1 /*
2  *  This file is part of RawTherapee.
3  *
4  *  Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Ingo Weyrich <heckflosse67@gmx.de>
5  *
6  *  RawTherapee is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
9  *  (at your option) any later version.
10  *
11  *  RawTherapee is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12  *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14  *  GNU General Public License for more details.
15  *
16  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17  *  along with RawTherapee.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
18  */
20 #include <algorithm>
21 #include <cassert>
22 #include <cmath>
23 #include <cstddef>
24 #include <cstdint>
25 #include <vector>
26 #ifdef _OPENMP
27 #include <omp.h>
28 #endif
30 #include "gauss.h"
31 #include "opthelper.h"
32 #include "rt_algo.h"
33 #include "rt_math.h"
34 #include "sleef.h"
36 namespace {
calcBlendFactor(float val,float threshold)37 float calcBlendFactor(float val, float threshold) {
38     // sigmoid function
39     // result is in ]0;1] range
40     // inflexion point is at (x, y) (threshold, 0.5)
41     return 1.f / (1.f + xexpf(16.f - 16.f * val / threshold));
42 }
44 #ifdef __SSE2__
calcBlendFactor(vfloat valv,vfloat thresholdv)45 vfloat calcBlendFactor(vfloat valv, vfloat thresholdv) {
46     // sigmoid function
47     // result is in ]0;1] range
48     // inflexion point is at (x, y) (threshold, 0.5)
49     const vfloat onev = F2V(1.f);
50     const vfloat c16v = F2V(16.f);
51     return onev / (onev + xexpf(c16v - c16v * valv / thresholdv));
52 }
53 #endif
tileAverage(const float * const * data,size_t tileY,size_t tileX,size_t tilesize)55 float tileAverage(const float * const *data, size_t tileY, size_t tileX, size_t tilesize) {
57     float avg = 0.f;
58 #ifdef __SSE2__
59     vfloat avgv = ZEROV;
60 #endif
61     for (std::size_t y = tileY; y < tileY + tilesize; ++y) {
62         std::size_t x = tileX;
63 #ifdef __SSE2__
64         for (; x < tileX + tilesize - 3; x += 4) {
65             avgv += LVFU(data[y][x]);
66         }
67 #endif
68         for (; x < tileX + tilesize; ++x) {
69             avg += data[y][x];
70         }
71     }
72 #ifdef __SSE2__
73     avg += vhadd(avgv);
74 #endif
75     return avg / rtengine::SQR(tilesize);
76 }
tileVariance(const float * const * data,size_t tileY,size_t tileX,size_t tilesize,float avg)78 float tileVariance(const float * const *data, size_t tileY, size_t tileX, size_t tilesize, float avg) {
80     float var = 0.f;
81 #ifdef __SSE2__
82     vfloat varv = ZEROV;
83     const vfloat avgv = F2V(avg);
84 #endif
85     for (std::size_t y = tileY; y < tileY + tilesize; ++y) {
86         std::size_t x = tileX;
87 #ifdef __SSE2__
88         for (; x < tileX + tilesize - 3; x += 4) {
89             varv += SQRV(LVFU(data[y][x]) - avgv);
90         }
91 #endif
92         for (; x < tileX + tilesize; ++x) {
93             var += rtengine::SQR(data[y][x] - avg);
94         }
95     }
96 #ifdef __SSE2__
97     var += vhadd(varv);
98 #endif
99     return var / (rtengine::SQR(tilesize) * avg);
100 }
calcContrastThreshold(const float * const * luminance,int tileY,int tileX,int tilesize)102 float calcContrastThreshold(const float* const * luminance, int tileY, int tileX, int tilesize) {
104     constexpr float scale = 0.0625f / 327.68f;
105     std::vector<std::vector<float>> blend(tilesize - 4, std::vector<float>(tilesize - 4));
107 #ifdef __SSE2__
108     const vfloat scalev = F2V(scale);
109 #endif
111     for(int j = tileY + 2; j < tileY + tilesize - 2; ++j) {
112         int i = tileX + 2;
113 #ifdef __SSE2__
114         for(; i < tileX + tilesize - 5; i += 4) {
115             vfloat contrastv = vsqrtf(SQRV(LVFU(luminance[j][i+1]) - LVFU(luminance[j][i-1])) + SQRV(LVFU(luminance[j+1][i]) - LVFU(luminance[j-1][i])) +
