1 // Copyright (C) 2012-2019 The VPaint Developers.
2 // See the COPYRIGHT file at the top-level directory of this distribution
3 // and at https://github.com/dalboris/vpaint/blob/master/COPYRIGHT
4 //
5 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
8 //
9 //     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10 //
11 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15 // limitations under the License.
17 #ifndef MAINWINDOW_H
18 #define MAINWINDOW_H
20 #include <QMainWindow>
21 #include <QList>
22 #include <QString>
23 #include <QTextBrowser>
24 #include <QTimer>
25 #include <QDir>
27 class QScrollArea;
28 class Scene;
29 class GLWidget;
30 class MultiView;
31 class View;
32 class View3D;
33 class Timeline;
34 class DevSettings;
35 class SettingsDialog;
36 class XmlStreamWriter;
37 class XmlStreamReader;
38 class QTextStream;
39 class EditCanvasSizeDialog;
40 class ExportPngDialog;
41 class AboutDialog;
42 class BackgroundWidget;
43 class LayersWidget;
44 class View3DSettingsWidget;
46 namespace VectorAnimationComplex
47 {
48 class VAC;
49 class InbetweenFace;
50 }
51 class SelectionInfoWidget;
52 class ObjectPropertiesWidget;
53 class AnimatedCycleWidget;
55 class MainWindow : public QMainWindow
56 {
57     Q_OBJECT
59 public:
60     MainWindow();
61     ~MainWindow();
63     Scene * scene() const;
64     View * activeView() const;
65     View * hoveredView() const;
66     Timeline * timeline() const;
68     bool isShowCanvasChecked() const;
69     bool isEditCanvasSizeVisible() const;
71 protected:
72     void closeEvent(QCloseEvent * event);
73     void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event);
74     void keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent *event);
75     bool eventFilter(QObject *object, QEvent *event);
77 public slots:
78     // ---- update what is displayed on screen ----
79     void update();
80     void updatePicking();
82     void updateObjectProperties();
83     void editAnimatedCycle(VectorAnimationComplex::InbetweenFace * inbetweenFace, int indexCycle);
85     void about();
86     void open_(const QString & filePath); // XXX public because used in main.cpp. Should probably be refactored.
88 private slots:
89     // ---- File ----
90     void newDocument();
91     void open();
92     void importSvg();
93     bool save();
94     void autosave();
95     bool saveAs();
96     bool exportSVG();
97     bool exportPNG();
98     bool acceptExportPNG();
99     bool rejectExportPNG();
101     // ---- Edit ----
102     void addToUndoStack();
103     void undo();
104     void redo();
105     void cut();
106     void copy();
107     void paste();
109     // ---- View ----
110     void displayModeChanged();
111     void setDisplayModeNormal();
112     void setDisplayModeNormalOutline();
113     void setDisplayModeOutline();
114     void toggleShowCanvas(bool);
115     void editCanvasSize();
117     void setOnionSkinningEnabled(bool enabled);
119     void openClose3D();
120     void updateView3DActionCheckState();
121     void view3DActionSetChecked();
122     void view3DActionSetUnchecked();
124     void openClose3DSettings();
125     void updateView3DSettingsActionCheckState();
126     void view3DSettingsActionSetChecked();
127     void view3DSettingsActionSetUnchecked();
129     void updateViewMenu();
131     // ---- Selection ----
132     // -> deferred to Scene
134     // ---- Depth ----
135     // -> deferred to Scene
137     // ---- Animation ----
138     void motionPaste();
139     void createInbetweenFace();
141     // ---- Help ----
142     void onlineDocumentation();
143     void gettingStarted();
144     void manual();
146     // Update docks when scene changes
147     void onSceneLayerAttributesChanged_();
149 private:
150     // ---------- initializations --------------
151     void createActions();
152     void createToolbars();
153     void createStatusBar();
154     void createDocks();
155     void createMenus();
157     // --------- Other properties and widgets --------
158     // Scene and View
159     Scene * scene_;
160     MultiView * multiView_;
161     // Help
162     AboutDialog * aboutDialog_;
163     bool showAboutDialogAtStartup_;
164     QTextBrowser * gettingStarted_;
165     QTextBrowser * userManual_;
166     // Undo/Redo
167     void clearUndoStack_();
168     void resetUndoStack_();
169     void goToUndoIndex_(int undoIndex);
170     typedef QPair<QDir,Scene*> UndoItem;
171     QList<UndoItem> undoStack_;
172     int undoIndex_;
173     int savedUndoIndex_;
174     // I/O
175     QString fileHeader_;
176     QString documentFilePath_;
177     QString autosaveFilename_;
178     QTimer autosaveTimer_;
