1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2003, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
10  *
11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
15  * accompanied this code).
16  *
17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
20  *
21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
23  * questions.
24  */
26 //#define USE_ERROR
27 //#define USE_TRACE
29 #include <CoreAudio/CoreAudio.h>
30 #include <IOKit/audio/IOAudioTypes.h>
32 #include "PLATFORM_API_MacOSX_Utils.h"
34 extern "C" {
35 #include "Ports.h"
36 }
38 #if USE_PORTS == TRUE
40 /* If a device has the only AudioStream in the scope (input or output),
41  * PortMixer provides a single Port, using the stream kAudioStreamPropertyTerminalType
42  * property value to determine Port.Type (PORT_GetPortType function).
43  * If the device has several (more than 1) AudioStreams, there are 2 ways to represent Ports:
44  * 1. (HALLab-style) single Port which represents all device channels with
45  *    "master volume" and (if number of channel is 2) "master balance"; if AudioDevice
46  *    does not provide "master" controls, implement "virtual master" controls.
48  * 2. provide a separate Port for every AudioStream (with appropriate Port.Type);
49  *
50  * AudioHardware.h claims that AudioStream objects share AudioControl objects with their owning AudioDevice.
51  * In practice 10.7 OSX drivers (built-in devices, USB audio) implement AudioControl only for AudioDevice.
52  * For now 1st way is implemented (2nd way can be better if AudioStreams provide AudioControls).
53  */
55 static DeviceList deviceCache;
57 #define FourCC2Str(n) ((char[5]){(char)(n >> 24), (char)(n >> 16), (char)(n >> 8), (char)(n), 0})
60 // CoreAudio's AudioControl
61 struct AudioControl {
62     AudioObjectID controlID;
63     AudioClassID classID;               // kAudioVolumeControlClassID etc.
64     AudioObjectPropertyScope scope;     // input, output
65     AudioObjectPropertyElement channel; // master = 0, channels = 1 2 ...
66 };
68 // Controls for Java
69 // PortMixer do all memory management (alloc/free audioControls)
70 struct PortControl {
71     enum ControlType {
72         Volume,     // manages single or multiple volume AudioControl
73         Mute,       // manages single or multiple mute AudioControls
74         Balance     // "virtual" control, manages 2 volume AudioControls (only for stereo lines)
75     };
76     ControlType type;
78     int controlCount;
79     AudioControl **audioControls;
81     PortControl *next;  // to organize PortControl list
82 };
84 // represents line (port) for PortMixer
85 // used for PORT_GetPortCount/PORT_GetPortType/PORT_GetPortName functions
86 struct PortLine {
87     AudioObjectPropertyScope scope;
88     // if the device has several AudioStreams in the scope, streamID == 0
89     AudioStreamID streamID;
90 };
92 struct PortMixer {
93     AudioDeviceID deviceID;
95     int portCount;
96     PortLine ports[2]; // maximum 2 lines - 1 for input & 1 for output
98     int deviceControlCount; // -1 means "not initialized"
99     AudioControl *deviceControls;
101     PortControl *portControls;  // list of port controls
103     bool listenersInstalled;
104 };
107 void RemoveChangeListeners(PortMixer *mixer);   // forward declaration
ChangeListenerProc(AudioObjectID inObjectID,UInt32 inNumberAddresses,const AudioObjectPropertyAddress inAddresses[],void * inClientData)109 OSStatus ChangeListenerProc(AudioObjectID inObjectID, UInt32 inNumberAddresses,
110         const AudioObjectPropertyAddress inAddresses[], void *inClientData)
111 {
112     PortMixer *mixer = (PortMixer *)inClientData;
114     OSStatus err = noErr;
115     UInt32 size;
117     bool invalid = false;
119     for (UInt32 i = 0; i < inNumberAddresses; i++) {
120         switch (inAddresses[i].mSelector) {
121         case kAudioHardwarePropertyDevices:
122             // check if the device has been removed
123             err = GetAudioObjectPropertySize(kAudioObjectSystemObject, kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal,
124                 kAudioHardwarePropertyDevices, &size);
125             if (err == noErr) {
126                 int count = size/sizeof(AudioDeviceID);
127                 AudioDeviceID devices[count];