116                                       SQRV(LVFU(luminance[j][i+2]) - LVFU(luminance[j][i-2])) + SQRV(LVFU(luminance[j+2][i]) - LVFU(luminance[j-2][i]))) * scalev;
117             STVFU(blend[j - tileY - 2][i - tileX - 2], contrastv);
118         }
119 #endif
120         for(; i < tileX + tilesize - 2; ++i) {
122             float contrast = sqrtf(rtengine::SQR(luminance[j][i+1] - luminance[j][i-1]) + rtengine::SQR(luminance[j+1][i] - luminance[j-1][i]) +
123                                    rtengine::SQR(luminance[j][i+2] - luminance[j][i-2]) + rtengine::SQR(luminance[j+2][i] - luminance[j-2][i])) * scale;
125             blend[j - tileY - 2][i - tileX - 2] = contrast;
126         }
127     }
129     const float limit = rtengine::SQR(tilesize - 4) / 100.f;
131     int c;
132     for (c = 1; c < 100; ++c) {
133         const float contrastThreshold = c / 100.f;
134         float sum = 0.f;
135 #ifdef __SSE2__
136         const vfloat contrastThresholdv = F2V(contrastThreshold);
137         vfloat sumv = ZEROV;
138 #endif
140         for(int j = 0; j < tilesize - 4; ++j) {
141             int i = 0;
142 #ifdef __SSE2__
143             for(; i < tilesize - 7; i += 4) {
144                 sumv += calcBlendFactor(LVFU(blend[j][i]), contrastThresholdv);
145             }
146 #endif
147             for(; i < tilesize - 4; ++i) {
148                 sum += calcBlendFactor(blend[j][i], contrastThreshold);
149             }
150         }
151 #ifdef __SSE2__
152         sum += vhadd(sumv);
153 #endif
154         if (sum <= limit) {
155             break;
156         }
157     }
159     return (c + 1) / 100.f;
160 }
161 }
163 namespace rtengine
164 {
findMinMaxPercentile(const float * data,size_t size,float minPrct,float & minOut,float maxPrct,float & maxOut,bool multithread)166 void findMinMaxPercentile(const float* data, size_t size, float minPrct, float& minOut, float maxPrct, float& maxOut, bool multithread)
167 {
168     // Copyright (c) 2017 Ingo Weyrich <heckflosse67@gmx.de>
169     // We need to find the (minPrct*size) smallest value and the (maxPrct*size) smallest value in data.
170     // We use a histogram based search for speed and to reduce memory usage.
171     // Memory usage of this method is histoSize * sizeof(uint32_t) * (t + 1) byte,
172     // where t is the number of threads and histoSize is in [1;65536].
173     // Processing time is O(n) where n is size of the input array.
174     // It scales well with multiple threads if the size of the input array is large.
175     // The current implementation is not guaranteed to work correctly if size > 2^32 (4294967296).
177     assert(minPrct <= maxPrct);
179     if (size == 0) {
180         return;
181     }
183     size_t numThreads = 1;
184 #ifdef _OPENMP
185     // Because we have an overhead in the critical region of the main loop for each thread
186     // we make a rough calculation to reduce the number of threads for small data size.
187     // This also works fine for the minmax loop.
188     if (multithread) {
189         const size_t maxThreads = omp_get_max_threads();
190         while (size > numThreads * numThreads * 16384 && numThreads < maxThreads) {
191             ++numThreads;
192         }
193     }
194 #endif
196     // We need min and max value of data to calculate the scale factor for the histogram
197     float minVal = data[0];
198     float maxVal = data[0];
199 #ifdef _OPENMP
200     #pragma omp parallel for reduction(min:minVal) reduction(max:maxVal) num_threads(numThreads)
201 #endif
202     for (size_t i = 1; i < size; ++i) {
203         minVal = std::min(minVal, data[i]);
204         maxVal = std::max(maxVal, data[i]);
205     }
207     if (std::fabs(maxVal - minVal) == 0.f) { // fast exit, also avoids division by zero in calculation of scale factor
208         minOut = maxOut = minVal;
209         return;
210     }
212     // Caution: Currently this works correctly only for histoSize in range[1;65536].
