1#VRML V2.0 utf8
3# This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
4# modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
5# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
6# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
8EXTERNPROTO PseudoCollision4Examine
10  eventOut SFFloat toNavigationInfoSpeed
11  field SFVec3f innerProximitySize
12  field SFVec3f outerProximitySize
13  field SFFloat defaultSpeed
22DEF NavigationInfo1 NavigationInfo
23  {
24  type
25    [
26    "EXAMINE"
27    "ANY"
28    ]
29  }
32  {
33  children
34    [
35    Collision
36      {
37      children
38	[
39	Group
40	  {
41	  children
42	    [
43	    Shape
44	      {
45	      appearance 	      Appearance
46		{
47		material 		Material
48		  {
49		  diffuseColor 1 0 0
50		  emissiveColor 1 0 0
51		  shininess 7.812500e-2
52		  specularColor 0.500000 0.500000 0.500000
53		  }
54		}
55	      geometry 	      IndexedLineSet
56		{
57		coord 		Coordinate
58		  {
59		  point
60		    [
61		    -1 -1 -1
62		    -1 1 -1
63		    1 1 -1
64		    1 -1 -1
65		    -1 -1 1
66		    -1 1 1
67		    1 1 1
68		    1 -1 1
69		    ]
70		  }
71		coordIndex
72		  [
73		  0 1 2 3 0 -1
74		  6 7 3 2 6 -1
75		  7 6 5 4 7 -1
76		  4 5 1 0 4 -1
77		  1 5 6 2 1 -1
78		  4 0 3 7 4 -1
79		  ]
80		}
81	      }
82	    ]
83	  }
84	]
85      collide FALSE
86      }
87    DEF PSEUDOCOLLISION1 PseudoCollision4Examine
88      {
89      innerProximitySize 2 2 2
90      outerProximitySize 3 3 3
91      defaultSpeed 5
92      }
93    Transform
94      {
95      children
96	[
97	Shape
98	  {
99	  appearance 	  Appearance
100	    {
101	    material 	    Material
102	      {
103	      }
104	    }
105	  geometry 	  Sphere
106	    {
107	    radius 0.100000
108	    }
109	  }
110	]
111      }
112    ]
113  }
115ROUTE PSEUDOCOLLISION1.toNavigationInfoSpeed TO NavigationInfo1.set_speed
118  {
119  }
122  {
123  children
124    [
125    Collision
126      {
127      children
128	[
129	Group
130	  {
131	  children
132	    [
133	    Shape
134	      {
135	      appearance 	      Appearance
136		{
137		material 		Material
138		  {
139		  diffuseColor 1 0 0
140		  emissiveColor 1 0 0
141		  shininess 7.812500e-2
142		  specularColor 0.500000 0.500000 0.500000
143		  }
144		}
145	      geometry 	      IndexedLineSet
146		{
147		coord 		Coordinate
148		  {
149		  point
150		    [
151		    -1 -1 -1
152		    -1 1 -1
153		    1 1 -1
154		    1 -1 -1
155		    -1 -1 1
156		    -1 1 1
157		    1 1 1
158		    1 -1 1
159		    ]
160		  }
161		coordIndex
162		  [
163		  0 1 2 3 0 -1
164		  6 7 3 2 6 -1
165		  7 6 5 4 7 -1
166		  4 5 1 0 4 -1
167		  1 5 6 2 1 -1
168		  4 0 3 7 4 -1
169		  ]
170		}
171	      }
172	    ]
173	  }
174	]
175      collide FALSE
176      }
177    DEF PSEUDOCOLLISION2 PseudoCollision4Examine
178      {
179      innerProximitySize 2 2 2
180      outerProximitySize 3 3 3
181      defaultSpeed 5
182      }
183    Transform
184      {
185      children
186	[
187	Shape
188	  {
189	  appearance 	  Appearance
190	    {
191	    material 	    Material
192	      {
193	      }
194	    }
195	  geometry 	  Sphere
196	    {
197	    radius 0.100000
198	    }
199	  }
200	]
201      }
202    ]
203  translation 2.908061 0 0
204  }
