1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 1997, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
10  *
11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
15  * accompanied this code).
16  *
17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
20  *
21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
23  * questions.
24  */
25 package javax.swing.text;
27 import javax.swing.event.*;
29 /**
30  * <p>
31  * The <code>Document</code> is a container for text that serves
32  * as the model for swing text components.  The goal for this
33  * interface is to scale from very simple needs (a plain text textfield)
34  * to complex needs (an HTML or XML document, for example).
35  *
36  * <p><b>Content</b>
37  * <p>
38  * At the simplest level, text can be
39  * modeled as a linear sequence of characters. To support
40  * internationalization, the Swing text model uses
41  * <a href="http://www.unicode.org/">unicode</a> characters.
42  * The sequence of characters displayed in a text component is
43  * generally referred to as the component's <em>content</em>.
44  * <p>
45  * To refer to locations within the sequence, the coordinates
46  * used are the location between two characters.  As the diagram
47  * below shows, a location in a text document can be referred to
48  * as a position, or an offset. This position is zero-based.
49  * <p style="text-align:center"><img src="doc-files/Document-coord.gif"
50  * alt="The following text describes this graphic.">
51  * <p>
52  * In the example, if the content of a document is the
53  * sequence "The quick brown fox," as shown in the preceding diagram,
54  * the location just before the word "The" is 0, and the location after
55  * the word "The" and before the whitespace that follows it is 3.
56  * The entire sequence of characters in the sequence "The" is called a
57  * <em>range</em>.
58  * <p>The following methods give access to the character data
59  * that makes up the content.
60  * <ul>
61  * <li>{@link #getLength()}
62  * <li>{@link #getText(int, int)}
63  * <li>{@link #getText(int, int, javax.swing.text.Segment)}
64  * </ul>
65  * <p><b>Structure</b>
66  * <p>
67  * Text is rarely represented simply as featureless content. Rather,
68  * text typically has some sort of structure associated with it.
69  * Exactly what structure is modeled is up to a particular Document
70  * implementation.  It might be as simple as no structure (i.e. a
71  * simple text field), or it might be something like diagram below.
72  * <p style="text-align:center"><img src="doc-files/Document-structure.gif"
73  * alt="Diagram shows Book->Chapter->Paragraph">
74  * <p>
75  * The unit of structure (i.e. a node of the tree) is referred to
76  * by the <a href="Element.html">Element</a> interface.  Each Element
77  * can be tagged with a set of attributes.  These attributes
78  * (name/value pairs) are defined by the
79  * <a href="AttributeSet.html">AttributeSet</a> interface.
80  * <p>The following methods give access to the document structure.
81  * <ul>
82  * <li>{@link #getDefaultRootElement()}
83  * <li>{@link #getRootElements()}
84  * </ul>
85  *
86  * <p><b>Mutations</b>
87  * <p>
88  * All documents need to be able to add and remove simple text.
89  * Typically, text is inserted and removed via gestures from
90  * a keyboard or a mouse.  What effect the insertion or removal
91  * has upon the document structure is entirely up to the
92  * implementation of the document.
93  * <p>The following methods are related to mutation of the
94  * document content:
95  * <ul>
96  * <li>{@link #insertString(int, java.lang.String, javax.swing.text.AttributeSet)}
97  * <li>{@link #remove(int, int)}
98  * <li>{@link #createPosition(int)}
99  * </ul>
100  *
101  * <p><b>Notification</b>
102  * <p>
103  * Mutations to the <code>Document</code> must be communicated to
104  * interested observers.  The notification of change follows the event model
105  * guidelines that are specified for JavaBeans.  In the JavaBeans
106  * event model, once an event notification is dispatched, all listeners
107  * must be notified before any further mutations occur to the source
108  * of the event.  Further, order of delivery is not guaranteed.
109  * <p>
110  * Notification is provided as two separate events,
111  * <a href="../event/DocumentEvent.html">DocumentEvent</a>, and
112  * <a href="../event/UndoableEditEvent.html">UndoableEditEvent</a>.
