1 /***************************************************************************
2       qgspostgresprovider.h  -  Data provider for PostgreSQL/PostGIS layers
3                              -------------------
4     begin                : Jan 2, 2004
5     copyright            : (C) 2003 by Gary E.Sherman
6     email                : sherman at mrcc.com
7  ***************************************************************************/
9 /***************************************************************************
10  *                                                                         *
11  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
12  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
13  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
14  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
15  *                                                                         *
16  ***************************************************************************/
21 #include "qgsvectordataprovider.h"
22 #include "qgsrectangle.h"
23 #include "qgspostgresconn.h"
24 #include "qgsfields.h"
25 #include "qgsprovidermetadata.h"
26 #include <memory>
28 class QgsFeature;
29 class QgsField;
30 class QgsGeometry;
32 class QgsPostgresFeatureIterator;
33 class QgsPostgresSharedData;
34 class QgsPostgresTransaction;
35 class QgsPostgresListener;
37 #include "qgsdatasourceuri.h"
39 /**
40  * \class QgsPostgresProvider
41  * \brief Data provider for PostgreSQL/PostGIS layers.
42  *
43  * This provider implements the
44  * interface defined in the QgsDataProvider class to provide access to spatial
45  * data residing in a PostgreSQL/PostGIS enabled database.
46   */
47 class QgsPostgresProvider final: public QgsVectorDataProvider
48 {
49     Q_OBJECT
51   public:
53     static const QString POSTGRES_KEY;
54     static const QString POSTGRES_DESCRIPTION;
56     enum Relkind
57     {
58       NotSet,
59       Unknown,
60       OrdinaryTable, // r
61       Index, // i
62       Sequence, // s
63       View, // v
64       MaterializedView, // m
65       CompositeType, // c
66       ToastTable, // t
67       ForeignTable, // f
68       PartitionedTable // p - PostgreSQL 10
69     };
70     Q_ENUM( Relkind )
72     /**
73      * Import a vector layer into the database
74      * \param options options for provider, specified via a map of option name
75      * to value. Valid options are lowercaseFieldNames (set to true to convert
76      * field names to lowercase), dropStringConstraints (set to true to remove
77      * length constraints on character fields).
78      */
79     static Qgis::VectorExportResult createEmptyLayer(
80       const QString &uri,
81       const QgsFields &fields,
82       QgsWkbTypes::Type wkbType,
83       const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem &srs,
84       bool overwrite,
85       QMap<int, int> *oldToNewAttrIdxMap,
86       QString *errorMessage = nullptr,
87       const QMap<QString, QVariant> *options = nullptr
88     );
90     /**
91      * Constructor for the provider. The uri must be in the following format:
92      * host=localhost dbname=test [user=gsherman [password=xxx] | authcfg=xxx] table=test.alaska (the_geom)
93      * \param uri String containing the required parameters to connect to the database
94      * and query the table.
95      * \param options generic data provider options
96      * \param flags generic data provider flags
97      */
98     explicit QgsPostgresProvider( QString const &uri, const QgsDataProvider::ProviderOptions &providerOptions,
99                                   QgsDataProvider::ReadFlags flags = QgsDataProvider::ReadFlags() );
102     ~QgsPostgresProvider() override;
104     QgsAbstractFeatureSource *featureSource() const override;
105     QString storageType() const override;
106     QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem crs() const override;
107     QgsFeatureIterator getFeatures( const QgsFeatureRequest &request ) const override;
108     QgsWkbTypes::Type wkbType() const override;
109     QgsLayerMetadata layerMetadata() const override;
111     /**
112      * Returns the number of layers for the current data source
113      * \note Should this be subLayerCount() instead?
114      */
115     size_t layerCount() const;
117     long long featureCount() const override;
119     /**
120      * Determines if there is at least one feature available on this table.
121      *
122      * \note In contrast to the featureCount() method, this method is not
123      *       affected by estimated metadata.
