1 /***************************************************************************
2  *   Copyright (C) 2005-2020 by the Quassel Project                        *
3  *   devel@quassel-irc.org                                                 *
4  *                                                                         *
5  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
6  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
7  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
8  *   (at your option) version 3.                                           *
9  *                                                                         *
10  *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       *
11  *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
13  *   GNU General Public License for more details.                          *
14  *                                                                         *
15  *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     *
16  *   along with this program; if not, write to the                         *
17  *   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,                                       *
18  *   51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.         *
19  ***************************************************************************/
21 #pragma once
23 #include <algorithm>
24 #include <initializer_list>
25 #include <tuple>
26 #include <utility>
28 #include <QAbstractButton>
29 #include <QComboBox>
30 #include <QDoubleSpinBox>
31 #include <QGroupBox>
32 #include <QLineEdit>
33 #include <QObject>
34 #include <QSpinBox>
35 #include <QTextEdit>
37 #include "colorbutton.h"
38 #include "fontselector.h"
39 #include "funchelpers.h"
40 #include "util.h"
42 namespace detail {
44 /**
45  * Contains all supported widget changed signals.
46  */
47 static const auto supportedWidgetChangedSignals = std::make_tuple(
48         &ColorButton::colorChanged,
49         &FontSelector::fontChanged,
50         &QAbstractButton::toggled,
51         selectOverload<int>(&QComboBox::currentIndexChanged),
52         selectOverload<double>(&QDoubleSpinBox::valueChanged),
53         &QGroupBox::toggled,
54         &QLineEdit::textChanged,
55         selectOverload<int>(&QSpinBox::valueChanged),
56         &QTextEdit::textChanged
57 );
59 /**
60  * Tries to find a changed signal that matches the given widget type, and connects that to the given receiver/slot.
61  */
62 template<typename Receiver, typename Slot, std::size_t... Is>
tryConnectChangedSignal(const QObject * widget,const Receiver * receiver,Slot slot,std::index_sequence<Is...>)63 bool tryConnectChangedSignal(const QObject* widget, const Receiver* receiver, Slot slot, std::index_sequence<Is...>)
64 {
65     // Tries to cast the given QObject to the given signal's class type, and connects to receiver/slot if successful.
66     // If *alreadyConnected is true, just returns false to prevent multiple connections.
67     static const auto tryConnect = [](const QObject* object, auto sig, auto receiver, auto slot, bool* alreadyConnected) {
68         if (!*alreadyConnected) {
69             auto widget = qobject_cast<const typename FunctionTraits<decltype(sig)>::ClassType*>(object);
70             if (widget) {
71                 *alreadyConnected = QObject::connect(widget, sig, receiver, slot);
72                 return *alreadyConnected;
73             }
74         }
75         return false;
76     };
78     // Unpack the tuple and try to connect to each contained signal in order
79     bool alreadyConnected{false};
80     auto results = {tryConnect(widget, std::get<Is>(supportedWidgetChangedSignals), receiver, slot, &alreadyConnected)...};
81     return std::any_of(results.begin(), results.end(), [](bool result) { return result; });
82 }
84 }  // namespace detail
86 /**
87  * Connects the given widget's changed signal to the given receiver/context and slot.
88  *
89  * Changed signals for supported widgets are listed in detail::supportedWidgetChangedSignals.
90  *
91  * @note The slot must not take any arguments.
92  *
93  * @param widget   Pointer to the widget
94  * @param receiver Receiver of the signal (or context for the connection)
95  * @param slot     Receiving slot (or functor, or whatever)
96  * @returns true if the widget type is supported, false otherwise
97  */
98 template<typename Receiver, typename Slot>
connectToWidgetChangedSignal(const QObject * widget,const Receiver * receiver,Slot slot)99 bool connectToWidgetChangedSignal(const QObject* widget, const Receiver* receiver, Slot slot)
100 {
101     return detail::tryConnectChangedSignal(widget,
102                                            receiver,
103                                            slot,
104                                            std::make_index_sequence<std::tuple_size<decltype(detail::supportedWidgetChangedSignals)>::value>{});
105 }
107 /**
108  * Connects the given widgets' changed signals to the given receiver/context and slot.
109  *
110  * Changed signals for supported widgets are listed in detail::supportedWidgetChangedSignals.
111  *
112  * @note The slot must not take any arguments.
113  *
114  * @param widget   Pointer to the widget
115  * @param receiver Receiver of the signal (or context for the connection)
116  * @param slot     Receiving slot (or functor, or whatever)
117  * @returns true if all given widget types are supported, false otherwise
118  */
119 template<typename Container, typename Receiver, typename Slot>
connectToWidgetsChangedSignals(const Container & widgets,const Receiver * receiver,Slot slot)120 bool connectToWidgetsChangedSignals(const Container& widgets, const Receiver* receiver, Slot slot)
121 {
122     bool success = true;
123     for (auto&& widget : widgets) {
124         success &= detail::tryConnectChangedSignal(widget,
125                                                    receiver,
126                                                    slot,
127                                                    std::make_index_sequence<
128                                                        std::tuple_size<decltype(detail::supportedWidgetChangedSignals)>::value>{});
129     }
130     return success;
131 }
133 /**
134  * @overload
135  * Convenience overload that allows brace-initializing the list of widgets.
136  */
137 template<typename Receiver, typename Slot>
connectToWidgetsChangedSignals(const std::initializer_list<const QObject * > & widgets,const Receiver * receiver,Slot slot)138 bool connectToWidgetsChangedSignals(const std::initializer_list<const QObject*>& widgets, const Receiver* receiver, Slot slot)
139 {
140     return connectToWidgetsChangedSignals(std::vector<const QObject*>{widgets}, receiver, slot);
141 }