113  * If a mutation is made to a <code>Document</code> through its api,
114  * a <code>DocumentEvent</code> will be sent to all of the registered
115  * <code>DocumentListeners</code>.  If the <code>Document</code>
116  * implementation supports undo/redo capabilities, an
117  * <code>UndoableEditEvent</code> will be sent
118  * to all of the registered <code>UndoableEditListener</code>s.
119  * If an undoable edit is undone, a <code>DocumentEvent</code> should be
120  * fired from the Document to indicate it has changed again.
121  * In this case however, there should be no <code>UndoableEditEvent</code>
122  * generated since that edit is actually the source of the change
123  * rather than a mutation to the <code>Document</code> made through its
124  * api.
125  * <p style="text-align:center"><img src="doc-files/Document-notification.gif"
126  * alt="The preceding text describes this graphic.">
127  * <p>
128  * Referring to the above diagram, suppose that the component shown
129  * on the left mutates the document object represented by the blue
130  * rectangle. The document responds by dispatching a DocumentEvent to
131  * both component views and sends an UndoableEditEvent to the listening
132  * logic, which maintains a history buffer.
133  * <p>
134  * Now suppose that the component shown on the right mutates the same
135  * document.  Again, the document dispatches a DocumentEvent to both
136  * component views and sends an UndoableEditEvent to the listening logic
137  * that is maintaining the history buffer.
138  * <p>
139  * If the history buffer is then rolled back (i.e. the last UndoableEdit
140  * undone), a DocumentEvent is sent to both views, causing both of them to
141  * reflect the undone mutation to the document (that is, the
142  * removal of the right component's mutation). If the history buffer again
143  * rolls back another change, another DocumentEvent is sent to both views,
144  * causing them to reflect the undone mutation to the document -- that is,
145  * the removal of the left component's mutation.
146  * <p>
147  * The methods related to observing mutations to the document are:
148  * <ul>
149  *   <li>{@link #addDocumentListener(DocumentListener)}
150  *   <li>{@link #removeDocumentListener(DocumentListener)}
151  *   <li>{@link #addUndoableEditListener(UndoableEditListener)}
152  *   <li>{@link #removeUndoableEditListener(UndoableEditListener)}
153  * </ul>
154  *
155  * <p><b>Properties</b>
156  * <p>
157  * Document implementations will generally have some set of properties
158  * associated with them at runtime.  Two well known properties are the
159  * <a href="#StreamDescriptionProperty">StreamDescriptionProperty</a>,
160  * which can be used to describe where the <code>Document</code> came from,
161  * and the <a href="#TitleProperty">TitleProperty</a>, which can be used to
162  * name the <code>Document</code>.  The methods related to the properties are:
163  * <ul>
164  * <li>{@link #getProperty(java.lang.Object)}
165  * <li>{@link #putProperty(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)}
166  * </ul>
167  *
168  * <p><b>Overview and Programming Tips</b>
169  * <p><u>{@link javax.swing.text.Element}</u> is an important interface used in constructing a Document.
170  * It has the power to describe various structural parts of a document,
171  * such as paragraphs, lines of text, or even (in HTML documents) items in lists.
172  * Conceptually, the Element interface captures some of the spirit of an SGML document.
173  * So if you know SGML, you may already have some understanding of Swing's Element interface.
174  * <p>In the Swing text API's document model, the interface Element defines a structural piece of a Document,
175  * like a paragraph, a line of text, or a list item in an HTML document.
176  * <p>Every Element is either a <i>branch</i> or a <i>leaf</i>. If an element is a branch,
177  * the <code>isLeaf()</code> method returns false. If an element is a a leaf, <code>isLeaf()</code> returns true.
178  * <p>Branches can have any number of children. Leaves do not have children.
179  * To determine how many children a branch has, you can call <code>getElementCount()</code>.
180  * To determine the parent of an Element, you can call <code>getParentElement()</code>.
181  * Root elements don't have parents, so calling <code>getParentElement()</code> on a root returns null.
182  * <p>An Element represents a specific region in a Document that begins with startOffset
183  * and ends just before endOffset.
184  * The start offset of a branch Element is usually the start offset of its first child.
185  * Similarly, the end offset of a branch Element is usually the end offset of its last child.
186  * <p>Every Element is associated with an AttributeSet that you can access by calling <code>getAttributes()</code>.