128                 err = GetAudioObjectProperty(kAudioObjectSystemObject, kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal,
129                     kAudioHardwarePropertyDevices, count*sizeof(AudioDeviceID), devices, 1);
130                 if (err == noErr) {
131                     bool found = false;
132                     for (int j = 0; j < count; j++) {
133                         if (devices[j] == mixer->deviceID) {
134                             found = true;
135                             break;
136                         }
137                     }
138                     if (!found) {
139                         invalid = true;
140                     }
141                 }
142             }
143             break;
144         case kAudioObjectPropertyOwnedObjects:
145         case kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceHasChanged:
146             // ensure all _used_ AudioControl are valid
147             err = GetAudioObjectPropertySize(mixer->deviceID, kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal,
148                 kAudioObjectPropertyOwnedObjects, &size);
149             if (err == noErr) {
150                 int count = size / sizeof(AudioObjectID);
151                 AudioObjectID controlIDs[count];
152                 err = GetAudioObjectProperty(mixer->deviceID, kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal,
153                     kAudioObjectPropertyOwnedObjects, count * sizeof(AudioObjectID), &controlIDs, 1);
154                 if (err == noErr) {
155                     for (PortControl *ctrl = mixer->portControls; ctrl != NULL; ctrl = ctrl->next) {
156                         for (int i = 0; i < ctrl->controlCount; i++) {
157                             bool found = false;
158                             for (int j = 0; j < count; j++) {
159                                 if (ctrl->audioControls[i]->controlID == controlIDs[j]) {
160                                     found = true;
161                                     break;
162                                 }
163                             }
164                             if (!found) {
165                                 invalid = true;
166                                 break;  // goto next control
167                             }
168                         }
169                     }
170                 }
171             }
172         }
173     }
175     if (invalid) {
176         TRACE1("PortMixer (deviceID=0x%x) becomes invalid", (int)mixer->deviceID);
177         // invalidate all controls
178         for (int i=0; i<mixer->deviceControlCount; i++) {
179             mixer->deviceControls[i].controlID = 0;
180         }
181         RemoveChangeListeners(mixer);
182     }
185     return noErr;
186 }
188 const AudioObjectPropertyAddress changeListenersAddresses[] = {
189     {kAudioHardwarePropertyDevices, kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal, kAudioObjectPropertyElementMaster},
190     {kAudioObjectPropertyOwnedObjects, kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal, kAudioObjectPropertyElementMaster},
191     {kAudioDevicePropertyDeviceHasChanged, kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal, kAudioObjectPropertyElementMaster}
192 };
AddChangeListeners(PortMixer * mixer)194 void AddChangeListeners(PortMixer *mixer) {
195     if (!mixer->listenersInstalled) {
196         for (size_t i=0; i<sizeof(changeListenersAddresses)/sizeof(changeListenersAddresses[0]); i++) {
197             AudioObjectAddPropertyListener(mixer->deviceID, &changeListenersAddresses[i], ChangeListenerProc, mixer);
198         }
199         mixer->listenersInstalled = true;
200     }
201 }
RemoveChangeListeners(PortMixer * mixer)203 void RemoveChangeListeners(PortMixer *mixer) {
204     if (mixer->listenersInstalled) {
205         for (size_t i=0; i<sizeof(changeListenersAddresses)/sizeof(changeListenersAddresses[0]); i++) {
206             AudioObjectRemovePropertyListener(mixer->deviceID, &changeListenersAddresses[i], ChangeListenerProc, mixer);
207         }
208         mixer->listenersInstalled = false;
209     }
210 }
213 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
214 // functions from Port.h
PORT_GetPortMixerCount()216 INT32 PORT_GetPortMixerCount() {
217     deviceCache.Refresh();
218     int count = deviceCache.GetCount();