124      *
125      * \since QGIS 3.4
126      */
127     bool empty() const override;
129     /**
130      * Returns a string representation of the endian-ness for the layer
131      */
132     static QString endianString();
134     /**
135      * Returns a list of unquoted column names from an uri key
136      */
137     static QStringList parseUriKey( const QString &key );
139     /**
140      * Changes the stored extent for this layer to the supplied extent.
141      * For example, this is called when the extent worker thread has a result.
142      */
143     void setExtent( QgsRectangle &newExtent );
145     QgsRectangle extent() const override;
146     void updateExtents() override;
148     /**
149      * Determine the fields making up the primary key
150      */
151     bool determinePrimaryKey();
153     /**
154      * Determine the fields making up the primary key from the uri attribute keyColumn
155      *
156      * Fills mPrimaryKeyType and mPrimaryKeyAttrs
157      * from mUri
158      */
159     void determinePrimaryKeyFromUriKeyColumn();
161     QgsFields fields() const override;
162     QString dataComment() const override;
163     QVariant minimumValue( int index ) const override;
164     QVariant maximumValue( int index ) const override;
165     QSet< QVariant > uniqueValues( int index, int limit = -1 ) const override;
166     QStringList uniqueStringsMatching( int index, const QString &substring, int limit = -1,
167                                        QgsFeedback *feedback = nullptr ) const override;
168     void enumValues( int index, QStringList &enumList ) const override;
169     bool isValid() const override;
isSaveAndLoadStyleToDatabaseSupported()170     bool isSaveAndLoadStyleToDatabaseSupported() const override { return true; }
isDeleteStyleFromDatabaseSupported()171     bool isDeleteStyleFromDatabaseSupported() const override { return true; }
172     QgsAttributeList attributeIndexes() const override;
pkAttributeIndexes()173     QgsAttributeList pkAttributeIndexes() const override { return mPrimaryKeyAttrs; }
174     QString defaultValueClause( int fieldId ) const override;
175     QVariant defaultValue( int fieldId ) const override;
176     bool skipConstraintCheck( int fieldIndex, QgsFieldConstraints::Constraint constraint, const QVariant &value = QVariant() ) const override;
177     bool addFeatures( QgsFeatureList &flist, QgsFeatureSink::Flags flags = QgsFeatureSink::Flags() ) override;
178     bool deleteFeatures( const QgsFeatureIds &id ) override;
179     bool truncate() override;
180     bool addAttributes( const QList<QgsField> &attributes ) override;
181     bool deleteAttributes( const QgsAttributeIds &name ) override;
182     bool renameAttributes( const QgsFieldNameMap &renamedAttributes ) override;
183     bool changeAttributeValues( const QgsChangedAttributesMap &attr_map ) override;
184     bool changeGeometryValues( const QgsGeometryMap &geometry_map ) override;
185     bool changeFeatures( const QgsChangedAttributesMap &attr_map, const QgsGeometryMap &geometry_map ) override;
187     //! Gets the postgres connection
188     PGconn *pgConnection();
190     //! Gets the table name associated with this provider instance
191     QString getTableName();
193     QString subsetString() const override;
194     bool setSubsetString( const QString &theSQL, bool updateFeatureCount = true ) override;
supportsSubsetString()195     bool supportsSubsetString() const override { return true; }
196     QgsVectorDataProvider::Capabilities capabilities() const override;
197     SpatialIndexPresence hasSpatialIndex() const override;
199     /**
200      * The Postgres provider does its own transforms so we return
201      * true for the following three functions to indicate that transforms
202      * should not be handled by the QgsCoordinateTransform object. See the
203      * documentation on QgsVectorDataProvider for details on these functions.
204      */
205     // XXX For now we have disabled native transforms in the PG provider since
206     //     it appears there are problems with some of the projection definitions
supportsNativeTransform()207     bool supportsNativeTransform() {return false;}
209     QString name() const override;
210     QString description() const override;
211     QgsTransaction *transaction() const override;
212     static QString providerKey();
214     /**
215      * Convert the postgres string representation into the given QVariant type.