187  * In an Element, and AttributeSet is essentially a set of key/value pairs.
188  * These pairs are generally used for markup -- such as determining the Element's
189  * foreground color, font size, and so on. But it is up to the model, and the developer,
190  * to determine what is stored in the AttributeSet.
191  * <p>You can obtain the root Element (or Elements) of a Document by calling the
192  * methods <code>getDefaultRootElement()</code> and <code>getRootElements()</code>, which are defined in the Document interface.
193  * <p>The Document interface is responsible for translating a linear view of the
194  * characters into Element operations. It is up to each Document implementation
195  * to define what the Element structure is.
196  *
197  * <p><b>The PlainDocument class</b>
198  * <p>The <u>{@link javax.swing.text.PlainDocument}</u> class defines an Element
199  * structure in which the root node has a child node for each line of text in the model.
200  * <u>Figure 1</u> shows how two lines of text would be modeled by a PlainDocument
201  * <p style="text-align:center"><img src="doc-files/plain1.gif"
202  * alt="The preceding text describes this graphic.">
203  * <p><u>Figure 2</u> shows how how those same two lines of text might map to actual content:
204  * <p style="text-align:center"><img src="doc-files/plain2.gif"
205  * alt="The preceding text describes this graphic.">
206  *
207  * <p><b>Inserting text into a PlainDocument</b>
208  * <p>As just mentioned, a PlainDocument contains a root Element, which in turn
209  * contains an Element for each line of text.
210  * When text is inserted into a PlainDocument, it creates the Elements that
211  * are needed for an Element to exist for each newline.
212  * To illustrate, let's say you wanted to insert a newline at offset 2 in <u>Figure 2</u>, above.
213  * To accomplish this objective, you could use the Document method <code>insertString()</code>,
214  * using this syntax:
215  * <pre><code>document.insertString(2, "\n", null);</code></pre>
216  * <p>After invoking the <code>insertString()</code> method, the Element structure would look
217  * like the one shown in <u>Figure 3</u>.
218  * <p style="text-align:center"><img src="doc-files/plain3.gif"
219  * alt="The preceding text describes this graphic.">
220  * <p>As another example, let's say you wanted to insert the pattern "new\ntext\n"
221  * at offset 2 as shown previously in <u>Figure 2</u>. This operation would have the
222  * result shown in <u>Figure 4</u>.
223  * <p style="text-align:center"><img src="doc-files/plain4.gif"
224  * alt="The preceding text describes this graphic.">
225  * <p>In the preceding illustrations, the name of the line Elements is changed
226  * after the insertion to match the line numbers.
227  * But notice that when this is done, the AttributeSets remain the same.
228  * For example, in <u>Figure 2</u>, the AttributeSet of Line 2 matches that of the
229  * AttributeSet of Line 4 in <u>Figure 4</u>.
230  *
231  * <p><b>Removing text from a PlainDocument</b>
232  * <p>Removal of text results in a structure change if the deletion spans more than one line.
233  * Consider a deletion of seven characters starting at Offset 1 shown previously in <u>Figure 3</u>.
234  * In this case, the Element representing Line 2 is completely removed, as the
235  * region it represents is contained in the deleted region.
236  * The Elements representing Lines 1 and 3 are joined, as they are partially
237  * contained in the deleted region. Thus, we have the result:
238  * <p style="text-align:center"><img src="doc-files/plain5.gif"
239  * alt="The preceding text describes this graphic.">
240  *
241  * <p><b>The Default StyledDocument Class</b>
242  * <p>The <u>{@link javax.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument}</u> class, used for styled text,
243  * contains another level of Elements.
244  * This extra level is needed so that each paragraph can contain different styles of text.
245  * In the two paragraphs shown in <u>Figure 6</u>, the first paragraph contains
246  * two styles and the second paragraph contains three styles.
247  * <p style="text-align:center"><img src="doc-files/plain6.gif"
248  * alt="The preceding text describes this graphic.">
249  * <p><u>Figure 7</u> shows how those same Elements might map to content.