213     // For small data size (i.e. thumbnails) we reduce the size of the histogram to the size of data.
214     const unsigned int histoSize = std::min<size_t>(65536, size);
216     // calculate scale factor to use full range of histogram
217     const float scale = (histoSize - 1) / (maxVal - minVal);
219     // We need one main histogram
220     std::vector<uint32_t> histo(histoSize, 0);
222     if (numThreads == 1) {
223         // just one thread => use main histogram
224         for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
225             // we have to subtract minVal and multiply with scale to get the data in [0;histosize] range
226             histo[static_cast<uint16_t>(scale * (data[i] - minVal))]++;
227         }
228     } else {
229 #ifdef _OPENMP
230     #pragma omp parallel num_threads(numThreads)
231 #endif
232         {
233             // We need one histogram per thread
234             std::vector<uint32_t> histothr(histoSize, 0);
236 #ifdef _OPENMP
237             #pragma omp for nowait
238 #endif
239             for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
240                 // we have to subtract minVal and multiply with scale to get the data in [0;histosize] range
241                 histothr[static_cast<uint16_t>(scale * (data[i] - minVal))]++;
242             }
244 #ifdef _OPENMP
245             #pragma omp critical
246 #endif
247             {
248                 // add per thread histogram to main histogram
249 #ifdef _OPENMP
250                 #pragma omp simd
251 #endif
253                 for (size_t i = 0; i < histoSize; ++i) {
254                     histo[i] += histothr[i];
255                 }
256             }
257         }
258     }
260     size_t k = 0;
261     size_t count = 0;
263     // find (minPrct*size) smallest value
264     const float threshmin = minPrct * size;
265     while (count < threshmin) {
266         count += histo[k++];
267     }
269     if (k > 0) { // interpolate
270         const size_t count_ = count - histo[k - 1];
271         const float c0 = count - threshmin;
272         const float c1 = threshmin - count_;
273         minOut = (c1 * k + c0 * (k - 1)) / (c0 + c1);
274     } else {
275         minOut = k;
276     }
277     // go back to original range
278     minOut /= scale;
279     minOut += minVal;
280     minOut = rtengine::LIM(minOut, minVal, maxVal);
282     // find (maxPrct*size) smallest value
283     const float threshmax = maxPrct * size;
284     while (count < threshmax) {
285         count += histo[k++];
286     }
288     if (k > 0) { // interpolate
289         const size_t count_ = count - histo[k - 1];
290         const float c0 = count - threshmax;
291         const float c1 = threshmax - count_;
292         maxOut = (c1 * k + c0 * (k - 1)) / (c0 + c1);
293     } else {
294         maxOut = k;
295     }
296     // go back to original range
297     maxOut /= scale;
298     maxOut += minVal;
299     maxOut = rtengine::LIM(maxOut, minVal, maxVal);
300 }
buildBlendMask(const float * const * luminance,float ** blend,int W,int H,float & contrastThreshold,bool autoContrast,float ** clipMask)302 void buildBlendMask(const float* const * luminance, float **blend, int W, int H, float &contrastThreshold, bool autoContrast, float ** clipMask) {
304     if (autoContrast) {
305         constexpr float minLuminance = 2000.f;
306         constexpr float maxLuminance = 20000.f;
307         constexpr float minTileVariance = 0.5f;
308         for (int pass = 0; pass < 2; ++pass) {
309             const int tilesize = 80 / (pass + 1);
310             const int skip = pass == 0 ? tilesize : tilesize / 4;
311             const int numTilesW = W / skip - 3 * pass;
312             const int numTilesH = H / skip - 3 * pass;
313             std::vector<std::vector<float>> variances(numTilesH, std::vector<float>(numTilesW));
315 #ifdef _OPENMP
316             #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic)
317 #endif
318             for (int i = 0; i < numTilesH; ++i) {
319                 const int tileY = i * skip;
320                 for (int j = 0; j < numTilesW; ++j) {