219     TRACE1("<<PORT_GetPortMixerCount = %d\n", count);
220     return count;
221 }
PORT_GetPortMixerDescription(INT32 mixerIndex,PortMixerDescription * mixerDescription)223 INT32 PORT_GetPortMixerDescription(INT32 mixerIndex, PortMixerDescription* mixerDescription) {
224     bool result = deviceCache.GetDeviceInfo(mixerIndex, NULL, PORT_STRING_LENGTH,
225             mixerDescription->name, mixerDescription->vendor, mixerDescription->description, mixerDescription->version);
226     return result ? TRUE : FALSE;
227 }
PORT_Open(INT32 mixerIndex)229 void* PORT_Open(INT32 mixerIndex) {
230     TRACE1("\n>>PORT_Open (mixerIndex=%d)\n", (int)mixerIndex);
231     PortMixer *mixer = (PortMixer *)calloc(1, sizeof(PortMixer));
233     mixer->deviceID = deviceCache.GetDeviceID(mixerIndex);
234     if (mixer->deviceID != 0) {
235         mixer->deviceControlCount = -1; // not initialized
236         // fill mixer->ports (and mixer->portCount)
237         for (int i=0; i<2; i++) {
238             OSStatus err;
239             UInt32 size = 0;
240             AudioObjectPropertyScope scope =
241                 (i == 0) ? kAudioDevicePropertyScopeInput : kAudioDevicePropertyScopeOutput;
243             err = GetAudioObjectPropertySize(mixer->deviceID, scope, kAudioDevicePropertyStreams, &size);
244             if (err || size == 0) {
245                 continue;
246             }
247             if (size / sizeof(AudioStreamID) == 1) {
248                 // the device has the only AudioStream
249                 AudioStreamID streamID;
250                 err = GetAudioObjectProperty(mixer->deviceID, scope, kAudioDevicePropertyStreams,
251                     sizeof(streamID), &streamID, 1);
252                 if (err) {
253                     continue;
254                 }
255                 mixer->ports[mixer->portCount].streamID = streamID;
256             } else {
257                 // the device has several AudioStreams in the scope
258                 mixer->ports[mixer->portCount].streamID = 0;
259             }
260             mixer->ports[mixer->portCount].scope = scope;
261             mixer->portCount++;
262         }
263     }
265     TRACE2("<<PORT_Open (mixerIndex=%d) %p\n", mixerIndex, mixer);
266     return mixer;
267 }
PORT_Close(void * id)270 void PORT_Close(void* id) {
271     TRACE1(">>PORT_Close %p\n", id);
272     PortMixer *mixer = (PortMixer *)id;
274     if (mixer) {
275         RemoveChangeListeners(mixer);
276         while (mixer->portControls != NULL) {
277             PortControl *control2delete = mixer->portControls;
278             mixer->portControls = control2delete->next;
280             if (control2delete->audioControls != NULL) {
281                 free(control2delete->audioControls);
282             }
283             free(control2delete);
284         }
285         if (mixer->deviceControls) {
286             free(mixer->deviceControls);
287         }
288         free(mixer);
289     }
290     TRACE1("<<PORT_Close %p\n", mixer);
291 }
PORT_GetPortCount(void * id)293 INT32 PORT_GetPortCount(void* id) {
294     PortMixer *mixer = (PortMixer *)id;
296     int result = mixer->portCount;
298     TRACE1("<<PORT_GetPortCount = %d\n", result);
299     return result;
300 }
PORT_GetPortType(void * id,INT32 portIndex)302 INT32 PORT_GetPortType(void* id, INT32 portIndex) {
303     PortMixer *mixer = (PortMixer *)id;
304     INT32 ret = 0;
306     if (portIndex < 0 || portIndex >= mixer->portCount) {
307         ERROR1("PORT_GetPortType: line (portIndex = %d) not found\n", portIndex);
308         return 0;
309     }
311     AudioObjectPropertyScope scope = mixer->ports[portIndex].scope;
312     AudioStreamID streamID = mixer->ports[portIndex].streamID;
313     if (streamID != 0) {
314         UInt32 terminalType;
316         OSStatus err = GetAudioObjectProperty(streamID, kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal,
317             kAudioStreamPropertyTerminalType, sizeof(terminalType), &terminalType, 1);
318         if (err) {
319             OS_ERROR1(err, "PORT_GetPortType(kAudioStreamPropertyTerminalType), portIndex=%d", portIndex);
320             return 0;
321         }
323         // Note that kAudioStreamPropertyTerminalType actually returns values from
324         // IOAudioTypes.h, not the defined kAudioStreamTerminalType*.