250  * <p style="text-align:center"><img src="doc-files/plain7.gif"
251  * alt="The preceding text describes this graphic.">
252  *
253  * <p><b>Inserting text into a DefaultStyledDocument</b>
254  * <p>As previously mentioned, DefaultStyledDocument maintains an Element structure
255  * such that the root Element
256  * contains a child Element for each paragraph. In turn, each of these
257  * paragraph Elements contains an Element for each style of text in the paragraph.
258  * As an example, let's say you had a document containing one paragraph,
259  * and that this paragraph contained two styles, as shown in <u>Figure 8</u>.
260  * <p style="text-align:center"><img src="doc-files/plain8.gif"
261  * alt="The preceding text describes this graphic.">
262  * <p>If you then wanted to insert a newline at offset 2, you would again use the
263  * method <code>insertString()</code>, as follows:
264  *
265  *  <pre><code> styledDocument.insertString(2, "\n",
266                 styledDocument.getCharacterElement(0).getAttributes());</code></pre>
268  * <p>This operation would have the result shown in <u>Figure 9</u>.
269  * <p style="text-align:center"><img src="doc-files/plain9.gif"
270  * alt="The preceding text describes this graphic.">
271  * <p>It's important to note that the AttributeSet passed to <code>insertString()</code> matches
272  * that of the attributes of Style 1. If the AttributeSet passed to <code>insertString()</code>
273  *  did not match, the result would be the situation shown in <u>Figure 10</u>.
274  * <p style="text-align:center"><img src="doc-files/plain10.gif"
275  * alt="The preceding text describes this graphic.">
276  * <p><b>Removing text from a DefaultStyledDocument</b>
277  * <p>Removing text from a DefaultStyledDocument is similar to removing text from
278  * a PlainDocument. The only difference is the extra level of Elements.
279  * Consider what would happen if you deleted two characters at Offset 1
280  * from Figure 10, above. Since the the second Element of Paragraph 1 is
281  * completely contained in the deleted region, it would be removed.
282  * Assuming the attributes of Paragraph 1's first child matched those of
283  * Paragraph2's first child, the results would be those shown in <u>Figure 11</u>.
284  * <p style="text-align:center"><img src="doc-files/plain11.gif"
285  * alt="The preceding text describes this graphic.">
286  * <p>If the attributes did not match, we would get the results shown in <u>Figure 12</u>.
287  * <p style="text-align:center"><img src="doc-files/plain12.gif"
288  * alt="The preceding text describes this graphic.">
289  *
290  * <p><b>The StyledDocument Class</b>
291  * <p>The <u>{@link javax.swing.text.StyledDocument}</u> class provides a method
292  * named <code>setCharacterAttributes()</code>, which allows you to set the attributes
293  * on the character Elements in a given range:
295  *   <pre><code> public void setCharacterAttributes
296  *          (int offset, int length, AttributeSet s, boolean replace);</code></pre>
297  *
298  * <p>Recall that in the diagrams shown in the previous section, all leaf Elements
299  * shown in the drawings were also character Elements.
300  * That means that the <code>setCharacterAttributes()</code> method could be used to set their attributes.
301  * <p>The <code>setCharacterAttributes()</code> method takes four arguments .
302  * The first and second arguments identify a region in the Document that is
303  * to be changed. The third argument specifies the new attributes
304  * (as an AttributeSet), and the fourth argument determines if the new attributes
305  * should be added to the existing attributes (a value of false) or
306  * if the character Element should replace its existing attributes
307  * with the new attributes (a value of true).
308  * <p>As an example, let's say you wanted to change the attributes of the
309  * first three characters in <u>Figure 9</u>, shown previously.
310  * The first two arguments passed to <code>setCharacterAttributes()</code> would be 0 and 3.
311  * The third argument would be the AttributeSet containing the new attributes.
312  * In the example we are considering, it doesn't matter what the fourth argument is.
313  * <p>As the start and end offsets of the changed region (0 and 3) fall on
314  * character Element boundaries, no structure change is needed.
315  * That is, only the attributes of the character Element style 1 will change.
316  * <p>Now let's look at an example that requires a structure change.
317  * Instead of changing the first three characters shown in <u>Figure 9</u>,
318  * let's change the first two characters.
