSize( QWIDGETSIZE_MAX, QWIDGETSIZE_MAX );
4744     }
4745     else
4746     {
4747       dockWidget->setGeometry( dockGeometry );
4748       addDockWidget( area, dockWidget );
4749     }
4750   }
4751 }
closeMapCanvas(const QString & name)4753 void QgisApp::closeMapCanvas( const QString &name )
4754 {
4755   const auto dockWidgets = findChildren< QgsMapCanvasDockWidget * >();
4756   for ( QgsMapCanvasDockWidget *w : dockWidgets )
4757   {
4758     if ( w->mapCanvas()->objectName() == name )
4759     {
4760       w->close();
4761       delete w;
4762       break;
4763     }
4764   }
4765 }
closeAdditionalMapCanvases()4767 void QgisApp::closeAdditionalMapCanvases()
4768 {
4769   QgsCanvasRefreshBlocker refreshBlocker; // closing docks may cause canvases to resize, and we don't want a map refresh occurring
4770   const auto dockWidgets = findChildren< QgsMapCanvasDockWidget * >();
4771   for ( QgsMapCanvasDockWidget *w : dockWidgets )
4772   {
4773     w->close();
4774     delete w;
4775   }
4776 }
closeAdditional3DMapCanvases()4778 void QgisApp::closeAdditional3DMapCanvases()
4779 {
4780 #ifdef HAVE_3D
4781   const QList< Qgs3DMapCanvasDockWidget * > canvases = findChildren< Qgs3DMapCanvasDockWidget * >();
4782   for ( Qgs3DMapCanvasDockWidget *w : canvases )
4783   {
4784     w->close();
4785     delete w;
4786   }
4787 #endif
4788 }
freezeCanvases(bool frozen)4790 void QgisApp::freezeCanvases( bool frozen )
4791 {
4792   const auto canvases = mapCanvases();
4793   for ( QgsMapCanvas *canvas : canvases )
4794   {
4795     canvas->freeze( frozen );
4796   }
4797 }
messageBar()4799 QgsMessageBar *QgisApp::messageBar()
4800 {
4801   // Q_ASSERT( mInfoBar );
4802   return mInfoBar;
4803 }
toggleLogMessageIcon(bool hasLogMessage)4805 void QgisApp::toggleLogMessageIcon( bool hasLogMessage )
4806 {
4807   if ( hasLogMessage && !mLogDock->isVisible() )
4808   {
4809     mMessageButton->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mMessageLog.svg" ) ) );
4810   }
4811   else
4812   {
4813     mMessageButton->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mMessageLogRead.svg" ) ) );
4814   }
4815 }
openMessageLog()4817 void QgisApp::openMessageLog()
4818 {
4819   mLogDock->setUserVisible( true );
4820 }
addUserInputWidget(QWidget * widget)4822 void QgisApp::addUserInputWidget( QWidget *widget )
4823 {
4824   mUserInputDockWidget->addUserInputWidget( widget );
4825 }
initLayerTreeView()4827 void QgisApp::initLayerTreeView()
4828 {
4829   mLayerTreeDock = new QgsDockWidget( tr( "Layers" ), this );
4830   mLayerTreeDock->setObjectName( QStringLiteral( "Layers" ) );
4831   mLayerTreeDock->setAllowedAreas( Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea | Qt::RightDockWidgetArea );
4833   QShortcut *showLayersTreeDock = new QShortcut( QKeySequence( tr( "Ctrl+1" ) ), this );
4834   connect( showLayersTreeDock, &QShortcut::activated, mLayerTreeDock, &QgsDockWidget::toggleUserVisible );
4835   showLayersTreeDock->setObjectName( QStringLiteral( "ShowLayersPanel" ) );
4836   showLayersTreeDock->setWhatsThis( tr( "Show Layers Panel" ) );
4838   QgsLayerTreeModel *model = new QgsLayerTreeModel( QgsProject::instance()->layerTreeRoot(), this );
4840   new ModelTest( model, this );
4841 #endif
4842   model->setFlag( QgsLayerTreeModel::AllowNodeReorder );
4843   model->setFlag( QgsLayerTreeModel::AllowNodeRename );
4844   model->setFlag( QgsLayerTreeModel::AllowNodeChangeVisibility );
4845   model->setFlag( QgsLayerTreeModel::ShowLegendAsTree );
4846   model->setFlag( QgsLayerTreeModel::UseEmbeddedWidgets );
4847   model->setFlag( QgsLayerTreeModel::UseTextFormatting );
4848   model->setAutoCollapseLegendNodes( 10 );
4850   mLayerTreeView->setModel( model );
4851   mLayerTreeView->setMessageBar( mInfoBar );
4853   mLayerTreeView->setMenuProvider( new QgsAppLayerTreeViewMenuProvider( mLayerTreeView, mMapCanvas ) );
4854   new QgsLayerTreeViewFilterIndicatorProvider( mLayerTreeView );  // gets parented to the layer view
4855   new QgsLayerTreeViewEmbeddedIndicatorProvider( mLayerTreeView );  // gets parented to the layer view
4856   new QgsLayerTreeViewMemoryIndicatorProvider( mLayerTreeView );  // gets parented to the layer view
4857   new QgsLayerTreeViewNotesIndicatorProvider( mLayerTreeView );  // gets parented to the layer view
4858   new QgsLayerTreeViewTemporalIndicatorProvider( mLayerTreeView ); // gets parented to the layer view
4859   new QgsLayerTreeViewNoCrsIndicatorProvider( mLayerTreeView );  // gets parented to the layer view
4860   new QgsLayerTreeViewOfflineIndicatorProvider( mLayerTreeView );  // gets parented to the layer view
4861   new QgsLayerTreeViewLowAccuracyIndicatorProvider( mLayerTreeView );  // gets parented to the layer view
4862   QgsLayerTreeViewBadLayerIndicatorProvider *badLayerIndicatorProvider = new QgsLayerTreeViewBadLayerIndicatorProvider( mLayerTreeView );  // gets parented to the layer view
4863   connect( badLayerIndicatorProvider, &QgsLayerTreeViewBadLayerIndicatorProvider::requestChangeDataSource, this, &QgisApp::changeDataSource );
4864   new QgsLayerTreeViewNonRemovableIndicatorProvider( mLayerTreeView );  // gets parented to the layer view
4866   setupLayerTreeViewFromSettings();
4868   connect( mLayerTreeView, &QAbstractItemView::doubleClicked, this, &QgisApp::layerTreeViewDoubleClicked );
4869   connect( mLayerTreeView, &QgsLayerTreeView::currentLayerChanged, this, &QgisApp::onActiveLayerChanged );
4870   connect( mLayerTreeView->selectionModel(), &QItemSelectionModel::currentChanged, this, &QgisApp::updateNewLayerInsertionPoint );
4871   connect( QgsProject::instance()->layerTreeRegistryBridge(), &QgsLayerTreeRegistryBridge::addedLayersToLayerTree,
4872            this, &QgisApp::autoSelectAddedLayer );
4874   // add group action
4875   QAction *actionAddGroup = new QAction( tr( "Add Group" ), this );
4876   actionAddGroup->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionAddGroup.svg" ) ) );
4877   actionAddGroup->setToolTip( tr( "Add Group" ) );
4878   connect( actionAddGroup, &QAction::triggered, mLayerTreeView->defaultActions(), &QgsLayerTreeViewDefaultActions::addGroup );
4880   // visibility groups tool button
4881   QToolButton *btnVisibilityPresets = new QToolButton;
4882   btnVisibilityPresets->setAutoRaise( true );
4883   btnVisibilityPresets->setToolTip( tr( "Manage Map Themes" ) );
4884   btnVisibilityPresets->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionShowAllLayers.svg" ) ) );
4885   btnVisibilityPresets->setPopupMode( QToolButton::InstantPopup );
4886   btnVisibilityPresets->setMenu( QgsMapThemes::instance()->menu() );
4888   // filter legend actions
4889   mFilterLegendToolButton = new QToolButton( this );
4890   mFilterLegendToolButton->setAutoRaise( true );
4891   mFilterLegendToolButton->setToolTip( tr( "Filter Legend" ) );
4892   mFilterLegendToolButton->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionFilter2.svg" ) ) );
4893   mFilterLegendToolButton->setPopupMode( QToolButton::InstantPopup );
4894   QMenu *filterLegendMenu = new QMenu( this );
4895   mFilterLegendToolButton->setMenu( filterLegendMenu );
4896   mFilterLegendByMapContentAction = new QAction( tr( "Filter Legend by Map Content" ), this );
4897   mFilterLegendByMapContentAction->setCheckable( true );
4898   connect( mFilterLegendByMapContentAction, &QAction::toggled, this, &QgisApp::updateFilterLegend );
4899   filterLegendMenu->addAction( mFilterLegendByMapContentAction );
4901   mFilterLegendToggleShowPrivateLayersAction = new QAction( tr( "Show Private Layers" ), this );
4902   mFilterLegendToggleShowPrivateLayersAction->setCheckable( true );
4903   connect( mFilterLegendToggleShowPrivateLayersAction, &QAction::toggled, this, [ = ]( bool showPrivateLayers ) { layerTreeView()->setShowPrivateLayers( showPrivateLayers ); } );
4904   filterLegendMenu->addAction( mFilterLegendToggleShowPrivateLayersAction );
4906   mLegendExpressionFilterButton = new QgsLegendFilterButton( this );
4907   mLegendExpressionFilterButton->setToolTip( tr( "Filter legend by expression" ) );
4908   connect( mLegendExpressionFilterButton, &QAbstractButton::toggled, this, &QgisApp::toggleFilterLegendByExpression );
4910   mActionStyleDock = new QAction( tr( "Layer Styling" ), this );
4911   mActionStyleDock->setCheckable( true );
4912   mActionStyleDock->setToolTip( tr( "Open the Layer Styling panel" ) );
4913   mActionStyleDock->setShortcut( QStringLiteral( "F7" ) );
4914   mActionStyleDock->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "propertyicons/symbology.svg" ) ) );
4915   connect( mActionStyleDock, &QAction::toggled, this, &QgisApp::mapStyleDock );
4917   // expand / collapse tool buttons
4918   QAction *actionExpandAll = new QAction( tr( "Expand All" ), this );
4919   actionExpandAll->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionExpandTree.svg" ) ) );
4920   actionExpandAll->setToolTip( tr( "Expand All" ) );
4921   connect( actionExpandAll, &QAction::triggered, mLayerTreeView, &QgsLayerTreeView::expandAllNodes );
4922   QAction *actionCollapseAll = new QAction( tr( "Collapse All" ), this );
4923   actionCollapseAll->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionCollapseTree.svg" ) ) );
4924   actionCollapseAll->setToolTip( tr( "Collapse All" ) );
4925   connect( actionCollapseAll, &QAction::triggered, mLayerTreeView, &QgsLayerTreeView::collapseAllNodes );
4927   QToolBar *toolbar = new QToolBar();
4928   toolbar->setIconSize( iconSize( true ) );
4929   toolbar->addAction( mActionStyleDock );
4930   toolbar->addAction( actionAddGroup );
4931   toolbar->addWidget( btnVisibilityPresets );
4932   toolbar->addWidget( mFilterLegendToolButton );
4933   toolbar->addWidget( mLegendExpressionFilterButton );
4934   toolbar->addAction( actionExpandAll );
4935   toolbar->addAction( actionCollapseAll );
4936   toolbar->addAction( mActionRemoveLayer );
4938   QVBoxLayout *vboxLayout = new QVBoxLayout;
4939   vboxLayout->setContentsMargins( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
4940   vboxLayout->setSpacing( 0 );
4941   vboxLayout->addWidget( toolbar );
4942   vboxLayout->addWidget( mLayerTreeView );
4944   QWidget *w = new QWidget;
4945   w->setLayout( vboxLayout );
4946   mLayerTreeDock->setWidget( w );
4947   addDockWidget( Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea, mLayerTreeDock );
4949   mLayerTreeCanvasBridge = new QgsLayerTreeMapCanvasBridge( QgsProject::instance()->layerTreeRoot(), mMapCanvas, this );
4951   mMapLayerOrder = new QgsCustomLayerOrderWidget( mLayerTreeCanvasBridge, this );
4952   mMapLayerOrder->setObjectName( QStringLiteral( "theMapLayerOrder" ) );
4954   mLayerOrderDock = new QgsDockWidget( tr( "Layer Order" ), this );
4955   mLayerOrderDock->setObjectName( QStringLiteral( "LayerOrder" ) );
4956   mLayerOrderDock->setAllowedAreas( Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea | Qt::RightDockWidgetArea );
4958   QShortcut *showLayerOrderDock = new QShortcut( QKeySequence( tr( "Ctrl+9" ) ), this );
4959   connect( showLayerOrderDock, &QShortcut::activated, mLayerOrderDock, &QgsDockWidget::toggleUserVisible );
4960   showLayerOrderDock->setObjectName( QStringLiteral( "ShowLayerOrderPanel" ) );
4961   showLayerOrderDock->setWhatsThis( tr( "Show Layer Order Panel" ) );
4963   mLayerOrderDock->setWidget( mMapLayerOrder );
4964   addDockWidget( Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea, mLayerOrderDock );
4965   mLayerOrderDock->hide();
4967   connect( mMapCanvas, &QgsMapCanvas::mapCanvasRefreshed, this, &QgisApp::updateFilterLegend );
4968   connect( mMapCanvas, &QgsMapCanvas::renderErrorOccurred, badLayerIndicatorProvider, &QgsLayerTreeViewBadLayerIndicatorProvider::reportLayerError );
4969 }
setupLayerTreeViewFromSettings()4971 void QgisApp::setupLayerTreeViewFromSettings()
4972 {
4973   QgsSettings s;
4975   QgsLayerTreeModel *model = mLayerTreeView->layerTreeModel();
4976   QFont fontLayer, fontGroup;
4977   fontLayer.setBold( true );
4978   fontGroup.setBold( false );
4979   model->setLayerTreeNodeFont( QgsLayerTreeNode::NodeLayer, fontLayer );
4980   model->setLayerTreeNodeFont( QgsLayerTreeNode::NodeGroup, fontGroup );
4981 }
updateNewLayerInsertionPoint()4984 void QgisApp::updateNewLayerInsertionPoint()
4985 {
4986   QgsLayerTreeRegistryBridge::InsertionPoint insertionPoint = layerTreeInsertionPoint();
4987   QgsProject::instance()->layerTreeRegistryBridge()->setLayerInsertionPoint( insertionPoint );
4988 }
layerTreeInsertionPoint() const4990 QgsLayerTreeRegistryBridge::InsertionPoint QgisApp::layerTreeInsertionPoint() const
4991 {
4992   // defaults
4993   QgsLayerTreeGroup *insertGroup = mLayerTreeView->layerTreeModel()->rootGroup();
4994   QModelIndex current = mLayerTreeView->currentIndex();
4996   int index = 0;
4998   if ( current.isValid() )
4999   {
5000     index = current.row();
5002     QgsLayerTreeNode *currentNode = mLayerTreeView->currentNode();
5003     if ( currentNode )
5004     {
5005       // if the insertion point is actually a group, insert new layers into the group
5006       if ( QgsLayerTree::isGroup( currentNode ) )
5007       {
5008         // if the group is embedded go to the first non-embedded group, at worst the top level item
5009         QgsLayerTreeGroup *insertGroup = QgsLayerTreeUtils::firstGroupWithoutCustomProperty( QgsLayerTree::toGroup( currentNode ), QStringLiteral( "embedded" ) );
5011         return QgsLayerTreeRegistryBridge::InsertionPoint( insertGroup, 0 );
5012       }
5014       // otherwise just set the insertion point in front of the current node
5015       QgsLayerTreeNode *parentNode = currentNode->parent();
5016       if ( QgsLayerTree::isGroup( parentNode ) )
5017       {
5018         // if the group is embedded go to the first non-embedded group, at worst the top level item
5019         QgsLayerTreeGroup *parentGroup = QgsLayerTree::toGroup( parentNode );
5020         insertGroup = QgsLayerTreeUtils::firstGroupWithoutCustomProperty( parentGroup, QStringLiteral( "embedded" ) );
5021         if ( parentGroup != insertGroup )
5022           index = 0;
5023       }
5024     }
5025   }
5026   return QgsLayerTreeRegistryBridge::InsertionPoint( insertGroup, index );
5027 }
setGpsPanelConnection(QgsGpsConnection * connection)5029 void QgisApp::setGpsPanelConnection( QgsGpsConnection *connection )
5030 {
5031   mpGpsWidget->setConnection( connection );
5032 }
autoSelectAddedLayer(QList<QgsMapLayer * > layers)5034 void QgisApp::autoSelectAddedLayer( QList<QgsMapLayer *> layers )
5035 {
5036   if ( !layers.isEmpty() )
5037   {
5038     QgsLayerTreeLayer *nodeLayer = QgsProject::instance()->layerTreeRoot()->findLayer( layers[0]->id() );
5040     if ( !nodeLayer )
5041       return;
5043     QModelIndex index = mLayerTreeView->node2index( nodeLayer );
5044     mLayerTreeView->setCurrentIndex( index );
5045   }
5046 }
createMapTips()5048 void QgisApp::createMapTips()
5049 {
5050   // Set up the timer for maptips. The timer is reset every time the mouse is moved
5051   mpMapTipsTimer = new QTimer( mMapCanvas );
5052   // connect the timer to the maptips slot
5053   connect( mpMapTipsTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &QgisApp::showMapTip );
5054   // set the delay to 0.850 seconds or time defined in the Settings
5055   // timer will be started next time the mouse moves
5056   QgsSettings settings;
5057   int timerInterval = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "qgis/mapTipsDelay" ), 850 ).toInt();
5058   mpMapTipsTimer->setInterval( timerInterval );
5059   mpMapTipsTimer->setSingleShot( true );
5061   // Create the maptips object
5062   mpMaptip = new QgsMapTip();
5063 }
setMapTipsDelay(int timerInterval)5065 void QgisApp::setMapTipsDelay( int timerInterval )
5066 {
5067   mpMapTipsTimer->setInterval( timerInterval );
5068 }
createDecorations()5070 void QgisApp::createDecorations()
5071 {
5072   QgsDecorationTitle *decorationTitle = new QgsDecorationTitle( this );
5073   connect( mActionDecorationTitle, &QAction::triggered, decorationTitle, &QgsDecorationTitle::run );
5075   QgsDecorationCopyright *decorationCopyright = new QgsDecorationCopyright( this );
5076   connect( mActionDecorationCopyright, &QAction::triggered, decorationCopyright, &QgsDecorationCopyright::run );
5078   QgsDecorationImage *decorationImage = new QgsDecorationImage( this );
5079   connect( mActionDecorationImage, &QAction::triggered, decorationImage, &QgsDecorationImage::run );
5081   QgsDecorationNorthArrow *decorationNorthArrow = new QgsDecorationNorthArrow( this );
5082   connect( mActionDecorationNorthArrow, &QAction::triggered, decorationNorthArrow, &QgsDecorationNorthArrow::run );
5084   QgsDecorationScaleBar *decorationScaleBar = new QgsDecorationScaleBar( this );
5085   connect( mActionDecorationScaleBar, &QAction::triggered, decorationScaleBar, &QgsDecorationScaleBar::run );
5087   QgsDecorationGrid *decorationGrid = new QgsDecorationGrid( this );
5088   connect( mActionDecorationGrid, &QAction::triggered, decorationGrid, &QgsDecorationGrid::run );
5090   QgsDecorationLayoutExtent *decorationLayoutExtent = new QgsDecorationLayoutExtent( this );
5091   connect( mActionDecorationLayoutExtent, &QAction::triggered, decorationLayoutExtent, &QgsDecorationLayoutExtent::run );
5093   // add the decorations in a particular order so they are rendered in that order
5094   addDecorationItem( decorationGrid );
5095   addDecorationItem( decorationImage );
5096   addDecorationItem( decorationTitle );
5097   addDecorationItem( decorationCopyright );
5098   addDecorationItem( decorationNorthArrow );
5099   addDecorationItem( decorationScaleBar );
5100   addDecorationItem( decorationLayoutExtent );
5101   connect( mMapCanvas, &QgsMapCanvas::renderComplete, this, &QgisApp::renderDecorationItems );
5102   connect( this, &QgisApp::newProject, this, &QgisApp::projectReadDecorationItems );
5103   connect( this, &QgisApp::projectRead, this, &QgisApp::projectReadDecorationItems );
5104 }
renderDecorationItems(QPainter * p)5106 void QgisApp::renderDecorationItems( QPainter *p )
5107 {
5108   QgsRenderContext context = QgsRenderContext::fromMapSettings( mMapCanvas->mapSettings() );
5109   context.setPainter( p );
5111   const auto constMDecorationItems = mDecorationItems;
5112   for ( QgsDecorationItem *item : constMDecorationItems )
5113   {
5114     item->render( mMapCanvas->mapSettings(), context );
5115   }
5116 }
projectReadDecorationItems()5118 void QgisApp::projectReadDecorationItems()
5119 {
5120   const auto constMDecorationItems = mDecorationItems;
5121   for ( QgsDecorationItem *item : constMDecorationItems )
5122   {
5123     item->projectRead();
5124   }
5125 }
5127 // Update project menu with the current list of recently accessed projects
updateRecentProjectPaths()5128 void QgisApp::updateRecentProjectPaths()
5129 {
5130   mRecentProjectsMenu->clear();
5132   const auto constMRecentProjects = mRecentProjects;
5133   for ( const QgsRecentProjectItemsModel::RecentProjectData &recentProject : constMRecentProjects )
5134   {
5135     QAction *action = mRecentProjectsMenu->addAction(
5136                         QStringLiteral( "%1 (%2)" )
5137                         .arg( recentProject.title != recentProject.path
5138                               ? recentProject.title
5139                               : QFileInfo( recentProject.path ).completeBaseName(), QDir::toNativeSeparators( recentProject.path )
5140                             ).replace( "&", "&&" )
5141                       );
5143     QgsProjectStorage *storage = QgsApplication::projectStorageRegistry()->projectStorageFromUri( recentProject.path );
5145     if ( storage )
5146     {
5147       QString path = storage->filePath( recentProject.path );
5148       // for geopackage projects, the path will be empty, if not valid
5149       if ( storage->type() == QLatin1String( "geopackage" ) && path.isEmpty() )
5150       {
5151         action->setEnabled( false );
5152         action->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mIndicatorBadLayer.svg" ) ) );
5153       }
5154     }
5155     else
5156     {
5157       bool exists = QFile::exists( recentProject.path );
5158       action->setEnabled( exists );
5159       if ( !exists )
5160         action->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mIndicatorBadLayer.svg" ) ) );
5161     }
5163     action->setData( recentProject.path );
5164     if ( recentProject.pin )
5165     {
5166       action->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/pin.svg" ) ) );
5167     }
5168   }
5170   std::vector< QgsNative::RecentProjectProperties > recentProjects;
5171   for ( const QgsRecentProjectItemsModel::RecentProjectData &recentProject : std::as_const( mRecentProjects ) )
5172   {
5173     QgsNative::RecentProjectProperties project;
5174     project.title = recentProject.title;
5175     project.fileName = QFileInfo( recentProject.path ).baseName();
5176     project.path = recentProject.path;
5177     project.name = project.title != project.path ? project.title : project.fileName;
5178     recentProjects.emplace_back( project );
5179   }
5180   QgsGui::instance()->nativePlatformInterface()->onRecentProjectsChanged( recentProjects );
5181 }
5183 // add this file to the recently opened/saved projects list
saveRecentProjectPath(bool savePreviewImage,const QIcon & iconOverlay)5184 void QgisApp::saveRecentProjectPath( bool savePreviewImage, const QIcon &iconOverlay )
5185 {
5186   // first, re-read the recent project paths. This prevents loss of recent
5187   // projects when multiple QGIS sessions are open
5188   readRecentProjects();
5190   // Get canonical absolute path
5191   QgsRecentProjectItemsModel::RecentProjectData projectData;
5192   projectData.path = QgsProject::instance()->absoluteFilePath();
5193   QString templateDirName = QgsSettings().value( QStringLiteral( "qgis/projectTemplateDir" ),
5194                             QString( QgsApplication::qgisSettingsDirPath() + "project_templates" ) ).toString();
5196   // We don't want the template path to appear in the recent projects list. Never.
5197   if ( projectData.path.startsWith( templateDirName ) )
5198     return;
5200   if ( projectData.path.isEmpty() )  // in case of custom project storage
5201     projectData.path = !QgsProject::instance()->fileName().isEmpty() ? QgsProject::instance()->fileName() : QgsProject::instance()->originalPath();
5202   projectData.title = QgsProject::instance()->title();
5203   if ( projectData.title.isEmpty() )
5204     projectData.title = !QgsProject::instance()->baseName().isEmpty() ? QgsProject::instance()->baseName() : QFileInfo( QgsProject::instance()->originalPath() ).completeBaseName();
5206   projectData.crs = QgsProject::instance()->crs().authid();
5208   int idx = mRecentProjects.indexOf( projectData );
5209   if ( idx != -1 )
5210     projectData.pin = mRecentProjects.at( idx ).pin;
5212   if ( savePreviewImage )
5213   {
5214     // Generate a unique file name
5215     QString fileName( QCryptographicHash::hash( ( projectData.path.toUtf8() ), QCryptographicHash::Md5 ).toHex() );
5216     QString previewDir = QStringLiteral( "%1/previewImages" ).arg( QgsApplication::qgisSettingsDirPath() );
5217     projectData.previewImagePath = QStringLiteral( "%1/%2.png" ).arg( previewDir, fileName );
5218     QDir().mkdir( previewDir );
5220     createPreviewImage( projectData.previewImagePath, iconOverlay );
5221   }
5222   else
5223   {
5224     if ( idx != -1 )
5225       projectData.previewImagePath = mRecentProjects.at( idx ).previewImagePath;
5226   }
5228   // Count the number of pinned items, those shouldn't affect trimming
5229   int pinnedCount = 0;
5230   int nonPinnedPos = 0;
5231   bool pinnedTop = true;
5232   for ( const QgsRecentProjectItemsModel::RecentProjectData &recentProject : std::as_const( mRecentProjects ) )
5233   {
5234     if ( recentProject.pin )
5235     {
5236       pinnedCount++;
5237       if ( pinnedTop )
5238       {
5239         nonPinnedPos++;
5240       }
5241     }
5242     else if ( pinnedTop )
5243     {
5244       pinnedTop = false;
5245     }
5246   }
5248   // If this file is already in the list, remove it
5249   mRecentProjects.removeAll( projectData );
5251   // Insert this file to the list
5252   mRecentProjects.insert( projectData.pin ? 0 : nonPinnedPos, projectData );
5254   const uint maxProjects = QgsSettings().value( QStringLiteral( "maxRecentProjects" ), 20, QgsSettings::App ).toUInt();
5256   // Keep the list to maxProjects items by trimming excess off the bottom
5257   // And remove the associated image
5258   while ( static_cast< uint >( mRecentProjects.count() ) > maxProjects + pinnedCount )
5259   {
5260     const QString previewImagePath = mRecentProjects.takeLast().previewImagePath;
5261     if ( QFileInfo::exists( previewImagePath ) )
5262       QFile( mRecentProjects.takeLast().previewImagePath ).remove();
5263   }
5265   // Persist the list
5266   saveRecentProjects();
5268   // Update menu list of paths
5269   updateRecentProjectPaths();
5271   // Update welcome page list
5272   if ( mWelcomePage )
5273     mWelcomePage->setRecentProjects( mRecentProjects );
5275 } // QgisApp::saveRecentProjectPath
5277 // Save recent projects list to settings
saveRecentProjects()5278 void QgisApp::saveRecentProjects()
5279 {
5280   QgsSettings settings;
5282   settings.remove( QStringLiteral( "/UI/recentProjects" ) );
5283   int idx = 0;
5285   const auto constMRecentProjects = mRecentProjects;
5286   for ( const QgsRecentProjectItemsModel::RecentProjectData &recentProject : constMRecentProjects )
5287   {
5288     ++idx;
5289     settings.beginGroup( QStringLiteral( "UI/recentProjects/%1" ).arg( idx ) );
5290     settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "title" ), recentProject.title );
5291     settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "path" ), recentProject.path );
5292     settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "previewImage" ), recentProject.previewImagePath );
5293     settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "crs" ), recentProject.crs );
5294     settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "pin" ), recentProject.pin );
5295     settings.endGroup();
5296   }
5297 }
5299 // Update project menu with the project templates
updateProjectFromTemplates()5300 void QgisApp::updateProjectFromTemplates()
5301 {
5302   // get list of project files in template dir
5303   QgsSettings settings;
5304   QString templateDirName = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "qgis/projectTemplateDir" ),
5305                             QString( QgsApplication::qgisSettingsDirPath() + "project_templates" ) ).toString();
5306   QDir templateDir( templateDirName );
5307   QStringList filters( QStringLiteral( "*.qgs" ) );
5308   filters << QStringLiteral( "*.qgz" );
5309   templateDir.setNameFilters( filters );
5310   QStringList templateFiles = templateDir.entryList( filters );
5312   // Remove existing entries
5313   mProjectFromTemplateMenu->clear();
5315   // Add entries
5316   const auto constTemplateFiles = templateFiles;
5317   for ( const QString &templateFile : constTemplateFiles )
5318   {
5319     mProjectFromTemplateMenu->addAction( templateFile );
5320   }
5322   // add <blank> entry, which loads a blank template (regardless of "default template")
5323   if ( settings.value( QStringLiteral( "qgis/newProjectDefault" ), QVariant( false ) ).toBool() )
5324     mProjectFromTemplateMenu->addAction( tr( "< Blank >" ) );
5326 } // QgisApp::updateProjectFromTemplates
saveWindowState()5328 void QgisApp::saveWindowState()
5329 {
5330   // store window and toolbar positions
5331   QgsSettings settings;
5332   // store the toolbar/dock widget settings using Qt4 settings API
5333   settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/state" ), saveState() );
5335   // store window geometry
5336   settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/geometry" ), saveGeometry() );
5338   QgsPluginRegistry::instance()->unloadAll();
5339 }
5341 #include "ui_defaults.h"
restoreWindowState()5343 void QgisApp::restoreWindowState()
5344 {
5345   // restore the toolbar and dock widgets positions using Qt4 settings API
5346   QgsSettings settings;
5347 #if 0
5348   // because of Qt regression: https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-89034
5349   // we have to wait till dialog is first shown to try to restore dock geometry or it's not correctly restored
5350   // so this code was moved to showEvent for now...
5351   if ( !restoreState( settings.value( QStringLiteral( "UI/state" ), QByteArray::fromRawData( reinterpret_cast< const char * >( defaultUIstate ), sizeof defaultUIstate ) ).toByteArray() ) )
5352   {
5353     QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "restore of UI state failed" ) );
5354   }
5355 #endif
5357   if ( settings.value( QStringLiteral( "UI/hidebrowser" ), false ).toBool() )
5358   {
5359     mBrowserWidget->hide();
5360     mBrowserWidget2->hide();
5361     settings.remove( QStringLiteral( "UI/hidebrowser" ) );
5362   }
5364   // restore window geometry
5365   if ( !restoreGeometry( settings.value( QStringLiteral( "UI/geometry" ) ).toByteArray() ) )
5366   {
5367     QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "restore of UI geometry failed" ) );
5368     // default to 80% of screen size, at 10% from top left corner
5369     resize( QDesktopWidget().availableGeometry( this ).size() * 0.8 );
5370     QSize pos = QDesktopWidget().availableGeometry( this ).size() * 0.1;
5371     move( pos.width(), pos.height() );
5372   }
5374 }
5375 ///////////// END OF GUI SETUP ROUTINES ///////////////
sponsors()5376 void QgisApp::sponsors()
5377 {
5378   QgsSettings settings;
5379   QString qgisSponsorsUrl = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "qgis/qgisSponsorsUrl" ),
5380                             tr( "https://qgis.org/en/site/about/sustaining_members.html" ) ).toString();
5381   openURL( qgisSponsorsUrl, false );
5382 }
about()5384 void QgisApp::about()
5385 {
5386   static QgsAbout *sAbt = nullptr;
5387   if ( !sAbt )
5388   {
5389     sAbt = new QgsAbout( this );
5390     QString versionString = QStringLiteral( "<html><body><div align='center'><table width='100%'>" );
5392     versionString += QStringLiteral( "<tr><td>%1</td><td>%2</td><td>" ).arg( tr( "QGIS version" ), Qgis::version() );
5394     if ( QString( Qgis::devVersion() ) == QLatin1String( "exported" ) )
5395     {
5396       versionString += tr( "QGIS code branch" );
5397       if ( Qgis::version().endsWith( QLatin1String( "Master" ) ) )
5398       {
5399         versionString += QLatin1String( "</td><td><a href=\"https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/tree/master\">master</a></td>" );
5400       }
5401       else
5402       {
5403         versionString += QStringLiteral( "</td><td><a href=\"https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/tree/release-%1_%2\">Release %1.%2</a></td>" )
5404                          .arg( Qgis::versionInt() / 10000 ).arg( Qgis::versionInt() / 100 % 100 );
5405       }
5406     }
5407     else
5408     {
5409       versionString += QStringLiteral( "%1</td><td><a href=\"https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/commit/%2\">%2</a></td>" ).arg( tr( "QGIS code revision" ) ).arg( Qgis::devVersion() );
5410     }
5411     versionString += QLatin1String( "</tr><tr>" );
5413     // Qt version
5414     const QString qtVersionCompiled{ QT_VERSION_STR };
5415     const QString qtVersionRunning{ qVersion() };
5416     if ( qtVersionCompiled != qtVersionRunning )
5417     {
5418       versionString += QStringLiteral( "<td>%1</td><td>%2</td>" ).arg( tr( "Compiled against Qt" ), qtVersionCompiled );
5419       versionString += QStringLiteral( "<td>%1</td><td>%2</td>" ).arg( tr( "Running against Qt" ), qtVersionRunning );
5420     }
5421     else
5422     {
5423       versionString += QStringLiteral( "<td>%1</td><td colspan=\"3\">%2</td>" ).arg( tr( "Qt version" ), qtVersionCompiled );
5424     }
5425     versionString += QLatin1String( "</tr><tr>" );
5427     // Python version
5428     const QString pythonVersion{ PYTHON_VERSION };
5429     versionString += QStringLiteral( "<td>%1</td><td colspan=\"3\">%2</td>" ).arg( tr( "Python version" ), PYTHON_VERSION );
5430     versionString += QLatin1String( "</tr><tr>" );
5432     // GDAL version
5433     const QString gdalVersionCompiled { GDAL_RELEASE_NAME };
5434     const QString gdalVersionRunning { GDALVersionInfo( "RELEASE_NAME" ) };
5435     if ( gdalVersionCompiled != gdalVersionRunning )
5436     {
5437       versionString += QStringLiteral( "<td>%1</td><td>%2</td>" ).arg( tr( "Compiled against GDAL/OGR" ), gdalVersionCompiled );
5438       versionString += QStringLiteral( "<td>%1</td><td>%2</td>" ).arg( tr( "Running against GDAL/OGR" ), gdalVersionRunning );
5439     }
5440     else
5441     {
5442       versionString += QStringLiteral( "<td>%1</td><td colspan=\"3\">%2</td>" ).arg( tr( "GDAL/OGR version" ), gdalVersionCompiled );
5443     }
5444     versionString += QLatin1String( "</tr><tr>" );
5446     // proj
5447     PJ_INFO info = proj_info();
5448     const QString projVersionCompiled { QStringLiteral( "%1.%2.%3" ).arg( PROJ_VERSION_MAJOR ).arg( PROJ_VERSION_MINOR ).arg( PROJ_VERSION_PATCH ) };
5449     const QString projVersionRunning { info.version };
5450     if ( projVersionCompiled != projVersionRunning )
5451     {
5452       versionString += QStringLiteral( "<td>%1</td><td>%2.%3.%4</td>" ).arg( tr( "Compiled against PROJ" ), projVersionCompiled );
5453       versionString += QStringLiteral( "<td>%1</td><td>%2</td>" ).arg( tr( "Running against PROJ" ), projVersionRunning );
5454     }
5455     else
5456     {
5457       versionString += QStringLiteral( "<td>%1</td><td colspan=\"3\">%2</td>" ).arg( tr( "PROJ version" ), projVersionCompiled );
5458     }
5459     versionString += QLatin1String( "</tr><tr>" );
5461     // CRS database versions
5462     versionString += QStringLiteral( "<td>%1</td><td colspan=\"3\">%2 (%3)</td>" ).arg( tr( "EPSG Registry database version" ), QgsProjUtils::epsgRegistryVersion(), QgsProjUtils::epsgRegistryDate().toString( Qt::ISODate ) );
5463     versionString += QLatin1String( "</tr><tr>" );
5465     // GEOS version
5466     const QString geosVersionCompiled { GEOS_CAPI_VERSION };
5467     const QString geosVersionRunning { GEOSversion() };
5468     if ( geosVersionCompiled != geosVersionRunning )
5469     {
5470       versionString += QStringLiteral( "<td>%1</td><td>%2</td>" ).arg( tr( "Compiled against GEOS" ), geosVersionCompiled );
5471       versionString += QStringLiteral( "<td>%1</td><td>%2</td>" ).arg( tr( "Running against GEOS" ), geosVersionRunning );
5472     }
5473     else
5474     {
5475       versionString += QStringLiteral( "<td>%1</td><td colspan=\"3\">%2</td>" ).arg( tr( "GEOS version" ), geosVersionCompiled );
5476     }
5477     versionString += QLatin1String( "</tr><tr>" );
5479     // SQLite version
5480     const QString sqliteVersionCompiled { SQLITE_VERSION };
5481     const QString sqliteVersionRunning { sqlite3_libversion() };
5482     if ( sqliteVersionCompiled != sqliteVersionRunning )
5483     {
5484       versionString += QStringLiteral( "<td>%1</td><td>%2</td>" ).arg( tr( "Compiled against SQLite" ), sqliteVersionCompiled );
5485       versionString += QStringLiteral( "<td>%1</td><td>%2</td>" ).arg( tr( "Running against SQLite" ), sqliteVersionRunning );
5486     }
5487     else
5488     {
5489       versionString += QStringLiteral( "<td>%1</td><td colspan=\"3\">%2</td>" ).arg( tr( "SQLite version" ), sqliteVersionCompiled );
5490     }
5491     versionString += QLatin1String( "</tr><tr>" );
5493     // PDAL
5494 #ifdef HAVE_PDAL
5495     const QString pdalVersionCompiled { PDAL_VERSION };
5497     const QString pdalVersionRunningRaw { QString::fromStdString( pdal::Config::fullVersionString() ) };
5498 #else
5499     const QString pdalVersionRunningRaw { QString::fromStdString( pdal::GetFullVersionString() ) };
5500 #endif
5501     const QRegularExpression pdalVersionRx { QStringLiteral( "(\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+)" )};
5502     const QRegularExpressionMatch pdalVersionMatch{ pdalVersionRx.match( pdalVersionRunningRaw ) };
5503     const QString pdalVersionRunning{ pdalVersionMatch.hasMatch() ? pdalVersionMatch.captured( 1 ) : pdalVersionRunningRaw };
5504     if ( pdalVersionCompiled != pdalVersionRunning )
5505     {
5506       versionString += QStringLiteral( "<td>%1</td><td>%2</td>" ).arg( tr( "Compiled against PDAL" ), pdalVersionCompiled );
5507       versionString += QStringLiteral( "<td>%1</td><td>%2</td>" ).arg( tr( "Running against PDAL" ), pdalVersionRunning );
5508     }
5509     else
5510     {
5511       versionString += QStringLiteral( "<td>%1</td><td colspan=\"3\">%2</td>" ).arg( tr( "PDAL version" ), pdalVersionCompiled );
5512     }
5513     versionString += QLatin1String( "</tr><tr>" );
5514 #endif
5516     // postgres
5517     versionString += QStringLiteral( "<td>%1</td><td colspan=\"3\">" ).arg( tr( "PostgreSQL client version" ) );
5519     versionString += QStringLiteral( PG_VERSION );
5520 #else
5521     versionString += tr( "No support" );
5522 #endif
5523     versionString += QLatin1String( "</td></tr><tr>" );
5525     // spatialite
5526     versionString += QStringLiteral( "<td>%1</td><td colspan=\"3\">" ).arg( tr( "SpatiaLite version" ) );
5528     versionString += QStringLiteral( "%1</td>" ).arg( spatialite_version() );
5529 #else
5530     versionString += tr( "No support" );
5531 #endif
5532     versionString += QLatin1String( "</td></tr><tr>" );
5534     // QWT
5535     versionString += QStringLiteral( "<td>%1</td><td colspan=\"3\">%2</td>" ).arg( tr( "QWT version" ), QWT_VERSION_STR );
5536     versionString += QLatin1String( "</tr><tr>" );
5538     // QScintilla
5539     versionString += QStringLiteral( "<td>%1</td><td colspan=\"3\">%2</td>" ).arg( tr( "QScintilla2 version" ), QSCINTILLA_VERSION_STR );
5540     versionString += QLatin1String( "</tr><tr>" );
5542     // Operating system
5543     versionString += QStringLiteral( "<td>%1</td><td colspan=\"3\">%2</td>" ).arg( tr( "OS version" ), QSysInfo::prettyProductName() );
5544     versionString += QLatin1String( "</tr><tr>" );
5546 #ifdef QGISDEBUG
5547     versionString += QLatin1String( "</tr><tr>" );
5548     versionString += QStringLiteral( "<td colspan=\"4\"><i>%1</i></td>" ).arg( tr( "This copy of QGIS writes debugging output." ) );
5549     versionString += QLatin1String( "</tr><tr>" );
5550 #endif
5552 #ifdef WITH_BINDINGS
5553     if ( mPythonUtils && mPythonUtils->isEnabled() )
5554     {
5555       versionString += QStringLiteral( "</tr><tr><td colspan=\"4\">%1</td>" ).arg( tr( "Active Python plugins" ) );
5556       const QStringList activePlugins = mPythonUtils->listActivePlugins();
5557       for ( const QString &plugin : activePlugins )
5558       {
5559         const QString version = mPythonUtils->getPluginMetadata( plugin, QStringLiteral( "version" ) );
5560         versionString += QStringLiteral( "</tr><tr><td>%1</td><td colspan=\"3\">%2</td>" ).arg( plugin, version );
5561       }
5562     }
5563 #endif
5565     versionString += QLatin1String( "</tr></table></div></body></html>" );
5567     sAbt->setVersion( versionString );
5568   }
5569   sAbt->show();
5570   sAbt->raise();
5571   sAbt->activateWindow();
5572 }
addLayerDefinition()5574 void QgisApp::addLayerDefinition()
5575 {
5576   QgsSettings settings;
5577   QString lastUsedDir = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "UI/lastQLRDir" ), QDir::homePath() ).toString();
5579   QString path = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName( this, QStringLiteral( "Add Layer Definition File" ), lastUsedDir, QStringLiteral( "*.qlr" ) );
5580   if ( path.isEmpty() )
5581     return;
5583   QFileInfo fi( path );
5584   settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/lastQLRDir" ), fi.path() );
5586   openLayerDefinition( path );
5587 }
crsAndFormatAdjustedLayerUri(const QString & uri,const QStringList & supportedCrs,const QStringList & supportedFormats) const5589 QString QgisApp::crsAndFormatAdjustedLayerUri( const QString &uri, const QStringList &supportedCrs, const QStringList &supportedFormats ) const
5590 {
5591   QString newuri = uri;
5593   // Adjust layer CRS to project CRS
5594   QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem testCrs;
5595   const auto constSupportedCrs = supportedCrs;
5596   for ( const QString &c : constSupportedCrs )
5597   {
5598     testCrs.createFromOgcWmsCrs( c );
5599     if ( testCrs == mMapCanvas->mapSettings().destinationCrs() )
5600     {
5601       newuri.replace( QRegExp( "crs=[^&]+" ), "crs=" + c );
5602       QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "Changing layer crs to %1, new uri: %2" ).arg( c, uri ), 2 );
5603       break;
5604     }
5605   }
5607   // Use the last used image format
5608   QString lastImageEncoding = QgsSettings().value( QStringLiteral( "/qgis/lastWmsImageEncoding" ), "image/png" ).toString();
5609   const auto constSupportedFormats = supportedFormats;
5610   for ( const QString &fmt : constSupportedFormats )
5611   {
5612     if ( fmt == lastImageEncoding )
5613     {
5614       newuri.replace( QRegExp( "format=[^&]+" ), "format=" + fmt );
5615       QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "Changing layer format to %1, new uri: %2" ).arg( fmt, uri ), 2 );
5616       break;
5617     }
5618   }
5619   return newuri;
5620 }
addVectorLayers(const QStringList & layerQStringList,const QString & enc,const QString & dataSourceType)5622 bool QgisApp::addVectorLayers( const QStringList &layerQStringList, const QString &enc, const QString &dataSourceType )
5623 {
5624   return addVectorLayersPrivate( layerQStringList, enc, dataSourceType );
5625 }
addVectorLayersPrivate(const QStringList & layers,const QString & enc,const QString & dataSourceType,const bool guiWarning)5627 bool QgisApp::addVectorLayersPrivate( const QStringList &layers, const QString &enc, const QString &dataSourceType, const bool guiWarning )
5628 {
5629   //note: this method ONLY supports vector layers from the OGR provider!
5631   QgsCanvasRefreshBlocker refreshBlocker;
5633   QList<QgsMapLayer *> layersToAdd;
5634   QList<QgsMapLayer *> addedLayers;
5635   QgsSettings settings;
5636   bool userAskedToAddLayers = false;
5638   for ( const QString &layerUri : layers )
5639   {
5640     const QString uri = layerUri.trimmed();
5641     QString baseName;
5642     if ( dataSourceType == QLatin1String( "file" ) )
5643     {
5644       QString srcWithoutLayername( uri );
5645       int posPipe = srcWithoutLayername.indexOf( '|' );
5646       if ( posPipe >= 0 )
5647         srcWithoutLayername.resize( posPipe );
5648       baseName = QgsProviderUtils::suggestLayerNameFromFilePath( srcWithoutLayername );
5650       // if needed prompt for zipitem layers
5651       QString vsiPrefix = QgsZipItem::vsiPrefix( uri );
5652       if ( ! uri.startsWith( QLatin1String( "/vsi" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) &&
5653            ( vsiPrefix == QLatin1String( "/vsizip/" ) || vsiPrefix == QLatin1String( "/vsitar/" ) ) )
5654       {
5655         if ( askUserForZipItemLayers( uri, { QgsMapLayerType::VectorLayer } ) )
5656           continue;
5657       }
5658     }
5659     else if ( dataSourceType == QLatin1String( "database" ) )
5660     {
5661       // Try to extract the database name and use it as base name
5662       // sublayers names (if any) will be appended to the layer name
5663       const QVariantMap parts( QgsProviderRegistry::instance()->decodeUri( QStringLiteral( "ogr" ), uri ) );
5664       if ( parts.value( QStringLiteral( "databaseName" ) ).isValid() )
5665         baseName = parts.value( QStringLiteral( "databaseName" ) ).toString();
5666       else
5667         baseName = uri;
5668     }
5669     else //directory //protocol
5670     {
5671       baseName = QgsProviderUtils::suggestLayerNameFromFilePath( uri );
5672     }
5674     if ( settings.value( QStringLiteral( "qgis/formatLayerName" ), false ).toBool() )
5675     {
5676       baseName = QgsMapLayer::formatLayerName( baseName );
5677     }
5679     QgsDebugMsgLevel( "completeBaseName: " + baseName, 2 );
5680     const bool isVsiCurl { uri.startsWith( QLatin1String( "/vsicurl" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) };
5681     const auto scheme { QUrl( uri ).scheme() };
5682     const bool isRemoteUrl { scheme.startsWith( QLatin1String( "http" ) ) || scheme == QLatin1String( "ftp" ) };
5684     std::unique_ptr< QgsTemporaryCursorOverride > cursorOverride;
5685     if ( isVsiCurl || isRemoteUrl )
5686     {
5687       cursorOverride = std::make_unique< QgsTemporaryCursorOverride >( Qt::WaitCursor );
5688       visibleMessageBar()->pushInfo( tr( "Remote layer" ), tr( "loading %1, please wait …" ).arg( uri ) );
5689       qApp->processEvents();
5690     }
5692     QList< QgsProviderSublayerDetails > sublayers = QgsProviderRegistry::instance()->providerMetadata( QStringLiteral( "ogr" ) )->querySublayers( uri, Qgis::SublayerQueryFlag::IncludeSystemTables );
5693     // filter out non-vector sublayers
5694     sublayers.erase( std::remove_if( sublayers.begin(), sublayers.end(), []( const QgsProviderSublayerDetails & sublayer )
5695     {
5696       return sublayer.type() != QgsMapLayerType::VectorLayer;
5697     } ), sublayers.end() );
5699     cursorOverride.reset();
5701     const QVariantMap uriParts = QgsProviderRegistry::instance()->decodeUri( QStringLiteral( "ogr" ), uri );
5702     const QString path = uriParts.value( QStringLiteral( "path" ) ).toString();
5704     if ( !sublayers.empty() )
5705     {
5706       userAskedToAddLayers = true;
5708       const bool detailsAreIncomplete = QgsProviderUtils::sublayerDetailsAreIncomplete( sublayers, QgsProviderUtils::SublayerCompletenessFlag::IgnoreUnknownFeatureCount );
5709       const bool singleSublayerOnly = sublayers.size() == 1;
5710       QString groupName;
5712       if ( !singleSublayerOnly || detailsAreIncomplete )
5713       {
5714         // ask user for sublayers (unless user settings dictate otherwise!)
5715         switch ( shouldAskUserForSublayers( sublayers ) )
5716         {
5717           case SublayerHandling::AskUser:
5718           {
5719             // prompt user for sublayers
5720             QgsProviderSublayersDialog dlg( uri, path, sublayers, {QgsMapLayerType::VectorLayer}, this );
5722             if ( dlg.exec() )
5723               sublayers = dlg.selectedLayers();
5724             else
5725               sublayers.clear(); // dialog was canceled, so don't add any sublayers
5726             groupName = dlg.groupName();
5727             break;
5728           }
5730           case SublayerHandling::LoadAll:
5731           {
5732             if ( detailsAreIncomplete )
5733             {
5734               // requery sublayers, resolving geometry types
5735               sublayers = QgsProviderRegistry::instance()->querySublayers( uri, Qgis::SublayerQueryFlag::ResolveGeometryType );
5736               // filter out non-vector sublayers
5737               sublayers.erase( std::remove_if( sublayers.begin(), sublayers.end(), []( const QgsProviderSublayerDetails & sublayer )
5738               {
5739                 return sublayer.type() != QgsMapLayerType::VectorLayer;
5740               } ), sublayers.end() );
5741             }
5742             break;
5743           }
5745           case SublayerHandling::AbortLoading:
5746             sublayers.clear(); // don't add any sublayers
5747             break;
5748         };
5749       }
5750       else if ( detailsAreIncomplete )
5751       {
5752         // requery sublayers, resolving geometry types
5753         sublayers = QgsProviderRegistry::instance()->querySublayers( uri, Qgis::SublayerQueryFlag::ResolveGeometryType );
5754         // filter out non-vector sublayers
5755         sublayers.erase( std::remove_if( sublayers.begin(), sublayers.end(), []( const QgsProviderSublayerDetails & sublayer )
5756         {
5757           return sublayer.type() != QgsMapLayerType::VectorLayer;
5758         } ), sublayers.end() );
5759       }
5761       // now add sublayers
5762       if ( !sublayers.empty() )
5763       {
5764         addedLayers << addSublayers( sublayers, baseName, groupName );
5765       }
5767     }
5768     else
5769     {
5770       QString msg = tr( "%1 is not a valid or recognized data source." ).arg( uri );
5771       // If the failed layer was a vsicurl type, give the user a chance to try the normal download.
5772       if ( isVsiCurl &&
5773            QMessageBox::question( this, tr( "Invalid Data Source" ),
5774                                   tr( "Download with \"Protocol\" source type has failed, do you want to try the \"File\" source type?" ) ) == QMessageBox::Yes )
5775       {
5776         QString fileUri = uri;
5777         fileUri.replace( QLatin1String( "/vsicurl/" ), " " );
5778         return addVectorLayersPrivate( QStringList() << fileUri, enc, dataSourceType, guiWarning );
5779       }
5780       else if ( guiWarning )
5781       {
5782         visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "Invalid Data Source" ), msg, Qgis::MessageLevel::Critical );
5783       }
5784     }
5785   }
5787   // make sure at least one layer was successfully added
5788   if ( layersToAdd.isEmpty() )
5789   {
5790     // we also return true if we asked the user for sublayers, but they choose none. In this case nothing
5791     // went wrong, so we shouldn't return false and cause GUI warnings to appear
5792     return userAskedToAddLayers || !addedLayers.isEmpty();
5793   }
5795   // Register this layer with the layers registry
5796   QgsProject::instance()->addMapLayers( layersToAdd );
5797   for ( QgsMapLayer *l : std::as_const( layersToAdd ) )
5798   {
5799     if ( !enc.isEmpty() )
5800     {
5801       if ( QgsVectorLayer *vl = qobject_cast< QgsVectorLayer * >( l ) )
5802         vl->setProviderEncoding( enc );
5803     }
5805     askUserForDatumTransform( l->crs(), QgsProject::instance()->crs(), l );
5806     postProcessAddedLayer( l );
5807   }
5808   activateDeactivateLayerRelatedActions( activeLayer() );
5810   return true;
5811 }
addMeshLayer(const QString & url,const QString & baseName,const QString & providerKey)5813 QgsMeshLayer *QgisApp::addMeshLayer( const QString &url, const QString &baseName, const QString &providerKey )
5814 {
5815   return addLayerPrivate< QgsMeshLayer >( QgsMapLayerType::MeshLayer, url, baseName, providerKey, true );
5816 }
addSublayers(const QList<QgsProviderSublayerDetails> & layers,const QString & baseName,const QString & groupName)5818 QList< QgsMapLayer * > QgisApp::addSublayers( const QList<QgsProviderSublayerDetails> &layers, const QString &baseName, const QString &groupName )
5819 {
5820   QgsLayerTreeGroup *group = nullptr;
5821   if ( !groupName.isEmpty() )
5822   {
5823     group = QgsProject::instance()->layerTreeRoot()->insertGroup( 0, groupName );
5824   }
5826   QgsSettings settings;
5827   const bool formatLayerNames = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "qgis/formatLayerName" ), false ).toBool();
5829   // if we aren't adding to a group, we need to add the layers in reverse order so that they maintain the correct
5830   // order in the layer tree!
5831   QList<QgsProviderSublayerDetails> sortedLayers = layers;
5832   if ( groupName.isEmpty() )
5833   {
5834     std::reverse( sortedLayers.begin(), sortedLayers.end() );
5835   }
5837   QList< QgsMapLayer * > result;
5838   result.reserve( sortedLayers.size() );
5840   for ( const QgsProviderSublayerDetails &sublayer : std::as_const( sortedLayers ) )
5841   {
5842     QgsProviderSublayerDetails::LayerOptions options( QgsProject::instance()->transformContext() );
5843     options.loadDefaultStyle = false;
5845     std::unique_ptr<QgsMapLayer> layer( sublayer.toLayer( options ) );
5846     if ( !layer )
5847       continue;
5849     QgsMapLayer *ml = layer.get();
5850     // if we aren't adding to a group, then we're iterating the layers in the reverse order
5851     // so account for that in the returned list of layers
5852     if ( groupName.isEmpty() )
5853       result.insert( 0, ml );
5854     else
5855       result << ml;
5857     QString layerName = layer->name();
5858     if ( formatLayerNames )
5859     {
5860       layerName = QgsMapLayer::formatLayerName( layerName );
5861     }
5863     // if user has opted to add sublayers to a group, then we don't need to include the
5864     // filename in the layer's name, because the group is already titled with the filename.
5865     // But otherwise, we DO include the file name so that users can differentiate the source
5866     // when multiple layers are loaded from a GPX file or similar (refs https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/issues/37551)
5867     if ( group )
5868     {
5869       if ( !layerName.isEmpty() )
5870         layer->setName( layerName );
5871       else if ( !baseName.isEmpty() )
5872         layer->setName( baseName );
5873       QgsProject::instance()->addMapLayer( layer.release(), false );
5874       group->addLayer( ml );
5875     }
5876     else
5877     {
5878       if ( layerName != baseName && !layerName.isEmpty() && !baseName.isEmpty() )
5879         layer->setName( QStringLiteral( "%1 — %2" ).arg( baseName, layerName ) );
5880       else if ( !layerName.isEmpty() )
5881         layer->setName( layerName );
5882       else if ( !baseName.isEmpty() )
5883         layer->setName( baseName );
5884       QgsProject::instance()->addMapLayer( layer.release() );
5885     }
5887     askUserForDatumTransform( ml->crs(), QgsProject::instance()->crs(), ml );
5888     postProcessAddedLayer( ml );
5889   }
5891   if ( group )
5892   {
5893     // Respect if user don't want the new group of layers visible.
5894     QgsSettings settings;
5895     const bool newLayersVisible = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "/qgis/new_layers_visible" ), true ).toBool();
5896     if ( !newLayersVisible )
5897       group->setItemVisibilityCheckedRecursive( newLayersVisible );
5898   }
5900   return result;
5901 }
postProcessAddedLayer(QgsMapLayer * layer)5903 void QgisApp::postProcessAddedLayer( QgsMapLayer *layer )
5904 {
5905   switch ( layer->type() )
5906   {
5907     case QgsMapLayerType::VectorLayer:
5908     case QgsMapLayerType::RasterLayer:
5909     {
5910       bool ok = false;
5911       layer->loadDefaultStyle( ok );
5912       layer->loadDefaultMetadata( ok );
5913       break;
5914     }
5916     case QgsMapLayerType::PluginLayer:
5917       break;
5919     case QgsMapLayerType::MeshLayer:
5920     {
5921       QgsMeshLayer *meshLayer = qobject_cast< QgsMeshLayer *>( layer );
5922       QDateTime referenceTime = QgsProject::instance()->timeSettings()->temporalRange().begin();
5923       if ( !referenceTime.isValid() ) // If project reference time is invalid, use current date
5924         referenceTime = QDateTime( QDate::currentDate(), QTime( 0, 0, 0 ), Qt::UTC );
5926       if ( meshLayer->dataProvider() && !qobject_cast< QgsMeshLayerTemporalProperties * >( meshLayer->temporalProperties() )->referenceTime().isValid() )
5927         qobject_cast< QgsMeshLayerTemporalProperties * >( meshLayer->temporalProperties() )->setReferenceTime( referenceTime, meshLayer->dataProvider()->temporalCapabilities() );
5929       bool ok = false;
5930       meshLayer->loadDefaultStyle( ok );
5931       meshLayer->loadDefaultMetadata( ok );
5932       break;
5933     }
5935     case QgsMapLayerType::VectorTileLayer:
5936     {
5937       bool ok = false;
5938       QString error = layer->loadDefaultStyle( ok );
5939       if ( !ok )
5940         visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "Error loading style" ), error, Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning );
5941       error = layer->loadDefaultMetadata( ok );
5942       if ( !ok )
5943         visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "Error loading layer metadata" ), error, Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning );
5945       break;
5946     }
5948     case QgsMapLayerType::AnnotationLayer:
5949       break;
5951     case QgsMapLayerType::PointCloudLayer:
5952     {
5953       bool ok = false;
5954       layer->loadDefaultStyle( ok );
5955       layer->loadDefaultMetadata( ok );
5957 #ifdef HAVE_3D
5958       if ( !layer->renderer3D() )
5959       {
5960         QgsPointCloudLayer *pcLayer = qobject_cast< QgsPointCloudLayer * >( layer );
5961         // for point clouds we default to a 3d renderer. it just makes sense :)
5962         std::unique_ptr< QgsPointCloudLayer3DRenderer > renderer3D = Qgs3DAppUtils::convert2dPointCloudRendererTo3d( pcLayer->renderer() );
5963         if ( renderer3D )
5964           layer->setRenderer3D( renderer3D.release() );
5965         else
5966         {
5967           // maybe waiting on an index...
5968           if ( pcLayer->dataProvider()->indexingState() != QgsPointCloudDataProvider::Indexed )
5969           {
5970             QPointer< QgsPointCloudLayer > layerPointer( pcLayer );
5971             connect( pcLayer->dataProvider(), &QgsPointCloudDataProvider::indexGenerationStateChanged, this, [layerPointer]( QgsPointCloudDataProvider::PointCloudIndexGenerationState state )
5972             {
5973               if ( !layerPointer || state != QgsPointCloudDataProvider::Indexed )
5974                 return;
5976               std::unique_ptr< QgsPointCloudLayer3DRenderer > renderer3D = Qgs3DAppUtils::convert2dPointCloudRendererTo3d( layerPointer->renderer() );
5977               if ( renderer3D )
5978                 layerPointer->setRenderer3D( renderer3D.release() );
5979             } );
5980           }
5981         }
5982       }
5983 #endif
5984       break;
5985     }
5986   }
5987 }
addVectorTileLayer(const QString & url,const QString & baseName)5989 QgsVectorTileLayer *QgisApp::addVectorTileLayer( const QString &url, const QString &baseName )
5990 {
5991   return addVectorTileLayerPrivate( url, baseName );
5992 }
addPointCloudLayer(const QString & url,const QString & baseName,const QString & providerKey)5994 QgsPointCloudLayer *QgisApp::addPointCloudLayer( const QString &url, const QString &baseName, const QString &providerKey )
5995 {
5996   return addPointCloudLayerPrivate( url, baseName, providerKey );
5997 }
addVectorTileLayerPrivate(const QString & url,const QString & baseName,const bool guiWarning)5999 QgsVectorTileLayer *QgisApp::addVectorTileLayerPrivate( const QString &url, const QString &baseName, const bool guiWarning )
6000 {
6001   QgsCanvasRefreshBlocker refreshBlocker;
6002   QgsSettings settings;
6004   QString base( baseName );
6006   if ( settings.value( QStringLiteral( "qgis/formatLayerName" ), false ).toBool() )
6007   {
6008     base = QgsMapLayer::formatLayerName( base );
6009   }
6011   QgsDebugMsgLevel( "completeBaseName: " + base, 2 );
6013   // create the layer
6014   const QgsVectorTileLayer::LayerOptions options( QgsProject::instance()->transformContext() );
6015   std::unique_ptr<QgsVectorTileLayer> layer( new QgsVectorTileLayer( url, base, options ) );
6017   if ( !layer || !layer->isValid() )
6018   {
6019     if ( guiWarning )
6020     {
6021       QString msg = tr( "%1 is not a valid or recognized data source." ).arg( url );
6022       visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "Invalid Data Source" ), msg, Qgis::MessageLevel::Critical );
6023     }
6025     // since the layer is bad, stomp on it
6026     return nullptr;
6027   }
6029   postProcessAddedLayer( layer.get() );
6031   QgsProject::instance()->addMapLayer( layer.get() );
6032   activateDeactivateLayerRelatedActions( activeLayer() );
6034   return layer.release();
6035 }
addPointCloudLayerPrivate(const QString & uri,const QString & baseName,const QString & providerKey,bool guiWarning)6037 QgsPointCloudLayer *QgisApp::addPointCloudLayerPrivate( const QString &uri, const QString &baseName, const QString &providerKey, bool guiWarning )
6038 {
6039   QgsCanvasRefreshBlocker refreshBlocker;
6040   QgsSettings settings;
6042   QString base( baseName );
6044   if ( settings.value( QStringLiteral( "qgis/formatLayerName" ), false ).toBool() )
6045   {
6046     base = QgsMapLayer::formatLayerName( base );
6047   }
6049   QgsDebugMsgLevel( "completeBaseName: " + base, 2 );
6051   // create the layer
6052   std::unique_ptr<QgsPointCloudLayer> layer( new QgsPointCloudLayer( uri, base, providerKey ) );
6054   if ( !layer || !layer->isValid() )
6055   {
6056     if ( guiWarning )
6057     {
6058       QString msg = tr( "%1 is not a valid or recognized data source." ).arg( uri );
6059       visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "Invalid Data Source" ), msg, Qgis::MessageLevel::Critical );
6060     }
6062     // since the layer is bad, stomp on it
6063     return nullptr;
6064   }
6066   postProcessAddedLayer( layer.get() );
6069   QgsProject::instance()->addMapLayer( layer.get() );
6070   activateDeactivateLayerRelatedActions( activeLayer() );
6072   return layer.release();
6073 }
askUserForZipItemLayers(const QString & path,const QList<QgsMapLayerType> & acceptableTypes)6075 bool QgisApp::askUserForZipItemLayers( const QString &path, const QList< QgsMapLayerType > &acceptableTypes )
6076 {
6077   // query sublayers
6078   QList< QgsProviderSublayerDetails > sublayers = QgsProviderRegistry::instance()->querySublayers( path, Qgis::SublayerQueryFlag::IncludeSystemTables );
6080   // filter out non-matching sublayers
6081   sublayers.erase( std::remove_if( sublayers.begin(), sublayers.end(), [acceptableTypes]( const QgsProviderSublayerDetails & sublayer )
6082   {
6083     return !acceptableTypes.empty() && !acceptableTypes.contains( sublayer.type() );
6084   } ), sublayers.end() );
6086   if ( sublayers.empty() )
6087     return false;
6089   const bool detailsAreIncomplete = QgsProviderUtils::sublayerDetailsAreIncomplete( sublayers, QgsProviderUtils::SublayerCompletenessFlag::IgnoreUnknownFeatureCount );
6090   const bool singleSublayerOnly = sublayers.size() == 1;
6091   QString groupName;
6093   if ( !singleSublayerOnly || detailsAreIncomplete )
6094   {
6095     // ask user for sublayers (unless user settings dictate otherwise!)
