1!	 $eterna: load,v 1.7 2018/06/10 08:17:41 mrg Exp $
3! Copyright (c) 1990-2018  Michael Sandrof, Troy Rollo, Matthew Green,
4! and other ircII contributors.
6! All rights reserved.  See the HELP IRCII COPYRIGHT file for more
7! information.
9Usage: LOAD [-args] <filename> [<arg0> <arg1> ...]
10  Loads the given file into irc, treating each line as an irc
11  command, just as if it were typed into the command line, but it
12  expects commands to not have leading command characters, for
13  compatibility it is however allowed. LOAD is the command used
14  automatically at irc startup to load the .ircrc file.
16  In a LOAD script it is allowed to have leading spaces and tabs
17  before the commands.
19  A long line, like a long alias definition, can be split over
20  multiple lines by putting { and } around it like this:
21    alias follow {
22      say sorry folks, got invited away
23      join -i;bow
24      say here i am especially for you
25      grin
26    }
28  This format _MUST_ be used, you cannot put the { in the next
29  line and you cannot put the } elsewhere than by itself.
30  It is also not allowed to use { { } } constructs.
32  If the -args flag is specified, then each
33  line of the loaded file is alias expanded before it is executed,
34  just as if you had INPUT_ALIASES set to ON.  The optional
35  arguments, arg0 arg1 etc, are then used to expand the argument
36  expandos ($*, $1, $2, etc) for each line.  The -args switch
37  takes precedent over any changes of the setting of INPUT_ALIASES
38  in the loaded file.  If you only want to expand certain lines
39  and not others, use EVAL to evaluate the given line expanding
40  variables.  The default value for INPUT_ALIASES is now OFF
41  when loading a script.
42  Note also that the default value for DISPLAY is OFF as well.
44  Commands separated by ';' are not recognized by LOAD, that syntax
45  is for ALIAS, BIND and ON only.
47  The location of scripts should be shown in your LOAD_PATH variable
48  which can be changed to point to your own scripts if needed.
50See Also:
53  CD