319  * Because the end change offset (2) does not fall on a character Element boundary,
320  * the Element at offset 2 must be split in such a way
321  * that offset 2 is the boundary of two Elements.
322  * Invoking <code>setCharacterAttributes()</code> with a start offset of 0
323  * and length of 2 has the result shown earlier in <u>Figure 10</u>.
324  * <p><b>Changing Paragraph Attributes in a StyledDocument</b>
325  * <p>The StyledDocument class provides a method named <code>setParagraphAttributes()</code>,
326  * which can be used to change the attributes of a paragraph Element:
328  *   <pre><code> public void setParagraphAttributes
329  *         (int offset, int length, AttributeSet s, boolean replace);</code></pre>
330  *
331  *  <p>This method is similar to <code>setCharacterAttributes()</code>,
332  *  but it allows you to change the attributes of paragraph Elements.
333  *  It is up to the implementation of a StyledDocument to define which Elements
334  *  are paragraphs. DefaultStyledDocument interprets paragraph Elements
335  *  to be the parent Element of the character Element.
336  *  Invoking this method does not result in a structure change;
337  *  only the attributes of the paragraph Element change.
338  *
339  * <p>It is recommended to look into {@link javax.swing.text.EditorKit} and
340  * {@link javax.swing.text.View}.
341  * View is responsible for rendering a particular Element, and
342  * EditorKit is responsible for a ViewFactory that is able to decide what
343  * View should be created based on an Element.
344  *
345  * @author  Timothy Prinzing
346  *
347  * @see javax.swing.event.DocumentEvent
348  * @see javax.swing.event.DocumentListener
349  * @see javax.swing.event.UndoableEditEvent
350  * @see javax.swing.event.UndoableEditListener
351  * @see Element
352  * @see Position
353  * @see AttributeSet
354  */
355 public interface Document {
357     /**
358      * Returns number of characters of content currently
359      * in the document.
360      *
361      * @return number of characters &gt;= 0
362      */
getLength()363     public int getLength();
365     /**
366      * Registers the given observer to begin receiving notifications
367      * when changes are made to the document.
368      *
369      * @param listener the observer to register
370      * @see Document#removeDocumentListener
371      */
addDocumentListener(DocumentListener listener)372     public void addDocumentListener(DocumentListener listener);
374     /**
375      * Unregisters the given observer from the notification list
376      * so it will no longer receive change updates.
377      *
378      * @param listener the observer to register
379      * @see Document#addDocumentListener
380      */
removeDocumentListener(DocumentListener listener)381     public void removeDocumentListener(DocumentListener listener);
383     /**
384      * Registers the given observer to begin receiving notifications
385      * when undoable edits are made to the document.
386      *
387      * @param listener the observer to register
388      * @see javax.swing.event.UndoableEditEvent
389      */
addUndoableEditListener(UndoableEditListener listener)390     public void addUndoableEditListener(UndoableEditListener listener);
392     /**
393      * Unregisters the given observer from the notification list
394      * so it will no longer receive updates.
395      *
396      * @param listener the observer to register
397      * @see javax.swing.event.UndoableEditEvent
398      */
removeUndoableEditListener(UndoableEditListener listener)399     public void removeUndoableEditListener(UndoableEditListener listener);
401     /**
402      * Gets the properties associated with the document.
403      *
404      * @param key a non-<code>null</code> property key
405      * @return the properties
406      * @see #putProperty(Object, Object)
407      */
getProperty(Object key)408     public Object getProperty(Object key);
410     /**
411      * Associates a property with the document.  Two standard
412      * property keys provided are: <a href="#StreamDescriptionProperty">
413      * <code>StreamDescriptionProperty</code></a> and
414      * <a href="#TitleProperty"><code>TitleProperty</code></a>.
415      * Other properties, such as author, may also be defined.
416      *
417      * @param key the non-<code>null</code> property key
418      * @param value the property value
419      * @see #getProperty(Object)
420      */
putProperty(Object key, Object value)421     public void putProperty(Object key, Object value);
423     /**
424      * Removes a portion of the content of the document.