325         TRACE4("PORT_GetPortType (portIndex=%d), scope=%s, termType=0x%04x (%s)\n",
326             (int)portIndex, FourCC2Str(scope), (int)terminalType, FourCC2Str(terminalType));
327         switch (terminalType) {
328         case INPUT_MICROPHONE:
329             ret = PORT_SRC_MICROPHONE;
330             break;
332         case OUTPUT_SPEAKER:
333             ret = PORT_DST_SPEAKER;
334             break;
335         case OUTPUT_HEADPHONES:
336             ret = PORT_DST_HEADPHONE;
337             break;
340             ret = scope == kAudioDevicePropertyScopeInput ? PORT_SRC_LINE_IN : PORT_DST_LINE_OUT;
341             break;
343         default:
344             TRACE1("  unknown output terminal type %#x\n", terminalType);
345         }
346     } else {
347         TRACE0("  PORT_GetPortType: multiple streams\n");
348     }
350     if (ret == 0) {
351         // if the type not detected, return "common type"
352         ret = scope == kAudioDevicePropertyScopeInput ? PORT_SRC_UNKNOWN : PORT_DST_UNKNOWN;
353     }
355     TRACE2("<<PORT_GetPortType (portIndex=%d) = %d\n", portIndex, ret);
356     return ret;
357 }
PORT_GetPortName(void * id,INT32 portIndex,char * name,INT32 len)359 INT32 PORT_GetPortName(void* id, INT32 portIndex, char* name, INT32 len) {
360     PortMixer *mixer = (PortMixer *)id;
362     name[0] = 0;    // for safety
364     if (portIndex < 0 || portIndex >= mixer->portCount) {
365         ERROR1("PORT_GetPortName: line (portIndex = %d) not found\n", portIndex);
366         return FALSE;
367     }
369     AudioStreamID streamID = mixer->ports[portIndex].streamID;
370     CFStringRef cfname = NULL;
371     if (streamID != 0) {
372         OSStatus err = GetAudioObjectProperty(streamID, kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal,
373             kAudioObjectPropertyName, sizeof(cfname), &cfname, 1);
374         if (err && err != kAudioHardwareUnknownPropertyError) {
375             OS_ERROR1(err, "PORT_GetPortName(stream name), portIndex=%d", portIndex);
376             return FALSE;
377         }
378     }
380     if (!cfname) {
381         // use the device's name if the stream has no name (usually the case)
382         // or the device has several AudioStreams
383         OSStatus err = GetAudioObjectProperty(mixer->deviceID, kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal,
384             kAudioObjectPropertyName, sizeof(cfname), &cfname, 1);
385         if (err) {
386             OS_ERROR1(err, "PORT_GetPortName(device name), portIndex=%d", portIndex);
387             return FALSE;
388         }
389     }
391     if (cfname) {
392         CFStringGetCString(cfname, name, len, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
393         CFRelease(cfname);
394     }
396     TRACE2("<<PORT_GetPortName (portIndex = %d) = %s\n", portIndex, name);
397     return TRUE;
398 }
401 // counts number of valid (non-NULL) elements in the array of AudioControls
ValidControlCount(AudioControl ** arr,int offset,int len)402 static int ValidControlCount(AudioControl **arr, int offset, int len) {
403     int result = 0;
404     int end = offset + len;
405     for (int i=offset; i<end; i++) {
406         if (arr[i] != NULL)
407             result++;
408     }
409     return result;
410 }
412 // returns java control
CreatePortControl(PortMixer * mixer,PortControlCreator * creator,PortControl::ControlType type,AudioControl ** audioControls,int offset,int len)413 static void* CreatePortControl(PortMixer *mixer, PortControlCreator *creator, PortControl::ControlType type,
414                                AudioControl **audioControls, int offset, int len) {
415     void *jControl = NULL;
416     PortControl *control = (PortControl *)calloc(1, sizeof(PortControl));
417     if (control == NULL) {
418         return NULL;
419     }
420     float precision = 0.01;
422     control->type = type;
423     control->controlCount = len;
424     control->audioControls = (AudioControl **)malloc(len * sizeof(AudioControl *));
425     if (control->audioControls == NULL) {
426         free(control);
427         return NULL;
428     }
429     memcpy(control->audioControls, audioControls + offset, len * sizeof(AudioControl *));
431     switch (control->type) {
432     case PortControl::Volume:
433         jControl = creator->newFloatControl(creator, control, CONTROL_TYPE_VOLUME, 0, 1, precision, "");
434         break;
435     case PortControl::Mute:
436         jControl = creator->newBooleanControl(creator, control, CONTROL_TYPE_MUTE);
437         break;
438     case PortControl::Balance:
439         jControl = creator->newFloatControl(creator, control, CONTROL_TYPE_BALANCE, -1, 1, precision, "");
440         break;
441     };
443     if (jControl == NULL) {
444         ERROR0("CreatePortControl: javaControl was not created\n");
