1 /*******************************************************************************
2  * Copyright (c) 2004, 2013 IBM Corporation and others.
3  *
4  * This program and the accompanying materials
5  * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
6  * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
7  * https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0/
8  *
9  * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
10  *
11  * Contributors:
12  *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
13  *******************************************************************************/
14 package org.eclipse.osgi.tests.resolver;
16 import org.eclipse.osgi.service.resolver.*;
17 import org.eclipse.osgi.tests.services.resolver.AbstractStateTest;
18 import org.osgi.framework.BundleException;
20 public class TestCycle_005 extends AbstractStateTest {
TestCycle_005(String testName)21 	public TestCycle_005(String testName) {
22 		super(testName);
23 	}
25 	BundleDescription bundle_1 = null;
26 	BundleDescription bundle_2 = null;
27 	BundleDescription bundle_3 = null;
testTest_002()29 	public void testTest_002() {
30 		State state = buildEmptyState();
31 		StateObjectFactory sof = StateObjectFactory.defaultFactory;
33 		bundle_1 = create_bundle_1(sof);
34 		bundle_2 = create_bundle_2(sof);
35 		bundle_3 = create_bundle_3(sof);
36 		//***************************************************
37 		// stage a
38 		// expect to pass =true
39 		//***************************************************
40 		addBundlesToState_a(state);
41 		//***************************************************
42 		try {
43 			state.resolve();
44 		} catch (Throwable t) {
45 			fail("unexpected exception class=" + t.getClass().getName() + " message=" + t.getMessage());
46 			return;
47 		}
48 		checkBundlesResolved_a();
49 		checkWiring_a();
50 	} // end of method
checkWiringState_1()52 	public void checkWiringState_1() {
53 	} // end method
checkWiringState_2()55 	public void checkWiringState_2() {
56 		ExportPackageDescription[] exports = bundle_2.getResolvedImports();
57 		assertNotNull("export array is unexpectedly null", exports);
58 		assertTrue("export array is unexpectedly empty", exports.length > 0);
59 		for (ExportPackageDescription exp : exports) {
60 			String exportPackageName = exp.getName();
61 			assertNotNull("package name is null", exportPackageName);
62 			if (exportPackageName.equals("q")) {
63 				assertNotNull("Package [q] is not wired when it should be ", exp.getExporter());
64 				assertEquals("Package [q] is wired incorrectly ", exp.getExporter(), bundle_3);
65 			}
66 		} // end for
67 	} // end method
checkWiringState_3()69 	public void checkWiringState_3() {
70 		ExportPackageDescription[] exports = bundle_3.getResolvedImports();
71 		assertNotNull("export array is unexpectedly null", exports);
72 		assertTrue("export array is unexpectedly empty", exports.length > 0);
73 		for (ExportPackageDescription exp : exports) {
74 			String exportPackageName = exp.getName();
75 			assertNotNull("package name is null", exportPackageName);
76 			if (exportPackageName.equals("r")) {
77 				assertNotNull("Package [r] is not wired when it should be ", exp.getExporter());
78 				assertEquals("Package [r] is wired incorrectly ", exp.getExporter(), bundle_2);
79 			}
80 		} // end for
81 	} // end method
checkWiring_a()83 	public void checkWiring_a() {
84 		checkWiringState_1();
85 		checkWiringState_2();
86 		checkWiringState_3();
87 	} // end method
addBundlesToState_a(State state)89 	public void addBundlesToState_a(State state) {
90 		boolean added = false;
91 		added = state.addBundle(bundle_1);
92 		assertTrue("failed to add bundle ", added);
93 		added = state.addBundle(bundle_2);
94 		assertTrue("failed to add bundle ", added);
95 		added = state.addBundle(bundle_3);
96 		assertTrue("failed to add bundle ", added);
97 	} // end method
checkBundlesResolved_a()99 	public void checkBundlesResolved_a() {
100 		assertTrue("unexpected bundle resolution state", !bundle_1.isResolved());
101 		assertTrue("unexpected bundle resolution state", bundle_2.isResolved());
102 		assertTrue("unexpected bundle resolution state", bundle_3.isResolved());
103 	} // end method
create_bundle_1(StateObjectFactory sof)105 	public BundleDescription create_bundle_1(StateObjectFactory sof) {
106 		java.util.Dictionary dictionary_1 = new java.util.Properties();
107 		BundleDescription bundle = null;
108 		dictionary_1.put("Bundle-ManifestVersion", "2");
109 		dictionary_1.put("Bundle-SymbolicName", "A");
110 		dictionary_1.put("Export-Package", "r; version=2.0");
111 		dictionary_1.put("Import-Package", "p; version=1.0, z; version=1.0");
112 		try {
113 			bundle = sof.createBundleDescription(dictionary_1, "bundle_1", 1);
114 		} catch (BundleException be) {
115 			fail(be.getMessage());
116 		}
117 		return bundle;
118 	} // end of method
create_bundle_2(StateObjectFactory sof)120 	public BundleDescription create_bundle_2(StateObjectFactory sof) {
121 		java.util.Dictionary dictionary_2 = new java.util.Properties();
122 		BundleDescription bundle = null;
123 		dictionary_2.put("Bundle-ManifestVersion", "2");
124 		dictionary_2.put("Bundle-SymbolicName", "B");
125 		dictionary_2.put("Export-Package", "p; version=1.0, r; version=1.0");
126 		dictionary_2.put("Import-Package", "q; version=1.0");
127 		try {
128 			bundle = sof.createBundleDescription(dictionary_2, "bundle_2", 2);
129 		} catch (BundleException be) {
130 			fail(be.getMessage());
131 		}
132 		return bundle;
133 	} // end of method
create_bundle_3(StateObjectFactory sof)135 	public BundleDescription create_bundle_3(StateObjectFactory sof) {
136 		java.util.Dictionary dictionary_3 = new java.util.Properties();
137 		BundleDescription bundle = null;
138 		dictionary_3.put("Bundle-ManifestVersion", "2");
139 		dictionary_3.put("Bundle-SymbolicName", "C");
140 		dictionary_3.put("Export-Package", "q; version=1.0");
141 		dictionary_3.put("Import-Package", "r; version=1.0");
142 		try {
143 			bundle = sof.createBundleDescription(dictionary_3, "bundle_3", 3);
144 		} catch (BundleException be) {
145 			fail(be.getMessage());
146 		}
147 		return bundle;
148 	} // end of method
150 } // end of testcase