425      * This will cause a DocumentEvent of type
426      * DocumentEvent.EventType.REMOVE to be sent to the
427      * registered DocumentListeners, unless an exception
428      * is thrown.  The notification will be sent to the
429      * listeners by calling the removeUpdate method on the
430      * DocumentListeners.
431      * <p>
432      * To ensure reasonable behavior in the face
433      * of concurrency, the event is dispatched after the
434      * mutation has occurred. This means that by the time a
435      * notification of removal is dispatched, the document
436      * has already been updated and any marks created by
437      * <code>createPosition</code> have already changed.
438      * For a removal, the end of the removal range is collapsed
439      * down to the start of the range, and any marks in the removal
440      * range are collapsed down to the start of the range.
441      * <p style="text-align:center"><img src="doc-files/Document-remove.gif"
442      *  alt="Diagram shows removal of 'quick' from 'The quick brown fox.'">
443      * <p>
444      * If the Document structure changed as result of the removal,
445      * the details of what Elements were inserted and removed in
446      * response to the change will also be contained in the generated
447      * DocumentEvent. It is up to the implementation of a Document
448      * to decide how the structure should change in response to a
449      * remove.
450      * <p>
451      * If the Document supports undo/redo, an UndoableEditEvent will
452      * also be generated.
453      *
454      * @param offs  the offset from the beginning &gt;= 0
455      * @param len   the number of characters to remove &gt;= 0
456      * @exception BadLocationException  some portion of the removal range
457      *   was not a valid part of the document.  The location in the exception
458      *   is the first bad position encountered.
459      * @see javax.swing.event.DocumentEvent
460      * @see javax.swing.event.DocumentListener
461      * @see javax.swing.event.UndoableEditEvent
462      * @see javax.swing.event.UndoableEditListener
463      */
remove(int offs, int len)464     public void remove(int offs, int len) throws BadLocationException;
466     /**
467      * Inserts a string of content.  This will cause a DocumentEvent
468      * of type DocumentEvent.EventType.INSERT to be sent to the
469      * registered DocumentListers, unless an exception is thrown.
470      * The DocumentEvent will be delivered by calling the
471      * insertUpdate method on the DocumentListener.
472      * The offset and length of the generated DocumentEvent
473      * will indicate what change was actually made to the Document.
474      * <p style="text-align:center"><img src="doc-files/Document-insert.gif"
475      *  alt="Diagram shows insertion of 'quick' in 'The quick brown fox'">
476      * <p>
477      * If the Document structure changed as result of the insertion,
478      * the details of what Elements were inserted and removed in
479      * response to the change will also be contained in the generated
480      * DocumentEvent.  It is up to the implementation of a Document
481      * to decide how the structure should change in response to an
482      * insertion.
483      * <p>
484      * If the Document supports undo/redo, an UndoableEditEvent will
485      * also be generated.
486      *
487      * @param offset  the offset into the document to insert the content &gt;= 0.
488      *    All positions that track change at or after the given location
489      *    will move.
490      * @param str    the string to insert
491      * @param a      the attributes to associate with the inserted
492      *   content.  This may be null if there are no attributes.
493      * @exception BadLocationException  the given insert position is not a valid
494      * position within the document
495      * @see javax.swing.event.DocumentEvent
496      * @see javax.swing.event.DocumentListener
497      * @see javax.swing.event.UndoableEditEvent
498      * @see javax.swing.event.UndoableEditListener
499      */
insertString(int offset, String str, AttributeSet a)500     public void insertString(int offset, String str, AttributeSet a) throws BadLocationException;
502     /**
503      * Fetches the text contained within the given portion
504      * of the document.
505      *
506      * @param offset  the offset into the document representing the desired
507      *   start of the text &gt;= 0
508      * @param length  the length of the desired string &gt;= 0
509      * @return the text, in a String of length &gt;= 0
510      * @exception BadLocationException  some portion of the given range
511      *   was not a valid part of the document.  The location in the exception
512      *   is the first bad position encountered.
513      */
getText(int offset, int length)514     public String getText(int offset, int length) throws BadLocationException;
516     /**
517      * Fetches the text contained within the given portion
518      * of the document.
519      * <p>
520      * If the partialReturn property on the txt parameter is false, the
521      * data returned in the Segment will be the entire length requested and
522      * may or may not be a copy depending upon how the data was stored.