216      * \param type the wanted type
217      * \param subType if type is a collection, the wanted element type
218      * \param value the value to convert
219      * \returns a QVariant of the given type or a null QVariant
220      */
221     static QVariant convertValue( QVariant::Type type, QVariant::Type subType, const QString &value, const QString &typeName );
223     QList<QgsRelation> discoverRelations( const QgsVectorLayer *target, const QList<QgsVectorLayer *> &layers ) const override;
224     QgsAttrPalIndexNameHash palAttributeIndexNames() const override;
226     /**
227      * Returns true if the data source has metadata, false otherwise. For
228      * example, if the kind of relation for the layer is a view or a
229      * materialized view, then no metadata are associated with the data
230      * source.
231      *
232      * \returns true if data source has metadata, false otherwise.
233      *
234      * \since QGIS 3.0
235      */
236     bool hasMetadata() const override;
238     /**
239      * Launch a listening thead to listen to postgres NOTIFY on "qgis" channel
240      * the notification is transformed into a Qt signal.
241      *
242      * \since QGIS 3.0
243      */
244     void setListening( bool isListening ) override;
246   private:
248     /**
249      * \returns relation kind
250      */
251     Relkind relkind() const;
253     /**
254      * Change internal query with \a query
255      */
256     void setQuery( const QString &query );
258     bool declareCursor( const QString &cursorName,
259                         const QgsAttributeList &fetchAttributes,
260                         bool fetchGeometry,
261                         QString whereClause );
263     bool getFeature( QgsPostgresResult &queryResult,
264                      int row,
265                      bool fetchGeometry,
266                      QgsFeature &feature,
267                      const QgsAttributeList &fetchAttributes );
269     QString geomParam( int offset ) const;
272     static QString getNextString( const QString &txt, int &i, const QString &sep );
273     static QVariant parseHstore( const QString &txt );
274     static QVariant parseJson( const QString &txt );
275     static QVariant parseOtherArray( const QString &txt, QVariant::Type subType, const QString &typeName );
276     static QVariant parseStringArray( const QString &txt );
277     static QVariant parseMultidimensionalArray( const QString &txt );
278     static QVariant parseArray( const QString &txt, QVariant::Type type, QVariant::Type subType, const QString &typeName );
281     /**
282      * Gets parametrized primary key clause
283      * \param offset specifies offset to use for the pk value parameter
284      * \param alias specifies an optional alias given to the subject table
285      */
286     QString pkParamWhereClause( int offset, const char *alias = nullptr ) const;
287     QString whereClause( QgsFeatureId featureId ) const;
288     QString whereClause( QgsFeatureIds featureIds ) const;
289     QString filterWhereClause() const;
291     bool hasSufficientPermsAndCapabilities();
293     QgsField field( int index ) const;
295     /**
296      * Load the field list
297      */
298     bool loadFields();
300     /**
301      * Set the default widget type for the fields
302      */
303     void setEditorWidgets();
305     //! Convert a QgsField to work with PG
306     static bool convertField( QgsField &field, const QMap<QString, QVariant> *coordinateTransformContext = nullptr );
308     /**
309      * Parses the enum_range of an attribute and inserts the possible values into a stringlist
310      * \param enumValues the stringlist where the values are appended
311      * \param attributeName the name of the enum attribute
312      * \returns true in case of success and fals in case of error (e.g. if the type is not an enum type)
313     */
314     bool parseEnumRange( QStringList &enumValues, const QString &attributeName ) const;
316     /**
317      * Parses the possible enum values of a domain type (given in the check constraint of the domain type)
318      * \param enumValues Reference to list that receives enum values
319      * \param attributeName Name of the domain type attribute
320      * \returns true in case of success and false in case of error (e.g. if the attribute is not a domain type or does not have a check constraint)
321      */
322     bool parseDomainCheckConstraint( QStringList &enumValues, const QString &attributeName ) const;
324     /**
325      * Returns the type of primary key for a PK field
326      *
327      * \param fld the field to determine PK type of
328      * \returns the PrimaryKeyType
329      *
330      * \note that this only makes sense for single-field primary keys,
331      *       whereas multi-field keys always need the PktFidMap
332      *       primary key type.