445         free(control->audioControls);
446         free(control);
447         return NULL;
448     }
450     // add the control to mixer control list;
451     control->next = mixer->portControls;
452     mixer->portControls = control;
454     return jControl;
455 }
PORT_GetControls(void * id,INT32 portIndex,PortControlCreator * creator)457 void PORT_GetControls(void* id, INT32 portIndex, PortControlCreator* creator) {
458     PortMixer *mixer = (PortMixer *)id;
460     TRACE1(">>PORT_GetControls (portIndex = %d)\n", portIndex);
462     if (portIndex < 0 || portIndex >= mixer->portCount) {
463         ERROR1("<<PORT_GetControls: line (portIndex = %d) not found\n", portIndex);
464         return;
465     }
467     PortLine *port = &(mixer->ports[portIndex]);
469     if (mixer->deviceControlCount < 0) {    // not initialized
470         OSStatus err;
471         UInt32 size;
472         // deviceControlCount is overestimated
473         // because we don't actually filter by if the owned objects are controls
474         err = GetAudioObjectPropertySize(mixer->deviceID, kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal,
475             kAudioObjectPropertyOwnedObjects, &size);
477         if (err) {
478             OS_ERROR1(err, "PORT_GetControls (portIndex = %d) get OwnedObject size", portIndex);
479         } else {
480             mixer->deviceControlCount = size / sizeof(AudioObjectID);
481             TRACE1("  PORT_GetControls: detected %d owned objects\n", mixer->deviceControlCount);
483             AudioObjectID controlIDs[mixer->deviceControlCount];
485             err = GetAudioObjectProperty(mixer->deviceID, kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal,
486                 kAudioObjectPropertyOwnedObjects, sizeof(controlIDs), controlIDs, 1);
488             if (err) {
489                 OS_ERROR1(err, "PORT_GetControls (portIndex = %d) get OwnedObject values", portIndex);
490             } else {
491                 mixer->deviceControls = (AudioControl *)calloc(mixer->deviceControlCount, sizeof(AudioControl));
492                 if (mixer->deviceControls == NULL) {
493                     return;
494                 }
496                 for (int i = 0; i < mixer->deviceControlCount; i++) {
497                     AudioControl *control = &mixer->deviceControls[i];
499                     control->controlID = controlIDs[i];
501                     OSStatus err1 = GetAudioObjectProperty(control->controlID, kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal,
502                         kAudioObjectPropertyClass, sizeof(control->classID), &control->classID, 1);
503                     OSStatus err2 = GetAudioObjectProperty(control->controlID, kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal,
504                         kAudioControlPropertyScope, sizeof(control->scope), &control->scope, 1);
505                     OSStatus err3 = GetAudioObjectProperty(control->controlID, kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal,
506                         kAudioControlPropertyElement, sizeof(control->channel), &control->channel, 1);
507                     if (err1 || err2 || err3) { // not a control or other error
508                         control->classID = 0;
509                         continue;
510                     }
512                     TRACE4("- control 0x%x, class='%s', scope='%s', channel=%d\n",
513                         control->controlID, FourCC2Str(control->classID), FourCC2Str(control->scope), control->channel);
514                 }
515             }
516         }
517     }
519     if (mixer->deviceControlCount <= 0) {
520         TRACE1("<<PORT_GetControls (portIndex = %d): no owned AudioControls\n", portIndex);
521         return;
522     }
524     int totalChannels = GetChannelCount(mixer->deviceID, port->scope == kAudioDevicePropertyScopeOutput ? 1 : 0);
526     // collect volume and mute controls
527     AudioControl* volumeControls[totalChannels+1];  // 0 - for master channel
528     memset(&volumeControls, 0, sizeof(AudioControl *) * (totalChannels+1));
529     AudioControl* muteControls[totalChannels+1];  // 0 - for master channel
530     memset(&muteControls, 0, sizeof(AudioControl *) * (totalChannels+1));
532     for (int i=0; i<mixer->deviceControlCount; i++) {
533         AudioControl *control = &mixer->deviceControls[i];
534         if (control->classID == 0 || control->scope != port->scope || control->channel > (unsigned)totalChannels) {
535             continue;
536         }
537         if (control->classID == kAudioVolumeControlClassID) {
538             if (volumeControls[control->channel] == NULL) {
539                 volumeControls[control->channel] = control;
540             } else {
541                 ERROR4("WARNING: duplicate VOLUME control 0x%x, class='%s', scope='%s', channel=%d\n",