6096     switch ( shouldAskUserForSublayers( sublayers ) )
6097     {
6098       case SublayerHandling::AskUser:
6099       {
6100         // prompt user for sublayers
6101         QgsProviderSublayersDialog dlg( path, path, sublayers, acceptableTypes, this );
6103         if ( dlg.exec() )
6104           sublayers = dlg.selectedLayers();
6105         else
6106           sublayers.clear(); // dialog was canceled, so don't add any sublayers
6107         groupName = dlg.groupName();
6108         break;
6109       }
6111       case SublayerHandling::LoadAll:
6112       {
6113         if ( detailsAreIncomplete )
6114         {
6115           // requery sublayers, resolving geometry types
6116           sublayers = QgsProviderRegistry::instance()->querySublayers( path, Qgis::SublayerQueryFlag::ResolveGeometryType );
6117           sublayers.erase( std::remove_if( sublayers.begin(), sublayers.end(), [acceptableTypes]( const QgsProviderSublayerDetails & sublayer )
6118           {
6119             return !acceptableTypes.empty() && !acceptableTypes.contains( sublayer.type() );
6120           } ), sublayers.end() );
6121         }
6122         break;
6123       }
6125       case SublayerHandling::AbortLoading:
6126         sublayers.clear(); // don't add any sublayers
6127         break;
6128     };
6129   }
6130   else if ( detailsAreIncomplete )
6131   {
6132     // requery sublayers, resolving geometry types
6133     sublayers = QgsProviderRegistry::instance()->querySublayers( path, Qgis::SublayerQueryFlag::ResolveGeometryType );
6134     sublayers.erase( std::remove_if( sublayers.begin(), sublayers.end(), [acceptableTypes]( const QgsProviderSublayerDetails & sublayer )
6135     {
6136       return !acceptableTypes.empty() && !acceptableTypes.contains( sublayer.type() );
6137     } ), sublayers.end() );
6138   }
6140   // now add sublayers
6141   if ( !sublayers.empty() )
6142   {
6143     QgsCanvasRefreshBlocker refreshBlocker;
6144     QgsSettings settings;
6146     QString base = QgsProviderUtils::suggestLayerNameFromFilePath( path );
6147     if ( settings.value( QStringLiteral( "qgis/formatLayerName" ), false ).toBool() )
6148     {
6149       base = QgsMapLayer::formatLayerName( base );
6150     }
6152     addSublayers( sublayers, base, groupName );
6153     activateDeactivateLayerRelatedActions( activeLayer() );
6154   }
6156   return true;
6157 }
shouldAskUserForSublayers(const QList<QgsProviderSublayerDetails> & layers,bool hasNonLayerItems) const6159 QgisApp::SublayerHandling QgisApp::shouldAskUserForSublayers( const QList<QgsProviderSublayerDetails> &layers, bool hasNonLayerItems ) const
6160 {
6161   if ( hasNonLayerItems )
6162     return SublayerHandling::AskUser;
6164   QgsSettings settings;
6165   const Qgis::SublayerPromptMode promptLayers = settings.enumValue( QStringLiteral( "qgis/promptForSublayers" ), Qgis::SublayerPromptMode::AlwaysAsk );
6167   switch ( promptLayers )
6168   {
6169     case Qgis::SublayerPromptMode::AlwaysAsk:
6170       return SublayerHandling::AskUser;
6172     case Qgis::SublayerPromptMode::AskExcludingRasterBands:
6173     {
6174       // if any non-raster layers are found, we ask the user. Otherwise we load all
6175       for ( const QgsProviderSublayerDetails &sublayer : layers )
6176       {
6177         if ( sublayer.type() != QgsMapLayerType::RasterLayer )
6178           return SublayerHandling::AskUser;
6179       }
6180       return SublayerHandling::LoadAll;
6181     }
6183     case Qgis::SublayerPromptMode::NeverAskSkip:
6184       return SublayerHandling::AbortLoading;
6186     case Qgis::SublayerPromptMode::NeverAskLoadAll:
6187       return SublayerHandling::LoadAll;
6188   }
6190   return SublayerHandling::AskUser;
6191 }
addDatabaseLayers(QStringList const & layerPathList,QString const & providerKey)6193 void QgisApp::addDatabaseLayers( QStringList const &layerPathList, QString const &providerKey )
6194 {
6195   QList<QgsMapLayer *> myList;
6197   if ( layerPathList.empty() )
6198   {
6199     // no layers to add so bail out, but
6200     // allow mMapCanvas to handle events
6201     // first
6202     return;
6203   }
6205   QgsCanvasRefreshBlocker refreshBlocker;
6207   QApplication::setOverrideCursor( Qt::WaitCursor );
6209   const auto constLayerPathList = layerPathList;
6210   for ( const QString &layerPath : constLayerPathList )
6211   {
6212     // create the layer
6213     QgsDataSourceUri uri( layerPath );
6215     QgsVectorLayer::LayerOptions options { QgsProject::instance()->transformContext() };
6216     options.loadDefaultStyle = false;
6217     QgsVectorLayer *layer = new QgsVectorLayer( uri.uri( false ), uri.table(), providerKey, options );
6218     Q_CHECK_PTR( layer );
6220     if ( ! layer )
6221     {
6222       QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor();
6224       // XXX insert meaningful whine to the user here
6225       return;
6226     }
6228     if ( layer->isValid() )
6229     {
6230       // add to list of layers to register
6231       //with the central layers registry
6232       myList << layer;
6233     }
6234     else
6235     {
6236       QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "%1 is an invalid layer - not loaded" ).arg( layerPath ) );
6237       QLabel *msgLabel = new QLabel( tr( "%1 is an invalid layer and cannot be loaded. Please check the <a href=\"#messageLog\">message log</a> for further info." ).arg( layerPath ), messageBar() );
6238       msgLabel->setWordWrap( true );
6239       connect( msgLabel, &QLabel::linkActivated, mLogDock, &QWidget::show );
6240       QgsMessageBarItem *item = new QgsMessageBarItem( msgLabel, Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning );
6241       messageBar()->pushItem( item );
6242       delete layer;
6243     }
6244     //qWarning("incrementing iterator");
6245   }
6247   QgsProject::instance()->addMapLayers( myList );
6249   // load default style after adding to process readCustomSymbology signals
6250   const auto constMyList = myList;
6251   for ( QgsMapLayer *l : constMyList )
6252   {
6253     bool ok;
6254     l->loadDefaultStyle( ok );
6255     l->loadDefaultMetadata( ok );
6256   }
6258   QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor();
6259 }
addVirtualLayer()6261 void QgisApp::addVirtualLayer()
6262 {
6263   // show the virtual layer dialog
6264   QDialog *dts = dynamic_cast<QDialog *>( QgsGui::sourceSelectProviderRegistry()->createSelectionWidget( QStringLiteral( "virtual" ), this, Qt::Widget, QgsProviderRegistry::WidgetMode::Embedded ) );
6265   if ( !dts )
6266   {
6267     QMessageBox::warning( this, tr( "Add Virtual Layer" ), tr( "Cannot get virtual layer select dialog from provider." ) );
6268     return;
6269   }
6270   connect( dts, SIGNAL( addVectorLayer( QString, QString, QString ) ),
6271            this, SLOT( onVirtualLayerAdded( QString, QString ) ) );
6272   connect( dts, SIGNAL( replaceVectorLayer( QString, QString, QString, QString ) ),
6273            this, SLOT( replaceSelectedVectorLayer( QString, QString, QString, QString ) ) );
6274   dts->exec();
6275   delete dts;
6276 }
addSelectedVectorLayer(const QString & uri,const QString & layerName,const QString & provider)6278 void QgisApp::addSelectedVectorLayer( const QString &uri, const QString &layerName, const QString &provider )
6279 {
6280   addVectorLayer( uri, layerName, provider );
6281 }
replaceSelectedVectorLayer(const QString & oldId,const QString & uri,const QString & layerName,const QString & provider)6283 void QgisApp::replaceSelectedVectorLayer( const QString &oldId, const QString &uri, const QString &layerName, const QString &provider )
6284 {
6285   QgsMapLayer *old = QgsProject::instance()->mapLayer( oldId );
6286   if ( !old )
6287     return;
6288   QgsVectorLayer *oldLayer = static_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( old );
6289   const QgsVectorLayer::LayerOptions options { QgsProject::instance()->transformContext() };
6290   QgsVectorLayer *newLayer = new QgsVectorLayer( uri, layerName, provider, options );
6291   if ( !newLayer || !newLayer->isValid() )
6292     return;
6294   QgsProject::instance()->addMapLayer( newLayer, /*addToLegend*/ false, /*takeOwnership*/ true );
6295   duplicateVectorStyle( oldLayer, newLayer );
6297   // insert the new layer just below the old one
6298   QgsLayerTreeUtils::insertLayerBelow( QgsProject::instance()->layerTreeRoot(), oldLayer, newLayer );
6299   // and remove the old layer
6300   QgsProject::instance()->removeMapLayer( oldLayer );
6301 } // QgisApp:replaceSelectedVectorLayer
fileExit()6303 void QgisApp::fileExit()
6304 {
6305   if ( QgsApplication::taskManager()->countActiveTasks() > 0 )
6306   {
6307     QStringList tasks;
6308     const QList< QgsTask * > activeTasks = QgsApplication::taskManager()->activeTasks();
6309     for ( QgsTask *task : activeTasks )
6310     {
6311       if ( task->flags() & QgsTask::CancelWithoutPrompt )
6312         continue;
6314       tasks << tr( " • %1" ).arg( task->description() );
6315     }
6317     // prompt if any tasks which require user confirmation remain, otherwise just cancel them directly and continue with shutdown.
6318     if ( tasks.empty() )
6319     {
6320       // all tasks can be silently terminated without warning
6321       QgsApplication::taskManager()->cancelAll();
6322     }
6323     else
6324     {
6325       if ( QMessageBox::question( this, tr( "Active Tasks" ),
6326                                   tr( "The following tasks are currently running in the background:\n\n%1\n\nDo you want to try canceling these active tasks?" ).arg( tasks.join( QLatin1Char( '\n' ) ) ),
6327                                   QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No ) == QMessageBox::Yes )
6328       {
6329         QgsApplication::taskManager()->cancelAll();
6330       }
6331       return;
6332     }
6333   }
6335   QgsCanvasRefreshBlocker refreshBlocker;
6336   if ( checkUnsavedLayerEdits() && checkMemoryLayers() && saveDirty() && checkExitBlockers() )
6337   {
6338     closeProject();
6339     userProfileManager()->setDefaultFromActive();
6341     // shouldn't be needed, but from this stage on, we don't want/need ANY map canvas refreshes to take place
6342     mFreezeCount = 1000000;
6343     qApp->exit( 0 );
6344   }
6345 }
fileNew()6348 bool QgisApp::fileNew()
6349 {
6350   return fileNew( true ); // prompts whether to save project
6351 } // fileNew()
fileNewBlank()6354 bool QgisApp::fileNewBlank()
6355 {
6356   return fileNew( true, true );
6357 }
fileClose()6359 void QgisApp::fileClose()
6360 {
6361   if ( fileNewBlank() )
6362     mCentralContainer->setCurrentIndex( 1 );
6363 }
6366 //as file new but accepts flags to indicate whether we should prompt to save
fileNew(bool promptToSaveFlag,bool forceBlank)6367 bool QgisApp::fileNew( bool promptToSaveFlag, bool forceBlank )
6368 {
6369   if ( checkTasksDependOnProject() )
6370     return false;
6372   if ( promptToSaveFlag )
6373   {
6374     if ( !checkUnsavedLayerEdits() || !checkMemoryLayers() || !saveDirty() )
6375     {
6376       return false; //cancel pressed
6377     }
6378   }
6380   mProjectLastModified = QDateTime();
6382   QgsSettings settings;
6384   MAYBE_UNUSED QgsProjectDirtyBlocker dirtyBlocker( QgsProject::instance() );
6385   QgsCanvasRefreshBlocker refreshBlocker;
6386   closeProject();
6388   QgsProject *prj = QgsProject::instance();
6389   prj->layerTreeRegistryBridge()->setNewLayersVisible( settings.value( QStringLiteral( "qgis/new_layers_visible" ), true ).toBool() );
6391   //set the canvas to the default project background color
6392   mOverviewCanvas->setBackgroundColor( prj->backgroundColor() );
6393   applyProjectSettingsToCanvas( mMapCanvas );
6395   prj->setDirty( false );
6397   setTitleBarText_( *this );
6399   // emit signal so listeners know we have a new project
6400   emit newProject();
6402   mMapCanvas->clearExtentHistory();
6403   mMapCanvas->setRotation( 0.0 );
6404   mScaleWidget->updateScales();
6406   // set project CRS
6407   const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem srs = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem( settings.value( QStringLiteral( "/projections/defaultProjectCrs" ), geoEpsgCrsAuthId(), QgsSettings::App ).toString() );
6408   // write the projections _proj string_ to project settings
6409   const bool planimetric = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "measure/planimetric" ), true, QgsSettings::Core ).toBool();
6410   prj->setCrs( srs, !planimetric ); // If the default ellipsoid is not planimetric, set it from the default crs
6411   if ( planimetric )
6412     prj->setEllipsoid( geoNone() );
6414   /* New Empty Project Created
6415       (before attempting to load custom project templates/filepaths) */
6417   // load default template
6418   /* NOTE: don't open default template on launch until after initialization,
6419            in case a project was defined via command line */
6421   // don't open template if last auto-opening of a project failed
6422   if ( ! forceBlank )
6423   {
6424     forceBlank = ! settings.value( QStringLiteral( "qgis/projOpenedOKAtLaunch" ), QVariant( true ) ).toBool();
6425   }
6427   if ( ! forceBlank && settings.value( QStringLiteral( "qgis/newProjectDefault" ), QVariant( false ) ).toBool() )
6428   {
6429     fileNewFromDefaultTemplate();
6430   }
6432   // set the initial map tool
6433   mMapCanvas->setMapTool( mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::Pan ) );
6434   mNonEditMapTool = mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::Pan );  // signals are not yet setup to catch this
6436   prj->setDirty( false );
6437   return true;
6438 }
fileNewFromTemplate(const QString & fileName)6440 bool QgisApp::fileNewFromTemplate( const QString &fileName )
6441 {
6442   if ( checkTasksDependOnProject() )
6443     return false;
6445   if ( !checkUnsavedLayerEdits() || !checkMemoryLayers() || !saveDirty() )
6446   {
6447     return false; //cancel pressed
6448   }
6450   MAYBE_UNUSED QgsProjectDirtyBlocker dirtyBlocker( QgsProject::instance() );
6451   QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "loading project template: %1" ).arg( fileName ), 2 );
6452   if ( addProject( fileName ) )
6453   {
6454     // set null filename so we don't override the template
6455     QgsProject::instance()->setFileName( QString() );
6456     return true;
6457   }
6458   return false;
6459 }
fileNewFromDefaultTemplate()6461 void QgisApp::fileNewFromDefaultTemplate()
6462 {
6463   QString projectTemplate = QgsApplication::qgisSettingsDirPath() + QStringLiteral( "project_default.qgs" );
6464   QString msgTxt;
6465   if ( !projectTemplate.isEmpty() && QFile::exists( projectTemplate ) )
6466   {
6467     if ( fileNewFromTemplate( projectTemplate ) )
6468     {
6469       return;
6470     }
6471     msgTxt = tr( "Default failed to open: %1" );
6472   }
6473   else
6474   {
6475     msgTxt = tr( "Default not found: %1" );
6476   }
6477   visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "Open Template Project" ),
6478                                     msgTxt.arg( projectTemplate ),
6479                                     Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning );
6480 }
fileOpenAfterLaunch()6482 void QgisApp::fileOpenAfterLaunch()
6483 {
6484   // TODO: move auto-open project options to enums
6486   // check if a project is already loaded via command line or filesystem
6487   if ( !QgsProject::instance()->fileName().isNull() )
6488   {
6489     return;
6490   }
6492   // check if a data source is already loaded via command line or filesystem
6493   // empty project with layer loaded, but may not trigger a dirty project at this point
6494   if ( QgsProject::instance() && QgsProject::instance()->count() > 0 )
6495   {
6496     return;
6497   }
6499   // fileNewBlank() has already been called in QgisApp constructor
6500   // loaded project is either a new blank one, or one from command line/filesystem
6501   QgsSettings settings;
6502   QString autoOpenMsgTitle = tr( "Auto-open Project" );
6504   // get path of project file to open, or was attempted
6505   QString projPath;
6507   if ( mProjOpen == 0 ) // welcome page
6508   {
6509     connect( this, &QgisApp::newProject, this, &QgisApp::showMapCanvas );
6510     connect( this, &QgisApp::projectRead, this, &QgisApp::showMapCanvas );
6511     return;
6512   }
6513   if ( mProjOpen == 1 && !mRecentProjects.isEmpty() ) // most recent project
6514   {
6515     projPath = mRecentProjects.at( 0 ).path;
6516   }
6517   if ( mProjOpen == 2 ) // specific project
6518   {
6519     projPath = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "qgis/projOpenAtLaunchPath" ) ).toString();
6520   }
6522   // whether last auto-opening of a project failed
6523   bool projOpenedOK = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "qgis/projOpenedOKAtLaunch" ), QVariant( true ) ).toBool();
6525   // notify user if last attempt at auto-opening a project failed
6527   /* NOTE: Notification will not show if last auto-opened project failed but
6528       next project opened is from command line (minor issue) */
6530   /* TODO: Keep projOpenedOKAtLaunch from being reset to true after
6531       reading command line project (which happens before initialization signal) */
6532   if ( !projOpenedOK )
6533   {
6534     // only show the following 'auto-open project failed' message once, at launch
6535     settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "qgis/projOpenedOKAtLaunch" ), QVariant( true ) );
6537     // set auto-open project back to 'New' to avoid re-opening bad project
6538     settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "qgis/projOpenAtLaunch" ), QVariant( 0 ) );
6540     visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( autoOpenMsgTitle,
6541                                       tr( "Failed to open: %1" ).arg( projPath ),
6542                                       Qgis::MessageLevel::Critical );
6543     return;
6544   }
6546   if ( mProjOpen == 3 ) // new project
6547   {
6548     // open default template, if defined
6549     if ( settings.value( QStringLiteral( "qgis/newProjectDefault" ), QVariant( false ) ).toBool() )
6550     {
6551       fileNewFromDefaultTemplate();
6552     }
6553     return;
6554   }
6556   if ( projPath.isEmpty() ) // projPath required from here
6557   {
6558     return;
6559   }
6561   // Is this a storage based project?
6562   const bool projectIsFromStorage { QgsApplication::instance()->projectStorageRegistry()->projectStorageFromUri( projPath ) != nullptr };
6564   if ( !projectIsFromStorage &&
6565        !projPath.endsWith( QLatin1String( ".qgs" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) &&
6566        !projPath.endsWith( QLatin1String( ".qgz" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
6567   {
6568     visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( autoOpenMsgTitle,
6569                                       tr( "Not valid project file: %1" ).arg( projPath ),
6570                                       Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning );
6571     return;
6572   }
6574   if ( projectIsFromStorage || QFile::exists( projPath ) )
6575   {
6576     // set flag to check on next app launch if the following project opened OK
6577     settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "qgis/projOpenedOKAtLaunch" ), QVariant( false ) );
6579     if ( !addProject( projPath ) )
6580     {
6581       visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( autoOpenMsgTitle,
6582                                         tr( "Project failed to open: %1" ).arg( projPath ),
6583                                         Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning );
6584     }
6586     if ( projPath.endsWith( QLatin1String( "project_default.qgs" ) ) )
6587     {
6588       visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( autoOpenMsgTitle,
6589                                         tr( "Default template has been reopened: %1" ).arg( projPath ),
6590                                         Qgis::MessageLevel::Info );
6591     }
6592   }
6593   else
6594   {
6595     visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( autoOpenMsgTitle,
6596                                       tr( "File not found: %1" ).arg( projPath ),
6597                                       Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning );
6598   }
6599 }
fileOpenedOKAfterLaunch()6601 void QgisApp::fileOpenedOKAfterLaunch()
6602 {
6603   QgsSettings settings;
6604   settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "qgis/projOpenedOKAtLaunch" ), QVariant( true ) );
6605 }
fileNewFromTemplateAction(QAction * qAction)6607 void QgisApp::fileNewFromTemplateAction( QAction *qAction )
6608 {
6609   if ( ! qAction )
6610     return;
6612   if ( qAction->text() == tr( "< Blank >" ) )
6613   {
6614     fileNewBlank();
6615   }
6616   else
6617   {
6618     QgsSettings settings;
6619     QString templateDirName = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "qgis/projectTemplateDir" ),
6620                               QString( QgsApplication::qgisSettingsDirPath() + "project_templates" ) ).toString();
6621     fileNewFromTemplate( templateDirName + QDir::separator() + qAction->text() );
6622   }
6623 }
newVectorLayer()6626 void QgisApp::newVectorLayer()
6627 {
6628   QString enc;
6629   QString error;
6630   QString fileName = QgsNewVectorLayerDialog::execAndCreateLayer( error, this, QString(), &enc, QgsProject::instance()->defaultCrsForNewLayers() );
6632   if ( !fileName.isEmpty() )
6633   {
6634     //then add the layer to the view
6635     QStringList fileNames;
6636     fileNames.append( fileName );
6637     //todo: the last parameter will change accordingly to layer type
6638     addVectorLayers( fileNames, enc, QStringLiteral( "file" ) );
6639   }
6640   else if ( !error.isEmpty() )
6641   {
6642     QLabel *msgLabel = new QLabel( tr( "Layer creation failed: %1" ).arg( error ), messageBar() );
6643     msgLabel->setWordWrap( true );
6644     connect( msgLabel, &QLabel::linkActivated, mLogDock, &QWidget::show );
6645     QgsMessageBarItem *item = new QgsMessageBarItem( msgLabel, Qgis::MessageLevel::Critical );
6646     messageBar()->pushItem( item );
6647   }
6648 }
newMemoryLayer()6650 void QgisApp::newMemoryLayer()
6651 {
6652   QgsVectorLayer *newLayer = QgsNewMemoryLayerDialog::runAndCreateLayer( this, QgsProject::instance()->defaultCrsForNewLayers() );
6654   if ( newLayer )
6655   {
6656     //then add the layer to the view
6657     QList< QgsMapLayer * > layers;
6658     layers << newLayer;
6660     QgsProject::instance()->addMapLayers( layers );
6661     newLayer->startEditing();
6662   }
6663 }
newSpatialiteLayer()6666 void QgisApp::newSpatialiteLayer()
6667 {
6668   QgsNewSpatialiteLayerDialog spatialiteDialog( this, QgsGuiUtils::ModalDialogFlags, QgsProject::instance()->defaultCrsForNewLayers() );
6669   spatialiteDialog.exec();
6670 }
6671 #endif
newGeoPackageLayer()6673 void QgisApp::newGeoPackageLayer()
6674 {
6675   QgsNewGeoPackageLayerDialog dialog( this );
6676   dialog.setCrs( QgsProject::instance()->defaultCrsForNewLayers() );
6677   dialog.exec();
6678 }
newMeshLayer()6680 void QgisApp::newMeshLayer()
6681 {
6682   QgsNewMeshLayerDialog dialog( this );
6683   dialog.setCrs( QgsProject::instance()->defaultCrsForNewLayers() );
6684   dialog.exec();
6685 }
newGpxLayer()6687 void QgisApp::newGpxLayer()
6688 {
6689   QgsSettings settings;
6690   const QString dir = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "gps/gpxdirectory" ), QDir::homePath(), QgsSettings::App ).toString();
6691   QString fileName =
6692     QFileDialog::getSaveFileName( this,
6693                                   tr( "New GPX File" ),
6694                                   dir,
6695                                   tr( "GPS eXchange file" ) + " (*.gpx)" );
6696   if ( !fileName.isEmpty() )
6697   {
6698     fileName = QgsFileUtils::ensureFileNameHasExtension( fileName, { QStringLiteral( "gpx" )} );
6699     const QFileInfo fileInfo( fileName );
6700     settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "gps/gpxdirectory" ), fileInfo.absolutePath(), QgsSettings::App );
6702     QFile outputFile( fileName );
6703     if ( !outputFile.open( QFile::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Truncate ) )
6704     {
6705       QMessageBox::warning( nullptr, tr( "New GPX File" ),
6706                             tr( "Unable to create a GPX file with the given name. "
6707                                 "Try again with another name or in another "
6708                                 "directory." ) );
6709       return;
6710     }
6712     QTextStream outStream( &outputFile );
6713 #if QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(6, 0, 0)
6714     outStream.setCodec( "UTF-8" );
6715 #endif
6717 #if QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 14, 0)
6718     outStream << "<gpx></gpx>" << endl;
6719 #else
6720     outStream << "<gpx></gpx>" << Qt::endl;
6721 #endif
6722     outputFile.close();
6724     if ( QgsVectorLayer *trackLayer = addVectorLayer( fileName + "?type=track",
6725                                       fileInfo.baseName() + ", tracks", QStringLiteral( "gpx" ) ) )
6726       trackLayer->startEditing();
6727     if ( QgsVectorLayer *routeLayer = addVectorLayer( fileName + "?type=route",
6728                                       fileInfo.baseName() + ", routes", QStringLiteral( "gpx" ) ) )
6729       routeLayer->startEditing();
6730     if ( QgsVectorLayer *waypointLayer = addVectorLayer( fileName + "?type=waypoint",
6731                                          fileInfo.baseName() + ", waypoints", QStringLiteral( "gpx" ) ) )
6732       waypointLayer->startEditing();
6733   }
6734 }
showRasterCalculator()6736 void QgisApp::showRasterCalculator()
6737 {
6738   QgsRasterCalcDialog d( qobject_cast<QgsRasterLayer *>( activeLayer() ), this );
6739   if ( d.exec() != QDialog::Accepted )
6740   {
6741     return;
6742   }
6743   if ( d.useVirtualProvider() )
6744   {
6745     QgsRasterDataProvider::VirtualRasterParameters virtualCalcParams;
6746     virtualCalcParams.crs = d.outputCrs();
6747     virtualCalcParams.extent = d.outputRectangle();
6748     virtualCalcParams.width = d.numberOfColumns();
6749     virtualCalcParams.height = d.numberOfRows();
6750     virtualCalcParams.formula = d.formulaString();
6752     QString errorString;
6753     std::unique_ptr< QgsRasterCalcNode > calcNodeApp( QgsRasterCalcNode::parseRasterCalcString( d.formulaString(), errorString ) );
6754     if ( !calcNodeApp )
6755     {
6756       return;
6757     }
6758     QStringList rLayerDictionaryRef = calcNodeApp->cleanRasterReferences();
6759     QSet<QPair<QString, QString>> uniqueRasterUriTmp;
6761     for ( const auto &r : QgsRasterCalculatorEntry::rasterEntries() )
6762     {
6763       if ( ( ! rLayerDictionaryRef.contains( r.ref ) ) ||
6764            uniqueRasterUriTmp.contains( QPair( r.raster->source(), r.ref.mid( 0, r.ref.lastIndexOf( "@" ) ) ) ) ) continue;
6765       uniqueRasterUriTmp.insert( QPair( r.raster->source(), r.ref.mid( 0, r.ref.lastIndexOf( "@" ) ) ) );
6767       QgsRasterDataProvider::VirtualRasterInputLayers projectRLayer;
6768       projectRLayer.name = r.ref.mid( 0, r.ref.lastIndexOf( "@" ) );
6769       projectRLayer.provider = r.raster->dataProvider()->name();
6770       projectRLayer.uri = r.raster->source();
6772       virtualCalcParams.rInputLayers.append( projectRLayer );
6773     }
6775     addRasterLayer( QgsRasterDataProvider::encodeVirtualRasterProviderUri( virtualCalcParams ),
6776                     d.virtualLayerName().isEmpty() ? d.formulaString() : d.virtualLayerName(),
6777                     QStringLiteral( "virtualraster" ) );
6778   }
6779   else
6780   {
6781     //invoke analysis library
6782     QgsRasterCalculator rc( d.formulaString(),
6783                             d.outputFile(),
6784                             d.outputFormat(),
6785                             d.outputRectangle(),
6786                             d.outputCrs(),
6787                             d.numberOfColumns(),
6788                             d.numberOfRows(),
6789                             QgsRasterCalculatorEntry::rasterEntries(),
6790                             QgsProject::instance()->transformContext() );
6792     QProgressDialog p( tr( "Calculating raster expression…" ), tr( "Abort" ), 0, 0 );
6793     p.setWindowTitle( tr( "Raster calculator" ) );
6794     p.setWindowModality( Qt::WindowModal );
6795     p.setMaximum( 100.0 );
6796     QgsFeedback feedback;
6797     connect( &feedback, &QgsFeedback::progressChanged, &p, &QProgressDialog::setValue );
6798     connect( &p, &QProgressDialog::canceled, &feedback, &QgsFeedback::cancel );
6799     p.show();
6800     QgsRasterCalculator::Result res = rc.processCalculation( &feedback );
6801     switch ( res )
6802     {
6803       case QgsRasterCalculator::Success:
6804         if ( d.addLayerToProject() )
6805         {
6806           addRasterLayer( d.outputFile(), QFileInfo( d.outputFile() ).completeBaseName(), QStringLiteral( "gdal" ) );
6807         }
6808         visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "Raster calculator" ),
6809                                           tr( "Calculation complete." ),
6810                                           Qgis::MessageLevel::Success );
6811         break;
6813       case QgsRasterCalculator::CreateOutputError:
6814         visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "Raster calculator" ),
6815                                           tr( "Could not create destination file." ),
6816                                           Qgis::MessageLevel::Critical );
6817         break;
6819       case QgsRasterCalculator::InputLayerError:
6820         visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "Raster calculator" ),
6821                                           tr( "Could not read input layer." ),
6822                                           Qgis::MessageLevel::Critical );
6823         break;
6825       case QgsRasterCalculator::Canceled:
6826         break;
6828       case QgsRasterCalculator::ParserError:
6829         visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "Raster calculator" ),
6830                                           tr( "Could not parse raster formula." ),
6831                                           Qgis::MessageLevel::Critical );
6832         break;
6834       case QgsRasterCalculator::MemoryError:
6835         visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "Raster calculator" ),
6836                                           tr( "Insufficient memory available for operation." ),
6837                                           Qgis::MessageLevel::Critical );
6838         break;
6840       case QgsRasterCalculator::BandError:
6841         visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "Raster calculator" ),
6842                                           tr( "Invalid band number for input layer." ),
6843                                           Qgis::MessageLevel::Critical );
6844         break;
6846       case QgsRasterCalculator::CalculationError:
6847         visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "Raster calculator" ),
6848                                           tr( "An error occurred while performing the calculation." ),
6849                                           Qgis::MessageLevel::Critical );
6850         break;
6851     }
6852     p.hide();
6853   }
6854 }
showMeshCalculator()6856 void QgisApp::showMeshCalculator()
6857 {
6858   QgsMeshLayer *meshLayer = qobject_cast<QgsMeshLayer *>( activeLayer() );
6859   if ( meshLayer && meshLayer->isEditable() )
6860   {
6861     QMessageBox::information( this, tr( "Mesh Calculator" ), tr( "Mesh calculator with mesh layer in edit mode is not supported." ) );
6862     return;
6863   }
6864   QgsMeshCalculatorDialog d( meshLayer, this );
6865   if ( d.exec() == QDialog::Accepted )
6866   {
6867     //invoke analysis library
6868     std::unique_ptr<QgsMeshCalculator> calculator = d.calculator();
6870     QProgressDialog p( tr( "Calculating mesh expression…" ), tr( "Abort" ), 0, 0 );
6871     p.setWindowModality( Qt::WindowModal );
6872     p.setMaximum( 100.0 );
6873     QgsFeedback feedback;
6874     connect( &feedback, &QgsFeedback::progressChanged, &p, &QProgressDialog::setValue );
6875     connect( &p, &QProgressDialog::canceled, &feedback, &QgsFeedback::cancel );
6876     p.show();
6877     QgsMeshCalculator::Result res = calculator->processCalculation( &feedback );
6878     switch ( res )
6879     {
6880       case QgsMeshCalculator::Success:
6881         visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "Mesh calculator" ),
6882                                           tr( "Calculation complete." ),
6883                                           Qgis::MessageLevel::Success );
6884         break;
6886       case QgsMeshCalculator::EvaluateError:
6887         visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "Mesh calculator" ),
6888                                           tr( "Could not evaluate the formula." ),
6889                                           Qgis::MessageLevel::Critical );
6890         break;
6892       case QgsMeshCalculator::InvalidDatasets:
6893         visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "Mesh calculator" ),
6894                                           tr( "Invalid or incompatible datasets used." ),
6895                                           Qgis::MessageLevel::Critical );
6896         break;
6898       case QgsMeshCalculator::CreateOutputError:
6899         visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "Mesh calculator" ),
6900                                           tr( "Could not create destination file." ),
6901                                           Qgis::MessageLevel::Critical );
6902         break;
6904       case QgsMeshCalculator::InputLayerError:
6905         visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "Mesh calculator" ),
6906                                           tr( "Could not read input layer." ),
6907                                           Qgis::MessageLevel::Critical );
6908         break;
6910       case QgsMeshCalculator::Canceled:
6911         break;
6913       case QgsMeshCalculator::ParserError:
6914         visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "Mesh calculator" ),
6915                                           tr( "Could not parse mesh formula." ),
6916                                           Qgis::MessageLevel::Critical );
6917         break;
6919       case QgsMeshCalculator::MemoryError:
6920         visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "Mesh calculator" ),
6921                                           tr( "Insufficient memory available for operation." ),
6922                                           Qgis::MessageLevel::Critical );
6923         break;
6924     }
6925     p.hide();
6926   }
6927 }
showAlignRasterTool()6930 void QgisApp::showAlignRasterTool()
6931 {
6932   QgsAlignRasterDialog dlg( this );
6933   dlg.exec();
6934 }
fileOpen()6937 void QgisApp::fileOpen()
6938 {
6939   if ( checkTasksDependOnProject() )
6940     return;
6942   // possibly save any pending work before opening a new project
6943   if ( checkUnsavedLayerEdits() && checkMemoryLayers() && saveDirty() )
6944   {
6945     // Retrieve last used project dir from persistent settings
6946     QgsSettings settings;
6947     QString lastUsedDir = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "UI/lastProjectDir" ), QDir::homePath() ).toString();
6950     QStringList fileFilters;
6951     QStringList extensions;
6952     fileFilters << tr( "QGIS files" ) + QStringLiteral( " (*.qgs *.qgz *.QGS *.QGZ)" );
6953     extensions << QStringLiteral( "qgs" ) << QStringLiteral( "qgz" );
6954     for ( QgsCustomProjectOpenHandler *handler : std::as_const( mCustomProjectOpenHandlers ) )
6955     {
6956       if ( handler )
6957       {
6958         const QStringList filters = handler->filters();
6959         fileFilters.append( filters );
6960         for ( const QString &filter : filters )
6961           extensions.append( QgsFileUtils::extensionsFromFilter( filter ) );
6962       }
6963     }
6965     // generate master "all projects" extension list
6966     QString allEntry = tr( "All Project Files" ) + QStringLiteral( " (" );
6967     for ( const QString &extension : extensions )
6968       allEntry += QStringLiteral( "*.%1 *.%2 " ).arg( extension.toLower(), extension.toUpper() );
6969     allEntry.chop( 1 ); // remove trailing ' '
6970     allEntry += ')';
6971     fileFilters.insert( 0, allEntry );
6973     QString fullPath = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName( this,
6974                        tr( "Open Project" ),
6975                        lastUsedDir,
6976                        fileFilters.join( QLatin1String( ";;" ) ) );
6977     if ( fullPath.isNull() )
6978     {
6979       return;
6980     }
6982     QFileInfo myFI( fullPath );
6983     QString myPath = myFI.path();
6984     // Persist last used project dir
6985     settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/lastProjectDir" ), myPath );
6987     // open the selected project
6988     addProject( fullPath );
6989   }
6990 }
fileRevert()6992 void QgisApp::fileRevert()
6993 {
6994   if ( QMessageBox::question( this, tr( "Revert Project" ),
6995                               tr( "Are you sure you want to discard all unsaved changes the current project?" ),
6996                               QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No, QMessageBox::No ) == QMessageBox::No )
6997     return;
6999   if ( !checkUnsavedLayerEdits() || !checkMemoryLayers() )
7000     return;
7002   // re-open the current project
7003   addProject( QgsProject::instance()->fileName() );
7004 }
enableProjectMacros()7006 void QgisApp::enableProjectMacros()
7007 {
7008   mPythonMacrosEnabled = true;
7010   // load macros
7011   QgsPythonRunner::run( QStringLiteral( "qgis.utils.reloadProjectMacros()" ) );
7012 }
addProject(const QString & projectFile)7014 bool QgisApp::addProject( const QString &projectFile )
7015 {
7016   QgsCanvasRefreshBlocker refreshBlocker;
7018   bool returnCode = false;
7019   std::unique_ptr< QgsProjectDirtyBlocker > dirtyBlocker = std::make_unique< QgsProjectDirtyBlocker >( QgsProject::instance() );
7020   QObject connectionScope; // manually control scope of layersChanged lambda connection - we need the connection automatically destroyed when this function finishes
7021   bool badLayersHandled = false;
7022   connect( mAppBadLayersHandler, &QgsHandleBadLayersHandler::layersChanged, &connectionScope, [&badLayersHandled] { badLayersHandled = true; } );
7024   // close the previous opened project if any
7025   closeProject();
7027   QFileInfo pfi( projectFile );
7028   mStatusBar->showMessage( tr( "Loading project: %1" ).arg( pfi.fileName() ) );
7029   qApp->processEvents();
7031   QApplication::setOverrideCursor( Qt::WaitCursor );
7033   bool autoSetupOnFirstLayer = mLayerTreeCanvasBridge->autoSetupOnFirstLayer();
7034   mLayerTreeCanvasBridge->setAutoSetupOnFirstLayer( false );
7036   // give custom handlers a chance first
7037   bool usedCustomHandler = false;
7038   bool customHandlerWantsThumbnail = false;
7039   QIcon customHandlerIcon;
7040   for ( QgsCustomProjectOpenHandler *handler : std::as_const( mCustomProjectOpenHandlers ) )
7041   {
7042     if ( handler && handler->handleProjectOpen( projectFile ) )
7043     {
7044       usedCustomHandler = true;
7045       customHandlerWantsThumbnail = handler->createDocumentThumbnailAfterOpen();
7046       customHandlerIcon = handler->icon();
7047       break;
7048     }
7049   }
7051   if ( !usedCustomHandler && !QgsProject::instance()->read( projectFile ) && !QgsZipUtils::isZipFile( projectFile ) )
7052   {
7053     QString backupFile = projectFile + "~";
7054     QString loadBackupPrompt;
7055     QMessageBox::StandardButtons buttons;
7056     if ( QFile( backupFile ).exists() )
7057     {
7058       loadBackupPrompt = "\n\n" + tr( "Do you want to open the backup file\n%1\ninstead?" ).arg( backupFile );
7059       buttons |= QMessageBox::Yes;
7060       buttons |= QMessageBox::No;
7061     }
7062     else
7063     {
7064       buttons |= QMessageBox::Ok;
7065     }
7066     QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor();
7067     mStatusBar->clearMessage();
7069     int r = QMessageBox::critical( this,
7070                                    tr( "Unable to open project" ),
7071                                    QgsProject::instance()->error() + loadBackupPrompt,
7072                                    buttons );
7074     if ( QMessageBox::Yes == r && addProject( backupFile ) )
7075     {
7076       // We loaded data from the backup file, but we pretend to work on the original project file.
7077       QgsProject::instance()->setFileName( projectFile );
7078       QgsProject::instance()->setDirty( true );
7079       mProjectLastModified = QgsProject::instance()->lastModified();
7080       returnCode = true;
7081     }
7082     else
7083     {
7084       returnCode = false;
7085     }
7086   }
7087   else
7088   {
7090     mProjectLastModified = QgsProject::instance()->lastModified();
7092     setTitleBarText_( *this );
7093     mOverviewCanvas->setBackgroundColor( QgsProject::instance()->backgroundColor() );
7095     applyProjectSettingsToCanvas( mMapCanvas );
7097     //load project scales
7098     bool projectScales = QgsProject::instance()->viewSettings()->useProjectScales();
7099     if ( projectScales )
7100     {
7101       mScaleWidget->updateScales();
7102     }
7104     mMapCanvas->updateScale();
7105     QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "Scale restored..." ), 3 );
7107     mFilterLegendByMapContentAction->setChecked( QgsProject::instance()->readBoolEntry( QStringLiteral( "Legend" ), QStringLiteral( "filterByMap" ) ) );
7109     // Select the first layer
7110     if ( mLayerTreeView->layerTreeModel()->rootGroup()->findLayers().count() > 0 )
7111     {
7112       mLayerTreeView->setCurrentLayer( mLayerTreeView->layerTreeModel()->rootGroup()->findLayers().at( 0 )->layer() );
7113     }
7115     QgsSettings settings;
7117 #ifdef WITH_BINDINGS
7118     // does the project have any macros?
7119     if ( mPythonUtils && mPythonUtils->isEnabled() )
7120     {
7121       if ( !QgsProject::instance()->readEntry( QStringLiteral( "Macros" ), QStringLiteral( "/pythonCode" ), QString() ).isEmpty() )
7122       {
7123         auto lambda = []() {QgisApp::instance()->enableProjectMacros();};
7124         QgsGui::pythonMacroAllowed( lambda, mInfoBar );
7125       }
7126     }
7127 #endif
7129     // Check for missing layer widget dependencies
7130     const auto constVLayers { QgsProject::instance()->layers<QgsVectorLayer *>( ) };
7131     for ( QgsVectorLayer *vl : constVLayers )
7132     {
7133       if ( vl->isValid() )
7134       {
7135         resolveVectorLayerDependencies( vl );
7136       }
7137     }
7139     emit projectRead(); // let plug-ins know that we've read in a new
7140     // project so that they can check any project
7141     // specific plug-in state
7143     // add this to the list of recently used project files
7144     // if a custom handler was used, then we generate a thumbnail
7145     if ( !usedCustomHandler || !customHandlerWantsThumbnail )
7146       saveRecentProjectPath( false );
7147     else if ( !QgsProject::instance()->originalPath().isEmpty() )
7148     {
7149       // we have to delay the thumbnail creation until after the canvas has refreshed for the first time
7150       QMetaObject::Connection *connection = new QMetaObject::Connection();
7151       *connection = connect( mMapCanvas, &QgsMapCanvas::mapCanvasRefreshed, [ = ]()
7152       {
7153         QObject::disconnect( *connection );
7154         delete connection;
7155         saveRecentProjectPath( true, customHandlerIcon );
7156       } );
7157     }
7159     QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor();
7161     if ( autoSetupOnFirstLayer )
7162       mLayerTreeCanvasBridge->setAutoSetupOnFirstLayer( true );
7164     mStatusBar->showMessage( tr( "Project loaded" ), 3000 );
7165     returnCode = true;
7166   }
7168   if ( badLayersHandled )
7169   {
7170     dirtyBlocker.reset(); // allow project dirtying again
7171     QgsProject::instance()->setDirty( true );
7172   }
7174   return returnCode;
7175 } // QgisApp::addProject(QString projectFile)
fileSave()7179 bool QgisApp::fileSave()
7180 {
7181   // if we don't have a file name, then obviously we need to get one; note
7182   // that the project file name is reset to null in fileNew()
7184   if ( QgsProject::instance()->fileName().isNull() )
7185   {
7186     // Retrieve last used project dir from persistent settings
7187     QgsSettings settings;
7188     QString lastUsedDir = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "UI/lastProjectDir" ), QDir::homePath() ).toString();
7190     const QString qgsExt = tr( "QGIS files" ) + " (*.qgs)";
7191     const QString zipExt = tr( "QGZ files" ) + " (*.qgz)";
7193     QString exts;
7194     QgsProject::FileFormat defaultProjectFileFormat = settings.enumValue( QStringLiteral( "/qgis/defaultProjectFileFormat" ), QgsProject::FileFormat::Qgz );
7195     if ( defaultProjectFileFormat == QgsProject::FileFormat::Qgs )
7196     {
7197       exts = qgsExt + QStringLiteral( ";;" ) + zipExt;
7198     }
7199     else
7200     {
7201       exts = zipExt + QStringLiteral( ";;" ) + qgsExt;
7202     }
7203     QString filter;
7204     QString path = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(
7205                      this,
7206                      tr( "Choose a QGIS project file" ),
7207                      lastUsedDir + '/' + QgsProject::instance()->title(),
7208                      exts, &filter );
7209     if ( path.isEmpty() )
7210       return false;
7212     QFileInfo fullPath;
7213     fullPath.setFile( path );
7215     // make sure we have the .qgs extension in the file name
7216     if ( filter == zipExt )
7217     {
7218       if ( fullPath.suffix().compare( QLatin1String( "qgz" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) != 0 )
7219         fullPath.setFile( fullPath.filePath() + ".qgz" );
7220     }
7221     else
7222     {
7223       if ( fullPath.suffix().compare( QLatin1String( "qgs" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) != 0 )
7224         fullPath.setFile( fullPath.filePath() + ".qgs" );
7225     }
7227     QgsProject::instance()->setFileName( fullPath.filePath() );
7228   }
7229   else
7230   {
7231     bool usingProjectStorage = QgsProject::instance()->projectStorage();
7232     bool fileExists = usingProjectStorage ? true : QFileInfo::exists( QgsProject::instance()->fileName() );
7234     if ( fileExists && !mProjectLastModified.isNull() && mProjectLastModified != QgsProject::instance()->lastModified() )
7235     {
7236       if ( QMessageBox::warning( this,
7237                                  tr( "Open a Project" ),
7238                                  tr( "The loaded project file on disk was meanwhile changed. Do you want to overwrite the changes?\n"
7239                                      "\nLast modification date on load was: %1"
7240                                      "\nCurrent last modification date is: %2" )
7241                                  .arg( QLocale::system().toString( mProjectLastModified, QLocale::LongFormat ),
7242                                        QLocale::system().toString( QgsProject::instance()->lastModified(), QLocale::LongFormat ) ),
7243                                  QMessageBox::Ok | QMessageBox::Cancel ) == QMessageBox::Cancel )
7244         return false;
7245     }
7247     if ( fileExists && !usingProjectStorage && ! QFileInfo( QgsProject::instance()->fileName() ).isWritable() )
7248     {
7249       visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "Insufficient permissions" ),
7250                                         tr( "The project file is not writable." ),
7251                                         Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning );
7252       return false;
7253     }
7254   }
7256   // Store current map view settings into the project
7257   QgsProject::instance()->viewSettings()->setDefaultViewExtent( QgsReferencedRectangle( mapCanvas()->extent(), QgsProject::instance()->crs() ) );
7259   if ( QgsProject::instance()->write() )
7260   {
7261     setTitleBarText_( *this ); // update title bar
7262     mStatusBar->showMessage( tr( "Saved project to: %1" ).arg( QDir::toNativeSeparators( QgsProject::instance()->fileName() ) ), 5000 );
7264     saveRecentProjectPath();
7266     mProjectLastModified = QgsProject::instance()->lastModified();
7267   }
7268   else
7269   {
7270     QMessageBox::critical( this,
7271                            tr( "Unable to save project %1" ).arg( QDir::toNativeSeparators( QgsProject::instance()->fileName() ) ),
7272                            QgsProject::instance()->error() );
7273     mProjectLastModified = QgsProject::instance()->lastModified();
7274     return false;
7275   }
7277   // run the saved project macro
7278   if ( mPythonMacrosEnabled )
7279   {
7280     QgsPythonRunner::run( QStringLiteral( "qgis.utils.saveProjectMacro();" ) );
7281   }
7283   return true;
7284 } // QgisApp::fileSave
fileSaveAs()7286 void QgisApp::fileSaveAs()
7287 {
7288   QString defaultPath;
7289   QgsSettings settings;
7290   // First priority is to default to same path as existing file
7291   const QString currentPath = QgsProject::instance()->absoluteFilePath();
7292   if ( !currentPath.isEmpty() )
7293   {
7294     defaultPath = currentPath;
7295   }
7296   else
7297   {
7298     // Retrieve last used project dir from persistent settings
7299     defaultPath = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "UI/lastProjectDir" ), QDir::homePath() ).toString();
7300     defaultPath += QString( '/' + QgsProject::instance()->title() );
7301   }
7303   const QString qgsExt = tr( "QGIS files" ) + " (*.qgs *.QGS)";
7304   const QString zipExt = tr( "QGZ files" ) + " (*.qgz)";
7306   QString exts;
7307   QgsProject::FileFormat defaultProjectFileFormat = settings.enumValue( QStringLiteral( "/qgis/defaultProjectFileFormat" ), QgsProject::FileFormat::Qgz );
7308   if ( defaultProjectFileFormat == QgsProject::FileFormat::Qgs )
7309   {
7310     exts = qgsExt + QStringLiteral( ";;" ) + zipExt;
7311   }
7312   else
7313   {
7314     exts = zipExt + QStringLiteral( ";;" ) + qgsExt;
7315   }
7316   QString filter;
7317   QString path = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName( this,
7318                  tr( "Save Project As" ),
7319                  defaultPath,
7320                  exts, &filter );
7321   if ( path.isEmpty() )
7322     return;
7324   QFileInfo fullPath( path );
7326   QgsSettings().setValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/lastProjectDir" ), fullPath.path() );
7328   if ( filter == zipExt )
7329   {
7330     if ( fullPath.suffix().compare( QLatin1String( "qgz" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) != 0 )
7331       fullPath.setFile( fullPath.filePath() + ".qgz" );
7332   }
7333   else // .qgs
7334   {
7335     if ( fullPath.suffix().compare( QLatin1String( "qgs" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) != 0 )
7336       fullPath.setFile( fullPath.filePath() + ".qgs" );
7337   }
7339   QgsProject::instance()->setFileName( fullPath.filePath() );
7341   if ( QgsProject::instance()->write() )
7342   {
7343     setTitleBarText_( *this ); // update title bar
7344     mStatusBar->showMessage( tr( "Saved project to: %1" ).arg( QDir::toNativeSeparators( QgsProject::instance()->fileName() ) ), 5000 );
7345     // add this to the list of recently used project files
7346     saveRecentProjectPath();
7347   }
7348   else
7349   {
7350     QMessageBox::critical( this,
7351                            tr( "Unable to save project %1" ).arg( QDir::toNativeSeparators( QgsProject::instance()->fileName() ) ),
7352                            QgsProject::instance()->error(),
7353                            QMessageBox::Ok,
7354                            Qt::NoButton );
7355   }
7356   mProjectLastModified = fullPath.lastModified();
7357 } // QgisApp::fileSaveAs
dxfExport()7359 void QgisApp::dxfExport()
7360 {
7361   QgsDxfExportDialog d;
7362   if ( d.exec() == QDialog::Accepted )
7363   {
7364     QgsDxfExport dxfExport;
7366     QgsMapSettings settings( mapCanvas()->mapSettings() );
7367     settings.setLayerStyleOverrides( QgsProject::instance()->mapThemeCollection()->mapThemeStyleOverrides( d.mapTheme() ) );
7368     dxfExport.setMapSettings( settings );
7369     dxfExport.addLayers( d.layers() );
7370     dxfExport.setSymbologyScale( d.symbologyScale() );
7371     dxfExport.setSymbologyExport( d.symbologyMode() );
7372     dxfExport.setLayerTitleAsName( d.layerTitleAsName() );
7373     dxfExport.setDestinationCrs( d.crs() );
7374     dxfExport.setForce2d( d.force2d() );
7376     QgsDxfExport::Flags flags = QgsDxfExport::Flags();
7377     if ( !d.useMText() )
7378       flags = flags | QgsDxfExport::FlagNoMText;
7379     dxfExport.setFlags( flags );
7381     if ( auto *lMapCanvas = mapCanvas() )
7382     {
7383       //extent
7384       if ( d.exportMapExtent() )
7385       {
7386         QgsCoordinateTransform t( lMapCanvas->mapSettings().destinationCrs(), d.crs(), QgsProject::instance() );
7387         dxfExport.setExtent( t.transformBoundingBox( lMapCanvas->extent() ) );
7388       }
7389     }
7391     QString fileName( d.saveFile() );
7392     if ( !fileName.endsWith( QLatin1String( ".dxf" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
7393       fileName += QLatin1String( ".dxf" );
7394     QFile dxfFile( fileName );
7395     QApplication::setOverrideCursor( Qt::BusyCursor );
7396     switch ( dxfExport.writeToFile( &dxfFile, d.encoding() ) )
7397     {
7398       case QgsDxfExport::ExportResult::Success:
7399         visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "DXF export completed" ), Qgis::MessageLevel::Success );
7400         break;
7402       case QgsDxfExport::ExportResult::DeviceNotWritableError:
7403         visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "DXF export failed, device is not writable" ), Qgis::MessageLevel::Critical );
7404         break;
7406       case QgsDxfExport::ExportResult::InvalidDeviceError:
7407         visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "DXF export failed, the device is invalid" ), Qgis::MessageLevel::Critical );
7408         break;
7410       case QgsDxfExport::ExportResult::EmptyExtentError:
7411         visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "DXF export failed, the extent could not be determined" ), Qgis::MessageLevel::Critical );
7412         break;
7413     }
7414     QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor();
7415   }
7416 }
dwgImport()7418 void QgisApp::dwgImport()
7419 {
7420   QgsDwgImportDialog d;
7421   d.exec();
7422 }
openLayerDefinition(const QString & path)7424 void QgisApp::openLayerDefinition( const QString &path )
7425 {
7426   QString errorMessage;
7427   QgsReadWriteContext context;
7428   bool loaded = false;
7430   QFile file( path );
7431   if ( !file.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) )
7432   {
7433     errorMessage = QStringLiteral( "Can not open file" );
7434   }
7435   else
7436   {
7437     QDomDocument doc;
7438     QString message;
7439     if ( !doc.setContent( &file, &message ) )
7440     {
7441       errorMessage = message;
7442     }
7443     else
7444     {
7445       QFileInfo fileinfo( file );
7446       QDir::setCurrent( fileinfo.absoluteDir().path() );
7448       context.setPathResolver( QgsPathResolver( path ) );
7449       context.setProjectTranslator( QgsProject::instance() );
7451       loaded = QgsLayerDefinition::loadLayerDefinition( doc, QgsProject::instance(), QgsProject::instance()->layerTreeRoot(), errorMessage, context );
7452     }
7453   }
7455   if ( loaded )
7456   {
7457     const QList< QgsReadWriteContext::ReadWriteMessage > messages = context.takeMessages();
7458     QVector< QgsReadWriteContext::ReadWriteMessage > shownMessages;
7459     for ( const QgsReadWriteContext::ReadWriteMessage &message : messages )
7460     {
7461       if ( shownMessages.contains( message ) )
7462         continue;
7464       visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( QString(), message.message(), message.categories().join( '\n' ), message.level() );
7466       shownMessages.append( message );
7467     }
7468   }
7469   else if ( !loaded || !errorMessage.isEmpty() )
7470   {
7471     visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "Error loading layer definition" ), errorMessage, Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning );
7472   }
7473 }
openTemplate(const QString & fileName)7475 void QgisApp::openTemplate( const QString &fileName )
7476 {
7477   QFile templateFile;
7478   templateFile.setFileName( fileName );
7480   if ( !templateFile.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) )
7481   {
7482     visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "Load template" ), tr( "Could not read template file" ), Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning );
7483     return;
7484   }
7486   QDomDocument templateDoc;
7487   if ( !templateDoc.setContent( &templateFile, false ) )
7488   {
7489     visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "Load template" ), tr( "Could not load template file" ), Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning );
7490     return;
7491   }
7493   QString title;
7494   QDomElement layoutElem = templateDoc.documentElement();
7495   if ( !layoutElem.isNull() )
7496     title = layoutElem.attribute( QStringLiteral( "name" ) );
7498   if ( !uniqueLayoutTitle( this, title, true, QgsMasterLayoutInterface::PrintLayout, title ) )
7499   {
7500     return;
7501   }
7503   //create new layout object
7504   std::unique_ptr< QgsPrintLayout > layout = std::make_unique< QgsPrintLayout >( QgsProject::instance() );
7505   bool loadedOk = false;
7506   layout->loadFromTemplate( templateDoc, QgsReadWriteContext(), true, &loadedOk );
7507   if ( loadedOk )
7508   {
7509     layout->setName( title );
7511     openLayoutDesignerDialog( layout.get() );
7512     QgsProject::instance()->layoutManager()->addLayout( layout.release() );
7513   }
7514   else
7515   {
7516     visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "Load template" ), tr( "Could not load template file" ), Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning );
7517   }
7518 }
7520 // Open the project file corresponding to the
7521 // path at the given index in mRecentProjectPaths
openProject(QAction * action)7522 void QgisApp::openProject( QAction *action )
7523 {
7524   // possibly save any pending work before opening a different project
7525   Q_ASSERT( action );
7526   const QString project = action->data().toString().replace( "&&", "&" );
7528   if ( checkTasksDependOnProject() )
7529     return;
7531   if ( checkUnsavedLayerEdits() && checkMemoryLayers() && saveDirty() )
7532     addProject( project );
7533 }
runScript(const QString & filePath)7535 void QgisApp::runScript( const QString &filePath )
7536 {
7537 #ifdef WITH_BINDINGS
7538   if ( !mPythonUtils || !mPythonUtils->isEnabled() )
7539     return;
7541   QgsSettings settings;
7542   bool showScriptWarning = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "UI/showScriptWarning" ), true ).toBool();
7544   QMessageBox msgbox;
7545   if ( showScriptWarning )
7546   {
7547     msgbox.setWindowTitle( tr( "Security warning" ) );
7548     msgbox.setText( tr( "Executing a script from an untrusted source can harm your computer. Only continue if you trust the source of the script. Continue?" ) );
7549     msgbox.setIcon( QMessageBox::Icon::Warning );
7550     msgbox.addButton( QMessageBox::Yes );
7551     msgbox.addButton( QMessageBox::No );
7552     msgbox.setDefaultButton( QMessageBox::No );
7553     QCheckBox *cb = new QCheckBox( tr( "Don't show this again." ) );
7554     msgbox.setCheckBox( cb );
7555     msgbox.exec();
7556     settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/showScriptWarning" ), !msgbox.checkBox()->isChecked() );
7557   }
7559   if ( !showScriptWarning || msgbox.result() == QMessageBox::Yes )
7560   {
7561     mPythonUtils->runString( QString( "qgis.utils.run_script_from_file(\"%1\")" ).arg( filePath ),
7562                              tr( "Failed to run Python script:" ), false );
7563   }
7564 #else
7565   Q_UNUSED( filePath )
7566 #endif
7567 }
openProject(const QString & fileName)7569 void QgisApp::openProject( const QString &fileName )
7570 {
7571   QgsCanvasRefreshBlocker refreshBlocker;
7572   if ( checkTasksDependOnProject() )
7573     return;
7575   // possibly save any pending work before opening a different project
7576   if ( checkUnsavedLayerEdits() && checkMemoryLayers() && saveDirty() )
7577   {
7578     // error handling and reporting is in addProject() function
7579     addProject( fileName );
7580   }
7581 }
openLayer(const QString & fileName,bool allowInteractive)7583 bool QgisApp::openLayer( const QString &fileName, bool allowInteractive )
7584 {
7585   bool ok = false;
7586   const QFileInfo fileInfo( fileName );
7588   // highest priority = delegate to provider registry to handle
7589   const QList< QgsProviderRegistry::ProviderCandidateDetails > candidateProviders = QgsProviderRegistry::instance()->preferredProvidersForUri( fileName );
7590   if ( candidateProviders.size() == 1 && candidateProviders.at( 0 ).layerTypes().size() == 1 )
7591   {
7592     // one good candidate provider and possible layer type -- that makes things nice and easy!
7593     switch ( candidateProviders.at( 0 ).layerTypes().at( 0 ) )
7594     {
7595       case QgsMapLayerType::VectorLayer:
7596       case QgsMapLayerType::RasterLayer:
7597       case QgsMapLayerType::MeshLayer:
7598       case QgsMapLayerType::AnnotationLayer:
7599       case QgsMapLayerType::PluginLayer:
7600       case QgsMapLayerType::VectorTileLayer:
7601         // not supported here yet!
7602         break;
7604       case QgsMapLayerType::PointCloudLayer:
7605         ok = static_cast< bool >( addPointCloudLayerPrivate( fileName, fileInfo.completeBaseName(), candidateProviders.at( 0 ).metadata()->key(), false ) );
7606         break;
7607     }
7608   }
7610   if ( ok )
7611     return true;
7613   CPLPushErrorHandler( CPLQuietErrorHandler );
7615   // if needed prompt for zipitem layers
7616   QString vsiPrefix = QgsZipItem::vsiPrefix( fileName );
7617   if ( vsiPrefix == QLatin1String( "/vsizip/" ) || vsiPrefix == QLatin1String( "/vsitar/" ) )
7618   {
7619     if ( askUserForZipItemLayers( fileName, {} ) )
7620     {
7621       CPLPopErrorHandler();
7622       return true;
7623     }
7624   }
7626   if ( fileName.endsWith( QStringLiteral( ".mbtiles" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
7627   {
7628     QgsMbTiles reader( fileName );
7629     if ( reader.open() )
7630     {
7631       if ( reader.metadataValue( "format" ) == QLatin1String( "pbf" ) )
7632       {
7633         // these are vector tiles
7634         QUrlQuery uq;
7635         uq.addQueryItem( QStringLiteral( "type" ), QStringLiteral( "mbtiles" ) );
7636         uq.addQueryItem( QStringLiteral( "url" ), fileName );
7637         const QgsVectorTileLayer::LayerOptions options( QgsProject::instance()->transformContext() );
7638         std::unique_ptr<QgsVectorTileLayer> vtLayer( new QgsVectorTileLayer( uq.toString(), fileInfo.completeBaseName(), options ) );
7639         if ( vtLayer->isValid() )
7640         {
7641           QgsProject::instance()->addMapLayer( vtLayer.release() );
7642           return true;
7643         }
7644       }
7645       else // raster tiles
7646       {
7647         // prefer to use WMS provider's implementation to open MBTiles rasters
7648         QUrlQuery uq;
7649         uq.addQueryItem( QStringLiteral( "type" ), QStringLiteral( "mbtiles" ) );
7650         uq.addQueryItem( QStringLiteral( "url" ), QUrl::fromLocalFile( fileName ).toString() );
7651         if ( addRasterLayer( uq.toString(), fileInfo.completeBaseName(), QStringLiteral( "wms" ) ) )
7652           return true;
7653       }
7654     }
7655   }
7657   QList< QgsProviderSublayerModel::NonLayerItem > nonLayerItems;
7658   if ( QgsProjectStorage *ps = QgsApplication::projectStorageRegistry()->projectStorageFromUri( fileName ) )
7659   {
7660     const QStringList projects = ps->listProjects( fileName );
7661     for ( const QString &project : projects )
7662     {
7663       QgsProviderSublayerModel::NonLayerItem projectItem;
7664       projectItem.setType( QStringLiteral( "project" ) );
7665       projectItem.setName( project );
7666       projectItem.setUri( QStringLiteral( "%1://%2?projectName=%3" ).arg( ps->type(), fileName, project ) );
7667       projectItem.setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mIconQgsProjectFile.svg" ) ) );
7668       nonLayerItems << projectItem;
7669     }
7670   }
7672   // query sublayers
7673   QList< QgsProviderSublayerDetails > sublayers = QgsProviderRegistry::instance()->querySublayers( fileName, Qgis::SublayerQueryFlag::IncludeSystemTables );
7675   if ( !sublayers.empty() || !nonLayerItems.empty() )
7676   {
7677     const bool detailsAreIncomplete = QgsProviderUtils::sublayerDetailsAreIncomplete( sublayers, QgsProviderUtils::SublayerCompletenessFlag::IgnoreUnknownFeatureCount );
7678     const bool singleSublayerOnly = sublayers.size() == 1;
7679     QString groupName;
7681     if ( allowInteractive && ( !singleSublayerOnly || detailsAreIncomplete || !nonLayerItems.empty() ) )
7682     {
7683       // ask user for sublayers (unless user settings dictate otherwise!)
7684       switch ( shouldAskUserForSublayers( sublayers, !nonLayerItems.empty() ) )
7685       {
7686         case SublayerHandling::AskUser:
7687         {
7688           // prompt user for sublayers
7689           QgsProviderSublayersDialog dlg( fileName, fileName, sublayers, {}, this );
7690           dlg.setNonLayerItems( nonLayerItems );
7692           if ( dlg.exec() )
7693           {
7694             sublayers = dlg.selectedLayers();
7695             nonLayerItems = dlg.selectedNonLayerItems();
7696           }
7697           else
7698           {
7699             sublayers.clear(); // dialog was canceled, so don't add any sublayers
7700             nonLayerItems.clear();
7701           }
7702           groupName = dlg.groupName();
7703           break;
7704         }
7706         case SublayerHandling::LoadAll:
7707         {
7708           if ( detailsAreIncomplete )
7709           {
7710             // requery sublayers, resolving geometry types
7711             sublayers = QgsProviderRegistry::instance()->querySublayers( fileName, Qgis::SublayerQueryFlag::ResolveGeometryType );
7712           }
7713           break;
7714         }
7716         case SublayerHandling::AbortLoading:
7717           sublayers.clear(); // don't add any sublayers
7718           break;
7719       };
7720     }
7721     else if ( detailsAreIncomplete )
7722     {
7723       // requery sublayers, resolving geometry types
7724       sublayers = QgsProviderRegistry::instance()->querySublayers( fileName, Qgis::SublayerQueryFlag::ResolveGeometryType );
7725     }
7727     ok = true;
7729     // now add sublayers
7730     if ( !sublayers.empty() )
7731     {
7732       QgsCanvasRefreshBlocker refreshBlocker;
7733       QgsSettings settings;
7735       QString base = QgsProviderUtils::suggestLayerNameFromFilePath( fileName );
7736       if ( settings.value( QStringLiteral( "qgis/formatLayerName" ), false ).toBool() )
7737       {
7738         base = QgsMapLayer::formatLayerName( base );
7739       }
7741       addSublayers( sublayers, base, groupName );
7742       activateDeactivateLayerRelatedActions( activeLayer() );
7743     }
7744     else if ( !nonLayerItems.empty() )
7745     {
7746       QgsCanvasRefreshBlocker refreshBlocker;
7747       if ( checkTasksDependOnProject() )
7748         return true;
7750       // possibly save any pending work before opening a different project
7751       if ( checkUnsavedLayerEdits() && checkMemoryLayers() && saveDirty() )
7752       {
7753         // error handling and reporting is in addProject() function
7754         addProject( nonLayerItems.at( 0 ).uri() );
7755       }
7756       return true;
7757     }
7758   }
7760   CPLPopErrorHandler();
7762   if ( !ok )
7763   {
7764     // maybe a known file type, which couldn't be opened due to a missing dependency... (eg. las for a non-pdal-enabled build)
7765     QgsProviderRegistry::UnusableUriDetails details;
7766     if ( QgsProviderRegistry::instance()->handleUnusableUri( fileName, details ) )
7767     {
7768       ok = true;
7770       if ( details.detailedWarning.isEmpty() )
7771         visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( QString(), details.warning, Qgis::MessageLevel::Critical );
7772       else
7773         visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( QString(), details.warning, details.detailedWarning, Qgis::MessageLevel::Critical );
7774     }
7775   }
7777   if ( !ok )
7778   {
7779     // we have no idea what this file is...
7780     QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Unable to load %1" ).arg( fileName ) );
7782     const QString msg = tr( "%1 is not a valid or recognized data source." ).arg( fileName );
7783     visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "Invalid Data Source" ), msg, Qgis::MessageLevel::Critical );
7784   }
7786   return ok;
7787 }
7790 // Open a file specified by a commandline argument, Drop or FileOpen event.
openFile(const QString & fileName,const QString & fileTypeHint)7791 void QgisApp::openFile( const QString &fileName, const QString &fileTypeHint )
7792 {
7793   // check to see if we are opening a project file
7794   QFileInfo fi( fileName );
7795   if ( fileTypeHint == QLatin1String( "project" ) || fi.suffix().compare( QLatin1String( "qgs" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 || fi.suffix().compare( QLatin1String( "qgz" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 )
7796   {
7797     QgsDebugMsgLevel( "Opening project " + fileName, 2 );
7798     openProject( fileName );
7799   }
7800   else if ( fi.suffix().compare( QLatin1String( "qlr" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 )
7801   {
7802     openLayerDefinition( fileName );
7803   }
7804   else if ( fi.suffix().compare( QLatin1String( "qpt" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 )
7805   {
7806     openTemplate( fileName );
7807   }
7808   else if ( fi.suffix().compare( QLatin1String( "py" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) == 0 )
7809   {
7810     runScript( fileName );
7811   }
7812   else
7813   {
7814     QgsDebugMsgLevel( "Adding " + fileName + " to the map canvas", 2 );
7815     openLayer( fileName, true );
7816   }
7817 }
newPrintLayout()7819 void QgisApp::newPrintLayout()
7820 {
7821   QString title;
7822   if ( !uniqueLayoutTitle( this, title, true, QgsMasterLayoutInterface::PrintLayout ) )
7823   {
7824     return;
7825   }
7826   createNewPrintLayout( title );
7827 }
newReport()7829 void QgisApp::newReport()
7830 {
7831   QString title;
7832   if ( !uniqueLayoutTitle( this, title, true, QgsMasterLayoutInterface::Report ) )
7833   {
7834     return;
7835   }
7836   createNewReport( title );
7837 }
disablePreviewMode()7839 void QgisApp::disablePreviewMode()
7840 {
7841   mMapCanvas->setPreviewModeEnabled( false );
7842 }
activateMonoPreview()7844 void QgisApp::activateMonoPreview()
7845 {
7846   mMapCanvas->setPreviewModeEnabled( true );
7847   mMapCanvas->setPreviewMode( QgsPreviewEffect::PreviewMono );
7848 }
activateGrayscalePreview()7850 void QgisApp::activateGrayscalePreview()
7851 {
7852   mMapCanvas->setPreviewModeEnabled( true );
7853   mMapCanvas->setPreviewMode( QgsPreviewEffect::PreviewGrayscale );
7854 }
activateProtanopePreview()7856 void QgisApp::activateProtanopePreview()
7857 {
7858   mMapCanvas->setPreviewModeEnabled( true );
7859   mMapCanvas->setPreviewMode( QgsPreviewEffect::PreviewProtanope );
7860 }
activateDeuteranopePreview()7862 void QgisApp::activateDeuteranopePreview()
7863 {
7864   mMapCanvas->setPreviewModeEnabled( true );
7865   mMapCanvas->setPreviewMode( QgsPreviewEffect::PreviewDeuteranope );
7866 }
activateTritanopePreview()7868 void QgisApp::activateTritanopePreview()
7869 {
7870   mMapCanvas->setPreviewModeEnabled( true );
7871   mMapCanvas->setPreviewMode( QgsPreviewEffect::PreviewTritanope );
7872 }
toggleFilterLegendByExpression(bool checked)7874 void QgisApp::toggleFilterLegendByExpression( bool checked )
7875 {
7876   QgsLayerTreeNode *node = mLayerTreeView->currentNode();
7877   if ( ! node )
7878     return;
7880   if ( QgsLayerTree::isLayer( node ) )
7881   {
7882     QString e = mLegendExpressionFilterButton->expressionText();
7883     QgsLayerTreeUtils::setLegendFilterByExpression( *QgsLayerTree::toLayer( node ), e, checked );
7884   }
7886   updateFilterLegend();
7887 }
updateFilterLegend()7889 void QgisApp::updateFilterLegend()
7890 {
7891   bool hasExpressions = mLegendExpressionFilterButton->isChecked() && QgsLayerTreeUtils::hasLegendFilterExpression( *mLayerTreeView->layerTreeModel()->rootGroup() );
7892   if ( mFilterLegendByMapContentAction->isChecked() || hasExpressions )
7893   {
7894     layerTreeView()->layerTreeModel()->setLegendFilter( &mMapCanvas->mapSettings(),
7895         /* useExtent */ mFilterLegendByMapContentAction->isChecked(),
7896         /* polygon */ QgsGeometry(),
7897         hasExpressions );
7898   }
7899   else
7900   {
7901     layerTreeView()->layerTreeModel()->setLegendFilterByMap( nullptr );
7902   }
7903 }
activeDecorations()7905 QList< QgsMapDecoration * > QgisApp::activeDecorations()
7906 {
7907   QList< QgsMapDecoration * > decorations;
7908   const auto constMDecorationItems = mDecorationItems;
7909   for ( QgsDecorationItem *decoration : constMDecorationItems )
7910   {
7911     if ( decoration->enabled() )
7912     {
7913       decorations << decoration;
7914     }
7915   }
7916   return decorations;
7917 }
saveMapAsImage()7918 void QgisApp::saveMapAsImage()
7919 {
7920   QgsMapSaveDialog *dlg = new QgsMapSaveDialog( this, mMapCanvas, activeDecorations(), QgsProject::instance()->annotationManager()->annotations() );
7921   dlg->setAttribute( Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose );
7922   dlg->show();
7923 } // saveMapAsImage
saveMapAsPdf()7925 void QgisApp::saveMapAsPdf()
7926 {
7927   QgsMapSaveDialog *dlg = new QgsMapSaveDialog( this, mMapCanvas, activeDecorations(), QgsProject::instance()->annotationManager()->annotations(), QgsMapSaveDialog::Pdf );
7928   dlg->setAttribute( Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose );
7929   dlg->show();
7930 } // saveMapAsPdf
7932 //overloaded version of the above function
saveMapAsImage(const QString & imageFileNameQString,QPixmap * theQPixmap)7933 void QgisApp::saveMapAsImage( const QString &imageFileNameQString, QPixmap *theQPixmap )
7934 {
7935   if ( imageFileNameQString.isEmpty() )
7936   {
7937     //no fileName chosen
7938     return;
7939   }
7940   else
7941   {
7942     //force the size of the canvas
7943     mMapCanvas->resize( theQPixmap->width(), theQPixmap->height() );
7944     //save the mapview to the selected file
7945     mMapCanvas->saveAsImage( imageFileNameQString, theQPixmap );
7946   }
7947 } // saveMapAsImage
7949 //reimplements method from base (gui) class
addAllToOverview()7950 void QgisApp::addAllToOverview()
7951 {
7952   if ( mLayerTreeView )
7953   {
7954     const auto constFindLayers = mLayerTreeView->layerTreeModel()->rootGroup()->findLayers();
7955     for ( QgsLayerTreeLayer *nodeL : constFindLayers )
7956       nodeL->setCustomProperty( QStringLiteral( "overview" ), 1 );
7957   }
7959   markDirty();
7960 }
7962 //reimplements method from base (gui) class
removeAllFromOverview()7963 void QgisApp::removeAllFromOverview()
7964 {
7965   if ( mLayerTreeView )
7966   {
7967     const auto constFindLayers = mLayerTreeView->layerTreeModel()->rootGroup()->findLayers();
7968     for ( QgsLayerTreeLayer *nodeL : constFindLayers )
7969       nodeL->setCustomProperty( QStringLiteral( "overview" ), 0 );
7970   }
7972   markDirty();
7973 }
toggleFullScreen()7975 void QgisApp::toggleFullScreen()
7976 {
7977   QgsCanvasRefreshBlocker refreshBlocker;
7978   if ( mFullScreenMode )
7979   {
7980     if ( mPrevScreenModeMaximized )
7981     {
7982       // Change to maximized state. Just calling showMaximized() results in
7983       // the window going to the normal state. Calling showNormal() then
7984       // showMaxmized() is a work-around. Turn off rendering for this as it
7985       // would otherwise cause two re-renders of the map, which can take a
7986       // long time.
