1 //=============================================================================
2 //
3 //   File : libkviperl.cpp
4 //   Creation date : Tue Jul 13 13:03:31 2004 GMT by Szymon Stefanek
5 //
6 //   This file is part of the KVIrc IRC client distribution
7 //   Copyright (C) 2004-2010 Szymon Stefanek (pragma at kvirc dot net)
8 //
9 //   This program is FREE software. You can redistribute it and/or
10 //   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
11 //   as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
12 //   of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
13 //
14 //   This program is distributed in the HOPE that it will be USEFUL,
15 //   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 //   See the GNU General Public License for more details.
18 //
19 //   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20 //   along with this program. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
21 //   Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
22 //
23 //=============================================================================
25 #include "kvi_settings.h"
26 #include "KviModule.h"
27 #include "KviFileUtils.h"
28 #include "KviLocale.h"
29 #include "KviApplication.h"
30 #include "KviOptions.h"
31 #include "KviModuleManager.h"
32 #include "kvi_out.h"
35 #include "../perlcore/perlcoreinterface.h"
37 static KviModule * g_pPerlCoreModule = nullptr;
41 #define KVS_CHECK_PERLCORE(_m, _c)                                                                               \
42 	g_pPerlCoreModule = g_pModuleManager->getModule("perlcore");                                                 \
43 	if(!g_pPerlCoreModule)                                                                                       \
44 	{                                                                                                            \
45 		if(!_c->switches()->find('q', "quiet"))                                                                  \
46 		{                                                                                                        \
47 			_c->warning(__tr2qs_ctx("The perlcore module can't be loaded: Perl support not available", "perl")); \
48 			_c->warning(__tr2qs_ctx("To see more details about loading failure try /perlcore.load", "perl"));    \
49 			return true;                                                                                         \
50 		}                                                                                                        \
51 	}
53 #define KVS_CHECK_PERLCORE(_m, _c)
59 #define KVS_CHECK_MODULE_STATE(_m, _c)                                                                              \
60 	if(!_c->switches()->find('q', "quiet"))                                                                         \
61 		_c->warning(__tr2qs_ctx("This KVIrc executable has been compiled without Perl scripting support", "perl")); \
62 	return true;
65 /*
66 	@doc: perl_and_kvs
67 	@type:
68 		language
69 	@title:
70 		Using Perl from KVS and vice-versa.
71 	@short:
72 		How to use Perl from KVS and KVS from Perl.
73 	@body:
74 		[big]Introduction[/big]
75 		Starting from version 3.0.2 you can include Perl code snippets
76 		in KVS code and you can use KVS commands from within Perl.
77 		This feature is present only if a working Perl installation
78 		has been found at build time.
79 		[big]Using Perl from KVS[/big]
80 		Using Perl from KVIrc is really easy - just enclose
81 		your Perl code snippet inside [cmd]perl.begin[/cmd] and [cmd]perl.end[/cmd].
82 		[example]
83 			[cmd]perl.begin[/cmd]
84 			<perl code goes here>
85 			[cmd]perl.end[/cmd]
86 		[/example]
87 		For example:
88 		[example]
89 			[cmd]perl.begin[/cmd]
90 			open(MYFILE,'>>myfile.txt') or die "Can't open myfile.txt!";
91 			print MYFILE "foo!\n";
92 			close(MYFILE);
93 			[cmd]perl.end[/cmd]
94 		[/example]
95 		A Perl code snippet can appear anywhere a KVS code snippet can
96 		with the only restriction that it must be enclosed in [cmd]perl.begin[/cmd]
97 		and [cmd]perl.end[/cmd]. This means that you can write Perl code
98 		in the commandline, in the aliases, the event handlers, popups...anywhere.[br]
99 		If you have already encountered KVIrc's [cmd]eval[/cmd] command
100 		then you probably also know how to execute a Perl code snippet from a file :)
101 		[big]Using KVS from Perl[/big]
102 		KVIrc exports several commands to the Perl namespace
103 		that allow you to invoke KVIrc's functions from inside the Perl code snippet.[br]
104 		The nicest example is KVIrc::echo():
105 		[example]
106 			[cmd]perl.begin[/cmd]
107 			KVIrc::echo("Hello KVIrc world from Perl!");
108 			[cmd]perl.end[/cmd]
109 		[/example]
110 		KVIrc::echo() is the counterpart of the [cmd]echo[/cmd].
111 		The exact syntax is:[br]
112 		    [b]KVIrc::echo(<text>[,<colorset>[,<windowid>]])[/b][br]
113 		<text> is obviously the text to be printed. <colorset> is
114 		the equivalent of the [cmd]echo[/cmd] -i option and <windowid>
115 		is the equivalent of the -w option. Both <colorset> and <windowid>
116 		can be omitted (in this case KVIrc will use a default colorset and the current window).