542                     control->controlID, FourCC2Str(control->classID), FourCC2Str(control->scope), control->channel);
543             }
544         } else if (control->classID == kAudioMuteControlClassID) {
545             if (muteControls[control->channel] == NULL) {
546                 muteControls[control->channel] = control;
547             } else {
548                 ERROR4("WARNING: duplicate MUTE control 0x%x, class='%s', scope='%s', channel=%d\n",
549                     control->controlID, FourCC2Str(control->classID), FourCC2Str(control->scope), control->channel);
550             }
551         } else {
552 #ifdef USE_ERROR
553             if (control->classID != 0) {
554                 ERROR4("WARNING: unhandled control 0x%x, class='%s', scope='%s', channel=%d\n",
555                     control->controlID, FourCC2Str(control->classID), FourCC2Str(control->scope), control->channel);
556             }
557 #endif
558         }
559     }
561     ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
562     // create java control hierarchy
564     void *masterVolume = NULL, *masterMute = NULL, *masterBalance = NULL;
565     // volumeControls[0] and muteControls[0] - master volume/mute
566     // volumeControls[n] and muteControls[n] (n=1..totalChannels) - corresponding channel controls
567     if (volumeControls[0] != NULL) {    // "master volume" AudioControl
568         masterVolume = CreatePortControl(mixer, creator, PortControl::Volume, volumeControls, 0, 1);
569     } else {
570         if (ValidControlCount(volumeControls, 1, totalChannels) == totalChannels) {
571             // every channel has volume control => create virtual master volume
572             masterVolume = CreatePortControl(mixer, creator, PortControl::Volume, volumeControls, 1, totalChannels);
573         } else {
574             TRACE2("  PORT_GetControls (master volume): totalChannels = %d, valid volume controls = %d\n",
575                 totalChannels, ValidControlCount(volumeControls, 1, totalChannels));
576         }
577     }
579     if (muteControls[0] != NULL) {      // "master mute"
580         masterMute = CreatePortControl(mixer, creator, PortControl::Mute, muteControls, 0, 1);
581     } else {
582         if (ValidControlCount(muteControls, 1, totalChannels) == totalChannels) {
583             // every channel has mute control => create virtual master mute control
584             masterMute = CreatePortControl(mixer, creator, PortControl::Mute, muteControls, 1, totalChannels);
585         } else {
586             TRACE2("  PORT_GetControls (master mute): totalChannels = %d, valid volume controls = %d\n",
587                 totalChannels, ValidControlCount(muteControls, 1, totalChannels));
588         }
589     }
591     // virtual balance
592     if (totalChannels == 2) {
593         if (ValidControlCount(volumeControls, 1, totalChannels) == totalChannels) {
594             masterBalance = CreatePortControl(mixer, creator, PortControl::Balance, volumeControls, 1, totalChannels);
595         } else {
596             TRACE2("  PORT_GetControls (naster balance): totalChannels = %d, valid volume controls = %d\n",
597                 totalChannels, ValidControlCount(volumeControls, 1, totalChannels));
598         }
599     }
601     // add "master" controls
602     if (masterVolume != NULL) {
603         creator->addControl(creator, masterVolume);
604     }
605     if (masterBalance != NULL) {
606         creator->addControl(creator, masterBalance);
607     }
608     if (masterMute != NULL) {
609         creator->addControl(creator, masterMute);
610     }
612     // don't add per-channel controls for mono & stereo - they are handled by "master" controls
613     // TODO: this should be reviewed to handle controls other than mute & volume
614     if (totalChannels > 2) {
615         // add separate compound control for each channel (containing volume and mute)
616         // (ensure that we have controls)
617         if (ValidControlCount(volumeControls, 1, totalChannels) > 0 || ValidControlCount(muteControls, 1, totalChannels) > 0) {
618             for (int ch=1; ch<=totalChannels; ch++) {
619                 // get the channel name
620                 char *channelName;
621                 CFStringRef cfname = NULL;
622                 const AudioObjectPropertyAddress address = {kAudioObjectPropertyElementName, port->scope, ch};
623                 UInt32 size = sizeof(cfname);
624                 OSStatus err = AudioObjectGetPropertyData(mixer->deviceID, &address, 0, NULL, &size, &cfname);
625                 if (err == noErr) {
626                     CFIndex length = CFStringGetLength(cfname) + 1;
627                     channelName = (char *)malloc(length);
628                     if (channelName == NULL) {
