1 /*
2  *  This file is part of RawTherapee.
3  *
4  *  Copyright (c) 2004-2010 Gabor Horvath <hgabor@rawtherapee.com>
5  *
6  *  RawTherapee is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
9  *  (at your option) any later version.
10  *
11  *  RawTherapee is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12  *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14  *  GNU General Public License for more details.
15  *
16  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17  *  along with RawTherapee.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
18  */
19 #pragma once
21 #include <gtkmm.h>
23 #include "adjuster.h"
24 #include "colorprovider.h"
25 #include "curvelistener.h"
26 #include "guiutils.h"
27 #include "toolpanel.h"
29 class DiagonalCurveEditor;
30 class CurveEditorGroup;
31 class CurveEditor;
33 class ColorAppearance final :
34     public ToolParamBlock,
35     public AdjusterListener,
36     public FoldableToolPanel,
37     public rtengine::AutoCamListener,
38     public CurveListener,
39     public ColorProvider
40 {
41 public:
42     ColorAppearance ();
43     ~ColorAppearance () override;
45     void read           (const rtengine::procparams::ProcParams* pp, const ParamsEdited* pedited = nullptr) override;
46     void write          (rtengine::procparams::ProcParams* pp, ParamsEdited* pedited = nullptr) override;
47     void setDefaults    (const rtengine::procparams::ProcParams* defParams, const ParamsEdited* pedited = nullptr) override;
48     void setBatchMode   (bool batchMode) override;
49     void adjusterChanged     (Adjuster* a, double newval) override;
50     void adjusterAutoToggled (Adjuster* a) override;
51 //    void adjusterAdapToggled (Adjuster* a, bool newval);
52     void enabledChanged      () override;
53     void surroundChanged     ();
54     void surrsrcChanged     ();
55     void wbmodelChanged      ();
56     void algoChanged         ();
57     void surrsource_toggled  ();
58     void gamut_toggled       ();
59 //   void badpix_toggled       ();
60     void datacie_toggled     ();
61     void tonecie_toggled     ();
62 //    void sharpcie_toggled     ();
63     void autoCamChanged (double ccam, double ccamout) override;
64     bool autoCamComputed_ ();
65     void adapCamChanged (double cadap) override;
66     bool adapCamComputed_ ();
67     void ybCamChanged (int yb) override;
68     bool ybCamComputed_ ();
70     void curveChanged        (CurveEditor* ce) override;
71     void curveMode1Changed   ();
72     bool curveMode1Changed_  ();
73     void curveMode2Changed   ();
74     bool curveMode2Changed_  ();
75     void curveMode3Changed   ();
76     bool curveMode3Changed_  ();
77     void neutral_pressed       ();
79     void expandCurve         (bool isExpanded);
80     bool isCurveExpanded     ();
81     void autoOpenCurve       () override;
83     void setAdjusterBehavior (bool degreeadd, bool adapscenadd, bool adaplumadd, bool badpixsladd, bool jlightadd, bool chromaadd, bool contrastadd, bool rstprotectionadd, bool qbrightadd, bool qcontrastadd, bool schromaadd, bool mchromaadd, bool colorhadd);
84     void trimValues          (rtengine::procparams::ProcParams* pp) override;
85     void updateCurveBackgroundHistogram(
86         const LUTu& histToneCurve,
87         const LUTu& histLCurve,
88         const LUTu& histCCurve,
89         const LUTu& histLCAM,
90         const LUTu& histCCAM,
91         const LUTu& histRed,
92         const LUTu& histGreen,
93         const LUTu& histBlue,
94         const LUTu& histLuma,
95         const LUTu& histLRETI
96     );
97     void colorForValue (double valX, double valY, enum ColorCaller::ElemType elemType, int callerId, ColorCaller *caller) override;
98     void updateToolState (std::vector<int> &tpOpen);
99     void writeOptions (std::vector<int> &tpOpen);
101 private:
102     bool bgTTipQuery (int x, int y, bool keyboard_tooltip, const Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Tooltip>& tooltip);
103     bool srTTipQuery (int x, int y, bool keyboard_tooltip, const Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Tooltip>& tooltip);
104     void foldAllButMe (GdkEventButton* event, MyExpander *expander);
106     Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Tooltip> bgTTips;
107     Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Tooltip> srTTips;
108     Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf> bgPixbuf;
109     Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf> srPixbuf;
111     Adjuster* degree;
112     Adjuster* adapscen;
113     Adjuster* ybscen;
114     Adjuster* adaplum;
115     Adjuster* degreeout;
116     Adjuster* badpixsl;
117     Adjuster* jlight;
118     Adjuster* qbright;
119     Adjuster* chroma;
120     Adjuster* schroma;
121     Adjuster* mchroma;
122     Adjuster* rstprotection;
123     Adjuster* contrast;
124     Adjuster* qcontrast;
125     Adjuster* colorh;
126     Adjuster* tempout;
127     Adjuster* greenout;
128     Adjuster* ybout;
129     Adjuster* tempsc;
130     Adjuster* greensc;
132     MyExpander* expadjust;
134     MyComboBoxText* toneCurveMode;
135     MyComboBoxText* toneCurveMode2;
136     MyComboBoxText* toneCurveMode3;
138     //Adjuster* edge;
139     Gtk::CheckButton* surrsource;
140     Gtk::CheckButton* gamut;
141 //   Gtk::CheckButton* badpix;
142     Gtk::CheckButton* datacie;
143     Gtk::CheckButton* tonecie;
144     //  Gtk::CheckButton* sharpcie;
145     Gtk::Button* neutral;
146     MyComboBoxText* surrsrc;
147     sigc::connection  surrsrcconn;
149     MyComboBoxText*   surround;
150     sigc::connection  surroundconn;
151     MyComboBoxText*   wbmodel;
152     sigc::connection  wbmodelconn;
153     MyComboBoxText*   algo;
154     sigc::connection  algoconn;
155     sigc::connection  surrconn;
156     sigc::connection  gamutconn, datacieconn, tonecieconn /*,badpixconn , sharpcieconn*/;
157     sigc::connection  tcmodeconn, tcmode2conn, tcmode3conn, neutralconn;
158     CurveEditorGroup* curveEditorG;
159     CurveEditorGroup* curveEditorG2;
160     CurveEditorGroup* curveEditorG3;
162     DiagonalCurveEditor* shape;
163     DiagonalCurveEditor* shape2;
164     DiagonalCurveEditor* shape3;
165     double nextCcam, nextCcamout, nextCadap;
166     int nextYbscn;
167     bool lastAutoDegree;
168     bool lastAutoAdapscen;
169     bool lastAutoDegreeout;
170     bool lastAutoybscen;
171     bool lastsurr;
172     bool lastgamut;
173     bool lastdatacie;
174     bool lasttonecie;
176     IdleRegister idle_register;
177 };