7987       showNormal();
7988       showMaximized();
7989       mPrevScreenModeMaximized = false;
7990     }
7991     else
7992     {
7993       showNormal();
7994     }
7995     mFullScreenMode = false;
7996   }
7997   else
7998   {
7999     if ( isMaximized() )
8000     {
8001       mPrevScreenModeMaximized = true;
8002     }
8003     showFullScreen();
8004     mFullScreenMode = true;
8005   }
8006 }
togglePanelsVisibility()8008 void QgisApp::togglePanelsVisibility()
8009 {
8010   toggleReducedView( false );
8011 }
toggleMapOnly()8013 void QgisApp::toggleMapOnly()
8014 {
8015   toggleReducedView( true );
8016 }
toggleReducedView(bool viewMapOnly)8018 void QgisApp::toggleReducedView( bool viewMapOnly )
8019 {
8020   QgsSettings settings;
8022   QStringList docksTitle = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "UI/hiddenDocksTitle" ), QStringList() ).toStringList();
8023   QStringList docksActive = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "UI/hiddenDocksActive" ), QStringList() ).toStringList();
8024   QStringList toolBarsActive = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "UI/hiddenToolBarsActive" ), QStringList() ).toStringList();
8026   const QList<QDockWidget *> docks = findChildren<QDockWidget *>();
8027   const QList<QTabBar *> tabBars = findChildren<QTabBar *>();
8028   const QList<QToolBar *> toolBars = findChildren<QToolBar *>();
8030   bool allWidgetsVisible = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "UI/allWidgetsVisible" ), true ).toBool();
8032   if ( allWidgetsVisible )  // that is: currently nothing is hidden
8033   {
8035     if ( viewMapOnly )  //
8036     {
8037       // hide also statusbar and menubar and all toolbars
8038       for ( QToolBar *toolBar : toolBars )
8039       {
8040         if ( toolBar->isVisible() && !toolBar->isFloating() && toolBar->parent()->inherits( "QMainWindow" ) )
8041         {
8042           // remember the active toolbars
8043           toolBarsActive << toolBar->windowTitle();
8044           toolBar->setVisible( false );
8045         }
8046       }
8048       this->menuBar()->setVisible( false );
8049       this->statusBar()->setVisible( false );
8051       settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/hiddenToolBarsActive" ), toolBarsActive );
8052     }
8054     for ( QDockWidget *dock : docks )
8055     {
8056       if ( dock->isVisible() && dockWidgetArea( dock ) != Qt::NoDockWidgetArea )
8057       {
8058         // remember the active docs
8059         docksTitle << dock->windowTitle();
8060         dock->setVisible( false );
8061       }
8062     }
8064     docksActive.reserve( tabBars.size() );
8065     for ( QTabBar *tabBar : tabBars )
8066     {
8067       // remember the active tab from the docks
8068       docksActive << tabBar->tabText( tabBar->currentIndex() );
8069     }
8071     settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/hiddenDocksTitle" ), docksTitle );
8072     settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/hiddenDocksActive" ), docksActive );
8074     settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/allWidgetsVisible" ), false );
8075   }
8076   else  // currently panels or other widgets are hidden: show ALL based on 'remembered UI settings'
8077   {
8078     for ( QDockWidget *dock : docks )
8079     {
8080       if ( docksTitle.contains( dock->windowTitle() ) )
8081       {
8082         dock->setVisible( true );
8083       }
8084     }
8086     for ( QTabBar *tabBar : tabBars )
8087     {
8088       for ( int i = 0; i < tabBar->count(); ++i )
8089       {
8090         if ( docksActive.contains( tabBar->tabText( i ) ) )
8091         {
8092           tabBar->setCurrentIndex( i );
8093         }
8094       }
8095     }
8097     for ( QToolBar *toolBar : toolBars )
8098     {
8099       if ( toolBarsActive.contains( toolBar->windowTitle() ) )
8100       {
8101         toolBar->setVisible( true );
8102       }
8103     }
8104     this->menuBar()->setVisible( true );
8105     this->statusBar()->setVisible( true );
8107     settings.remove( QStringLiteral( "UI/hiddenToolBarsActive" ) );
8108     settings.remove( QStringLiteral( "UI/hiddenDocksTitle" ) );
8109     settings.remove( QStringLiteral( "UI/hiddenDocksActive" ) );
8111     settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/allWidgetsVisible" ), true );
8112   }
8113 }
showActiveWindowMinimized()8115 void QgisApp::showActiveWindowMinimized()
8116 {
8117   QWidget *window = QApplication::activeWindow();
8118   if ( window )
8119   {
8120     window->showMinimized();
8121   }
8122 }
toggleActiveWindowMaximized()8124 void QgisApp::toggleActiveWindowMaximized()
8125 {
8126   QWidget *window = QApplication::activeWindow();
8127   if ( window )
8128   {
8129     if ( window->isMaximized() )
8130       window->showNormal();
8131     else
8132       window->showMaximized();
8133   }
8134 }
activate()8136 void QgisApp::activate()
8137 {
8138   raise();
8139   setWindowState( windowState() & ~Qt::WindowMinimized );
8140   activateWindow();
8141 }
bringAllToFront()8143 void QgisApp::bringAllToFront()
8144 {
8145   QgsGui::nativePlatformInterface()->currentAppActivateIgnoringOtherApps();
8146 }
addWindow(QAction * action)8148 void QgisApp::addWindow( QAction *action )
8149 {
8150 #ifdef Q_OS_MAC
8151   mWindowActions->addAction( action );
8152   mWindowMenu->addAction( action );
8153   action->setCheckable( true );
8154   action->setChecked( true );
8155 #else
8156   Q_UNUSED( action )
8157 #endif
8158 }
removeWindow(QAction * action)8160 void QgisApp::removeWindow( QAction *action )
8161 {
8162 #ifdef Q_OS_MAC
8163   mWindowActions->removeAction( action );
8164   mWindowMenu->removeAction( action );
8165 #else
8166   Q_UNUSED( action )
8167 #endif
8168 }
stopRendering()8170 void QgisApp::stopRendering()
8171 {
8172   const auto canvases = mapCanvases();
8173   for ( QgsMapCanvas *canvas : canvases )
8174     canvas->stopRendering();
8175 }
hideAllLayers()8177 void QgisApp::hideAllLayers()
8178 {
8179   QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "hiding all layers!" ), 3 );
8181   const auto constChildren = mLayerTreeView->layerTreeModel()->rootGroup()->children();
8182   for ( QgsLayerTreeNode *node : constChildren )
8183   {
8184     node->setItemVisibilityCheckedRecursive( false );
8185   }
8186 }
showAllLayers()8188 void QgisApp::showAllLayers()
8189 {
8190   QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "Showing all layers!" ), 3 );
8191   mLayerTreeView->layerTreeModel()->rootGroup()->setItemVisibilityCheckedRecursive( true );
8192 }
hideSelectedLayers()8194 void QgisApp::hideSelectedLayers()
8195 {
8196   QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "hiding selected layers!" ), 3 );
8198   const auto constSelectedNodes = mLayerTreeView->selectedNodes();
8199   for ( QgsLayerTreeNode *node : constSelectedNodes )
8200   {
8201     node->setItemVisibilityChecked( false );
8202   }
8203 }
toggleSelectedLayers()8205 void QgisApp::toggleSelectedLayers()
8206 {
8207   QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "toggling selected layers!" ), 3 );
8209   const auto constSelectedNodes = mLayerTreeView->selectedNodes();
8210   if ( ! constSelectedNodes.isEmpty() )
8211   {
8212     bool isFirstNodeChecked = constSelectedNodes[0]->itemVisibilityChecked();
8213     for ( QgsLayerTreeNode *node : constSelectedNodes )
8214     {
8215       node->setItemVisibilityChecked( ! isFirstNodeChecked );
8216     }
8217   }
8218 }
toggleSelectedLayersIndependently()8220 void QgisApp::toggleSelectedLayersIndependently()
8221 {
8222   QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "toggling selected layers independently!" ), 3 );
8224   const auto constSelectedNodes = mLayerTreeView->selectedNodes();
8225   if ( ! constSelectedNodes.isEmpty() )
8226   {
8227     for ( QgsLayerTreeNode *node : constSelectedNodes )
8228     {
8229       node->setItemVisibilityChecked( ! node->itemVisibilityChecked() );
8230     }
8231   }
8232 }
hideDeselectedLayers()8234 void QgisApp::hideDeselectedLayers()
8235 {
8236   QList<QgsLayerTreeLayer *> selectedLayerNodes = mLayerTreeView->selectedLayerNodes();
8238   const auto constFindLayers = mLayerTreeView->layerTreeModel()->rootGroup()->findLayers();
8239   for ( QgsLayerTreeLayer *nodeLayer : constFindLayers )
8240   {
8241     if ( selectedLayerNodes.contains( nodeLayer ) )
8242       continue;
8243     nodeLayer->setItemVisibilityChecked( false );
8244   }
8245 }
showSelectedLayers()8247 void QgisApp::showSelectedLayers()
8248 {
8249   QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "show selected layers!" ), 3 );
8251   const auto constSelectedNodes = mLayerTreeView->selectedNodes();
8252   for ( QgsLayerTreeNode *node : constSelectedNodes )
8253   {
8254     QgsLayerTreeNode *nodeIter = node;
8255     while ( nodeIter )
8256     {
8257       nodeIter->setItemVisibilityChecked( true );
8258       nodeIter = nodeIter->parent();
8259     }
8260   }
8261 }
zoomIn()8264 void QgisApp::zoomIn()
8265 {
8266   QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "Setting map tool to zoomIn" ), 2 );
8268   mMapCanvas->setMapTool( mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::ZoomIn ) );
8269 }
zoomOut()8272 void QgisApp::zoomOut()
8273 {
8274   mMapCanvas->setMapTool( mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::ZoomOut ) );
8275 }
zoomToSelected()8277 void QgisApp::zoomToSelected()
8278 {
8279   const QList<QgsMapLayer *> layers = mLayerTreeView->selectedLayers();
8281   if ( layers.size() > 1 )
8282     mMapCanvas->zoomToSelected( layers );
8284   else
8285     mMapCanvas->zoomToSelected();
8287 }
panToSelected()8289 void QgisApp::panToSelected()
8290 {
8291   const QList<QgsMapLayer *> layers = mLayerTreeView->selectedLayers();
8293   if ( layers.size() > 1 )
8294     mMapCanvas->panToSelected( layers );
8295   else
8296     mMapCanvas->panToSelected();
8297 }
pan()8299 void QgisApp::pan()
8300 {
8301   mMapCanvas->setMapTool( mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::Pan ) );
8302 }
zoomFull()8304 void QgisApp::zoomFull()
8305 {
8306   mMapCanvas->zoomToProjectExtent();
8307 }
zoomToPrevious()8309 void QgisApp::zoomToPrevious()
8310 {
8311   mMapCanvas->zoomToPreviousExtent();
8312 }
zoomToNext()8314 void QgisApp::zoomToNext()
8315 {
8316   mMapCanvas->zoomToNextExtent();
8317 }
zoomActualSize()8319 void QgisApp::zoomActualSize()
8320 {
8321   legendLayerZoomNative();
8322 }
identify()8324 void QgisApp::identify()
8325 {
8326   mMapCanvas->setMapTool( mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::Identify ) );
8327 }
doFeatureAction()8329 void QgisApp::doFeatureAction()
8330 {
8331   mMapCanvas->setMapTool( mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::FeatureAction ) );
8332 }
updateDefaultFeatureAction(QAction * action)8334 void QgisApp::updateDefaultFeatureAction( QAction *action )
8335 {
8336   QgsVectorLayer *vlayer = qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( activeLayer() );
8337   if ( !vlayer )
8338     return;
8340   mActionFeatureAction->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mAction.svg" ) ) );
8341   mActionFeatureAction->setToolTip( tr( "No action selected" ) );
8343   mFeatureActionMenu->setActiveAction( action );
8345   QgsAction qgsAction;
8346   if ( action )
8347   {
8348     qgsAction = action->data().value<QgsAction>();
8349   }
8351   if ( qgsAction.isValid() )
8352   {
8353     vlayer->actions()->setDefaultAction( QStringLiteral( "Canvas" ), qgsAction.id() );
8354     QgsGui::mapLayerActionRegistry()->setDefaultActionForLayer( vlayer, nullptr );
8356     mActionFeatureAction->setToolTip( tr( "Run feature action<br><b>%1</b>" ).arg( qgsAction.name() ) );
8358     if ( !qgsAction.icon().isNull() )
8359       mActionFeatureAction->setIcon( qgsAction.icon() );
8360     else
8361       mActionFeatureAction->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionActive.svg" ) ) );
8362   }
8363   else
8364   {
8365     //action is from QgsMapLayerActionRegistry
8366     vlayer->actions()->setDefaultAction( QStringLiteral( "Canvas" ), QString() );
8368     QgsMapLayerAction *mapLayerAction = qobject_cast<QgsMapLayerAction *>( action );
8369     if ( mapLayerAction )
8370     {
8371       QgsGui::mapLayerActionRegistry()->setDefaultActionForLayer( vlayer, mapLayerAction );
8373       if ( !mapLayerAction->text().isEmpty() )
8374         mActionFeatureAction->setToolTip( tr( "Run feature action<br><b>%1</b>" ).arg( mapLayerAction->text() ) );
8376       if ( !mapLayerAction->icon().isNull() )
8377         mActionFeatureAction->setIcon( mapLayerAction->icon() );
8378       else
8379         mActionFeatureAction->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionActive.svg" ) ) );
8380     }
8381     else
8382     {
8383       QgsGui::mapLayerActionRegistry()->setDefaultActionForLayer( vlayer, nullptr );
8384     }
8385   }
8386 }
refreshFeatureActions()8388 void QgisApp::refreshFeatureActions()
8389 {
8390   mFeatureActionMenu->clear();
8392   QgsVectorLayer *vlayer = qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( activeLayer() );
8393   if ( !vlayer )
8394     return;
8396   QList<QgsAction> actions = vlayer->actions()->actions( QStringLiteral( "Canvas" ) );
8397   const auto constActions = actions;
8398   for ( const QgsAction &action : constActions )
8399   {
8400     if ( !vlayer->isEditable() && action.isEnabledOnlyWhenEditable() )
8401       continue;
8403     QString actionTitle = !action.shortTitle().isEmpty() ? action.shortTitle() : action.icon().isNull() ? action.name() : QString();
8404     QAction *qAction = new QAction( action.icon(), actionTitle, mFeatureActionMenu );
8405     qAction->setData( QVariant::fromValue<QgsAction>( action ) );
8406     mFeatureActionMenu->addAction( qAction );
8408     if ( action.name() == vlayer->actions()->defaultAction( QStringLiteral( "Canvas" ) ).name() )
8409     {
8410       mFeatureActionMenu->setActiveAction( qAction );
8411     }
8412   }
8414   //add actions registered in QgsMapLayerActionRegistry
8415   QList<QgsMapLayerAction *> registeredActions = QgsGui::mapLayerActionRegistry()->mapLayerActions( vlayer, QgsMapLayerAction::SingleFeature );
8416   if ( !actions.isEmpty() && !registeredActions.empty() )
8417   {
8418     //add a separator between user defined and standard actions
8419     mFeatureActionMenu->addSeparator();
8420   }
8422   for ( int i = 0; i < registeredActions.size(); i++ )
8423   {
8424     mFeatureActionMenu->addAction( registeredActions.at( i ) );
8425     if ( registeredActions.at( i ) == QgsGui::mapLayerActionRegistry()->defaultActionForLayer( vlayer ) )
8426     {
8427       mFeatureActionMenu->setActiveAction( registeredActions.at( i ) );
8428     }
8429   }
8431   updateDefaultFeatureAction( mFeatureActionMenu->activeAction() );
8432 }
changeDataSource(QgsMapLayer * layer)8434 void QgisApp::changeDataSource( QgsMapLayer *layer )
8435 {
8436   QgsMapLayerType layerType( layer->type() );
8438   QgsDataSourceSelectDialog dlg( mBrowserModel, true, layerType );
8439   if ( !layer->isValid() )
8440     dlg.setWindowTitle( tr( "Repair Data Source" ) );
8442   const QVariantMap sourceParts = QgsProviderRegistry::instance()->decodeUri( layer->providerType(), layer->publicSource() );
8443   QString source = layer->publicSource();
8444   if ( sourceParts.contains( QStringLiteral( "path" ) ) )
8445   {
8446     const QString path = sourceParts.value( QStringLiteral( "path" ) ).toString();
8447     const QString closestPath = QFile::exists( path ) ? path : QgsFileUtils::findClosestExistingPath( path );
8448     source.replace( path, QStringLiteral( "<a href=\"%1\">%2</a>" ).arg( QUrl::fromLocalFile( closestPath ).toString(),
8449                     path ) );
8450   }
8451   dlg.setDescription( tr( "Original source URI: %1" ).arg( source ) );
8453   const QVariantMap originalSourceParts = QgsProviderRegistry::instance()->decodeUri( layer->providerType(), layer->source() );
8455   if ( dlg.exec() == QDialog::Accepted )
8456   {
8457     QgsMimeDataUtils::Uri uri( dlg.uri() );
8458     if ( uri.isValid() )
8459     {
8460       auto fixLayer = [this]( QgsMapLayer * layer, const QgsMimeDataUtils::Uri & uri )
8461       {
8462         bool layerWasValid( layer->isValid() );
8463         // Store subset string from vlayer if we are fixing a bad layer
8464         QgsVectorLayer *vlayer = qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( layer );
8465         QString subsetString;
8466         // Get the subset string directly from the data provider because
8467         // layer's method will return a null string from invalid layers
8468         if ( vlayer && vlayer->dataProvider() &&
8469              vlayer->dataProvider()->supportsSubsetString() &&
8470              !vlayer->dataProvider()->subsetString( ).isEmpty() )
8471         {
8472           subsetString = vlayer->dataProvider()->subsetString();
8473         }
8474         if ( vlayer && subsetString.isEmpty() )
8475         {
8476           // actually -- the above isn't true in all situations. If a layer was invalid at the time
8477           // that the subset string was set, then ONLY the layer has knowledge of this subset string!
8478           subsetString = vlayer->subsetString();
8479         }
8481         layer->setDataSource( uri.uri, layer->name(), uri.providerKey, QgsDataProvider::ProviderOptions() );
8482         // Re-apply original style and subset string  when fixing bad layers
8483         if ( !( layerWasValid || layer->originalXmlProperties().isEmpty() ) )
8484         {
8485           if ( ! subsetString.isEmpty() )
8486           {
8487             vlayer->setSubsetString( subsetString );
8488           }
8489           QgsReadWriteContext context;
8490           context.setPathResolver( QgsProject::instance()->pathResolver() );
8491           context.setProjectTranslator( QgsProject::instance() );
8492           QString errorMsg;
8493           QDomDocument doc;
8494           if ( doc.setContent( layer->originalXmlProperties() ) )
8495           {
8496             QDomNode layer_node( doc.firstChild( ) );
8497             if ( ! layer->readSymbology( layer_node, errorMsg, context ) )
8498             {
8499               QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "Failed to restore original layer style from stored XML for layer %1: %2" )
8500                            .arg( layer->name( ) )
8501                            .arg( errorMsg ) );
8502             }
8503           }
8504           else
8505           {
8506             QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "Failed to create XML QDomDocument for layer %1: %2" )
8507                          .arg( layer->name( ) )
8508                          .arg( errorMsg ) );
8509           }
8510         }
8511         else if ( !subsetString.isEmpty() )
8512         {
8513           vlayer->setSubsetString( subsetString );
8514         }
8516         if ( vlayer )
8517           vlayer->updateExtents();
8519         // All the following code is necessary to refresh the layer
8520         QgsLayerTreeModel *model = qobject_cast<QgsLayerTreeModel *>( mLayerTreeView->model() );
8521         if ( model )
8522         {
8523           QgsLayerTreeLayer *tl( model->rootGroup()->findLayer( layer->id() ) );
8524           if ( tl && tl->itemVisibilityChecked() )
8525           {
8526             tl->setItemVisibilityChecked( false );
8527             tl->setItemVisibilityChecked( true );
8528           }
8529         }
8531         // Tell the bridge that we have fixed a layer
8532         if ( ! layerWasValid && layer->isValid() )
8533         {
8534           QgsProject::instance()->layerTreeRoot()->customLayerOrderChanged( );
8535         }
8536       };
8538       fixLayer( layer, uri );
8539       const QVariantMap fixedUriParts = QgsProviderRegistry::instance()->decodeUri( layer->providerType(), layer->source() );
8541       // next, we loop through to see if we can auto-fix any other layers with the same source
8542       if ( originalSourceParts.contains( QStringLiteral( "path" ) ) )
8543       {
8544         const QString originalPath = originalSourceParts.value( QStringLiteral( "path" ) ).toString();
8545         const QFileInfo originalPathFi( originalPath );
8547         const QMap< QString, QgsMapLayer * > layers = QgsProject::instance()->mapLayers( false );
8548         for ( auto it = layers.begin(); it != layers.end(); ++it )
8549         {
8550           if ( it.value()->isValid() )
8551             continue;
8553           QVariantMap thisParts = QgsProviderRegistry::instance()->decodeUri( it.value()->providerType(), it.value()->source() );
8554           if ( thisParts.contains( QStringLiteral( "path" ) ) )
8555           {
8556             const QString thisBrokenPath = thisParts.value( QStringLiteral( "path" ) ).toString();
8557             QString fixedPath;
8559             const QFileInfo thisBrokenPathFi( thisBrokenPath );
8560             if ( thisBrokenPath == originalPath )
8561             {
8562               // found a broken layer with the same original path, fix this one too
8563               fixedPath = fixedUriParts.value( QStringLiteral( "path" ) ).toString();
8564             }
8565             else if ( thisBrokenPathFi.path() == originalPathFi.path() )
8566             {
8567               // file from same original directory
8568               QDir fixedDir = QFileInfo( fixedUriParts.value( QStringLiteral( "path" ) ).toString() ).dir();
8569               const QString newCandidatePath = fixedDir.filePath( thisBrokenPathFi.fileName() );
8570               if ( QFileInfo::exists( newCandidatePath ) )
8571                 fixedPath = newCandidatePath;
8572             }
8574             if ( !fixedPath.isEmpty() )
8575             {
8576               uri.uri = it.value()->source().replace( thisBrokenPath, fixedPath );
8577               uri.providerKey = it.value()->providerType();
8578               fixLayer( it.value(), uri );
8579             }
8580           }
8581         }
8582       }
8583     }
8584   }
8585 }
measure()8587 void QgisApp::measure()
8588 {
8589   mMapCanvas->setMapTool( mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::MeasureDistance ) );
8590 }
measureArea()8592 void QgisApp::measureArea()
8593 {
8594   mMapCanvas->setMapTool( mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::MeasureArea ) );
8595 }
measureAngle()8597 void QgisApp::measureAngle()
8598 {
8599   mMapCanvas->setMapTool( mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::MeasureAngle ) );
8600 }
addFormAnnotation()8602 void QgisApp::addFormAnnotation()
8603 {
8604   mMapCanvas->setMapTool( mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::FormAnnotation ) );
8605 }
addHtmlAnnotation()8607 void QgisApp::addHtmlAnnotation()
8608 {
8609   mMapCanvas->setMapTool( mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::HtmlAnnotation ) );
8610 }
addTextAnnotation()8612 void QgisApp::addTextAnnotation()
8613 {
8614   mMapCanvas->setMapTool( mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::TextAnnotation ) );
8615 }
addSvgAnnotation()8617 void QgisApp::addSvgAnnotation()
8618 {
8619   mMapCanvas->setMapTool( mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::SvgAnnotation ) );
8620 }
modifyAnnotation()8622 void QgisApp::modifyAnnotation()
8623 {
8624   mMapCanvas->setMapTool( mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::Annotation ) );
8625 }
reprojectAnnotations()8627 void QgisApp::reprojectAnnotations()
8628 {
8629   const auto annotations = annotationItems();
8630   for ( QgsMapCanvasAnnotationItem *annotation : annotations )
8631   {
8632     annotation->updatePosition();
8633   }
8634 }
labelingFontNotFound(QgsVectorLayer * vlayer,const QString & fontfamily)8636 void QgisApp::labelingFontNotFound( QgsVectorLayer *vlayer, const QString &fontfamily )
8637 {
8638   // TODO: update when pref for how to resolve missing family (use matching algorithm or just default font) is implemented
8639   QString substitute = tr( "Default system font substituted." );
8641   QToolButton *btnOpenPrefs = new QToolButton();
8642   btnOpenPrefs->setStyleSheet( QStringLiteral( "QToolButton{ background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); color: black; text-decoration: underline; }" ) );
8643   btnOpenPrefs->setCursor( Qt::PointingHandCursor );
8644   btnOpenPrefs->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Maximum, QSizePolicy::Preferred );
8645   btnOpenPrefs->setToolButtonStyle( Qt::ToolButtonTextOnly );
8647   // store pointer to vlayer in data of QAction
8648   QAction *act = new QAction( btnOpenPrefs );
8649   act->setData( QVariant( QMetaType::QObjectStar, &vlayer ) );
8650   act->setText( tr( "Open labeling dialog" ) );
8651   btnOpenPrefs->addAction( act );
8652   btnOpenPrefs->setDefaultAction( act );
8653   btnOpenPrefs->setToolTip( QString() );
8654   connect( btnOpenPrefs, &QToolButton::triggered, this, &QgisApp::labelingDialogFontNotFound );
8656   // no timeout set, since notice needs attention and is only shown first time layer is labeled
8657   QgsMessageBarItem *fontMsg = new QgsMessageBarItem(
8658     tr( "Labeling" ),
8659     tr( "Font for layer <b><u>%1</u></b> was not found (<i>%2</i>). %3" ).arg( vlayer->name(), fontfamily, substitute ),
8660     btnOpenPrefs,
8661     Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning,
8662     0,
8663     messageBar() );
8664   messageBar()->pushItem( fontMsg );
8665 }
commitError(QgsVectorLayer * vlayer)8667 void QgisApp::commitError( QgsVectorLayer *vlayer )
8668 {
8669   const QStringList commitErrors = vlayer->commitErrors();
8670   if ( !vlayer->allowCommit() && commitErrors.empty() )
8671   {
8672     return;
8673   }
8675   QgsMessageViewer *mv = new QgsMessageViewer();
8676   mv->setWindowTitle( tr( "Commit Errors" ) );
8677   mv->setMessageAsPlainText( tr( "Could not commit changes to layer %1" ).arg( vlayer->name() )
8678                              + "\n\n"
8679                              + tr( "Errors: %1\n" ).arg( commitErrors.join( QLatin1String( "\n  " ) ) )
8680                            );
8682   QToolButton *showMore = new QToolButton();
8683   // store pointer to vlayer in data of QAction
8684   QAction *act = new QAction( showMore );
8685   act->setData( QVariant( QMetaType::QObjectStar, &vlayer ) );
8686   act->setText( tr( "Show more" ) );
8687   showMore->setStyleSheet( QStringLiteral( "background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); color: black; text-decoration: underline;" ) );
8688   showMore->setCursor( Qt::PointingHandCursor );
8689   showMore->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Maximum, QSizePolicy::Preferred );
8690   showMore->addAction( act );
8691   showMore->setDefaultAction( act );
8692   connect( showMore, &QToolButton::triggered, mv, &QDialog::exec );
8693   connect( showMore, &QToolButton::triggered, showMore, &QObject::deleteLater );
8695   // no timeout set, since notice needs attention and is only shown first time layer is labeled
8696   QgsMessageBarItem *errorMsg = new QgsMessageBarItem(
8697     tr( "Commit errors" ),
8698     tr( "Could not commit changes to layer %1" ).arg( vlayer->name() ),
8699     showMore,
8700     Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning,
8701     0,
8702     messageBar() );
8703   messageBar()->pushItem( errorMsg );
8704 }
labelingDialogFontNotFound(QAction * act)8706 void QgisApp::labelingDialogFontNotFound( QAction *act )
8707 {
8708   if ( !act )
8709   {
8710     return;
8711   }
8713   // get base pointer to layer
8714   QObject *obj = qvariant_cast<QObject *>( act->data() );
8716   // remove calling messagebar widget
8717   messageBar()->popWidget();
8719   if ( !obj )
8720   {
8721     return;
8722   }
8724   QgsMapLayer *layer = qobject_cast<QgsMapLayer *>( obj );
8725   if ( layer && setActiveLayer( layer ) )
8726   {
8727     labeling();
8728   }
8729 }
labeling()8731 void QgisApp::labeling()
8732 {
8733   QgsVectorLayer *vlayer = qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( activeLayer() );
8734   if ( !vlayer )
8735   {
8736     return;
8737   }
8739   mapStyleDock( true );
8740   mMapStyleWidget->setCurrentPage( QgsLayerStylingWidget::VectorLabeling );
8741 }
setMapStyleDockLayer(QgsMapLayer * layer)8743 void QgisApp::setMapStyleDockLayer( QgsMapLayer *layer )
8744 {
8745   if ( !layer )
8746   {
8747     return;
8748   }
8750   mMapStyleWidget->setEnabled( true );
8751   // We don't set the layer if the dock isn't open mainly to save
8752   // the extra work if it's not needed
8753   if ( mMapStylingDock->isVisible() )
8754   {
8755     mMapStyleWidget->setLayer( layer );
8756   }
8757 }
mapStyleDock(bool enabled)8759 void QgisApp::mapStyleDock( bool enabled )
8760 {
8761   mMapStylingDock->setUserVisible( enabled );
8762   setMapStyleDockLayer( activeLayer() );
8763 }
diagramProperties()8765 void QgisApp::diagramProperties()
8766 {
8767   QgsVectorLayer *vlayer = qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( activeLayer() );
8768   if ( !vlayer )
8769   {
8770     visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "Diagram Properties" ),
8771                                       tr( "Please select a vector layer first" ),
8772                                       Qgis::MessageLevel::Info
8773                                     );
8774     return;
8775   }
8777   QDialog dlg;
8778   dlg.setWindowTitle( tr( "Layer Diagram Properties" ) );
8779   QgsDiagramProperties *gui = new QgsDiagramProperties( vlayer, &dlg, mMapCanvas );
8780   gui->layout()->setContentsMargins( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
8781   QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout( &dlg );
8782   layout->addWidget( gui );
8784   QDialogButtonBox *buttonBox = new QDialogButtonBox(
8785     QDialogButtonBox::Ok | QDialogButtonBox::Cancel | QDialogButtonBox::Apply,
8786     Qt::Horizontal, &dlg );
8787   layout->addWidget( buttonBox );
8789   dlg.setLayout( layout );
8791   connect( buttonBox->button( QDialogButtonBox::Ok ), &QAbstractButton::clicked,
8792            &dlg, &QDialog::accept );
8793   connect( buttonBox->button( QDialogButtonBox::Cancel ), &QAbstractButton::clicked,
8794            &dlg, &QDialog::reject );
8795   connect( buttonBox->button( QDialogButtonBox::Apply ), &QAbstractButton::clicked,
8796            gui, &QgsDiagramProperties::apply );
8798   if ( dlg.exec() )
8799     gui->apply();
8801   activateDeactivateLayerRelatedActions( vlayer );
8802 }
createAnnotationLayer()8804 void QgisApp::createAnnotationLayer()
8805 {
8806   // pick a unique name for the layer
8807   QString name = tr( "Annotations" );
8808   int id = 1;
8809   while ( !QgsProject::instance()->mapLayersByName( name ).isEmpty() )
8810   {
8811     name = tr( "Annotations (%1)" ).arg( id );
8812     id++;
8813   }
8815   QgsAnnotationLayer::LayerOptions options( QgsProject::instance()->transformContext() );
8816   QgsAnnotationLayer *layer = new QgsAnnotationLayer( name, options );
8817   layer->setCrs( QgsProject::instance()->crs() );
8819   // layer should be created at top of layer tree
8820   QgsProject::instance()->addMapLayer( layer, false );
8821   QgsProject::instance()->layerTreeRoot()->insertLayer( 0, layer );
8822 }
setCadDockVisible(bool visible)8824 void QgisApp::setCadDockVisible( bool visible )
8825 {
8826   mAdvancedDigitizingDockWidget->setVisible( visible );
8827 }
fieldCalculator()8829 void QgisApp::fieldCalculator()
8830 {
8831   QgsVectorLayer *myLayer = qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( activeLayer() );
8832   if ( !myLayer )
8833   {
8834     return;
8835   }
8837   QgsFieldCalculator calc( myLayer, this );
8838   if ( calc.exec() )
8839   {
8840     myLayer->triggerRepaint();
8841   }
8842 }
attributeTable(QgsAttributeTableFilterModel::FilterMode filter)8844 void QgisApp::attributeTable( QgsAttributeTableFilterModel::FilterMode filter )
8845 {
8846   QgsVectorLayer *myLayer = qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( activeLayer() );
8847   if ( !myLayer || !myLayer->dataProvider() )
8848   {
8849     return;
8850   }
8852   QgsAttributeTableDialog *mDialog = new QgsAttributeTableDialog( myLayer, filter );
8853   mDialog->show();
8854   // the dialog will be deleted by itself on close
8855 }
saveAsRasterFile(QgsRasterLayer * rasterLayer,const bool defaultAddToCanvas)8857 QString QgisApp::saveAsRasterFile( QgsRasterLayer *rasterLayer, const bool defaultAddToCanvas )
8858 {
8859   if ( !rasterLayer )
8860     rasterLayer = qobject_cast<QgsRasterLayer *>( activeLayer() );
8862   if ( !rasterLayer )
8863   {
8864     return QString();
8865   }
8867   QgsRasterLayerSaveAsDialog d( rasterLayer, rasterLayer->dataProvider(),
8868                                 mMapCanvas->extent(), rasterLayer->crs(),
8869                                 mMapCanvas->mapSettings().destinationCrs(),
8870                                 this );
8871   d.setAddToCanvas( defaultAddToCanvas );
8872   if ( d.exec() == QDialog::Rejected )
8873     return QString();
8875   QgsSettings settings;
8876   settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/lastRasterFileDir" ), QFileInfo( d.outputFileName() ).absolutePath() );
8878   QgsRasterFileWriter fileWriter( d.outputFileName() );
8879   if ( d.tileMode() )
8880   {
8881     fileWriter.setTiledMode( true );
8882     fileWriter.setMaxTileWidth( d.maximumTileSizeX() );
8883     fileWriter.setMaxTileHeight( d.maximumTileSizeY() );
8884   }
8885   else
8886   {
8887     fileWriter.setOutputFormat( d.outputFormat() );
8888   }
8890   // TODO: show error dialogs
8891   // TODO: this code should go somewhere else, but probably not into QgsRasterFileWriter
8892   // clone pipe/provider is not really necessary, ready for threads
8893   std::unique_ptr<QgsRasterPipe> pipe( nullptr );
8895   if ( d.mode() == QgsRasterLayerSaveAsDialog::RawDataMode )
8896   {
8897     QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "Writing raw data" ), 2 );
8898     pipe.reset( new QgsRasterPipe() );
8899     if ( !pipe->set( rasterLayer->dataProvider()->clone() ) )
8900     {
8901       QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "Cannot set pipe provider" ) );
8902       return QString();
8903     }
8905     QgsRasterNuller *nuller = new QgsRasterNuller();
8906     for ( int band = 1; band <= rasterLayer->dataProvider()->bandCount(); band ++ )
8907     {
8908       nuller->setNoData( band, d.noData() );
8909     }
8910     if ( !pipe->insert( 1, nuller ) )
8911     {
8912       QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "Cannot set pipe nuller" ) );
8913       return QString();
8914     }
8916     // add projector if necessary
8917     if ( d.outputCrs() != rasterLayer->crs() )
8918     {
8919       QgsRasterProjector *projector = new QgsRasterProjector;
8920       projector->setCrs( rasterLayer->crs(), d.outputCrs(), QgsProject::instance()->transformContext() );
8921       if ( !pipe->insert( 2, projector ) )
8922       {
8923         QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "Cannot set pipe projector" ) );
8924         return QString();
8925       }
8926     }
8927   }
8928   else // RenderedImageMode
8929   {
8930     // clone the whole pipe
8931     QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "Writing rendered image" ), 2 );
8932     pipe.reset( new QgsRasterPipe( *rasterLayer->pipe() ) );
8933     QgsRasterProjector *projector = pipe->projector();
8934     if ( !projector )
8935     {
8936       QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "Cannot get pipe projector" ) );
8937       return QString();
8938     }
8939     projector->setCrs( rasterLayer->crs(), d.outputCrs(), QgsProject::instance()->transformContext() );
8940   }
8942   if ( !pipe->last() )
8943   {
8944     return QString();
8945   }
8946   fileWriter.setCreateOptions( d.createOptions() );
8948   fileWriter.setBuildPyramidsFlag( d.buildPyramidsFlag() );
8949   fileWriter.setPyramidsList( d.pyramidsList() );
8950   fileWriter.setPyramidsResampling( d.pyramidsResamplingMethod() );
8951   fileWriter.setPyramidsFormat( d.pyramidsFormat() );
8952   fileWriter.setPyramidsConfigOptions( d.pyramidsConfigOptions() );
8954   bool tileMode = d.tileMode();
8955   bool addToCanvas = d.addToCanvas();
8956   QPointer< QgsRasterLayer > rlWeakPointer( rasterLayer );
8957   QString outputLayerName = d.outputLayerName();
8958   QString outputFormat = d.outputFormat();
8960   QgsRasterFileWriterTask *writerTask = new QgsRasterFileWriterTask( fileWriter, pipe.release(), d.nColumns(), d.nRows(),
8961       d.outputRectangle(), d.outputCrs(), QgsProject::instance()->transformContext() );
8963   // when writer is successful:
8965   connect( writerTask, &QgsRasterFileWriterTask::writeComplete, this,
8966            [this, tileMode, addToCanvas, rlWeakPointer, outputLayerName, outputFormat]( const QString & newFilename )
8967   {
8968     QString fileName = newFilename;
8969     if ( tileMode )
8970     {
8971       QFileInfo outputInfo( fileName );
8972       fileName = QStringLiteral( "%1/%2.vrt" ).arg( fileName, outputInfo.fileName() );
8973     }
8975     if ( addToCanvas )
8976     {
8977       if ( outputFormat == QLatin1String( "GPKG" ) && !outputLayerName.isEmpty() )
8978       {
8979         addRasterLayers( QStringList( QStringLiteral( "GPKG:%1:%2" ).arg( fileName, outputLayerName ) ) );
8980       }
8981       else
8982       {
8983         addRasterLayers( QStringList( fileName ) );
8984       }
8985     }
8986     if ( rlWeakPointer )
8987       emit layerSavedAs( rlWeakPointer, fileName );
8989     visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "Layer Exported" ),
8990                                       tr( "Successfully saved raster layer to <a href=\"%1\">%2</a>" ).arg( QUrl::fromLocalFile( newFilename ).toString(), QDir::toNativeSeparators( newFilename ) ),
8991                                       Qgis::MessageLevel::Success, 0 );
8992   } );
8994   // when an error occurs:
8995   connect( writerTask, qOverload< int, const QString &>( &QgsRasterFileWriterTask::errorOccurred ), this, [ = ]( int error, const QString & errorMessage )
8996   {
8997     if ( error != QgsRasterFileWriter::WriteCanceled )
8998     {
8999       QString errorCodeStr;
9000       if ( error == QgsRasterFileWriter::SourceProviderError )
9001         errorCodeStr = tr( "source provider" );
9002       else if ( error == QgsRasterFileWriter::DestProviderError )
9003         errorCodeStr = tr( "destination provider" );
9004       else if ( error == QgsRasterFileWriter::CreateDatasourceError )
9005         errorCodeStr = tr( "data source creation" );
9006       else if ( error == QgsRasterFileWriter::WriteError )
9007         errorCodeStr = tr( "write error" );
9008       QString fullErrorMsg( tr( "Cannot write raster. Error code: %1" ).arg( errorCodeStr ) );
9009       if ( !errorMessage.isEmpty() )
9010         fullErrorMsg += "\n" + errorMessage;
9011       QMessageBox::warning( this, tr( "Save Raster" ),
9012                             fullErrorMsg,
9013                             QMessageBox::Ok );
9014     }
9015   } );
9017   QgsApplication::taskManager()->addTask( writerTask );
9018   return d.outputFileName();
9019 }
saveAsFile(QgsMapLayer * layer,const bool onlySelected,const bool defaultToAddToMap)9022 QString QgisApp::saveAsFile( QgsMapLayer *layer, const bool onlySelected, const bool defaultToAddToMap )
9023 {
9024   if ( !layer )
9025     layer = activeLayer();
9027   if ( !layer )
9028     return QString();
9030   QgsMapLayerType layerType = layer->type();
9031   switch ( layerType )
9032   {
9033     case QgsMapLayerType::RasterLayer:
9034       return saveAsRasterFile( qobject_cast<QgsRasterLayer *>( layer ), defaultToAddToMap );
9036     case QgsMapLayerType::VectorLayer:
9037       return saveAsVectorFileGeneral( qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( layer ), true, onlySelected, defaultToAddToMap );
9039     case QgsMapLayerType::MeshLayer:
9040     case QgsMapLayerType::VectorTileLayer:
9041     case QgsMapLayerType::PluginLayer:
9042     case QgsMapLayerType::AnnotationLayer:
9043     case QgsMapLayerType::PointCloudLayer:
9044       return QString();
9045   }
9046   return QString();
9047 }
makeMemoryLayerPermanent(QgsVectorLayer * layer)9049 void QgisApp::makeMemoryLayerPermanent( QgsVectorLayer *layer )
9050 {
9051   if ( !layer )
9052     return;
9054   const QString layerId = layer->id();
9056   auto onSuccess = [this, layerId]( const QString & newFilename,
9057                                     bool,
9058                                     const QString & newLayerName,
9059                                     const QString &,
9060                                     const QString & )
9061   {
9062     // we have to re-retrieve the layer, in case it's been removed during the lifetime of the writer task
9063     QgsVectorLayer *vl = qobject_cast< QgsVectorLayer * >( QgsProject::instance()->mapLayer( layerId ) );
9064     if ( vl )
9065     {
9066       QgsDataProvider::ProviderOptions options;
9067       QString source = newFilename;
9068       if ( ! newLayerName.isEmpty() )
9069         source += QStringLiteral( "|layername=%1" ).arg( newLayerName );
9070       vl->setDataSource( source, vl->name(), QStringLiteral( "ogr" ), options );
9071       vl->triggerRepaint();
9072       mLayerTreeView->refreshLayerSymbology( vl->id() );
9073       this->visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "Layer Saved" ),
9074                                               tr( "Successfully saved scratch layer to <a href=\"%1\">%2</a>" ).arg( QUrl::fromLocalFile( newFilename ).toString(), QDir::toNativeSeparators( newFilename ) ),
9075                                               Qgis::MessageLevel::Success, 0 );
9076     }
9077   };
9079   auto onFailure = []( int error, const QString & errorMessage )
9080   {
9081     if ( error != QgsVectorFileWriter::Canceled )
9082     {
9083       QgsMessageViewer *m = new QgsMessageViewer( nullptr );
9084       m->setWindowTitle( tr( "Save Error" ) );
9085       m->setMessageAsPlainText( tr( "Could not make temporary scratch layer permanent.\nError: %1" ).arg( errorMessage ) );
9086       m->exec();
9087     }
9088   };
9090   saveAsVectorFileGeneral( layer, true, false, true, onSuccess, onFailure, QgsVectorLayerSaveAsDialog::Options(), tr( "Save Scratch Layer" ) );
9091 }
saveAsLayerDefinition()9093 void QgisApp::saveAsLayerDefinition()
9094 {
9095   QgsSettings settings;
9096   QString lastUsedDir = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "UI/lastQLRDir" ), QDir::homePath() ).toString();
9098   QString path = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName( this, QStringLiteral( "Save as Layer Definition File" ), lastUsedDir, QStringLiteral( "*.qlr" ) );
9099   QgsDebugMsgLevel( path, 2 );
9100   if ( path.isEmpty() )
9101     return;
9103   QString errorMessage;
9104   bool saved = QgsLayerDefinition::exportLayerDefinition( path, mLayerTreeView->selectedNodes(), errorMessage );
9105   if ( !saved )
9106   {
9107     visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "Error saving layer definition file" ), errorMessage, Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning );
9108   }
9110   QFileInfo fi( path );
9111   settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/lastQLRDir" ), fi.path() );
9112 }
saveStyleFile(QgsMapLayer * layer)9114 void QgisApp::saveStyleFile( QgsMapLayer *layer )
9115 {
9116   if ( !layer )
9117   {
9118     layer = activeLayer();
9119   }
9121   if ( !layer || !layer->dataProvider() )
9122     return;
9124   switch ( layer->type() )
9125   {
9127     case QgsMapLayerType::VectorLayer:
9128     {
9129       QgsVectorLayer *vlayer = qobject_cast< QgsVectorLayer * >( layer );
9130       QgsVectorLayerSaveStyleDialog dlg( vlayer, this );
9132       if ( dlg.exec() )
9133       {
9134         bool resultFlag = false;
9136         QgsVectorLayerProperties::StyleType type = dlg.currentStyleType();
9137         switch ( type )
9138         {
9139           case QgsVectorLayerProperties::QML:
9140           case QgsVectorLayerProperties::SLD:
9141           {
9142             QString message;
9143             QString filePath = dlg.outputFilePath();
9144             if ( type == QgsVectorLayerProperties::QML )
9145               message = vlayer->saveNamedStyle( filePath, resultFlag, dlg.styleCategories() );
9146             else
9147               message = vlayer->saveSldStyle( filePath, resultFlag );
9149             if ( resultFlag )
9150             {
9151               mInfoBar->pushMessage( tr( "Style saved" ), tr( "Successfully exported style to <a href=\"%1\">%2</a>" ).arg( QUrl::fromLocalFile( filePath ).toString(), QDir::toNativeSeparators( filePath ) ), Qgis::MessageLevel::Success, 0 );
9152             }
9153             else
9154             {
9155               mInfoBar->pushMessage( tr( "Save Style" ), message, Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning );
9156             }
9158             break;
9159           }
9160           case QgsVectorLayerProperties::DB:
9161           {
9162             QString infoWindowTitle = QObject::tr( "Save style to DB (%1)" ).arg( vlayer->providerType() );
9163             QString msgError;
9165             QgsVectorLayerSaveStyleDialog::SaveToDbSettings dbSettings = dlg.saveToDbSettings();
9167             vlayer->saveStyleToDatabase( dbSettings.name, dbSettings.description, dbSettings.isDefault, dbSettings.uiFileContent, msgError );
9169             if ( !msgError.isNull() )
9170             {
9171               mInfoBar->pushMessage( infoWindowTitle, msgError, Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning );
9172             }
9173             else
9174             {
9175               mInfoBar->pushMessage( infoWindowTitle, tr( "Style saved" ), Qgis::MessageLevel::Success );
9176             }
9177             break;
9178           }
9179         }
9180       }
9181       break;
9182     }
9184     case QgsMapLayerType::RasterLayer:
9185     case QgsMapLayerType::MeshLayer:
9186     case QgsMapLayerType::PointCloudLayer:
9187     case QgsMapLayerType::VectorTileLayer:
9188     {
9189       QgsSettings settings;
9190       QString lastUsedDir = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "style/lastStyleDir" ), QDir::homePath() ).toString();
9191       QString filename = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName( this,
9192                          tr( "Save as QGIS Layer Style File" ),
9193                          lastUsedDir,
9194                          tr( "QGIS Layer Style File" ) + " (*.qml)" );
9195       if ( filename.isEmpty() )
9196         return;
9198       if ( ! filename.endsWith( QLatin1String( ".qml" ) ) )
9199       {
9200         filename += QLatin1String( ".qml" );
9201       }
9203       bool defaultLoadedFlag;
9204       layer->saveNamedStyle( filename, defaultLoadedFlag );
9206       settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "style/lastStyleDir" ), filename );
9207       break;
9208     }
9210     case QgsMapLayerType::AnnotationLayer:
9211     case QgsMapLayerType::PluginLayer:
9212       break;
9214   }
9215 }
9217 ///@cond PRIVATE
9219 /**
9220  * Field value converter for export as vector layer
9221  * \note Not available in Python bindings
9222  */
9223 class QgisAppFieldValueConverter : public QgsVectorFileWriter::FieldValueConverter
9224 {
9225   public:
9226     QgisAppFieldValueConverter( QgsVectorLayer *vl, const QgsAttributeList &attributesAsDisplayedValues );
9228     QgsField fieldDefinition( const QgsField &field ) override;
9230     QVariant convert( int idx, const QVariant &value ) override;
9232     QgisAppFieldValueConverter *clone() const override;
9234   private:
9235     QPointer< QgsVectorLayer > mLayer;
9236     QgsAttributeList mAttributesAsDisplayedValues;
9237 };
QgisAppFieldValueConverter(QgsVectorLayer * vl,const QgsAttributeList & attributesAsDisplayedValues)9239 QgisAppFieldValueConverter::QgisAppFieldValueConverter( QgsVectorLayer *vl, const QgsAttributeList &attributesAsDisplayedValues )
9240   : mLayer( vl )
9241   , mAttributesAsDisplayedValues( attributesAsDisplayedValues )
9242 {
9243 }
fieldDefinition(const QgsField & field)9245 QgsField QgisAppFieldValueConverter::fieldDefinition( const QgsField &field )
9246 {
9247   if ( !mLayer )
9248     return field;
9250   int idx = mLayer->fields().indexFromName( field.name() );
9251   if ( mAttributesAsDisplayedValues.contains( idx ) )
9252   {
9253     return QgsField( field.name(), QVariant::String );
9254   }
9255   return field;
9256 }
convert(int idx,const QVariant & value)9258 QVariant QgisAppFieldValueConverter::convert( int idx, const QVariant &value )
9259 {
9260   if ( !mLayer || !mAttributesAsDisplayedValues.contains( idx ) )
9261   {
9262     return value;
9263   }
9264   const QgsEditorWidgetSetup setup = QgsGui::editorWidgetRegistry()->findBest( mLayer, mLayer->fields().field( idx ).name() );
9265   QgsFieldFormatter *fieldFormatter = QgsApplication::fieldFormatterRegistry()->fieldFormatter( setup.type() );
9266   return fieldFormatter->representValue( mLayer, idx, setup.config(), QVariant(), value );
9267 }
clone() const9269 QgisAppFieldValueConverter *QgisAppFieldValueConverter::clone() const
9270 {
9271   return new QgisAppFieldValueConverter( *this );
9272 }
9274 ///@endcond
saveAsVectorFileGeneral(QgsVectorLayer * vlayer,bool symbologyOption,bool onlySelected,bool defaultToAddToMap)9276 QString QgisApp::saveAsVectorFileGeneral( QgsVectorLayer *vlayer, bool symbologyOption, bool onlySelected, bool defaultToAddToMap )
9277 {
9278   if ( !vlayer )
9279   {
9280     vlayer = qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( activeLayer() ); // FIXME: output of multiple layers at once?
9281   }
9283   if ( !vlayer )
9284     return QString();
9286   const QString layerId = vlayer->id();
9288   auto onSuccess = [this, layerId]( const QString & newFilename,
9289                                     bool addToCanvas,
9290                                     const QString & layerName,
9291                                     const QString & encoding,
9292                                     const QString & vectorFileName )
9293   {
9294     if ( addToCanvas )
9295     {
9296       QString uri( newFilename );
9297       if ( !layerName.isEmpty() )
9298         uri += "|layername=" + layerName;
9299       this->addVectorLayers( QStringList( uri ), encoding, QStringLiteral( "file" ) );
9300     }
9302     // We need to re-retrieve the map layer here, in case it's been deleted during the lifetime of the task
9303     if ( QgsVectorLayer *vlayer = qobject_cast< QgsVectorLayer * >( QgsProject::instance()->mapLayer( layerId ) ) )
9304       this->emit layerSavedAs( vlayer, vectorFileName );
9306     this->visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "Layer Exported" ),
9307                                             tr( "Successfully saved vector layer to <a href=\"%1\">%2</a>" ).arg( QUrl::fromLocalFile( newFilename ).toString(), QDir::toNativeSeparators( newFilename ) ),
9308                                             Qgis::MessageLevel::Success, 0 );
9309   };
9311   auto onFailure = []( int error, const QString & errorMessage )
9312   {
9313     if ( error != QgsVectorFileWriter::Canceled )
9314     {
9315       QgsMessageViewer *m = new QgsMessageViewer( nullptr );
9316       m->setWindowTitle( tr( "Save Error" ) );
9317       m->setMessageAsPlainText( tr( "Export to vector file failed.\nError: %1" ).arg( errorMessage ) );
9318       m->exec();
9319     }
9320   };
9322   return saveAsVectorFileGeneral( vlayer, symbologyOption, onlySelected, defaultToAddToMap, onSuccess, onFailure );
9323 }
saveAsVectorFileGeneral(QgsVectorLayer * vlayer,bool symbologyOption,bool onlySelected,bool defaultToAddToMap,const std::function<void (const QString &,bool,const QString &,const QString &,const QString &)> & onSuccess,const std::function<void (int,const QString &)> & onFailure,QgsVectorLayerSaveAsDialog::Options options,const QString & dialogTitle)9325 QString QgisApp::saveAsVectorFileGeneral( QgsVectorLayer *vlayer, bool symbologyOption, bool onlySelected, bool defaultToAddToMap, const std::function<void( const QString &, bool, const QString &, const QString &, const QString & )> &onSuccess, const std::function<void ( int, const QString & )> &onFailure, QgsVectorLayerSaveAsDialog::Options options, const QString &dialogTitle )
9326 {
9327   QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem destCRS;
9329   if ( !symbologyOption )
9330   {
9331     options &= ~QgsVectorLayerSaveAsDialog::Symbology;
9332   }
9334   QgsVectorLayerSaveAsDialog *dialog = new QgsVectorLayerSaveAsDialog( vlayer, options, this );
9335   if ( !dialogTitle.isEmpty() )
9336     dialog->setWindowTitle( dialogTitle );
9338   dialog->setMapCanvas( mMapCanvas );
9339   dialog->setIncludeZ( QgsWkbTypes::hasZ( vlayer->wkbType() ) );
9340   dialog->setOnlySelected( onlySelected );
9341   dialog->setAddToCanvas( defaultToAddToMap );
9343   QString vectorFilename;
9344   if ( dialog->exec() == QDialog::Accepted )
9345   {
9346     QString encoding = dialog->encoding();
9347     vectorFilename = dialog->filename();
9348     QString format = dialog->format();
9349     QStringList datasourceOptions = dialog->datasourceOptions();
9350     bool autoGeometryType = dialog->automaticGeometryType();
9351     QgsWkbTypes::Type forcedGeometryType = dialog->geometryType();
9353     QgsCoordinateTransform ct;
9354     destCRS = dialog->crsObject();
9356     if ( destCRS.isValid() )
9357     {
9358       QgsDatumTransformDialog::run( vlayer->crs(), destCRS, this, mMapCanvas );
9359       ct = QgsCoordinateTransform( vlayer->crs(), destCRS, QgsProject::instance() );
9360     }
9362     QgsRectangle filterExtent = dialog->filterExtent();
9363     QgisAppFieldValueConverter converter( vlayer, dialog->attributesAsDisplayedValues() );
9364     QgisAppFieldValueConverter *converterPtr = nullptr;
9365     // No need to use the converter if there is nothing to convert
9366     if ( !dialog->attributesAsDisplayedValues().isEmpty() )
9367       converterPtr = &converter;
9369     QgsVectorFileWriter::SaveVectorOptions options;
9370     options.driverName = format;
9371     options.layerName = dialog->layername();
9372     options.actionOnExistingFile = dialog->creationActionOnExistingFile();
9373     options.fileEncoding = encoding;
9374     options.ct = ct;
9375     options.onlySelectedFeatures = dialog->onlySelected();
9376     options.datasourceOptions = datasourceOptions;
9377     options.layerOptions = dialog->layerOptions();
9378     options.skipAttributeCreation = dialog->selectedAttributes().isEmpty();
9379     options.symbologyExport = static_cast< QgsVectorFileWriter::SymbologyExport >( dialog->symbologyExport() );
9380     options.symbologyScale = dialog->scale();
9381     if ( dialog->hasFilterExtent() )
9382       options.filterExtent = filterExtent;
9383     options.overrideGeometryType = autoGeometryType ? QgsWkbTypes::Unknown : forcedGeometryType;
9384     options.forceMulti = dialog->forceMulti();
9385     options.includeZ = dialog->includeZ();
9386     options.attributes = dialog->selectedAttributes();
9387     options.fieldValueConverter = converterPtr;
9388     options.saveMetadata = dialog->persistMetadata();
9389     options.layerMetadata = vlayer->metadata();
9391     bool addToCanvas = dialog->addToCanvas();
9392     QgsVectorFileWriterTask *writerTask = new QgsVectorFileWriterTask( vlayer, vectorFilename, options );
9394     // when writer is successful:
9395     connect( writerTask, &QgsVectorFileWriterTask::completed, this, [onSuccess, addToCanvas, encoding, vectorFilename]( const QString & newFilename, const QString & newLayer )
9396     {
9397       onSuccess( newFilename, addToCanvas, newLayer, encoding, vectorFilename );
9398     } );
9400     // when an error occurs:
9401     connect( writerTask, &QgsVectorFileWriterTask::errorOccurred, this, [onFailure]( int error, const QString & errorMessage )
9402     {
9403       onFailure( error, errorMessage );
9404     } );
9406     QgsApplication::taskManager()->addTask( writerTask );
9407   }
9409   delete dialog;
9410   return vectorFilename;
9411 }
layerProperties()9413 void QgisApp::layerProperties()
9414 {
9415   showLayerProperties( activeLayer() );
9416 }
deleteSelected(QgsMapLayer * layer,QWidget * parent,bool checkFeaturesVisible)9418 void QgisApp::deleteSelected( QgsMapLayer *layer, QWidget *parent, bool checkFeaturesVisible )
9419 {
9420   if ( !layer )
9421   {
9422     layer = mLayerTreeView->currentLayer();
9423   }
9425   if ( !parent )
9426   {
9427     parent = this;
9428   }
9430   if ( !layer )
9431   {
9432     visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "No Layer Selected" ),
9433                                       tr( "To delete features, you must select a vector layer in the legend" ),
9434                                       Qgis::MessageLevel::Info );
9435     return;
9436   }
9438   QgsVectorLayer *vlayer = qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( layer );
9439   if ( !vlayer )
9440   {
9441     visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "No Vector Layer Selected" ),
9442                                       tr( "Deleting features only works on vector layers" ),
9443                                       Qgis::MessageLevel::Info );
9444     return;
9445   }
9447   if ( !( vlayer->dataProvider()->capabilities() & QgsVectorDataProvider::DeleteFeatures ) )
9448   {
9449     visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "Provider does not support deletion" ),
9450                                       tr( "Data provider does not support deleting features" ),
9451                                       Qgis::MessageLevel::Info );
9452     return;
9453   }
9455   if ( !vlayer->isEditable() )
9456   {
9457     visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "Layer not editable" ),
9458                                       tr( "The current layer is not editable. Choose 'Start editing' in the digitizing toolbar." ),
9459                                       Qgis::MessageLevel::Info );
9460     return;
9461   }
9463   //validate selection
9464   const int numberOfSelectedFeatures = vlayer->selectedFeatureCount();
9465   if ( numberOfSelectedFeatures == 0 )
9466   {
9467     visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "No Features Selected" ),
9468                                       tr( "The current layer has no selected features" ),
9469                                       Qgis::MessageLevel::Info );
9470     return;
9471   }
9472   //display a warning
9473   if ( checkFeaturesVisible )
9474   {
9475     QgsFeature feat;
9476     QgsFeatureIterator it = vlayer->getSelectedFeatures( QgsFeatureRequest().setNoAttributes() );
9477     bool allFeaturesInView = true;
9478     QgsRectangle viewRect = mMapCanvas->mapSettings().mapToLayerCoordinates( vlayer, mMapCanvas->extent() );
9480     while ( it.nextFeature( feat ) )
9481     {
9482       if ( allFeaturesInView && !viewRect.intersects( feat.geometry().boundingBox() ) )
9483       {
9484         allFeaturesInView = false;
9485         break;
9486       }
9487     }
9489     if ( !allFeaturesInView )
9490     {
9491       // for extra safety to make sure we are not removing geometries by accident
9492       int res = QMessageBox::warning( mMapCanvas, tr( "Delete %n feature(s) from layer \"%1\"", nullptr, numberOfSelectedFeatures ).arg( vlayer->name() ),
9493                                       tr( "Some of the selected features are outside of the current map view. Would you still like to continue?" ),
9494                                       QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No );
9495       if ( res != QMessageBox::Yes )
9496         return;
9497     }
9498   }
9500   QgsVectorLayerUtils::QgsDuplicateFeatureContext infoContext;
9501   if ( QgsVectorLayerUtils::impactsCascadeFeatures( vlayer, vlayer->selectedFeatureIds(), QgsProject::instance(), infoContext, QgsVectorLayerUtils::IgnoreAuxiliaryLayers ) )
9502   {
9503     QString childrenInfo;
9504     int childrenCount = 0;
9505     const auto infoContextLayers = infoContext.layers();
9506     for ( QgsVectorLayer *chl : infoContextLayers )
9507     {
9508       childrenCount += infoContext.duplicatedFeatures( chl ).size();
9509       childrenInfo += ( tr( "%1 feature(s) on layer \"%2\", " ).arg( infoContext.duplicatedFeatures( chl ).size() ).arg( chl->name() ) );
9510     }
9512     // for extra safety to make sure we know that the delete can have impact on children and joins
9513     int res = QMessageBox::question( mMapCanvas, tr( "Delete at least %1 feature(s) on other layer(s)" ).arg( childrenCount ),
9514                                      tr( "Delete %1 feature(s) on layer \"%2\", %3 as well\nand all of its other descendants.\nDelete these features?" ).arg( numberOfSelectedFeatures ).arg( vlayer->name() ).arg( childrenInfo ),
9515                                      QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No );
9516     if ( res != QMessageBox::Yes )
9517       return;
9518   }
9520   vlayer->beginEditCommand( tr( "Features deleted" ) );
9521   int deletedCount = 0;
9522   QgsVectorLayer::DeleteContext context( true, QgsProject::instance() );
9523   if ( !vlayer->deleteSelectedFeatures( &deletedCount, &context ) )
9524   {
9525     visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "Problem deleting features" ),
9526                                       tr( "A problem occurred during deletion from layer \"%1\". %n feature(s) not deleted.", nullptr, numberOfSelectedFeatures - deletedCount ).arg( vlayer->name() ),
9527                                       Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning );
9528   }
9529   else
9530   {
9531     const QList<QgsVectorLayer *> contextLayers = context.handledLayers( false );
9532     // if it affects more than one non-auxiliary layer, print feedback for all descendants
9533     if ( contextLayers.size() > 1 )
9534     {
9535       deletedCount = 0;
9536       QString feedbackMessage;
9537       for ( QgsVectorLayer *contextLayer : contextLayers )
9538       {
9539         feedbackMessage += tr( "%1 on layer %2. " ).arg( context.handledFeatures( contextLayer ).size() ).arg( contextLayer->name() );
9540         deletedCount += context.handledFeatures( contextLayer ).size();
9541       }
9542       visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "%1 features deleted: %2" ).arg( deletedCount ).arg( feedbackMessage ), Qgis::MessageLevel::Success );
9543     }
9545     showStatusMessage( tr( "%n feature(s) deleted.", "number of features deleted", deletedCount ) );
9546   }
9548   vlayer->endEditCommand();
9549 }
moveFeature()9551 void QgisApp::moveFeature()
9552 {
9553   mMapCanvas->setMapTool( mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::MoveFeature ) );
9554 }
moveFeatureCopy()9556 void QgisApp::moveFeatureCopy()
9557 {
9558   mMapCanvas->setMapTool( mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::MoveFeatureCopy ) );
9559 }
offsetCurve()9561 void QgisApp::offsetCurve()
9562 {
9563   mMapCanvas->setMapTool( mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::OffsetCurve ) );
9564 }
simplifyFeature()9566 void QgisApp::simplifyFeature()
9567 {
9568   mMapCanvas->setMapTool( mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::SimplifyFeature ) );
9569 }
deleteRing()9571 void QgisApp::deleteRing()
9572 {
9573   mMapCanvas->setMapTool( mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::DeleteRing ) );
9574 }
deletePart()9576 void QgisApp::deletePart()
9577 {
9578   mMapCanvas->setMapTool( mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::DeletePart ) );
9579 }
reverseLine()9581 void QgisApp::reverseLine()
9582 {
9583   mMapCanvas->setMapTool( mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::ReverseLine ) );
9584 }
unionGeometries(const QgsVectorLayer * vl,QgsFeatureList & featureList,bool & canceled)9586 QgsGeometry QgisApp::unionGeometries( const QgsVectorLayer *vl, QgsFeatureList &featureList, bool &canceled )
9587 {
9588   canceled = false;
9589   if ( !vl || featureList.size() < 2 )
9590   {
9591     return QgsGeometry();
9592   }
9594   if ( !featureList.at( 0 ).hasGeometry() )
9595     return QgsGeometry();
9597   QgsGeometry unionGeom = featureList.at( 0 ).geometry();
9599   QProgressDialog progress( tr( "Merging features…" ), tr( "Abort" ), 0, featureList.size(), this );
9600   progress.setWindowModality( Qt::WindowModal );
9602   QApplication::setOverrideCursor( Qt::WaitCursor );
9604   for ( int i = 1; i < featureList.size(); ++i )
9605   {
9606     if ( progress.wasCanceled() )
9607     {
9608       QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor();
9609       canceled = true;
9610       return QgsGeometry();
9611     }
9612     progress.setValue( i );
9613     QgsGeometry currentGeom = featureList.at( i ).geometry();
9614     if ( !currentGeom.isNull() )
9615     {
9616       unionGeom = unionGeom.combine( currentGeom );
9617       if ( unionGeom.isNull() )
9618       {
9619         QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor();
9620         return QgsGeometry();
9621       }
9622     }
9623   }
9625   //convert unionGeom to a multipart geometry in case it is necessary to match the layer type
9626   if ( QgsWkbTypes::isMultiType( vl->wkbType() ) && !unionGeom.isMultipart() )
9627   {
9628     unionGeom.convertToMultiType();
9629   }
9631   QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor();
9632   progress.setValue( featureList.size() );
9633   return unionGeom;
9634 }
uniqueLayoutTitle(QWidget * parent,QString & title,bool acceptEmpty,QgsMasterLayoutInterface::Type type,const QString & currentTitle)9636 bool QgisApp::uniqueLayoutTitle( QWidget *parent, QString &title, bool acceptEmpty, QgsMasterLayoutInterface::Type type, const QString &currentTitle )
9637 {
9638   if ( !parent )
9639   {
9640     parent = this;
9641   }
9642   bool titleValid = false;
9643   QString newTitle = QString( currentTitle );
9645   QString typeString;
9646   QString helpPage;
9647   switch ( type )
9648   {
9649     case QgsMasterLayoutInterface::PrintLayout:
9650       typeString = tr( "print layout" );
9651       helpPage = QStringLiteral( "print_composer/index.html" );
9652       break;
9653     case QgsMasterLayoutInterface::Report:
9654       typeString = tr( "report" );
9655       helpPage = QStringLiteral( "print_composer/create_reports.html" );
9656       break;
9657   }
9659   QString chooseMsg = tr( "Enter a unique %1 title" ).arg( typeString );
9660   if ( acceptEmpty )
9661   {
9662     chooseMsg += '\n' + tr( "(a title will be automatically generated if left empty)" );
9663   }
9664   QString titleMsg = chooseMsg;
9666   QStringList layoutNames;
9667   const QList< QgsMasterLayoutInterface * > layouts = QgsProject::instance()->layoutManager()->layouts();
9668   layoutNames.reserve( layouts.size() + 1 );
9669   for ( QgsMasterLayoutInterface *l : layouts )
9670   {
9671     layoutNames << l->name();
9672   }
9674   const QString windowTitle = tr( "Create %1" ).arg( QgsGui::higFlags() & QgsGui::HigDialogTitleIsTitleCase ? QgsStringUtils::capitalize( typeString, QgsStringUtils::TitleCase )
9675                               : typeString );
9677   while ( !titleValid )
9678   {
9680     QgsNewNameDialog dlg( typeString, newTitle, QStringList(), layoutNames, Qt::CaseSensitive, parent );
9681     dlg.setWindowTitle( windowTitle );
9682     dlg.setHintString( titleMsg );
9683     dlg.setOverwriteEnabled( false );
9684     dlg.setAllowEmptyName( true );
9685     dlg.setConflictingNameWarning( tr( "Title already exists!" ) );
9687     dlg.buttonBox()->addButton( QDialogButtonBox::Help );
9688     connect( dlg.buttonBox(), &QDialogButtonBox::helpRequested, this, [ = ]
9689     {
9690       QgsHelp::openHelp( helpPage );
9691     } );
9693     if ( dlg.exec() != QDialog::Accepted )
9694     {
9695       return false;
9696     }
9698     newTitle = dlg.name();
9699     if ( newTitle.isEmpty() )
9700     {
9701       if ( !acceptEmpty )
9702       {
9703         titleMsg = chooseMsg + "\n\n" + tr( "Title can not be empty!" );
9704       }
9705       else
9706       {
9707         titleValid = true;
9708         newTitle = QgsProject::instance()->layoutManager()->generateUniqueTitle( type );
9709       }
9710     }
9711     else if ( layoutNames.indexOf( newTitle, 1 ) >= 0 )
9712     {
9713       layoutNames[0] = QString(); // clear non-unique name
9714       titleMsg = chooseMsg + "\n\n" + tr( "Title already exists!" );
9715     }
9716     else
9717     {
9718       titleValid = true;
9719     }
9720   }
9722   title = newTitle;
9724   return true;
9725 }
createNewPrintLayout(const QString & t)9727 QgsLayoutDesignerDialog *QgisApp::createNewPrintLayout( const QString &t )
9728 {
9729   QString title = t;
9730   if ( title.isEmpty() )
9731   {
9732     title = QgsProject::instance()->layoutManager()->generateUniqueTitle( QgsMasterLayoutInterface::PrintLayout );
9733   }
9734   //create new layout object
9735   QgsPrintLayout *layout = new QgsPrintLayout( QgsProject::instance() );
9736   layout->setName( title );
9737   layout->initializeDefaults();
9738   if ( QgsProject::instance()->layoutManager()->addLayout( layout ) )
9739     return openLayoutDesignerDialog( layout );
9740   else
9741     return nullptr;
9742 }
createNewReport(QString title)9744 QgsLayoutDesignerDialog *QgisApp::createNewReport( QString title )
9745 {
9746   if ( title.isEmpty() )
9747   {
9748     title = QgsProject::instance()->layoutManager()->generateUniqueTitle( QgsMasterLayoutInterface::Report );
9749   }
9750   //create new report
9751   std::unique_ptr< QgsReport > report = std::make_unique< QgsReport >( QgsProject::instance() );
9752   report->setName( title );
9753   QgsMasterLayoutInterface *layout = report.get();
9754   QgsProject::instance()->layoutManager()->addLayout( report.release() );
9755   return openLayoutDesignerDialog( layout );
9756 }
openLayoutDesignerDialog(QgsMasterLayoutInterface * layout)9758 QgsLayoutDesignerDialog *QgisApp::openLayoutDesignerDialog( QgsMasterLayoutInterface *layout )
9759 {
9760   // maybe a designer already open for this layout
9761   const auto constMLayoutDesignerDialogs = mLayoutDesignerDialogs;
9762   for ( QgsLayoutDesignerDialog *designer : constMLayoutDesignerDialogs )
9763   {
9764     if ( designer->masterLayout() == layout )
9765     {
9766       designer->show();
9767       designer->activate();
9768       designer->raise();
9769       return designer;
9770     }
9771   }
9773   //nope, so make a new one
9774   //important - no parent set, otherwise Windows 10 sets the dialog as always on top of the QGIS window!!