321                     const int tileX = j * skip;
322                     const float avg = tileAverage(luminance, tileY, tileX, tilesize);
323                     if (avg < minLuminance || avg > maxLuminance) {
324                         // too dark or too bright => skip the tile
325                         variances[i][j] = RT_INFINITY_F;
326                         continue;
327                     } else {
328                         variances[i][j] = tileVariance(luminance, tileY, tileX, tilesize, avg);
329                         // exclude tiles with a variance less than minTileVariance
330                         variances[i][j] = variances[i][j] < minTileVariance ? RT_INFINITY_F : variances[i][j];
331                     }
332                 }
333             }
335             float minvar = RT_INFINITY_F;
336             int minI = 0, minJ = 0;
337             for (int i = 0; i < numTilesH; ++i) {
338                 for (int j = 0; j < numTilesW; ++j) {
339                     if (variances[i][j] < minvar) {
340                         minvar = variances[i][j];
341                         minI = i;
342                         minJ = j;
343                     }
344                 }
345             }
347             if (minvar <= 1.f || pass == 1) {
348                 const int minY = skip * minI;
349                 const int minX = skip * minJ;
350                 if (pass == 0) {
351                     // a variance <= 1 means we already found a flat region and can skip second pass
352                     contrastThreshold = calcContrastThreshold(luminance, minY, minX, tilesize);
353                     break;
354                 } else {
355                     // in second pass we allow a variance of 8
356                     // we additionally scan the tiles +-skip pixels around the best tile from pass 2
357                     // Means we scan (2 * skip + 1)^2 tiles in this step to get a better hit rate
358                     // fortunately the scan is quite fast, so we use only one core and don't parallelize
359                     const int topLeftYStart = std::max(minY - skip, 0);
360                     const int topLeftXStart = std::max(minX - skip, 0);
361                     const int topLeftYEnd = std::min(minY + skip, H - tilesize);
362                     const int topLeftXEnd = std::min(minX + skip, W - tilesize);
363                     const int numTilesH = topLeftYEnd - topLeftYStart + 1;
364                     const int numTilesW = topLeftXEnd - topLeftXStart + 1;
366                     std::vector<std::vector<float>> variances(numTilesH, std::vector<float>(numTilesW));
367                     for (int i = 0; i < numTilesH; ++i) {
368                         const int tileY = topLeftYStart + i;
369                         for (int j = 0; j < numTilesW; ++j) {
370                             const int tileX = topLeftXStart + j;
371                             const float avg = tileAverage(luminance, tileY, tileX, tilesize);
373                             if (avg < minLuminance || avg > maxLuminance) {
374                                 // too dark or too bright => skip the tile
375                                 variances[i][j] = RT_INFINITY_F;
376                                 continue;
377                             } else {
378                                 variances[i][j] = tileVariance(luminance, tileY, tileX, tilesize, avg);
379                             // exclude tiles with a variance less than minTileVariance
380                             variances[i][j] = variances[i][j] < minTileVariance ? RT_INFINITY_F : variances[i][j];
381                             }
382                         }
383                     }
385                     float minvar = RT_INFINITY_F;
386                     int minI = 0, minJ = 0;
387                     for (int i = 0; i < numTilesH; ++i) {
388                         for (int j = 0; j < numTilesW; ++j) {
389                             if (variances[i][j] < minvar) {
390                                 minvar = variances[i][j];
