1 /* $Id $ */
2 /*
3   VRAM direct write routine for PC9801
4   written by A.Shirahashi, KEK
5 */
7 /*
8  * $Log: putline.c,v $
9  * Revision 1.3  2001/03/09 15:53:14  amura
10  * enable to really work autosave feature
11  *
12  * Revision 1.2  2001/01/20 15:47:23  amura
13  * putline() support Hojo Kanji now
14  *
15  * Revision  2000/06/27 01:47:58  amura
16  * import to CVS
17  *
18  */
19 /*
20    90.03.31	Modified by A.Shirahashi, support for 'SO' mode line
21    90.03.28	Created by A.Shirahashi
22 */
24 #include	"config.h"	/* 90.12.20  by S.Yoshida */
25 #include	"def.h"
27 #include <dos.h>
29 #ifndef	__TURBOC__	/* 90.04.06  by S.Yoshida */
30 #define MK_FP(seg,ofs)	((void far *) \
31 			   (((unsigned long)(seg) << 16) | (unsigned)(ofs)))
33 #define poke(a,b,c)	(*((int  far*)MK_FP((a),(b))) = (int)(c))
34 #define pokeb(a,b,c)	(*((char far*)MK_FP((a),(b))) = (char)(c))
35 #endif	/* __TURBOC__ */
37 #ifdef	PC9801	/* 90.03.30  by S.Yoshida ("#ifdef" line only) */
38 #define	iseuc1st(c)	((c) >= 0xa1 && (c) <= 0xfe)
39 #define	etoj(c1, c2)	{c1 &= 0x7f; c2 &= 0x7f;}
41 #define VRAM_SEG 0xa000
42 #define ATTR_SEG 0xa200
44 #define C_BLUE   0x02
45 #define C_RED    0x04
46 #define C_PURPLE 0x06
47 #define C_GREEN  0x08
48 #define C_CYAN   0xa0
49 #define C_YELLOW 0xc0
50 #define C_WHITE  0xe0
52 #define A_NORMAL 0x01
53 #define A_REVERSE 0x05
55 #define CNONE   0                       /* Unknown color.               */
56 #define CTEXT   1                       /* Text color.                  */
57 #define CMODE   2                       /* Mode line color.             */
59 #ifndef TCCONIO
60 extern char *SO;
61 #endif
63 #ifdef HOJO_KANJI
64 #include "kinit.h"	/* for TOUFU charactor */
65 #endif
68 #ifdef SS_SUPPORT  /* 92.11.21  by S.Sasaki */
putline(int row,int column,unsigned char * s,unsigned char * t,short color)69 putline(int row, int column, unsigned char *s, unsigned char *t, short color)
70 #else  /* not  SS_SUPPORT */
71 putline(int row, int column, unsigned char *s, short color)
72 #endif /* SS_SUPPORT */
73 {
74     unsigned int dest;
75     unsigned int c1, c2;
76     int attr;
78     dest = 160 * (row - 1);
79     if( color == CTEXT ) {
80         attr = C_WHITE|A_NORMAL;
81     } else if( color == CMODE ) {
82 #ifdef TCCONIO
83 	    attr = C_WHITE|A_REVERSE;
84 #else
85     	switch( atoi(SO+2) ) {
86     	    case 7: attr = C_WHITE|A_REVERSE; break;
87 	    case 17: case 31: attr = C_RED|A_NORMAL; break;
88 	    case 18: case 34: attr = C_BLUE|A_NORMAL; break;
89 	    case 19: case 35: attr = C_PURPLE|A_NORMAL; break;
90 	    case 20: case 32: attr = C_GREEN|A_NORMAL; break;
91             case 21: case 33: attr = C_YELLOW|A_NORMAL; break;
92     	    case 22: case 36: attr = C_CYAN|A_NORMAL; break;
93 	    case 23: case 37: attr = C_WHITE|A_NORMAL; break;
94 	    case 41: attr = C_RED|A_REVERSE; break;
95 	    case 44: attr = C_BLUE|A_REVERSE; break;
96 	    case 45: attr = C_PURPLE|A_REVERSE; break;
97 	    case 42: attr = C_GREEN|A_REVERSE; break;
98             case 43: attr = C_YELLOW|A_REVERSE; break;
99     	    case 46: attr = C_CYAN|A_REVERSE; break;
100 	    case 47: attr = C_WHITE|A_REVERSE; break;
101 	    default: attr = C_WHITE|A_REVERSE; break;
102 	}
103 #endif
104     }
106     while( *s && dest < 160 * row) {
107 #ifdef HANKANA  /* 92.11.21  by S.Sasaki */
108 	if ( ISHANKANA(*s) ) {
109             pokeb(ATTR_SEG, dest, attr);
110             poke(VRAM_SEG, dest, *t++);
111 	    ++s;
112 	    dest += 2;
113 	} else
114 #endif /* HANKANA */
115 #ifdef HOJO_KANJI
116 	if ( ISHOJO(*s) ) {
117             pokeb(ATTR_SEG, dest, attr);
118             pokeb(VRAM_SEG, dest++, TOUFU1ST - 0x20);
119             pokeb(VRAM_SEG, dest++, TOUFU2ND);
120             pokeb(ATTR_SEG, dest, attr);
121             pokeb(VRAM_SEG, dest++, TOUFU1ST - 0x20);
122             pokeb(VRAM_SEG, dest++, TOUFU2ND + 0x80);
123 	    s += 3;
124 	} else
125 #endif
126         if( iseuc1st(*s) ) {
127             c1 = *s++;
128             c2 = *s++;
129 #ifdef HANKANA  /* 92.11.21  by S.Sasaki */
130 	    t += 2;
131 #endif /* HANKANA */
132             etoj(c1, c2);
133             pokeb(ATTR_SEG, dest, attr);
134             pokeb(VRAM_SEG, dest++, c1 - 0x20);
135             pokeb(VRAM_SEG, dest++, c2);
136             pokeb(ATTR_SEG, dest, attr);
137             pokeb(VRAM_SEG, dest++, c1 - 0x20);
138             pokeb(VRAM_SEG, dest++, c2 + 0x80);
139         } else {
140             pokeb(ATTR_SEG, dest, attr);
141 #ifdef BACKSLASH
142             if (*s == '\\') {
143                 poke(VRAM_SEG, dest, 0xfc);
144                 ++s;
145             } else
146 #endif /* BACKSLASH */
147                 poke(VRAM_SEG, dest, *s++);
148 #ifdef HANKANA  /* 92.11.21  by S.Sasaki */
149 	    ++t;
150 #endif /* HANKANA */
151             dest += 2;
152         }
153     }
154 }
155 #endif	/* PC9801 */