1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 1998, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
8  *
9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
13  * accompanied this code).
14  *
15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
18  *
19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
21  * questions.
22  */
24 package jit.graph;
25 import java.io.*;
26 import java.util.*;
27 import java.lang.*;
28 import java.lang.reflect.*;
29 import nsk.share.TestFailure;
32 public final class Globals
33 {
34     // Minimum and Maximum number of threads
35     public static int     NUM_THREADS      = 1;
36     public static long    RANDOM_SEED      = System.currentTimeMillis();
37     public static int     STATIC_LOOP      = 0;
38     public static int     NUM_TEST_CLASSES = 7;
39     public static long    RANDOM_LOOP      = 100;
40     public static boolean VERBOSE          = false;
41     private static Random indexGenerator   = null;
43   //private static TestLoader CGTTestLoader = null;
44     private static String [] ClassArray = null;
45     private static Class [] ClassInstanceArray = null;
46     private static int       maxClassIndex    = 0;
48     private static String [] MethodName_Array = null;
49     private static Method [] MethodInstance_Array = null;
51     //Should be prime, so that odds of an incorrect verification reduced
52     public static  int    [] MethodID_Array   = null;
55     //Number of threads will be reduced as threads finish
decNumThreads()56     public static synchronized void decNumThreads(){NUM_THREADS--;};
initialize(String testListPath)58     public static synchronized void initialize(String testListPath)
59     {
61         File td = new File (testListPath);
62         if (!td.exists())
63             {
64                 System.err.println("File " + testListPath + " Not found");
65                 System.exit(1);
66             }
67         if (!td.isFile())
68             {
69                 System.err.println(testListPath + " Must be a File");
70                 System.exit(1);
71             }
73         BufferedReader classList = null;
75         try
76           {
77             classList = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(td));
78           }
79         catch (FileNotFoundException  fnfx)
80           {
81             System.err.println("Error finding Classlist");
82             System.exit(1);
83           }
85         String line = null;
86         try
87             {
88                 line = classList.readLine();
89             }
90         catch (IOException iox)
91             {
92                 System.err.println("Error reading Classlist");
93                 System.exit(1);
94             }
96         try
97             {
98                 maxClassIndex = Math.abs(Integer.parseInt(line));//ClassArray.length;
99             }
100         catch (NumberFormatException nfx)
101             {
102                 System.err.println("Error reading Classlist - first number must be number of methods defined");
103                 System.exit(1);
104             }
106         ClassArray = new String [maxClassIndex];
107 ClassInstanceArray = new Class [maxClassIndex];
108         MethodName_Array = new String [maxClassIndex];
109         MethodInstance_Array = new Method [maxClassIndex];
110         MethodID_Array = new int [maxClassIndex];
112         int i;
113         for (i = 0; (i<maxClassIndex) && (line != null); i++)
114             {
115                 try
116                     {
117                         line = classList.readLine();
118                     }
119                 catch (IOException iox)
120                     {
121                         System.err.println("Error reading ClasslistFile: testListPath");
122                         System.exit(1);
123                     }
124                 StringTokenizer lineTokens = new StringTokenizer(line, "\t ");
125                 if (lineTokens.countTokens() <3)
126                   {
127                     System.out.println("Error reading ClasslistFile: Errored line");
128                     i--;
129                   }
130                 else
131                   {
132                     ClassArray[i] = lineTokens.nextToken();
133                     MethodName_Array[i] =lineTokens.nextToken();
134                     MethodID_Array[i] = Integer.parseInt(lineTokens.nextToken());
135                   }
136             }
137         maxClassIndex = i;
139         indexGenerator = new Random(RANDOM_SEED);
140         if ((NUM_TEST_CLASSES < ClassArray.length) && (NUM_TEST_CLASSES > 0))
141           maxClassIndex = NUM_TEST_CLASSES;
142         else
143           NUM_TEST_CLASSES = maxClassIndex;
144     }
146     //does a binary serach to find the index for the ID of a method
ID_BinSearch(int begin, int end, int ID)147     private static int ID_BinSearch(int begin, int end, int ID)
148     {
149         if (end < begin)
150             return(-1);
152         int mid = (begin + end)/2;
153         int midvalue = MethodID_Array[mid];
155         if (ID == midvalue)
156             return (mid);
157         else if (ID < midvalue)
158             return(ID_BinSearch(begin, mid-1, ID));
159         else
160             return(ID_BinSearch(mid+1, end, ID));
161     }
164     //based off a static index, this function selects the method to be called
returnNextStaticMethod(int Method_ID)165     public static MethodData returnNextStaticMethod(int Method_ID)