333      */
334     QgsPostgresPrimaryKeyType pkType( const QgsField &fld ) const;
336     /**
337      * Search all the layers using the given table.
338      */
339     static QList<QgsVectorLayer *> searchLayers( const QList<QgsVectorLayer *> &layers, const QString &connectionInfo, const QString &schema, const QString &tableName );
341     /**
342      * Effect a reload including resetting the feature count
343      * and setting the layer extent to minimal
344      *
345      * \since QGIS 3.12
346     */
347     void reloadProviderData() override;
349     //! Old-style mapping of index to name for QgsPalLabeling fix
350     QgsAttrPalIndexNameHash mAttrPalIndexName;
352     QgsFields mAttributeFields;
353     QHash<int, char> mIdentityFields;
354     QString mDataComment;
356     //! Data source URI struct for this layer
357     QgsDataSourceUri mUri;
359     /**
360      * Flag indicating if the layer data source is a valid PostgreSQL layer
361      */
362     bool mValid = false;
364     /**
365      * provider references query (instead of a table)
366      */
367     bool mIsQuery;
369     /**
370      * Name of the table with no schema
371      */
372     QString mTableName;
374     /**
375      * Name of the table or subquery
376      */
377     QString mQuery;
379     /**
380      * Name of the schema
381      */
382     QString mSchemaName;
384     /**
385      * SQL statement used to limit the features retrieved
386      */
387     QString mSqlWhereClause;
389     /**
390      * Kind of relation
391      */
392     mutable Relkind mKind = Relkind::NotSet;
394     /**
395      * Data type for the primary key
396      */
397     QgsPostgresPrimaryKeyType mPrimaryKeyType = PktUnknown;
399     /**
400      * Data type for the spatial column
401      */
402     QgsPostgresGeometryColumnType mSpatialColType = SctNone;
404     /**
405      * List of primary key attributes for fetching features.
406      */
407     QList<int> mPrimaryKeyAttrs;
408     QString mPrimaryKeyDefault;
410     QString mGeometryColumn;          //!< Name of the geometry column
411     QString mBoundingBoxColumn;       //!< Name of the bounding box column
412     mutable QgsRectangle mLayerExtent;        //!< Rectangle that contains the extent (bounding box) of the layer
414     QgsWkbTypes::Type mDetectedGeomType = QgsWkbTypes::Unknown ;  //!< Geometry type detected in the database
415     QgsWkbTypes::Type mRequestedGeomType = QgsWkbTypes::Unknown ; //!< Geometry type requested in the uri
416     QString mDetectedSrid;            //!< Spatial reference detected in the database
417     QString mRequestedSrid;           //!< Spatial reference requested in the uri
419     std::shared_ptr<QgsPostgresSharedData> mShared;  //!< Mutable data shared between provider and feature sources
421     bool getGeometryDetails();
423     //! @{ Only used with TopoGeometry layers
425     struct TopoLayerInfo
426     {
427       QString topologyName;
428       long    layerId;
429     };
431     TopoLayerInfo mTopoLayerInfo;
433     bool getTopoLayerInfo();
435     void dropOrphanedTopoGeoms();
437     //! @}
439     /* Use estimated metadata. Uses fast table counts, geometry type and extent determination */
440     bool mUseEstimatedMetadata = false;
442     bool mSelectAtIdDisabled = false; //!< Disable support for SelectAtId
444     struct PGFieldNotFound {}; //! Exception to throw
446     struct PGException
447     {
PGExceptionPGException448         explicit PGException( QgsPostgresResult &r )
449           : mWhat( r.PQresultErrorMessage() )
450         {}
errorMessagePGException452         QString errorMessage() const
453         {
454           return mWhat;
455         }
457       private:
458         QString mWhat;
459     };
461     // A function that determines if the given columns contain unique entries
462     bool uniqueData( const QString &quotedColNames );
464     QgsVectorDataProvider::Capabilities mEnabledCapabilities = QgsVectorDataProvider::Capabilities();