9775   QgsLayoutDesignerDialog *newDesigner = new QgsLayoutDesignerDialog( nullptr );
9776   newDesigner->setMasterLayout( layout );
9777   connect( newDesigner, &QgsLayoutDesignerDialog::aboutToClose, this, [this, newDesigner]
9778   {
9779     emit layoutDesignerWillBeClosed( newDesigner->iface() );
9780     mLayoutDesignerDialogs.remove( newDesigner );
9781     emit layoutDesignerClosed();
9782   } );
9784   //add it to the map of existing print designers
9785   mLayoutDesignerDialogs.insert( newDesigner );
9787   newDesigner->open();
9788   emit layoutDesignerOpened( newDesigner->iface() );
9790   return newDesigner;
9791 }
duplicateLayout(QgsMasterLayoutInterface * layout,const QString & t)9793 QgsLayoutDesignerDialog *QgisApp::duplicateLayout( QgsMasterLayoutInterface *layout, const QString &t )
9794 {
9795   QString title = t;
9796   if ( title.isEmpty() )
9797   {
9798     // TODO: inject a bit of randomness in auto-titles?
9799     title = tr( "%1 copy" ).arg( layout->name() );
9800   }
9802   QgsMasterLayoutInterface *newLayout = QgsProject::instance()->layoutManager()->duplicateLayout( layout, title );
9803   QgsLayoutDesignerDialog *dlg = openLayoutDesignerDialog( newLayout );
9804   dlg->activate();
9805   return dlg;
9806 }
deleteLayoutDesigners()9808 void QgisApp::deleteLayoutDesigners()
9809 {
9810   // need a copy, since mLayoutDesignerDialogs will be modified as we iterate
9811   const QSet<QgsLayoutDesignerDialog *> dialogs = mLayoutDesignerDialogs;
9812   for ( QgsLayoutDesignerDialog *dlg : dialogs )
9813   {
9814     dlg->close(); // will trigger delete
9815   }
9816 }
setupLayoutManagerConnections()9818 void QgisApp::setupLayoutManagerConnections()
9819 {
9820   QgsLayoutManager *manager = QgsProject::instance()->layoutManager();
9821   connect( manager, &QgsLayoutManager::layoutAdded, this, [ = ]( const QString & name )
9822   {
9823     QgsMasterLayoutInterface *l = QgsProject::instance()->layoutManager()->layoutByName( name );
9824     if ( !l )
9825       return;
9826     QgsPrintLayout *pl = dynamic_cast< QgsPrintLayout *>( l );
9827     if ( !pl )
9828       return;
9830     mAtlasFeatureActions.insert( pl, nullptr );
9831     connect( pl, &QgsPrintLayout::nameChanged, this, [this, pl]( const QString & name )
9832     {
9833       QgsMapLayerAction *action = mAtlasFeatureActions.value( pl );
9834       if ( action )
9835       {
9836         action->setText( tr( "Set as atlas feature for %1" ).arg( name ) );
9837       }
9838     } );
9840     connect( pl->atlas(), &QgsLayoutAtlas::coverageLayerChanged, this, [this, pl]( QgsVectorLayer * coverageLayer )
9841     {
9842       setupAtlasMapLayerAction( pl, static_cast< bool >( coverageLayer ) );
9843     } );
9845     connect( pl->atlas(), &QgsLayoutAtlas::toggled, this, [this, pl]( bool enabled )
9846     {
9847       setupAtlasMapLayerAction( pl, enabled );
9848     } );
9850     setupAtlasMapLayerAction( pl, pl->atlas()->enabled() && pl->atlas()->coverageLayer() );
9851   } );
9853   connect( manager, &QgsLayoutManager::layoutAboutToBeRemoved, this, [ = ]( const QString & name )
9854   {
9855     QgsMasterLayoutInterface *l = QgsProject::instance()->layoutManager()->layoutByName( name );
9856     if ( l )
9857     {
9858       QgsPrintLayout *pl = dynamic_cast< QgsPrintLayout * >( l );
9859       if ( pl )
9860       {
9861         QgsMapLayerAction *action = mAtlasFeatureActions.value( pl );
9862         if ( action )
9863         {
9864           QgsGui::mapLayerActionRegistry()->removeMapLayerAction( action );
9865           delete action;
9866           mAtlasFeatureActions.remove( pl );
9867         }
9868       }
9869     }
9870   } );
9871 }
setupDuplicateFeaturesAction()9873 void QgisApp::setupDuplicateFeaturesAction()
9874 {
9875   mDuplicateFeatureAction.reset( new QgsMapLayerAction( tr( "Duplicate Feature" ),
9876                                  nullptr, QgsMapLayerAction::SingleFeature,
9877                                  QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionDuplicateFeature.svg" ) ), QgsMapLayerAction::EnabledOnlyWhenEditable ) );
9879   QgsGui::mapLayerActionRegistry()->addMapLayerAction( mDuplicateFeatureAction.get() );
9880   connect( mDuplicateFeatureAction.get(), &QgsMapLayerAction::triggeredForFeature, this, [this]( QgsMapLayer * layer, const QgsFeature & feat )
9881   {
9882     duplicateFeatures( layer, feat );
9883   }
9884          );
9886   mDuplicateFeatureDigitizeAction.reset( new QgsMapLayerAction( tr( "Duplicate Feature and Digitize" ),
9887                                          nullptr, QgsMapLayerAction::SingleFeature,
9888                                          QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionDuplicateFeatureDigitized.svg" ) ), QgsMapLayerAction::EnabledOnlyWhenEditable ) );
9890   QgsGui::mapLayerActionRegistry()->addMapLayerAction( mDuplicateFeatureDigitizeAction.get() );
9891   connect( mDuplicateFeatureDigitizeAction.get(), &QgsMapLayerAction::triggeredForFeature, this, [this]( QgsMapLayer * layer, const QgsFeature & feat )
9892   {
9893     duplicateFeatureDigitized( layer, feat );
9894   }
9895          );
9896 }
setupAtlasMapLayerAction(QgsPrintLayout * layout,bool enableAction)9898 void QgisApp::setupAtlasMapLayerAction( QgsPrintLayout *layout, bool enableAction )
9899 {
9900   QgsMapLayerAction *action = mAtlasFeatureActions.value( layout );
9901   if ( action )
9902   {
9903     QgsGui::mapLayerActionRegistry()->removeMapLayerAction( action );
9904     delete action;
9905     action = nullptr;
9906     mAtlasFeatureActions.remove( layout );
9907   }
9909   if ( enableAction )
9910   {
9911     action = new QgsMapLayerAction( tr( "Set as Atlas Feature for %1" ).arg( layout->name() ),
9912                                     this, layout->atlas()->coverageLayer(), QgsMapLayerAction::SingleFeature,
9913                                     QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mIconAtlas.svg" ) ) );
9914     mAtlasFeatureActions.insert( layout, action );
9915     QgsGui::mapLayerActionRegistry()->addMapLayerAction( action );
9916     connect( action, &QgsMapLayerAction::triggeredForFeature, this, [this, layout]( QgsMapLayer * layer, const QgsFeature & feat )
9917     {
9918       Q_UNUSED( layer )
9919       setLayoutAtlasFeature( layout, feat );
9920     }
9921            );
9922   }
9923 }
setLayoutAtlasFeature(QgsPrintLayout * layout,const QgsFeature & feat)9925 void QgisApp::setLayoutAtlasFeature( QgsPrintLayout *layout, const QgsFeature &feat )
9926 {
9927   QgsLayoutDesignerDialog *designer = openLayoutDesignerDialog( layout );
9928   designer->setAtlasFeature( feat );
9929 }
layoutsMenuAboutToShow()9931 void QgisApp::layoutsMenuAboutToShow()
9932 {
9933   populateLayoutsMenu( mLayoutsMenu );
9934 }
populateLayoutsMenu(QMenu * menu)9936 void QgisApp::populateLayoutsMenu( QMenu *menu )
9937 {
9938   menu->clear();
9939   QList<QAction *> acts;
9940   const QList< QgsMasterLayoutInterface * > layouts = QgsProject::instance()->layoutManager()->layouts();
9941   acts.reserve( layouts.size() );
9942   for ( QgsMasterLayoutInterface *layout : layouts )
9943   {
9944     QAction *a = new QAction( layout->name(), menu );
9945     connect( a, &QAction::triggered, this, [this, layout]
9946     {
9947       openLayoutDesignerDialog( layout );
9948     } );
9949     acts << a;
9950   }
9951   if ( acts.size() > 1 )
9952   {
9953     // sort actions by text
9954     std::sort( acts.begin(), acts.end(), cmpByText_ );
9955   }
9956   menu->addActions( acts );
9957 }
showPinnedLabels(bool show)9959 void QgisApp::showPinnedLabels( bool show )
9960 {
9961   mMapTools->mapTool< QgsMapToolPinLabels >( QgsAppMapTools::PinLabels )->showPinnedLabels( show );
9962 }
pinLabels()9964 void QgisApp::pinLabels()
9965 {
9966   mActionShowPinnedLabels->setChecked( true );
9967   mMapCanvas->setMapTool( mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::PinLabels ) );
9968 }
showHideLabels()9970 void QgisApp::showHideLabels()
9971 {
9972   mMapCanvas->setMapTool( mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::ShowHideLabels ) );
9973 }
moveLabel()9975 void QgisApp::moveLabel()
9976 {
9977   mMapCanvas->setMapTool( mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::MoveLabel ) );
9978 }
rotateFeature()9980 void QgisApp::rotateFeature()
9981 {
9982   mMapCanvas->setMapTool( mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::RotateFeature ) );
9983 }
scaleFeature()9985 void QgisApp::scaleFeature()
9986 {
9987   mMapCanvas->setMapTool( mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::ScaleFeature ) );
9988 }
rotateLabel()9990 void QgisApp::rotateLabel()
9991 {
9992   mMapCanvas->setMapTool( mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::RotateLabel ) );
9993 }
changeLabelProperties()9995 void QgisApp::changeLabelProperties()
9996 {
9997   mMapCanvas->setMapTool( mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::ChangeLabelProperties ) );
9998 }
annotationItems()10000 QList<QgsMapCanvasAnnotationItem *> QgisApp::annotationItems()
10001 {
10002   QList<QgsMapCanvasAnnotationItem *> itemList;
10004   if ( !mMapCanvas )
10005   {
10006     return itemList;
10007   }
10009   if ( mMapCanvas )
10010   {
10011     QList<QGraphicsItem *> graphicsItems = mMapCanvas->items();
10012     QList<QGraphicsItem *>::iterator gIt = graphicsItems.begin();
10013     for ( ; gIt != graphicsItems.end(); ++gIt )
10014     {
10015       QgsMapCanvasAnnotationItem *currentItem = dynamic_cast<QgsMapCanvasAnnotationItem *>( *gIt );
10016       if ( currentItem )
10017       {
10018         itemList.push_back( currentItem );
10019       }
10020     }
10021   }
10022   return itemList;
10023 }
mapCanvases()10025 QList<QgsMapCanvas *> QgisApp::mapCanvases()
10026 {
10027   // filter out browser canvases -- they are children of app, but a different
10028   // kind of beast, and here we only want the main canvas or dock canvases
10029   auto canvases = findChildren< QgsMapCanvas * >();
10030   canvases.erase( std::remove_if( canvases.begin(), canvases.end(),
10031                                   []( QgsMapCanvas * canvas )
10032   {
10033     return !canvas || canvas->property( "browser_canvas" ).toBool();
10034   } ), canvases.end() );
10035   return canvases;
10036 }
removeAnnotationItems()10038 void QgisApp::removeAnnotationItems()
10039 {
10040   if ( !mMapCanvas )
10041   {
10042     return;
10043   }
10044   QGraphicsScene *scene = mMapCanvas->scene();
10045   if ( !scene )
10046   {
10047     return;
10048   }
10049   QList<QgsMapCanvasAnnotationItem *> itemList = annotationItems();
10050   const auto constItemList = itemList;
10051   for ( QgsMapCanvasAnnotationItem *item : constItemList )
10052   {
10053     if ( item )
10054     {
10055       scene->removeItem( item );
10056       delete item;
10057     }
10058   }
10059 }
mergeAttributesOfSelectedFeatures()10061 void QgisApp::mergeAttributesOfSelectedFeatures()
10062 {
10063   //get active layer (hopefully vector)
10064   QgsMapLayer *activeMapLayer = activeLayer();
10065   if ( !activeMapLayer )
10066   {
10067     visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "No active layer" ),
10068                                       tr( "No active layer found. Please select a layer in the layer list" ),
10069                                       Qgis::MessageLevel::Info );
10070     return;
10071   }
10073   QgsVectorLayer *vl = qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( activeMapLayer );
10074   if ( !vl )
10075   {
10076     visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage(
10077       tr( "Layer not editable" ),
10078       tr( "The merge features tool only works on vector layers." ),
10079       Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning );
10080     return;
10081   }
10083   if ( !vl->isEditable() )
10084   {
10085     visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage(
10086       tr( "Layer not editable" ),
10087       tr( "Merging features can only be done for layers in editing mode." ),
10088       Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning );
10090     return;
10091   }
10093   //get selected feature ids (as a QSet<int> )
10094   const QgsFeatureIds &featureIdSet = vl->selectedFeatureIds();
10095   if ( featureIdSet.size() < 2 )
10096   {
10097     visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage(
10098       tr( "Not enough features selected" ),
10099       tr( "The merge tool requires at least two selected features." ),
10100       Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning );
10101     return;
10102   }
10104   //get initial selection (may be altered by attribute merge dialog later)
10105   QgsFeatureList featureList = vl->selectedFeatures();
10107   //merge the attributes together
10108   QgsMergeAttributesDialog d( featureList, vl, mapCanvas() );
10109   //initialize dialog with all columns set to skip
10110   d.setAllToSkip();
10111   if ( d.exec() == QDialog::Rejected )
10112   {
10113     return;
10114   }
10116   vl->beginEditCommand( tr( "Merged feature attributes" ) );
10118   QgsAttributes merged = d.mergedAttributes();
10119   QSet<int> toSkip = d.skippedAttributeIndexes();
10121   bool firstFeature = true;
10122   const auto constSelectedFeatureIds = vl->selectedFeatureIds();
10123   for ( QgsFeatureId fid : constSelectedFeatureIds )
10124   {
10125     for ( int i = 0; i < merged.count(); ++i )
10126     {
10127       if ( toSkip.contains( i ) )
10128         continue;
10130       QVariant val = merged.at( i );
10131       QgsField fld( vl->fields().at( i ) );
10132       bool isDefaultValue = vl->fields().fieldOrigin( i ) == QgsFields::OriginProvider &&
10133                             vl->dataProvider() &&
10134                             vl->dataProvider()->defaultValueClause( vl->fields().fieldOriginIndex( i ) ) == val;
10136       // convert to destination data type
10137       QString errorMessage;
10138       if ( !isDefaultValue && !fld.convertCompatible( val, &errorMessage ) )
10139       {
10140         if ( firstFeature )
10141         {
10142           //only warn on first feature
10143           visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage(
10144             tr( "Invalid result" ),
10145             tr( "Could not store value '%1' in field of type %2: %3" ).arg( merged.at( i ).toString(), fld.typeName(), errorMessage ),
10146             Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning );
10147         }
10148       }
10149       else
10150       {
10151         vl->changeAttributeValue( fid, i, val );
10152       }
10153     }
10154     firstFeature = false;
10155   }
10157   vl->endEditCommand();
10159   vl->triggerRepaint();
10160 }
modifyAttributesOfSelectedFeatures()10162 void QgisApp::modifyAttributesOfSelectedFeatures()
10163 {
10164   QgsMapLayer *activeMapLayer = activeLayer();
10165   if ( !activeMapLayer )
10166   {
10167     visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage(
10168       tr( "No active layer" ),
10169       tr( "Please select a layer in the layer list" ),
10170       Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning );
10171     return;
10172   }
10174   QgsVectorLayer *vl = qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( activeMapLayer );
10175   if ( !vl )
10176   {
10177     visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage(
10178       tr( "Invalid layer" ),
10179       tr( "The merge features tool only works on vector layers." ),
10180       Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning );
10181     return;
10182   }
10183   if ( !vl->isEditable() )
10184   {
10185     visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage(
10186       tr( "Layer not editable" ),
10187       tr( "Modifying features can only be done for layers in editing mode." ),
10188       Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning );
10190     return;
10191   }
10193   QgsAttributeEditorContext context( createAttributeEditorContext() );
10194   context.setAllowCustomUi( false );
10195   context.setVectorLayerTools( mVectorLayerTools );
10196   context.setCadDockWidget( mAdvancedDigitizingDockWidget );
10197   context.setMapCanvas( mMapCanvas );
10199   QgsAttributeDialog *dialog = nullptr;
10200   if ( vl->selectedFeatureCount() == 1 )
10201   {
10202     context.setAttributeFormMode( QgsAttributeEditorContext::Mode::SingleEditMode );
10203     QgsFeature f = vl->selectedFeatures().at( 0 );
10204     dialog = new QgsAttributeDialog( vl, &f, false, this, true, context );
10205     dialog->setMode( QgsAttributeEditorContext::SingleEditMode );
10206   }
10207   else
10208   {
10209     context.setAttributeFormMode( QgsAttributeEditorContext::Mode::MultiEditMode );
10211     //dummy feature
10212     QgsFeature f( vl->fields() );
10213     dialog = new QgsAttributeDialog( vl, &f, false, this, true, context );
10214     dialog->setMode( QgsAttributeEditorContext::MultiEditMode );
10215   }
10216   dialog->setAttribute( Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose );
10217   dialog->show();
10218 }
mergeSelectedFeatures()10220 void QgisApp::mergeSelectedFeatures()
10221 {
10222   //get active layer (hopefully vector)
10223   QgsMapLayer *activeMapLayer = activeLayer();
10224   if ( !activeMapLayer )
10225   {
10226     visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage(
10227       tr( "No active layer" ),
10228       tr( "Please select a layer in the layer list" ),
10229       Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning );
10230     return;
10231   }
10232   QgsVectorLayer *vl = qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( activeMapLayer );
10233   if ( !vl )
10234   {
10235     visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage(
10236       tr( "Invalid layer" ),
10237       tr( "The merge features tool only works on vector layers." ),
10238       Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning );
10239     return;
10240   }
10241   if ( !vl->isEditable() )
10242   {
10243     visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage(
10244       tr( "Layer not editable" ),
10245       tr( "Merging features can only be done for layers in editing mode." ),
10246       Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning );
10248     return;
10249   }
10251   //get selected feature ids (as a QSet<int> )
10252   const QgsFeatureIds &featureIdSet = vl->selectedFeatureIds();
10253   if ( featureIdSet.size() < 2 )
10254   {
10255     visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage(
10256       tr( "Not enough features selected" ),
10257       tr( "The merge tool requires at least two selected features" ),
10258       Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning );
10259     return;
10260   }
10262   //get initial selection (may be altered by attribute merge dialog later)
10263   QgsFeatureIds featureIds = vl->selectedFeatureIds();
10264   QgsFeatureList featureList = vl->selectedFeatures();
10265   bool canceled;
10266   QgsGeometry unionGeom = unionGeometries( vl, featureList, canceled );
10267   if ( unionGeom.isNull() )
10268   {
10269     if ( !canceled )
10270     {
10271       visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage(
10272         tr( "Merge failed" ),
10273         tr( "An error occurred during the merge operation." ),
10274         Qgis::MessageLevel::Critical );
10275     }
10276     return;
10277   }
10279   //merge the attributes together
10280   QgsMergeAttributesDialog d( featureList, vl, mapCanvas() );
10281   d.setWindowTitle( tr( "Merge Features" ) );
10282   if ( d.exec() == QDialog::Rejected )
10283   {
10284     return;
10285   }
10287   QgsFeatureIds featureIdsAfter = vl->selectedFeatureIds();
10289   if ( featureIdsAfter.size() < 2 )
10290   {
10291     visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage(
10292       tr( "Not enough features selected" ),
10293       tr( "The merge tool requires at least two selected features" ),
10294       Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning );
10295     return;
10296   }
10298   //if the user changed the feature selection in the merge dialog, we need to repeat the union and check the type
10299   if ( featureIds.size() != featureIdsAfter.size() )
10300   {
10301     bool canceled;
10302     QgsFeatureList featureListAfter = vl->selectedFeatures();
10303     unionGeom = unionGeometries( vl, featureListAfter, canceled );
10304     if ( unionGeom.isNull() )
10305     {
10306       if ( !canceled )
10307       {
10308         visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage(
10309           tr( "Merge failed" ),
10310           tr( "An error occurred during the merge operation." ),
10311           Qgis::MessageLevel::Critical );
10312       }
10313       return;
10314     }
10315   }
10317   QgsAttributes attrs = d.mergedAttributes();
10318   QgsAttributeMap newAttributes;
10319   QString errorMessage;
10320   for ( int i = 0; i < attrs.count(); ++i )
10321   {
10322     QVariant val = attrs.at( i );
10323     bool isDefaultValue = vl->fields().fieldOrigin( i ) == QgsFields::OriginProvider &&
10324                           vl->dataProvider() &&
10325                           vl->dataProvider()->defaultValueClause( vl->fields().fieldOriginIndex( i ) ) == val;
10327     // convert to destination data type
10328     if ( !isDefaultValue && !vl->fields().at( i ).convertCompatible( val, &errorMessage ) )
10329     {
10330       visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage(
10331         tr( "Invalid result" ),
10332         tr( "Could not store value '%1' in field of type %2: %3" ).arg( attrs.at( i ).toString(), vl->fields().at( i ).typeName(), errorMessage ),
10333         Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning );
10334     }
10335     newAttributes[ i ] = val;
10336   }
10338   vl->beginEditCommand( tr( "Merged features" ) );
10340   //create new feature
10341   QgsFeature newFeature = QgsVectorLayerUtils::createFeature( vl, unionGeom, newAttributes );
10343   QgsFeatureIds::const_iterator feature_it = featureIdsAfter.constBegin();
10344   for ( ; feature_it != featureIdsAfter.constEnd(); ++feature_it )
10345   {
10346     vl->deleteFeature( *feature_it );
10347   }
10349   vl->addFeature( newFeature );
10351   vl->endEditCommand();
10353   vl->triggerRepaint();
10354 }
vertexTool()10356 void QgisApp::vertexTool()
10357 {
10358   mMapCanvas->setMapTool( mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::VertexTool ) );
10359 }
vertexToolActiveLayer()10361 void QgisApp::vertexToolActiveLayer()
10362 {
10363   mMapCanvas->setMapTool( mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::VertexToolActiveLayer ) );
10364 }
rotatePointSymbols()10366 void QgisApp::rotatePointSymbols()
10367 {
10368   mMapCanvas->setMapTool( mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::RotatePointSymbolsTool ) );
10369 }
offsetPointSymbol()10371 void QgisApp::offsetPointSymbol()
10372 {
10373   mMapCanvas->setMapTool( mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::OffsetPointSymbolTool ) );
10374 }
snappingOptions()10376 void QgisApp::snappingOptions()
10377 {
10378   mSnappingDialogContainer->show();
10379 }
enableDigitizeWithCurve(bool enable)10381 void QgisApp::enableDigitizeWithCurve( bool enable )
10382 {
10383   if ( enable && mActionStreamDigitize->isChecked() )
10384   {
10385     mActionStreamDigitize->setChecked( false );
10386     enableStreamDigitizing( false );
10387   }
10389   if ( enable )
10390   {
10391     mDigitizeModeToolButton->setDefaultAction( mActionDigitizeWithCurve );
10392     QgsSettings().setValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/digitizeTechnique" ), 0 );
10393   }
10395   const QList< QgsMapToolCapture * > tools = captureTools();
10396   for ( QgsMapToolCapture *tool : tools )
10397   {
10398     if ( tool->supportsTechnique( QgsMapToolCapture::CircularString ) )
10399       tool->setCircularDigitizingEnabled( enable );
10400   }
10401   QgsSettings settings;
10402   settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/digitizeWithCurve" ), enable ? 1 : 0 );
10403 }
enableStreamDigitizing(bool enable)10405 void QgisApp::enableStreamDigitizing( bool enable )
10406 {
10407   if ( enable && mActionDigitizeWithCurve->isChecked() )
10408   {
10409     mActionDigitizeWithCurve->setChecked( false );
10410     enableDigitizeWithCurve( false );
10411   }
10413   if ( enable )
10414   {
10415     mDigitizeModeToolButton->setDefaultAction( mActionStreamDigitize );
10416     QgsSettings().setValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/digitizeTechnique" ), 1 );
10417   }
10419   const QList< QgsMapToolCapture * > tools = captureTools();
10420   for ( QgsMapToolCapture *tool : tools )
10421   {
10422     if ( tool->supportsTechnique( QgsMapToolCapture::Streaming ) )
10423       tool->setStreamDigitizingEnabled( enable );
10424   }
10425   QgsSettings settings;
10426   settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/digitizeWithStream" ), enable ? 1 : 0 );
10427 }
enableDigitizeTechniqueActions(bool enable,QAction * triggeredFromToolAction)10429 void QgisApp::enableDigitizeTechniqueActions( bool enable, QAction *triggeredFromToolAction )
10430 {
10431   if ( !mMapTools )
10432     return;
10434   QgsSettings settings;
10436   const QList< QgsMapToolCapture * > tools = captureTools();
10438   QSet< QgsMapToolCapture::CaptureTechnique > supportedTechniques;
10439   for ( QgsMapToolCapture *tool : tools )
10440   {
10441     if ( triggeredFromToolAction == tool->action() || ( !triggeredFromToolAction && mMapCanvas->mapTool() == tool ) )
10442     {
10443       for ( QgsMapToolCapture::CaptureTechnique technique : { QgsMapToolCapture::CircularString, QgsMapToolCapture::Streaming } )
10444       {
10445         if ( tool->supportsTechnique( technique ) )
10446           supportedTechniques.insert( technique );
10447       }
10448       break;
10449     }
10450   }
10452   mActionDigitizeWithCurve->setEnabled( enable && supportedTechniques.contains( QgsMapToolCapture::CircularString ) );
10453   const bool curveIsChecked = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "UI/digitizeWithCurve" ) ).toInt();
10454   mActionDigitizeWithCurve->setChecked( curveIsChecked && mActionDigitizeWithCurve->isEnabled() );
10456   mActionStreamDigitize->setEnabled( enable && supportedTechniques.contains( QgsMapToolCapture::Streaming ) );
10457   const bool streamIsChecked = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "UI/digitizeWithStream" ) ).toInt();
10458   mActionStreamDigitize->setChecked( streamIsChecked && mActionStreamDigitize->isEnabled() );
10460   for ( QgsMapToolCapture *tool : tools )
10461   {
10462     if ( tool->supportsTechnique( QgsMapToolCapture::CircularString ) )
10463       tool->setCircularDigitizingEnabled( mActionDigitizeWithCurve->isChecked() );
10464     if ( tool->supportsTechnique( QgsMapToolCapture::Streaming ) )
10465       tool->setStreamDigitizingEnabled( mActionStreamDigitize->isChecked() );
10466   }
10467 }
splitFeatures()10469 void QgisApp::splitFeatures()
10470 {
10471   mMapCanvas->setMapTool( mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::SplitFeatures ) );
10472 }
splitParts()10474 void QgisApp::splitParts()
10475 {
10476   mMapCanvas->setMapTool( mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::SplitParts ) );
10477 }
reshapeFeatures()10479 void QgisApp::reshapeFeatures()
10480 {
10481   mMapCanvas->setMapTool( mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::ReshapeFeatures ) );
10482 }
addFeature()10484 void QgisApp::addFeature()
10485 {
10486   mMapCanvas->setMapTool( mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::AddFeature ) );
10487 }
setMapTool(QgsMapTool * tool,bool clean)10489 void QgisApp::setMapTool( QgsMapTool *tool, bool clean )
10490 {
10491   mMapCanvas->setMapTool( tool, clean );
10492 }
selectFeatures()10494 void QgisApp::selectFeatures()
10495 {
10496   mMapCanvas->setMapTool( mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::SelectFeatures ) );
10497 }
selectByPolygon()10499 void QgisApp::selectByPolygon()
10500 {
10501   mMapCanvas->setMapTool( mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::SelectPolygon ) );
10502 }
selectByFreehand()10504 void QgisApp::selectByFreehand()
10505 {
10506   mMapCanvas->setMapTool( mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::SelectFreehand ) );
10507 }
selectByRadius()10509 void QgisApp::selectByRadius()
10510 {
10511   mMapCanvas->setMapTool( mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::SelectRadius ) );
10512 }
deselectAll()10514 void QgisApp::deselectAll()
10515 {
10516   // Turn off rendering to improve speed.
10517   QgsCanvasRefreshBlocker refreshBlocker;
10519   QMap<QString, QgsMapLayer *> layers = QgsProject::instance()->mapLayers();
10520   for ( QMap<QString, QgsMapLayer *>::iterator it = layers.begin(); it != layers.end(); ++it )
10521   {
10522     QgsVectorLayer *vl = qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( it.value() );
10523     if ( !vl )
10524       continue;
10526     vl->removeSelection();
10527   }
10528 }
deselectActiveLayer()10530 void QgisApp::deselectActiveLayer()
10531 {
10532   QgsVectorLayer *vlayer = qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( mMapCanvas->currentLayer() );
10534   if ( !vlayer )
10535   {
10536     visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage(
10537       tr( "No active vector layer" ),
10538       tr( "To deselect all features, choose a vector layer in the legend" ),
10539       Qgis::MessageLevel::Info );
10540     return;
10541   }
10543   vlayer->removeSelection();
10544 }
invertSelection()10546 void QgisApp::invertSelection()
10547 {
10548   QgsVectorLayer *vlayer = qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( mMapCanvas->currentLayer() );
10549   if ( !vlayer )
10550   {
10551     visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage(
10552       tr( "No active vector layer" ),
10553       tr( "To invert selection, choose a vector layer in the legend" ),
10554       Qgis::MessageLevel::Info );
10555     return;
10556   }
10558   vlayer->invertSelection();
10559 }
selectAll()10561 void QgisApp::selectAll()
10562 {
10563   QgsVectorLayer *vlayer = qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( mMapCanvas->currentLayer() );
10564   if ( !vlayer )
10565   {
10566     visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage(
10567       tr( "No active vector layer" ),
10568       tr( "To select all, choose a vector layer in the legend." ),
10569       Qgis::MessageLevel::Info );
10570     return;
10571   }
10573   vlayer->selectAll();
10574 }
selectByExpression()10576 void QgisApp::selectByExpression()
10577 {
10578   QgsVectorLayer *vlayer = qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( mMapCanvas->currentLayer() );
10579   if ( !vlayer )
10580   {
10581     visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage(
10582       tr( "No active vector layer" ),
10583       tr( "To select features, choose a vector layer in the legend." ),
10584       Qgis::MessageLevel::Info );
10585     return;
10586   }
10588   QgsExpressionSelectionDialog *dlg = new QgsExpressionSelectionDialog( vlayer, QString(), this );
10589   dlg->setMessageBar( messageBar() );
10590   dlg->setMapCanvas( mapCanvas() );
10591   dlg->setAttribute( Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose );
10592   dlg->show();
10593 }
selectByForm()10595 void QgisApp::selectByForm()
10596 {
10597   QgsVectorLayer *vlayer = qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( mMapCanvas->currentLayer() );
10598   if ( !vlayer )
10599   {
10600     visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage(
10601       tr( "No active vector layer" ),
10602       tr( "To select features, choose a vector layer in the legend." ),
10603       Qgis::MessageLevel::Info );
10604     return;
10605   }
10606   QgsDistanceArea myDa;
10608   myDa.setSourceCrs( vlayer->crs(), QgsProject::instance()->transformContext() );
10609   myDa.setEllipsoid( QgsProject::instance()->ellipsoid() );
10611   QgsAttributeEditorContext context;
10612   context.setDistanceArea( myDa );
10613   context.setVectorLayerTools( mVectorLayerTools );
10614   context.setCadDockWidget( mAdvancedDigitizingDockWidget );
10615   context.setMapCanvas( mMapCanvas );
10617   QgsSelectByFormDialog *dlg = new QgsSelectByFormDialog( vlayer, context, this );
10618   dlg->setMessageBar( messageBar() );
10619   dlg->setMapCanvas( mapCanvas() );
10620   dlg->setAttribute( Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose );
10621   dlg->show();
10622 }
addRing()10624 void QgisApp::addRing()
10625 {
10626   mMapCanvas->setMapTool( mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::AddRing ) );
10627 }
fillRing()10629 void QgisApp::fillRing()
10630 {
10631   mMapCanvas->setMapTool( mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::FillRing ) );
10632 }
addPart()10635 void QgisApp::addPart()
10636 {
10637   mMapCanvas->setMapTool( mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::AddPart ) );
10638 }
cutSelectionToClipboard(QgsMapLayer * layerContainingSelection)10641 void QgisApp::cutSelectionToClipboard( QgsMapLayer *layerContainingSelection )
10642 {
10643   // Test for feature support in this layer
10644   QgsVectorLayer *selectionVectorLayer = qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( layerContainingSelection ? layerContainingSelection : activeLayer() );
10645   if ( !selectionVectorLayer )
10646     return;
10648   if ( !selectionVectorLayer->isEditable() )
10649   {
10650     visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "Layer not editable" ),
10651                                       tr( "The current layer is not editable. Choose 'Start editing' in the digitizing toolbar." ),
10652                                       Qgis::MessageLevel::Info );
10653     return;
10654   }
10656   clipboard()->replaceWithCopyOf( selectionVectorLayer );
10658   selectionVectorLayer->beginEditCommand( tr( "Features cut" ) );
10659   selectionVectorLayer->deleteSelectedFeatures();
10660   selectionVectorLayer->endEditCommand();
10661 }
copySelectionToClipboard(QgsMapLayer * layerContainingSelection)10663 void QgisApp::copySelectionToClipboard( QgsMapLayer *layerContainingSelection )
10664 {
10665   QgsVectorLayer *selectionVectorLayer = qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( layerContainingSelection ? layerContainingSelection : activeLayer() );
10666   if ( !selectionVectorLayer )
10667     return;
10669   // Test for feature support in this layer
10670   clipboard()->replaceWithCopyOf( selectionVectorLayer );
10671 }
clipboardChanged()10673 void QgisApp::clipboardChanged()
10674 {
10675   activateDeactivateLayerRelatedActions( activeLayer() );
10676 }
pasteFromClipboard(QgsMapLayer * destinationLayer)10678 void QgisApp::pasteFromClipboard( QgsMapLayer *destinationLayer )
10679 {
10680   QgsVectorLayer *pasteVectorLayer = qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( destinationLayer ? destinationLayer : activeLayer() );
10681   if ( !pasteVectorLayer )
10682     return;
10684   if ( !pasteVectorLayer->isEditable() )
10685   {
10686     visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "Layer not editable" ),
10687                                       tr( "The current layer is not editable. Choose 'Start editing' in the digitizing toolbar." ),
10688                                       Qgis::MessageLevel::Info );
10689     return;
10690   }
10692   pasteVectorLayer->beginEditCommand( tr( "Features pasted" ) );
10693   QgsFeatureList features = clipboard()->transformedCopyOf( pasteVectorLayer->crs(), pasteVectorLayer->fields() );
10694   int nTotalFeatures = features.count();
10695   QgsExpressionContext context = pasteVectorLayer->createExpressionContext();
10697   QgsFeatureList compatibleFeatures( QgsVectorLayerUtils::makeFeaturesCompatible( features, pasteVectorLayer, QgsFeatureSink::RegeneratePrimaryKey ) );
10698   QgsVectorLayerUtils::QgsFeaturesDataList newFeaturesDataList;
10699   newFeaturesDataList.reserve( compatibleFeatures.size() );
10701   // Count collapsed geometries
10702   int invalidGeometriesCount = 0;
10704   for ( const auto &feature : std::as_const( compatibleFeatures ) )
10705   {
10707     QgsGeometry geom = feature.geometry();
10709     if ( !( geom.isEmpty() || geom.isNull( ) ) )
10710     {
10711       // avoid intersection if enabled in digitize settings
10712       QList<QgsVectorLayer *>  avoidIntersectionsLayers;
10713       switch ( QgsProject::instance()->avoidIntersectionsMode() )
10714       {
10715         case QgsProject::AvoidIntersectionsMode::AvoidIntersectionsCurrentLayer:
10716           avoidIntersectionsLayers.append( pasteVectorLayer );
10717           break;
10718         case QgsProject::AvoidIntersectionsMode::AvoidIntersectionsLayers:
10719           avoidIntersectionsLayers = QgsProject::instance()->avoidIntersectionsLayers();
10720           break;
10721         case QgsProject::AvoidIntersectionsMode::AllowIntersections:
10722           break;
10723       }
10724       if ( avoidIntersectionsLayers.size() > 0 )
10725       {
10726         geom.avoidIntersections( avoidIntersectionsLayers );
10727       }
10729       // count collapsed geometries
10730       if ( geom.isEmpty() || geom.isNull( ) )
10731         invalidGeometriesCount++;
10732     }
10734     QgsAttributeMap attrMap;
10735     for ( int i = 0; i < feature.attributes().count(); i++ )
10736     {
10737       attrMap[i] = feature.attribute( i );
10738     }
10739     newFeaturesDataList << QgsVectorLayerUtils::QgsFeatureData( geom, attrMap );
10740   }
10742   // now create new feature using pasted feature as a template. This automatically handles default
10743   // values and field constraints
10744   QgsFeatureList newFeatures {QgsVectorLayerUtils::createFeatures( pasteVectorLayer, newFeaturesDataList, &context )};
10746   // check constraints
10747   bool hasStrongConstraints = false;
10749   for ( const QgsField &field : pasteVectorLayer->fields() )
10750   {
10751     if ( ( field.constraints().constraints() & QgsFieldConstraints::ConstraintUnique && field.constraints().constraintStrength( QgsFieldConstraints::ConstraintUnique ) & QgsFieldConstraints::ConstraintStrengthHard )
10752          || ( field.constraints().constraints() & QgsFieldConstraints::ConstraintNotNull && field.constraints().constraintStrength( QgsFieldConstraints::ConstraintNotNull ) & QgsFieldConstraints::ConstraintStrengthHard )
10753          || ( field.constraints().constraints() & QgsFieldConstraints::ConstraintExpression && !field.constraints().constraintExpression().isEmpty() && field.constraints().constraintStrength( QgsFieldConstraints::ConstraintExpression ) & QgsFieldConstraints::ConstraintStrengthHard )
10754        )
10755     {
10756       hasStrongConstraints = true;
10757       break;
10758     }
10759   }
10761   if ( hasStrongConstraints )
10762   {
10763     QgsFeatureList validFeatures = newFeatures;
10764     QgsFeatureList invalidFeatures;
10765     QMutableListIterator<QgsFeature> it( validFeatures );
10766     while ( it.hasNext() )
10767     {
10768       QgsFeature &f = it.next();
10769       for ( int idx = 0; idx < pasteVectorLayer->fields().count(); ++idx )
10770       {
10771         QStringList errors;
10772         if ( !QgsVectorLayerUtils::validateAttribute( pasteVectorLayer, f, idx, errors, QgsFieldConstraints::ConstraintStrengthHard, QgsFieldConstraints::ConstraintOriginNotSet ) )
10773         {
10774           invalidFeatures << f;
10775           it.remove();
10776           break;
10777         }
10778       }
10779     }
10781     if ( !invalidFeatures.isEmpty() )
10782     {
10783       newFeatures.clear();
10785       QgsAttributeEditorContext context( createAttributeEditorContext() );
10786       context.setAllowCustomUi( false );
10787       context.setFormMode( QgsAttributeEditorContext::StandaloneDialog );
10789       QgsFixAttributeDialog *dialog = new QgsFixAttributeDialog( pasteVectorLayer, invalidFeatures, this, context );
10791       connect( dialog, &QgsFixAttributeDialog::finished, this, [ = ]( int feedback )
10792       {
10793         QgsFeatureList features = newFeatures;
10794         switch ( feedback )
10795         {
10796           case QgsFixAttributeDialog::PasteValid:
10797             //paste valid and fixed, vanish unfixed
10798             features << validFeatures << dialog->fixedFeatures();
10799             break;
10800           case QgsFixAttributeDialog::PasteAll:
10801             //paste all, even unfixed
10802             features << validFeatures << dialog->fixedFeatures() << dialog->unfixedFeatures();
10803             break;
10804         }
10805         pasteFeatures( pasteVectorLayer, invalidGeometriesCount, nTotalFeatures, features );
10806         dialog->deleteLater();
10807       } );
10808       dialog->show();
10809       return;
10810     }
10811   }
10813   pasteFeatures( pasteVectorLayer, invalidGeometriesCount, nTotalFeatures, newFeatures );
10814 }
pasteFeatures(QgsVectorLayer * pasteVectorLayer,int invalidGeometriesCount,int nTotalFeatures,QgsFeatureList & features)10816 void QgisApp::pasteFeatures( QgsVectorLayer *pasteVectorLayer, int invalidGeometriesCount, int nTotalFeatures, QgsFeatureList &features )
10817 {
10818   int nCopiedFeatures = features.count();
10819   if ( pasteVectorLayer->addFeatures( features ) )
10820   {
10821     QgsFeatureIds newIds;
10822     newIds.reserve( features.size() );
10823     for ( const QgsFeature &f : std::as_const( features ) )
10824     {
10825       newIds << f.id();
10826     }
10828     pasteVectorLayer->selectByIds( newIds );
10829   }
10830   else
10831   {
10832     nCopiedFeatures = 0;
10833   }
10834   pasteVectorLayer->endEditCommand();
10835   pasteVectorLayer->updateExtents();
10837   Qgis::MessageLevel level = ( nCopiedFeatures == 0 || invalidGeometriesCount > 0 ) ? Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning : Qgis::MessageLevel::Info;
10838   QString message;
10839   if ( nCopiedFeatures == 0 )
10840   {
10841     message = tr( "No features pasted." );
10842   }
10843   else if ( nCopiedFeatures == nTotalFeatures )
10844   {
10845     message = tr( "%1 features were pasted." ).arg( nCopiedFeatures );
10846   }
10847   else
10848   {
10849     message = tr( "%1 of %2 features could be pasted." ).arg( nCopiedFeatures ).arg( nTotalFeatures );
10850   }
10852   // warn the user if the pasted features have invalid geometries
10853   if ( invalidGeometriesCount > 0 )
10854     message +=  invalidGeometriesCount == 1 ? tr( " Geometry collapsed due to intersection avoidance." ) :
10855                 tr( "%1 geometries collapsed due to intersection avoidance." )
10856                 .arg( invalidGeometriesCount );
10858   visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "Paste features" ),
10859                                     message,
10860                                     level );
10862   pasteVectorLayer->triggerRepaint();
10863 }
pasteAsNewVector()10865 void QgisApp::pasteAsNewVector()
10866 {
10868   std::unique_ptr< QgsVectorLayer > layer = pasteToNewMemoryVector();
10869   if ( !layer )
10870     return;
10872   saveAsVectorFileGeneral( layer.get(), false );
10873 }
pasteAsNewMemoryVector(const QString & layerName)10875 QgsVectorLayer *QgisApp::pasteAsNewMemoryVector( const QString &layerName )
10876 {
10877   QString layerNameCopy = layerName;
10879   if ( layerNameCopy.isEmpty() )
10880   {
10881     bool ok;
10882     QString defaultName = tr( "Pasted" );
10883     layerNameCopy = QInputDialog::getText( this, tr( "Paste as Scratch Layer" ),
10884                                            tr( "Layer name" ), QLineEdit::Normal,
10885                                            defaultName, &ok );
10886     if ( !ok )
10887       return nullptr;
10889     if ( layerNameCopy.isEmpty() )
10890     {
10891       layerNameCopy = defaultName;
10892     }
10893   }
10895   std::unique_ptr< QgsVectorLayer > layer = pasteToNewMemoryVector();
10896   if ( !layer )
10897     return nullptr;
10899   layer->setName( layerNameCopy );
10901   QgsCanvasRefreshBlocker refreshBlocker;
10903   QgsVectorLayer *result = layer.get();
10904   QgsProject::instance()->addMapLayer( layer.release() );
10906   return result;
10907 }
pasteToNewMemoryVector()10909 std::unique_ptr<QgsVectorLayer> QgisApp::pasteToNewMemoryVector()
10910 {
10911   const QgsFields fields = clipboard()->fields();
10913   // Decide geometry type from features, switch to multi type if at least one multi is found
10914   QMap<QgsWkbTypes::Type, int> typeCounts;
10915   const QgsFeatureList features = clipboard()->copyOf( fields );
10916   for ( const QgsFeature &feature : features )
10917   {
10918     if ( !feature.hasGeometry() )
10919       continue;
10921     const QgsWkbTypes::Type type = feature.geometry().wkbType();
10923     if ( type == QgsWkbTypes::Unknown || type == QgsWkbTypes::NoGeometry )
10924       continue;
10926     if ( QgsWkbTypes::isSingleType( type ) )
10927     {
10928       if ( typeCounts.contains( QgsWkbTypes::multiType( type ) ) )
10929       {
10930         typeCounts[ QgsWkbTypes::multiType( type )] = typeCounts[ QgsWkbTypes::multiType( type )] + 1;
10931       }
10932       else
10933       {
10934         typeCounts[ type ] = typeCounts[ type ] + 1;
10935       }
10936     }
10937     else if ( QgsWkbTypes::isMultiType( type ) )
10938     {
10939       if ( typeCounts.contains( QgsWkbTypes::singleType( type ) ) )
10940       {
10941         // switch to multi type
10942         typeCounts[type] = typeCounts[ QgsWkbTypes::singleType( type )];
10943         typeCounts.remove( QgsWkbTypes::singleType( type ) );
10944       }
10945       typeCounts[type] = typeCounts[type] + 1;
10946     }
10947   }
10949   const QgsWkbTypes::Type wkbType = !typeCounts.isEmpty() ? typeCounts.keys().value( 0 ) : QgsWkbTypes::NoGeometry;
10951   if ( features.isEmpty() )
10952   {
10953     // should not happen
10954     visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "Paste features" ),
10955                                       tr( "No features in clipboard." ),
10956                                       Qgis::MessageLevel::Info );
10957     return nullptr;
10958   }
10959   else if ( typeCounts.size() > 1 )
10960   {
10961     QString typeName = wkbType != QgsWkbTypes::NoGeometry ? QgsWkbTypes::displayString( wkbType ) : QStringLiteral( "none" );
10962     visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "Paste features" ),
10963                                       tr( "Multiple geometry types found, features with geometry different from %1 will be created without geometry." ).arg( typeName ),
10964                                       Qgis::MessageLevel::Info );
10965   }
10967   std::unique_ptr< QgsVectorLayer > layer( QgsMemoryProviderUtils::createMemoryLayer( QStringLiteral( "pasted_features" ), QgsFields(), wkbType, clipboard()->crs() ) );
10969   if ( !layer->isValid() || !layer->dataProvider() )
10970   {
10971     visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "Paste features" ),
10972                                       tr( "Cannot create new layer." ),
10973                                       Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning );
10974     return nullptr;
10975   }
10977   layer->startEditing();
10978   for ( const QgsField &f : clipboard()->fields() )
10979   {
10980     QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "field %1 (%2)" ).arg( f.name(), QVariant::typeToName( f.type() ) ), 2 );
10981     if ( !layer->addAttribute( f ) )
10982     {
10983       visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "Paste features" ),
10984                                         tr( "Cannot create field %1 (%2,%3)" ).arg( f.name(), f.typeName(), QVariant::typeToName( f.type() ) ),
10985                                         Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning );
10986       return nullptr;
10987     }
10988   }
10990   // Convert to multi if necessary
10991   QgsFeatureList convertedFeatures;
10992   convertedFeatures.reserve( features.length() );
10993   for ( QgsFeature feature : features )
10994   {
10995     if ( !feature.hasGeometry() )
10996     {
10997       convertedFeatures.append( feature );
10998       continue;
10999     }
11001     const QgsWkbTypes::Type type = feature.geometry().wkbType();
11002     if ( type == QgsWkbTypes::Unknown || type == QgsWkbTypes::NoGeometry )
11003     {
11004       convertedFeatures.append( feature );
11005       continue;
11006     }
11008     if ( QgsWkbTypes::singleType( wkbType ) != QgsWkbTypes::singleType( type ) )
11009     {
11010       feature.clearGeometry();
11011     }
11013     if ( QgsWkbTypes::isMultiType( wkbType ) &&  QgsWkbTypes::isSingleType( type ) )
11014     {
11015       QgsGeometry g = feature.geometry();
11016       g.convertToMultiType();
11017       feature.setGeometry( g );
11018     }
11019     convertedFeatures.append( feature );
11020   }
11021   if ( ! layer->addFeatures( convertedFeatures ) || !layer->commitChanges() )
11022   {
11023     QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "Cannot add features or commit changes" ) );
11024     return nullptr;
11025   }
11027   QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "%1 features pasted to temporary scratch layer" ).arg( layer->featureCount() ), 2 );
11028   return layer;
11029 }
copyStyle(QgsMapLayer * sourceLayer,QgsMapLayer::StyleCategories categories)11031 void QgisApp::copyStyle( QgsMapLayer *sourceLayer, QgsMapLayer::StyleCategories categories )
11032 {
11033   QgsMapLayer *selectionLayer = sourceLayer ? sourceLayer : activeLayer();
11035   if ( selectionLayer )
11036   {
11037     QString errorMsg;
11038     QDomDocument doc( QStringLiteral( "qgis" ) );
11039     QgsReadWriteContext context;
11040     selectionLayer->exportNamedStyle( doc, errorMsg, context, categories );
11042     if ( !errorMsg.isEmpty() )
11043     {
11044       visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "Cannot copy style" ),
11045                                         errorMsg,
11046                                         Qgis::MessageLevel::Critical );
11047       return;
11048     }
11049     // Copies data in text form as well, so the XML can be pasted into a text editor
11050     clipboard()->setData( QStringLiteral( QGSCLIPBOARD_STYLE_MIME ), doc.toByteArray(), doc.toString() );
11052     // Enables the paste menu element
11053     mActionPasteStyle->setEnabled( true );
11054   }
11055 }
pasteStyle(QgsMapLayer * destinationLayer,QgsMapLayer::StyleCategories categories)11057 void QgisApp::pasteStyle( QgsMapLayer *destinationLayer, QgsMapLayer::StyleCategories categories )
11058 {
11059   QgsMapLayer *selectionLayer = destinationLayer ? destinationLayer : activeLayer();
11060   if ( selectionLayer )
11061   {
11062     if ( clipboard()->hasFormat( QStringLiteral( QGSCLIPBOARD_STYLE_MIME ) ) )
11063     {
11064       QDomDocument doc( QStringLiteral( "qgis" ) );
11065       QString errorMsg;
11066       int errorLine, errorColumn;
11067       if ( !doc.setContent( clipboard()->data( QStringLiteral( QGSCLIPBOARD_STYLE_MIME ) ), false, &errorMsg, &errorLine, &errorColumn ) )
11068       {
11070         visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "Cannot parse style" ),
11071                                           errorMsg,
11072                                           Qgis::MessageLevel::Critical );
11073         return;
11074       }
11076       bool isVectorStyle = doc.elementsByTagName( QStringLiteral( "pipe" ) ).isEmpty();
11077       if ( ( selectionLayer->type() == QgsMapLayerType::RasterLayer && isVectorStyle ) ||
11078            ( selectionLayer->type() == QgsMapLayerType::VectorLayer && !isVectorStyle ) )
11079       {
11080         return;
11081       }
11083       if ( !selectionLayer->importNamedStyle( doc, errorMsg, categories ) )
11084       {
11085         visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "Cannot paste style" ),
11086                                           errorMsg,
11087                                           Qgis::MessageLevel::Critical );
11088         return;
11089       }
11091       mLayerTreeView->refreshLayerSymbology( selectionLayer->id() );
11092       selectionLayer->triggerRepaint();
11093     }
11094   }
11095 }
copyLayer()11097 void QgisApp::copyLayer()
11098 {
11099   QString errorMessage;
11100   QgsReadWriteContext readWriteContext;
11101   QDomDocument doc( QStringLiteral( "qgis-layer-definition" ) );
11103   bool saved = QgsLayerDefinition::exportLayerDefinition( doc, mLayerTreeView->selectedNodes(), errorMessage, readWriteContext );
11105   if ( !saved )
11106   {
11107     visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "Error copying layer" ), errorMessage, Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning );
11108   }
11110   // Copies data in text form as well, so the XML can be pasted into a text editor
11111   clipboard()->setData( QStringLiteral( QGSCLIPBOARD_MAPLAYER_MIME ), doc.toByteArray(), doc.toString() );
11112   // Enables the paste menu element
11113   mActionPasteLayer->setEnabled( true );
11114 }
pasteLayer()11116 void QgisApp::pasteLayer()
11117 {
11118   if ( clipboard()->hasFormat( QStringLiteral( QGSCLIPBOARD_MAPLAYER_MIME ) ) )
11119   {
11120     QDomDocument doc;
11121     QString errorMessage;
11122     QgsReadWriteContext readWriteContext;
11123     doc.setContent( clipboard()->data( QStringLiteral( QGSCLIPBOARD_MAPLAYER_MIME ) ) );
11125     QgsLayerTreeNode *currentNode = mLayerTreeView->currentNode();
11126     QgsLayerTreeGroup *root = nullptr;
11127     if ( QgsLayerTree::isGroup( currentNode ) )
11128     {
11129       root = QgsLayerTree::toGroup( currentNode );
11130     }
11131     else
11132     {
11133       root = QgsProject::instance()->layerTreeRoot();
11134     }
11136     bool loaded = QgsLayerDefinition::loadLayerDefinition( doc, QgsProject::instance(), root,
11137                   errorMessage, readWriteContext );
11139     if ( !loaded || !errorMessage.isEmpty() )
11140     {
11141       visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "Error pasting layer" ), errorMessage, Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning );
11142     }
11143   }
11144 }
copyFeatures(QgsFeatureStore & featureStore)11146 void QgisApp::copyFeatures( QgsFeatureStore &featureStore )
11147 {
11148   clipboard()->replaceWithCopyOf( featureStore );
11149 }
refreshMapCanvas(bool redrawAllLayers)11151 void QgisApp::refreshMapCanvas( bool redrawAllLayers )
11152 {
11153   const auto canvases = mapCanvases();
11154   for ( QgsMapCanvas *canvas : canvases )
11155   {
11156     //stop any current rendering
11157     canvas->stopRendering();
11158     if ( redrawAllLayers )
11159       canvas->refreshAllLayers();
11160     else
11161       canvas->refresh();
11162   }
11163 }
canvasRefreshStarted()11165 void QgisApp::canvasRefreshStarted()
11166 {
11167   mLastRenderTime.restart();
11168   // if previous render took less than 0.5 seconds, delay the appearance of the
11169   // render in progress status bar by 0.5 seconds - this avoids the status bar
11170   // rapidly appearing and then disappearing for very fast renders
11171   if ( mLastRenderTimeSeconds > 0 && mLastRenderTimeSeconds < 0.5 )
11172   {
11173     mRenderProgressBarTimer.setSingleShot( true );
11174     mRenderProgressBarTimer.setInterval( 500 );
11175     disconnect( mRenderProgressBarTimerConnection );
11176     mRenderProgressBarTimerConnection = connect( &mRenderProgressBarTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, [ = ]()
11177     {
11178       showProgress( -1, 0 );
11179     }
11180                                                );
11181     mRenderProgressBarTimer.start();
11182   }
11183   else
11184   {
11185     showProgress( -1, 0 ); // trick to make progress bar show busy indicator
11186   }
11187 }
canvasRefreshFinished()11189 void QgisApp::canvasRefreshFinished()
11190 {
11191   mRenderProgressBarTimer.stop();
11192   mLastRenderTimeSeconds = mLastRenderTime.elapsed() / 1000.0;
11193   showProgress( 0, 0 ); // stop the busy indicator
11194 }
toggleMapTips(bool enabled)11196 void QgisApp::toggleMapTips( bool enabled )
11197 {
11198   mMapTipsVisible = enabled;
11199   // Store if maptips are active
11200   QgsSettings().setValue( QStringLiteral( "/qgis/enableMapTips" ), mMapTipsVisible );
11202   // if off, stop the timer
11203   if ( !mMapTipsVisible )
11204   {
11205     mpMapTipsTimer->stop();
11206     mpMaptip->clear( mMapCanvas );
11207   }
11209   if ( mActionMapTips->isChecked() != mMapTipsVisible )
11210     mActionMapTips->setChecked( mMapTipsVisible );
11211 }
toggleEditing()11213 void QgisApp::toggleEditing()
11214 {
11215   const QList<QgsMapLayer *> layerList = layerTreeView()->selectedLayers();
11216   if ( !layerList.isEmpty() )
11217   {
11218     // if there are selected layers, try to toggle those.
11219     // mActionToggleEditing has already been triggered at this point so its checked status has changed
11220     const bool shouldStartEditing = mActionToggleEditing->isChecked();
11221     for ( const auto layer : layerList )
11222     {
11223       if ( layer->supportsEditing() &&
11224            shouldStartEditing != layer->isEditable() )
11225       {
11226         toggleEditing( layer, true );
11227       }
11228     }
11229   }
11230   else
11231   {
11232     // if there are no selected layers, try to toggle the current layer
11233     QgsMapLayer *currentLayer =  activeLayer();
11234     if ( currentLayer && currentLayer->supportsEditing() )
11235     {
11236       toggleEditing( currentLayer, true );
11237     }
11238     else
11239     {
11240       // active although there's no layer active!?
11241       mActionToggleEditing->setChecked( false );
11242       mActionToggleEditing->setEnabled( false );
11243       visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "Start editing failed" ),
11244                                         tr( "Layer cannot be edited" ),
11245                                         Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning );
11246     }
11247   }
11248 }
toggleEditing(QgsMapLayer * layer,bool allowCancel)11250 bool QgisApp::toggleEditing( QgsMapLayer *layer, bool allowCancel )
11251 {
11252   switch ( layer->type() )
11253   {
11254     case QgsMapLayerType::VectorLayer:
11255       return toggleEditingVectorLayer( qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( layer ), allowCancel );
11256     case QgsMapLayerType::MeshLayer:
11257       return toggleEditingMeshLayer( qobject_cast<QgsMeshLayer *>( layer ), allowCancel );
11258     case QgsMapLayerType::RasterLayer:
11259     case QgsMapLayerType::PluginLayer:
11260     case QgsMapLayerType::VectorTileLayer:
11261     case QgsMapLayerType::AnnotationLayer:
11262     case QgsMapLayerType::PointCloudLayer:
11263       break;
11264   }
11265   return false;
11266 }
toggleEditingVectorLayer(QgsVectorLayer * vlayer,bool allowCancel)11268 bool QgisApp::toggleEditingVectorLayer( QgsVectorLayer *vlayer, bool allowCancel )
11269 {
11270   if ( !vlayer )
11271   {
11272     return false;
11273   }
11275   bool res = true;
11277   QString connString = QgsTransaction::connectionString( vlayer->source() );
11278   QString key = vlayer->providerType();
11280   QMap< QPair< QString, QString>, QgsTransactionGroup *> transactionGroups = QgsProject::instance()->transactionGroups();
11281   QMap< QPair< QString, QString>, QgsTransactionGroup *>::iterator tIt = transactionGroups .find( qMakePair( key, connString ) );
11282   QgsTransactionGroup *tg = ( tIt != transactionGroups.end() ? tIt.value() : nullptr );
11284   bool isModified = false;
11286   // Assume changes if: a) the layer reports modifications or b) its transaction group was modified
11287   QString modifiedLayerNames;
11288   bool hasSeveralModifiedLayers = false;
11289   if ( tg && tg->layers().contains( vlayer ) && tg->modified() )
11290   {
11291     isModified = true;
11292     std::vector<QString> vectModifiedLayerNames;
11293     if ( vlayer->isModified() )
11294     {
11295       vectModifiedLayerNames.push_back( vlayer->name() );
11296     }
11297     for ( QgsVectorLayer *iterLayer : tg->layers() )
11298     {
11299       if ( iterLayer != vlayer && iterLayer->isModified() )
11300       {
11301         vectModifiedLayerNames.push_back( iterLayer->name() );
11302       }
11303     }
11304     if ( vectModifiedLayerNames.size() == 1 )
11305     {
11306       modifiedLayerNames = vectModifiedLayerNames[0];
11307     }
11308     else if ( vectModifiedLayerNames.size() == 2 )
11309     {
11310       modifiedLayerNames = tr( "%1 and %2" ).arg( vectModifiedLayerNames[0] ).arg( vectModifiedLayerNames[1] );
11311     }
11312     else if ( vectModifiedLayerNames.size() > 2 )
11313     {
11314       modifiedLayerNames = tr( "%1, %2, …" ).arg( vectModifiedLayerNames[0] ).arg( vectModifiedLayerNames[1] );
11315     }
11316     hasSeveralModifiedLayers = vectModifiedLayerNames.size() > 1;
11317   }
11318   else if ( vlayer->isModified() )
11319   {
11320     isModified  = true;
11321     modifiedLayerNames = vlayer->name();
11322   }
11324   if ( !vlayer->isEditable() && !vlayer->readOnly() )
11325   {
11326     if ( !vlayer->supportsEditing() )
11327     {
11328       mActionToggleEditing->setChecked( false );
11329       mActionToggleEditing->setEnabled( false );
11330       visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "Start editing failed" ),
11331                                         tr( "Provider cannot be opened for editing" ),
11332                                         Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning );
11333       return false;
11334     }
11336     vlayer->startEditing();
11338     QString markerType = QgsSettingsRegistryCore::settingsDigitizingMarkerStyle.value();
11339     bool markSelectedOnly = QgsSettingsRegistryCore::settingsDigitizingMarkerOnlyForSelected.value();
11341     // redraw only if markers will be drawn
11342     if ( ( !markSelectedOnly || vlayer->selectedFeatureCount() > 0 ) &&
11343          ( markerType == QLatin1String( "Cross" ) || markerType == QLatin1String( "SemiTransparentCircle" ) ) )
11344     {
11345       vlayer->triggerRepaint();
11346     }
11347   }
11348   else if ( isModified )
11349   {
11350     QMessageBox::StandardButtons buttons = QMessageBox::Save | QMessageBox::Discard;
11351     if ( allowCancel )
11352       buttons |= QMessageBox::Cancel;
11354     switch ( QMessageBox::question( nullptr,
11355                                     tr( "Stop Editing" ),
11356                                     hasSeveralModifiedLayers ?