117 		[big]Perl execution contexts[/big]
118 		The Perl code snippets are executed by a Perl interpreter - each
119 		interpreter has its own context and thus its own variables,
120 		own function namespace etc.[br]
121 		[br]
122 		In the example above, KVIrc creates an interpreter when [cmd]perl.begin[/cmd]
123 		is invoked and destroys it at [cmd]perl.end[/cmd] parsing time.
124 		In fact, KVIrc can maintain multiple persistent interpreters that will
125 		allow you to preserve your context across [cmd]perl.begin[/cmd] invocations.[br]
126 		[br]
127 		You can invoke a specific Perl context by passing it as parameter to the [cmd]perl.begin[/cmd]
128 		command:
129 		[example]
130 			[cmd]perl.begin("mycontext")[/cmd]
131 			$myvariable = "mycontext";
132 			KVIrc::echo("This Perl code is executed from ".$myvariable);
133 			[cmd]perl.end[/cmd]
134 		[/example]
135 		The nice thing is that at a later time you can invoke this context again
136 		and discover that $mycontext has preserved its value:
137 		[example]
138 			[cmd]perl.begin("mycontext")[/cmd]
139 			KVIrc::echo("myvariable is still equal to ".$myvariable);
140 			[cmd]perl.end[/cmd]
141 		[/example]
142 		The first time you invoke a named Perl context it is automatically created and
143 		it persists until KVIrc terminates or the Perl context is explicitly destroyed
144 		by [cmd]perl.destroy[/cmd].[br]
145 		[br]
146 		There is a third possibility to destroy a context - when the
147 		perlcore module is forcibly unloaded (by the means of /perlcore.unload). This
148 		is however a rare case and should be treated just like a KVIrc restart (the
149 		user probably WANTS the contexts to be reinitialized).[br]
150 		[br]
151 		The nice thing is that not only will your variables be preserved, any Perl
152 		function or class you declare in a context will persist.
153 		It's just like executing a long Perl script file with pauses inside.[br]
154 		[br]
155 		If you omit the Perl context name in the [cmd]perl.begin[/cmd] command
156 		(or if you use an empty string in its place)
157 		then KVIrc will create a temporary context for the snippet execution
158 		and will destroy it immediately after [cmd]perl.end[/cmd] has been called.[br]
159 		[br]
160 		The major side effect of keeping persistent Perl contexts is that
161 		Perl's symbol table will grow, and if not used carefully, the interpreter
162 		may become a memory hog. So if you're going to use persistent contexts,
163 		either try to keep the symbol table clean or explicitly call [cmd]perl.destroy[/cmd]
164 		once in a while to recreate the interpreter.[br]
165 		If you just execute occasional Perl code snippets and don't need to keep
166 		persistent variables, then just use the nameless temporary context provided
167 		by [cmd]perl.begin[/cmd]("").
168 		[big]Passing parameters to the Perl script[/big]
169 		The easiest way to pass parameters to the perl code snippet
170 		is to put them as [cmd]perl.begin[/cmd] arguments.
171 		In fact the complete syntax of [cmd]perl.begin[/cmd] is:[br]
172 		[b]perl.begin(<perl context>,<arg0>,<arg1>,...)[/b][br]
173 		Where the <arg0>,<arg1>...<argN> parameters
174 		are passed to the Perl context as elements of the $_[] array.