206ROUTE PSEUDOCOLLISION2.toNavigationInfoSpeed TO NavigationInfo1.set_speed
208DEF REST Group
209  {
210  children
211    [
212    Transform
213      {
214      children
215	[
216	Billboard
217	  {
218	  axisOfRotation 0 0 0
219	  children
220	    [
221	    Shape
222	      {
223	      appearance 	      Appearance
224		{
225		material 		Material
226		  {
227		  }
228		}
229	      geometry 	      Text
230		{
231		string
232		  [
233		  "up of the box"
234		  ]
235		}
236	      }
237	    ]
238	  }
239	]
240      translation -3.583168 3.107064 0
241      }
242    Transform
243      {
244      children
245	[
246	Billboard
247	  {
248	  axisOfRotation 0 0 0
249	  children
250	    [
251	    Shape
252	      {
253	      appearance 	      Appearance
254		{
255		material 		Material
256		  {
257		  }
258		}
259	      geometry 	      Text
260		{
261		string
262		  [
263		  "below the box"
264		  ]
265		}
266	      }
267	    ]
268	  }
269	]
270      translation -3.526972 -3.777904 0
271      }
272    Transform
273      {
274      children
275	[
276	Billboard
277	  {
278	  axisOfRotation 0 0 0
279	  children
280	    [
281	    Shape
282	      {
283	      appearance 	      Appearance
284		{
285		material 		Material
286		  {
287		  }
288		}
289	      geometry 	      Text
290		{
291		string
292		  [
293		  "front of the box"
294		  ]
295		}
296	      }
297	    ]
298	  }
299	]
300      translation -3.272972 -0.357538 12.750471
301      }
302    Transform
303      {
304      children
305	[
306	Billboard
307	  {
308	  axisOfRotation 0 0 0
309	  children
310	    [
311	    Shape
312	      {
313	      appearance 	      Appearance
314		{
315		material 		Material
316		  {
317		  }
318		}
319	      geometry 	      Text
320		{
321		string
322		  [
323		  "back of the box"
324		  ]
325		}
326	      }
327	    ]
328	  }
329	]
330      translation -3.526771 -0.978772 -8.109170
331      }
332    Transform
333      {
334      children
335	[
336	Billboard
337	  {
338	  axisOfRotation 0 0 0
339	  children
340	    [
341	    Shape
342	      {
343	      appearance 	      Appearance
344		{
345		material 		Material
346		  {
347		  }
348		}
349	      geometry 	      Text
350		{
351		string
352		  [
353		  "right of the box"
354		  ]
355		}
356	      }
357	    ]
358	  }
359	]
360      translation 6.878602 0.320845 0
361      }
362    Transform
363      {
364      children
365	[
366	Billboard
367	  {
368	  axisOfRotation 0 0 0
369	  children
370	    [
371	    Shape
372	      {
373	      appearance 	      Appearance
374		{
375		material 		Material
376		  {
377		  }
378		}
379	      geometry 	      Text
380		{
381		string
382		  [
383		  "left of the box"
384		  ]
385		}
386	      }
387	    ]
388	  }
389	]
390      translation -11.180147 0.320845 0
391      }
392    ]
393  }
396  {
397  children
398    [
399    Shape
400      {
401      appearance       Appearance
402	{
403	material 	Material
404	  {
405	  diffuseColor 1 0 0
406	  emissiveColor 1 0 0
407	  shininess 7.812500e-2
408	  specularColor 1.568626e-2 1.568626e-2 1.568626e-2
409	  }
410	}
411      geometry       Text
412	{
413	string
414	  [
415	  "Try to reach the spheres"
416	  ]
417	}
418      }
419    ]
420  scale 0.400000 0.400000 0.400000
421  translation -2.425354 -1.736930 0
422  }