466     void appendGeomParam( const QgsGeometry &geom, QStringList &param ) const;
467     void appendPkParams( QgsFeatureId fid, QStringList &param ) const;
469     QString paramValue( const QString &fieldvalue, const QString &defaultValue ) const;
471     QgsPostgresConn *mConnectionRO = nullptr ; //!< Read-only database connection (initially)
472     QgsPostgresConn *mConnectionRW = nullptr ; //!< Read-write database connection (on update)
474     QgsPostgresConn *connectionRO() const;
475     QgsPostgresConn *connectionRW();
477     void disconnectDb();
quotedIdentifier(const QString & ident)479     static QString quotedIdentifier( const QString &ident ) { return QgsPostgresConn::quotedIdentifier( ident ); }
quotedValue(const QVariant & value)480     static QString quotedValue( const QVariant &value ) { return QgsPostgresConn::quotedValue( value ); }
quotedJsonValue(const QVariant & value)481     static QString quotedJsonValue( const QVariant &value ) { return QgsPostgresConn::quotedJsonValue( value ); }
482     static QString quotedByteaValue( const QVariant &value );
484     friend class QgsPostgresFeatureSource;
486     QgsPostgresTransaction *mTransaction = nullptr;
488     void setTransaction( QgsTransaction *transaction ) override;
490     QHash<int, QString> mDefaultValues;
492     // for handling generated columns, available in PostgreSQL 12+
493     // See https://www.postgresql.org/docs/12/ddl-generated-columns.html
494     QHash<int, QString> mGeneratedValues;
496     bool mCheckPrimaryKeyUnicity = true;
498     QgsLayerMetadata mLayerMetadata;
500     std::unique_ptr< QgsPostgresListener > mListener;
501 };
504 //! Assorted Postgres utility functions
505 class QgsPostgresUtils
506 {
507   public:
508     static bool deleteLayer( const QString &uri, QString &errCause );
509     static bool deleteSchema( const QString &schema, const QgsDataSourceUri &uri, QString &errCause, bool cascade = false );
511     static QString whereClause( QgsFeatureId featureId,
512                                 const QgsFields &fields,
513                                 QgsPostgresConn *conn,
514                                 QgsPostgresPrimaryKeyType pkType,
515                                 const QList<int> &pkAttrs,
516                                 const std::shared_ptr<QgsPostgresSharedData> &sharedData );
518     static QString whereClause( const QgsFeatureIds &featureIds,
519                                 const QgsFields &fields,
520                                 QgsPostgresConn *conn,
521                                 QgsPostgresPrimaryKeyType pkType,
522                                 const QList<int> &pkAttrs,
523                                 const std::shared_ptr<QgsPostgresSharedData> &sharedData );
525     static QString andWhereClauses( const QString &c1, const QString &c2 );
527     static const qint64 INT32PK_OFFSET = 4294967296; // 2^32
529     // We shift negative 32bit integers to above the max 32bit
530     // positive integer to support the whole range of int32 values
531     // See https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/issues/22258
int32pk_to_fid(qint32 x)532     static qint64 int32pk_to_fid( qint32 x )
533     {
534       return x >= 0 ? x : x + INT32PK_OFFSET;
535     }
fid_to_int32pk(qint64 x)537     static qint32 fid_to_int32pk( qint64 x )
538     {
539       return x <= ( ( INT32PK_OFFSET ) / 2.0 ) ? x : -( INT32PK_OFFSET - x );
540     }
542     //! Replaces invalid XML chars with UTF-8[<char_code>]
543     static void replaceInvalidXmlChars( QString &xml );
545     //! Replaces UTF-8[<char_code>] with the actual unicode char
546     static void restoreInvalidXmlChars( QString &xml );
547 };
549 /**
550  * Data shared between provider class and its feature sources. Ideally there should
551  *  be as few members as possible because there could be simultaneous reads/writes
552  *  from different threads and therefore locking has to be involved.