175 		[example]
176 			[cmd]perl.begin[/cmd]("","Hello world!","Now I CAN",1,2,3)
177 			for($i=0;$i<5;$i++)
178 				KVIrc::echo($_[i],40);
179 			[cmd]perl.end[/cmd]
180 		[/example]
181 		[big]Accessing the KVIrc scripting context from Perl[/big]
182 		KVIrc exposes the following functions that manipulate
183 		variables of the KVIrc's current KVS execution context:[br]
184 		&nbsp; &nbsp; [b]KVIrc::getLocal(&lt;x&gt;)[/b][br]
185 		Returns the value of the KVIrc's local variable %x.[br]
186 		&nbsp; &nbsp; [b]KVIrc::getGlobal(&lt;Y&gt;)[/b][br]
187 		Returns the value of the KVIrc's global variable %Y.[br]
188 		&nbsp; &nbsp; [b]KVIrc::setLocal(&lt;x&gt;,&lt;value&gt;)[/b][br]
189 		Sets KVIrc's local variable %x to &lt;value&gt;[br]
190 		&nbsp; &nbsp; [b]KVIrc::setGlobal(&lt;Y&gt;,&lt;value&gt;)[/b][br]
191 		Sets KVIrc's global variable %Y to &lt;value&gt;[br]
192 		The local variables referenced belong to the current KVS execution context
193 		while the global variables are visible everywhere.
194 		[example]
195 			%pippo = test
196 			%Pluto = 12345
197 			[cmd]perl.begin[/cmd]
198 			$mypippo = KVIrc::getLocal("pippo");
199 			$mypippo =~ s/^pi/ze/g;
200 			$mypluto = KVIrc::getGlobal("Pluto");
201 			$mypluto =~ s/23/xx/g;
202 			KVIrc::setLocal("pippo",$mypluto);
203 			KVIrc::setGlobal("Pluto",$mypippo);
204 			[cmd]perl.end[/cmd]
205 			[cmd]echo[/cmd] "\%pippo is" %pippo
206 			[cmd]echo[/cmd] "\%Pluto is" %Pluto
207 		[/example]
208 		[big]Executing arbitrary KVIrc commands from Perl[/big]
209 		You can execute arbitrary KVS commands from Perl by means of:[br]
210 		&nbsp; &nbsp; [b]KVIrc::eval(&lt;code&gt;)[/b][br]
211 		This function behaves exactly like the ${ &lt;code&gt; } KVS construct -
212 		it executes &lt;code&gt; in a child context and returns its evaluation result.[br]
213 		The following two code snippets have equivalent visible effects:
214 		[example]
215 			[cmd]echo[/cmd] ${ return "Yeah!"; }
216 		[/example]
217 		[example]
218 			[cmd]perl.begin[/cmd]
219 			KVIrc::echo(KVIrc::eval("return \"Yeah!\""));
220 			[cmd]perl.end[/cmd]
221 		[/example]
222 		You can [i]eval[/i] compound command sequences and variable ones.[br]
223 		Remember that the Perl code snippet is evaluated in a child KVS context
224 		and thus the local variables are NOT visible!
225 		The following code snippets may easily fool you:
226 		[example]
227 			%x = 10
228 			[cmd]perl.begin[/cmd]
229 			KVIrc::eval("echo \"The value is %x\"");
230 			[cmd]perl.end[/cmd]
231 		[/example]
232 		This will print [i]The value is[/i] since %x is not accessible from the eval's context.
233 		If you have tried to write something like this then you probably need to rewrite it as:
234 		[example]
235 			%x = 10
236 			[cmd]perl.begin[/cmd]
237 			$x = KVIrc::getLocal("x");
238 			KVIrc::eval("echo \"The value is ".$x."\"");
239 			[cmd]perl.end[/cmd]
240 		[/example]
241 		Note also that you must either escape the $ at the beginning of KVIrc identifiers
242 		or use single quotes to prevent Perl from interpreting the $ as the beginning of a variable.
243 		[example]
244 			[comment]# This will not work as expected[/comment]
245 			[cmd]perl.begin[/cmd]
246 			KVIrc::echo(KVIrc::eval("return $window.caption"));
247 			[cmd]perl.end[/cmd]
248 			[comment]# But these will do[/comment]
249 			[cmd]perl.begin[/cmd]
250 			KVIrc::echo(KVIrc::eval("return \$window.caption"));
251 			KVIrc::echo(KVIrc::eval('return $window.caption'));
252 			[cmd]perl.end[/cmd]
253 		[/example]
254 		[big]A shortcut for KVIrc::eval("/say...")[/big]
255 		Since KVIrc::eval("/say...") is a common calling pattern, say has been added
256 		to the KVIrc Perl namespace. You can now call
257 		[example]
258 			KVIrc::say("Hi all!");
259 		[/example]
260 		and that will mimic the behaviour of
261 		[example]
262 			/[cmd]say[/cmd] Hi all!