391                                 minI = i;
392                                 minJ = j;
393                             }
394                         }
395                     }
397                     contrastThreshold = minvar <= 8.f ? calcContrastThreshold(luminance, topLeftYStart + minI, topLeftXStart + minJ, tilesize) : 0.f;
398                 }
399             }
400         }
401     }
403     if(contrastThreshold == 0.f) {
404         for(int j = 0; j < H; ++j) {
405             for(int i = 0; i < W; ++i) {
406                 blend[j][i] = 1.f;
407             }
408         }
409     } else {
410         constexpr float scale = 0.0625f / 327.68f;
411 #ifdef _OPENMP
412         #pragma omp parallel
413 #endif
414         {
415 #ifdef __SSE2__
416             const vfloat contrastThresholdv = F2V(contrastThreshold);
417             const vfloat scalev = F2V(scale);
418 #endif
419 #ifdef _OPENMP
420             #pragma omp for schedule(dynamic,16)
421 #endif
423             for(int j = 2; j < H - 2; ++j) {
424                 int i = 2;
425 #ifdef __SSE2__
426                 if (clipMask) {
427                     for(; i < W - 5; i += 4) {
428                         vfloat contrastv = vsqrtf(SQRV(LVFU(luminance[j][i+1]) - LVFU(luminance[j][i-1])) + SQRV(LVFU(luminance[j+1][i]) - LVFU(luminance[j-1][i])) +
429                                                   SQRV(LVFU(luminance[j][i+2]) - LVFU(luminance[j][i-2])) + SQRV(LVFU(luminance[j+2][i]) - LVFU(luminance[j-2][i]))) * scalev;
431                         STVFU(blend[j][i], LVFU(clipMask[j][i]) * calcBlendFactor(contrastv, contrastThresholdv));
432                     }
433                 } else {
434                     for(; i < W - 5; i += 4) {
435                         vfloat contrastv = vsqrtf(SQRV(LVFU(luminance[j][i+1]) - LVFU(luminance[j][i-1])) + SQRV(LVFU(luminance[j+1][i]) - LVFU(luminance[j-1][i])) +
436                                                   SQRV(LVFU(luminance[j][i+2]) - LVFU(luminance[j][i-2])) + SQRV(LVFU(luminance[j+2][i]) - LVFU(luminance[j-2][i]))) * scalev;
438                         STVFU(blend[j][i], calcBlendFactor(contrastv, contrastThresholdv));
439                     }
440                 }
441 #endif
442                 for(; i < W - 2; ++i) {
444                     float contrast = sqrtf(rtengine::SQR(luminance[j][i+1] - luminance[j][i-1]) + rtengine::SQR(luminance[j+1][i] - luminance[j-1][i]) +
445                                            rtengine::SQR(luminance[j][i+2] - luminance[j][i-2]) + rtengine::SQR(luminance[j+2][i] - luminance[j-2][i])) * scale;
447                     blend[j][i] = (clipMask ? clipMask[j][i] : 1.f) * calcBlendFactor(contrast, contrastThreshold);
448                 }
449             }
451 #ifdef _OPENMP
452             #pragma omp single
453 #endif
454             {
455                 // upper border
456                 for(int j = 0; j < 2; ++j) {
457                     for(int i = 2; i < W - 2; ++i) {
458                         blend[j][i] = blend[2][i];
459                     }
460                 }
461                 // lower border
462                 for(int j = H - 2; j < H; ++j) {
463                     for(int i = 2; i < W - 2; ++i) {
464                         blend[j][i] = blend[H-3][i];
465                     }
466                 }
467                 for(int j = 0; j < H; ++j) {
468                     // left border
469                     blend[j][0] = blend[j][1] = blend[j][2];
470                     // right border
471                     blend[j][W - 2] = blend[j][W - 1] = blend[j][W - 3];
472                 }
473             }
475 #ifdef __SSE2__
476             // flush denormals to zero for gaussian blur to avoid performance penalty if there are a lot of zero values in the mask
477             const auto oldMode = _MM_GET_FLUSH_ZERO_MODE();
479 #endif
481             // blur blend mask to smooth transitions
482             gaussianBlur(blend, blend, W, H, 2.0);
484 #ifdef __SSE2__
485             _MM_SET_FLUSH_ZERO_MODE(oldMode);
486 #endif
487         }
488     }
489 }
491 }