11357                                     tr( "Do you want to save the changes to layers %1?" ).arg( modifiedLayerNames ) :
11358                                     tr( "Do you want to save the changes to layer %1?" ).arg( modifiedLayerNames ),
11359                                     buttons ) )
11360     {
11361       case QMessageBox::Cancel:
11362         res = false;
11363         break;
11365       case QMessageBox::Save:
11366         QApplication::setOverrideCursor( Qt::WaitCursor );
11368         if ( !vlayer->commitChanges() )
11369         {
11370           commitError( vlayer );
11371           // Leave the in-memory editing state alone,
11372           // to give the user a chance to enter different values
11373           // and try the commit again later
11374           res = false;
11375         }
11377         vlayer->triggerRepaint();
11379         QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor();
11380         break;
11382       case QMessageBox::Discard:
11383       {
11384         QApplication::setOverrideCursor( Qt::WaitCursor );
11386         QgsCanvasRefreshBlocker refreshBlocker;
11387         if ( !vlayer->rollBack() )
11388         {
11389           visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "Error" ),
11390                                             tr( "Problems during roll back" ),
11391                                             Qgis::MessageLevel::Critical );
11392           res = false;
11393         }
11395         vlayer->triggerRepaint();
11397         QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor();
11398         break;
11399       }
11401       default:
11402         break;
11403     }
11404   }
11405   else //layer not modified
11406   {
11407     QgsCanvasRefreshBlocker refreshBlocker;
11408     vlayer->rollBack();
11409     res = true;
11410     vlayer->triggerRepaint();
11411   }
11413   if ( !res && vlayer == activeLayer() )
11414   {
11415     // while also called when layer sends editingStarted/editingStopped signals,
11416     // this ensures correct restoring of gui state if toggling was canceled
11417     // or layer commit/rollback functions failed
11418     activateDeactivateLayerRelatedActions( vlayer );
11419   }
11421   return res;
11422 }
toggleEditingMeshLayer(QgsMeshLayer * mlayer,bool allowCancel)11424 bool QgisApp::toggleEditingMeshLayer( QgsMeshLayer *mlayer, bool allowCancel )
11425 {
11426   if ( !mlayer )
11427     return false;
11429   if ( !mlayer->supportsEditing() )
11430     return false;
11432   bool res = false;
11434   QgsCoordinateTransform transform( mlayer->crs(), mMapCanvas->mapSettings().destinationCrs(), QgsProject::instance() );
11436   if ( !mlayer->isEditable() )
11437   {
11438     QMessageBox *messageBox = new QMessageBox( QMessageBox::NoIcon, tr( "Start Mesh Frame Edit" ),
11439         tr( "Starting editing the frame of this mesh layer will remove all dataset groups.\n"
11440             "Alternatively, you can create a new mesh layer from that one." ), QMessageBox::Cancel );
11442     messageBox->addButton( tr( "Edit Current Mesh" ), QMessageBox::NoRole );
11443     QPushButton *editCopyButton = messageBox->addButton( tr( "Edit a Copy" ), QMessageBox::NoRole );
11444     messageBox->setDefaultButton( QMessageBox::Cancel );
11446     messageBox->exec();
11448     if ( messageBox->clickedButton() == messageBox->button( QMessageBox::Cancel ) )
11449     {
11450       mActionToggleEditing->setChecked( false );
11451       return false;
11452     }
11453     else if ( messageBox->clickedButton() == editCopyButton )
11454     {
11455       QgsNewMeshLayerDialog *newMeshDialog = new QgsNewMeshLayerDialog( this );
11456       newMeshDialog->setSourceMeshLayer( mlayer, true );
11457       if ( newMeshDialog->exec() )
11458         mlayer = newMeshDialog->newLayer();
11459       else
11460       {
11461         mActionToggleEditing->setChecked( false );
11462         return false;
11463       }
11464     }
11466     res = mlayer->startFrameEditing( transform );
11467     mActionToggleEditing->setChecked( res );
11469     if ( !res )
11470     {
11471       visibleMessageBar()->pushWarning(
11472         tr( "Mesh editing" ),
11473         tr( "Unable to start mesh editing for layer \"%1\"" ).arg( mlayer->name() ) );
11474     }
11475   }
11476   else if ( mlayer->isModified() )
11477   {
11478     QMessageBox::StandardButtons buttons = QMessageBox::Save | QMessageBox::Discard;
11479     if ( allowCancel )
11480       buttons = buttons | QMessageBox::Cancel;
11481     switch ( QMessageBox::question( nullptr,
11482                                     tr( "Stop Editing" ),
11483                                     tr( "Do you want to save the changes to layer %1?" ).arg( mlayer->name() ),
11484                                     buttons ) )
11485     {
11486       case QMessageBox::Cancel:
11487         res = false;
11488         break;
11490       case QMessageBox::Save:
11491       {
11492         QgsTemporaryCursorOverride waitCursor( Qt::WaitCursor );
11493         QgsCanvasRefreshBlocker refreshBlocker;
11494         if ( !mlayer->commitFrameEditing( transform, false ) )
11495         {
11496           visibleMessageBar()->pushWarning(
11497             tr( "Mesh editing" ),
11498             tr( "Unable to save editing for layer \"%1\"" ).arg( mlayer->name() ) );
11499           res = false;
11500         }
11502         mlayer->triggerRepaint();
11503       }
11504       break;
11505       case QMessageBox::Discard:
11506       {
11507         QgsTemporaryCursorOverride waitCursor( Qt::WaitCursor );
11508         QgsCanvasRefreshBlocker refreshBlocker;
11509         if ( !mlayer->rollBackFrameEditing( transform, false ) )
11510         {
11511           visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "Error" ),
11512                                             tr( "Problems during roll back" ),
11513                                             Qgis::MessageLevel::Critical );
11514           res = false;
11515         }
11517         mlayer->triggerRepaint();
11518         break;
11519       }
11521       default:
11522         break;
11523     }
11524   }
11525   else //mesh layer not modified
11526   {
11527     QgsTemporaryCursorOverride waitCursor( Qt::WaitCursor );
11528     QgsCanvasRefreshBlocker refreshBlocker;
11529     mlayer->rollBackFrameEditing( transform, false );
11530     mlayer->triggerRepaint();
11531   }
11533   if ( !res && mlayer == activeLayer() )
11534   {
11535     // while also called when layer sends editingStarted/editingStopped signals,
11536     // this ensures correct restoring of gui state if toggling was canceled
11537     // or layer commit/rollback functions failed
11538     activateDeactivateLayerRelatedActions( mlayer );
11539   }
11541   return res;
11542 }
saveActiveLayerEdits()11544 void QgisApp::saveActiveLayerEdits()
11545 {
11546   saveEdits( activeLayer(), true, true );
11547 }
saveEdits(QgsMapLayer * layer,bool leaveEditable,bool triggerRepaint)11549 void QgisApp::saveEdits( QgsMapLayer *layer, bool leaveEditable, bool triggerRepaint )
11550 {
11551   if ( !layer )
11552     return;
11554   switch ( layer->type() )
11555   {
11556     case QgsMapLayerType::VectorLayer:
11557       return saveVectorLayerEdits( layer, leaveEditable, triggerRepaint );
11558     case QgsMapLayerType::MeshLayer:
11559       return saveMeshLayerEdits( layer, leaveEditable, triggerRepaint );
11560     case QgsMapLayerType::RasterLayer:
11561     case QgsMapLayerType::PluginLayer:
11562     case QgsMapLayerType::VectorTileLayer:
11563     case QgsMapLayerType::AnnotationLayer:
11564     case QgsMapLayerType::PointCloudLayer:
11565       break;
11566   }
11567 }
saveVectorLayerEdits(QgsMapLayer * layer,bool leaveEditable,bool triggerRepaint)11569 void QgisApp::saveVectorLayerEdits( QgsMapLayer *layer, bool leaveEditable, bool triggerRepaint )
11570 {
11571   QgsVectorLayer *vlayer = qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( layer );
11572   if ( !vlayer || !vlayer->isEditable() || !vlayer->isModified() )
11573     return;
11575   if ( vlayer == activeLayer() )
11576     mSaveRollbackInProgress = true;
11578   if ( !vlayer->commitChanges( !leaveEditable ) )
11579   {
11580     mSaveRollbackInProgress = false;
11581     commitError( vlayer );
11582   }
11584   if ( triggerRepaint )
11585   {
11586     vlayer->triggerRepaint();
11587   }
11588 }
saveMeshLayerEdits(QgsMapLayer * layer,bool leaveEditable,bool triggerRepaint)11590 void QgisApp::saveMeshLayerEdits( QgsMapLayer *layer, bool leaveEditable, bool triggerRepaint )
11591 {
11592   QgsMeshLayer *mlayer = qobject_cast<QgsMeshLayer *>( layer );
11593   if ( !mlayer || !mlayer->isEditable() || !mlayer->isModified() )
11594     return;
11596   if ( mlayer == activeLayer() )
11597     mSaveRollbackInProgress = true;
11599   QgsCanvasRefreshBlocker refreshBlocker;
11600   QgsCoordinateTransform transform( mlayer->crs(), mMapCanvas->mapSettings().destinationCrs(), QgsProject::instance() );
11602   if ( !mlayer->commitFrameEditing( transform, leaveEditable ) )
11603     visibleMessageBar()->pushWarning(
11604       tr( "Mesh editing" ),
11605       tr( "Unable to save editing for layer \"%1\"" ).arg( mlayer->name() ) );
11607   if ( triggerRepaint )
11608   {
11609     mlayer->triggerRepaint();
11610   }
11611 }
cancelEdits(QgsMapLayer * layer,bool leaveEditable,bool triggerRepaint)11613 void QgisApp::cancelEdits( QgsMapLayer *layer, bool leaveEditable, bool triggerRepaint )
11614 {
11615   if ( !layer )
11616     return;
11618   switch ( layer->type() )
11619   {
11620     case QgsMapLayerType::VectorLayer:
11621       return cancelVectorLayerEdits( layer, leaveEditable, triggerRepaint );
11622     case QgsMapLayerType::MeshLayer:
11623       return cancelMeshLayerEdits( layer, leaveEditable, triggerRepaint );
11624     case QgsMapLayerType::RasterLayer:
11625     case QgsMapLayerType::PluginLayer:
11626     case QgsMapLayerType::VectorTileLayer:
11627     case QgsMapLayerType::AnnotationLayer:
11628     case QgsMapLayerType::PointCloudLayer:
11629       break;
11630   }
11631 }
cancelVectorLayerEdits(QgsMapLayer * layer,bool leaveEditable,bool triggerRepaint)11633 void QgisApp::cancelVectorLayerEdits( QgsMapLayer *layer, bool leaveEditable, bool triggerRepaint )
11634 {
11635   QgsVectorLayer *vlayer = qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( layer );
11636   if ( !vlayer || !vlayer->isEditable() )
11637     return;
11639   if ( vlayer == activeLayer() && leaveEditable )
11640     mSaveRollbackInProgress = true;
11642   QgsCanvasRefreshBlocker refreshBlocker;
11643   if ( !vlayer->rollBack( !leaveEditable ) )
11644   {
11645     mSaveRollbackInProgress = false;
11646     QMessageBox::warning( nullptr,
11647                           tr( "Error" ),
11648                           tr( "Could not %1 changes to layer %2\n\nErrors: %3\n" )
11649                           .arg( leaveEditable ? tr( "rollback" ) : tr( "cancel" ),
11650                                 vlayer->name(),
11651                                 vlayer->commitErrors().join( QLatin1String( "\n  " ) ) ) );
11652   }
11654   if ( leaveEditable )
11655   {
11656     vlayer->startEditing();
11657   }
11658   if ( triggerRepaint )
11659   {
11660     vlayer->triggerRepaint();
11661   }
11662 }
cancelMeshLayerEdits(QgsMapLayer * layer,bool leaveEditable,bool triggerRepaint)11664 void QgisApp::cancelMeshLayerEdits( QgsMapLayer *layer, bool leaveEditable, bool triggerRepaint )
11665 {
11666   QgsMeshLayer *mlayer = qobject_cast<QgsMeshLayer *>( layer );
11667   if ( !mlayer || !mlayer->isEditable() )
11668     return;
11670   if ( mlayer == activeLayer() && leaveEditable )
11671     mSaveRollbackInProgress = true;
11673   QgsCanvasRefreshBlocker refreshBlocker;
11674   QgsCoordinateTransform transform( mlayer->crs(), mMapCanvas->mapSettings().destinationCrs(), QgsProject::instance() );
11675   if ( !mlayer->rollBackFrameEditing( transform, leaveEditable ) )
11676   {
11677     mSaveRollbackInProgress = false;
11678     QMessageBox::warning( nullptr,
11679                           tr( "Error" ),
11680                           tr( "Could not %1 changes to layer %2" )
11681                           .arg( leaveEditable ? tr( "rollback" ) : tr( "cancel" ),
11682                                 mlayer->name() ) );
11683   }
11685   if ( triggerRepaint )
11686   {
11687     mlayer->triggerRepaint();
11688   }
11689 }
enableMeshEditingTools(bool enable)11691 void QgisApp::enableMeshEditingTools( bool enable )
11692 {
11693   if ( !mMapTools )
11694     return;
11695   QgsMapToolEditMeshFrame *editMeshMapTool = qobject_cast<QgsMapToolEditMeshFrame *>( mMapTools->mapTool( QgsAppMapTools::EditMeshFrame ) );
11697   editMeshMapTool->setActionsEnable( enable );
11698 }
captureTools()11700 QList<QgsMapToolCapture *> QgisApp::captureTools()
11701 {
11702   QList< QgsMapToolCapture * > res = mMapTools->captureTools();
11703   // also check current tool, in case it's a custom tool
11704   if ( QgsMapToolCapture *currentTool = qobject_cast< QgsMapToolCapture * >( mMapCanvas->mapTool() ) )
11705   {
11706     if ( !res.contains( currentTool ) )
11707       res.append( currentTool );
11708   }
11709   return res;
11710 }
saveEdits()11712 void QgisApp::saveEdits()
11713 {
11714   const auto constSelectedLayers = mLayerTreeView->selectedLayers();
11715   for ( QgsMapLayer *layer : constSelectedLayers )
11716   {
11717     saveEdits( layer, true, false );
11718   }
11719   refreshMapCanvas();
11720   activateDeactivateLayerRelatedActions( activeLayer() );
11721 }
saveAllEdits(bool verifyAction)11723 void QgisApp::saveAllEdits( bool verifyAction )
11724 {
11725   if ( verifyAction )
11726   {
11727     if ( !verifyEditsActionDialog( tr( "Save" ), tr( "all" ) ) )
11728       return;
11729   }
11731   const auto layers = editableLayers( true, true );
11732   for ( QgsMapLayer *layer : layers )
11733   {
11734     saveEdits( layer, true, false );
11735   }
11736   refreshMapCanvas();
11737   activateDeactivateLayerRelatedActions( activeLayer() );
11738 }
rollbackEdits()11740 void QgisApp::rollbackEdits()
11741 {
11742   const auto constSelectedLayers = mLayerTreeView->selectedLayers();
11743   for ( QgsMapLayer *layer : constSelectedLayers )
11744   {
11745     cancelEdits( layer, true, false );
11746   }
11747   refreshMapCanvas();
11748   activateDeactivateLayerRelatedActions( activeLayer() );
11749 }
rollbackAllEdits(bool verifyAction)11751 void QgisApp::rollbackAllEdits( bool verifyAction )
11752 {
11753   if ( verifyAction )
11754   {
11755     if ( !verifyEditsActionDialog( tr( "Rollback" ), tr( "all" ) ) )
11756       return;
11757   }
11759   const auto layers = editableLayers( true, true );
11760   for ( QgsMapLayer *layer : layers )
11761   {
11762     cancelEdits( layer, true, false );
11763   }
11764   refreshMapCanvas();
11765   activateDeactivateLayerRelatedActions( activeLayer() );
11766 }
cancelEdits()11768 void QgisApp::cancelEdits()
11769 {
11770   const auto constSelectedLayers = mLayerTreeView->selectedLayers();
11771   for ( QgsMapLayer *layer : constSelectedLayers )
11772   {
11773     cancelEdits( layer, false, false );
11774   }
11775   refreshMapCanvas();
11776   activateDeactivateLayerRelatedActions( activeLayer() );
11777 }
cancelAllEdits(bool verifyAction)11779 void QgisApp::cancelAllEdits( bool verifyAction )
11780 {
11781   if ( verifyAction )
11782   {
11783     if ( !verifyEditsActionDialog( tr( "Cancel" ), tr( "all" ) ) )
11784       return;
11785   }
11787   const auto layers = editableLayers( false, true );
11788   for ( QgsMapLayer *layer : layers )
11789   {
11790     cancelEdits( layer, false, false );
11791   }
11792   refreshMapCanvas();
11793   activateDeactivateLayerRelatedActions( activeLayer() );
11794 }
verifyEditsActionDialog(const QString & act,const QString & upon)11796 bool QgisApp::verifyEditsActionDialog( const QString &act, const QString &upon )
11797 {
11798   bool res = false;
11799   switch ( QMessageBox::question( nullptr,
11800                                   tr( "Current edits" ),
11801                                   tr( "%1 current changes for %2 layer(s)?" )
11802                                   .arg( act,
11803                                         upon ),
11804                                   QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No ) )
11805   {
11806     case QMessageBox::Yes:
11807       res = true;
11808       break;
11809     default:
11810       break;
11811   }
11812   return res;
11813 }
updateLayerModifiedActions()11815 void QgisApp::updateLayerModifiedActions()
11816 {
11817   bool enableSaveLayerEdits = false;
11819   QgsMapLayer *currentLayer = activeLayer();
11820   if ( currentLayer )
11821   {
11822     switch ( currentLayer->type() )
11823     {
11824       case QgsMapLayerType::VectorLayer:
11825       {
11826         QgsVectorLayer *vlayer = qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( currentLayer );
11827         if ( QgsVectorDataProvider *dprovider = vlayer->dataProvider() )
11828         {
11829           enableSaveLayerEdits = ( dprovider->capabilities() & QgsVectorDataProvider::ChangeAttributeValues
11830                                    && vlayer->isEditable()
11831                                    && vlayer->isModified() );
11832         }
11833       }
11834       break;
11835       case QgsMapLayerType::MeshLayer:
11836       {
11837         QgsMeshLayer *mlayer = qobject_cast<QgsMeshLayer *>( currentLayer );
11838         enableSaveLayerEdits = ( mlayer->isEditable() && mlayer->isModified() );
11839       }
11840       break;
11841       case QgsMapLayerType::RasterLayer:
11842       case QgsMapLayerType::PluginLayer:
11843       case QgsMapLayerType::VectorTileLayer:
11844       case QgsMapLayerType::AnnotationLayer:
11845       case QgsMapLayerType::PointCloudLayer:
11846         break;
11847     }
11848   }
11850   mActionSaveLayerEdits->setEnabled( enableSaveLayerEdits );
11852   QList<QgsLayerTreeLayer *> selectedLayerNodes = mLayerTreeView ? mLayerTreeView->selectedLayerNodes() : QList<QgsLayerTreeLayer *>();
11854   mActionSaveEdits->setEnabled( QgsLayerTreeUtils::layersModified( selectedLayerNodes ) );
11855   mActionRollbackEdits->setEnabled( QgsLayerTreeUtils::layersModified( selectedLayerNodes ) );
11856   mActionCancelEdits->setEnabled( QgsLayerTreeUtils::layersEditable( selectedLayerNodes ) );
11858   bool hasEditLayers = !editableLayers( false, true ).isEmpty();
11859   mActionAllEdits->setEnabled( hasEditLayers );
11860   mActionCancelAllEdits->setEnabled( hasEditLayers );
11862   bool hasModifiedLayers = !editableLayers( true, true ).isEmpty();
11863   mActionSaveAllEdits->setEnabled( hasModifiedLayers );
11864   mActionRollbackAllEdits->setEnabled( hasModifiedLayers );
11865 }
editableLayers(bool modified,bool ignoreLayersWhichCannotBeToggled) const11867 QList<QgsMapLayer *> QgisApp::editableLayers( bool modified, bool ignoreLayersWhichCannotBeToggled ) const
11868 {
11869   QList<QgsMapLayer *> editLayers;
11870   // use legend layers (instead of registry) so QList mirrors its order
11871   const auto constFindLayers = mLayerTreeView->layerTreeModel()->rootGroup()->findLayers();
11872   for ( QgsLayerTreeLayer *nodeLayer : constFindLayers )
11873   {
11874     QgsMapLayer *layer = nodeLayer->layer();
11875     if ( !layer )
11876       continue;
11878     if ( layer->isEditable() && ( !modified || layer->isModified() ) && ( !ignoreLayersWhichCannotBeToggled || !( layer->properties() & Qgis::MapLayerProperty::UsersCannotToggleEditing ) ) )
11879       editLayers << layer;
11880   }
11881   return editLayers;
11882 }
duplicateVectorStyle(QgsVectorLayer * srcLayer,QgsVectorLayer * destLayer)11884 void QgisApp::duplicateVectorStyle( QgsVectorLayer *srcLayer, QgsVectorLayer *destLayer )
11885 {
11886   // copy symbology, if possible
11887   if ( srcLayer->geometryType() == destLayer->geometryType() )
11888   {
11889     QDomImplementation DomImplementation;
11890     QDomDocumentType documentType =
11891       DomImplementation.createDocumentType(
11892         QStringLiteral( "qgis" ), QStringLiteral( "http://mrcc.com/qgis.dtd" ), QStringLiteral( "SYSTEM" ) );
11893     QDomDocument doc( documentType );
11894     QDomElement rootNode = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "qgis" ) );
11895     rootNode.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "version" ), Qgis::version() );
11896     doc.appendChild( rootNode );
11897     QString errorMsg;
11898     QgsReadWriteContext writeContext = QgsReadWriteContext();
11899     srcLayer->writeSymbology( rootNode, doc, errorMsg, writeContext );
11900     QgsReadWriteContext readContext = QgsReadWriteContext();
11901     destLayer->readSymbology( rootNode, errorMsg, readContext );
11902   }
11903 }
layerSubsetString()11906 void QgisApp::layerSubsetString()
11907 {
11908   layerSubsetString( activeLayer() );
11909 }
layerSubsetString(QgsMapLayer * mapLayer)11911 void QgisApp::layerSubsetString( QgsMapLayer *mapLayer )
11912 {
11914   QgsVectorLayer *vlayer = qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( mapLayer );
11915   if ( !vlayer )
11916   {
11917     // Try PG raster
11918     QgsRasterLayer *rlayer = qobject_cast<QgsRasterLayer *>( mapLayer );
11919     if ( rlayer )
11920     {
11921       QgsRasterDataProvider *provider = rlayer->dataProvider();
11922       if ( provider &&
11923            provider->supportsSubsetString() )
11924       {
11925         // PG raster is the only one for now
11926         if ( provider->name() == QLatin1String( "postgresraster" ) )
11927         {
11928           // We need a vector for the sql editor
11929           QgsDataSourceUri vectorUri { provider->dataSourceUri() };
11930           vectorUri.setGeometryColumn( QString() );
11931           vectorUri.setSrid( QString() );
11932           QgsVectorLayer vlayer { vectorUri.uri( ), QStringLiteral( "pgrasterlayer" ), QStringLiteral( "postgres" ) };
11933           if ( vlayer.isValid( ) )
11934           {
11935             // launch the query builder
11936             QgsQueryBuilder qb { &vlayer };
11937             QString subsetBefore = vlayer.subsetString();
11939             // Set the sql in the query builder to the same in the prop dialog
11940             // (in case the user has already changed it)
11941             qb.setSql( rlayer->subsetString() );
11942             // Open the query builder and refresh symbology if sql has changed
11943             // Note: repaintRequested is emitted directly from QgsQueryBuilder
11944             //       when the sql is set in the layer.
11945             if ( qb.exec() && ( subsetBefore != qb.sql() ) && mLayerTreeView )
11946             {
11947               if ( rlayer->setSubsetString( qb.sql() ) )
11948               {
11949                 mLayerTreeView->refreshLayerSymbology( rlayer->id() );
11950                 activateDeactivateLayerRelatedActions( rlayer );
11951               }
11952             }
11953           }
11954         }
11955       }
11956     }
11957     return;
11958   }
11961   bool joins = !vlayer->vectorJoins().isEmpty();
11962   if ( vlayer->vectorJoins().size() == 1 )
11963   {
11964     QgsVectorLayerJoinInfo info = vlayer->vectorJoins()[0];
11965     joins = !vlayer->joinBuffer()->isAuxiliaryJoin( info );
11966   }
11968   if ( joins )
11969   {
11970     if ( QMessageBox::question( nullptr, tr( "Filter on Joined Fields" ),
11971                                 tr( "You are about to set a subset filter on a layer that has joined fields. "
11972                                     "Joined fields cannot be filtered, unless you convert the layer to a virtual layer first. "
11973                                     "Would you like to create a virtual layer out of this layer first?" ),
11974                                 QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No ) == QMessageBox::Yes )
11975     {
11976       QgsVirtualLayerDefinition def = QgsVirtualLayerDefinitionUtils::fromJoinedLayer( vlayer );
11977       const QgsVectorLayer::LayerOptions options { QgsProject::instance()->transformContext() };
11978       QgsVectorLayer *newLayer = new QgsVectorLayer( def.toString(), vlayer->name() + " (virtual)", QStringLiteral( "virtual" ), options );
11979       if ( newLayer->isValid() )
11980       {
11981         duplicateVectorStyle( vlayer, newLayer );
11982         QgsProject::instance()->addMapLayer( newLayer, /*addToLegend*/ false, /*takeOwnership*/ true );
11983         QgsLayerTreeUtils::insertLayerBelow( QgsProject::instance()->layerTreeRoot(), vlayer, newLayer );
11984         mLayerTreeView->setCurrentLayer( newLayer );
11985         // hide the old layer
11986         QgsLayerTreeLayer *vLayerTreeLayer = QgsProject::instance()->layerTreeRoot()->findLayer( vlayer->id() );
11987         if ( vLayerTreeLayer )
11988           vLayerTreeLayer->setItemVisibilityChecked( false );
11989         vlayer = newLayer;
11990       }
11991       else
11992       {
11993         delete newLayer;
11994       }
11995     }
11996   }
11998   // launch the query builder
11999   std::unique_ptr<QgsSubsetStringEditorInterface> qb( QgsGui::subsetStringEditorProviderRegistry()->createDialog( vlayer, this ) );
12000   QString subsetBefore = vlayer->subsetString();
12002   // Set the sql in the query builder to the same in the prop dialog
12003   // (in case the user has already changed it)
12004   qb->setSubsetString( vlayer->subsetString() );
12005   // Open the query builder and refresh symbology if sql has changed
12006   // Note: repaintRequested is emitted directly from QgsQueryBuilder
12007   //       when the sql is set in the layer.
12008   if ( qb->exec() && ( subsetBefore != qb->subsetString() ) && mLayerTreeView )
12009   {
12010     mLayerTreeView->refreshLayerSymbology( vlayer->id() );
12011     activateDeactivateLayerRelatedActions( vlayer );
12012   }
12013 }
saveLastMousePosition(const QgsPointXY & p)12015 void QgisApp::saveLastMousePosition( const QgsPointXY &p )
12016 {
12017   if ( mMapTipsVisible )
12018   {
12019     // store the point, we need it for when the maptips timer fires
12020     mLastMapPosition = p;
12022     // we use this slot to control the timer for maptips since it is fired each time
12023     // the mouse moves.
12024     if ( mMapCanvas->underMouse() )
12025     {
12026       // Clear the maptip (this is done conditionally)
12027       mpMaptip->clear( mMapCanvas );
12028       // don't start the timer if the mouse is not over the map canvas
12029       mpMapTipsTimer->start();
12030     }
12031   }
12032 }
showScale(double scale)12035 void QgisApp::showScale( double scale )
12036 {
12037   mScaleWidget->setScale( scale );
12038 }
userRotation()12041 void QgisApp::userRotation()
12042 {
12043   double degrees = mRotationEdit->value();
12044   mMapCanvas->setRotation( degrees );
12045   mMapCanvas->refresh();
12046 }
projectCrsChanged()12048 void QgisApp::projectCrsChanged()
12049 {
12050   updateCrsStatusBar();
12051   QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "QgisApp::setupConnections -1- : QgsProject::instance()->crs().description[%1]ellipsoid[%2]" ).arg( QgsProject::instance()->crs().description(), QgsProject::instance()->crs().ellipsoidAcronym() ), 3 );
12052   mMapCanvas->setDestinationCrs( QgsProject::instance()->crs() );
12054   // handle datum transforms
12055   QList<QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem> alreadyAsked;
12056   QMap<QString, QgsMapLayer *> layers = QgsProject::instance()->mapLayers();
12057   for ( QMap<QString, QgsMapLayer *>::const_iterator it = layers.constBegin(); it != layers.constEnd(); ++it )
12058   {
12059     if ( !alreadyAsked.contains( it.value()->crs() ) )
12060     {
12061       alreadyAsked.append( it.value()->crs() );
12062       askUserForDatumTransform( it.value()->crs(),
12063                                 QgsProject::instance()->crs(), it.value() );
12064     }
12065   }
12066 }
projectTemporalRangeChanged()12068 void QgisApp::projectTemporalRangeChanged()
12069 {
12070   QMap<QString, QgsMapLayer *> layers = QgsProject::instance()->mapLayers();
12071   QgsMapLayer *currentLayer = nullptr;
12073   for ( QMap<QString, QgsMapLayer *>::const_iterator it = layers.constBegin(); it != layers.constEnd(); ++it )
12074   {
12075     currentLayer = it.value();
12077     if ( currentLayer->dataProvider() )
12078     {
12079       if ( QgsProviderMetadata *metadata = QgsProviderRegistry::instance()->providerMetadata(
12080                                              currentLayer->providerType() ) )
12081       {
12082         QVariantMap uri = metadata->decodeUri( currentLayer->dataProvider()->dataSourceUri() );
12084         if ( uri.contains( QStringLiteral( "temporalSource" ) ) &&
12085              uri.value( QStringLiteral( "temporalSource" ) ).toString() == QLatin1String( "project" ) )
12086         {
12087           QgsDateTimeRange range = QgsProject::instance()->timeSettings()->temporalRange();
12088           if ( range.begin().isValid() && range.end().isValid() )
12089           {
12090             QString time = range.begin().toString( Qt::ISODateWithMs ) + '/' +
12091                            range.end().toString( Qt::ISODateWithMs );
12093             uri[ QStringLiteral( "time" ) ] = time;
12095             currentLayer->setDataSource( metadata->encodeUri( uri ), currentLayer->name(), currentLayer->providerType(), QgsDataProvider::ProviderOptions() );
12096           }
12097         }
12098       }
12099     }
12100   }
12101 }
12103 // toggle overview status
isInOverview()12104 void QgisApp::isInOverview()
12105 {
12106   mLayerTreeView->defaultActions()->showInOverview();
12107 }
removingLayers(const QStringList & layers)12109 void QgisApp::removingLayers( const QStringList &layers )
12110 {
12111   const auto constLayers = layers;
12112   for ( const QString &layerId : constLayers )
12113   {
12114     QgsVectorLayer *vlayer = qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>(
12115                                QgsProject::instance()->mapLayer( layerId ) );
12116     if ( !vlayer || !vlayer->isEditable() )
12117       return;
12119     toggleEditing( vlayer, false );
12120   }
12121 }
removeLayer()12123 void QgisApp::removeLayer()
12124 {
12125   if ( !mLayerTreeView )
12126   {
12127     return;
12128   }
12130   // look for layers recursively so we catch also those that are within selected groups
12131   const QList<QgsMapLayer *> selectedLayers = mLayerTreeView->selectedLayersRecursive();
12133   QStringList nonRemovableLayerNames;
12134   for ( QgsMapLayer *layer : selectedLayers )
12135   {
12136     if ( !layer->flags().testFlag( QgsMapLayer::Removable ) )
12137       nonRemovableLayerNames << layer->name();
12138   }
12139   if ( !nonRemovableLayerNames.isEmpty() )
12140   {
12141     QMessageBox::warning( this, tr( "Required Layers" ),
12142                           tr( "The following layers are marked as required by the project:\n\n%1\n\nPlease deselect them (or unmark as required) and retry." ).arg( nonRemovableLayerNames.join( QLatin1Char( '\n' ) ) ) );
12143     return;
12144   }
12146   for ( QgsMapLayer *layer : selectedLayers )
12147   {
12148     QgsVectorLayer *vlayer = qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( layer );
12149     if ( vlayer && vlayer->isEditable() && !toggleEditing( vlayer, true ) )
12150       return;
12151   }
12153   QStringList activeTaskDescriptions;
12154   for ( QgsMapLayer *layer : selectedLayers )
12155   {
12156     QList< QgsTask * > tasks = QgsApplication::taskManager()->tasksDependentOnLayer( layer );
12157     if ( !tasks.isEmpty() )
12158     {
12159       const auto constTasks = tasks;
12160       for ( QgsTask *task : constTasks )
12161       {
12162         activeTaskDescriptions << tr( " • %1" ).arg( task->description() );
12163       }
12164     }
12165   }
12167   if ( !activeTaskDescriptions.isEmpty() )
12168   {
12169     QMessageBox::warning( this, tr( "Active Tasks" ),
12170                           tr( "The following tasks are currently running which depend on this layer:\n\n%1\n\nPlease cancel these tasks and retry." ).arg( activeTaskDescriptions.join( QLatin1Char( '\n' ) ) ) );
12171     return;
12172   }
12174   QList<QgsLayerTreeNode *> selectedNodes = mLayerTreeView->selectedNodes( true );
12176   //validate selection
12177   if ( selectedNodes.isEmpty() )
12178   {
12179     visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "No legend entries selected" ),
12180                                       tr( "Select the layers and groups you want to remove in the legend." ),
12181                                       Qgis::MessageLevel::Info );
12182     return;
12183   }
12185   bool promptConfirmation = QgsSettings().value( QStringLiteral( "qgis/askToDeleteLayers" ), true ).toBool();
12187   // Don't show prompt to remove a empty group.
12188   if ( selectedNodes.count() == 1
12189        && selectedNodes.at( 0 )->nodeType() == QgsLayerTreeNode::NodeGroup
12190        && selectedNodes.at( 0 )->children().count() == 0 )
12191   {
12192     promptConfirmation = false;
12193   }
12195   bool shiftHeld = QApplication::queryKeyboardModifiers().testFlag( Qt::ShiftModifier );
12197   // Check if there are any hidden layer elements and display a confirmation dialog
12198   QStringList hiddenLayerNames;
12199   auto harvest = [ &hiddenLayerNames ]( const QgsLayerTreeNode * parent )
12200   {
12201     const auto cChildren { parent->children() };
12202     for ( const auto &c : cChildren )
12203     {
12204       if ( QgsLayerTree::isLayer( c ) )
12205       {
12206         const auto treeLayer { QgsLayerTree::toLayer( c ) };
12207         if ( treeLayer->layer() && treeLayer->layer()->flags().testFlag( QgsMapLayer::LayerFlag::Private ) )
12208         {
12209           hiddenLayerNames.push_back( treeLayer->layer()->name( ) );
12210         }
12211       }
12212     }
12213   };
12215   for ( const auto &n : std::as_const( selectedNodes ) )
12216   {
12217     harvest( n );
12218   }
12220   QString message { tr( "Remove %n legend entries?", "number of legend items to remove", selectedNodes.count() ) };
12221   if ( ! hiddenLayerNames.isEmpty() )
12222   {
12223     if ( hiddenLayerNames.count( ) > 10 )
12224     {
12225       const int layerCount { hiddenLayerNames.count( ) };
12226       hiddenLayerNames = hiddenLayerNames.mid( 0, 10 );
12227       hiddenLayerNames.push_back( tr( "(%n more hidden layers)",  "number of hidden layers not shown", layerCount - 10 ) );
12228     }
12229     message.append( tr( "The following hidden layers will be removed:\n%1" ).arg( hiddenLayerNames.join( '\n' ) ) );
12230   }
12232   if ( !shiftHeld && promptConfirmation && QMessageBox::warning( this, tr( "Remove layers and groups" ), message, QMessageBox::Ok | QMessageBox::Cancel ) == QMessageBox::Cancel )
12233   {
12234     return;
12235   }
12237   const auto constSelectedNodes = selectedNodes;
12238   for ( QgsLayerTreeNode *node : constSelectedNodes )
12239   {
12240     QgsLayerTreeGroup *parentGroup = qobject_cast<QgsLayerTreeGroup *>( node->parent() );
12241     if ( parentGroup )
12242       parentGroup->removeChildNode( node );
12243   }
12245   showStatusMessage( tr( "%n legend entries removed.", "number of removed legend entries", selectedNodes.count() ) );
12247   refreshMapCanvas();
12248 }
duplicateLayers(const QList<QgsMapLayer * > & lyrList)12250 void QgisApp::duplicateLayers( const QList<QgsMapLayer *> &lyrList )
12251 {
12252   if ( !mLayerTreeView )
12253   {
12254     return;
12255   }
12257   const QList<QgsMapLayer *> selectedLyrs = lyrList.empty() ? mLayerTreeView->selectedLayers() : lyrList;
12258   if ( selectedLyrs.empty() )
12259   {
12260     return;
12261   }
12263   QgsCanvasRefreshBlocker refreshBlocker;
12264   QgsMapLayer *dupLayer = nullptr;
12265   QgsMapLayer *newSelection = nullptr;
12266   QString layerDupName, unSppType;
12267   QList<QgsMessageBarItem *> msgBars;
12269   msgBars.reserve( selectedLyrs.size() );
12270   for ( QgsMapLayer *selectedLyr : selectedLyrs )
12271   {
12272     dupLayer = nullptr;
12273     unSppType.clear();
12274     layerDupName = selectedLyr->name() + ' ' + tr( "copy" );
12276     switch ( selectedLyr->type() )
12277     {
12278       case QgsMapLayerType::PluginLayer:
12279         unSppType = tr( "Plugin layer" );
12280         break;
12282       case QgsMapLayerType::VectorLayer:
12283       {
12284         if ( QgsVectorLayer *vlayer = qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( selectedLyr ) )
12285         {
12286           if ( vlayer->auxiliaryLayer() )
12287             vlayer->auxiliaryLayer()->save();
12289           dupLayer = vlayer->clone();
12290         }
12291         break;
12292       }
12294       case QgsMapLayerType::PointCloudLayer:
12295       case QgsMapLayerType::RasterLayer:
12296       case QgsMapLayerType::VectorTileLayer:
12297       case QgsMapLayerType::MeshLayer:
12298       case QgsMapLayerType::AnnotationLayer:
12299       {
12300         dupLayer = selectedLyr->clone();
12301         break;
12302       }
12304     }
12306     if ( dupLayer && !dupLayer->isValid() )
12307     {
12308       msgBars.append( new QgsMessageBarItem(
12309                         tr( "Duplicate layer: " ),
12310                         tr( "%1 (duplication resulted in invalid layer)" ).arg( selectedLyr->name() ),
12311                         Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning,
12312                         0,
12313                         mInfoBar ) );
12314       continue;
12315     }
12316     else if ( !unSppType.isEmpty() || !dupLayer )
12317     {
12318       msgBars.append( new QgsMessageBarItem(
12319                         tr( "Duplicate layer: " ),
12320                         tr( "%1 (%2 type unsupported)" )
12321                         .arg( selectedLyr->name(),
12322                               !unSppType.isEmpty() ? QStringLiteral( "'" ) + unSppType + "' " : QString() ),
12323                         Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning,
12324                         0,
12325                         mInfoBar ) );
12326       continue;
12327     }
12329     dupLayer->setName( layerDupName );
12331     // add layer to layer registry and legend
12332     QList<QgsMapLayer *> myList;
12333     myList << dupLayer;
12334     QgsProject::instance()->layerTreeRegistryBridge()->setEnabled( false );
12335     QgsProject::instance()->addMapLayers( myList );
12336     QgsProject::instance()->layerTreeRegistryBridge()->setEnabled( true );
12338     QgsLayerTreeLayer *nodeSelectedLyr = mLayerTreeView->layerTreeModel()->rootGroup()->findLayer( selectedLyr->id() );
12339     Q_ASSERT( nodeSelectedLyr );
12340     Q_ASSERT( QgsLayerTree::isGroup( nodeSelectedLyr->parent() ) );
12341     QgsLayerTreeGroup *parentGroup = QgsLayerTree::toGroup( nodeSelectedLyr->parent() );
12343     QgsLayerTreeLayer *nodeDupLayer = parentGroup->insertLayer( parentGroup->children().indexOf( nodeSelectedLyr ) + 1, dupLayer );
12345     // always set duplicated layers to not visible so layer can be configured before being turned on
12346     nodeDupLayer->setItemVisibilityChecked( false );
12348     // duplicate the layer style
12349     QString errMsg;
12350     QDomDocument style;
12351     QgsReadWriteContext context;
12352     selectedLyr->exportNamedStyle( style, errMsg, context );
12353     if ( errMsg.isEmpty() )
12354       dupLayer->importNamedStyle( style, errMsg );
12355     if ( !errMsg.isEmpty() )
12356       visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( errMsg,
12357                                         tr( "Cannot copy style to duplicated layer." ),
12358                                         Qgis::MessageLevel::Critical );
12359     else if ( qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( dupLayer ) )
12360       visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "Layer duplication complete" ),
12361                                         dupLayer->providerType() != QLatin1String( "memory" ) ? tr( "Note that it's using the same data source." ) : QString(),
12362                                         Qgis::MessageLevel::Info );
12364     if ( !newSelection )
12365       newSelection = dupLayer;
12366   }
12368   dupLayer = nullptr;
12370   // auto select first new duplicate layer
12371   if ( newSelection )
12372     setActiveLayer( newSelection );
12374   // display errors in message bar after duplication of layers
12375   for ( QgsMessageBarItem *msgBar : std::as_const( msgBars ) )
12376   {
12377     mInfoBar->pushItem( msgBar );
12378   }
12379 }
setLayerScaleVisibility()12381 void QgisApp::setLayerScaleVisibility()
12382 {
12383   if ( !mLayerTreeView )
12384     return;
12386   QList<QgsMapLayer *> layers = mLayerTreeView->selectedLayers();
12388   if ( layers.length() < 1 )
12389     return;
12391   QgsScaleVisibilityDialog *dlg = new QgsScaleVisibilityDialog( this, tr( "Set scale visibility for selected layers" ), mMapCanvas );
12392   QgsMapLayer *layer = mLayerTreeView->currentLayer();
12393   if ( layer )
12394   {
12395     dlg->setScaleVisiblity( layer->hasScaleBasedVisibility() );
12396     dlg->setMinimumScale( layer->minimumScale() );
12397     dlg->setMaximumScale( layer->maximumScale() );
12398   }
12399   if ( dlg->exec() )
12400   {
12401     QgsCanvasRefreshBlocker refreshBlocker;
12402     const auto constLayers = layers;
12403     for ( QgsMapLayer *layer : constLayers )
12404     {
12405       layer->setScaleBasedVisibility( dlg->hasScaleVisibility() );
12406       layer->setMaximumScale( dlg->maximumScale() );
12407       layer->setMinimumScale( dlg->minimumScale() );
12408     }
12409   }
12410   delete dlg;
12411 }
zoomToLayerScale()12413 void QgisApp::zoomToLayerScale()
12414 {
12415   if ( !mLayerTreeView )
12416     return;
12418   QList<QgsMapLayer *> layers = mLayerTreeView->selectedLayers();
12420   if ( layers.length() < 1 )
12421     return;
12423   QgsMapLayer *layer = mLayerTreeView->currentLayer();
12424   if ( layer && layer->hasScaleBasedVisibility() )
12425   {
12426     const double scale = mMapCanvas->scale();
12427     if ( scale > layer->minimumScale() && layer->minimumScale() > 0 )
12428     {
12429       mMapCanvas->zoomScale( layer->minimumScale() * Qgis::SCALE_PRECISION );
12430     }
12431     else if ( scale <= layer->maximumScale() && layer->maximumScale() > 0 )
12432     {
12433       mMapCanvas->zoomScale( layer->maximumScale() );
12434     }
12435   }
12436 }
setLayerCrs()12438 void QgisApp::setLayerCrs()
12439 {
12440   if ( !( mLayerTreeView && mLayerTreeView->currentLayer() ) )
12441   {
12442     return;
12443   }
12445   QgsProjectionSelectionDialog mySelector( this );
12446   mySelector.setCrs( mLayerTreeView->currentLayer()->crs() );
12448   if ( !mLayerTreeView->currentLayer()->crs().isValid() )
12449     mySelector.showNoCrsForLayerMessage();
12451   if ( !mySelector.exec() )
12452   {
12453     QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor();
12454     return;
12455   }
12457   QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem crs = mySelector.crs();
12459   const auto constSelectedNodes = mLayerTreeView->selectedNodes();
12460   for ( QgsLayerTreeNode *node : constSelectedNodes )
12461   {
12462     if ( QgsLayerTree::isGroup( node ) )
12463     {
12464       const auto constFindLayers = QgsLayerTree::toGroup( node )->findLayers();
12465       for ( QgsLayerTreeLayer *child : constFindLayers )
12466       {
12467         if ( child->layer() )
12468         {
12469           askUserForDatumTransform( crs, QgsProject::instance()->crs(), child->layer() );
12470           child->layer()->setCrs( crs );
12471           child->layer()->triggerRepaint();
12472         }
12473       }
12474     }
12475     else if ( QgsLayerTree::isLayer( node ) )
12476     {
12477       QgsLayerTreeLayer *nodeLayer = QgsLayerTree::toLayer( node );
12478       if ( nodeLayer->layer() )
12479       {
12480         askUserForDatumTransform( crs, QgsProject::instance()->crs(), nodeLayer->layer() );
12481         nodeLayer->layer()->setCrs( crs );
12482         nodeLayer->layer()->triggerRepaint();
12483       }
12484     }
12485   }
12487   refreshMapCanvas();
12488 }
setProjectCrsFromLayer()12490 void QgisApp::setProjectCrsFromLayer()
12491 {
12492   if ( !( mLayerTreeView && mLayerTreeView->currentLayer() ) )
12493   {
12494     return;
12495   }
12497   QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem crs = mLayerTreeView->currentLayer()->crs();
12498   QgsCanvasRefreshBlocker refreshBlocker;
12499   QgsProject::instance()->setCrs( crs );
12500 }
legendLayerZoomNative()12503 void QgisApp::legendLayerZoomNative()
12504 {
12505   if ( !mLayerTreeView )
12506     return;
12508   //find current Layer
12509   QgsMapLayer *currentLayer = mLayerTreeView->currentLayer();
12510   if ( !currentLayer )
12511     return;
12513   if ( QgsRasterLayer *layer = qobject_cast<QgsRasterLayer *>( currentLayer ) )
12514   {
12515     QgsDebugMsgLevel( "Raster units per pixel  : " + QString::number( layer->rasterUnitsPerPixelX() ), 2 );
12516     QgsDebugMsgLevel( "MapUnitsPerPixel before : " + QString::number( mMapCanvas->mapUnitsPerPixel() ), 2 );
12518     QList< double >nativeResolutions;
12519     if ( layer->dataProvider() )
12520     {
12521       nativeResolutions = layer->dataProvider()->nativeResolutions();
12522     }
12524     // get length of central canvas pixel width in source raster crs
12525     QgsRectangle e = mMapCanvas->extent();
12526     QSize s = mMapCanvas->mapSettings().outputSize();
12527     QgsPointXY p1( e.center().x(), e.center().y() );
12528     QgsPointXY p2( e.center().x() + e.width() / s.width(), e.center().y() + e.height() / s.height() );
12529     QgsCoordinateTransform ct( mMapCanvas->mapSettings().destinationCrs(), layer->crs(), QgsProject::instance() );
12530     p1 = ct.transform( p1 );
12531     p2 = ct.transform( p2 );
12532     const double diagonalSize = std::sqrt( p1.sqrDist( p2 ) ); // width (actually the diagonal) of reprojected pixel
12533     if ( !nativeResolutions.empty() )
12534     {
12535       // find closest native resolution
12536       QList< double > diagonalNativeResolutions;
12537       diagonalNativeResolutions.reserve( nativeResolutions.size() );
12538       for ( double d : nativeResolutions )
12539         diagonalNativeResolutions << std::sqrt( 2 * d * d );
12541       int i;
12542       for ( i = 0; i < diagonalNativeResolutions.size() && diagonalNativeResolutions.at( i ) < diagonalSize; i++ )
12543       {
12544         QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "test resolution %1: %2" ).arg( i ).arg( diagonalNativeResolutions.at( i ) ), 2 );
12545       }
12546       if ( i == nativeResolutions.size() ||
12547            ( i > 0 && ( ( diagonalNativeResolutions.at( i ) - diagonalSize ) > ( diagonalSize - diagonalNativeResolutions.at( i - 1 ) ) ) ) )
12548       {
12549         QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "previous resolution" ), 2 );
12550         i--;
12551       }
12553       mMapCanvas->zoomByFactor( nativeResolutions.at( i ) / mMapCanvas->mapUnitsPerPixel() );
12554     }
12555     else
12556     {
12557       mMapCanvas->zoomByFactor( std::sqrt( layer->rasterUnitsPerPixelX() * layer->rasterUnitsPerPixelX() + layer->rasterUnitsPerPixelY() * layer->rasterUnitsPerPixelY() ) / diagonalSize );
12558     }
12560     mMapCanvas->refresh();
12561     QgsDebugMsgLevel( "MapUnitsPerPixel after  : " + QString::number( mMapCanvas->mapUnitsPerPixel() ), 2 );
12562   }
12563 }
legendLayerStretchUsingCurrentExtent()12565 void QgisApp::legendLayerStretchUsingCurrentExtent()
12566 {
12567   if ( !mLayerTreeView )
12568     return;
12570   //find current Layer
12571   QgsMapLayer *currentLayer = mLayerTreeView->currentLayer();
12572   if ( !currentLayer )
12573     return;
12575   QgsRasterLayer *layer = qobject_cast<QgsRasterLayer *>( currentLayer );
12576   if ( layer )
12577   {
12578     QgsRectangle myRectangle;
12579     myRectangle = mMapCanvas->mapSettings().outputExtentToLayerExtent( layer, mMapCanvas->extent() );
12580     layer->refreshContrastEnhancement( myRectangle );
12582     mLayerTreeView->refreshLayerSymbology( layer->id() );
12583     refreshMapCanvas();
12584   }
12585 }
applyStyleToGroup()12587 void QgisApp::applyStyleToGroup()
12588 {
12589   if ( !mLayerTreeView )
12590     return;
12592   const auto constSelectedNodes = mLayerTreeView->selectedNodes();
12593   for ( QgsLayerTreeNode *node : constSelectedNodes )
12594   {
12595     if ( QgsLayerTree::isGroup( node ) )
12596     {
12597       const auto constFindLayers = QgsLayerTree::toGroup( node )->findLayers();
12598       for ( QgsLayerTreeLayer *nodeLayer : constFindLayers )
12599       {
12600         if ( nodeLayer->layer() )
12601         {
12602           pasteStyle( nodeLayer->layer() );
12603         }
12604       }
12605     }
12606     else if ( QgsLayerTree::isLayer( node ) )
12607     {
12608       QgsLayerTreeLayer *nodeLayer = QgsLayerTree::toLayer( node );
12609       if ( nodeLayer->layer() )
12610       {
12611         pasteStyle( nodeLayer->layer() );
12612       }
12613     }
12614   }
12615 }
legendGroupSetCrs()12617 void QgisApp::legendGroupSetCrs()
12618 {
12619   if ( !mMapCanvas )
12620   {
12621     return;
12622   }
12624   QgsLayerTreeGroup *currentGroup = mLayerTreeView->currentGroupNode();
12625   if ( !currentGroup )
12626     return;
12628   QgsProjectionSelectionDialog mySelector( this );
12629   if ( !mySelector.exec() )
12630   {
12631     QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor();
12632     return;
12633   }
12635   QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem crs = mySelector.crs();
12636   const auto constFindLayers = currentGroup->findLayers();
12637   for ( QgsLayerTreeLayer *nodeLayer : constFindLayers )
12638   {
12639     if ( nodeLayer->layer() )
12640     {
12641       nodeLayer->layer()->setCrs( crs );
12642       nodeLayer->layer()->triggerRepaint();
12643     }
12644   }
12645 }
legendGroupSetWmsData()12647 void QgisApp::legendGroupSetWmsData()
12648 {
12649   QgsLayerTreeGroup *currentGroup = mLayerTreeView->currentGroupNode();
12650   if ( !currentGroup )
12651     return;
12652   QgsGroupWmsDataDialog *dlg = new QgsGroupWmsDataDialog( this );
12653   dlg->setGroupShortName( currentGroup->customProperty( QStringLiteral( "wmsShortName" ) ).toString() );
12654   dlg->setGroupTitle( currentGroup->customProperty( QStringLiteral( "wmsTitle" ) ).toString() );
12655   dlg->setGroupAbstract( currentGroup->customProperty( QStringLiteral( "wmsAbstract" ) ).toString() );
12656   if ( dlg->exec() )
12657   {
12658     currentGroup->setCustomProperty( QStringLiteral( "wmsShortName" ), dlg->groupShortName() );
12659     currentGroup->setCustomProperty( QStringLiteral( "wmsTitle" ), dlg->groupTitle() );
12660     currentGroup->setCustomProperty( QStringLiteral( "wmsAbstract" ), dlg->groupAbstract() );
12661   }
12662   delete dlg;
12663 }
zoomToLayerExtent()12665 void QgisApp::zoomToLayerExtent()
12666 {
12667   mLayerTreeView->defaultActions()->zoomToLayers( mMapCanvas );
12668 }
showPluginManager()12670 void QgisApp::showPluginManager()
12671 {
12672 #ifdef WITH_BINDINGS
12673   if ( mPythonUtils && mPythonUtils->isEnabled() )
12674   {
12675     // Call pluginManagerInterface()->showPluginManager() as soon as the plugin installer says the remote data is fetched.
12676     QgsPythonRunner::run( QStringLiteral( "pyplugin_installer.instance().showPluginManagerWhenReady()" ) );
12677   }
12678   else
12679 #endif
12680   {
12681     // Call the pluginManagerInterface directly
12682     mQgisInterface->pluginManagerInterface()->showPluginManager();
12683   }
12684 }
12687 // implementation of the python runner
12688 class QgsPythonRunnerImpl : public QgsPythonRunner
12689 {
12690   public:
QgsPythonRunnerImpl(QgsPythonUtils * pythonUtils)12691     explicit QgsPythonRunnerImpl( QgsPythonUtils *pythonUtils ) : mPythonUtils( pythonUtils ) {}
runCommand(QString command,QString messageOnError=QString ())12693     bool runCommand( QString command, QString messageOnError = QString() ) override
12694     {
12695 #ifdef WITH_BINDINGS
12696       if ( mPythonUtils && mPythonUtils->isEnabled() )
12697       {
12698         return mPythonUtils->runString( command, messageOnError, false );
12699       }
12700 #else
12701       Q_UNUSED( command )
12702       Q_UNUSED( messageOnError )
12703 #endif
12704       return false;
12705     }
evalCommand(QString command,QString & result)12707     bool evalCommand( QString command, QString &result ) override
12708     {
12709 #ifdef WITH_BINDINGS
12710       if ( mPythonUtils && mPythonUtils->isEnabled() )
12711       {
12712         return mPythonUtils->evalString( command, result );
12713       }
12714 #else
12715       Q_UNUSED( command )
12716       Q_UNUSED( result )
12717 #endif
12718       return false;
12719     }
12721   protected:
12722     QgsPythonUtils *mPythonUtils = nullptr;
12723 };
loadPythonSupport()12725 void QgisApp::loadPythonSupport()
12726 {
12727   QgsScopedRuntimeProfile profile( tr( "Loading Python support" ) );
12729   QString pythonlibName( QStringLiteral( "qgispython" ) );
12730 #if defined(Q_OS_UNIX)
12731   pythonlibName.prepend( QgsApplication::libraryPath() );
12732 #endif
12733 #ifdef __MINGW32__
12734   pythonlibName.prepend( "lib" );
12735 #endif
12736   QString version = QStringLiteral( "%1.%2.%3" ).arg( Qgis::versionInt() / 10000 ).arg( Qgis::versionInt() / 100 % 100 ).arg( Qgis::versionInt() % 100 );
12737   QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "load library %1 (%2)" ).arg( pythonlibName, version ), 2 );
12738   QLibrary pythonlib( pythonlibName, version );
12739   // It's necessary to set these two load hints, otherwise Python library won't work correctly
12740   // see http://lists.kde.org/?l=pykde&m=117190116820758&w=2
12741   pythonlib.setLoadHints( QLibrary::ResolveAllSymbolsHint | QLibrary::ExportExternalSymbolsHint );
12742   if ( !pythonlib.load() )
12743   {
12744     pythonlib.setFileName( pythonlibName );
12745     if ( !pythonlib.load() )
12746     {
12747       QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Couldn't load Python support library: %1" ).arg( pythonlib.errorString() ) );
12748       return;
12749     }
12750   }
12752 #ifdef WITH_BINDINGS
12753   typedef QgsPythonUtils*( *inst )();
12754   inst pythonlib_inst = reinterpret_cast< inst >( cast_to_fptr( pythonlib.resolve( "instance" ) ) );
12755   if ( !pythonlib_inst )
12756   {
12757     //using stderr on purpose because we want end users to see this [TS]
12758     QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Couldn't resolve python support library's instance() symbol." ) );
12759     return;
12760   }
12762   mPythonUtils = pythonlib_inst();
12763   if ( mPythonUtils )
12764   {
12765     mPythonUtils->initPython( mQgisInterface, true );
12766   }
12768   if ( mPythonUtils && mPythonUtils->isEnabled() )
12769   {
12770     QgsPluginRegistry::instance()->setPythonUtils( mPythonUtils );
12772     // init python runner
12773     QgsPythonRunner::setInstance( new QgsPythonRunnerImpl( mPythonUtils ) );
12775     // QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Python support ENABLED :-) " ), QString(), Qgis::MessageLevel::Info );
12776   }
12777 #endif
12778 }
checkQgisVersion()12780 void QgisApp::checkQgisVersion()
12781 {
12782   QgsVersionInfo *versionInfo = new QgsVersionInfo();
12783   QApplication::setOverrideCursor( Qt::WaitCursor );
12785   connect( versionInfo, &QgsVersionInfo::versionInfoAvailable, this, &QgisApp::versionReplyFinished );
12786   versionInfo->checkVersion();
12787 }
versionReplyFinished()12789 void QgisApp::versionReplyFinished()
12790 {
12791   QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor();
12793   QgsVersionInfo *versionInfo = qobject_cast<QgsVersionInfo *>( sender() );
12794   Q_ASSERT( versionInfo );
12796   if ( versionInfo->error() == QNetworkReply::NoError )
12797   {
12798     QString info;
12800     if ( versionInfo->newVersionAvailable() )
12801     {
12802       info = tr( "There is a new version of QGIS available" );
12803     }
12804     else if ( versionInfo->isDevelopmentVersion() )
12805     {
12806       info = tr( "You are running a development version of QGIS" );
12807     }
12808     else
12809     {
12810       info = tr( "You are running the current version of QGIS" );
12811     }
12813     info = QStringLiteral( "<b>%1</b>" ).arg( info );
12815     if ( versionInfo->newVersionAvailable() )
12816       info += "<br>" + QgsStringUtils::insertLinks( versionInfo->downloadInfo() );
12818     QMessageBox mb( QMessageBox::Information, tr( "QGIS Version Information" ), info );
12819     mb.setInformativeText( versionInfo->html() );
12820     mb.exec();
12821   }
12822   else
12823   {
12824     QMessageBox mb( QMessageBox::Warning, tr( "QGIS Version Information" ), tr( "Unable to get current version information from server" ) );
12825     mb.setDetailedText( versionInfo->errorString() );
12826     mb.exec();
12827   }
12828 }
configureShortcuts()12830 void QgisApp::configureShortcuts()
12831 {
12832   QgsConfigureShortcutsDialog dlg( this );
12833   dlg.exec();
12834 }
customize()12836 void QgisApp::customize()
12837 {
12838   QgsCustomization::instance()->openDialog( this );
12839 }
options()12841 void QgisApp::options()
12842 {
12843   showOptionsDialog( this );
12844 }
projectPropertiesPagesMap()12846 QMap< QString, QString > QgisApp::projectPropertiesPagesMap()
12847 {
12848   static QMap< QString, QString > sProjectPropertiesPagesMap;
12849   static std::once_flag initialized;
12850   std::call_once( initialized, []
12851   {
12852     sProjectPropertiesPagesMap.insert( QCoreApplication::translate( "QgsProjectPropertiesBase", "General" ), QStringLiteral( "mProjOptsGeneral" ) );
12853     sProjectPropertiesPagesMap.insert( QCoreApplication::translate( "QgsProjectPropertiesBase", "Metadata" ), QStringLiteral( "mMetadataPage" ) );
12854     sProjectPropertiesPagesMap.insert( QCoreApplication::translate( "QgsProjectPropertiesBase", "View Settings" ), QStringLiteral( "mViewSettingsPage" ) );
12855     sProjectPropertiesPagesMap.insert( QCoreApplication::translate( "QgsProjectPropertiesBase", "CRS" ), QStringLiteral( "mProjOptsCRS" ) );
12856     sProjectPropertiesPagesMap.insert( QCoreApplication::translate( "QgsProjectPropertiesBase", "Transformations" ), QStringLiteral( "mProjTransformations" ) );
12857     sProjectPropertiesPagesMap.insert( QCoreApplication::translate( "QgsProjectPropertiesBase", "Default Styles" ), QStringLiteral( "mProjOptsSymbols" ) );
12858     sProjectPropertiesPagesMap.insert( QCoreApplication::translate( "QgsProjectPropertiesBase", "Data Sources" ), QStringLiteral( "mTab_DataSources" ) );
12859     sProjectPropertiesPagesMap.insert( QCoreApplication::translate( "QgsProjectPropertiesBase", "Relations" ), QStringLiteral( "mTabRelations" ) );
12860     sProjectPropertiesPagesMap.insert( QCoreApplication::translate( "QgsProjectPropertiesBase", "Variables" ), QStringLiteral( "mTab_Variables" ) );
12861     sProjectPropertiesPagesMap.insert( QCoreApplication::translate( "QgsProjectPropertiesBase", "Macros" ), QStringLiteral( "mProjOptsMacros" ) );
12862     sProjectPropertiesPagesMap.insert( QCoreApplication::translate( "QgsProjectPropertiesBase", "QGIS Server" ), QStringLiteral( "mProjOptsOWS" ) );
12863     sProjectPropertiesPagesMap.insert( QCoreApplication::translate( "QgsProjectPropertiesBase", "Temporal" ), QStringLiteral( "mTemporalOptions" ) );
12864   } );
12866   for ( const QPointer< QgsOptionsWidgetFactory > &f : std::as_const( mProjectPropertiesWidgetFactories ) )
12867   {
12868     // remove any deleted factories
12869     if ( f )
12870     {
12871       sProjectPropertiesPagesMap.insert( f->title(), f->title() );
12872     }
12873   }
12875   return sProjectPropertiesPagesMap;
12876 }
showProjectProperties(const QString & page)12878 void QgisApp::showProjectProperties( const QString &page )
12879 {
12880   projectProperties( page );
12881 }
settingPagesMap()12883 QMap< QString, QString > QgisApp::settingPagesMap()
12884 {
12885   static QMap< QString, QString > sSettingPagesMap;
12886   static std::once_flag initialized;
12887   std::call_once( initialized, []
12888   {
12889     sSettingPagesMap.insert( tr( "Style Manager" ), QStringLiteral( "stylemanager" ) );
12890     sSettingPagesMap.insert( tr( "Keyboard Shortcuts" ), QStringLiteral( "shortcuts" ) );
12891     sSettingPagesMap.insert( tr( "Custom Projections" ), QStringLiteral( "customprojection" ) );
12892     sSettingPagesMap.insert( tr( "Interface Customization" ), QStringLiteral( "customize" ) );
12893   } );
12895   return sSettingPagesMap;
12896 }
showSettings(const QString & page)12898 void QgisApp::showSettings( const QString &page )
12899 {
12900   if ( page == QLatin1String( "stylemanager" ) )
12901   {
12902     showStyleManager();
12903   }
12904   else if ( page == QLatin1String( "shortcuts" ) )
12905   {
12906     configureShortcuts();
12907   }
12908   else if ( page == QLatin1String( "customprojection" ) )
12909   {
12910     customProjection();
12911   }
12912   else if ( page == QLatin1String( "customize" ) )
12913   {
12914     customize();
12915   }
12916 }
optionsPagesMap()12918 QMap<QString, QString> QgisApp::optionsPagesMap()
12919 {
12920   static QMap< QString, QString > sOptionsPagesMap;
12921   static std::once_flag initialized;
12922   std::call_once( initialized, []
12923   {
12924     sOptionsPagesMap.insert( QCoreApplication::translate( "QgsOptionsBase", "General" ), QStringLiteral( "mOptionsPageGeneral" ) );
12925     sOptionsPagesMap.insert( QCoreApplication::translate( "QgsOptionsBase", "System" ), QStringLiteral( "mOptionsPageSystem" ) );
12926     sOptionsPagesMap.insert( QCoreApplication::translate( "QgsOptionsBase", "CRS" ), QStringLiteral( "mOptionsPageCRS" ) );
12927     sOptionsPagesMap.insert( QCoreApplication::translate( "QgsOptionsBase", "Transformations" ), QStringLiteral( "mOptionsPageTransformations" ) );
12928     sOptionsPagesMap.insert( QCoreApplication::translate( "QgsOptionsBase", "Data Sources" ), QStringLiteral( "mOptionsPageDataSources" ) );
12929     sOptionsPagesMap.insert( QCoreApplication::translate( "QgsOptionsBase", "GDAL" ), QStringLiteral( "mOptionsPageGDAL" ) );
12930     sOptionsPagesMap.insert( QCoreApplication::translate( "QgsOptionsBase", "Rendering" ), QStringLiteral( "mOptionsPageRendering" ) );
12931     sOptionsPagesMap.insert( QCoreApplication::translate( "QgsOptionsBase", "Canvas & Legend" ), QStringLiteral( "mOptionsPageMapCanvas" ) );
12932     sOptionsPagesMap.insert( QCoreApplication::translate( "QgsOptionsBase", "Map Tools" ), QStringLiteral( "mOptionsPageMapTools" ) );
12933     sOptionsPagesMap.insert( QCoreApplication::translate( "QgsOptionsBase", "Colors" ), QStringLiteral( "mOptionsPageColors" ) );
12934     sOptionsPagesMap.insert( QCoreApplication::translate( "QgsOptionsBase", "Digitizing" ), QStringLiteral( "mOptionsPageDigitizing" ) );
12935     sOptionsPagesMap.insert( QCoreApplication::translate( "QgsOptionsBase", "Layouts" ), QStringLiteral( "mOptionsPageComposer" ) );
12936     sOptionsPagesMap.insert( QCoreApplication::translate( "QgsOptionsBase", "Variables" ), QStringLiteral( "mOptionsPageVariables" ) );
12937     sOptionsPagesMap.insert( QCoreApplication::translate( "QgsOptionsBase", "Authentication" ), QStringLiteral( "mOptionsPageAuth" ) );
12938     sOptionsPagesMap.insert( QCoreApplication::translate( "QgsOptionsBase", "Network" ), QStringLiteral( "mOptionsPageNetwork" ) );
12939     sOptionsPagesMap.insert( QCoreApplication::translate( "QgsOptionsBase", "Locator" ), QStringLiteral( "mOptionsLocatorSettings" ) );
12940     sOptionsPagesMap.insert( QCoreApplication::translate( "QgsOptionsBase", "Acceleration" ), QStringLiteral( "mOptionsPageAcceleration" ) );
12941     sOptionsPagesMap.insert( QCoreApplication::translate( "QgsOptionsBase", "Advanced" ), QCoreApplication::translate( "QgsOptionsBase", "Advanced" ) );
12942   } );
12944   QMap< QString, QString > pages = sOptionsPagesMap;
12945   for ( const QPointer< QgsOptionsWidgetFactory > &f : std::as_const( mOptionsWidgetFactories ) )
12946   {
12947     // remove any deleted factories
12948     if ( f )
12949     {
12950       pages.insert( f->title(), f->title() );
12951     }
12952   }
12953   return pages;
12954 }
createOptionsDialog(QWidget * parent)12956 QgsOptions *QgisApp::createOptionsDialog( QWidget *parent )
12957 {
12958   QList< QgsOptionsWidgetFactory * > factories;
12959   const auto constMOptionsWidgetFactories = mOptionsWidgetFactories;
12960   for ( const QPointer< QgsOptionsWidgetFactory > &f : constMOptionsWidgetFactories )
12961   {
12962     // remove any deleted factories
12963     if ( f )
12964       factories << f;
12965   }
12966   return new QgsOptions( parent, QgsGuiUtils::ModalDialogFlags, factories );
12967 }
showOptionsDialog(QWidget * parent,const QString & currentPage,int pageNumber)12970 void QgisApp::showOptionsDialog( QWidget *parent, const QString &currentPage, int pageNumber )
12971 {
12972   std::unique_ptr< QgsOptions > optionsDialog( createOptionsDialog( parent ) );
12974   QgsSettings mySettings;
12975   QString oldScales = mySettings.value( QStringLiteral( "Map/scales" ), Qgis::defaultProjectScales() ).toString();
12977   if ( !currentPage.isEmpty() )
12978   {
12979     optionsDialog->setCurrentPage( currentPage );
12980   }
12982   if ( pageNumber >= 0 )
12983   {
12984     optionsDialog->setCurrentPage( pageNumber );
12985   }
12987   if ( optionsDialog->exec() )
12988   {
12989     QgsProject::instance()->layerTreeRegistryBridge()->setNewLayersVisible( mySettings.value( QStringLiteral( "qgis/new_layers_visible" ), true ).toBool() );
12991     setupLayerTreeViewFromSettings();
12993     const auto canvases = mapCanvases();
12994     for ( QgsMapCanvas *canvas : canvases )
12995     {
12996       applyDefaultSettingsToCanvas( canvas );
12997     }
12999     //update any open compositions so they reflect new composer settings
13000     //we have to push the changes to the compositions here, because compositions
13001     //have no access to qgisapp and accordingly can't listen in to changes
13002     const QList< QgsMasterLayoutInterface * > layouts = QgsProject::instance()->layoutManager()->layouts() ;
13003     for ( QgsMasterLayoutInterface *layout : layouts )
13004     {
13005       layout->updateSettings();
13006     }
13008     //do we need this? TS
13009     for ( QgsMapCanvas *canvas : canvases )
13010     {
13011       canvas->refresh();
13012     }
13014     mRasterFileFilter = QgsProviderRegistry::instance()->fileRasterFilters();
13016     if ( oldScales != mySettings.value( QStringLiteral( "Map/scales" ), Qgis::defaultProjectScales() ).toString() )
13017     {
13018       mScaleWidget->updateScales();
13019     }
13021     mMapTools->mapTool< QgsMeasureTool >( QgsAppMapTools::MeasureDistance )->updateSettings();
13022     mMapTools->mapTool< QgsMeasureTool >( QgsAppMapTools::MeasureArea )->updateSettings();
13023     mMapTools->mapTool< QgsMapToolMeasureAngle >( QgsAppMapTools::MeasureAngle )->updateSettings();
13024     mMapTools->mapTool< QgsMapToolMeasureBearing >( QgsAppMapTools::MeasureBearing )->updateSettings();
13026 #ifdef HAVE_3D
13027     const QList< Qgs3DMapCanvasDockWidget * > canvases3D = findChildren< Qgs3DMapCanvasDockWidget * >();
13028     for ( Qgs3DMapCanvasDockWidget *canvas3D : canvases3D )
13029     {
13030       canvas3D->measurementLineTool()->updateSettings();
13031     }
13032 #endif
13034     double factor = mySettings.value( QStringLiteral( "qgis/magnifier_factor_default" ), 1.0 ).toDouble();
13035     mMagnifierWidget->setDefaultFactor( factor );
13036     mMagnifierWidget->updateMagnification( factor );
13038     mWelcomePage->updateNewsFeedVisibility();
13039   }
13040 }
fullHistogramStretch()13042 void QgisApp::fullHistogramStretch()
13043 {
13044   histogramStretch( false, QgsRasterMinMaxOrigin::MinMax );
13045 }
localHistogramStretch()13047 void QgisApp::localHistogramStretch()
13048 {
13049   histogramStretch( true, QgsRasterMinMaxOrigin::MinMax );
13050 }
fullCumulativeCutStretch()13052 void QgisApp::fullCumulativeCutStretch()
13053 {
13054   histogramStretch( false, QgsRasterMinMaxOrigin::CumulativeCut );
13055 }
localCumulativeCutStretch()13057 void QgisApp::localCumulativeCutStretch()
13058 {
13059   histogramStretch( true, QgsRasterMinMaxOrigin::CumulativeCut );
13060 }
histogramStretch(bool visibleAreaOnly,QgsRasterMinMaxOrigin::Limits limits)13062 void QgisApp::histogramStretch( bool visibleAreaOnly, QgsRasterMinMaxOrigin::Limits limits )
13063 {
13064   QgsMapLayer *myLayer = mLayerTreeView->currentLayer();
13066   if ( !myLayer )
13067   {
13068     visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "No Layer Selected" ),
13069                                       tr( "To perform a full histogram stretch, you need to have a raster layer selected." ),
13070                                       Qgis::MessageLevel::Info );
13071     return;
13072   }
13074   QgsRasterLayer *myRasterLayer = qobject_cast<QgsRasterLayer *>( myLayer );
13075   if ( !myRasterLayer )
13076   {
13077     visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "No Layer Selected" ),
13078                                       tr( "To perform a full histogram stretch, you need to have a raster layer selected." ),
13079                                       Qgis::MessageLevel::Info );
13080     return;
13081   }
13083   QgsRectangle myRectangle;
13084   if ( visibleAreaOnly )
13085     myRectangle = mMapCanvas->mapSettings().outputExtentToLayerExtent( myRasterLayer, mMapCanvas->extent() );
13087   myRasterLayer->setContrastEnhancement( QgsContrastEnhancement::StretchToMinimumMaximum, limits, myRectangle );
13089   myRasterLayer->triggerRepaint();
13090 }
increaseBrightness()13092 void QgisApp::increaseBrightness()
13093 {
13094   int step = 1;
13095   if ( QgsApplication::keyboardModifiers() == Qt::ShiftModifier )
13096   {
13097     step = 10;
13098   }
13099   adjustBrightnessContrast( step );
13100 }
decreaseBrightness()13102 void QgisApp::decreaseBrightness()
13103 {
13104   int step = -1;
13105   if ( QgsApplication::keyboardModifiers() == Qt::ShiftModifier )
13106   {
13107     step = -10;
13108   }
13109   adjustBrightnessContrast( step );
13110 }
increaseContrast()13112 void QgisApp::increaseContrast()
13113 {
13114   int step = 1;
13115   if ( QgsApplication::keyboardModifiers() == Qt::ShiftModifier )
13116   {
13117     step = 10;
13118   }
13119   adjustBrightnessContrast( step, false );
13120 }
decreaseContrast()13122 void QgisApp::decreaseContrast()
13123 {
13124   int step = -1;
13125   if ( QgsApplication::keyboardModifiers() == Qt::ShiftModifier )
13126   {
13127     step = -10;
13128   }
13129   adjustBrightnessContrast( step, false );
13130 }
adjustBrightnessContrast(int delta,bool updateBrightness)13132 void QgisApp::adjustBrightnessContrast( int delta, bool updateBrightness )
13133 {
13134   const auto constSelectedLayers = mLayerTreeView->selectedLayers();
13135   for ( QgsMapLayer *layer : constSelectedLayers )
13136   {
13137     if ( !layer )
13138     {
13139       visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "No Layer Selected" ),
13140                                         tr( "To change brightness or contrast, you need to have a raster layer selected." ),
13141                                         Qgis::MessageLevel::Info );
13142       return;
13143     }
13145     QgsRasterLayer *rasterLayer = qobject_cast<QgsRasterLayer *>( layer );
13146     if ( !rasterLayer )
13147     {
13148       visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "No Layer Selected" ),
13149                                         tr( "To change brightness or contrast, you need to have a raster layer selected." ),
13150                                         Qgis::MessageLevel::Info );
13151       return;
13152     }
13154     QgsBrightnessContrastFilter *brightnessFilter = rasterLayer->brightnessFilter();
13156     if ( updateBrightness )
13157     {
13158       brightnessFilter->setBrightness( brightnessFilter->brightness() + delta );
13159     }
13160     else
13161     {
13162       brightnessFilter->setContrast( brightnessFilter->contrast() + delta );
13163     }
13165     rasterLayer->triggerRepaint();
13166   }
13167 }
increaseGamma()13169 void QgisApp::increaseGamma()
13170 {
13171   double step = 0.1;
13172   if ( QgsApplication::keyboardModifiers() == Qt::ShiftModifier )
13173   {
13174     step = 1.0;
13175   }
13176   adjustGamma( step );
13177 }
decreaseGamma()13179 void QgisApp::decreaseGamma()
13180 {
13181   double step = -0.1;
13182   if ( QgsApplication::keyboardModifiers() == Qt::ShiftModifier )
13183   {
13184     step = -1.0;
13185   }
13186   adjustGamma( step );
13187 }
adjustGamma(double delta)13189 void QgisApp::adjustGamma( double delta )
13190 {
13191   const auto constSelectedLayers = mLayerTreeView->selectedLayers();
13192   for ( QgsMapLayer *layer : constSelectedLayers )
13193   {
13194     if ( !layer )
13195     {
13196       visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "No Layer Selected" ),
13197                                         tr( "To change gamma, you need to have a raster layer selected." ),
13198                                         Qgis::MessageLevel::Info );
13199       return;
13200     }
13202     QgsRasterLayer *rasterLayer = qobject_cast<QgsRasterLayer *>( layer );
13203     if ( !rasterLayer )
13204     {
13205       visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "No Layer Selected" ),
13206                                         tr( "To change gamma, you need to have a raster layer selected." ),
13207                                         Qgis::MessageLevel::Info );
13208       return;
13209     }
13211     QgsBrightnessContrastFilter *brightnessFilter = rasterLayer->brightnessFilter();
13212     brightnessFilter->setGamma( brightnessFilter->gamma() + delta );
13214     rasterLayer->triggerRepaint();
13215   }
13216 }
helpContents()13218 void QgisApp::helpContents()
13219 {
13220   QgsHelp::openHelp( QStringLiteral( "index.html" ) );
13221 }
apiDocumentation()13223 void QgisApp::apiDocumentation()
13224 {
13225   if ( QFileInfo::exists( QgsApplication::pkgDataPath() + "/doc/api/index.html" ) )
13226   {
13227     openURL( QStringLiteral( "api/index.html" ) );
13228   }
13229   else
13230   {
13231     QgsSettings settings;
13232     QString QgisApiUrl = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "qgis/QgisApiUrl" ),
13233                                          QStringLiteral( "https://qgis.org/api/" ) ).toString();
13234     openURL( QgisApiUrl, false );
13235   }
13236 }
reportaBug()13238 void QgisApp::reportaBug()
13239 {
13240   QgsSettings settings;
13241   QString reportaBugUrl = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "qgis/reportaBugUrl" ),
13242                                           tr( "https://qgis.org/en/site/getinvolved/development/bugreporting.html" ) ).toString();
13243   openURL( reportaBugUrl, false );
13244 }
supportProviders()13246 void QgisApp::supportProviders()
13247 {
13248   QgsSettings settings;
13249   QString supportProvidersUrl = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "qgis/supportProvidersUrl" ),
13250                                 tr( "https://qgis.org/en/site/forusers/commercial_support.html" ) ).toString();
13251   openURL( supportProvidersUrl, false );
13252 }
helpQgisHomePage()13254 void QgisApp::helpQgisHomePage()
13255 {
13256   QgsSettings settings;
13257   QString  helpQgisHomePageUrl = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "qgis/helpQgisHomePageUrl" ),
13258                                  QStringLiteral( "https://qgis.org" ) ).toString();
13259   openURL( helpQgisHomePageUrl, false );
13260 }
openURL(QString url,bool useQgisDocDirectory)13262 void QgisApp::openURL( QString url, bool useQgisDocDirectory )
13263 {
13264   // open help in user browser
13265   if ( useQgisDocDirectory )
13266   {
13267     url = "file://" + QgsApplication::pkgDataPath() + "/doc/" + url;
13268   }
13269 #ifdef Q_OS_MACX
13270   /* Use Mac OS X Launch Services which uses the user's default browser
13271    * and will just open a new window if that browser is already running.