523      * If the partialReturn property is true, only the amount of text that
524      * can be returned without creating a copy is returned.  Using partial
525      * returns will give better performance for situations where large
526      * parts of the document are being scanned.  The following is an example
527      * of using the partial return to access the entire document:
528      *
529      * <pre><code>
530      *
531      * &nbsp; int nleft = doc.getDocumentLength();
532      * &nbsp; Segment text = new Segment();
533      * &nbsp; int offs = 0;
534      * &nbsp; text.setPartialReturn(true);
535      * &nbsp; while (nleft &gt; 0) {
536      * &nbsp;     doc.getText(offs, nleft, text);
537      * &nbsp;     // do someting with text
538      * &nbsp;     nleft -= text.count;
539      * &nbsp;     offs += text.count;
540      * &nbsp; }
541      *
542      * </code></pre>
543      *
544      * @param offset  the offset into the document representing the desired
545      *   start of the text &gt;= 0
546      * @param length  the length of the desired string &gt;= 0
547      * @param txt the Segment object to return the text in
548      *
549      * @exception BadLocationException  Some portion of the given range
550      *   was not a valid part of the document.  The location in the exception
551      *   is the first bad position encountered.
552      */
getText(int offset, int length, Segment txt)553     public void getText(int offset, int length, Segment txt) throws BadLocationException;
555     /**
556      * Returns a position that represents the start of the document.  The
557      * position returned can be counted on to track change and stay
558      * located at the beginning of the document.
559      *
560      * @return the position
561      */
getStartPosition()562     public Position getStartPosition();
564     /**
565      * Returns a position that represents the end of the document.  The
566      * position returned can be counted on to track change and stay
567      * located at the end of the document.
568      *
569      * @return the position
570      */
getEndPosition()571     public Position getEndPosition();
573     /**
574      * This method allows an application to mark a place in
575      * a sequence of character content. This mark can then be
576      * used to tracks change as insertions and removals are made
577      * in the content. The policy is that insertions always
578      * occur prior to the current position (the most common case)
579      * unless the insertion location is zero, in which case the
580      * insertion is forced to a position that follows the
581      * original position.
582      *
583      * @param offs  the offset from the start of the document &gt;= 0
584      * @return the position
585      * @exception BadLocationException  if the given position does not
586      *   represent a valid location in the associated document
587      */
createPosition(int offs)588     public Position createPosition(int offs) throws BadLocationException;
590     /**
591      * Returns all of the root elements that are defined.
592      * <p>
593      * Typically there will be only one document structure, but the interface
594      * supports building an arbitrary number of structural projections over the
595      * text data. The document can have multiple root elements to support
596      * multiple document structures.  Some examples might be:
597      * </p>
598      * <ul>
599      * <li>Text direction.
600      * <li>Lexical token streams.
601      * <li>Parse trees.
602      * <li>Conversions to formats other than the native format.
603      * <li>Modification specifications.
604      * <li>Annotations.
605      * </ul>
606      *
607      * @return the root element
608      */
getRootElements()609     public Element[] getRootElements();
611     /**
612      * Returns the root element that views should be based upon,
613      * unless some other mechanism for assigning views to element
614      * structures is provided.
615      *
616      * @return the root element
617      */
getDefaultRootElement()618     public Element getDefaultRootElement();
620     /**
621      * Allows the model to be safely rendered in the presence
622      * of concurrency, if the model supports being updated asynchronously.
623      * The given runnable will be executed in a way that allows it
624      * to safely read the model with no changes while the runnable
625      * is being executed.  The runnable itself may <em>not</em>
626      * make any mutations.
627      *
628      * @param r a <code>Runnable</code> used to render the model
629      */
render(Runnable r)630     public void render(Runnable r);
632     /**
633      * The property name for the description of the stream
634      * used to initialize the document.  This should be used
635      * if the document was initialized from a stream and
636      * anything is known about the stream.
637      */
638     public static final String StreamDescriptionProperty = "stream";
640     /**
641      * The property name for the title of the document, if
642      * there is one.
643      */
644     public static final String TitleProperty = "title";
647 }