263 		[/example]
264 		The complete syntax for KVIrc::say() is:[br]
265 		&nbsp; &nbsp; [b]KVIrc::say(&lt;text&gt;[,&lt;windowid&gt;])[/b][br]
266 		and the semantics are obvious (see also /[cmd]say[/cmd]).
267 		[big]Perl script return values[/big]
268 		The [cmd]perl.begin[/cmd] command propagates the Perl code return
269 		value to the KVIrc context (just like a [cmd]setreturn[/cmd]() would do)
270 		- this makes it easier to create an alias that executes a Perl script and
271 		returns its result.[br]
272 		[br]
273 		Without this automatic propagation, you would be forced to play with variables:
274 		[ul]
275 		[li]First use [b]KVIrc::setLocal("var",123)[/b] from inside the
276 		perl script;[/li]
277 		[li]Then, from the KVIrc script after [cmd]perl.end[/cmd], retrieve the
278 		%var variable, check its value and call [cmd]setreturn[/cmd]() on it.[/li]
279 		[/ul]
280 		[big]Executing Perl scripts from files[/big]
281 		[example]
282 			[cmd]alias[/cmd](perlexec)
283 			{
284 				%tmp = "perl.begin(\"\",$1,$2,$3,$4,$5)";
285 				%tmp .= $file.read($0);
286 				%tmp .= "perl.end";
287 				eval %tmp;
288 			}
289 			perlexec "/home/pragma/myperlscript.pl" "param1" "param2" "param3"
290 			[comment]# or even[/comment]
291 			[cmd]echo[/cmd] $perlexec("/home/pragma/computeprimelargerthan.pl","10000")
292 		[/example]
293 		[big]Other tricks[/big]
294 		An interesting feature of persistent Perl contexts is that you can prepare a
295 		context for later fast execution.[br]
296 		The idea is to declare all Perl functions in a single Perl code snippet
297 		then call single functions when fast execution is needed.[br]
298 		For example you might parse the following snippet at KVIrc's startup:
299 		[example]
300 			[cmd]perl.begin[/cmd]("persistent")
301 			sub handler_for_event_1
302 			{
303 				do_complex_perl_stuff_here
304 			}
305 			sub handler_for_event_2
306 			{
307 				do_complex_perl_stuff_here
308 			}
309 			[cmd]perl.end[/cmd]
310 		[/example]
311 		and later simply call:
312 		[example]
313 			[cmd]perl.begin[/cmd]("persistent",param1,param2)
314 			handler_for_event_1($_[0],$_[1])
315 			[cmd]perl.end[/cmd]
316 		[/example]
317 		[big]Curiosity[/big]
318 		The Perl support in KVIrc is implemented as a master-slave module pair.
319 		The perl.* module is the master while perlcore is the slave.
320 		When Perl support isn't compiled in, the perl.* commands
321 		print some warnings and exit gracefully while the perlcore module
322 		refuses to be loaded. When Perl support is compiled in but
323 		for some reason the libperl.so can't be found or loaded, perlcore fails
324 		the dynamic loading stage, however Perl.* only fails gracefully with warning
325 		messages. This trick allows scripters to check for Perl
326 		support with [fnc]perl.isAvailable[/fnc] and to embed Perl code snippets
327 		in KVS even if the support is missing - the snippets will be just skipped.[br]
328 		[br]
329 		Happy Perl hacking :)[br]
330 */
332 /*
333 	@doc: perl.begin
334 	@type:
335 		command
336 	@title:
337 		perl.begin
338 	@keyterms:
339 		Including Perl code snippets in KVS
340 	@short:
341 		Starts a Perl code snippet
342 	@syntax:
343 		perl.begin [-n] [-q] [(<perl_context>[,<arg0>[,<arg1>[...]]])]