13272    * QProcess creates a new browser process for each invocation and expects a
13273    * commandline application rather than a bundled application.
13274    */
13275   CFURLRef urlRef = CFURLCreateWithBytes( kCFAllocatorDefault,
13276                                           reinterpret_cast<const UInt8 *>( url.toUtf8().constData() ), url.length(),
13277                                           kCFStringEncodingUTF8, nullptr );
13278   OSStatus status = LSOpenCFURLRef( urlRef, nullptr );
13279   status = 0; //avoid compiler warning
13280   CFRelease( urlRef );
13281 #elif defined(Q_OS_WIN)
13282   if ( url.startsWith( "file://", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
13283     ShellExecute( 0, 0, url.mid( 7 ).toLocal8Bit().constData(), 0, 0, SW_SHOWNORMAL );
13284   else
13285     QDesktopServices::openUrl( url );
13286 #else
13287   QDesktopServices::openUrl( url );
13288 #endif
13289 }
registerMapLayerPropertiesFactory(QgsMapLayerConfigWidgetFactory * factory)13291 void QgisApp::registerMapLayerPropertiesFactory( QgsMapLayerConfigWidgetFactory *factory )
13292 {
13293   mMapLayerPanelFactories << factory;
13294   if ( mMapStyleWidget )
13295     mMapStyleWidget->setPageFactories( mMapLayerPanelFactories );
13296 }
unregisterMapLayerPropertiesFactory(QgsMapLayerConfigWidgetFactory * factory)13298 void QgisApp::unregisterMapLayerPropertiesFactory( QgsMapLayerConfigWidgetFactory *factory )
13299 {
13300   mMapLayerPanelFactories.removeAll( factory );
13301   if ( mMapStyleWidget )
13302     mMapStyleWidget->setPageFactories( mMapLayerPanelFactories );
13303 }
registerOptionsWidgetFactory(QgsOptionsWidgetFactory * factory)13305 void QgisApp::registerOptionsWidgetFactory( QgsOptionsWidgetFactory *factory )
13306 {
13307   mOptionsWidgetFactories << factory;
13308 }
unregisterOptionsWidgetFactory(QgsOptionsWidgetFactory * factory)13310 void QgisApp::unregisterOptionsWidgetFactory( QgsOptionsWidgetFactory *factory )
13311 {
13312   mOptionsWidgetFactories.removeAll( factory );
13313 }
registerProjectPropertiesWidgetFactory(QgsOptionsWidgetFactory * factory)13315 void QgisApp::registerProjectPropertiesWidgetFactory( QgsOptionsWidgetFactory *factory )
13316 {
13317   mProjectPropertiesWidgetFactories << factory;
13318 }
unregisterProjectPropertiesWidgetFactory(QgsOptionsWidgetFactory * factory)13320 void QgisApp::unregisterProjectPropertiesWidgetFactory( QgsOptionsWidgetFactory *factory )
13321 {
13322   mProjectPropertiesWidgetFactories.removeAll( factory );
13323 }
registerDevToolFactory(QgsDevToolWidgetFactory * factory)13325 void QgisApp::registerDevToolFactory( QgsDevToolWidgetFactory *factory )
13326 {
13327   mDevToolFactories << factory;
13328   if ( mDevToolsWidget )
13329   {
13330     // widget was already created, so we manually need to push this factory to the widget
13331     mDevToolsWidget->addToolFactory( factory );
13332   }
13333 }
unregisterDevToolFactory(QgsDevToolWidgetFactory * factory)13335 void QgisApp::unregisterDevToolFactory( QgsDevToolWidgetFactory *factory )
13336 {
13337   mDevToolsWidget->removeToolFactory( factory );
13338   mDevToolFactories.removeAll( factory );
13339 }
registerApplicationExitBlocker(QgsApplicationExitBlockerInterface * blocker)13341 void QgisApp::registerApplicationExitBlocker( QgsApplicationExitBlockerInterface *blocker )
13342 {
13343   mApplicationExitBlockers << blocker;
13344 }
unregisterApplicationExitBlocker(QgsApplicationExitBlockerInterface * blocker)13346 void QgisApp::unregisterApplicationExitBlocker( QgsApplicationExitBlockerInterface *blocker )
13347 {
13348   mApplicationExitBlockers.removeAll( blocker );
13349 }
registerMapToolHandler(QgsAbstractMapToolHandler * handler)13351 void QgisApp::registerMapToolHandler( QgsAbstractMapToolHandler *handler )
13352 {
13353   if ( !handler->action() || !handler->mapTool() )
13354   {
13355     QgsMessageLog::logMessage( tr( "Map tool handler is not properly constructed" ) );
13356     return;
13357   }
13359   mMapToolHandlers << handler;
13361   // do setup work
13362   handler->action()->setCheckable( true );
13363   handler->mapTool()->setAction( handler->action() );
13365   connect( handler->action(), &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::switchToMapToolViaHandler );
13366   mMapToolGroup->addAction( handler->action() );
13367   QgsAbstractMapToolHandler::Context context;
13368   handler->action()->setEnabled( handler->isCompatibleWithLayer( activeLayer(), context ) );
13369 }
switchToMapToolViaHandler()13371 void QgisApp::switchToMapToolViaHandler()
13372 {
13373   QAction *sourceAction = qobject_cast< QAction * >( sender() );
13374   if ( !sourceAction )
13375     return;
13377   QgsAbstractMapToolHandler *handler = nullptr;
13378   for ( QgsAbstractMapToolHandler *h : std::as_const( mMapToolHandlers ) )
13379   {
13380     if ( h->action() == sourceAction )
13381     {
13382       handler = h;
13383       break;
13384     }
13385   }
13387   if ( !handler )
13388     return;
13390   if ( mMapCanvas->mapTool() == handler->mapTool() )
13391     return; // nothing to do
13393   handler->setLayerForTool( activeLayer() );
13394   mMapCanvas->setMapTool( handler->mapTool() );
13395 }
unregisterMapToolHandler(QgsAbstractMapToolHandler * handler)13397 void QgisApp::unregisterMapToolHandler( QgsAbstractMapToolHandler *handler )
13398 {
13399   mMapToolHandlers.removeAll( handler );
13401   if ( !handler->action() || !handler->mapTool() )
13402   {
13403     return;
13404   }
13406   mMapToolGroup->removeAction( handler->action() );
13407   disconnect( handler->action(), &QAction::triggered, this, &QgisApp::switchToMapToolViaHandler );
13408 }
activeLayer()13410 QgsMapLayer *QgisApp::activeLayer()
13411 {
13412   return mLayerTreeView ? mLayerTreeView->currentLayer() : nullptr;
13413 }
iconSize(bool dockedToolbar) const13415 QSize QgisApp::iconSize( bool dockedToolbar ) const
13416 {
13417   return QgsGuiUtils::iconSize( dockedToolbar );
13418 }
setActiveLayer(QgsMapLayer * layer)13420 bool QgisApp::setActiveLayer( QgsMapLayer *layer )
13421 {
13422   if ( !layer )
13423     return false;
13425   if ( !mLayerTreeView->layerTreeModel()->rootGroup()->findLayer( layer->id() ) )
13426     return false;
13428   mLayerTreeView->setCurrentLayer( layer );
13429   return true;
13430 }
reloadConnections()13432 void QgisApp::reloadConnections()
13433 {
13434   emit connectionsChanged( );
13435 }
showLayoutManager()13437 void QgisApp::showLayoutManager()
13438 {
13439   static_cast< QgsAppWindowManager * >( QgsGui::windowManager() )->openApplicationDialog( QgsAppWindowManager::DialogLayoutManager );
13440 }
addVectorLayer(const QString & vectorLayerPath,const QString & name,const QString & providerKey)13442 QgsVectorLayer *QgisApp::addVectorLayer( const QString &vectorLayerPath, const QString &name, const QString &providerKey )
13443 {
13444   return addLayerPrivate< QgsVectorLayer >( QgsMapLayerType::VectorLayer, vectorLayerPath, name, !providerKey.isEmpty() ? providerKey : QLatin1String( "ogr" ), true );
13445 }
13447 template<typename T>
addLayerPrivate(QgsMapLayerType type,const QString & uri,const QString & name,const QString & providerKey,bool guiWarnings)13448 T *QgisApp::addLayerPrivate( QgsMapLayerType type, const QString &uri, const QString &name, const QString &providerKey, bool guiWarnings )
13449 {
13450   QgsSettings settings;
13452   QgsCanvasRefreshBlocker refreshBlocker;
13454   QString baseName = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "qgis/formatLayerName" ), false ).toBool() ? QgsMapLayer::formatLayerName( name ) : name;
13456   // if the layer needs authentication, ensure the master password is set
13457   const QRegularExpression rx( "authcfg=([a-z]|[A-Z]|[0-9]){7}" );
13458   if ( rx.match( uri ).hasMatch() )
13459   {
13460     if ( !QgsAuthGuiUtils::isDisabled( messageBar() ) )
13461     {
13462       QgsApplication::authManager()->setMasterPassword( true );
13463     }
13464   }
13466   QVariantMap uriElements = QgsProviderRegistry::instance()->decodeUri( providerKey, uri );
13467   QString path = uri;
13468   if ( uriElements.contains( QStringLiteral( "path" ) ) )
13469   {
13470     // run layer path through QgsPathResolver so that all inbuilt paths and other localised paths are correctly expanded
13471     path = QgsPathResolver().readPath( uriElements.value( QStringLiteral( "path" ) ).toString() );
13472     uriElements[ QStringLiteral( "path" ) ] = path;
13473   }
13474   // Not all providers implement decodeUri(), so use original uri if uriElements is empty
13475   const QString updatedUri = uriElements.isEmpty() ? uri : QgsProviderRegistry::instance()->encodeUri( providerKey, uriElements );
13477   const bool canQuerySublayers = QgsProviderRegistry::instance()->providerMetadata( providerKey ) &&
13478                                  ( QgsProviderRegistry::instance()->providerMetadata( providerKey )->capabilities() & QgsProviderMetadata::QuerySublayers );
13480   T *result = nullptr;
13481   if ( canQuerySublayers )
13482   {
13483     // query sublayers
13484     QList< QgsProviderSublayerDetails > sublayers = QgsProviderRegistry::instance()->providerMetadata( providerKey ) ?
13485         QgsProviderRegistry::instance()->providerMetadata( providerKey )->querySublayers( updatedUri, Qgis::SublayerQueryFlag::IncludeSystemTables )
13486         : QgsProviderRegistry::instance()->querySublayers( updatedUri );
13488     // filter out non-matching sublayers
13489     sublayers.erase( std::remove_if( sublayers.begin(), sublayers.end(), [type]( const QgsProviderSublayerDetails & sublayer )
13490     {
13491       return sublayer.type() != type;
13492     } ), sublayers.end() );
13494     if ( sublayers.empty() )
13495     {
13496       if ( guiWarnings )
13497       {
13498         QString msg = tr( "%1 is not a valid or recognized data source." ).arg( uri );
13499         visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "Invalid Data Source" ), msg, Qgis::MessageLevel::Critical );
13500       }
13502       // since the layer is bad, stomp on it
13503       return nullptr;
13504     }
13505     else if ( sublayers.size() > 1 || QgsProviderUtils::sublayerDetailsAreIncomplete( sublayers, QgsProviderUtils::SublayerCompletenessFlag::IgnoreUnknownFeatureCount ) )
13506     {
13507       // ask user for sublayers (unless user settings dictate otherwise!)
13508       switch ( shouldAskUserForSublayers( sublayers ) )
13509       {
13510         case SublayerHandling::AskUser:
13511         {
13512           QgsProviderSublayersDialog dlg( updatedUri, path, sublayers, {type}, this );
13513           if ( dlg.exec() )
13514           {
13515             const QList< QgsProviderSublayerDetails > selectedLayers = dlg.selectedLayers();
13516             if ( !selectedLayers.isEmpty() )
13517             {
13518               result = qobject_cast< T * >( addSublayers( selectedLayers, baseName, dlg.groupName() ).value( 0 ) );
13519             }
13520           }
13521           break;
13522         }
13523         case SublayerHandling::LoadAll:
13524         {
13525           result = qobject_cast< T * >( addSublayers( sublayers, baseName, QString() ).value( 0 ) );
13526           break;
13527         }
13528         case SublayerHandling::AbortLoading:
13529           break;
13530       };
13531     }
13532     else
13533     {
13534       result = qobject_cast< T * >( addSublayers( sublayers, name, QString() ).value( 0 ) );
13536       if ( result )
13537       {
13538         QString base( baseName );
13539         if ( settings.value( QStringLiteral( "qgis/formatLayerName" ), false ).toBool() )
13540         {
13541           base = QgsMapLayer::formatLayerName( base );
13542         }
13543         result->setName( base );
13544       }
13545     }
13546   }
13547   else
13548   {
13549     QgsMapLayerFactory::LayerOptions options( QgsProject::instance()->transformContext() );
13550     options.loadDefaultStyle = false;
13551     result = qobject_cast< T * >( QgsMapLayerFactory::createLayer( uri, name, type, options, providerKey ) );
13552     if ( result )
13553     {
13554       QString base( baseName );
13555       if ( settings.value( QStringLiteral( "qgis/formatLayerName" ), false ).toBool() )
13556       {
13557         base = QgsMapLayer::formatLayerName( base );
13558       }
13559       result->setName( base );
13560       QgsProject::instance()->addMapLayer( result );
13562       askUserForDatumTransform( result->crs(), QgsProject::instance()->crs(), result );
13563       postProcessAddedLayer( result );
13564     }
13565   }
13567   activateDeactivateLayerRelatedActions( activeLayer() );
13568   return result;
13569 }
addMapLayer(QgsMapLayer * mapLayer)13571 void QgisApp::addMapLayer( QgsMapLayer *mapLayer )
13572 {
13573   QgsCanvasRefreshBlocker refreshBlocker;
13575   if ( mapLayer->isValid() )
13576   {
13577     // Register this layer with the layers registry
13578     QList<QgsMapLayer *> myList;
13579     myList << mapLayer;
13580     QgsProject::instance()->addMapLayers( myList );
13582     askUserForDatumTransform( mapLayer->crs(), QgsProject::instance()->crs(), mapLayer );
13583   }
13584   else
13585   {
13586     QString msg = tr( "The layer is not a valid layer and can not be added to the map" );
13587     visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "Layer is not valid" ), msg, Qgis::MessageLevel::Critical );
13588   }
13589 }
embedLayers()13592 void QgisApp::embedLayers()
13593 {
13594   //dialog to select groups/layers from other project files
13595   QgsProjectLayerGroupDialog d( this );
13596   if ( d.exec() == QDialog::Accepted && d.isValid() )
13597   {
13598     addEmbeddedItems( d.selectedProjectFile(), d.selectedGroups(), d.selectedLayerIds() );
13599   }
13600 }
addEmbeddedItems(const QString & projectFile,const QStringList & groups,const QStringList & layerIds)13602 void QgisApp::addEmbeddedItems( const QString &projectFile, const QStringList &groups, const QStringList &layerIds )
13603 {
13604   QgsCanvasRefreshBlocker refreshBlocker;
13606   //groups
13607   QStringList::const_iterator groupIt = groups.constBegin();
13608   for ( ; groupIt != groups.constEnd(); ++groupIt )
13609   {
13610     QgsLayerTreeGroup *newGroup = QgsProject::instance()->createEmbeddedGroup( *groupIt, projectFile, QStringList() );
13612     if ( newGroup )
13613       QgsProject::instance()->layerTreeRoot()->addChildNode( newGroup );
13614   }
13616   //layer ids
13617   QList<QDomNode> brokenNodes;
13619   // resolve dependencies
13620   QgsLayerDefinition::DependencySorter depSorter( projectFile );
13621   QStringList sortedIds = depSorter.sortedLayerIds();
13622   const auto constSortedIds = sortedIds;
13623   for ( const QString &id : constSortedIds )
13624   {
13625     const auto constLayerIds = layerIds;
13626     for ( const QString &selId : constLayerIds )
13627     {
13628       if ( selId == id )
13629         QgsProject::instance()->createEmbeddedLayer( selId, projectFile, brokenNodes );
13630     }
13631   }
13633   // fix broken relations and dependencies
13634   for ( const QString &id : constSortedIds )
13635   {
13636     QgsVectorLayer *vlayer = qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( QgsProject::instance()->mapLayer( id ) );
13637     if ( vlayer )
13638       vectorLayerStyleLoaded( vlayer, QgsMapLayer::AllStyleCategories );
13639   }
13641   // Resolve references to other layers
13642   const QMap<QString, QgsMapLayer *> layers = QgsProject::instance()->mapLayers();
13643   for ( QMap<QString, QgsMapLayer *>::const_iterator it = layers.constBegin(); it != layers.constEnd(); ++it )
13644   {
13645     it.value()->resolveReferences( QgsProject::instance() );
13646   }
13647 }
newMapCanvas()13649 void QgisApp::newMapCanvas()
13650 {
13651   int i = 1;
13653   bool existing = true;
13654   QList< QgsMapCanvas * > existingCanvases = mapCanvases();
13655   QString name;
13656   while ( existing )
13657   {
13658     name = tr( "Map %1" ).arg( i++ );
13659     existing = false;
13660     const auto constExistingCanvases = existingCanvases;
13661     for ( QgsMapCanvas *canvas : constExistingCanvases )
13662     {
13663       if ( canvas->objectName() == name )
13664       {
13665         existing = true;
13666         break;
13667       }
13668     }
13669   }
13671   QgsMapCanvasDockWidget *dock = createNewMapCanvasDock( name );
13672   if ( dock )
13673   {
13674     setupDockWidget( dock, true );
13675     dock->mapCanvas()->setLayers( mMapCanvas->layers() );
13676     dock->mapCanvas()->setExtent( mMapCanvas->extent() );
13677     QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "QgisApp::newMapCanvas() -4- : QgsProject::instance()->crs().description[%1] ellipsoid[%2]" ).arg( QgsProject::instance()->crs().description(), QgsProject::instance()->crs().ellipsoidAcronym() ), 3 );
13678     dock->mapCanvas()->setDestinationCrs( QgsProject::instance()->crs() );
13679     dock->mapCanvas()->freeze( false );
13680   }
13681 }
init3D()13683 void QgisApp::init3D()
13684 {
13685 #ifdef HAVE_3D
13686   // initialize 3D registries
13687   Qgs3D::initialize();
13688   Qgs3DAppUtils::initialize();
13689 #else
13690   mActionNew3DMapCanvas->setVisible( false );
13691 #endif
13692 }
initNativeProcessing()13694 void QgisApp::initNativeProcessing()
13695 {
13696   QgsApplication::processingRegistry()->addProvider( new QgsNativeAlgorithms( QgsApplication::processingRegistry() ) );
13697 #ifdef HAVE_3D
13698   QgsApplication::processingRegistry()->addProvider( new Qgs3DAlgorithms( QgsApplication::processingRegistry() ) );
13699 #endif
13700 }
initLayouts()13702 void QgisApp::initLayouts()
13703 {
13704   QgsLayoutGuiUtils::registerGuiForKnownItemTypes( mMapCanvas );
13706   // 3D map item
13707 #ifdef HAVE_3D
13708   QgsApplication::layoutItemRegistry()->addLayoutItemType(
13709     new QgsLayoutItemMetadata( QgsLayoutItemRegistry::Layout3DMap, QObject::tr( "3D Map" ), QObject::tr( "3D Maps" ), QgsLayoutItem3DMap::create )
13710   );
13712   auto createRubberBand = ( []( QgsLayoutView * view )->QgsLayoutViewRubberBand *
13713   {
13714     return new QgsLayoutViewRectangularRubberBand( view );
13715   } );
13716   std::unique_ptr< QgsLayoutItemGuiMetadata > map3dMetadata = std::make_unique< QgsLayoutItemGuiMetadata>(
13717         QgsLayoutItemRegistry::Layout3DMap, QObject::tr( "3D Map" ), QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionAdd3DMap.svg" ) ),
13718         [ = ]( QgsLayoutItem * item )->QgsLayoutItemBaseWidget *
13719   {
13720     return new QgsLayout3DMapWidget( qobject_cast< QgsLayoutItem3DMap * >( item ) );
13721   }, createRubberBand );
13722   QgsGui::layoutItemGuiRegistry()->addLayoutItemGuiMetadata( map3dMetadata.release() );
13723 #endif
13725   mLayoutQptDropHandler = new QgsLayoutQptDropHandler( this );
13726   registerCustomLayoutDropHandler( mLayoutQptDropHandler );
13727   mLayoutImageDropHandler = new QgsLayoutImageDropHandler( this );
13728   registerCustomLayoutDropHandler( mLayoutImageDropHandler );
13729 }
new3DMapCanvas()13731 void QgisApp::new3DMapCanvas()
13732 {
13733 #ifdef HAVE_3D
13735   // initialize from project
13736   QgsProject *prj = QgsProject::instance();
13737   QgsRectangle fullExtent = mMapCanvas->projectExtent();
13739   // some layers may go crazy and make full extent unusable
13740   // we can't go any further - invalid extent would break everything
13741   if ( fullExtent.isEmpty() || !fullExtent.isFinite() )
13742   {
13743     QMessageBox::warning( this, tr( "New 3D Map View" ), tr( "Project extent is not valid. Please add or activate a layer to render." ) );
13744     return;
13745   }
13747   if ( mMapCanvas->mapSettings().destinationCrs().isGeographic() )
13748   {
13749     QMessageBox::warning( this, tr( "New 3D Map View" ), tr( "3D view currently does not support unprojected coordinate reference systems (CRS).\nPlease switch project's CRS to a projected CRS." ) );
13750     return;
13751   }
13753   int i = 1;
13755   bool existing = true;
13756   const QList< Qgs3DMapCanvas * > existingCanvases = findChildren< Qgs3DMapCanvas * >();
13757   QString name;
13758   while ( existing )
13759   {
13760     name = tr( "3D Map %1" ).arg( i++ );
13761     existing = false;
13762     for ( Qgs3DMapCanvas *canvas : existingCanvases )
13763     {
13764       if ( canvas->objectName() == name )
13765       {
13766         existing = true;
13767         break;
13768       }
13769     }
13770   }
13772   Qgs3DMapCanvasDockWidget *dock = createNew3DMapCanvasDock( name );
13773   if ( dock )
13774   {
13775     setupDockWidget( dock, true );
13777     QgsSettings settings;
13779     Qgs3DMapSettings *map = new Qgs3DMapSettings;
13780     map->setCrs( prj->crs() );
13781     map->setOrigin( QgsVector3D( fullExtent.center().x(), fullExtent.center().y(), 0 ) );
13782     map->setSelectionColor( mMapCanvas->selectionColor() );
13783     map->setBackgroundColor( mMapCanvas->canvasColor() );
13784     map->setLayers( mMapCanvas->layers() );
13785 //    map->setTerrainLayers( mMapCanvas->layers() );
13786     map->setTemporalRange( mMapCanvas->temporalRange() );
13788     const QgsCameraController::NavigationMode defaultNavMode = settings.enumValue( QStringLiteral( "map3d/defaultNavigation" ), QgsCameraController::TerrainBasedNavigation, QgsSettings::App );
13789     map->setCameraNavigationMode( defaultNavMode );
13791     map->setCameraMovementSpeed( settings.value( QStringLiteral( "map3d/defaultMovementSpeed" ), 5, QgsSettings::App ).toDouble() );
13792     const Qt3DRender::QCameraLens::ProjectionType defaultProjection = settings.enumValue( QStringLiteral( "map3d/defaultProjection" ), Qt3DRender::QCameraLens::PerspectiveProjection, QgsSettings::App );
13793     map->setProjectionType( defaultProjection );
13794     map->setFieldOfView( settings.value( QStringLiteral( "map3d/defaultFieldOfView" ), 45, QgsSettings::App ).toInt() );
13796     map->setTransformContext( QgsProject::instance()->transformContext() );
13797     map->setPathResolver( QgsProject::instance()->pathResolver() );
13798     map->setMapThemeCollection( QgsProject::instance()->mapThemeCollection() );
13799     connect( QgsProject::instance(), &QgsProject::transformContextChanged, map, [map]
13800     {
13801       map->setTransformContext( QgsProject::instance()->transformContext() );
13802     } );
13804     QgsFlatTerrainGenerator *flatTerrain = new QgsFlatTerrainGenerator;
13805     flatTerrain->setCrs( map->crs() );
13806     flatTerrain->setExtent( fullExtent );
13807     map->setTerrainGenerator( flatTerrain );
13809     // new scenes default to a single directional light
13810     map->setDirectionalLights( QList<QgsDirectionalLightSettings>() << QgsDirectionalLightSettings() );
13811     map->setOutputDpi( QgsApplication::desktop()->logicalDpiX() );
13813     dock->setMapSettings( map );
13815     QgsRectangle extent = mMapCanvas->extent();
13816     float dist = static_cast< float >( std::max( extent.width(), extent.height() ) );
13817     dock->mapCanvas3D()->setViewFromTop( mMapCanvas->extent().center(), dist, static_cast< float >( mMapCanvas->rotation() ) );
13819     const QgsCameraController::VerticalAxisInversion axisInversion = settings.enumValue( QStringLiteral( "map3d/axisInversion" ), QgsCameraController::WhenDragging, QgsSettings::App );
13820     if ( dock->mapCanvas3D()->cameraController() )
13821       dock->mapCanvas3D()->cameraController()->setVerticalAxisInversion( axisInversion );
13822   }
13823 #endif
13824 }
createNew3DMapCanvasDock(const QString & name)13826 Qgs3DMapCanvasDockWidget *QgisApp::createNew3DMapCanvasDock( const QString &name )
13827 {
13828 #ifdef HAVE_3D
13829   const QList<Qgs3DMapCanvas *> mapCanvases = findChildren<Qgs3DMapCanvas *>();
13830   for ( Qgs3DMapCanvas *canvas : mapCanvases )
13831   {
13832     if ( canvas->objectName() == name )
13833     {
13834       QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "A map canvas with name '%1' already exists!" ).arg( name ) );
13835       return nullptr;
13836     }
13837   }
13839   markDirty();
13841   Qgs3DMapCanvasDockWidget *map3DWidget = new Qgs3DMapCanvasDockWidget( this );
13842   map3DWidget->setAllowedAreas( Qt::AllDockWidgetAreas );
13843   map3DWidget->setWindowTitle( name );
13844   map3DWidget->mapCanvas3D()->setObjectName( name );
13845   map3DWidget->setMainCanvas( mMapCanvas );
13846   map3DWidget->mapCanvas3D()->setTemporalController( mTemporalControllerWidget->temporalController() );
13847   return map3DWidget;
13848 #else
13849   Q_UNUSED( name )
13850   return nullptr;
13851 #endif
13852 }
setExtent(const QgsRectangle & rect)13854 void QgisApp::setExtent( const QgsRectangle &rect )
13855 {
13856   mMapCanvas->setExtent( rect );
13857 }
saveDirty()13859 bool QgisApp::saveDirty()
13860 {
13861   QString whyDirty;
13862   bool hasUnsavedEdits = false;
13863   // extra check to see if there are any vector layers with unsaved provider edits
13864   // to ensure user has opportunity to save any editing
13865   if ( QgsProject::instance()->count() > 0 )
13866   {
13867     QMap<QString, QgsMapLayer *> layers = QgsProject::instance()->mapLayers();
13868     for ( QMap<QString, QgsMapLayer *>::iterator it = layers.begin(); it != layers.end(); ++it )
13869     {
13870       QgsVectorLayer *vl = qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( it.value() );
13871       // note that we skip the unsaved edits check for memory layers -- it's misleading, because their contents aren't actually
13872       // saved if this is part of a project close operation. Instead we let these get picked up by checkMemoryLayers().
13873       if ( !vl || vl->providerType() == QLatin1String( "memory" ) )
13874       {
13875         continue;
13876       }
13878       hasUnsavedEdits = ( vl->isEditable() && vl->isModified() );
13879       if ( hasUnsavedEdits )
13880       {
13881         break;
13882       }
13883     }
13885     if ( hasUnsavedEdits )
13886     {
13887       markDirty();
13888       whyDirty = QStringLiteral( "<p style='color:darkred;'>" );
13889       whyDirty += tr( "Project has layer(s) in edit mode with unsaved edits, which will NOT be saved!" );
13890       whyDirty += QLatin1String( "</p>" );
13891     }
13892   }
13894   QMessageBox::StandardButton answer( QMessageBox::Discard );
13895   QgsCanvasRefreshBlocker refreshBlocker;
13897   QgsSettings settings;
13898   bool askThem = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "qgis/askToSaveProjectChanges" ), true ).toBool();
13900   if ( askThem && QgsProject::instance()->isDirty() )
13901   {
13902     // flag project as dirty since dirty state of canvas is reset if "dirty"
13903     // is based on a zoom or pan
13904     markDirty();
13906     // prompt user to save
13907     answer = QMessageBox::question( this, tr( "Save Project" ),
13908                                     tr( "Do you want to save the current project? %1" )
13909                                     .arg( whyDirty ),
13910                                     QMessageBox::Save | QMessageBox::Cancel | QMessageBox::Discard,
13911                                     hasUnsavedEdits ? QMessageBox::Cancel : QMessageBox::Save );
13912     if ( QMessageBox::Save == answer )
13913     {
13914       if ( !fileSave() )
13915         answer = QMessageBox::Cancel;
13916     }
13917   }
13919   if ( answer == QMessageBox::Cancel )
13920     return false;
13922   // for memory layers, we discard all unsaved changes manually. Users have already been warned about
13923   // these by an earlier call to checkMemoryLayers(), and we don't want duplicate "unsaved changes" prompts
13924   // and anyway, saving the changes to a memory layer here won't actually save ANYTHING!
13925   // we do this at the very end here, because if the user opted to cancel above then ALL unsaved
13926   // changes in memory layers should still exist for them.
13927   const QMap<QString, QgsMapLayer *> layers = QgsProject::instance()->mapLayers();
13928   for ( auto it = layers.begin(); it != layers.end(); ++it )
13929   {
13930     if ( QgsVectorLayer *vl = qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( it.value() ) )
13931     {
13932       if ( vl->providerType() == QLatin1String( "memory" ) && vl->isEditable() && vl->isModified() )
13933       {
13934         vl->rollBack();
13935       }
13936     }
13937   }
13939   return true;
13940 }
checkUnsavedLayerEdits()13942 bool QgisApp::checkUnsavedLayerEdits()
13943 {
13944   // check to see if there are any vector layers with unsaved provider edits
13945   // to ensure user has opportunity to save any editing
13946   if ( QgsProject::instance()->count() > 0 )
13947   {
13948     const QMap<QString, QgsMapLayer *> layers = QgsProject::instance()->mapLayers();
13949     for ( auto it = layers.begin(); it != layers.end(); ++it )
13950     {
13951       if ( QgsVectorLayer *vl = qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( it.value() ) )
13952       {
13953         // note that we skip the unsaved edits check for memory layers -- it's misleading, because their contents aren't actually
13954         // saved if this is part of a project close operation. Instead we let these get picked up by checkMemoryLayers()
13955         if ( ! vl->dataProvider() || vl->providerType() == QLatin1String( "memory" ) )
13956           continue;
13958         const bool hasUnsavedEdits = ( vl->isEditable() && vl->isModified() );
13959         if ( !hasUnsavedEdits )
13960           continue;
13962         if ( !toggleEditing( vl, true ) )
13963           return false;
13964       }
13965     }
13966   }
13968   return true;
13969 }
checkMemoryLayers()13971 bool QgisApp::checkMemoryLayers()
13972 {
13973   if ( !QgsSettings().value( QStringLiteral( "askToSaveMemoryLayers" ), true, QgsSettings::App ).toBool() )
13974     return true;
13976   // check to see if there are any temporary layers present (with features)
13977   bool hasTemporaryLayers = false;
13978   bool hasMemoryLayers = false;
13980   const QMap<QString, QgsMapLayer *> layers = QgsProject::instance()->mapLayers();
13981   for ( auto it = layers.begin(); it != layers.end(); ++it )
13982   {
13983     if ( it.value() && it.value()->providerType() == QLatin1String( "memory" ) )
13984     {
13985       QgsVectorLayer *vl = qobject_cast< QgsVectorLayer * >( it.value() );
13986       if ( vl && vl->featureCount() != 0 && !vl->customProperty( QStringLiteral( "skipMemoryLayersCheck" ) ).toInt() )
13987       {
13988         hasMemoryLayers = true;
13989         break;
13990       }
13991     }
13992     else if ( it.value() && it.value()->isTemporary() )
13993     {
13994       hasTemporaryLayers = true;
13995     }
13996   }
13998   bool close = true;
13999   if ( hasTemporaryLayers )
14000     close &= QMessageBox::warning( this,
14001                                    tr( "Close Project" ),
14002                                    tr( "This project includes one or more temporary layers. These layers are not permanently saved and their contents will be lost. Are you sure you want to proceed?" ),
14003                                    QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::Cancel, QMessageBox::Cancel ) == QMessageBox::Yes ;
14004   else if ( hasMemoryLayers )
14005     // use the more specific warning for memory layers
14006     close &= QMessageBox::warning( this,
14007                                    tr( "Close Project" ),
14008                                    tr( "This project includes one or more temporary scratch layers. These layers are not saved to disk and their contents will be permanently lost. Are you sure you want to proceed?" ),
14009                                    QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::Cancel, QMessageBox::Cancel ) == QMessageBox::Yes;
14011   return close;
14012 }
checkExitBlockers()14014 bool QgisApp::checkExitBlockers()
14015 {
14016   for ( QgsApplicationExitBlockerInterface *blocker : std::as_const( mApplicationExitBlockers ) )
14017   {
14018     if ( !blocker->allowExit() )
14019       return false;
14020   }
14021   return true;
14022 }
checkTasksDependOnProject()14024 bool QgisApp::checkTasksDependOnProject()
14025 {
14026   QSet< QString > activeTaskDescriptions;
14027   QMap<QString, QgsMapLayer *> layers = QgsProject::instance()->mapLayers();
14028   QMap<QString, QgsMapLayer *>::const_iterator layerIt = layers.constBegin();
14030   for ( ; layerIt != layers.constEnd(); ++layerIt )
14031   {
14032     QList< QgsTask * > tasks = QgsApplication::taskManager()->tasksDependentOnLayer( layerIt.value() );
14033     if ( !tasks.isEmpty() )
14034     {
14035       const auto constTasks = tasks;
14036       for ( QgsTask *task : constTasks )
14037       {
14038         activeTaskDescriptions.insert( tr( " • %1" ).arg( task->description() ) );
14039       }
14040     }
14041   }
14043   if ( !activeTaskDescriptions.isEmpty() )
14044   {
14045     QMessageBox::warning( this, tr( "Active Tasks" ),
14046                           tr( "The following tasks are currently running which depend on layers in this project:\n\n%1\n\nPlease cancel these tasks and retry." ).arg( qgis::setToList( activeTaskDescriptions ).join( QLatin1Char( '\n' ) ) ) );
14047     return true;
14048   }
14049   return false;
14050 }
closeProject()14052 void QgisApp::closeProject()
14053 {
14054   QgsCanvasRefreshBlocker refreshBlocker;
14056   // unload the project macros before changing anything
14057   if ( mPythonMacrosEnabled )
14058   {
14059     QgsPythonRunner::run( QStringLiteral( "qgis.utils.unloadProjectMacros();" ) );
14060   }
14062   mPythonMacrosEnabled = false;
14064   mLegendExpressionFilterButton->setExpressionText( QString() );
14065   mLegendExpressionFilterButton->setChecked( false );
14066   mFilterLegendByMapContentAction->setChecked( false );
14068   closeAdditionalMapCanvases();
14069   closeAdditional3DMapCanvases();
14071   deleteLayoutDesigners();
14073   // ensure layout widgets are fully deleted
14074   QgsApplication::sendPostedEvents( nullptr, QEvent::DeferredDelete );
14076   removeAnnotationItems();
14078   // clear out any stuff from project
14079   mMapCanvas->setLayers( QList<QgsMapLayer *>() );
14080   mMapCanvas->clearCache();
14081   mMapCanvas->cancelJobs();
14082   mOverviewCanvas->setLayers( QList<QgsMapLayer *>() );
14084   // Avoid unnecessary layer changed handling for each layer removed - instead,
14085   // defer the handling until we've removed all layers
14086   mBlockActiveLayerChanged = true;
14087   QgsProject::instance()->clear();
14088   mBlockActiveLayerChanged = false;
14090   onActiveLayerChanged( activeLayer() );
14091 }
changeEvent(QEvent * event)14094 void QgisApp::changeEvent( QEvent *event )
14095 {
14096   QMainWindow::changeEvent( event );
14097 #ifdef Q_OS_MAC
14098   switch ( event->type() )
14099   {
14100     case QEvent::ActivationChange:
14101       if ( QApplication::activeWindow() == this )
14102       {
14103         mWindowAction->setChecked( true );
14104       }
14105       // this should not be necessary since the action is part of an action group
14106       // however this check is not cleared if PrintComposer is closed and reopened
14107       else
14108       {
14109         mWindowAction->setChecked( false );
14110       }
14111       break;
14113     case QEvent::WindowTitleChange:
14114       mWindowAction->setText( windowTitle() );
14115       break;
14117     default:
14118       break;
14119   }
14120 #endif
14121 }
closeEvent(QCloseEvent * event)14123 void QgisApp::closeEvent( QCloseEvent *event )
14124 {
14125   // We'll close in our own good time, thank you very much
14126   event->ignore();
14127   // Do the usual checks and ask if they want to save, etc
14128   fileExit();
14129 }
getPluginMenu(const QString & menuName)14131 QMenu *QgisApp::getPluginMenu( const QString &menuName )
14132 {
14133   /* Plugin menu items are below the plugin separator (which may not exist yet
14134    * if no plugins are loaded) and above the python separator. If python is not
14135    * present, there is no python separator and the plugin list is at the bottom
14136    * of the menu.
14137    */
14139   QString cleanedMenuName = menuName;
14140 #ifdef Q_OS_MAC
14141   // Mac doesn't have '&' keyboard shortcuts.
14142   cleanedMenuName.remove( QChar( '&' ) );
14143 #endif
14144   QAction *before = mActionPluginSeparator2;  // python separator or end of list
14145   if ( !mActionPluginSeparator1 )
14146   {
14147     // First plugin - create plugin list separator
14148     mActionPluginSeparator1 = mPluginMenu->insertSeparator( before );
14149   }
14150   else
14151   {
14152     QString dst = cleanedMenuName;
14153     dst.remove( QChar( '&' ) );
14155     // Plugins exist - search between plugin separator and python separator or end of list
14156     QList<QAction *> actions = mPluginMenu->actions();
14157     int end = mActionPluginSeparator2 ? actions.indexOf( mActionPluginSeparator2 ) : actions.count();
14158     for ( int i = actions.indexOf( mActionPluginSeparator1 ) + 1; i < end; i++ )
14159     {
14160       QString src = actions.at( i )->text();
14161       src.remove( QChar( '&' ) );
14163       int comp = dst.localeAwareCompare( src );
14164       if ( comp < 0 )
14165       {
14166         // Add item before this one
14167         before = actions.at( i );
14168         break;
14169       }
14170       else if ( comp == 0 )
14171       {
14172         // Plugin menu item already exists
14173         return actions.at( i )->menu();
14174       }
14175     }
14176   }
14177   // It doesn't exist, so create
14178   QMenu *menu = new QMenu( cleanedMenuName, this );
14179   menu->setObjectName( normalizedMenuName( cleanedMenuName ) );
14180   // Where to put it? - we worked that out above...
14181   mPluginMenu->insertMenu( before, menu );
14183   return menu;
14184 }
addPluginToMenu(const QString & name,QAction * action)14186 void QgisApp::addPluginToMenu( const QString &name, QAction *action )
14187 {
14188   QMenu *menu = getPluginMenu( name );
14189   menu->addAction( action );
14190 }
removePluginMenu(const QString & name,QAction * action)14192 void QgisApp::removePluginMenu( const QString &name, QAction *action )
14193 {
14194   QMenu *menu = getPluginMenu( name );
14195   menu->removeAction( action );
14196   if ( menu->actions().isEmpty() )
14197   {
14198     mPluginMenu->removeAction( menu->menuAction() );
14199   }
14200   // Remove separator above plugins in Plugin menu if no plugins remain
14201   QList<QAction *> actions = mPluginMenu->actions();
14202   int end = mActionPluginSeparator2 ? actions.indexOf( mActionPluginSeparator2 ) : actions.count();
14203   if ( actions.indexOf( mActionPluginSeparator1 ) + 1 == end )
14204   {
14205     mPluginMenu->removeAction( mActionPluginSeparator1 );
14206     mActionPluginSeparator1 = nullptr;
14207   }
14208 }
getDatabaseMenu(const QString & menuName)14210 QMenu *QgisApp::getDatabaseMenu( const QString &menuName )
14211 {
14212   if ( menuName.isEmpty() )
14213     return mDatabaseMenu;
14215   QString cleanedMenuName = menuName;
14216 #ifdef Q_OS_MAC
14217   // Mac doesn't have '&' keyboard shortcuts.
14218   cleanedMenuName.remove( QChar( '&' ) );
14219 #endif
14220   QString dst = cleanedMenuName;
14221   dst.remove( QChar( '&' ) );
14223   QAction *before = nullptr;
14224   QList<QAction *> actions = mDatabaseMenu->actions();
14225   for ( int i = 0; i < actions.count(); i++ )
14226   {
14227     QString src = actions.at( i )->text();
14228     src.remove( QChar( '&' ) );
14230     int comp = dst.localeAwareCompare( src );
14231     if ( comp < 0 )
14232     {
14233       // Add item before this one
14234       before = actions.at( i );
14235       break;
14236     }
14237     else if ( comp == 0 )
14238     {
14239       // Plugin menu item already exists
14240       return actions.at( i )->menu();
14241     }
14242   }
14243   // It doesn't exist, so create
14244   QMenu *menu = new QMenu( cleanedMenuName, this );
14245   menu->setObjectName( normalizedMenuName( cleanedMenuName ) );
14246   if ( before )
14247     mDatabaseMenu->insertMenu( before, menu );
14248   else
14249     mDatabaseMenu->addMenu( menu );
14251   return menu;
14252 }
getRasterMenu(const QString & menuName)14254 QMenu *QgisApp::getRasterMenu( const QString &menuName )
14255 {
14256   if ( menuName.isEmpty() )
14257     return mRasterMenu;
14259   QString cleanedMenuName = menuName;
14260 #ifdef Q_OS_MAC
14261   // Mac doesn't have '&' keyboard shortcuts.
14262   cleanedMenuName.remove( QChar( '&' ) );
14263 #endif
14265   QAction *before = nullptr;
14266   if ( !mActionRasterSeparator )
14267   {
14268     // First plugin - create plugin list separator
14269     mActionRasterSeparator = mRasterMenu->insertSeparator( before );
14270   }
14271   else
14272   {
14273     QString dst = cleanedMenuName;
14274     dst.remove( QChar( '&' ) );
14275     // Plugins exist - search between plugin separator and python separator or end of list
14276     QList<QAction *> actions = mRasterMenu->actions();
14277     for ( int i = actions.indexOf( mActionRasterSeparator ) + 1; i < actions.count(); i++ )
14278     {
14279       QString src = actions.at( i )->text();
14280       src.remove( QChar( '&' ) );
14282       int comp = dst.localeAwareCompare( src );
14283       if ( comp < 0 )
14284       {
14285         // Add item before this one
14286         before = actions.at( i );
14287         break;
14288       }
14289       else if ( comp == 0 )
14290       {
14291         // Plugin menu item already exists
14292         return actions.at( i )->menu();
14293       }
14294     }
14295   }
14297   // It doesn't exist, so create
14298   QMenu *menu = new QMenu( cleanedMenuName, this );
14299   menu->setObjectName( normalizedMenuName( cleanedMenuName ) );
14300   if ( before )
14301     mRasterMenu->insertMenu( before, menu );
14302   else
14303     mRasterMenu->addMenu( menu );
14305   return menu;
14306 }
getVectorMenu(const QString & menuName)14308 QMenu *QgisApp::getVectorMenu( const QString &menuName )
14309 {
14310   if ( menuName.isEmpty() )
14311     return mVectorMenu;
14313   QString cleanedMenuName = menuName;
14314 #ifdef Q_OS_MAC
14315   // Mac doesn't have '&' keyboard shortcuts.
14316   cleanedMenuName.remove( QChar( '&' ) );
14317 #endif
14318   QString dst = cleanedMenuName;
14319   dst.remove( QChar( '&' ) );
14321   QAction *before = nullptr;
14322   QList<QAction *> actions = mVectorMenu->actions();
14323   for ( int i = 0; i < actions.count(); i++ )
14324   {
14325     QString src = actions.at( i )->text();
14326     src.remove( QChar( '&' ) );
14328     int comp = dst.localeAwareCompare( src );
14329     if ( comp < 0 )
14330     {
14331       // Add item before this one
14332       before = actions.at( i );
14333       break;
14334     }
14335     else if ( comp == 0 )
14336     {
14337       // Plugin menu item already exists
14338       return actions.at( i )->menu();
14339     }
14340   }
14341   // It doesn't exist, so create
14342   QMenu *menu = new QMenu( cleanedMenuName, this );
14343   menu->setObjectName( normalizedMenuName( cleanedMenuName ) );
14344   if ( before )
14345     mVectorMenu->insertMenu( before, menu );
14346   else
14347     mVectorMenu->addMenu( menu );
14349   return menu;
14350 }
getWebMenu(const QString & menuName)14352 QMenu *QgisApp::getWebMenu( const QString &menuName )
14353 {
14354   if ( menuName.isEmpty() )
14355     return mWebMenu;
14357   QString cleanedMenuName = menuName;
14358 #ifdef Q_OS_MAC
14359   // Mac doesn't have '&' keyboard shortcuts.
14360   cleanedMenuName.remove( QChar( '&' ) );
14361 #endif
14362   QString dst = cleanedMenuName;
14363   dst.remove( QChar( '&' ) );
14365   QAction *before = nullptr;
14366   QList<QAction *> actions = mWebMenu->actions();
14367   for ( int i = 0; i < actions.count(); i++ )
14368   {
14369     QString src = actions.at( i )->text();
14370     src.remove( QChar( '&' ) );
14372     int comp = dst.localeAwareCompare( src );
14373     if ( comp < 0 )
14374     {
14375       // Add item before this one
14376       before = actions.at( i );
14377       break;
14378     }
14379     else if ( comp == 0 )
14380     {
14381       // Plugin menu item already exists
14382       return actions.at( i )->menu();
14383     }
14384   }
14385   // It doesn't exist, so create
14386   QMenu *menu = new QMenu( cleanedMenuName, this );
14387   menu->setObjectName( normalizedMenuName( cleanedMenuName ) );
14388   if ( before )
14389     mWebMenu->insertMenu( before, menu );
14390   else
14391     mWebMenu->addMenu( menu );
14393   return menu;
14394 }
insertAddLayerAction(QAction * action)14396 void QgisApp::insertAddLayerAction( QAction *action )
14397 {
14398   mAddLayerMenu->insertAction( mActionAddLayerSeparator, action );
14399 }
removeAddLayerAction(QAction * action)14401 void QgisApp::removeAddLayerAction( QAction *action )
14402 {
14403   mAddLayerMenu->removeAction( action );
14404 }
addPluginToDatabaseMenu(const QString & name,QAction * action)14406 void QgisApp::addPluginToDatabaseMenu( const QString &name, QAction *action )
14407 {
14408   QMenu *menu = getDatabaseMenu( name );
14409   menu->addAction( action );
14411   // add the Database menu to the menuBar if not added yet
14412   if ( mDatabaseMenu->actions().count() != 1 )
14413     return;
14415   QAction *before = nullptr;
14416   QList<QAction *> actions = menuBar()->actions();
14417   for ( int i = 0; i < actions.count(); i++ )
14418   {
14419     if ( actions.at( i )->menu() == mDatabaseMenu )
14420       return;
14422     // goes before Web menu, if present
14423     if ( actions.at( i )->menu() == mWebMenu )
14424     {
14425       before = actions.at( i );
14426       break;
14427     }
14428   }
14429   for ( int i = 0; i < actions.count(); i++ )
14430   {
14431     // defaults to after Raster menu, which is already in qgisapp.ui
14432     if ( actions.at( i )->menu() == mRasterMenu )
14433     {
14434       if ( !before )
14435       {
14436         before = actions.at( i += 1 );
14437         break;
14438       }
14439     }
14440   }
14441   if ( before )
14442     menuBar()->insertMenu( before, mDatabaseMenu );
14443   else
14444     // fallback insert
14445     menuBar()->insertMenu( firstRightStandardMenu()->menuAction(), mDatabaseMenu );
14446 }
addPluginToRasterMenu(const QString & name,QAction * action)14448 void QgisApp::addPluginToRasterMenu( const QString &name, QAction *action )
14449 {
14450   QMenu *menu = getRasterMenu( name );
14451   menu->addAction( action );
14452 }
addPluginToVectorMenu(const QString & name,QAction * action)14454 void QgisApp::addPluginToVectorMenu( const QString &name, QAction *action )
14455 {
14456   QMenu *menu = getVectorMenu( name );
14457   menu->addAction( action );
14458 }
addPluginToWebMenu(const QString & name,QAction * action)14460 void QgisApp::addPluginToWebMenu( const QString &name, QAction *action )
14461 {
14462   QMenu *menu = getWebMenu( name );
14463   menu->addAction( action );
14465   // add the Vector menu to the menuBar if not added yet
14466   if ( mWebMenu->actions().count() != 1 )
14467     return;
14469   QAction *before = nullptr;
14470   QList<QAction *> actions = menuBar()->actions();
14471   for ( int i = 0; i < actions.count(); i++ )
14472   {
14473     // goes after Database menu, if present
14474     if ( actions.at( i )->menu() == mDatabaseMenu )
14475     {
14476       before = actions.at( i += 1 );
14477       // don't break here
14478     }
14480     if ( actions.at( i )->menu() == mWebMenu )
14481       return;
14482   }
14483   for ( int i = 0; i < actions.count(); i++ )
14484   {
14485     // defaults to after Raster menu, which is already in qgisapp.ui
14486     if ( actions.at( i )->menu() == mRasterMenu )
14487     {
14488       if ( !before )
14489       {
14490         before = actions.at( i += 1 );
14491         break;
14492       }
14493     }
14494   }
14496   if ( before )
14497     menuBar()->insertMenu( before, mWebMenu );
14498   else
14499     // fallback insert
14500     menuBar()->insertMenu( firstRightStandardMenu()->menuAction(), mWebMenu );
14501 }
removePluginDatabaseMenu(const QString & name,QAction * action)14503 void QgisApp::removePluginDatabaseMenu( const QString &name, QAction *action )
14504 {
14505   QMenu *menu = getDatabaseMenu( name );
14506   menu->removeAction( action );
14507   if ( menu->actions().isEmpty() )
14508   {
14509     mDatabaseMenu->removeAction( menu->menuAction() );
14510   }
14512   // remove the Database menu from the menuBar if there are no more actions
14513   if ( !mDatabaseMenu->actions().isEmpty() )
14514     return;
14516   QList<QAction *> actions = menuBar()->actions();
14517   for ( int i = 0; i < actions.count(); i++ )
14518   {
14519     if ( actions.at( i )->menu() == mDatabaseMenu )
14520     {
14521       menuBar()->removeAction( actions.at( i ) );
14522       return;
14523     }
14524   }
14525 }
removePluginRasterMenu(const QString & name,QAction * action)14527 void QgisApp::removePluginRasterMenu( const QString &name, QAction *action )
14528 {
14529   QMenu *menu = getRasterMenu( name );
14530   menu->removeAction( action );
14531   if ( menu->actions().isEmpty() )
14532   {
14533     mRasterMenu->removeAction( menu->menuAction() );
14534   }
14536   // Remove separator above plugins in Raster menu if no plugins remain
14537   QList<QAction *> actions = mRasterMenu->actions();
14538   if ( actions.indexOf( mActionRasterSeparator ) + 1 == actions.count() )
14539   {
14540     mRasterMenu->removeAction( mActionRasterSeparator );
14541     mActionRasterSeparator = nullptr;
14542   }
14543 }
removePluginVectorMenu(const QString & name,QAction * action)14545 void QgisApp::removePluginVectorMenu( const QString &name, QAction *action )
14546 {
14547   QMenu *menu = getVectorMenu( name );
14548   menu->removeAction( action );
14549   if ( menu->actions().isEmpty() )
14550   {
14551     mVectorMenu->removeAction( menu->menuAction() );
14552   }
14554   // remove the Vector menu from the menuBar if there are no more actions
14555   if ( !mVectorMenu->actions().isEmpty() )
14556     return;
14558   QList<QAction *> actions = menuBar()->actions();
14559   for ( int i = 0; i < actions.count(); i++ )
14560   {
14561     if ( actions.at( i )->menu() == mVectorMenu )
14562     {
14563       menuBar()->removeAction( actions.at( i ) );
14564       return;
14565     }
14566   }
14567 }
removePluginWebMenu(const QString & name,QAction * action)14569 void QgisApp::removePluginWebMenu( const QString &name, QAction *action )
14570 {
14571   QMenu *menu = getWebMenu( name );
14572   menu->removeAction( action );
14573   if ( menu->actions().isEmpty() )
14574   {
14575     mWebMenu->removeAction( menu->menuAction() );
14576   }
14578   // remove the Web menu from the menuBar if there are no more actions
14579   if ( !mWebMenu->actions().isEmpty() )
14580     return;
14582   QList<QAction *> actions = menuBar()->actions();
14583   for ( int i = 0; i < actions.count(); i++ )
14584   {
14585     if ( actions.at( i )->menu() == mWebMenu )
14586     {
14587       menuBar()->removeAction( actions.at( i ) );
14588       return;
14589     }
14590   }
14591 }
addPluginToolBarIcon(QAction * qAction)14593 int QgisApp::addPluginToolBarIcon( QAction *qAction )
14594 {
14595   mPluginToolBar->addAction( qAction );
14596   return 0;
14597 }
addPluginToolBarWidget(QWidget * widget)14599 QAction *QgisApp::addPluginToolBarWidget( QWidget *widget )
14600 {
14601   return mPluginToolBar->addWidget( widget );
14602 }
removePluginToolBarIcon(QAction * qAction)14604 void QgisApp::removePluginToolBarIcon( QAction *qAction )
14605 {
14606   mPluginToolBar->removeAction( qAction );
14607 }
addRasterToolBarIcon(QAction * qAction)14609 int QgisApp::addRasterToolBarIcon( QAction *qAction )
14610 {
14611   mRasterToolBar->addAction( qAction );
14612   return 0;
14613 }
addRasterToolBarWidget(QWidget * widget)14615 QAction *QgisApp::addRasterToolBarWidget( QWidget *widget )
14616 {
14617   return mRasterToolBar->addWidget( widget );
14618 }
removeRasterToolBarIcon(QAction * qAction)14620 void QgisApp::removeRasterToolBarIcon( QAction *qAction )
14621 {
14622   mRasterToolBar->removeAction( qAction );
14623 }
addVectorToolBarIcon(QAction * qAction)14625 int QgisApp::addVectorToolBarIcon( QAction *qAction )
14626 {
14627   mVectorToolBar->addAction( qAction );
14628   return 0;
14629 }
addVectorToolBarWidget(QWidget * widget)14631 QAction *QgisApp::addVectorToolBarWidget( QWidget *widget )
14632 {
14633   return mVectorToolBar->addWidget( widget );
14634 }
removeVectorToolBarIcon(QAction * qAction)14636 void QgisApp::removeVectorToolBarIcon( QAction *qAction )
14637 {
14638   mVectorToolBar->removeAction( qAction );
14639 }
addDatabaseToolBarIcon(QAction * qAction)14641 int QgisApp::addDatabaseToolBarIcon( QAction *qAction )
14642 {
14643   mDatabaseToolBar->addAction( qAction );
14644   return 0;
14645 }
onVirtualLayerAdded(const QString & uri,const QString & layerName)14647 void QgisApp::onVirtualLayerAdded( const QString &uri, const QString &layerName )
14648 {
14649   addVectorLayer( uri, layerName, QStringLiteral( "virtual" ) );
14650 }
addDatabaseToolBarWidget(QWidget * widget)14652 QAction *QgisApp::addDatabaseToolBarWidget( QWidget *widget )
14653 {
14654   return mDatabaseToolBar->addWidget( widget );
14655 }
removeDatabaseToolBarIcon(QAction * qAction)14657 void QgisApp::removeDatabaseToolBarIcon( QAction *qAction )
14658 {
14659   mDatabaseToolBar->removeAction( qAction );
14660 }
addWebToolBarIcon(QAction * qAction)14662 int QgisApp::addWebToolBarIcon( QAction *qAction )
14663 {
14664   mWebToolBar->addAction( qAction );
14665   return 0;
14666 }
addWebToolBarWidget(QWidget * widget)14668 QAction *QgisApp::addWebToolBarWidget( QWidget *widget )
14669 {
14670   return mWebToolBar->addWidget( widget );
14671 }
removeWebToolBarIcon(QAction * qAction)14673 void QgisApp::removeWebToolBarIcon( QAction *qAction )
14674 {
14675   mWebToolBar->removeAction( qAction );
14676 }
updateCrsStatusBar()14678 void QgisApp::updateCrsStatusBar()
14679 {
14680   const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem projectCrs = QgsProject::instance()->crs();
14681   if ( projectCrs.isValid() )
14682   {
14683     if ( !projectCrs.authid().isEmpty() )
14684       mOnTheFlyProjectionStatusButton->setText( projectCrs.authid() );
14685     else
14686       mOnTheFlyProjectionStatusButton->setText( QObject::tr( "Unknown CRS" ) );
14688     mOnTheFlyProjectionStatusButton->setToolTip(
14689       tr( "Current CRS: %1" ).arg( projectCrs.userFriendlyIdentifier() ) );
14690     mOnTheFlyProjectionStatusButton->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "mIconProjectionEnabled.svg" ) ) );
14691   }
14692   else
14693   {
14694     mOnTheFlyProjectionStatusButton->setText( QString() );
14695     mOnTheFlyProjectionStatusButton->setToolTip( tr( "No projection" ) );
14696     mOnTheFlyProjectionStatusButton->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "mIconProjectionDisabled.svg" ) ) );
14697   }
14698 }
14700 // slot to update the progress bar in the status bar
showProgress(int progress,int totalSteps)14701 void QgisApp::showProgress( int progress, int totalSteps )
14702 {
14703   if ( progress == totalSteps )
14704   {
14705     mProgressBar->reset();
14706     mProgressBar->hide();
14707   }
14708   else
14709   {
14710     //only call show if not already hidden to reduce flicker
14711     if ( !mProgressBar->isVisible() )
14712     {
14713       mProgressBar->show();
14714     }
14715     mProgressBar->setMaximum( totalSteps );
14716     mProgressBar->setValue( progress );
14717   }
14718 }
mapToolChanged(QgsMapTool * newTool,QgsMapTool * oldTool)14720 void QgisApp::mapToolChanged( QgsMapTool *newTool, QgsMapTool *oldTool )
14721 {
14722   if ( oldTool )
14723   {
14724     disconnect( oldTool, &QgsMapTool::messageEmitted, this, &QgisApp::displayMapToolMessage );
14725     disconnect( oldTool, &QgsMapTool::messageEmitted, this, &QgisApp::displayMapToolMessage );
14726     disconnect( oldTool, &QgsMapTool::messageDiscarded, this, &QgisApp::removeMapToolMessage );
14727   }
14729   if ( newTool )
14730   {
14731     if ( !( newTool->flags() & QgsMapTool::EditTool ) )
14732     {
14733       mNonEditMapTool = newTool;
14734     }
14736     connect( newTool, &QgsMapTool::messageEmitted, this, &QgisApp::displayMapToolMessage );
14737     connect( newTool, &QgsMapTool::messageEmitted, this, &QgisApp::displayMapToolMessage );
14738     connect( newTool, &QgsMapTool::messageDiscarded, this, &QgisApp::removeMapToolMessage );
14739   }
14740 }
showMapCanvas()14742 void QgisApp::showMapCanvas()
14743 {
14744   // Map layers changed -> switch to map canvas
14745   if ( mCentralContainer )
14746     mCentralContainer->setCurrentIndex( 0 );
14747 }
markDirty()14749 void QgisApp::markDirty()
14750 {
14751   // notify the project that there was a change
14752   QgsProject::instance()->setDirty( true );
14753 }
extentChanged()14755 void QgisApp::extentChanged()
14756 {
14757   // allow symbols in the legend update their preview if they use map units
14758   mLayerTreeView->layerTreeModel()->setLegendMapViewData( mMapCanvas->mapUnitsPerPixel(),
14759       static_cast< int >( std::round( mMapCanvas->mapSettings().outputDpi() ) ), mMapCanvas->scale() );
14760 }
layersWereAdded(const QList<QgsMapLayer * > & layers)14762 void QgisApp::layersWereAdded( const QList<QgsMapLayer *> &layers )
14763 {
14764   const auto constLayers = layers;
14765   for ( QgsMapLayer *layer : constLayers )
14766   {
14767     connect( layer, &QgsMapLayer::layerModified, this, &QgisApp::updateLayerModifiedActions );
14768     connect( layer, &QgsMapLayer::editingStarted, this, &QgisApp::layerEditStateChanged );
14769     connect( layer, &QgsMapLayer::editingStopped, this, &QgisApp::layerEditStateChanged );
14771     if ( QgsVectorLayer *vlayer = qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( layer ) )
14772     {
14773       // notify user about any font family substitution, but only when rendering labels (i.e. not when opening settings dialog)
14774       connect( vlayer, &QgsVectorLayer::labelingFontNotFound, this, &QgisApp::labelingFontNotFound );
14776       // Do not check for layer editing capabilities because they may change
14777       // (for example when subsetString is added/removed) and signals need to
14778       // be in place in order to update the GUI
14779       connect( vlayer, &QgsVectorLayer::readOnlyChanged, this, &QgisApp::layerEditStateChanged );
14780       connect( vlayer, &QgsVectorLayer::raiseError, this, &QgisApp::onLayerError );
14781       connect( vlayer, &QgsVectorLayer::styleLoaded, [this, vlayer]( QgsMapLayer::StyleCategories categories ) { vectorLayerStyleLoaded( vlayer, categories ); } );
14782     }
14784     if ( QgsRasterLayer *rlayer = qobject_cast<QgsRasterLayer *>( layer ) )
14785     {
14786       // connect up any request the raster may make to update the statusbar message
14787       connect( rlayer, &QgsRasterLayer::statusChanged, this, &QgisApp::showStatusMessage );
14788     }
14790     if ( QgsDataProvider *provider = layer->dataProvider() )
14791     {
14792       connect( provider, &QgsDataProvider::dataChanged, layer, [layer] { layer->triggerRepaint(); } );
14793       connect( provider, &QgsDataProvider::dataChanged, this, [this] { refreshMapCanvas(); } );
14794     }
14795   }
14796 }
showRotation()14798 void QgisApp::showRotation()
14799 {
14800   // update the statusbar with the current rotation.