553 */
554 class QgsPostgresSharedData
555 {
556   public:
557     QgsPostgresSharedData() = default;
559     long long featuresCounted();
560     void setFeaturesCounted( long long count );
561     void addFeaturesCounted( long long diff );
562     void ensureFeaturesCountedAtLeast( long long fetched );
564     // FID lookups
565     QgsFeatureId lookupFid( const QVariantList &v ); // lookup existing mapping or add a new one
566     QVariantList removeFid( QgsFeatureId fid );
567     void insertFid( QgsFeatureId fid, const QVariantList &k );
568     QVariantList lookupKey( QgsFeatureId featureId );
569     void clear();
571     void clearSupportsEnumValuesCache( );
572     bool fieldSupportsEnumValuesIsSet( int index );
573     bool fieldSupportsEnumValues( int index );
574     void setFieldSupportsEnumValues( int index, bool isSupported );
576   protected:
577     QMutex mMutex; //!< Access to all data members is guarded by the mutex
579     long long mFeaturesCounted = -1 ;    //!< Number of features in the layer
581     QgsFeatureId mFidCounter = 0;                    // next feature id if map is used
582     QMap<QVariantList, QgsFeatureId> mKeyToFid;      // map key values to feature id
583     QMap<QgsFeatureId, QVariantList> mFidToKey;      // map feature id back to key values
584     QMap<int, bool> mFieldSupportsEnumValues;        // map field index to bool flag supports enum values
585 };
587 class QgsPostgresProviderMetadata final: public QgsProviderMetadata
588 {
589   public:
590     QgsPostgresProviderMetadata();
591     QgsDataProvider *createProvider( const QString &uri, const QgsDataProvider::ProviderOptions &options, QgsDataProvider::ReadFlags flags = QgsDataProvider::ReadFlags() ) override;
592     QList< QgsDataItemProvider * > dataItemProviders() const override;
593     Qgis::VectorExportResult createEmptyLayer( const QString &uri, const QgsFields &fields, QgsWkbTypes::Type wkbType,
594         const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem &srs,
595         bool overwrite,
596         QMap<int, int> &oldToNewAttrIdxMap, QString &errorMessage,
597         const QMap<QString, QVariant> *options ) override;
598     bool saveStyle( const QString &uri, const QString &qmlStyle, const QString &sldStyle, const QString &styleName,
599                     const QString &styleDescription, const QString &uiFileContent, bool useAsDefault, QString &errCause ) override;
600     QString loadStyle( const QString &uri, QString &errCause ) override;
601     int listStyles( const QString &uri, QStringList &ids,
602                     QStringList &names, QStringList &descriptions, QString &errCause ) override;
603     bool deleteStyleById( const QString &uri, QString styleId, QString &errCause ) override;
604     QString getStyleById( const QString &uri, QString styleId, QString &errCause ) override;
605     QgsTransaction *createTransaction( const QString &connString ) override;
606     QMap<QString, QgsAbstractProviderConnection *> connections( bool cached = true ) override;
607     QgsAbstractProviderConnection *createConnection( const QString &name ) override;
608     QgsAbstractProviderConnection *createConnection( const QString &uri, const QVariantMap &configuration ) override;
609     void deleteConnection( const QString &name ) override;
610     void saveConnection( const QgsAbstractProviderConnection *createConnection, const QString &name ) override;
611     void initProvider() override;
612     void cleanupProvider() override;
613     QVariantMap decodeUri( const QString &uri ) const override;
614     QString encodeUri( const QVariantMap &parts ) const override;
615 };
617 // clazy:excludeall=qstring-allocations
619 #endif