629                         return;
630                     }
631                     CFStringGetCString(cfname, channelName, length, kCFStringEncodingUTF8);
632                     CFRelease(cfname);
633                 } else {
634                     channelName = (char *)malloc(16);
635                     if (channelName == NULL) {
636                         return;
637                     }
638                     sprintf(channelName, "Ch %d", ch);
639                 }
641                 void* jControls[2];
642                 int controlCount = 0;
643                 if (volumeControls[ch] != NULL) {
644                     jControls[controlCount++] = CreatePortControl(mixer, creator, PortControl::Volume, volumeControls, ch, 1);
645                 }
646                 if (muteControls[ch] != NULL) {
647                     jControls[controlCount++] = CreatePortControl(mixer, creator, PortControl::Mute, muteControls, ch, 1);
648                 }
649                 // TODO: add any extra controls for "other" controls for the channel
651                 void *compoundControl = creator->newCompoundControl(creator, channelName, jControls, controlCount);
652                 creator->addControl(creator, compoundControl);
654                 free(channelName);
655             }
656         }
657     }
659     AddChangeListeners(mixer);
661     TRACE1("<<PORT_GetControls (portIndex = %d)\n", portIndex);
662 }
TestPortControlValidity(PortControl * control)664 bool TestPortControlValidity(PortControl *control) {
665     for (int i=0; i<control->controlCount; i++) {
666         if (control->audioControls[i]->controlID == 0)
667             return false;
668     }
669     return true;
670 }
673 #define DEFAULT_MUTE_VALUE 0
PORT_GetIntValue(void * controlIDV)675 INT32 PORT_GetIntValue(void* controlIDV) {
676     PortControl *control = (PortControl *)controlIDV;
677     INT32 result = 0;
679     switch (control->type) {
680     case PortControl::Mute:
681         if (!TestPortControlValidity(control)) {
682             return DEFAULT_MUTE_VALUE;
683         }
684         result = 1; // default is "muted", if some channel in unmuted, then "virtual mute" is also unmuted
685         for (int i=0; i<control->controlCount; i++) {
686             UInt32 value;
687             OSStatus err = GetAudioObjectProperty(control->audioControls[i]->controlID,
688                 kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal, kAudioBooleanControlPropertyValue, sizeof(value), &value, 1);
689             if (err) {
690                 OS_ERROR3(err, "PORT_GetIntValue, control %d of %d (coltrolID = 0x%x)",
691                     i, control->controlCount, control->audioControls[i]->controlID);
692                 return DEFAULT_MUTE_VALUE;
693             }
694             if (value == 0) {
695                 result = 0;
696             }
697         }
698         break;
699     default:
700         ERROR1("PORT_GetIntValue requested for non-Int control (control-type == %d)\n", control->type);
701         return 0;
702     }
704     //TRACE1("<<PORT_GetIntValue = %d\n", result);
705     return result;
706 }
PORT_SetIntValue(void * controlIDV,INT32 value)708 void PORT_SetIntValue(void* controlIDV, INT32 value) {
709     //TRACE1("> PORT_SetIntValue = %d\n", value);
710     PortControl *control = (PortControl *)controlIDV;
712     if (!TestPortControlValidity(control)) {
713         return;
714     }
716     switch (control->type) {
717     case PortControl::Mute:
718         for (int i=0; i<control->controlCount; i++) {
719             OSStatus err = SetAudioObjectProperty(control->audioControls[i]->controlID,
720                 kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal, kAudioBooleanControlPropertyValue, sizeof(value), &value);
721             if (err) {
722                 OS_ERROR3(err, "PORT_SetIntValue, control %d of %d (coltrolID = 0x%x)",
723                     i, control->controlCount, control->audioControls[i]->controlID);
724                 // don't return - try to set the rest of AudioControls
725             }
726         }
727         break;
728     default:
729         ERROR1("PORT_SetIntValue requested for non-Int control (control-type == %d)\n", control->type);
730         return;
731     }
732 }
735 // gets volume value for all AudioControls of the PortControl
GetPortControlVolumes(PortControl * control,Float32 * volumes,Float32 * maxVolume)736 static bool GetPortControlVolumes(PortControl *control, Float32 *volumes, Float32 *maxVolume) {
737     *maxVolume = 0.0f;
738     for (int i=0; i<control->controlCount; i++) {
739         OSStatus err = GetAudioObjectProperty(control->audioControls[i]->controlID,
740             kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal, kAudioLevelControlPropertyScalarValue,