344 		<perl code>
345 		perl.end
346 	@switches:
347 		!sw: -q | --quiet
348 		Prevents the command from printing any warnings.
349 		!sw: -n | --no-return
350 		Prevents the Perl script return value to be propagated
351 		to the current context.
352 		!sw: -f | --fail-on-error
353 		Treat Perl errors as KVS errors and abort execution of the
354 		current script. Incompatible with -q
355 	@description:
356 		Indicates the beginning of a snippet of Perl code.
357 		The whole code part between perl.begin and perl.end
358 		is executed in a Perl interpreter.
359 		If perl.end is omitted then it is implicitly assumed
360 		that the code from perl.begin to the end of the command
361 		buffer is Perl.[br]
362 		Each Perl code execution is bound to a
363 		Perl context (that is in fact a particular instance
364 		of a Perl interpreter). If <perl_context> is not specified
365 		or it is an empty string then temporary Perl interpreter is created
366 		and destroyed just after the code snippet has terminated execution.
367 		If <perl_context> is specified then a Perl interpreter
368 		keyed to that context is used: if it was already existing
369 		then it is reused otherwise it is created.
370 		Any <perl_context> is persistent: it maintains the function
371 		declarations and Perl variable states until explicitly
372 		destroyed with [cmd]perl.destroy[/cmd] (or the perlcore
373 		module is forcibly unloaded).[br]
374 		The <arg0>,<arg1>,... arguments, if present, are passed
375 		to the Perl code snippet in the @_ array (accessible as $_[0],$_[1]...).[br]
376 		The return value of the Perl code is propagated to the current
377 		context (just like [cmd]setreturn[/cmd] was called on it) unless
378 		the -n switch is used.[br]
379 		The -q switch prevents from the command from printing any
380 		warning.[br]
381 		See the [doc:perl_and_kvs]Perl scripting documentation[/doc]
382 		for more information.
383 	@examples:
384 		[example]
385 			perl.begin
386 			KVIrc::eval("echo \"Hello World from Perl!\"");
387 			perl.end
388 		[/example]
389 	@seealso:
390 */
392 /*
393 	@doc: perl.end
394 	@type:
395 		command
396 	@title:
397 		perl.end
398 	@short:
399 		Ends a Perl code snippet
400 	@syntax:
401 		perl.begin[(<perl_context>)]
402 		<perl code>
403 		perl.end
404 	@description:
405 		Ends a Perl code snippet. See [cmd]perl.begin[/cmd].
406 	@seealso:
407 		[cmd]perl.begin[/cmd]
408 */
perl_kvs_cmd_begin(KviKvsModuleCommandCall * c)410 static bool perl_kvs_cmd_begin(KviKvsModuleCommandCall * c)
411 {
412 	// This command is somewhat special in the fact that has a dedicated
413 	// parsing routine in the KVS core parser.
414 	// The parser sets the perl code as the first parameter of our call,
415 	// the remaining params are the context name and the arguments
417 	QString szCode, szContext;
418 	KviKvsVariantList vList;
420 	KVSM_PARAMETER("code", KVS_PT_STRING, 0, szCode)
428 	KviPerlCoreCtrlCommand_execute ex;
429 	ex.uSize = sizeof(KviPerlCoreCtrlCommand_execute);
430 	ex.pKvsContext = c->context();
431 	ex.szContext = szContext;
432 	ex.szCode = szCode;
433 	for(KviKvsVariant * v = vList.first(); v; v = vList.next())
434 	{
435 		QString tmp;
436 		v->asString(tmp);
437 		ex.lArgs.append(tmp);
438 	}
439 	ex.bQuiet = c->switches()->find('q', "quiet");
441 	if(!g_pPerlCoreModule->ctrl(KVI_PERLCORECTRLCOMMAND_EXECUTE, &ex))
442 	{
443 		if(!c->switches()->find('q', "quiet"))
444 			c->warning(__tr2qs_ctx("The perlcore module failed to execute the code: something is wrong with the Perl support", "perl"));
445 		return true;
446 	}
448 	if(!ex.lWarnings.isEmpty())
449 	{
450 		for(auto & lWarning : ex.lWarnings)
451 			c->warning(lWarning);
452 	}
454 	if(!ex.bExitOk)
455 	{
456 		if(!c->switches()->find('q', "quiet"))
457 		{
459 			if(c->switches()->find('f', "fail-on-error"))
460 			{
461 				c->warning(__tr2qs_ctx("Perl execution error:", "perl"));
462 				c->warning(ex.szError);
463 				return false;
464 			}
465 			else
466 			{
467 				c->warning(__tr2qs_ctx("Perl execution error:", "perl"));
468 				c->error(ex.szError);
469 			}
470 		}
471 	}
473 	if(!c->switches()->find('n', "no-return"))
474 		c->context()->returnValue()->setString(ex.szRetVal);
478 	return true;
479 }
481 /*
482 	@doc: perl.destroy
483 	@type:
484 		command
485 	@title:
486 		perl.destroy
487 	@short:
488 		Destroys a Perl execution context
489 	@syntax:
490 		perl.destroy [-q] <context_name:string>
491 	@description:
492 		Destroys the Perl execution context <context_name>.
493 		If the context does not exist then a warning is printed unless the
494 		-q switch is used.[br]
495 		The destruction will clear any state associated with the context
496 		including the stored functions, classes and variable symbols.
497 		You may want to destroy a context to re-initialize its state
498 		or to simply clear its memory when it is no longer needed.
499 	@seealso:
500 		[cmd]perl.begin[/cmd]
501 */
perl_kvs_cmd_destroy(KviKvsModuleCommandCall * c)503 static bool perl_kvs_cmd_destroy(KviKvsModuleCommandCall * c)
504 {
505 	QString szContext;
507 	KVSM_PARAMETER("context", KVS_PT_NONEMPTYSTRING, 0, szContext)
513 	KviPerlCoreCtrlCommand_destroy ex;
514 	ex.uSize = sizeof(KviPerlCoreCtrlCommand_destroy);
515 	ex.szContext = szContext;
517 	if(!g_pPerlCoreModule->ctrl(KVI_PERLCORECTRLCOMMAND_DESTROY, &ex))
518 	{
519 		if(!c->switches()->find('q', "quiet"))
520 			c->warning(__tr2qs_ctx("The perlcore module failed to execute the code: something is wrong with the Perl support", "perl"));
521 	}
524 	return true;
525 }
527 /*
528 	@doc: perl.isAvailable
529 	@type:
530 		function
531 	@title:
532 		$perl.isAvailable
533 	@short:
534 		Check if Perl scripting support is available
535 	@syntax:
536 		$perl.isAvailable
537 	@description:
538 		Returns [b]1[/b] if the Perl scripting support is available and [b]0[/b] otherwise.
539 */
perl_kvs_fnc_isAvailable(KviKvsModuleFunctionCall * c)541 static bool perl_kvs_fnc_isAvailable(KviKvsModuleFunctionCall * c)
542 {
544 	g_pPerlCoreModule = g_pModuleManager->getModule("perlcore");
545 	c->returnValue()->setBoolean(g_pPerlCoreModule ? true : false);
547 	c->returnValue()->setBoolean(false);
549 	return true;
550 }
perl_module_init(KviModule * m)552 static bool perl_module_init(KviModule * m)
553 {
554 	// register the command anyway
555 	KVSM_REGISTER_SIMPLE_COMMAND(m, "begin", perl_kvs_cmd_begin);
556 	KVSM_REGISTER_SIMPLE_COMMAND(m, "destroy", perl_kvs_cmd_destroy);
558 	KVSM_REGISTER_FUNCTION(m, "isAvailable", perl_kvs_fnc_isAvailable);
560 // FIXME: perl.isSupported()
562 	g_pPerlCoreModule = g_pModuleManager->getModule("perlcore");
564 	return true;
565 }
perl_module_cleanup(KviModule *)567 static bool perl_module_cleanup(KviModule *)
568 {
569 	return true;
570 }
573     "Perl",                                                         // module name
574     "4.0.0",                                                        // module version
575     "Copyright (C) 2004 Szymon Stefanek (pragma at kvirc dot net)", // author & (C)
576     "Perl scripting engine",
577     perl_module_init,
578     0,
579     0,
580     perl_module_cleanup,
581     "perl")