14801   double myrotation = mMapCanvas->rotation();
14802   whileBlocking( mRotationEdit )->setValue( myrotation );
14803 }
showPanMessage(double distance,QgsUnitTypes::DistanceUnit unit,double bearing)14805 void QgisApp::showPanMessage( double distance, QgsUnitTypes::DistanceUnit unit, double bearing )
14806 {
14807   const bool showMessage = QgsSettings().value( QStringLiteral( "showPanDistanceInStatusBar" ), true, QgsSettings::App ).toBool();
14808   if ( !showMessage )
14809     return;
14811   const double distanceInProjectUnits = distance * QgsUnitTypes::fromUnitToUnitFactor( unit, QgsProject::instance()->distanceUnits() );
14812   const int distanceDecimalPlaces = QgsSettings().value( QStringLiteral( "qgis/measure/decimalplaces" ), 3 ).toInt();
14813   const QString distanceString = QgsDistanceArea::formatDistance( distanceInProjectUnits, distanceDecimalPlaces, QgsProject::instance()->distanceUnits() );
14814   const QString bearingString = mBearingNumericFormat->formatDouble( bearing, QgsNumericFormatContext() );
14815   mStatusBar->showMessage( tr( "Pan distance %1 (%2)" ).arg( distanceString, bearingString ), 2000 );
14816 }
selectionModeChanged(QgsMapToolSelect::Mode mode)14818 void QgisApp::selectionModeChanged( QgsMapToolSelect::Mode mode )
14819 {
14820   switch ( mode )
14821   {
14822     case QgsMapToolSelect::GeometryIntersectsSetSelection:
14823       mStatusBar->showMessage( QString() );
14824       break;
14825     case QgsMapToolSelect::GeometryIntersectsAddToSelection:
14826       mStatusBar->showMessage( tr( "Add to the current selection" ) );
14827       break;
14829     case QgsMapToolSelect::GeometryIntersectsSubtractFromSelection:
14830       mStatusBar->showMessage( tr( "Subtract from the current selection" ) );
14831       break;
14833     case QgsMapToolSelect::GeometryIntersectsIntersectWithSelection:
14834       mStatusBar->showMessage( tr( "Intersect with the current selection" ) );
14835       break;
14837     case QgsMapToolSelect::GeometryWithinSetSelection:
14838       mStatusBar->showMessage( tr( "Select features completely within" ) );
14839       break;
14841     case QgsMapToolSelect::GeometryWithinAddToSelection:
14842       mStatusBar->showMessage( tr( "Add features completely within to the current selection" ) );
14843       break;
14845     case QgsMapToolSelect::GeometryWithinSubtractFromSelection:
14846       mStatusBar->showMessage( tr( "Subtract features completely within from the current selection" ) );
14847       break;
14849     case QgsMapToolSelect::GeometryWithinIntersectWithSelection:
14850       mStatusBar->showMessage( tr( "Intersect features completely within with the current selection" ) );
14851       break;
14853   }
14854 }
updateMouseCoordinatePrecision()14856 void QgisApp::updateMouseCoordinatePrecision()
14857 {
14858   mCoordsEdit->setMouseCoordinatesPrecision( QgsCoordinateUtils::calculateCoordinatePrecision( mapCanvas()->mapUnitsPerPixel(), mapCanvas()->mapSettings().destinationCrs() ) );
14859 }
showStatusMessage(const QString & message)14861 void QgisApp::showStatusMessage( const QString &message )
14862 {
14863   mStatusBar->showMessage( message );
14864 }
loadingLayerMessages(const QString & layerName,const QList<QgsReadWriteContext::ReadWriteMessage> & messages)14866 void QgisApp::loadingLayerMessages( const QString &layerName, const QList<QgsReadWriteContext::ReadWriteMessage> &messages )
14867 {
14868   QVector<QgsReadWriteContext::ReadWriteMessage> shownMessages;
14869   for ( const QgsReadWriteContext::ReadWriteMessage &message : messages )
14870   {
14871     if ( shownMessages.contains( message ) )
14872       continue;
14874     visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( layerName, message.message(), message.categories().join( '\n' ), message.level() );
14876     shownMessages.append( message );
14877   }
14878 }
displayMapToolMessage(const QString & message,Qgis::MessageLevel level)14880 void QgisApp::displayMapToolMessage( const QString &message, Qgis::MessageLevel level )
14881 {
14882   // remove previous message
14883   messageBar()->popWidget( mLastMapToolMessage );
14885   QgsMapTool *tool = mapCanvas()->mapTool();
14887   if ( tool )
14888   {
14889     mLastMapToolMessage = new QgsMessageBarItem( tool->toolName(), message, level );
14890     messageBar()->pushItem( mLastMapToolMessage );
14891   }
14892 }
displayMessage(const QString & title,const QString & message,Qgis::MessageLevel level)14894 void QgisApp::displayMessage( const QString &title, const QString &message, Qgis::MessageLevel level )
14895 {
14896   visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( title, message, level );
14897 }
removeMapToolMessage()14899 void QgisApp::removeMapToolMessage()
14900 {
14901   // remove previous message
14902   messageBar()->popWidget( mLastMapToolMessage );
14903 }
14906 // Show the maptip using tooltip
showMapTip()14907 void QgisApp::showMapTip()
14908 {
14909   // Only show maptips if the mouse is still over the map canvas when timer is triggered
14910   if ( mMapCanvas->underMouse() )
14911   {
14912     QPoint myPointerPos = mMapCanvas->mouseLastXY();
14914     //  Make sure there is an active layer before proceeding
14915     QgsMapLayer *mypLayer = mMapCanvas->currentLayer();
14916     if ( mypLayer )
14917     {
14918       // only process vector layers
14919       if ( mypLayer->type() == QgsMapLayerType::VectorLayer )
14920       {
14921         // Show the maptip if the maptips button is depressed
14922         if ( mMapTipsVisible )
14923         {
14924           mpMaptip->showMapTip( mypLayer, mLastMapPosition, myPointerPos, mMapCanvas );
14925         }
14926       }
14927     }
14928   }
14929 }
projectPropertiesProjections()14931 void QgisApp::projectPropertiesProjections()
14932 {
14933   // display the project props dialog and switch to the projections tab
14934   projectProperties( QStringLiteral( "mProjOptsCRS" ) );
14935 }
projectProperties(const QString & currentPage)14937 void QgisApp::projectProperties( const QString &currentPage )
14938 {
14939   QList< QgsOptionsWidgetFactory * > factories;
14940   const auto constProjectPropertiesWidgetFactories = mProjectPropertiesWidgetFactories;
14941   for ( const QPointer< QgsOptionsWidgetFactory > &f : constProjectPropertiesWidgetFactories )
14942   {
14943     if ( f )
14944       factories << f;
14945   }
14946   QgsProjectProperties pp( mMapCanvas, this, QgsGuiUtils::ModalDialogFlags, factories );
14948   qApp->processEvents();
14950   // Be told if the mouse display precision may have changed by the user
14951   // changing things in the project properties dialog box
14952   connect( &pp, &QgsProjectProperties::displayPrecisionChanged, this,
14953            &QgisApp::updateMouseCoordinatePrecision );
14955   if ( !currentPage.isEmpty() )
14956   {
14957     pp.setCurrentPage( currentPage );
14958   }
14959   // Display the modal dialog box.
14960   pp.exec();
14962   mMapTools->mapTool< QgsMeasureTool >( QgsAppMapTools::MeasureDistance )->updateSettings();
14963   mMapTools->mapTool< QgsMeasureTool >( QgsAppMapTools::MeasureArea )->updateSettings();
14964   mMapTools->mapTool< QgsMapToolMeasureAngle >( QgsAppMapTools::MeasureAngle )->updateSettings();
14965   mMapTools->mapTool< QgsMapToolMeasureBearing >( QgsAppMapTools::MeasureBearing )->updateSettings();
14967   // Set the window title.
14968   setTitleBarText_( *this );
14969 }
clipboard()14972 QgsClipboard *QgisApp::clipboard()
14973 {
14974   return mInternalClipboard;
14975 }
selectionChanged(QgsMapLayer * layer)14977 void QgisApp::selectionChanged( QgsMapLayer *layer )
14978 {
14979   QgsVectorLayer *vlayer = qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( layer );
14980   if ( vlayer )
14981   {
14982     const int selectedCount = vlayer->selectedFeatureCount();
14983     if ( selectedCount == 1 )
14984     {
14985       QgsExpressionContext context( QgsExpressionContextUtils::globalProjectLayerScopes( vlayer ) );
14986       QgsExpression exp = vlayer->displayExpression();
14987       exp.prepare( &context );
14989       QgsFeatureRequest request = QgsFeatureRequest().setSubsetOfAttributes( exp.referencedColumns(), vlayer->fields() );
14990       if ( !exp.needsGeometry() )
14991         request.setFlags( request.flags() | QgsFeatureRequest::NoGeometry );
14993       QgsFeature feat;
14994       QgsFeatureIterator featureIt = vlayer->getSelectedFeatures( request );
14995       while ( featureIt.nextFeature( feat ) )
14996       {
14997         context.setFeature( feat );
14998         QString featureTitle = exp.evaluate( &context ).toString();
14999         showStatusMessage( tr( "1 feature selected on layer %1 (%2)." ).arg( vlayer->name(), featureTitle ) );
15000         break;
15001       }
15002     }
15003     else
15004     {
15005       showStatusMessage( tr( "%n features selected on layer %1.", "number of selected features", selectedCount ).arg( vlayer->name() ) );
15006     }
15007   }
15008   if ( layer == activeLayer() )
15009   {
15010     activateDeactivateLayerRelatedActions( layer );
15011   }
15013   activateDeactivateMultipleLayersRelatedActions();
15014 }
legendLayerSelectionChanged()15016 void QgisApp::legendLayerSelectionChanged()
15017 {
15018   const QList<QgsLayerTreeLayer *> selectedLayers = mLayerTreeView ? mLayerTreeView->selectedLayerNodes() : QList<QgsLayerTreeLayer *>();
15020   mActionDuplicateLayer->setEnabled( !selectedLayers.isEmpty() );
15021   mActionSetLayerScaleVisibility->setEnabled( !selectedLayers.isEmpty() );
15022   mActionSetLayerCRS->setEnabled( !selectedLayers.isEmpty() );
15023   mActionSetProjectCRSFromLayer->setEnabled( selectedLayers.count() == 1 );
15025   mActionSaveEdits->setEnabled( QgsLayerTreeUtils::layersModified( selectedLayers ) );
15026   mActionRollbackEdits->setEnabled( QgsLayerTreeUtils::layersModified( selectedLayers ) );
15027   mActionCancelEdits->setEnabled( QgsLayerTreeUtils::layersEditable( selectedLayers ) );
15029   mLegendExpressionFilterButton->setEnabled( false );
15030   mLegendExpressionFilterButton->setVectorLayer( nullptr );
15031   if ( selectedLayers.size() == 1 )
15032   {
15033     QgsLayerTreeLayer *l = selectedLayers.front();
15034     if ( l->layer() && l->layer()->type() == QgsMapLayerType::VectorLayer )
15035     {
15036       mLegendExpressionFilterButton->setEnabled( true );
15037       bool exprEnabled;
15038       QString expr = QgsLayerTreeUtils::legendFilterByExpression( *l, &exprEnabled );
15039       mLegendExpressionFilterButton->setExpressionText( expr );
15040       mLegendExpressionFilterButton->setVectorLayer( qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( l->layer() ) );
15041       mLegendExpressionFilterButton->setChecked( exprEnabled );
15042     }
15043   }
15045   // remove action - check for required layers
15046   bool removeEnabled = true;
15047   for ( QgsLayerTreeLayer *nodeLayer : selectedLayers )
15048   {
15049     if ( nodeLayer->layer() && !nodeLayer->layer()->flags().testFlag( QgsMapLayer::Removable ) )
15050     {
15051       removeEnabled = false;
15052       break;
15053     }
15054   }
15055   mActionRemoveLayer->setEnabled( removeEnabled );
15056 }
layerEditStateChanged()15058 void QgisApp::layerEditStateChanged()
15059 {
15060   QgsMapLayer *layer = qobject_cast<QgsMapLayer *>( sender() );
15061   if ( layer && layer == activeLayer() )
15062   {
15063     activateDeactivateLayerRelatedActions( layer );
15064     mSaveRollbackInProgress = false;
15065   }
15066 }
updateLabelToolButtons()15068 void QgisApp::updateLabelToolButtons()
15069 {
15070   bool enableMove = false, enableRotate = false, enablePin = false, enableShowHide = false, enableChange = false;
15072   QMap<QString, QgsMapLayer *> layers = QgsProject::instance()->mapLayers();
15073   for ( QMap<QString, QgsMapLayer *>::iterator it = layers.begin(); it != layers.end(); ++it )
15074   {
15075     QgsVectorLayer *vlayer = qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( it.value() );
15076     if ( vlayer && ( vlayer->diagramsEnabled() || vlayer->labelsEnabled() ) )
15077     {
15078       enablePin = true;
15079       enableShowHide = true;
15080       enableMove = true;
15081       enableRotate = true;
15082       enableChange = true;
15084       break;
15085     }
15086   }
15088   mActionPinLabels->setEnabled( enablePin );
15089   mActionShowHideLabels->setEnabled( enableShowHide );
15090   mActionMoveLabel->setEnabled( enableMove );
15091   mActionRotateLabel->setEnabled( enableRotate );
15092   mActionChangeLabelProperties->setEnabled( enableChange );
15093 }
selectedLayersHaveSelection()15095 bool QgisApp::selectedLayersHaveSelection()
15096 {
15097   const QList<QgsMapLayer *> layers = mLayerTreeView->selectedLayers();
15099   // If no selected layers, use active layer
15100   if ( layers.empty() && activeLayer() )
15101   {
15102     if ( QgsVectorLayer *layer = qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( activeLayer() ) )
15103       return layer->selectedFeatureCount() > 0;
15104   }
15106   for ( QgsMapLayer *mapLayer : layers )
15107   {
15108     QgsVectorLayer *layer = qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( mapLayer );
15110     if ( !layer || !layer->isSpatial() || layer->selectedFeatureCount() == 0 )
15111       continue;
15113     return true;
15114   }
15116   return false;
15117 }
selectedLayersHaveSpatial()15119 bool QgisApp::selectedLayersHaveSpatial()
15120 {
15121   const QList<QgsMapLayer *> layers = mLayerTreeView->selectedLayers();
15123   // If no selected layers, use active layer
15124   if ( layers.empty() && activeLayer() )
15125     return activeLayer()->isSpatial();
15127   for ( QgsMapLayer *mapLayer : layers )
15128   {
15129     if ( !mapLayer || !mapLayer->isSpatial() )
15130       continue;
15132     return true;
15133   }
15135   return false;
15136 }
activateDeactivateMultipleLayersRelatedActions()15138 void QgisApp::activateDeactivateMultipleLayersRelatedActions()
15139 {
15140   // these actions are enabled whenever ANY selected layer is spatial
15141   const bool hasSpatial = selectedLayersHaveSpatial();
15142   mActionZoomToLayers->setEnabled( hasSpatial );
15144   // this action is enabled whenever ANY selected layer has a selection
15145   const bool hasSelection = selectedLayersHaveSelection();
15146   mActionPanToSelected->setEnabled( hasSelection );
15147   mActionZoomToSelected->setEnabled( hasSelection );
15148 }
activateDeactivateLayerRelatedActions(QgsMapLayer * layer)15150 void QgisApp::activateDeactivateLayerRelatedActions( QgsMapLayer *layer )
15151 {
15152   updateLabelToolButtons();
15154   mMenuPasteAs->setEnabled( clipboard() && !clipboard()->isEmpty() );
15155   mActionPasteAsNewVector->setEnabled( clipboard() && !clipboard()->isEmpty() );
15156   mActionPasteAsNewMemoryVector->setEnabled( clipboard() && !clipboard()->isEmpty() );
15158   updateLayerModifiedActions();
15160   QgsAbstractMapToolHandler::Context context;
15161   for ( QgsAbstractMapToolHandler *handler : std::as_const( mMapToolHandlers ) )
15162   {
15163     handler->action()->setEnabled( handler->isCompatibleWithLayer( layer, context ) );
15164     if ( handler->mapTool() == mMapCanvas->mapTool() )
15165     {
15166       if ( !handler->action()->isEnabled() )
15167       {
15168         mMapCanvas->unsetMapTool( handler->mapTool() );
15169         mActionPan->trigger();
15170       }
15171       else
15172       {
15173         handler->setLayerForTool( layer );
15174       }
15175     }
15176   }
15178   bool identifyModeIsActiveLayer = QgsSettings().enumValue( QStringLiteral( "/Map/identifyMode" ), QgsMapToolIdentify::ActiveLayer ) == QgsMapToolIdentify::ActiveLayer;
15180   if ( !layer )
15181   {
15182     mMenuSelect->setEnabled( false );
15183     mActionSelectFeatures->setEnabled( false );
15184     mActionSelectPolygon->setEnabled( false );
15185     mActionSelectFreehand->setEnabled( false );
15186     mActionSelectRadius->setEnabled( false );
15187     mActionIdentify->setEnabled( true );
15188     mActionSelectByExpression->setEnabled( false );
15189     mActionSelectByForm->setEnabled( false );
15190     mActionLabeling->setEnabled( false );
15191     mActionOpenTable->setEnabled( false );
15192     mMenuFilterTable->setEnabled( false );
15193     mActionOpenTableSelected->setEnabled( false );
15194     mActionOpenTableVisible->setEnabled( false );
15195     mActionOpenTableEdited->setEnabled( false );
15196     mActionSelectAll->setEnabled( false );
15197     mActionReselect->setEnabled( false );
15198     mActionInvertSelection->setEnabled( false );
15199     mActionOpenFieldCalc->setEnabled( false );
15200     mActionToggleEditing->setEnabled( false );
15201     mActionToggleEditing->setChecked( false );
15202     mActionSaveLayerEdits->setEnabled( false );
15203     mActionSaveLayerDefinition->setEnabled( false );
15204     mActionLayerSaveAs->setEnabled( false );
15205     mActionLayerProperties->setEnabled( false );
15206     mActionLayerSubsetString->setEnabled( false );
15207     mActionAddToOverview->setEnabled( false );
15208     mActionFeatureAction->setEnabled( false );
15209     mActionAddFeature->setEnabled( false );
15210     mActionCircularStringCurvePoint->setEnabled( false );
15211     mActionCircularStringRadius->setEnabled( false );
15212     mMenuCircle->setEnabled( false );
15213     mActionCircle2Points->setEnabled( false );
15214     mActionCircle3Points->setEnabled( false );
15215     mActionCircle3Tangents->setEnabled( false );
15216     mActionCircle2TangentsPoint->setEnabled( false );
15217     mActionCircleCenterPoint->setEnabled( false );
15218     mMenuEllipse->setEnabled( false );
15219     mActionEllipseCenter2Points->setEnabled( false );
15220     mActionEllipseCenterPoint->setEnabled( false );
15221     mActionEllipseExtent->setEnabled( false );
15222     mActionEllipseFoci->setEnabled( false );
15223     mMenuRectangle->setEnabled( false );
15224     mActionRectangleCenterPoint->setEnabled( false );
15225     mActionRectangleExtent->setEnabled( false );
15226     mActionRectangle3PointsDistance->setEnabled( false );
15227     mActionRectangle3PointsProjected->setEnabled( false );
15228     mMenuRegularPolygon->setEnabled( false );
15229     mActionRegularPolygon2Points->setEnabled( false );
15230     mActionRegularPolygonCenterPoint->setEnabled( false );
15231     mActionRegularPolygonCenterCorner->setEnabled( false );
15232     mMenuEditGeometry->setEnabled( false );
15233     mActionMoveFeature->setEnabled( false );
15234     mActionMoveFeatureCopy->setEnabled( false );
15235     mActionRotateFeature->setEnabled( false );
15236     mActionScaleFeature->setEnabled( false );
15237     mActionOffsetCurve->setEnabled( false );
15238     mActionVertexTool->setEnabled( false );
15239     mActionVertexToolActiveLayer->setEnabled( false );
15240     mActionDeleteSelected->setEnabled( false );
15241     mActionCutFeatures->setEnabled( false );
15242     mActionCopyFeatures->setEnabled( false );
15243     mActionPasteFeatures->setEnabled( false );
15244     mActionCopyStyle->setEnabled( false );
15245     mActionPasteStyle->setEnabled( false );
15246     mActionCopyLayer->setEnabled( false );
15247     // pasting should be allowed if there is a layer in the clipboard
15248     mActionPasteLayer->setEnabled( clipboard()->hasFormat( QStringLiteral( QGSCLIPBOARD_MAPLAYER_MIME ) ) );
15249     mActionReverseLine->setEnabled( false );
15250     mActionTrimExtendFeature->setEnabled( false );
15252     if ( mUndoDock && mUndoDock->widget() )
15253       mUndoDock->widget()->setEnabled( false );
15254     mActionUndo->setEnabled( false );
15255     mActionRedo->setEnabled( false );
15256     mActionSimplifyFeature->setEnabled( false );
15257     mActionAddRing->setEnabled( false );
15258     mActionFillRing->setEnabled( false );
15259     mActionAddPart->setEnabled( false );
15260     mActionDeleteRing->setEnabled( false );
15261     mActionDeletePart->setEnabled( false );
15262     mActionReshapeFeatures->setEnabled( false );
15263     mActionSplitFeatures->setEnabled( false );
15264     mActionSplitParts->setEnabled( false );
15265     mActionMergeFeatures->setEnabled( false );
15266     mMenuEditAttributes->setEnabled( false );
15267     mActionMergeFeatureAttributes->setEnabled( false );
15268     mActionMultiEditAttributes->setEnabled( false );
15269     mActionRotatePointSymbols->setEnabled( false );
15270     mActionOffsetPointSymbol->setEnabled( false );
15272     mActionPinLabels->setEnabled( false );
15273     mActionShowHideLabels->setEnabled( false );
15274     mActionMoveLabel->setEnabled( false );
15275     mActionRotateLabel->setEnabled( false );
15276     mActionChangeLabelProperties->setEnabled( false );
15278     mActionDiagramProperties->setEnabled( false );
15280     mActionLocalHistogramStretch->setEnabled( false );
15281     mActionFullHistogramStretch->setEnabled( false );
15282     mActionLocalCumulativeCutStretch->setEnabled( false );
15283     mActionFullCumulativeCutStretch->setEnabled( false );
15284     mActionIncreaseBrightness->setEnabled( false );
15285     mActionDecreaseBrightness->setEnabled( false );
15286     mActionIncreaseContrast->setEnabled( false );
15287     mActionDecreaseContrast->setEnabled( false );
15288     mActionIncreaseGamma->setEnabled( false );
15289     mActionDecreaseGamma->setEnabled( false );
15290     mActionPanToSelected->setEnabled( false );
15291     mActionZoomActualSize->setEnabled( false );
15292     mActionZoomToSelected->setEnabled( false );
15293     mActionZoomToLayers->setEnabled( false );
15294     mActionZoomToLayer->setEnabled( false );
15296     enableMeshEditingTools( false );
15297     enableDigitizeTechniqueActions( false );
15299     return;
15300   }
15302   mMenuSelect->setEnabled( true );
15304   mActionLayerProperties->setEnabled( QgsProject::instance()->layerIsEmbedded( layer->id() ).isEmpty() );
15305   mActionAddToOverview->setEnabled( true );
15306   mActionPanToSelected->setEnabled( true );
15307   mActionZoomToSelected->setEnabled( true );
15308   mActionZoomToLayers->setEnabled( true );
15309   mActionZoomToLayer->setEnabled( true );
15311   mActionCopyStyle->setEnabled( true );
15312   mActionPasteStyle->setEnabled( clipboard()->hasFormat( QStringLiteral( QGSCLIPBOARD_STYLE_MIME ) ) );
15313   mActionCopyLayer->setEnabled( true );
15315   // Vector layers
15316   switch ( layer->type() )
15317   {
15318     case QgsMapLayerType::VectorLayer:
15319     {
15320       QgsVectorLayer *vlayer = qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( layer );
15321       QgsVectorDataProvider *dprovider = vlayer->dataProvider();
15322       QString addFeatureText;
15324       bool isEditable = vlayer->isEditable();
15325       bool layerHasSelection = vlayer->selectedFeatureCount() > 0;
15326       bool layerHasActions = !vlayer->actions()->actions( QStringLiteral( "Canvas" ) ).isEmpty() || !QgsGui::mapLayerActionRegistry()->mapLayerActions( vlayer ).isEmpty();
15327       bool isSpatial = vlayer->isSpatial();
15329       mActionLocalHistogramStretch->setEnabled( false );
15330       mActionFullHistogramStretch->setEnabled( false );
15331       mActionLocalCumulativeCutStretch->setEnabled( false );
15332       mActionFullCumulativeCutStretch->setEnabled( false );
15333       mActionIncreaseBrightness->setEnabled( false );
15334       mActionDecreaseBrightness->setEnabled( false );
15335       mActionIncreaseContrast->setEnabled( false );
15336       mActionDecreaseContrast->setEnabled( false );
15337       mActionIncreaseGamma->setEnabled( false );
15338       mActionDecreaseGamma->setEnabled( false );
15339       mActionZoomActualSize->setEnabled( false );
15340       mActionZoomToLayer->setEnabled( isSpatial );
15341       mActionLabeling->setEnabled( isSpatial );
15342       mActionDiagramProperties->setEnabled( isSpatial );
15343       mActionReverseLine->setEnabled( false );
15344       mActionTrimExtendFeature->setEnabled( false );
15346       enableMeshEditingTools( false );
15348       mActionSelectFeatures->setEnabled( isSpatial );
15349       mActionSelectPolygon->setEnabled( isSpatial );
15350       mActionSelectFreehand->setEnabled( isSpatial );
15351       mActionSelectRadius->setEnabled( isSpatial );
15352       mActionIdentify->setEnabled( isSpatial || !identifyModeIsActiveLayer );
15353       mActionSelectByExpression->setEnabled( true );
15354       mActionSelectByForm->setEnabled( true );
15355       mActionOpenTable->setEnabled( true );
15356       mMenuFilterTable->setEnabled( true );
15357       mActionOpenTableSelected->setEnabled( true );
15358       mActionOpenTableVisible->setEnabled( true );
15359       mActionOpenTableEdited->setEnabled( true );
15360       mActionSelectAll->setEnabled( true );
15361       mActionReselect->setEnabled( true );
15362       mActionInvertSelection->setEnabled( true );
15363       mActionSaveLayerDefinition->setEnabled( true );
15364       mActionLayerSaveAs->setEnabled( true );
15365       mActionCopyFeatures->setEnabled( layerHasSelection );
15366       mActionFeatureAction->setEnabled( layerHasActions );
15368       if ( !isEditable && mMapCanvas && mMapCanvas->mapTool()
15369            && ( mMapCanvas->mapTool()->flags() & QgsMapTool::EditTool ) && !mSaveRollbackInProgress )
15370       {
15371         mMapCanvas->setMapTool( mNonEditMapTool );
15372       }
15374       if ( dprovider )
15375       {
15376         bool canChangeAttributes = dprovider->capabilities() & QgsVectorDataProvider::ChangeAttributeValues;
15377         bool canDeleteFeatures = dprovider->capabilities() & QgsVectorDataProvider::DeleteFeatures;
15378         bool canAddFeatures = dprovider->capabilities() & QgsVectorDataProvider::AddFeatures;
15379         bool canChangeGeometry = isSpatial && dprovider->capabilities() & QgsVectorDataProvider::ChangeGeometries;
15380         bool canSupportEditing = vlayer->supportsEditing();
15382         mActionLayerSubsetString->setEnabled( !isEditable && dprovider->supportsSubsetString() );
15384         mActionToggleEditing->setEnabled( canSupportEditing );
15385         mActionToggleEditing->setChecked( canSupportEditing && isEditable );
15386         mActionSaveLayerEdits->setEnabled( canSupportEditing && isEditable && vlayer->isModified() );
15387         mUndoDock->widget()->setEnabled( canSupportEditing && isEditable );
15388         mActionUndo->setEnabled( canSupportEditing );
15389         mActionRedo->setEnabled( canSupportEditing );
15390         mMenuEditGeometry->setEnabled( canSupportEditing && isEditable );
15392         //start editing/stop editing
15393         if ( canSupportEditing )
15394         {
15395           updateUndoActions();
15396         }
15398         mActionPasteFeatures->setEnabled( isEditable && canAddFeatures && !clipboard()->isEmpty() );
15400         mActionAddFeature->setEnabled( isEditable && canAddFeatures );
15402         bool enableCircularTools;
15403         bool enableShapeTools;
15404         enableCircularTools = isEditable && ( canAddFeatures || canChangeGeometry )
15405                               && ( vlayer->geometryType() == QgsWkbTypes::LineGeometry || vlayer->geometryType() == QgsWkbTypes::PolygonGeometry );
15406         enableShapeTools = enableCircularTools;
15407         mActionCircularStringCurvePoint->setEnabled( enableCircularTools );
15408         mActionCircularStringRadius->setEnabled( enableCircularTools );
15409         mMenuCircle->setEnabled( enableShapeTools );
15410         mActionCircle2Points->setEnabled( enableShapeTools );
15411         mActionCircle3Points->setEnabled( enableShapeTools );
15412         mActionCircle3Tangents->setEnabled( enableShapeTools );
15413         mActionCircle2TangentsPoint->setEnabled( enableShapeTools );
15414         mActionCircleCenterPoint->setEnabled( enableShapeTools );
15415         mMenuEllipse->setEnabled( enableShapeTools );
15416         mActionEllipseCenter2Points->setEnabled( enableShapeTools );
15417         mActionEllipseCenterPoint->setEnabled( enableShapeTools );
15418         mActionEllipseExtent->setEnabled( enableShapeTools );
15419         mActionEllipseFoci->setEnabled( enableShapeTools );
15420         mMenuRectangle->setEnabled( enableShapeTools );
15421         mActionRectangleCenterPoint->setEnabled( enableShapeTools );
15422         mActionRectangleExtent->setEnabled( enableShapeTools );
15423         mActionRectangle3PointsDistance->setEnabled( enableShapeTools );
15424         mActionRectangle3PointsProjected->setEnabled( enableShapeTools );
15425         mMenuRegularPolygon->setEnabled( enableShapeTools );
15426         mActionRegularPolygon2Points->setEnabled( enableShapeTools );
15427         mActionRegularPolygonCenterPoint->setEnabled( enableShapeTools );
15428         mActionRegularPolygonCenterCorner->setEnabled( enableShapeTools );
15430         //does provider allow deleting of features?
15431         mActionDeleteSelected->setEnabled( isEditable && canDeleteFeatures && layerHasSelection );
15432         mActionCutFeatures->setEnabled( isEditable && canDeleteFeatures && layerHasSelection );
15434         //merge tool needs editable layer and provider with the capability of adding and deleting features
15435         if ( isEditable && canChangeAttributes )
15436         {
15437           mActionMergeFeatures->setEnabled( layerHasSelection && canDeleteFeatures && canAddFeatures );
15438           mMenuEditAttributes->setEnabled( layerHasSelection );
15439           mActionMergeFeatureAttributes->setEnabled( layerHasSelection );
15440           mActionMultiEditAttributes->setEnabled( layerHasSelection );
15441         }
15442         else
15443         {
15444           mActionMergeFeatures->setEnabled( false );
15445           mMenuEditAttributes->setEnabled( false );
15446           mActionMergeFeatureAttributes->setEnabled( false );
15447           mActionMultiEditAttributes->setEnabled( false );
15448         }
15450         bool isMultiPart = QgsWkbTypes::isMultiType( vlayer->wkbType() ) || !dprovider->doesStrictFeatureTypeCheck();
15452         // moving enabled if geometry changes are supported
15453         mActionAddPart->setEnabled( isEditable && canChangeGeometry );
15454         mActionDeletePart->setEnabled( isEditable && canChangeGeometry );
15455         mActionMoveFeature->setEnabled( isEditable && canChangeGeometry );
15456         mActionMoveFeatureCopy->setEnabled( isEditable && canChangeGeometry );
15457         mActionRotateFeature->setEnabled( isEditable && canChangeGeometry );
15458         mActionScaleFeature->setEnabled( isEditable && canChangeGeometry );
15459         mActionVertexTool->setEnabled( isEditable && canChangeGeometry );
15460         mActionVertexToolActiveLayer->setEnabled( isEditable && canChangeGeometry );
15462         enableDigitizeTechniqueActions( isEditable && canChangeGeometry );
15464         if ( vlayer->geometryType() == QgsWkbTypes::PointGeometry )
15465         {
15466           mActionAddFeature->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionCapturePoint.svg" ) ) );
15467           addFeatureText = tr( "Add Point Feature" );
15468           mActionMoveFeature->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionMoveFeaturePoint.svg" ) ) );
15469           mActionMoveFeatureCopy->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionMoveFeatureCopyPoint.svg" ) ) );
15471           mActionAddRing->setEnabled( false );
15472           mActionFillRing->setEnabled( false );
15473           mActionReshapeFeatures->setEnabled( false );
15474           mActionSplitFeatures->setEnabled( false );
15475           mActionSplitParts->setEnabled( false );
15476           mActionSimplifyFeature->setEnabled( false );
15477           mActionDeleteRing->setEnabled( false );
15478           mActionRotatePointSymbols->setEnabled( false );
15479           mActionOffsetPointSymbol->setEnabled( false );
15480           mActionOffsetCurve->setEnabled( false );
15482           if ( isEditable && canChangeAttributes )
15483           {
15484             if ( QgsMapToolRotatePointSymbols::layerIsRotatable( vlayer ) )
15485             {
15486               mActionRotatePointSymbols->setEnabled( true );
15487             }
15488             if ( QgsMapToolOffsetPointSymbol::layerIsOffsetable( vlayer ) )
15489             {
15490               mActionOffsetPointSymbol->setEnabled( true );
15491             }
15492           }
15493         }
15494         else if ( vlayer->geometryType() == QgsWkbTypes::LineGeometry )
15495         {
15496           mActionAddFeature->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionCaptureLine.svg" ) ) );
15497           addFeatureText = tr( "Add Line Feature" );
15498           mActionMoveFeature->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionMoveFeatureLine.svg" ) ) );
15499           mActionMoveFeatureCopy->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionMoveFeatureCopyLine.svg" ) ) );
15501           mActionReshapeFeatures->setEnabled( isEditable && canChangeGeometry );
15502           mActionSplitFeatures->setEnabled( isEditable && canAddFeatures );
15503           mActionSplitParts->setEnabled( isEditable && canChangeGeometry && isMultiPart );
15504           mActionSimplifyFeature->setEnabled( isEditable && canChangeGeometry );
15505           mActionOffsetCurve->setEnabled( isEditable && canAddFeatures && canChangeAttributes );
15506           mActionReverseLine->setEnabled( isEditable && canChangeGeometry );
15507           mActionTrimExtendFeature->setEnabled( isEditable && canChangeGeometry );
15509           mActionAddRing->setEnabled( false );
15510           mActionFillRing->setEnabled( false );
15511           mActionDeleteRing->setEnabled( false );
15512         }
15513         else if ( vlayer->geometryType() == QgsWkbTypes::PolygonGeometry )
15514         {
15515           mActionAddFeature->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionCapturePolygon.svg" ) ) );
15516           addFeatureText = tr( "Add Polygon Feature" );
15517           mActionMoveFeature->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionMoveFeature.svg" ) ) );
15518           mActionMoveFeatureCopy->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionMoveFeatureCopy.svg" ) ) );
15520           mActionAddRing->setEnabled( isEditable && canChangeGeometry );
15521           mActionFillRing->setEnabled( isEditable && canChangeGeometry );
15522           mActionReshapeFeatures->setEnabled( isEditable && canChangeGeometry );
15523           mActionSplitFeatures->setEnabled( isEditable && canAddFeatures );
15524           mActionSplitParts->setEnabled( isEditable && canChangeGeometry && isMultiPart );
15525           mActionSimplifyFeature->setEnabled( isEditable && canChangeGeometry );
15526           mActionDeleteRing->setEnabled( isEditable && canChangeGeometry );
15527           mActionOffsetCurve->setEnabled( isEditable && canAddFeatures && canChangeAttributes );
15528           mActionTrimExtendFeature->setEnabled( isEditable && canChangeGeometry );
15529         }
15530         else if ( vlayer->geometryType() == QgsWkbTypes::NullGeometry )
15531         {
15532           mActionAddFeature->setIcon( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionNewTableRow.svg" ) ) );
15533           addFeatureText = tr( "Add Record" );
15534           mActionAddRing->setEnabled( false );
15535           mActionFillRing->setEnabled( false );
15536           mActionReshapeFeatures->setEnabled( false );
15537           mActionSplitFeatures->setEnabled( false );
15538           mActionSplitParts->setEnabled( false );
15539           mActionSimplifyFeature->setEnabled( false );
15540           mActionDeleteRing->setEnabled( false );
15541           mActionOffsetCurve->setEnabled( false );
15542         }
15544         mActionOpenFieldCalc->setEnabled( true );
15545         mActionAddFeature->setText( addFeatureText );
15546         mActionAddFeature->setToolTip( addFeatureText );
15547         QgsGui::shortcutsManager()->unregisterAction( mActionAddFeature );
15548         if ( !mActionAddFeature->text().isEmpty() ) // The text will be empty on unknown geometry type -> in this case do not create a shortcut
15549           QgsGui::shortcutsManager()->registerAction( mActionAddFeature, mActionAddFeature->shortcut().toString() );
15550       }
15551       else
15552       {
15553         mUndoDock->widget()->setEnabled( false );
15554         mActionUndo->setEnabled( false );
15555         mActionRedo->setEnabled( false );
15556         mActionLayerSubsetString->setEnabled( false );
15557       }
15558       break;
15559     }
15561     case QgsMapLayerType::RasterLayer:
15562     {
15563       const QgsRasterLayer *rlayer = qobject_cast<const QgsRasterLayer *>( layer );
15564       const QgsRasterDataProvider *dprovider = rlayer->dataProvider();
15566       if ( dprovider
15567            && dprovider->dataType( 1 ) != Qgis::DataType::ARGB32
15568            && dprovider->dataType( 1 ) != Qgis::DataType::ARGB32_Premultiplied )
15569       {
15570         if ( dprovider->capabilities() & QgsRasterDataProvider::Size )
15571         {
15572           mActionFullHistogramStretch->setEnabled( true );
15573         }
15574         else
15575         {
15576           // it would hang up reading the data for WMS for example
15577           mActionFullHistogramStretch->setEnabled( false );
15578         }
15579         mActionLocalHistogramStretch->setEnabled( true );
15580       }
15581       else
15582       {
15583         mActionLocalHistogramStretch->setEnabled( false );
15584         mActionFullHistogramStretch->setEnabled( false );
15585       }
15587       mActionLocalCumulativeCutStretch->setEnabled( true );
15588       mActionFullCumulativeCutStretch->setEnabled( true );
15589       mActionIncreaseBrightness->setEnabled( true );
15590       mActionDecreaseBrightness->setEnabled( true );
15591       mActionIncreaseContrast->setEnabled( true );
15592       mActionDecreaseContrast->setEnabled( true );
15593       mActionIncreaseGamma->setEnabled( true );
15594       mActionDecreaseGamma->setEnabled( true );
15596       mActionLayerSubsetString->setEnabled( false );
15597       mActionFeatureAction->setEnabled( false );
15598       mActionSelectFeatures->setEnabled( false );
15599       mActionSelectPolygon->setEnabled( false );
15600       mActionSelectFreehand->setEnabled( false );
15601       mActionSelectRadius->setEnabled( false );
15602       mActionZoomActualSize->setEnabled( true );
15603       mActionZoomToLayer->setEnabled( true );
15604       mActionOpenTable->setEnabled( false );
15605       mMenuFilterTable->setEnabled( false );
15606       mActionOpenTableSelected->setEnabled( false );
15607       mActionOpenTableVisible->setEnabled( false );
15608       mActionOpenTableEdited->setEnabled( false );
15609       mActionSelectAll->setEnabled( false );
15610       mActionReselect->setEnabled( false );
15611       mActionInvertSelection->setEnabled( false );
15612       mActionSelectByExpression->setEnabled( false );
15613       mActionSelectByForm->setEnabled( false );
15614       mActionOpenFieldCalc->setEnabled( false );
15615       mActionToggleEditing->setEnabled( false );
15616       mActionToggleEditing->setChecked( false );
15617       mActionSaveLayerEdits->setEnabled( false );
15618       mUndoDock->widget()->setEnabled( false );
15619       mActionUndo->setEnabled( false );
15620       mActionRedo->setEnabled( false );
15621       mActionSaveLayerDefinition->setEnabled( true );
15622       mActionLayerSaveAs->setEnabled( true );
15623       mActionAddFeature->setEnabled( false );
15624       mActionCircularStringCurvePoint->setEnabled( false );
15625       mActionCircularStringRadius->setEnabled( false );
15626       mMenuCircle->setEnabled( false );
15627       mActionCircle2Points->setEnabled( false );
15628       mActionCircle3Points->setEnabled( false );
15629       mActionCircle3Tangents->setEnabled( false );
15630       mActionCircle2TangentsPoint->setEnabled( false );
15631       mActionCircleCenterPoint->setEnabled( false );
15632       mMenuEllipse->setEnabled( false );
15633       mActionEllipseCenter2Points->setEnabled( false );
15634       mActionEllipseCenterPoint->setEnabled( false );
15635       mActionEllipseExtent->setEnabled( false );
15636       mActionEllipseFoci->setEnabled( false );
15637       mMenuRectangle->setEnabled( false );
15638       mActionRectangleCenterPoint->setEnabled( false );
15639       mActionRectangleExtent->setEnabled( false );
15640       mActionRectangle3PointsDistance->setEnabled( false );
15641       mActionRectangle3PointsProjected->setEnabled( false );
15642       mMenuRegularPolygon->setEnabled( false );
15643       mActionRegularPolygon2Points->setEnabled( false );
15644       mActionRegularPolygonCenterPoint->setEnabled( false );
15645       mActionRegularPolygonCenterCorner->setEnabled( false );
15646       mMenuEditAttributes->setEnabled( false );
15647       mMenuEditGeometry->setEnabled( false );
15648       mActionReverseLine->setEnabled( false );
15649       mActionTrimExtendFeature->setEnabled( false );
15650       mActionDeleteSelected->setEnabled( false );
15651       mActionAddRing->setEnabled( false );
15652       mActionFillRing->setEnabled( false );
15653       mActionAddPart->setEnabled( false );
15654       mActionVertexTool->setEnabled( false );
15655       mActionVertexToolActiveLayer->setEnabled( false );
15656       mActionMoveFeature->setEnabled( false );
15657       mActionMoveFeatureCopy->setEnabled( false );
15658       mActionRotateFeature->setEnabled( false );
15659       mActionScaleFeature->setEnabled( false );
15660       mActionOffsetCurve->setEnabled( false );
15661       mActionCopyFeatures->setEnabled( false );
15662       mActionCutFeatures->setEnabled( false );
15663       mActionPasteFeatures->setEnabled( false );
15664       mActionRotatePointSymbols->setEnabled( false );
15665       mActionOffsetPointSymbol->setEnabled( false );
15666       mActionDeletePart->setEnabled( false );
15667       mActionDeleteRing->setEnabled( false );
15668       mActionSimplifyFeature->setEnabled( false );
15669       mActionReshapeFeatures->setEnabled( false );
15670       mActionSplitFeatures->setEnabled( false );
15671       mActionSplitParts->setEnabled( false );
15672       mActionLabeling->setEnabled( false );
15673       mActionDiagramProperties->setEnabled( false );
15675       enableMeshEditingTools( false );
15676       enableDigitizeTechniqueActions( false );
15678       //NOTE: This check does not really add any protection, as it is called on load not on layer select/activate
15679       //If you load a layer with a provider and idenitfy ability then load another without, the tool would be disabled for both
15681       //Enable the Identify tool ( GDAL datasets draw without a provider )
15682       //but turn off if data provider exists and has no Identify capabilities
15683       mActionIdentify->setEnabled( true );
15685       if ( identifyModeIsActiveLayer )
15686       {
15687         if ( dprovider )
15688         {
15689           // does provider allow the identify map tool?
15690           if ( dprovider->capabilities() & QgsRasterDataProvider::Identify )
15691           {
15692             mActionIdentify->setEnabled( true );
15693           }
15694           else
15695           {
15696             mActionIdentify->setEnabled( false );
15697           }
15698         }
15699       }
15700       break;
15701     }
15703     case QgsMapLayerType::MeshLayer:
15704     {
15705       QgsMeshLayer *mlayer = qobject_cast<QgsMeshLayer *>( layer );
15707       mActionLocalHistogramStretch->setEnabled( false );
15708       mActionFullHistogramStretch->setEnabled( false );
15709       mActionLocalCumulativeCutStretch->setEnabled( false );
15710       mActionFullCumulativeCutStretch->setEnabled( false );
15711       mActionIncreaseBrightness->setEnabled( false );
15712       mActionDecreaseBrightness->setEnabled( false );
15713       mActionIncreaseContrast->setEnabled( false );
15714       mActionDecreaseContrast->setEnabled( false );
15715       mActionIncreaseGamma->setEnabled( false );
15716       mActionDecreaseGamma->setEnabled( false );
15717       mActionLayerSubsetString->setEnabled( false );
15718       mActionFeatureAction->setEnabled( false );
15719       mActionSelectFeatures->setEnabled( false );
15720       mActionSelectPolygon->setEnabled( false );
15721       mActionSelectFreehand->setEnabled( false );
15722       mActionSelectRadius->setEnabled( false );
15723       mActionZoomActualSize->setEnabled( false );
15724       mActionZoomToLayer->setEnabled( true );
15725       mActionOpenTable->setEnabled( false );
15726       mMenuFilterTable->setEnabled( false );
15727       mActionOpenTableSelected->setEnabled( false );
15728       mActionOpenTableVisible->setEnabled( false );
15729       mActionOpenTableEdited->setEnabled( false );
15730       mActionSelectAll->setEnabled( false );
15731       mActionReselect->setEnabled( false );
15732       mActionInvertSelection->setEnabled( false );
15733       mActionSelectByExpression->setEnabled( false );
15734       mActionSelectByForm->setEnabled( false );
15735       mActionOpenFieldCalc->setEnabled( false );
15736       mActionSaveLayerEdits->setEnabled( false );
15737       mActionSaveLayerDefinition->setEnabled( true );
15738       mActionLayerSaveAs->setEnabled( false );
15739       mActionAddFeature->setEnabled( false );
15740       mActionCircularStringCurvePoint->setEnabled( false );
15741       mActionCircularStringRadius->setEnabled( false );
15742       mActionDeleteSelected->setEnabled( false );
15743       mActionAddRing->setEnabled( false );
15744       mActionFillRing->setEnabled( false );
15745       mActionAddPart->setEnabled( false );
15746       mActionVertexTool->setEnabled( false );
15747       mActionVertexToolActiveLayer->setEnabled( false );
15748       mActionMoveFeature->setEnabled( false );
15749       mActionMoveFeatureCopy->setEnabled( false );
15750       mActionRotateFeature->setEnabled( false );
15751       mActionScaleFeature->setEnabled( false );
15752       mActionOffsetCurve->setEnabled( false );
15753       mActionCopyFeatures->setEnabled( false );
15754       mActionCutFeatures->setEnabled( false );
15755       mActionPasteFeatures->setEnabled( false );
15756       mActionRotatePointSymbols->setEnabled( false );
15757       mActionOffsetPointSymbol->setEnabled( false );
15758       mActionDeletePart->setEnabled( false );
15759       mActionDeleteRing->setEnabled( false );
15760       mActionSimplifyFeature->setEnabled( false );
15761       mActionReshapeFeatures->setEnabled( false );
15762       mActionSplitFeatures->setEnabled( false );
15763       mActionSplitParts->setEnabled( false );
15764       mActionLabeling->setEnabled( false );
15765       mActionDiagramProperties->setEnabled( false );
15766       mActionIdentify->setEnabled( true );
15767       enableDigitizeTechniqueActions( false );
15769       bool canSupportEditing = mlayer->supportsEditing();
15770       bool isEditable = mlayer->isEditable();
15771       mActionToggleEditing->setEnabled( canSupportEditing );
15772       mActionToggleEditing->setChecked( canSupportEditing && isEditable );
15773       mActionSaveLayerEdits->setEnabled( canSupportEditing && isEditable && mlayer->isModified() );
15774       enableMeshEditingTools( isEditable );
15775       mUndoDock->widget()->setEnabled( canSupportEditing && isEditable );
15776       mActionUndo->setEnabled( canSupportEditing && isEditable );
15777       mActionRedo->setEnabled( canSupportEditing && isEditable );
15778       updateUndoActions();
15779     }
15781     break;
15783     case QgsMapLayerType::VectorTileLayer:
15784       mActionLocalHistogramStretch->setEnabled( false );
15785       mActionFullHistogramStretch->setEnabled( false );
15786       mActionLocalCumulativeCutStretch->setEnabled( false );
15787       mActionFullCumulativeCutStretch->setEnabled( false );
15788       mActionIncreaseBrightness->setEnabled( false );
15789       mActionDecreaseBrightness->setEnabled( false );
15790       mActionIncreaseContrast->setEnabled( false );
15791       mActionDecreaseContrast->setEnabled( false );
15792       mActionIncreaseGamma->setEnabled( false );
15793       mActionDecreaseGamma->setEnabled( false );
15794       mActionLayerSubsetString->setEnabled( false );
15795       mActionFeatureAction->setEnabled( false );
15796       mActionSelectFeatures->setEnabled( false );
15797       mActionSelectPolygon->setEnabled( false );
15798       mActionSelectFreehand->setEnabled( false );
15799       mActionSelectRadius->setEnabled( false );
15800       mActionZoomActualSize->setEnabled( false );
15801       mActionZoomToLayer->setEnabled( true );
15802       mActionOpenTable->setEnabled( false );
15803       mMenuFilterTable->setEnabled( false );
15804       mActionOpenTableSelected->setEnabled( false );
15805       mActionOpenTableVisible->setEnabled( false );
15806       mActionOpenTableEdited->setEnabled( false );
15807       mActionSelectAll->setEnabled( false );
15808       mActionReselect->setEnabled( false );
15809       mActionInvertSelection->setEnabled( false );
15810       mActionSelectByExpression->setEnabled( false );
15811       mActionSelectByForm->setEnabled( false );
15812       mActionOpenFieldCalc->setEnabled( false );
15813       mActionToggleEditing->setEnabled( false );
15814       mActionToggleEditing->setChecked( false );
15815       mActionSaveLayerEdits->setEnabled( false );
15816       mUndoDock->widget()->setEnabled( false );
15817       mActionUndo->setEnabled( false );
15818       mActionRedo->setEnabled( false );
15819       mActionSaveLayerDefinition->setEnabled( true );
15820       mActionLayerSaveAs->setEnabled( false );
15821       mActionAddFeature->setEnabled( false );
15822       mActionCircularStringCurvePoint->setEnabled( false );
15823       mActionCircularStringRadius->setEnabled( false );
15824       mActionDeleteSelected->setEnabled( false );
15825       mActionAddRing->setEnabled( false );
15826       mActionFillRing->setEnabled( false );
15827       mActionAddPart->setEnabled( false );
15828       mActionVertexTool->setEnabled( false );
15829       mActionVertexToolActiveLayer->setEnabled( false );
15830       mActionMoveFeature->setEnabled( false );
15831       mActionMoveFeatureCopy->setEnabled( false );
15832       mActionRotateFeature->setEnabled( false );
15833       mActionScaleFeature->setEnabled( false );
15834       mActionOffsetCurve->setEnabled( false );
15835       mActionCopyFeatures->setEnabled( false );
15836       mActionCutFeatures->setEnabled( false );
15837       mActionPasteFeatures->setEnabled( false );
15838       mActionRotatePointSymbols->setEnabled( false );
15839       mActionOffsetPointSymbol->setEnabled( false );
15840       mActionDeletePart->setEnabled( false );
15841       mActionDeleteRing->setEnabled( false );
15842       mActionSimplifyFeature->setEnabled( false );
15843       mActionReshapeFeatures->setEnabled( false );
15844       mActionSplitFeatures->setEnabled( false );
15845       mActionSplitParts->setEnabled( false );
15846       mActionLabeling->setEnabled( false );
15847       mActionDiagramProperties->setEnabled( false );
15848       mActionIdentify->setEnabled( true );
15849       enableDigitizeTechniqueActions( false );
15850       enableMeshEditingTools( false );
15851       break;
15853     case QgsMapLayerType::PointCloudLayer:
15854       mActionLocalHistogramStretch->setEnabled( false );
15855       mActionFullHistogramStretch->setEnabled( false );
15856       mActionLocalCumulativeCutStretch->setEnabled( false );
15857       mActionFullCumulativeCutStretch->setEnabled( false );
15858       mActionIncreaseBrightness->setEnabled( false );
15859       mActionDecreaseBrightness->setEnabled( false );
15860       mActionIncreaseContrast->setEnabled( false );
15861       mActionDecreaseContrast->setEnabled( false );
15862       mActionIncreaseGamma->setEnabled( false );
15863       mActionDecreaseGamma->setEnabled( false );
15864       mActionLayerSubsetString->setEnabled( false );
15865       mActionFeatureAction->setEnabled( false );
15866       mActionSelectFeatures->setEnabled( false );
15867       mActionSelectPolygon->setEnabled( false );
15868       mActionSelectFreehand->setEnabled( false );
15869       mActionSelectRadius->setEnabled( false );
15870       mActionZoomActualSize->setEnabled( false );
15871       mActionZoomToLayer->setEnabled( true );
15872       mActionOpenTable->setEnabled( false );
15873       mMenuFilterTable->setEnabled( false );
15874       mActionOpenTableSelected->setEnabled( false );
15875       mActionOpenTableVisible->setEnabled( false );
15876       mActionOpenTableEdited->setEnabled( false );
15877       mActionSelectAll->setEnabled( false );
15878       mActionReselect->setEnabled( false );
15879       mActionInvertSelection->setEnabled( false );
15880       mActionSelectByExpression->setEnabled( false );
15881       mActionSelectByForm->setEnabled( false );
15882       mActionOpenFieldCalc->setEnabled( false );
15883       mActionToggleEditing->setEnabled( false );
15884       mActionToggleEditing->setChecked( false );
15885       mActionSaveLayerEdits->setEnabled( false );
15886       mUndoDock->widget()->setEnabled( false );
15887       mActionUndo->setEnabled( false );
15888       mActionRedo->setEnabled( false );
15889       mActionSaveLayerDefinition->setEnabled( true );
15890       mActionLayerSaveAs->setEnabled( false );
15891       mActionAddFeature->setEnabled( false );
15892       mActionCircularStringCurvePoint->setEnabled( false );
15893       mActionCircularStringRadius->setEnabled( false );
15894       mActionDeleteSelected->setEnabled( false );
15895       mActionAddRing->setEnabled( false );
15896       mActionFillRing->setEnabled( false );
15897       mActionAddPart->setEnabled( false );
15898       mActionVertexTool->setEnabled( false );
15899       mActionVertexToolActiveLayer->setEnabled( false );
15900       mActionMoveFeature->setEnabled( false );
15901       mActionMoveFeatureCopy->setEnabled( false );
15902       mActionRotateFeature->setEnabled( false );
15903       mActionScaleFeature->setEnabled( false );
15904       mActionOffsetCurve->setEnabled( false );
15905       mActionCopyFeatures->setEnabled( false );
15906       mActionCutFeatures->setEnabled( false );
15907       mActionPasteFeatures->setEnabled( false );
15908       mActionRotatePointSymbols->setEnabled( false );
15909       mActionOffsetPointSymbol->setEnabled( false );
15910       mActionDeletePart->setEnabled( false );
15911       mActionDeleteRing->setEnabled( false );
15912       mActionSimplifyFeature->setEnabled( false );
15913       mActionReshapeFeatures->setEnabled( false );
15914       mActionSplitFeatures->setEnabled( false );
15915       mActionSplitParts->setEnabled( false );
15916       mActionLabeling->setEnabled( false );
15917       mActionDiagramProperties->setEnabled( false );
15918       mActionIdentify->setEnabled( true );
15919       enableDigitizeTechniqueActions( false );
15920       enableMeshEditingTools( false );
15921       break;
15923     case QgsMapLayerType::PluginLayer:
15924       break;
15926     case QgsMapLayerType::AnnotationLayer:
15927     {
15928       mActionLocalHistogramStretch->setEnabled( false );
15929       mActionFullHistogramStretch->setEnabled( false );
15930       mActionLocalCumulativeCutStretch->setEnabled( false );
15931       mActionFullCumulativeCutStretch->setEnabled( false );
15932       mActionIncreaseBrightness->setEnabled( false );
15933       mActionDecreaseBrightness->setEnabled( false );
15934       mActionIncreaseContrast->setEnabled( false );
15935       mActionDecreaseContrast->setEnabled( false );
15936       mActionIncreaseGamma->setEnabled( false );
15937       mActionDecreaseGamma->setEnabled( false );
15938       mActionLayerSubsetString->setEnabled( false );
15939       mActionFeatureAction->setEnabled( false );
15940       mActionSelectFeatures->setEnabled( false );
15941       mActionSelectPolygon->setEnabled( false );
15942       mActionSelectFreehand->setEnabled( false );
15943       mActionSelectRadius->setEnabled( false );
15944       mActionZoomActualSize->setEnabled( false );
15945       mActionZoomToLayer->setEnabled( true );
15946       mActionOpenTable->setEnabled( false );
15947       mMenuFilterTable->setEnabled( false );
15948       mActionOpenTableSelected->setEnabled( false );
15949       mActionOpenTableVisible->setEnabled( false );
15950       mActionOpenTableEdited->setEnabled( false );
15951       mActionSelectAll->setEnabled( false );
15952       mActionReselect->setEnabled( false );
15953       mActionInvertSelection->setEnabled( false );
15954       mActionSelectByExpression->setEnabled( false );
15955       mActionSelectByForm->setEnabled( false );
15956       mActionOpenFieldCalc->setEnabled( false );
15957       mActionSaveLayerEdits->setEnabled( false );
15958       mUndoDock->widget()->setEnabled( false );
15959       mActionSaveLayerDefinition->setEnabled( false );
15960       mActionLayerSaveAs->setEnabled( false );
15961       mActionAddFeature->setEnabled( false );
15962       mActionCircularStringCurvePoint->setEnabled( false );
15963       mActionCircularStringRadius->setEnabled( false );
15964       mActionDeleteSelected->setEnabled( false );
15965       mActionAddRing->setEnabled( false );
15966       mActionFillRing->setEnabled( false );
15967       mActionAddPart->setEnabled( false );
15968       mActionVertexTool->setEnabled( false );
15969       mActionVertexToolActiveLayer->setEnabled( false );
15970       mActionMoveFeature->setEnabled( false );
15971       mActionMoveFeatureCopy->setEnabled( false );
15972       mActionRotateFeature->setEnabled( false );
15973       mActionScaleFeature->setEnabled( false );
15974       mActionOffsetCurve->setEnabled( false );
15975       mActionCopyFeatures->setEnabled( false );
15976       mActionCutFeatures->setEnabled( false );
15977       mActionPasteFeatures->setEnabled( false );
15978       mActionRotatePointSymbols->setEnabled( false );
15979       mActionOffsetPointSymbol->setEnabled( false );
15980       mActionDeletePart->setEnabled( false );
15981       mActionDeleteRing->setEnabled( false );
15982       mActionSimplifyFeature->setEnabled( false );
15983       mActionReshapeFeatures->setEnabled( false );
15984       mActionSplitFeatures->setEnabled( false );
15985       mActionSplitParts->setEnabled( false );
15986       mActionLabeling->setEnabled( false );
15987       mActionDiagramProperties->setEnabled( false );
15988       mActionIdentify->setEnabled( true );
15989       enableDigitizeTechniqueActions( true );
15990       mActionToggleEditing->setEnabled( false );
15991       mActionToggleEditing->setChecked( true ); // always editable
15992       mActionUndo->setEnabled( false );
15993       mActionRedo->setEnabled( false );
15994       updateUndoActions();
15995       break;
15996     }
15997   }
15999   refreshFeatureActions();
16000 }
refreshActionFeatureAction()16002 void QgisApp::refreshActionFeatureAction()
16003 {
16004   mActionFeatureAction->setEnabled( false );
16005   QgsVectorLayer *vlayer = qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( activeLayer() );
16006   if ( !vlayer )
16007     return;
16009   bool layerHasActions = !vlayer->actions()->actions( QStringLiteral( "Canvas" ) ).isEmpty() || !QgsGui::mapLayerActionRegistry()->mapLayerActions( vlayer ).isEmpty();
16010   mActionFeatureAction->setEnabled( layerHasActions );
16011 }
renameView()16013 void QgisApp::renameView()
16014 {
16015   QgsMapCanvasDockWidget *view = qobject_cast< QgsMapCanvasDockWidget * >( sender() );
16016   if ( !view )
16017     return;
16019   // calculate existing names
16020   QStringList names;
16021   const auto canvases = mapCanvases();
16022   for ( QgsMapCanvas *canvas : canvases )
16023   {
16024     if ( canvas == view->mapCanvas() )
16025       continue;
16027     names << canvas->objectName();
16028   }
16030   QString currentName = view->mapCanvas()->objectName();
16032   QgsNewNameDialog renameDlg( currentName, currentName, QStringList(), names, Qt::CaseSensitive, this );
16033   renameDlg.setWindowTitle( tr( "Map Views" ) );
16034   //renameDlg.setHintString( tr( "Name of the new view" ) );
16035   renameDlg.setOverwriteEnabled( false );
16036   renameDlg.setConflictingNameWarning( tr( "A view with this name already exists" ) );
16037   renameDlg.buttonBox()->addButton( QDialogButtonBox::Help );
16038   connect( renameDlg.buttonBox(), &QDialogButtonBox::helpRequested, this, [ = ]
16039   {
16040     QgsHelp::openHelp( QStringLiteral( "introduction/qgis_gui.html#map-view" ) );
16041   } );
16043   if ( renameDlg.exec() || renameDlg.name().isEmpty() )
16044   {
16045     QString newName = renameDlg.name();
16046     view->setWindowTitle( newName );
16047     view->mapCanvas()->setObjectName( newName );
16048   }
16049 }
addRasterLayer(QString const & uri,QString const & baseName,QString const & providerKey)16051 QgsRasterLayer *QgisApp::addRasterLayer( QString const &uri, QString const &baseName, QString const &providerKey )
16052 {
16053   return addLayerPrivate< QgsRasterLayer >( QgsMapLayerType::RasterLayer, uri, baseName, !providerKey.isEmpty() ? providerKey : QLatin1String( "gdal" ), true );
16054 }
addRasterLayers(QStringList const & files,bool guiWarning)16056 bool QgisApp::addRasterLayers( QStringList const &files, bool guiWarning )
16057 {
16058   if ( files.empty() )
16059   {
16060     return false;
16061   }
16063   QgsCanvasRefreshBlocker refreshBlocker;
16065   // this is messy since some files in the list may be rasters and others may
16066   // be ogr layers. We'll set returnValue to false if one or more layers fail
16067   // to load.