741             sizeof(volumes[i]), &volumes[i], 1);
742         if (err) {
743             OS_ERROR3(err, "GetPortControlVolumes, control %d of %d (controlID = 0x%x)",
744                 i, control->controlCount, control->audioControls[i]->controlID);
745             return false;
746         }
747         if (volumes[i] > *maxVolume) {
748             *maxVolume = volumes[i];
749         }
750     }
751     return true;
752 }
754 // sets volume value for all AudioControls of the PortControl
SetPortControlVolumes(PortControl * control,Float32 * volumes)755 static void SetPortControlVolumes(PortControl *control, Float32 *volumes) {
756     for (int i=0; i<control->controlCount; i++) {
757         OSStatus err = SetAudioObjectProperty(control->audioControls[i]->controlID,
758             kAudioObjectPropertyScopeGlobal, kAudioLevelControlPropertyScalarValue,
759             sizeof(volumes[i]), &volumes[i]);
760         if (err) {
761             OS_ERROR3(err, "SetPortControlVolumes , control %d of %d (coltrolID = 0x%x)",
762                 i, control->controlCount, control->audioControls[i]->controlID);
763             // don't return - try to set the rest of AudioControls
764         }
765     }
766 }
768 #define DEFAULT_VOLUME_VALUE    1.0f
769 #define DEFAULT_BALANCE_VALUE   0.0f
PORT_GetFloatValue(void * controlIDV)771 float PORT_GetFloatValue(void* controlIDV) {
772     PortControl *control = (PortControl *)controlIDV;
773     Float32 result = 0;
775     Float32 subVolumes[control->controlCount];
776     Float32 maxVolume;
778     switch (control->type) {
779     case PortControl::Volume:
780         if (!TestPortControlValidity(control)) {
781             return DEFAULT_VOLUME_VALUE;
782         }
784         if (!GetPortControlVolumes(control, subVolumes, &maxVolume)) {
785             return DEFAULT_VOLUME_VALUE;
786         }
787         result = maxVolume;
788         break;
789     case PortControl::Balance:
790         if (!TestPortControlValidity(control)) {
791             return DEFAULT_BALANCE_VALUE;
792         }
794         // balance control always has 2 volume controls
795         if (!GetPortControlVolumes(control, subVolumes, &maxVolume)) {
796             return DEFAULT_VOLUME_VALUE;
797         }
798         // calculate balance value
799         if (subVolumes[0] > subVolumes[1]) {
800             result = -1.0f + (subVolumes[1] / subVolumes[0]);
801         } else if (subVolumes[1] > subVolumes[0]) {
802             result = 1.0f - (subVolumes[0] / subVolumes[1]);
803         } else {
804             result = 0.0f;
805         }
806         break;
807     default:
808         ERROR1("GetFloatValue requested for non-Float control (control-type == %d)\n", control->type);
809         return 0;
810     }
812     TRACE1("<<PORT_GetFloatValue = %f\n", result);
813     return result;
814 }
PORT_SetFloatValue(void * controlIDV,float value)816 void PORT_SetFloatValue(void* controlIDV, float value) {
817     TRACE1("> PORT_SetFloatValue = %f\n", value);
818     PortControl *control = (PortControl *)controlIDV;
820     if (!TestPortControlValidity(control)) {
821         return;
822     }
824     Float32 subVolumes[control->controlCount];
825     Float32 maxVolume;
827     switch (control->type) {
828     case PortControl::Volume:
829         if (!GetPortControlVolumes(control, subVolumes, &maxVolume)) {
830             return;
831         }
832         // update the values
833         if (maxVolume > 0.001) {
834             float multiplicator = value/maxVolume;
835             for (int i=0; i<control->controlCount; i++)
836                 subVolumes[i] *= multiplicator;
837         } else {
838             // volume for all channels == 0, so set all channels to "value"
839             for (int i=0; i<control->controlCount; i++)
840                 subVolumes[i] = value;
841         }
842         // set new values
843         SetPortControlVolumes(control, subVolumes);
844         break;
845     case PortControl::Balance:
846         // balance control always has 2 volume controls
847         if (!GetPortControlVolumes(control, subVolumes, &maxVolume)) {
848             return;
849         }
850         // calculate new values
851         if (value < 0.0f) {
852             subVolumes[0] = maxVolume;
853             subVolumes[1] = maxVolume * (value + 1.0f);
854         } else {
855             // this case also handles value == 0
856             subVolumes[0] = maxVolume * (1.0f - value);
857             subVolumes[1] = maxVolume;
858         }
859         // set new values
860         SetPortControlVolumes(control, subVolumes);
861         break;
862     default:
863         ERROR1("PORT_SetFloatValue requested for non-Float control (control-type == %d)\n", control->type);
864         return;
865     }
866 }
868 #endif // USE_PORTS