179     int autosaveIndex_;
180     bool autosaveOn_;
181     QDir autosaveDir_;
182     bool isNewDocument_() const;
183     bool isModified_() const;
184     void setUnmodified_();
185     void updateWindowTitle_();
186     void setDocumentFilePath_(const QString & filePath);
187     bool maybeSave_();
188     bool save_(const QString & filePath, bool relativeRemap = false);
189     void doImportSvg(const QString & filename);
190     bool doExportSVG(const QString & filename);
191     bool doExportPNG(const QString & filename);
192     void read_DEPRECATED(QTextStream & in);
193     void write_DEPRECATED(QTextStream & out);
194     void read(XmlStreamReader & xml);
195     void write(XmlStreamWriter & xml);
196     void autosaveBegin();
197     void autosaveEnd();
198     // Copy-pasting
199     VectorAnimationComplex::VAC * clipboard_;
200     // 3D view
201     View3D * view3D_;
202     View3DSettingsWidget * view3DSettingsWidget_;
203     // timeline
204     Timeline * timeline_;
205     // Selection info
206     SelectionInfoWidget * selectionInfo_;
207     // Edit Canvas Size
208     ExportPngDialog * exportPngDialog_;
209     EditCanvasSizeDialog * editCanvasSizeDialog_;
210     bool exportPngCanvasWasVisible_;
211     QString exportPngFilename_;
212     bool exportingPng_;
214     // --------- Menus and actions --------
215     // FILE
216     QMenu * menuFile;
217       QAction * actionNew;
218       QAction * actionOpen;
219       QAction * actionImportSvg;
220       QAction * actionSave;
221       QAction * actionSaveAs;
222       QAction * actionPreferences;
223       QAction * actionExportSVG;
224       QAction * actionExportPNG;
225       QAction * actionQuit;
226     // EDIT
227     QMenu * menuEdit;
228       QAction * actionUndo;
229       QAction * actionRedo;
230       QAction * actionCut;
231       QAction * actionCopy;
232       QAction * actionPaste;
233       QAction * actionSmartDelete;
234       QAction * actionHardDelete;
235       QAction * actionTest;
236     // VIEW
237     QMenu * menuView;
238       QAction * actionZoomIn;
239       QAction * actionZoomOut;
240       QAction * actionShowCanvas;
241       QAction * actionEditCanvasSize;
242       QAction * actionFitAllInWindow;
243       QAction * actionFitSelectionInWindow;
244       QAction * actionDisplayModeNormal;
245       QAction * actionDisplayModeNormalOutline;
246       QAction * actionDisplayModeOutline;
247       QAction * actionOnionSkinning;
248       QAction * actionToggleOutline;
249       QAction * actionToggleOutlineOnly;
250       QAction * actionOpenCloseView3DSettings;
251       QAction * actionOpenClose3D;
252       QAction * actionSplitVertical;
253       QAction * actionSplitHorizontal;
254       QAction * actionSplitClose;
255       QAction * actionSplitOne;
256       QMenu * advancedViewMenu;
257     // SELECTION
258     QMenu * menuSelection;
259       QAction * actionSelectAllInFrame;
260       QAction * actionSelectAllInAnimation;
261       QAction * actionDeselectAll;
262       QAction * actionInvertSelection;
263       QAction * actionSelectConnected;
264       QAction * actionSelectClosure;
265       QAction * actionSelectVertices;
266       QAction * actionSelectEdges;
267       QAction * actionSelectFaces;
268       QAction * actionDeselectVertices;
269       QAction * actionDeselectEdges;
270       QAction * actionDeselectFaces;
271     // DEPTH
272     QMenu * menuDepth;
273       QAction * actionRaise;
274       QAction * actionLower;
275       QAction * actionRaiseToTop;
276       QAction * actionLowerToBottom;
277       QAction * actionAltRaise;
278       QAction * actionAltLower;
279       QAction * actionAltRaiseToTop;
280       QAction * actionAltLowerToBottom;
281     // ANIMATION
282     QMenu * menuAnimation;
283       QAction * actionInbetweenSelection;
284       QAction * actionKeyframeSelection;
285       QAction * actionMotionPaste;
286       QAction * actionCreateInbetweenFace;
287     // PLAYBACK
288       QMenu * menuPlayback;
289     // HELP
290     QMenu * menuHelp;
291       QAction * actionOnlineDocumentation;
292       QAction * actionGettingStarted;
293       QAction * actionManual;
294       QAction * actionAbout;
296     // Docks
297     QDockWidget * dockInspector;
298     ObjectPropertiesWidget * inspector;
299     QDockWidget * dockTimeLine;
300     QDockWidget * dockAdvancedSettings;
301     QDockWidget * dockAnimatedCycleEditor;
302     AnimatedCycleWidget * animatedCycleEditor;
303     BackgroundWidget * backgroundWidget;
304     QDockWidget * dockBackgroundWidget;
305     LayersWidget * layersWidget;
306     QDockWidget * dockLayersWidget;
307 };
309 #endif