166     {
167       //int i = ID_BinSearch(0, MethodID_Array.length - 1, Method_ID);
168       int i = ID_BinSearch(0, maxClassIndex - 1, Method_ID);
170       return(nextStaticMethod((i==-1)?0:i));
171     }
173     //this function randomly selects the next method to be called by the test class
nextRandomMethod()174     public static MethodData nextRandomMethod()
175     {
177         int i = indexGenerator.nextInt(maxClassIndex);
178         return(nextStaticMethod(i));
179     }
nextStaticMethod(int i)181     private static MethodData nextStaticMethod(int i)
182     {
183         Class methodsClass = null;
184         Method nextMethod = null;
186         try
187             {
188               //methodsClass = CGTTestLoader.findClass(ClassArray[i]);
189               methodsClass = ClassInstanceArray[i];
190               if (methodsClass == null)
191               {
192                   methodsClass = Class.forName(ClassArray[i]);
193                   ClassInstanceArray[i] = methodsClass;
194               }
195               nextMethod = MethodInstance_Array[i];
196               if (nextMethod == null )
197               {
198               nextMethod =
199                 methodsClass.getMethod(MethodName_Array[i],
200                                        new Class[]{java.util.Vector.class, java.util.Vector.class,
201                                                      java.lang.Long.class, java.lang.Integer.class});
202               //sum vector, ID vector, function depth, static function call depth
203               MethodInstance_Array[i] = nextMethod;
204               }
205             }
206         catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfx)
207             {
208                 System.out.println("Class: " +ClassArray[i]+ " Not Found");
209                 System.exit(-1);
210             }
211         catch (NoSuchMethodException nsmx)
212             {
213                 System.out.println("Class: " +ClassArray[i]);
214                 System.out.println("Method: " +MethodName_Array[i]+" Not Found");
215                 System.exit(-1);
216             }
217         catch (SecurityException sx)
218             {
219                 System.out.println("Class: " +ClassArray[i]);
220                 System.out.println("Method: " +MethodName_Array[i]);
221                 System.out.println("Security Exception Generated, by above method call");
222                 System.exit(-1);
223             }
224         return(new MethodData(ClassArray[i], MethodName_Array[i], methodsClass, nextMethod, MethodID_Array[i]));
225     }
228     /*These two functions are used to verify that all function were called in the proper order*/
230     //called by "parent" function to add childs ID to vector
addFunctionIDToVector(int FunctionIndex, Vector IDVector)231     public static void addFunctionIDToVector(int FunctionIndex, Vector IDVector)
232     {
233         IDVector.addElement(new Integer(FunctionIndex));
234     }
236     //called by "child" to add Function Index to Vector
appendSumToSumationVector(int FunctionIndex, Vector SummationVector)237     public static void appendSumToSumationVector(int FunctionIndex, Vector SummationVector)
238     {
239         if (SummationVector.isEmpty())
240             SummationVector.addElement(new Long(FunctionIndex));
241         else
242             SummationVector.addElement(new Long(((Long)SummationVector.lastElement()).longValue() + FunctionIndex));
243     }
245     //This function calls a method based off of MethodData
callMethod(MethodData methodCallStr, Vector summation, Vector ID, Long numFcalls, Integer staticFcalls)246     public static void callMethod(MethodData methodCallStr,
247                                   Vector summation, Vector ID,
248                                   Long numFcalls, Integer staticFcalls)
249                                   throws InvocationTargetException
251     {
252                 if(NUM_THREADS >1)
253                     {
254                         if ((staticFcalls.intValue() + numFcalls.longValue()) %23 == 0)
255                             {
256                                 try
257                                     {
258                                         Thread.sleep(225);
259                                     }
260                                 catch (InterruptedException ie)
261                                     {}
262                                 if (VERBOSE)
263                                     System.out.println("\t\tCurrentThread:" + Thread.currentThread().getName());
264                             }
265                     }
267                 try
268             {
269                         methodCallStr.nextMethod.invoke(methodCallStr.instance,
270                                 new Object []{summation, ID, numFcalls, staticFcalls});
271             }
272                 catch (IllegalAccessException iax)  //should never happen with a valid testfile
273             {
274                         throw new TestFailure("Illegal Access Exception");
275             }
276                     /*
277                 catch (InvocationTargetException itx)
278                     {
279                         itx.printStackTrace();
280                         System.out.println("Invocation Target Exception");
281                         System.exit(1);
282                     }*/
283     }
284 }