16068   bool returnValue = true;
16069   for ( const QString &src : files )
16070   {
16071     QString errMsg;
16072     bool ok = false;
16074     // if needed prompt for zipitem layers
16075     QString vsiPrefix = QgsZipItem::vsiPrefix( src );
16076     if ( ( !src.startsWith( QLatin1String( "/vsi" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) || src.endsWith( QLatin1String( ".zip" ) ) || src.endsWith( QLatin1String( ".tar" ) ) ) &&
16077          ( vsiPrefix == QLatin1String( "/vsizip/" ) || vsiPrefix == QLatin1String( "/vsitar/" ) ) )
16078     {
16079       if ( askUserForZipItemLayers( src, { QgsMapLayerType::RasterLayer } ) )
16080         continue;
16081     }
16083     const bool isVsiCurl { src.startsWith( QLatin1String( "/vsicurl" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) };
16084     const auto scheme { QUrl( src ).scheme() };
16085     const bool isRemoteUrl { src.startsWith( QLatin1String( "http" ) ) || src == QLatin1String( "ftp" ) };
16087     std::unique_ptr< QgsTemporaryCursorOverride > cursorOverride;
16088     if ( isVsiCurl || isRemoteUrl )
16089     {
16090       cursorOverride = std::make_unique< QgsTemporaryCursorOverride >( Qt::WaitCursor );
16091       visibleMessageBar()->pushInfo( tr( "Remote layer" ), tr( "loading %1, please wait …" ).arg( src ) );
16092       qApp->processEvents();
16093     }
16095     if ( QgsRasterLayer::isValidRasterFileName( src, errMsg ) )
16096     {
16097       QFileInfo myFileInfo( src );
16099       // set the layer name to the file base name unless provided explicitly
16100       QString layerName;
16101       const QVariantMap uriDetails = QgsProviderRegistry::instance()->decodeUri( QStringLiteral( "gdal" ), src );
16102       if ( !uriDetails[ QStringLiteral( "layerName" ) ].toString().isEmpty() )
16103       {
16104         layerName = uriDetails[ QStringLiteral( "layerName" ) ].toString();
16105       }
16106       else
16107       {
16108         layerName = QgsProviderUtils::suggestLayerNameFromFilePath( src );
16109       }
16111       // try to create the layer
16112       cursorOverride.reset();
16113       QgsRasterLayer *layer = addLayerPrivate< QgsRasterLayer >( QgsMapLayerType::RasterLayer, src, layerName, QStringLiteral( "gdal" ), guiWarning );
16115       if ( layer && layer->isValid() )
16116       {
16117         //only allow one copy of a ai grid file to be loaded at a
16118         //time to prevent the user selecting all adfs in 1 dir which
16119         //actually represent 1 coverage,
16121         if ( myFileInfo.fileName().endsWith( QLatin1String( ".adf" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
16122         {
16123           break;
16124         }
16125       }
16126       // if layer is invalid addLayerPrivate() will show the error
16128     } // valid raster filename
16129     else
16130     {
16131       ok = false;
16133       // Issue message box warning unless we are loading from cmd line since
16134       // non-rasters are passed to this function first and then successfully
16135       // loaded afterwards (see main.cpp)
16136       if ( guiWarning )
16137       {
16138         QString msg = tr( "%1 is not a supported raster data source" ).arg( src );
16139         if ( !errMsg.isEmpty() )
16140           msg += '\n' + errMsg;
16142         visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "Unsupported Data Source" ), msg, Qgis::MessageLevel::Critical );
16143       }
16144     }
16145     if ( ! ok )
16146     {
16147       returnValue = false;
16148     }
16149   }
16150   return returnValue;
16151 }
addPluginLayer(const QString & uri,const QString & baseName,const QString & providerKey)16153 QgsPluginLayer *QgisApp::addPluginLayer( const QString &uri, const QString &baseName, const QString &providerKey )
16154 {
16155   QgsPluginLayer *layer = QgsApplication::pluginLayerRegistry()->createLayer( providerKey, uri );
16156   if ( !layer )
16157     return nullptr;
16159   layer->setName( baseName );
16161   QgsProject::instance()->addMapLayer( layer );
16163   return layer;
16164 }
16168 #ifdef ANDROID
keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent * event)16169 void QgisApp::keyReleaseEvent( QKeyEvent *event )
16170 {
16171   static bool sAccepted = true;
16172   if ( event->key() == Qt::Key_Close )
16173   {
16174     // do something useful here
16175     int ret = QMessageBox::question( this, tr( "Exit QGIS" ),
16176                                      tr( "Do you really want to quit QGIS?" ),
16177                                      QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No );
16178     switch ( ret )
16179     {
16180       case QMessageBox::Yes:
16181         this->close();
16182         break;
16184       case QMessageBox::No:
16185         break;
16186     }
16187     event->setAccepted( sAccepted ); // don't close my Top Level Widget !
16188     sAccepted = false;// close the app next time when the user press back button
16189   }
16190   else
16191   {
16192     QMainWindow::keyReleaseEvent( event );
16193   }
16194 }
16195 #endif
keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent * e)16197 void QgisApp::keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent *e )
16198 {
16199   emit keyPressed( e );
16201 #if 0 && defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(QGISDEBUG)
16202   if ( e->key() == Qt::Key_Backslash && e->modifiers() == Qt::ControlModifier )
16203   {
16204     QgsCrashHandler::handle( 0 );
16205   }
16206 #endif
16208   //cancel rendering progress with esc key
16209   if ( e->key() == Qt::Key_Escape )
16210   {
16211     stopRendering();
16212   }
16213   else
16214   {
16215     e->ignore();
16216   }
16217 }
newProfile()16219 void QgisApp::newProfile()
16220 {
16221   QString text = QInputDialog::getText( this, tr( "New profile name" ), tr( "New profile name" ) );
16222   if ( text.isEmpty() )
16223     return;
16225   userProfileManager()->createUserProfile( text );
16226   userProfileManager()->loadUserProfile( text );
16227 }
onTaskCompleteShowNotify(long taskId,int status)16229 void QgisApp::onTaskCompleteShowNotify( long taskId, int status )
16230 {
16231   if ( status == QgsTask::Complete || status == QgsTask::Terminated )
16232   {
16233     long long minTime = QgsSettings().value( QStringLiteral( "minTaskLengthForSystemNotification" ), 5, QgsSettings::App ).toLongLong() * 1000;
16234     QgsTask *task = QgsApplication::taskManager()->task( taskId );
16235     if ( task && task->elapsedTime() >= minTime )
16236     {
16237       if ( status == QgsTask::Complete )
16238         showSystemNotification( tr( "Task complete" ), task->description() );
16239       else if ( status == QgsTask::Terminated )
16240         showSystemNotification( tr( "Task failed" ), task->description() );
16241     }
16242   }
16243 }
onTransactionGroupsChanged()16245 void QgisApp::onTransactionGroupsChanged()
16246 {
16247   const auto groups = QgsProject::instance()->transactionGroups();
16248   for ( auto it = groups.constBegin(); it != groups.constEnd(); ++it )
16249   {
16250     connect( it.value(), &QgsTransactionGroup::commitError, this, &QgisApp::transactionGroupCommitError, Qt::UniqueConnection );
16251   }
16252 }
onSnappingConfigChanged()16254 void QgisApp::onSnappingConfigChanged()
16255 {
16256   mSnappingUtils->setConfig( QgsProject::instance()->snappingConfig() );
16257 }
createPreviewImage(const QString & path,const QIcon & icon)16259 void QgisApp::createPreviewImage( const QString &path, const QIcon &icon )
16260 {
16261   // Render the map canvas
16262   QSize previewSize( 250, 177 ); // h = w / std::sqrt(2)
16263   QRect previewRect( QPoint( ( mMapCanvas->width() - previewSize.width() ) / 2
16264                              , ( mMapCanvas->height() - previewSize.height() ) / 2 )
16265                      , previewSize );
16267   QPixmap previewImage( previewSize );
16268   previewImage.fill();
16269   QPainter previewPainter( &previewImage );
16270   mMapCanvas->render( &previewPainter, QRect( QPoint(), previewSize ), previewRect );
16272   if ( !icon.isNull() )
16273   {
16274     QPixmap pixmap = icon.pixmap( QSize( 24, 24 ) );
16275     previewPainter.drawPixmap( QPointF( 250 - 24 - 5, 177 - 24 - 5 ), pixmap );
16276   }
16277   previewPainter.end();
16279   // Save
16280   previewImage.save( path );
16281 }
startProfile(const QString & name)16283 void QgisApp::startProfile( const QString &name )
16284 {
16285   QgsApplication::profiler()->start( name );
16286 }
endProfile()16288 void QgisApp::endProfile()
16289 {
16290   QgsApplication::profiler()->end();
16291 }
functionProfile(void (QgisApp::* fnc)(),QgisApp * instance,const QString & name)16293 void QgisApp::functionProfile( void ( QgisApp::*fnc )(), QgisApp *instance, const QString &name )
16294 {
16295   QgsScopedRuntimeProfile profile( name );
16296   ( instance->*fnc )();
16297 }
mapCanvas_keyPressed(QKeyEvent * e)16299 void QgisApp::mapCanvas_keyPressed( QKeyEvent *e )
16300 {
16301   // Delete selected features when it is possible and KeyEvent was not managed by current MapTool
16302   if ( ( e->key() == Qt::Key_Backspace || e->key() == Qt::Key_Delete ) && e->isAccepted() )
16303   {
16304     deleteSelected( nullptr, nullptr, true );
16305   }
16306 }
customProjection()16308 void QgisApp::customProjection()
16309 {
16310   // Create an instance of the Custom Projection Designer modeless dialog.
16311   // Autodelete the dialog when closing since a pointer is not retained.
16312   QgsCustomProjectionDialog *myDialog = new QgsCustomProjectionDialog( this );
16313   myDialog->setAttribute( Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose );
16314   myDialog->show();
16315 }
newBookmark(bool inProject)16317 void QgisApp::newBookmark( bool inProject )
16318 {
16319   QgsBookmark bookmark;
16320   bookmark.setName( tr( "New bookmark" ) );
16321   bookmark.setExtent( QgsReferencedRectangle( mapCanvas()->extent(), mapCanvas()->mapSettings().destinationCrs() ) );
16322   QgsBookmarkEditorDialog *dlg = new QgsBookmarkEditorDialog( bookmark, inProject, this, mapCanvas() );
16323   dlg->setAttribute( Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose );
16324   dlg->show();
16325 }
showBookmarks()16327 void QgisApp::showBookmarks()
16328 {
16329   mBrowserWidget->setUserVisible( true );
16330   QModelIndex index = browserModel()->findPath( QStringLiteral( "bookmarks:" ) );
16331   mBrowserWidget->browserWidget()->setActiveIndex( index );
16332 }
showBookmarkManager(bool show)16334 void QgisApp::showBookmarkManager( bool show )
16335 {
16336   mBookMarksDockWidget->setUserVisible( show );
16337 }
getBookmarkIndexMap()16339 QMap<QString, QModelIndex> QgisApp::getBookmarkIndexMap()
16340 {
16341   return mBookMarksDockWidget->getIndexMap();
16342 }
zoomToBookmarkIndex(const QModelIndex & index)16344 void QgisApp::zoomToBookmarkIndex( const QModelIndex &index )
16345 {
16346   mBookMarksDockWidget->zoomToBookmarkIndex( index );
16347 }
identifyMapTool() const16349 QgsMapToolIdentifyAction *QgisApp::identifyMapTool() const
16350 {
16351   return mMapTools->mapTool< QgsMapToolIdentifyAction >( QgsAppMapTools::Identify );
16352 }
takeAppScreenShots(const QString & saveDirectory,const int categories)16354 void QgisApp::takeAppScreenShots( const QString &saveDirectory, const int categories )
16355 {
16356   QgsAppScreenShots ass( saveDirectory );
16357   ass.takePicturesOf( QgsAppScreenShots::Categories( categories ) );
16358 }
16360 // Slot that gets called when the project file was saved with an older
16361 // version of QGIS
oldProjectVersionWarning(const QString & oldVersion)16363 void QgisApp::oldProjectVersionWarning( const QString &oldVersion )
16364 {
16365   Q_UNUSED( oldVersion )
16366   QgsSettings settings;
16368   if ( settings.value( QStringLiteral( "qgis/warnOldProjectVersion" ), QVariant( true ) ).toBool() )
16369   {
16370     QString smalltext = tr( "This project file was saved by QGIS version %1."
16371                             " When saving this project file, QGIS will update it to version %2, "
16372                             "possibly rendering it useless for older versions of QGIS." ).arg( oldVersion, Qgis::version() );
16374     QString title = tr( "Project file is older" );
16376     visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( title, smalltext );
16377   }
16378 }
updateUndoActions()16380 void QgisApp::updateUndoActions()
16381 {
16382   bool canUndo = false, canRedo = false;
16383   QgsMapLayer *layer = activeLayer();
16384   if ( layer  && layer->isEditable() )
16385   {
16386     canUndo = layer->undoStack()->canUndo();
16387     canRedo = layer->undoStack()->canRedo();
16388   }
16389   mActionUndo->setEnabled( canUndo );
16390   mActionRedo->setEnabled( canRedo );
16391 }
16394 // add project directory to python path
projectChanged(const QDomDocument & doc)16395 void QgisApp::projectChanged( const QDomDocument &doc )
16396 {
16397   Q_UNUSED( doc )
16398   QgsProject *project = qobject_cast<QgsProject *>( sender() );
16399   if ( !project )
16400     return;
16402   QFileInfo fi( project->fileName() );
16403   if ( !fi.exists() )
16404     return;
16406   static QString sPrevProjectDir = QString();
16408   if ( sPrevProjectDir == fi.canonicalPath() )
16409     return;
16411   QString expr;
16412   if ( !sPrevProjectDir.isNull() )
16413   {
16414     QString prev = sPrevProjectDir;
16415     expr = QStringLiteral( "sys.path.remove(u'%1'); " ).arg( prev.replace( '\'', QLatin1String( "\\'" ) ) );
16416   }
16418   sPrevProjectDir = fi.canonicalPath();
16420   QString prev = sPrevProjectDir;
16421   expr += QStringLiteral( "sys.path.append(u'%1')" ).arg( prev.replace( '\'', QLatin1String( "\\'" ) ) );
16423   QgsPythonRunner::run( expr );
16424 }
writeProject(QDomDocument & doc)16426 void QgisApp::writeProject( QDomDocument &doc )
16427 {
16428   // QGIS server does not use QgsProject for loading of QGIS project.
16429   // In order to allow reading of new projects, let's also write the original <legend> tag to the project.
16430   // Ideally the server should be ported to new layer tree implementation, but that requires
16431   // non-trivial changes to the server components.
16432   // The <legend> tag is ignored by QGIS application in >= 2.4 and this way also the new project files
16433   // can be opened in older versions of QGIS without losing information about layer groups.
16435   QgsLayerTree *clonedRoot = QgsProject::instance()->layerTreeRoot()->clone();
16436   QgsLayerTreeUtils::replaceChildrenOfEmbeddedGroups( QgsLayerTree::toGroup( clonedRoot ) );
16437   QgsLayerTreeUtils::updateEmbeddedGroupsProjectPath( QgsLayerTree::toGroup( clonedRoot ), QgsProject::instance() ); // convert absolute paths to relative paths if required
16438   QDomElement oldLegendElem = QgsLayerTreeUtils::writeOldLegend( doc, QgsLayerTree::toGroup( clonedRoot ),
16439                               clonedRoot->hasCustomLayerOrder(), clonedRoot->customLayerOrder() );
16440   delete clonedRoot;
16441   QDomElement qgisNode = doc.firstChildElement( QStringLiteral( "qgis" ) );
16442   qgisNode.appendChild( oldLegendElem );
16444   QgsProject::instance()->writeEntry( QStringLiteral( "Legend" ), QStringLiteral( "filterByMap" ), static_cast< bool >( layerTreeView()->layerTreeModel()->legendFilterMapSettings() ) );
16446   // Save the position of the map view docks
16447   QDomElement mapViewNode = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "mapViewDocks" ) );
16448   const auto dockWidgets = findChildren< QgsMapCanvasDockWidget * >();
16449   for ( QgsMapCanvasDockWidget *w : dockWidgets )
16450   {
16451     QDomElement node = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "view" ) );
16452     node.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "name" ), w->mapCanvas()->objectName() );
16453     node.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "synced" ), w->isViewCenterSynchronized() );
16454     node.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "showCursor" ), w->isCursorMarkerVisible() );
16455     node.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "showExtent" ), w->isMainCanvasExtentVisible() );
16456     node.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "scaleSynced" ), w->isViewScaleSynchronized() );
16457     node.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "scaleFactor" ), w->scaleFactor() );
16458     node.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "showLabels" ), w->labelsVisible() );
16459     node.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "zoomSelected" ), w->isAutoZoomToSelected() );
16460     writeDockWidgetSettings( w, node );
16461     mapViewNode.appendChild( node );
16462   }
16463   qgisNode.appendChild( mapViewNode );
16465 #ifdef HAVE_3D
16466   QgsReadWriteContext readWriteContext;
16467   readWriteContext.setPathResolver( QgsProject::instance()->pathResolver() );
16468   QDomElement elem3DMaps = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "mapViewDocks3D" ) );
16469   const QList< Qgs3DMapCanvasDockWidget * > docks = findChildren<Qgs3DMapCanvasDockWidget *>();
16470   for ( Qgs3DMapCanvasDockWidget *w : docks )
16471   {
16472     QDomElement elem3DMap = doc.createElement( QStringLiteral( "view" ) );
16473     elem3DMap.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "name" ), w->mapCanvas3D()->objectName() );
16474     QDomElement elem3DMapSettings = w->mapCanvas3D()->map()->writeXml( doc, readWriteContext );
16475     elem3DMap.appendChild( elem3DMapSettings );
16476     QDomElement elemCamera = w->mapCanvas3D()->cameraController()->writeXml( doc );
16477     elem3DMap.appendChild( elemCamera );
16478     QDomElement elemAnimation = w->animationWidget()->animation().writeXml( doc );
16479     elem3DMap.appendChild( elemAnimation );
16480     writeDockWidgetSettings( w, elem3DMap );
16481     elem3DMaps.appendChild( elem3DMap );
16482   }
16483   qgisNode.appendChild( elem3DMaps );
16484 #endif
16486   projectChanged( doc );
16487 }
writeDockWidgetSettings(QDockWidget * dockWidget,QDomElement & elem)16489 void QgisApp::writeDockWidgetSettings( QDockWidget *dockWidget, QDomElement &elem )
16490 {
16491   elem.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "x" ), dockWidget->x() );
16492   elem.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "y" ), dockWidget->y() );
16493   elem.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "width" ), dockWidget->width() );
16494   elem.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "height" ), dockWidget->height() );
16495   elem.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "floating" ), dockWidget->isFloating() );
16496   elem.setAttribute( QStringLiteral( "area" ), dockWidgetArea( dockWidget ) );
16497 }
askUserForDatumTransform(const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem & sourceCrs,const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem & destinationCrs,const QgsMapLayer * layer)16499 bool QgisApp::askUserForDatumTransform( const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem &sourceCrs, const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem &destinationCrs, const QgsMapLayer *layer )
16500 {
16501   Q_ASSERT( qApp->thread() == QThread::currentThread() );
16503   QString title;
16504   if ( layer )
16505   {
16506     // try to make a user-friendly (short!) identifier for the layer
16507     QString layerIdentifier;
16508     if ( !layer->name().isEmpty() )
16509     {
16510       layerIdentifier = layer->name();
16511     }
16512     else
16513     {
16514       const QVariantMap parts = QgsProviderRegistry::instance()->decodeUri( layer->providerType(), layer->source() );
16515       if ( parts.contains( QStringLiteral( "path" ) ) )
16516       {
16517         const QFileInfo fi( parts.value( QStringLiteral( "path" ) ).toString() );
16518         layerIdentifier = fi.fileName();
16519       }
16520       else if ( layer->dataProvider() )
16521       {
16522         const QgsDataSourceUri uri( layer->source() );
16523         layerIdentifier = uri.table();
16524       }
16525     }
16526     if ( !layerIdentifier.isEmpty() )
16527       title = tr( "Select Transformation for %1" ).arg( layerIdentifier );
16528   }
16530   return QgsDatumTransformDialog::run( sourceCrs, destinationCrs, this, mMapCanvas, title );
16531 }
readDockWidgetSettings(QDockWidget * dockWidget,const QDomElement & elem)16533 void QgisApp::readDockWidgetSettings( QDockWidget *dockWidget, const QDomElement &elem )
16534 {
16535   int x = elem.attribute( QStringLiteral( "x" ), QStringLiteral( "0" ) ).toInt();
16536   int y = elem.attribute( QStringLiteral( "y" ), QStringLiteral( "0" ) ).toInt();
16537   int w = elem.attribute( QStringLiteral( "width" ), QStringLiteral( "400" ) ).toInt();
16538   int h = elem.attribute( QStringLiteral( "height" ), QStringLiteral( "400" ) ).toInt();
16539   bool floating = elem.attribute( QStringLiteral( "floating" ), QStringLiteral( "0" ) ).toInt();
16540   Qt::DockWidgetArea area = static_cast< Qt::DockWidgetArea >( elem.attribute( QStringLiteral( "area" ), QString::number( Qt::RightDockWidgetArea ) ).toInt() );
16542   setupDockWidget( dockWidget, floating, QRect( x, y, w, h ), area );
16543 }
readProject(const QDomDocument & doc)16546 void QgisApp::readProject( const QDomDocument &doc )
16547 {
16548   projectChanged( doc );
16550   // force update of canvas, without automatic changes to extent and OTF projections
16551   bool autoSetupOnFirstLayer = mLayerTreeCanvasBridge->autoSetupOnFirstLayer();
16552   mLayerTreeCanvasBridge->setAutoSetupOnFirstLayer( false );
16554   mLayerTreeCanvasBridge->setCanvasLayers();
16556   if ( autoSetupOnFirstLayer )
16557     mLayerTreeCanvasBridge->setAutoSetupOnFirstLayer( true );
16559   QDomNodeList nodes = doc.elementsByTagName( QStringLiteral( "mapViewDocks" ) );
16560   QList< QgsMapCanvas * > views;
16561   if ( !nodes.isEmpty() )
16562   {
16563     QDomNode viewNode = nodes.at( 0 );
16564     nodes = viewNode.childNodes();
16565     for ( int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); ++i )
16566     {
16567       QDomElement elementNode = nodes.at( i ).toElement();
16568       QString mapName = elementNode.attribute( QStringLiteral( "name" ) );
16569       bool synced = elementNode.attribute( QStringLiteral( "synced" ), QStringLiteral( "0" ) ).toInt();
16570       bool showCursor = elementNode.attribute( QStringLiteral( "showCursor" ), QStringLiteral( "0" ) ).toInt();
16571       bool showExtent = elementNode.attribute( QStringLiteral( "showExtent" ), QStringLiteral( "0" ) ).toInt();
16572       bool scaleSynced = elementNode.attribute( QStringLiteral( "scaleSynced" ), QStringLiteral( "0" ) ).toInt();
16573       double scaleFactor = elementNode.attribute( QStringLiteral( "scaleFactor" ), QStringLiteral( "1" ) ).toDouble();
16574       bool showLabels = elementNode.attribute( QStringLiteral( "showLabels" ), QStringLiteral( "1" ) ).toInt();
16575       bool zoomSelected = elementNode.attribute( QStringLiteral( "zoomSelected" ), QStringLiteral( "0" ) ).toInt();
16577       QgsMapCanvasDockWidget *mapCanvasDock = createNewMapCanvasDock( mapName );
16578       readDockWidgetSettings( mapCanvasDock, elementNode );
16579       QgsMapCanvas *mapCanvas = mapCanvasDock->mapCanvas();
16580       mapCanvasDock->setViewCenterSynchronized( synced );
16581       mapCanvasDock->setCursorMarkerVisible( showCursor );
16582       mapCanvasDock->setScaleFactor( scaleFactor );
16583       mapCanvasDock->setViewScaleSynchronized( scaleSynced );
16584       mapCanvasDock->setMainCanvasExtentVisible( showExtent );
16585       mapCanvasDock->setLabelsVisible( showLabels );
16586       mapCanvasDock->setAutoZoomToSelected( zoomSelected );
16587       mapCanvas->readProject( doc );
16588       views << mapCanvas;
16589     }
16590   }
16592 #ifdef HAVE_3D
16593   QgsReadWriteContext readWriteContext;
16594   readWriteContext.setPathResolver( QgsProject::instance()->pathResolver() );
16595   QDomElement elem3DMaps = doc.documentElement().firstChildElement( QStringLiteral( "mapViewDocks3D" ) );
16596   if ( !elem3DMaps.isNull() )
16597   {
16598     QDomElement elem3DMap = elem3DMaps.firstChildElement( QStringLiteral( "view" ) );
16599     while ( !elem3DMap.isNull() )
16600     {
16601       QString mapName = elem3DMap.attribute( QStringLiteral( "name" ) );
16603       Qgs3DMapCanvasDockWidget *mapCanvasDock3D = createNew3DMapCanvasDock( mapName );
16604       readDockWidgetSettings( mapCanvasDock3D, elem3DMap );
16606       QDomElement elem3D = elem3DMap.firstChildElement( QStringLiteral( "qgis3d" ) );
16607       Qgs3DMapSettings *map = new Qgs3DMapSettings;
16608       map->readXml( elem3D, readWriteContext );
16609       map->resolveReferences( *QgsProject::instance() );
16611       map->setTransformContext( QgsProject::instance()->transformContext() );
16612       map->setPathResolver( QgsProject::instance()->pathResolver() );
16613       map->setMapThemeCollection( QgsProject::instance()->mapThemeCollection() );
16614       connect( QgsProject::instance(), &QgsProject::transformContextChanged, map, [map]
16615       {
16616         map->setTransformContext( QgsProject::instance()->transformContext() );
16617       } );
16619       // these things are not saved in project
16620       map->setSelectionColor( mMapCanvas->selectionColor() );
16621       map->setBackgroundColor( mMapCanvas->canvasColor() );
16622       if ( map->terrainGenerator() && map->terrainGenerator()->type() == QgsTerrainGenerator::Flat )
16623       {
16624         QgsFlatTerrainGenerator *flatTerrainGen = static_cast<QgsFlatTerrainGenerator *>( map->terrainGenerator() );
16625         flatTerrainGen->setExtent( mMapCanvas->projectExtent() );
16626       }
16627       map->setOutputDpi( QgsApplication::desktop()->logicalDpiX() );
16629       mapCanvasDock3D->setMapSettings( map );
16631       QDomElement elemCamera = elem3DMap.firstChildElement( QStringLiteral( "camera" ) );
16632       if ( !elemCamera.isNull() )
16633       {
16634         mapCanvasDock3D->mapCanvas3D()->cameraController()->readXml( elemCamera );
16635       }
16637       QDomElement elemAnimation = elem3DMap.firstChildElement( QStringLiteral( "animation3d" ) );
16638       if ( !elemAnimation.isNull() )
16639       {
16640         Qgs3DAnimationSettings animationSettings;
16641         animationSettings.readXml( elemAnimation );
16642         mapCanvasDock3D->animationWidget()->setAnimation( animationSettings );
16643       }
16645       elem3DMap = elem3DMap.nextSiblingElement( QStringLiteral( "view" ) );
16646     }
16647   }
16648 #endif
16650   // unfreeze all new views at once. We don't do this as they are created since additional
16651   // views which may exist in project could rearrange the docks and cause the canvases to resize
16652   // resulting in multiple redraws
16653   const auto constViews = views;
16654   for ( QgsMapCanvas *c : constViews )
16655   {
16656     c->freeze( false );
16657   }
16658 }
showLayerProperties(QgsMapLayer * mapLayer,const QString & page)16660 void QgisApp::showLayerProperties( QgsMapLayer *mapLayer, const QString &page )
16661 {
16662   /*
16663   TODO: Consider reusing the property dialogs again.
16664   Sometimes around mid 2005, the property dialogs were saved for later reuse;
16665   this resulted in a time savings when reopening the dialog. The code below
16666   cannot be used as is, however, simply by saving the dialog pointer here.
16667   Either the map layer needs to be passed as an argument to sync or else
16668   a separate copy of the dialog pointer needs to be stored with each layer.
16669   */
16671   if ( !mapLayer )
16672     return;
16674   if ( !QgsProject::instance()->layerIsEmbedded( mapLayer->id() ).isEmpty() )
16675   {
16676     return; //don't show properties of embedded layers
16677   }
16679   // collect factories from registered data providers
16680   QList<const QgsMapLayerConfigWidgetFactory *> providerFactories = QgsGui::providerGuiRegistry()->mapLayerConfigWidgetFactories( mapLayer );
16681   providerFactories.append( mMapLayerPanelFactories );
16683   switch ( mapLayer->type() )
16684   {
16685     case QgsMapLayerType::RasterLayer:
16686     {
16687       QgsRasterLayerProperties *rasterLayerPropertiesDialog = new QgsRasterLayerProperties( mapLayer, mMapCanvas, this );
16689       for ( const QgsMapLayerConfigWidgetFactory *factory : std::as_const( providerFactories ) )
16690       {
16691         rasterLayerPropertiesDialog->addPropertiesPageFactory( factory );
16692       }
16694       if ( !page.isEmpty() )
16695         rasterLayerPropertiesDialog->setCurrentPage( page );
16696       else
16697         rasterLayerPropertiesDialog->restoreLastPage();
16699       // Cannot use exec here due to raster transparency map tool:
16700       // in order to pass focus to the canvas, the dialog needs to
16701       // be hidden and shown in non-modal mode.
16702       rasterLayerPropertiesDialog->setModal( true );
16703       rasterLayerPropertiesDialog->show();
16704       // Delete (later, for safety) since dialog cannot be reused without
16705       // updating code
16706       connect( rasterLayerPropertiesDialog, &QgsRasterLayerProperties::accepted, [ rasterLayerPropertiesDialog ]
16707       {
16708         rasterLayerPropertiesDialog->deleteLater();
16709       } );
16710       connect( rasterLayerPropertiesDialog, &QgsRasterLayerProperties::rejected, [ rasterLayerPropertiesDialog ]
16711       {
16712         rasterLayerPropertiesDialog->deleteLater();
16713       } );
16714       break;
16715     }
16717     case QgsMapLayerType::MeshLayer:
16718     {
16719       QgsMeshLayerProperties meshLayerPropertiesDialog( mapLayer, mMapCanvas, this );
16721       for ( const QgsMapLayerConfigWidgetFactory *factory : std::as_const( providerFactories ) )
16722       {
16723         meshLayerPropertiesDialog.addPropertiesPageFactory( factory );
16724       }
16726       if ( !page.isEmpty() )
16727         meshLayerPropertiesDialog.setCurrentPage( page );
16728       else
16729         meshLayerPropertiesDialog.restoreLastPage();
16731       mMapStyleWidget->blockUpdates( true );
16732       if ( meshLayerPropertiesDialog.exec() )
16733       {
16734         activateDeactivateLayerRelatedActions( mapLayer );
16735         mMapStyleWidget->updateCurrentWidgetLayer();
16736       }
16737       mMapStyleWidget->blockUpdates( false ); // delete since dialog cannot be reused without updating code
16738       break;
16739     }
16741     case QgsMapLayerType::VectorLayer:
16742     {
16743       QgsVectorLayer *vlayer = qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( mapLayer );
16745       QgsVectorLayerProperties *vectorLayerPropertiesDialog = new QgsVectorLayerProperties( mMapCanvas, visibleMessageBar(), vlayer, this );
16746       connect(
16747         vectorLayerPropertiesDialog, static_cast<void ( QgsVectorLayerProperties::* )( QgsMapLayer * )>( &QgsVectorLayerProperties::toggleEditing ),
16748       this, [ = ]( QgsMapLayer * layer ) { toggleEditing( layer ); }
16749       );
16750       connect( vectorLayerPropertiesDialog, &QgsVectorLayerProperties::exportAuxiliaryLayer, this, [ = ]( QgsAuxiliaryLayer * layer )
16751       {
16752         if ( layer )
16753         {
16754           std::unique_ptr<QgsVectorLayer> clone;
16755           clone.reset( layer->toSpatialLayer() );
16757           saveAsFile( clone.get() );
16758         }
16759       } );
16760       for ( const QgsMapLayerConfigWidgetFactory *factory : std::as_const( providerFactories ) )
16761       {
16762         vectorLayerPropertiesDialog->addPropertiesPageFactory( factory );
16763       }
16765       if ( !page.isEmpty() )
16766         vectorLayerPropertiesDialog->setCurrentPage( page );
16767       else
16768         vectorLayerPropertiesDialog->restoreLastPage();
16770       mMapStyleWidget->blockUpdates( true );
16771       if ( vectorLayerPropertiesDialog->exec() )
16772       {
16773         activateDeactivateLayerRelatedActions( mapLayer );
16774         mMapStyleWidget->updateCurrentWidgetLayer();
16775       }
16776       mMapStyleWidget->blockUpdates( false );
16778       delete vectorLayerPropertiesDialog; // delete since dialog cannot be reused without updating code
16779       break;
16780     }
16782     case QgsMapLayerType::VectorTileLayer:
16783     {
16784       QgsVectorTileLayerProperties vectorTileLayerPropertiesDialog( qobject_cast<QgsVectorTileLayer *>( mapLayer ), mMapCanvas, visibleMessageBar(), this );
16785       if ( !page.isEmpty() )
16786         vectorTileLayerPropertiesDialog.setCurrentPage( page );
16787       else
16788         vectorTileLayerPropertiesDialog.restoreLastPage();
16790       mMapStyleWidget->blockUpdates( true );
16791       if ( vectorTileLayerPropertiesDialog.exec() )
16792       {
16793         activateDeactivateLayerRelatedActions( mapLayer );
16794         mMapStyleWidget->updateCurrentWidgetLayer();
16795       }
16796       mMapStyleWidget->blockUpdates( false ); // delete since dialog cannot be reused without updating code
16797       break;
16798     }
16800     case QgsMapLayerType::PointCloudLayer:
16801     {
16802       QgsPointCloudLayerProperties pointCloudLayerPropertiesDialog( qobject_cast<QgsPointCloudLayer *>( mapLayer ), mMapCanvas, visibleMessageBar(), this );
16804       if ( !page.isEmpty() )
16805         pointCloudLayerPropertiesDialog.setCurrentPage( page );
16806       else
16807         pointCloudLayerPropertiesDialog.restoreLastPage();
16809       for ( const QgsMapLayerConfigWidgetFactory *factory : std::as_const( providerFactories ) )
16810       {
16811         pointCloudLayerPropertiesDialog.addPropertiesPageFactory( factory );
16812       }
16814       mMapStyleWidget->blockUpdates( true );
16815       if ( pointCloudLayerPropertiesDialog.exec() )
16816       {
16817         activateDeactivateLayerRelatedActions( mapLayer );
16818         mMapStyleWidget->updateCurrentWidgetLayer();
16819       }
16820       mMapStyleWidget->blockUpdates( false ); // delete since dialog cannot be reused without updating code
16821       break;
16822     }
16824     case QgsMapLayerType::PluginLayer:
16825     {
16826       QgsPluginLayer *pl = qobject_cast<QgsPluginLayer *>( mapLayer );
16827       if ( !pl )
16828         return;
16830       QgsPluginLayerType *plt = QgsApplication::pluginLayerRegistry()->pluginLayerType( pl->pluginLayerType() );
16831       if ( !plt )
16832         return;
16834       if ( !plt->showLayerProperties( pl ) )
16835       {
16836         visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "Warning" ),
16837                                           tr( "This layer doesn't have a properties dialog." ),
16838                                           Qgis::MessageLevel::Info );
16839       }
16840       break;
16841     }
16843     case QgsMapLayerType::AnnotationLayer:
16844     {
16845       QgsAnnotationLayerProperties annotationLayerPropertiesDialog( qobject_cast<QgsAnnotationLayer *>( mapLayer ), mMapCanvas, visibleMessageBar(), this );
16847       if ( !page.isEmpty() )
16848         annotationLayerPropertiesDialog.setCurrentPage( page );
16849       else
16850         annotationLayerPropertiesDialog.restoreLastPage();
16852       for ( const QgsMapLayerConfigWidgetFactory *factory : std::as_const( providerFactories ) )
16853       {
16854         annotationLayerPropertiesDialog.addPropertiesPageFactory( factory );
16855       }
16857       mMapStyleWidget->blockUpdates( true );
16858       if ( annotationLayerPropertiesDialog.exec() )
16859       {
16860         activateDeactivateLayerRelatedActions( mapLayer );
16861         mMapStyleWidget->updateCurrentWidgetLayer();
16862       }
16863       mMapStyleWidget->blockUpdates( false ); // delete since dialog cannot be reused without updating code
16864       break;
16865     }
16867   }
16868 }
namSetup()16870 void QgisApp::namSetup()
16871 {
16872   QgsNetworkAccessManager *nam = QgsNetworkAccessManager::instance();
16874   connect( nam, &QNetworkAccessManager::proxyAuthenticationRequired,
16875            this, &QgisApp::namProxyAuthenticationRequired );
16877   connect( nam, qOverload< QgsNetworkRequestParameters >( &QgsNetworkAccessManager::requestTimedOut ),
16878            this, &QgisApp::namRequestTimedOut );
16880   nam->setAuthHandler( std::make_unique<QgsAppAuthRequestHandler>() );
16881 #ifndef QT_NO_SSL
16882   nam->setSslErrorHandler( std::make_unique<QgsAppSslErrorHandler>() );
16883 #endif
16884 }
namProxyAuthenticationRequired(const QNetworkProxy & proxy,QAuthenticator * auth)16886 void QgisApp::namProxyAuthenticationRequired( const QNetworkProxy &proxy, QAuthenticator *auth )
16887 {
16888   QgsSettings settings;
16889   if ( !settings.value( QStringLiteral( "proxy/proxyEnabled" ), false ).toBool() ||
16890        settings.value( QStringLiteral( "proxy/proxyType" ), "" ).toString() == QLatin1String( "DefaultProxy" ) )
16891   {
16892     auth->setUser( QString() );
16893     return;
16894   }
16896   QString username = auth->user();
16897   QString password = auth->password();
16899   for ( ;; )
16900   {
16901     bool ok = QgsCredentials::instance()->get(
16902                 QStringLiteral( "proxy %1:%2 [%3]" ).arg( proxy.hostName() ).arg( proxy.port() ).arg( auth->realm() ),
16903                 username, password,
16904                 tr( "Proxy authentication required" ) );
16905     if ( !ok )
16906       return;
16908     if ( auth->user() != username || ( password != auth->password() && !password.isNull() ) )
16909     {
16910       QgsCredentials::instance()->put(
16911         QStringLiteral( "proxy %1:%2 [%3]" ).arg( proxy.hostName() ).arg( proxy.port() ).arg( auth->realm() ),
16912         username, password
16913       );
16914       break;
16915     }
16916     else
16917     {
16918       // credentials didn't change - stored ones probably wrong? clear password and retry
16919       QgsCredentials::instance()->put(
16920         QStringLiteral( "proxy %1:%2 [%3]" ).arg( proxy.hostName() ).arg( proxy.port() ).arg( auth->realm() ),
16921         username, QString() );
16922     }
16923   }
16925   auth->setUser( username );
16926   auth->setPassword( password );
16927 }
namRequestTimedOut(const QgsNetworkRequestParameters & request)16929 void QgisApp::namRequestTimedOut( const QgsNetworkRequestParameters &request )
16930 {
16931   QLabel *msgLabel = new QLabel( tr( "Network request to %1 timed out, any data received is likely incomplete." ).arg( request.request().url().host() ) +
16932                                  tr( " Please check the <a href=\"#messageLog\">message log</a> for further info." ), messageBar() );
16933   msgLabel->setWordWrap( true );
16934   connect( msgLabel, &QLabel::linkActivated, mLogDock, &QWidget::show );
16935   messageBar()->pushItem( new QgsMessageBarItem( msgLabel, Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning, QgsMessageBar::defaultMessageTimeout() ) );
16936 }
namUpdate()16938 void QgisApp::namUpdate()
16939 {
16940   QgsNetworkAccessManager::instance()->setupDefaultProxyAndCache();
16941 }
masterPasswordSetup()16943 void QgisApp::masterPasswordSetup()
16944 {
16945   connect( QgsApplication::authManager(), &QgsAuthManager::messageOut,
16946            this, &QgisApp::authMessageOut );
16947   connect( QgsApplication::authManager(), &QgsAuthManager::passwordHelperMessageOut,
16948            this, &QgisApp::authMessageOut );
16949   connect( QgsApplication::authManager(), &QgsAuthManager::authDatabaseEraseRequested,
16950            this, &QgisApp::eraseAuthenticationDatabase );
16951 }
eraseAuthenticationDatabase()16953 void QgisApp::eraseAuthenticationDatabase()
16954 {
16955   // First check if now is a good time to interact with the user, e.g. project is done loading.
16956   // If not, ask QgsAuthManager to re-emit authDatabaseEraseRequested from the schedule timer.
16957   // No way to know if user interaction will interfere with plugins loading layers.
16959   if ( !QgsProject::instance()->fileName().isNull() ) // a non-blank project is loaded
16960   {
16961     // Apparently, as of QGIS 2.9, the only way to query that the project is in a
16962     // layer-loading state is via a custom property of the project's layer tree.
16963     QgsLayerTreeGroup *layertree( QgsProject::instance()->layerTreeRoot() );
16964     if ( layertree && layertree->customProperty( QStringLiteral( "loading" ) ).toBool() )
16965     {
16966       QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "Project loading, skipping auth db erase" ), 2 );
16967       QgsApplication::authManager()->setScheduledAuthDatabaseEraseRequestEmitted( false );
16968       return;
16969     }
16970   }
16972   // TODO: Check if Browser panel is also still loading?
16973   //       It has auto-connections in parallel (if tree item is expanded), though
16974   //       such connections with possible master password requests *should* be ignored
16975   //       when there is an authentication db erase scheduled.
16977   // This function should tell QgsAuthManager to stop any erase db schedule timer,
16978   // *after* interacting with the user
16979   QgsAuthGuiUtils::eraseAuthenticationDatabase( messageBar(), this );
16980 }
authMessageOut(const QString & message,const QString & authtag,QgsAuthManager::MessageLevel level)16982 void QgisApp::authMessageOut( const QString &message, const QString &authtag, QgsAuthManager::MessageLevel level )
16983 {
16984   // Use system notifications if the main window is not the active one,
16985   // push message to the message bar if the main window is active
16986   if ( qApp->activeWindow() != this )
16987   {
16988     showSystemNotification( tr( "QGIS Authentication" ), message );
16989   }
16990   else
16991   {
16992     int levelint = static_cast< int >( level );
16993     visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( authtag, message, static_cast< Qgis::MessageLevel >( levelint ) );
16994   }
16995 }
completeInitialization()16997 void QgisApp::completeInitialization()
16998 {
16999   emit initializationCompleted();
17000 }
toolButtonActionTriggered(QAction * action)17002 void QgisApp::toolButtonActionTriggered( QAction *action )
17003 {
17004   QToolButton *bt = qobject_cast<QToolButton *>( sender() );
17005   if ( !bt )
17006     return;
17008   QgsSettings settings;
17009   if ( action == mActionSelectFeatures )
17010     settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/selectTool" ), 1 );
17011   else if ( action == mActionSelectRadius )
17012     settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/selectTool" ), 2 );
17013   else if ( action == mActionSelectPolygon )
17014     settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/selectTool" ), 3 );
17015   else if ( action == mActionSelectFreehand )
17016     settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/selectTool" ), 4 );
17017   else if ( action == mActionSelectByForm )
17018     settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/selectionTool" ), 0 );
17019   else if ( action == mActionSelectByExpression )
17020     settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/selectionTool" ), 1 );
17021   else if ( action == mActionSelectAll )
17022     settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/selectionTool" ), 2 );
17023   else if ( action == mActionInvertSelection )
17024     settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/selectionTool" ), 3 );
17025   else if ( action == mActionDeselectAll )
17026     settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/deselectionTool" ), 0 );
17027   else if ( action == mActionDeselectActiveLayer )
17028     settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/deselectionTool" ), 1 );
17029   else if ( action == mActionOpenTable )
17030     settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/openTableTool" ), 0 );
17031   else if ( action == mActionOpenTableSelected )
17032     settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/openTableTool" ), 1 );
17033   else if ( action == mActionOpenTableVisible )
17034     settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/openTableTool" ), 2 );
17035   else if ( action == mActionOpenTableEdited )
17036     settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/openTableTool" ), 3 );
17037   else if ( action == mActionMeasure )
17038     settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/measureTool" ), 0 );
17039   else if ( action == mActionMeasureArea )
17040     settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/measureTool" ), 1 );
17041   else if ( action == mActionMeasureAngle )
17042     settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/measureTool" ), 2 );
17043   else if ( action == mActionTextAnnotation )
17044     settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/annotationTool" ), 0 );
17045   else if ( action == mActionFormAnnotation )
17046     settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/annotationTool" ), 1 );
17047   else if ( action == mActionHtmlAnnotation )
17048     settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/annotationTool" ), 2 );
17049   else if ( action == mActionSvgAnnotation )
17050     settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/annotationTool" ), 3 );
17051   else if ( action == mActionAnnotation )
17052     settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/annotationTool" ), 4 );
17053   else if ( action == mActionNewSpatiaLiteLayer )
17054     settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/defaultNewLayer" ), 0 );
17055   else if ( action == mActionNewVectorLayer )
17056     settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/defaultNewLayer" ), 1 );
17057   else if ( action == mActionNewMemoryLayer )
17058     settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/defaultNewLayer" ), 2 );
17059   else if ( action == mActionNewGeoPackageLayer )
17060     settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/defaultNewLayer" ), 3 );
17061   else if ( action == mActionRotatePointSymbols )
17062     settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/defaultPointSymbolAction" ), 0 );
17063   else if ( action == mActionOffsetPointSymbol )
17064     settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/defaultPointSymbolAction" ), 1 );
17065   else if ( mActionAddPgLayer && action == mActionAddPgLayer )
17066     settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/defaultAddDbLayerAction" ), 0 );
17067   else if ( mActionAddMssqlLayer && action == mActionAddMssqlLayer )
17068     settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/defaultAddDbLayerAction" ), 1 );
17069   else if ( mActionAddOracleLayer && action == mActionAddOracleLayer )
17070     settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/defaultAddDbLayerAction" ), 2 );
17071   else if ( mActionAddHanaLayer && action == mActionAddHanaLayer )
17072     settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/defaultAddDbLayerAction" ), 3 );
17073   else if ( action == mActionMoveFeature )
17074     settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/defaultMoveTool" ), 0 );
17075   else if ( action == mActionMoveFeatureCopy )
17076     settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/defaultMoveTool" ), 1 );
17077   else if ( action == mActionVertexTool )
17078     settings.setEnumValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/defaultVertexTool" ), QgsVertexTool::AllLayers );
17079   else if ( action == mActionVertexToolActiveLayer )
17080     settings.setEnumValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/defaultVertexTool" ), QgsVertexTool::ActiveLayer );
17081   else if ( action == mActionCircularStringCurvePoint )
17082     settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/defaultCircularString" ), 0 );
17083   else if ( action == mActionCircularStringRadius )
17084     settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/defaultCircularString" ), 1 );
17085   else if ( action == mActionCircle2Points )
17086     settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/defaultCircle" ), 0 );
17087   else if ( action == mActionCircle3Points )
17088     settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/defaultCircle" ), 1 );
17089   else if ( action == mActionCircle3Tangents )
17090     settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/defaultCircle" ), 2 );
17091   else if ( action == mActionCircle2TangentsPoint )
17092     settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/defaultCircle" ), 3 );
17093   else if ( action == mActionCircleCenterPoint )
17094     settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/defaultCircle" ), 4 );
17095   else if ( action == mActionEllipseCenter2Points )
17096     settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/defaultEllipse" ), 0 );
17097   else if ( action == mActionEllipseCenterPoint )
17098     settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/defaultEllipse" ), 1 );
17099   else if ( action == mActionEllipseExtent )
17100     settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/defaultEllipse" ), 2 );
17101   else if ( action == mActionEllipseFoci )
17102     settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/defaultEllipse" ), 3 );
17103   else if ( action == mActionRectangleCenterPoint )
17104     settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/defaultRectangle" ), 0 );
17105   else if ( action == mActionRectangleExtent )
17106     settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/defaultRectangle" ), 1 );
17107   else if ( action == mActionRectangle3PointsDistance )
17108     settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/defaultRectangle" ), 2 );
17109   else if ( action == mActionRectangle3PointsProjected )
17110     settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/defaultRectangle" ), 3 );
17111   else if ( action == mActionRegularPolygon2Points )
17112     settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/defaultRegularPolygon" ), 0 );
17113   else if ( action == mActionRegularPolygonCenterPoint )
17114     settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/defaultRegularPolygon" ), 1 );
17115   else if ( action == mActionRegularPolygonCenterCorner )
17116     settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "UI/defaultRegularPolygon" ), 2 );
17118   bt->setDefaultAction( action );
17119 }
createPopupMenu()17121 QMenu *QgisApp::createPopupMenu()
17122 {
17123   QMenu *menu = QMainWindow::createPopupMenu();
17124   QList< QAction * > al = menu->actions();
17125   QList< QAction * > panels, toolbars;
17127   if ( !al.isEmpty() )
17128   {
17129     bool found = false;
17130     for ( int i = 0; i < al.size(); ++i )
17131     {
17132       if ( al[ i ]->isSeparator() )
17133       {
17134         found = true;
17135         continue;
17136       }
17138       if ( !found )
17139       {
17140         panels.append( al[ i ] );
17141       }
17142       else
17143       {
17144         toolbars.append( al[ i ] );
17145       }
17146     }
17148     std::sort( panels.begin(), panels.end(), cmpByText_ );
17149     QWidgetAction *panelstitle = new QWidgetAction( menu );
17150     QLabel *plabel = new QLabel( QStringLiteral( "<b>%1</b>" ).arg( tr( "Panels" ) ) );
17151     plabel->setMargin( 3 );
17152     plabel->setAlignment( Qt::AlignHCenter );
17153     panelstitle->setDefaultWidget( plabel );
17154     menu->addAction( panelstitle );
17155     const auto constPanels = panels;
17156     for ( QAction *a : constPanels )
17157     {
17158       if ( !a->property( "fixed_title" ).toBool() )
17159       {
17160         // append " Panel" to menu text. Only ever do this once, because the actions are not unique to
17161         // this single popup menu
17163         a->setText( tr( "%1 Panel" ).arg( a->text() ) );
17164         a->setProperty( "fixed_title", true );
17165       }
17166       menu->addAction( a );
17167     }
17168     menu->addSeparator();
17169     QWidgetAction *toolbarstitle = new QWidgetAction( menu );
17170     QLabel *tlabel = new QLabel( QStringLiteral( "<b>%1</b>" ).arg( tr( "Toolbars" ) ) );
17171     tlabel->setMargin( 3 );
17172     tlabel->setAlignment( Qt::AlignHCenter );
17173     toolbarstitle->setDefaultWidget( tlabel );
17174     menu->addAction( toolbarstitle );
17175     std::sort( toolbars.begin(), toolbars.end(), cmpByText_ );
17176     const auto constToolbars = toolbars;
17177     for ( QAction *a : constToolbars )
17178     {
17179       menu->addAction( a );
17180     }
17181   }
17183   return menu;
17184 }
showSystemNotification(const QString & title,const QString & message,bool replaceExisting)17187 void QgisApp::showSystemNotification( const QString &title, const QString &message, bool replaceExisting )
17188 {
17189   static QVariant sLastMessageId;
17191   QgsNative::NotificationSettings settings;
17192   settings.transient = true;
17193   if ( replaceExisting )
17194     settings.messageId = sLastMessageId;
17195   settings.svgAppIconPath = QgsApplication::iconsPath() + QStringLiteral( "qgis_icon.svg" );
17196   settings.pngAppIconPath = QgsApplication::appIconPath();
17198   QgsNative::NotificationResult result = QgsGui::instance()->nativePlatformInterface()->showDesktopNotification( title, message, settings );
17200   if ( !result.successful )
17201   {
17202     // fallback - use message bar if available, otherwise use a message log
17203     if ( auto *lMessageBar = messageBar() )
17204     {
17205       lMessageBar->pushInfo( title, message );
17206     }
17207     else
17208     {
17209       QgsMessageLog::logMessage( QStringLiteral( "%1: %2" ).arg( title, message ) );
17210     }
17211   }
17212   else
17213   {
17214     sLastMessageId = result.messageId;
17215   }
17216 }
onLayerError(const QString & msg)17218 void QgisApp::onLayerError( const QString &msg )
17219 {
17220   QgsVectorLayer *layer = qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( sender() );
17222   Q_ASSERT( layer );
17224   visibleMessageBar()->pushCritical( tr( "Layer %1" ).arg( layer->name() ), msg );
17225 }
gestureEvent(QGestureEvent * event)17227 bool QgisApp::gestureEvent( QGestureEvent *event )
17228 {
17229 #ifdef Q_OS_ANDROID
17230   if ( QGesture *tapAndHold = event->gesture( Qt::TapAndHoldGesture ) )
17231   {
17232     tapAndHoldTriggered( static_cast<QTapAndHoldGesture *>( tapAndHold ) );
17233   }
17234   return true;
17235 #else
17236   Q_UNUSED( event )
17237   return false;
17238 #endif
17239 }
tapAndHoldTriggered(QTapAndHoldGesture * gesture)17241 void QgisApp::tapAndHoldTriggered( QTapAndHoldGesture *gesture )
17242 {
17243   if ( gesture->state() == Qt::GestureFinished )
17244   {
17245     QPoint pos = gesture->position().toPoint();
17246     QWidget *receiver = QApplication::widgetAt( pos );
17247     qDebug() << "tapAndHoldTriggered: LONG CLICK gesture happened at " << pos;
17248     qDebug() << "widget under point of click: " << receiver;
17250     QApplication::postEvent( receiver, new QMouseEvent( QEvent::MouseButtonPress, receiver->mapFromGlobal( pos ), Qt::RightButton, Qt::RightButton, Qt::NoModifier ) );
17251     QApplication::postEvent( receiver, new QMouseEvent( QEvent::MouseButtonRelease, receiver->mapFromGlobal( pos ), Qt::RightButton, Qt::RightButton, Qt::NoModifier ) );
17252   }
17253 }
transactionGroupCommitError(const QString & error)17255 void QgisApp::transactionGroupCommitError( const QString &error )
17256 {
17257   displayMessage( tr( "Transaction" ), error, Qgis::MessageLevel::Critical );
17258 }
duplicateFeatures(QgsMapLayer * mlayer,const QgsFeature & feature)17260 QgsFeature QgisApp::duplicateFeatures( QgsMapLayer *mlayer, const QgsFeature &feature )
17261 {
17262   if ( mlayer->type() != QgsMapLayerType::VectorLayer )
17263     return QgsFeature();
17265   QgsVectorLayer *layer = qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( mlayer );
17267   if ( !layer->isEditable() )
17268   {
17269     //should never happen because the action should be disabled
17270     QString msg = tr( "Cannot duplicate feature in not editable mode on layer %1" ).arg( layer->name() );
17271     visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( msg, Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning );
17272     return QgsFeature();
17273   }
17275   QgsFeatureList featureList;
17277   if ( feature.isValid() )
17278   {
17279     featureList.append( feature );
17280   }
17281   else
17282   {
17283     featureList.append( layer->selectedFeatures() );
17284   }
17286   int featureCount = 0;
17288   QString childrenInfo;
17290   for ( const QgsFeature &f : featureList )
17291   {
17292     QgsVectorLayerUtils::QgsDuplicateFeatureContext duplicateFeatureContext;
17294     QgsVectorLayerUtils::duplicateFeature( layer, f, QgsProject::instance(), duplicateFeatureContext );
17295     featureCount += 1;
17297     const auto duplicatedFeatureContextLayers = duplicateFeatureContext.layers();
17298     for ( QgsVectorLayer *chl : duplicatedFeatureContextLayers )
17299     {
17300       childrenInfo += ( tr( "%1 children on layer %2 duplicated" ).arg( QLocale().toString( duplicateFeatureContext.duplicatedFeatures( chl ).size() ), chl->name() ) );
17301     }
17302   }
17304   visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "%1 features on layer %2 duplicated\n%3" ).arg( QLocale().toString( featureCount ), layer->name(), childrenInfo ), Qgis::MessageLevel::Success );
17306   return QgsFeature();
17307 }
duplicateFeatureDigitized(QgsMapLayer * mlayer,const QgsFeature & feature)17310 QgsFeature QgisApp::duplicateFeatureDigitized( QgsMapLayer *mlayer, const QgsFeature &feature )
17311 {
17312   if ( mlayer->type() != QgsMapLayerType::VectorLayer )
17313     return QgsFeature();
17315   QgsVectorLayer *layer = qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( mlayer );
17317   if ( !layer->isEditable() )
17318   {
17319     //should never happen because the action should be disabled
17320     QString msg = tr( "Cannot duplicate feature in not editable mode on layer %1" ).arg( layer->name() );
17321     visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( msg, Qgis::MessageLevel::Warning );
17322     return QgsFeature();
17323   }
17325   QgsMapToolDigitizeFeature *digitizeFeature = new QgsMapToolDigitizeFeature( mMapCanvas, mAdvancedDigitizingDockWidget, QgsMapToolCapture::CaptureNone );
17326   digitizeFeature->setLayer( layer );
17328   mMapCanvas->setMapTool( digitizeFeature );
17329   mMapCanvas->window()->raise();
17330   mMapCanvas->activateWindow();
17331   mMapCanvas->setFocus();
17333   QString msg = tr( "Digitize the duplicate on layer %1" ).arg( layer->name() );
17334   visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( msg, Qgis::MessageLevel::Info );
17336   connect( digitizeFeature, static_cast<void ( QgsMapToolDigitizeFeature::* )( const QgsFeature & )>( &QgsMapToolDigitizeFeature::digitizingCompleted ), this, [this, layer, feature, digitizeFeature]( const QgsFeature & digitizedFeature )
17337   {
17338     QString msg = tr( "Duplicate digitized" );
17339     visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( msg, Qgis::MessageLevel::Info );
17341     QgsVectorLayerUtils::QgsDuplicateFeatureContext duplicateFeatureContext;
17343     QgsFeature newFeature = feature;
17344     newFeature.setGeometry( digitizedFeature.geometry() );
17345     QgsVectorLayerUtils::duplicateFeature( layer, newFeature, QgsProject::instance(), duplicateFeatureContext );
17347     QString childrenInfo;
17348     const auto duplicateFeatureContextLayers = duplicateFeatureContext.layers();
17349     for ( QgsVectorLayer *chl : duplicateFeatureContextLayers )
17350     {
17351       childrenInfo += ( tr( "%1 children on layer %2 duplicated" ).arg( duplicateFeatureContext.duplicatedFeatures( chl ).size() ).arg( chl->name() ) );
17352     }
17354     visibleMessageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "Feature on layer %2 duplicated\n%3" ).arg( layer->name(), childrenInfo ), Qgis::MessageLevel::Success );
17356     mMapCanvas->unsetMapTool( digitizeFeature );
17357   }
17358          );
17360   connect( digitizeFeature, static_cast<void ( QgsMapToolDigitizeFeature::* )()>( &QgsMapToolDigitizeFeature::digitizingFinished ), this, [digitizeFeature]()
17361   {
17362     digitizeFeature->deleteLater();
17363   }
17364          );
17366   return QgsFeature();
17367 }
populateProjectStorageMenu(QMenu * menu,const bool saving)17370 void QgisApp::populateProjectStorageMenu( QMenu *menu, const bool saving )
17371 {
17372   menu->clear();
17374   if ( saving )
17375   {
17376     QAction *action = menu->addAction( tr( "Templates" ) + QChar( 0x2026 ) ); // 0x2026 = ellipsis character
17377     connect( action, &QAction::triggered, this, [ this ]
17378     {
17379       QgsSettings settings;
17380       QString templateDirName = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "qgis/projectTemplateDir" ),
17381           QString( QgsApplication::qgisSettingsDirPath() + "project_templates" ) ).toString();
17383       const QString originalFilename = QgsProject::instance()->fileName();
17384       QString templateName = QFileInfo( originalFilename ).baseName();
17386       if ( templateName.isEmpty() )
17387       {
17388         bool ok;
17389         templateName = QInputDialog::getText( this, tr( "Template Name" ),
17390                                               tr( "Name for the template" ), QLineEdit::Normal,
17391                                               QString(), &ok );
17393         if ( !ok )
17394           return;
17395         if ( templateName.isEmpty() )
17396         {
17397           messageBar()->pushInfo( tr( "Template not saved" ), tr( "The template can not have an empty name." ) );
17398         }
17399       }
17400       const QString filePath = templateDirName + QDir::separator() + templateName + QStringLiteral( ".qgz" );
17401       if ( QFileInfo::exists( filePath ) )
17402       {
17403         QMessageBox msgBox( this );
17404         msgBox.setWindowTitle( tr( "Overwrite Template" ) );
17405         msgBox.setText( tr( "The template %1 already exists, do you want to replace it?" ).arg( templateName ) );
17406         msgBox.addButton( tr( "Overwrite" ), QMessageBox::YesRole );
17407         auto cancelButton = msgBox.addButton( QMessageBox::Cancel );
17408         msgBox.setIcon( QMessageBox::Question );
17409         msgBox.exec();
17410         if ( msgBox.clickedButton() == cancelButton )
17411         {
17412           return;
17413         }
17414       }
17416       QgsProject::instance()->write( filePath );
17417       QgsProject::instance()->setFileName( originalFilename );
17418       messageBar()->pushInfo( tr( "Template saved" ), tr( "Template %1 was saved" ).arg( templateName ) );
17420     } );
17421   }
17423   const QList<QgsProjectStorageGuiProvider *> storageGuiProviders = QgsGui::projectStorageGuiRegistry()->projectStorages();
17424   for ( QgsProjectStorageGuiProvider *storageGuiProvider : storageGuiProviders )
17425   {
17426     QString name = storageGuiProvider->visibleName();
17427     if ( name.isEmpty() )
17428       continue;
17429     QAction *action = menu->addAction( name + QChar( 0x2026 ) ); // 0x2026 = ellipsis character
17430     if ( saving )
17431     {
17432       connect( action, &QAction::triggered, this, [this, storageGuiProvider]
17433       {
17434         QString uri = storageGuiProvider->showSaveGui();
17435         if ( !uri.isEmpty() )
17436         {
17437           saveProjectToProjectStorage( uri );
17438         }
17439       } );
17440     }
17441     else
17442     {
17443       connect( action, &QAction::triggered, this, [this, storageGuiProvider]
17444       {
17445         QString uri = storageGuiProvider->showLoadGui();
17446         if ( !uri.isEmpty() )
17447         {
17448           addProject( uri );
17449         }
17450       } );
17451     }
17452   }
17454   // support legacy API (before 3.10 core and gui related functions were mixed together in QgsProjectStorage)
17455   const QList<QgsProjectStorage *> storages = QgsApplication::projectStorageRegistry()->projectStorages();
17456   for ( QgsProjectStorage *storage : storages )
17457   {
17459     QString name = storage->visibleName();
17461     if ( name.isEmpty() )
17462       continue;
17463     QAction *action = menu->addAction( name + QChar( 0x2026 ) ); // 0x2026 = ellipsis character
17464     if ( saving )
17465     {
17466       connect( action, &QAction::triggered, this, [this, storage]
17467       {
17469         QString uri = storage->showSaveGui();
17471         if ( !uri.isEmpty() )
17472           saveProjectToProjectStorage( uri );
17473       } );
17474     }
17475     else
17476     {
17477       connect( action, &QAction::triggered, this, [this, storage]
17478       {
17480         QString uri = storage->showLoadGui();
17482         if ( !uri.isEmpty() )
17483           addProject( uri );
17484       } );
17485     }
17486   }
17487 }
saveProjectToProjectStorage(const QString & uri)17489 void QgisApp::saveProjectToProjectStorage( const QString &uri )
17490 {
17491   QgsProject::instance()->setFileName( uri );
17492   if ( QgsProject::instance()->write() )
17493   {
17494     setTitleBarText_( *this ); // update title bar
17495     mStatusBar->showMessage( tr( "Saved project to: %1" ).arg( uri ), 5000 );
17496     // add this to the list of recently used project files
17497     saveRecentProjectPath();
17498     mProjectLastModified = QgsProject::instance()->lastModified();
17499   }
17500   else
17501   {
17502     QMessageBox msgbox;
17504     msgbox.setWindowTitle( tr( "Save Project" ) );
17505     msgbox.setText( QgsProject::instance()->error() );
17506     msgbox.setIcon( QMessageBox::Icon::Critical );
17507     msgbox.addButton( QMessageBox::Cancel );
17508     msgbox.addButton( QMessageBox::Save );
17509     msgbox.setButtonText( QMessageBox::Save, tr( "Save as Local File" ) );
17510     msgbox.setDefaultButton( QMessageBox::Cancel );
17511     msgbox.exec();
17513     if ( msgbox.result() == QMessageBox::Save )
17514     {
17515       fileSaveAs();
17516     }
17517   }
17518 }
triggerCrashHandler()17520 void QgisApp::triggerCrashHandler()
17521 {
17522 #ifdef Q_OS_WIN
17523   RaiseException( 0x12345678, 0, 0, nullptr );
17524 #endif
17525 }
addTabifiedDockWidget(Qt::DockWidgetArea area,QDockWidget * dockWidget,const QStringList & tabifyWith,bool raiseTab)17527 void QgisApp::addTabifiedDockWidget( Qt::DockWidgetArea area, QDockWidget *dockWidget, const QStringList &tabifyWith, bool raiseTab )
17528 {
17529   QList< QDockWidget * > dockWidgetsInArea;
17530   const auto dockWidgets = findChildren< QDockWidget * >();
17531   for ( QDockWidget *w : dockWidgets )
17532   {
17533     if ( w->isVisible() && dockWidgetArea( w ) == area )
17534     {
17535       dockWidgetsInArea << w;
17536     }
17537   }
17539   addDockWidget( area, dockWidget );  // First add the dock widget, then attempt to tabify
17540   if ( dockWidgetsInArea.length() > 0 )
17541   {
17542     // Get the base dock widget that we'll use to tabify our new dockWidget
17543     QDockWidget *tabifyWithDockWidget = nullptr;
17544     if ( !tabifyWith.isEmpty() )
17545     {
17546       // Iterate the list of object names looking for a
17547       // dock widget to tabify the new one on top of it
17548       bool objectNameFound = false;
17549       for ( int i = 0; i < tabifyWith.size(); i++ )
17550       {
17551         for ( QDockWidget *cw : dockWidgetsInArea )
17552         {
17553           if ( cw->objectName() == tabifyWith.at( i ) )
17554           {
17555             tabifyWithDockWidget = cw;
17556             objectNameFound = true;  // Also exit the outer for loop
17557             break;
17558           }
17559         }
17560         if ( objectNameFound )
17561         {
17562           break;
17563         }
17564       }
17565     }
17566     if ( !tabifyWithDockWidget )
17567     {
17568       tabifyWithDockWidget = dockWidgetsInArea.at( 0 );  // Last resort
17569     }
17571     QTabBar *existentTabBar = nullptr;
17572     int currentIndex = -1;
17573     if ( !raiseTab && dockWidgetsInArea.length() > 1 )
17574     {
17575       // Chances are we've already got a tabBar, if so, get
17576       // currentIndex to restore status after inserting our new tab
17577       const QList<QTabBar *> tabBars = findChildren<QTabBar *>( QString(), Qt::FindDirectChildrenOnly );
17578       bool tabBarFound = false;
17579       for ( QTabBar *tabBar : tabBars )
17580       {
17581         for ( int i = 0; i < tabBar->count(); i++ )
17582         {
17583           if ( tabBar->tabText( i ) == tabifyWithDockWidget->windowTitle() )
17584           {
17585             existentTabBar = tabBar;
17586             currentIndex = tabBar->currentIndex();
17587             tabBarFound = true;
17588             break;
17589           }
17590         }
17591         if ( tabBarFound )
17592         {
17593           break;
17594         }
17595       }
17596     }
17598     // Now we can put the new dockWidget on top of tabifyWith
17599     tabifyDockWidget( tabifyWithDockWidget, dockWidget );
17601     // Should we restore dock widgets status?
17602     if ( !raiseTab )
17603     {
17604       if ( existentTabBar )
17605       {
17606         existentTabBar->setCurrentIndex( currentIndex );
17607       }
17608       else
17609       {
17610         tabifyWithDockWidget->raise();  // Single base dock widget, we can just raise it
17611       }
17612     }
17613   }
17614 }
createAttributeEditorContext()17616 QgsAttributeEditorContext QgisApp::createAttributeEditorContext()
17617 {
17618   QgsAttributeEditorContext context;
17619   context.setVectorLayerTools( vectorLayerTools() );
17620   context.setMapCanvas( mapCanvas() );
17621   context.setCadDockWidget( cadDockWidget() );
17622   context.setMainMessageBar( messageBar() );
17623   return context;
17624 }
showEvent(QShowEvent * event)17626 void QgisApp::showEvent( QShowEvent *event )
17627 {
17628   QMainWindow::showEvent( event );
17629   // because of Qt regression: https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-89034
17630   // we have to wait till dialog is first shown to try to restore dock geometry or it's not correctly restored
17631   static std::once_flag firstShow;
17632   std::call_once( firstShow, [this]
17633   {
17634     QgsSettings settings;
17635     if ( !restoreState( settings.value( QStringLiteral( "UI/state" ), QByteArray::fromRawData( reinterpret_cast< const char * >( defaultUIstate ), sizeof defaultUIstate ) ).toByteArray() ) )
17636     {
17637       QgsDebugMsg( QStringLiteral( "restore of UI state failed" ) );
17638     }
17639   } );
17640 }